#why is he a middle aged dad at 24?
sage-nebula · 20 days
Thinking about how important it is that Wendy is a part of the Pines family. (Because she is, as much as Soos is. It's why she's in the family photos, such as the one representing Ford's happiness at the end of The Book of Bill.)
We don't know too much about Wendy's home / family life. Unfortunately, we don't a single Wendy-focused episode, and we don't get to learn too much about her outside of how she interacts with the main characters. But here is what we do know:
Wendy is the oldest of four siblings, with three little brothers. Wendy herself is 15. We are never given ages for her brothers, but given the photo that she shows Dipper of her younger self in "Double Dipper", I'm guesstimating that the youngest Corduroy brother (Gus) is about 6 in the present day. This is because young!Wendy was wearing braces and also noted to be "freakishly tall" for her age, and Gus was wearing a diaper in the photo (but standing on his own). Braces can take two to three years to be removed, and Wendy doesn't have them in the present day, meaning she was probably around 11 or 12 in the photo. Meanwhile, Gus was in a diaper but able to stand, meaning he was probably a toddler, likely around 2. So in the present day, Wendy is 15, Gus is around 6 (depending on if Wendy was 11 or 12 in the photo), and Marcus and Kevin (the middle brothers) are between 14 and 7.
Wendy's mother died when she was young. Given the age of Gus in the photo, we can estimate that Wendy's mother died when Wendy was, at youngest, 11 or 12 -- so, three or four years pre-canon. (Because any earlier than that and Gus couldn't have been born.)
Wendy's father is Manly Dan, who shouts just about every line of dialogue he has and routinely breaks things, including in his own house, albeit sometimes by accident. He also spends most of his time in a biker bar, though we do know that he does love his children. (e.g. is seen with the boys on both family fishing day and Summerween, is seen taking Wendy out for breakfast in "Dipper vs. Manliness").
Dan is the reason why Wendy has a summer job. As she says in "Gideon Rises", "If I can't work at the Shack, my dad's gonna force me to work at my cousin's logging camp up north." This implies that Wendy has to work somewhere, per a rule of Dan's.
In "Into the Bunker", Wendy has this to say when she comments on how she's excited to be going on an adventure with Dipper and Mabel: "It beats cleaning up after my dad at home." She says this with a frown, in a grousing tone. We're then treated to a clip of Dan breaking apart the cabin as mentioned above.
In "Society of the Blind Eye", before she's about to have her memories erased, Wendy confesses thus: "I'm stressed like 24/7. Have you MET my family?"
Wendy dreams about her mother every night. The glimpse of her dream that we're shown depicts her receiving a comforting hug from her mother.
The conclusions that I draw from the above are thus: prior to her mother's death, Wendy had what amounts to a normal family life in Gravity Falls. The Corduroys were a two parent household, her mother was there to help balance Dan out and raise the kids (Wendy included), and Wendy could, well . . . be a kid. It's possible, even, that some of Dan's more worrying traits (such as spending the majority of his time at a bar) didn't exist when Wendy's mom is alive. It's pure speculation on my part, but it's possible that Dan feels compelled to go to a bar to be aggressive (and drink, even if we don't see it because it's a kid's show) because that's how he processes his grief over his wife's death, away from his children's eyes and ears. He's trying to be a responsible father and not hurt his kids, while at the same time still not handling things in the most healthy way.
But back to Wendy. Once Wendy's mother died, the dynamic in the Corduroy household shifted. Dan was hit by the tidal wave of grief that comes with losing a spouse, as well as the sudden onslaught of being a single father to four children, one of whom was very possibly still in diapers. And if my speculation is correct and that he took to going to the bar to deal with his grief, then who is left to change Gus' diapers and get him potty trained? To operate the stove or oven or microwave to make sure that the boys (who would all be under age 10 at this point) got fed, and to make sure she got fed herself? To, in her own words, "clean up [her] dad's messes" when he was at home to make them by breaking apart the house with his own head?
Wendy was a child herself when her mother died, but she was the oldest child, potentially freshly into middle school while the boys were still in elementary, and the oldest daughter to boot. The girl, expected to know how to do "girl things" like cook and clean. I'm not saying that Dan told her to do these things, but we know from Wendy's personality that she is protective of those who need it (e.g. Dipper and Mabel) and, more importantly, that's her home and her family, and she does love them (she makes this clear in the Weirdmageddon episodes numerous times). She wouldn't let her little brothers starve, wouldn't let her youngest sit in a filthy diaper, would try to pick up the house if her dad and brothers wouldn't. Wendy would step up to do it out of necessity, even if she hated it and felt stressed out about it, especially while also feeling the crushing grief that comes with having lost her mother.
So Wendy, having lost her mother at a young age, probably had to step up into a pseudo-parental role in her own house, trying her best to fill the void that was left by her mother's passing even though she was only a child herself. And this is why she's "stressed, like, 24/7." Because not only are her father and brothers loud and chaotic (especially with Dan raising the boys into miniature versions of him), but because it's her responsibility (spoken or no) to keep the house in as much order as she can. It's little wonder that, outside of the movie that she and Dipper are watching in the beginning of "Into the Bunker", Wendy seems to spend as little time as possible in her own home.
So, how does this fit into it being important for Wendy to be part of the Pines family? Or, worded in a better way, why it's so important that she has the Pines as a second family, and the Mystery Shack as a second home?
As I said above, once Wendy's mother died, her ability to be a child in her own home effectively ended. Again, to make it clear, Wendy doesn't hate her family. In fact, it's the opposite; the Weirdmageddon episodes make it clear that she still loves her father and her brothers very much. But "Society of the Blind Eye" also makes it clear that they stress her out. She has a lot of complicated feelings, something that's understandable given her complicated situation.
But because she has to help keep the house together when she's at home, that means she can only really be a kid (or teenager, as the case may be) when she's outside of it. She has a lot of fun doing this with her friends, but sometimes a teen does need a home to relax in. And for Wendy, that home is the Mystery Shack -- and yes, that includes when she's on the clock.
Now, I know what you may be thinking: it's stated that Stan is a terrible boss, that he barks orders, that he yells -- how is that any different from her father? Well, I'll tell you how: the only time we actually see this is in "Boss Mabel", in which Stan being a boss who yells and barks orders at his employees is a plot point meant to create the conflict for the episode. Otherwise, we never really see Stan being an awful boss, and in particular we never see him being hard on Wendy. In fact, I would argue we see the opposite.
Here are things we know about Wendy's behavior at work, and Stan's response to her behavior at work:
Wendy constantly reads magazines while working the cash register, often right in front of Stan. Stan never tells her to put the magazine away.
Wendy often puts her feet up on the counter. Stan never tells her to take her feet off the counter.
Wendy goes up to the roof "all the time, every day" to the point where she has a chair and cooler up there. ("The Inconveniencing"). We don't know if Stan knows about this or not, but it's hard to believe he wouldn't if Wendy goes up there as much as she says she does.
When Stan told her to hang signs up out in the woods, she said, "I would, but I can't . . . reach . . ." while making no effort to get up to get the sign, and not removing her eyes from the magazine or her feet from the counter. Stan simply said, "I'd fire [. . .] you if I could." i.e. she got away with it 100%. ("Tourist Trapped")
When Stan double checks with Wendy and Soos that they'll wash the bathrooms while he's gone, Wendy says, "absolutely not" with a salute. Stan laughs and then says to stay out of trouble, not caring at all. ("The Inconveniencing")
Wendy was supposed to work the ticket stand all night at the party. She quit about ten minutes in and blatantly joined the party. Stan had to have seen her. He did nothing. ("Double Dipper")
Wendy claims in "Boss Mabel" that Stan doesn't let her have friends at work. In contrast, we see Robbie visit her at work all the time throughout their relationship (e.g. "Fight Fighters", "Boyz Crazy"), and Stan even comments on "is that the guy that's always making googly eyes at Wendy?" but otherwise has no problem with it. So again, it was a conflict invented for "Boss Mabel" that otherwise doesn't exist.
And that is just off the top of my head. The point is, Wendy is perhaps treated the easiest of the staff at the Mystery Shack. She's blatantly lazy and snarky and the most Stan ever does is grouse that he would "fire [her] if he could."
And this is a good thing.
The Mystery Shack, even if when she's on the clock, is clearly a place where Wendy can relax. It's somewhere she feels comfortable, rather than stressed. Yes, she's working -- but she's putting in the barest minimum effort because the stakes are the lowest they could possibly be. Because even though Stan grouses and complains about how little she cares, he won't fire her. He says he can't, but let's be honest, he could. One could argue that he'd be out a cashier, but he already is when the school year starts and Wendy has to go back to school. The Shack doesn't close down then, so it wouldn't close now if he fired Wendy.
But he won't fire her, because he knows that if he did, she'd be sent up north to her cousin's logging camp, a job she would hate and that would add on to the stress she already has from her home life. Stan has been in Gravity Falls for 30 years; he's been there since before Wendy was born. He knew her mother. He remembers when her mother died a few years ago. He probably saw how Dan's personality changed, how Wendy's personality changed from a more carefree little girl to a little girl who had to act more carefree than she actually was because she won't ever dare let anyone know she's anything but tough as nails, kinda like the guy he sees when he looks in the mirror. So he'll grouse at her about her laziness, and she'll complain about how much she hates having to work, but he'll also never hire another cashier even during the school year when the Shack maybe could use the extra help, and she knows that he both has an orthopedic back pillow and where it's kept, and that's as much as either of them will say about it. (Source for the orthopedic back pillow: "Soos and the Real Girl").
Wendy spends time at the Shack that would otherwise be spent at her home. When she decides to leave Tambry's party early, she goes to hang out at the Shack and watch movies with Stan, before the twins or Soos arrive ("Summerween"). She's likewise hanging out with the Pines and Soos watching television despite work clearly being over in the beginning of "Dreamscaperers". Wendy can relax at the Shack, can be in a home environment where she has no responsibilities, where she can simply be a teenager without also having to be a pseudo-parent. She can be a big sister figure to Dipper and Mabel without the added responsibilities of having to make sure they're fed and brought up right. She can be snarky with Stan, and he'll be snarky back, and there are no risks or consequences at all.
It's important that Wendy is a member of the Pines family, because here there are no complications for her. She loves her original family, but things got difficult when her mother died, and they won't ever stop being difficult. But things aren't difficult with the Pines. In a way, being with the Pines is as comfortable as the hugs she gets from her mother in her dreams every night. Being with the Pines feels right. It feels safe.
It's good that Wendy has them. It's important that Wendy has them. And fortunately, she always will.
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ma1dita · 3 months
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a 'partners in crime' installment - luke castellan x dionysus!reader
words: 3.6k
summary: (pre-established relationship) The one where you both blur the lines between annoyance and admiration. You and Luke forge a promise of becoming partners in crime. (Luke Castellan x fem!Dionysus!reader)
a/n: something happy for the tl– this is the official end of the pre-established relationship arc!! contains two demigods hating their godrents and typical teenager mood swings (thanks for being patient during my hiatus! missed yall <3)
(posted 6/20/24, semi-edited)
Whoever said that finding where you belong is the key to happiness must have been lying.
That, or they’ve never known what it’s like to be a 15-year-old girl.
Sweat drips down the side of your brow bone in the middle of the summer heat. It’s a mystery why you’re still out here with the blistering itch of humidity sending everyone at Camp Half-Blood out to the lake to cool off during free period. You’ve never been friendly with the other campers anyway. It’s not for lack of trying—but toeing the line between being a total psychopath (because of who your dad is—THE god of insanity) and the biggest possible narc (also because of who your dad is—the worst camp director ever) didn’t exactly help your reputation in the past year of taking up space here.
And honestly… teenagers can be fucking mean.
The Aphrodite kids often laugh at your unkempt appearance, hair brushed only by the warm breeze and your camp shirt twisted and tie-dyed to your liking. You had a knack for getting into trouble with the Hephaestus kids after setting something on fire at the armory once… or twice. The Apollo kids were nice enough for as long as you’d sing a song—but there was no way you’d stick in the background arranging sheet music and playing guitar for them forever. Athena cabin was always too cool for you—with no one but little Annabeth Chase entertaining your endless chattering (but if anyone asked, you’d think it’s because they’re all sore losers when it comes to chess). The Ares kids were a little more your speed if only they would stop using you as moving target practice and the Demeter kids might’ve been nicer if you knew how to grow anything other than strawberries. 
It was nice to be included, you guess. Tolerated at best.
But it wasn’t the same as feeling like you belonged.
From the corner of your eye, you see Luke Castellan come back from lunch and dust kicks up from under your boots as you cross your legs in the lawn chair you sit in. Blinking harshly, you realize you’ve been squinting at the sun for ages. He’s seen you do weirder things since you’ve both somewhat acclimated yourselves to Camp Half-Blood’s culture, with you becoming a bit of an oddity as well as local entertainment with the shit you pull to get your dad to look your way. But it was something about the way you were so still under the sunlight that piqued his interest.
And quiet. You were never quiet.
Since you moved out of cabin 11 almost a year ago, his life has admittedly been a bit more peaceful, him finding his groove as a camper and…becoming everything that you’re not. Sure, he’s getting used to calling this place home, but where he shines, you’ve… struggled. Can’t say the same for him though—admittedly his life is kinda great right now.
If you needed a sub for volleyball, Luke’s your guy. Oh no, we need help bringing bushels of strawberries to the kitchens! Luke’s there to help. Someone needs a hand with sparring— there’s no one better than Luke Castellan! The all-star camper, and everyone’s best friend. He’s in talks to become cabin counselor by next year while you’ve had almost every punishment Mr. D can think of giving.
No dessert, shoveling pegasus shit, helping the nymphs on your days off, and the list just goes on. Sometimes you wonder if it’s your father’s way of keeping you busy so he doesn’t have to see you—it’s a miracle you haven’t been disintegrated yet by the god of insanity himself, but perhaps that’s both a pro and con of being his only daughter.
On his way out of his cabin, he stops short a ways away from the firepit, gaze falling upon the red tips of your hair hanging off the chair you lay on (chemically lightened by lemon juice and Kool-Aid you’ve recently learned to conjure). The piercings in your ears sparkle in the warm light—you and a few kids from the Hephaestus cabin pulled them off one late night with sewing needles and apples from the kitchens. 
It’s crazy what you can learn about someone by watching them from afar. Slightly creepy, and kind of concerning, but if anyone bothered to ask, Luke had an excuse for why he was always looking out the front window of cabin 11. The Hermes cabin was directly across the way from the Dionysus cabin, which housed its sole inhabitant, you. 
That in itself is a shitty excuse, he knows that, but… Luke worries. He knows he shouldn’t, but his eyes always subconsciously find their way back to you and whatever trouble you find yourself in—last week it was a pegasi stampede through the north end of the strawberry fields.
Yeah… you didn’t have a good explanation for that one either.
“Shouldn’t you be showing off and saving camp from a chimera, Castellan? Or kissing a baby, or something else super awesome and cool?” you mock, nose crinkling slightly.
He blinks, face falling as he stumbles off the porch towards you, a whisper of a smile still grazing his cheekbones. The sight almost makes you angry, really, and a part of him knows that he’s the bane of your existence. 
How rude of him to be good at everything and good-looking. Truthfully, it made his face very punchable, in your opinion—but the growing list of girls and boys that began to fawn over him after his growth spurt last winter probably think otherwise. 
“Only baby I see here is you,” he mumbles, pulling a chair up next to yours and flopping his dead weight into it, “What’re you doing here pouting all by yourself?”
Your eyes follow his movements and you can’t help but inspect all of him—from the lean muscles that ripple down his arms to the sweat that glitters as it kisses his cupid’s bow. 
He better not dare to kiss me even as a joke, you think, there would be nothing worse than that!
“Trouble? You know you scare me when you’re quiet. S’how I know you’re bothered by something,” Luke nudges your forearm jokingly, hands slightly sticky and smelling like cherries and smoke. His tongue is painted red from a popsicle he snuck out from the kitchens earlier. The sparklers he stole from the basement of the Big House still line his pockets.
No one ever looks twice at the golden boy, after all.
You shrug, kicking your legs under your bottom and staring back up at the clouds that hang overhead. Zeus could strike you down right now and you’d probably thank him. Death by the king of the gods seemed way more interesting than the personal hell of being at Camp Half-Blood you think, sputtering, “What’s it to you? Shouldn’t the camp hotshot have better things to do than hang around someone like me?” But the words feel heavy in your mouth, uncomfortable and clunky as you wet your lips with your tongue and clear your throat. Luke watches your eyes steel, turning away from him like orating a script to an imaginary audience. 
The world is your stage and you feel as if you’re but a performer that has to fulfill an act.
It’s easier somehow like this—to not let your feelings go rogue, or let yourself feel too strongly. All of your efforts have fallen short, despite your mother’s dying vow that these would be the best years of your life. But with one year down, sometimes you wonder if you’d stand a better chance out in the mortal world—hitchhiking your way back down south to the empty house you used to call home. 
Maybe a chimera would get you first. 
Or a hellhound. 
You could probably take a hellhound, right?
A smirk falls upon your lip, freshly bitten and raw and you realize he’s still there next to you. Luke is still watching you silently as his hand taps on the wooden arm of the lawn chair—a nonsensical beat that fills the silence that follows like someone feeling their way around a wound. His contemplation is gentle, even if your expression is festering the longer you sit together.
“You're literally the coolest girl here. Since when did you give a shit about what anyone has to say?”
Your face is stoic, amethyst eyes bouncing down the slope of his face and back up until they meet his that are honey-sweet. 
I CARE! a voice inside you wants to scream. It sounds like a little version of you stomping her foot until someone finally pays attention. But Luke’s eyes are already on your clenched fists and you haven’t made a single sound.
“Since when does Mr. Perfect know how to cuss?” you deflect, and he barks out a laugh, shaking his head yet nodding for you to continue. He knows that’s not what you meant to say.
“I can hardly believe that you of all people here think that I’m cool. I’m kind of a mess,” you try to reason, puffing your chest so that the breath makes your hair sway away from your face. 
“Sure,” Luke says as his chin rests against his arm. He blinks slowly, taking you in almost thoughtfully as he feels out his next words, “But you’re…you.” 
“The fuck is that supposed to mean?”
Mischief prances through his features and you absolutely hate the look he gets on his face when he thinks he knows better than you.
Egotistical piece of shit.
Your hand jabs out to shove his, all of his front falling over in a fit of laughter as he catches himself and suddenly he’s too close. Close enough that for a moment, you’re scared he might see right through you.
Luke Castellan is not someone who would ever understand the pressure that you currently buckle under. 
“You’ve got it all, you know? You can do whatever you want, your dad notices you. You’ve already found your glory by just being here… I mean all of us here want tha—” Your fist hits the wall of muscle in his abdomen. It’s haphazard and a cheap shot that probably hurt you more than him, but anger was the first emotion to surface (and you did say he was punchable—next time you’ll aim for his jaw). Luke huffs, slightly winded, though if anything his ego is the only thing coming out of this with a bruise.
“What do you mean what, asshole? You think I want any of this?” you laugh coldly, reeling away from him like he’s burned you. Hands to your chest, scalded by his words, Luke is trying to find the misstep in his actions with his mind running miles a minute as he watches your brows furrow and you’re shaking like a pot about to boil over.
“I knew you wouldn’t get it.”
You’re not looking at him anymore, trembling hands doing more harm than good as you throw your stuff into your worn knapsack. This must be your last straw, you think, quickly thinking of your meager belongings packed underneath your bed and a letter to your dad tucked under your pillow. This is your sign to get the hell out of here. But as you’re tugging the canvas cloth over your shoulder, a gentle hand clasps around the straps, and a soft, “Hey, hey…” makes its way towards your ears and the frosty feeling that surrounds your heart.
“I didn’t mean it like that,” Luke mumbles, spinning you to look at him as he sighs. Worry is a familiar feeling he’s acquainted with over this past year of knowing you, “Come on now, tell me. I’m a better listener than I am at speaking, obviously…” He catches the quiver in your lip with a graze of his finger, leading you back to your seat and placing your bag at his feet—making sure you can’t run, and even if you wanted to, you’re unsure of what else you have left to lose. 
“Everyone thinks I have it easy because I don’t let anything break my smile. But I’d rather be anywhere than here. I’m a joke, hones—”
“Don’t say that,” he interjects, quickly silenced by your glare.
“You think it’s all sunshine and rainbows that I see my godrent every day? That what, I’m lucky?” 
Luke simpers, curls falling over his forehead as jealousy clouds his vision. He has a few choice words towards his own father, but surely it can’t be all that bad. Anything must be better than a broken mother and a dreadfully absent father. 
“Hit me with it already, Trouble.”
“My dad loves me because he has to. But there’s no way he actually likes me. It shouldn't get to me that much, even if he hates the parts of me I got from him, but it does. No one here likes me either.”
You don’t know whether you should laugh or cry, opening up to Luke like this. All you know is you haven’t been vulnerable to anyone in a while—the last you tried to talk to your dad about your dead mother left you with more questions than answers.
Trying to gauge the look on his face, you avert your eyes, picking at the peeling polish on your nails as you continue, “I think my father is lonely here in a camp full of children that aren’t his own and almost a mortal lifetime away from his seat on Olympus. He has a wife who waits for the eternity they’ll have to spend with each other. And I’m nothing but a smudge on his timeline— a reminder of a life that he had before saving her. I'm the last thing that holds him back from being happy.” 
He listens. And then he speaks, almost blurting, “I’m my dad’s favorite—or so they say. So he likes me for all the effort I put into being his son, but he doesn’t love me. Not how he should. I can count the number of times I’ve seen him and my mom’s not dead, even if it’s easier to tell everyone that. But I’ve lost her anyway and he let that happen.”
That’s grim.
There are cracks of darkness in the sunshine boy after all. There’s a gleam of angst in both of your stares, daring the other to compete in this little pity party and seeing who would give in first. But neither of you break—shiny fractals of both your experiences blending into an understanding.
A middle ground.
A huff of laughter is released between the both of you, breathy and warm hitting your cheeks as you turn to each other like little kids giggling in secret. Perhaps you are— two 15-year-olds feeling weightless for a moment now that your shoulders shake without the pressures you place upon yourselves, and by this kindness alone, maybe.... maybe this place isn't so bad.
Someone calls out for Luke, figures hidden in the forestline. The moment quickly ends after that, a fuzzy feeling in your chest left behind, ignited every time your eyes meet his. It’s like he didn’t hear anything though, stuck to your side still grinning like you could give him the key to the city.
“If it matters, I like you,” he chokes out, clearing his throat as his eyes dart away from yours. By the time the blush rises to his cheeks your eyebrows have already shot into your hairline in disbelief watching Luke Castellan, camp’s pride and joy stumble over the simplest words he’s spoken all day.
You’re quiet again, which stresses him out more— frantic words ripping through his teeth in a blur of "Um, erm, not like... I mean in the sense that—" and your tongue pokes through your cheek in a bad attempt to stop a smile. You look soft—and thankfully not like you’re about to punch him, finally having the upper hand when it comes to him. Luke blinks slowly, shaking his head— "You're just really cool."
“You said that already.”
He shrugs, not really having anything more to say. The boy is embarrassed enough.
Have you always looked that pretty when you’re smug?
Snorting at his flustered state, you mutter, “Olympus would rejoice the day I be more like you, you know that, Castellan?” And he shrugs playfully, liking the way you don’t press on the topic when you could’ve gone for blood, “Olympus might fall if you teach me a thing or two.”
The warning bell rings overhead and Chiron's voice booms over the speakers— “CAMPERS, MONSTER TECHNIQUES WILL BEGIN IN 10 MINUTES. PLEASE MAKE YOUR WAY OVER TO THE AMPITHEATER.”
“I should go.”
“Sure. You’re teaching, right? New big gig,” you say nonchalantly as you expect him to leave and probably never talk to you again. You’re used to that by now, and whatever understanding between you doesn’t make you friends.
“Do you want to come with me?”
Luke’s hands fidget at his sides, but his feet are planted deep into the dirt, his red Converse pushing the soil beneath him. He doesn’t want to leave. But he thinks that maybe if he had to, he’d leave a place like this for someone like you.
“Monster fighting is more your thing, isn’t it?”
He grins lamely, walking backward towards the woods with his eyes still on you, “You’ll find your thing. M’sure of it.” 
Rolling your eyes, you bend over to pick up your things again, “Yeah, yeah. Like anyone would want to hear me tell stories or do my little crafts.”
“Why the hell not, Trouble?”
Luke throws his hands up in the air before scampering away to join his friends. It's hard to admit, but he's got a point—maybe this is an idea your dad will actually appreciate. A shiver wracks through your body. You find yourself being excited about something to do at camp for the first time in a long time.
Maybe it wouldn't hurt to stay a little longer, you think as you trudge into your cabin, unknowingly kicking your knapsack further underneath the bed. You flop onto the bedspread with your notebook out, brainstorming what a Greek Legends and Theatrics workshop would look like. If you can get your words onto a page, you could pitch this to Mr. D by morning. A spark shines in your eye like the glittery glow-in-the-dark stars that hang from your bedroom ceiling.
Hopefully this won’t end in you shoveling pegasi shit.
You’re standing at the edge of the dining pavilion, tray in hand as campers bump past your frame, rushing towards their tables to eat dinner. There’s no one at your table but your dad and the idea of proposing the idea of your workshop sounds so terrifying right now that your stomach turns. 
And then there’s Luke Castellan waving you over towards the Hermes table like a madman.
You thought being crazy was supposed to be your thing.
He clambers up over the bench, all gangly legs moving towards you until he’s there grabbing your tray from your hands with a smile, “Come on, trouble. Still got a spot at my table. Chris just falls into it before I ever get the chance to call you over.”
You look at him like he’s stupid, your hands on the opposing side of your tray and the both of you are locked in a stalemate in the middle of the pavilion. Curious eyes make their way over to you both, and murmurs of excitement for a fight start to rise. Here’s the thing—it’s something to grab attention, but it being put on you without your control is a bit nerve-wracking, to say the least.
“We're not allowed to mix tables, Castellan.”
“Since when do you care?”
Since when do YOU, you think. Standing between comfort and chaos, your eyes meet your father’s, expectant as he watches you from across the room. There is comfort in the silence that would consume you at your table. You’d be able to eat in peace and hear your thoughts compared to the lack of elbow space at Table 11. Too many of them steal each others’ desserts, crack bad jokes, and kick each other under the table, but it still makes you smile. You choose the chaos instead, slowly making your way over to the Hermes kids who greet you with a loud cheer.
Children of mischief and chaos are like birds of a feather, after all. There is comfort in this madness too—and you think Mr. D almost smiles when his eyes meet yours once more.
You’re crafty when it's something you can fix; painting a picture of yourself that’s cool and interesting for others to see, but in reality, all every teenager wants is to fit in.
Who would’ve thought Luke Castellan was going to help with that?
“One of these days you’re gonna have to put the nice boy act in your back pocket, Castellan. I’m positively dying for the day you reveal yourself to me.”
Luke chuckles over a mouthful of mashed potatoes, shoulder knocking into yours intentionally, though the both of you are thigh to thigh on the crowded bench. You ignore the fact that one of his little brothers steals the cherry off your ice cream sundae, and he ignores the fact that his constant worry for you reveals itself as another, deeper thing—care.
“What you see is what you get,” he murmurs into your ear. Heat creeps up your neck and you look up to see your dad looking at you again, and then— “Hey, hey… eyes on me.” Turning to look at him, his breath hits your cheek, “You’re the only daughter of Dionysus. The only person I know born to be able to raise hell for a god. Gotta use it to your advantage more, Trouble. You’re not here to entertain anyone. You gonna let him win?” he asks.
Blinking slowly, you eat a spoonful of rice, cheeks full but not concealing your smile.
“Where’s the glory in that, right?”
“The gods envy us. They envy us because we’re mortal, because any moment may be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we’re doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again.” -Homer
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amcdanbury · 5 months
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Peter Lanza Interview
Peter got sent candy after the shooting he said “ I was wary of eating anything” incase the candy was poisoned
Adam Lanza showed hypersensitivity to physical touch and had to have clothing tags removed
Adam went to speech therapy and occupational therapy in kindergarten and 1st grade his teachers were told to look out for seizures
One time Adam had to show facial expressions for a school play he was very serious about perfecting the facial expressions and practiced in the mirror
Adam said in 5th grade that he didn’t think highly of himself and he believed everyone deserved better than he did
Peter said that when Adam was in middle school Adam would never stop talking and said “ that kid, you couldn’t shut him up!”
Adam liked Ron Paul and liked talking about politics and debate about economic theory
One time Peter took Adam to see Bill Cosby live and said Adam laughed for an hour straight
Adam loved reruns of “ The Bob Newhart show” and “ Get Smart”
Adam used his savings to buy Christmas presents for needy kids
In middle school Adam had to move room to room instead of staying in one classroom and he said it was punishing
Nancy made all of Adam’s textbooks in black and white because Adam said that he found Color graphics unbearable
Adam hated birthdays and holidays
Adam had panic attacks that necessitated Nancy coming to school
Peter said that Adam seemed to fit into the Tech Club and even had a party at his house once for the Tech Club
Nancy wrote to Peter saying how happy she was that Adam was talking to other kids but Adam didn’t understand popularity and asked his dad why do you need friends
A psychiatrist who assessed Adam said he was awkward and gaunt and refused to shake hands or maintain eye contact
Peter was about to get lunch when he saw the news about Adam
The news report said that there was two shooters aged 20 and 24 the ages of Adam and Ryan
The interviewer asks Peter if they had a funeral for Adam and he said no one knows and no one ever will
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ashen-char · 2 months
dating amber freeman - hcs
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ship: amber freeman (scream) x gender neutral reader
warnings: toxic behaviour (jealousy, possessiveness, etc.), swearing, mentions of canon violence/violent tendencies. this is the more tame of the amber hcs though
notes: this took a while! i was debating on whether to do amber during the movie, or a very toxic nsfw leaning take. those will be separate hcs. thanks to @certifiedpuppyslitter for the help! requested here
✦ amber is alone in her old creepy house a lot. she despises how lonely it feels and often has you over to ignore how empty it is
✧ her parents divorced when she was really young, and her dad got custody. a hotshot lawyer, he's always away, and she's always been distant with her step-mom. amber doesn't like letting people get to know her
✧ amber was a total daddy's girl. she loved to argue even as a kid, loving how people would say she's just like him - whip-smart and could win any argument. she even wanted to be a lawyer to be like him
✧ but he was less and less present, and eventually she stopped hoping he'd be around more. stopped trying to impress him, realising that her accomplishments don't mean he'll say he's proud of her
✧ he's always away on business trips which is why she can invite everyone over as much as she does
✧ parties, sleepovers, movie nights, you name it
✧ amber is very lonely deep down. only child, she doesn't let her best friends truly know her
✦ because of her parents, she had to grow up very quickly and take care of herself
✧ so she's got a lot of surprising skills. really self-sufficient. she cooks amazingly, and likes cooking for you because, as she says "cooking for a single person kinda sucks"
✦ she'd scoff if you ever said she was clingy, since amber likes to act all tough and independent
✧ but it's the truth, amber's happiest when you're spending all your time with her
✧ if it can't be in person, she sits in vc with you on discord
✧ whether amber gets to yap away about her beloved horror movies or the latest band she's into, or listening you talk about your day, or even silence
✧ amber just likes that you're there on the other side
✧ and amber loves to sleep on call
✧ she'd get angry when you leave, even if your phone dies, accusing you of leaving her alone
✧ (but she's kinda easy to win back, all you have to do is promise to watch stab with her, or set aside some time to be "all hers")
✦ speaking of discord, let's be real. amber's a loser
✧ she spends her time on reddit and discord, and on occasion places like twitch, tumblr, or 4chan
✧ it's not her fault! she was online at a very young age cause she was so alone
✧ trying to make friends, trying to fill her time so she wasn't so bored, trying to connect with people. amber was totally on omegle as a kid
✧ she's always arguing with strangers on the internet about her stab theories and how bad it's gotten, how derivative the sequels are, or ranking her favourite killers
✧ she's a mod on r/StabUnfiltered, a smaller subreddit off of the main stab one because she kept getting her comments or posts removed there for being too "inflammatory" or even "trolling" for her hot takes
✧ amber would stop in the middle of hooking up because she was bidding on stab memorabilia on ebay
✧ she'd be pissed all day and it'd be because she lost an auction, or some twitter idiot had a bad take on ghostface motives
✦ amber is on letterboxd 24/7, clocking in like it's a job
✧ whenever you two watch a new movie together, best believe amber is reviewing that shit like she's a critic
✧ and you're the type that just enjoys watching movies for the experience. amber absolutely gets heated at you when she asks what you thought about a movie she thinks is 1/5, and yo shrug and go "eh it was fun i guess?"
✧ but amber lets you off the hook when you kiss her and tell her that you enjoyed it because you enjoyed spending time with her
✦ she's also a loser in love. honestly, she's a bit of a simp for you
✧ love is the one thing where she doesn't try to pretend she's tough
✧ amber has these sweet nicknames for you that she peppers in all the time, ranging from babe, love, hun, sweetie
✧ she's pretty touchy. amber holds your hand under tables or under blankets, rubs your back when she passes you, absentmindedly plays with your hair
✧ amber loves teasing her friends about their relationships, like chad and liv's lack of a sex life, but she'll defend you like a knight if they even try to tease her back
✧ and best believe they tease amber about how whipped she is over you
✧ if you invite her somewhere, even when she's hanging with her group, she'll ditch them in an instant (well, not in an instant. she does always tell tara where she's going)
✧ she flips everyone off if they tease her about you, but internally she's smiling. she loves that they talk about you in relation to her, loves being brought up as a couple
✦ you painted the portraits of amber that she has up in her room
✧ by the next time you came over, she already had them hung up on her walls, bragging to her friends that you did them and how talented you are
✦ possessive
✧ when you dress up for her, she shows you she appreciates it
✧ BUT she also doesn't want anyone else to see you like that
✧ she'll whisk her jacket off and drape it over you, insisting that no one else deserves to even look at you
✦ protective af too
✧ she'd wrap her arm tighter around your waist if people are walking too close, with a fierce glare if they almost bump into you
✧ amber would watch your drink like a hawk at parties
✧ she'd insist on going with you to places if you want to go anywhere at night, and she'd definitely tell you to stay over if it was dark out
✦ gets jealous easily
✧ no looking at other girls, no following other girls on social media
✧ you're in for a huge fight if you dm anyone else, even if it was for something fairly innocuous like asking where they got their outfit
✦ oh and she loves to argue. you swear it turns amber on to fight
✧ she jumps at any excuse for it
✧ "why did that girl smile at you? how do you know her?"
✧ "why are you on your phone? i'm literally right here"
✧ she'd accuse you of ignoring or forgetting about her, then give you the silent treatment
✦ amber gets pissed off when you spend too much time with your friends
✧ and honestly, considering how close she is with her friends, it's hypocritical
✧ like, amber still has sleepovers with tara but god forbid you say you're hanging with any of your friends one on one
✧ amber will be at your door in an instant, claiming that you two made plans and that since she's here, she may as well hang out with you two
✦ sometimes, you don't really get why amber likes you
✧ you can't keep up with her horror movie rants like her friends, or even those weirdos she's always arguing with online
✧ like, amber's dream is to go to film school and she's so passionate about it that you wonder what you're even adding when you just go "you'd be amazing, baby" and "that sounds awesome, of course you're gonna make it"
✧ you try to be supportive but you feel bad that you don't really understand her 100% of the time
✦ when you ask her why she chose you, amber looked at you like you were being ridiculous. because the answer is obvious to her
✧ she likes you because you make everything easier. being with you is one of the few things that can make her mind go quiet
✧ like, yeah, she loves horror but even amber can be drained by how obsessed she gets with things
✧ you make her feel normal. you make her want things other than violence and pain
she doesn't want to throw her life away so bad when you two make plans for the future
✧ she admits that you're the reason she even thought about film school in the first place
✦ amber never really thought of life outside of woodsboro until you started bringing up universities, or apprenticeships, what next year could bring
✧ that's the first time amber actually thought about what she wants to do
✧ and she's wicked smart, so you were surprised that she didn't already know what universities she wanted to apply to
✧ AP classes, honor roll, college scholarships, you name it
✧ but when you ask about her plans, amber just shrugs and says she'll go where you end up going
✦ she can feel like a regular girl when she's around you, instead of all the pretending she normally does
✧  cheesy teenager shit that she always thought she was too good for
✧ dates to the local bowling alley, sneaking out, sharing a shake at the diner, going to the mall, camping, baking brownies for your birthday since she knows you prefer it from cake
✦ with you, amber can feel less damaged. less above it all
✧ she didn't think she was capable of a genuine love like this before you
✧ you make her think that she could be a decent person if she tried, that she's not defined by the monster that she could be
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pinkexpertnerdghost · 4 months
An analysis on Pavia from Reverse1999 (Alternative Title: Me yapping about Pavia's backstory and making headcanons/personal interpretation based on the crumbs of lore we get 😭)
I recently thought about this. I've been grinding in this game cause it's so pretty and the voice acting is delicious. That's my own opinion though. And I want to write this down because It will consume me of I don't.
So all you Pavia stans and fans, this one is for y'all since there is only a handful of stuff about him online.😭🥹
So if any players main/use Pavia a lot and build up Bond with him we get his backstory and more voiclines. And spoiler, in Pavia's second character story, it mentions how he was literally abused/neglected from his legal guardian (bitch-ass aunt) because according to her, he looked closely resembling her mother(aunt's sis).
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Also that, the aunts sister (Pavia's mum) is apparently dead??? But present Pavia states She's in "an asylum in Rome in probably her middle ages" and "he's never visited her".
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So...does he believe she's still alive? Or did the aunt tell him that his mother was just 'insane' and 'unwell' that she was sent to an asylum and was the reason he was under her care? Never informing her own nephew about the passing of his mother?? Cause man.....that's kind of messed up if so. 🫠😶
I'll assume that Pavia's mom, being a single parent since the dad was 'missing', felt overwhelmed or inadequate to be a mom and left him with her sister (the aunt). Since the aunt described her sister as 'sorrowful' 'who abandoned her' and that she 'left behind her troublesome kid'.
I want to believe that Pavia's mom did love him. To some extent. She sang rhymes for him when he was probably a toddler (mentioned in one of his voice lines). She probably sang them so often to him that a grown Pavia can vaguely recall her lullabies. She probably thought that she really wasn't cut out to be a mom; he already had a 'missing' father, what can she do? Keep in mind that this is probably set in the late 70's or early 80's. And based on the societal steriotypes/stigmas, this reasoning seems plausible. And maybe thought that the best decision was to leave him in the care of her sister.
Or perhaps she was in a dangerous situation because she did apparently 'died a few years later' after "going into the city."
Was she in a tight situation? Was this perhaps linked to why Pavia's father was missing? Maybe the family was involved with a crime group or dangerous people? I find it suspect that his father was said to be missing, and that the mom died a few years later after dropping off her son with the aunt.
Going by the later assumption, could this have been a decision to protect her son? If so....it just makes Pavia's backstory and with the way his aunt treated him makes his story that much more tragic and unfair.
But back to the aunt.
The sister...now being tasked to look after a nephew who resembled her sad, irresponsible and 'selfish' sister, she confines him to a basement 24/7 to not look at him because of her personal issues/resentment towards his mother.
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Pavia as a child calls out to her, fucking apologies for something he had no control over (his looks, his mom's decision), and is angry at this treatment. (Which honestly, fuck the aunt bro. Fuck Pavia's aunt bro, me and the homies hate Pavia's aunt. The kid did nothing wrong. Just because you resent his parents doesn't excuse the poor treatment you push onto the child. Your biological sister left him in your care and then later on died, the least you can do is provide for probably the only living relative you have left.)
Maybe this is linked to why Pavia has such a flamboyant and artistic style in appearance. Dyed white hair, but his natural dark roots are showing. Tinted glasses, to obscure his silver blue eyes and deep shades under his eyes. Random jewelry on his hands he doesn't really care for. The varies ink on him that make his skin a canvas. The cool ass piercings.
And while this could be a tactic to keep his identity a secret or untraceable for the authorities due to his job as an independent merc, just maybe..... he didn't want to be reminded of who he looked like whenever he looks at himself.
Maybe he didn't want to resemble his mother. It was because of his appearance that his aunt confined him to solitude. Something he had no control over, but as he got older....he gained control over how he looked and dressed. He never visits her in the asylum, she was the second person who abandoned him and the cause of his aunts hatred towards him. So....he probably has either a neutral or negative towards his mother.
In the basement, he develops a very unhealthy lifestyle; having no real concept of time, little sunlight, the sound of dripping water and pests constantly providing an uneasy atmosphere, but he develops his arcanum.
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His imaginary friends, who watch over him and keep him warm. Since the humans who were supposed to do that, failed him so horribly.
His imaginary friends who bloomed from the darkest shadows of the basement due to his budding arcanum. Quiet literally.... byproducts of his own loneliness, perhaps yearning to be a part of a family, and strong arcanum.
He couldn't and wouldn't rely on any human, he had to fend for himself.
And because of this, he became an "independent mercenary" with a fatal flaw of " lacking in collaborative skills". He is good at what he does...but his employers "can't stand his work ethic of ignoring his coworkers". He comes across as having an unlikable personality and rudeness. He has a hard time getting along with other people. And honestly? Who can blame him. With the way he was raised...no wonder he doesn't like people in general.
But why should he? Why should he rely on people? His own biological family left him alone in that basement, he never developed any real friends as a child, he didn't get the chance to grow up like a normal child.
He had no one but he made it work. So why should he start to rely on people? For them to abandon him or betray him?
His former boss had planned to betray him, to kill him. So Pavia struck first, keeping only his tie clip as memorabilia.
Pavia is a lone wolf....as corny as that sounds. But he grew up alone, in a dark den. So close yet so far from human society, he made friends from the shadows that kept him company. That once lonely confinement didn't seem so lonely after a while, he grew to find comfort in his predicament.
Adapting and pushing ahead, finding a twisted sort of 'fun' 'excitment' and 'joy' in the most tragic and unfortunate circumstances; his job as a merc and the 'unsavory' nature of his job.
Pavia has become one of my favorite characters in media, despite the media he originates from having limited personal information about their playable characters.
But I think this is also a reason why he's so interesting to me. It leaves little crumbs and pieces of background that is mostly left to be assumed by the player's/reader's interpretation. It's fun to assume and make these little narratives and head cannons about them.
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And the fact some parts of his story hit a wee bit close to home. Just a little though. I mean... it is unfair and so infuriating for a child to be antagonized or disliked by family just because they look more like one parent than the other.
But ye....this is just my own personal interpretation of this characters background. Mostly just me yapping and connecting the dots on silly head canons. I should write a one shot or series about this guy. He's such a goob.
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🧚‍♀️ Anon
Slasher!Josuke with Nerdy Darling? (Based off Scream)
Darling is a Horror Movie Fanatic, as she’s seen them all, from B Films, Foreign, Classics, Silents and the more Recent ones
Reader comes off as a Geek, but she doesn’t really care if people like her or not (She even works part time at the local Video Store) she’s kinda a loner as she has no friends at school
Reader is sorta based off Randy (I loved him in the Scream Movies and was upset that he was killed off in the Sequel) as she takes pride in her Horror Movie knowledge
If Darling has a Stand, maybe it’s called ‘Mortician’ (Based of the Band known for their songs based off Horror Movies) maybe she affects her surroundings like a movie based upon the 3 simple rules she makes? (If you break the rules you get injured or attacked, but if you don’t break them nothing happens)
Josuke gets a crush on Darling after they were grouped together for a school project and realized Darling is pretty cool (She even tutors him so his grades don’t slip since she’s a straight A+ student at their high school)
However Josuke noticed Darling only shows interest in Horror Movies and Slashers, so what better way to get the girl of his dreams than by becoming a real life slasher himself?
I’ve been watching Slasher Movies on loop, including delicious plot twists so what if Darling is Kira’s daughter? (She doesn���t know about his hand fetish or about him being a serial killer) She doesn’t have interest being in the spotlight like her dad (This can be scrapped if you want)
Ooh this is so interesting I had to start writing. I ended up writing a prologue.
I'm going to set the main part of the story a couple of years post DIU (mainly to age up) but the prologue takes place just before with reader being 14/15.
Still thinking about the stand. Possibly being a stand that almost looks like a phone dangle charm on her phone that sometime gives out rules in the form of a text for a set amount of time (anywhere from an hour to 24). It's one of those self destructive stands (not literally but it's always screwing with darling).
Really loved the Kira daughter idea, writing that darling knows and is actively trying to hide it after his "death". In a way she ends up paralleling him with her need to hide it as it previously ruined her life back in marioh cho.
If you have any more ideas please let me know as I am really invested.
(Also an odd fact, my dad's bday is the same as Yoshikage kira's)
Sins of the father prologue
(Yandere Josuke X female Reader)
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Warnings: mentioned abortion
You looked at the address you'd written down before knocking on the door. Your lucky your friend had offered up the cover of a sleepover to your grandparents as they'd be furious to find out what you were doing, but you needed closure on the matter.
There was a car in the driveway so you knew he was home so you knocked on the door again. Who exactly? Your father.
You'd never met him in person as from what you knew him and your mother had been at odds over the idea. So the most he did was sign his name on your birth certificate before the relationship had ended. About a year after your mother had visited him to try and rekindle the relationship only to disappear.
You snapped out of your thoughts when the door opened. He was definitely the same man that your mother had stashed photos of.
Blonde hair, blue eyes and sharp features.
He was probably wondering why some random middle schooler was at his door.
“Mr Kira?” You asked.
“Yes, that is me,” he told you. You looked oddly familiar but he couldn't quite put his finger on as to why. You quickly held out a paper bag, you'd gone to the effort to buy him a castella cake as a sign of good will.
“My name is (Y/n) Kira, I was hoping we could talk” you told him. He took the bag but he had a scrutinizing look.
“Is this about your mother's disappearance? I already told your grandparents all I knew” he asked.
Of course he lied, he simply told them that she'd left his house. In truth she never had but back then the villas hadn't been developed yet so no one was around to discredit his claim. Yet your grandparents had not believed such a claim.
“No, I wanted to meet you” you said and immediately he began to close the door before you wedged your foot between the door and the frame.
“I'm not asking anything of you, after this we can just go our separate ways… I promise” you said, desperation in your tone.
He sighed before opening the door again.
“Just this once, if I ever see you here after I'll call the police” he warned you as he stepped aside to let you in.
You came in and left your shoes on the shoe rack before following him into the living area. You sat down on the cushion behind the low table.
“Tea?” he asked.
“Yes please Mr Kira” you responded with a nod. You looked around as you waited. This was definitely one of the older houses in Morioh cho. tatami mats, sliding doors and hanging lights. Probably made around the 50s/60s like your grandparent's. Most of the houses in the town now were around tenish years old at most.
Soon he brought some cups and a teapot before sitting down himself and pouring the tea.
“So why did come here? I thought your grandparents would have been completely against you coming here?” He asked.
“I found some of my mothers belongings. After reading her diary I was hoping to get your side of the story, if you're comfortable with that?” you told him.
“Well I suppose you should know” he said with a sigh. Your gaze was just like hers and a small part of him was terrified by that, that dead woman's stare haunted him.
You rummaged through your school bag before grabbing out a piece of paper full of questions you jotted down.
He told himself to think of this like how he would any other interview. The sooner he answers your questions the sooner you'd leave.
“So first off, mom wrote down that you two were in the same homeroom in highschool when you two met” you said.
“Yes, she was seated next to me. I hadn't realized she'd had feelings for me til Valentine's day” he told you.
“Why'd you accept?” You asked. Now that was a hard question to answer. He'd been shaken after killing Reimi, a girl from the same school. He'd tried to keep his urges in check. After your mother had confessed her feelings to him he believed that if he'd had a partner maybe he'd have no need to ever do it again and she happened to have a lovely pair of hands. His eyes couldn't help but drift to yours. They were quite pretty too, he noticed the light polish on them and spoke up.
“I thought the schools had a no polish policy” he told you. You rolled your eyes, you'd painted such a similar shade to your skin hoping no one would notice.
For a while you continued to ask him questions. Until you inevitably asked why he and your mother broke up.
Another tough question, he had many reasons. He'd realized that his plan to keep his desires in check wasn't working, not to mention your mother's pregnancy had caused issues. He'd swore up and down he'd worn protection. At first he believed your mother had cheated but that was disproven. He never heard the end of it when his mother found out. She believed her son wouldn't have ever done something like that and demanded your mother have an abortion if true. In truth he'd silently wished for the same but your mother was headstrong and was determined to keep the child.
Eventually he'd decided to break up with her and at least fill out the birth certificate but that was it.
“It was complicated, in honesty my feelings for her washed away and when we found out she was pregnant, both our families had a feud over it. We decided it was best that I wouldn't be in the picture… I also wasn't ready for a child in my life” he explained, his eyes gazing upon his tea.
“Thank you Mr Kira” you thanked him, you knew these were hard questions so you appreciated that he gave you the answers. At this point he couldn't help but have questions of his own, as he couldn't quite figure out what type of person you were.
“May I ask you a few questions of my own? nothing too personal” he asked.
“Of course, it's only fair after all that I've asked you”
“What after-school club are you in?” That was probably the best way to gauge the person you were.
“Oh I'm in a book club” you replied, that was the same club he'd been in when he was younger.
“You like to read?” He asked.
“Kinda, in truth it was the only club that gave me privacy. My media interests are more on movies but reading the original sources are always fun” you confessed.
“Any plans after highschool?” He asked.
“I'm not entirely sure, I do want to do university but I'm unsure of what course to take” you told him with a sigh.
“You'll figure it out in time, I only decided what I was going to do during my last year” he told you.
It wasn't long after that you left. To go to your friend's to watch movies over the weekend. They had a large collection of horror movies that your grandparents would never allow you to watch.
Unfortunately your life would never be the same after your father's true nature became public news. Forcing you and your grandparents to have to start a new life away from Marioh cho.
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nighthunter241 · 1 year
He is Mine-Chapter 1 (Henry Cavill x male reader)
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NOT MY GIF, GIF USED FROM TUMBLR OPTION 18+ DNI if  you are lower the age of 18
Rival #1 Amy Adams
You wake up to the alarm and start getting ready for school. The weekend left you with an aneurysm having to decide how you're going to break up the friendship of Henry and Amy. Maybe you can just see what they do and hopefully something comes to mind. While heading downstairs you see your brothers just starting to eat breakfast. A part of you wants to tell them about your chat with Robert and your feelings for Henry but would that even help. “Morning” you said to your brothers, they say morning back while eating their breakfast and while eating you notice your parents aren’t up yet. “Hey and what about Mom and Dad, why aren’t they awake yet?” you asked and brother Sebastian responded “Not sure, I think I heard them last night talking about taking the day off for something important, something about someone named Saldana, or maybe they just wanted to sleep in”. You shrug it off and leave home with your brothers. You manage to make it to the corner that you usually meet up with Henry, you stay back and your brothers continue the walk to school. After a long time Henry finally shows up later than usual. “Hey what happened, you overslept or something” you asked. “I forgot to set my alarm so I quickly showered and ran,” Henry responded. We start speed walking to school and Henry starts talking about how Amy is going to give him shit again for making her wait at the entrance of school. “Why don’t you just tell her to fuck off” by the time you realized what Iyou just said you couldn’t take it back. Henry looked at you funny and said “I think I’ll say that in a sweeter way, you alright you’re acting kinda weird”. You tell him you are fine and you just woke up on the wrong side of  the bed and he shrugs it off. By the time you two make it to school Henry tells you he will meet up in the homeroom and runs off to meet up with Amy.
While Henry is out of sight you follow him to the spot where he meets up with Amy to hear their conversation and hopefully find something out. M/R manage to find a bush at a safe distance where they can’t see him and where he can still hear them. Amy: Ugh really again, you can’t keep me waiting like this, does this look like we are middle school.
Henry: I’m sorry Amy I forgot to set my alarm.
Amy: Well if it wasn’t for me you wouldn’t even wake up, I can’t be your clock 24/7 it gets annoying especially when waiting for you.
Henry: I’m sorry, if it bothers you that much then we can just stop meeting up here before class so then you don’t have to worry about being late.
Amy: That's not what I meant…..forget alright just forget it. Since we only got a couple of minutes I need you to meet me at the fountain during lunch period.
Henry: Ummmm, Why exactly?
Amy: Just meet me there alright, don’t keep waiting like you did today, got it!
Henry: Ok, Ok, relax I’ll meet you at the fountain during lunch period.
Amy: Good.
They finish talking and they start heading to the inside of the building, Henry goes one direction while Amy goes to the homeroom. You follow her and end up seeing her set down a container, and hear her mutter “I did my best, he is going to like it, just give it to him and that's it and he will enjoy it”. She walks away and when you get closer to the container and notice it was a lunch box, she actually made Henry lunch. She is taking “ a way to a man's heart is through his stomach” a little too seriously. THAT'S IT, you thought to yourself all you need to do is get rid of this lunch, wait no you should make her food taste bad so Henry could think she is a terrible cook. So you quickly leave and try to think of a way to make her food taste nasty. You pass by the nurses office and notice the medicine cabinet and quickly think of a plan.
You see your brother and run to Anthony and pull him aside from his friends and to ask him something.
Anthony: Alright, what do you want?
M/N: I need you to distract the nurse.
Anthony: Um, no, why would I do that?
M/N: I need to grab something from her cabinet while she isn’t looking.
Anthony: Why don’t you just ask her for it?
M/N: What I need to grab is something she would usually give out for emergencies.
Anthony: That just makes this weirder, what do you need from her cabinet that she won’t be able to give to you if you ask?
M/N: None of your business just help me.
Anthony: Tell me what it is and why and I’ll help.
M/N: Um…..no way
Anthony: Well, no help from me.
M/N: Quit being such a jackass and help your brother out.
Anthony: Fine, but you owe me one day you are going to tell me why you needed me to do this.
Anthony goes to the nurse pretending he has a headache and asks for something for it. You see the nurse walk up to the cabinet, unlock it and pass him the medicine with a glass of water. While she was doing that you got to the cabinet and took a bottle while she wasn’t looking. You leave and go back to her homeroom, while on your way I run into a student council member who gives a questioning look and stares while you are slowly walking away from them. “The student council members are a bunch of weirdos,” you whisper to myself. Now at Amy's homeroom and to her desk and open up the lunch box. It looks like she made some homemade soup with chunks of meat in it. Henry did always love meat, and can't live without it. You take out the bottle from the pocket that says Emetic on the label and you pour it into the lunch box. “If I am correct, Emetic medicine should make someone throw up and give out a strong taste, hopefully this will be enough”. You turn around to leave and see your brother Sebastian standing there looking at you, crap you ended up forgetting this was his homeroom also.
Sebastian: What the hell are you doing?
M/R: Nothing just looking around, stretching my legs.
Sebastian: So are you going to act like you just didn’t pour something into that lunch box
M/R: I have no idea what you are talking about.
Before you could react Sebastian quickly yanks the bottle of Emetic medicine from your hand.
Sebastian: How the hell did you get this and why did you pour this into Amy’s food?
 M/R: None of your business just shut up.
The bell rings and people start heading to their homeroom.
Sebastian: When we get home we are talking about this and I’m letting mom and dad know
M/R: You’re so mature aren’t you, snitch.
He punches your arm while you walk out of his homeroom and make it to your own homeroom and sit next to Henry who seems quieter than usual. Hours pass of usual classes and the lunch bell rings. You run to the fountain area and pretend to eat your lunch there and see Henry waiting for Amy until she shows up with the same lunch box in hand.
Henry: Alright, I am here. What is the reason you needed to meet me here?
Amy: Well here it's because of this.
Henry: A box?
Amy: It's a lunch box STUPID!
Henry: Wait, you made me lunch?
Amy: NO!!, just made some food for my sister and she forgot it and I didn’t want to waste it so I thought I should bring it to you.
Henry: Wow thank you, I’ll gladly eat it.
Amy: Yeah whatever, enjoy.
You cross your fingers while seeing Henry start tasting the soup. After a couple of spoonfuls his face of gratitude turned to a face of disgust.
Henry: Amy, what did you put in this?
Amy: I don’t know, I made it last night so I don’t remember the ingredients.
Henry: It tastes weird, I’m sorry I…..can’t finish this.
Henry runs off to the bathroom and Amy is left with a sad expression, You follow him to the bathroom and end up hearing him throwing up. After he finishes he sees you and gets startled.
Henry: M/R you scared me, what are you doing here?
M/R:I saw you run into the bathroom in a hurry, I got worried.
Henry: I’m fine just Amy gave me some food and it didn’t sit right 
He goes towards the sink to wash his hands and mouth
M/R: Is she usually a bad cook?
Henry: She doesn’t cook much but the times she had it didn’t taste good but not bad to the point where I’m throwing up.
M/R: Maybe she did it on purpose.
Henry: Why would you think that M/R
M/R: Well you would say she always gives you shit for being late to meet up, maybe as a way to get back at you she made you sick.
Henry: That's a stretch mate
M/R: Maybe, but you never know, her thinking since you are best friends she thinks she could do it and knows you will easily forgive her.
Henry: I don’t easily forgive her.
M/R: Henry, you tell me she yells at you and sometimes insults you for small things, and you still talk to her
Henry: That's because we are best friends.
M/R: Are best friends really like that, I’m not like that with you and we are close.
Henry stares at me as if he is about to say something but seems to hold it in.
Henry: Can we just drop it, I need to possibly lay down at the nurses office.
M/R: Yeah, not a problem see you later.
Henry and M/R leave the bathroom and later meet each other in their last class of the day, Henry not bringing up what happened during lunch or what was discussed in the bathroom. You grab your bag and head towards the gate of the school and walk home. When you make it home your brothers are there earlier before you for some reason. You say hello to them and they pass you a note they found on the table.
Dear kids,
Your father and I had to leave town for a bit for a quick emergency, don’t worry it is nothing serious and hopefully we will see each other soon. Now we added money to all of your bank accounts and hopefully it is enough to last until we come back. If you need more just call us and we will send more, but we will be looking at the bank statements to make sure you aren’t spending it for the wrong things. Now you know the rules when you are home alone and most importantly DON’T GO INTO THE BASEMENT, REMEMBER THAT. Love you and hopefully see you soon.Love,Mom and Dad
“What the hell” you said after reading the note, my brothers looked at you with the same expression. “All I see is home alone to do whatever I want without mom and dad here” Anthony said. “Definitely going to invite Sarah over,” said Sebastion. “Yeah no, you know the rules, you really want to wait and find out if mom knows you broke the rules” you reminded them. They looked at each other and understood, moms wrath can be the scariest thing in the world. After ordering pizza and getting ready for bed, you get a text from Henry.
Henry: Hey sorry about the way I was acting today didn’t mean to make you feel weird.
M/R: Hey it’s fine no need to apologize to me Henry.
Henry: Just wanted to do it anyway you know I don’t like when things are weird between us. Besides Amy you're the only person I can truly talk to and be comfortable with.
M/R: I feel the same way Henry.
You see the three dots pop up on the message but after awhile it disappears and then appears again
Henry: Well see you tomorrow have a good night.
M/R: Good night
You are about to turn off your phone until you receive another message but this time from Amy, “Did Sebastian tell her what I did?” you asked yourself.
Amy: Hey M/R I need to ask you about something.
M/R: Yeah what's up.
Amy: How was Henry today?
M/R: He seemed alright, a bit spaced out but that's it.
Amy: Oh god, I messed up today, I made him lunch and I guess the ingredients I used went bad cause he ended up throwing it up.
M/R: Wow thats crazy, food does spoil and random times
Amy: We talked on the phone and he accepted my apology but said that I shouldn’t cook for him for a while.
M/R:  I mean you probably gave him PTSD 😂
Amy: Not funny
M/R: Sorry just trying the lighten the mood
Amy: Well thanks for letting me know how he was, but I think I found a way to make things up
M/R: ???
Amy: I bought him a present and I am going to give it him in the morning and have him open it during lunch time tomorrow, hope he loves it
M/R: That sounds great I’m sure he will
Amy: Thanks M/R for the confidence, well good night and see you in AP CALC tomorrow
M/R: Night
You send the last text and turn off the phone, before you could get to bed your nosey brothers walk in without knocking. 
Sebastian: So we are going to talk about today
Anthony: Sebastian told what you did with the Emetic medicine, I can’t believe I helped you steal that just to poison some food
M/R: I didn’t poison anyone, just gave someone a little stomach ache.
Sebastian: What is going on with you cause a week ago you were acting mad weird.
M/R: Nothing is going on.
Sebastian: Liar
Anthony: M/R talk to us come on you know you can count on us
M/R: UGH FINE, but you can’t judge me, I did it to mess with Amy and Henry
Sebastian: Why, aren’t you friends with Henry?
Anthony: Let him finish.
M/R: Amy likes Henry and I like Henry and she is planning to confess to him this friday and I have to stop it but I’m still to much of a wuss to confess my own feelings first, so I’m…….sabotaging their…..friendship to make sure he says no to her confession.
Sebastian: ????
Anthony: ????
M/R: *You look nervous while staring at them*
Sebastian: That's it?
M/R: What do you mean that's it.
Anthony: So you have a crush on Henry and you are just stopping someone from becoming their possible girlfriend. 
M/R: Um….yes, I know it sounds crazy
Anthony: That's not crazy.
M/R: Wait what?
Sebastian:  Yeah bro, we have done that already, how do you think I got Sarah, I didn’t get lucky.
Anthony: And my past relationships you think they were just magically single.
M/R: Wait, you guys have done stuff to get your crushes.
Sebastian: Yeah mom taught us, don’t you remember.
M/R: I mean I barely remember what she taught us.
Anthony: Relax it's nothing really important but don’t worry you're not crazy for doing this.
M/R: I still can’t believe you guys have done this before.
Sebastian: Relax, if you need any more suggestions just ask us, we would love to help.
Anthony: Yeah, you and Henry seem cute together anyway
You blush at your brother's comment and they end up leaving your room, you finally get to lay down alone with your thoughts. What are mom and dad doing, what can you do to sabotage that gift, you can just steal it or you can just replace it with something more offensive to get Henry disgusted at her. That sounds better just need to figure out what, you fall asleep thinking of a possible gift replacement that would shock Henry
The sound of the annoying alarm wakes you up and you get ready for the shower. Of course both showers are being hogged by your brothers. After an eternity you manage to shower and get ready for school, you go downstairs expecting your parents but remember the letter from yesterday. You sit down and also remember the chat with your brothers and decide to ask them for help.
M/N: Hey I need help with something.
Anthony: Yeah, what is it?
M/N: Amy is going to give Henry a gift as way to make amends from yesterday's incident
Sebastian: That you caused.
M/N: Shut up, any way I my idea was to replace the gift with something offensive that would disgust Henry, got any ideas
Sebastian: Why not just steal it?
M/N: Stealing it would just not do anything, no feelings are hurt just a lost gift and he would just move on
Anthony: Got any ideas on what you want to replace it with.
Sebastian:  Of course he doesn’t, that is why he is asking.
Anthony: Is Henry sexually active?
Sebastian: Dude really?
M/N: That I know of, no he isn’t, not the type to hit and go.
Anthony: Well there's your solution.
Anthony leaves and goes upstairs to his room and comes back down stairs and passes you an item.
Anthony: Yeah, as the gift.
M/N: Why would I do that?
Anthony: Well it will make him uncomfortable with what he receives and feel awkward about it with Amy.
Sebastian: What if he likes it and takes it as a suggestion from Amy?
M/N: Doubt that, if your best friend gave a condom as a gift you would be confused or uncomfortable.
Anthony: Well, that's the end of it just swap the gift with the condom and see Henry's reaction
Sebastian: Weird way to sabotage something but whatever not my crush.
You hide the condom in your wallet and leave the house with your brothers, while walking you receive a text from Henry saying he won’t be able to meet up before homeroom so you keep walking with your brothers. When you make it to school you say goodbye to your brothers and run off the same bush that you hid in yesterday. Of course you see Henry waiting for Amy and when she shows up they start chatting.
Henry: Well I’m here early
Amy: About tim….I mean thank you.
Henry: You said you wanted to discuss something
Amy: Well actually I wanted to give you this.
She takes out her bag a box with a blue ribbon on it.
Henry: A gift for me?
Amy: Yes, I want you to open it during lunch time and you can tell me how much you like it and at the end of the day.
Henry: Alright, thank you so much Amy.
Amy: Your….welcome hopefully you like it
You could swear that you see Amy blushing which starts making your blood boil for a moment but you quickly calm down. After they leave you head to your homeroom and thankfully Henry sets the present down on his desk and leaves to go do something. You notice the classroom is empty so you take advantage of the moment and head towards the present and you open it. The present reveals a video game specifically World of Warcraft, she got Henry the game he was saving up for. A present like this would definitely cause him to fully forgive Amy, you take out the game and stuff it into your bag and you take out the condom from your wallet and put it in the present and manage to make it look like it hasn’t been touched. After swapping, M/N leaves the class and pretends to be walking around school and acting casual. You see your brothers who end up asking if you did the deed and you tell them you did and they just smirk but before they can say anything else the bell rings. You run to your homeroom and sit next to Henry who seems to be staring at the present in excitement. Class begins and before you know it the lunch bell goes off and you go to find Henry. You see him with his lunch and the present in hand, you walk up to him to start a conversation.
M/N: Hey Henry, what did you bring for lunch?
Henry: A classic burger, my mother made it for me so I'm going to enjoy it, and what about you?
M/N: Just a sandwich, can’t really bring takeout to school.
Henry: Why would you bring takeout to school, doesn’t your mum usually make lunch for you and your brothers.
M/N: Well, yeah it's just that my parents are currently….on a trip or something.
Henry: What do you mean?
M/N: We got this note saying they needed to leave for some emergency but to not worry about it, and since I am the only one that can cook I need to provide food for my siblings but don’t really want to cook for them so we are just planning to order takeout till our parents return.
Henry: They are missing out, your cooking is amazing.
M/N: Thanks Henry, by the way what's up with the gift, been meaning to ask you that during homeroom?
Henry: Oh, Amy gave it to me as a gift for getting me sick yesterday.
M/N: Really, I wonder what she got you?
Henry: I don’t know, hey open it for me while I eat.
M/N: Um, sure I’ll open it for you.
You open up the gift and pretend to be confused and shocked
Henry:  What is it?
M/N: Well, it’s very……well…….
Henry: Just give it.
Henry sets his burger down and grabs the gift and looks inside, and his face changes from anticipation to confusion and disgust.
M/N: Henry?
Henry: I…..what……what the hell is this?
M/N: Looks like a condom.
Henry: I KNOW what it is, but why the hell is this as a gift.
M/N: Maybe as a joke.
Henry: Well I’m not laughing, I can’t believe she would get me excited about a gift and do this.
M/N: What are you going to do?
Henry: I’m just going to let her know that I didn’t like the gift and leave it at that.
You guys finish your lunch in an awkward silence and end up leaving each other to go to your last few classes. But before you enter your classroom you see Henry having a chat with Amy and clearly you have to go listen.
Amy: So, how was the gift?
Henry: Amy, don't ever bother giving me a gift like that ever again.
Amy: Wait, you didn't like it?
Henry: No, of course not, just leave the gift giving for christmas and birthdays.
With that Henry leaves Amy and heads to his classroom leaving Amy with a confused expression. You decide to enter your classroom and a couple minutes later you see Amy walk in clearly sad as you see her sit down. The weird part is you sadly feel bad but the moment you remember about her crush on Henry those feelings go away instantly, then you think of a way to make yourself the hero of the day.  After class you notice Henry is going to walk home alone, so you go up to and ask him if you guys could walk together and he quickly says yes. After reaching the corner that causes you two to walk in the opposite direction you two stand for a bit and chat and decide now is the perfect opportunity.
M/N: Henry how are you feeling after you know?
Henry: A bit ok but really just a bit bother that Amy would give me that as a present.
M/N: Well, I was actually going to wait till graduation but since these two days have been unlucky I might as well give it to you now.
Henry: Give me what exactly?
You take out your bag the World of Warcraft game that you took out of Amy's present and pass it to him.
M/N: For you, early graduation present, from me.
Henry: M/N…..I….thank you this is amazing I've been saving up for a bit for this game. This means a lot to me M/N thank you again.
M/N: No need to thank me.
Henry: Wait, if it was going to be a graduation present why did you already have it in your bag.
M/N: Well….. I was going to wrap it in the sewing club but they didn’t really have wrapping paper so I was planning to just buy wrapping paper but now I don’t need to.
Henry: Ah, alright that makes sense but thank you so much this means a lot from you.
Henry hugs you tight and you hug him back and notice that your hug lasts a little longer than usual but he eventually lets go. You say our goodbyes and you see Henry walking with a smile on his face, the same smile that attracted you to him. You walk the rest home and see your brothers at the front waiting and straight to point start throwing questions at you.
Anthony: So lover boy did it work?
M/N: Yes it did work, thank you for the help.
Anthony: Well you are welcome
Sebastian: So are you still going to sabotage them or you think Henry is going to still say yes to the confession?
M/N: Not really sure, better be safe than sorry so might as well still keep an eye out
Anthony: Let's order some burgers as a celebration for a good job on sabotage I guess
Sebastian: Lets get like five each with large fries each.
After having a fulfilling dinner you and your brothers spend the rest of the night playing video games and getting homework done. By time you are ready to go to bed you receive a text message, expecting it to be Henry you see it is from Robert.
Robert: Looks like someone has been busy these last two days, funny how a friendship can start crumbling so easily.
M/N: Is it really that interesting?
Robert: Yes it is, seeing the events unfold is quite entertaining to say the least.
M/N: Do you have things for girls about to get their heart broken or something.
Robert: Not really, think of me as your cupid.
M/N: Yeah hell no.
Robert: Fine, just here to help remember that. 
M/N:  Thanks but for now I think I’m good.
Robert: Alright whatever you say just remember let me know when you need help cause I can be a good ally.
After waking up and eating breakfast you meet up with Henry usually and walk to school then leaves to meet up with Amy to chat. You still don’t know how he is able to still talk to her but you called it, they are still friends. This time it looks like Amy was waiting for a while and she seems excited.
Amy: Finally you’re here
Henry: Yeah I’m here you texted me saying you wanted to meet.
Amy: I have reservations at a restaurant after school, so you're coming along with me.
Henry: Wait, like a date or something??
Amy: WHAT NO, I was going to go with some of my classmates but they canceled so I don’t want the reservation to go to waste.
Henry: Well sure, I would love to go.
Amy: Alright meet me after school and don’t be late.
You see them walk away and you start there is no way you can sabotage that date without getting caught in the restaurant. Nothing comes to mind, maybe you can try to get the reservation canceled, no it wouldn’t work cause most likely sent her an alert that it got canceled. Maybe just hang around Amy today and hopefully you can think of something. After finding Amy sitting in her homeroom alone you decide to walk in and say hello.
M/N: Hey Amy
Amy: Hey M/N how are you doing?
M/N: Great, excited for that AP CALC test today.
Amy: Yeah I…am
As she says this she lets out a big yawn which startles you at first.
M/N: Everything alright?
Amy: Yeah just that I didn’t get much sleep last night since I was studying and I have a date later at this restaurant and now that I am thinking about it could be a bad idea I might fall asleep.
M/N: You have a date, with who?
Amy: Can’t say keeping a secret for now M/N don’t worry one day you will find out.
M/N: Alright why don’t just cancel and let this date know that you are tired.
Amy: Took a while to get this reservation and I really wanted this date for a while.
M/N: Wow, he must be a great guy.
Amy: Yeah, he is.
M/N: Well I don’t know, go take a nap or something or drink coffee.
Amy: Wait, that is a good idea
M/N: What the coffee?
Amy: No, the nap I’ll take a 30 minute nap at the rooftop before I meet with Hen….my date.
M/N: I….yeah go with that I’m sure that will help you stay awake.
Amy: I don’t know why M/N but lately you have been really helpful with giving me solutions.
M/N: Well miracle worker here I guess
Amy giggles a bit and you say your goodbyes, she is going to take a nap after school at the rooftop alone, with no one around. You start having solutions but dark ones and you instantly ignore them and try to think of another solution. Hours pass with you struggling trying to figure out how to stop Amy and Henry from meeting after school. Until the time comes for Amy to take her nap you quickly find a place behind the wall and see her get to bench on the roof. She takes out her phone and starts talking to herself. “I’ll just set an alarm for 30 minutes and that should do it”, she lays down and you can tell she fell asleep due to her snoring. You see her phone without thinking, you tiptoe to her and grab her phone. You try to turn off the alarm but she has a pin, but you manage to fully turn off the phone and you place it back next to her. You tiptoe away and head to your locker. After 50 minutes Henry is still standing outside waiting for Amy until you hear him start muttering. “Where the hell is she, and I’m the late one screw this restaurant I’m going home”. 
You see him start walking away and you call this a success but you wait for a couple more minutes then you start walking towards home. When you get home your brothers are setting their shoes and going upstairs you are about to do the same until you get a phone call, you check and it's from your mom.
M/N: Mom?
Mom: Hey M/N just calling in to check in on you guys
M/N: We are fine, just that Anthony for some reason is running out of money already and is about to start using my card.
Mom: I’m sure that is because you've been ordering take out and other junk.
M/N: Maybe??
Mom: I’ll send more money from our cards but that is it,if you guys need money you need to get yourself a part-time job
M/N: Why a job, and why include me. I'm busy.
Mom: Really, busy doing what exactly.
M/N: I mean AP CALC can be a pain
Mom: Mhm yeah right, you've been getting straight A’s since middle school so I don’t buy it. The recommendation isn’t a punishment, it can do you guys some good especially for you, it can keep you from doing something ... .extreme.
M/N: What do you….fine I’ll think about it.
Mom: Good
M/N: Anyway Mom why did you and dad leave us here, what's going on
Mom: I’m sorry, just that something came up, something in our way and your father and I need to take care of it.
M/N: Is it that Saldana person, my brother said he heard you guys talking about someone with that name.
Mom: DON’T get involved M/N, it is a story too complicated
M/N: Someday you have to tell us about it.
Mom: One day I will, and don’t worry it isn’t boring like your fathers stories.
The alarm sounds from your clock and you realize again that today is Thursday, if everything keeps going your way, hopefully tomorrow Henry will reject Amy's confession. You shower, dry yourself off and put your school uniform on. While going downstairs your brother Anthony throws you his phone, you grab it and take a look at it. It was a post made by Amy and it was a photo of her at home and she had a bowl of ice cream with her, and based on her face it looks like she has been crying. While looking at this phone your brothers start smirking, “Alright thanks for the update but I’m sure she probably called Henry and he probably forgave her like always”. You grab your things and leave without letting your brothers say anything else. At the corner where you meet you wait for him but he doesn’t show up, a second later your phone dings and you check it and it is a text from Henry saying he won’t meet up today saying he is currently not feeling well. You had a gut feeling that you should run to school so once you got to your usual hiding spot you barely made it on time to listen to Henry and Amy discussion and based on Henry's face he did not want to be there.
Amy: Hey Henry, you wanted to meet up earlier than usual why?
Henry: Do you still have the book I lent you a couple of days ago?
Amy: Yeah I do, I’m almost done with can you let me have it for the rest of the day,I was planning to read the rest at the fountain after that I’ll give it to you at the end of the day.
Henry: Fine, just make sure to not damage it, it was a gift from M/N.
Amy: Alright don’t worry.
Henry leaves without saying another word and Amy follows until they separate for their classes. You didn’t even need to think twice, you instantly knew what you had to do, steal that book or destroy it. You head to class and decide to talk to Henry and possibly see if your sabotage is actually working. Henry sees you walk in and waves and starts talking to you.
Henry: M/N sorry about this morning, I needed to meet with Amy cause I asked her to give something she borrowed back to me.
M/N: Did she give it back?
Henry: No, she said she will give it to me after school, just hope she keeps her word.
M/N: Everything alright?
Henry: Just lately Amy has just not been good lately, I don’t know but seems like she really is showing her true colors and I am not liking it.
M/N: That is too bad, but hey you have that new game to distract you.
Henry: Yeah, you’re right just hope everything returns back to normal.
When the lunch bell rings you go to the school fountain and sit down on a random bench until finally you see Amy show up with the book. You see her reading it and what feels like forever you see another student go up to her and ask her for something. She gets up and stupidly leaves the book on the fountain. You slowly walk to the fountain and double check to see if anyone can see you, after you check that no one will see, you drop the book into the fountain then leave. After another minute you see Amy come back and when she notices the book fell in the fountain she freaked out and started panicking and she quickly ran. You don’t bother following her and just eat your lunch and not care. The day goes by quickly and when after school comes around you are pretending to be packing and from a earshot you hear Henry and Amy.
Henry: Do you have the book with you?
Amy: Henry, I’m sorry the book fell in the fountain somehow and I couldn’t fix it.
Henry yanks the book away from Amy's hand
Henry: But, how did this happen!?
Amy: I don’t know, I set it down left for a bit and it must of fell in when I got up.
Henry: HOW COULD YOU!, M/N gave this to me. It was special to me.
Amy: Henry I’m sorry
Henry: Amy just, I’ll see you tomorrow bye.
Amy: Henry, wait.
Henry walks not even bothering to listen anymore he seemed more sad than mad, you walk home feeling accomplished and proud and when you settle at home you end up going to bed feeling nothing but joy.
Today is the day, if your hard work paid off Henry will say no to Amy's confession hopefully. After getting dressed you walk downstairs and see a well cooked  breakfast served on the dinner table.
Anthony: Morning M/N, as a way to celebrate you succeeding in breaking up that friendship, enjoy having a full breakfast meal.
M/N: First, I’m not even sure if it's going to work and….
Anthony: Don’t even think like that, it is clearly working since even we can feel the tension between Henry and Amy and not the good type
Sebastian: You kidding, the tension couldn’t even be cut with a knife, that's how intense it is. Trust me whatever you are doing is working.
M/N: Does that mean should I even bother trying to do something today to mess it up also.
Anthony: I say still do something, just to overall seal the deal for today.
You eat the breakfast your brothers made you and head out to school with them, they leave you at the usual corner and you wait for Henry until he shows up. When Henry finally makes it you both start chatting for a bit.
M/N: Wait Amy damaged what?
Henry: She damaged the book you gave me as a gift, I can’t believe she would be so careless.
M/N: What makes you think she was careless?
Henry: I don’t know, I always had a feeling that she was jealous of our friendship, which I don’t understand because she is my childhood friend not you. You're my good friend but she just…GAHHH.
M/N: She really has been getting on your nerves lately,
Henry: She has been, I’m running out of patience with her. M/N she just…..
M/N: She just what?
Henry: She isn’t like you, I feel like you're more of a childhood friend to me than she is to me.
You stay looking at each other for a moment in silence but that silence is broken when Henry's phone dings, he checks it and receives a message from Amy asking help on a homework assignment.
M/N: So you're going to help her?
Henry: I don’t feel like sitting down and chatting with her so I’m just going to let her copy it.
M/N: Really?
Henry: Yeah, at least I won’t be chatting with her because right now I need a little break from her.
M/N: Alright, do what you think is best.
Henry sends her a message saying that he will leave it on top of her desk and to give it to him later. Henry and you head to your lockers and Henry leaves to go give Amy the assignment. You follow behind and once you see him give Amy the assignment you thought of a plan. Amy before she starts copying heads to what seems like the bathroom and leaves Henry homework in her bag. After she leaves you see the classroom is empty so you walk in and dig in her bag and find Henry's homework. Once you found it you stuffed it in your bag and left the room not bothering to see her reaction. You head to class like usual and wait out the time then hours later around after school Henry walks up to you.
M/N: Henry calm down, what's wrong?
Henry: Amy lost my homework assignment I let her borrow, so I got freaking zero on that assignment and my grade dropped a whole letter.
M/N: Henry calm down, breathe in.
Henry: That was the last graded assignment for that class, everything else would be quizzes and exams so now I am going to have to study my butt off to bring my grade up if I want to possibly earn full rides to universities.
M/N: I know Henry, just relax everything will be alright it's Friday so use this weekend to just forget about this horrible day.
Henry: More like a horrible week, but thank you’re right I need to relax and just deal with the reality on Monday.
M/N: Where is Amy?
Henry: Don’t know haven’t seen her since class time I think I may just walk home without her, going to try to use this weekend to just not remember anything bad that happen this week so don’t feel if I ignore your calls
M/N: You can use the weekend to play that game all day and night.
Henry chuckles and asks you to meet him by the gate so you do, from a distance you see Henry at his locker but notice he takes out a note. You run up to him and ask him what the letter is about, apparently it is from Amy asking him to meet him at the rose garden, Henry looks at you and just ends up going. You give Henry some time to give some distance then you decide to follow and go to the rose garden. Once you make it to the rose garden you hide behind another bush and you see Amy come out from behind a tree and step in front of Henry and she starts talking.
Henry: Amy?
Amy: I’m….glad you came.
Henry: What is this about?
Amy: Just needed to have you meet me here, because I feel some sort of confidence.
Henry: Confidence about what?
Amy: Well, the reason why my relationships never worked was because I felt like it was never with the right person.
Henry: What made you think that?
Amy: Every time I was with someone I kept thinking about another person.
Henry: Who?
Henry: Amy honestly, I’m sorry but I don’t think we can be something special.
Amy: What…..is it because of what has been happening this week, it was just one shitty week that's all just….
Henry: Amy don’t, it's not just that it is way more than that.
Amy: I can be nicer, neater, believe me I can……..
Henry: Just stop, it just won’t work, this won’t happen, goodbye.
Amy: Henry please wait.
Amy starts crying while Henry turns his back around and leaves her alone in the rose garden, while you in a distance start feeling joyful and start laughing a bit knowing you had succeeded. You leave school and run home to tell your brother the good news.
Henry's POV
Henry goes into a park to clear his mind after yesterday and sits on a bench feeling sad, until someone passes by
??: Oh, hi is everything alright?
Henry: Um, I’m sorry, Gal right?
Gal Gadot: Yeah, we are assigned to that school project
Henry: Oh I remembered
Gal Gadot: Is everything alright, what has got you feeling down.
Henry: I don’t want to trouble you.
Gal Gadot: It is no trouble at all.
Henry: Well, I have a childhood friend named Amy, recently we just have not been getting along and I believed I may have feelings for her but this week our friendship kept getting tested and it was struggling. So, when she confessed her feelings I couldn’t say yes because it felt like her true colors were showing. I feel bad for rejecting her and ruining our friendship but I didn’t want to accept her feelings out of pity and now I don’t know if I did the right thing.
Gal Gadot: Don’t you know what's his name, M/N haven’t you discussed it with me.
Henry: I was going to, but can’t bring myself to throw my problems on top of him. He is someone I can count on but I don't want him to worry about me about something so dumb.
Gal Gadot: I’m sorry to hear that, maybe a walk in the park will help clear your head instead of just sitting and feeling sorry.
Henry: Maybe you’re right, a walk can do some good.
Gal Gadot: I’ll join you.
While Henry and Gal walk around the park they don’t notice someone taking photos of them and following them.
You are getting ready for bed and you suddenly get a text message from Robert.
Robert: Well I will say I didn’t expect you to get rid of Amy that way but it works
M/N: Why do you seem disappointed, expecting me to go crazy?
Robert: Mostly surprised but not really sending you a message for just a normal chat
M/N: Why did you text me?
Robert: *Attached images of Henry and Gal walking in the park standing real close*
M/N: WHO IS she?
Robert: Her name is Gal Gadot, she is Henry's partner in a school project, seems to be catching his attention and Henry seems to be catching her attention.
M/N: Why warn me about this again, what is your game?
Robert: No game just like I said good karma.
M/N: Good karma?
Robert: Doesn’t matter, it looks like she is planning to confess on Friday also, so I will think of something fast or you may lose Henry to another girl.
M/N: I can’t lose him when he is mine already.
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dre6ming · 1 year
Playing for keeps
Chapter I
Pairing: Austin Butler x Y/n
Plot: Austin is the next in line for the throne, but he can’t be king if he doesn’t have a wife. In your country tradition says that a selection formed of 35 young women must be formed for the prince to find a wife. You are obligated by circumstances to participate against your will. What are the chances that you might be the next queen? None right? Right?
Warning: none
Word count: ~4000
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"To heal the soul by the means of the senses and the senses by the means of the soul" or something like that, is what Oscar Wilde said to make me really understand why something so simple as feeling the bristles of my brush stroke the rough surface of the canvas. My lines look a little jagged today, my hand keeps shaking and no matter how many deep breaths I take, the rock sitting on my chest hasn't gotten any lighter.
Thirty five, what a strange and odd number, why so many? Why not more or less? Did they have a mathematician who centuries ago did the math for them and concluded that thirty five was the lucky number to find a wife out? I take a deep breath as the word "wife" bounces off of the walls of my skull. It's not just a wife, it's the future queen.
It's been a little more than 30 years since the last selection, when queen Lori was selected out of the bunch by King David and now the result of their successful selection, their son, prince Austin, is about to have his very own selection. All of the girls in the kingdom between the ages 18-22 were asked to submit an entry into the competition, to hopefully end up being the princess of the kingdom and the future queen.
Emphasis on the word "asked" , we were not obligated to do it, at least not by our government, our parents however? Well the forced me to apply, dragged me down to the office where the applications were collected and made me sign up.
"Y/n it's time, come come sit!!" My mom shouts for me and I put down the paint brush, wiping my hands on a rag, brushing back some hair as I make my way to the very small, very crowded living room. My mom , dad and all my 5 siblings are spread around the tv, watching it like hawks. "Come sit!" Mom pats the spot next to her on the couch and I squeeze between her and my older sister.
I can't help but feel angry at the whole situation, my parents live in a poorer side of the country and the fact that they had 7 kids did not help, I'm right in the middle, being the 4th to be born, my older siblings, are married off to their own households where the also pop baby after baby, that is except for one of my eldest siblings, my sister Hannah, who's the reason why mom put me into the selection in the first place.
To back track a bit and explain, my parents met and got married when they were 20 years old, my brother Josh came a year later, he's now 26 married and expecting child number three, his income already stretched thin. Then came Anna, she's 24 she married in a more stable family, but with baby number two, turning into babies number 2 , 3 and 4, yes that's triplets that she's having, money is low. Mark, 22 now, not married, he's actually, well we don't know, he ran away with a girl from around here, we haven't heard anything in years and since we barely have time to live our own lives and win enough for a living, we've put him aside. My sister Hannah, 22 as well, she's Marks twin, she's supposed to marry, but the guy she chose is from a family of twelve and they have little to no money.
Then there's me, Y/n, 20 being auctioned away in the hopes that the weekly allowance my family will get for my participation would be enough for my sister's wedding and some other things for my youngest siblings. After me my parents had kids 2 more times, Kyle 14 and then the other set of twins, this time identical Tana and Lane, 10 years old.
My mom works as a nurse and my dad is a retired guard from our region. Money is low so we all have to work, but with 2 siblings out of the house and one waiting to marry, we lost working hands. I sell paintings on commission and I also work at the local bakery to try and make some extra money, but it's not enough to support me, mom and my younger siblings. Which is why I was forced by mom to join the selection, the family of the girl competing gets a weekly allowance for as long as she stays in the game, not to mention the chance of actually being queen.
As names are being drawn on tv I can feel everyone in the room tense as the 34th girl gets called out and it's not me, I had 34 chances and I lost them all, now I get one more, but I hope I'll lose again. I don't want to go, I don't want to meet the prince or be his wife, I'm not meant to be queen, I'm just not.
My breath gets caught in my chest as the host, Lucas, puts his hand back in the bowl of names. My ears are ringing as he read the name and I almost faint seeing my picture there. "You got it, hon, good job!" Mom says and all of my present siblings start to chant my name, happy for me. I can barely hear them though, so I get up with tears in my eyes, brushing everyone off, walking out, out of the room, out of the house.
My bare feet, touch the sharp gravel, but I can't give into the pain, all I know is I need to run, run for now, or at least until tomorrow when the people from the palace will be at my door to package me up and send me to their prince. Staring out into the midnight sky, I could see everything I had being ripped apart, I didn't have much, but I had enough. Dropping to the ground and letting the cold grass soak my thin cotton dress, I close my eyes, scared to death about the outcome of what I had just gotten myself into.
The next time I open my eyes, two guards from the royal guard stand in my door and my mom hands me a bag I didn't pack, pushing me out the door. I take one last look back at the people I'm leaving behind and I tell myself I have to at least make it a few weeks, so that my sister could use the money for her wedding, then I'd come back and move to a richer part of the country, where I wouldn't be able to ever see my family. Those are the rules, after you get into the game, when you live you have a higher status and income so they move you and you can no longer interact with your past the way you used to.
Watching my step getting out of the car that took me from the airport to here, I take in the palace, with it's high towers and beautiful architecture. People are outside, forming a pathway for us to walk as they chant different names of other girls who also got selected. I am so out my element here, the dress my mom picked for me was too tight and itchy, the high heel shoes hurt my feet and my hands were sweating too much. "Here it goes!" I say under my breath stepping forward and into the unknown building. The inside even more beautiful than I could describe, high ceilings with crystal chandeliers, gold accents and mahogany furniture, underneath my heels white marble floors.
"Ladies! Welcome, I am Silvia and I'll be you're etiquette advisor and teacher, I'll also be your voice here, anything you need, you ask me and I'll make it happen if it within my powers. You will now be less to yours rooms where you will meet your maids, they will help you with hair, make up and clothes and anything else you might need. Dinner will be served in your rooms tonight and breakfast is at 7 am tomorrow, after breakfast you will each get to talk with the prince and get to know him. I've left some pages on your beds with instructions about tomorrow as well as the schedule of our classes. Good evening going forward!" The tall blonde woman left our sight walking gracefully in her long gown. I wonder if I'll ever be like her? Back so straight, shoulders so strong, hair so put together, make up so natural yet so beautiful, voice so clear, everything about her spoke volumes on everything I was not. I don't know how they expect me to last a day here.
In my room, I stand and wonder how can a place for one person be the size of my home which currently houses 7, now that two of my siblings had moved out. "Lady Y/n!" Two petite women curtesy in front of me, they look like sisters, about the same age as me, but one of them looks a bit older. "Just Y/n" I lick my lips fiddling with my fingers. The older one nods, smiling. "A-and you are?" They seem confused by my question. "Your maids lady!" The other one explains in a sweet voice.
"Yes no, I know, I meant, your names, what are your names?" I ask again hoping I'm not making them uncomfortable. "I'm Jules and she's my older sister Jane, we're very happy and honored to meet you, lady Y/n" I nod, smiling as well, as they start pacing around the room fixing things up. My eyes watch them move, mesmerized by how synchronized they are. "Can you stand and turn around lady Y/n? We have the water running in the tub, so you can take a bath."
I stand and turn so that Jules could undo my dress, then sliding my arms through the silk robe. "Just Y/n please!" I ask again, all these official things making me uncomfortable. "Lady Y/n, if I may-" I open my mouth to correct Jane, but she puts her hand up stopping me. "You are now a lady, his majesty will refer to you as such and you have to keep to these titles, at least until you get to know him better." I nod at her kind advice and follow her into the bathroom, where she helps me step into the tub, taking my robe away and checking the water temperature one last time. "Well relax lady Y/n, when you're ready, call for us and we will get you ready for bed."
Before she leaves me to my own, I dare to ask her one more thing. "Jane, is he nice?" I ask, this being the first time I actually my curiosity about the prince, spiked ever since I was selected. Jane gives me a soft smile, fixing the creases on her apron. "That's for you to decide lady Y/n, but his majesty, prince Austin has always been well liked by the staff." She leaves before I get to asks anything more and I take that as her polite way of saying that's how much she's allowed to say.
The bed here is so much softer than the one at home, the one I uncomfortably share with my twin sisters. The sheets are so soft and silky, it feels like I could turn to fast and fly off the bed. Jules and Jane left shortly after, brushing my hair back and helping me into my silk night gown. Even in this big room, air feels compressed and I want to walk, so I find myself putting on my slippers , taking a moment to look at them, I've never had slippers before. I the dark of the room I make out the location of the door and I turn the knob slowly, trying to make no sound.
I feel a cool breeze brushing my bare legs and I follow it thinking this could be the way to find a door leading outside. Only thing stopping me are the two guards standing in front of it. "Miss are you lost?" One of them asks, making me blush, finally so aware of the fact that I left my room wearing only my thin silky night gown. "N-no, I was wondering how to get to the garden." I say hoping my voice didn't sound too shaky. "No can do miss, you need to get back to your room." The guard tells me, his eyes staring straight ahead. "Please, I, I just need a moment." I beg, taking a step closer and that's when they both move their eyes to look at me, their mean stares making me shiver. "Not allowed, back to your room miss!" The other guard speaks.
Suddenly another set of steps are heard and the guards stand straighter. I don't dare to make a move and look at who it might be. "Your majesty!" They say in unison and the blood freezes in my veins. I've never heard him speak before, his voice sounds so clear, a bit raspy, but still sweet, like warm honey. "Lay her be!"
"Your majesty, we can't-" the guard protests. "I said let her be, open the doors!" They do as he says and I don't wait to walk out, the cold air hitting my warm skin leaving goosebumps. "Stay 5 minutes, then back to your room, if you won't go willingly they have my permission to drag you there." I stop and without turning around I say. "Thank you, your majesty!" My voice sounding like it's under water.
I didn't stay too long after I heard him walk away, running back to my room almost immediately after. Sleep came to me easily after that, but I still felt restless now as Jane brushed my hair into a braid. They put me into a floor length light green dress, with beautiful lace details all around the corset. I looked like a princess this morning when I looked at myself in the mirror and I couldn't believe it and then for just a moment too long I had questioned why I pushed this competition away so vehemently. That last thought however got send back to the depth of my mind and I was now patiently waiting for my turn with the prince, tormented by the wonder of whether he would recognize me from last night or not. 
At last my turn comes and I get up from my seat, fixing my dress as I walk with my head down toward the table where he awaits for me. Sitting down, I still keep my eyes on the ground scared to look at him, feeling my heart thudding against my corset concealed chest. "Y/n? Right? Pleased to meat you, I do hope you're feeling better." His voice comes out first, breaking the silence and making me finally look at him. I had seen him on tv, but the screen did him no justice, the blue in his eyes is so electric, the gold in his hair, is so endearing, my fingers itched with the wish to have a feel at it, his pink lips look so soft and warm. Everything about him is inviting and the way he seats in his chair, leaned back with his legs crossed, his chin in his hand, makes him look so young and careless, which he is, being only 22 and a prince. 
"Yes, your majesty, I'm quite well, thank you!" I blush deeply, my hands clutching the material of my dress in a stupid attempt to calm my nerves. Austin's eyes move to my hands and back to my face, a concerned look painting on his god like face. "Are you all right? Lady Y/n?" He asks, changing his position in the chair, leaning towards me. "If you're not feeling well, I can have for the doctor to come and see you later Lady Y/n." He says in a whisper. The word doctor makes me immediately let go of my dress and smooth down the creases, breathing deeply. "I am fine your majesty, it's all nerves." 
Austin hums and I expect him to go back to his previous sitting position, but he doesn't, he actually leans a bit closer if that were possible. I can now smell his woodsy cologne and a warm fuzzy feeling takes over my body. "You don't need to be nervous, I'm just a boy, just as you are just a girl-".
"But you're not" I find myself rudely interrupting him. "You're going to be king some day and 35 women were randomly chosen to come here and allow you to peruse them. 35 is a strangely small number compared to all the women out there that could be potentially way better for you than any of us."
"Then why come here? Why put your name in the ballot in the first place?" He asks and I can't read if he's been offended by what I said or not. "Your majesty, I apologize!" I look away from him and I can't help but notice that the other girls are all watching us, just like I had watched the previous ones when they were up here. I can only imagine they are analyzing if he likes me better or not. 
"Don't apologize, keep talking, I feel you have a point." Austin urges me and I bite my tongue. "Lady Y/n, my situation is unique, but I have no choice, it does not matter if the love of my life is someone outside these walls, I am not allowed to meet them. So please keep talking!" I feel sad for him, it's clear he's thought the same thing as me, what if his one true love is not one of us, but he's obligated to choose one of us either way. 
"My favorite book, "Withering highlights" the protagonists were not allowed to love each other but they did and the impossibility of being together killed them, had they not ever met, they would've been able to love someone else and live. I think what I said is quite wrong your majesty, maybe neither of us will be the love of your life, but with time you might find someone among us, that you could learn to love and survive." 
Austin opens his mouth to say something, but he doesn't get the chance, since it's announced that our time is up and I must go in order for the next girl to come. I get up breathless and do a very bad curtesy. 
The rest of the day I can't help but feel like I'm sitting on egg shells, I knew I had let my stupid mouth speak before I gave to much thought, but something about him made me feel like I could speak my heart. Jane brushes my hair, as Jules arranges things around the room,  taking the pillows off the bed and putting in place the last things for me to go to bed. 
A knock on my door makes Jane jump as she brushes my hair and Jules goes to open the door. "Your majesty!" I hear Jules say and so I turn to see him, in all his glory, wearing the same dark brown suit from breakfast, only he's discarded the jacket and the tie, a few of the buttons from his shirt being undone and revealing some of his chest, the sleeves are rolled up and this look suits him much better than the previous. Realizing I was just sitting and staring, I quickly get up and curtesy. "Your majesty!" 
"How would you like a stroll out in the gardens, Lady Y/n?" Austin's voice is calm and my ears are ringing, so I barely make out what he's saying, but I nod. "Yes, um Jules, my robe please!" I say, remembering I'm just wearing my night gown, which was very inappropriate. "Lady Y/n!" Austin extends his hand and I walk the few steps over to him, putting my significantly smaller arm around his. 
He takes the lead and walks us out of my room and to the gardens. My thoughts are racing, I'm not stupid I know he could have every advantage right now to try and make an inappropriate move onto me, but he doesn't seem like that kind of guy, but how does that kind of guy look anyway. 
"You're awfully quiet." He says as we walk through the dimly lit gardens. "I was waiting on you your majesty." He stops and turns to look at me. "Why so?" Austin asks blinking. I simply shrug my shoulders. 
He sighs and licks his lips, walking further into the gardens without another word. The whole situation is rather spooky and I can't help the anxiety building up inside me. Soon we get to a table, decorated with candles and flowers, steaming cups of tea resting on it. "I thought we might enjoy some hot tea, it's a bit chilly out." He pulls my chair out for me and I sit down hesitant. 
"Tell me more about you, your favorite book is "Withering highlights", what else do you like?" It takes me a moment to realize that he is being serious I can't stop the giggle that comes out. Confusion is once again shown on his face, but this time is accompanied by something else, the corner of his mouth slightly pointing up, he's amused too. "You really want to know?" 
"Well I must find a wife somehow." The breath gets knocked out of me by his statement, for a split second I had forgotten why I was here, to play in the game of selection. 
"I like to bake and knit, I make clothes for my siblings all the time, but by far my favorite thing is painting, there's something so strange about being able to use my own hands to capture a moment I time li you would a picture." He looks at me as I talk and something in his demeanor tells me he's actually interested. 
"Picture, I, well I don't paint, but I do enjoy photography." He admits, his eyes glimmering with excitement. "Really? And what do you find best to photograph? Objects, humans or nature?" I ask, Austin blushing slightly. "All, I can't say I'm that good, I don't have enough time to dedicate to the hobby, but I enjoy it." 
"I don't believe that you must show me one day, any kind of art is good art. I don't have any of my paintings here, but perhaps if I got the supplies I could paint you something!" I propose, trading the experience of showing off our works of art. "Perhaps one day." Austin says absentmindedly, clearing his throat before getting up. "It's late, I should escort you back to your room!" He says hastily. 
I don't bring up how neither of us even touched the tea or what a short time had passed since we got here, the tea still steaming in the cups. Something about him has changed, he's much colder, stiffer if you may. No more words are exchanged between us, except the good night he rapidly wishes me, before walking away.
I'm left confused and with another feeling stuck in my heart, because for a moment there I actually let myself go and I got happy? Maybe, I don't know. 
Sleep came to me very difficult and when I woke up this morning I had a headache, I didn't want to see or talk to anyone. As Jules is complaining that I had tangled my hair so bad in my sleep another knock is heard and my heart stopped. Is this hope I'm feeling? Hope that is Austin? 
"Lady Y/n, a package for you!" Jane announces. 
I get up taking the note from her hand, looking at the huge box that bigger than her. I open the small envelope and the first thing I notice is the very clean and neat handwriting. 
 <Lady Y/n,
I hope you will forgive me for leaving so hastily as I did last night, but I figured that our encounter wasn't quiet up to etiquette and in fear of damaging you or me, I thought it better continue some other time. Please forgive me and accept this gift, I hope you'll have a painting to show me soon enough
Tags: @galaxygirl453
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harryleatherfit · 1 year
for so long ༻꧂
part 1 >< moving
4.6K x dbf!neighbor!joel x f!reader
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𓆉 main master list 𓆉 series master list 𓆉
𓆉 series playlist
warnings: [NO OUTBREAK] divorce, parents fighting, death, grief, alcohol consumption, age gap (reader 24 joel 47), dbf!joel, soft!joel
authors notes: i have been wanting to write dbf!joel for so damn long it’s not even funny. this will probably be a shorter fic with longer chapters, but we will see 🤫🤫
word count: 4.6 k
Cerulean blue and baby orange.
The only colors that made sense since birth. The sky and the water mix together to make a picture, one will never escape the world. The beach, as that would be simplified down to, is simply a get away, a lifestyle.
Your dads boat, the only thing that mattered. The time you spent with your dad out on the water was the only thing that meant the whole world to you. You didn’t care about going to the movies or boys… you cared about spending time with your dad and learning. Knowledge made you feel good, you felt good being about to repeat what was put through your brain. You were in due time to go back to school again.
You were starting 7th grade this year and it was exciting, the middle of Junior High. It was time to start thinking about what you wanted for your future. Your parents didn’t push you too much, but they always put it in your head to start thinking about college. College.
That was years down the road, only the beach mattered. You would only be here for a couple more summers with your parents and then you would have to move away. Leave your baby brother James, leave and become a part of society.
You were fearful, but it wasn’t necessarily bad. You were precautious with what you wanted to do, but you were just a kid and that’s the only thing that mattered.
“Hey, bear. Can you hand your mom and I some more Dr Pepper, and pass me some more bait while you’re at it.” Your dad asks.
You fiddle around in your dads cooler, looking for his bait and getting your parents more soda. You had your journal open and you were studying little film of algae.
“What are you writing about bear cub?” Your mom asks. You hand your dad the soda’s and his bait, hugging him as you rub your little brother's cheek. Your mom was holding him, James was just a couple years old and he was recovering from a temper tantrum. You were always calm with him and tried to help him figure through his emotions.
Being a toddler was tough work, and you always helped your parents with James. Your little brother needed you.
He crawled out of your moms arms, “Sissy,” He tugs at your shirt,” Can I come look at the wawter wif you?”
You tickle his neck and he laughs, “Of course you can James .” You pick him up and set him into your lap, letting him pick up your pen and pencil. You tear out a piece of paper for him, balling it up and letting him throw. He chucks it into the body of water, breaking the algae.
“See James, look at the green and the world beneath you opened. More sunlight, all it took was for you to break it.”
“Wook at the pweety green sissy.” He repeats.
“I know it's so pretty, but you see the fishy? All the little rocks under?” He crawls and you hold him in place at the edge of the boat. He oggles beneath him and you remember how this was his first time getting to see aquatic life. You studied how he watched the earth below him, fastened how he worked.
On the other end of the boat, you could hear your mom and dad start to argue. This had been going on for a while, you didn’t think anything of it and we’re trying to show that you didn’t care. You had to be strong for James, you had to be strong for your parents.
“Jason, that restaurant is gonna kill us, you know that. We have to move from the beach.” Your mom tried to keep down.
“Bryn, no it’s not. We can make it this summer. I don’t know why you always keep this up, I told you I have it all figured out.”
“Jason, stop lying to me. I saw the reports, I saw it all and you’re lying straight to my face.”
“Stop, just stop-”
“Daddy, wook at the fish over here!” James tuts. Your parents flip turn to you, catching that you caught their whole conversation. You give a meek smile, and they try to lighten the mood but you knew this was more than that.
“Bryn, let's just have a good day with the kids, a good summer day.”
“Hello, earth to Bear.” Your dad waves his hand in front of your face. You saw an entrance sign to that lake you were on with your family so many years ago, taking you back to a time you never thought you’d relive again. “I’ve been trying to get your attention.” Your dad says.
“Sorry, just spaced out for a second, what were you trying to say?” You blink, the whole drive you were listening to your dad’s music, trying to fall asleep but you couldn’t.
“James is excited to see you, he misses you a lot.” You hadn’t gotten to see him since last summer, you were kept at college working on your Masters paper. Your last year of school had caught you whole, no time for anything.
James was so much older now, “I feel bad for missing last year, he still plays baseball right?”
“Yeah he’s so excited for you to come to summer games, and he wanted you to come to a team campfire on the beach.”
“I would love to.” You stare out on the road. You missed the beach, you missed the old town.
You had visited for a couple weeks each year during high school, but that was so long ago. Your parents had divorced when you were in middle school, and you were right when you were younger- things weren’t going well.
But the divorce was smooth, your parents remained friends, and you moved in with your mom, and your brother stayed with your dad. That part wasn’t ideal, but each parent was happy. You would always miss the other half of your family but that’s how things worked out in the split. During the last of high school you spent the holidays at the beach with your dad. Your mom came along and you were a family again. They did this for you, a special rarity you would remember for the rest of your life.
But then the start of University, and you never had time to leave so your family had to see you. Your dad and James would hole up near your college to celebrate the end of the year, and after that you’d have visit your mom, she was busy herself, but in a heartbeat you would go see her, even if you had to make the time.
You loved your mom, living with her. Her smile. Your mom was the reason why you were so prosperous in your youth, she pushed you enough, but she always showed you her love.
And on a quiet morning while you were studying, during this past year and your final months of college, you were in your shared apartment with your childhood best friend Lexie and you got the call that your mom died.
She died in the hospital due to a car crash. It was all so sudden, and you really didn’t believe the surgeon over the phone, but finally as you walked into the room, you saw your dead mother clothed and washed. Ready to be buried. James didn’t take it well, but you still had to be strong for him. The funeral was beautiful, with flowers and so many people from your childhood. It was a reunion and you realized how many people cared. A precious life celebrated with love and happiness.
The following days you stayed with your dad and James, not knowing where you belong, what to think, what to believe. All you had to do with them was be yourself, some version of normal.
During that time, that was when your dad asked you if you wanted to move to the beach after you graduated.
“It might be nice bear, you’d get to be with James more, and you wouldn’t have to worry about groceries or rent. You could stay with us as long as you’d like, that Lexie friend could come visit if she’d like. You could work with me, or not. I don’t mind.”
You thought about it, family. Some time to heal.
“I’d like that dad.” You hug.
You still weren’t sure if you had mourned enough, or had taken care of yourself enough but you had to finish college. You had to finish your degree, you had to push yourself. Your mom would have been proud.
Time and time again, Lexie tried to comfort you, and you appreciated it, but you had to be on your own for a while. You told her you were moving in with your dad, told her that she could come visit, and as Lexie would be, she was proud of you.
It was time to move on, it was time to forgive yourself.
And today was the day, leaving with your dad for the summer, or however long you needed to get back on your feet. Passing roads, old farms, signs associated with this beach drive. Finally reaching the little coastal town. The sun was setting, beautiful as could be.
“I don’t know if you remember but the town still does baby turtle ocean thing, it’s going on all summer and people can volunteer to help, if you’d like.”
“Could we- I’d like to go this weekend?”
“I wouldn’t mind that sweet pie, I’ll get James to come this weekend, I remember you both used to watch the turtles so long ago.”
You thought of James' little laugh, his baby toddler giggle looking at the turtles swimming into the water. His youth was so again, so precious to you.
“Over there they’re building a whole new shopping center. I talked to the mayor and he thought it would bring in more people.”
You chuckle, “I guess you beach hoodlums need more retail therapy I suppose.”
“I suppose.” He mumbles, “I miss you kiddo, so much has changed but I’m excited for you to see.”
“I am too, it’ll be a good summer.” That's all you wanted.
Your dad turns into the neighborhood, so many new houses, new cars that you’ve never seen.
“Do the smiths still live here? I remember James played with Isaac all the time.”
“Ah, they moved away a few years ago, the mom got a job more inland but I take James to go visit Isaac sometimes.”
You nod your head, “Anyone new in the neighborhood? Any women maybe?”
“Bear,” He eyes you. You had never seen your dad with another woman, or he had never even mentioned a woman, you weren’t worried but it was time.
“What? I mean there hasn’t been anyone since mom, you can’t rot away for years and not date, you’ll waste your old man potential.” You comment.
“Old man potential.” He repeats. “Nobody wants a crusty man that all he does is fish and run a beach restaurant.”
“Hey… I mean some women may dig that. Who knows.” You smirk, your dad was an acquired taste, your mom did divorce him.
“Yeah, but uh a few families moved in here and there,” He explains, “I don’t know if you remember, but some years ago my buddy from high school, Joel and his younger daughter Sarah moved in next to us. Sometimes his brother Tommy will come around, they’re nice.”
You remember that name.
“The millers?” Of course you remembered them. You babysat Sarah Miller, but you could have never forgotten her father.
“Yeah maybe, you might’ve met them when you were in undergrad.”
“I did, I babysat for Sarah and she helped me with my flash cards, she’s a good kid.” That must’ve been 5 years ago now, you spent so much time focusing on your fucking degree 5 years felt more like 40.
“She is, after that boy Isaac left James took a liking to Sarah.”
You gasp, “James likes a girl!”
Your dad pulls into the driveway, “Shh don’t tell him I told you.”
You imitate zipping your lips. You jump out the car, “Lets get my stuff out later I wanna go into the house.” It was getting dark so you just wanted to bring your backpack in with you.
“Pretty lights dad, so pretty with the water in the back.”
“James loves those, they weave all around to the back deck.” You scope out the outside of the house, it looked like no one was home so walking up the stairs was a hard time. Until you realized there was none.
“Hey uh dad, did you know these are-?”
“Oh! Yeah Joel and Tommy are fixing that, paying them to renovate a little around the house, they have their own contracting brand and I trust Joel with my life. I couldn’t resist.”
The garage opens and you race inside, excited to see James. Feverishly opening the door to the house, “Hey bear cub, wait up!”
Before you open the door you see your dad pull out his phone, and..
People everywhere in the kitchen and living room, not many that you recognized but people that must’ve known your dad and brother.
A Welcome Home sign was big and tied across the main wall above the fireplace, fairy lights strung everywhere. Balloons floating about, food in the corner of your eye. The whole house smelled of familiar sweet and savory. The salt musk of the beach lingering.
“You’re home!” James came sprinting to you, causing you to drop your bag. You drop to him squeezing him so hard, you hadn’t seen him really since the funeral.
“You’re so big now! You had to have grown half a foot.” You whisper into his ear, patting down his hair. You didn’t really care if people were watching, or noticing how you were with James, then again you didn’t know any of them, and this was now your home too.
“You saw me a few months ago, I haven’t changed at all.”
“I know, I know.” You kiss his cheek. “Big bad Freshman.” You let off your strong hold, standing up.
“Dad…I didn't know you were throwing a surprise party.” You speak under your breath.
“That’s the point kiddo, a nice welcome home surprise. I wanted you to get to meet some people in the town and neighborhood, but thank James, he decorated it all, took my card and got the food and decorations.”
You pin his head, holding him under your arm.
“This little sucker planned all this.” You chip, looking up at the lights, then to all the smiling people. . “It’s perfect.” You let go, “Thank you everyone, this means a lot you’re all here.” You call out to the group. This was the most people you’ve been around since the funeral, you weren’t worried, but just taken aback, “I was trapped in the car with this fisherman for hours.” You smile at your dad. Everyone laughs, “My little girls back in town, free drinks at the restaurant this weekend.” He throws his fist in the air, an eruption roar swallows the entire room.
“Well I’m not going anywhere, so I’d love to get to meet you all.” You offer, people breaking into conversation, some looking at you, and now the go ahead from James to get food.
“Bear, I have to show you the deck!” James tugs you by the shirt, shoving you away from the living room. You grab onto the sliding glass door, finding more people outside, did pops have to invite the whole damn town?
Taken aback at the scenery, the last sliver of sun spilling onto the oceanfront. Waves crashing onto shore further in the distance. A match made in heaven.
Fairy lights on stakes around the deck, a tiny fire in the middle of the sitting area, warm wood under your feet. None to cause splinters. Your dads fishing gear all propped up. It was the dream house for you three.
“Dad…” You blink, “This is beautiful, when did you get this fixed up? I remember almost putting my foot through the wood…” You pause. “And that dock up there, when did that get put in?”
“That was put out plus all of this shit was fixed because of the Mill-”
“Sarah!” James yells into the living room. You watch her run out to fist bump James, and then run to hug you. She had changed so much, barely able to recognize her.
“Look who we have here.” Two men, vaguely familiar, men that you not only remember because you baby sat one’s beautiful daughter, but these men you remember being very, admittedly attractive.
Dumbstruck filled your body, no words to think. The whole family was beautiful, not having to see them for years was like meeting a family of chiseled romans. Sarah was absolutely beautiful, how was she just a freshman?
Eyes lingering up to Tommy, he had drooping long hair now, but it suited his face. Casual style, he went to shake your dads hand.
Now the man behind Tommy, the man who you remembered, Joel.
Trying not to linger too much, stepping aside with your dad, Joel went up and crushed him with a hug. His eyes opened, looking behind at you. Smiling, not knowing exactly what to say, you observe.
Joel had salt and pepper hair, porn style mustache, and a miscellaneous beard. His jeans fitting tightly around his waist, his arms bulging out of his shirt. Looking around when they all walked in, it got quieter inside and out. You could tell, mostly the women, the older women seemed to follow out near the deck.
“Heard James was the party planner for the whole night, good job buddy.” Tommy praises.
Joel lets go of your dad, “Jason, you didn’t tell us she’d be coming home.” Cheerfully, he looks at you, up and down.
“Yeah she’s living here now, freshly out of college.” He smiles, pulling you in for a side hug.
Looking down trying to think of something, “Thank you guys for coming, honestly Sarah I didn’t know you and James were in the same grade.”
“Oh no we're not.” She slaps his side playfully, “I’m a year older and I get to taunt his freshman ass.”
That makes the whole group laugh, happy to see your brother at least have one friend into high school.
“Tell us again, what did you do in college? Your pops here went on and on about your graduation.” Tommy asks, taking a seat next to James and Sarah.
Finally squeaking up, “I uh… I have a Masters in Ocean engineering, minored in economics focusing on math.”
Joel nods his head, tutting almost in his way of approval, standing on the other side of you now.
“I remember your dad tellin us all about that a few years back, why the interest?” Joel looks at you again, but differently.
Thinking on it, there were so many instances. The beach, boat days with your dad. Just water and animals, the earth.
“Well I guess from a young age, I was fascinated with the science of water life. Making 97% of the world, so many animals we don’t know of and so many that are extinct. It’s honestly all observation and numbers.” You shrug.
“Observation and numbers…” Joel stares at you, not letting go of your eyes.
Back when you would babysit Sarah, Joel would linger in your head for weeks. Watching him and Tommy work in their open garage while you would study wasn’t made for the easy minded.
Growing up either you were never the type to date, too much going on in your life at everypoint and you were focused on school, your friends and family. Dating was in the depths of your mind. But whenever you were with your dad, you remembered that seeing Joel Miller would ignite flames in your body.
No boy your age could fill the void, you fucked around but nothing ever stayed stable. You strayed away from anything serious, because truly you didn’t want anything serious when you were in college.
Joel was older. He was a dad, stable and made a living for himself. Not knowing him deeply was a fault, but something inside you spoke that he was a good man, with no ill intent for this world. There was this coexisting natural instinct being around him, but you were still young. No way in hell would anything ever happen, but you’d like to think in your head he might have thought of you in some sort of way.
In this moment, the passion or even lust you felt for Joel back then flooded through your veins, shaking you whole of your life. Stripping you empty of any amount of pride you had from innocence.
“She’s smarter than her pops, that's for sure.” You grin at him, “You remember in college when you failed that math entrance exam and you had to go to a math class at the high school next door?” Joel teases, him and your dad take seats in rocking chairs, you stay standing.
“Hey we all weren’t gifted like this one and Bryn.” Your dad comments. Bryn.
“How is Bryn by the way?” Tommy asks.
Your head shoots to Tommy, confused.
“You didn’t tell him?” Your dad asks Joel, he shakes his head. James froze and you stayed still, you hadn’t really heard her name in a few weeks.
Joel exchanges between you and your dad, “I didn’t really think to tell him but…” Joel starts.
“Tell me what?” Tommy interjects.
Your dad looks at you, then at Tommy.
“Well uh Tommy you weren’t really around, but Bryn died because of a car crash a couple months ago.”
It’s silent, you adjust your weight to the opposite leg, praying this would pass, this awkwardness of people not knowing what to say. All eyes on you know. The shallow breath sinking in your left ear from Tommy.
“Well I had to get my passion from someone, right?” You stare not at your dad, but the water past him. The last thing you wanted to talk about was your mom.
Everyone agrees, clearing their throats. The simple shared awkwardness swallowing you whole.
“I’m gonna go grab my bags dad, I’ll be back in a little, ‘scuse me.” You turn, “James this really is beautiful.” Pardoning yourself from the little group, you weren't really going to go back to the car, the beach doc was where you were headed.
It was dark enough that no one could see you, and ‘a little’ would be the rest of the night. You loop off the deck, rushing in the shadows of the light so no one could see you. Tears slipping faster than before. You wait a few seconds, then you book it to the doc.
The stars never looked brighter, you made it to the end, and turning around, none of them were looking at you.
Relief flooded through you, no scene was caused and your exit wasn’t as embarrassing as you thought.
You sat at the edge, catching your breath. Today was the most talking, let alone thinking you’ve done in a while. You knew this was going to be hard, coming back to the place you lived at during your childhood, you knew that a part of your life was over and revisiting it with a dead parent living through you was going to fry your heart.
Was there ever a possible way of making out of this alive, ever truly able to live on a forget?
Not properly realizing, but the memory from earlier was your last decently happy one you had with your parents together. More things to be reminded that your mom was no longer with you. How long was her loss going to strip you of pain, eat you whole and never stop?
“Hey,” Immediately you swipe the snot and tears off of your face at the tone of voice, Joel. “Mind if I sit with you?”
Peering up, you nod at him, scooting over on the wood. He sat close, but still with space. He brought a couple beers with him.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to cause anything, I don’t want my dad to worry.”
“It’s okay, he wanted to check on you, but I thought it was better if someone else came out.” He shrugged.
“Want one?” He holds a beer out for you.
You nod yes, holding out for one.
You knock it open on the wood, taking a swig despite the horrible taste of your dads beer. You were next to Joel Miller.
It was better, with it being Joel. Instantly your body repositions, counting every breath you make. His scent lingered to you, knocking out your nose. He overpowered the sea, trying to place every note and detail about him.
You look back at the house and you could hesitantly see the whole female population looking your way.
“Looks like you’ve got some fans.” You scoff.
“What? Jealous?” He quirks his eyebrows at you.
He knows.
You look down smirking, trying to avoid his perfect fucking face. Another drink.
“I forgot to tell Tommy, he hasn’t been in town lately.”
“Don’t worry, he didn’t know, no ones fault.”
A few beats go by. The waves crashing for your silence.
“I get what it's like, death and grief.”
Slightly you turn to Joel, he’s looking out on the water.
“Sarah's mom died when she was born. I had to be a dad and mourn my wife at the same time.”
You wanted to say something, but you knew from first hand experience words don’t comfort anyone.
“Does it get any easier?” You whisper.
“It does, it’ll take a while but I promise it does.” He looks at you now. “Your dad and Tommy helped me through most of the stuff, but I had to figure out on my own what I wanted my life to look like.”
You blink, “And what if that never happens for me…what if I can’t do things on my own?”
“Don’t worry princess, it will. You’re bright you know? Better than this whole town.”
Your heart skips a beat. Laying down on the wood now, letting your feet dangle off the end, “I remember all those nights you would study, or you couldn’t come to dinner because you were nose deep in a book. That’s passion sweetheart.” He lays down beside you, staring at the stars.
His words were jumbling inside your head.
Your mom, him. Just moving back. He was so close to you now.
Whatever this was, you could almost feel it. Had it been brewing for so long?
But you were still young, and he was way older. It will always stay that way, and he’s your dad’s best friend, neighbor too. You can’t do this. You couldn’t mistake his kindness for comfort.
You close your eyes tight, forcing your tears to not be shown. You didn’t know what you wanted.
His hand brushed your cheek, swiping your tears away.
“It’s okay to cry, don’t close your eyes.” He whispers.
“First day back in town and I’m already crying, of all people being you.” Choking on your words
He scoots closer, his body warmth turning your insides.
Your breath coincides with his and the tears stop.
“I don’t think he would care.”
“Who?” He says.
“Jason.” You confirm.
With that, he brings your forehead to his lips, freezing as his hand wraps in your hair. He says nothing, watching him get up and walk away.
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jwiseungoki · 1 month
Down Bad
(Jang Han Seok x Reader)
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TW: age gap, force love, death, spoiled reader (this part doesnt have that much psychotic shit please tell me what to put as tw)
Context: Park Hae Rin has two elder brothers Park Hyun Sung and Park Hee Jin, as an only daughter she gets everything that she wants. Except for one thing: Jang Han Seok. Her brothers’ best friend, he sees her as a little sister but she sees him as a man. Every attempt to flirt with him, he dodges which frustrates her, Every woman that comes near him, she gets rid off and she wont rest until she calls him ‘mine’.
He’s back 
I didn’t mean to eavesdrop over my brothers talking inside Hyunsung’s home office. But when I heard his name, I froze, and suddenly this tingling feeling took over my whole body, leaving me smirking. 
Jang Han Seok 
Eldest son of Jang Guk Hwan, Chairman and Owner of Babel Group. He was sent to the States by his father years ago for studies and rehab because the boy has serious mental issues going on, but he is here now.
I fixed myself before innocently knocking on my elder brother’s office door. 
“Knock Knock, pretty face is here.” 
I said, opening the door, not waiting for my brother’s answer. Both of them have a frown on their eyebrows, looking at me like I did something to ruin their day. 
“Why are you here? Aren’t you supposed to be at work?” Heejin, the middle child asked. I gave them both a smile before sitting on one of the leather chairs in front of the table. 
“I left early; Ms. Hong has some personal business to attend to,” I shrugged before grabbing a lollipop from the table. “So what chu guys talking about?” I smirked, waiting for a response from both of them. They looked at each other, eyes discussing whether they should or should not tell me. 
“Hanseok is back in Seoul and probably going to take over Babel." As expected, Hyunsung could never resist me. I put on a shocked face, like I didn’t overhear them. 
“Chairman Jang died last night in the hospital,” he added, and that escalated quickly. 
As a sign of respect, we went to the funeral. Our families were very close to each other even before our dads married our moms. Mr. Jang and our father were already best friends; their friendship will probably continue wherever they both are now. Dad died a year ago due to complications of the heart, while I never met our mother; she died giving birth to me. 
Which left Park Industries to the hands of Hyunsung, while Heejin acts as his subordinate. I don’t really care about inheritance, which is why I chose to pursue law. I’m working as an intern and assistant at Wusang with the help of my brothers, pulling some strings to get me to a trusted law firm. I’m the youngest one there. 
In the age of 24, I’ve known and achieved a lot. I was forced by my brothers to strive and aim for the top as the only daughter; all eyes were on me. I was an easy target for the media and people. They say I’m spoiled, a brat, and spoon-fed. 
Which is true.
I don’t run; I walk with grace to get the things I want. And I get EVERYTHING that I want. That’s why, learning that Hanseok is back, I need to pick up the pace and start the plan. 
To finally make him mine. 
“My condolences, Hanseo.” I tapped the younger Jang’s shoulder; he was oddly quiet and was staring into space for a long time before I approached him. For what I know, he and his father weren’t that close, casual, and civil, I suppose. But his action of mourning made me analyze that there was something. 
“Glad you can come; you’re not busy with cases?” He asked, tapping the seat next to him, and I sat beside him. “Not really; I’m just working on a small case with Ms. Hong. How are you holding up?” I asked, smiling at him a bit; he was about to answer when his eyes shifted to my legs and back to me. I looked down and saw no problem; was he checking me out? 
He then started to take off his black coat and place it on top of my lap. I should have guessed it; Hanseo was always the gentleman. Forgot to eat? Hanseo will remind you and bring you food. Frustrated and want to vent out? Hanseo will be there in 10 with chicken and beer. He’ll do the bare minimum thing, and I’d still be surprised. If I wasn’t in love with his brother, I'd fall for him, but there’s something about Hanseok that I want and can’t point out what. 
Speaking of Hanseok, I’ve not seen him anywhere. But then again, no one knows about him. Mr. Jang never publicized his sons; no one knew about his affair with his secretary that resulted in Hanseo; no one knew about Hanseok being sent to the states for being a psychopath; no one but our little circle. 
After catching up with Hanseo, I excused myself for some air. I made sure to double check my surroundings before pulling out the box of cigarettes and lighter. It was a habit that I picked up during law school, and vaping helped me a lot. 
“And since when were you allowed to smoke, princess?” 
That voice sent my entire body to freeze; I didn’t have to look to know who it was. Instead I took a hit before facing him with a smirk on my lips. Jang Hanseok gave me his signature smirk and brow raise, waiting for a response. 
“Hiding out here instead of mourning inside?” I asked, walking a little closer to him, finishing off my stick before throwing it on the ground. “What is there to mourn for? Man’s a dickhead.” He  chuckled. Wow, he is still fucked up, huh? 
But that aura just lit something in me, wrong but right at the same time. 
“Give me the pack,” he said, handing out his hand. I looked down at his hand, giving him a disgusted look. “I’m literally an adult; I think I am allowed to smoke,” I said, swatting his hand away. 
I was about to walk off, but he pulled my purse off my shoulder, opening it and getting the pack swiftly. “Hey! You can't do that! Give it back, Hanseok!” I yelled at him, trying to reach my bag and pack that he raised above his head. Even in heels, I still cannot reach it! 
“Fine! Have it, asshole.” I rolled my eyes before storming off, not caring if he has my purse with him. Good thing my jumpsuit has pockets. I had my phone with me. I called my Heejin and told him I’m heading home first. 
I’ve never felt this many butterflies while annoyed and frustrated. That man could literally do anything to me. 
“What do you mean you can’t get that testimony from the witness?! Then force him! Bribe him! Do whatever you need to do and report back to me immediately; Ms. Hong needs that to win the case.” 
I threw my phone on my desk, getting frustrated with the on-going Gyundo case. It’s a big fraud case that we need to get a win to prove that the trusted company is clean for the people to invest in and trust. They already paid a huge amount to Wusang, and the share that me and Ms. Hong will get from it is not a joke. 
“Ms. Park to my office now,” Mr. Han passed by my desk, and I immediately trailed from behind. Once in his office, I saw Ms. Hong sitting there wearing the same confused face as I am. She stood up, paying respect to our boss before he ordered us to take a seat as he stood in front of us.
“Ladies Firstly, congratulations on having the upper hand on the Gyundo case! Second, I will be assigning you two a very huge and big case the company will only push through if you win the Gyundo case. Lastly, we have a new intern, so Ms. Park.” 
He turned to me with a smile, making me nervous, and crept out, “You are now one of Wusang’s permanent lawyers. Congratulations on this promotion. You’re office will be ready in an hour.” 
“What?!” I said, shocked at the announcement. Ms. Hong let out an “oh my god,” shaking me by the arm, also amused by the news. 
“Yes, your hard work and dedication have been seen. We would like you to train the new intern; may I introduce to you Jang Joon Woo" Mr. Han opened the door to reveal another shocking surprise.
“What the fuck?” 
All eyes were on me, not expecting the words that came out of my mouth. “S-sorry, my apologies. I didn’t know the intern would be younger than me.” I lied, bowing a bit for respect. 
“Don’t be ridiculous, Ms. Park; you are still the company’s baby. Alright, then you go along and work. Take care of Mr. Jang." Mr. Han dismissed us; we bowed to him, and I was the first to storm off the door with Ms. Hong behind.
“Thank you, Boss!” 
Hanseok bid before I felt him following us. I stopped walking, making Ms. Hong hit my back. I faced her and smiled. “You go ahead, I’ll be back,” I said. “Are you okay? It’s like someone bought that limited edition Chanel bag that you always wanted,” Ms. Hong said, holding my cheek. 
“Yes, I’m fine; don't worry. I’ll meet you in your office,” I said, giving Hanseok a glare before walking away; he just had a confused look on his face. 
I can’t believe this! Why is he here?! And whats with the undercover gig?? Jang Joon Woo? What the fuck is he up to? After not seeing him for two months. I grabbed my phone that I left on my desk and started calling a certain person. 
“What the fuck is going on your brother’s mind?!” 
“Whoa, chill. I don’t know either, but I’m on the way to Babel; he appointed me as Chairman.” 
“Huh?!” I completely lost it as Hanseo’s words rang out in my ear. I massaged my temple; this can’t be! I can’t be working with the man I’m trying to get! 
I hang up on Hanseo and continue to grab my stuff before moving it to my own office. I didn't have the time to sink it all in; maybe I’ll celebrate later. I rushed towards Ms. Hong’s office with the Gyundo files, and to my surprise, Hanseok was still there, sitting on one of Ms. Hong’s wooden chairs. 
“Ms. Hong, we ha-“ 
“Shh! It’s Chayoung now; we’re both lawyers! So drop the formality; besides, its only a five-year gap,” Ms. Hong, well, Chayoung said before pulling me into a hug and giving me one of her brightest smiles. 
“You’re still my super-.“
“Eh! Shh! We are celebrating together! Later, on me. Okay?!” She cut me off again. I just nodded before setting down the files for her to review. 
“So we don’t have any testimony?” Chayoung asked, and I nodded. “According to the intern I sent in, the man does not want to talk to anyone associated with Gyundo; even the opposing party cannot get a statement.” I sighed, sitting on one of the chairs. 
I quickly glanced at Hanseok, who was watching us stress out; he looked back at me, and I raised a brow at him. 
“Any thoughts, intern?” I asked him not to break eye contact. Chayoung looked up from the papers, then to him, then to me. Hanseok smiled standing up before taking a glimpse at the file. 
“I think we should go for something that is very valuable to him so that we can get his testimony,” he suggested with a mischievous smirk, giving me an intense look. “Youre telling us we threaten him by using his family?” 
He just nodded; a smile crept on Chayoung’s face, liking the idea Hanseok proposed. “Wah! If that's the only way, then get started, Jang Joon Woo,” Chayoung said. I was left dumbfounded. Why are we suddenly playing dirty?!
Just like that, we won, and thanks to Hanseok’s idea, we got the testimony. I clenched on my purse as I walked out of the bar behind Chayoung. Hanseok was waiting for us with a smile. 
“Good job, ladies! Let’s celebrate?” He asked, and Chayoung was quick to respond, making the two look at me. “Fine! Let’s go; I’m quite peckish,” I said. Hanseok treated us to some pork belly and soju. I was lowkey getting irritated at how He and Chayoung are getting close; they have the same humor and interest, while I felt like I’m the third wheel. 
“When Haerin first came into the office wearing all Prada and Chanel clothes, I was star struck. An intern must have come from a very rich family. When I found out she came from generational wealth, I felt like she was the superior, but once I got to know her, she’s very calm and focused on the goal type of girl. You know she never took interest in anyone.” Then there is Chayoung, who is now a bit tipsy. “Okay, that’s enough. We’re driving you home,” I said, taking away her glass, but she swatted my hand. 
"Oh, I can still handle Haerin, Joon Woo! Cheers!” She said she was pouring drinks into mine and Hanseok’s glass; we had no choice, but in the end Chayoung got drunk, and I drove her car to her apartment with Hanseok in the backseat, completely sober. 
“She’ll be alright,” I said before locking up her apartment, pulling out my phone to call a driver since we came here with Chayoung’s car. 
“You haven’t spoken to me ever since that night." Hanseok spoke up while we walked to the elevator. "Well, I was going to call you about my purse, then you pulling some undercover shit in Wusang made you less interesting.” I shrugged. I saw him smirk. “Since when did I become less interesting to you, princess?” He said. 
He’s right, there won’t be a part of him that is not interesting. It feels like he knows that I have a keen interest in him. 
“Since you stepped foot into our house during your college days." I rolled my eyes; that was the day I first met him, and I took a liking to him. “Aw, don’t be silly. I know you adore me as one of your older brothers." He patted my head. Is he that oblivious? Hmm, I should step up my game. 
“Come on, I’ll take you home." He said, making me walk in front of him. 
The next day at work, I took an oath to make myself obvious to him, so when I saw him in Chayoung’s office working on a new case, I immediately called him to go to my office. 
“What?” He asked confusedly, and I pointed at the iced coffee on my desk for him. “It’s yours; I accidentally bought two,” I said, pretending not to care and proceeding to type words on my laptop. 
“And why give it to me instead of Ms. Hong?” He said but took a sip of the coffee, “Because you’re the only one I know here would enjoy an iced macchiato." He smirked and gave me a thanks before I dismissed him. 
“Whoa, why does he get lunch and I don't?” Chayoung wondered as I threw the takeout on the table in front of Hanseok, “What’s the update on the filler case?” I swerved the question, pretending to look at the papers. 
“Attorney Park! Did something happen between the two of you last night? Oh my God!” Chayoung said, covering her mouth and looking back at us. “What? No! Joon Woo mentioned he skips meals a lot, so I bought him lunch,” I said, looking at Hanseok. 
“A-ah yes! Thank you, Attorney. Uhm, I’ll eat now." He excused himself from breaking eye contact with me. I heard a cough from Chayoung, who was smirking, crossing arms, and nodding. 
“What? Why are you acting like that?” I asked, “Something happened!” She gasped and moved a little closer. “You two had sex in my apartment?!” I pushed her away from shock, “No! Oh my God, Chayoung! I’m too young for that,” I said, covering my ears. 
“Girl! You literally bagged an idol last time we went out clubbing; you’re not a virgin, hoe!” She laughed, throwing a piece of tissue at me. “But seriously, you never cared about Jang Joon Woo.” 
“Ugh fine! I like him, and I don’t just sit around waiting for guys to like me back,” I said, plopping myself on one of her chairs, pouting. She shrinks before asking me how and when I started to like him. I did not include the part that we knew each other before, and I felt so bad lying to her, but I also need to protect this stunt Hanseok is pulling. 
The day finally came to an end, and I was starving since I skipped lunch. I did it on purpose so I could ask Hanseok to accompany me. I went to his desk, where he was fixing his bag. I slammed my hand on his table, making him jump. 
“Haerin! You scared the shit out of me! What was that for?” He dramatically said. I rolled my eyes and leaned down. “Get up, we’re eating dinner,” I said before walking off. I felt him follow me with so many questions. 
We got to a Mexican restaurant since I wanted a burrito, and Hanseok ordered the same as me: “Cut to the chase princess, why are you suddenly being nice to me?” He asked, and I didn't answer him, but I continued to eat my burrito and nachos.
“I am talking to you right, princess?” He said putting down my food and grabbing my chin to make me look up at him, which, I’m not going to lie, made my stomach bounce inside me. 
“I just want to make it up; after all, we are all that we have,” I smirked. He wasn't expecting the last part, so he continued to eat. After dinner, he dropped me off at my apartment. After locking the door and throwing my heels off, I started to squeal and dance around. 
The car ride to Haerin’s apartment 
No one talked; complete silence engulfed the two, but Hanseok decided to break it. 
“The game you want to play, Princess, is very dangerous. Think twice about it before you get yourself trapped,” he said, smirking. 
I scoffed, so he caught on? He wasn't playing dumb but was just pushing the fact that I have interest in him.
“I know what I’m doing.” 
“So no backsies?” 
I rolled my eyes; he is such a child. 
"Yes, no backsies.” 
"Hmm, let’s see how you’re going to make me fall for you, Park Haerin.” 
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cowgurrrl · 1 year
Ok listen LISTEN ! I would love to see the twins go through a clingy dad phase. Rockstar!Joel feeling like he won the round and reader just thinking he is ridiculous but still slightly jealous. Please 💛
I love this idea!! I hope you enjoy 💛💛 (ps I’m slowly working through requests so there’s more coming!!)
Pairing: rockstar!joel x actress!reader
Summary: this ask
Warnings: none just fluffy reassurances :-)
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Thirty-six weeks of sleepless nights spent trying to get comfortable, high-risk doctors, blood test after blood test, and a total carriage of ten pounds of baby only for them to cling to their father three years later. You're not upset. Joel is a great dad. It's one of the reasons you married him. Still, when you're on tour, and the girls only want to hang out with their dad 24/7, even though he's technically working, and your redirections to their favorite things like ice cream and Bluey don't take their mind off their dad, you have to admit you feel a little flustered. It didn't help when Violet told you, "Daddy is more funner than you."
You're not upset. Joel is fun. Especially when he gets all three little kids in a golf cart and races it around whatever stadium you're in. Sam and the girls giggle maniacally as Ellie, JJ, and Dina follow close behind them, giving the security team a little excitement when they accidentally speed past the glass doors where hundreds of fans are already lined up. You swear the screaming shakes the ground when they catch a glimpse of not only Joel but Ellie. When he has to go to soundcheck, you have to wrestle the kids to the green room set aside for your family. Even when you get them set up, the girls cry and whine for their dad, wanting absolutely nothing to do with you.
You're not upset when the three of them dogpile onto Joel the second he can sit down. You're not upset when the girls make drawings for him instead of you. You're not upset when they suddenly resent your bedtime routine and only want their dad, who's on stage and can't just leave to read "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" You're not upset. You're not upset. You're not upset. You repeat it over and over again as you juggle three kids, all under the age of ten, while simultaneously helping Dina with JJ. No wonder the girls think Joel is more fun than you are.
"I think it's funny." Joel chuckles when you mention it to him after one of his shows and the kids have all gone to bed. You sigh and run a stressed hand through your hair.
"Of course you do."
"Remember when Sam went through the same phase?"
"Yeah, but that was just one kid. This is two. Two who lived in my body for almost nine months and are the reason I pee a little when I sneeze," you're dead serious, but a smirk pulls on Joel's lips. He saunters over to you and grabs your hands before you can defiantly cross them over your chest, and you roll your eyes. "Don't."
"Don't what?"
"Work your Joel Miller magic. I wanna sulk in my emotions for a little longer."
"Honey," he says gently, and you give him a look. "Are you jealous?" He asks. You want to scoff and push him away and insist that you're not, but you've been together for too long to pull that anymore. You take a deep breath and look down at your joined hands.
"It's stupid." You mumble.
"It's not stupid. Not if it's botherin' you." God fucking dammit, you think. Sometimes, it's annoying how good he is at being a supportive husband. It's not that he doesn't have his moments where he leaves his shoes in the middle of the living room or goes to the store and buys everything except the one thing you asked him to get, but this— making you feel heard and supported— is something he's always been a master at.
"I'm not a rockstar, Joel. When they come to work with you, they get to be loud and crazy and have fun. When they come to my work, they barely understand what I'm doing and why. And to top it all off, they have to be quiet and still. Otherwise, we'll have to reset and start all over again, which makes me stay longer and makes them antsy," you ramble. "Plus, they probably like you more because they've seen the trailers of me kissing other actors and subconsciously think I'm cheating on you."
"Woah, woah, woah," Joel says, struggling to figure out where to start with all the information you just gave him. "First of all, I think you're givin' too much credit to our three and seven-year-olds. Second of all, you're bein' way too mean to my wife." And there it is. The Joel Miller Magic. You sigh and try to get away from the stupidly sweet look in his eyes, but he drops your hands to gently hold your face.
"Those kids love you. I love you. JJ and Isaac love you. You're the glue holdin' us all together. I wouldn't be able to do half the things I do without you by my side. When they asked us to go on tour, you're the one who said we should. You pushed me to make this album. You gave me the biggest inspirations of my life. You are a fuckin' rockstar, baby," he says with so much conviction that you have no choice but to believe him. “This is just a phase. They’ll grow outta it.”
“How happy did it make you to be the one to say that to me instead of the other way around?”
“We don’t gotta get into the logistics.” He says and you laugh. He smiles too and kisses your forehead, swiping affectionate lines across your cheekbones with his thumbs. “Feel better?”
“A little.” You say.
“Only a little?”
“I mean, the parenting compliments were pretty good.”
“Yeah?” He asks and you nod. He kisses your forehead again before trailing down your nose, your cheeks, and jaw before finally kissing your lips. “Would it help if I said somethin’ about how hot you are?”
“Maybe.” You mumble against him and he smiles.
“You’re so fuckin’ hot.” He says, his voice deep and low the way he knows sends a shivers down your spine. You feel your face flush and hide it in his shoulder, wrapping him in a hug.
“Thank you,” you say sincerely, and he knows it’s not just about the compliments or the physical affection but the reassurances he gave you. He hums, obviously smug as he rubs your back.
"Are you still riding your high of being the fun parent?"
"Oh, yeah."
TAGLIST: @abbyhaslongshorts @moonandseatgr-yngf @kiwiharrykiwi @sumsworldz @myloveistoolittle @korynnekorynne @anavatazes @marantha
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chloeangelic · 1 year
Line cook Joel origin story drabble
Here’s what I think line cook Joel’s origin story is, some info about him and Sarah, his general personality and interests, relationship history etc that might explain what he’s like in my series Belong to me
This is my most self indulgent series and Joel iteration, be warned lmao
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Warnings: SPOILERS for ch 1-3, mentions of child abandonment
Word count: 1.2k
Joel is 40 in this AU, and I feel like it takes place in 2005ish, which doesn’t really come through in the chapters but it’s how I see the whole situation in my head.
Joel had Sarah at 24, with a sort of low commitment on and off girlfriend at the time who was somewhere in the 22-24 range. I’m not sure why she decided to go through with the pregnancy (pressure from her parents, maybe?) but she did, and Joel figured he would be involved as a typical baby daddy, having the kid live with their mom and seeing them as often as possible. However, her mom likely decided she was gonna put Sarah up for adoption, which was obviously an immediate fuck no from Joel, who basically swooped in and got custody of her. The mom moved to another city, and I don’t think Sarah or Joel ever heard from her again. 
Out of all my fics, this is the one in which Sarah’s mom has been involved the least. In my other tales (Joel is always a dad in my works haha), her mom usually is mentioned to have been involved for 1-5 years, but in this one she was not involved at all, and I think Joel’s sole responsibility for her from such a young age has made their bond very strong. I definitely see them being best friends and having a very good line of communication. 
He worked in construction for many years until his early 30s (hence why he still has a truck instead of a regular car), then when he’d gotten to a pretty high level with cooking at home, Sarah pushed him to apply for a cooking job. He was tired of the long hours working in construction and thought it would be a nice change to have some free time. He’s pretty grumpy at work because he prefers working individually and doesn’t care to get involved in anyone’s disputes in a high pressure environment like that, doesn’t like to excessively share about his life etc. He’s very observant and definitely cares about the people around him, but he likes being left alone to do his work efficiently so he doesn't have to get stressed or fall behind.
Speaking of work; Jermaine, who they stole cigs from and is also a cook at the restaurant, is one of his closest friends, and they like to hang out from time to time. If Sarah is out doing things on the weekend or at a sleepover, I can see Joel and Jermaine playing GTA San Andreas and eating at his house, maybe he also plays on his basketball team. Jermaine is like 37 or something and more outgoing than Joel. He's definitely around if Sarah needs something and Joel isn't available, sort of like an uncle next to Tommy. His relationship to Tommy is fine, though he says in an upcoming chapter that he's "done enough for that jackass" in what is, presumably, a loving way but probably has some truth behind it.
This whole basketball thing is very funny to me for some reason, but here’s the story: 
Joel played basketball in middle and high school (purely because he ended up being 6’6” and his parents put him in sports very quickly), and continued to play on different teams in his 20s/30s at a competitive level. At this point, I see him playing on a long term recreational team and DON’T @ me if this sounds insane, cause I know very little about basketball, but I think he’s a power forward on his team. 
If he wants Sarah to do him a favor, he definitely tells her that he “passed up an opportunity to play in the NBA to raise her instead” which is a massive lie. He has dragged Sarah along to many basketball games throughout the years, and she gets kinda bored but knows it means a lot to him that she’s there. She prefers watching pro/college basketball with him, though, and they do that often. 
Other than that, in his free time, he works out at the gym pretty often, and for two reasons. One is to be a better player, the second is that he wants to give Sarah some space and not have her feel like he’s breathing down her neck all the time. So he gives her the house to herself for a few hours to decompress after being around people at school all day, while he goes to work out, then he comes home and makes her dinner. 
Entertainment wise, I see him liking a lot of 90s hip hop (Radio Los Santos anyone?) and he definitely is a Sopranos enjoyer. He probably does a really shitty Tony impression.
At work, he wears black pants, black t-shirts, and black high top converse shoes. At home I see him wearing a pretty typical combo of jeans, basketball shorts (obvi haha), sweatpants, t-shirts, long sleeved shirts, hoodies etc. This is likely my only non-flannel shirt wearing Joel. He of course wears a jersey and shorts while playing ball. 
As I mentioned, he doesn’t talk much about his life at work but he sometimes talks about Sarah, I think. They went on vacation together to Jamaica or something once and, when he came back, the waitress was like oooh, you’re so tan, look at you, and he was kinda flattered by her being touchy so he showed her vacation photos on his phone hahahaha
I obviously have to address his relationship to the waitress girly, so here:
As mentioned in ch 1, he has a very long term “crush” on her that started when she began working at the restaurant. I think they started talking more when she jokingly asked him to make her dinner cause she forgot to eat and then he actually did it, and she kept “forgetting” to eat so he kept cooking for her, and then she started bugging him on his breaks and he secretly liked it so then he started waiting for her to come out and keep him company. Also I say “crush” cause he’s obviously in love with her but hasn’t wanted to admit it to himself or anyone else haha, and she’s the same way back - which is why the narration is the way it is, with her actions showing her feelings but her not really conceptualizing them for herself, if that makes sense  
I think he said yes to her request to get her pregnant because, deep down, he does have a desire to have more kids, to be in a long term relationship etc. And sure, it’s a very unconventional way of going about it, but there’s obviously something in him that knows that he and this girl have a real chance at a relationship, so that confidence made him go okay, fuck it, let’s just do this completely out of order haha 
Prior to this, though, dating wise, I think he was in some relationships here and there, had some hookups but none of them really lasted all too long. Some of that might’ve been because he had full custody of Sarah and was never really by himself, he worked a lot, and always put Sarah first. Essentially he would need someone to fit into that puzzle, he wasn’t gonna try to make someone fit, they had to know and understand his situation and want to be a part of it.  
Let me know what you think or if you have any questions about this Joel of ours hahahah
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myemuisemo · 8 months
Suddenly, Letters from Watson dumps us in the middle of the Great American Desert (part 1 of "On the Great Alkali Plain," 2/7/24). This is not anywhere I expected to be transported from London, and the contrast makes the Mountain West feel exotic for a minute.
The Great American Desert -- stretching from about Grand Island, Nebraska to the Sierras and pretty much the entire north-south length of the U.S. -- had become a thing of legend since explorers' accounts in the 1820s. When Dad and I drove across it in 2022, we talked about how incredibly daunting it must have been for emigrants seeking their land of milk and honey on the Pacific coast.
The way we went, out I-80, Nebraska shifts from green to gray as it rises toward the Rockies. After a while, the wind picks up as you go uphill into Wyoming. There's a lot of Wyoming, and after Cheyenne and Laramie (both of which would be small towns in most states), it's very, very empty. When we finally started the descent toward Salt Lake City, and the little valleys beside the road turned green with running water, it was truly like entering paradise.
Of course, in 1847, Salt Lake City was just barely being settled, as Brigham Young led his Latter Day Saints west from Council Bluffs, and its location wasn't part of the U.S. yet.
The Mexican-American war had started the prior year, 1846, and was still going. Spring-summer of 1846 saw the Bear Flag Revolt in California, followed by the U.S. just annexing the state. Gold wouldn't be discovered at Sutter's Mill until 1849, so while emigration to California happened -- the Donner Party made their ill-fated trip in 1846-47 -- it wasn't anything like the scope of movement along the Oregon Trail.
As far as I can tell, "Sierra Blanco" is not a real place. There's a Sierra Blanca in New Mexico -- which would fit with all the specific landscape, plus White Sands National Park in New Mexico specifically has alkali flats. Last time I drove through New Mexico on I-40, in late 2018, it was delightfully desolate, so I can buy that in 1847, it seemed completely empty, with even the native peoples avoiding some stretches.
Why anyone would be crossing New Mexico is a mystery, since neither Arizona nor southern California were much settled by Americans. There was some sort of wagon route across New Mexico used by U.S. soldiers during the Mexican-American War, so if I'd expect anyone to be about, it'd be the U.S. Army.
Utah, now, is downright famous for its salt flat, but that's west of the site of Salt Lake City.
Regardless, parties screwing up their trip to the west by taking an imprudent shortcut or mistaking the route was definitely both a thing that happened and, thanks to the Donner Party, a trope. Our haggard and starving traveler sounds about right.
Then he reveals a Plucky Innocent Victorian Child.
That "pretty little girl of about five years of age" is the absolute ideal of Victorian childhood, being perfectly behaved, utterly imperturbable, determined to see the best in all things, sweet, trusting, and looking forward to being reunited with her mother in heaven.
This kind of child is why Louisa May Alcott was seen as innovative for writing Little Woman about girls who worked on their character flaws. (This is also the ideal the March girls were being aimed at. Polly in An Old-Fashioned Girl comes closer, but even Polly would have been upset about being hopelessly lost in the desert with no water.) Contrast this with the street urchins that Holmes employs in his investigation, who are good enough sorts but scrappy, resourceful, and street smart.
Ordinarily, a Victorian child who was utterly sweet and pious would be a cinnamon roll, literally too good, too pure for this world, and thus would die beautifully but tragically before long. Being lost in the desert seems ideal for this, but --
She turns to prayer, and since someone must survive in order for this scene to be relevant,
Yes, darn it, I am on the edge of my seat to know what happens. I'm also grateful that crossing the Great American Desert in 2022 was a quicker process. I've been reading Carey Williams' old-but-interesting California: The Great Exception, which has a lot to say about how 19th century isolation shaped California's economy and power structure, not always for good. But that's neither here nor there -- I don't think we're headed to California.
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halt-kun · 2 months
My Hero Academia Chapter 430 - My Hero Academia
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ARGH the unavoidable timeskip chapter
I swear to god if some people are together and we didn't see any confession I'll BE MAD
Izuku is now a teacher at UA narrating everything that happened before in his memoir
AND some cool looking lady (or boy I don't know)
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So in the next two years, Izuku loses the embers definitely
Are Gran Torino and Recovery Girl together now ?
Bakugou is sooooo tired at this exam (Izuku is no better)
another sports festival with Todoroki leading
MA GIRL MIRKOOOOOO, still kicking (bad guys). She's a funny arm now
Shoji being important for heteromorphs it seems
Koda and Eri being friends (we all know people even if they're together in primary school, they'll definitely split up before the end of middle school but stay friends)
Hawks is still Tokoyami's dad, or maybe older sibling
Endeavor looking good all bandaged up
Aizawa and Mic praying for their lost boyfriend together
Iida is without the suprise, the third year doing a speech
Bakugou fucks it up with Monoma (it seems like he recovered well)
I just thought of the rarepair Monoma/Bakugou, that would be a nightmare for everyone in both class 1-A and 1-B. Competitive boyfriends who never tone it down
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So Deku is 24, fresh out of university and already a teacher, nice
Those don't look like middle school kids
The furry wants to do programming, what a suprise. Gentle and Lovelover will love you (they're furries too)
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I ship introvert/extrovert so much, goooo
Seems like this might lead to some other dark age where only the few heroes are idealized and people do nothing else than complain
or is it just implying Hawks dream came true and they don't need more professional heroes ? (probably that)
Of course everybody wants to be Katsuki, Todo or Deku but you're lacking TRAUMA
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Shoji is soooooo cool
fixing racism
just that
Koda and the class B dude are hyped
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Wow, this must be the seriously effecient team of their generation
Uraraka fixed quirk mental health cool
ERIIIIII OOOOOooooh maybe she was the long haired girl from a few pages ago
Bakugou will never change, that's why we love him
(well he actually did change but fuck it you get it)
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Midoriya and Aizawa are such nice friends, Izuku does feel a bit left out and sad to be quirkless
I'm not sure he will ever get past that
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I wonder what they mean : "popular with men" (we all know, shhhhh....)
Oh no that poor baby is going to fall ????
Who will get him up ????
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Oh wow you caught him ????? He seemed so far
well the other child fell for some reason, how did he ?
Oh no that's the teenager from before
talking to the All Might statue everyday
I wonder what his weak quirk is
No more OFA Deku, you'll have to break his dreams
All Might could magically not break yours earlier in the series (like 340 chapters ago)
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Thank god you're a quirk nerd
(says the guy that would also be a huge one)
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Thanks Deku
soooo cute
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Quite bold to call him a kid while being 24 Midoriya
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Bakugou made up a project with everyone so that Deku could become Ironman ????? Cool
I'm touched
so cute
Deku is about to cry (one last time)
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and I wouldn't know how to say it better All Might
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oh no i felt fine before but this is too much at once
They are all looking so coooool
Ojiro, Mina, Tokoyami and Yaomomo especially so
WAIT BAKUGOU, ARE THOSE DREADS ?????? No it looks more like Atebas (I know it's for the dynamite reference but still)
Jiro still has one ear
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I forgot it was the anniversary
Well I don't know how to conclude, this feels so weird
it was such a ride
the anime is still coming out so it doesn't feel like the end yet
I'm excited for what's coming next from Horikoshi
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heavyliesthehalo · 29 days
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preview of teddy's kinktober - '24 ...
wk.1 - oct. 5 / "cheese in the trap"
ᥫ᭡ modern!ellie + loser!ellie; you've been on the comp sci major's mind since your brief bump-in with her at her part-time summer job at the mall. she's convinced her fixation is parasitic even as she finds herself trailing after you most days. learning of your preferences and lifestyle via truly concerning means. dina & jesse as longtime friends of hers are quick to recognize the gravity of this new 'hobby' of hers and know what has to be done. to kill a parasite? you cut it from the root.
↬ ft. stalking, pred/prey dynamic, bullying, degradation
wk. 2 - oct. 12 / "smells like marlboro reds"
ᥫ᭡ truckerdaddy!john b; if someone were to ask you and if you were to answer honestly, john b is the closest thing you've had to a healthy father figure in life. well, kind of. the once pogue older man and you first crossing paths at a local motel. he was a regular at the location apparently with his trucker lifestyle and this receptionist gig was your first taste at freedom; the small reprieve you found in your four days a week work schedule from the demands made of you as the preacher's daughter. you had begged like hell with your parents to let you apply for this job in the first place so you were all smiles that first day; floating to and fro from behind the front desk to get him set up in a room for the night and john b just found your energy infectious. it wouldn't take long for you two to get close much to the chagrin of others who fled in and out of the kitschy motel day to day. so close even that you entrust the older man to give you your next taste of freedom. you couldn't quite put it in words yourself. but all you knew was that you just wanted him to quell the ache that arose between your thighs whenever you watched him draw his lips from another marlboro red when he kept you company on your work breaks. of course, he was pleased with this new development. after all, he had been working at coaxing you into this conclusion for quite a while now.
↬ ft. blasphemy, reader has an extreme religious background, dubcon, corruption/innocence kink, big age gap
wk. 3 - oct. 19 / "midas touch"
ᥫ᭡ daddy!nate; six months into the relationship you still can't believe that you were really with upper east side's golden boy now. well, he's not much of a boy anymore - the blonde donned in immaculate suits for most of his days in the office at this stage in his life. everything he touched just seemed to turn into gold. he just kept getting richer in fiscal currency and in social currency. a true modern day midas in the concrete jungle. which is why it was equally as unbelievable to you that something felt off to you in your relationship with him. not for his lack of trying but you wanted to reach for him in a way you were unsure how he'd take. fortunately for you when your long-bottled feelings and thoughts inevitably come fizzing to the surface he's there for you with open arms and heart. in a way you never thought he could be there for you; bathing you in his golden touch.
↬ ft. watersports/piss kink, daddy kink
wk. 4 - oct. 26 / "keep the lights on."
ᥫ᭡ dadsbsf!pope; you've known pope for practically forever. he's been in and out of your life through the years though with much of his academic research keeping him away from obx every couple years. pope heyward came and went. one day he was there with your dad at the bottom of the staircase taking a picture of you and your date for your first school dance as a middle schooler. then he was gone again and the next you saw him he was posing with you and your family at your high school graduation. the cycle going through its motions again, when both you and pope are in obx for the week. you were back home from college for fall break and pope was similarly back for the fall festivities. it didn't seem to matter though how much time apart your dad and him spent away from one another; the two thick as thieves as ever. time away between you and him, however, seemed to give way to a small but ever-growing voice in his head. one that told him to tell you to keep the lights on in your childhood bedroom for him so he could catch a glimpse of you on his walks home when he passed by yours. he keeps telling himself just one glimpse of you in your natural state and flat on your back in the bedroom that's long been your safe haven is all he needs to snuff that voice out. he finds himself surprising both you and himself when he finally allows for that nagging voice to slip from his mouth.
↬ ft. voyeurism, big age gap, overstimulation, orgasm denial
wk. 5 - oct. 31 / "you're in my world now"
ᥫ᭡ toxicex!rafe; when you begrudgingly shuffle into the frat house on halloween night you're convinced all of campus is here at this party. you're met with a sea of inebriated college-aged students in an array of colours and textures of wacky, witty, and sexy costumes alike. it's just one in particular that catches your eye that night. at 6'2" with the laziest costume possible (ghost face mask paired with sweats and a fitted tee) on you stumble into the stranger clearing up the remainder of a powdery white line on the counter. at first, conversation seems insignificant - harmless even - decent enough small talk to get him to leave the bathroom so you could finally pee in peace. it's only when you're shaken up; hearing that same cackle down in the basement he first greeted you with in the bathroom thirty minutes earlier that it fully sinks in that this encounter was going to be anything but 'harmless.'
↬ ft. pred/prey chase, mask kink, humiliation kink (in language, act, body writing etc.), dubcon, mind games with your toxic ex lol, a lot of roughness that is followed up with aftercare
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♔ last updated. 24.08.24
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pigeoninabowl · 3 months
REASONS (haha reference) WHY I SIMP FOR RARO
Below cut if you want to see me go bananas
1. He's a boyfailiure
2.This also makes him pathetic
3. Kicks the homeless 😍😍🥴🥴 /j
4.no one likes him (me fr fr)
5.so fucking relatable this dude
6.High (haha get it? Bc he's a stoner) chance of being a single dad
7. Has a piercing, revealed by Ya No Se Que Hacer Conmigo (zoo wee mama)
8. Has a tattoo, revealed by Ya No Se Que Hacer Conmigo (zoo wee mama x2)
9. I like his glasses
10. i think he's kind of cute for some reason
11. them big ol' black eyes
12. dilf /hj
13. washed up
14. W rizz, in Yendo A La Casa De Damian a group of girls and a gay guy flirted with him so yeah, im not alone with the raro simpery BITCH @edgingattheedgeofauniverse
15. i feel like this is a weird thing to point but i like his body physique?
16. Probably makes fire food (or just fire since he has a high chance of being an arsonist)
17. I like his shirt!! Cool fashion sense!
18. ten inch dick.
19. Wow wtf was number 18
20. Anyways, free drug supplier
21. He likes going to karaoke!!! And grooming his students i guess /j
22. mmm veiny handnghfnfhfnf
23. I like men
24. I like raro
25. His name is unique, his last name is terrible, average canarian experience is the opposite tho so its ok👍 (guanamara torres if i see you ever again i swear)
26. He planted coffee in Nicaragua??? Wow!!! He's such a role model!! He cares about planet earth!!!! 😁😁😁
27. He went to therapy once, at least he tried
28. He lives in a place where everyone constantly beats the shit out of eachother, bonus points for survival
29. He gave children hederitary alzheimer, what a chad
30. He comes from the greatest fucking album of all time, need i say more? *Smug face*
31. he knows how to play the piano!!! That means he has a special ability with fingers...
32. Number 31 was so normal until the fingers part. Wtf.
33. He knows about mithology , hot
34. he has nice male knockers
35. What the fuck is going on,???? Wdym "male knockers"??? Can you please stop sexualizing raro?
36. Okay my bad, anyways, i can fix him type of guy
37. Has facial hair, i like facial hair most of times
38. was an accident (so me fr fr)
39. likes led-zeppeling and stuff (this would actually be a red flag if he was a FAN of LZ but thank bora he is not)
40. Middle aged, need i say more? *Smug face*
Okay this is the end of my rant, you can go home now
Me when raro
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