#why planes crash
            Jessica Dubroff, 7, was an American trainee pilot who died attempting to be the youngest person to fly a light aircraft across America. On the tragic day, she was accompanied with her flight instructor, Joe Reid and her father Lloyd Dubroff.
            Jessica was born in Falmouth, Massachusetts, US and moved to San Francisco. She grew up not owning toys, not permitted to watch TV and didn’t enrol in a school. She started taking flight lessons from Reid on her 6th birthday and was an enthusiast. She had over 33 hours flight training, and even though the media labelled Jessica a pilot, she wasn’t legally to be a pilot due to her age, the minimum age requeirement is 17. Whilst on flights, Reid had to be on the controls during flights in a dual yoke flight arrangement. She and Reid would be on the controls at the front and her father Lloyd at the back.
            The trio arranged a "Sea to Shining Sea" flight which was promoted as a bogus ‘record attempt’ due to her young age. Reid considered the flight as simply flying with a child sitting next to him and her parents paying for it. The flight sparked a lot of media coverage and Jessica became an instant celebrity.
            On 11 April 1996 they had knowledge of the forecast weather conditions in Cheyenne Regional Airport. As they were boarding their plane as it was raining but her father stated that they could ‘beat the storm’ which was approaching. Despite the conditions becoming worse, Reid decided to go ahead with the flight and took off at 8:24am despite reduced visibility. The plane lifted off, climbed slowly and was wobbly, the plane then fell rapidly crashing onto a road in a neighbourhood in front of somebodys home. The three were killed instantly.
            The crash was caused by Reid’s decision to take off in poor weather conditions, overloaded aircraft and it wasn’t able to maintain airspeed. Reid was sitting on the right, however, the main control instruments were on the left in front of Jessica. Investigators believe they went through with the flight due to ambition and media commitments.
            The incident featured on TV series Why Planes Crash.
#jessicadubroff #whyplanescrash
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roseworth · 8 months
ok now im gonna get into it. i really believe that the original plan for gotham war was that jason was gonna die. like honestly it would make a lot more sense than what actually happened
basically jason cant join the fight because of the fear adrenaline thing. so hes sitting around doing nothing, hears about the meteor so he takes the batwing and flies it into the meteor
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and the page after this is an explosion. and i mean. the shit theyre saying is absolutely him talking like hes about to die. this is completely him believing that hes going to die after he does this. and bruce is talking to him like hes about to die too
we see him two more times after this:
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and thats it. we see him seeing the explosion safely from a parachute, then we see him comforting bruce after selina's death. neither of these have any significant affect on the plot or character arcs. not to mention the fact that nothing with jason actually got resolved! he still has the drug boosting his fear response!
THEN. the only time jason is mentioned after this is here
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this feels a little like "i wanted jason to have a peaceful life and now hes dead" i could just be making that up or reading things that arent there but like... it makes sense to me
like am i crazy or does it really seem like they were planning on killing him
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ranticore · 1 month
Unreleased Setting Friday
ages ago i posted One picture of Limes, my alien character, on main without context. Limes comes from a sci-fi setting I was messing with for a while in early 2023/late 2022
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They are photosynthetic "mimic" aliens who change shape from a base body plan over only a few generations to match the organisms around them - it was originally based off of that plant that "sees" its immediate neighbours and grows similar leaves to blend in :) limes was born in the Amazon to a small established group of its species that had mostly mimicked new world monkeys and margays
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the panels on its back are photosynthetic. the body lacks bones and is operated by a hydrostatic system, with the tail in particular being straight and rodlike by default until warped by hydraulics into a prehensile structure.
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These are really old designs now and the top image is actually the most recent hehe
Anyway there's a whole near-future story about the earth-born aliens and humans cooperating to fend off attacks from another faction of the same alien species who are raiding human technology for their power sources and essentially, basically, the entire setup is JUST to justify the presence of living aeroplanes :) as livestock guardian animals who accompany regular air freight and defend them from attacks. The story is about Limes, an engineer of the biomechs, working with a human biologist/behaviourist whose job is to train the livestock guardians to guard the freight.
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ahalliance · 8 months
what if qantoine was like . on the island originally. before even the fed came along . the temple being really old and mossy seems to point to some ancient origins . and the comic relates how the people who would eventually become the federation got to the island and maybe struck a deal with him to be allowed to set up camp there? and so he’s the figure in the sixth panel
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ducktracy · 7 months
i've gone on an hours long bender consisting of ogling at every balloon flown in the Macy's Parade and need everyone to look at this 1938 photograph of the Ferdinand the Bull balloon. doesn't it make you so at ease.
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thatonebirdwrites · 10 months
Invention Fail
Korra: *throws a ball for Naga with a burst of airbending. Naga chases after it eagerly* Korra: I wonder where Asami is? *A crash comes from the side of the mansion, and a wall blows outward in a blast of electricity*
Korra: *ducks* WOAH. *Runs toward it* ASAMI! *Asami staggers out with her hair frizzed, and her hands on her hips.* Asami: Dammit, I thought I had it this time. Korra: *crashes into her* What happened? Are you okay? Hold on, let me get some water... Asami: *turns and kisses Korra on the cheek* I'm fine, Korra. I... simply miscalculated, that's all. *sighs* Will have to rerun the equations and account for... that unfortunate side effect. Korra: Wait, wait. Math causes explosions? *eyes widen* woah, maybe I should learn math after all.
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babisawyer · 1 year
Jackie realizing she’s gonna have to take care of shauna and jeff’s ghost baby
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#🐇#yellowjackets#truly it’s so interesting to me how much better this season is than the first that literally never happens for me#the current timeline is finally getting interesting. Jeff is still the best part#love how fast misty took to being a cult that is so her™️#Jackie liking poppies is interesting to me both in the Jackie is gay camp and also you know the whole thing with wizard oz and her death#the ending was so fucking depressing I need a nap now#like I’m so happy they didn’t eat the baby that would have been so incredibly cheap but glad to finally have answers#like do we think shauna was dreaming or had she temporarily crossed over because like where was Jackie and the French dude#I’d say it would make sense that Lottie could be there somehow#idk it reminded me a lot of Jackie’s death of course so I have many questions#I will say the cop story line is pretty stupid like no fucking way is any of this legal and also let’s kill that creep cop shauna#I will help you girl I will drive the get away car#I was also like wondering awhile ago if Lottie’a camp is near where the plane crash was#and my best friend and I were like no there’s no way and then they tell us it’s in New York so like possibly close to the boarder?#I tried looking up cherry hill but I couldn’t find anything idk it’s probably totally unlikely and they just also happen to be in the woods#I didn’t get a preview for next week is there a preview? idk#my complaint this week is where is Jackie lmfao where is her ghost why wasn’t she in sex ed give me something I’m not ready to move on!!!!
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graveyard-society · 10 months
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so this is basically what happened in that one episode of the anime right
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thatlittledandere · 8 months
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quietwingsinthesky · 2 days
i forgot if i ever sent you this but thoschei song. to me
CORRECT. oh thats a bop.
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            Jessica Dubroff, 7, was an American trainee pilot who died attempting to be the youngest person to fly a light aircraft across America. On the tragic day, she was accompanied with her flight instructor, Joe Reid and her father Lloyd Dubroff.
            Jessica was born in Falmouth, Massachusetts, US and moved to San Francisco. She grew up not owning toys, not permitted to watch TV and didn’t enrol in a school. She started taking flight lessons from Reid on her 6th birthday and was an enthusiast. She had over 33 hours flight training, and even though the media labelled Jessica a pilot, she wasn’t legally to be a pilot due to her age, the minimum age requeirement is 17. Whilst on flights, Reid had to be on the controls during flights in a dual yoke flight arrangement. She and Reid would be on the controls at the front and her father Lloyd at the back.
            The trio arranged a "Sea to Shining Sea" flight which was promoted as a bogus ‘record attempt’ due to her young age. Reid considered the flight as simply flying with a child sitting next to him and her parents paying for it. The flight sparked a lot of media coverage and Jessica became an instant celebrity.
            On 11 April 1996 they had knowledge of the forecast weather conditions in Cheyenne Regional Airport. As they were boarding their plane as it was raining but her father stated that they could ‘beat the storm’ which was approaching. Despite the conditions becoming worse, Reid decided to go ahead with the flight and took off at 8:24am despite reduced visibility. The plane lifted off, climbed slowly and was wobbly, the plane then fell rapidly crashing onto a road in a neighbourhood in front of somebodys home. The three were killed instantly.
            The crash was caused by Reid’s decision to take off in poor weather conditions, overloaded aircraft and it wasn’t able to maintain airspeed. Reid was sitting on the right, however, the main control instruments were on the left in front of Jessica. Investigators believe they went through with the flight due to ambition and media commitments.
            The incident featured on TV series Why Planes Crash.
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#jessicadubroff #whyplanescrash
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ohello0 · 3 months
What are Boeing putting their planes together with?? Rubber bands and peanut butter? Hopes and dreams? Hot glue and masking tape?
Not sure what to do with myself knowing they spent time and resources assassinating a whistleblower instead of just like,,,, fixing their planes
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elfqueen006 · 12 days
Another day, another job hunt. My long fics got my hanging on by a thread, and they gonna be hard as shit to write.
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ahalliance · 9 months
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this bit from baghs’ lore is haunting me . a blackboard with all the francophones’ initals . were all of them originally island experiments that managed to escape like qbaghs?
#qsmp#baghera jones#french lore goes haaaaaard#like . okay . baghs was a child hybrid experiment who grew up with the feds then eventually managed to escape .#we know Someone was asked and then instructed to Get Her Back#which we think means the whole crashing the plane on purpose thing . which we think kameto orchestrated#and all the other francophones have Some sort or connection to the island and experiments as well#étoiles serving as a test subject during his code fights for the feds#the feds nearly torturing aypierre to death (fucked up . btw can we talk about that) to get info out of him#and then performing some dubious ass unknown procedure on him to save his life#antoine has less tying him to the feds as of Now but we know he doesn’t hold as much hatred for the feds as the others do . like he’s very#neutral and almost lenient towards them (suceur de cucurucho . anw)#so there’s links for All of them . multiple hints pointing towards a shared islander past linked to the federation#maybe that explains why the federation seems so chill about them (in comparison to the brazilians lmao)#like . they’re not That outwardly aggressive towards them#maybe the Feds are just so smug and pleased that they got their experiments back that they don’t mind being lenient towards them now .#because they’ve got them back in their clutches and this time they won’t be able to leave#hmmmmmmm okay current theory: baghs n some of the others (at least aypierre and étoiles though probs antoine too) managed to escape the fed#kameto stayed behind for x reason idk he’s a fed simp . anw he was then instructed to orchestrate the plane crash to bring the others back#and he did . and the vague memories aypierre has and the ‘oh maybe they’re not so bad’ mentality antoine has#are just the old Feelings being stirred up by being back on the island despite the amnesia#okay boom im so smart#jay rambles#incredibly long tag set im not sorry
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erinthesails · 3 months
Hmmm yellowjackets really felt like it had a grand plan in season 1 but now at the end of season 2 it's becoming really clear they were probably always jj abramsing this shit
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foreignobjecticus · 30 days
This was pretty fucking wild. His wing tip must have missed the building by a centimetre, istg. Dude did super fucking well (also it's not a runway he's landing on; it's a taxiway). Looks like he didn't pull up in time tho (fair, he was fucking panicking and didn't even deploy any flaps) so you can see the propeller strike the ground, but it looks like it wasn't even turning before that.
Also super wild that someone caught this footage, hello? Helicopter?
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