#why does bojan look like that
frogtossing · 1 year
has this gif made it to tumblr yet? because 👁️👁️ umazane mislies are being mislied
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graysanatimony · 2 months
ok so joker out interviews
They tend to be quite mixed on quality, mainly based on how good the interviewer is
I fucking love these two one from Eurovision one from stožice by lady jenevia
Like she actually did research on them, it’s not really awkward
unfortunately no Bojan in the first one, BUT there’s like 5 seconds of mark
and no Jan, jure or Bojan for the first bit of the second one
I have like the shortest attention span to known to human kind and I have watched these back to back, multiple times, I just like them I can’t explain it
Also they look very good in both of them I’d say
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me-sploh-rada-imas · 11 months
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new photos of the boys
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stealthywing · 7 months
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signoraviolettavalery · 3 months
Okay, new vampire bride idea (what do you mean I already have like 3 shut up)
In this universe the vampire marriages/alliances are often international, and Damon is a British vampire lord who needs a Slovenian bride. Both Kris and Bojan are option. Kris is from an esteemed, noble family, well-raised, cultured, refined, beautiful. Bojan...is from more of a self-made, low nobility noble family who makes up for it by their service, and he's beautiful, charming, charismatic, talented...
well, Kris is chosen. His parents break it to him, as gently as they can. With reassurances that he'll be alright, these marriages are civilized these days.
"Is it final? They've made the decision?"
"More or less," Miha says. "They're having a final meeting yet, they obviously haven't announced it, but...they've made their decision. They were kind to let us know first."
The first thing Kris thinks - after all the terrible things he imagines - is Bojan. Not being able to ever see him again. That - he needs to tell him. He does, tears in his eyes, and his own horror is mirrored in Bojan's.
"I don't want to do this," Kris confesses, tears leaking down his cheeks. "I'm terrified."
Bojan takes him in his arms, holds him close, kisses the top of his head. "It'll all be alright," he says. "I promise." Kris knows Bojan can't promise that, but somehow he believes it when Bojan says it.
That night, Bojan goes to talk to the council. Zare, Tomi, a few others.
"You should send me in his place," he insists.
Zare looks down at him. "The Gustins are a noble family. Kris is smart, well-educated, well-mannered, attractive. He is the best choice. Why wouldn't we send him?"
"Precisely because of that," Bojan says. "We need Kris here. He'll be part of this council one day, and we need his intelligence, his planning, his competence. Lord Damon is a brand new lord, we don't need to give him our best, we should keep that for ourselves. Someone like me will do for him."
They seem to actually be considering this.
"Plus," he adds. "I'm better with people than he is. Better in social situations. I'm physically stronger, I can bear pain more easily, I'll be able to stand the feeding better. And I'm shorter than him, he might take an issue if the bride you send him towers over him."
All of which are compelling reasons, so they change their mind. They choose Bojan. Kris' parents tell him about it the next day, and, despite his relief, Kris feels a knot in his stomach. He knows why. He knows how.
He rushes to find Bojan, who's silently contemplating the flowers in the garden of his family's home. He looks beautiful in the morning sun, in profile, limmed in gold, and Kris is so, so in love, so devastated, and so angry.
"Why did you do it?" he demands.
Bojan turns to face him, looking defiant. He hadn't come to tell Kris about it because he knew Kris would find out, come to find him.
"Because I love you," he says simply.
"You - what?" Kris' whole world comes crashing down around his ears. He knows how he feels about Bojan, has felt for years, but he never imagined...
"You heard me. I love you, and I couldn't let you be forced into this."
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jokeroutsubs · 1 year
An interview with Bojan Cvjetićanin and Nace Jordan in Jana magazine, published 10.10.2023. Featuring a very special shoutout! 😁
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On the couch with Joker Out: about the big changes in their lives
Still good, sober boys
We’ll play this and then we’re off – to switch off
The time we have with them is tightly limited, but that’s appropriate for stars of their kind. They are the most popular musical group right now, and they’ve thoroughly conquered many hearts far beyond both Slovenian and Balkan borders. At sold-out concerts, Finns are swooning because of them, Poles, Serbians, Croatians and Spaniards are fainting, not to mention the girls back home. No one prepared them for this kind of craze, but they’re holding up pretty well – they’re still humble guys with good manners, which can (also) be seen in their polite greeting and relaxed chatting in front of their rehearsal space, a comfortable hideaway somewhere between Ljubljana’s warehouses with an unappealing blue door.
Floating into their sanctuary, you almost hit your head on a collection of hanging bras with various affectionate messages written on them. A few more steps, and we plop down on the couch with Bojan Cvjetićanin and Nace Jordan. Jan Peteh and Kris Guštin (damn, he’s tall!) are busy with another camera, and Jure Maček is nowhere to be seen.
How’s your health doing with your (as it seems if you look at the crazy number of concerts all around Europe) pretty exhausting life? How do you take care of your physical fitness?
Bojan: By working out.
Nace: Well, you and I work out, the others only do it a little.
Bojan: Well yeah, she asked us.
Nace: So: we work out a lot, we play badminton, I run, we go to the gym and hike, Bojan also does mixed martial arts.
You’ve found yourselves at a turbulent stage in your career, and like you’ve said before, you cannot be fully prepared for that. What about mental preparation? Do you have to pay extra attention to that or do anything you've never done before?
Bojan: Yes, we have to rest. We haven't had any rest ever since everything became much more intense. My mind and body are now really begging to switch off.
Nace: I agree. Just the other day, we were talking about how we haven’t truly rested since the pre-Eurovision performances. Two- and three-day trips don’t count.
So you’ll only be able to turn off for a bit, after your big concert in Stožice?
Bojan: That’s right. Well, we maybe planned our break a little poorly, because we’re going on a holiday together. (both start laughing loudly)
Nace: Everyone has the same stunned reaction that you did.
You really have to love each other and have a good time together, that’s all I thought. Can you reveal where you’re going?
Bojan: Far away, somewhere warm. As to whether us going together is smart, we’ll tell you when we come back. If we end up needing another holiday after this holiday, then we didn’t make a very wise decision.
Since you really hang out with each other so much, do you perhaps understand any better why some bands get into fatal quarrels or even break up?
Bojan: We definitely understand it a lot more. In a short time, I’ve realised that this rock and roll lifestyle presented to us by rock legends (myths, stories, Hollywood) is truly something that is untenable in the long term. If we look at all the most famous bands, they actually existed for a very short time.
Nace: And, as an interesting fact, most of them broke up while on tour.
Bojan: You can’t do rock and roll and be devoted to your music, concerts, travels, if you’re constantly under the influence of any substances (drugs, alcohol). You really can’t do that, because neither the human body nor the mind are made to withstand this kind of strain, sleeplessness, pleasure, dopamine. All those legends either died young or the bands broke up. Sure, they did a lot, left a permanent mark, but at what cost? We’ve realised that if we want to enjoy what we’re doing, we have to be sober, and you truly enjoy yourself a lot more if you’re sober and feel physically and mentally ready and cultivate friendships. I think that this way, we’ll remember a lot more after a few tours than many rock legends do in their longer careers. How much can you even remember if your brain isn’t even with you on the same stage?
I see that you’re drinking plenty of water, and we remember you, Bojan, from Eurovision, when you were walking around with a bottle of water and blowing into a straw. What was that for?
Bojan: It’s a technique to warm up your vocal chords, based on the principle of blowing into a slightly wider silicone straw in a water bottle. You blow into it, in the correct way and because of the water in the bottle, a negative pressure is created that puts your vocal chords into the most natural position and it works like a massage for them.
Did you discover this for yourself or was it recommended to you?
Bojan: I had never paid special attention to my voice before that, I’m not a trained vocalist, but luckily I naturally developed the correct technique. Otherwise I would’ve lost my voice long ago. So, on the stage, this mechanism luckily developed in a very positive direction for me, which was also confirmed by singing coaches and the doctor I went to for my vocal chords check-up. A phoniatrics specialist, a wonderful guy, helped me during Eurovision. Before the Eurovision performance, my voice gave in a little due to nerves, so I was constantly in contact with a doctor – and we didn’t even really know each other – who gave me advice over the phone. Then, at the first sound check, everything opened up and sounded like it should. It’s really interesting what happens with your voice, it gets incredibly affected by your mental state. Your vocal chords can be perfectly fine, but if your mind is not in the right place, your voice won’t work either.
I also went to get advice from singing coach Nataša Nahtigal, who really helped me a lot. I especially needed that preparation from a psychological point of view.
Did the other band members also need coaches for anything?
Nace: Me and Kris also visited Nataša, because at the beginning we thought that we’d be singing the backing vocals live on the Eurovision stage. So we also practised with her a few times. We also had rehearsals with a choreographer for the optimum stage performance.
We’re having this conversation five days before your biggest concert yet, in Stožice. Does that require any special preparation?
Bojan: It’s a special concert, because it’s the first time we’re encountering the organisation of something this big; it is, after all, the only arena in the country. It’s a lot for us, Magnifico also told us that he was kind of in the dark the first time, but now they’re acclimatised to it. It’s a different type of preparation: we have to prepare the show, the lights, the stage appearance …
Have you even internalised what you’ve managed to do, all the places and the number of people you’ve played to in the past few months (from Ireland to Great Britain, Finland, Norway, Belgrade, Zagreb, Vienna, and now in December, you've got Amsterdam, Madrid, Barcelona …)?
Bojan: I think that will be a task for the upcoming holiday. When things just keep happening, you’re in this cycle and don’t even really differentiate between one peak and another, so we need to come down a bit to start retroactively comprehending what really happened. Because it’s really wonderful. We were in cities and countries we’d never been to, and then we were there – to play our own sold-out concerts. We absolutely never thought anything like that would ever happen to us.
Nace: Often it’s only when I come home from this kind of tour that I think to myself: wow, look at where we were! We’re playing on a stage where world legends had played before us! Now, in the club in Helsinki, Foo Fighters and AC/DC had played there, among others. Any musician would wish to play there, let alone sell out that concert.
When you walk around these European cities where you have sold out your concerts, do people already recognise you on the street?
Bojan: It’s pretty bizarre, but now they’ve really started to. I think that on this Nordic tour there truly wasn’t any place we went to without at least someone recognising us – either on a train, on the street, in a restaurant, at the airport. Foreign fan culture is a little different, as they get prepared to meet us, in a way – for example, they know when we’ll be at the airport, and they wait for us with gifts, they don’t just come to take photos with us. They bring along our merch shirts, various things for us to sign, they give us gifts. Fans make a lot of things on their own – bracelets, dolls, there are a lot of drawings, crafts; I have two knitted Joker Out scarves at home.
Nace: In Finland we got a lot of knitted socks, hats …
Hand-knitted socks?
Bojan: Yes, with a Slovenian and Finnish flag, for example.
The Scandinavian youth are clearly well-versed in that.
Bojan: Let’s go, Slovenian youth, start knitting Joker Out stuff too! (laughter)
And what is it like to walk down the streets of Slovenia? Can you go to the store in peace?
Bojan: It’s nice to walk down the streets of Slovenia, but we truly always get recognised, that’s a fact, it’s not as inconvenient in stores as it can be when you’re out for drinks, when you constantly feel like someone is eavesdropping next to you.
How difficult is the rockstar life?
Bojan: It’s really nice – every time we’re on the stage, the audience rewards us with a really nice energy, you can’t compare that to anything else, but like any profession, ours has negative sides as well, with the biggest difference being that you’re constantly in the public eye. Very few things are truly personal – you also have a hard time judging for yourself what’s private and what’s not. It’s more of a mental game with yourself – that’s the hardest part of it all. As well as not sleeping, because you travel a lot.
Are there any big disappointments or unexpected things – perhaps that some fans get “carried away” or that not everyone is as well-intentioned as you thought?
Bojan: Absolutely! You suddenly find yourself not only belonging to a home crowd, but also becoming an internet hashtag. The internet has no limits, people have no reservations there, they hide behind a nickname. Each of us has definitely had a few of these moments that shocked us, that’s why we’ve started to pull back from social media.
That’s probably pretty tricky: for the sake of advertising and contact with fans, you have to be present on social media, but meanwhile you’re aware that you need to take a step back for the sake of your health. How do you stay on the safe side? What’s your strategy?
Nace: Primarily, we’ve all stopped reading Twitter, the comments … We have to maintain a certain distance.
Bojan: To be completely honest, I’d like to find someone who could handle my personal profile on social media. It also bothers me that you really waste a lot of time on social media and subconsciously create a lot of unrealistic expectations, because you’re constantly swiping through people’s perfect lives, faces and situations, it’s all quite absurd.
Do you want to influence teenagers in this area, to pass any important messages on to them?
Bojan: Yes, find some wonderful analogue way to follow us and delete your social media.
So, knit a Joker Out scarf or socks instead and listen to their music – that’s pretty analogue. Then, you can also do a charity auction of your fans’ knitwear.
Bojan: Exactly!
One small revolutionary move would also be if concerts or gigs at various parties started earlier. Us slightly more mature citizens also like to go to concerts, but we also like to go to bed a little earlier.
Bojan: I can say that after our Stožice concert, people will be able to be asleep by midnight. But actually, when we were abroad, we got used to gigs starting very soon – sometime between seven and nine in the evening – and the party is definitely not any worse because of that.
You say that you’re full of creative energy. Does your creative process continue under the covers too, do you have notebooks on your nightstand?
Bojan: All the ideas come to me just before I go to sleep. The most recent song Sunny Side of London also happened on the last day before we went to the studio – I couldn’t sleep and I came up with those base lyrics while in bed.
Even though your latest song is in English, due to most of your songs being in Slovenian, you’ve unintentionally become ambassadors of the Slovenian language as well.
Bojan: It was never our goal to become ambassadors of the Slovenian language, but we consciously decided to sing in Slovenian at Eurovision. It means a lot to us, and we hope that our fans will accept that we want to widen our listener base and that there will be some more songs in English because of that. I think that people all around Europe or even further singing twenty of our songs in Slovenian is already a lot, and shows that we’ve done our job. In the future, we’ll create in foreign languages a lot, but we’ll also stay loyal to Slovenian.
A lot of your TV appearances can be found translated to English on the internet. Is that your doing?
Bojan: No, the credit for that goes to a group of fans from all around the world called “Joker Out Subs”, who follow our videos and concerts and translate into quite a few global languages (recently even into Hebrew). They’ve already translated a huge amount of our content, and they do it voluntarily. They’ve also connected with each other in that way, and they’ve told us that 20 of our fans, who met online because of us, booked a house together for our concert in Amsterdam (in December). They’re all coming to the concert and they will stay there together.
Nace: A lot of people have connected like that because of us, which is very nice.
What’s it like at home? Is everything the same at home despite your stardom?
Bojan: Yes, it’s all the same – go mow the lawn!
Nace: I, for example, still drive my grandmother around to run her errands.
And your grandmother listens to your songs?
Nace: She’s definitely listened to some, but I doubt that she’s playing our entire discography. (laughter)
Bojan: Oooh, mine plays it every day, she goes through everything 150 times!
Have you made any changes to your menus?
Bojan: I’ve started eating vegetables – bowls (various healthy ingredients, served in one bowl), Nace got me into that.
Nace: Isn’t it nice to savour something together that’s healthy and that we all like? (Kris pipes up from the background, saying that Nace has gotten them all into Asian food.)
Translation of the captions on the photos:
1) The special friendship with Finnish Eurovision representative Käärijä continues. Together on Finnish stages in September.
2) Bojan loves Swedish girls, says the writing on his shirt.
Translation cr: Joker Out Subs
EDIT: to celebrate the JokerOutSubs shout-out, we prepared a giveaway for Tumblr! You can read more aboout it here!
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frikatilhi · 2 months
I just saw a video of a girl being like "okay, so my divorced parents and my stepdad and my bf and I, we all are going to my sister's wedding and since my parents haven't seen each other in like a decade I'm gonna teach my bf some common finnish sentences to break the tension" and then she says the most bizarre and savage things ever, like "so to ask about the weather you have to say this [teaches him "why did you get divorced?" instead] [boyfriend repeats] oh that's just perfect, yes, my parents will be so into answering this, we Finns just love weather questions!".
And just... hear me out. Bojere. Plis. Like... I can totally see Bojan genuinely asking Jere how to say something simple like "oh you look great" or "good morning, how are you", and Jere being in his "😈😏", otherwise known as his little-shit-mood, would teach him some random things instead and giggle afterwards. Like Bojan be like "how do you say "I really like your house" in finnish?", and of course, Jere can teach him that, but instead, he says "oh simple! [teaches him how to say "I really like it here. When can I move in? I already have my things in the car" instead]".
But Bojan cracks him open pretty quickly bc, let's be real, Jere is not subtle ✨️at all✨️. So he does some research himself and learns some interesting things too. And then next time they talk Bojan says in finnish: "Hey. Cool shirt, Jere, you look so good in it. Can I blow you while you're wearing it?", and Jere is all 👁👄👁 "what was that, wait, Bojan, I think you used a wrong translation", but Bojan immediately says "I know what I said".
Can you see it? Can you?? 😭
Can someone please maybe write a fanfic kdjekznsjsjs I HAVE THOUGHTS NOW AND THEY ARE BOTHERING ME
Yes, dear anon, I can see it, but more importantly, I think you can. So clearly.
And I know sometimes you just want to yeet these things out in the hopes that someone else grabs onto them, but then sometimes... there's something more in you that is trying to get out. I think you should listen to it, anon.
No pressure but WOULD READ!!!
(Didn't Jere do something like this at least once? Nordic tour insta live? He said "haista paska" or something and then told Bojan he had just said I love you?)
(I need a scene in your fic where Bojan tries to impress Etel with "minulla on aikamoinen kokoelma värinäleluja" or something)
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saucyjothoughts · 2 months
Bojan always makes this slutty comeshot face ,the question now is ,will he ever be provided with one by one of his bandmates?
Why would he want a facial from one of his bandmates when he can get a facial from all of his bandmates (and some of the crew) at the same time?
(nsfw under the cut)
He didn't think he'd performed very well. Of course, being the epitome of professionalism, no one could tell from the outside but he'd come off stage feeling like his heart wasn't in it and his vocals weren't en pointe and that it hadn't been a great gig.
He never listened when Kris told him everything had gone fine or when Jan told him he was allowed to have an off-day or when Nace told him that every day could be an off-day and they'd still love him because his worth as a person was not tied up in his ability to perform. He did, however, listen when Jure hugged him from behind, blowing smoke against the side of his face, telling him he knew what would cheer him up.
The last of the drips start to turn cold and crusty and the boys are catching their breath. Pants are being zipped back up and Kris is wiping cum away from Bojan's face with a wet-wipe, his lips first and then his eyes. When he can see properly again, he's looking up at Kris's warm smile, that deeply loving gaze. Still disgusting, he feels Kris's hand trail down his filthy chest, his abs, and wrap around his desperate cock.
And that was how Bojan came to be nude on the floor of the tourbus lounge, Nace's jacket protecting his bare knees from the rough floor, in the dark under neon lights, being towered over by half a dozen red-blooded young men.
Jure had been the first to get his cock out and start stripping their frontman, the others reclining on the couches, watching Bojan stare up longingly at Jure with his mouth open, ready to be fed. Bojan couldn't even hear the sound of zips being undone over the wet gagging noises he was making on Jure's cock, but soon there were hands on him, gripping into his skin, ripping his boxers away. Another cock offered to him - Kiki's - and he swapped it into his mouth eagerly, using his hand on Jure instead, then his other hand to another dick, letting someone pull on his hair, swapping again, dribbling.
He wanted them all wet, all as hard as they could be and glistening for him.
He looked good under the lights - the colours highlighting the wetness around his mouth and the softness of his hair, the muscle of his arms and of his back, the tattoos on his thick thighs, and that pretty little cock all red and leaking between his legs. Such a slut. It was no wonder the guys started getting close pretty quickly, jerking themselves off at the sight of him when he didn't have a hand or mouth spare to use.
Bojan's head was fuzzy, his whole world centred around being a good boy for these men, letting them use him and listening to them call him a whore and laughing at how much he loved getting throat-fucked, and urging each other to make him cry.
And now Jure is about to come. Kris is pulling Bojan's head back by his hair and forcing his mouth open to receive it while Jure is jerking the head of his own cock and Bojan just has time to stick out his tongue and look up at Jure's bare chest and aggressive expression before the first slap of cum hits him in the face, almost in the eye, dripping down the side of his nose and into his mouth where it's joined by another spurt and then Jure rubbing the tip of his cock over Bojan's lips to feed him the last few dribbles.
It's enough to get Kris to the edge, who yanks his head around and this time it does get Bojan in the eye and he's blinking through cummy lashes, red-faced and sticky, desecrated and ashamed of how much he loves this, catching glimpses of cock in his face and gritted teeth and snarling moans and "like that"s and "so good"s and he's swallowing what he can but it's in his hair and dripping down his chin and onto his chest and he thinks he might just be harder than he'd ever been in his life and if it wasn't for Kiki holding Bojan's hands behind his back, he'd be cumming into his own fist instead of desperately yearning, bucking his hips at nothing.
"Time for yours."
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ana-chronista · 5 months
Meow there 😸💛💛, I hope you are well 💛.
For the kiss prompt i would love bojure 17 ... to distract + 48 ... out of habit, please.
Have a nice day 💛💛💛💛💛
First, sorry for the delay - one of these came easier than the other but I wanted to wait until I could share both! (The one that was harder actually went through a whole premise change...) Secondly, thanks for the prompts - this is my first time writing Bojure! I hope I did it justice.
17 ... to distract
The thing about Jure is that he doesn’t get nervous. Bojan’s certainly never seen that look on him, and he’s fairly sure Jure would need a dictionary definition of the word before being able to confirm that he’s never experienced it in his life. “What time is it now?” No, what Jure gets is impatient. “It’s five minutes after you last asked, Muca.” Right now he’s little more than a vibrating ball of energy, hunched over and drumming on his thighs with his palms. “So why haven’t they called yet?” And Bojan gets it, he really does. The committee had told them they’d call by 11am to let them know if they’d been picked for next year’s Eurovision – because for all that there’s no national selection this year, there’s still a process to follow – and there’s nothing that puts you on edge quite like waiting to hear if you’ve managed to land the biggest opportunity of your career so far or not. Jan and Nace are at least twenty minutes into their stress smoke somewhere outside, and Kris is busy pacing the practice space below, organising and reorganising their equipment while speaking rapidly with someone on his phone in a voice too low to catch. Bojan had retreated to the loft to focus on his breathing, and Jure had joined ten minutes later, muttering something about feeling better from a higher vantage point. The fact is, they’re all more than a little tense as the seconds drag by, and he understands fully, a hundred and ten per cent, what Jure is feeling right now. “They just said around 11. It doesn’t mean they’re always going to be dead on, you know?” But his bouncing on the couch next to him is doing nothing to soothe either Jure or himself – in fact, it’s only agitating them both worse. “You’ve definitely got the volume up on your phone?” Bojan’s not sure he’s ever felt so incredulous as he does in that one moment of looking over at his friend. “Seriously, Jurček?” “Well, I don’t know!” Jure huffs in protest. “You might not.” “Do you not think that’s the first thing I would have checked?” He hates that his fingers are now itching to actually do just that. Irritation flares up white-hot inside of him, gritting his teeth and tensing his muscles. “I don’t know! Knowing you, probably n-” Bojan has moved before he even realises it, the only thought in his head that Jure needs to not be talking right now. Suddenly he’s pulled Jure close by his shoulder and the back of his head, crushing his mouth against the drummer’s to cut him off. There’s barely any time to register anything past the warmth of his lips before he breaks away “Boj-” Before he can start up again, Bojan reels him back in for another kiss, this time less hurried but more forceful. He can take it all in properly this time: how Jure’s mouth falls open for him, how he reaches up to brush Bojan’s hair back behind his ear, how much he pushes right back. Jure’s body has stilled now as though all of his energy is just being channelled into this one point of contact, and Bojan can’t pretend it’s not the same for him. His heartrate steadies and his muscles uncoil. It’s like the whole world has narrowed down just to the man next to him on the couch. In fact, it’s narrowed so much that it takes Kris calling him from the floor below to make him jolt back. “Bojan, answer your phone!” It’s only then that he registers his phone ringing at long last. Cursing, he fumbles to answer the call, answering Jure’s laughter only with a dig in the ribs that makes him squeal and squirm away even as Bojan does his best to sound professional and mature. When he next kisses Jure just five minutes later, it’s in celebration instead.
48 ... out of habit
Bojan can’t remember when, or even exactly how, the whole kissing thing had begun. If he had to guess, he’d put it somewhere within the first few months after Jure officially joined the band, probably at some party or on a night out with the others. He’s not even sure if he made the first move or if Jure did, but one of them must have done, because suddenly the tradition was born. Greeting each other for the first time after weeks apart? A kiss on the cheek. Saying goodbye after a night out? A kiss on the cheek. Congratulating one another after a successful gig? A kiss on the cheek. There were rules, of course, unspoken but still there. It had to be as over the top as possible. Why bother if it didn’t involve sweeping in, grabbing the other one dramatically, and landing the biggest, loudest, longest kiss on the cheek known to man? That was all part of the fun. Then, naturally, it became too funny not to do it all the time. Managing not to misplace a suitcase while travelling? Welcoming each other back to the room after five minutes? Celebrating a win in the never-ending Joker Out Uno tournament? No incident was too small to mark with another kiss on the cheek – jokingly, of course. And sometimes it might evolve to a kiss on the lips instead. Bojan did remember how that one had started, the time he’d come in too quick and accidentally caught Jure’s mouth instead as he turned his head. But the laughter had been instantaneous, and Jure had returned it with even more spectacle, so it was all fine. The rules remained the same for the odd time it happened, though usually it devolved into them wrestling to dip the other one first and laughing too much for them to ever make it to each other’s mouths.
And if anyone had ever asked, he’d have to say he’s never really thought about it. It’s not like he hasn’t kissed each of his other bandmates at one time or another, and he knows they’ve all done the same. They’re all just that tactile with each other, like good friends tend to be. So what if he and Jure have this long-running joke just between them as well? That’s also something that good friends do. And he carries on never really thinking about it – except for maybe the odd plan to ambush Jure in ever increasingly over the top ways – until one night in London. Or early one morning, really. It’s just after three, and while the others had dispersed to their rooms after they all bundled in from the pub, Bojan had decided to sit up for a while to work on the rest of the lyrics for their new song. It had seemed like a good idea at the time, but the buzz of enthusiasm had long since dried up once the words pinging around his mind decided that they just didn’t want to go onto the page properly. All he had to show for the last couple of hours were pages of increasingly frustrated scribbles and crossings out. “You’re still up?” Bojan jolts at the sudden noise, head whipping up. Jure is in the doorway, dressed for bed and hair all over the place. He’s clearly just woken up. “I thought I heard something.” he explains before Bojan can muster a reply. He nods towards the pages that Bojan had already given up on, torn from his notebook and now crumpled up and scattered by his feet. “Not going so great, huh?” The sound Bojan heaves in response as he buries his head in his hands is somewhere between a groan and a sigh. Caught up in his own frustration, he doesn’t realise that Jure has crossed the room until he feels the couch dipping next to him and a hand wrapping around his, pulling it from his face. All of a sudden he’s aware of just how much his own hand hurts from scratching away with the pen for so long as Jure smoothes out his fingers, kneading at cramped tendons and aching muscles. But before he can say anything – a protest that he should really get on with these lyrics or a joke that Jure should open a massage business as a sideline – Jure brings his palm up and presses his lips to it gently. The touch is barely there but it lingers for a moment longer than a joke should and Bojan finds that any and all words die in his throat. This isn’t something either of them have ever done before, but Jure’s eyes are still locked with his, calm and almost challenging. And then the moment is over. Jure gives his hand one last squeeze but doesn’t let go as he stands.   “Come on. Come get some sleep. This can wait until actual morning.” It sounds so straightforward, so matter of fact, that all Bojan can do is nod and let him pull him to his feet. He’s right – there’ll be plenty of time later, and for now he’s got too many other questions on his mind to be able to concentrate.
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invece-sto-sdraiato · 7 months
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no but when you guys said that kris was making himself look small next to bojan I was like huh???? But I get it y'all, there was no need to do that, absolutely no reason. I thought he liked making fun of bojan's height?? I'm sure if someone asks him why, he would give this big explanation that he wouldn't fit in the frame or some shit like that. (I can relate to that considering all my friends are short and I'm 5'7") Look nace's around the same height as him but he's not bending double or folding his arms in a way that makes him look small, does he?? Truly suspicious behavior.
Also he keeps fidgeting with his hands (which, I can also relate to) like cvjetićanin hug the tall baby already will you??
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lunafoster · 1 year
Intrusive thoughts
AN: yes, another one. Again, I’m really sorry but I hope you guys enjoy.
AN2: I really should be studying for my finals but I keep procrastinating. Somebody send help, please.
Warnings: none, honestly, just fluff. I’m gonna say maybe bad English, I’m trying.
Words: 1500+
Bojan Cvjetićanin x fem!reader
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*first clip*
The singer was sitting down in front of the camera next to Kris, talking while filming one of their vlogs, when the girl appeared, sitting down by his side.
He was wearing a sleeveless shirt, as it was warm and he didn’t want to be sweating. You could see the girl staring at his arms, though; it looked like she had just woke up from a nap. Bojan kept talking.
“Ang.” She bit his shoulder.
He didn’t even react, just kept having his conversation with Kris. The latter looked at her and then at his bandmate, mouth agape in shock.
“What is going on?”
*second clip*
Bojan and his girlfriend were being interviewed for the fans, as they wanted to know how their relationship started and how it was going since then.
“Who takes more time to get ready?”
“It’s him! He does!” She said, pointing at him and smirking.
“That’s not- alright maybe it is true,” he gave in, nodding his head and awkwardly smiling, “but it’s mostly because my hair takes a lot of time to be tamed, honestly.”
As if it had a mind of its own, a strand of his hair fell on his face, but he kept making excuses as to why he was the one who spent more time in the bathroom when they had to go out.
The girl kept staring at it, exchanging looks between the camera, the interviewer and her boyfriend. She continued being laser focused on the lock of hair that was slightly covering his left eye.
With one last glance at the camera and the interviewer, she extender her arm and carefully removed the piece of hair, pulling it to a better position so it wouldn’t be on his face.
He looked at her. “Thank you, love.”
She smiled and mused his hair up, laughing loudly. He sighed with a ‘done’ look on his face.
*third clip*
The Joker Out guys were talking during an interview, having sweets to munch on in between questions and topics.
In that moment, Jure was holding part of a KitKat in his hand, talking passionately about ‘Demoni’ and how they had come up with the idea of the music video.
The girl was watching them behind the camera, having a good time making faces at the boys during serious moments so they would crack a smile when they shouldn’t.
However, right in that moment, she was craving chocolate really badly. And that’s when she noticed the KitKat in Jure’s hand.
She quietly approached them, went into view for the camera just behind the boys and snatched the chocolate out of the blond’s hand.
“Aha!” She shouted with an evil laugh, munching on the KitKat and leaving the frame.
Everyone just looked at each other for a few seconds and bursted out laughing. All except for Jure, who tried keeping a pout on his lips while fake sobbing.
“My KitKat!”
*fourth clip*
“This is another video in the series of ‘baking with Jan’! Where I get stressed and he looks like he’s high!”
“What? It rhymes.”
*fifth clip*
Nace was explaining a story about them in the beach, playing with a giant yoga ball.
“So I tried to take it back to the sand but the ball was just too big…” everyone was chuckling, remembering how he had been chasing the ball around in the water.
“That’s what she said,” she whispered while giggling.
“Hey!” Nace pushed her shoulder away from him, “Stop it!”
*sixth clip*
The camera was angled so you could see both the girl, preparing the oven, and Jan, mixing the cookie dough on a bowl.
“Make sure it’s well mixed,” she told him, getting up from her crouched position.
“I know what I’m doing,” he replied, glancing at her briefly.
Jan went to grab the cookie cutters when he deemed it was well mixed enough, making the mistake of leaving the dough alone.
She instantly scooped some of it onto her finger and spread it on his face right when he turned around.
The video cuts and the camera focuses again on the two throwing the mixture at each other, the bowl now empty and cookie dough all over them.
The video cuts again and it comes back to her licking dough from her hand, taking from her face and eating it happily.
“You are disgusting,” Jan let’s out with a breathy laugh, distaste in his face.
“You are definitely not!” She goes towards him with grabby hands, “let me lick it off you, too!”
“No!” He moves away, going off camera.
*seventh clip*
Kris was in the background of Nace and Jure talking in front of the camera in one of their vlogs, mindlessly strumming his guitar.
Bojan and his girlfriend appeared from the right, moving towards the younger with the idea of sitting next to him.
They sat down but you could see the girl watching as Kris played with a fond look in her face and a soft smile.
She took Kris’ hand and, after making sure he left his guitar so it wouldn’t fall, dragged him towards the camera.
“Everyone this is my son,” she stated, making the guys look at her weirdly and Bojan laugh loudly, “if anything happened to him I would kill everyone and then myself.”
“What are you on?” Jan suddenly spoke up from somewhere in the room, not visible to the camera.
“He’s a child, just look at him.” She grabs his face with both hands and smushes his cheeks together, Kris chuckling and trying to pull away, unsuccessfully. “Isn’t he just so cute? I wanna put him in my pocket but he’s really tall and I can’t,” she added with a devastated look, pressing her hand to her chest and feigning being hurt.
“You got yourself a special one, man,” Nace said towards Bojan, who was still laughing obnoxiously.
He stood up and went towards his girlfriend and Kris, putting his arm around his shoulder and leaning on the taller boy.
“I will go for the adoption papers,” he said with a serious face, turning to her and breaking into a smile.
“They’re both coo-coo,” Jure says to the camera, making circle shapes with his finger near his head.
*eighth clip*
Bojan is talking to the camera while in the behind-the-scenes of their latest music video, wearing a big coat, making it clear that it’s really cold outside.
His girlfriend walks into view, with another huge coat, a woolly hat and gloves.
She suddenly squishes him really close to her in a hug, making it possible to hear the air leaving his lungs.
“What is going on?” He asks, strained and confused at the sudden affection, forgetting about the camera.
“You just look so squishable it’s unfair!” She answers, hugging him even tighter if possible.
*ninth clip*
Bojan and Jan are near the swimming pool, but fully clothed, talking about their next tour to his phone, as the comments can be seen going up from the bottom left of the screen.
“Can you get me a glass of water?” Bojan asks his girlfriend, not wanting to stop his conversation with Jan.
She leaves the frame of the camera and the conversation goes on, slowing to a stop when she comes back staring at Bojan.
He goes to take the glass from her but she’s faster, moving it over his head and pouring its contents all over him, making him open his mouth in shock.
“I’m sorry,” she giggles, covering her own mouth with her hand.
He stands up and Jan takes his phone, pointing the camera towards them, sensing that something funny is going to happen.
He’s right, of course, Bojan picks her up by her waist and throws himself (with her) in the swimming pool, effectively drenching them both.
“Bojan!” She shouts, both of them laughing loudly and Jan’s chuckling being heard from behind the camera.
*tenth clip*
They’re in the van while Bojan and his girlfriend are answering questions from fans in an Instagram live.
“What do you guys call each other?” She reads, immediately following it up with, “I call him daddy.”
“No, she does not,” he shakes his head profusely, moving towards the camera.
“I would call him daddy if he let me,” she corrects herself, getting closer to the camera to read the comments.
“Stop,” he laughs as he gently pushes her smirking head away.
“Someone said it’s a good nickname!”
“That was me,” says Jure, moving so he can be seen on the screen.
She pouts and looks at Bojan.
“What do I usually call you?”
“I call her love, sweetheart; and she…,” he trails off and turns to her, “I don’t know, what do you like calling me?”
“I know!” She exclaims happily, “waffles, cupcake, pie, pumpkin,… yes.” She nods to herself.
“That’s definitely not it,” he retorts, raising an eyebrow at her, “why are all of them high-calorie foods, anyway?”
“What? Do you want me to call you my little celery stick or something?”
Somebody laughs in the background at that.
“I hate you.”
“No, you don’t sugarplum,” she smirks again, watching as he’s trying to stop himself from laughing.
“You’re right, I don’t honey bun.”
All of them burst into a loud, chaotic laugh.
*end of the video*
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rosetta-j-stone · 5 months
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Buckle up guys, gals and non-binary pals, it's BoJere Tour Bus Renuion time <3
"...Bojan was tentatively asking me if I would join him on the tour bus" - Kris arches an eyebrow as he reads this part of the latest interview with Jere on his phone screen.
Tentatively? Seriously? Since when has Bojan done ANYTHING tentatively? Bojan is about as tentative as a- as a puppy. Which is why Kris has to watch him and "Nine Lives" Jure like a hawk.
Not for the first time, Kris is glad he doesn't have pets.
Turtles might be OK, he supposes.
Nace seems to think so.
Anyway, he's clearly going to have to talk to Bojan about this.
"Hey, Bojan, remind me: what are the rules of this tour?"
Bojan rolls his eyes. Like Kris doesn't know. Like Kris didn't write them. Like Kris didn't give him two copies (just in case). He shrugs.
"Let's see...what happens on the tour bus stays on the tour bus?"
Kris chucks a pillow at him. He ducks.
"That is the exact opposite of Rule 5 and you know it"
Ugh, he's in one of those moods. Bojan briefly considers throwing the pillow back, but decides against it.
"Rule 5? What were the other 4?" He grins. "Wait, don't tell me. They're all the same rule, just with different names."
Kris refuses to take this bait, unfortunately.
"Rule 5 is - as you very well know - No Sex On The Tour Bus"
How is he capitalising every letter of that stupid rule just saying it, Bojan wonders.
"Right, and why are you bringing up that rule with me? Shouldn't you be reminding...ooh, I don't know...your fellow guitarists of that one?"
Kris folds his arms and Bojan knows he shouldn't push it but he can't help himself.
"Or does it not apply if both parties are band members? Kinda discriminatory Krisko. Does this mean I have to start sleeping with Jure again?" He grins, gives Kris a suggestive look. "Or-"
Kris gives him a don't-even-think-about-it look in response - spoilsport - and thrusts his phone at him.
Ooh, it's an interview with Jere...
OK, Jere has obviously said something.
Yep. Kris has highlighted it. Of course he has.
He reads the offending sentence, rereads it, laughs, looks up.
"Oh come on Kris, this is just Jerč-Jere messing around. He probably said it because he knew it would get attention. Although" he feels obliged to point out, because joke or no joke this slander will not stand: "it was actually HIM asking ME if he could-"
Kris sighs the deep sigh of the terminally exasperated.
"Look, I don't care who asked who, your boyfriend-"
"-NOT my boyfriend actually but do carry on"
Kris doesn't even bat an eyelid.
"Whatever he is, he's NOT coming on the bus. In EITHER sense. There's barely enough room for the five of us as it is"
He gestures to the admittedly cramped living quarters they've somehow got used to sharing. Bojan can see his point, even if he is making it in the most insufferable way possible. He sighs.
"FINE. No Sex On The Tour Bus"
Kris looks at him.
He's such a Boy Scout sometimes. Bojan can't resist saluting as he replies.
"Yes, Mr-If-I-Can't-Get-Laid-Neither-Can-Anyone-Else, I promise"
And he runs off before Kris can find anything else to throw at him.
CarpeEveryDiemSlideIntoEveryDM: Hey
BikBik: Hey
BikBik: What happen?
CarpeEveryDiemSlideIntoEveryDM: Kris read your interview. I had to promise him I wouldn't smuggle you onto the tour bus.
BikBik: : (
CarpeEveryDiemSlideIntoEveryDM: I know, it sucks. No reenacting this for us
CarpeEveryDiemSlideIntoEveryDM: <video file: UKTourChaChaCha">
BikBik: <gif: "SadDavidTennant">
CarpeEveryDiemSlideIntoEveryDM: <gif: "SadDavidTennant">
CarpeEveryDiemSlideIntoEveryDM: ...
CarpeEveryDiemSlideIntoEveryDM: Anyway, I think we're both off Krisko's Christmas card list this year.
BikBik: ...
BikBik: OK but still on Christmas present list, yesyes?
BikBik: Still on track for visit from...Grandfather Walrus?
CarpeEveryDiemSlideIntoEveryDM: ...Grandfather Walrus?
BikBik: Is not correct? I put "Dedek Mrož" into Google Translate and-
CarpeEveryDiemSlideIntoEveryDM: OH
CarpeEveryDiemSlideIntoEveryDM: OMB
CarpeEveryDiemSlideIntoEveryDM: X D
CarpeEveryDiemSlideIntoEveryDM: DEDEK MRAZ
CarpeEveryDiemSlideIntoEveryDM: BRB DYING OF LAUGHTER
BikBik: ...
BikBik: ...
BikBik: F**k you Bojan X D
Jere is laughing as he puts his phone down, he can't help laughing whenever he interacts with Bojan, but he's soon serious again.
Yes, he ABSOLUTELY said that to that reporter because he knew they'd eat it up.
He was hoping that he and Bojan would-
You know.
But Bojan has made a promise, and his Bojan doesn't break promises.
So Jere is going to have to...get creative.
He grins.
He's always enjoyed a challenge.
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coolkraay · 11 months
Right, Käärijä gig:
- first of all the venue, Trix: I like the staggered floor, gives plenty of visibility near the back too. Like 013 or Doornroosje in NL in that regard. Similar size too, I love a good mid-sized venue. However, the times for the doors and opening act were weird. Why does the opening act start right when the doors open? They're starting with no one in the venue?
- the opening act, Wørtaal was great btw. Hardstyle's not my genre but they had some fun remixes and mixing in violin for some was really interesting.
- the crowd was great, lot's of chanting his name, a lot of singing along. Käärijä mentioned a few times how crazy we were and how he couldn't believe having this crowd here. Shout out to the person next to me knowing legit every single word to every song. You looked as cool as you are. Also shout out to the couple folks taking their shirts off for Paidaton Riehuja!
- I would've loved to have heard Fantastista but allas. Setlist was still great!
- Käärijä mentioned he was a bit sad the day before but he was so happy to be there and said he was happy again because of us.
- why'd he rip that fan's shirt? No clue, but he made fun of Belgian people buying something new and immediately breaking it. Also said he'd use it, then give it back. Making a joke a joke about how the fan could smell it later at home iykyk. That's where the whole Bojan shirt story thing came in.
- Häärijä was so funny, the 3 Daltons were too omg. Käärijä told Häärijä to say something as he opened a pack of Pokemon cards and the whole crowd started chanting Häärijä
- the little talks about everyone in the crowd being family, about it being a 'safety' space and to not fight or touch people unwanted and to give a yell if something happened so they could come help. To go out and follow your dreams and be your best.
- Käärijä is legit so fucking good live. Energy unmatched. Well, Emelia from the crowd matched it pretty well but still.
Final note I saw a lot of fans not wearing any hearing protection and one of the insta stories Käärijä shared also mentioned her ears hurting. Please, if you like live music at all, get hearing protection. Don't mess around with that stuff. Most venues nowadays sell hearing protection at the counter. Personally I use Loops which I like. Seriously, protect your hearing.
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signoraviolettavalery · 7 months
Another bokris idea:
they've sort of gotten together, aka they've kissed and are sort of dating, but haven't sat down to have a conversation about "what are we?" and "are we exclusive?" because a)they're emotionally constipated and terrified to b)their lives are crazy and stressful and they keep waiting for the Right Time
except of course Bojan is also a pining idiot who really wants them to be Officially Together and Real Boyfriends and so his brilliant way of testing the waters is....making Kris jealous
not actually sleeping with anyone (he doesn't want to, he'd rather have Kris) but he certainly makes it look like he does. Dancing with them, sneaking off for a bit from the dancefloor of whatever club they're at, getting home late, posting suggestive selfies...
Until of course Kris snaps. He is in fact jealous. He knows he doesn't have a "right" to be, they haven't made anything really official, but he really wants it to be real. Bojan is it for him, and it kills him that that doesn't seem to be true for Bojan as well, and eventually....
eventually he snaps, pins Bojan to a wall, kisses him bruisingly, and lays his claim. You're mine, he hisses into bruised skin. Do you think they can give you something I can't, when I know you inside and out? When I know what you're made of, your body and your soul?
He's angry, and it's not gentle, but it's the best sex they've had. Bojan relishes every bruise, every possessive word.
And after, Kris is like, why? Why do you do this? Am I not enough for you? Why did you start anything with me if you're going to run after other men?
And Bojan says, "there haven't been any other men."
Which Kris is incredulous about. Of course there have been! He's seen it. All that suggestive dancing at the club, all those disappearances...
"That wasn't real. I just wanted to make you jealous, but Kris, I didn't touch any of them. I don't want them. I only wanted you, but I wasn't sure where we stood and I ... didn't know how to talk about it. I wasn't prepared to ask how you felt and possibly hear that you didn't feel about me the way I did about you."
And Kris. mostly he's incredulous and a little mad, because Bojan went to this whole charade instead of just talking to him? But also he feels a little bad because he got so angry and it turns out that Bojan has been faithful. That given ample opportunity, he wants no one other than Kris. And he knows he should be more mad and more annoyed about the way Bojan went about this but he keeps coming back to the same thought:
Bojan doesn't want anyone other than him.
Bojan, the brilliant sun, the lighthouse, the charismatic one, the one people are always drawn to. The gorgeous one. He could've taken home almost anyone. But he hasn't touched anyone but Kris. Kris, who was just as much of a coward about having a conversation about all this. Ne govoriva vec o tem indeed.
"Well, do you have your answer, then?" Kris asks.
"I think so?" Bojan says. "I think maybe this means you would in fact like to be exclusive? Which I'm totally okay with, by the way, in case that wasn't obvious."
Kris snorts. "Exclusive? Bojan. Of course I want to be exclusive. I want to be with you. And I'm sorry that both of us are terrible at talking about it, but you have to admit, maybe you took it a little far?"
But Bojan is grinning now. "Nah," he says. "You all jealous and possessive is kinda hot."
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j-restlessgeek · 13 days
Hiii :3
Your cat!Jure ask made think and now I'm having so many Thoughts™ sooooo, imagine this:
Bojan is a doghuman (a golden retriever puppy if you may) the same way you said Jure was a cathuman. They both have some dog/cat features even in their human forms, but they can hide it really well unless there's some really strong emotions that make them pop up, and they can turn into their full animal form whenever they want.
Even if they're very good at hiding their animal features, it still takes a bit of energy and concentration to do so, so when it's just them and the boys (who are probably the only ones who know about it), they can finally fully relax and let their ears and tails pop up.
And you just can't tell me Bojan's tail wouldn't be wagging all the time from how happy he is. I can see they guys teasing him about it all the time, like when he gets mad for whatever reason and they apologize to him and give him so head scratches; he pretends to still be mad about it and he goes "you're not going to get me to forgive you just with some pets 😠" "you sure, pup? you're tail is wagging like crazy 😏" "oh shut UP"
(He also gets the zoomies from time to time of course agsjsbsj)
I think they would both LOVE turning into their animal forms to cuddle and take a little nap together. They all find it so funny that Bojan is somehow bigger than Jure when he's a dog, but despite the teasing, Jure loves getting to cuddle with him and it makes him feel so warm and safe. And he knows Bojan will always have his little 5pm nap, so cuddles will always be assured :3.
Whenever they meet up at Jan's, Jure will turn into a cat more than half the time to play with Igor and catch up with him. Igor tells him a lot of stuff - he's actually a really interesting cat, Janči - and then Jure can tell the guys what he said.
That's also why it took Igor a little more time warm up to Bojan because, even in his human form, he still smells like a dog (it's not perceptible to the human senses, but it is to the cat's), but he does eventually and they now all get along pretty well and he joins the cuddles during nap time sometimes 🥰.
I like to think Bojan was one of the first people to meet Pino when Nace brought him home and they immediately warmed up to each other. Sometimes Nace takes both of them on a walk so they can have some quality time together as well, and when they get back home Bojan returns to his human form and tells Nace all the good things Pino says about him – and Nace has probably cried a few times hearing just how much his beautiful puppy loves him 🥹💕
Also, they would definitely love going on little adventures with the band, going on a hike and being surrounded by nature so they can run around freely and have fun together (even more if Igor and Pino join them as well of course). The rest of the guys would have to keep an eye on them so they don't get lost or hurt themselves, but it's definitely worth it to see how much fun they have together <3
(wow you really got my mind going crazy omg 🫣)
Omg omg omg omg, dog bojan 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹awwwwwwwwwwwwww omg the idea of Bojan trying to look angry but his traitorous tail is wagging behind him 😂😂😂😂😂😂.
Omg this is sooooo freaking cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute, omg jure and bojan being Igor and Pino's translators 😭😭😭😭😭 thats so sweet 💛💛💛💛💛💛.
Awwwwwwwwww jure cuddling close to sleeping Bojan, snuggling into the long soft fur, maybe he even purrs. 👀👀👀😻😻😻😻😻
The question is if Nace or one of the others would throw a ball, would Bojan go fetch it? 👀👀👀👀👀👀
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PART TWO for @arsonist-chicken
Bojan is a little shit, and he decides to mess with Kris a bit. He tells Kris he's not allowed to look while he does it, that he just has to trust him, and it takes a bit of convincing but Kris agrees. Kris has no idea what a stick and poke feels like, and he's not allowed to watch while Bojan does it. Bojan draws a stencil of something and then pretends to ink it on Kris, but he just makes it feel like he is instead of actually using ink. Kris finally looks at the "finished tattoo", which isn't actually a real tattoo.
"A flower? Why a flower? And a shitty flower, I might add"
"It's not just any flower" Bojan says with a mischevous grin. "It's the flower that my surname refers to"
Kris's eyes whip back to the "tattoo", his mouth falling open slightly. "Why the fuck would you... I don't want your name on me Bojan!"
"Well, too late, cuz you've got it" Bojan grins. It's another way of trying to one-up eachother, and for Bojan to mess with Kris, that Kris would have his biggest hater and source of competition on his skin forever (and oops this got kinda kinky didn't it what is this branding powerplay going on)
Annywayyyy as Bojan predicted, Kris is all flustered and doing his best to be annoyed, which he is, but alsoooo.... Bojan eventually admits it's not real, and that he'll do something else. Kris isn't sure what's gotten into him, but when Bojan goes to wipe it away he grabs his wrist.
Bojan looks at him in confusion, and Kris gets out "Don't, what if... What if I want it?" Bojan's eyes go wide at that, he visibly gulps. Suddenly he's the one who's out of his depth here cuz wtf is going on. "You... What do you mean you want it"
"I... I want your name on me. Do the tattoo"
Bojan is shooketh, Kris is shooketh, everyone is shooketh and also horny now and tense and the air is heavy with what this means for them because it definitely means something. Bojan does the tattoo but his hand is shaking the whole time, it feels like it takes an eternity and like neither of them breath until it's done.
"So, uhh... Do you want to do mine now, or...?" Bojan asks, his breathing heavy and his eyes wide and suddenly they're only inches apart. "It can't wait until tomorrow" Kris breathes, almost whimpers, before pulling him in to a desperate kiss. *Sex happens*
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