#why is tumblr so broken
datab4s3 · 1 year
bro i just wanted to look at a post im not downloading candy crush
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meziniart · 20 days
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"You wouldn't let me suffer Sunny's eggs alone, would you?"
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Hello may 31th anon! Look at that, another year behind us and a new one to come. Have a nice day! ₍՞◌′ᵕ‵ू◌₎♡
#may 31th anon#hello friends!! (。’▽’。)♡ how are you!! I missed you so much!#I'm sorry that once again i have not been posting but I did that thing again where I got scared of posting#I do not know why but it is the same with physical paper diarys#I have 3 diarys and they all have 1 entry#I think one just says 'I am ten'#what have you been up to!! did you do something fun? is it summer too where you live? c:#my tumblr messages seem to be broken! I'm sorry if you wrote something :C it just says 'no new messages' despite also saying new messages#not a lot has happened here! I got a tomato plant and then I got very invested into the tomato plant and I have eaten three tomatos so far (#my roses are also doing well!! I just got a new yellow rose and since she got here she only made orange flowers#I do not know the meaning of that#but I am very thankful! ( ˊᵕˋ )♡ I love it when things are orange!!#I've been trying to buy an orange shirt for the past 2 weeks but they always sell out before I get to them#I'm also thinking about buying a jean jacket#I have not worn a jean jacket for at least 15 years because one time in 7th grade  tthe girl behind me said#that I was wearing a cool jean jacket and I just assumed that this was bullying for no actual reason#but maybe she just thought that it was an acutal cool jean jacket#we'll soon have out 10 year school reunion#maybe I should ask her#is anyone else going to a secret Sherlock phase again#I just want to see that silly little hat again#would sherlock holmes wear a jean jacket#have a nice day everyone!!#see you soon hopefully!!#♡^▽^♡
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14dayswithyou · 7 months
I HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN ABOUT REN'S BIRTHDAY!!! I PROMISE!!!!! There's been a lot of rain recently n half of my house is flooded now lol
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pinktrashgoblin · 6 months
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never thought my stupid little AU would get to where it is! but I’m not mad
anyways, if y’all remember when I did art trades a while back, I’m gonna do them again!
how this works is simple: put your tumblr username in the Google form below, and after a week I’ll collect the submitted names and randomly pick five to trade with.
if you’ve already traded with me before, please don’t enter! Also note that I am working on a separate trade at the moment, which will be posted separately from the others, and likely beforehand as well.
Again, thank y’all so much! Y’all are the best, your support means the world to me <3
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trailshome · 6 months
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popsicle-stick · 1 month
that gender post from last night has me thinking i wish other cis people knew how entirely bog standard and common it is to have zero innate sense or connection to gender - i'd go as far as to say that it's how the majority of cis people feel! it's a sense of being given one of two labels and simply having no innate notion to the contrary, but also, having no real innate sense that you ARE that. you're just that thang by default bc everyone calls you that and it's convenient and it's comfortable and the concept of gender is simply not interesting enough to spend time on
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robinfollies · 5 months
you’re really special, you’re so next-level! ❤️‍🔥🌈💫
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burn pygmalion album art redraw featuring pandora and verity 🫶 the entire album is in my panderity playlist so!! twas inevitable, truly :3c
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spvce-oddity · 2 years
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her fathers’ daughter
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crushcircuit · 1 year
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also i drew this while joking around w/ @the-valiant-valkyrie
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blue-thief · 5 months
pls let me back into the friend group. i was barely a part of it the first time and i won't contribute anything if you let me back in. but i wanna know why the breakup between that one couple was so bad that the entire group is falling apart
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magnusbae · 1 month
13 books
What’s up readers?! How about a little show and tell? Answer these 13 questions, tag 13 lucky readers and if you’re feeling extra bookish add a shelfie! Let’s Go!
Tagged by @cuubism Thank you!! 💖 Heads up: if you're tagged, you don't need to read it alllll even if you do want to participate 😌
1) The Last book I read:
I'm pretty sure it was Tress of the Emerald Sea, what a delight!
2) A book I recommend:
.... The Way of Kings... (The Stormlight Archive)
3) A book that I couldn’t put down:
The second book of The Stormlight Archive, Words of Radiance had me by my throat like nothing else. wow. 👏🏻
4) A book I’ve read twice (or more):
Listen. I'll list something other than The Stormlight Archive just because this is getting embarrassing. The books I used to regularly reread were: HP, Eragon and Assassin's Apprentice. (full series rereads, crossing the 10 each) 😌
5) A book on my TBR:
I have a hefty amount of books I bought and never read. Ranging from classics to cheap fantasy-- but alas, my brain is fixated on the other author who doesn't disappoint me and so I just stick to his books XD
Some of the books sitting on my ineffective 'shame you into reading' shelf are: Captive Prince, the rest of the Wolfsong series, the.... shadowhunters books... the new trilogy about Fitz which I have in hardcovers yet never read. And some... others...
6) A book I’ve put down:
One of the reasons I am avoidant of taking on new books at all is because I have a very hard time putting down books I started. I'll suffer through entire series just for the few grains of gratification in the end. Or to... spitefullfy and confidently say it sucked balls.
However... three series managed to break me.
First being GoT, I just didn't manage to get through, not even 10 chapters. A true oddedity for me, but I just couldn't.
Second being The Witcher. I managed to power through like 4-5 books? And then I just couldn't do this to myself anymore. It was so, so, so not my vibe. (even while the pc game is about my most favorite game ever.) 🤷🏻‍♀️
And lastly, although I think I did finish the entire series before deciding that if ever a new book came out, I'll never read it, was the-- god what's the name of it... the First Law Trilogy – The Blade Itself etc from joe abercrombie. What a bleak series! Oh my god!
7) A book on my wish list:
My honest wishlist is just to keep on reading Brando Sando in my slow and enjoying-it phase... Although I admit that there's a large amount of those new spicy fantasy books apparently being released that shorts recommend and older folk rant about, so I naturally do want to check it out to see what's up with that but.... in truth... I just want to keep on enjoying Brando Sando XD
8) A favorite book from childhood:
I genuinely really loved Eragon. Oh and Artemis Fowl was all fun. I also really loved Tunnel in the Sky, like really.
9) A book you would give to a friend:
ngl it'll be an unapologetic The Way of Kings with big and passionate begging session of 'please give it a try' like for real.
In case any one of you is actually interested--- (you don't have to read this part) -inhales deeply-
The Way of Kings is a truly misleading book, that might leave you with the impression that the book is all about wars and kings but that is the furthest from the truth a description and a cover and a name can go.
It has fantasy, it has deep and rich world building, elaborate magic system that is deeply embedded into the story, culture and literal every single stone of the world. There's politics, culture, introspection, deep and varied characters, each reading like the main character of the story, having unique and vibrant personality and motivations.
It is not just a book, it is a work of true and deep love for the genre and writing in general. Beautifully done, enriching and enticing.
And what's most important for people who read too many books?
Hard to predict. It managed to pull the rug from underneath my feet in the most surprising and pleasing ways. Brandon writes in a way that is not 'shock just to shock' nor 'drama just for drama'. Every single scene is true, and forward. You always have everything right in front of you, the key is that you do not know how to put it all together just yet.
That can finally give that refreshing 'I don't know where it's heading but I'm enjoying the experience" I feel I had lost over the years, being able to recognize patterns too easily and predict writing intentions.
God, what a book! It does however have a rough learning curve, being such a massive world, it takes time to ease you in. Say about at least 5 chapters in at the minimum. On a personal note, I recommend the audiobooks read by kate reading and michael kramer, literally the best experience I've ever had, listening to those two bring to life every character and accent and scene, wow!
10) A book of poetry or lyrics that you own:
Come to think of it, I don't actually own any. Ha.
11) A nonfiction book you own:
I don't haha! Looking back, it's a lie, I have a few phycology books gathering dust in various hiding spots.
12) What are you currently reading:
........The Way of Kings....
13) What are you planning on reading next?
.....Words of Radiance.... haha. 😋
Y'all don't need to read all them answers in case you just want to answer it for yourself, or you can skip, too 😊😊😊
@mayhemspreadingguy, @pollyp, @nonbinary-nicolo, @msmongoose, @hardly-an-escape,
@ladymatt, @underacalicosky, @grapenehifics, @your-lordsherlockholmes-posts
@acedragontype, @palfriendpatine66, @heretolurkandnothingmore , @virahaus, @wallsinmyhead
@kittttycakes, @elcaballerodragon, @justsuffilike, @pumpkinkingsalem, @handahbear
I am certain this is 13, I am certain. Cheers 💖💖💖
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brainrot-jikan · 9 months
it's entirely possible childe and diluc have met in canon. childe joined the fatui real early and diluc was wandering around having his revenge arc until maybe a year ago. childe wasn't involved with delusion production afaik but diluc's notoriety among the fatui would have made him an attractive target for childe. if they were in the same area, they both would have gone after each other's throats. given that childe has both a vision and a delusion, AND his fun demon form, and diluc was running around visionless, childe would have either overpowered him… or made it an even fight by promising not to use his vision.
also, diluc's revenge arc lasted around three years, so they could have run into each other more than once and childe would have been eccatic about it each time. diluc would start getting very, very tired of childe's blood knight antics but maybe start to think of him as insane in a predictable, almost safe way.
fast forward four years and childe shows up in mondstadt on official fatui business. diluc sees childe before childe sees him and he knows it's not worth it trying to fight childe, because childe gets off on it and also a monster (metaphorically but also literally). so he decides to avoid being seen himself and spends a lot of time hiding either at the dawn winery or in the back at the bar. (tho he might do some espionage as the darknight hero, but that's a separate thought.)
at some point, diluc screws up. childe spots him, recognizes him on sight, spot his pyro vision, and becomes immediately I N S U F F E R A B L E. this guy who was nearly a match for him while visionless now has an upgrade and childe very very badly wants to test it out.
childe grins and says, "Wow, fancy meeting you here! It's been so long. I was afraid you'd gotten yourself killed from exposure!" and pulls out a weapon.
diluc scowls and says, "I'm not fighting you in the middle of town you fucking maniac."
childe amicably doesn't rush to attack but doesn't also doesn't put down his weapon. "So, you'll fight me outside of town?"
anyway imagining the local fatui and the mond towns folk observing this interaction in broad daylight and then gossip spreading like wildfire (and kaeya, jean, and lisa hearing about it) gives me life
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angelsdean · 17 days
so funny now the bitter samgirls / w* shippers are crying that casgirls must be committing voter fraud too bc cas is suddenly getting so many more votes like. no that's just ppl who probably didn't give a shit abt the poll before now voting cas out of spite / for the lolz to counteract the voter fraud YOU committed. like congrats, you played yourself sjfkdfkdk
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sharky857 · 1 year
"Why yall like Hassian so much?"
The title is a half-quote of a question dropped on Palia Discord, and of course my hands started itching.
Not because the question ticked me off.
It's because that simple question alone set my brain on "I will be brief" mode. And the "will be brief" mode is always, without fail, this one:
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WIthout further ado, here's my widdle essay, copy-pasted from the notepad file as it was intended to be shared on that server at some point (so if there's any weird self-censoring like "strong dislike", you already know why).
This is gonna be very much spoiler-y in a lot of points, so if you haven't reached max friendship + romance and/or don't like spoilers in general, pls skip this ramble.
That being said…
Having reached max friendship and also romance with Hassian, I see his being overall "cold" (or "sour", as someone else in game would define it) as some kind of psychological defense/self-preservation mechanism.
When you reach enough friendship with him, he will openly confess/admit that it's not like he doesn't like humans, but he is wary of them. He admits to be like that towards anything new/unknown, and humans are, in fact new/unknown to him. He even has a random dialogue where he actually thank you for giving him a chance to know humans better through your (friendship) bonding.
According to other dialogues, Hassian is also seen playing cards with Auni at the inn, and quite often too, apparently. This is met with mixed reactions from a few of the other locals: Reth makes jokes about it, saying that he always thought that Hassian would come at the inn only to see how other people could disappoint him (or something on that line), Nai'o is straight up worried that Hassian could be a bad influence or something on his little brother, and Sifuu has a more indirect line about it, saying that Hassian has a liking/soft spot for animals and children (which gives her a glimmer of hope that her sone, one day, might settle down and start a family). This is a first clue that Hassian is actually a gentle soul.
In regard of Reth's aforementioned remark, I have this feeling that this might have something to do with the way Chapaa are generally viewed by the locals. Everyone sees them as cute & cuddly & fluffy animals (you even have Tish straight up cooing about them, in one of the Maji market-related dialogues), despite how Chapaa have come to be in the valley and the consequences. Hassian will tell you that the Chapaa are not a natice species, but have been introduced at some point by Kenli, with the intentions of breeding them as pets. But the Chapaa at some other point escaped into the wild, where their population started to grow uncontrollably; the fact that they lacked (and still lack, apparently) natural predators means that Chapaa are now an invasive species that need some sort of "pest control" system. But apparently Kenli has been refusing to take any action of sort in this sense because "but Chapaa cute :(" reasons, while every other villager seems to have a similar line of thought about those critters, leading Hassian to take matters into his hunter-hands. This would explain why Hassian seems to look at everyone in disappointment when he drops by the inn.
Another clue that Hassian is more than meets the eye lies in a random dialogue of Auni, when you reach enough friendship with either that child and/or Hassian; our mail boy will kind of break confidentiality with you and tell you that Hassian always gets romance novels delivered from the library all the times. He also says that they are "very mushy stuff", which confirms that Hassian may be actually quite a sensitive person. This trait of Hassian is also confirmed by other things/dialogues. For starters, he writes poetry (or at least he has tried to, at some point), and you can even see some of those writing by yourself in his grove, upon finding a book with torn pages (he didn't rip them btw, it was some Chapaa's fault). At the beginning of that side quest, Hassian will try to deny the book is his, despite... ye know... his name is right there. And at the end of the quest he will asks you not to mention that book to anyone, because he has "a reputation to uphold".
You can also get some more clues upon finding an abandoned letter in one of the camps in Bahari (somewhere in the northern half, more precisely). That letter will also reveal that Hassian and Tamala had a short-lived affair (that letter is also the ultimate reason why I "strongly dislike" Tamala's guts with a passion, for the records).
Tamala and Hassian's story could be also the reason why Hassian is now even more prone to not let his feelings on. According to what I could grasp about this ordeal, one day Tamala spotted Hassian "snooping around" her house (he was just minding his own business, hunting and also selling some stuff). It is unclear which one aprroached the other first, all we know is that Tamala bought a Sernuk rug from him, then asked him to enter her boudoir (aka: her bedroom), unofficially to ask for his opinion on where it could've been placed. Officially… completely unrelated things happened. Tamala never says what, exactly, but the way she tells that bit leaves very little to one's (naughty-naughty) imagination. And apparently, Hassian instantly fell head over heel for Tamala, but it looks like Tamala never made her intentions clear from the very beginning; the whole time, Hassian probably thought that her intentions were serious, while Tamala was in only for "some fun". It is also implied that Tamala herself may ahve pretty much treated him like her personal "toy boy", while Hassian kept on misinterpreting all that as her way of courting a suitor back, to the point that he presented her his own pin; if you romanced anyone in this game, you know what a big and important step this is considered. This is apparently when Tamala finally decided to dump Hassian; her random dialogues say that she broke with him when he tried to talk about a marriage, while Hassian's dialogue (at the end of his max romance quest) seems to add some more details to that, saying something like "I thought you would've come back to throw my pin in my face". Now: think about what a pin signifies, keep in mind what big deal these pins are, now imagine someone straight up throwing said pin back to the sender's face while telling them to pretty much F off and never come back. That ought to cause some damage on an emotional level. Even Sifuu herself, at some point, confesses with you that she was worried that you would "pull a Tamala" on Hassian (not to mention: Sifuu is still also all set on wanting to kick Tamala's rear, after all these years), but she is also glad that, with you, she had been wrong.
As cherry on top, Hassian might have unprocessed childhood trauma, which might lead him to constantly keep his feelings in check (and being awkward when trying to disclose them) as well. At some point we get to know that he had two moms: Sifuu and Taylin. Hassian was clearly more attached to Taylin than Sifuu, and even after all this time the loss of "momma" still stings real bad to him. When Sifuu made him proof-read her own autobiography, Hassian simply flipped because of what he sees as complete lies on how "mother" and "momma" first met, considering that altered story as an insult to Taylin's memory (whereas Sifuu was only trying to spice things up for artistic reasons). Some time after that thing with the book, when Sifuu asks for his help to clear Taylin's belongings, Hassian do agree that they both needed to finally move on and and also tried to help his mother, but soon he found out he couldn't bring himself to do it.
The loss of Taylin could mean that Hassian is now subconsciously "afraid" to love someone as much as he loved "momma", probably fearing to suffer that same pain all over again. And the ordeal with Tamala might have left him extra wary of disclosing his feelings as well, which would all bring us to his aloof and seemingly cold demeanour in game.
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disasterhimbo · 7 months
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