wowlittlethings · 7 years
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Trinity is a Happy Soul
People stop to look at strange things. Here is one: Trinity is actually a happy soul, yes...he is really kinda fed up with all the violence in the universe. A little odd, yes? Against the Emperor’s will, yes again! Well thankfully there is a growing fifth column in the imperial forces, galaxy wide!
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wowlittlethings · 7 years
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"Avast ye, would ya mind givin' 'No Knees' Brooks MacStryker a wee push to the water!"
The beach outside our apartment in Penang :-)
There be pirates sometimes, even on a sky blue day!
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wowlittlethings · 7 years
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Case of the Missing Acorn
Judy Hopps has 48 hours to solve a the "Case of the Missing Acorn". 
Photo taken at Fitzroy Falls, NSW from our recent holiday in Australia. 
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wowlittlethings · 7 years
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Jigsaw Friends
Robin gets some additional help on the final pieces. (Batman hates jigsaw puzzles!)
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wowlittlethings · 7 years
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Morning Hunt
Velociraptor means "swift seizer"in Latin. This one was in my grandmother's back yard. The light fell just right for this...
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wowlittlethings · 7 years
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Batgirl: Weeeee
Hang on.... 
This was actually taken on the top of a rear tyre of a Isuzu 4WD (you can just make out the tread as the road). 
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wowlittlethings · 7 years
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Capturing the Wonder
Experiments with light splashes around the WW theme and aesthetic... (I think this is why I like toy photography!) Our first real action figure composition apart from lego.
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wowlittlethings · 7 years
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"The Bucket of Bolts"
Han Solo: She'll make point five past lightspeed. She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts, kid. I've made a lot of special modifications myself.
This was an experiment. I saw these RM29.90 (around $6.99) Star Wars pieces at my local ToysRUs a few weeks ago and was impressed with the detail for such a reasonable price. I said, “I could weather this little beast for photos.” 
I like detail so I included subtle cockpit lights in this one as well - lol. 
They are in the Hotwheels, Mattel line.
This is one of our first non-lego photo shoots. We need to go outdoors now and experiment!
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wowlittlethings · 7 years
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Drain Pipe Run on Empire Apartment Block
Rebel forces borrowed Yoda's Jedi Starfighter to carry out a series of attacks on sensitive installations disguised as Apartment Blocks on the outlying industrial world of Penaranda III. Rolling down such a narrow approach calls for expert piloting, perhaps only one trained in the Jedi arts could navigate such tight spaces.
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wowlittlethings · 7 years
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An alternative to the LotR Helms Deep. The Knights of the Nexoconic Order like happy colors, pointy bits, and reflectorific elements that stun enemies like the sun at midday.
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wowlittlethings · 7 years
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The Phoenix Assault Maneuver by Nexo Knight Macy is a somewhat risky business; it involves leaping off cliffs and hoping the rockets fire in time to completely shock the enemy as they stumble around in a cloud of debris...
See more at minifigphoto.com
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wowlittlethings · 7 years
Lance by Steve Roberts Via Flickr: High above the planet Nexonica a valiant soul wields the infamous "sledgehammer" lance of light against an increasing darkness.
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wowlittlethings · 7 years
Stand and Deliver by Steve Roberts Via Flickr: "As I was coming home, in company with Mr. Andrews, within two fields of my humble abode, I was sprung upon by the infamous Percival "Six-Shot" McTaggert brandishing two flintlock pistols. He demanded I surrender my purse of shillings and all clothing. I arrived home after dark, naked, and very much afraid, but thankful I still had my life..."
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wowlittlethings · 7 years
Moonshine Mage by Steve Roberts Via Flickr: Small crevices of moonshine magic and dryad breath started to circle Ayana; then her shield started to glow.
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wowlittlethings · 7 years
Forest Guardian by Steve Roberts Via Flickr: She protects even the smallest of creatures. From our photoshoot up Pearl Hill this morning we came across a magical patch of green moss with a lot of pixie dust, there was also a gentle flute-like sound nearby. So I took out my Nikon and asked the little guardian if I could take her picture. She smiled and said, “Yes, but only one photo!”
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wowlittlethings · 7 years
Coffee Addicts
Coffee Addicts by Steve Roberts Via Flickr: When they are not hunting down rebel scum or enforcing the New Order, 'Stormies' like to relax with a tropical brew from their favourite Galactic Outpost Coffee Shop. Taken at our local coffee place, Gustos. And yes, they do have a great blend. This is one of their little wall murals in the background (as those who frequent Gusto's will know)!
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wowlittlethings · 7 years
Fern Valley by Steve Roberts Via Flickr: “I lose my way all the time. Sometimes when you lose your way, you find yourself. I have found that the blank place on the map, where my compass spins wildly is often the most valuable part” ― Andy Brick
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