#why not!!!
over-dvse · 3 months
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i sold my soul to the isward gods
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koifsssh · 1 year
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"So let me get this straight, she kidnapped you, interrogated you, shot you, threw you in the dumpster, and now we're at her funeral?" "Sounds about right."
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(side eye)
they are attending Clover's funeral! or well, Rainy would like to pay his respects, despite... earlier conflicts he does respect her and what she does, going against the Boss is no easy feat, especially with Rainy being pretty close to him...
He knows his presence may seem like some sort of act of mockery, but it truly isn't!
Besides, they share a couple of friends, so he may as well be there for some sort of comfort for the others, as small as it may be...
( maverick belongs to @thatthirstyweirdo !)
( @chimeracarnival hehe hi! bwah! )
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disastersteps · 1 year
If ur still taking them, 💜 surprise kiss / impulsive kiss?
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post-reveal, probably after anita kissed her in that aftermath drabble maybe-
Julia Ortega feel like she can't scare them away. Not after she got a second chance in getting to know the real Anita rather than the one in her mind.
(Althrough Anita told her that the person she remembered is still the same, just merely changed. Traumatic. Different. Yet the core of who they were is still part of them, just...that they grow up, that she had grow up. The two of them had growth together.)
And now she's standing in the 'office', it was strange to see this place where Anita's evil plans were bloom here. Through, evil isn't exactly the word when all they did was to scare specific targets into telling the real truth even if they weren't... necessary good.
And that shop which was a fake front slowly becoming a real shop- Anita had admit that much. They had, time and time, wanting the business to be real.
Now that everything was... over, they're thinking of turning that shop into a legit business. Sure, customers would be hard to come by... But it's worth it, Anita had told her so.
She heard the rustle sounds and turned around to seeing Anita looking at her. They're still wearing that clearly wool sweater that shouldn't been that cold in this hot day, and they're still wearing that black skinsuit that she knew was to hide everything they are. Were. still are.
But Julia blinks, a small smile slowing formed in her face in seeing their face as she is about to greet them.
Next thing she knew, a hand- no, two hands pushed her against the wall and she widen her eyes as lips touched her.
She will never do this to Anita, thinks that will scare them away if she tried but here she is, in the so-called evil lair, against the wall with someone she loved- still love deeply kissing her. It was such a surprise.
When Anita pulled away, their face were warm enough they look sheepishly and she gave them a amusing look.
"What makes you do this?" She asked gently and Anita huffs.
"I... missed you." They says, crossing their arms.
Julia blinks once, and chuckles. "...Same, I miss you too."
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rawliverandgoronspice · 5 months
as one Impa enjoyer to another. Impa (wife) for the character bingo?
yess Impa (wife)!!! Of course!
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On the topic of Impa: I do believe that the fandom isn't mean to her but ignores her and that's unfair. Impa also happens to be the only character I'd have the hubris to consider kissing I could fix her.
But she is a bastard, though. This is a very understated aspect of her, given she "imparts" the legends and the rules of the world and is Zelda's nurse so we assume she's cool and kind, but unfortunately doing that makes her 100% one of the worst bastards of the LoZ universe. </3
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My hot TOTK take is why have there been two whole massive open world situations with crazy wacky quests and NO ITEM TRADE SEQUENCE i live for receiving a bullshit item and then accidentally fulfilling people's needs with the bullshit items i receive ! I want to get a really big sword after doing seemingly pointless nonsense !
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canongf-archive · 1 year
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@callmelittledoll - i love this!!!!! i think it seems like a fun way to express myself, i've never really messed around with this kind of thing before but i see people with cool and funky eyebrows and i can't really think of a good reason why not!!! there's no harm and it's my face!!! so i'm gonna go for it!!! thank you so much for your support and encouragement!!!
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‘ Cry it out, it’s alright. Yeah, just like that. Just cry it out. ‘ (I doubt maria would cry in front of bella, but it's your choice of who to throw this at ovo)
Hunched over, Maria sobbed into her hands, against her will. She'd tried to run, but the emotion overcame her in time. It had been weeks since she'd learned of her father's death, but today, it had finally sunk in that she'd never see or talk to him ever again. And, to her annoyance, it hurt, and she felt like a lost child.
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"I hated him," she wailed. "I hated him! So why do I care that he's dead?! Fuck...!"
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Love it when Rolling Stone puts out an article about the 25 most influential internet creators and I've only heard of 7 of them
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livingthedragonlife · 2 months
laios is perhaps the only character not to get the "they mentioned their favorite food once and the fandom makes it their whole personality" treatment. his favorite food is cheesecake and absolutely nobody cares
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sadclowncentral · 2 months
shoutout to the guy who after unsuccessfully hitting on my sister and being politely declined asked her "is it okay if i ask your brother instead" and when she said yes gave me a long and searching look before sighing and going "no. i am not drunk enough to go for a dude. but you look like an angel" happy bisexual pride to this man and this man only. hope you figure it out soon king
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valtsv · 3 months
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stuck between "psychological horror statement" and "objectively the funniest thing you could say to your real flesh and blood dad" in the father's day card aisle
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girldraki · 4 months
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fangs-4-fags · 4 months
remembering the time i drunkenly told a stranger i was a trans man and he started going off about alpha sigma and beta males and how each one was equally important no matter what anyone says and that i shouldn't feel pressured to be a strong alpha male because emotionally intelligent beta males were just as important
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singinginthecar · 2 months
south africa was banned in the olympics in 1964, 1968, 1972, 1976, 1980, 1984, 1988 & 1992. a total of 8 times. for 28 years they didn't set foot in the olympics. you know why? apartheid. apparently the olympics disagreed with the apartheid regime in south africa. russia & belarus aren't allowed to take part in the olympics this year. you know why? because of their involvement in the war in ukraine. several countries throughout history haven't been allowed to participate in the olympics because of various reason from their involvement in war to human rights abuses. now if the olympics aren't blind to all that... why in the world are they blind to what israel has been doing to gaza for the past 10 months? why is a genocidal apartheid nation allowed to participate in the olympics when any other country in its place would've been banned?
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eternalgirlscout · 6 months
did some math based on adventurer's bible stuff about average sizes of tallmen & half-foots & the canon heights of the characters and. chilchuck is the half-foot equivalent of 6'5
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gabrielora · 5 months
When I was younger and researching the autism diagnosis criteria and symptoms, I thought “oh I couldn’t POSSIBLY be autistic.” Because when I read “takes everything literally” I thought it literally meant EVERYTHING and I was like “I don’t take EVERYTHING literally, just most things!” And I just realized the other day that it didn’t actually mean EVERYTHING and that was an overstatement.
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