#why be sad when you can really just prove everything they said about u was right
wrathiincarnate · 2 years
back when I first made Emmet I kinda had him really conflicted with his own choices until somewhere right at the end where there's no other choice but to put an end to everything, and now since I've revamped him he's just more angry about it then conflicted and I think that's true character growth thank u
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floshav · 11 months
part 2 to my last rodrick fic which u can read here !
summary: Rodrick proves his likeness for y/n through a spontaneous kiss leaving her smitten and dazed. However, thoughts of Heather still lingered in her mind, constantly being reminded of the blonde girl whenever she passed by. "Does Rodrick still like her?" "Does he even like me?" What happens when Heather suddenly takes interest in Rodrick after ignoring him for years just because she can't let y/n get what she wants.
wc: 2k plus
warnings: allusions to smut, heavy make out
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2 weeks later...
the kiss, no not just the kiss but the two kisses rodrick and y/n shared that night resulted in their relationship. She had been left smitten and the feeling was one of those that even if you wanted to forget, you couldn't. The heart racing, blush inducing feeling of getting kissed on by rodrick the boy she'd been crushing on for years, with his rough boy lips which still managed to be soft and plush because well, he was Rodrick after all.
It was now a plain old Monday and she was lost daydreaming in her Calculus class, or was it english? She couldn't bother to take notice.
"Alright, take out your calculators and flip to page 56. We'll be grinding through the workbook today class!" Ms. Smith yelled whilst her big buggy glasses fell down the tip of her nose bridge, stopped by her finger which shoved them back in place. Y/n couldn't care less. Her mind was swarmed with what happened 2 weeks ago.
His lips grazed hers one more time, this time softer and one might say more lovingly if she was in a state of delirium. She felt his slender hand creep up the side of her hip brushing it against her shirt so so gently. He broke off the kiss and his face was so close to hers she felt as if she might faint right then and there. The boy who was rough, impatient and borderline rude crumbled in-front of her. She'd never seen Rodrick like this before. Each freckle, each fine line, each perfect imperfection visible to her now. She'd imagined this image thousands of times before, but never had she imagined it to come true. Rodrick hesitated before saying his next words "I- I really like you y/n. And- and i just want to set that clear before you try showing up to my house drunk silly again. You were being so wreck less you know that?" He chuckled dorky-ly ever so slightly which made her heart pound just a little harder. Her heart fluttered at how he cared for her.
"M'sorry I-i just, m'just so jealous." She slurred as her eyes began to tear up with a mix of happiness, jealousy, anger and most of all, sadness. "Why? You know i'm here for you and you only, stupid." Rodrick whispered so softly against her lips but y/n's mind swarmed with confusion. "B-but you always *hiccup* talk about Heather." She sighed as she let herself fall into her hands. "Makes it *hiccup* hard to believe" She said again. "I-" He moves further back and a familiar ache rises to her chest, one of abandonment. "She was just someone I was infatuated in. Nothing more. Fuck. If i really liked her, would i have kissed you back? Let alone kiss you again?" He said making eye contact this time. He looked absolutely illegal. The way his hair was his usual mess, his blown out eyeliner smudged beneath his fox eyes. His puffy lips. Everything about him made her feel unreasonably hot in the cool weather. "S-so no more feelings for her?" "No. no more." he said so seriously it made her scared. "In fact, she's an asshole and i don't want any part of her in my life." He said whilst memories of what Heather did earlier fled his mind. Rodrick plants a kiss at the corner of y/n's lips and this time she knows it was meant lovingly. Still, at the back of her mind, the one aching question lingered, didn't he say he loved her?
"Y/n?" "Ms y/n?" She blinked and the memory was interrupted by an annoying voice. "Do you care to open your workbook? Or do you intend on staring at the cover for the next hour?" Ms Smith's breath tickled the hairs on the back of her neck waking her from her daydreams of what happened that hazy night.
"Yea, sorry ms smith." She smiled tightly before flipping to page 66 or 57 the page number was was a blur to her, but an open book would do.
He planted a soft kiss at the crook of her neck.
suddenly her mind wandered to what happened later that night.
Hand riding up under her shirt. "is this okay?" His voice was earnest and soft against the skin of her neck.
her thighs clenched together unintentionally and she felt ashamed for imaging such lewd things. She'd been daydreaming about that night for the past few weeks. Each week making her crave for more until she felt sick. Rodrick hadn't made a move like that on her ever since, and she was just too shy to even ask so images in her mind would do for now.
He unclasped her bra in one swift motion and it made her question if he'd done this before, with... Heather? No, can't be, she doesn't even care for him. Right?
The kissing started to turn into making out and y/n felt his breathing falter when she brushed her pinky against his crotch by accident.
"Fuck do you even know what you're doing right now-"
"Ms. y/l/n!" Just as quickly as it started, her daydreaming had come to a halt.
"I've been calling your name for the past 5 minutes. Care to share your answer to the whole class? I assume you didn't even hear the question number i gave you. Number 5! Now." Ms. Smith tried to hush her yelling down to be more precarious.
"Sorry Ms." Y/n sighed before making her way to the black board with a dumb empty mind filled with Rodrick.
The same could be said about Rodrick. His usual sleepiness that was met with classes vanished ever since that night. Instead of sleeping, he was putting his pretty dumb brain to use by thinking. Thinking about y/n. Every night, everyday, every moment. He'd be lying if he said that she was the only girl he'd ever gained feelings for, because Heather Hills did exist. But it was true when he said he didn't like her anymore.
"Mmm- Aaah- R-rodrick p-please not my neck."
"Shhh, just one more kiss y/n, please."
Before Rodrick's dream could get any steamier he was awoken to the sound of Heather cursing just beside him, clearly to get someone's attention.
"FUCK! how am i going to do this!!!" Heathers voice was painfully exaggerated and Rodrick couldn't help but cringe. Was this the girl he was smitten by before?
"Oh- Hey Roddy!" Heather smirked as she twisted her body to face him.
Rodrick's head was rested on his arm and he couldn't help but look at her with dead eyes, clearly annoyed.
"You.... you play the drums right?"
"Mmm" Rodrick groaned as he scratched his temple, he was surprised at how much he didn't care for THE Heathers presence anymore.
"Was wondering if.... You'd wanna play a gig at my birthday party?"
Rodrick's eyes lit up. A gig? That was a once in a blue moon occasion to rodrick's ears. But reality struck him when he remembered it was Heather who was asking.
"Mmm sorry Heather, don't think i can." Though it ached him to decline the gig, he knew you wouldn't like it so he sucked it up. Rodrick felt a sense of pride when he realised he didn't stumble over his words around her anymore.
"Awwww but why! I'll pay you 50 bucks an hour, and you know my parties last long." She feigned a girly voice as she batted her long eyelashes which icked Rodrick out.
50 bucks an hour..... The offer was tempting but, you were even more tempting.
Before Rodrick could answer, you walked in the class with a goofy smile, ready to see your Rodrick with..... Heather.
Heather shot back daggers through a fake soft smile. The type she'd give to a teacher after almost being caught doing something.
"Oh... Hello there y/n! Sorry, Rodrick was just telling me about how he'd love to play drums at my party. Isn't that right Rodrick?"
"Wh- No?" Rodrick scoffed out, eyes squinting at the mischievous blue eyed blonde.
"Oh c'mon, don't lie to y/n just because you pity her! You're a man! Act like one." Heather said as she got up from her chair slightly agitated at the fact Rodrick didn't play along.
"See you there Roddy." Heather said before smirking and popping out her ass dramatically.
roddy... That nickname made y/n's blood boil and she never wanted to hear it again.
"I swear! I-I did not agree to any of the shit she just yapped about." Rodrick panicked whilst stumbling over his words like a nervous teenager, that familiar feeling rising again but this time towards y/n.
"Hard to believe Rodrick. Or should i say Roddy... God! i shouldnt have been so naive. I'm so stupid! I thought you were over her." Y/n lashed out before storming out the classroom in a hurry, not thinking straight.
"Wait! Fuck. That fucking bitch Heather." Rodrick sighed out as he reached for the class door.
You found yourself slanting against a crusty brick wall beside a half broken vending machine. You don't know why you overreacted so fast without even bothering to hear Rodrick's explanation but maybe it was because you were so stupidly insecure. You quickly fumbled around your pants pockets to find an old packet of ciggs you remembered you left there. There were 2 left so you lit one up and breathed in the pure comfort. It felt nice to not care just for a second with the cigarette around. When it could have gotten more peaceful you heard a set of obnoxious dorky feet approach you.
"Hey." Rodrick said lightly as he squatted down to your eye level, lanky hands hanging by each sides of his knees.
It made you jump a little and your facade of wanting to remain mad slowly revealed itself. You couldn't help but suppress a tight smile from leaking out.
"What" You said as you blew a whiff of smoke away from his face. His heart fluttered at the small gesture.
"I really did not agree to what Heather told you." He said seriously which was a rare look on Rodrick.
"Are you sure? Cuz it seems like you two are getting along just fine" Y/n sighed as she pushed her hair back, Rodrick's heart beat pounding harder by the second.
"Please, believe me I- I really did not agree to anything, I-I really want you to believe me please." Rodrick was pleading which was something she only saw when he was lovesick. At that moment she knew he couldn't harm her emotionally.
"Alright. Fine, I believe you." Y/n said with a tired voice, though deep down she was glad she could read Rodrick like an open book.
"Im so sorry." Rodrick sighs before nuzzling his head in the crook of her neck, still a nervous wreck whenever he handled her.
She releases her cig and reaches in to hug him back tightly and lovingly before breathing in the intoxicating scent of him. Far better than a cig.
Just around the corner was a cheeky little Heather, listening in to every single decibel of the convo. Heather tightly rolled her eyes and scoffed before it turned into a smirk. Something clicked in her head. She knew what she had to do.
She was going to fake it till she made it.
lol i feel like this story deserves a pt3 so if this does well i will continue it! I know this has been a long times worth of progress but i've been procrastinating writing like crazy lately and i've only started getting back into it. Anyway please do request because i'm always bored and free !
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prapaiwife · 7 months
I'm back with another lita post😁, but this time on episode 13 cause I'm rewatching it, and im stunned each time with fortpeat performance in these heart-wrenching scenes. I mean, if you've watched, we've seen Sky's journey of allowing himself to trust and fully love pai allow himself to be happy be selfish and have this, which was the scariest thing to do cause of his past.
And peat wow🤧 his portrayal of Sky here, and later in the next scene when he goes to tell his story of what happened. It is the highlight of his acting! *makes me so excited for Love Sea* but Sky isn't crying. He looks so drained, and Prapai asks for him to cry, not to hold it in, but as he starts to cry himself, Sky asks him why. And then these lines!! If you can't cry, I'll cry for you. If you suffer, I will suffer with you, if your in pain, I'll be in pain too. Let me cry in your stead.
Pai is so emotional here, but he needs to have Sky see him like actually see him! He doesn't want to lose him again he isn't gonna leave him he wants to if anything be barrier for the pain he's feeling right now 😭😭😭😭Yet he's trying his best hold up but can't help but to cry
He doesn't want Sky to think this is something he has to face on his own, and what just happened won't make him change his mind. He's gonna listen and always encourage Sky to feel whatever it is he's feeling to him.
Which is so good cause in the special ep sky does that tho he feels already securee in his relationship with pai at this point of their relationship he says he knows how much pai loves him and knows his heart 🤧,he doesn't feel uncomfortable to express that discomfort of having his exes being around. And pai takes full responsibility for that and acknowledges it. He's sorry his past still is getting in the way of their relationship. And that's something sky shouldn't have have bear with constantly of his ex flings. Healthy communication at it's finest!!!
Even as back in ep 12 for sky to admit to himself that he actually loves pai as sad as it was to see sky break from this wall he was trying to keep up, a wall that protected him and told him that it was too good to be true and pai didnt really love him at all. But i think sky already knew he loved him and he lenaded into it but like i said seeing pai prove his point that made him retreat. But pai being there and reading all the things sky wrote about him making him see that this isnt really what you want and though u cant tell me yet how you really feel about me. It's okay cause I love you and you can too tell me you love me. like 😭😭😭😭😭
l'm probably rambling but like their relationship is just everything to me i can't put into words lol
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wonbriiize · 9 months
Hi, I read about an interesting history about how a long-term couple didn't want to date because the woman paid for a synastry astrology, and the results had good-bad results, one of them even said they were going to be a sexless marriage, so she didn't wanted to dated the men, even having a big crush on him, and him having a big crush of her, so he had to convince her to date and tell her astrology not describe completely ourselves, now they are a 60 years old marriage couple
And, I'm telling just for ask: Will you do
"Riize when you don't want to date them cuz your are not astrologically compatible"? Thank you so much!!
note; this was actually so fun to write about, but also quite challenging bc almost all of the riize members are logical people so it was hard for me to think abt different reactions ngl, but i hope u still like it :)
riize - astrological incompatibility
✦ shotaro
shotaro would be super interested in finding out your guys‘ astrological compatibility, but once you tell him that you two are not a good match, shotaro is shocked. all the interest that he had in astrology flies out the window in a second. he would start pouting. ‘that is not true. we are perfect together’
✦ eunseok
the second you tell eunseok that you can’t date him because of astrology, he’d start laughing, pointing out that astrology is not real. eunseok would ask if you’re really going to let astrology decide over your life. ‘i‘m just saying that you’re going to regret not dating me because of that.’
✦ sungchan
to be honest, sungchan would jokingly agree with you. he would tease you and say that if astrology says you guys are not a good match, then so be it. he’s trying to use some kind of reverse psychology on you because once you’d hear him agree, you’d get sad and YOU would be the one saying ‘who cares about astrology?’
✦ wonbin
his reaction would be very similar to eunseok. wonbin would scoff and shake his head, asking you if you’re being serious. when you tell him that you are, he would start laughing. ‘astrology is not science’ he says to you. wonbin would make it his life’s mission to prove you wrong — he’s going to show you that you two are made for each other.
✦ seunghan
the softhearted boy he is, seunghan would feel hurt at first. he would have the biggest boba eyes while staring at you, asking you if you’re really not going to date him because of that. he would start digging into astrology himself to find loopholes to convince you to date him because for him, there’s no way he’s letting you go.
✦ sohee
sohee wouldn’t really care. if you’d tell him that you can’t date him because of astrology, he’d shrug his shoulders. ‘we can still try it though?’. it kind of surprises you how easy-going he is with this, which just makes you even more interested in him. maybe astrology isn’t so real after all?
✦ anton
anton would be sulky; what do you mean you’re not astrologically compatible??? who cares about astrology??? but he would be curious and ask you to break everything down to him, you have to explain to him every single detail on why you’re not compatible because he’s not going to accept this as an answer.
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cheegu3 · 1 year
Enhypen - the glory (part 10)
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summary; after rejecting one of the most popular boys at your new school, you soon realised that you'd done the gravest mistake of your life; these weren't ordinary boys, and now they were set on making your life a living hell - heavily based on the kdrama with the same name
warnings; yandere themes, bullying themes, blood, knives, death? sexual tones, swearing
genre; yandere
wc; 7.6k
pairing; enha x f.m reader
note; some will be horrified and some will be happy after reading this lol, also let me know if you have any unanswered questions u want for the next chapter, love u thank u 🤍🤍
‘’ I have no idea. ‘’
The car fell silent and continued to be all the way until you reached your house. Soobin hesitated before unlocking the car, which scared you a little; having been used to the torture at school for so long.
When he noticed your panicked eyes, he looked apologetic. ‘’ I was just thinking about if you still feel safe staying at your house. ‘’
‘’ Do you mean because of Jake? ‘’
‘’ Mainly, but I guess…everything else too. ‘’
You hadn’t even considered the possibility of not going home for a while. But thinking it over, you realized that Soobin’s house was a lot closer to where they lived. Even if you felt a bit better having someone else by your side, it was more likely that something would happen if you stayed the night over there. Especially since they had shown some jealousy over the friendship. 
Not wanting to trigger something, you opened the door and gave Soobin a small smile. 
‘’ No, I’ll be okay. ‘’
‘’ Are you sure? ‘’
Although you took some time to answer, when you finally did you felt pretty sure in your decision and hoped Soobin wouldn’t worry too much.
‘’ I’m sure, I will just text you if something happens. ‘’
‘’ Not just that. You can text me if you can’t sleep or if you want to come over because you’re scared too, ‘’ he softly said, warming your heart with his compassion. 
‘’ Okay, thank you. ‘’
He unlocked the car at last and waved goodbye before driving off. You stood outside and watched until his car wasn’t visible anymore.
‘’ Y/n? ‘’
You turned to your dad, relieved it was his voice and not someone else’s that you heard there in the dark; the clock must be what…7pm now? You wouldn’t want to be caught out that late with one of your bullies like last time with Jake.
‘’ What are you doing out? ‘’
‘’ I was just throwing out the trash. Why did you come home so late? ‘’
‘’ You just noticed, ‘’ you chuckled dryly, ‘’ Dad of the year. ‘’
You went inside without waiting for him but he quickly caught up, joining you in the elevator just in time for it closing. He fidgeted with his hands and looked very uncomfortable as you passed the first floors. You tried to ignore him, which proved to be quite difficult since it looked like he had something he wanted to say.
‘’ I haven’t been the best dad, I know that. Especially lately I’ve…been just out of it. I’m sorry, y/n, I really am. ‘’
Your mouth stayed closed - you did so hoping that he would continue talking because you wanted an explanation. He had been quite bad with being present in the past but lately it was constant. He acted as if he didn’t have a daughter at all which was odd given he should’ve been concerned for you since you were getting bullied at school.
‘’ Your mother’s not doing well. ‘’
Your heart twisted painfully at the sudden revelation, ‘’ What do you mean she’s not doing well? ‘’
He had your full attention now. You could tell it was something that had weighed down on him for a long time; he looked really guilty when he saw your glossy eyes and worried voice at what he had said. At the same time, he knew he couldn’t keep it to himself forever.
‘’ Her condition has drastically worsened since the last time you visited her. ‘’
‘’ So get her treated! ‘’ you burst out passionately. 
‘’ She is. ‘’ 
You tilted your head, watching him in silence. If she was getting treated why did he still sound so sad, like he had news that were even worse, and not any good ones? 
‘’ It’s just- ‘’ he struggled with his words and tried to gather them with his gestures before continuing, ‘’ You won’t like how. ‘’
Your dad glanced at you quickly and sensed the rising panic within due to being out of the loop so he hurried to explain it to the best of his abilities, still knowing it would probably cause strong feelings and arguments afterwards.
‘’ They’re helping me with the treatment. She’s been transferred to a private hospital. ‘’
‘’ They? ‘’ you laughed humourlessly, ‘’ No- don’t tell me…’’
‘’ I’m sorry. I didn’t have a choice. It was between that or letting her die. ‘’
You guess you got your answer as to why he wasn’t so concerned with you getting bullied; he wasn’t just indebted to them for life, he probably saw them with halos over their heads too and not horns like you did.
‘’ No! I can’t possibly understand that. I would’ve taken more extra jobs if it meant saving mom, we could’ve done it together. But you went behind my back and did this! ‘’
Your words seemed to hit him like knives. Every time your voice got even louder and your throat started to hurt from the hoarseness, he flinched as if you were hurting him physically. But you didn’t care; you no longer saw him as the hero who had saved you from Jake that day and defended his daughter, you saw him as a betrayer. 
Sure, most people would do anything it takes to save their loved ones but this? This was a clear way of showing that if he had to choose between you and your mom, he would choose her every time. In such a cruel way too - your bullies of all the rich and ‘’ hospitable ‘’ people in the world.
This was just another method for them to keep their claws around their puppet that was you, playing with life and death as if they were nothing.
‘’ We can talk again when you’ve calmed down. This is something you will understand when you get a bit older, and then…hopefully there will come a time when you don’t resent me for making the right but hard choice. ‘’
You felt so angry and overwhelmed that you didn’t even know what to say or do with yourself. In an attempt to save face, you ran out without a word when you felt the hot tears start to sting in your eyes. 
Immediately you got the phone out and called Soobin. You managed to keep your feelings under the surface until you got inside his car and the bubble burst, tears flowed down your cheeks and you let it all come out.
‘’ What- what’s wrong? ‘’ he realized when he had already started driving that you were crying.
The adoring smile that he had directed at you when just casually glancing was wiped off immediately and he pulled the car over to the nearest place.
‘’ No, Soobin it’s okay keep driving, ‘’ you said in between your sniffles.
He didn’t look convinced but drove to his house anyway. From the spot he stopped until the car pulled into his road, he kept asking if you were really sure you wanted to stay at his house and not go to a hotel or somewhere else.
You were ready to get irritated when he asked for the third time. Then you spotted Jungwon’s house far in the distance up the hill and changed your mind. 
‘’ Actually…do you have another place we can stay? ‘’
‘’ Of course! Our family has a cabin outside of the city. Let me just park here and grab some stuff, okay? ‘’
‘’ Yeah, can I wait here? ‘’
‘’ Sure. I will be back super super soon, don’t worry. ‘’
You nodded and smiled through the blurry vision of tears. Soobin half-jogged inside and was back before you even had time to let the anxiety grow inside you. 
He explained that the cabin was about an hour or two from the city; and that was the last thing you heard before the exhaustion took hold of you and you succumbed to a comfortable slumber while he drove.
‘’ Hey, we’re here. ‘’
You flinched at the touch of someone else, sitting up straight and now wide awake. The familiar sigh coming from Soobin in front of you made your whole body visibly relax. 
‘’ Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you. ‘’
‘’ That’s okay. ‘’
You got out of the car and started helping him unload the trunk. Tons of stuff was thrown into the cabin - a cabin that was about twice the size you expected. A big wooden house that had three stories and was right by a lake. 
‘’ It’s a modern cabin, so we don’t have to make the food over a fire, don’t worry, ‘’ Soobin joked, earning an airy laugh from you.
‘’ I would’ve taken whatever to be honest. Just needed to get away from the city and everything there for a while. ‘’
‘’ I get that. ‘’
The last few things from the car had been carried inside now. Soobin started unpacking the bags and moving all over the cabin as he spread things out, making himself at home. 
You brought your own stuff to one of the bedrooms on the top floor. A few thoughts started popping into your head about how you wouldn’t be able to sleep alone. But you pushed them aside, convincing yourself you didn’t need any more help since Soobin had already done so much for you.
‘’ Are you sure you want to sleep alone? We could sleep in the same room, I’d just take the couch, ‘’ Soobin said not a second later when popping his head in through the door.
You smiled. Sometimes it felt like he could read your mind and knew exactly what you secretly wanted.
‘’ I think I’ll be okay for now, but I will let you know if it changes, thank you. ‘’
He nodded and went downstairs again. You peeked around the corner and saw that he had started making food for the both of you. 
‘’ Soobin? I have an idea, ‘’ you shouted to the first floor.
‘’ Yeah? What? ‘’
Feeling like you didn’t want to shout the whole thing, you made your way downstairs and tried to explain the sudden idea that had come to you.
‘’ Not even like fifteen minutes of rest here and you’re already thinking of another step in the plan, ‘’ Soobin shook his head as he flipped the food in the pan.
‘’ Sorry, ‘’ you mumbled, ‘’ I just feel on edge the whole time, I’ve told you this. ‘’
He hummed, ‘’ Okay, so what were you thinking about? ‘’
‘’ We already know the best way to get to them is when they’re alone, right? ‘’
‘’ Yeah? ‘’ 
‘’ Jake is the first person we should try doing that with. ‘’
‘’ Do what? ‘’
‘’ Well, invite here…alone. ‘’
‘’ Alone? Do you really think that’ll work though? He will just tell the others, and then there won’t be a conflict. ‘’
‘’ I’m not sure about that. He seems a bit more- territorial almost. When I was invited to a party at Jungwon’s house he seemed jealous when I talked about being theirs and not his alone. ‘’
‘’ Right…but he still told them about the time he went to your house. ‘’
You bit your lip.
‘’ Yeah, I guess so. Still, there might be a chance there. I just have to think through how to word it. ‘’
‘’ What about Sunoo? ‘’
Your head snapped up, ‘’ Oh shit! I had forgotten about him. ‘’
‘’ He was pretty kind last time you talked to him, willing to give information and stuff. ‘’
‘’ Yeah, but Sunghoon seemed like he was the one that was responsible for keeping him in line though. ‘’
‘’ If we make Sunoo come we can make Ni-ki come too since they are practically stuck together. ‘’
‘’ Jake is the main one though. The others have a lot of loyalty. ‘’
‘’ So does Jake, no? ‘’
‘’ I don’t know…I haven’t really seen that in him yet. ‘’
‘’ It’s worth a try, ‘’ Soobin shrugged.
You went quiet. While watching him lay the food on the two plates, you thought deeply about which route to take, which person to target, and which words to use.
‘’ Let’s eat first, enough thinking and worrying miss. ‘’
‘’ Okay, fine, ‘’ you grinned and sat down obediently just in time as he placed the plate down in front of you.
‘’ Thank you. ‘’
He hummed and sat down next to you. The silence that followed the scraping of the chair felt comfortable when it was Soobin you experienced it with. You both ate in that silence, probably due to your heads being filled with so many racing thoughts.
‘’ Do you want to watch a movie or something? ‘’ he asked when you were done.
‘’ Sure, ‘’ you followed him to the couch, zoning out while he put something on.
Your head almost hurt from how much you were thinking. Anxiety had infested your brain and alternated between obsessing over your bullies, the plan, and your dad and mom. Already predicting you wouldn’t be able to pay attention to the movie you laid a gentle hand on his arm.
‘’ Maybe we can just put on some…calm music instead? ‘’
He understood immediately like he usually did. After changing it and returning to the sofa, he moved further away to give you some space which you responded to with an appreciative smile.
‘’ I don’t think I can relax. ‘’
Soobin opened his eyes and put his head up to look at you. You had also leaned back against the cushions and closed your eyes, but weren’t as lucky as he was; no serenely rest was offered for you.
‘’ Do you want to do it then? ‘’ he asked after carefully thinking over what you said, ‘’ Invite them? ‘’
What you said next was something that almost made Soobin’s jaw drop, it was so unexpected of you and also downright crazy.
‘’ Yes, and if they won’t come willingly, we kidnap one of them. ‘’
Twenty minutes later, the two of you were driving back to the city while you were on your phone texting. The easiest person to kidnap? Sunoo of course. Most likely he’d be near the gym where Ni-ki trained so you had to act very quickly. 
But when going through the contact list you realized you didn’t even have his number. With a groan in frustration, your eyes scanned over the only numbers you had, Jungwon and Sunghoon - and well, also Jay since you had gone over to his house.
You assumed he got your number from the others, because one day he just texted you with his name and told you to add him. The others hadn’t done the same yet.
Jungwon was an immediate no, but would Sunghoon be willing to help you get to Sunoo? You didn’t have a good excuse for why you’d suddenly want his number.
‘’ We might have to go for Sunghoon. ‘’
‘’ Really? Is that the only option? ‘’
‘’ I didn’t even have Sunoo’s number. I thought I did. Seems they might’ve been strategic and not given everyone my number for a reason. ‘’
Soobin continued driving despite the lack of plans you had for when you’d eventually arrive. He went over the different people, weighing the pros and cons until he came to a suggestion.
‘’ You could ask Sunghoon where Jake is, or to get his number because you want to confront him about what he did. ‘’
‘’ Wouldn’t that bring them there too? ‘’
‘’ Maybe. It’s just the only thing I can think of. It’s definitely better than saying you want to apologize for your dad punching him and I don’t think Sunghoon would be very willing to budge. ‘’
‘’ Maybe, ‘’ you said mindlessly.
‘’ What about Yena then? ‘’
Your whole body stiffened. You hadn’t thought about her since you saw the phone. 
‘’ Can’t, she’s locked up. We also don’t know why she had even contacted him in the first place. She could be on their side, ‘’ your voice had more edge to it than you had expected, making Soobin look at you wide-eyed. 
‘’ You think she betrayed us? ‘’
You ticked your tongue, the annoyance and anger that had been brewing underneath the surface coming to light now.
‘’ I was wary of her in the beginning, ‘’ you huffed, ‘’ I can’t possibly come up with any other reasons for her texting him. It seemed- ‘’
‘’ Like she liked him? ‘’ Soobin filled in, sounding like he was in disbelief. His voice raised slightly without him meaning it to.
‘’ Exactly. ‘’
‘’ I think that’s too harsh, ‘’ he didn’t look like he agreed, ‘’ We shouldn’t jump to conclusions. We need to get her out before the guys have tightened the leash even more. ‘’
You rolled your eyes.
‘’ You wouldn’t understand how I feel anyway, you have never even been bullied! ‘’
With the two of you visibly getting irritated at each other it felt like the conversation had steered into an argument. Therefore you pressed your lips together and turned wordlessly to the window, only a dissatisfied grunt escaped from your mouth. Soobin looked at you rather disappointedly but then redirected his attention back on the road again.
It was clear that neither of you would change each other’s minds. Therefore, you went on your phone without consulting with him first, although you had listened and taken his suggestion into consideration. While going down the contact list yet again, you came up with a good idea.
You had to text Jungwon after all.
If you were in their shoes, texting the leader of the group would make you think that person wasn’t scheming; especially since Jungwon already knew how scared of him you were. To him and the rest of the group, it would seem illogical for you to text him if you were trying to trick them, because he would be the first to see through you.
9:45 pm
You: Hey
You: I don’t have Jake’s number
While you were typing the next message, an answer popped up.
Jungwon: Why do you need it?
You swallowed the nervosity you suddenly felt wash over you now that he was replying. Knowing the truth about him after today, you almost felt paranoid when you just thought about talking to him. What if he was analyzing your every word? What if he was watching you right now - following you everywhere and being one step ahead at all times?
You: I want to confront him about what he did
When you finally had the bravery to send the text, you almost had your heart in your throat as he replied just as quickly again. It felt like he was glued to his phone, waiting for your next move and maybe even amused at your behavior when texting; could he feel that you were anxious?
Jungwon: come over and I’ll tell you
It felt like a trap, especially considering Heeseung had mentioned a sleepover that would be coming up sometime soon. 
You almost threw your phone and ranted to Soobin about how annoying and uncooperative Jugwon was being. In the end however, you bit your cheek and sighed, letting the awkward atmosphere from the disagreement continue.
The closer you got to the city, the more restless you felt. The phone hadn’t been picked up in a long time now; you had left him on read, surely making him seethe in anger.
But you didn’t care too much because you needed more time to gather your thoughts and scattered ideas.
Should you text Jay? You looked at the phone again - no, he was scaring you when you saw him earlier. Just Sunghoon left to try.
You: Sunghoon?
You had to make him feel special like you came to him first because you needed his help and no one else’s.
You: can you do me a favor?
Minutes passed with no response. You could feel Soobin glance at you every so often, eyes narrowing any time your head dipped down to your phone. The hands around the steering wheel had started clenching around it. 
He wasn’t sure why you didn’t want to talk to him, he hadn’t said anything wrong after all. And the fact that you were so busy staring at your phone, eyes glued to it like you were in a trance - made him feel…
What did it make him feel, was that jealousy?
Soobin ran his hand through his hair and leaned his head against the arm that was resting on the window.
He didn’t feel like he had the right to be. But, something about not knowing made him feel his stomach turn uncomfortably. What if you were flirting with them to get your way?
Even if that was a smart tactic it made him feel sick knowing they were enjoying it too much, maybe Jake would even-
He shook his head, trying to get the destructive thoughts out. They weren’t serving him any purpose except for making him miserable. He just wished you would talk to him.
The two of you now neared the parking lot where you met up with Yena. Soobin turned without warning and parked there, making you finally look up from your phone, having stared at it for minutes trying to figure out a response,
‘’ Why did you stop here? ‘’
He couldn’t stop the bitterness and irritation from showing in his tone.
‘’ You didn’t tell me anything so how was I supposed to know where to go? ‘’
You bit back your own need to be bitchy, ‘’ I’m sorry. ‘’
Soobin let out a deep sigh of relief, a huge burden had been lifted off his shoulders and a small smile shot to his lips, ‘’ I’m sorry too. But also…I got more pissed off by you not telling me anything, not just the disagreement. ‘’
‘’ I guess it was a good idea to park here then so we can go over the plan. ‘’
He turned off the car and turned to you, waiting for you to tell him what was going on. 
‘’ Currently, Jungwon has been left on read- ‘’
‘’ Not smart, ‘’ he cut in.
‘’ And he’s not being cooperative at all. Like usual he’s just trying to make my life harder than it already is. So I texted Sunghoon but he’s taking a long time to respond. Also, if he’s with Jungwon he’ll probably give the same response as him. ‘’
‘’ Can I ask - is there any reason in particular you’re so adamant on making them come over? You haven’t even slept since everything went down this morning. Are you sure you’re okay? ‘’
‘’ What? Why wouldn’t I be? ‘’
Soobin grimaced and gave you a scolding look.
‘’ You know why, it’s not exactly something normal to cope with. ‘’
‘’ I’m not thinking about that right now because I don’t need to, ‘’ you snapped, biting down on your cheek when you realized the tone had come back.
He watched you silently.
‘’ Remember I told you I was scared they’d go for my parents? ‘’
‘’ Yeah? ‘’ his voice was laced with concern now.
‘’ They have, paid for my mom’s hospital bills so she could get treatment in a private hospital. ‘’
‘’ Did they have anything to do with it? ‘’
You frowned, ‘’ With what? ‘’
‘’ Well…she got bad so suddenly after being pretty stable. ‘’
You hadn’t even considered that possibility. You made a mental note to confront them about that sometime in the future.
Shrugging it off for the moment, you picked up your phone yet again and made sure to reply to Jungwon in case he’d do something bad.
10:01 pm
You: I’d rather die
He answered just as quickly yet again.
Jungwon: oh? 
Jungwon: are you sure about that?
You ignored how it felt like your heart almost stopped. Clearing your throat you pressed on Sunghoon’s name instead, but this time you called him.
‘’ What do you want? ‘’ he picked up pretty fast.
‘’ Where’s Jake? ‘’
You thought it would sound less suspicious than asking for his number like you had with Jungwon.
‘’ Eh…why do you ask? ‘’
‘’ Just want to talk to him. ‘’
A chuckle could be heard from the other side of the line before it was cut off and another voice came on the phone, it was Heeseung.
‘’ Talk to him? Sweetheart, ‘’ he drawled, ‘’ You’ve done nothing but avoid us, and now you suddenly want to talk? ‘’
You swallowed thickly, ‘’ Yes.‘’
‘’ About? ‘’
‘’ What he did to me. ‘’
Heeseung hummed and seemed to think it over. You were about to say something again to catch his attention but it seemed Sunghoon was quicker than you. You assumed the phone was held far away from his mouth as he mumbled something to him.
Then the voice became clearer again when Sunghoon took the phone back and addressed you.
‘’ He’s at the gym Ni-ki and Sunoo train at. ‘’
‘’ Why? ‘’
‘’ They play baseball together sometimes, Sunoo isn’t really into sports so he just watches, ‘’ he answered, sounding a bit surprised by your curious question.
‘’ And where is it? ‘’
‘’ I’ll text you the address. See you soon. ‘’
He hung up on you.
‘’ What did he say? ‘’ Soobin immediately asked.
You saw the text come through at the top with the address like he had said. Turning to Soobin you answered him, ‘’ Not much. ‘’
‘’ Not much? ‘’
‘’ Sunghoon said Jake was at the gym Ni-ki trains at. ‘’
‘’ Alone? ‘’
‘’ No, Sunoo and Ni-ki are also there. ‘’
He cursed under his breath, ‘’ I can’t see how we’re going to take on three guys at the same time! ‘’
‘’ Or more…’’ you mumbled ominously.
‘’ More? What do you mean more? ‘’
‘’ He said he’ll see me soon, probably meaning he and the others will show up too since I’m going there. ‘’
Soobin leaned back against the seat and sighed.
‘’ I guess we have to leave now then before they get there. ‘’
He turned the car on suddenly and pressed on the accelerator. The car jerked forward causing your body to be pressed against the seatbelt. 
Soobin ignored your cries for him to slow down, because it was just a race against the clock now. 
You arrived at the gym around ten minutes later. It was located outside of the city, meaning you hopefully had an advantage in the time it would take to get there.
From the car, you couldn’t see anyone outside. It was a large warehouse-turned-gym with barely any streetlights. Stepping out of the car however, you spotted a dock not too far away where workers seemed to be busy. They were the only ones around and didn’t pay any attention to you and Soobin.
Overall it was a pretty shady area; if you didn’t know Ni-ki and Sunoo’s background you’d question why a guy with such rich friends was going to a gym like that.
‘’ Let’s go. ‘’
Soobin insisted on walking in front, occasionally sticking his arms out protectively whenever he saw a car that looked like it was turning into the area. You tried to go in front of him but he would just pull you back behind him and shake his head determinedly. 
‘’ Soobin, how about you wait outside instead? ‘’ you eventually said, feeling anger bubbling inside of you.
‘’ Okay…but I’m not waiting in the car! ‘’
‘’ Fine, ‘’ you rolled your eyes.
Pushing past him you were just about to open the entrance door when it swung open and Jake almost walked into you. Right before he hit you, his head snapped up, a genuine look of surprise adorning his features.
‘’ Y/n? What are you doing- how did you know I was here? ‘’
You and Soobin looked at each other. They hadn’t told him they were coming? Maybe they weren’t and had just said that to scare you. Or maybe…they were watching from the shadows.
‘’ It doesn’t matter, can you talk? ‘’
He shrugged, ‘’ I was going out for some fresh air anyway. ‘’
Soobin backed away to give you some space, you knew it would just tick Jake off if he saw him being near you.
You dragged Jake in between the gym and another warehouse. It wasn’t quite small enough to be called an alley so Soobin could still see you clearly from where he was standing and you didn’t feel as scared.
‘’ Please come with me, I know you want me for myself and you hate it when the others are near me! ‘’ you spat out immediately and then chewed on your lip, thinking you had been too direct.
His puppy eyes widened. He was a lot more surprised and taken back than you expected. Would he put up a fight instead of coming willingly? You had been so sure he would, with just a few words and nothing else.
‘’ Slow down! Are you in a hurry?
He seemed to have noticed your flickering gaze, alternating between glancing back at Soobin, the gym where Ni-ki and Sunoo were at, and even behind him to see if the others were approaching.
‘’ No- I, oh forget it. Just answer me, do you not want to have me all to yourself? ‘’
An amused smirk spread on his face. The tables had finally turned for him - now you were the one begging for his affection and attention. He remained silent, curious to see what else you’d say if he didn’t give in.
And you did continue speaking rapidly. You gave him the one thing he wanted - the most tempting offer to Jake.
‘’ I’ll…sleep with you. ‘’
It was like everything went quiet, both for you and Jake. Like the birds stopped singing out of distaste for you going against your morals to get that revenge you so desperately wanted; like the wind stopped howling out of disbelief and even like the cars in traffic stopped in their tracks.
‘’ Yes, ‘’ he said breathlessly.
You were already starting to regret it when you saw his eyes darken with lust only at the promise of such unholy things. Disgust flashed across your face before you hooked your arm under his and hurriedly brought him over to Soobin’s car.
‘’ Go! ‘’
He started the car and drove away in a flash, leaving Sunoo and Ni-ki who had stepped outside staring after the car with open mouths and worried expressions. 
While driving onto the highway, you felt eyes on you from the front seat. Soobin was watching you silently, trying to read your expressions to figure out how you did it. Your face was blank, mirroring your thoughts as you felt empty and repulsed by yourself - so instead, his attention drifted to the one sitting next to you in the back of the car.
Immediately when their eyes met, Soobin’s stomach dropped. A feeling that something was wrong, off, or that you had done something he would disapprove of hit him. Jake faced him confidently, with a big grin, telling him that you couldn’t have threatened him much. What have you done?
The atmosphere was weird when the three of you finally arrived at the cabin. After the whole silent car ride, you stepped into the house feeling more with every step that you were making a huge mistake.
‘’ We’ll talk alone for a bit, ‘’ you said to Soobin when you took Jake by the hand and started pulling him towards the staircase.
Hurt flashed across his features, but he only nodded and smiled, going off somewhere to wait and be blissfully unaware of what was likely about to go down.
You avoided looking at Jake on the way up, knowing what facial expression he’d likely wear. It wasn't until you closed the door behind you in a smaller bedroom that you did so at last.
He threw himself on the bed comfortably and his eyes watched you, full of anticipation.
‘’ First, you give me information, then- ‘’ you grimaced and had to look away.
‘’ Then you’ll give me what I want? ‘’
You nodded, throat too dry to say it out loud.
‘’ Yena, ‘’ that was the first thing you could think of asking him about.
‘’ What about her? ‘’ he scoffed with a smile on his face.
‘’ Did she betray me? Is she on your side? ‘’
It took some time before he answered. He was carefully reevaluating if this was actually a choice the rest of the group would be fine with. After all, he could lie about some things and say some truth; then he’d have you, and finally he’d text the guys his location so they could come.
It was too risky to text now though, so after making up his mind for the final time, he was ready to answer your questions.
‘’ She didn’t betray you. But it’s a long and complicated story. ‘’
‘’ Tell me. Everything. ‘’
‘’ Jungwon found out she had a crush on Sunghoon, so he convinced us to try and use that as leverage to get her to spy on you and get close to you. ‘’
‘’ But? ‘’
‘’ She found out about the bullying from eavesdropping and wanted to help the poor girl she heard her brother boast about torturing before even meeting you. That bitch was smarter than we expected, ‘’ he chuckled, ‘’ She pretended to have a crush on Sunghoon, it was never real. All she had to do was give him some looks and get all shy whenever he was at the house and it fooled her brother. ‘’
‘’ Did she hear them talking about using her? ‘’
‘’ Yeah, but even before that she predicted that they might try to. Everyone in Jungwon’s proximity has been forced to help in one way or another, Yena was always next on the list. Only, they hated each other so much that he needed to have some sort of blackmail or something to lure her with. ‘’
‘’ Lure her? ‘’
‘’ Sunghoon promised to date her if she helped us, ‘’
You didn’t answer, because you weren’t really sure how to respond.
‘’ To be honest, I’m not even sure she did it for you. Maybe she just thought it was the perfect opportunity to use the situation with you as a means to bring her brother down. But, I think after some time of being close to you she developed some compassion. ‘’
Your head hung as you felt shame wash over you. So Soobin had been right again. First, you relentlessly suspected him, and now Yena, the only two that have been the most willing to help you.
‘’ How did you find out she tricked you? ‘’
‘’ Most of our parents work at the company, she was stupid to think not a single worker wouldn’t recognize her and rapport it. ‘’
‘’ She was in disguise, kind of. ‘’
‘’ Not a very good one, was it? ‘’
You felt a sour taste in your mouth at the mocking. However, something far more important occupied your thoughts not long after.
‘’ What is going to happen to her then? ‘’
A half-smile appeared on his lips. ‘’ I don’t actually know. Whatever Jungwon sees fit. ‘’
Your eyes bulged and your mouth hung slightly open.
‘’ What no- don’t tell me. ‘’
His face was an answer in itself. You slumped down in defeat on the chair that was standing in the corner of the room.
‘’ Kill her? ‘’ you mumbled, voice shaky.
‘’ Anything else you want to know? ‘’ Jake continued unbotheredly. 
You took some time to think of things, still processing everything else. It felt like it never ended, more and more information that was worse than the last kept piling up throughout the day.
‘’ Did you do something to my mom, ‘’ you carefully began, unsure halfway through the sentence if you wanted to finish it or not.
His eyes narrowed.
‘’ That made her need treatment? ‘’
Jake licked his lips, but his gaze didn’t waver when he responded, ‘’ Yeah. ‘’
‘’ Why? ‘’ you whispered.
Tears that hadn’t yet reached your eyes irritated your throat and made it feel like it was hard to speak.
‘’ Heeseung thought it was the best way to make you act, or come to us. ‘’
‘’ You’re so fucking…evil. ‘’
He didn’t flinch at the harsh words. Maybe he was used to hearing them. Staying on the bed, he kept his distance and gave you some space, not even bothering to try and console you.
Another question popped up when you started burying your face against your knees.
‘’ Are you going to hurt Soobin? ‘’
‘’ Do we have a reason to? ‘’ Jake stilled, ‘’ Do you like him? ‘’
It was easier to lie when he couldn’t see your face, quickly you shook your head.
‘’ Then maybe not, for now. ‘’
‘’ And Yeonjun? ‘’
An amused laugh broke from his lips.
‘’ Oh, that guy! ‘’ he dramatically burst out.
‘’ He won’t be a threat at all, he’s been locked up in his room for hours and refusing to come out. If he actually does at some point, he will be too emotional to do any real damage to us. ‘’
You were thinking of more questions to ask and raised your head to see if you could think of any if you looked at him. It was obvious he was getting impatient. His leg was bouncing up and down and he was partially glaring at you.
When you finally gave him your attention fully, he stood up. With every step that he got nearer, you tried to push yourself as far away as you could while sitting in that chair.
Two arms came down and rested on either sides of the chair, caging you in. You dreaded what would come next.
‘’ Y/n! ‘’
Soobin’s shriek made you jump out of your seat. It sounded serious. With Jake hot on your heel you ran down the stairs and found him in the hallway, looking out of the window next to the door.
‘’ Come, ‘’ he stepped aside so you could go up to the window, ‘’ Doesn’t that look like Sunghoon? ‘’
You practically pressed your face against the cold glass, desperately hoping it wasn’t true. But, just like Soobin had said, you saw a figure followed by one more moving closer and closer right to where you were.
‘’ Is the door locked? ‘’
The door abruptly swung open just then, making you and Soobin jump back while Jake’s face lit up with hope. You had missed one figure; the one who was much closer to the door than the others. 
Through the door came your bullies, one after another except for Ni-ki, Sunoo, and Sunghoon.
Jungwon didn’t waste a second, he approached Jake and - plunged his fist deep into Jake’s abdomen which had him doubled over in pain, head thrown back in a silent scream. He clutched his stomach and slowly raised his head, on his face wasn’t anger but betrayal. 
He moved and his hand slipped a bit, giving you a full view of where he had been hurt. You saw it first - blood. He wasn’t just punched, he was stabbed. The scarlet liquid trickled down onto the white Victorian carpet below, coloring it terrifyingly fast.
But despite that, he looked more psychologically in pain. Crystals of tears had started glossing his big eyes, which held so many unspoken words in them.
Jungwon looked at him blankly at first. Then when the blood had started seeping out and Jake had looked so terrified of him and caught by surprise, not being able to take his eyes off of the friend that betrayed him; he slowly stopped trying to hold back the sinister smile that wanted so badly to adorn his ruby red lips.
This is what you deserve, traitor, he thought, wondering if Jake knew him so well after all those years of being friends that he could see what he was thinking by just looking at him. It was hard of course. Eyes are the windows of the soul, but what if you don’t have one? Or rather, what if it is the soul of the devil?
Jake began shaking his head, digging his heels into the ground to be able to push himself back a little, creating very little distance between him and Jungwon. It amused the psycho, whose smile only grew wider, you think you’re safe?
‘’ I-I was-wasn’t going…to betray you, ‘’ Jake pushed out in between his ragged breaths.
He came closer, eliciting panic to flare up in Jake, making his eyes bulge. But he couldn’t push himself back anymore, he had hit the cabin’s wall behind him.
‘’ I don’t care. You came here only for selfish reasons, ignoring the pact we made, ‘’ Jungwon said sternly, the smile had disappeared. He looked furious now, all that hidden anger coming to the surface. 
‘’ Jay got punished today too when he didn’t tell us about y/n coming over, didn’t you know about that? ‘’ Heeseung added.
Jay shifted uncomfortably in the background, he seemed to have a limp, but it was still nowhere near as bad as the punishment Jake recieved.
‘’ This isn’t the same as with Jay, ‘’ Jungwon started when he noticed Jake’s eyes wandering to him, ‘’ He told us he didn’t do anything with her, and we know out of everyone you would be more likely to. ‘’
Jake sniffled, ignoring how pathetic he looked to the others. He didn’t want to die yet, he was too young. No part of him understood how this happened - he just wanted his friends back, for them to tell him it was going to be okay and take him to the hospital before the time ran out.
His hands reached up to the crouched Jungwon’s legs, grabbing onto the fabric, ‘’ No, please…please don’t do this to me, ‘’ he let the tears he had fought so hard to keep in fall.
Jay stepped forward and Heeseung followed close behind. It was like you were invisible to them, completely uninvolved in the internal friend conflict that had happened. You and Soobin stood a few meters away.
Soobin, when seeing what had happened, pulled you into his arms and turned his body around so you were blocked from seeing your bullies. You cried, shaking against his chest while he tried his best to calm you by stroking your hair slowly. 
His eyes were glued to the scene unfolding in front of him, listening closely to any cues that meant he should get you out of there. The words that were said sounded muffled to you. You weren’t sure if it was due to hearing your heart racing in your ears or being pressed so close to Soobin, either way it blocked out the voices.
You were brought back when you heard Jake’s distressed crying. They hurt Jay? You and Soobin should’ve probably expected that. Jake did tell them about the time he went to the apartment alone so you weren’t sure why you forgot that and assumed any action done alone by the members was completely fine.
Jake shook his head again. Beads of sweat had started to form on his pale forehead. The energy had very quickly drained out of him, likewise the blood that didn’t stop flowing down despite his efforts to put pressure on it with his hands.
‘’ I was going to-to call y-you after. ‘’
Pouring more salt into the wound of betrayal, the group stood up without neither saying another word to him or letting him speak. His cries became louder as his head fell down with a thump on the floor, desperate words begging for saving going ignored while he laid there. His tears mixed with his blood, but it was like he was a ghost to everyone.
Heeseung turned to Soobin who had almost forgotten he was there, so encaptivated and invested in what he was watching. He inhaled sharply through his teeth and stepped back further, forcing you to move. Your head snapped up when your feet seemed to have moved on their own. 
You were so stunned when they came up to you and hooked their arms around Soobin, dragging him away that not a word left your mouth. Paralyzed you stared at them, feeling as if your limbs were unable to support your weight if you tried moving.
‘’ If you want him to live, come to the sleepover. We’ll give you three days. ‘’
With one last look at their friend on the floor, looking quite immobile now - the three of them walked out of the door, not once looking back at him. It was as if he had never existed to them at all.
taglist; @peaceout97blog-blog, @ayadikreino, @beoms-sugar, @keikeu, @sunghoonnsupremacy, @lilyalone, @sweet-kisses-and-bloody-screams, @eunchaesmileyface, @nunugget, @seunns, @nshmrarki, @huening-ly, @espyluvsyou, @yncel, @loserwithnofriends, @enha-stan, @binchanluvrr, @ariek-divad, @obsessed1with1straykids, @yizhoutv, @taeyongzodiactwinkiri, @w3bqrl, @elleashn, @nuriicata, @yevene, @manasasugarbaby09
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imerian · 6 months
Here goes little essay about everything going on with Logan bc i have a lot of thoughts that I want to organise a bit .
I'm not sure where i want to start bc there so much to this whole situation with Logan and Williams but I'll firstly discuss today's fp1.
I hate what media portraying Williams got, yes they fucked up and critique is fair but there much more than just critique online. I tend to believe that the gave logan repaired chassis not bc they disrespect him but bc his car is tuned to alex and tune new one to him is faster than redoing both of them. It may give him some disadvantages that it's too bad. The part that I'm really sad about is that Williams didn't clarify any of this and we never gonna know for sure. It all doesn't exclude possibility of this just being decision but somehow i find it unlikely.
Another part that i have a lot of emotions about is today's crash, i hate it and people's responses so bad bc firstly we never gonna know is it car or logan bc once again we can't be sure with how Williams talked about it, but even if it was logan i can hardly blame him bc amount of pressure on him js insane.
He wasn't ready for f1 when he was brought into it, everyone already said that. Plus he constantly compared to oscar which isn't fair, you can look at their cars for example (bc in this sport they matter a lot, fact that somehow a lot of people forget) or where their teams are. I remember how in f3 oscar told that he was excited to fight with Logan and that shows for me that logan can do better it's just his circumstances that are unfortunate. He's season in f2 also was really good, he obviously couldn't get first place with domination of filippe but he still did his best.
Another thing about f2 is how much pressure he had there because Williams announced him as their f1 driver even before season finished and it put Logan on a spot bc he could actually become that driver only if he finishes in top three. And he did!!
But you can see how than, in his first f1 season and eveb now amount of pressure doesn't go down, he constantly needs to prove himself or he'll get kicked out of sport, same sport that his family sacrificed all for him to get in.
I absolutely don't understand his haters, especially those that compare him to alex at least because comparing them is stupid with this big of experience gap. Same discourse i see about lando and oscar which is also stupid because at the moment lando is objectively better at least because of his experience, and oscar doesn't need to be better than him, he needs to learn and get that experience himself for any comperasing to make sense.
Big problem with Logan is that he can't get that experience to grow as a driver, even alex said that it isn't stange that he crashes that much in his first season bc Williams car is hard to work with. It was Alex that said that, same person that car was made for so i think it's pretty good evidence. Also that was ghe reason why u was very excited to see Logan this year because he would finally have car that made for him as much as it was made for alex. And then the season started :)
In first two races he couldn't prove himself in any way bc of the reasons that wasn't in his control and what happened in Australia is just horrible for him as a driver. But i really hope that his patience will help him to hold his seat for the next year. As much as it sucks right now if him helping the team can improve his chances for the seat next year than it matters most, bc even of he has shit year he could have another one to prove himself ( which i think will absolutely happen at one point or another of his career if it continues)
In the end i want to add that i believe that James have good intentions bc even knowing how negative internet going to be he made that decision in Australia for the team. As logan fan i was very sad about it but i hope that with same good intentions for team he will keep logan that already shows how supportive he is to the team and with their growth it's probably exactly who they need at the moment
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js-a-writer · 1 year
Tewksbury x fem!Reader I honestly dont mind if this is an angst oneshot, its completely up to you. If you want some more structure lmk and ill come up with some💜
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Summary : *the request*
Warnings : just pure fluff
*not proofread*
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Tewksbury was taking a walk through the park he always go through, today he wasn't in any rush, as he had nothing iportnat he needed to do. He was sitting on a bench, just enjoying the scenery, when he noticed a girl, she had an easle in front of her and it appeared that she was painting something.
He saw other pieces of art scattered around her when he looked back at her, she quickly snapped her head back to the painting. He was curious but decided just to ignore it, seeing as he was a Lord now, and she might just be surprised so see him in the park around this time of day.
About an hour goes by, and Tewksbury noticed the girl staring at him more and more. She thought she was being sneeky, but much to her avail, she was not. He got suspicious, thinking 'what if she's going to kill me... maybe she's like the man in the brown bowler hat!' His suspicions were proved wrong when he snuck up behind the girl to see her painting him, sitting on the park bench.
She went to look over to the bench again, to see him not there. She looked at her surroundings, trying to find the young lord. Her long hair flowingas she did so. Tewksbury took notice of this and the way her face contorted into one of frustration and confusion as her eyes kept searching for him.
He hid behind he easle as she stood up to see if maybe he was coming back. But when she saw nothing, she sat back down and looked up to her easle, flinching and falling backwards off of her stool, as she screamed out in shock.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you. I was just curious as to what you were painting." he said in a calming tone, trying to seem less intimidating. He truly didn't mean to scare her he just wanted to see how far she would go to find him again.
"No, it's fine. It's my fault honestly." she spoke softly, almost like a whisper, as he saw her cheeks heat up in embarrasment. "Don't be embarrassed, it looks really good, it's almost like staringat a refelction of myself." he spoke trying to reassure her everything was fine.
"It's not finshed, I haven't finished the face." she said softly. Tewksbury could see the panic fade from her features but saw it twist up into somthing he though tto be sadness? HE couldn't make her sad, not on their first encounter. He wanted to see eachother more, and if he made her sad there was no way she would want to see him again.
So he ran, all the way back to the bench he had previouslybeen sitting at, in the same position he was sat in just before he had terrifieed the poor girl. "What are you doing?" sh easked curious as to why he would run all the way over there and pose the same. "Letting you finish your painting, you said you didn't finish the face, so finish it. You can't leave a portrait undone now can you?" he told her, wantnig to make her happy again.
So she did, she finsihed the painting, only about 25 minutes later, she was finally done and called him over. "So, what do you think?" she asked quite giddily he noticed. "It's wonderful, I must have this hung up in my castle, if I can take it." he sent a quizical look her way. "I think I quite like this one, maybe I want to keep it..... I'm only joking ofcourse you can have it." she said teasing him. "Great, how much do I owe you for it?" he asked ready to pay full of whatever price you named. "It's free, you can have it. It is a painting of you ofcourse, and I didn't really ask befoe starting it." she told him. "Nonsense, I must pay you.... Well atleast let me take you somewhere, I would like to spend more time with you if you would like that too?" he said when she shook her head, as to say, 'you don't have to pay for it'.
Sh eofcourse said yes, and he helped pack up her painting supplies so they could go somehwre else, somewhere more private. They ended up going to a meadow and her drawing more sketches of him and the field, as he wathed her with admiration in his eyes. They asked questions about eachother trying to learn different things about one another.
"Well I live in a cottage with my mother,, we live right down that pathway," she stated as she pointed to a pathway leading out of the meadow. "we're not very rich, but we make the most of it. It's just my mother and I, it always has been, and she works at the bakery she owns in town."
A few minutes go by and she stops talking to draw the daisies in the field again, as he once again admires her and her beauty. "Can I see your sketch book?" he asked. She handed it to him, he flips through the pages seeing pictures of him from today, and scenery from all over London. He was astonished. He saw mor epictures of things like flowers, and what he guessed was her mother.
"These are extraordinary, you have to publish these somewhere.You could make a fortune off of these." he suggested fasinated by her artwork. "They're not that good. I probably wouldn't sell anything, and even if I did, I have no where to sell and no way to get the word out." she tried dissmissing the suggestion convinsing herslef it would never work.
"You could sell them in the park, I could help. Not with the painting ofcourse but everything else." she obliged sayikng sh ecould try in a few days.
He looked at her again, admiring her beauty and everything else about her. He thought of how much he liked her, possibly even loved her! That couldn't be he's only known her but less than 24 hours, but it feels right, he loves her!
Meanwhile she thinks about how she's gotten to know more about him these past few hours,she had a feeling towards him but she couldn't quite label it just yet. They were both admiring eachother for a few moments longer before he blurted out, "Can I kiss you?" in the softest most love-sick tone he could have mustered.
He hesitated before going to appologise. But before he could she responded, not with words but with a chaste kiss, full of love and admiration. That's what that feeling love, she finally figured out what it was, it was love!
"I love you!" they both said in unison, giggling and sealing it with another kiss, more passionate this time. Knowing how they both had felt.
I guess you could say, this was love at first sight.
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Thank you so kuch for this request @nix-rose I loved writing it and hope you love it just as kuch as I do.
Make sure to keep leaving requests and voting on polls. ⤵️
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lanzhans · 1 year
hm okay like this is my take on the post-why did you drop out of yale rogan fight that no one asked for!! inspired by a tiktok i saw where the comments were all pro-logan but i digress. i digress. we start off w rory (RIGHTLY) calling logan out for being an absolute jerk to jess. which he was. and we all know it. logan, in typical huntzberger fashion, brushes it off + claims that writers are sensitive + that if jess wanted to, he should’ve “taken a pop at [logan]”. what is rlly funny 2 me abt this is that this is so so similar to what mitchum said to rory?? like mitchum dismissed rory in a really similar fashion to logan just dismissing jess’s accomplishments. and both have that air of oh-if-they-wanted-to-prove-me-wrong-they-could yk? idk i thought that was interesting. and then he ends all that by saying that rory shouldn’t let jess get to her. which. this is one of many many scenes that show truly just how incompatible rory and logan are, just because it’s been proved just time and time again that logan does not understand who rory is and also just doesn’t care. rory obv responds saying that logan is the one getting to her and that he was an ass. logan retorts saying that he’s sorry that he messed things up (but he’s obv not, when has that man ever been sorry in his life). this is kinda when we segue into rory’s underlying crisis with everything that’s happening. she calls logan out for mocking jess when he’s actually accomplished something amazing (logan saying everyone’s doing something like. lol what are you accomplishing exactly?? stole 2 yachts probably set a world record but like...that is rich coming from him), and goes on to say that she’s unhappy with her life bc she feels like she’s not doing anything. and as viewers we know that this is nowhere near the vision rory had for her life, and she’s so unhappy bc she doesn’t belong in the dar, she doesn’t belong in logan’s world, just partying her sadness away. rory is so deeply unhappy with where she is in life right now, and logan isn’t even listening to her he’s just telling her that it’s temporary and she should have a drink!! and this is again. just. such a good example of why they’re so so incompatible bc rory needs someone who is going to push her to be the best person she can be, someone who’s not going to take her shit and redirect her to who she actually is when it gets hard, not someone who’s just going to let her continue her self-destructive behavior just bc he’s doing all that too!!! like rory is spiraling and she’s at rock bottom in her life and logan has absolutely nothing to say until he feels like she’s criticizing him. like bro not everything is abt u sorry!!! she’s talking abt herself and logan comes at her when she wounds his pride a lil like...partying and drinking is not who rory is point blank!! and he just puts it all on her like yes it’s her choice to be partying and drinking but that’s also just. all he does and he knows it!! and rory says that and he just. launches into a monologue of self pity about the great huntzberger dynasty and how he’s being pushed through only one door and it’s like. rory is so right he doesn’t have a hard life he doesn’t know what it’s like to actually work for what you have. and yes i welcome the convo abt rory also having a lot of privilege but her privilege ≠ logan’s privilege at all!!! they’re very different!! but rory is so right in this scene bc we’ve never seen logan actually fight it. and logan has no aims!! no goals!! no passions!! he just wants to continue abusing his family’s wealth with no consequences!! like this is the only time u will see me agree w mitchum huntzberger but like. logan should be pushed thru that door bc he has no actual aims in life...and also like. logan saying that he gave rory a month is so absolutely useless bc he never once checks up on her. he never once comments ab how dropping out is uncharacteristic of her. never asks her if she’s doing alright??? no he just gives her a month like she’s going to fix herself and btw. yeah it did have smth to do w you!!! it had everything to do w you in fact...it was ur father that said all that shit that got in her head. and he never even disagreed w his dad btw. like god sometimes i wonder if logan ever even LIKED rory or just felt attracted to her bc she was the first girl who didn’t give him time of day like...he never once felt concern for her? when she dropped out of the school she worked so hard to get in to? like it’s wild to me truly. like even in this argument his main point is to absolve himself of any blame in rory’s dropping out/rory’s spiral. like there is no concern. he doesn’t care!!! his gf, the one he apparently loves sooo much, is spiraling and struggling and he does not give a fuck. he only shows any sort of emotion when she criticizes his lifestyle and when he feels like he’s to blame for her situation. like that says so much...
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call-sign-jinx · 2 years
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw - I’m here honey
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Summary - Bradley Bradshaw pisses you off to your limit. You lose it with him because of stuff going on back home and end up in his arms.
Warnings - swearing, fluff, making out
A/N - the reader has a manchester accent xoxo
bradley "rooster" bradshaw x fem!reader
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Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw. Where do I even begin?
Well, why don't I start off with, he is a cocky arrogant mother fucker. God he makes me want to claw my eyes out everyone time he flirts with a girl. I mean, what do they even see in him? Sure, he's fit n all. But he's just an arrogant prick that thinks he can get what he wants.
He just writhes in it. He loves it. He's just a twat overall to be honest. and he knows just how to get under my skin. Like right now.
Me and the Dagger Squad are at the Hard Deck, and oh my fucking days, he's just showing off as much as he can. And everyone knows how much I don't like pricks like him. People who show off just for attention. Like, why? To some dumb fuckers he's amazing, but to everyone else, he's just a douchebag.
"Hey! Bradshaw!" Hangman shouted across the room to Rooster who just so happened to be chatting up some blonde bird who probably didn't even have enough brain cells to know that he just wanted a shag tonight. "Come have a round of darts with me Rooster!"
Bradshaw bid farewell to the clueless girl and sauntered over to the rest of the Dagger Squad. He gave me an obnoxious wink which earned an eyeroll from me. Phoenix saw then walked over to sit on the stool next to me.
"You know he just wants a reaction from you? He loves the attention and you know it." I rolled my eyes with a smirk. She gave me a knowing look.
"Yeah, I know. But he just aggravates me tha much tha I can't do much bout it. It's jus automatic now init?" Phoenix laughed at my words. Probably cause of my accent. She loves it so much.
"Then try not to give him a reaction. Like every time he says something stupid or that you don't like. Shut your eyes, take a deep breath, and ignore it." Her advice was actually really good. But not for me.
"Easier said than done Nat. I've just grown up to react to every little thing that happens. Probably the household I were raised in." She patted my shoulder and chuckled a bit.
"I think I'm gonna go outside for a sec. For a toot." A toot means vape. I literally had to explain this about 10,000 times to Phoenix.
She chuckles then gestures to the door. I then walked outside to sit on the bench and got my vape out of my pocket. I took a drag then turned on my phone to reply to my little sister's message that I should have answered hours ago. She was texting me, updating me about how our Nana was back in England. She got diagnosed with cancer a few months ago then started chemo a week after. It's been draining for everyone. And I can't even go to see her because I live so fucking far away.
When I opened the text, my heart dropped and my whole body had gone numb.
she's gone Y/N/N, ik u can't come rn cos ur on duty n everything but i jus thought u needed to know. come as soon as u want xxxxxx
I just sat there. Numb. Frozen. No emotion. No sadness. Nothing. Nada. Absolutely fuck all. I couldn't think straight. Why didn't I at least go see her once? I didn't even get to say goodbye to her. Didn't get to tell her I got into Top Gun which has, well had, always been her dream for me. She wanted me to do it to prove all them dumb ass men that a woman could do what they do but better.
And now, she'll never know. She probably hated me before she died cause I didn't visit her. What if she was upset about it? What if she thought I forgot about her? What if she thought that I stopped caring about her? So many thoughts were running through my head. Different things being said in my head. But they all went quiet when I saw Phoenix walk through the door to outside. Probably to come check on me, God knows how long I've just been sat there staring at my phone. At the text.
"Hey Y/C/S, you okay?" She had a trace of worry laced in her voice and expression. I gave her a tight-lipped smile and nodded.
"I'm great thank you." I faked a happy smile as I got up and gestured for her to follow me back into the Hard Deck.
It's been about a week since I got the text from Y/L/S/N. I haven't even reacted how someone would normally react to their family member dying. I didn't even reply back to Y/L/S/N. Just left her on opened.
I just acted like everything was okay. No one seemed to notice except one person. Bradshaw. I could tell by the way he looks at me that he knows something is wrong. But he hasn't asked.
Also, I found out I won't be able to make it to the funeral. Which is great. I'll just say my goodbyes another time. Hopefully Nana will understand. She always did.
Right now, we're having a briefing for the day. Which consists of absolutely fuck all, no flying, just some theory work we need to get done apparently.
I came in late so I sadly had to sit next to Bradshaw whose been looking at me like I'm an idiot for the past week. And it's actually quite unnerving.
After the briefing finished, I went straight to the unisex bathrooms to wash my face and clear my head for at least a few minutes. That was until I heard the door open. I looked to the source of the sound to see Bradshaw. Great. Why does he always come near me at the worst times? It's like he has a sixth sense about this shit.
"Hey Y/C/S, are you okay? You seem a bit off." He had worry and concern plastered on his face and in his voice. I nodded by head as I looked at the ground.
"Why? Why do you even care? It's not like we're friends or anything? And it's none of your business anyway?" I only glanced up at him for half a second before looking back down. It's tiring playing this whole "I'm happy and nothing's wrong!" facade. It's tiring keeping a smile on my face. Making the same type of jokes as if nothing has happened. Cause something has happened. And I haven't even reacted in the proper, normal way.
"I just wanna know. Cause I've gotta be honest... I'm a little worried about you. Something about you's changed. You seem a little less yourself." I'm sorry, but how the fuck has Rooster, out of everyone I've been around for the past week, noticed but no one else fucking has?
"Nothing is wrong Rooster. And even if there was, why would I talk about it with you? All you do and seem to like doing is piss me off." I finally looked up at him. Annoyance clear on my face.
"I only do that shit because I thought we were both joking around with each other. And I thought we were friends. But I guess I was wrong about that." He looked me dead in the eye then walked out.
I looked back in the mirror and made myself look presentable before going back outside from the toilets.
It's now been 2 months after the funeral. I'm a little gutted that I couldn't be there to say goodbye. But obviously I wouldn't have been allowed to go, I'm on duty still and I hadn't even told anyone about it. Not even Phoenix. And it's gonna stay that way for as long as I can make it.
I was in the changing room having a shower. Luckily, I had made it short cause as I got out of the shower I heard someone come into the changing rooms.
It was Bradshaw. Yet again.
"Alright Y/N, I was going to let you tell someone at your own pace but just tell me now. What has gotten you so upset that you're just acting like a robot? And don't give me any of that bullshit 'nothing's wrong and I'm fine' crap because I won't believe you." After he finished I got right back to getting changed. I didn't even acknowledge his chasing after me when I went into a cubicle for some privacy.
As soon as I had gotten out the cubicle to put my shoes on, Bradshaw was standing right outside.
"For fuck sake Bradshaw! Why won't you just leave me alone about it?" I looked him dead in the eye with nothing short of anger. I've been feeling a lot of that lately. And every single time is because of Bradley fucking Bradshaw.
"Because you're acting like someone's fucking died! You're acting all numb and shit!" As soon as he finished his sentence, I finally broke down. After fuck knows how many months of my body not allowing me to even react in a normal way after finding out my Nana had cancer. I had finally broke down.
I dropped to my knees and curled up in a ball as I leaned against the wall. Tear after tear after tear. I couldn't stop. Even if I wanted to.
I looked up at the ceiling until I felt hands on my arms rubbing up and down on them. I looked down and saw Bradshaw, sat on the ground in front of me looking at me dead in the eyes. Something came over me and I just threw myself at him into a hug. He instantly wrapped his arms around me as he tried his best to comfort me.
He was shushing me like I was a crying baby, which I practically was if I'm being honest, and telling me that it's all gonna be okay and that he's here with me. After about 10 minutes of solid crying, I calmed down and looked up at Bradshaw.
We were close. Like very close. Close enough that I could feel his breath fan over my face and see the little hazel specs in his eyes. and all the scars on his cheeks and neck. I scanned his face as he did the same with mine. Then I realised. We were still in each other's embrace. But neither one of us attempted to pull away.
"Thank you Bradley." I said to him with the first genuine, but small, smile I had done in months. As I looked at him more, I realised how gorgeous he actually was. And how much of my type he was.
"No problem sweetheart." That nickname. That fucking nickname shouldn't have affected me the way it did. It made my whole body feel warm. It made blood rise to my cheeks.
In that moment, I don't know what came over me but I quickly pressed my lips against his. But he froze, at first I thought it was just shock but after a few seconds he was still frozen. I quickly pulled away and pulled myself out of his embrace and stood up.
"Fuck. I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. I don't know why I even did that. By your reaction you didn't like it either." I started to chuckle nervously. Why the fuck did I do that? I've never liked him, not even in a friend way so why the fuck did I choose to do that? I kept on rambling on and on with myself, saying my thoughts out loud for Rooster to hear.
"Y/N." I ignored him and kept on waffling on with myself.
"Y/N." He said a bit more stern at me. I still ignored him and kept talking.
"Y/N!" That finally got my attention. I looked up at him, on the brink of another few tears coming out of my eyes.
"What?" I looked at him softly and looked for any expression other than one that said 'I don't like you, and I didn't like that kiss either so please leave me alone' because that would just make my day worse.
"You shouldn't be sorry. I've wanted to do that ever since we started Top Gun honey. I was just really shocked that you did it because you've never even hinted you liked me. So... could we do that again?" All I did was nod before connecting our lips again.
Bradley wrapped his arms around my waist as I did the same but behind his neck. The kiss was slow, soft. Just the way I liked it. He began to move his hands and caressed the sides of my body. I slid my hands up his neck into his hair and pulled on it slightly, which earned a slight moan from him.
We both pulled away for air. I looked into his eyes and it felt different with him now. Felt nicer. Comfier. He smiled at me as we both came out of the embrace.
“Do you come over to my house? After work?” I asked him as I dipped down to grab my bag. He nodded with a happy smile.
“Yeah, I’d like that. That’s be great Y/N.” I gave Bradley a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek before practically skipping out the changing rooms.
After work, I just wanted to drive home, have a shower and go to sleep. I didn’t have any plans anyway, did I? Just to check I looked at my calendar and had nothing. So I just walked back to my car and started to drive home.
As I got to my door, I rummaged through my bag, found my keys, and unlocked the door. I couldn’t even be arsed to have a shower so I flopped onto my couch and lost it again. I began balling my eyes out and shoved my face into my pillow.
I must’ve forgot to lock the door because I heard the door open and quickly sat up, alert. Not knowing who or what just opened my front door. As soon as I saw Bradley turn round the corner, I tried to wipe my tears away without him seeing.
“You okay honey?” I just nodded my head weakly as he came and sat down next to me. I leaned my head on his shoulder as I wrapped my arm around his stomach. He wrapped his around my shoulder and stroked it reassuringly.
“I don’t know why it’s taken me this long to actually react to it.” He looked at me confused with his brows furrowed. Of course he didn’t know, I hadn’t told him and now he probably thinks I’m weird.
“Taken this long for you to react to what?” That’s when the waterworks came back yet again. Why the fuck did they have to start at the slightest mention of my Nana being dead? Gone forever?
“3 months ago my Nana died. I just didn’t react. No crying. No being sad. Nothing. Literally nothing. And then when you said I’m acting like someone died, it flipped a switch. Like it turned my reactions on again. And I- I- I just want her back. I didn’t even get to fucking say goodbye to her Bradley! Imagine that, not being by their side when they’re gone. Let alone being in a whole different fucking country!” I sat up and threw my cushion across the room, angry at myself for not even trying to see her. I guess I didn’t want to. I didn’t want the image of her being up and healthy to go away so I just stayed here. In America.
“Oh honey. It’s not your fault.” I shook my head vigorously. I stood up and looked at his form on the couch.
“But Bradley it is my fault. She had all these plans for me. And when I found out she got cancer, I didn’t even try to go visit her. I didn’t want to. I never made any effort whatsoever.” At that, I dropped to my knees tears coming one after the other.
Bradley was quick to move to hug my and comfort me. “Don’t worry Y/N. I’m here honey. For whatever you need. And it is not your fault. At all. I get why you didn’t want to see her, you didn’t want the image of her being happy and healthy to be replaced by someone that isn’t her but looks like her.” He rubbed my arms then picked me up and sat back on the couch with me on his lap. I tightly hugged him, not wanting to let go in fear of him disappearing.
“Thank you Bradley. Thank you so fucking much. And I’m sorry for being a dick to you.” I apologised profusely as I wiped my tears away and smiled up at him.
He kissed me on my forehead and smiled at me. “Oh honey. It’s alright. And I think I was the dick in this situation. Because all I did was show off to you like a pretentious prick. All because I wanted your attention.” And that’s when it hit me. He wanted my attention.
“W-what?” He chuckled at my confusion.
“I tried to get your attention in every way I could, because the first time I saw you, I just thought ‘wow, she’s fucking gorgeous’ and I couldn’t get you out of my head since.” I looked at him with confusion which then changed to something else that I can’t quite put my finger on.
Instead of replying I just placed my lips on his in a hungry yet soft manner. He quickly reciprocated this and placed his hands on the back of my head to deepen the kiss. After a while it turned into a full blown make out session. Like the ones I used to have back in high school. And probably the same for him.
We both pulled away at the same time, and as I scanned his face, all he did was stare into my eyes with something that looked like love? I don't know, my experience comes from cunts who just wanted a shag so yeah.
"Be my girlfriend." Bradley looked at me with a seriousness I've never seen on his face before. I raised an eyebrow.
"Excuse me?" I gave a questioning look when he shook his head and chuckled to himself.
"I'm sorry- I- I mean, will you be my girlfriend?" He said with the same look in his eyes as before. I pondered on the question until I had my answer.
"Yes, only if you tell and show all them girls that you're now mine." Bradley gave me a cheeky smirk and he lay me down on the couch and placed a chaste kiss on my lips.
"Of course honey. I'd love to do that for you." We both smiled at each other until our lips were connected once again.
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railingsofsorrow · 1 year
home is wherever i'm with you
[r. lupin x s. black]
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summary: the one where teddy is fussing the whole night and sirius is almost crying along with him when remus comes to the rescue.
pairing: r.lupin x s.black (ft. teddy lupin) 
w.c: 2.5K
warnings/content: fluff; angst; crying; fear of not being good enough; conversation about ghosts from the past; hints towards abuse; teddy lupin and wolfstar being the loml.  
A/N: wolfstar!dads is something that's constantly on my mind so i decided to write about it.  
“C'mon, bub.” Sirius pleads, cradling the crying three-year-old toddler to his chest. he's been sobbing for half an hour and Sirius has no idea where those tears are coming from. That river should be empty by now. “Tell me what's wrong, mhm? Was it a bad dream? Is your head hurt?”  
The wailing proceeded to get harder.  
Sirius leaned away slightly, eyes frantically looking for any form of a bump in the little boy's head. Remus had insisted they started trying to let Teddy sleep by himself on his own bed, and Sirius begrudgingly agreed. Now he didn't think it was a good idea. Has his son fallen out of bed? Was he crying because he was hurt? 
“Wait— Teddy, stop fussing, let me look at you, are you hurt?” He tried to pry his little arms away from his neck so he could give him a once over but that fight was proving to be impossible. He was clinging to him like a lifeline. “Bub, I've got to see you. Can you look at Dada?” His ears were ringing to the shrilling sound but that wasn't what he cared about. Teddy hesitated but relaxed his arms, slowly lifting his head to look at Sirius. The sobs didn't stop but they had diminished a little. “There he is,” Sirius gave him a weak smile, cleaning his wet cheeks as his eyes studied his frame carefully. “Did you fall off your bed?” He questioned slowly, brows knitting when he only earned a weak shake of the head. 
Teddy's big brown eyes watched him curiously, following the fingers that kept moving around his frame, when his arm was lifted he let out a surprised giggle.  
Sirius’s eyes widened, “Was that a giggle I heard?” He tickled the little boy's armpit again. Teddy squirms on his arms, childish laughs erupting from his throat. Okay. That's better. “You're okay now, aren't you? You just wanted my attention?”  
“Papa,” Teddy mumbled after his laughs quietened down. “Papa.” he said more urgently rubbing his eyes, honey orbs welling with tears causing Sirius’ grin to disappear. The wailing started as if it never stopped.  
“Shh, shh.” Sirius tried it all. Singing, swaying, bad jokes, a bed time story, even tickling him again — nothing worked. “Papa is sleeping, bub. He's tired. But I'm here.” He pressed his lips to the younger's curls. “Dada's right here.” 
“Papa!” Teddy manages to explode Sirius’s eardrums with the scream. When he turned to the entrance of the living room, a tired-looking remus lupin greet him with a smile. Teddy repeated his name until he reached them and Remus chuckled at his grabby hands, picking him up from his husband's arms.  
“Hello,” Remus says as Teddy nuzzles his cold nose on the croak of his neck, arms gripping his sweater tightly as if scared he would run off somewhere. “Why aren't you sleeping, sweetheart? It's really late.”  
“Thought he might've fallen off the bed,” Sirius said, giving him a pointed look. I told you this wasn't a good idea. To which he received a roll of eyes. “But he told me no. He's not hurt either— I've tried everything, moony.” He crossed his arms, forehead creasing in concern. “He just kept saying papa.” 
Remus let out a hum of acknowledgment, outstreching a hand towards him as the other arm supported the three-year-old. Sirius locked their fingers, taking a step towards them. He studied Teddy with a sad smile.  
“I guess he just needed you.”  
Remus took his hand to his lips, “He missed me,” he said quietly, looking down at the head full of chocolate curls that matched the color of his hair. “He's not used to not seeing one of us for a whole day. With the full moon... his routine was disrupted.” 
“You should lay down,” Sirius frowned, caressing the side of his cheek. “Get some rest.” 
“I've got enough rest for the entire year.” 
“You're so dramatic.” Sirius huffs out a chuckle. “Your body breaks bones once a month. You have every right to stay in bed. Resting. Recovering. Which is what you should be doing.” his fingers brushed his son's strands away from his lashes. “I can take him to bed. He's down like a light.” 
Remus gives him a short kiss on the cheek before stepping away and moving towards the stairs, hearing Sirius grumbling in protest behind him.  
Once he left Teddy on the bed, sounding asleep, he kissed the top of his head and exited the room, making sure the door was ajar in case he woke up again.  
Walking back towards his bedroom, he's met with the image of his husband sitting at the edge of their bed, hunched over frame and hands running through his face. His dark hair fell like curtains above his shoulders. It had gotten longer through the years, Remus can't remember the last time he cut it. Not that he should, he likes it the way it is. Sirius seems to like it too, says it's good for braiding and styling.  
“Hey,” Remus perched down beside him, placing his chin on his shoulder as his hands trailed down his arms in a gentle manner. “You okay?” 
Sirius nods, leaning into him. “Yeah.” 
“Are you sure?”  
Remus could feel something was wrong. But he wouldn't force him to tell him anything, he would when he thought it was the right time.  
“I just— sometimes I think he hates me,” Sirius choked out. 
Remus’s movements halted, “Teddy?” he asked, bewilderment taking over his features.  
Sirius leaned away, letting out a shaky breath before he carried on. “I don't know how to— I don't have the warmth a parent should, Remus. The way you do. You know when you make him feel safe just by being in the room? I don't think he feels that way with me. I was never taught how to do it. I never had that kind of—that kind of—” 
“Love?” Remus asked, understanding where this was coming from. It was deeper than a sleepless night. It came from the blood running within his veins and the heartache marked in the scars on his body and on his soul. Remus recognized that haunted far-away look anywhere. “Sirius,” he nudged his shoulder, touching his cheek softly. when he saw the red-rimmed eyes his heart clenched. “Darling, you have more than just warmth. you have love and you have goodness in you.” He placed his palm on his chest, caressing right above his heart. “...and your son sees that more than anybody else. he feels that, Sirius.”  
“I think that no matter how hard I try not to be like them—like her, it will be useless. She's crawling into my skin just like she did before. and,” his throat clogged up. “and Teddy will resent me when he grows up just like I resent them.”  
He's been keeping this inside for so long and Remus just knows this by his cries are coming out in desperate sobs. He quickly wrapped his arms around Sirius’s shaking frame, bringing his head to rest on his shoulder. Remus stayed like that for a while, murmuring sweet reassurances in his husband's ear until his sobs died down and became a soft breath against his skin.  
“I don't know how to change,” Sirius mumbles in a low tone.  
“Why would you have to?” Remus plays with his long strands, resting his cheek against his temple. “You don't, darling. Who you are right now is enough.” When Sirius moves to retort something, Remus quickly pecks his lips. “Let me finish.” He gives him a look that renders Sirius quiet. “You don't see the things I do because you don't look for them. But the way Teddy clings to you when he has nightmares or the accomplice grin he sends your way when he's done something wrong or when he only wants you to read your bedtime stories because he knows you make up some crazy fiction and don't actually read the ones in the books; I see it. I see it all the time.” 
There's a beat and he knows his words meant something because of the way the gray eyes in front of him are glinting with something other than sadness. Hope.  
“Teddy cannot hate you,” Remus lifts his chin, drawing circles on his cheek lovingly. “He cannot do anything besides loving you, Sirius. You make him feel safe. You make him feel loved. Just like I do. This place—this life we built? It belongs to all of us. You don't need to change to be here. you need to be yourself. you need to be my loving and beautiful husband who's terrible at cooking but tries anyway,” that earned him a tearful chuckle and a slight push. He grinned wickedly. “You need to keep being you. The man I love. Teddy's amazing father.” He pauses. “Sirius.” He leans his forehead on him. “They can't hurt you anymore. She can't. And anything that happens from now on— anything you'll build... It will be yours, nothing can take that away.” 
“Teddy won't grow up to resent you,” I can't ever see that as an option. “I know it's hard to be free from these thoughts. I know it feels like they're following your every move. That they won't ever leave you alone.” There's some part of Remus, not only on full moons, that he just wants to crawl up and disappear. His mind is too much, too dark and too dangerous, often it feels like a cave in the middle of nowhere in which bony creatures climb the walls and sink their claws into them. So he knows what it feels like. Even if their pain is different, it's still the same. That deep old ache stinging in their chest. “But I'm here to help you chase them away, okay? What your head tells you may not always be the truth.” Effie's words slip out of his tongue as if they have been his all along. She's comforted all of them during different periods of time and he's thankful he's been one of those people. There are some things Euphemia Potter told Remus that he didn't quite understand until later. These days, he's still coming to terms with bits of her advice. She might be gone but she's still here, caring for everyone with her wise words.  
“I love you,” Sirius tilts his head to look at him properly. “I love you so bad, moony.” 
“I love you, too.”  
Sirius brushes his lips against his, kissing him slowly, then he leans back and looks at him as if he was seeing Remus for the first time. It always feels like the first time with them.  
“You really think it was a good idea to let him sleep by himself?”  
“Oh, god.” Remus cries out. “Here we go.”  
“I'm just saying! Maybe it’s too early—” Sirius attempts to bargain but Remus is two steps ahead as always.  
“He needs to learn now, otherwise he'll never get used to sleeping in his own bedroom.” 
Sirius sighs, a sad undertone when he speaks again. although Remus is very much aware he's not sad anymore, it's just the dramatics. “Okay.” 
Remus smiles a bit, “Teddy will handle it.” 
“I don't want him to grow up,” Sirius frowns slightly, lower lip thrusting out. 
Remus hums, pulling him towards the bed. Sirius lets him do it, his body curling in his husband's chest like he's done countless times before.  
“I don't want it either,” Remus admits quietly, burying his nose in his hair, which smells like strawberry and some fancy fragrance from his expensive shampoo.  
There's a soft knock on the door, small socked feet and a mess of honey-brown curls peeking through the small space open. They hadn't closed it completely in case Teddy needed them in the middle of the night.  
“Hey,” Sirius crawled out of the bed, pushing the door open wide. “What's wrong?” He asked softly, crouching down to Teddy's height. The little boy had his lips pressed together in a pout, arms folded.  
“No stowies.” Teddy complained, tapping his left foot on the floor. Remus covered a laugh by clearing his throat. He looked exactly like Sirius did in first year when he hadn't got what he wanted. The pout and the foot tapping on the floor in an impatient manner. The resemblance was uncanny. “Dada.” He drawled, swaying their hands together.  
Sirius stole a look at Remus, suppressing a smile. When he looked down at Teddy, he was met with a frown. “Oh, you want stories?” 
“You forget!” 
“I did forget, didn't I?” Sirius quickly pull him to his arms, throwing him up in the air to catch him again. The room was filled with childish shrieks and giggling. “I'm sorry, Teddy. That's awful. Can you ever forgive me? Can you?” Teddy's giggles proceeded to enhance considerably.  
Remus sat crisscrossed on the bed, watching the scene with fondness melting his insides. he loved these little moments. there's nowhere else he'd feel at home than right here.  
“C'mon, baby. Fun's over.” Sirius huffed, lowering the boy towards Remus so he could say goodnight. “Kiss your papa and let's go to our dream adventure.”  
“Goodnight, sweetheart,” Remus said softly, giving him a butterfly kiss which made Teddy giggle cutely. Sirius send him a wink and walked out of the room with their son squirming in his hold.  
When Sirius walked back into their shared bedroom, he promptly threw his body on top of Remus, who let out a groan in protest even though his arms wrapped around Sirius's slim waist instinctively. They fit into each other like puzzle pieces.  
“Did he make you tell those stories?” 
“it wouldn't be Teddy if he didn't want to hear about that time we turned the entire Slytherin house pink.”
Remus's laugh was muffled by Sirius's chest. “I reckon he's got a talent for mischief." Leaning back, Sirius wriggled his eyebrows knowingly. “What d'you think he'll be like at eleven?" 
“Hogwarts’ worst nightmare.”  
“Minnie's secret favorite student.” Sirius corrected him, poking his cheek. Remus bit the tip of his finger and ends up earning a slap on the shoulder. “You know who it was back then, don't you?”
Remus's lips crinkle at the edges. “Let me guess: you, Padfoot?” 
“Of course it was me.” He said pointedly. 
“Okay.” Remus kisses his cheek to hide his grin. “Sure it was.”
Sirius acknowledges the sarcasm in his tone and keeps insisting on the topic until Remus admits the truth – his truth – by ticklish threats. Which is unfair because Remus is very much sensitive to anything touching his sides, exactly like Teddy. And Sirius is aware of that he just takes advantage to get his way around. As Teddy sleeps soundly in his room down the hall after his most precious bedtime stories, they fall asleep in each other's arms under a blanket of comfort and safety like they do every night.  
・。.・゜✭・. ・。.・゜✭・.
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ggukiepie · 1 year
WOWOW. one of your girls is so yummy.
very excited for next part and to see your perspective and ideas.
but for me i think we’d need more angst rather then revenge. im assuming jk has lots of friends who he sleeps with and its not just yn. which means to him yn is nothing special (unfortunately) thats why i dont see the point of ‘revenge’ because realistically i dont think jk really cares if yn fucks with someone else which has been proved in already the first part. (jk knows yn sleeps with jimin yet doesnt seem to really care and only wants sex.) he only looked for her to sleep with her in the first place & not because he wanted to have a friendly conversation or check up on her. he started touching her before he knew about her sleeping with someone else.
its kinda the same with yn as yn also slept with jimin (which was so hot.) , except she seems to be interested in jungkook. but i dont think yn is really letting jk walk all over her because shes well aware that jk sleeps with other woman and she knows he lied to her yet choose to not speak up. although i love how she can control herself cause if i was in her place id try bring attention to myself and make jk jealous OR js go up to him and slap him especially when he said he ‘just’ left the party while he has a red stain on his shirt 🥸 but by the way she controlled herself and didnt even let jk know that she saw him with another woman, it seems like she knows her feelings wouldnt matter to him because its probably casual for him to be with another (multiple) woman each night.
AND FOR THAT REASONNN^^^ i think the song suits it smmm 😣😣 it fits so perfectly. ive been nonstop listening to the song before i read it and its the first story that im so interested in to write about my opinion. ANYWAYS BACK TO THE STORY.
so maybe shes okay with just simply being one of his girls because she knows she wouldnt be anything more & also she may not want to stop sleeping with him because thats the only way he can be close to her relationship wise.
which means yn is literally just one of his girls for some of his nights. I LOVE THAT SMSMSM. also everything here is simply my opinion and arguments as to why there should be more angst rather then revenge for atleast now until theres more development in their characters and we’d know more. althought idk how many parts ur willing to give in for this. BUT thats simply my perspective, if u think of the story differently and wanted to choose a different way for them thats cool too
i talk alot im gonna stfu now but i really like ur writing and ur idea for it was really cool. im waiting for the next part, take ur time and i hope everythings well for you. 😁
-soo ??
nooooo you're literally so so sweet. thank you so much for taking the time to send me this message. i love ur review !!
im glad u got to see how i related the song and the story. yeah, yn is a bit...not in the right head space 😭 atp she's already given up on the chance that maybe jk might like her back. ofc she can't help but feel sad bc she fell for him. ure right that she's content with being one of his girls, she'll take whatever jungkook gives her :( she didn't even have to ask jk if he slept w that girl bc she already knows 🤧
on jk finding out abt yn and jimin - jk did ask her if they're friends "like us?" i wonder what he meant 🤔
maybe i can write a short backstory of yn and jk hmmmm
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itsfuckinganne · 2 years
a better update
it is December 28, 2022 n my year has been a big learning lesson. a lot of it, most of it, really hurt.  I chose myself a lot this year and completed my year’s resolution which is to set boundaries. I honestly dont understand why I took this long to act upon the things I want 4 myself but im not surprised. im a very stubborn person and all I do is deflect by creating a different scenario in my brain. das why ive been in this continuous cycle of getting played by the game and I jus..let it happen. I craved things that were not ready 4 me and it made me realize how I keep repeating it LMAOOO but this year I broke some serious habits and reenforced the comfortability of my space. therapy helped a lot (shout out Tina Merced, you are a very kind woman. u are one of the only people who has figured me out..) and having a positive feedback ab my decisions and how I think helps me understand myself. it felt (past tense/explain later) really good to just focus on what I plan 2 do next year. last year I just really wanted to show up 4 everyone more so I ended up acting upon emotion rather than balancing it out w/ what’s realistic. *I forgot what word 2 use in the last sentence so I went on my phone to change the song and then I remembered. I'm listening 2 defibrillator by smino* 
anyways, yeah this year I showed up for myself even if it hurt a lot to let go and I feel a lil lighter. im guilty of a lot, especially how present I am in my rlsps, and I am still for a bit more, but im doing better and those close 2 me see it. I said this all in past tense because Im a lil hurt right now, but it's just an owie. I allowed myself 2 give someone a benefit of the doubt and I feel as if they abused it a little. I know when I reread this in the future 2 reflect, I'll know exactly what im talking about. rather than feeling sad, im SO disappointed. i was feeling a lil better and I thought that would be okay, but I shouldn't disregard my accomplishments cus they're worthy of celebrating. allowing myself to forgive but just being proven right is horrible. it was a real wake up call to continue my self love journey cus I was getting some where and it was somewhere good. my best friend told me that “I know youre a good person and you do too so u dont have to give people multiple chances to prove that” and it struck hard (but 4 the better). I appreciate the transparency that I have w/ my friendships cus w/o it, I probably wouldn't b able to keep myself accountable, but I have been recently and thats why 2023 is going to be a good year. I wonder what karmic situations im going 2 be in. im not anticipating bad, but I can handle some lessons. im allowing myself 2 learn and thats my true end goal. at the end of the day, im just figuring it out. I dont think im doing that bad, but some reassurance would b amazing. I know I am worthy of everything I desire. to have, to feel, to experience. Im going 2 move forward so I can live better 4 myself. by doing that, taking this time, I can show up better. I want 2 do better, b better, all the things ive imagined myself to b. I cant believe I spent so much time settling 4 what I have cus Im constantly validated. the issues r real. I need 2 tell Tina ab this bcuz it makes so much sense. people pleasing cus nothing I ever did pleased my dad. that shit hurtsss, not gonna lie. but thats what I mean, im learning more and applying what I have 2 in my life and its working. by realizing that the pattern exists bcuz I dont rly speak or ever knew that was an issue. it hurts a bit 2 realize that someone who was a part of my life is now booted out of the next year. in pain bcuz I sat through conversations of him telling me how much he loves me, and how I cld b his polly pocket so he could take me everywhere, and how his family loves me, and all these other things and he STILL ran w/ what he wanted. honesty is the best policy and this lil set up pushed me to let go and let live. I wish I cld cry more, im purging the fuck outta this because I cannot let it repeat anymore. I also learned that some people only last so long in your life bcuz of how you coexist together. cutting ties w/ ppl you used to b family with takes a piece of you that dissipates like the rlsps thats gone. sounds dramatic, but that breakup was horrible. also, my dating life was quite the shit show. had my hinge phase, coworkers phase, toxic situation ship (two of those..at the same time but in my defense I was nvr asked 2 b a gf.), & my celibate phase. I nvr intended 2 dissect but it was rough 4 everyone I know and myself. im blessed enough 2 be surrounded by people who want whats best 4 me cus the goal is something we all agree on. 2022 you helped me show up 4 myself better. 2023 were going 2 show up better for ourselves and those around us. ive realized so much (1:11am , im sry in advance) & Ima share w/ some privacy of course. high school situationships r finally cut and I jus cant believe it but im happy 4 everyone whos living in love. realizing im the problem , speaks for itself. im officially tired. thats an update 4 ya
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my fit 2day
happy new year
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okay something hilarious: for some reason i genuinely CANNOT see your last response on desktop. it is proving a problem i'm gonna like. have to go look at it in my email but anyway here to add MORE to the growing pile of asks about acod in your inbox rn solely from me and say i am small bits into the memory of souls and RAISED EYEBROWS????? INTENSELY RAISED EYEBROWS????? when i said janel deserves a polycule i was partly joking but i also Wasn't. what's going on. they are such a brilliant dynamic regardless of the romantic/sexual attraction though like imagine BEING part of that group. guy who is the reincarnation of the brother of a guy who is questionably trying to destroy the universe. guy who remembers every life he's lived and was like. a king a couple of times. guy who is part demon and has four moms and also was second guy's wife once but it wasn't great and the second guy still feels guilty about that.
and guy who is a wizard who is just chilling writing people's biographies lmfao???? we love thurvishar i have so much affection for him
but on a serious janel/teraeth/kihrin note the way that as much as u trust each other you grate against each other SO MUCH sometimes and how they actively antagonize each other and yet their dynamics with each other are so fun and WHY HASN'T ANYONE EXPLAINED JORAT GENDER TO TERAETH AND ALSO WHY DOESN'T HE KNOW ABOUT IT BY NOW LIKE YOU'RE O L D AND HAVE THE PRIVILEGE OF REMEMBERING THAT. my GUY. my DUDE
I don't know anything I said ever, there's been too many of these to keep track, but hope you can find it!
but YES!! I ADORE the memory of souls group dynamic. Someday I want to write like a little diagram specifically so I can write the most fucked up shit on the kihrin/janel/teraeth side and then I can also just have thurvishar totally solitary off to the side. The three of them have some intense pining/attraction/tension going on and then Thurvishar is just also there. Being a normal rational individual. Just stuck with these three idiots. Also note: that explanation you gave of their dynamic is great, and it gets even more complicated later on. won't say how. just will say there's some additional details there too that are *chef's kiss*
The three of them are EVERYTHING to me. They're entirely devoted to each other. They say the stupidest shit when they're around each other. They have no idea what they're doing and they're constantly fucking up. They're each very capable individuals but they annoy each other so much everything becomes 300% harder. None of them are talking about their feelings and everyone's sad about it. Well. Tereath is being quite open he's just also miserable and feeling left out about it because no one else is. They're tied to each other inseparably because of decisions they made in their past lives, but they don't all remember enough to feel that impact. Teraeth does. It's not going well for him. They all come from such different cultures and they're clashing but they're trying. They're all they have to lean on right now. Maybe they enjoy that more than they want to admit.
And along those lines, rip Tereath he's really trying his best but someone please god explain to him what's going on. Janel you can't expect him to know this stuff he's not from Jorat. Sure he conquered it in a past life but conquering a nation is not the same thing as knowing anything about said nation's customs and beliefs!! why would he!! he took over!! he would be SO apologetic and nice about it if you just explained give him a chance!!
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catgirlforkaeya · 3 years
kaeya relationship hcs
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kaeya x gn!reader
little bit of everything (fluff, hurt/comfort, crack, little bit of angst)
also kinda a modern au ig idk tvs exist
warnings: not proofread + all lowercase
a/n: i’m procrastinating requests and sleep rn so take these. there’s no specific theme just random hcs my sleep deprived brain thought of. i’ll add onto this randomly probably but feel free to comment hcs in the comments/ send to dms or ask box i would love to hear them (pls i am desperate)
!! also spoilers for kaeya’s lore, if u don’t know it i recommend looking it up before u read this !!
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ok i’m gonna start with the obvious stuff here: i see a lot of people saying “oh kaeya would manipulate his s/o and cheat on them blah blah blah” then continues to say stuff that makes him seem like an ass (if you’ve ever said this dni /hj). the poor guy has lost sm people in his life & more than likely has abandonment issues so why would he purposely do something to drive his s/o away/hurt them? plus it’s canon that he really only is manipulative when it comes to getting information out of people which is normal in that line of work ig
more utc!!
i feel like he’d be possessive over you but not in a creepy insane way more of a “i don’t want to lose you so i do my best to keep tabs on you to make sure you’re safe” (a caring way ig)
very touchy. he doesn’t go all out in public (just a half on the waist, holding hands, sharing kisses, small acts like that) but in private my god he cannot keep his hands off of you. constantly is cuddling with you, runs his hands up and down your body during makeout sessions, playing with your hair while you two sit on the couch/lay in bed watching tv. literally does everything he can to constantly be touching you
NECK KISSES. kaeya would 100% love neck kisses (giving and receiving). sometimes his neck kisses are soft and other times they’re rougher. he def leaves a hickey on you at least once or twice a week. and when you give him a kiss on the neck he’d melt on the spot
isn’t very open with you at first but once you two get further into your relationship & you prove that he can trust you he’ll open up about stuff. it’ll be a slow process because he’s never really shared any of this with people & he’s scared what you’ll think of him after you learn about his past
def rarely ever cries. you always remind him that it’s okay to cry but hes gotten so used to bottling up emotions he just doesn’t know how to cry whenever he wants. when he does finally break though it’s basically non-stop for a few hours. weeks, months, even years of emotions are bottled up in his body so a lot comes out when he breaks. you are always there for him no matter what. holding him in ur arms as he cries into your shoulder, giving advice the best you can, giving small reminders that you love him in between kisses
insomnia. this man has been through so much shit i feel like he just has frequent nightmares of stuff. those nightmares cause him to be scared to sleep for a day or two because he doesn’t want to experience it again. you do your best to stay up w him to keep company but you usually crash around 3-4am
hates storms. his lore mentioned there was a bad storm when his father left him & the night crepus died and that whole fiasco afterwards so it’d make sense. tries his best to hide it at first but eventually gives up. usually just turns the tv up high and buries his head into your chest
drinks a lot (which is obvious) even at home. whenever he starts having problems mentally he drowns it with alcohol. it’s never a problem because he honestly is just a sad drunk and usually ends up venting about stuff randomly but it just concerns you. probably stopped drinking as much since you came into his life tho
has scars/burn marks that he’s insecure about but when you trace them/give them kisses all those insecurities fade away
overworks himself. ik he’s seen as lazy and stuff but i feel like he’d purposely just drown himself in work as a distraction from life to the point you have to go and drag him out of his office
ok back to happy stuff, he definitely likes it when you play with his hair. most likely is very touch starved so that small action is like heaven to him
his love language is a mix of all of them but prob mostly touch, words of affirmation, or acts of service
uses a lot of pet names for you but mostly uses darling, sweetheart, hun, babe, or love
when he works late shifts and you fall asleep before he gets home he will probably feel awful (even tho you’ve reminded him that it’s okay & you understand). crawls into bed and holds you in his arms while whisper sweet nothings even if you’re dead asleep. does his best to not wake you but sometimes does just to let you know he’s home safe
takes you stargazing. i feel like kaeya likes the stars bc he finds peace in them somehow. will 100% take you onto rooftops in mondstadt at random hours to lay up there and look at the sky. would say some cheesy comment like “out of all of these stars you light up my night the most”
loves taking showers/baths together. even if you don’t actually shower he enjoys it either way. half the time you can never get anything done because he’s just giving a bunch of kisses and teasing you
absolutely loves seeing you in his clothes. he finds it adorable and if the shirt is oversized on you that’s even better for him
he will paint your nails. i’m not going into detail here he would just simply paint them i’m not taking any arguments
the last like hour before you two go to bed he just constantly reminds you how much he loves you, how much you mean to him, how he wants to have a future with you, etc while he holds you close in his arms
you don’t have to fight over blankets since he sleeps so close to you it doesn’t matter you two have plenty of blanket space
prefers being the big spoon but doesn’t mind being the little spoon occasionally. when he’s the big spoon he feels like he can protect you more
has you sleep on his side where his eyepatch isn’t at (i can’t remember what side it’s on i’m sorry it’s 4am rn). at first you didn’t really understand but he later explained that he just feels he can protect you better (when he gets comfortable enough to take it off it doesn’t matter what side)
as i’ve mentioned in these past few points kaeya is VERY protective of you. again not in a weird way he just doesn’t want you to get ripped away from him. if u mention somebody fucked with you he’d “talk to them in private” and then they’d never mess with you again
i feel like he’s a good cook idk he just has that energy, it’s not something he talks about but is good at it and really only ever cooks for the two of you
will take care of you the best he can when you’re sick. you scold him saying he’s going to get sick too but he doesn’t listen
absolutely LOVES books and reads in his freetime. it’s kinda a guilty pleasure for him but he constantly shares it with you and sometimes even has you read it with him
takes you ice skating in the winter, he’s prob a pro at it and loves teaching you how to skate
cold ass hands. i mean he’s a cryo user what would you expect. it’s helpful in the summer though
barely ever wears a shirt on around the house, even if it’s cold as hell he just doesn’t put one on. you don’t mind seeing him shirtless but u are always so lost on how he doesn’t get cold at all
gets you a lot of random gifts— half the time you don’t even expect them but you love and cherish them because they came from kaeya
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© all rights reserved to catgirlforkaeya. reposting, plagiarizing, modifying, and translating is NOT allowed.
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yoonpobs · 3 years
bad boy good thing | drabble i. | m
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WARNINGS. jealous jk, jk's gf is hot and he's not the only one who thinks that, jimin and tae as instigators, i swear jimin and jk love each other, fucking in public spaces aka a car in a parking lot, jk luvs his gf, appearance of perpetrator jin!
NOTE. i missed this couple 🥺oc is living her hot girl summer life and jk does nawt know how to deal with it Lol. hope u enjoy loves!!!!
WORDS. 3k+
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“I’m okay,” Jungkook murmurs, eyes fluttering shut as he repeats his own personal mantra. “I’m good. I’m fine—I’m chill. Chillest person ever. I’m good—”
“He’s not okay,” Taehyung snickers.
Jungkook blocks the negativity out, purposefully and intentionally. Nothing could ruin his day—not on his watch, especially as the sun shines over bodies across the beach while the waves break into beautiful fragments that he’s yearning to dip his feet into.
Personal affirmations came first.
“I’m good, I’m fine, I’m okay,” he chants like a crazy person, definitely earning some form of side-eye from the people next to him but he can’t be bothered. Another person thinking that he was insane wasn’t the worst thing that could happen to him—not when—
“You should open your eyes,” Jimin says, “How are you going to fight them if you don’t know thy enemy?”
Immediately, Jungkook’s peace is disturbed by the mouth of Park Jimin, who painfully reminds him of why he’s got into the entire personal mantra and affirmation thing. He used to think it was redundant, unnecessary. How could the universe return your wishes just as you’ve uttered them into the atmosphere? It didn’t seem logical to him.
But right now, that didn’t matter—not when he had bigger things to be worried about.
“Don’t disturb my peace,” Jungkook snaps.
“They did it first,” Jimin retorts, cocking his head towards the flock of people at a certain part of the beach, specifically towards where the water meets the shore.
Jungkook’s eye twitches. His peace is disrupted, his happiness is compromised and it’s all Park Jimin’s fault. He spent a good amount of time getting into his zone, reaffirming himself that he was in fact, fine, good—he was okay! But now, he feels all his resolve dissolve when he realises he can’t even see the main thing that was responsible for his dilemmas.
“You’d think a celebrity was on this beach,” Taehyung snorts.
“Not helping,” Jungkook says dryly.
“So isn’t your crazy person chanting,” Jimin points out, “but yet, here we are—listening to you reciting your own version of a biblical verse.”
“I’m fine,” Jungkook grits for the umpteenth time, and no less is his assertions any more convincing than it was a moment ago. The flicker of his irises towards to crowd is enough to prove that fact. “I’m just enjoying my day at the beach with my friends and my girlfriend.”
“See, there are two false statements in that,” Taehyung tilts his head downwards, offering a smug smirk that Jungkook wishes he could shove into the sand beneath him. “You’re definitely not enjoying this because I can see the veins protruding out of your neck at how hard you’re clenching your jaw, and”—the older boy makes the effort to taunt Jungkook further by letting out a low whistle the moment the crowd seems to grow slightly bigger—“you’re partially right about the friend part. Your girlfriend though … where is she?”
I’m good. I’m okay. I’m cool—
“Oblivious, as usual,” Jimin sighs, plopping back onto the beach towel beneath him while shooting Jungkook a pointed stare. “It’d be sad if you only called her your girlfriend for six months when you’ve been in love with her for seven years.”
“Okay that’s it. I’m going there,” Jungkook declares, huffing as he pushes himself off the ground while Jimin makes an effort to grab at his ankle, halting the younger boy from causing any damage and potentially getting them banned from ever returning.
“Not with that temper you aren’t,” Jimin snaps, “Sit your ass down. God. Can’t you take a joke?”
“A joke?” Jungkook splutters, abhorred. “You literally just said she’s going to break up with me!”
“I said that it’d be sad if—”
“Same fucking difference,” he hisses, rubbing a hand across his face before he kicks Jimin’s petty grip off his ankle while levelling him with a menacing glare. Jungkook’s eyes slowly drift to the side where you finally enter his vision, still smiling like the soft and sweet person you were as you help Namjoon with whatever crab hunting mission he had.
See, Jungkook’s mature enough to know that you and Namjoon were good friends, great ones, even. The two of you were smart and clicked well, and if anything, Jungkook was more envious of the fact that the two of you shared such a wholesome and meaningful friendship than anything else.
The fact that Namjoon used to have feelings for you didn’t bother Jungkook anymore, not when he knew where your heart truly laid. He also trusted Namjoon with his entire life and his firstborns (not that he’d ever tell you that, and God—did he hope that day would eventually come when it came to you). But still, Jungkook was mature—he did some growing up, and he was proud of that.
But Jungkook’s human, a flawed, ever-learning and constantly improving human. A human who’s crazy in love with his pretty girlfriend that he’s longed for years—and a human who isn’t blind. A human who can’t ignore the fact that, apparently, he wasn’t the only person that was trying to keep himself in check at how stunning you were. Every day—and especially today, with how your dainty yellow bikini drapes over the curves of your body.
Jungkook nearly cries. Yellow was his favourite colour. You wore it for him.
Not for—
“Maybe you should head over,” Taehyung murmurs, snapping Jungkook out of his love-filled mind as his eyes clear, immediately catching what his friend was referring to.
Some dude. Talking to you. Smiling at you like you carried all the answers to all the world problems as you giggle a tune comparable to birds chirping. Maybe Jungkook was exaggerating but it always sounded like you were singing his favourite song even if you were just explaining economical concepts to him like a soothing e-book.
“God, why couldn’t she have been ugly,” Jungkook groans.
“You wouldn’t have dated her otherwise,” Jimin retorts.
Jungkook gawks, affronted as he gives his two friends a scandalised expression as he places his hands over his chest to indicate the offence he took to that statement.
“I’m not superficial,” he huffs, “I fell in love with her because of her—”
“Personality, yada yada,” Jimin mocks him in a lower tune that has Jungkook glaring at him. “Yeah, okay. But don’t tell me that her being pretty doesn’t help you bust a nut every once in a while.”
Jungkook flushes.
“Well, yeah, but I’m her boyfriend—”
“Thank you for reminding me that you are in fact, still a boy,” Jimin rolls his eyes, “Men. Mansplaining everything, really.”
Jungkook’s jaw slackens as his eyes briefly land on Taehyung’s figure who doesn’t look too bothered with how the conversation turned out as he shrugs in response.
“How about you do the typical manly thing of being a jealous prick and go over there and stomp over all her fan club members,” Jimin says sarcastically, resting his arm over his eyes to shield them from the sun.
There’s a brief rustle from where the sand meets the towel, and a relatively long period of silence while the only thing that permeates the air is the sound of waves with laughter coming from a family a distance away.
“He did exactly that, didn’t he.”
“You need to stop giving him ideas,” Taehyung sighs, plopping a grape into his mouth before occupying the space next to his friend. “Should we find another beach to frequent?”
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“Really?” you laugh, “That’s so cool! I’m actually planning on landing an apprenticeship there over the summer.”
“Oh?” The man is leaning way too close to you for comfort, but you’re unfazed. Jungkook doesn’t even want to know where the hell Namjoon had gone, leaving you with this broad-shouldered, terrifyingly handsome man. “I could definitely put a good word in for you if you’d like.”
You beam, appreciative rather than brazen. But Jungkook thinks the man doesn’t know that.
“I don’t think I can accept that, Seokjin.”
And of course, you knew his name.
“Why not?” Seokjin smirks, and Jungkook knows that it’s definitely done him justice in other situations. “For a beautiful—”
“____,” he interjects, smoothly (or not quite) sliding next to you as his arms wrap around your waist before his glare rests on the man before him, who looks both shocked and unbothered at his appearance. “Who’s this?”
You jump slightly at Jungkook’s arrival but relax when you realise that it was just him and not some other beach weirdo.
“Jungkook, this is Seokjin! He actually attended our university—”
“Really,” he says dryly, “That’s nice.”
“Is this your …?” Seokjin looks Jungkook up and down before settling with a rather unimpressed look. “Do seniors usually bring their shadows out for playdates?”
Your eyes widen at his patronising tone, and before can even think to correct him with a tilted frown, Jungkook’s fingers dig into your waist, a precursor to his jaw that clenches while he engages in his own version of a staredown with the man before you.
Seokjin raises a brow.
“Me,” Jungkook blinks, unnerved and quite frankly, tired. He’s crossed this bridge enough times, and it’s always the same. Some older dude who thought that you were doing charity work by having Jungkook tag along with like some puny little brother. “I’m her boyfriend.”
“Jungkook—” you start, softly reaching to grip his arm.
“Interesting,” Seokjin says offhandedly and Jungkook knows it’s anything but. “Well, my offer still stands.”
He’s directing it to you as you peer up at him with your notoriously innocent eyes. Jungkook hates that this douche is still unaffected by his blatant declaration of the fact that you were—taken.
“I—that’s fine, Seokjin,” you say softly, lips curling into a thankful smile before he nods.
The look he sends Jungkook is nothing short of unimpressed, and Jungkook’s thinking of clamming the dude into the sand and quite literally, bury the hatchet with him. Sure, he was handsome and broad, and undoubtedly ripped—but Jungkook trained to benchpress twice his weight so he could beat up assholes who tried to hit on his girlfriend.
Right before he leaves, Jungkook calls for his name—intentionally calling him Seokmin—noting the way his face drops into a scowl.
“You’re not her type.”
He scoffs.
“And you are?” he throws back, brows raised as a challenge.
“That’s why I get to hold her and you’re walking away.”
With that, Seokjin doesn’t bother responding to Jungkook, especially in the way that you gawk at your boyfriend’s blatant warning to the older man.
He titters off, and it’s effectively just you and Jungkook standing by the shore while you briefly see the way Namjoon stutters before deciding to return to where Jimin and Taehyung lays.
Jungkook’s still seething in his rage, clenching and unclenching his fists even though he got the last word. It wasn’t that he thought you’d elope with Seokjin and leave him—he trusted you wholeheartedly and vice versa. He knew you loved him and so did he.
It had more to do with the fact that Seokjin saw you, and eventually, him—and thought that Jungkook wasn’t fit to be your boyfriend. That he saw a gorgeous girl on the beach and expected her to be single, and if not—to be with a boyfriend that had his shit together and not … not Jungkook.
“Jungkook?” you say quietly, tugging at his elbow while you peer up at him with wide and apologetic eyes. “I’m sorry.”
It’s no good, the fact that you’re apologising. As if you were responsible for his insecurities when you’ve done nothing but shower him with love and support ever since the two of you started officially dating.
“Don’t apologise,” he says stiffly, though his heart isn’t angry—he can’t help the way his words get out. “It’s not your fault.”
“If you apologise then you’re gonna piss me off, baby,” he says lightly, peering you down with a small smirk as your eyes widen.
“I—okay,” you say weakly, and before he knows it, you’re intertwining your fingers with his, eyes suddenly twinkling in a way he’s grown all too familiar with.
“You have the keys?” he murmurs softly.
You nod, blind and in love as you sigh.
“Take care of me?” you ask sweetly, and Jungkook forgets all about Seokjin when he has you right in front of him.
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“O-Oh, fuck—Jungkook—ngh—”
Maybe Jungkook really was a crazy person, but he’d argue that you were equally as crazy to oblige to indulge in his lewd fantasies. He was crazy, for you and your cunt that was like nirvana, and it’s proven further when he fucks into you at a brutal pace, uncaring whether or not the car shakes with the exertion of the activities that were taking place in it.
It could be the fact that he had a decade worth of fantasies to play out, but he knows that he plays a huge part in opening your sexual nature and he couldn’t be happier about it, especially when you unabashedly throw your head onto your chest, whimpering with the dirty squelches of his thrusts that echo in the vehicle.
“You’re mine, aren’t you?” he growls, hand wrapping around the back of your neck to force your glassy eyes to look at him.
The look on your face is enough to get Jungkook even more riled up, your flushed cheeks and swollen lips while you nod your head manically, crazy—and his.
“Y-Yours,” you whimper, and just about then, Jungkook brings your hips down with his free hand and meets you with a sharp thrust that has your mouth dropping open and your face scrunched up in pleasure. “F-Fuck, J-Jungkook.”
“No one gets to fuck you like this,” he hisses, pressing a hot kiss to your neck as you whine, hips involuntarily swivelling to meet his fast pace. The car is shaking and it’s all too risky, Jungkook knows that—but his rationale is clouded with the antagonising face of Seokjin. “No one gets to see you like this. Only I do.”
“Y-Yes!” you sob, clutching onto him as he feels your pussy tighten viciously around him, the walls of your inner linings spasming as Jungkook hisses at the feeling. “Only you K-Kook. Only ever want you.”
Jungkook believes you, especially when you desperately hold onto him as he feels himself slowly reach the edge. He knows you are too, especially when your whines get higher in pitch, and your tugs against his shoulders get tighter. He knows because he’s learnt about your body as your boyfriend—and he’s the only person that will ever get to have you like this.
The thought, paired along with the risk of your situation only fuels his determination to get you off, his strong arms immediately wrapping around you to root you into place as he shoves his cock deeper into you.
“Come on, pretty girl,” he croons as you mewl in pleasure, breathless whines turning more desperate as your eyes flutter shut. “You wanna show me how much you want me?”
You nod manically, your pussy fluttering around his length as he grunts in exertion.
“G-Gonna—pleasedon’tstop—fuck, I-I’m cumming—!” you cry, tugging your face into the crook of his neck as Jungkook bites his lips in focus, all ready to accept your hot pleasure and his own.
“Come for me,” he encourages, lips hovering over your earlobe as you obey his orders, head thrown back as he watches your mouth drop wider and your eyes roll to the back of your head, pussy tightening around his length.
Jungkook thinks you’re beautiful. On days where you don’t feel like you do, but he may be biased to say that he thinks you look absolutely stunning for him like this. When he knows that he’s the one responsible for your reddened cheeks, the way you so desperately cling onto him whenever you’d orgasm (the only person that would ever know this fact about you), and the way that you’re left breathless, satiated and with that hazed expression after his resolute efforts.
Jungkook cums shortly after, with those exact thoughts plaguing his mind. He was so whipped. He really only had to think of you and he would get hard, and having you right above him, soft and warm with your arms draped loosely over his form made his heart all mushy and soft despite the way his cock stands erect.
You mewl in oversensitivity although you don’t complain. You never do, whenever Jungkook cums after you. Even now, when Jungkook comes down from his high with pants of his own, his own mind-clearing while his cock softens in you—you remain patient. Patient like the ever-loving, wonderful girlfriend that you were—one that Jungkook wasn’t sure he deserved.
“Wow,” you giggle, forehead resting against his as you return from your own post-orgasmic bliss. “I can’t believe I let you fuck me in a parking lot.”
Jungkook flushes, reality sinking in when he realised that the two of you weren’t hidden from plain sight. While the idea of being caught was definitely arousing, Jungkook knew he wasn’t too keen on having anyone see you delirious, even if it was all for him. He was lucky enough that your bikini top remained on the entire time, but both your sweaty bodies were enough of a dead giveaway.
“I just,” Jungkook tries to explain, words slurring in embarrassment as you raise a brow at him. “You look really pretty today.”
You stare at his forlorn expression as if admitting that pained him. Jungkook feels slightly embarrassed at how he reacted, and if you notice this, you don’t point it out—yet.
“Wore this for you,” you murmur, pressing a soft kiss to the mole under his lip. Jungkook’s heart soars at your admission even if he knew that. “You know it’s only for you, right?”
Your question is purposeful and Jungkook shamefully looks to his lap, and even then—you’re still connected. He slowly pulls out, wincing when his cum threatens to pool out of your pussy, but before he can pretend to clean you up, you’re putting your bikini bottoms back in place and clamping your hands over his cheeks so that he’d look at you.
“Jungkook,” you say sternly.
He sighs.
“Yes,” he groans, feeling a lot like a child who’s being berated. “I just—God. He was such a prick.”
“I know,” you say gently, fingers combing through his hair while he melts into your touch. “There are a lot of pricks out there, but you know that I only love you, right?”
Your confession is the same as the one you’ve made six months ago, and just last night before the two of you fell asleep—but it’s a confession that Jungkook never grows tired of.
“I know,” he mumbles as you giggle at him. “It’s just that … he really thought he had a chance with you, and when he saw me it was like—”
You frown, finger pressed against his lips to stop his rambling as he peers up at you with doe-eyes.
“None of that,” you chide lightly, “I don’t care what people think. The only person I care about is you, and no one will change that, okay?”
Jungkook feels himself relax into your touch, especially when you lean forward to capture his lips in a soft kiss that isn’t set to lead anywhere. He remembers. He remembers the times where you were unsure and all too worried of the words of others—and here you were, with him and with your gentle and loving soul, the embodiment of comfort as you tell him the words he’s always known but needs to be reminded of.
“I love you,” he says quietly as you grin widely at him, “Sorry for—you know.”
You roll your eyes, lifting your leg to get off his lap as you wince at the cum that threatens to escape your lips.
“I mean, it was kind of hot,” you shrug with a small smirk.
“God, I’ve created a monster,” Jungkook snorts, looking over at you when you shoot him a devious grin.
“You love it,” you throw back cheekily, leaning into his shoulder as he wraps an arm around you with a sigh.
He does. And he knows that he’s the only one that you’ll love back.
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ukiyokki · 4 years
mars reads too much dreamnotfound fanfiction for their own good
a dreamnotfound fanfic recommendation list by your resident dumbass (me)
this took way to fucking long... i’m tired
below is a (very extensive) list dedicated to all my favorite dnf fics, ranging from quick one shots to 100k+ word monstrosities that devour the storage on my computer, forever incomplete masterpieces to ongoing works of art, you get the idea. i provided links for each fic/series for your reading pleasure. there will be no smutty/nsfw fics on this list, that’s just not my vibe lmao. this list goes in no particular order, and i’ll update it from time to time when i feel like it. now, without further ado, let us begin.
Heat Waves (complete) by tbhyourelame
(wtf else did you expect, looking at a dnf rec list?) amazingly well written, and while it’s not my favorite dnf fic it’s damn near close. in the midst of a brutal heatwave, a suffering dream comes to terms with the fact that he is desperately in love with his best friend. everything i could say about this fic has already been said by nearly everyone who’s read it, so if you haven’t yet caved into the hype, just go for it. you won’t be disappointed.
Gonna be around (completed) by georgescatcafe
(mc irl) my favorite dnf oneshot to date. just read it, i don’t wanna spoil for you :)
Inferno in the Sky (ongoing)by zairielon
(star wars au) an ongoing star wars au currently clocking in at almost 200k words. need I say more? everything about it absolutely slaps, each chapter is amazingly written, and it’s just good. also, can we just appreciate dream and tubbos dynamic in here? 10/10, amazing, must protecc. oh right, a summary: george, an exiled padawan turned engineer, must return to the jedi temple after attacks on it from an unknown assailant threaten the safety of himself and the other jedi.
Like Magic (ongoing) by KangarooKen, NotGra55 (Gra55)
(harry potter au) the unofficial official dnf harry potter au. we watch the young unlikely wizard pair grow up together throughout their years at hogwarts as they battle good old fashioned wizard racism. beautifully written, incredibly fun and suspenseful, and just an overall blast and a half.
GeorgeNotFound, Son of Poseidon, and the League of Minor Gods (ongoing) by Clichewho_69, Cygnvs, Trash_Kinggg
(percy jackson au) percy jackson au? check. “road trip” (technically quest but u get what i mean)? check. enemies to friends to lovers? check. this fic follows the plot of the lightning theif (albeit loosely), but everything is explained enough where you don’t have to read percy jackson to understand what’s going on. basically after moving to the usa, george gets taken to camp halfblood where he learns that a) gods exist. b) he’s the son of poseidon and c) he needs to prove that he didn’t steal zeus’s master bolt.
Protected (completed) by aenqua
(royalty/camelot au) my favorite piece of dnf media of all time. dubbed the official dnf camelot au, where dream is the heir to the throne and george is a servants son with a secret that couldp get him killed. these childhood friends grow up together and learn trust, love, and acceptance. (that summary did not justice to the masterpiece that is this fic) here’s the directors cut
The Hunter (completed) by HederEgo
(mc irl) a choose your own adventure fic with 13 different endings, where dream the hunter must kill george and stop him from beater the ender dragon. enough said.
The official dream team cowboy AU (series)(ongoing) by antsu_in_my_pantsu
(cowboy au) cowboys and outlaws horses and shit. and the big gay. it’s a cowboy au, what else did you expect? fucking yee haw (all seriousness this is a great read, i loved it so so so so much and i can’t wait for the final chapter to release).
This is a Drista moment, let's just accept it (completed) by Qekyo
dnf fic from drista pov. considering its unique perspective, it’s perfectly done. beautifully showcases a sibling relationship through drista and her memories/moments with dream, and it just works, y’a know? also drista supremacy.
Dear Dream (completed) by Qekyo
(wwii au) i don’t cry when watching/reading anything sad. translation: i’m a heartless bitch. however, this fic is the only exception. it caused me to cry so hard my mom walked in my room and asked if i was ok. ‘nuff said.
TECHNOlogical Wingman (completed) by Closeted_Bookworm
techno is the autocorrect ai on dreams phone, and he gains sentience. interesting concept, and the author fucking nailed it. great fic.
It Was Only a Fic (ongoing) by imagineitdear
dream starts reading a dnf fanfic (we’ve all been there buddy).
Teacher’s Pet (ongoing) by niyuha
(teacher au) in which dream is a high school english teacher and george is the new comp sci teacher in room 297.
Saltwater Secrets (ongoing) by earlgay_milktea
(mermaid/high school au) a great example of the shear amount of variety in fics this fandom has to offer. when i started reading dnf fics i would have never thought i’d find one about a mermaid george hopelessly crushing on his human friend, who happens to be his schools star swimmer. yet here i am, and i am far from disappointed.
Smash My Heart (incomplete) by dontrollthedice
george and sapnap are commentators for duper smash brothers tournaments, and george develops a crush on an up and coming smash streamer named dream.
roleplaying in the dark is harder than it seems (completed) by Alienu
laser tag. 10/10
solar system (completed) by quartzfia
(mc irl) george vists dream in pandora’s vault.
Ramblings of a Lunatic (completed) by jungkooksfic
ahh communicating through a notebook left on a shelf in a bookstore- what a perfect way to start a relationship.
Paint me like your French Girls (It's Charcoal, Actually) (completed) by Turtle_ier
(artist au) george is an art student, and dream is a model.
00:00:00 (completed) by isleofdreams
(soulmate au) 00:00:00 is the moment you meet your soulmate, as indicated but the clock ticking down on your wrist until the moment you meet. i’m not a fan of soulmate aus; this fic is the exception.
Blue Skies Smilin' At Me (completed) by kivy
(artist au) i don’t usually cry while reading stuff, but this brought me damn near close. george is a painting conservator and chats it is with the ghost of the artist if the painting he is working on. they fall in a love.
Current Location (incomplete) by hendollana
(influencer au) george simps for a hot american instagram model. who knew he’d actually follow back?
The Withering (series) (series ongoing, 1 work completed) by App1e_Juice
(mc irl) lore and world building and fight scenes and everything i crave. what’s not to love? something starts making the plants and crops around dreams village wither, and must team up with new friends to find the cause of the mysterious disease plaguing the land.
Minecraft, But You Can't Leave (complete) by facadecake
(mc irl) dream and george are sucked into their own private minecraft world together and must beat the game to escape.
Free The Game, Beat the End (incomplete) by goatgoatwasfound
(mc irl) a glitch in minecraft causes thousands of players from around the world to be trapped inside minecraft, with only one way of escape- beating the ender dragon. first dnf fic i ever read, and it’s still 10/10 for me.
Why don't you come a little closer? (completed) by lifeofandoms
george gets stood up by a date, and Dream pretends he’s the date to save george from the embarrassment. simply adorable.
lightning bug (completed) by saintachesP
(band au) while on tour, dream realizes his feeling for george.
Hold me closer (completed) by Treesofmyheart
(mc irl/dsmp) i just,, really like this trope.
Dizzy on caffeine (completed) by GleamingGreenGoggles
(coffee shop au) best dnf coffeeshop au i’ve read. periodt.
living a life of crime isn’t always easy (series) (completed) by itisjosh
(mafia/assassin au) stockholm syndrome except it’s not weird.
Inhibitions Make Interesting Situations (completed) by Ship_On_The_Sea
i pissed myself laughing. it’s just a dream and george being hilariously dense, flustered idiots. serotonin central.
thy eternal summer shall not fade (completed) by gracequills
(high school au) that moment when you recite shakespeare to your crush in your ap lit class instead of confessing (hate it when that happens).
All is Fair in love and Football (ongoing) by graciegirl2001
(college au) #1 favorite college au. in which george is a cheerleader, and dream is the football teams rising star player. this one gets extra points because of the amazing karlnap moments sprinkled throughout. *chefs kisses air*
online love (completed) by andbutso
(high school au) online classes go zoooooooom
Can’t help falling (completed) by isleofdreams
dream re-learns the guitar to sing to george on his birthday. beautiful. fluffy. amazing
dance in the rain and my arms (completed) by lazy_kitkat
george is a rain god, and dream is a wind god
Weather Boy (completed) by DaintyDiizzle
wouldn't you like to know, weather boy? (where dream can control the rain)
The color orange (completed) by anon
(mc irl) dream describes the colors of a sunset
Family Mode (completed)by Strawberry_flavoured_tears
they’re dads :,)
Breathing Room (incomplete) by papercranes
(band an) an amazing band au. the mad lad author wrote original songs for each chapter. above and beyond, mad props :). unfortunately, it’s incomplete
Piece of Clay (completed) by carbonbrine
(artist au) george is a sculptor and his sculpture comes to life- but oh no he’s hot.
Try (completed) by Not4typicalwriter
(royalty au) george must choose a suitor, but none of them are up to dream, his head knights, standards. or dream is hella jelly. also protective dream is perfect
When the Roses Bloom (completed) by HederEgo
(royalty au) close second for my favorite fic. go to royalty au for a quick serotonin bost. it’s all fluff and flowers and crushes, and i love it. criminally underrated.
Heavenstruck (ongoing) by dontrollthedice
george is dreams guardian angel, and dream want to find out more about him and his past life. bittersweet :,)
Bang and Burn (completed) by App1e_Juice
(spy au) george accidentally falls for target number 1 on sapnap’s secret agency’s hit list. this ones great, i love me a spy au :)
Can I get a uhh… (completed) by lemonskies
dream keeps pulling up to the drive through mcdonald’s that george works at drunk.
Pretty Stranger (completed) by anon
when looking for dream in the terminal, george sees a cute guy and decides to flirt.
Take my Hand (completed) by latinbias
(royalty au) another royalty au? poggers. surprise twists? double poggers. love this a lot.
seconds, minutes, hours, lifetimes (complete) by meridies
ROAD TRIP ROAD TRIP ROAD TRIP ROAD TRIP *inhales to compose herself* roadtrip au. unrequited love, ignored feelings, longing, pining, you know the drill. absolutely love this one, its the best roadtrip au i have ever read, in any fandom. (maybe cause i identify with it a little too much, but thats not important. whats important is that you read this fic. right now. im waiting).
Message redacted (complete) by justyouraverageloser
(text fic) dream asks for a girls number and realises hes been given the wrong number. however, an unexpected relationship starts to form between him and the stranger on the other end of the line.
the waves (completed) by anon
(mc irl) this fic was written by the same anon who wrote the color orange, which is up there on my fav dnf oneshot list. dream and george know they have a higher purpose. they don’t know where they came from, or why they are seemingly the only humans in the world, or how they feel about eachother, or even where the skeletons come from, but they are sure of one thing: they have to beat a dragon.
The Dream Doll (completed) by PeppDream (Pep_Pizza)
(voodoo i guess) i’m a real big fan of fics with really out there or unique concepts, so naturally this one makes the cut! i really liked it, it’s really sweet and made me think a lot about what matters to me in the world. george finds a strange doll in an antique shop, and would really like to just stuff it in a drawer and forget about it. sadly (?), the doll has other plans.
last updated February 6th, 2021
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