#why health and safety is important in the workplace
reasonsforhope · 2 years
"How much safer has construction really gotten? Let’s take a look.
Construction used to be incredibly dangerous
By the end of the 19th century, what’s sometimes called the second industrial revolution had made US industry incredibly productive. But it had also made working conditions more dangerous...
One source estimates 25,000 total US workplace fatalities in 1908 (Aldrich 1997). Another 1913 estimate gave 23,000 deaths against 38 million workers. Per capita, this is about 61 deaths per 100,000 workers, roughly 17 times the rate of workplace fatalities we have today...
In a world of dangerous work, construction was one of the most dangerous industries of all. By the 1930s and early 1940s the occupational death rate for all US workers had fallen to around 36-37 per 100,000 workers. At the same time [in the 1930s and early 1940s], the death rate in construction was around 150-200 deaths per 100,000 workers, roughly five times as high... By comparison, the death rate of US troops in Afghanistan in 2010 was about 500 per 100,000 troops. By the mid-20th century, the only industry sector more dangerous than construction was mining, which had a death rate roughly 50% higher than construction.
We see something similar if we look at injuries. In 1958 the rate of disabling injuries in construction was 3 times as high as the manufacturing rate, and almost 5 times as high as the overall worker rate.
Increasing safety
Over the course of the 20th century, construction steadily got safer. 
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Between 1940 and 2023, the occupational death rate in construction declined from 150-200 per 100,000 workers to 13-15 per 100,000 workers, or more than 90%. Source: US Statistical Abstract, FRED
For ironworkers, the death rate went from around 250-300 per 100,000 workers in the late 1940s to 27 per 100,000 today.
Tracking trends in construction injuries is harder, due to data consistency issues. A death is a death, but what sort of injury counts as “severe,” or “disabling,” or is even worth reporting is likely to change over time. [3] But we seem to see a similar trend there. Looking at BLS Occupational Injuries and Illnesses data, between the 1970s and 2020s the injury rate per 100 workers declined from 15 to 2.5.
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Source of safety improvements
Improvements in US construction safety were due to a multitude of factors, and part of a much broader trend of improving workplace safety that took place over the 20th century.
The most significant early step was the passage of workers compensation laws, which compensated workers in the event of an injury, increasing the costs to employers if workers were injured (Aldrich 1997). Prior to workers comp laws, a worker or his family would have to sue his employer for damages and prove negligence in the event of an injury or death. Wisconsin passed the first state workers comp law in 1911, and by 1921 most states had workers compensation programs.
The subsequent rising costs of worker injuries and deaths caused employers to focus more on workplace safety. According to Mark Aldrich, historian and former OSHA economist, “Companies began to guard machines and power sources while machinery makers developed safer designs. Managers began to look for hidden dangers at work, and to require that workers wear hard hats and safety glasses.” Associations and trade journals for safety engineering, such as the American Society of Safety Professionals, began to appear...
In 1934, the Department of Labor established a Division of Labor Standards, which would later become the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), to “promote worker safety and health.” The 1935 National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), which legalized collective bargaining, allowed trade unions to advocate for worker safety.
Following WWII, the scale of government intervention in addressing social problems, including worker safety, dramatically increased.
In addition to OSHA and environmental protection laws, this era also saw the creation of the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).
OSHA in particular dramatically changed the landscape of workplace safety, and is sometimes viewed as “the culmination of 60 or more years of effort towards a safe and hazard-free workplace.”"
-via Construction Physics (Substack newsletter by Brian Potter), 3/9/23
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philosopherking1887 · 3 months
More good things the Biden administration is doing: OSHA heat safety rules for workers
Remember when Texas and Florida passed laws preventing local and municipal governments from implementing their own heat safety rules and said that if heat is such a big problem, OSHA should make rules that apply to everyone? If not, NPR can remind you. OSHA has now accepted the challenge, moving much faster than they usually do:
OSHA National News Release U.S. Department of Labor July 2, 2024 Biden-Harris administration announces proposed rule to protect indoor, outdoor workers from extreme heat WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Labor has released a proposed rule with the goal of protecting millions of workers from the significant health risks of extreme heat. If finalized, the proposed rule would help protect approximately 36 million workers in indoor and outdoor work settings and substantially reduce heat injuries, illnesses, and deaths in the workplace. Heat is the leading cause of weather-related deaths in the U.S. Excessive workplace heat can lead to heat stroke and even death. While heat hazards impact workers in many industries, workers of color have a higher likelihood of working in jobs with hazardous heat exposure. “Every worker should come home safe and healthy at the end of the day, which is why the Biden-Harris administration is taking this significant step to protect workers from the dangers posed by extreme heat,” said Acting Secretary of Labor Julie Su. “As the most pro-worker administration in history, we are committed to ensuring that those doing difficult work in some of our economy’s most critical sectors are valued and kept safe in the workplace.” The proposed rule would require employers to develop an injury and illness prevention plan to control heat hazards in workplaces affected by excessive heat. Among other things, the plan would require employers to evaluate heat risks and — when heat increases risks to workers — implement requirements for drinking water, rest breaks and control of indoor heat. It would also require a plan to protect new or returning workers unaccustomed to working in high heat conditions. “Workers all over the country are passing out, suffering heat stroke and dying from heat exposure from just doing their jobs, and something must be done to protect them,” said Assistant Secretary for Occupational Safety and Health Douglas L. Parker. “Today’s proposal is an important next step in the process to receive public input to craft a ‘win-win’ final rule that protects workers while being practical and workable for employers.” Employers would also be required to provide training, have procedures to respond if a worker is experiencing signs and symptoms of a heat-related illness, and take immediate action to help a worker experiencing signs and symptoms of a heat emergency. The public is encouraged to submit written comments on the rule once it is published in the Federal Register. The agency also anticipates a public hearing after the close of the written comment period. More information will be available on submitting comments when the rule is published. In the interim, OSHA continues to direct significant existing outreach and enforcement resources to educate employers and workers and hold businesses accountable for violations of the Occupational Safety and Health Act’s general duty clause, 29 U.S.C. § 654(a)(1) and other applicable regulations. Record-breaking temperatures across the nation have increased the risks people face on-the-job, especially in summer months. Every year, dozens of workers die and thousands more suffer illnesses related to hazardous heat exposure that, sadly, are most often preventable. The agency continues to conduct heat-related inspections under its National Emphasis Program – Outdoor and Indoor Heat-Related Hazards, launched in 2022. The program inspects workplaces with the highest exposures to heat-related hazards proactively to prevent workers from suffering injury, illness or death needlessly. Since the launch, OSHA has conducted more than 5,000 federal heat-related inspections. In addition, the agency is prioritizing programmed inspections in agricultural industries that employ temporary, nonimmigrant H-2A workers for seasonal labor. These workers face unique vulnerabilities, including potential language barriers, less control over their living and working conditions, and possible lack of acclimatization, and are at high risk of hazardous heat exposure.
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biwrites · 23 days
Picking A Side (of the Closet Door)
I’m bisexual. (wow…who knew)
Those words have never been spoken by me to most of the people in my life. I am currently in the difficult situation of being half-in half-out of the closet. To trusted friends and coworkers, I am out and proudly identifying as bi. I wear a pride pin at work, I talk openly about my sexuality on my social medias.
On the other hand, to my family, and those who might jeopardize my safety, I’m still in the closet. I’ve gotten very good at swiftly removing my pin one-handed if I see a family member, or someone I just don’t want to know, enter my workplace. I don’t talk about my sexuality on social media accounts tied to my real name or personal life. It was a big step for me when I wrote openly about my experiences as a queer person during my time at college, and terrifying when I got onstage and read some of my pieces. That night, I told my family I didn’t want them to come, that they wouldn’t like the event anyways (they wouldn't have), and that I might not even read. My family had always supported my writing in the past, and encouraged me to take it seriously, even though I wasn’t pursuing it as my main career path. In another life, it would have meant the world to have them there too, like they had been many times before, but that wasn’t the life I was living, so I took the stage alone. 
This tension between the safety of the closet and the freedom of being out has appeared before in my life, but never more sharply than now. I currently cannot safely come out for many reasons, but to remain fully closeted might kill me. The more I peek out of the closet door, the more I am visible…and that’s terrifying. I’m fully aware that I am taking risks, that someday the Good Straight Girl front I’ve worn for the last 22 years will fall, and that I may not be able to choose when it does (though I sorely hope I do). I care deeply about queer activism and community but have often felt like a traitor to the cause. How can I advocate being loud and proud when I am neither of those things myself? How can I access community when I have to watch over my shoulder to be sure nobody’s caught me in a picture at a local queer event? This internal conflict is compounded even more now that I have a partner who is out. For a bit, (even though I absolutely am not) I even felt like a worse partner for it.
So, why am I writing this? 
This Bi Visibility Month, I want to extend a hand to my fellow closeted bi and pansexuals. I want to let you know that you’re not alone, and that you are no less queer for keeping yourself safe. It’s already difficult to feel visible as a bi+ person, and it can be extremely discouraging when you have the extra layer of the closet on top of that. We have made many advancements as a community over the last few decades, and it is incredible that as many people are able to be out and proud in their identities. If you are someone who isn’t ready to come out, isn’t able to come out, or if you’re like me and are only able to be partially out, you are just as important to our community as anyone else. You aren’t betraying anyone, and you aren’t being indecisive. There are many ways to celebrate behind closet doors! We’ve been doing it for centuries, and some beautiful queer culture comes from the small ways we make ourselves visible to those who know. (This is the reason I will always have a soft spot for even our silliest little inside jokes) You can absolutely date from within the closet, and I promise you that you can have happy and fulfilling relationships the same as anyone else! Most importantly, find the people who support you and make you feel welcome, whether online or offline. Take time for yourself, and your mental wellbeing. Being closeted is often deeply painful, and it is important to keep your mental health at the top of your priorities. Cuff your jeans or eat some lemon bars or buy the frog tee shirt or paint your nails pink purple and blue or whatever other silly little things make you feel bi enough…because you are always bi enough.
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theic-manic · 2 months
Thank you, Apollo and Hermes, for granting me swift yet deep and healing sleep after a long day.
Thank you for last night's active meditation insights.
Thank you for continuing to provide me with incredible insights this morning.
Today's realisation is that I've been so focused on the receipt and interpretation of my communications without focusing on how I receive and interpret the communications of others.
Thank you, Ares, for helping learn the value of seeking and listening to the counsel of others, especially during our battles.
As always, it is an incredible honour to be able to offer my mundane daily activities, such as my daily occupation and my role as a very Work, Health & Safety focused union representative at my workplace.
Thank you, Apollo, for helping me to identify the boundaries (as a disabled public servant & spiritually) that I need to set in the first place, which is partly why you push me quite hard at times.
Thank you, Hermes, for allowing me to communicate my boundaries and helping my communications be received.
Thank you both for helping me now understand the importance of learning to engage in reciprocal communication & boundary setting with others without giving empathy without limits.
Thank you both for gifting me the beautiful honour of using my communication skills as a multiply neurodivergent public service union representative to gently & effectively support my new Neurodivergent colleagues.
May Aphrodite Areia help me to sweeten my actions and words within my personal battles.
Thank you, Hermes, for keeping me and my fellow commuters safe.
I thank the gods that I work with & devote myself to for accepting the actions that I'll be undertaking today as acts of worship and service.
Thank you, Apollo, for making me your divine instrument in healing myself by helping others, Hermes, for assisting with my communication barriers and Ares for being my shield & sword, my safety & refuge.
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saoirseronanswife · 2 months
‘so what I’m going to do is put you in breakout rooms to discuss why health, safety and well-being might be important in the workplace’ can I just be shot
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thoughtportal · 1 year
Delta Air Lines has been caught pouring tens of millions of dollars into anti-unionization efforts, producing appalling flyers encouraging employees to buy video games instead of joining a union, and maintaining a culture of intimidation through emails, videos, meetings, and signs degrading those who support unions.
Delta's major shareholder meeting on June 15, 2023, provides CEO Ed Bastian, Chairman Frank Blake, Vanguard Group, BlackRock, Capital World Investors, and other shareholders with an opportunity to demonstrate their commitment to treating 50,000 workers with respect.
A shareholder resolution known as Proposal 6 requests that Delta Air Lines adopt a 'Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining Policy' to enable workers to advocate for safety, paid sick and family leave, and fair compensation.
Add your name to tell Delta shareholders to vote FOR Proposal 6.
Why is this important?
50,000 Delta Air Lines workers including ramp, cargo, and tower workers, attendants, and mechanics are being denied workplace representation that has been earned by pilots and dispatchers.
There is no way to explain this other than to say that wealthy executives and powerful shareholders do not trust or respect workers enough to provide a fair and equitable workplace for all employees.
The Association of Flight Attendants, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, and International Brotherhood of Teamsters are offering support, but it’s so important to show that the airline customers nationwide also support Proposal 6, because the ultrawealthy pay attention when their reputation and bottom line are at stake.
Supporters of Proposal 6 firmly believe that all workers deserve dignity and safety. We are fighting hard for Proposal 6 because we know that it will help us advocate for better health and safety practices, provide pathways for professional development, and establish guardrails to ensure fair, equitable, and humane treatment for all workers.
The Proposal’s opponents claim that, “Delta has always respected its employees' choice, encouraged honest, transparent, and respectful dialogue among its people, and has not suggested stifling any group or point of view.”
It's simply unbelievable knowing that Delta has been caught pouring tens of millions of dollars into anti-unionization efforts, produced appalling flyers encouraging employees to buy video games instead of joining a union, and maintains a culture of intimidation through emails, videos, meetings, and signs degrading those who support unions.
Sign the petition to demand Delta to stop union-busting. Tell the shareholders you know to vote FOR Proposal 6 (Adoption of Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining Policy).
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pestfreezoneae · 5 months
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Before knowing why let me give you a brief introduction of PEST AND PEST CONTROL
Any organism dangerous to people or their concerns is considered a pest. The phrase is specifically used to describe animals that harm livestock, crops, forests, or people, especially in their houses. Because they have altered the environment to suit their needs, humans are intolerant of other animals sharing space with them if their actions negatively affect our goals. Elephants are therefore OK in their native habitat but undesirable when they trample crops.
The technique of managing and stopping pests, such as insects, rodents, and other animals from harming crops, structures, and other areas is known as pest control. Numerous techniques exist for controlling pests, encompassing chemical and physical approaches such using pesticides and setting up barriers and traps.
Professional pest control is Important because You and your family should feel safe and secure in your property, but that sense is destroyed when pests break in. In addition to being an annoyance, pests pose a risk to your family's health and safety. Because infestations can spread illnesses and cause damage to property, it's best to leave professional pest treatment to the professionals when it comes to your property. Professional pest control services are vital for a number of reasons, including the maintenance of a secure, comfortable, and healthy home or workplace. Here is the list of WHY PROFESSIONAL PEST CONTROL IS IMPORTANT?
Safety and Health:
For both people and pets, pests can be extremely dangerous to their health. There are several pests that can spread bacteria, viruses, and parasites to people. To give just two examples, ticks and mosquitoes can spread Lyme disease and the West Nile virus, respectively, while rodents can carry infections like the Hantavirus.
Eco-Friendly Resolutions:
A lot of pest control businesses provide low-toxicity and environmentally friendly pest control solutions. In order to safeguard the ecosystem and reduce harm to non-target species, they place a higher priority on the use of safer techniques and chemicals.
Peace of Mind: 
It gives you peace of mind to know that skilled pest control services are protecting your property. You don't have to worry about the presence of pests or the possible health hazards they may cause to carry out your everyday activities.
Allergies and Respiratory Problems:
Pest infestations can trigger allergies and respiratory problems, particularly in individuals who are sensitive to allergens like cockroach droppings, dust mites, and pet dander. Professional Pest Control Services helps reduce allergen exposure.
Safeguarding Property:
Professional pest control safeguard your property.In addition to eating through wires, insulation, wood, and fabrics, pests can seriously harm property. For example, unmanaged termites can seriously harm building integrity. Professional pest management shields against such harm.
Food Security:
Food sources in residences and commercial buildings can become contaminated by pests. Foodborne infections may result from this contamination. By preventing infestations in kitchens, pantries, and storage spaces, professional pest control 
Dubai may help protect food safety.
Keeping Out Secondary Pests:
Using do-it-yourself pest control techniques could unintentionally result in further infestations of pests. For example, getting rid of one kind of bug with insecticides could lead to another pest issue. By locating and addressing the underlying cause of infestations, professionals can lower the likelihood of developing secondary pests.
Knowledge and Experience:
Professionals in pest control have the skills, background, and education necessary to recognise various pest species, comprehend their habits, and implement efficient removal methods. They are able to customise solutions for specific pest issues.
Time and Money Saved:
Do-it-yourself pest control techniques can be labor-intensive and may not work well. Proffesional pest control experts can handle insect issues more quickly, which could ultimately save you time and money.
Observance of Regulations:
Businesses must follow rules for pest control, particularly those in the food and hospitality sectors. Professional pest management services support adherence to these rules.
Prolonged Prevention:
Professional pest control services prioritise long-term prevention in addition to quick elimination. By recognising and addressing pest-attracting environments, they lessen the chance of additional infestations.
Tailored Solutions:
Pest control professionals customise their approaches to address the particular problems with pests and the particular requirements of every property, offering efficient and customised solutions. 
To sum up, Professional pest control services are necessary to keep a space safe, healthy, and free of pests. In order to shield residential and commercial premises from the damaging consequences of pest infestations, they provide knowledge, experience, and a variety of practical solutions.
At Pestfreezone.ae. We will help you to get rid of all the pest from your indoor,outdoor and warehouses in DUBAI, SHARJAH and ABU DHABI.
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coochiequeens · 2 years
On this day, Feb. 12, we recognize “Union Women’s Equal Pay Day,” an important reminder of how empowering more women to form and join unions can advance pay equity for women.
Since 1996, advocates for pay equity for women have observed National Equal Pay Day to spotlight the persistent gender wage gap in America and why fairness demands it be closed. On average, a woman working full-time, year-round in the U.S. must work until March 14 to earn what a man earned the prior year.
How do unions make a difference? Let some facts do the talking. On average, workers represented by unions earn more than those working in non-union jobs, and union men and women also have more equitable wages compared to each other. Today, 6.5 million women are union members and make up 47 percent of all workers unions represent.
Union representation also has reduced the gender and racial wage gap by nearly 43 percent, compared to the wage gap non-union women face. The narrower these gaps, the greater the wages earned by union women over the course of their careers. Over time, they’ve earned hundreds of thousands of additional dollars and enjoyed greater economic security.
Data clearly show that a woman with a union behind her makes 22 percent more, on average, than a woman fending for herself. Union membership can help ensure pay transparency and equity, and access to benefits such as paid sick days, health insurance, free legal services, professional training and pensions, come with the job.
By electing their leaders, union members democratically choose the people who negotiate their contracts and pave the way for regular wage increases, better job security and ways to address workplace grievances, discrimination and other concerns. They also feel empowered to speak out about pay discrepancies, sexual harassment and safety issues.
Unions empower workers, particularly women and women of color, as they drive organizing campaigns in new areas of our economy. They are leading historic campaigns across the nation: from coffee shops to airports and high-tech to hospitality, women are among the nation’s most determined and successful organizers.
In addition to these victories, unions are working to overcome the single largest measurable cause of the wage gaps: the differences in the jobs people hold. Too often, women and people of color are shut out of high-paying opportunities. Unions help level the playing field by ensuring that workers are not paid less, or excluded from promotions or advancement, simply because of their gender, race or ethnicity.
Unprecedented levels of federal investment through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the CHIPS and Science Act, and the Inflation Reduction Act will directly create good middle-class jobs that many workers urgently need, especially for women and people of color who are vastly underrepresented in industries such as manufacturing and construction.
Diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility are central to the Department of Labor’s and the AFL-CIO’s efforts to create good jobs in the U.S. as federal infrastructure investments arrive in our communities. North America’s Building Trades Unions (NABTU) released their “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Initiatives in the Construction Trades” report on Jan. 17, 2023, which finds that union programs are far more effective at recruiting and training more women and racially diverse groups into the construction industry.
Working with the departments of Transportation, Commerce and Energy, we are determined to make sure the Biden administration’s investments produce good-quality jobs with access to paid family and medical leave, the free and fair choice of a union, paid sick days, health care, supportive services, and freedom from gender-based violence and harassment.
So, join us to mark Union Women’s Equal Pay Day and remember how unions are fighting for justice for all workers, and why we need to change history so that women are paid their full and fair wages each and every day.
Wendy Chun-Hoon is director of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Women’s Bureau. Liz Shuler is the president of the AFL-CIO.
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allentics01 · 1 year
"Mastering SAP EHS: Ensuring a Safe and Sustainable Future"
In this changing world, businesses are increasingly focusing on sustainability and environmental responsibility. SAP EHS (Environment, Health, and Safety) software plays a crucial role in helping organizations manage these aspects of their operations efficiently. In this blog post, we will explore the key features and benefits of SAP EHS and how it contributes to building a safer and more sustainable future.
Understanding SAP EHS:
What is SAP EHS?
Start by explaining what SAP EHS is and why it's essential for modern businesses. Briefly touch upon its history and evolution.
The Core Components of SAP EHS
Describe the core modules and components of SAP EHS, such as Product Safety, Occupational Health, Environmental Compliance, and more.
The Benefits of SAP EHS:
Improved Compliance and Risk Management
Discuss how SAP EHS helps organizations ensure compliance with local and global regulations, reducing the risk of non-compliance penalties.
Enhanced Safety and Incident Management
Explain how SAP EHS facilitates the tracking and management of safety incidents, helping companies minimize workplace accidents.
Sustainability and Environmental Stewardship
Highlight the role of SAP EHS in promoting sustainability by tracking and reducing environmental impacts.
Implementing SAP EHS:
Integration with Other SAP Solutions
Explain how SAP EHS can seamlessly integrate with other SAP software like SAP S/4HANA for a comprehensive business solution.
Training and Certification
Discuss the importance of SAP EHS training and certification for professionals looking to excel in this field.
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Go off Paul Barry.
PROF CORDELIA FINE: People engaged in contemporary debates about sex and gender identity have been harassed, intimidated, verbally abused, gratuitously offended, viciously smeared and forced from positions, roles or other professional opportunities. Some of our participants have been targets of these tactics.
- Pride and Prejudice in Policy, University of Melbourne, 4 October, 2022
Hello, I’m Paul Barry, welcome to Media Watch. And to a difficult conversation we need to have.
Two weeks ago on a Tuesday evening, around 100 people went to Melbourne University for a panel discussion chaired by former ABC radio host Jon Faine. The subject: Pride and Prejudice in Policy. 
But what promised to be a quiet night turned out to be anything but. As Faine lamented in The Age:
… eight or nine noisy trans activists tried – but failed — to shut down a forum I was chairing …
It … came as something of a shock … to find myself being aggressively accused of transphobia, of creating a risk to other people’s health and safety, simply for wanting to have a discussion.
- The Sunday Age, 9 October, 2022
In the days leading up to the debate, two trans activists had pulled out of the discussion, because they refused to share a platform with people they claimed were anti-trans activists.
And the ABC’s Paul Barclay had also stepped down from hosting the debate after getting slammed on Twitter when he tweeted he was looking forward to it:
Good to know you're looking forward to cheerfully discussing trans elimination with a bunch of cis people, you dick.
- Twitter, @eleanorevenstar, 21 September, 2022
… why would you participate in normalising transphobic hate speech ..?
- Twitter, @nick_nobody, 21 September, 2022
Importing UK TERFism into Australia. Shame.
- Twitter, @engagedpractx, 22 September, 2022
So, what exactly was the debate they wanted shut down? And why is this on Media Watch?
Well, around a year ago, two British broadcasters, the BBC and Channel 4, pulled out of a workplace diversity program run by the UK charity Stonewall, which champions LGBTQ rights, with the BBC’s Director-General Tim Davie issuing a statement to say: 
“… over time, our participation in the Programme has led some to question whether the BBC can be impartial when reporting on public policy debates where Stonewall is taking an active role.”
- BBC Statement, Tim Davie, BBC Director-General, 10 November, 2021
The BBC’s withdrawal came one month after high-profile BBC radio host Stephen Nolan published a 10-part podcast — which topped the charts on Apple and Spotify — examining whether the BBC’s editorial output had been affected by its relationship with Stonewall.
This had reportedly turned up:
… numerous instances of BBC internal policy and editorial output that appeared to breach the corporation’s own impartiality guidelines …
- Variety, 10 November, 2021
These included Stonewall being consulted on the BBC’s style guide and recruitment language and a BBC reporter presenting a Stonewall video on TikTok.
But Nolan’s key concern involved the BBC’s participation in Stonewall’s Workplace Equality Index, which is essentially a competition for employers in which the BBC became a diversity champion. 
As Nolan’s colleague David Thompson explained:
DAVID THOMPSON: … the BBC said that some of the things that had helped them move up Stonewall’s equality index was that they had appointed the first-ever LGBTQ+ news correspondent and first gender and identity correspondent in BBC News; we’ve corporately adopted the term LGBTQ+, Stonewall’s term, and that we’ve been raising awareness of the importance of gender pronouns. That they’re all issues that Stonewall have lobbied on and that BBC has moved on, so that is prima facie evidence of Stonewall having some success influencing the BBC’s editorial. And I know some journalists in the BBC saw it exactly that way.
- Nolan Investigates: Stonewall, BBC Sounds, 13 October, 2021
Many will say those changes are good. 
But according to one BBC journalist, Samantha Smith, there was still a problem: that the BBC was in bed with a lobby group. And paying money to it and seeking its approval.  
As a presenter, she said, she had often been asked to do things for charity, but:
SAMANTHA SMITH: … I said no to everything. You know, I was absolutely clear on it that this is what the organisation expected of me personally, not to align myself to any cause or political position, however noble, however kind, however well meaning it seemed to be. 
- Nolan Investigates: Stonewall, BBC Sounds, 13 October, 2021
And why had she turned down all those good causes? Because the BBC’s absolute core principle, she said, was impartiality: 
SAMANTHA SMITH: And this is the difficulty I have with the BBC lining itself up with Stonewall in the way it has, being part of the Stonewall club, being marked by Stonewall …
DAVID THOMPSON: Paying money to Stonewall?
SAMANTHA SMITH: And paying money for Stonewall and using Stonewall’s language. How is that independent? How is that impartial?
- Nolan Investigates: Stonewall, BBC Sounds, 13 October, 2021
And why is all this relevant to Australia? 
Because the ABC and SBS belong to a near identical workplace diversity scheme run by the AIDS Council of New South Wales, or ACON. And like the BBC they pay thousands of dollars a year to do so.
In fact, the ABC is a star employer, winning gold in this year’s Australian Workplace Equality Index awards, where CEO David Anderson — who is also the ABC’s Editor-in-Chief — also won gold:
“I am honoured to receive this award and accept it on behalf of all of my colleagues at the ABC.”
- TV Blackbox, 28 May, 2022
David Anderson, who’s done a great job in boosting the broadcaster’s diversity, was nominated for the award by the ABC. 
So, what does the ABC have to do to achieve this ranking?
Documents released under FOI reveal the broadcaster wins points in a number of ways for providing a safe and inclusive workplace. And we should celebrate that because its commitment to diversity and inclusion is laudable.
The ABC also scored points for providing Sydney news presenter Jeremy Fernandez — who MC’d the 2022 Australian LGBTQ Inclusion Awards — for pro bono work and for sending delegates to LGBTQ conferences. And for having ABC staff march in Mardi Gras, which ABC News reported:
LYDIA FENG: There were 190 floats in the parade, including the first ever from the ABC.
- ABC News (NSW), 1 March, 2020
The ABC also scored points for having ABC boss David Anderson on the Mardi Gras float, but it was denied two further points it sought in the category of CEO speaking, with ACON ruling:
Marching in MG [Mardi Gras] isn’t evidence of speaking at events
- Australian Workplace Equality Index 2021
But the index is not just about diversity in the workplace.
The ABC also wins points from ACON for positive programming. For example, it picked up three points with its series First Day, about a trans child starting high school.
And it won a 2022 LGBTQ inclusion award for:
… the ABC podcast series, Innies and Outies … The series tells the LGBTQIA+ stories of those choosing to either come out or stay in, presented by ABCQueer's Mon Schafter.
- ABC Media Release, 27 May, 2022
What’s more, emails obtained under FOI by a women’s anti-trans group called ACON Exposed also show ACON’s ABC relationship manager offered editorial tips, including adding a help number, to boost the ABC’s Australian Workplace Equality Index score:
Just a thought for future LGBTQ related content and there are AWEI points in it too. 
- Email, Chris Nelson, ACON Pride in Diversity Relationship Manager, sent to the ABC, 25 August, 2020
ABC Classic presenter Russell Torrance was speaking to Ed Ayres on the importance of Wear it Purple Day … I think this is AWEI worthy.
- Email, Chris Nelson, ACON Pride in Diversity Relationship Manager, sent to the ABC, 28 August, 2020
And this is surely where the problems start. 
Because regardless of how good or worthy these programs are — and First Day won prizes around the world — having them scored by a lobby group raises questions about ABC impartiality. 
Imagine, for example, the ABC paying thousands of dollars to Greenpeace and winning prizes for running stories attacking the fossil fuel industry. Or paying money to the Australian Republican Movement and being rewarded for a series criticising the monarchy.
How would that be defensible or impartial? 
And what if the ABC also steered clear of debate on contentious matters, as it arguably does on transgender issues?
In August, Media Watch pointed out that the ABC had failed to cover the controversial closure of the UK’s famous Tavistock gender clinic.
And that it had given scant coverage of the High Court case against the clinic from Keira Bell, who alleged she had been rushed into treatment with puberty blockers without due care:
MINNIE STEPHENSON: When Keira was a teenager she desperately wanted to be a boy. Now 23, she regrets the transition she underwent and says instead she was struggling with a complex identity issue.
KEIRA BELL: I was lost and confused and, you know, I thought that was the solution to my problems and, you know, they led me to believe the same thing.
- Channel 4 News, 2 December, 2020
We also noted that the ABC had ignored legitimate medical debate about caution and safeguards in treating gender dysphoria in children. 
Two days later, ABC Sydney’s Josh Szeps invited Dr Philip Morris, who urges caution, to talk about these matters. This was his reaction:
DR PHILIP MORRIS: It’s wonderful to be invited by the ABC to put a point of view …
I feel, you know, the people on, who’ve been looking at this from the perspective of what’s best for children have been sort of standing, it’s like a, being at a dance hall and been waiting for the ABC to offer to take us for a dance. So I’m hoping I can do a few twirls with you today, but it’s great to be here. 
- Afternoons with Josh Szeps, ABC Sydney, 17 August, 2022
One week later, the ABC came under fire again as Q+A put together a panel to talk about inclusion in sport, and social media lit up with complaints from women about the lack of balance:
This weeks @QandA on @ABCaustralia is on trans inclusion in Women’s Sport. A panel of MEN & one woman who is openly pro trans. Where is OUR VOICE? The stories of WOMEN directly impacted by sex self ID.
- Twitter, @angijones, 22 August, 2022
Surely your announcement on the panel for this discussion is satire 
@QandA? Of course you’d include sportswomen affected by this.
- Twitter, @AstraNiedra, 22 August, 2022
ABC then added a female athlete to its panel at the last minute to meet those concerns. 
And last week there was criticism of another story from April this year on transgender athletes in women’s sport:
ABC chairwoman Ita Buttrose said she regrets “serious editorial lapses” in a “misleading” ABC story about trans women in sport which did not include research that showed they can retain physical advantages.
- The Daily Telegraph, 14 October, 2022
Those comments were in response to a letter to the ABC chair from campaigning Liberal senator Claire Chandler, who wrote:
“I suggest that this series of errors and breaches of standards could only have occurred in circumstances where the author set out to make a predetermined case …”
- The Daily Telegraph, 14 October, 2022
Following a review, the ABC story was updated to include:
… more research, including a study showing transwomen in the US Air Force ran on average 12 per cent faster than biological women.
- The Daily Telegraph, 14 October, 2022
Now, we have not conducted a full audit of the ABC’s editorial coverage, but the concern here is that it is not impartial but one-sided.
So does the ABC believe that that's so? And does it accept that its partnership with a lobby group, ACON, could be a problem?
In short, the answer is no and no. It told us:
Participation in benchmarking indexes has no bearing on content commissioning processes and no influence on editorial content.
- Email, ABC spokesperson, 17 October, 2022
With a spokesperson highlighting the ABC’s “independence and integrity”, insisting the newsroom remains in control of all content and stating that editorial decisions are “not improperly influenced” by outside interests. Adding: 
The ABC has rigorous and independent pre- and post-publication processes to reinforce these standards.
- Email, ABC spokesperson, 17 October, 2022
We also approached ACON for comment. And it’s worth noting their representative pulled out of that Melbourne debate, claiming it was unsafe to take part. 
But we’re glad to say they did engage with Media Watch and answered all our questions. They told us: 
 We have not, and do not, provide any advice or guidance whatsoever on any editorial matters at the ABC, including on direction, coverage, policy, language or style or anything else related to the ABC’s editorial processes.  
- Email, Nicolas Parkhill, ACON CEO, 14 October, 2022
We also asked ACON if the ABC had ever lost points in the Australian Workplace Equality Index for critical or negative editorial coverage. And they told us: 
The manner in which the ABC covers LGBTQI issues editorially, or the tone or angle in which they are presented, does not impact their AWEI assessment. 
- Email, Nicolas Parkhill, ACON CEO, 14 October, 2022
However, the ABC has won points and awards for positive programming.
And emails from 2020 — obtained under FOI — show an ABC journalist seeking and receiving advice from ACON on the correct definition of the word family.
That may well be an isolated example.
But even if there is no editorial interference, changing the language and internal culture of a media organisation may still influence editorial values and programs’ story selection.
As Professor Alan Davison of the University of Technology Sydney told that controversial Melbourne University discussion:
ALAN DAVISON: When you sign up to any kind of scheme, particularly a ranking scheme that’s highly competitive that comes from an advocacy organisation, in a way you’re signing up to a partnership and an allyship with the values and the truth claims of that advocacy organisation. 
- Pride and Prejudice in Policy, University of Melbourne, 4 October, 2022
Now, we’re not suggesting the ABC should abandon its commitment to diversity and inclusion. 
And the BBC certainly has not. After cutting ties to Stonewall it put another diversity scheme in its place. 
The problem here is a media group partnering with and being rewarded by a lobby group — any lobby group. And how that can lead to perceptions of bias in coverage or to bias itself. 
We think the ABC should review the arrangement.
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evolveonline · 1 year
Embracing Transgender Rights: A Pathway to Equality and Inclusion
In recent years, the fight for transgender rights has gained significant traction worldwide. As we strive to create a more inclusive society, it is imperative to understand and support the rights of transgender individuals. This blog post aims to shed light on the importance of transgender rights and explore the key aspects of this crucial movement.
Understanding Transgender Identity
To begin, it is essential to grasp the concept of transgender identity. Transgender individuals are those whose gender identity does not align with the sex assigned to them at birth. They may undergo social, medical, or legal transitions to express their true gender identity. This journey is deeply personal and often filled with challenges and discrimination.
The Importance of Transgender Rights
Transgender rights are an integral part of the broader fight for human rights. Upholding these rights is crucial for creating a society that values and respects the dignity of every individual, regardless of their gender identity. Here are some key reasons why transgender rights matter:
Equality: Transgender rights promote the principle of equality, ensuring that transgender individuals have the same fundamental rights and opportunities as cisgender individuals. It is essential to dismantle discrimination and create a level playing field for everyone.
Non-Discrimination: Transgender rights advocate for laws and policies that protect individuals from discrimination based on their gender identity. This includes protection in employment, housing, healthcare, education, and public services.
Health and Well-being: Access to quality healthcare is a fundamental right for all individuals. Transgender rights encompass ensuring that transgender individuals have access to gender-affirming healthcare, mental health support, and hormone therapy. This contributes to their overall well-being and quality of life.
Legal Recognition: Legal recognition of transgender individuals' gender identity is vital. This includes the ability to change their name, gender marker, and official documents without undue barriers. It helps transgender individuals navigate daily life with dignity and respect.
Safety and Protection: Transgender individuals face a disproportionately high risk of violence, harassment, and hate crimes. Transgender rights involve implementing policies and laws that enhance their safety, protection, and access to justice.
Challenges and Progress
Despite the growing awareness and support for transgender rights, numerous challenges persist. Some of these challenges include societal prejudice, lack of understanding, and legal barriers. However, there have been significant strides in the fight for transgender rights in recent years.
Many countries have implemented legislation to protect transgender rights, including laws against discrimination and legal recognition of gender identity. Furthermore, increased media visibility and transgender representation have helped educate and foster empathy within society.
Supporting Transgender Rights
As allies, we play a crucial role in supporting transgender rights. Here are some ways we can contribute to this movement:
Education and Awareness: Educate yourself about transgender issues, terminologies, and experiences. Share your knowledge with others to foster understanding and combat misconceptions.
Advocacy and Activism: Support organizations and activists advocating for transgender rights. Attend rallies, sign petitions, and engage in online discussions to raise awareness and demand change.
Inclusive Language and Practices: Use inclusive language that respects individuals' gender identities. Promote inclusive practices in your workplace, school, or community, creating spaces that are safe and affirming for everyone.
Vote and Lobby for Change: Support political candidates who prioritise transgender rights. Engage in advocacy efforts to encourage policymakers to enact inclusive policies and legislation.
Be a Supportive Ally: Offer support to transgender individuals in your life. Validate their experiences, listen actively, and stand up against discrimination or prejudice you witness.
Transgender rights are an essential component of the broader movement for equality and social justice. By recognising and supporting transgender rights, we can create a society that celebrates diversity
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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Workers Memorial Day
Workers’ Memorial Day is an international holiday marked on April 28 annually. It is observed to raise awareness of the importance of workplace safety, as well as commemorate all the workers who have lost their lives due to work-related illnesses and those whose lives have been put on hold due to injuries that have incurred while working. According to figures, the number of people who get killed at work is higher than those who lose their lives to wars and drug abuse combined! Labor unions around the world observe this day to remember their fallen heroes and discuss measures to ensure safe workplaces.
History of Workers Memorial Day
Although it only became widely popular when the U.S. first celebrated it on April 28, 1989, Workers’ Memorial Day had been celebrated several years before then by Canada on the same day. Perhaps, the unpopularity associated with Canada’s first observation can be credited to the fact that it was celebrated under a different, albeit similar name. Regardless of who first observed it though, the day was inspired by the signing of the Occupational Safety and Health Act into law in 1970 and the formation of the OSHA on April 28, 1971.
In the early years of the signing of the OSHA into law, the celebration of the Workers’ Memorial Day was centered in North America. The holiday only attained international recognition in the last parts of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries. In 1985, the Canadian Labor Congress pronounced April 28 as an annual day of remembrance — which is the anniversary of a Workers’ Compensation Act signed as far back as 1914. Progressively, the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organization (A.F.L.-C.I.O.) declared April 28 as Workers’ Memorial Day to honor the thousands of people who have been injured or lost their lives on their jobs. The U.K. followed suit with their celebration in 1992.
Since the adoption of the holiday by the International Labor Organization (I.L.O.) in 2001, many countries are now actively participating in observing it, with some deeming it fit to confer the holiday a public holiday status. Furthermore, to add value to the holiday, from 1996, annual themes began to be assigned to each year’s celebration of the day.
Workers Memorial Day timeline
1971 OSHA is Formed
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is formed.
1989 A.F.L.-C.I.O. Declaration
The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations declares April 28 as Workers' Memorial Day.
1992 Introduced in the U.K.
Tommy Harte introduces Workers' Memorial Day in the U.K.
1996 Themes Begin to Be Set
The I.C.F.T.U. begins to set annual themes for each Workers' Memorial Day.
2001 New Declaration
An agency of the United Nations — I.L.O. — recognizes Workers' Memorial Day and declares it World Day for Safety and Health at Work.
Workers Memorial Day FAQs
What does a labor union do?
Among many other things, labor unions are charged with fighting for the betterment of their workers’ welfare, remunerations, and all things needed for them to work in a favorable environment and for decent financial gratification. Generally, labor unions serve as mediators between their members and authorities. Their impacts have been felt by both employees and employers over the years.
Is a labor union a good thing?
It is. This is evident in the many advantages and privileges unionized workers get over their non-unionized counterparts. Most significant changes in employees’ welfare and safety were achieved through the struggles of labor unions. They do have their setbacks though.
Why do people not like unions?
Most governments and employers detest labor unions because of their strong affection for riots and strike actions. To the unions, those two are the most effective languages employers understand, and many a time, they do succeed in pressing home their demands with the employers.
How to Observe Workers Memorial Day
Inform the public about work safety
Strive for a safer environment at work
Honor the memories of fallen workers
Go out there and educate the public on the importance of staying safe while at work. Also, tell them the possible risks associated with their various works.
If you are working in an unsafe or potentially dangerous environment, get people to rally behind you and ask for a safer work environment from your employers. You might just be a cause for a good change.
Be it a close relative, friend, acquaintance, or stranger, honor the memories of those fallen heroes, who died in the cause of their works. Pay tributes to them or their loved ones.
5 Interesting Facts About Workers’ Memorial Day
It was first celebrated in Canada
It was unpopular at first
America made it popular
It became international
It's a public holiday in Gibraltar
Canada was the first country to mark it although under a different but similar name.
The event was first known but not quite as popular as it became in the later years.
It only began to be widely recognized when the U.S. marked it.
A host of country trade unions in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and elsewhere observe it.
While it is simply a national holiday in other countries, it is a government-free public holiday in Gibraltar.
Why Workers Memorial Day is Important
It reminds us of successful struggles
It increases the unity between workers worldwide
It gives workers a more amplified voice
Workers' Memorial Day reminds us of how effective calling out to authorities for good changes can be. By doing so, we may be able to save someone's life.
Whichever continent you happen to be from and whichever race you belong to, this day increases the bond and unity between workers in achieving a common goal. We love this!
Workers around the world use the day to loudly voice out their work environment and other pressing demands. Considerate employers, on the other hand, listen to the demands.
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Importance of Refurbishing Your Office or Workplace
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Office refurbishment can be an expensive expense, depending on the scope and requirements of the project, so it’s critical to understand when to refurbish an office. Being aware of the main benefits of office renovations – from increased productivity to the implementation of new technologies – can go a long way.
If you want to improve your business or office performance, investing in office refurbishment is the way to go. Refurbishing your office not only repairs it, but it also adds appeal and functionality to the spaces. The following are the reasons why you should renovate your office or workspace:
Facilitate a more agile work environment: Many employees seek agility in the workplace. Unfortunately, not many traditional offices are capable of providing this level of flexibility. Refurbishing the office allows you to reconfigure the workspace to accommodate new technology and more diverse work settings, such as a break room, gym, or cafe.
Encouraging productivity and collaboration: One of the most significant advantages of office refurbishment is the opportunity to update your workspace design and products in order to create a more productive and collaborative environment. This is especially useful if your current workspace stifles collaboration and creativity due to outdated design and a lack of resources.
Attracts new clients or customers: Your office is, in effect, the face of your company, and the quality of your workplace can reveal a lot about how well your company is and even how successful it is. A high-quality establishment indicates that your company is profitable, which can inspire other customers or clients to believe in your company’s success and make them more willing to do business with you.
More room for functional spaces: You may want to add extra offices or boardrooms to your current workplace but simply don’t have the space – refurbishing allows you to plan specially located spaces for these functional areas, as well as cut them off from the general floor for more privacy.
Increased health and safety: If you’ve been using your office for a while, general wear and tear may have resulted in some damage to the fixtures, which can pose a significant health and safety risk to your employees. An entire new office will be completely safe and secure, reducing the risk of workplace accidents significantly.
Initiate a sustainability office and join the green office movement: When remodeling the office, think about making it a green office. You can drastically reduce your company’s carbon footprint by doing so. Installing eco-friendly electronics, for example, can only reduce electricity usage by optimizing space use and avoiding the creation of unnecessary rooms.
Full Circle Technical Services is a top interior fit out company in Dubai that has received ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management System) and OHSAS 45001:2018 (Health & Safety Management) accreditations. Contact us if you are looking for office fit out in Dubai.
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mspbandj · 2 years
ah fuck. in prepping for these job interviews, im starting to realise I may be developing a genuine special interest in workplace health and safety practises. why is it 1am and im here explaining the importance of accessible fire escape routes to my wall, fucks sake
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ossidyrwwp · 2 hours
What You Didn't Find Out About High-Visibilty Safety And Security Rubber Gloves
When it comes to safety and security gear, many individuals think about hard hats, reflective vests, and strong boots. Yet have you ever thought about the importance of safety gloves? Particularly, high-visibility security gloves? You may be amazed to learn simply how crucial these often-overlooked tools can be in ensuring office safety and security. In this write-up, we're diving deep right into the world of high-visibility safety handwear covers-- what they are, why they are necessary, and some unexpected realities you probably really did not know!
What Are High-Visibility Security Gloves?
High-visibility safety handwear covers are particularly made hand protection gear that enhances exposure while giving safety and security against numerous hazards. They are particularly important in atmospheres where workers are exposed to reduced light conditions or Gardening gloves heavy machinery.
Why Usage High-Visibility Security Gloves?
You may be questioning why you ought to opt for high-visibility gloves over normal ones. Well, the answer depends on their layout and performance:
Increased Exposure: The brilliant colors make it simpler for others to see your hands. Enhanced Safety: They supply security from cuts, abrasions, and other injuries. Compliance: Many industries need details sorts of PPE (Individual Safety Devices) to satisfy health and safety regulations. The Makeup of High-Visibility Safety And Security Gloves
These gloves feature a number of features that set them aside from conventional options:
Color Choices: Usually readily available in fluorescent yellow, orange, or pink. Reflective Strips: Added for additional presence during nighttime or low-light conditions. Material Range: Made from different materials like latex, nitrile, or natural leather depending upon their intended use. Key Advantages of High-Visibility Security Gloves 1. Enhanced Employee Safety
Hands are one of the most susceptible parts of the body in a workplace. According to stats from OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health And Wellness Management), hand injuries represent a significant variety of workplace cases annually. Wearing high-visibility safety and security gloves can help in reducing these numbers by making employees' hands extra noticeable.
2. Better Interaction on Site
Ever been in a situation where somebody was attempting to signify you however was overlooked because their hands blended right into the atmosphere? With high-vis gloves, that's much less likely to happen! Their bright colors allow for far better interaction among group members.
3. Adherence to Regulations
In several sectors-- like construction or roadwork-- high-vis gear is not just recommended; it's required by law! Non-compliance can cause hefty penalties or even worse-- a significant accident.
What You Didn't Find out about High-Visibility Security Gloves
Did you know that the efficiency of high-vis handwear covers can decrease in time? Whether due to deterioration or fading shades, these elements substan
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superstudyca · 1 day
Occupational First Aid Level 1: First Aid Level 1 Course in Surrey
In today’s fast-paced world, having the skills to respond to emergencies can make a significant difference. The Occupational First Aid Level 1 course, often referred to as the First Aid Level 1 Course, is designed to equip participants with essential knowledge and skills to handle various medical emergencies. If you’re located in Surrey and interested in becoming a certified first aider, this course is an excellent opportunity.
What is Occupational First Aid Level 1?
Occupational First Aid Level 1 is a basic first aid training program that covers the essential principles and techniques necessary to provide initial care in emergency situations. This course is typically aimed at workplace safety and is beneficial for employees across various sectors, including retail, construction, healthcare, and more.
Key Topics Covered
The First Aid Level 1 Course in Surrey includes a comprehensive curriculum that covers:
Understanding First Aid Principles: Learn the importance of first aid and how it fits into the overall safety protocols in the workplace.
Basic Life Support (BLS): Participants are trained in CPR techniques, including how to effectively perform chest compressions and rescue breaths.
Managing Emergencies: The course teaches how to assess a situation, prioritize injuries, and decide on the appropriate course of action.
Wound Care: Learn how to clean and dress various types of wounds, including cuts, abrasions, and burns.
Recognizing Medical Emergencies: Identify and respond to common medical emergencies, such as heart attacks, strokes, and allergic reactions.
First Aid Kit Essentials: Understanding the components of a first aid kit and how to use each item effectively.
Why Take the Occupational First Aid Level 1 Course?
Enhance Workplace Safety: With the knowledge gained from this course, employees can contribute significantly to a safer work environment. Having trained first aiders on-site can reduce the severity of injuries and potentially save lives.
Meet Regulatory Requirements: Many workplaces require first aid training for compliance with health and safety regulations. Completing this course can help meet those requirements.
Boost Confidence: Knowing how to react in an emergency situation boosts confidence, not only for the individual trained but also for their coworkers.
Personal Skill Development: The skills learned in this course are invaluable not just in the workplace but also in everyday life. Being able to help someone in need can be incredibly rewarding.
Course Details and Enrollment
The Occupational First Aid Level 1 course in Surrey is offered by various accredited training organizations. Classes typically include both theoretical and practical components, ensuring that participants gain hands-on experience in a controlled environment.
To enroll, it’s advisable to check with local training providers for schedules, fees, and availability. Many organizations offer flexible training options, including weekends and evenings, to accommodate busy schedules.
Investing in an Occupational First Aid Level 1 course is a proactive step towards enhancing workplace safety and ensuring that you’re prepared for emergencies. Whether you’re an employee looking to boost your skillset or an employer aiming to create a safer work environment, this course is a valuable resource. Don’t wait for an emergency to happen; equip yourself with the knowledge and skills to make a difference today.
For more information on enrollment and course details, consider reaching out to local training providers in Surrey. Your journey to becoming a certified first aider starts here!
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