#why is miles so unbelievably hot?
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we just gonna ignore the cheeky waist grab hmm?? im not okay... they make it so obvious-
Arctic Monkeys & Miles Kane - Little Illusion Machine (Live in Melbourne) - [x]
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hrh-prince-butt · 1 year
alex and henry plan to dress up as barbie and ken for an upcoming costume party, but they can't seem to agree on who should be barbie and who should be ken...
(hello this is possibly the dumbest thing i've ever written, and i have no regrets, it was so much fun to write)
“You can’t deny the Kenergy, babe.” 
“You’re right,” Henry shoots back. “I can’t. And if anyone has it, it’s you.” 
Alex crosses his arms and glares stubbornly at Henry. Henry glares right back, just as goddamn stubborn. Looks like they’re in a stalemate. 
There was no argument that they absolutely had to dress up as Barbie and Ken for their couples costume this year. It had practically been telepathically agreed upon before they even left the cinema. Apparently, the hard part is agreeing on who should dress up as who.
Alex had thought it was obvious that he should be Barbie. But when he brought up speculations about his costume - should he copy an outfit from the movie or figure out something of his own? - Henry had frowned and said he thought he was supposed to be Barbie. 
“Just face it, sweetheart,” Alex says, patting Henry on the shoulder. “You are clearly the Ken to my Barbie.” 
Henry huffs. “How am I the Ken to your Barbie?”
“Well.” Alex leans back on the couch and gestures to himself. “I’m the successful career person, and you are my hot blond accessory. Obviously.” 
“Unbelievable,” Henry says. He sounds genuinely offended. “David, are you hearing this?” David the Beagle lifts his head lazily at the sound of his name, but finding no imminent threat and no promise of treats, he goes back to napping on the couch. 
“All this time,” Henry goes on, and Alex can tell he’s really amping up the theatrics now, probably working up to a dramatic monologue of some kind. “I thought you liked me because of my intelligence, my wit. I thought I was more than just a pretty face, but no. Apparently I’m just some attractive himbo boytoy to you. Utterly unbelievable.” 
He punctuates this absolute scene with a very undramatic bite of chocolate chip cookie. This batch is his third attempt, and Alex has to admit they aren’t terrible. They are overbaked and therefore rock hard - Henry’s annoyed chewing can probably be heard halfway down the street - but they’re already miles better than the last batch. Alex thinks it best not to speak of the last batch.  
“I can’t believe you just called yourself a ‘himbo boytoy’.” Alex is wheezing with laughter, and Henry’s stubborn chewing, his failing attempt to look dramatically offended while crunching on a cookie the texture of a brick, only makes it harder to stop laughing. “Those are your words, not mine.” 
He deigns not to mention that while he has been busy with important law shit all week, Henry has been busy baking cookies. And being really bad at it. That’s definitely Kenergy. 
Henry sighs and washes down the remains of the tragic cookie with tea. “You’re not seeing my vision, love. You would really make an excellent Ken. And I would make an excellent Barbie.” 
“Damn,” Alex says. “We must already be in Barbie’s Dreamhouse because… uh. Keep dreaming.” 
“That… was a truly terrible comeback.” 
Alex sighs. “Yeah. They can’t all be winners.” 
Henry nods gravely. “I’d say this proves my point. You’re Ken, and I’m Barbie.”
It most definitely does not prove anything. “If you’re Barbie,” Alex says, “then you’re definitely Depression Barbie watching the Pride & Prejudice movie like a million times.” 
Henry apparently doesn’t have a response to that except indignant spluttering. Alex laughs so hard he wakes up David. He almost falls off the couch laughing when Henry responds with: “How dare you, I am clearly Irrepressible Thoughts of Death Barbie!” 
Then they’re both laughing, while David watches them in utter confusion. 
“Alright,” Alex says once he has calmed down. “Fair enough. But we can’t both be Barbie!”
“Why not, though?” Henry counters. 
“It’s a couples costume!”
“Well,” Henry says. “Two Barbies can love each other! It’s the 21st century!” 
Alex tries to sigh but it comes out as more laughter. “Yeah, yeah,” he says. “Gay rights for Barbie or whatever. But two Barbies won’t be as recognizable as a couples costume. People will just think we’re two people who independently decided to dress up as Barbie!” 
“Alright.” Henry picks up his phone. “I’m settling this once and for all.” 
“What? Who are you calling?”
That question is quickly answered. The dial tone only rings twice before the call goes through, and Pez’s voice fills the living room. “Well, if it isn’t my second favourite disgraced royal. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
Henry wastes no time on niceties. “Pez. Out of Alex and me, who is Barbie and who’s Ken?”
Pez doesn’t even take a moment to consider it. He just says, “Darling, you’re definitely Ken.” 
Ha! Told you, Alex mouths, his face lighting up in a vindictive grin. 
“That is the wrong answer,” Henry tells Pez, whose laughter comes out a little tinny through the phone speakers. 
“Oh come on, you know I’m right,” Pez says. “Or perhaps I just really want to see your boyfriend's magnificent arse in that Barbie-pink pantsuit. You know, the one Margot Robbie wears in the film?” 
More indignant spluttering from Henry. “Pez, you’re on speaker.”
“Oh good, I hoped I was,” Pez replies. “Hello, Alex! I look forward to seeing your Barbie costume. Do come to me if you need help putting it together. Toodles!"
And then he hangs up. Henry glares at the screen like he can magically will Pez to come back and take his side this time. 
“Well, you heard him,” Alex says, not even trying to hide his laughter. 
Henry huffs and shoves the phone back in his pocket. “Well, who made him the expert, anyway?”
“Pretty sure you did, when you called to get his opinion. To, you know-” Alex clears his throat and puts on his best Henry impression- “settle this, once and for all.” 
Presumably at a loss for words, Henry picks up another cookie and, with considerable effort, bites into it. There’s nothing more to say, anyway. They both know Alex has won. 
“Besides,” Alex says, holding up his phone to show Henry the transaction on the screen. “I already ordered the “I am Kenough” hoodie in your size, sweetheart.”
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maxislvt · 2 years
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Summary: Wanda really likes to take care of you. Even when you whine, pout, and insist on escaping her grasp. She knows how to put you back in your place.
Warnings: Smut, vaginal fingering, coercion, subspace technically, soft!dom!milf!wanda, sub! reader, no gendered terms
Author's note: First fic of the year!!! Go Me!!! Also, this is related to the milf Wanda Christmas fic but it's mostly because I'm obsessed with that dynamic so you don't have to read that to enjoy this!
Wanda never expected to enter the new year dating her next-door neighbor, but she was happy to say it. Spending Christmas and New Year's Eve with you was wonderful. You looked cute playing with the twins and the camera she bought you. You were already perfect and now you were perfectly hers. Everything was unbelievably great. Then, reality came along and tried bursting her bubble. 
At a staggering 5:30 in the morning, Wanda's peaceful sleep was disturbed by a bearing alarm that she certainly didn't set. 
"Dig through the ditches and burn through the witches, I slam in the back of my Dragula"
The alarm was so loud that it had practically thrown Wanda out of sleep, but you merely stirred awake. Despite the hangover you should've had, you quickly hopped out of bed. Wanda was just a little bit faster than you. She pulled you back down to bed without thought and wrapped her arms around you. "And what has my favorite photographer in the whole wide world up so early?"  A few kisses to your cheek and forehead was all it took for you to lay back down. "I'll make breakfast later. Let's just get a few more hours, okay? 
Wanda's raspy voice and affection almost pulled you back into the land of dreams, but you were on a schedule. "I'm sorry, I promise to be on the first schedule for the new year. I can't be late." Rejecting Wanda had always made you upset, but it hurt more now that she was your girlfriend. It took all your self-control to free yourself from Wanda's addictive warmth. You were shocked when the only protest you received was a disapproving groan and a soft pout. "I won't be gone that long, I promise! Just a 3-hour shift and I'll be back home before you know it." Getting ready was deceptively easy. Wanda had brought some of your things to her house earlier in the week. Though it embarrassed you to admit, leaving Wanda's house just to be less than a mile away was torture. Everything was quiet 
Then, she attacked. Wanda walked up behind you just as you put your shirt on. Her hands slipped underneath the fabric. Before you could whine, she began attacking your neck with kisses. Smoldering hot teeth had no mercy on your soft skin. One kiss after another until it began to bruise. "I think someone still owes me a couple hundred in kisses," She whispered seductively before nibbling on your earlobe. Her arms wrapped around your body and pulled you back flush against her chest. "Come on, just stay home. Please?" 
You nearly collapsed on the floor. "Ah, don't do that! I don't have anything to cover them up with!" That information only served to invigorate Wanda. All your joints had turned to jelly, but your girlfriend didn't give up her torture. "It's just a few hours," You mumbled. A gasp escaped your lips as Wanda's finger broke the barrier of your underwear.  "Why are you making it so hard to leave," You asked with a heavy whine. Of course, you received no answer as Wanda's hand went straight for the wetness between your legs. Her slender fingers ran up and down your slit. "Fine, fine! I'll stay.
Wanda rewarded your compliance with another kiss. A real one this time. Her tongue invaded your mouth without a second thought. She easily dominated you with her experience and explored it without concern. She'd suck all the disobedience out of you if she could. "Why are you making it so hard for me to take care of you, hm? It's so much easier to give in and let yourself be my precious little baby." Before you could protest, she dragged you back to the bed to continue her assault on your senses. "I'll even call in for you, give me your phone." 
Wanda was all over you. Her neatly painted nails left heavier streaks of red. Sparkles and cotton filled your head and you thought you were floating. No one had ever made you feel that way before. It was like magic. Your body would only do what Wanda wanted it to. Even if you were embarrassed and wanted to argue you could call in yourself, you reached over to the nightstand and gave it to her anyways. 
"Thank you, sweetheart," She cooed and rubbed your thighs. Wanda called your boss. When the line clicked, her voice changed completely. "Hi, I hope it isn't any trouble to you but I'm Wanda, Y/N's girlfriend. You see, they haven't been feeling well and I was hoping they could have the day off," The tone she spoke in was a lot more professional compared to the sultry tone she used to drag you back to bed. "It's fine if not, I just don't want to risk someone else getting sick too."
"Oh, no it's perfectly fine! I'm glad someone called me, Y/N will work themselves to death if you don't watch them. Just say we canceled for the day!" 
The sound of your boss's voice immediately broke the trance and you were overcome with guilt. While your coworkers spent hours putting together documents and planning for the months ahead, you'd be swaddled up and pampered like a baby. That wasn't right. "No, W-" Wanda's fingers slipped into your open mouth and your lips closed around them instinctively. For a moment, they just sat there. Heavy on your tongue and stiff as a board. Then, Wanda began to move them in and out of your mouth. It was embarrassing, but your body seemed to love it. 
"Oh, thank you so much! I'll make sure they're in tip-top shape for their next shift!" Wanda nodded and hummed in agreement a few more times before hanging up. She pulled her fingers from your mouth with a wet pop and smiled down at you. "Now, are you gonna play nice or do you need some more convincing ?" Her hands moved to pull down your pants and tossed them to the side. She gave you a quick kiss on the cheek when you nodded. "Good, now let's get you into some comfortable clothes." 
"Thank you," You whispered, unsure what else to say. Your brain would constantly switch back and forth between embarrassment and confusion. Why was Wanda talking to you like that? Was she trying to tease you with the finger thing? Is it okay to be wet after all of that? It didn't matter what the answers to your questions were, you wanted more. Pride be damned. Wanda made you feel good. 
Wanda hadn't planned on teasing you so much. She just wanted to keep you taken care of and healthy. It wasn't her fault you'd suddenly become so compliant and mushy. You were just too cute. Walking around the house in nothing but your underwear and her baggy shirt, Wanda couldn't help but claim you. Getting you worked up was so easy. All she had to do was hold you close and whisper sweet nothings in your ear, then you'd be putty in her hands. 
That didn't mean she'd make it easy for you. If anything, putting you in such a headspace made it infinitely harder. All night you found yourself squirming and even full-on grinding against her trying to relieve the ache between your legs. Yet, it didn't matter to Wanda how obvious your need was. She wanted you to use your words. 
"Is everything okay? You've been awfully whiny, sweetheart. " Wanda bit back a smile hearing you whine as you rolled over into her lap. "I'm sorry, I don't know what 'hnng' means." She placed her book down on the nightstand and held your hips in place. "I don't know what your huffing means either," She teased. Instead of answering your obvious pleas, she simply raised her eyebrows when you guided her hand to space between her legs. "Awe, do you want me to rub your belly?" She asked in that sickeningly sweet tone she'd been using all day. Wanda kissed your face as she scratched your stomach.
You whined out in frustration but accepted the affection nonetheless. It wasn't fair. All you had to do was say a few words but your brain simply refused to. Your tongue set heavy in your mouth as you continued to whine. Grinding against her was impossible too. Only Wanda could satisfy and she'd happily do it if just asked. After several minutes of dumbly attempting to grind against her lap and whining, you finally spoke. "Touch me, please?" 
Part of Wanda, one much crueler and sadistic, considered pushing you further. Just to see how desperate she could get you. She decided to play nice. "Awe, baby, why didn't you just ask? I would've helped you hours ago." Her hand slipped underneath your boxers and toyed with your clit. Slow, tight circles sent shivers up your spine and caused more wetness to leak out. "Oh, you're such a messy thing but mo- I promise to help clean you up when we're done." 
Had you been lucid, you would've caught Wanda's slip-up. You were just too needy to notice. All you could focus on was the burning heat in your stomach begging to come out. You clung to your girlfriend and grinded against her hand. "M-more," You stuttered out. Your eyes nearly rolled to the back of your head once Wanda finally thrust one of her fingers into you. You weren't a virgin, but no one had ever gone as deep as Wanda did. Just two of her fingers had reduced you to nothing but a pile of whimpers and moans. 
The small whimpers that came from your mouth were addictive. "That's it, I'm here to make it better. Just let it out." Wanda didn't miss the way your moans seemed needier as she praised you. Her fingers curled against your g spot and she hummed. "You're just the cutest little thing, aren't you?" She spread her fingers apart and enjoyed the way your walls fluttered around them. "One day, I'm going to fill you up with my cock and you're gonna look adorable!"
An image popped into your head. One of you bent over on the bed and fucked senseless by the thick red dildo you weren't supposed to see the first time you did. The thought alone sent you crashing into an orgasm. Your walls spasmed around your girlfriend's fingers until a sticky white substance leaked out of your center. Wanda's fingers continued to pound into you until you could no longer ride out your orgasm. Once you had finally come down from your high, you rolled off of Wanda and plopped down onto the bed. 
For a moment, there was calm silence. You attempted to regain your breath as Wanda lovingly played with your hair. You leaned into her touch and let her hold you until you could finally speak again. 
"I…I, uh, want to take a bath…together, please." 
Wanda kissed your cheek and smiled fondly. "I'll get the water ready. Just relax for a bit." 
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whereireid · 2 years
I have an idea for a little blurb or something! Bunny becomes entranced by all of the different features Miles has from her like his fangs, queue, and tail… and he gets confused about why she turns so red and flustered until he starts to figure it out and then he taunts her about her excitement 🤭
𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐌 | masterlist
pairing: miles quaritch x fem!reader
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“Why you starin’ at me, bun?” Quaritch quips, his eyes glued to the comically large computer screen. His tongue flicks out to wet his lips, his ears flittering irritably in the process.
"'m not starin'," You huff, hiding your flushed cheeks when Quaritch shoots you an unbelieved look.
... he's right to do so, because you were staring. how couldn't you? Your mate is huge - so big and strong, with scary, glistening fangs and long slender fingers. With hair so short and a queue so beautiful and braided - braided by you.
"You gettin' shy on me now or somethin'?" He asks, swivelling his chair towards you, his head cocked to the side slightly. "you look hot, bun. somethin' on your mind?"
Quaritch must be doing this deliberately now. He stretches, tensing his muscles as he does so, the light from his office hitting his muscles just fine. Quaritch’s lips quirk upwards into a smirk, his teeth all shiny and white as he stares over at you, a low purr vibrating throughout him.
Your thighs clench together, and he just knows.
"Oh. that's what's on your mind. you're a dirty little bunny," he whispers, voice so low it sounds like a growl. Quaritch’s hand slides between your legs, and you freeze, feeling all warm and gooey when his fingers curl around your underwear, which is wet from your arousal. "Seems like you’re really enjoyin’ what you see, huh?"
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sweet-honey-tears · 9 months
Sugar Doesn't Rot
. Shinso x GN!Reader
Reader is kidnapped and Shinso saves them
Hello! This was a request from one of you beautiful people! I hope you like it 💫
Warning: Mention of blood, bruises
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Anyone who didn't know you would probably be concerned about how much sugar you ingested. Hell, Shinso once saw you open three sugar packets and pour them straight into your mouth, watching how your body shivered in likely disgust. It was like a daily vitamin for you. You had your healthy everyday gummies, some Vitamin D, allergy pill, whatever else, and then at least three sugar packets. Not counting the ones you'd ingest later before training, or in the middle of training.
Your quirk allowed you unbelievable speed, but at the cost of sugar or really the glucose produced (I don't know biology please don't kill me if this doesn't make sense). You could run almost a mile in your first UA years, close to topping Lida's best speed. That was until you inevitably crashed. Body collapsing into a tired delirious state. In one instance going cold, and becoming lightheaded- your sugar level had dropped too fast for you to even notice and stop.
“ Hero Photo at your service!'' Your hero name, to your absolute corny pleasure, was short for photosynthesis. A joke about how your body turned the sugar into liquid fuel like a plant— Shinso smiled lightly when you told him the reason why you chose such a name. “I don't want some poor parents having to worry about their toddler downing sugar packets because they see a hero do it. So, let's just make them think I get my energy from the sun!”
“Ironic considering the amount of vitamin D I see you take.”
“Oh shut it Shinso!”
Shinso smiled warmly at you from across the table. The warmth of the morning light on you causing an ethereal glow as you pour what you had believed to be sugar into your hot coffee. But the twisted look on your face and splash of coughing told him otherwise. A wicked smirk playing on his lip, “Salt?”
“Shut it!”
Curled up with him under a blanket, your face puzzled as you stared at the half-completed sudoku puzzle. Shinso watched you with a lazy smile as you filled in more squares. It was one of the hardest puzzles in the book. He'd need to get you another one, maybe as a gift? Your birthday was too far away and he wanted to get you one of the stupidly hard wooden 3D puzzles he saw on YouTube. He remembers the stars in your eyes as you watched the man struggle to open it.
“Go in around the back. Denki along with Uraraka takes the left flank. Uraraka you'll lift the metal materials in the air and ensure they don't touch you or any civilians. Denki, try and channel your spark to hit the metal scraps as a conductor. While that goes on-” Shinso watched from the back of the room as you schooled the loud, irritating Bakugou on his battle plan.
“They were taken, not sure by who, likely (Enter Villians, maybe Lov? Up to you).”
“Three days ago”
Shinso was silent, Aizawa watching him, his fingers twitching as he waited for his student to crack. “Why wait so long to tell me?” It wasn't a fair question and Shinso knew that. While sections of people knew you were an item, larger ones didn't. And there wasn't a reason to tell him of your disappearance, he was only a student.
“Their quirk, we know you know more about it.” Aizawa scuffled lightly, regardless of your ranking, you were still a student and a child no less. How did they not know more about your quirk? Or did they not care to learn about you?
“We know they use sunlight-”
“No” Shinsos voice was strained, anger washing through him. “Their quirk evolves around sugar”
You rested, eyes closed in the darkness of the room. Pitch dark, not even possible to see your body that rested tied in the chair. Your body felt stiff and sore, bruises forming on your pale cheeks and ribs from the beatings. No, the lack of light didn't affect your quirk, your immune system, and overall emotions, yes. It was like a void, a cold room where you questioned if your icey body even was touching the wooden chair. But the lack of food played heavily. Regardless, even if your captors were right about the darkness, the lack of food would weaken anyone. Your body, after all the training and muscle growth, needed more food.
Drool dribbled from the corner of your mouth, body slumped in exhaustion. It took too much energy to even close your mouth.
Another day, another unanswered question, another beating. Every once in a while they'd ask a question you would know an answer to, but even then said you were clueless. How many days have you been in this room? The lack of light messed up your clock, to where time felt pointless. You struggled to latch onto hope. Days must have passed, and you were feeling closer and closer to death. Withdrawing from your superfood, sugar, torturing your body. You had never gone so long without it. And for a moment, you wondered if your body could. Your mind flashed to the doctors telling you to ingest as much as you could, the irrigation in their voice as they backtracked on every once of advice they had ever given. “Your energy, not just your quirk, depends on it.” interesting… You were so young when you heard that information, and you only remember it now.
10 days. Shinso rested in the car, body stiff and tense. Eyes set on the headrest in front of him. Eye hollow, yet filled and swirled with sickening fear and anguish.
12 days. The door swung open, shining blinding light onto you. A high-pitched cry left your chapped lips as it flashed your unprepared eyes. It felt like your skin was melting at its harshness. As though it was a flame held up to your skin. “Y/N '' a voice nearly screamed. Your head swirled up, vision blinded by the light and head now pounding, what little energy you had straining. “In-show?” your small voice cracked. Swollen tongue struggling to say the name. “I'm here! I'm here! I got you!”
Shino's eyes watered lightly at your appearance. Pale, you were sickly pale. Your hair was greasy, which he cared little about, except that it seemed matted with blood. Your cheeks were bruised and your eyes sunk in. And you were cold, so cold.
Then you cried, whimpering out in vain as you tried to grasp onto him once free. He held you close, your two bodies resting on the ground for a second as he cradled your frail self. “I love you - I love you” he repeated into your hair, not caring at the smell or cracked blood.
You lay in the hospital bed, sugar packets and sugar bags splayed open. You looked healthier and more alive. Your colors coming back and your bruises slowly fading. Shinso sat beside you, fingers carefully rubbing your hand. Too worried to fully hold your hand due to the red marks you received from struggling in your binds. “I love you,” you whispered out through cracked lips.
Shinso smiled, leaning down to kiss you until you moved your head away. “N-no.” He froze, fear raking his body. You must have felt it, the sudden tension in his body, and quickly you spoke. “My- my lips are cracked and- and I smell awful.” he won't lie, you kind of did. You smelt like a sterilized hospital room, like the cheap but effective soap the infirmary used. He cocked an eyebrow and laughed slightly.
“And I'm supposed to care?”
“Sh-shut it!”
Azawia leaned into the small area you two shared, making sure both of you were okay. The image of Shinso's red eyes and angered face never leaves his mind. How he carried your nearly limp body in his arms, your skin bruised and the usual smirk you so often had gone and replaced by a busted lip. But now, instead, he found you nuzzled into Shinso’s shoulder. The lanky male hunched over your bed, arms wrapped tightly around you as he buried his face into your hair. Azawia looked away and walked out of the medical wing, his body finally relaxing. You both where safe, you both were okay
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dollwrites · 1 year
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐭 — 𝐫𝐮𝐢 𝐤𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨
𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 ∣ smut ( minors dni ), this is a darker fic, dub con for a bit, drug use ( LSD ), voyeurism and exhibitionism, Tsukasa involvement, suggested Kaito x reader too, very small amount of RuiKasa, all characters featured are aged 18+
𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁 ∣ i haven’t written in a while so i may be kind of rusty. do not repost or translate. please reblog && leave feedback. not proofread so there’s probably mistakes. thanks for reading <3
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“Rui, something’s wrong —“
why was everything so loud? even the way he pants, his swollen lips parted and hovering inches from your face, the moans that slip free as hot air fans the apples of your cheeks in furious, little puffs— that shouldn’t have been audible over the blaring carnival music that washes around you, but you could hear every break in his breath. you could pick apart his vulgar whimpering, and you thought you might even be able to trace each note that lives within it with the tip of your finger, if only your wrists were not bound with what felt like silk ribboning, you would. due to his candy obsession, his warm breath usually tasted of sweets, but this time was different. the scent of sugar clinging to his tastebuds was so intense that you could taste it on your own.
“Nothing’s wrong, darling,” Rui assures with the shape of his mouth brushing over your countenance. he leaves a wildfire of sensation in the wake of his soft tiers, allowing them to dance over the tip of your nose and tease your mouth, that chased them. “Everything’s perfect.” your head had been swiveling, trying to look past the blinding, rainbow lights to try and decipher where you were. it didn’t look like Rui’s room anymore. in the center of the room, you were suspended in the air ( you only recently realized this when you dropped your head back and found yourself dangling helplessly, jostled in tandem with Rui’s fervent pounding into your guts ), but if you try to follow the slithering silks that coil around your arms and legs, you find they disappear into an abyss— there was no ceiling.
what were those silks connected to?
how were you being supported, exactly?
“Oh, you feel good…” he purrs, biting down on his lower lip hard, passing a sultry whine through his teeth as he savors how your body feels from the inside. “Yes, yes, yes…” he always got lost in you, reveling in how tight you clamped around him, and the way your recoiled in response to his pounding.
then, as your hazy eyeline scanned every inch of the environment, you spotted an audience. once again, however, beyond the chairs and silhouettes of their heads, you could see not a single detail. you knew they were there, because you could hear them. gasping, laughing, cheering.
this wasn’t happening.
you were going crazy.
“I think you gave me too much…” you mewl, curling your toes, but it did little to relieve the pressure Rui was forcing into your body. your head rolls, heavy on your shoulders, and you look back up at him. maybe if you focus on him, you thought, you could get control of yourself. but Rui didn’t even look like Rui. had he changed clothes? you’d most certainly have remembered if he’d met you at the door in a three piece suit and a black top hat balancing precariously askew on his head. it was as if he was part of this world you saw swirling around you, this wicked circus.
“F—fuck, Rui I’m seri— serious—“ you were groaning, though, panting with vulgar delight because it feels so good. Rui had always been a phenomenal lay, but it was always miles better when the two of you were tripping; it was like his fingertips were made of electricity, sending an unbelievable voltage of pure pleasure everywhere they touched.
and usually, Rui was good about measuring out each hit to make sure you could control your trip, but this time was different. at first, you’d looked at your dose and thought it wouldn’t be so bad. but everything got weird when his friend, Tsukasa pulled out his phone. “T—turn the lights on,” you beg, closing your eyes tight. “I—I need to come down.”
“Shh, shh, shh…” Rui croons, both, gloved fists wrapped around the ribbons that bind you. he used that leverage to pull you into his thrusts so he slammed home harder, smacking his hips into yours when he bottoms out, and you cry out loud, clenching your fists. “You’re missing all the lovely sounds,” he mewls, a cherry tint on his cheeks. his golden gaze had been blown out by pitch black pupils, so when you squint and try to meet his eyes, you’re sucked into the depth of his desire for you. you open your mouth to speak, to reiterate your point: you wanted this trip to be over, but his warm fingers clamp over your mouth, muffing your plea, and your eyes widen, “I want the others to hear how wet your sweet, little pussy is, too.”
the others?
for a moment, you’re perplexed. you could only remember that Tsukasa fellow. your eyes dart behind his left shoulder, and catch the two figures. Tsukasa and… someone else. a taller man, perhaps a year or two older than Rui. he has his hands clasped together in front of him, and his head cocked to one side. his features are surprisingly soft, as if the sound of your body squelching and your muffled whimpering is a beautiful symphony and he was listening intently.
you didn’t recognize him.
when had he shown up?
Tsukasa, on the other hand, was staring with big eyes and crimson cheeks, his eyeline jolting back and forth to the rhythm of Rui’s rocking hips, and you realize he must be watching his friend slide in and out with every thrust. he looks hungry.
“Rui, didn’t you promise Tsukasa something?” the other one asks, knowingly glancing to Rui, who doesn’t deny it. “So long as he brought your guest here?”
Rui snickers, glancing over his shoulder, and you do the same, staring at a very flustered Tsukasa. “Well, you certainly won’t be able to touch her from all the way over there.” you blink, bemused, and grip the silk restraints, arching your back— you want to bring Rui’s attention back to you so you can shake your head, give him a signal to let him know that this was not something you were agreeing to, but when he looks back to you, sees you shaking your head, he coos, “Ah, don’t worry! I’ll teach him how to play with you the way you like.”
everything happened way too fast.
from Tsukasa stumbling over, staring at your body with blown out pupils, grasping one finger of his glove in his teeth to pull it off as his other hand reaches for your breast. the black silk is warm when he gropes a handful of you, hard and needy.
“She’s soft, right?” Tsukasa is already nodding, agreeing with him before the question fully leaves his lips. Rui giggles, grasping his friend’s bare wrist once the glove is discarded and guiding his hand between your legs. “Wait until you feel her cunt. Her plushy, little clit is just like a moan button.”
in this moment, you hated that Rui knew exactly how to find it, because he pushed Tsukasa’s thumb against it, swiping skillfully to guide his clearly less experienced friend into the rhythm he knew would drive you crazy, resting his chin on Tsukasa’s shoulder to stare at you from behind his golden tendrils. Tsukasa’s eyes widened in awe as you whimpered into Rui’s glove, your eyelids slitting. the pad of Tsukasa’s thumb was rougher than Rui’s, and it scraped in just the right way to have you reeling.
“Woah…” Tsukasa stared, rubbing harder. Rui can’t help but let out a strangled moan, because you were clamping down on him, throbbing.
“Keep doing it just like that,” he breathes heavily in Tsukasa’s ear, encouraging his friend, “She’s clenching like crazy… She likes it.”
you couldn’t even pretend he was wrong, either. your thighs were trembling in their binds, your eyelids fluttering, your head falling back. Rui allows it to, releasing your mouth and you expel a loud, flustered yowl, “F—ff—uck!” you no longer cared about coming down, or even minded that they hadn’t cared whether or not you consented to Tsukasa’s involvement, wanted him to touch you.
now, you didn’t want him to stop.
“M—more,” you whisper, back arching as you squirm, “more, more. C—close…”
Rui’s hand seeks out your throat instead, gripping it to hold you in place so he can plant his feet and drive himself into you in erratic, happy thrusts. he squeezes, crooning as his eyes threaten to close, too, but they remain, heavily lidded and hazy, on you. “Ah… Tsukasa, you’re going to make her cum!” Rui exclaims through heavy panting, “Don’t stop yet, she feels so tight!”
Tsukasa didn’t seem like he had even considered stopping. gritting his teeth, furrowing his brow, he leans over you more, desperate to watch your face contort in pleasure, while his fingers work furiously at the same, rapid-fire pace against your twitching clit. had you been sober, you might’ve even moaned and asked if he played the piano, what with how precise his fingering was, but you weren’t. not even close.
you gurgled and wheezed out pathetically adorable moans as Rui choked you harder, teasing your windpipe to experiment with how much pressure it took to make you sputter, as he fucked every, single lingering thought out of your head.
“Cum for me,” Tsukasa whimpered, needy, as he buried his face in your breasts to suck on them. he didn’t mind that he and his friend were in a game of Twister, entangling with one another in order to both touch you, but Rui didn’t either. he’d allowed Tsukasa to worm in between his body and yours, so long as he didn’t break the join at your sex, and Rui’s chin digs into Tsukasa’s shoulder. you can even see, blurry when you lift your head, his teeth sinking into Tsukasa’s neck every so often, as he allows a moan to vibrate against his flesh. they were both so close to you, both tethered to you. “Please cum hard for me!”
it made you dizzy.
“Cumming…” you croak, and Rui tightens his grip. he must be, too, spurred by how your walls milk him.
“Say my name,” Tsukasa begs, his strumming never once wading up, “say— say that it’s for me…”
“I— I’m cumming for you, Tsukasa!”
that was all that you could muster before you completely unravel into nonsensical babbling and yipping, and writhing. it feels good, so good you’re overloading, and your nails claw at the silks coiled around your wrists.
Rui follows right along behind you, releasing your throat to grasp himself and pull free from your depths so he can slot your folds around his girth as he cums, rubbing his cock between them, his release leaving your sex stickier, and smelling of him.
Tsukasa heard your soft, nearly coherent plea for him to ease up on your hyper sensitive nub, and he obeys, allowing his fingers to dip downwards and gather Rui’s release from between your nerherlips on the tips of his digits. he slides his first, two fingers inside of you, biting down on his lip to muffle a sordid moan when your walls spasm around the new intruders.
“Do you still want to come down?” Rui teases. he’s come around to squat down so he’s face to face with you, petting your hair back before peppering your temple with sugary kisses. you shake your head, weakly.
this world, whether it was a figment of your trip, conjured by too many drugs working overtime in your system, or it really did exist inside of Tsukasa’s cellphone like he claimed, had taken its toll on you, but you no longer cared.
you’d given into the euphoria, and you were enjoying it now.
Rui giggles, his mouth traveling south to kiss your cheek, and then the corner of your mouth, before you finally turn to catch his lips in a passionate lock. you can only hold it for a second before you need to catch your breath, and Rui’s tongue glides along your parted lips. “You want to ride it out? Be a tough, little cookie?”
you nod, smiling, cumdrunk and filled with too much pleasure to turn it down.
“She agreed, just like you said she would.” the mysterious man who’d been watching had moved closer, running svelte, gloved digits over your trembling ankle in butterfly caresses, and hummed, pensively.
Rui beams, nodding as he kisses your mouth, “Mm, I know my girl fairly well. Isn’t that right, darling?”
“More, please…” you whispered, softly, “I want to cum again…”
Rui chortles, and looks up at Tsukasa, still smitten with your sex, and, voice like a bell, croons, “Don’t worry, my little marionette. Tsukasa is going to have you now. And then, Kaito here, will do the same. You’ll be so fucked out by the time you come down, you’ll be a trembling, drooling mess.” Rui swoons at the thought, his smile wide and mischievous, but you mirror it with an entranced, lazy simper, nodding happily to each word. “And I promise, you’ll never want to leave from right here once you’ve taken all three of us.”
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ashwhowrites · 2 years
Please could I request something where reader isn't a cheerleader but buys/steals a cheer uniform to surprise Eddie ^-^
Hope this is what you wanted!!
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Eddie didn't actually like any of the cheerleaders
He wasn't attracted to their looks
Or the lack of personality
He was just attracted to the outfit
The small outfits
He didn't like any of the cheerleaders
Plus he had his own girlfriend
And she was definitely way hotter than the whole team
"Eddie seriously, you don't think a single one of them is hot?" Gareth asked, munching on his school lunch
"No because if you saw any of them in regular clothes you wouldn't be this attracted to them. It's the outfit that makes you think you find them attractive."
"that's such bullshit." Jeff laughed
"it's really not. Yeah they are pretty or whatever, but if you met them just normally BEFORE you knew they were cheerleaders you wouldn't put them on such high levels. It's the uniform that makes you think of them as pedestal worthy." Eddie ranted
"what is my boyfriend on a rant about today?" Y/N sighed as she sat down at the table
Reaching over into Eddie's ( fully packed lunch since she made it) and stole a fruit snack
"nothing." Jeff said quickly
"that makes it more suspicious" she said, giving Eddie a watchful eye
"cheerleaders" Dustin said
Eddie sent him a glare which caused Dustin to quickly sink in his seat
"why are you ranting about cheerleaders?" She asked, all boys at the table refusing to make eye contact
"Edward" she said sternly
"nothing babe. I was just telling them they only think the cheerleaders are goddess worthy just because of the uniforms, not because they actually like the girl." He shrugged
"oh that makes sense." She said, agreeing with her boyfriend
Eddie smiled proudly as all the boys groaned
"see, and she's hot like this all the time. And as a goddess she doesn't even need the uniform." He kissed her cheek with a wet loud smooch
The boys gagged and groaned again
But now that had her thinking
What would Eddie think if she wore a cheerleading outfit? He obviously finds the style of it extremely attractive
She smirked , she could definitely play around with this
After school she went to the gym
Bugging Chrissy to let her "borrow" a uniform that no one needed
Quickly finding her size she took it home
Her and Eddie had plans tonight to watch a movie at his house
Wayne would be gone
It was the perfect opportunity to ruin her boyfriend
She threw on the small skirt and tank top
Throwing Eddie's hoodie over it
Covering her legs with sweatpants
She giggled to herself the whole way to Eddie's
Knocking on his door with a playful smile on her face
"why are you so happy?" Eddie laughed
His girlfriend is practically bouncing on her sneakers
"I have a surprise for you." She said
Pushing her boyfriend to sit on the couch
He watched confused, but slightly excited
"remember when you said the cheerleading outfit is so unbelievably sexy" she smirked
"I don't think I quite said that, but sure." He laughed, hands resting in his lap
"well I figured if all your friends get to drool over cheerleaders, you shouldn't have to miss out because you have a girlfriend." Her smirk growing
"what? I don't want to drool over cheerleaders. I drool over you all the time. You are all I need baby" he said, grabbing her hand to pull her in his lap
"shut up and let me give you this" she said, pressing a finger to his lips
He watched confused as she took off her pants
"I definitely like this" he whistled.
She laughed and did a small dance as she flung her sweatpants on his lap
He laughed as she spun around
The laugh died in his throat when she removed his sweatshirt off of her
Gulping as the small skirt framed her curves
The small tank top is tight against her boobs
Her body looked delicious
He licked his lips as she gave a full spin
The skirt flowing around her movements
"fuck baby" he moaned, palming himself over his, now very tight, jeans
Her legs were going on for miles
Her stomach showed as the top rose up
Small hints of the hickies he left around her belly button were peaking through
"you like?" She smirked. Sliding herself on his lap, slowly. Putting slight pressure on his growing hard on
"I fucking love it" he moaned, big hands landing on her back and ass. Pushing her on him further
"why don't you show me?" She whispered, biting his ear lobe
Eddie definitely had a thing for cheerleaders now
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @slightlyvicked @micheledawn1975@ago-godance
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villainsimpqueen · 1 year
Below it Glows
Miles Quaritch X Cave dweller Na'vi Reader.
Chapter One
Art made by @nin3kyuu
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He had served his country, going to wars, doing operations others wouldn't dare do nor have the guts to do so. He lost many men, brothers and sisters due to the earth wars fighting over limited resources as their home planet continued to die more and more. 
A planet that once was rumored to be filled with vast forests and  clean waters and where humans could once live on Earth's lands without eco packs and masks glued to their face to filter clean air. 
Despite the Earth dying quickly, humans like a disease, cockroaches found a way to prolong their lives. Building even more cities but ones entirely of walls and filtration systems to pump filtered clean air into its halls and giant rooms. Levels were made with the rich being at the top and the poor to the bottom. 
  And still they all fought, they always were fighting and He was thrown into the fighting, a soldier, a commander, a colonel. Fighting for his country of endless mazes of filtration walls with small homes in them. All to be barely considered middle class.
He fucking hated it all. 
Quaritch breathed the filtered air from his mask as he stood outside the large doors of the city of walls he lived in. His shift was nearly over. He just had to carry on for another half hour and then he could go home, shower, put on clothes that weren't covered in toxic dust and ash and sit down with his fiancé. 
He huffed out the carbon from his lungs exhaling it out of the mask as he watched the wind pick up slinging dust and ash over the dead landscape. He could not fathom an Earth that was covered in plants and forests and even clean water, because even now as he walked the city's borders taking in the barren lands of dust and ash and the rivers of tar and slog it was an unbelievable thought. 
Paz liked keeping hologram screens around their unit playing simulations of what such a landscape would look like, having them even over their two windows that look out to the dead landscape to make it look like there was a vast forest with clean waterfalls instead. 
He wondered if she would even be home before him, her work was endless being an engineer she was always on call to fix some fucking thing. He admired her handiwork, she was one of the important workers in the cities, making sure the filtration system and environmental systems stayed on top notch standing at all times. Any time a filter leak happened she was called immediately, no matter the time of day or night. He sighed wondering what they had in storage to make a meal with, for if she wasnt there when he got home he would then shower and make them dinner. 
The thought of powdered meat and sustainable greens didn't appeal to his stomach not one bit, it brought back more anger. The upper classes actually enjoy the real shit. 
Real meat, real fresh greens and fruit. They got to eat meals he couldn't even imagine and it pissed him off. 
He should be able to buy real fucking food for himself and his fiancé. He should be able to enjoy basic fucking needs, why did those pansy bastards get too? He would love to see one of them suited up in protective suits, a mask glued to their face and trudge around in the hot dusty atmosphere their ancestors caused by sweating their balls off and coming home to eat powdered sustainable food. 
His ecopack beeped its warnings of needing cleaning and he forced a low growl before turning and walking back to the large doors slamming his keycard against its security panel allowing him into the sanitary station. He stood still as it sprayed off the toxic ash and dust from his body and vacuumed it out by exit shoots before allowing him to the next room where he could strip off the protective suit and gear. Sweat sheened on his skin as it was exposed to the cool filtered oxygen of the city. He breathed, feeling his lungs greedily accept the cooler 'cleaner' air as he watched his recruited replacements take their shifts leaving through the doors to the shitty atmosphere outside. He watched the doors open and close a dust storm brewing behind them. 
poor bastards.
He thought before he moved heading to the holo computer to clock his times file paperwork and then headed to the lift that raised him to his living level. Walking through the vast halls of the city and past the stores he watched bots move doing delivery services and the other humans of this city move around doing shopping.
Parents walking around with their kids buying them pointless shit that will end up outside of the city walls once the brat gets tired of it, making the outside even worse than before. 
He walked past simulations of decorated trees  that hurt his eyes along with the florescent lights of the city. 
Finally arriving at his and Paz's unit he walked inside seeing all the lights off. 
He let out a sigh trudging through the living room and towards the bathroom flicking on the light as he stripped his clothes and climbed into the shower having its hot sanitation water pour over him and his skin. His skin prickled under it slightly stinging as he stared at the showers tiles avoiding the sanitation water to burn his eyes. 
Grime and dust that made under his suit washed down his body and into the drain with its murky color. 
I gotta get us the fuck outta here. 
Gritting his teeth as he glared at the tiles. 
There were rumors, rumores that the top level had real fucking plants as decoration. 
They didn't have as many filtration systems because of real plants producing real oxygen. They had clean water, drinkable water. 
not packed water, or water cleaner packets to mix into the sanitation water to make it safe for consumption. But real fresh clean water. 
Real food, They had an environment system that was supposedly like how the Earth was supposed to be hundreds of years ago before great wars fucked everything up. 
He wanted that. 
God, he wanted that so badly. 
Dinner was nothing but slop in a bowl and he glared down at it as his spoon scooped it up and brought its dull color to his lips.
"I got a raise today." Paz's voice called to him and he glanced up at her from his bowl. Her brunette hair thrown into a messy bun and her dull green eyes surrounded by dark circles much like his own, her skin not pale but gray like his own it looked as lifeless as the ash and dust outside in her bright clothes she wore. 
"Yea?" He asked her, forcing a smile on his lips.
lifeless, they looked so lifeless in here..
Paz smiled back at him and nodded. 
"I was thinking…maybe we could look at some of the units on the south side of the city..something bigger." She told him.
He moved his eyes back to the slop in his bowl.
"Paz." He warned.
"You gotten a raise last month and now i have one, maybe a few more months and we could find a really nice unit and start thinking about ki-"
"Paz enough." He snapped, glaring up at her to pause, her dull green eyes dulling even more.
He didn't mean to snap, he really didn't. His anger was misguided and he let it focus on her like he always seemed to do in these past few months. 
He only sat in silence as she moved from their shared table with that bowl of slop of hers and took it to the kitchen leaving it and heading to their room. the slide of doors ringing in his ears as he was left alone. He slammed his hand on the table gritting his teeth, feeling his rage build through his body, tensing his muscles, flexing them before he let out a  sigh and dragging his hands up his face into his hair pulling on it. 
"Fuck.." He grumbled letting his head fall back and his hands falling to his lap he stared at the ceiling for a while until he forced himself up to gather his bowl and take it to the kitchen washing his and Paz's dishes before cleaning the kitchen. 
He went ahead and packed his and Paz's lunch pouches for the next day before he headed to the bedroom and met with the lights turned off and Paz already in bed. He stared at her back as he moved under the covers. He stared at it for a few moments watching her steady breathing before reaching out and pulling her towards him. Wrapping his arm around her, He held her close burying his face into the back of her neck.
"I'm sorry.." He whispered, only met with her breathing steady and soft, his apology fell on sleeping ears. 
He moved his hand to hers where the simple plain engagement hand rested, he dragged his fingers over it before clasping her hand in his. 
"I want more for us Paz…Ya get that right? I don't want another shit hole of a unit with the slop they feed us with..I want more. I want us up there with the other rich bastards. " He whispered to her as he kissed her shoulder blade. 
"I want ya to have real plants hanging around the unit, not some screen…I want us to eat real food Paz, us and any little tikes we have..not that gritty ass shit we ate tonight…" He let out a shaky breath and pressed another kiss to her shoulder before settling his head on the pillow staring at the back of her head, rubbing his thumb over hers.
"Ima get us out of this shitty level..Just be patient with me Sweetheart." He whispered out the promise he always whispered to her each night. 
She had to understand, she had to feel the urge to want more too, right? She must know how much she deserved then the shitty hole in a wall unit they had. 
He just needed her to stay patient with him, he will give her so much more than this, his secret promise to her the day he got on his knee. 
A better life, one where she didn't have to work if she didn't wish it, where his pay would be plentiful to carry them and their children. They live in some nice unit up on the upper levels and he could surprise her with a new plant to add to her collection. Their kids would never have to breathe in contaminated air due to a filtration leak and get sick stuck in medical units for months or years because the outsides dust and ash had radiation infecting their lungs. They wouldn't be so…lifeless. 
"I promise." He whispered holding his fiancé so tightly to his chest afraid that if he let go she too would fade away into the dust like so many of his past friends did in the war zones he had been in. 
The dust he was going to vanish in as well had she not met him the day they met. 
He had stared at the exit doors, sweat dripping from his brow as he moved his hand towards the keypad. The protective suit and ecopack in the other clearance room. His hand didn't tremble as he was about to tap the keypad with his keycard. 
They were always told that being out in the outside atmosphere without protection suits and gear, without their eco packs and masks that they'd be dead by suffocation within minutes. 
He had felt so numb, that the thought of dying so painfully by suffocation didn't scare him. If anything it had excited him, he had felt nothing since his last mission, where he had lost his best friend by a gunshot in the head, lost all his teammates and was the only one who arrived at the checkpoint alive but wounded. He had wanted the lung infection he got from his suit and ecopack being damaged to take him out as well…It didn't, he survived while his team all died.
He licked his lips, as he pressed the keycard to the panel hearing the loud beeps it made and the door starting to open breaking its seals as it heavily gilded open. 
Dust flying into the room, some of it hitting his face and burying into his hair as he squinted his eyes, lashes protecting his pupils as the doors slowly exposed him to the dead earth's atmosphere.
"HEY WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" a voice screamed at him and he had turned surprised that someone was even up at this hour. But there she was, a woman shorter than him storming over to a computer panel viciously typing away at the holo screen forcing the door to beep and glide shut. 
"ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY!?" she yelled at him as the sanitation began spraying him down with chemicals and what not before deeming him clean. She had stormed in snatching him out of the room, easy with the daze he was in and she ripped him a new one all while he stared at her like she was a lunatic.
"Whats your fucking name?" She demanded of him.
He had licked his lips staring at her, taking in her bright furious green eyes.
"Miles…Miles Quaritch." He told her.
"Well Miles Quaritch..Yoru a fucking dumbass!" 
And he laughed, he laughed harder than he ever believed he had in his life as she stared at him like he was a madman.
"Ya have no clue sweetheart." He had crackled out and she had huffed running a hand in her hair before sitting beside him.
"I'll make ya a deal, you meet me at the dindime dinner for lunch everyday and i won't report you." She told him.
He raised a brow at her.
"It's not a choice so you know." She clarified before getting up and leaving before he could answer. 
The next day, she was waiting for him outside of the dinners unit.
The days drooled on, everything was the same.
Wake up.
Get dressed.
Have breakfast with Paz if she was there, by himself if she wasn't. 
Go to work.
Do the routine routes around the city borders.
Paper work.
Clock out.
make dinner or occasionally go out to eat. 
 So when his presence was demanded to the job distribution area, it had taken him by surprise. Paz had been excited, hoping it was him getting a promotion; he had worried about it being a demotion due to a shortage of workers in other areas of the imprison walls they lived in. 
When he entered the private office he was met by several officials who made him sit down. They had panels open displaying some kind of planet, ships and what not, and his records.
His eyes shrunk at his records, all his military files, his ranks, his specialities. 
His eyes moved towards them sharply.
"The hell is this?" He questioned feeling his body start to stim ready to defend himself, ready for attacks his brain logically knew wouldn't happen.
"How'd you like to be head of security on a base we're setting on this planet?"
He froze, eyes landing on the hologram of that planet. 
The recruiters of the organization that was setting this all up information drop not landing to him as he saw the screens flash other images of the planet.
great vast forests, real forests, real trees, bright vibrate plants. Real greenery.
Crystal clear oceans and rivers, clean drinkable water that reflected the sun on it.
Real sunlight, one that could clearly be seen through a living breathing planet than hidden by dust and ash storms. 
Paz would love it there…
He moved his attention back realizing they were waiting for him to answer, he had missed everything they had said. 
He made them repeat it and he listened to every single word. 
"I ain't leaving without my fiancé." He started sternly as he leaned back into the chair. 
it was too good to be true, and it was, they only wanted him and him alone. 
He wouldn't leave her, he wouldn't leave Paz behind. 
"...We can make sure your fiancé will have a spot on the ship." the head RDA recruiter spoke as She slid a holotablet over to him.
"All we need is you to confirm the job." She had told him.
He signed, not reading over the contract of the job. What he would be putting himself through, he didn't care. 
He would be able to get him and Paz out of that shitty unit they lived in. They would be somewhere even fucking better than the upper levels. A new planet, a new Earth and he would be able to see the woman he loves surrounded by vast forests and clean waters. 
He would do whatever the hell the RDA wanted him to do, without hesitation. 
He was ecstatic as they told him when they were to leave. He had rushed home making sure to page Paz to be home. He had practically ripped the sliding doors apart as he entered their unit seeing her stand from their couch confusion in her eyes as she looked up at him.
"Quaritch?" she questioned as he rushed towards her hands going to his waist as he picked her up spinning them around grinning widely his cheeks hurt. She squealed , clinging to him and laughed.
"What is going on? good news?" She asked excitedly as he was. 
"Good news? Baby girl i got fucking fantastic news ." He told her before pulling her into a deep kiss, when he pulled away he explained everything and he laughed as she squealed telling him to stop wasting time and to help her pack their things. 
By the end of the week they were boarding a ship, being put into cryo chambers. 
He stared at Paz across from him watching her settle in place and look at him for assurance. He smiled at her as the chambers turned on.
"I love ya." He told her, watching how she smiled.
"I love you too, Quaritch." She answered.
"I can't wait to see you on that planet." He told her feeling his eyelids grow heavy, if she had said anything he didn't hear her as his body shut down in a deep comatose sleep, frozen in time and place as the ship took its human passages light years away from earth to this bizarre resource full, living planet.
They named it Pandora. 
Chp 2
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mxngldmxdnsss · 2 years
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The Hunt - series
Chap 6. It Will Rain - Recom Miles Quaritch
Quaritch falling in love with reader this chapter 🙀 he’s so whipped lmao he’s definitely a trophy wife
pairing - recom miles quaritch x omatikaya!fem! reader
cw! no sex yet but purely feral
sexual content ahead : proceed with caution!
Your gaze, your smile, your laugh, it all made him tingle on the inside. It shouldn’t but it did. He almost couldn’t contain the way his ears would perk when he saw you. The way his tail swished in your presence. Oh how he ached to hold you in his arms, to wipe your tears and take away all of your pain.
You were like an angel. To him you were his sanctuary. The little time he spent with you wasn’t enough. He wanted to be at your beck and call, to be in your presence day and night. To have your hands in his, your eyes on him.
Just the way you would admire him when he spoke your tongue. It made him so weak. He couldn’t understand why, why did you make him feel this way. Miles wasn’t sure if he wanted this feeling to last forever or if he wanted it all to go away.
You made it so difficult to focus on the task on hand. He couldn’t resist making you giggle or smile. Teaching you four finger hand games for the sake of touching you. Miles loved how soft your skin was compared to his already calloused hands. It made his heart race, the thought of exploring your body.
Miles often wondered what type of sounds you’d made for him. Would you whimper and gasp shyly or moan uncontrollably. He often found himself groaning into the humid nights with dreams of you. There were times when dreams weren’t enough, where he wanted to feel and hold you. Miles could only hoped you felt the same.
Oh and if you did, the things Miles would do to you. He would give anything to draw your pretty moans out with his tongue. Or more. Miles shivered at the thought, unbelieving that he’d once found the idea of trying to mate with you a setback to his military mission. Cursing himself for ever seeing you as anything besides his savior.
You were there to guide him and lift him. To see to him and his troubles. He was indebted to your kindness. Miles already knew he had a place in your heart, it made him feel hot inside, embarrassed and grateful. Though there was a part inside of his mind, that wanted to keep you away, from the world. To make you his and his only.
He buried this deep within his desires, afraid of even himself. Miles knew his capabilities, knew his power. He almost wondered if you knew this, knew that his dominance was more in charge than himself. Would it change how you saw him, succumbing to emotions not his own. Miles wanted so badly to separate himself from his successor, to create himself. But he knew he’d be nothing without the human who’d terrorized Pandora, Miles’ home.
Miles wanted you to see him, not Quaritch, not the Colonel. It wasn’t him, he swore. He wanted you to understand, he was different. It often made Miles nearly drive himself insane. What would Colonel Quaritch think? Seeing that his ‘clone’ had fallen in love with the very thing he despised.
Miles mind was at constant war, but he knew peace would be your love, for him. He wanted it in any aspect, in any sense. Ignoring your sudden interest and acceptance for him, although knowing it should’ve been a sign of something other than what he wanted. Miles just wanted you to love him, to see him as he was.
It was wrong he knew, but the way you invaded his dreams. The way you were. He wanted it all, no matter the cost.
Miles could not longer hold back his want, he wanted everyone to see you were his. That he had staked his claim on you. He longer was patient with his soldiers, making comments on your person. He couldn’t hold back his distaste for the General’s power over your relationship. It infuriated him. Why couldn’t these people see you were his.
It made Miles’ pants tight, the thought of having to take you in order to make his cohorts understand. He was tired of beating people to near death for them to release you from their mind. Maybe that would be the only solution. To make it obvious you were only his to take and see. The thought made him squirm in his seat.
The only obstacle between making him yours, would be making it known to you, his attraction, his desire.
Miles felt as though you’d already known, how couldn’t you. His desires to pin you against your floor and take you, over and over again seemed almost like a verbal want, rather than a subconscious one. Like you could read his mind when he pictured you beneath him, you’d bat your eyeslashes, spread your legs wider and give Miles a look he almost couldn’t resist.
When you’d set your half lidded gaze on him, lick your lips and say his name. It set all his nerves on fire. He knew you knew, when he’d lose his breath and clench his fists. Sometimes it made his skin prickle when he’d buck up into his hand at night and felt as if at that very moment you knew what he was doing. Miles wondered if you could hear him moan your name into the nights even from where you were.
You must’ve known, you had to. Why else would you be so close to him, why else could be sense the arousal in your pheromones after he’d spent the night whispering your name to himself as he succumbed to his nth release.
Even as he sat in front of you now, you had to know what he was thinking. Why else were you shifting in your seat, as your slick pooled in your bottoms. Why else would you be closer to him than ever today as you demonstrated drawing a bow to him. You wouldn’t be sliding your hand over his muscles as you fixed his stance and hold if you didn’t know.
And yes you knew, you knew nearly every thought Miles had, and like him it drove you nearly over the edge. It made you ache when Miles was around, especially when you had to smell his release and desire on him for hours. Unable to act upon anything without Eywa present, you nearly pounced on Miles as soon as you two entered the forest.
You knew now you could have Miles, and let Miles have you. As Eywa willed it.
Chap 7. Lovers Rock
taglist - @gremlinfuck @katkat1918 @aokimisa23 @kassada @perseny @gar6agef1r3 @sublimedeersong
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braxien12 · 2 years
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~ Izana Kurokawa x Reader
~ A/N: was my first time writing for Izana. I wrote it as a present for a friend who loves Izana so I was like why not give it a shot.
♠️ ♠️
The streets were littered with layers of ankle high snow and obnoxious couples. Every block, every restaurant, every shop was packed with them as Izana walked back home from the Tenjiku hideout.
It made him feel bitter and so, so lonely. Because while he was here, his baby was miles away, working instead of spending the holiday with him.
He was okay for the first week. Work kept him busy. But it was one night when he got home from a long day of handling some bad deals, he sat down on their shared bed that her absence really hit him.
He realized how much her presence calmed his erratic moods,and how her soft snores would be the gentle lullaby that lulled him to sleep. Her warmth was gone from her side of the bed.
And now it's Christmas and he's sleep deprived, bitter and lonely, unlike these couples he's seeing on the streets.
His fingers are itching for his gun and itching to pull the trigger and emptying the barrel on the next couple he sees holding hands.
He wanted to go home, but was it really home if she wasn't there. 
When he got home he instantly knew something was wrong. He's absolutely sure he turned all the lights off before he left two days ago, and he didn't hire anyone to come over while he was away to feed the fish. They had an automatic feeder.
He readied his pistol, switching it off of safety. 
He kicked open the front door and drew his pistol, then stopped at the amazing and unbelievable sight.
The living room, which had been dark and boring, was lit with clear string lights, casting a warm golden glow in the living room. Underneath the string of lights was a small dinner table draped with a red tablecloth draped over it. On it, a green Christmas tree, wrapped with lights, blue ball ornaments, and beautiful red origami cranes with a red and black sensu as the tree topper. A KFC dinner was plated and still hot on the table as well.
There was humming coming from the kitchen.
And then she came out, carrying a big kurisumasu keki with two spoons sitting innocently on the plate.
"Oh, you're home, 'zana." 
She barely had time to center her hold on the cake before he rushed her into the tightest hug he could muster. He even lifted her a bit off the ground as he nuzzled his head into the crock of her neck, wanting to be surrounded by her scent and her warmth. Her resulting laugh was the best music he's heard all month.
"I missed you too, 'zana. Merri Kurisumasu."
And there was the smile he's been missing and yearning after for a long, excruciating month.
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lovebillyhargrove · 2 years
Part 3 of Billy knows his limit Part 2
Steve knows he can be a coward. He's fought monsters and gone through hell and back but he can still be a fucking coward.
Just like that time, at the Byers' when he first saw the lights flickering and unbelievable shit happening right in front of his eyes, he ran. He was terrified. The instinct told him to get out of there, and he did.
Steve knows he can lose if he's fighting fear. It's possible.
That's the reason why Steve ignored Hargrove on the following Monday after jerking each other off in Tommy's bathroom. Steve had wanted to touch this popular Californian asshole for months, get his hands burnt a little on the hot unfamiliar sun, and it happened so that the stars aligned - he crossed Billy's path, took Billy's hand.
And Hargrove followed.
Did Steve want to do it again?
God, yes. More. More.
Did Steve approach Hargrove in broad daylight in front of the whole school knowing what they did?
He didn't. He panicked and he didn't and maybe he shouldn't have led Billy to that bathroom in the first place.
Steve laced up his Nikes and ran.
Steve'd wanted to touch Hargrove for so long, but after he did, the level of magnitude with which his usual beliefs and ideas were shaken, terrified him. Left him running for his life.
But only. The secret that they shared. It was scorching him. Wasn't letting him be.
Steve did come back to the Byers' that night though. Couldn't leave Nancy and that weirdo in trouble.
This Sunday Steve wakes up and goes to the garage. His parents are in their apartment in Indianapolis. As most of the time. He slides the door up, and there it is - the gift his father bought to himself for his 45th birthday
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the red 1983 BMW r65. His dad spent a fortune on it. And it is,
A beauty. Steve's sliding his palm over the cool fuel tank and the soft leather seat.
His father would have a fit if he knew Steve's even looking at it.
"No, son, you cannot ride it. You don't have a proper driving license for that. You are absolutely not allowed to ride it and you cannot touch it."
Little did he know, but Steve could, in fact, ride a motorbike.
Indianapolis was only 70 miles away from Hawkins. In summer of 1984 Steve went to Indianapolis to take motorcycle classes. Hawkins was too small to find those. He dropped it the moment he understood he could ride a motorbike without being a major road safety hazard, and since then he couldn't help but take the BMW out for a ride a couple of times. Or more than a couple. Dad didn't have to know.
His father practically never rode the bike himself. He was seldom in Hawkins, didn't have the time. The bike was like a valuable possession, treasured and abandoned in the garage. Stood there all alone.
Was kinda unfair, in Steve's opinion. So he kept it company.
It's the last week of school. Tomorrow is Monday, their last basketball practice.
Steve's gonna skip it.
No more hiding.
After dodging practice Steve got into his beamer and drove home. Took a 5-minute shower, changed his clothes, put on a light jacket, went downstairs and slid the garage door open. The BMW was already waiting for him. He took care of it yesterday, checked if everything was okay. The black helmet was right there on the shelf. He didn't have the second one, but who knew if he would actually need it. His plan could go sideways and end up in a crash.
Steve slowly pushes the bike outside and closes the garage door. His palms are sweaty and his heart is racing. Fuck, it's worse than any of his prior little adventures. It feels too big, and it certainly doesn't feel like an adventure. Steve's as serious as a heart attack. He's gonna have one, soon, if his heart doesn't slow down. His breath catches in his throat, and he hasn't even got to the school/best part of it yet.
He gets on the bike and turns the ignition key. The engine comes alive, and its rumble sends a thrill down Steve's spine.
Nah. Hargrove won't be able to resist this baby. He doesn't stand a chance.
When Steve gets back to the school parking lot, the first thing he notices is that the camaro is still there. People are starting to spill out of school. It's the last week of studies, and there's an undertone of excitement to everything that's happening.
He parks the bike not far from Billy's car, gets off, takes off the helmet and leans on the bike, waiting.
Steve's heartbeat becomes too loud when he sees Hargrove go out of the school building. He's afraid his legs are gonna give in and he's gonna fall down together with his fancy BMW and make a sight out of himself. What the fuck is happening, has he never been after a girl before? He has, but this shit's a million times more intense.
The heart beats and beats and beats and then stops when he feels Hargrove's eyes land on him.
He's read it in books and seen it in the movies. When two people are surrounded by a crowd, but they say "the world stops turning" and the two people only see each other, only have eyes for each other. The world didn't stop, but it definitely became slower and the time seemed to turn into some kind of a viscous syrup that takes forever to pour out from a narrow-neck bottle.
Steve's heart is pounding in his head again and Hargrove's looking as if not sure what to do, as if he's still figuring out if this message is meant for him. It's obvious he wants it to be for him.
It's a cliché, but they are standing there like they are alone in the parking lot. In the universe.
It's a cliché, but now Steve knows that the cliché is real and so true.
Steve smiles.
"Hey Hargrove!"
Billy snaps out of it, comes up to him, slowly
"Nice ride, Harrington."
There's no bite to it. Steve feels the envy though. Billy's just a boy who likes cars and bikes and anything fast. Except, maybe .. kissing? Steve wants to find out so bad.
"Yeah, not bad, huh? That's not mine though. My dad's. But I thought, why not, you know .. take it out for a spin?"
Billy's checking out the BMW. He's gonna say yes, he can't resist, it's too much of a temptation.
"You should. Do you know how?"
"Yep, I do. Took classes and shit. You like it? I can give you a ride, if you.. want."
Billy's eyebrows rise just a millimetre
"Oh yeah? I have my own wheels, Harrington."
"I know, but I figured .. we could.. Max has her AV club till 4, right?"
"You know the brats' schedule better than me."
"I could drive you around, go to the quarry. Or to .. a lake."
Billy snorts
"A lake, Steve?"
"Yeah. Lovers' lake. Ever been?"
"Maybe. And I'm gonna, what? .. Sit behind you like I'm your bitch?"
Steve's blushing.
"More like my.. partner in crime? My dad will kill me for taking his bike. But.. bitch is also, uh. An option."
"Wow wow wow, Harrington. In front of the whole school, no less. Everyone's looking, King Steve."
Everyone is looking.
"I uh.. I don't give a fuck. Let them look. Okay it's not like I'm gonna be running around telling everyone I've held your dick.. and not because I'm ashamed or anything. It's because.. that's only between me and you. But I'm also not gonna act like a stranger around you. And .. I was stupid for acting like that, Billy. I know you're angry."
Steve takes a deep breath. Billy's silent. He can feel the I'm sorry written all over it.
"You want the truth? I'm still afraid of you, Hargrove. Scared shitless, if I'm honest. But I'm done hiding. So .. if you're still uh .. interested.."
Steve falls silent too. They are looking into each other's eyes and Steve can swear he feels the time stop. Just like they say it does. It's Billy who breaks the gaze, eyes cast down for a second, smiling quietly more to himself than to Steve, standing there in the Hawkins High parking lot, so unspeakably beautiful under the warm late spring sun rays.
"So.. Lovers' Lake, pretty boy?"
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viilpstick · 7 months
I'm not gonna send fics to u for a hot minute not only bc I don't have anything fully written other than these last two that I make but also bc I'm scared of being a bother sksjksjs
ONCE AGAIN DON'T APOLOGIZE FOR NOT READING/ANSWERING RIGHT AWAY I know how school can be so hard and take so much of your time! In fact, I expect you to take ur time answering, since I assume you're busy. So don't worry!
It's been weeks, Daisy noticed, that Ruggie Bucchi, the greediest person she knew, had started sharing his food with her. Granted, he wasn't sharing his actual meal, but everytime he somehow could get his hands on a dessert, especially if they were pumpkin flavored, he would always give them to her.
Sometimes Daisy thought he went out of his way to get his hands on said desserts just for her, but that was an obscure theory that Daisy was ashamed of even pondering. 
That all happened after the incident with Azul and his contract with Daisy, and the sharing of desserts was only the beginning. She also noticed how he started being… more gentle with her. If he happened to be around, he’d hold the door open for her; if her hair happened to be a mess, he would quickly fix it for her; if he passed by her in the hallways of the school, he would quickly pet her head and continue walking as if nothing had happened. The Ruggie Bucchi, known for being greedy, selfish and for never doing anything for anyone unless he got something in return, was suddenly doing all of this for Daisy… but with what intent?
Initially, Daisy assumed he wanted to somehow make her in debt with him, but he never showed any signs of asking for something in return, nor did he ever voice wanting something from her. Then, she thought maybe she had him in debt with her, but she remembered him saying that his debt for her helping him recover after Leona's overblot had already been paid for him helping her stay in Savanaclaw. Soon she came to the conclusion that maybe she was just thinking too much about all of this. So Ruggie was being nicer to her, what about it?
Except… she couldn't deny her big crush on the hyena beastman. She couldn't deny how endearing she thought he was by always commenting on his beloved grandma, how amazed she was at his hard work and determination and how much his support in the few days she stayed at Savanaclaw meant to her. She couldn't deny any of it.
And she guessed… she thought he was quite handsome as well…
The thing is, Daisy couldn't stop thinking about each and everyone of Ruggie’s small acts of kindness and care, not when every movement of his made her heart skip a beat and her face blush to an unbelievable extent. She kept wondering why he was suddenly like this, so thoughtful and caring around her… yet her brain kept telling her it was probably nothing much, that she was overthinking… he was probably just showing he saw her as a friend. Which she liked to believe she was but… the idea of being seen as only a friend by him was no longer appealing. She hated being so selfish but she wanted to be way more than a friend.
“I’m certain Ruggie’s got a crush on the prefect.” Ace had said once, making Daisy blush as she looked at him with her eyebrows furrowed.
“W-what makes you think that?”
“Daisy, have you ever seen Ruggie be this considerate to literally anyone else? As a guy who's been in a relationship I can tell a crush from a mile away.”
“You have one relationship experience and you ended up ghosting the poor girl, I don't think you have the right to speak.” Deuce retaliated and so a banter started between the two, as Grim laughed at them as he rested on Daisy’s lap.
That one comment made Daisy’s head hurt even more. Did… did Ruggie like her back? If… if so, was this his way of showing it to her? Most importantly, why hasn't he asked her out yet if that was the case? 
The blonde was tired, to say the least, so she made up her mind: she would corner Ruggie and ask him straight up what was up with all these confusing signals and if he liked her in return. Yes! She was gonna do it!
…Except it was easier said than done.
“You ain't gonna eat that?” Ruggie said, finishing his sandwich. Him and Daisy ended up finding each other at the botanical gardens, Ruggie seemed to have just given Leona his lunch and was about to have his, and Daisy wanted to eat somewhere less crowded for once. She wanted time to think. “I'm always hungry so I can finish that for ya.”
“No, it's- I'll eat it.” Daisy said, continuing to eat the croissant she was able to buy in the cafeteria earlier that day. It felt like home. 
“If you insist. Also, that reminds me.” Ruggie takes out two lollipops from his pockets and hands one to Daisy. She observes it as she finishes chewing on the last bite of her croissant. It was pumpkin flavored. “I found these lollipops at a very cheap price at Sam’s store. I never saw one pumpkin flavored before.” Then, Ruggie unwrapped his own, putting it into his mouth and letting a happy hum escape. Daisy smiled at him as she tried unwrapping her lollipop.
“Thanks, Ruggie. You didn't have to...” she said, her cheeks pink, this was exactly what she was talking about, why would he spend money on a lollipop for her? Sure, it might not be expensive but every bit of money counted for Ruggie… she sighed quietly as she tried but failed to unwrap her lollipop.
“Here.” Ruggie got the lollipop from her hands, unwrapping it and putting the wrap in his pocket until he could throw it away. He put it in front of her mouth and Daisy felt her face warm up as he basically fed her the lollipop. She hated how he didn't even look affected by that.
“Thank you…” she held onto her lollipop for dear life, her face red as she stared at the ground.
“‘tis nothing.” Ruggie chuckled, breaking his lollipop with his teeth with extreme ease. “Simple stuff.”
“But you’ve been doing a lot of simple stuff to me lately…” she tried hinting at what she wanted to say… maybe he would recognize she wanted an explanation so she wouldn't have to deal with having to ask awkward questions. 
Ruggie seemed to smile sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. “It's really not that big a deal. I do this kinda stuff for the neighborhood kids back home all the time.”
“Oh.” Daisy felt slightly hurt, did that mean he saw her as nothing more than a friend? Perhaps even a sibling because of how he viewed those kids? “So… Do you just… think of me as those kids? Like, a sister?”
“What? Ew, no.” That thought seemed to disgust him, shown by his sour expression. “I just mean that I'm used to doing this sort of thing.”
“Oh.” she let a small smile escape, relieved at hearing that. She seemed to stop for a moment, wanting to ponder and wonder if asking her question really was worth it… but she knew if she didn't she would go crazy. “Do you… see me as something else then?”
Ruggie looked at her and she saw — or maybe that was her wishful thinking — the faint blush on his cheeks. His ears twitched as he tilted his head.
“What do you mean?”
“Ruggie, do you- uhm…” Daisy breathed in and out, trying to have courage for what she was about to ask. “Do you… like me, or something? I mean… as in, do you have… feelings for me?”
Ruggie went quiet for a moment, as he held onto his lollipop stick and looked ahead, a small wrinkle on his nose and a blush on his cheeks. Did she upset him…? Did… did he feel offended by the idea? Maybe even disgusted at the thought of-
Daisy looked at him in shock, her eyes widening as her mouth was open, her lollipop in her hand and the other one gripping the bench they were both sitting on. Did he just- did he admit to having a crush on her? Just like that? That easily?
“Why’d you think I was doing all this, dummy?” Ruggie frowned at her, finger flicking her forehead and she held the place he touched, still very much in awe and confused.
“Then why didn't you tell me anything?”
“I don't know… that's not really in my nature, I guess…” Ruggie scratched his head, embarrassed. “You might not know this because you're a human… but male hyenas usually just… do stuff to get the female’s approval… I was just waiting for you to catch onto the clues.”
“I– R-Ruggie I'm not a beastman, I don't understand this sort of stuff!” She complained, her face unbelievably red as Ruggie chuckled, his own cheeks the same color. 
“I know but come on! I thought I was being pretty obvious even for a human!” Daisy puffed out her cheeks, mumbling something under her breath as she tasted her lollipop once again. Ruggie let out his signature laugh and tilted his head, looking fondly at the girl sitting next to him. “Aw, come on, don't be like that, silly.”
“Well… then take me on a date.” 
“I'm tired of beating around the bush.” Daisy explained, she looked at the ground in embarrassment, but she knew if she wanted whatever relationship they could have to work, she needed to continue. “So… take me on a date. Since I like you and… and you seem to like me.”
“You… like me?” Ruggie seemed almost surprised at the thought, his ears twitching and his cheeks pink as he forced an awkward smile. “You mean it?”
“I-I’ve liked you for a while now, that's why I asked what you thought of me… seeing you being so nice to me without an apparent reason was making me very confused.” The blonde tried looking at him, a slight frown on her face as she pouted.
Adorable, was what Ruggie thought.
“Well… I can't take you anywhere fancy.” The hyena beastman said, almost fearful that she would reject him for such a thing, but she simply shook her head and smiled warmly.
“I don't mind. As long as you're there, that's all I need.”
Ruggie’s blue eyes stared at Daisy’s brown ones for a moment, before he burst into laughter, making the girl blush in embarrassment as she frowned at him, saying: “don't laugh!”
“You're too sappy Daisy!”
“If you don't like it then–”
“I do. I like it very much.” He stopped laughing, drying a few years that were starting to show, and Daisy looked at the side, biting her lips. “Alright, I’ll take you on a date.” he got a few strands of her hair, bringing it close to his face as he smiled at her. “If you wish.”
Daisy smiled back, her face red but she didn't mind it anymore. “I’ll be delighted.” 
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ga-yuu · 2 years
[Bite On The Finger As A Sign Of Friendship] - Gilbert Normal Story
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With the determination that I have gathered and made, I knock on Prince Gilbert's room where he's staying as a guest.
The owner of the room instantly opened the door.
Gilbert: "....Little bunny, didn't think you'd come to see me in the middle of the night?"
Gilbert: "Are you perhaps secretly a night crawler?"
Emma: "Wrong!"
(....He smells like roses. Maybe he just had a bath.)
His black-glossy hair is slightly damp and his skin peeking through his shirt makes him look....hot.
The view looked so good that I cannot look away.
(I know I shouldn't have come here in the middle of the night)
(But I can't turn back now, because...I won't be able to sleep if I don't do this)
Emma: "May I have a little bit of your time?"
Gilbert: "Why little? You can stay here as much as you want."
Prince Gilbert shakes his head and opens the door wide enough for me.
I instead, pulled the rolling tray I brought along with me.
Emma: "This is for you."
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Gilbert: "........"
On top row of the tray, was a plate filled with cookies that I prepared.
I made more than 100 cookies without thinking.
Prince Gilbert froze for a moment.
Emma: "....Do you not like sweets?"
(I thought you liked to eat because you had an unbelievable amount of food at breakfast...)
Maybe I was wrong and he was only eating them because he didn't want anything to go to waste.
Gilbert: "What's that for?"
Emma: "....Thank you."
Gilbert: "Hmm...?"
Emma: "Looks like I've gone the extra mile, I'm taking it back!"
As I tried to go back with the rolling tray, a cane blocked my path.
Gilbert: "Bold of you to take back the gift you brought for me."
Emma: "....So, you will take it?"
Gilbert: "Of course. I was hungry anyway."
With hesitation, Prince Gilbert picks up a cookie and puts it in his mouth.
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The expression on his face seemed bright and innocent and didn't give the vibe of a Trampling Beast.
(...You look so happy)
(I was hesitant at first, but I'm glad that I came)
Emma: "Thank you very much for protecting me today."
Emma: "....Then..."
Gilbert: "Little bunny, you like tea, don't you?"
Emma: "...Umm.."
Gilbert: "You do right?"
Emma: ".....................Yes."
Gilbert: "Come inside and wait."
Emma: "No, I don't mean to interrupt your privacy..."
Gilbert: "You will come inside and wait....right?"
Emma: "................................Yes."
Prince Gilbert pulls both me and the tray inside his room.
Meanwhile, the owner of the room leaves humming happily.
(W-What should I do now?)
I stand in the corner of the room like a statue and it felt like there is no sign of him coming back anytime soon.
I looked around the room and noticed a certain black book on the table.
Gilbert: "Ah...Aren't you into this book lately?"
(....Even Prince Gilbert is reading it)
I stood in front of the table and looked at the black book whose title was printed in golden letters.
It was a book that was also in my bookstore, which my employer bought from traveling around the world.
I don't know where it was published, but it seems to be the work of an up-and-coming author.
The story is characterized by a realistic atmosphere in which the games played on the Court are elaborate.
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(I don't think I want to read it again and again because of the realistic depiction of the darkness in people's hearts)
(It's cool to have a heroine who maintains her noble convictions no matter what kind of scheming she's subjected to)
The strength to face the mightly evil with a pure and innocent heart.
It is very different from me who cowers in front of Prince Gilbert. (At least you're doing your best!)
(....Oh, if you look closely, this is a sequel!)
???: "You can keep it if you want."
Emma: "!?"
A cold breath touches my ear and I jump.
I turned around reflexively and saw a fresh smile.
Gilbert: "You always wanted to read it, right?"
(I'm less and less surprised that Prince Gilbert can read my mind)
Emma: "Can I?"
Gilbert: "Of course. It's a popular book in my home country."
Emma: "Oh...Wait, it's from Obsidian!?"
Gilbert: "Mm. You didn't know?"
Emma: "Yes....I didn't think there would be an Obsidian book in Rhodolite."
Gilbert: "Rhodolite forbids imports from Obsidian."
Gilbert: "But books aren't a restricted item. They're just hard to get, so it's not illegal for them to be out here."
(....That's good)
Cowering my shoulders, Prince Gilbert begins to arrange the tea set on the table.
(I was so preoccupied with books, but----)
Emma: "Do you usually have tea at this time?"
Gilbert: "Yes, you can't have sweets with a nice tea, right?"(Even in his game everyone wants to have tea in the middle of the night!)
(Oh shit, I didn't think that far ahead)
Emma: "Sorry! Let me make it for you!"
Gilbert: "Don't worry. I'm not going to poison you or anything."
Emma: "That's not why I offered to help!"
He sets two teacups for both me and him.
(Having a prince of such a great nation to prepare tea for you is a little....!)
Emma: "If I can't help you, let's at least call a maid."
Gilbert: "Oh, I don't like it when other people take care of me."
Gilbert: "So much so that I didn't bring any servants from Obsidian."
(...That's really unusual for a member of a royal family)
Prince Gilbert proceeded to make the tea, ignoring me who is flustered.
Without any help, I found myself with a cup of sweet-smelling tea.
(When this happens, I have no choice but to do what I can to help)
To make amends at least, I arranged the cookies on the plate.
And before I knew it, our tea party began.
Prince Gilbert sat on the sofa and gestured towards me to come sit next to him.
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Gilbert: "Come here."
Emma: ".....Thank you."
Sitting as far away as possible, Prince Gilbert sips his tea.
I also took a sip to relieve my nerves and was surprised.
Emma: "This is so good...."
Gilbert: "I'm drinking this too, so why would I serve something that tastes bad?"
(Prince Gilbert is so multi-talented)
Gilbert: "....So."
Emma: "Hm...?"
Gilbert: "What's with the sudden change of heart? Earlier this day, you looked at me with contempt when we parted."
I didn't despise him, but I was wary of him.
I was terrified by the way he did not see people as humans and I closed the door to my heart tightly.
Emma: ".....I just didn't want to be someone who can't even say 'thank you."
Emma: "Even if the people you're dealing with is a prince of an enemy country, even if he doesn't see people as humans....."
Emma: "That's not a good reason to be disrespectful."
Gilbert: "But beasts have no manner according to you, right?"
Emma: "........Well."
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(I think it is true that this one is a beast)
(But even so.....he's still a human)
I try very hard to tell him the obvious.
(...If I continue treating him as a beast....I will always remain afraid of Prince Gilbert)
(I'm going to hate myself if that keeps happening)
It's no wonder I can't maintain a minimum level of respect to a prince of an enemy country.
In a sense, it is synonymous with the unreasonableness that 'those with status have the right to do as they please with those below them."
(I won't throw caution to the wind, but that doesn't mean I want to be afraid of everything)
(Because as long as I don't treat him as a 'human', even Prince Gilbert would not treat me as a 'human')
Emma: "This thank you is just for self-satisfaction. I feel good after I told you this."
Emma: "Now I think I can sleep well."
I keep all my thoughts to myself and take another sip of tea.
Perhaps it is a sign of a stronger hunger that I taste more than I did earlier.
Gilbert: "I feel good too. It doesn't hurt to hear you thank me."
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Gilbert: "Enough so that I would be willing to protect you while you are in this castle."
Emma: "....I'm sorry, I don't know if I'm happy to hear that or not."
Gilbert: "Fufu...."
Prince Gilbert places his teacup on the table and closes the distance between him and me.
A cool hand rested on my cheek and my heart jumped.
Gilbert: "Are you a little less afraid of me now?"
Emma: "Mm..."
Gilbert: "Even with all this, I still want to get to know you more."
The glimpse I caught of his face was so sincere that I was momentarily speechless.
I was so stunned that Prince Gilbert lets go of my cheek and picked my hand----
Emma: "Ouch..."
He bit my fingertips and I frowned as hard as I could.
Emma: "Prince Gilbert!"
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Gilbert: "I'm happy so I returned the favor."
Emma: "...Why did you bite me?"
Gilbert: "It's my way of showing affection."
(I'm not happy at all...!)
When I pull my hand back in alarm, Prince Gilbert's shoulders shake in a funny way.
(...How strange. It was scarier last time...)
Gilbert: "By the way....my prediction came true didn't it?"
Emma: "Prediction....?"
Emma: "....Ah."
Gilbert: "By the end of the day, you'll thank me."
Gibert: "You'll say, 'Thank you for protecting me, Prince Gilbert."
(Wait..that means...)
Emma: "...Does that mean you saw this all coming?"
Emma: "Even to the point of me coming to your room?"
I wanted to deny it, but Prince Gilbert shakes his head.
Gilbert: "You're a kind woman. I knew you would come to me with a guilty conscience."
Gilbert: "Yeah, but I didn't expect you to bring me cookies and all though...."
Emma: "......."
(He read all my movements and I was rolling on his palm)
(....Prince Chevalier has excellent foresight, but Prince Gilbert's foresight is no joke. He's equally brilliant....)
Gilbert: "Think about it, little bunny."
Gilbert: "If I've seen it all coming...."
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Gilbert: "You must know I'm the one who put you in this situation, right?"
We faced each other.
I tried to conceal my fear.
I made up my mind to do so, but still, a sweat broke out on my cheeks.
Emma: "You said you want to be friends with me..."
Gilbert: "Yes. I want to be friends with you. That's why..."
Gilbert: "I won't let you out of my room tonight."
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ellabellabugz · 2 years
Day 5 of DP/Dc Week 22
Danny’s day was going pretty normal for being a halfa. An unaging halfa to be exact. He wasn’t sure when he lost track of time, but being stuck looking like a 14-year-old made him rerun school enough times. Always slipping in and out of different cities.
This year Danny chose Gotham. The city had enough ectoplasm reeking from it to help keep Danny nourished.
That and Clockwork had told him there was something ghostly happening within the city. Leaving it very vague on what was happening. Danny wanted to find out what. So two birds with one stone, school and figuring out what ghost was deciding to terrorize the gothic city.
Danny couldn’t help but stare at the buildings as he walked down the street. Sam would love it here. If you ignored all the smog and muggings happening around every corner, Gotham was rather beautiful.
Danny turned the corner, entering a darker ally. It surprised him how dark the city could become. At the moments he thought it was at its darkest, it decided to go HA your wrong and turn even darker.
Sometimes it felt suffocating like the darkness was closing in on him. Trying to drown Danny is the deaths happening throughout the city. It was hard to push it away. Hard not to let himself drown in the hatred and sorrow within the city.
But Danny managed.
His eyes slowly looked upwards as his walk came to a halt. The man in front of him grinned down at the boy, teeth yellow with beer stains. Danny could smell the man’s breath from a mile away, and even closer Danny swore he would shove a breath mint down the man's throat the second he could.
“Well, What do we have here.” The man drawled, knife gripped menacingly in his hand.
“Looks like a boy.” A woman's voice came from behind him, Danny glanced in her direction, catching a mop of black hair within his sight, before inwardly groaning. “A lost little boy.” The two of them laughed before moving closer.
“Don’t worry, we won’t bite.” The woman said, her hand snaking onto Danny’s shoulders. He fought off a shudder at how slimy her hand felt against his skin.
“Much.” The man laughed as the woman gripped Danny tightly as if trying to hold him in place. He didn’t bother fighting. The closer he got them the easier it would be to take them out. The man moved closer and Danny fought off a gag. Seriously did these people ever shower?
The knife pressed against Danny’s throat as the man moved closer. “Come on boy.”
“I don’t know what you want,” Danny said, fighting off the urge to tell the man to brush his teeth.
The woman laughed leaning down to whisper into Danny’s ear, her hot breath on his neck. “There are two things. Your money.”
“And-” The man was cut off as a shadow slammed onto him. Danny’s eyes widen as the familiar fog rose out of his mouth, eyes widening at the sudden attack.
Danny froze as something cold wrapped around him and he was yanked forward at an alarming speed.
Now Danny knew how to move fast, he could fly at unbelievable speeds but this was something new. He couldn’t focus on the world as the building flew by. The thing wrapped around his waist, he realized was an arm. It was hard and firm, holding Danny securely against whatever was kidnapping him.
Danny blinked and he was on the floor. The sounds of bats and water dripping filled the air. His eyes widened as he stared at the ghost. That had to be the ghost.
Why the heck did Batman have to be a ghost?
He just got kidnapped by Batman.
Batman who died. Danny watched when his death was reported
A groan pulled Danny’s attention away from the ghost to a man sitting at the computer.
That was the bat computer.
“B. you can’t just keep bringing kids in here.” Danny blinked at the voice, staring at Nightwing as he stood up. “This is what, the fourth one this week and it’s only Tuesday.”
Batman wasn’t phased by the chastizing but instead floated closer to Danny who just stared before the dead vigilante disappeared.
Nightwing was at Danny’s side, pulling him up to his feet. Danny scanned the cave, seeing it was mostly empty. “Come on, let’s get you upstairs.” Danny blinked as Nightwing pulled Danny towards a set of stairs.
“What?” Nightwing seemed startled at Danny’s question, turning his attention to the boy.
“Huh, all of the kids B takes can’t form words within the first hour they’re here. The shock of being kidnapped by Batman.”
Danny shrugged. “Nothing new about getting kidnapped, nothing new about ghosts.” Danny then fell silent as they entered into a study, his eyes landing on three kids in the room all chatting away.
All have very familiar looks.
Black hair
Blue eyes
Danny wanted to scream. Was Batman just a Vlad 2.0? Kidnapping kids with a certain look and never letting them leave.
Of course, this is what Clockwork was talking about. But Danny couldn’t just force Batman back into the ghost zone.
It’s Batman!
No, he had to be careful about this.
His eyes grew even bigger as they past other rooms, each having a few kids in them, all with the same hair color and eye color.
Nightwing seemed to wait patiently as Danny stared at the kids. Danny turned back towards Nightwing opening his mouth to speak. “How long has this been going on?” Danny asked as they entered a less populated area of the mansion.
“About two years, the kids come and go,” Nightwing answered, turning to face Danny with a quizzical look on his face. “What do you mean your familiar with ghosts?”
Danny shrugged before a smirk overtook his face. “I am one.”
“Yeah, sure.” Nightwing sighed. “Kid, sorry about B dragging you here, you can grab some food and leave if you want.”
Danny blinked. “Uh no.” Danny turned away from Nightwing, his eyes settling on a corner of the room.
Batman appeared in that corner. “Hey Batsy.” Danny called out, watching Nightwing startle slightly. “How about you stop kidnapping kids and open up a different safe haven for them? That way they don’t have a panic attack when the kid whizzed across the city within a few seconds. Or maybe you turn your obsession of yours into taking care of the kids you already have. Instead of… collecting them.”
Batman blinked down at Danny as if he didn’t understand him. Danny blinked back before groaning. Nightwing let out a startled yelp as Danny floated up toward the ghost.
Danny faced Batman and repeated his words in the ghost language. Watching as realization dawned on Batman.
After a second Batman looked around as if he didn’t know where he was. Danny watched this in confusion before another groan escaped him.
You do know you're dead right?”
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jungle-angel · 2 years
Smut promts:
31. Phone sex
With Bob pls bc yk long distance relationship with the hottest wso ever is a thing.
OOooooooohh big challenge!!! Say no more babes, you got it (lol)
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Two days......two more fucking days on board this infernal rustbucket and Bob could go home.
Thank God the call bans had been lifted. He honestly didn't know what he would do if he couldn't hear your voice another day. As soon as he climbed right up into the top bunk, he whipped out his phone and hit the call button under your name.
"(Y/n)? Baby?"
"Bobby!!! Oh my God!!!" you practically screamed from the other end. "Baby I missed you!"
Bob wanted to cry. He had missed you to the point where it was physically painful. "I'm so ready to be home," he told you. "God, I think about all the shit I wanna do with you when I get back."
"All of it?" you asked him.
"Every bit of it."
"Well," you mused. "Maybe in the meantime there's something we could try."
Bob's eyes widened a little bit behind his glasses. If you had just asked what he thought you were asking.......
"I didn't wanna ask, but since nobody's around," he said under his breath. "What are you wearing right now?"
"Check your phone and look," you told him.
Bob muted the call for a minute before he went and checked. He opened the message that had appeared on the screen when a seriously risque photo appeared, you in a devil red lace slip and nothing more.
Bob's jaw dropped before going back to the call. "You little shit!" he hissed. "Do you have any idea how fucking blue balled I am right now?"
"Hence why I sent that photo," you chuckled naughtily.
"Oh you're so gonna get it when I get home," Bob cackled.
"What about right now?" you teased.
Bob froze right then and there, a flash of heat zooming right through his face and chest before going straight to his belly. "Now's good," he said, laughing a little.
You kept talking, the filth spilling forth from your lips like a river. Bob was caught somewhere between shamefulness and satisfaction as he pawed himself, his warm hand wrapping around his swollen cock. It was hard enough holding onto both his phone and the red hot wood he held in his hand, sliding up and down as he closed his eyes, his jaw going slack as soft, panting breaths escaped from his mouth.
"........Can't wait to have you back in our bed Bobby," you cooed, trying to keep your own moment from coming too early. "I missed you so much......the way you feel me......the way you kiss me and touch me....."
"Oh.......oh God.....oh," Bob quietly moaned.
His face contorted, his body jerking and trembling just a little as he felt himself spill over into his hand, your voice calming him a little as he was brought down from his high. Bob felt his face flush red from the effort, but still unbelievably happy that at last, he and you could have a moment together.....even if it was a thousand miles away.
"You good Bobby?" you chuckled.
"I'm good," Bob replied. "I.....I'm good, hey listen, I'll be home after tomorrow. Dad's picking me up when we land."
"Alright," you replied. "I'll see you then. I love you."
"I love you too Baby," Bob said, trying to conceal the naughty grin that was crawling across his face.
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nikkiruncks · 5 months
Summary: After Eric finds out about Donna and Kitty's plan, he does not have kind words to say to them. Takes place in 7x23.
Btw, this is connected to a different drabble that I will be writing soon.
Eric takes a deep breath as he waits outside Donna's door. He hates fighting with her and just wants to work things out.
I know it’s far away and for a long time, but I really care about this. And if Donna had a once in a lifetime opportunity like this, I would totally support her.
"You know, Donna. You should be out there trying to keep Eric from going to Africa instead of sitting her on you patootie," He hears his mom say.
Eric gasps, hiding behind the door. "What the fuck…" It was bad enough that Donna wasn't supportive of this, but his own mother? That just stung.
He continues to listen behind the door. "Well I'm doing everything I can. I even lied to him and told him I was on a date with another guy."
Unbelievable. Eric scoffs. So she wants to make him feel bad about finally doing something for himself by lying? Wasn’t this the same woman that got mad at him for limiting her to a housewife a few years ago? But apparently, if it’s his dream, then who cares right?
"Sweetie that's amateur hour," He hears his mother remark. "God gave you a very full chest. I suggest you start using it on my son."
Well you had no promise calling Donna a 'slut' and a 'red-haired' tramp a few years ago. But you'll do anything to get what you want, won't you? Eric scoffs. At least his father was supportive of this. For a hardass, Red Forman can be friendly.
Eric makes sure his mother doesn’t see him when she walks out the door.
Donna gets up, "I cannot believe Eric went out. He's supposed to be at home, agonizing." She pays her thighs.
"Well it’s great to know how you feel just right before I leave…"
Donna gasps and turns around to see Eric walking in. She puts a hand on her mouth in shame. "Eric, we just—"
"Talking about trying to stop me from going Africa, right? Getting upset because I don't feel guilty for myself first for the first time in years? Stop me from doing something I care about because of your own feelings?" Eric raises his voice, crossing his arms in the process.
Jackie gets up, "You know what? Why should I be pouting and waiting around for Steven to come back? He's the one who tried to force me to not talk about our future because he was scared of dealing with it. And didn’t even talk about that to me and made me agree to not talk about it, even though I have to focus on my future. I shouldn't be waiting around for him to want to want to marry me. Fuck it, I'm going to Chicago." She walks out of Donna's house, head high.
"Jackie, wa—" Donna lets out a sigh and shuts her eyes briefly. She doesn't want to talk about this. Just wants Eric to stay with her and they can continue to live in their bliss. Just hanging out and being kids.
"Eric, you're gonna be several miles away. A whole continent. How am I supposed to feel about that?!" Donna exclaims.
"You're supposed to be happy that I'm doing something great in my life! That I'm doing something I care about! Why are you allowed to want more for yourself than to be in Point Place, but when I do it, it's selfish?" Eric shakes his head. He knows now that trying to tie her down was selfish. No one should be tied down if they don’t want to. And he gets why Donna wanted to leave.
Donna exhales, "Y-You're right Eric. I'm sorry. I just…I don't want you to go. I want us to stay in our bubble together. Everything has been going great this past year."
"No it hasn't! That's the problem! We spent most of the time 'hanging out' and not doing anything. But you at least have college and your radio business, which by the way, why are saying you're a feminist and then in the breath, calling yourself 'Hot Donna' is pretty contradictory. Then again, I should blame those radio creeps for—not the point!"
Eric sighs, "I just…maybe we shouldn't do this anymore." It breaks him to say this, but for once, he needs to put himself first.
"A-Are you breaking up with me? Again?" Donna tears up.
Eric shuts his eyes, letting his tears fall. "Yes."
He wipes his tears and turns around. "And mom, don’t bother trying to hide. I know you were eavesdropping. It's your specialty after all."
Kitty stumbles out from behind, "And what's that supposed to mean, young man?"
"It means that you have no respect for other people’s privacy. You did it after Casey broke up with Donna and then had the gall to tell dad about it. And you're doing it right now. You never respect my boundaries. And you just see me as your 'baby boy'. What's it gonna take for you to stop treating me like a baby?!"
Eric shakes his head, "You know, what…I'm starting to get why Laurie doesn't come around here anymore."
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