#why am i putting so much thought into this aaaaaaa
apomaro-mellow · 1 year
Wrong Number 3
(2:21 am) I just realized something (2:21 am) Ur a cooking teacher (2:22 am) Who can't fry a egg (2:23 am) You're a fraud 🫵
[7:29 am] I can fry an egg just fine I just can't make the yolks runny. It's too hard to time it right. And why are you up thinking about eggs at 2 am?
(7:47 am) I was up thinking about you at 2 am
Steve felt his stomach flip as he sipped his coffee and set his belongings down in his classroom. Eddie didn't play games. He always said exactly what he was thinking. And it drew Steve wild.
(7:48 am) And about how your students might clown on you for not being able to scramble an egg
[7:49] Aww you're worried about me?
(7:49 am) Kids can be little monsters (7:50 am) Actually how old are the little monsters you teach?
[7:51] Youngest is 6 and oldest is 14. Speaking of, they'll be arriving soon so...
(7:52 am) Godspeed you academic warrior
Eddie didn't typically text so late on weeknights. Not since learning Steve was a teacher. It was just that he truly HAD been up and thinking of him. Steve drove him crazy and he thought he was doing a good job keeping a lid on it. 2 am texts were what happened when the lid got loose but Steve didn't seem put off by it.
At about half past three, Steve called him. Eddie was glad he made that leap with his first call. The sound of Steve's voice never failed to warm him through. Eddie was in the middle of collecting axes for sharpening at the end of his shift.
"What's cookin' good lookin'?", Eddie greeted as he picked up.
"Today was good. Had a really riveting conversation about meatloaf versus pate with the kids", Steve said.
"Meatloaf rocks and pate is just cold meatloaf for rich people. End of discussion."
"Well, we talked about it for like fifteen minutes. Had a real interesting tangent on forcemeats in general."
Eddie paused. "Excuse me?"
"You'd be surprised at what kids are into. This one I taught last year was really into rice-"
"I need you to backtrack just a bit. 'Forcemeat'?"
"Yeah it's-oh grow up", Steve chided while shaking his head. He had just gotten home and was taking off his work clothes for something more comfortable. He thought about what Eddie might think he'd look nice in. "Not even my 12 year olds are this childish."
There was something about the way Steve talked about his students. Like they were his actual children. The conversation continued for a few minutes more before Steve suddenly had to hang up. Eddie tried not to think much of it, but it wasn't the first time that it had happened.
Steve ended the call just as Robin came into the apartment. She narrowed her eyes at him, then looked to the phone in his hand. Steve hid it behind his back and winced at practically telling on himself.
"You're hiding something."
"No I'm not."
"And now you're lying to me."
"No I'm not!"
Robin pounced and wrestled him for the phone. It wasn't a real fight of course. Steve could've pinned her in seconds but a part of him was tired of keeping the secret. And obviously, she knew how to unlock his phone.
"Who's Eddie?", she asked, sitting on his back triumphantly.
"A guy."
"Thank you, I had no idea it could be a man's name. You've been texting him aaaaaaa llllllllllllot."
"Are you reading them!? Robin!"
"Where did you meet him?", Robin said as she got up, continuing to read through their conversations.
"I um, technically, haven't. Yet."
Robin gave him an odd look and Steve spilled everything to her. To her credit, Robin listened to the full story before throwing one of the couch pillows at him.
"Stephen Elliott Harrington! Did no one teach you stranger danger? You just kept texting him? And calling? And I saw the pictures you sent. You know he can find out where we live? What if I came home to your skinless corpse??!"
It went on for a while like that and when Robin was finished, she collapsed onto the couch. Steve sat across from her on the coffee table. He waited for her to silently process it all.
"You think he's cute?"
"What I've seen of him, yeah."
Robin sighed. "I can't believe you're turning into the guy who has a internet girlfriend."
Steve rolled his eyes but then balked when she started to read through his messages again.
"And I can't believe you haven't even started flirting yet."
"I've been flirting with him the whole time!" Maybe not the whole time but-
"You're giving him Diet Steve. Why are you holding back?"
Steve shrugged, looking sheepish now. Now Robin was rolling her eyes.
"Steve, we're getting you a date."
"But he's-"
"A virtual one. Jesus is he an axe murderer?", Robin said as she looked to one of the texts.
"No, he just works with them. Axes! Not murderers."
Eddie was about to sit down to a movie when his phone buzzed.
[5:17 pm] Thinking about you.
Oh. Now that was some text to get.
(5:18 pm) Oh yeah? (5:18 pm) What about me?
Steve looked to Robin. They were sitting cross-legged next to each other on his bed.
"What do I say?"
"Be honest, duh."
"If I'm honest I'm gonna talk about his hands."
Robin shook her hands at him like she wanted to wring his neck. Steve got the idea and decided to put himself out there.
[5:21 pm] Your hands. I think about them a lot actually
Eddie had not given his own hands much thought. But knowing that Steve admired them, he gave them a second look. He thought about them gripping Steve's thighs.
(5:23) You're gonna make me blush (5:24) What would you do with my hands Stevie?
Steve panicked and looked to Robin. "Are we sexting? Is he getting me to sext?"
"That's the idea, dingus. I said I was getting you a date. Now tell him what you want him to do."
"I don't know I'd....I'd want to..." Steve trailed off, looking at his phone while the fingers of his other hand brushed against his lips.
Robin stole the phone from him again and started typing. "'First...I'd suck..on them'."
"Is that not what you want?"
Steve shrugged and Robin continued. "You've got me on the clock for five more minutes before I go out. You dictate, I'll type."
Steve hated how much he liked the idea. Especially when he heard the ping of Eddie's reply. "What did he say?"
Robin cleared her throat. "'Yeah? You wanna suck on them? I bet you got a beautiful mouth.' Oh he's good."
"Yeah", Steve breathed out. "Really good." He thought about Eddie sticking his fingers in and pressing down on his tongue, his rings tasting metallic and so nice.
"'I wanna choke on them'", Robin said out loud as she typed. "Is it too soon to call him Daddy?"
"What?!" That snapped Steve out of it.
"Oh come on. Tattoos, the hair, his job. He wants to be called Daddy."
"Robin don't call him Daddy."
Steve took his phone from her and looked to Eddie's reply.
(5:30 pm) I'd only choke you if you were being bad (5:30 pm) Are you gonna be bad baby?
[5:31 pm] Maybe. I can be good too. So good.
(5:32 pm) Lemme call you baby wanna hear you
Steve dialed without hesitation just as Robin was leaving. Her work was done.
"Don't get murdered while I'm out!", she shouted just as Eddie picked up.
"Hey pretty baby", Eddie said.
"Hey. You said you wanted to hear me?"
"Yeah. I wanna hear you say those things with your own voice."
"Like how I wanna choke on your fingers? Among other things?"
Steve could hear Eddie let out a breath on the other end. The power he felt right now was intoxicating.
"Bet you'd look so good on your knees."
Steve hummed while pressing his fingertips to his lips. If Eddie asked, he'd suck on them. Let the wet noises fill his ears, let Eddie know how good he could be.
"Darlin' you went quiet."
"I'm thinking", Steve said, laying down on his bed. "I wanna show you, Eddie."
Eddie swallowed. This man would be the death of him. He'd nearly jerked off to just a picture of his fully clothed lower half. If he saw more...if he saw everything-
"Eddie! We've got a Code Red!"
"Jesus! Knock!"
Steve sat up quick at the shouting coming from Eddie's end. It sounded like someone had barged in.
"Sorry. Sorry Steve. I gotta handle something. Um, call you back? Please?"
"Eddie, I want to video call you."
"Yes. I wanna see you. Please."
"Yes. Yes, a thousand times-hold your horses! Uh, tomorrow? It's Saturday, so you're free, right? Can we make it a date?"
"A date", Steve nodded. "I'll see you then. I'll be thinking of you."
"And I'll be counting the seconds. 1-one thousand, 2-one thousand, 3-one th-ouch! Okay! Damn!"
Eddie hung up and Steve still had the phone to his ear, smiling. He had a video call date. He had a date with Eddie!
Shit what should he wear?
Part 5
Tag Team (CLOSED)
@anne-bennett-cosplayer @estrellami-1 @newtstabber @omletlove @ifyoudonlysurrender @rehfan @morganski-19 @corvidcantina @dragonmama76 @just-ladyme @tinyplanet95 @goodolefashionedloverboi @idoquitelikebread @kittydeadbones @manda-panda-monium @rhapsodyinalto @paintsplatteredandimperfect @keylime-green @ihavekidneys @samsoble @honorarybrit81 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @aizawa-emma @deleataecount @thesuninyaface @fromapayphone @justmeinadaze @hbyrde36 @queenie-ofthe-void @resident-gay-bitch @bestwifehaver @dangdirtydemons @ellietheasexylibrarian @perseus-notjackson @pyrohonk @holysteddie @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @mrsjellymunson @geekymagicalpotato @notaqueenakhaleesi
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merakiui · 3 months
Sunday apologist here, I lvoe this man. He is def off the rails but I think a lot of people in the fandom seem to ignore that he is doing what he thinks is morally right to protect others! I think at one point he was a kind person, truly and fully, but life twisted him into who he is now, theres hints at him doing what he does because he thinks only he should have to live with burdens. Anyways yandere sunday def would gaslight you and control you, you're his pretty and weak darling after all <3
I think his philosophy is very fascinating! Contrasted with Robin's, who believes that birds (people) should fly freely no matter what, Sunday wants to protect and shelter others because he knows that they are destined to fall to their deaths. "Not everyone really has a future" is such an interesting perspective considering the entire point of the Dreamscape is to provide a future for its inhabitants, even if it's mostly an idyllic escape from reality. Sunday's philosophy revolves around the concept of a caged bird and that, though it may be weak and unable to protect itself, it can still live if sheltered behind bars.
"I want it to live no matter what." But then that's at the cost of the bird's freedom, as it must now forsake the vastness of the sky in which it rightfully belongs.
I'm rambling, but I also agree that he was probably a sweet person in the beginning. When we learn a little about the inner workings of his mind, it's that flashback with the Charmony Dove. Perhaps his intentions of caging the bird really were inherently pure (as he was much younger then), but as he grows up those intentions will naturally grow alongside him. They just happened to shape themselves into a very crooked ideal, which is why he's so very paranoid and controlling and meticulous. If the Dreamscape is the cage and its inhabitants are all birds, then Sunday is the one who watches over and protects them. Almost like a god (hehe). He's omniscient in the way that he keeps a watchful eye on everyone and everything, and the people put their trust in him and look to him almost reverently (the confessional scene........ WOW), as one might a god.
Perhaps it's an incorrect reading of his character, as I've yet to fully finish Penacony, but these are my current thoughts. :D now onto more deranged thoughts.........
I LOVE HIM. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. AAAAAAA OTL when hsr was cooking him, they put some sort of drug in him because I am hopelessly addicted. orz don't even get me started on all of the religious references in his character design. I am frothing at the mouth,,,,, he really is so perfect.... he would absolutely gaslight and control you,,, you're like that Charmony Dove in his eyes, feeble and frail, unable to fly without the risk of crashing to your death. He must cage you. It's to keep you safe!!! He just wants you to be happy; he'll take on every single one of your burdens if it means you can live blissfully unaware, forever wrapped in the embrace of a sweet dream.
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yanderepuck · 6 months
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WHOOOA. SMUT AFTER LIKE A MONTH AND A HALF????? You all know why I was quiet. I was having a good time. But now back to our regularly scheduled program.
Perfect timing too bc it's close to Leonardo's birthday, didn't even plan that. You go me.
"Stay there, cara mia," Leonardo lays you down on his bed and pulls the blanket up.
You whine and try kicking the blanket off "I don't wannaaaa," you whine.
"Stay in bed or you're going to get hurt," he pushes you further into the bed. You protest about it but do nothing about it.
You start to giggle after a few seconds of silence. You're drunk. So very drunk. You quickly drank Theo and Arthur under the table. Then you and Dazai thought it would be fun to keep doing shots.
The occasion? The monthly family dinner got a little wild. You kept having a drink without realizing how much you had and when you tried to stand up you nearly toppled over.
So Leonardo picked you up and carried you to his room to keep an eye on you. Not the best room since if you do manage to get out of the bed there is nowhere to walk.
He covers you with the blanket again and pushes your hair out of your face. "Now go to sleep," he kisses you and starts to walk over to his desk.
He turns the light off, replacing it with a lamp on his desk.
"I not tired," you roll around, the room spinning even more.
"You'll fall asleep if you lay there," he starts working on something. You lay there, rolling around in his bed whining. You completely forgot about the concept of being able to get off the bed.
You fiddle with your fingers, you can barely even feel it and you giggle to yourself.
"Leonardo," you have a sing song tone to your voice.
"Yes, cara mia?" He doesn't know what to expect to come out of your mouth. You've been saying gibberish.
You giggle again. "I'm horny. Come here," you don't even bother looking in his direction. For all you know you are. You can't tell which way is which.
He sighs. "No. You're drunk."
"Come ooooon. I'm horny."
"I'm not having sex with you while you're this drunk."
"It'sss fiiine. You're my boyfriend."
"I'm not doing that, cara mia."
You huff and move around in the bed some more. You're quiet for a little bit making Leonardo think you finally fell asleep.
"Do you think skunks feel bad?"
"Wha-" he looks over at you, a very confused look on his face.
"Do they have anxiety? I have anxiety. I'd like to hold a skunk."
"I believe they get nervous easily. That is why they can-"
He doesn't even get to finish before you're onto your next thing.
"I also want to hold aaaaaaa," it's like you forgot the word and just drag your last one along.
Leonardo raises an eyebrow. "Cara mia?"
"Aaaaa SEAL. Baby seal. So cute. So fluffy. I want to be fluffy. I want to be pet."
"Please go to sleep," he turns back to his desk, officially knowing that it's going to be a long night. You don't stop talking gibberish, but you're talking to yourself for the most part.
"Hey! You're a vampire!" You say it as if you just came to the realization.
"Yes, cara mia. I am," he sounds exhausted.
"Why can't you turn into a bat? That's laaame."
Leonardo sets his things down and rubs his face with his hands, letting out a loud groan.
He turns to look at you, and for once you are actually facing his direction.
"If I fuck you, will you stop talking?"
You gasp excitedly. "Yes!"
You immediately fumble to get your clothes off. Leonardo comes over to the bed, getting his shirt off along the way.
You don't even feel him get in the bed, but you do feel him roll you onto your back.
"You're going to have to get me hard first."
"Take that cock out and put it between my tits."
You smirk up at him, a lot more straightforward then when you're sober.
"Well if you're going to say it with that much confidence," he gets fully undressed before half sitting, half hovering over your body. Putting his cock in place you then squeeze either side of your boobs, trapping his cock in the middle.
You move your boobs, essentially rubbing them against his cock. After a few times you feel him getting harder. Making eye contact with him, you lick his tip.
Hearing a moan come from him encourages you to start sucking. You squeeze your boobs tighter against him, wanting to feel how hard he's gotten.
You lick up the precum coming from his cock and finally let your boobs go. "Now fuck meee," you whine, so desperate.
It also reminds him how drunk you are. Leonardo gets off of you and gets your pants and underwear off. You quickly spread your legs for him.
"Come ooon. Fuck me hard, daddy," you whine, already rocking your hips.
"Stay still," he holds your hips, and just his touch gets you to moan. He gets between your legs and his cock slides in with no resistance, getting you both to moan. He wasn't expecting you to be so slick.
He buries himself all the way in you, holding your hips to keep you still.
"Ungh.. ahh... daddy... Fuck mee," you try moving your hips. "Fuck me hard, please!" You're already begging.
"Just let me feel you for a moment," his cock twitches and you moan. Every little movement gets a noise from you.
He spreads your legs a little more before finally thrusting into you. Your moans started off loud.
The rougher he pounded into you the more the room spun, but something about that made it feel even better.
You just wanted it harder and harder but Leonardo was still worried about hurting you.
"Ahh! M-more!"
"You have all of my cock already."
"M-more!" You moaned, arching your back.
After thinking for a moment he realized what you meant. He lets your hips go and grabs your tits, squeezing them. Your moans managed to get even louder.
Your hands are dug into the sheets, twisting and pulling at them. Leonardo leans down and kisses you roughly. You tried to kiss back but it was way too sloppy.
He frees one of his hands, grabbing your jaw to keep your head still to kiss you more all you could do was moan in his mouth as his fingers pressed against your cheeks.
As his thrusts got rougher, his tongue slid into your mouth. He could still taste the alcohol on your tongue. His other hand held onto your shoulder, helping him be able to get faster.
Your moans were starting to turn into screams. This is exactly what you wanted though. He let go of your jaw and without thinking you grab his wrist and move his hand to your neck.
He didn't think twice to hold your neck, squeezing the sides. You gasp and your body starts squirming from the overstimulation. You feel so close.
You buck your hips up then quickly dig your nails into his arm. His cock is now hitting a new spot and it's just what you need.
"J-just like- ahh!" Your voice was so airy, you had to force the words out. You shut your eyes tightly and kept your hips in that position.
Leonardo managed to push a little deeper in you and started to thrust even harder, at this point thinking of his own pleasure.
Your nails dig in more and you yell as you cum, simply making your hole even more slick, making it even easier for him to pound into you.
Feeling you tighten, he lets go of your neck, grabbing your other shoulder, holding you in place. Your toes curl and you squirm even more.
Finally after a few more moments he thrust himself deep into you, letting his cum spill out. He moans loudly, and slowly loosens his grip on you.
He sits up once you let go of his arm, you lay there motionless, your chest heaving.
"Better?" He slides out, giving you a smirk.
"Mmm, that felt sooo gooood," you practically purr.
"Good. Now that means you can sleep," he helps you get your pants back on. He only buttons two of the buttons on your shirt, not worried about the rest.
As you get comfortable again he gets his own pants on. He covers you with the blanket.
"I'll come lay with you in a moment. Go to sleep."
You hum softly, content now, even if the room is still spinning and you still feel fuzzy.
Leonardo goes back over to his desk to quickly finish what he was on and to clean up.
You're laying in bed, quiet, by the sound of your breathing it sounds like you are already asleep.
He jumps a little. "Yes, cara mia?"
"Is the Earth alive? Like does it feel things when we dig into it? Or what about fire?"
"Cara mia.."
"Does it hurt? Can it feel-"
"Didn't you agree to stay quiet?" he groans and pinches the bridge of his nose.
"Did Adam and Eve have belly buttons?"
Leonardo just groans as you continue talking nonsense
Tag list~
@kissmetwicekissmedeadly @fang-and-feather @xalxtusxiao @namine-somebodies-nobody @ana-thedaydreamer @evil-quartett @ameyoruakiikemenseries @yrenesposts @tele86 @damekathearasi @lokis-laugh @candied-boys @breadmercury @aquagirl1978 @xenokiryu @nightghoul381 @vampiricpancake @lulu-the-smol-floof @faust-bite @floydsteeth
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staghunters · 5 months
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Happy Birthday to her! Vampfic Jackie you will always be famous :3
Alt Version and ramble under the cut haha
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Wowza, a whole year!
Wouldn't have thought it to feel so long and short at the same time. If I had to look at all the stuff that happened inbetween posting that first chapter and whatever I'm doing now, there's so much change in there. And definitely all for the better!
I've met so many cool people in the span of this year. Very noteworthy case being @ordinaryhorror, since we started talking because of vampire!jackie, and then werewolf!jackie, and before you know it, you're on a train to Spain hugging the biggest dork in the world (love ya, my buddy, my pal). Oh no now there's a series rewatch, Ah no now a discord server and mutuals and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so many nice peeps!
Talking about fandom as something Big in my life feels a bit cringe, but in this case that rings very true. I think I put somewhere before that, ever since I got into YJ, my inspiration for making things has spiked for the first time in over a decade.
AND for the first time it really got me into writing fic. So that's why this is a bit of a special occassion, since the vampfic was the first multi-chapter thing of considerable length that I started with. It really forced me to think about a number of things like: - how the fuck do I outline things - what's good pacing - this could be a fun thing to include, but would it make sense - aaaaa multiple characters interacting and they all have their own personality and likes/dislikes about others aaaaaaa
A great lesson!
I liked working on it, and where the story ended up. I don't really re-read it except for the comments and chapter 7, since of that one i really am proud. On other fronts I feel that if I were to stare at it for too long, the flaws would begin to annoy me and I would want to fix things, which is not something I want to do.
If anything, I want to put the same level of energy into a new project.
Thanks for reading! And if you didn't, still super-duper thankful to have you here. Just knowing that there's people in the world that vibe with what I think of/make really is enough to me
Cheers <3
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carica-ficus · 2 months
“Nona the Ninth”
Reading progress: 477/477 (100%) Read through since last update: 203
The final stretch! Since I've had a free day yesterday, so I decided to binge the rest of the book and it was so worth it.
Alas, the final notes:
Hhhh Nona's meltdown is so freeing. There was SO much tension that has built up these last few days and she took it like a champ.
Ngl, I read that part as the frustration that comes out when you're finally done masking for so long. And I mean, Nona literally mentions it in the text too. That she's wearing a mask that looks like her face. Love to see it. It's comforting in a strange way. Mostly because I get it.
Fuck. Yeah, we learn about Earth's demise. We learn about the ways humans try to escape it. We learn about the consequences. But hearing John say that they needed to get the second wave of ships ready before the next round of climate starvation really hit. Humanity really is fucked. And not just in this book.
Not the fucking cows again.
Dying of curiosity. I mean... Is she wrong? (We'll see.)
Oh, fuck. It's not Ianthe's body.
This changes everything.
It changed nothing. Except that it might have made some things worse.
Of course it's Harrow's body. I did think that to myself somewhere in the middle of the book. Like - wouldn't it be SO funny if Harrow, who was always forced to calculate everything and be 3 steps ahead of everyone else, is replaced by Nona who depends on others to survive and has no idea what the fuck's happening? And there we all have it.
The storyline of Harrow working so much and trying to recover after all that grief and anger and sadness becoming a person that is going through recovery, who is loved and loves others, who is struggling so much to find herself, but doesn't know how to function on her own... It's such a powerful take on mental health and everything that comes along with trauma and recovery. This is such a good book.
Is it Gideon AGAIN???
That would be so fucking funny HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Okay. She's not. But it's so much worse! Hahahahaha 🙃🙃🙃
No pain meds. - Every pain medication you have, please.
AAAAAAA they're so ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Oh, yeah. There it goes again. Is Nona hard of hearing? I didn't really think about this element that much, but it does appear several times. She can understand others and multiple languages only if she sees them speak.
Ok. That John chapter was something.
And I know he's a shitty guy. I do. But I get it.
HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA not the Sixths doing math ALOUD in the Convoy to entertain themselves
Sure, ok. Why not.
This kinda reminds me of that scene where Lapis (from Steven Universe) calls herself Bob during the baseball episode. Can't believe I remember that since I haven't watched the show in ages.
Okay, so much happened at the end that I just didn't want to put the book away in order to comment, so here's some thoughts at the end.
On the other hand, I am in LOVE with the way his character is written - from a perfect being to a selfish, deceitful and greedy man. I loved the way he captured Alecto. I love how he brought her into the tomb like a child, and she was in awe of everything he showed her. It's so raw. It's so sickening and repulsive and violating.
AND I LOVE that Alecto is basically the soul of the Earth. And I love that she is just a girl. That she just wants to live and love and be loved.
And that ending. AAAAA So cool. So so so so so cool. Love it.
I'm so happy I finally finished Nona. It is such a gorgeous book and I loved every bit of it. With each book I just fall more in love with the world and the characters, and I'm in awe of Muir's capability to make me appreciate every single character, no matter their background, morality or goals. Man, this story will stay with me for a long time, if not forever.
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httpiastri · 2 months
im crying so bad i hate f2 why is it always pepe 😭😭😭😭 tell me about your experience with him pls 🥨
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1. i truly too hate f2 😭 esp because its ALWAYS PEPE 😭😭😭
2. this is such a bad pic but i thought i hadnt taken any pics but then i remembered a pic i took on thursday morning of all the bracelets i made sooooooo
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idk i don’t like it a lot but 😭 good enough (and it didnt look like it was too tight around his wrist aaaaaaa so thankful)
3. I DIDNT HAVE TIME TO FOCUS ON HOW HE SMELLED AAAAAA I WAS TOO NERVOUS 😭 (and too focused on his hands-) i am pretty sure he smiled at me but it's all such a blur… plus he was definitely upset abt the races so :(( but no yes there were definitely smiles!!!!
4. okay story time!! i will try to cut this as short as possible but here we go!! sooo i was actually just casually strolling down the f3 paddock for no reason when i just happened to look into the campos tent and there he was !! he and sebastian just stood and chatted for a long time looking all cute as always, and i was cursing myself for putting the bracelet i wanted to give him in another bag because this is such a lovely opportunity……. but i rushed away the like 200 meters to my bag and got the bracelet and when i got back they were still there!! and then after a while of waiting they were separating and pepe got onto his little electrical scooter and was about to drive off and i was heartbroken because nooo what if he just drives off in another direction and i have no way to catch up?? (i was standing a bit away from the truck because i didnt wanna bother them too much)
and like there were two separate ways to the f2 truck… and what are the odds that he chose the way that was right where i was standing? like he was driving exactly up to me??? so i just took a deep breath and said his name… he had so much speed that he drove past me, and he just as well couldve pretended not to hear or just looked back and said "hi" before keeping driving, but he turned around and drove back to me 🥺 and so i asked if i could give him a bracelet and he said "of course!" 🥺 and i said i was sorry about the weekend but that he would come back in monza and just 😭 wait i actually cant write about this without tearing up a little 😭😭 idk he was just super sweet and we chatted real quick about the future and he was so cute and i just 😭😭😭😭 like i said, he seemed a bit upset still about the weekend (very understandable!!!) but he still seemed a bit optimistic! and as he drove off, he wished me a great day and i just 🫠🥺😭🥰🫨😭😭😭
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kunekojo · 1 year
Hello there, I'd like to request a poly scenario for Jushiro and Shunsui. I have brainstorms about teaming up with Shunsui to softy praise Jushiro. Overwhelm him with affection.
-@dragon-anon 🐉
Aaaaaaa if it's one thing I love so much, it's overly praise and affection. Jushiro’s precious when it comes to these and I can't put into words how excited I am for this idea. Please do keep these lil brainstorms coming!!! I sincerely hope you enjoy it 🥹 this is my very first time writing anything for Junshiro and I honestly hope I did him well. Just the way he deserves to.
Love bomb
Pairing: Jushiro Ukitake x Kyoraku Shunsui x GN!Reader
Tags: praise, lots of praise to Jushiro from you both, and don't forget the immense amount of affection!!!
WC: 1,1k
Noticing the quietness of you two, Jushiro promptly halts his words, shifting his body to see what’s wrong.
He’s never had you both silent at the same time before, so it’s a little worrying. Every time he finds himself talking for a little longer than he anticipated, either you or Shunsui accompany him in the discussion while the other observes comfortably, making tiny comments occasionally. Maybe it’s something he said that caused this result so it’s for the best to check up as soon as possible, and learn the meaning behind this odd behavior both you and Shunsui are showing.
Upon the turn, his eyes dart to the spot where you two are supposed to be, in each other's arms. Truthfully, the option of you two lovingly gazing at each other is a possibility and one he'd much rather see than his initial guess. Yet surprisingly, it's neither of them.
His brows draw together with a hint of uncertainty, finding himself being yearningly peered at by two sets of heavy-lidded eyes. You two are simply standing there, maintaining eye contact with him while wearing laid-back eyes and beaming smiles. It’s like you’re enjoying his company just by staring at him, even if he hasn’t actually done something noteworthy.
Despite this, he still feels the need to clear the air and ensure nothing bad is happening. He can’t dig the thought of one of you feeling unwell, distressed.
“Is there something wrong?” his body leans towards you and Shunsui, a look of puzzlement crossing his face.
“No, why do you think that?” you promptly reply, a little taken aback by what he said.
Shunsui remains silent but nods in agreement with you, curious himself regarding Jushiro’s concern.
“You’re both silent, which is a little unusual. “ he pauses, looking intently at you and then at Shunsui. “Is it about something I said?” there has to be an explanation?
“Not at all, dear. Why would you think that?” Shunsui lifts himself in his arms, observing Jushiro’s expression with a wide smile blooming on his face.
You two have just been paying attention to him. Paying attention to his motions, paying attention to the joyous excitement covering his voice as he went on to elaborate on various ideas preoccupying his mind.
Both you and Shunsui like to call these moments “Junshiro loving hours”. A time in which you both comfortably enjoy his presence together, occasionally giving content looks to each other. Junshiro rarely notices you with how captured he is by his own discussion, but at last, he seems to have figured out your little activity.
“You’re both just silently staring at me.” He states plainly, still clueless.
“Not in a negative way.” the brunette hums, a little amused with the lack of observation from Junshiro’s side. He turns his head to look at you as you give him a wide grin that shows how equally thrilled you are.
It’s a little precious that he can’t tell that all you’re doing is adoring him.
“Then in what way?” His genuine curiosity makes you wonder how he can’t figure out what you’re doing. Perhaps it’s because of the looks on your faces, they probably don’t look as soft as you both think.
Both of you allow for a brief moment of silence, but you can’t bear to leave him in the dark with the way he’s glancing at you. You slowly raise your body and walk to him, placing a loving hand against the skin of his jawline. The little gesture gets a gasp out of him, making him melt into your touch. Shunsui on the other hand waits in the same position, chuckling as he eyes you both.
“We’re just admiring you, you silly goose.” you enlighten him, drawing soft circles with the pad of your index. “Haven’t you heard of lovingly gazing at your significant other?” The hint of teasing in your voice sends shivers down his body.
“Oh, ahh, I didn’t notice.” He replies shortly, reaching to scratch his neck.
“Why else would we give you big idiot smiles, eeeh?” Shunsui purrs. “You handsome thing.”
He is quick to follow after you, pushing himself to get up on his legs and approach Junshiro alongside you. One of his hands wraps around your waist while the other binds to Junshiro’s, getting a faint reaction of pleased surprise out of him. He pulls you both against his chest, holding you close to feel yourbits of warmth.
Being faced with these circumstances, Junshiro shakes his head wryly, only now grasping the situation he’s in. Your stares gain a new meaning now that he thinks about it. He didn’t even do much, just ramble about his things like usual, but he welcomes your kind thoughts with open arms. Though, he can’t help but wonder, what made you suddenly feel like this?
He means to question you but you absorb his curiosity just by looking into his eyes, cutting him off right when he opens his mouth by placing a finger on his lips.
“I mean, how can we not look at you when you’re this precious?” You further trace it to his cheeks, rubbing him firmly while you place soft kisses after each touch. “You’re so adorable when you talk about your favorite things..”
“Don’t forget the tiny hand motions he does, Y/N,” Shunsui exclaims, cherishing the fresh image inside his he kisses Junshiro’s other cheek, then locks his gaze on him so he can enjoy the glimmer of astonishment in his eyes. “You ought to love it when he moves his hands while he talks like that.” He twists his head to look at you, eyes widening as you both fuel each other to ponder on all the things you love about your beloved.
“Oh god, absolutely. But did you notice when he fiddled with his fingers, hmmm?” You playfully test him.
Shunsui hums in amusement. “I can’t believe you think I’d miss tiny details. Of course, I did! There's no way I would break the rules.” he clamors, pouting at you while he tugs Junshiro closer.
On the other hand, Junshiro stares at you both, dazzled by the abundance of soft praise. He indulges himself in your affection so much that he holds hushed, smiling extensively as a smooth tint of rosy pink flushes his cheeks.
Maybe it’s the weight of your words that makes him so undeniably loved, but it’s what he deserves. He has to know he’s treasured by you and Shunsui, even if it means it’ll overwhelm him a little. In the same way, you're both deserving of equal treatment. He can't just stay there and not send waves of appreciation and love to you too.
“I love you two so much.” he mouths softly, snatching both your attentions with kisses returned to your cheeks as he holds you both dearly.
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quodekash · 1 year
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...why do I feel like she doesnt actually like him but she just thinks she likes him
I mean its entirely possible she does
but im just putting it out there that she might not
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again, its very possible she does actually like sailom
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oh honeyyyyy
my boy :(((
he sad :(((((((((
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well now im sad
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lmaoooo the super slow dramatic shots as he questions everything
she's just a lesbian kang, calm down bro
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and valid. I would sit that attentively if it were me as well, june is too too pretty hOW IS SHE SO PRETTY
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bro was just offered a footy position by a senior, and he's thinking about sailom. gay as all hell
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also lmao he's good at catching balls
that sentence will definitely send both of them into insane amounts of gay panic
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also: she better be about to make a joke about like "oh well, im heartbroken now. i thought you could spend time with me, but it turns out your heart is only for kanghan, as i expected" and we can all watch sailom gay panic
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oh. she was serious.
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oh :(
its a metaphor :(
i usually love metaphors but this one is sad
i didnt expect to get so invested in this sailom/pimfah thing
i think i just love pimfah a lot
shes so important to me
and so is sailom
and so is kanghan
i get unhealthy emotional attachments to fictional characters and also to real people and because of that i cant let anything go and i hoard things and memories and people for fear that i will be left alone
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the grabbing each other's shirts??? the rain??? the yelling at each other????
this is literally that scene from the pilot trailer
where they yell at each other about hating the other, and then kiss
(i think about that scene probably more than is strictly necessary)
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h- he
he tOLD HIM????
(yes dr seuss i did- sorry, now is not the time for sanders sides references)
well i think i just died
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boy is Shook™️
i mean valid
but his expression is so funny to me and im laughing again
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his older brother senses are tingling
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i love them so much
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✨i ran out of images✨
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murachinchi · 8 months
hello muraaaaa! for the ask game: rentan and hantan (i know you obv ship these I just wanna read your answers/thoughts haha) , and uhhh.... yorimichi 🤭
OwO OwO Zerooo helloooo OwO
thank you for asking!
for RenTan
What made you ship it?
da train scene.. but seeing Tanjiro crying over Kyo at their last scene together is what nailed me to this ship 😭😭😭 it was so good.. sad yet bittersweet.. and you can see that even gone Kyojuro is still very much there throughout his journey and how could i not ship that lmao..
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
i love thinking about them being silly little goobers 🥺
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
hmmm... nothing really comes to my mind 😔
What made you ship it
That one scene where Tanjiro told him to stop running away from his responsibility.. BUT ALSO UGLY MAN AND PRETTY BOY AHAHH Tanjiro's hatred toward hantengu.. i love it.. specially that scene
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this scene.. i just love it so much lol and their personality is such an opposite attract bait i love it so much aaaaaaa im sorry there's so many things i like about this ship but i cannot put it into words 😭😭😭
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
Tanjiro's hatred towards Hantengu 🥺🥺🥺🥺 i love it so much.. he's so angy... i don't remember seeing him that angry beside Muzan.. but with Muzan that's because he killed his family.. But Hantengu? it's cause he's just a horrible human/demon being lmao 😭😭😭
3. your unpopular opinion about this ship
oki im sorry for the rant orz im just sad that Urami didn't have any merch lmaoo
i don't ship it 😔
Why don't you ship it ?
it was more like i'm neutral with the ship?? im just not as invested with the characters 😭
2. What would make you like it?
if one of them is my fav character.. i might have ship it.. tho im not that interested with incest ship so idk either 🤔
3. Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
i do like their dynamic hehe 👀👀
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unfortunatelycake · 10 months
Tomb of the Sea really hits differently when you've seen all the other dmbj dramas
Watched that one first, not realising it was part of a huge number of adaptations from the same work, and damn I missed out on a lot of stuff.
What hits hardest is Wu Xie telling Ma Rila not to called Li Cu 'Xiao-ge'. Just did not understand that on first watch, on this rewatch that hit me right in the feels, aaaaaaa
Other thoughts:
Aaaaaa so much character development!
Actually love Liang Wan. She's kind and she tries so hard.
Hei Xiazi my beloved <3
Su Wan, sweet bb boy (ok so Wang Haoxuan is why I watched this drama the first time around but I did not expect his character to be such a sweet, ridiculous Little Miracle Prince)
Actors from previous dmbj dramas recast as other characters absolutely blows my mind every damn time they appear. Or are you telling me that Lao Ma is actually Wu San Xing and Wang Can is actually Liu Sang/has clearly been reborn a million times??? (I haven't seen the Tomb of the Sea side stories, or Echo of Moonfall... and have no idea where to watch, halp???)
Su Nan's makeup. What brand and what magic is she using because that's hella long-lasting.
Always love Wang Pangzi <3
Rewatching after seeing the other dramas reaaaaaaally puts a different perspective on Wu Xie's character. First time around he was hard to understand, but this time less so.
The fuck was that last scene with Li Cu sitting in the classroom??? Did I miss something there??? Were we meant to get a second season or something that never appeared??? Am I just dumb???
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styrmwb · 4 months
I beat Persona 5 Royal
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aaaaaaa AAAAAAAA a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a
Knocking another game off the list of games I should have played a long time ago, and this one is just... so so so so good. Ever since I booted it up I was absolutely absorbed into the game the entire way through. I don't think I really had Persona in my sight until Joker was announced for Smash a while back, and then this game was always like "I really need to at least interact with it like I have every other character in Smash", but that obviously took a while. I am glad I waited though, cause from what I've heard, Royal is just objectively the better experience. For what is my first entry into the series, it completely hooked me and I am in for the rest (and also SMT but that's later)
Turn! Based! RPG! Of course I'm gonna fucking like it I love turn based RPGs. But like actual shit, there's two aspects to this game and I love them both.
Battling/Hanging out in the Metaverse is very fun. All turn based needs to really pop off in the modern day is fun options, and I feel as though I am given that. Baton passing alone is all I really needed, as it makes me think of the optimal order to take down each enemy for the best result. I absolutely loved the magical elements used. Like yeah you got the classic Fire, Ice, Wind, Electricity, but then you also got fucking Psy, Bless, Curse, and my new favorite of all time Nuke???? I love Nuke so much it's such a cool concept! They each have like, their own unmentioned counters/duos which is super cool! Also Almighty goes incredibly hard. Then you add on the buffs and debuffs. I FREQUENTLY used all of them and felt like they were critical to fights which is awesome. Combine these two for technicals, certain statuses making a weakness when hit with certain elements, it's just such a joy and it makes battles where I can actively use all of these something I look forward to (and then when you have a stupid bullshit fight and your name is Okumura, I hate you forever and I'm going to date your daughter in revenge, FUCK that fight eternally it was the only boss I actively disliked).
The other half of the game is your slice of life student simulator. The other half of the game is also like crack, and I swear they put demons in the game cause something would possess me whenever I got to roam the world. Despite the limited clock, I relished managing my time. I loved thinking of who to spend my time with, when to focus on skills rather than confidants, how to optimize my Mementos trips, knocking out an entire Palace all at once so I could have maximum time for the rest of the month, it was so addictive! It really came to a head in the Royal Third Semester section where I literally created saves and calculated if I had enough time to do everything I wanted to, and finished it on Literally the last free day. Also, when like 75% of your game is writing, it helps when the writing is good, and I absolutely loved reading everything, but maybe I'll talk about that more later.
Last bit that I'm gonna expand on why I love more later, but I was NOT expecting this game to be a monster collector. Regardless, I loved the flow of collecting new guys, then seeing what I could fuse together to obtain.
I! Love! This! Cast! I love them to the bottom of my heart! The best way to make me love an RPG is by making me care about the core group to the bottom of my heart and I do. When I write these, I mean the tag of game ramblings literally cause this is all just stream of thought, so I have a feeling this is gonna be the longest section. Sorry in advance.
The Phantom Thieves of Hearts is a name that goes incredibly hard (and I wish they didn't make me name the group separately cause I just stuck with the default anyways (I'm a default daniel)), and a group that I hope keeps their group chat open for the rest of their lives and is always friends.
Ryuji is my fucking BOY. I don't care if he's an idiot and needs to keep his damn mouth shut sometimes, I'm ride or die with that dude for life. I thought his backstory as a former track star now dealing with his physical disability and ruined record was really interesting, and added an extra layer to the usual delinquent + stupid best friend energy. In battles, I would bring him in when I needed to smash shit, cause he does that Very well. Captain Kidd is a sick design and namesake, and I really wish I could have kept the basic design.
Morgana :) kitty (despite what he says). I'll admit, he's not my Favorite of the bunch (this does not mean he is bad! B tier is still good, but it is ultimately below A and S!) as his bits of I'm NOT A CAT and Lady Ann~ didn't really hit it for me, and I didn't usually use him in battles, as Joker tended to take over the wind damage role (although I always used him for healing outside, or in harder battles), but I cannot deny that he's a very good companion. It was nice to have your little buddy always by your side. He's with you when you're playing games. He's cheering you on while you eat a big burger. He lays on top of you at night like a cat is best at doing and he confides his secrets in you. I get why he had his moment of weakness and insecurity, but if that was me in there, I'd be giving Morgana as much love and appreciation as I could.
Ann is so strong, both story wise and game wise. Seeing her rise up against the constant bullshit she has to deal with, from the teacher, her best friend's struggles, and other models, was inspiring, and I rooted for her constantly. I essentially always had her in battle, with the magic SP usage down passive, her fire damage being usually relevant, and her buffs/debuffs being Very useful. Ann was the goat in the whole playthrough. I almost chose her as the romance but sadly I held out and was rewarded for doing so. Also, her third awakening Persona SLAPS
Yusuke is... probably my least favorite member of the group. Again, not bad. Not hated. Just least favorite. I rarely ever used him in battle, but his up to evasion did very much come in clutch. I couldn't really mesh with his love for the arts, but that's mainly on me over the actual writing of the character I think. I did, however, really appreciate the fact that he was clearly struggling in life and had a group to back him up. I also quite enjoyed his literal starving artist shtick. Poor guy, let him eat the sushi and have more than sugar water and slice of toast for dinner.
Makoto is amazing. Such a sudden turn around from stuck up student president to the MVP of the group. Her design is so cool, I loved the biker aesthetic, the fist weapons, the fucking motorcycle! Her role as someone to bring thoughts and logic to the group, as well as the connection to an "antagonist" with her relation to Sae was very needed. I wish her confidant storyline focused a little more on her, but that's ok. The girl's an absolute badass, and a joy to have in the group. She was another essential part of the team, usually being my team buffer, but also nuke damage is goated (again it's like, my favorite element in this game). Plus both of her showtimes are amazing lmao
Futaba is my little sister, and deserves a hug. Her palace is absolutely heartbreaking, and it is something that makes me so so glad to see what happens to her afterward. Seeing her grow from a severely traumatized teen wanting to die to someone that enjoys and loves life and her friends makes me so happy. She didn't deserve ANYTHING that happened to her. Gameplay wise, once I started to get her levels up and max her confidant, she absolutely came in clutch, and somehow always consistently gave me whatever support I needed. I also quite enjoyed her constant nerd references that came really close to lawsuits (she straight up said gym leader)
Haru :) <3 I love Haru. The moment I saw her, acting like a dramatic masked hero, and then she fuckin pulls out an axe and grenade launcher, it was over. I've seen a lot of people lamenting her screen time, and while I do wish she got more, it certainly didn't stop me from enjoying her character (although maybe Royal helps that?). She's sweet, silly, caring, soft, and somehow brutal. Like Kirby in human form. I feel like she really got it rough out of the party, her dad getting assassinated, and still having to deal with the burdens of a company, but she still made it through. She's the best. Gameplay, I feel like she very much came in clutch with her Psy affinity constantly comboing for technicals, and her reflect spells protecting Joker from dying. Fuck you Okumura and the stupid fiancee you picked I'M GONNA GIVE HARU THE BEST LIFE EVER TO SPITE YOU
Akechi is interesting. The moment I see this fucker, my brain connects him to Light from Death Note. I'm constantly waiting for him to hit his villain arc. Then he joins the party, and I'm surprised! Oh shit, that's the second big rpg I've played this year that has a surprise party member I didn't know about! How cool :) Then pancakes happen, and I realize the game sucker punched me into forgetting that THE DUDE WAS SUS AS FUCK FROM THE START THE BASTARD! I really enjoyed him in the third semester though. Completely dropping the act, and powering through full of anger and spite regardless of his inevitable fate. Akechi is a cool character. I didn't use him much in battle, but he was great for big physical/gun numbers. Also Loki is a sick ass Persona.
Then the last member, Sumire. i do feel like she felt... a little forced in? Like I could definitely tell she was extra Royal content. I wish she had more scenes with the group, and longer playability. Regardless though, I still enjoyed her character. A story of someone dealing with self-esteem and aspirations of death really hits close to home, and I loved seeing her accept herself, still walk forward in life, and thrive, finding a group she belongs in. I can't say much gameplay wise cause she just wasn't there for long, but her big physical moves were very appreciated in the final battle.
Now everyone else. The other confidants were very enjoyable. Sojiro is like, EASILY the best one out of the whole group. He's my actual literal dad, and I wish Joker could have stayed with him cause fuck his real parents, if no one got me I know Sojiro got me! I also really enjoyed Iwai I'm just a sucker for dad type characters. While I don't really fuck with the whole maid-master shit, I did still really like Kawakami too. The only one I didn't really care for was Ohya. I just like... couldn't lock in with her or her story line (we love Lala though!) Everyone else, even Shinya, I wanted to see through their story, and was excited for each bit I got. (Shoutouts to Yoshida, the ONLY good politician. This is how you can tell this is a fictional game)
The villains as I look back, aren't exactly the peak of characters compared to most of the list, but they were still enjoyable. Kamoshida was the perfect introduction, an absolute scumbag the game made sure you would hate, and someone that set the tone for me of what the rest of the game would look like. Like, once I noticed the middle name of his boss fight being one of the princes of hell, I got really excited. Madarame and Kaneshiro were fine, I more appreciated what they served narratively over their actual characters. Okumura is a piece of shit and I hate him forever (but jokes aside there was something very cathartic about a game presenting a CEO as a cartoonishly evil pile of garbage), and Shido I felt was a nice way to tie everyone together, having connections to everyone from the start. I can't really call Sae a villain per se, but I will put her here anyways. I thought her palace was super cool, and her turn from antagonist to support was appreciated. Yaldabaoth I think was a cool reveal character, and an awesome classic JRPG ending, but overall I think I appreciated Shido more.
Now since this is Royal, the real MVP is Maruki. I love this dude. I appreciated him at the start, a therapist character I feel like, isn't something super common? I loved how much it seemed like he genuinely cared about people. And that was his whole deal, even to the end. He wasn't a bad guy, he honest to god cared about people. Like yeah, he wasn't doing anything the right way, and even his outfit being like a bishop or a pope showed that he was Not there mentally, but he was such a cool character. A hurt and sad man who lost too much, wanting to prevent others from feeling the same way. I think he especially makes me appreciate how the Phantom Thieves' methods don't kill, because it gave him a semi happy ending. Now, I think I've rambled about characters long enough, but again, I did really enjoy this whole cast.
I think the fact that I played this game at this time in my life rather than when it came out is nothing but a benefit, because the story of a group of people hurt by society fighting back against the shitheads and taking down the corrupt really hits different (although it does have a bit of an FFVII effect where the mass popularity and marketing of the game kinda goes against the original message, I can't help but think of the possible Okumura or Kaneshiro in the background). But regardless. I was locked in the whole way through. Most of my love for the writing of this game comes with the characters and their interactions and stories, but that major theming of rebellion, fighting for the people, just sits well in my heart.
Like I mentioned before, this was my first Persona game. It also feels weird to like, Say this, but I am a big fan of Jojo as well, Part 4 being my favorite. Persona hits that same itch, that slice of life setting, a group of high schoolers having fun, enjoying their life, but also fighting against the people harming their city and way of life. It's like, a venn diagram that's a circle (I've heard 4 is even more similar and I'm looking forward to playing that next).
The writing felt very modern, like whoever was behind it was in tune with what they were portraying. The dialogue, the subjects, things that felt real, even if they were caricatured or something like that, I could see that this was a real world, and I really appreciated that.
The Look. The Vibe.
Holy fuck this game is aesthetic incarnate. The style imbued into every single pixel; the menus, the transitions, the bits where the model of like Joker, or Iwai, or Takemi moving around; the ransom letter aesthetic with the flat colors and everything MY GOD it's such a good looking game!
The music is an essential part of this as well. There's a joke I've seen occasionally (it might just be exclusive to a community I'm in but I could be wrong) that Persona 5 invented jazz, and I'd believe it honestly. The soundtrack feels like, perfect background music. It's usually not the Highlight of the scene (save for any vocal track stealing the show), but it's ALWAYS the enhancer of any moment. I can feel the stress of battle, I can feel the chill vibes of a rainy day, I get hyped when we're stealing a treasure, etc.
This game is an A+ class example of style, making any activity you're doing enjoyable.
Hoo Boy.
I mean. Fuck. I don't think I've felt this entranced by a game in a good while. VII Rebirth was up there for sure, but something about Persona just felt addicting.
Something I really really really loved about this game that I couldn't quite fit anywhere else, but makes me super excited to check out the rest of the series, is the usage of mythology. Mythology is sick as fuck. But what really got me hooked, is how EVERY sort of mythology was used. You got your classic Greek and Egyptian. You have plenty of Japanese Yokai, but then you also have gods and monsters from like... things that people still actively worship??? From religions that are in my head as "religion" and not "mythology". Seeing angels and demons from Abrahamic religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, and even seeing some old Zoroastrianism in there? Also like, to bring it back to the start, using mythical creatures from everywhere! I saw European monsters, Celtic creatures, American cryptids, the whole thing was so cool! This alone is a huge part of what made me addicted to this game. I wanted to keep seeing just where they would pull inspiration from, and I was constantly surprised and overjoyed, reading the backgrounds for everything, and going to look up where some of them came from, trying to guess what else would be next. I genuinely cannot wait to play more Persona and later Shin Megami Tensei to get more of this kind of stuff, but also I think I need to take a break so I don't get burned out hahaha
I loved my time playing this game. I can see why it's so loved. Sure, there were a couple things that I wish hit my heart or I connected to a little more, but overall I am very satisfied with my experience.
9.7/10. Great characters, great concept, amazing style and super cool inspiration. Some things just needed a little extra to really hit home for me for a perfect 10, but still an experience that will stick with me.
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found-wings · 1 year
evermore is such a q!phil song especially rn- I'm a bit busy rn so I can't dissect the Full song but I'll grab the bridge and brainrot as much as I can because holy shit especially with the storyline happening rn this song has never been more him and I Always accept the opportunity to appreciate a taylor swift song
"Can't not think of all the cost
And the things that will be lost
Oh, can we just get a pause?
To be certain we'll be tall again
Whether weather be the frost
Or the violence of the dog days
I'm on waves, out being tossed
Is there a line that I could just go cross?
And when I was shipwrecked (can't think of all the cost)
I thought of you (all the things that will be lost now)
In the cracks of light (can we just get a pause?)
I dreamed of you (to be certain we'll be tall again)
(If you think of all the costs)
It was real enough (whether weather be the frost)
To get me through (or the violence of the dog days)
(Out on waves being tossed)
But I swear (is there a line that we could just go cross?)
You were there"
okay especially with the story rn, I am 100% connecting the beginning to his feelings to chayanne and tallulah. the fact that every choice he makes even when they're gone, could be affecting his kids with the way that the federation 100% has them and are not above punishing innocent bystanders for other people's actions. all he can think about is his kids, all he wants is to be with them again. at this point his priority isn't even to keep them Safe or to leave the island, he just wants tangible proof that they're alive and to be there with them and AAAAAAA it hurts !!!!!! he would do anything to get them back and the feds knew that and def punished him so severely to make sure he'd wanna stay in line for anything else they'd do in the future ;;;-;;
and taylors parts of the bridges duet?? oh for sure that's phil while he was trapped, literally no way, locked in a place where in his sleep it's delusions of his life before where he was free to do anything he wanted- to waking in a place where he is the most imprisoned he's ever been is just so painful and the bridge describes the thoughts of unreality and searching for something tangible to hold onto so perfectly AAAAAAAAAA I NEED SOMEONE TO GIVE HIM A HUG ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ - 💿
I cannot properly put my thoughts together rn but gods I‘m listening to the song rn AND IT HURTS SO MUCH BUT FITS SO WELL
Phil just wants his two children back!! Please, I WILL CRY
Also for some reason, I can‘t quite tell why, but the part of
„And I was catching my breath
Barefoot in the wildest winter
Catching my Death“
Gives me such.. idk, odd vibes in relation to Phil?? Like it gives me slight vibes of Phils dreams of his Hardcore world(s) and how it could be viewed as him kinda.. processing things?
It doesn‘t quite make much sense to anyone but me probably ( #sick with too many thoughts WHEEZE ), but dreaming of being free, doing whatever he wants to. Building, breathing, flying and living, with death being the only thing that could ever stop him.
Dreaming of a world like that was his only escape of reality, because the situation he was in within the birdhouse felt like death for him. His two children are gone and god knows where, having been baited into a trap with a promise of slightest hope of finding them, his wings clipped with him being a downed bird basically inside a cage with no clue on if he’d ever go free again, if anyone would ever even find him - if anyone even cared. This was basically him watching himself die in a way
Or maybe I‘m looking too much into it WHEEZE
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merakiui · 1 year
8) There’s so much to love about your writings!!! My gosh, I the characterization, the setting, the way you weave in details that utterly change with the ending once you recontextualize clues…
I also love how, depending on the context, the reader’s personality fits the situation and your readers are so relatable!!! They are all sympathetic to a degree and there is a reason why they are the way they are.
Plus, your ramblings are bite sized and easy to digest, which makes it all the more compelling and fun once you give us entire meals!
Also the themes? Symbolism? Pretty much everything you write has a purpose and I aspire to write like you!!!
9) Anything octatrio related! I’m not ready for TMDG, but I know it’s gonna be a blast!!! And your Azul thoughts (both planned sequels and future original thoughts) are always a treat!!! And let’s not forget about our cute, fluffy boy!!! (Give him more spotlight, I feel like he’s being neglect sometimes >.<)
3) Octatrio again, but with a special mention to Jade. I’ve taken inspiration from the way you’ve written him and have received positive feedback! Your Jade is so conniving and devious, but catch him at the right moment and he’ll be soft as his mushrooms he likes to forage! (It’s all an act, he’s acting cute just for you 0.0)
(ask game)
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WAAAAAAAAA OMG OMG...... you're too nice. T_T I read your messages with such a happy smile omg omg omg... >w< thank you so much!!!!
I'm so glad you can enjoy all of those facets of my writing! I am a sucker for symbolism. It will have to be pried out of my hands before I ever stop putting lots of symbolism in my writing hehe. >:D and relatable readers!!! :o thank you for saying so! I always hope the reader's personality can be enjoyed in my fics. Their interactions with certain characters are so different depending on the type of reader, and I try to write a different sort of reader for each fic just to add more flavor to the plot. Like a reader who greatly dislikes the yandere (in the context of DRU or Love me Not) or a reader who is head over heels for the yandere (like in Azul thought 4). It's also just really fun to write a variety of varying personalities for each reader and to see which would clash/connect with the character's personality!
Hehehe I fear no one will be ready for the monster that is TMDG. ^^;;;; like Azul thought 4, it's a concept that plagued my brain so much that it compelled me to create a playlist for it and it has me looking up all manner of moray eel courtship to slyly add into the scenes. I'm very excited to share it with everyone! ^0^ it's quite a lengthy read, but I hope such a thing can be acceptable. orz
And my Azul thoughts omg!!! Thank you for liking them! Azul is my beloved muse. He's just so fun to write for. I put him in so many concepts and he never fails to entertain! And then there's our beloved Floyd... admittedly, he has been a little neglected as of late. Rightfully so! >:( he was too troublesome during his basketball card rate-up!! But he is always properly loved on the blog hehe. <3
AAAAAAA thank you for liking the way I write Jade!!!!! He is very devious and conniving; that is a good way to describe him! I love him a lot because he's an eerie menace and a danger to all, but beyond that he can be so incredibly soft at certain moments. Just like the mushrooms he loves so much as you wrote!!! Maybe it's an act, or maybe it's the truth. It's so hard to tell with him, but when he's being so soft and sweet how can you not feel so fluffy? Not to share yet another excerpt from TMDG, but he's so soft!!!!!!! This is an eel who is so unabashedly in love with you and he's just barely treading the line between friend and lover. I love writing him in this way. In my mind, you hold the leash and he is happily, pleasantly collared (for now hehehe).
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teatin · 1 year
hiii! hope you're well.
this might be random but i just wanted to ask if you've played re4 remake yet? and if you have i would love to hear your thoughts on it? (i guess more specifically about aeon bc i am a Big Simp for them LOL but ofc i would love to hear any and all thoughts you have)
also i absolutely love your fanfics on ao3, you're so talented and your writing is so good aaaaaaa i've been rereading them over and over lmaoooo
anywayyyy thank u for ur time and i hope you have a lovely day ❤️
Hi there! So sorry I let this sit in my inbox for so long 😭
First of all: Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm so glad that you enjoyed my Aeon fics on AO3 and I hope I can continue to contribute even more fics to the fandom.
Now to the important stuff: Honestly? I really like what they did with Aeon in RE4R. My main criticism of their relationship in the OG game is that the devs didn't seem to know how to write a conversation between them that would last longer than 5 seconds, so all of their interactions in OG RE4 essentially boiled down to Ada smoke bombing Leon the moment the conversation started to get even slightly confrontational.
That's one thing I hoped they would improve on in the Remake and they did.
The original boat scene had no dialogue, but Remake's boat scene contained what is probably the closest thing we've had to a heart-to-heart between them. In the original, Ada swerved and crashed the boat against the rocks the moment she sensed Leon might have something to say, but here, she actively gives him an opening to speak his mind, and they actually get a chance to talk things out a little, even if the moment didn't last nearly as long as it should. I can appreciate that.
I also like the way they changed their final confrontation over the Plagas sample in a way that fits better with the narrative established in RE2R. In the original, Ada holds Leon at gun point, forcing him to hand over the sample, and even though we knew she would never hurt him, in the Remake timeline that scene wouldn't work as well considering 1) Leon had already challenged her to shoot him and she couldn't, another standoff like that wouldn't make any sense from a thematic or character standpoint, and 2) Remake Leon is clearly shown to be extremely vocal about his disillusionment and distrust of Ada, having her pull a gun on him after all that would've essentially undone any development they might've had throughout the game.
But it's not just Ada who changed. Leon pretty much let her have the sample without even bothering to put up a fight, and this is done without having a gun pointed at his head. This is also a continuation of the narrative established in RE2R: He probably remembers the last time he tried to fight her over a virus sample and how it led to catastrophic consequences. It also shows (in a very subtle way) that despite everything he said, he trusts Ada to not let the sample fall into the wrong hands. You can't tell me that if he had even a sliver of doubt, he wouldn't have at least tried to reason with her to get it back, instead he just kinda lets her have it.
I do think they could've done more with their relationship (I understand why Leon choking Ada while under the influence of the Plagas was removed, but I will forever be bitter about them axing a significant scene that involved Ada and giving it to LUIS of all people), but unlike a lot of people, I never went into the game expecting things to be sunshine and rainbows between them so the angsty direction of their relationship did not surprise me at all. If anything I could see shades of their Damnation era relationship in RE4R so I'm actually pretty pleased all things considered.
Also, them casually Facetiming each other this time around is just so funny to me somehow. It added a bit of lightheartedness in an otherwise quite heavy game (Aeon-wise).
RE4 era has always been a rough patch for Aeon. That has never changed. They bonded in such a short time in Raccoon City and that budding connection was immediately crushed by Ada's deception, and then she "died" before Leon could even process any of it (and he continued to not process any of it in the 6 years that followed, if the opening cinematic is anything to go by). That's a LOT of unresolved trauma and conflicted emotions. But they do care deeply, underneath it all, and we know that they will eventually get to a place where they can be comfortable with each other as they are. They haven't gotten there yet, but they will. And that's okay.
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alliumbunny · 10 months
If I know anything it's that 2012 tmnt is both my least favorite show ever and also my second favorite show. ever.
so I watched like 4-5 more episodes of tmnt (left off at the season 3 time travel episode, y'know.. with renet aaaaaaa)
um so. I don't like renet.
not really the character itself, but like, how they, depict her. 1. her outfit, idk what it is, but i can't help but think it's fucking ugly. I kinda understand how hard it is to make 3d models of humans but omg you've done semi-good outfits before, casey has a pretty good outfit i'd say, i think, i don't look at him much, april's outfit is... okay... at least... kinda good at most, I think it can be turned into something really good with just alittle bit of change in it, but it's okay. like renet tho, idc how future she is, her outfit, ugly as sin, omg. please omg why. anyways um
2. I fucking hate, the mikey and renet romance, it feels so so so so so so so, how many so's can I put... so so so So, weird. Renet says a line, after mikey implies a first "date" that, isn't he alittle OLD for her, She hasn't even been born yet, and WOW, good point, I was mostly looking at the fact that renet looks like a fully grown adult, like 21 at least, 25 at most, I do not see that women as a teen, she acts like a teen at times, but every time I look at her and her character and what I know about her, it gets more and more unlikely for me to think she's even close to being a teen. and since Mikey is canonly at least 15 and at most 16 at this time(He's 15 in the start of season 3 but leo says that they go at least 16 years in the future so idk if there's a year inbetween tang shen dying and splinter buying(lol) the turtles, that probably is it but incase it isn't, y'know, idk) I personally think their "15" still(although depending on how many months he spent in Dimension X and how many months ago their birthday is, he might genuinely be 16 in canon, but we will never know) from how the show puts it but u can think what u want, either way, still a minor, still weird to me, I just can't get renet being an adult out of my head now that i've seen her in the show. I also just don't like how mikey acts with her tho, All the brothers are slightly similar when it comes to romance, aka... they can be kinda.. creeps, in a way. i don't like how renet kisses mikey(i think on the forehead or cheek, but I skipped that part, ngl) because they have JUST met, not kidding, they have JUST MET. another thing i hate. I hate that they JUST MET and yet they are inlove, i don't like it... i understand the love at first sight trope, it's in like half of the other romances in this show, i just fucking hate it, :) There's probably SO MUCH MORE, I fucking hate this romance aaaaa
3. I don't think there is a three, other then then those two, i think the character is kinda under welling and could've been done better, but they are pretty cool in concept, I will continue hating the writing and design of this character and will probably like them more in the fanfiction side of things. yippee.
I have to remind y'all that this is all my opinion and you should watch the show or at least those episodes before you, yourself, decide to hate renet aswell. I look into this show, WAY too much. If you like Renet, that is totally fine and very valid, you could've taken her character a completely different way than me and that is completely fine. I see nothing wrong with liking the character or the romance/love story between her and mikey, I just personally see it as a really weird choice. that doesn't mean you will see it the same way, and that is completely okay. people see things differently all the time and this is definitely going to be one of them. There's gonna be people who love renet, i'm just not one of them. Tho i wish i could like her ngl.
in the end, umm... i wanted to rant about another tmnt thing, and I did. i wrote way to much, I'm sorry if you actually read all of it, my thoughts run wild, and I am too lazy to fix any spelling mistakes </3
I will continue to ramble about tmnt another day, today, i am done watching tmnt, i got through a tiny amount a episodes and i am mentally exhausted <3
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bookinit02 · 10 months
HI im so sorry i just finished reading the e4 script and i am just . fuckign speechless i cant articulate at all lol it was soo amazing when i finished i needed to stare at a wall for like three minutes straight just to process hang on one sec hang on a minute let me uh let me jsut two seconds here hangn on HDSHHSDCHSCSCVGSCVGDVGSCDCGSXCGXSCXSCGSGSCGCGHCXGHCGXHCHXHXFFHCHXD#DFFDCEFHDFSNCNKSDCNJDSTHFH3489FDJNHJFVDSHJFDHSDFDHVHGSDCVDGHC489FHJHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i am literally SO OBSESSED you are such a talented writer and im so sorry once again for dumping all my thoughts in ur askbox especially when most are just incoherent but i have so many of them 😭 and this has been on my mind like all day lmao chewing on drywall actually<3333
okay first of all i LOVE HOW EVERYTHING IS COMING TOGETHER IT'S SO INTERESTING all the little plotlines feed into the bigger ones,,,,,, th hive mind isn't toxic plot which means SHITT vecna isnt trying to kill them he's trying to do something Else WHY ARE YOU SO GOOD AT PLOT TWISTS AAAAAAA and the back-and-forth between dustin and robin, the reveal that vecna was trying to force someone out ("where's will?")CHILLS. THE CHILLS. GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD it was so cool omgg omgomgomg. also max's storyline is literally INSANE i am SO INVESTED and i love how you've handled it so far i can't wait to see where you're gonna go with it!! <3 like. LIGHT. run the other way run to the light,,,, and the whole thing with TERRY is so genius it all makes so much sense but i never saw it coming and it was just SOOO SICK to see play out on the script i was on the edge of my damn seat the whole time you are literally SO TALENTED i am yelling sosososo loud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kind of continuing on from that i love all the references to past seasons :D the heart motif with lumax and byler has me in a chokehold btw grnjfrgnjfdjknnfjdgvknjkgfdjnkhehe!!!!!!! and the "you can leave, it's---" the rain is DEAFENING. will FLINCHES. THE RAIN SCENE??? also HELLOOOOOOO EMOTIONAL RAIN SCENE i think i can speak for all of us when i say im FLOOORED!!!!! gahhhhhh I CANT I ACTUALLY CANNOT YOURE AMAZING AND SO IS YOUR WRITING!!! plus the curiosity voyage WHO CHEERED :)
the. the byler quarry scene i. the lead up to it was INCREDIBLE and the gut punch sliding down walls head in hands heartwrenching 1000year brainrot is REAL because it has been my resting state since i read it when it dropped!!!!!! <3 basically my quick review is AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and woag the slightly less quick review is also AAAAAokay no im kidding dont worry i have soo many thoughts head FULL girl i am so unwell over it "stay" THE CHEEK TOUCH THE HAND OVER HEART THE "i cant" and then it's TOO LATE.throwing up!!!!!THROWING UP and the jump and the running start and the rainstorm as a whole i am . I AM !!!!!!!! I AM SOOOOOOqhjwhjsdhjjhdjhdsjwjsdjhhjdhjehjwejhogufdoudfgjgdfjjwhdjhd dyinf a thousand deaths passing away rn
ANYWAYYY looking back on this i realize how long it is I AM SO SORRY JESUS😭😭😭 but yeah thats my roundabout way of letting you know that this rewrite and the s5 plot and scripts and fic and shoutout to the characterization which you NAILED it's absolutely EVERYTHINGGGG okay i promise im done now im so sorry like i said this got Way Unreasonably Long but thank you sosososo much for sharing this with us i hope you have a great rest of your day!! :D
this is the comment that made me cry at work btw so please never apologize for it being long😭😭 this was soooooo nice of you and it makes me so happy to know that all the work i put into these scripts is being recognized!!
one of the biggest challenges of this script has definitely been all the intersecting plot lines. i’ve never really attempted anything this expansive or complicated before, so there’s definitely a learning curve to it! i’m glad you’re enjoying it so far. & while i don’t think this plot twist is one of my best by any means, and honestly i wasn’t even thinking about it as a plot twist, i’m still glad you liked it! i really adore writing plot twists, and i love the feeling you get when reading something that has been so cleverly executed. it’s really the same feeling that i strive to emulate in all my fics!
i just said this in another ask, but i am SO psyched about max’s plot. i was really stuck on what to do with her, but i didn’t want to sideline her. pairing her up with terry was something that i never considered, but i literally had a revelation one night and was like oh my god that’s PERFECT!! & i haven’t seen anyone else do anything even moderately close, so i’m very excited to try something new.
i love a good reference!! parallels make my heart so happy. or so sad. depending on the circumstance. the rain fight one was a little bit evil, i’ll admit. the curiosity voyage was a lot more fun!
i was also unwell over the quarry scene. i literally cried writing it. i had to take multiple breaks. just ask suni i was SO unwell oh my god😭 so i’m right there with you.
again, please don’t apologize!!! this was incredibly kind of you, and it makes me so unbelievably happy to get comments on my script. this is an episode that i was insanely proud of, and i’m really happy that everyone has enjoyed it so much. thank you so much for all your kind words!!💗🫂
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