#why ur replies turned off -_- lame
vbecker10 · 5 months
Hellooo, hope u r doing good , I rly like ur work like it's all amazing ♡
Can I request Loki having a friend who is a mortal -female reader- but she is a mutant who can take up body energy -like Rogue in X-Men- and that's why she was always alone till her and Loki met and she defends him infront of the avengers, and he falls for her slowly ig 😅 -smut or fluff as u want-
Ik it's kinda lame, if u can't write it's alright
In all cases, thanks for the amazing writings ♥️
You Can't Hurt Me
Pairing: Loki x female reader (Y/N)
Summary: You are finally going on a solo mission as an Avenger, or at least you were supposed to. At the last minute, the team decides to send Loki with you which is something neither of you are happy about. After an accident in the field, you come in contact with Loki and the two of you realize your ability to absorb someone's life force, memories and powers doesn't work on him.
Warnings: arguing, swearing, feeling alone, pushing others away, minor injuries, plane crash, Loki being an ass to everyone including you - fluff in the end of course
A/N: I'm so sorry it took me forever to get to this ask. I'm finally going through my requests and I thought this idea was awesome! I tweaked it just a little cause my brain kept going in different directions but I really hope that's okay. Thank you for sending it! I hope you like it! 💚
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"Are you freaking kidding me?" you ask in an annoyed tone as you get up from your seat in Steve's office.
Before Steve can reply Loki stands and adds, "I have never agreed with a mortal before but I am afraid I must in this case."
You glare at him and cross your arms. He could agree with you without being an ass about it, you think angrily.
Steve sighs and rubs his temples. "Look Y/N, I know you were supposed to go on this mission alone," he says and you nod dramatically, "But Fury, Tony and I decided Loki's skills would be useful on this mission."
"Then let me borrow his powers," you look at Loki and begin to pull off one of your gloves.
"If you touch me-" he threatens as a dagger appears in his hand with a green flourish. You put your glove back on slowly but you smile to yourself knowing you made the god nervous.
"Stop it, both of you!" Steve says loudly, slamming his hand on the desk. You and Loki both sit immediately on the chairs opposite Steve, you suddenly feel as if you are at the principal's office. He clears his throat and calms himself before he continues, "So far teamwork is not something either of you have excelled at. If you both want to remain on this team," he emphasizes the word, "you will go on this mission together."
"This is absurd," Loki argues and you roll your eyes but agree with him.
"What's absurd is the fact that neither of you are willing to work with anyone," Steve counters. "You are here because you have both been written up for splitting off from the team when we have explicitly ordered you not to."
"You know I'm better off alone," you tell him holding up a gloved hand. "The X-Men never had an issue with me going on solo missions or handling things on my own."
"You are welcome to return to the mutants," Loki offers with a smirk.
"Loki, seriously?" Steve says with an exasperated sigh but the god just shrugs.
"Y/N, just because you can't physically touch anyone doesn't mean you can use it as an excuse to avoid being near people or working with them forever," Steve says turning his attention to you.
"Yes it does," you mumble and sulk down in your chair with your arms crossed.
"And you," he ignores your comment and turns to Loki, "you are still on probation. If you want to remain here, and not be sent back to Asgard, you need to act like a member of this team."
Before either of you can say anything else, he gets up and says, "If you can't work with each other, neither of you will last much longer here. You're dismissed."
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You snap your gum and click to the next page of the book you are reading on your tablet. Loki sits across from you with his nose in a book as the autopilot guides the jet towards your destination. You pop your gum again and Loki groans in annoyance. A smirk spreads across your lips, you would feel guilty about bothering him but he spent the morning calling you 'human' so you pop it loudly a third time.
"Will you stop that," he hisses, looking up from his book.
"It's an old habit," you make an excuse and shrug.
"It is an exceptionally annoying habit," he corrects you.
You hold eye contact with the God of Mischief and pop your gum in response. He practically growls as he closes his book but his words are cut off by a warning alarm blaring throughout the jet.
"What the hell is that?" you ask, getting up from your seat.
"I have no idea," he admits as he follows you to the cockpit of the jet.
The plane shakes violently and you almost lose your footing, Loki instinctively reaches out to steady you, his hand grabbing your clothed arm. You nod quickly to acknowledge the gesture and the two of you reach the control panel. A series of red lights blink frantically and your heart races as you try to decipher what is wrong but neither of you knows how to operate the jet.
You flip the switch to contact the base, "Tony what the hell is going on up here?" You know the panic is evident in your voice.
The only response you and Loki get is the crackle of static then suddenly one of the two engines goes terrifyingly silent.
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You blink your eyes open slowly, your head pounds and your whole body aches. The smell of smoke and fire fill the air and your eyes sting. You try to sit up and hear someone talking but you can barely make out their words over the ringing in your ears.
"Y/N," Loki says again, shaking your shoulder lightly to get your attention. "Are you alright?" His lip is split and he is covered in dirt. His eyes are full of concern as he kneels over you, not something you are used to from the God of Mischief.
"Yea," you answer him quietly as he leans back a bit so you can sit up straighter, "I think so." You look around in awe at the torn and broken remains of the jet scattered throughout the field, unsure how you are both alive.
"I've radioed the team, they should be here in less than an hour," he informs you in a calm voice.
He rubs your shoulder in a soothing manner and you close your eyes as a breeze blows dust around you both. You shiver a bit and realize your jacket was torn during the crash, panic floods through you when you notice how much of your skin is exposed. Loki's hand gently rests on the bare skin on your shoulder and you pull away from him quickly.
"Don't touch me," you warn him and he backs away from you, his hands up in front of him. "You can't touch me, I'll hurt you," you remind him, trying to cover your skin with as much of left over material as you can. You try to get up to put distance between you and the god but you can't put weight on your left leg, it buckles under you and you fall back to the ground. You look down and see clean gauze wrapped tightly around your calf, your pant leg torn open from whatever caused your injury.
You look down in shock then look up at Loki. "How did you do this?" you ask, noticing the blood on his hands.
He shakes his head, "I don't know. I wasn't thinking, I just needed to stop the bleeding."
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"I need to talk to you," he says unphased by your attitude which makes you nervous. "I haven't been able to stop thinking about what happened after the crash." He rubs his hands nervously as if your blood is still on them.
That night you lay in bed staring at the ceiling unable to sleep. When you first climbed into bed, you worried the memories of the crash would prevent you from sleeping but it was the moments after that kept replaying in your mind. Closing your eyes, you can almost still feel Loki's warm hand resting gently on your skin. You roll over, pulling the sheets tightly around yourself when to hear a knock at your door. You sit up and check the clock next to your bed, it's just after midnight.
You limp carefully to the door and open it, unsure who you expect to see. "What do you want?" you ask Loki, easily returning to how you typically treat each other.
You take a step back to let him into your room. You feel anxious knowing he is the first member of the team you've ever invited into your private space. Loki takes a seat on your couch as you pick up your hoodie that is hanging by the door.
"I think I know why I could touch you without your powers affecting me," he says and you look up at him, pausing as you zip your hoodie.
You shake your head and take your gloves out of the pockets. "Strange said it was most likely because I was unconscious," you remind him.
"I don't think your powers work on me," he says after a few moments of silence pass between you both.
"You and I both know that's not true," he keeps his eyes on you as you slip on one glove then the other.
You sit at the far end of the couch, afraid that he is wrong about whatever his theory is. He is right about one thing though, Strange's reasoning didn't explain why Loki was able to touch the skin on your shoulder after you woke up. You had done everything you could since you arrived back home to not think about how that was possible, you were terrified that it was some sort of fluke and would never happen again.
"They work on your brother," you remind him. You had grabbed the older prince by the wrist for only a few seconds during a training session two months ago. You were unable to contain his lightning abilities and fried all the computers in the lab. Thor spent the next four hours unconscious in the med bay. "Being a god doesn't make you special," you tell him in a harsher tone then you mean to.
"Thor and I are not..." he sighs. "We are not the same. You know we are not true brothers?" he asks and you shake your head. "Thor is an Asgardian and although I look like one, I am not."
"So whatever you are is why you think I can touch you?" you ask.
"It is hard to explain," he tells you. "I am from Jotunheim, realm of the frost giants. This is not my true form. I use an illusion to alter my appearance as Odin did before I knew the truth." You can tell by his tone that this is not a story he is used to sharing with others.
You take off your gloves and look at your own hand, remembering the pain and heartache even a light touch has caused to others around you. "Are you sure you want to risk this for me Loki?" you ask. "If you're wrong... I could seriously hurt you."
You listen quietly as he explains how he was taken as a baby and brought up on a series of lies. He rubs his hands nervously as he talks and never makes eye contact with you, staring at the ground as he speaks. When he finishes he lifts his hand and looks at it as he wiggles his fingers slowly, a green glow emanates from his fingertips and flows down his hand. As his magic travels, his skin slowly turns a deep shade a blue, thin ridges form intricate spirals on the back of his hand.
"This is just a well crafted illusion," he says as the glow retracts and the blue fades away.
"If I'm right... you might not need to be so alone," he counters gently.
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"I... I don't believe this," you smile. Tears of joy and relief gather as you slowly look up at Loki.
He holds his hand towards you, palm up waiting patiently for you to move. Slowly, you reach you hand out, your heart pounding in your chest. Your fingertips lightly touch his fingertips and you hold your breath as you wait for the pain to spread through both of you but nothing happens. Your eyes lock on your hands as you slide your fingers towards his open palm. You still don't feel anything as you rest your palm on his, your fingers settling on his wrist.
He closes his fingers around your hand and you let out a laugh in shock and disbelief. There is no pain, no burning on your skin or in his veins as his memories are pulled from him or his powers are absorbed. Just his warm, soft skin against yours, a feeling you had almost forgotten.
"You can't hurt me," he says when your eyes met.
"I can't hurt you," you repeat. He raises his other hand to wipe away one of your tears as it travels down your cheek. The simple gesture draws even more tears. It has been so many years since you have been able to feel another person, you can barely hold yourself together. You get up suddenly and walk away from him.
"I'm sorry," he says as he stands.
"It's not... you didn't do anything wrong," you assure him as you wipe your face then wrap your arms around yourself. "It's been almost ten years since I've touched someone I wasn't trying to harm. When I gained my powers, I severed my connection to everyone I've ever loved or cared about. My family, my friends, my coworkers. I left all of them."
He listens to you quietly, not moving closer.
"I'm terrified of hurting the people I care about, that's why I left the X-Men. I was there for eight years and I was becoming too close to everyone. I was constantly afraid someone would try to hug me or give me a high five or just bump into me in the hall. I had to leave and when I came here..." you look down, ashamed of how you acted. "I avoided everyone and antagonized you on purpose so no one would want to be friends with me. I thought it would be easier, safer if no one ever wanted to be near me."
"I understand," he says and you look up as he takes a few steps towards you. "I have my own experience building walls to keep everyone out, even my brother. My reason for keeping the others away is far less noble than yours. You push people away to keep them safe while I push them away to keep myself safe."
"I have been lied to and betrayed by my family my whole life," he reminds you of your conversation only minutes ago. "If I never let anyone in, if I never care about anyone, then they can never hurt me. It's why I've been so rude and condescending to everyone on the team, including you," he admits.
You are quiet for a moment, you know exactly what you want but you are afraid he will turn down your request. "Can I..." you pause and he gives you an encouraging smile. "Can I have a hug?"
"I'm sorry for how I treated you," he tells you honestly. "Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"
"I'm afraid I am not very good at hugs," he says and when you look at the ground he adds, "But I can give it a try, for you."
You can't stop the smile that spreads across your face as you move towards him. He puts his arms around you, pulling you close. You wrap your arms around him, your hands settle on his back and your cheek rests against his chest. He is stiff in your arms but after a second, he seems to relax and lowers his cheek to rest on the top of your head.
You close your eyes and listen to his heartbeat, his breathing slows and you feel as if all the tension is leaving your body. After a moment you mumble something against his chest and he chuckles.
"I have no idea what you said," he tells you.
You lift your head and look up at him. "This is the first hug I've had in close to ten years," you repeat.
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He touches your cheek gently and says, "That is truly a shame because you give wonderful hugs." You giggle and blush then he adds, "This is the best hug I have had in a very, very long time and I do not plan on letting go any time soon."
I hope you liked this!! Please like, share and comment if you did 💚💚 Please let me know if you want to be added to my taglist!
@soubi001 @mochie85 @lokiswife-dark-fox-queen @animnerd @cabingrlandrandomcrap @icytrickster17 @lokisgoodgirl @mischief2sarawr @stupidthoughtsinwriting @mjsthrillernp @holdmytesseract @lulubelle814 @goblingirlsarah @im-briana-stan @foxherder @alexakeyloveloki @siconetribal @lokidokieokie @kneelingformyloki @jiyascepter @eleniblue @loreniscrying @muddyorbsblr @alyeskathewave @loz-3 @firedrakegirl @javagirl328 @princess-ofthe-pages @morally-grey-variant @soulpiercing
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ellielatinagf · 6 months
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Lacrosse!Ellie Part 2
Summary: after meeting that mysterious girl who had your heart and stomach in knots, you find a way to get closer to her
Warnings: mild profanity,
Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4
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You finally hit the follow button. After what felt like hours of just stalking the girls account. You thought about meeting her, but after your encounter with her the other day it felt pretty awkward and you didn’t want to seem to eager.
*Elli3mfwilliams started following you*
*new message*
Ellie: heyy
She was fast with it. You literally just started following her and she texted you??
You: hii
*seen just now* thank god she must be a fast replier
Ellie: how’d you find me?
You: Dina gave me your account. Is that okay?
Ellie: of course babes
Oh god that nickname. Does she know what she’s doing? Does she know the way your stomach churns at the name and even wanting to turn itself inside out? Wait is she even gay?? What kind of question is that, one look and you can already tell she practically worships women. You tried to think of a way to get closer to her
You: are you any good at math?
Ellie: math genius
You: do you think you can help me? Like study and stuff
Ellie: sure I got you. Wanna meet up this weekend at the coffe shop by school?
Ugh, this weekend? It’s only Tuesday, this weekend is forever away…
You: sure!
Ellie: alright then, see ya later babe
You turned off your phone and placed it on your night stand. You laid on your bed and stared at the ceiling. You basically made a date with Ellie. Sure you two barely knew each other but it was better than nothing. You knew you liked women. You hadn’t exactly dated a woman but anytime you saw a pretty woman you just knew you liked them.
You woke up the next morning to your alarm clock throwing a tantrum on the drawer. You decided to get a little dolled up today. Maybe you just felt in the mood. Your humming to the song playing on your speaker was interrupted by the notification in your phone
*Dinasaur calling*
“Oh shit” You Said Running out of your room grabbing your backpack and rushing outside. You climbed in Dina’s car with half your makeup applied.
“Girl we’re gonna be late!” Dina complained “wait a minute why are YOU looking all pretty?” Dina asked smiling. You giggled and pulled down the passenger mirror to apply your lip gloss.
“I dunno just wanted to I guess” you smirked. Dina didn’t buy, but she didn’t push you. You both sang songs as she drove to school.
“Sooooo have you made any plans this weekend?” Dina asked as you both walked to your classes. Does she know? Did Ellie say something? I mean, it was Dina’s fault you got to talk to Ellie..but still.
“Uh yeah” you said trying to be general and not give hints.
“Ugh! Oh my god Y/n tell me what happened with you and Ellie!” Dina giggled grabbing your arm. You smiled rolling your eyes. Of course she knew. She’s your best friend. What DOESNT she know?
“We’ll nothing really…” You said. You wished something happened “we’re just meeting up for a coffee study this weekend”
“Lame!” Dina exclaimed “your telling me she didn’t fall to your knees and beg you for your hand in marriage?”. You couldn’t help but laugh.
“Nope. Shocking right?” You replied. The two of you laughed a storm. Dina squeezed your hand goodbye and you both parted ways to go to class. Pre-calc . You hate pre-calc. You basically dragged your feet to class. Your foot missed the next step and before you knew it you tripped and hit your nose on the floor.
If this were anyone else you probably would be laughed. It’s a guilty pleasure. But you groaned and just before you pull yourself up, you feel a pair of hands on your shoulders.
“You okay babe?” You knew that raspy voice. You looked up to meet a pair of green orbs staring at you. A pair of pink lips smiling at you. The embarrassment hit you like a punching bag your cheeks felt warm and turned pink.
“That was an interesting fall ” Ellie chuckled.
“Ha..sorry.. I mean thank you.” You smiled getting back on your feet “I’m fine, thank you”
“No problem babe. We still on for coffee this weekend?” She asked
“Yeah of course” you replied
“Great, I’m looking forward to it. Bye babe. Oh by the way, you look good today”
“Thanks…bye ellie…” you Said waving bye and watching the gorgeous god sent woman leave. Her backpack had space pins on it. Cute. Wait, she said she was looking forward to it. To you. She wants to see you. Oh god. You hated her. Why is so so damn perfect? She’s making you go crazy. That stupid gorgeous nerd.
So excited for the next one omg. Don’t worry there’s gonna be a LOOOOOOTTTTT of fluff trust me loves. Love you thanks for reading! Free Palestine 🇵🇸
Dm or reply if you wanna be tagged!
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nicole-2099 · 3 months
yeonjun. orange/ginger hair. fratboy. takes you into the bathroom. do what you must 🙏🏽🙏🏽
- ur sims 4 wife <33.
Yes, I can definitely attempt this.
“Didn’t expect seeing you here”
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C.YJ. Yeonjun x Reader
(fratboy yeonjun x Reader)
{Dom yeonjun x sub Reader}
(smut,praising,pussy eating 🥣,unprotected s3x,pet names,dirty talk)
Note: I didn’t read over it cuz I’m lazy!
You woke up to the sound of the garage truck pulling up to your house, you rub your eyes sleepily as you crawl out of bed stretching as you walk over to the bathroom to check yourself out in the mirror and do your morning routine, after that you walk over to the pantry as pull out a box of Reese’s puffs from the back, you get a bowl and a spoon all that’s left in milk to you go to your fridge to see if you have any, sadly you didn’t and with a frown you set the box of Reese’s puffs down along with the bowl and the spoon.
You sigh in disappointment as you Flop onto the couch scrolling through instagram when you suddenly get a text from Taehyun.
Terry: hey you going to yeonjuns party tonight?
You: thb no I don’t wanna run into any opps.
Terry: Trust me you wont even notice them your gonna be having wayyy to much fun to even care!!
You: idk terry..
Terry: please!! You’ll have fun, trust!!
You: okay fine, just know if I see a opp I’m leaving.
Terry: Yippie! Just don’t wear anything lame and embarrass me and you in front of all those people.
You: I wont.
You smile to yourself as you push yourself off the couch walking over to your dresser to pick out and outfit, after your done picking out your outfit you go to your bathroom to put on your makeup, by the time you finished doing your makeup it was already dark out and you had at least 5 text from terry asking you where you are, you replied with a quick ‘Js abt to leave cya!’ Obviously you weren’t just about to leave you didn’t even put your outfit on.
You let your hair down brushing it as you hurriedly put on your outfit, it was simple but cute, just a white tube top with a cute frilly pink skirt, you hurry out of the house and next thing you know you walking down the dark streets in heels wishing you got an Uber.
After walking for what felt like ages you hear a car pull up next to you, you turn around slightly alarmed but your fear quickly fades when you see that’s it’s just Terry. “Your snap map was on, just get in we’re late!!” Terry says as he pushes the passenger side door open for you, you smile as get in sitting down your legs shivering, it was freezing cold out but luckily for you the car was warm with the heater cranked up to max.
After a bit of driving the both of you finally made it, the house was huge, with fairy lights hanging from tall beams along with vines and flowers. Once terry parked you finally got out of the car the cold was bearable now. Finally Terry gets out of the car after looking for his phone that he some how lost on the drive here. The both of you walk inside the smell of weed and alcohol in the air, everyone was on something and it’s not that shocking since yeonjun did host it. You and Terry end up separating from each other. You look around with a mixture of disgust and discomfort as you see a bunch of groupies just fuckin out in the open no shame, you think to yourself wondering why the fuck you came here and why you haven’t left yet. Part of you wants to stay and get high and drunk but the other part of you is telling you to leave before you die from the strong smell of weed.
You end up making your way back to Terry but quickly beeline into a room after seeing him talking to a girl not wanting to bother the both of them, you look around the dimly lit room as you sat down on the bed with a sigh running your fingers through your hair.
“Oh I didn’t expect to see you here?”
You look up shocked when you see yeonjun standing in front of you with a cart in his hand the smell of weed punching you in the face. “Hello to you too yeonjun, did you want something?” You say rolling your eyes, yeonjun eyes you up and down sitting down next to you in the bed. “Actually no I don’t want anything because this is my room.” He says with a smirk on his face, you look at him slightly embarrassed as you shake you head. “Sorry- I just couldn’t handle seeing groupies out there..” you said with a disgusted expression. Yeonjun stifles a laugh as he lays down on the bed with a long sigh. “Yeahh they dint have any shame, but yolo I guess.” He says with a grunt as he sits back up his eyes scanning over your body. “Cute skirt, but don’t you think it’s too short.?” He asks with a smirk on his face as his eyes run over your legs, you snap your fingers at him with a frown. “Eyes up here freak! And no I don’t think it’s too short.” You say answering him with sass. Yeonjun looks up at you with a grin brushing a strand of your hair out of your face. “Pretty and sassy, cute..”.
You look at him eyes scanning his with confusion, “what??? Dude how high are you??” Yeonjun rolls his eyes saying “I’m not high enough”
you roll your eyes as you look down at the ground in boredom, “what was your plan with throwing this huge party anyways..?” You ask as you look up you see yeonjuns eyes already on you. “Well, I was hoping I could see you..” Yeonjun says with a smirk as he inches closer to you, but you inch away with a serious look you ask again. “Seriously why.?” Yeonjun rolls his eyes and takes a hit of the cart he’s been holding onto, he sighs the smoke leaving his lungs as he shrugs “no reason.” You stare at him blankly as you get up getting ready to leave, your on the door knob before you hear. “Hey wait a second princess!” You turn around to see yeonjun standing in front of you his eyes glazed and red from the weed. “What.? And don’t call me that.” You say your hand still on the door knob. Yeonjuns hand gently wraps around you waist pulling you against him. “Don’t leave now..” Yeonjun pouts as he pulls you away from the door, picking you up and making his way to the bathroom, locking the both of you in. “What the fu-“ you couldn’t even finish your sentence before you felt his lips crash against yours.
You stare at him wide eyed as his body presses against your, but for some reason you didn’t pull away, maybe it was the smell of weed or something but you didn’t even try to stop him. Yeonjuns lips finally pull away from yours and he looks at you his face flushed but he also looks at you confused. “You didn’t pull away??” He asks tilting his head to the side like a dog trying to understand what its owner is saying. “No I didn’t- I honestly don’t know why either..” you say as you look up at him. “Well you wanna keep going..?” He asks with a hint of amusement in his voice, you shrug and lean into him again your hips grinding against his slightly as your lips brush against his, he smiles against your lips and picks you up setting you on the bathroom sink his finger digging into your waist.
You could taste the weed and alcohol on his lips as his hands running down in between your thighs pushing them apart, pulling away from your lower himself just a bit as if he’s warning you before he goes down on you. You look down at him eyes hooded with a small nod, and before you knew it he was lapping at your pussy like his life depends on it, your body arching up as you try to catch your breath, as your fingers pull on his hair pushing him further in between your legs.
You whine legs kicking a bit your body twisting with need as yeonjuns grip on your thighs tighten as he continues eating you out, you squirm around trying to keep your voice down as you feel him whisper against your clit. “You taste so sweet pretty girl..”
You whine at the nickname looking down at him as he goes back to going down on you causing you to let out soft desperate moans. Yeonjun smiles against your pussy loving the way you sound, his hand moving away from your thigh, onto your clit his thumb rubbing circles on your clit pushing you over the edge as you came undone after just a few seconds, your body shaking with need and desire as yeonjun leaves sweet soft kisses on your puffy pussy.
“You did so well, good girl..” he says with a calm tone as he crashes his lips with yours making you taste yourself on his lips as you lean into the kiss eagerly. He pulls away from your lips with a smile as he pays your head playfully, “eager too, cute..” he says licking his lips as he kisses you again pulling you by the waist so your hips are pressed against his hips. You could feel his hard on grind against your inner thigh making you squirm, he smiles against your lips and pulls away his eyes glossy, “want me to fuck you princess..?” He’d ask playfully already knowing what you’re going to say.
You nod desperately as you watch his fingers pick at the hem of his jeans pull them and his boxers down to his knees, he used his thumb rubbing the tip of his dick the pre-cum smearing around on his fingers, as he lines it up at your entrance, slowly pushing in using his free hand to keep you steady in place, he waited a few minutes making sure you’ve adjusted to his size before slowly pushing inside you making you squirm and whine with need as you cover your mouth trying to hold back a moan, yeonjun smirks leaning into you more biting your neck as he thrusts into you grunting. “Thats it..good girl, good girl..” he praises in a whisper brushing all your hair back out of the way, his eyes locking onto you lovingly his free hand squeezing your thigh his fingers digging into your skin.
Yeonjun groaned his grip on your body tightening, you were close clenching around him feeling him twitching inside you. “Fuckk..atta girl..” he said with a heavy sigh feeling you clench around him even more. You wiggled around desperately before finally reaching your high coming undone. Yeonjun smiled watching you cum around him still thrusting into you chasing his own release, “Fucking perfect..such a pretty little pussy..”. Yeonjun grunts thrusting into you a few more times before finally cumming inside you filling you up your body jolts at the sudden feeling squirming and whining not being able to sit still for some reason, yeonjun grunts pulling out of you watching the mess inside you spill out, he then presses his lips against yours, his hands grabbing onto your waist steadying you he pulls away with loving smile on his face as he hides his face in the crook of your neck affectionately with a muffled voice saying “Mm, I hope you know this wasn’t a one time thing, princess.”
You nod with a smile pulling him in feeling the warmth of his body against yours. “God you smell like weed I might pass out..” you say annoyed, Yeonjun pulls away from the embrace as looks at you playfully biting his lip, “don’t pass out now, one more round princess.” You roll your eyes but pull him back into a hug holding him close, until you heard you phone going off, you pulled away from the hug and jumped off the bathroom sink running to you phone to see at least 69 (😏) notifications from Terry asking you where you are.
If u got any requests go ahead n ask away!!
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bluehourbucky · 1 year
Truth or Dare with Yelena that Kate sets up because she's tried of Yelena and Reader acting like they don't have a crush on one another?
As always, no pressure to write this heheh
warnings: use of Y/N twice
a/n: sorry it took me so long shdhdud Hope you like it <3
Kate was getting tired of watching you and Yelena pretend that you don't like each other. She was sick of the heart eyes and dancing around each other and the tension was getting worse by the minute.
She loved her friends but damn was it hard to watch.
Every time she'd spend alone time with either of you, you both talked about the other. Kate didn't mind but she also thought it was absolutely ridiculous.
Every time Kate tried to tell one of you how you liked each other she would receive laughs from you and a push from Yelena.
So she came up with a plan. Kate will invite you to hang out as you always do, but then she'd suggest a truth or dare game. She knew Yelena enough that there was no way she wouldn't accept truth or dare game she was too competitive. Kate still isn't sure how you can win a truth or dare game but whatever.
kate: tonight my place 9pm we order in?
you: ur paying?
yelena: if u pay?
parker: broke af u need to pay
Kate rolled her eyes at her friends.
kate: ok
you: ur the best love you <3
yelena: be there
Kate rolled her eyes at her friends, but her plan was in motion.
"Hi" Kate smiles when she sees that you and Yelena came together.
"Wait I'm here too!" the three of you turn and look at Peter running up the stairs.
The four of you were hanging out for a while and Kate was sure now was the time to get her plan in motion.
"What do you think should we play truth or dare?"
"Ugh we're not kids!" you groan.
"Ah, scared of a little dare?" Yelena teases, and you push her lightly, rolling your eyes.
"It's on Belova."
"Alright, let's go"
Not wanting to seem obvious, Kate avoided asking you questions about Yelena and vice versa. But now it's Kates' turn again, and she's ready to help her friends finally get together.
"So Yelena, Truth or Dare?"
"Ah I will choose Truth now."
"Do you have a crush on anyone here?"
"Nope, never."
"Not even Y/N?" and then your heart broke when Yelena made a face of disgust.
"Eww. Never in a million years that's gross. It's like liking your sister or even worse." as soon as those words left Yelena, she regretted them seeing your face.
"Wow, I didn't know I was that hard to like that even the thought of liking me disgusts you." You stand up, wiping tears off of your cheeks running straight to the bathroom.
"Y/N, wait, please." Yelena follows you and knocks on the closed door.
"Shit I'm sorry I didn't think this would happen." Yelena looks back at Kate and lifts a brow.
"What do you mean?"
Kate avoids eye contact, feeling extremely guilty that she caused this.
"I-, well- you see, I just wanted to make you confess that you like each other because you do. I just wanted to help."
Yelena swore something in russian and told Kate to give them a minute.
"Hey. Can you open the door?"
You don't reply, but you know Yelena is still at the door. The tears are still falling, and you're getting really frustrated because why does it matter anyway? The "what ifs" can now leave your brain. All the daydreams and dreams can finally stop. So what if you've dreamed about kissing her under the rain, that's lame. You'll get over it, it's fine.
"Ask me again." Yelena tries.
"What?" you ask your voice breaking.
"Truth or dare."
"Fine, truth or dare."
You take in a breath.
"Is if true that you can't even imagine liking me? Am I really that unlikeable?"
"дорогой, you are the most incredible person I've ever met. There's not a part of you that I don't like, and your smile makes my day. In fact, you're too good to be true. I've been falling in love with you since the moment we met and and I didn't want to ruin our friendship because I'm selfish and I need you."
Yelena gasps when you suddenly unlock the door and pull her into the bathroom pushing her against the same door she was behind moments ago.
You look into Yelenas' eyes and then drop your gaze to her mouth and then back at her waiting for consent.
She nods, and that's all you need to finally kiss her. It's even better than all the dreams you've had because it's real. Yelena grabs the back of your head, deepening the kiss. You've put everything into that kiss all the bottled up emotion that's been buried for way too long.
You don't pull away until you're breathless.
"Wow." Yelena whispers, her hands holding your hips so you don't move away.
"We should've done that long time ago."
you laugh at Yelenas' words because it's true, if both of you were just a tad bit less oblivious this could've happened months ago.
"If it wasn't obvious I uh like you too."
"Eh, you could kiss me again just to be sure."
You roll your eyes but kiss her nonetheless.
"I get the credits for this!" Kate yells from the other side of the door, which makes you both snort.
[the end]
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erenscxmbxddy · 3 months
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what the hell are we.
sukana x black reader pt2
Last thing he said to me was i gotta earn his heart. That's sum bullshit. I dont even care no more, Dick wasnt even that good. He fucked me and left me, like some whore, I can'g believe that shit. But it's been 3 months already. I decided to date a man by the name of Muja Akutski. He's my everything for real, buh he be playing with my feelings and ofc niggas ain' shit gurl so i shit you not, Dick ain' good at 'll. I can't stand that shit.
" Yo, y/n, bring yo ass up in here." He called out from the living room, my living room btw. " Whats up baby?" He stared at me for too long, and i could tell he's pissed off, and i was confused of why, as usual. " Why u ain' clean tha kitchen." I was quick " Cause i ain mess it up muja, the fuc', Don't bring yo goofy ass ova here, of u gon fuck my house up, u gotta clean shit up." Slap!!
i looked up teary eyed, As usual, i get hit by him, But i cant leave him, i leave imma want sukana dick again, i can't get ova it, as much as i want to. But back to the problem.
" Muja what the fuck? ." He looked at me crazy, " Crazy ass bitch ain' gon b talkin crazy to me when i fuck yo pussy righ." I rolled my eyes and replied quickier than a rat eating a crumb " Yo dick lame anyways boy, Get the fuck out my house muja."
" No bitch." i know how to get his ass though y'all. " I'm calling Yujji and gojo if you dont get out." He had a bit of fear in him but then he's seen as bold for a minute, " Call them bitchass niggas ova y/n, I dont give a fuck."
i pull out my phone nd dial they number. Burrrrr......burrrr, Burrrrr..."uh hello"
" toru' , this nigga keep hitting me and calling me names, please come over and beat his ass toru". he looked upset in the phone but he rains hell on me the next minute, " y/n, i'm sorry, me and yujji are on a mission, and i'm showing him stuff out here in yokohama, Call ryomen."
thats no.
" Its fine toru, i'll hand-." Yujji pops up and he says " Y/n if u dont call ryomen i will, I'm not letting this gremlin touch u nm! Call him y/n."
" Muja leave.". I already know what he's gonna say. " Why should i leave im not scared of a punk ass nigga, Bring ryomen, Such an ugly ass name, Tell him i whoop yo ass."
" wsp mamas?"
i hate when he does that. " Sukana, can u come to my dorm." i turn away from muja and cover my mouth to the phone, " I am being hit by muja again-." Muja starts breaking stuff in my room and house in general. " Yeah im on the way."
Muja finally decided to throw a vase ag my head, " ja, Stop this shit please, sukana gonna handle yo shit, Act like u have sense or you gon die, Stop breaking my shit!!!!!!!! I work hard for all of this." he goes breserk, " What to fuck gojo for the fucking money to but u all of this? Ur a dirty ass hoe, U bitch, U AINT NUN BUT I USED UP SEX TOY TO ME ANYWAYS, I AINT NEVER SEEN SOMEONE SO EASY-."
we hear a laugh from the front door and see sukana already invited himself in " your sex toy is funny. i suggest u leave right now.".
Muja raises his hand to me, " U fucking bit-." i hear a slice. and i see muja head fall to the ground. but he still capable of breathing and talking. " U wanna talk about sex toy and shit, I rmb last time y/n called me a lil boy, well u have one right here mamas..". " lets give him sum rq."
We were already in my room, when ryo start touchin on me, " Sukana stop ! You left me last time and now u wanna put ur dick inside of me again? Nigga your crazy as fuck, Get out.!"
" Mama i aint leave u."
"thats exactly what u did."
" lemme make it up.".
In no time, Im faced down, Ass up, In front of the living room mirror with sukana fucking my brains out again. " 'kuna...mghn, can't take more, sensitive.". "nu uh baby, we gotta let this broke trick see how good i can fuck you, show u how yo real man fuck u other than a little side shit.".
His head infact is set up prettily on the nightstand next to the couch, stilk alive watching this unfold with tape on his mouth. Im clenching around his dick, about to cum, but i know better, he tells me when to cum, i dont call the shots.
" dont know why u left this bitch in my pussy anyway y/n, yk i'm the only to hit this shi, so i need you to count after each lash upon ur ass mama, and count."
" ah ryo."
"Mghn ahh! one."
As he keep putting lashes across my ass while fucking me senselessly, my pussy is clencing around him so good, i start feeling him tighten up and his rhythm gets sloppy.
" kuna can i cum."
" nu uh, come ride this dick for me baby."
he slides out and sits on the couch, sukana puts his hands on my waist and turns me around, I have my knees on the couch, and i'm still facing the mirror, as i lower myself down, my pussy is still senstive, so i try not to sit completely but sukana pulls me down. " baby, dont fuck with me, dont run from the dick baby, sit the fuck on the dick and take it, U took fuck bitches dick well, whats wrong with mines, bouce on this shit."
i start crying for real now, i feel everything.
" s'kuna please, Please i cant, 's too much."
" u can baby, ur strong, strong enough to shut up, and fucking bounce."
as im bouncing, moaning and crying and whining. I feel it, fucking.
" kuna kuna kunakunakunakuna AH MNGH AH OMG."
squirt all over his dick, the mosy lewd noises start, when i go back to boucing, sobs, moans. i hear sukana groan in my ear, and he praises me, he pulls me back while i ride, pinching my tities while fingering my clit, he keeps fucking my pussy.
" f-fuck, y/n, g'na make u a mama, tired of playin'"
muja starts losing his shit but sukana didnt care, He nutted in me, still going.
" gonna look so pretty with my baby y/n."
muja lifeless head now rolls, and stops in front.
" are u staying this time kuna."
" yeah, i'll stay with u."
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just read ur cal tiktok post (and absolutely loved), but i’m dying over mares username being lightningmarequeen💀 it’s so in character though
Mare would put the most random stuff together cause she sees no point in making an effort 💁‍♀️ (and we love her for it ✨️).
Also, Kilorn definitely encouraged her to use it cause he thought it would be stupid funny. Then after a few weeks start to wonder why she hasn't changed her username yet.
PART 2 of Cal's Tik Tok Account and His Quest to Mare's Heart
Cal doesn't mind the username, he loves Mare's humor and going out to have coffee with her.
Which they did go on a date....along with Maven.
Who explained that he wanted to try the cafe's new roasted beans and would leave once he has his drink.
Cal agreed, he can't say no to his baby brother and maybe Mare would be comfortable having Maven accompany them for a while.
After they all got their drinks and a few slices of cake, Maven casually shoved himself between him and Mare. Immediately start chatting with his date.
Cal also chipped in the conversation, making Mare cutely snort at his cheesy jokes.
But then, his brother would switch into topics that only he and Mare would know. Leaving him out and making him feel a bit awkward.
Whenever he tried to lightly remind Maven that he was suppose to go home. Maven would just give him a sheepish smile and say, "Ten more minutes, brother."
After thirty minutes, Maven was still sitting between him and his future wife date. He was busy talking about how unrealistic the plot was and the show poorly adapted their source material. While offering Mare a bite of his cake, since she was nearly finished with her donut.
That small gesture summoned a tiny, jealous demon in his chest. It's voice screeching in anger.
Ca loves his brother but at that moment, he just wanted to throw him out the window along with damned coffee.
"Thanks Maven, but I want some piece of that instead." Mare leaned to the side. Peeking over Maven's should, as she pointed at his barely touched vanilla cake.
Maven paused. Dead silent for a moment.
Turning his head towards him. "Oh my, you're still here?"
Cal raised both his brows at his brother's question.
He opened his mouth, ready for a snippy remark. Only for Mare cut him off.
"Well. Of course, he is still here."
Mare tilted to the side. Her bright face and warm brown eyes finally facing him. "I have a date with him after all ." Tipping her head at his direction.
Cal's heart soared.
Maven looked at Mare for a moment. His brows slightly furrowed, confused and...even hurt?
But his expression didn't stayed that long. Maven quickly stood up, his half-finished coffee in hand. "Ah right."
Maven turned toward the exist, but paused to ask Mare. "You do know we have homework in History, right?"
Mare continued, while taking her final bite of her donut. "To be submitted on Monday."
"Don't you need any help?" Maven offered, his expression hopeful.
It only met with Mare's laid back response. "You do know that History is my favorite."
Maven smirked, lacking any humor as he teased. "I almost forgot that you are lame."
Mare laughed warmly and winked at him. "Said the teacher's pet."
His baby brother's expression softened. "See you on Monday."
Cal watched them both quietly. They sure are close... Anyway, at least Mavey's going home.
He was lost in his thoughts when he noticed Mare's stealthy hand pulling his cake towards her.
Cal reached for his plate. Hoping to stop this lovely thief from stealing his cake, as she already stole his heart.
"Thief." He said softly. Watching her grin at him, with his cake in her hands.
"Obviously." She replied. Looking at him, as she took a mouthful of cake to her full lips.
She then offered him a bite of his cake and somehow it tasted sweeter.
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cannedbabs · 2 years
Brooooooooo welcome to tumblr. Ur fic Bite the Hand That Feeds is famous here in our Jack Horner corner.
Firstly I want to say oh my fucking god I love your fic. You have galaxy brain and I can’t wait to read the next chapter. Ur last chapter had me on the edge of my seat.
Secondly, just wanted to ask how u started writing for Jack. Like wat drew you to him. Your characterization of him is so good omfg. It’s so organic like he starts out onto really caring about himself and then he evolves more and more to care about the reader. And your hints of submissive Jack, perfection.
This is just a bunch of word vomit that you don’t have to reply to but I just wanted to express my love of you and your fic. Have a great day! 💜
THIS IS SO SWEET OH MY GOODNESS!! You guys are rly too nice in regards to my fic but it makes me rly happy that it’s been a branch to be able to connect with all of you lovelies 🥺🥺❤️❤️ (btw PLS ANYONE EVERYONE do not be afraid of me send asks or messages or ANYTHING!!!)
CH 4 IS CURRENTLY IN THE WORKS RN AND ITS GOING OUT RLY GOOD! Y’all have given me some DELICIOUS inspo for it (I’m trying to bring back it being descriptive. Ch3 was rly just the reader going through the motions and was lame sorry :( )
So idk I went to watch Puss in boots with my family + boyfriend as a joke and we were looking at the cast list before the movie and was like “omg John mulaney is in it who is Jack Horner??” And then I knew of his rhyme so when his whole entrance scene happened I was like OOHHH… but I heard the wolf was super hot- and is respectfully- but by the end of the movie I was like “YO. THAT PLUM GUY KINDA?? 😳” so then I sorta just,, was too tired of waiting for fics. And with me my NSFW fics tend to be 6,000+ words so it took awhile
The best writing tip for Jack I have is: Whether it’s a “reader” or an oc dont make him care about them. It’s gotta be about HIM. And if you can’t hear your dialogue for him in his voice then change it until you can tbh!! I also try to not make him curse, and make his dialogue cheesy. Why make him say ass when he can say heinie. Can it be a turn off? Probably, but I think it fits him 😭 ANYWAYS YEAH SORRY MY OWN THING IS WORD VOMIT BHT!! Thank you so so much for the questions I LOVE ANSWERING STUFF!! AND YOU ALL ARE SUPER SWEET!! Thank u for enjoying my stuff feel free to msg or ask more idc!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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1-800-dk · 2 years
svt reaction to fake ft call tiktok trend
ft 95z + wonwoo
requested? yep!!
no warnings! just hahas
I changed it up a little bit to where it's another member who is in on the prank. thought it would be funnier. not proofread.
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tries to pretend like he's not listening to what's going on by 'busying' himself. though the second minghao asks you if your boyfriend is around and you say "no" he's really listening now. "but im right here baby" he's pouting internally because why are you lying to minghao and WHY is minghao asking odd questions like that. he's determined to get to the bottom off this equation. once he figures out it's a prank though. he's already scolding you and minghao for doing that to him
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immediately makes it known that he's listening. actually drops everything he's doing the second your phone rings. his head whips around so fast you'd think he'd have given himself whiplash. he does this for 2 reasons; reason one being. no one ever facetimes you so?? why are u getting a call rn and two. yall are literally watching a movie so again. why are you getting a call right now. as SOON as he realizes its seungkwans voice asking you if you were busy w jeonghan rn and you tell him no, he scoffs
"okay buddy"....buddy?? did he just buddy you. that alone causes seungkwan to lose it and break character. needless to say don't ever let seungkwan prank jeonghan again bc wtf he broke character immediately.
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kinda feel like he'd be the one to answer the phone for you. BECAUSE you and vernon had planned ahead. the plan was, you go to the bathroom txt him the codeword leave ur phone beside josh. vern waits 2 mins then calls ok? so you're currently in the bathroom, he wouldn't realize that he was abt to get punk'd obvi so when he answers the call and vernon goes "you're still coming over tonight right sweetie?" obviously joshua has questions because you're his sweetie not vernons?? and no actually u will not be going over to visit vernon. hangs up on vernon immediately and then when ur out of the bathroom he's like 🤨🤨🤨 "why is vernon calling you sweetie...sweetie?" and you're just. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
he'll catch on sooner or later and when he does he's giggling about it bc the prank was lame ngl
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in the middle of a game when he hears your phone go off so he discreetly moves one side of his headphones off of his ear just to yknow. observe. what he didn't expect to hear was mingyus voice asking if you had told wonwoo yet. now that grasps wonwoo's attention but not enough to completely pull him from his game, so when you reply "no...I don't know how to tell him" he pauses his gaming momentarily but STILL doesn't turn around he wants to know where this convo is going. you bet he's scoffing and rolling his eyes, he's not impressed. eventually he turns around in his lil gaming chair and asks you and gyu what you're talking about but he just looks so confused and concerned that you immediately break it to him that it's a joke. his reaction is exactly like the gif btw hes just "oh...haha.." he actually finds you and mingyu unfunny.
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miyagihawk · 3 years
for hawk
lover of mine - 5sos
it's a selfship anthem, bby!
the lyrics make so much sense
i love 5sos!!!! ty for the request :)
lover of mine | eli “hawk” moskowitz x reader
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warnings: cursing, i think that’s it?
summary: based on lover of mine by 5sos <3
Lover of mine
Maybe we'll take some time
Kaleidoscope mind
Gets in the way
Your relationship with Hawk was more complicated than most.
You had to be patient with him. His mind was like a kaleidoscope; his thoughts were in intricate patterns that you could never comprehend. It amazed you, but it also frustrated you when you couldn’t understand him.
And when it seemed like you finally did understand, he would shift into new colors and you’d have to start all over again.
“I just- I don’t get you, Hawk! Why are you always lying to me?” you said loudly, already feeling exhausted from the argument.
“I’m not! You just never believe me!” he turned it on you. Like always.
You looked at him with a hard stare and crossed your arms. “Did you or did you not break Demetri’s arm?” you asked in a calmer, but still threatening tone.
You already knew the answer; everyone was talking about what happened in the laser tag room. But here Hawk was, denying it. You just couldn’t grasp why he hid so much from you.
When he stayed silent with his gaze not meeting yours, you sat on your bed with an exasperated sigh.“We should take a break,” you interrupted the quiet atmosphere, looking up at where your boyfriend stood in front of you.
“What?” Hawk finally met your eyes with a hurt expression.
You patted the spot on the bed next to you, and he sat reluctantly. “I’m just tired. We need a break Hawk.”
“We don’t need a break,” he protested quietly, and the subtle sadness in his voice was enough to make your heart pang with hurt.
Hope and I pray
Darling, that you will stay
Butterfly lies
Chase them away
He was scared. Even through all the countless arguments and lies, you never left. Now you were suggesting a break, and Hawk knows from seeing other relationships that they always just end in an actual break up.
In a weird way, you did want to scare him. Because he would never change if you didn’t. You hated the idea of a break, but maybe Hawk would finally stop lying to you if you showed him you were serious.
“It’s not a breakup,” you assured, because you knew what he was thinking. For once. “We just need time apart for a little bit. To think.”
“About what?” he asked defensively, starting to raise his voice again.
“You and I. We’re quite toxic, you know?” you contrasted his volume in a lighter tone, making his face relax and his lips turn up a bit.
His small smile dropped suddenly, replaced by an anxious expression. “Don’t leave me Y/N.”
Your heart dropped at his words, and you wanted to wrap your arms around him. To tell him you’d never leave and that it was all okay. But it wasn’t all okay.
You grabbed his hand instead, “You’re my best friend. I love you. But I need this, okay? We both do. Just some time to figure out how we can fix... us.”
“I can fix it now, we don’t need to take a break. Please. I’ll never lie to you again. I just- I hate disappointing you,” he pleaded, tightening his hand around yours, and you wanted to give in.
But you knew that letting this go on, this never ending cycle, would only end with the both of you in a huge crash and burn.
“You said that last time,” you gave him a sad smile. “Let’s just figure our shit out, and then come back better for each other. We need this Hawk.”
6 months later
Things didn’t end so well after your break with Hawk. After spending some time apart, you two were just never close again.
None of you planned for it to happen; you just drifted away from each other. And neither of you exactly established when the “break” would be over.
So for the next few months, you passed each other in the halls without any acknowledgment of the other’s existence. Of course you missed him, but not being with him just became the new normal. And you accepted it and pushed your feelings aside.
“So you’ll meet us there? You sure you don’t want the limo to pick you up?” your friend Cara asked from across the lunch table.
“Yeah don’t worry about me, Jesse’s picking me up,” you replied, making the rest of your friends wiggle their eyebrows teasingly.
“What happened to prom with the girls, Y/N? I thought we established no boyfriends during prom season,” Cara pouted playfully, and you elbowed her in the ribs.
“He’s not my boyfriend. He just asked me to prom and that’s it,” you corrected.
Your other friend jumped in, “And why not? Jesse is so cute.”
As she asked, your eyes trailed away from your friends and towards a certain someone with loud red hair, sitting across the room with his karate posse.
Your group noticed your lack of attention and turned to see what you were looking at. They sighed in unison, making you bring your focus back to them.
“He’s why, isn’t he?” Cara gave you an understanding smile and rubbed your shoulder comfortingly. “It’s okay. Just have fun tonight.”
You only nodded, giving your kind friends a soft smile of appreciation.
As much as you tried to convince yourself that you’ve moved on fully, the boy with a kaleidoscope mind would always have a place in your heart.
Where is he?
You paced around your living room anxiously, checking your phone for what seemed like the millionth time in the past hour.
You scrolled through the numerous texts you’ve sent, contemplating if you should send another one. Calling him wasn’t even an option; it went straight to voicemail everytime.
After an hour and a half, you gave up waiting and hoping that your prom date would show up. You flopped down onto the couch despairingly, replying to worried texts from your friends.
‘I’m not going to make it, just don’t worry about me. Have fun my loves.’ you typed, throwing your phone onto the floor right after.
You didn’t want to ask them to pick you up and ruin their night, and you were honestly too drained from being stood up to call an Uber.
So prom night ended up with you spread out on the couch with your outfit that you’ve planned out months ago, eating out of a carton of rocky road ice cream.
Honestly, it could’ve been worse. You could’ve been spending the night with an absolute jerk named Jesse. (a/n: so sorry if ur name is jesse lmao)
In the middle of your rom com movie marathon, an abrupt knock at the front door made you sit up from your pathetic, ice cream eating position on the sofa.
Immediately, you turned off the TV and tiptoed towards the door. You silently grabbed the baseball bat next to it, while squinting to see through the peephole.
Your stomach immediately dropped when you saw him.
Clad in a black suit, with a bouquet of your favorite flowers.
Shifting on his feet and chewing on his lip nervously, as he waited for you to open the door.
The boy you didn’t know you needed to see until now.
What is he doing here?
You covered your mouth in shock as you ran to the mirror to check if you had chocolate stains around your mouth. You smoothed down your hair and straightened out your dress in a frenzy, before unlocking the door with a deep breath in.
“Hawk?” you tried to act surprised, which wasn’t hard because your heart was racing.
He took a second to look at you in your wasted prom attire, and he was locked in a trance for a second before he snapped out of it. “Oh... uh, these are for you,” he held out the flowers to you and you took them with a smile.
“Wow, I love them. Thank you,” you brought them up to your nose for a whiff of your favorite floral scent. “So, what are you doing here?” you asked awkwardly.
“Oh crap, sorry, do you want to come in?” you said before he would answer, and you opened the door wider so he could step inside.
Hawk looked around the room where he’s been countless times, and he frowned at the sight of 13 Going On 30 paused on the screen with half melted ice cream on the coffee table. That movie plus the sweet dessert was your absolute comfort pairing, and it made him sad that you needed it.
“Cara texted me, and I was worried,” he finally spoke, answering your earlier question. You suddenly felt embarrassed as you placed the bouquet in a vase. You didn’t want to be pitied. Especially by your ex-boyfriend.
“I’m fine,” you said bluntly, busying yourself with the flowers so that you wouldn’t have to face him. You hadn’t talked to him since the night you suggested the break, and you already felt too exhausted from tonight’s events to even talk about it with him. “It’s better that I didn’t go to prom with that dick.”
Hawk chuckled at your remark, and you felt more at ease. The tension between you was thicker than an iceberg, and you didn’t know if you could handle it.
“So did you leave? Or are you just dressed up like that for me?” you smiled, sitting down on the couch where he followed.
He laughed again, lightening the mood even more. “I was there, but you know, Cara told me about what happened and... I just felt like I needed to come. It was lame though. The whole thing is just dancing. And I don’t dance,” Hawk explained, and you found yourself smiling at the thought of him caring about you. “But I know how excited you were about prom, so I thought I’d bring it to you. Some romantic shit like that.”
Your eyebrows raised at “romantic shit”, but you decided not to say anything about it. Although, it did make your cheeks heat up and you hoped he didn’t notice. “That’s really sweet Hawk. Thank you. Really,” you placed your hand on top of his, but you recoiled awkwardly because it felt too intimate, given the circumstances.
You cleared your throat, “So... since you’re bringing prom to me, does that mean I get a dance?” you got up and stood in front of him with your arms playfully crossed.
Hawk squinted his blue eyes at you, crossing his arms as well, “I don’t dance, remember?”
“For me you will, right? Or I could just, you know, dance by myself. It’s already been such a great night for me,” you teased, walking away from him towards a clear space in the living room.
He groaned from behind you and got up to follow, making you cheer happily. “For you I will,” he stated under his breath, releasing dozens of butterflies in your stomach.
Dance around the living room
Lose me in the sight of you
I've seen the red, I've seen the blue
Take all of me
You turned on your Dad’s old record player, where a slow, jazzy, 60s vinyl was spinning. You almost wanted to change it because it felt too romantic, but Hawk was already waiting behind you and you were scared he would change his mind.
The rush his presence gave you made you boldly put your hands on his shoulders, and he stiffly placed his own on the curve of your waist. Your hands were locked at the nape of his neck; his hold on you was light as if you were fragile china.
You forgot how intoxicating it felt to be this close to him, and you wondered how you went so long without that feeling.
The both of you swayed to the smooth melodies of Nina Simone with interlocked eyes, and with every second his hands on your hips became more relaxed. You rested your head on his chest, pulling him closer.
For a song or two, none of you said anything; there was just an unspoken appreciation of each other’s presence. After 6 months without him, you needed this.
I'll never give you away
'Cause I've already made that mistake
If my name never fell off your lips again
I know it'd be such a shame
When I take a look at my life
And all of my crimes
You're the only thing that I think I got I right
“I should’ve never let you go,” Hawk whispered close to your ear, sending a shiver down your spine.
“I was the one who wanted the break. It’s my fault,” you opposed, lifting your head up from his chest to look up at him.
He raised one of his hands to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear, and it brought a warm smile to your face. “But I didn’t chase after you,” his lips turned down into a frown.
You put your hands on the sides of his face while you two continued to sway to the staticky vinyl. “Maybe it’s both of our faults,” you laughed lightly, touching his soft skin.
“It’s me Y/N. I’m the one who lied to you throughout the whole relationship. I’m so sorry,” Hawk looked down at you with glossy eyes. “I’ve done so much fucked up shit. But you’re the only thing I got right. I hate myself for ruining it too.”
Your felt yourself melt at his confession. “It’s not ruined,” you disputed. “You aren’t perfect and I’m not either. I shouldn’t have given up on us. I’m sorry.”
He closed his eyes in peace as your hands ran through his bright hair. It was down from its usual style, giving him a softer look.
“Maybe we both messed up. But I’m never giving you away again Y/N. I won’t make that mistake. I love you,” the boy you’ve missed for months admitted, saying everything you wanted to hear.
You kissed him in reply.
a/n: ah idk if i like this but i hope u do, i feel like my writings are getting repetitive im having bad writers block (as u can tell by how slow im doing requests)
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Honestly embarrassing that George had almost same pace as lewis is quali when he has an entirety new pu and lewis had an old costing him two tenths but sure he wasn't off pace. Also ur bland white boy isn't oppressed because poc fans on twitter called him selfish and a snake. Grow the hell up. Also hope merc keep ignoring his lame ass
When did I ever say he was oppressed? That's right, I didn't, all I've said for a group of fans that quite rightfully call out all the hate Lewis gets, why turn around & send hate to another driver?? Of course what George gets is nowhere near the level of hate Lewis gets but I stand by that point. When basically every single reply to George's posts is hate, then yes, I think the team need to say something. They would do it immediately if Lewis was getting hate so why can't they do it for George too?
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yourmcu · 4 years
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
@lostaurorax​ said:
hii!! i love ur writing i was wondering if u could write a natasha x reader fic were reader is part of the guardians of the galaxy and they come to the compound and natasha is just starstruck but reader plays kinda hard to get and then just a bunch of fluff !
Word count: 1,388
A/n: sorry it took a while! I really hope this turned out ok I’m so nervous lmfaosdkdk
Warnings: none
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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gif not mine! credits to the owner^^
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Natasha’s outside the compound by the landing zone, taking light sips on her beer occasionally. The Avengers are having some sort of gathering or low-key party inside to celebrate their victory against Thanos a while back.
They never really had time to gather everybody just after the battle, but Tony contacted everybody for this special night. Natasha just wants to take a break from the games and conversations for a minute.
Speaking of conversations, she rolls her eyes at the thought about something Steve said. Because the tables have turned; if she was the one bugging Steve to date a few years back, he's now bombarding her with names of single people they knew, one of them being Bucky.
“He wouldn’t mind going out to dinner with you sometime.” Steve suggested. But Natasha knows the Winter Soldier and herself are better off as friends.
Natasha gets up when after the guardian’s ship lands smoothly against the grass meters away from her. She moves a few strands of her hair from her face to get a clear view of Thor striding out of the ship as soon as the door opens, along with the other guardians.
“Ah, Romanoff!” The god of thunder grins, patting her on the back. She’s never seen him this happy. Probably because it's all thanks to him the whole universe was free from mad titans – at least for now. “How’s life? Oh, yes, I’d like to introduce you to my friends here… of course you already know rabbit, and tree…”
Greetings and hand shaking fills the friendly atmosphere for a moment. Then you finally catch up with them, nudging Thor’s side and thrusting the large barrel of Asgardian ale into his arms.
“You must be the Black Widow,” you breathe out and offer a warm smile to the redhead, your hand outstretches. “Thor’s told me awesome stories about you guys. Y/N, by the way.”
Natasha nods, slightly breathless like you are but because of... well, you. She returns a smile and introduces herself as well.
“Everything’s pretty tech-y now, s’mazing.” You muse, entering the compound side by side with Natasha. The rest are walking in front of you, chatting among themselves. “I missed this planet.”
She glances sideways at you, “when’s your last visit?”
You chuckle. “I honestly don’t remember when but, it was a brief visit to my hometown and everything looked old fashioned, I think these huge compact disks were all the rage that time, vines- no, not vines-“
“Vinyl records?” Natasha raises an eyebrow, smiling. You laugh, which she finds adorable, and nod. “You and Quill are related, then?” She proceeds to ask since you look like a normal human, no antennas or any odd space stuff you could’ve inherited.
“Oh, no, we’re both half human though,” you shrug. “What about you? Tell me about yourself.”
She hesitates to tell a bit of her story at first but you seem nice and - accepting, like you’d never judge her. But she does leave out a few parts for another conversation.
Natasha retreats over to Steve who is behind the bar counter when you receive a big hug from Peter and Tony greets you with a “How’s it going, fireball?” and a pat on the back. She figures you want to meet the others, so she sits down across the super soldier to steal glances at you from afar. 
“Finally, I was starting to think he wasn’t gonna show - hey!” Steve raises his champagne at Thor and he does the same gesture before hurrying after Bruce. “Is it just me or did Groot get taller?”
You're still joking around with Tony, pretending to hit the still-bandaged wound on his chest, Rhodey laughs along, then Wanda offers you a cocktail and you accept it, thanking her.
Steve’s now going on about Wakanda, also sharing the stories from T’Challa. Natasha’s barely listening but occasionally hum and nod.
“Nat, if you don’t close your mouth you’re going to drool.” He laughs lightheartedly, averting his gaze from her to you. “I guess we have a winner, then?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Natasha gets up to grab another beer from the cooler. Steve continues to laugh, having a stupid grin on his face. “Oh c’mon, what’s her name?”
Even saying your name she feels out of breath. There's no point in pretending she isn’t into you now. “This isn’t normal. I just met her tonight and I shouldn’t be feeling this way.”
“You’re infatuated, it’s-”
“Hi,” you sit on a stool across from the two avengers, holding an open pack of marshmallows. Natasha lamely excuses herself to fetch a bottle opener. Steve straightens up and extends a hand which you take. “Nice to finally meet you, I’m-”
“Y/N.” Steve says. “Natasha’s been telling me about you.”
“I just thought you seemed nice,” she quickly recovers but her heart is still pounding.
You raise an eyebrow at her and giggle. “I’m flattered. You’re not so bad yourself, Natasha.” It’s true, you think she ‘seemed nice’ too. Sure she sounded so badass when Thor tells you stories but tonight she looks so cozy with her sweater and her hair braided to one side.
“Being surrounded with people like you guys is great but now I just feel like a party trick.” You take out a marshmallow while scanning the room (Steve is now playing pool with Sam, you notice, and you're alone with the redhead).
“What do you mean?”
You hold the marshmallow between your fingertips, igniting it out of nowhere for a second so it roasts just right, then pop it in your mouth. “Pretty useless, right?”
“Maybe if you only used it for something like that, but no,” Natasha smiles softly. “Fire conjuring, bit scary if you ask me. What if you randomly lit something up?”
“I was born with it. I remember having to wear gloves all the time as a child when I first set a houseplant to flames,” you both laugh. “I’m in full control of it now though.”
“S’that why Tony calls you ‘fireball’?”
You let out a laugh again. “Yeah. Or he might’ve forgot my actual name.”
“Y/N! I took the liberty of putting your stuff in the room you’ll be sleeping at.” Thor butts in, grinning from ear to ear, patting you on the head.
“Oh, right. Thanks buddy.”
“You’re welcome!”
Natasha turns to you, “you’re staying?” In her head she's coming up with ways on how to talk to you again once the party’s over and you return to space with the guardians. This just makes it a whole lot easier to get to know you even better.
“Yup, Thor is too. We both agreed on staying for a few weeks to catch up on stuff.” You reply. “I might actually turn in now, ‘think those cocktails are kicking in...”
“I’ll walk with you.” She says without giving it much thought but you nod and smile appreciatively.
“Perfect. It’s the guestroom beside your room.” Thor claps his hands together and walks away.
“Can I ask you a question?”
You zip your bag and hum before looking up at her.
Natasha's leaning on your doorframe, hesitating. Is she going to fast? Is it too soon to ask? She fiddles with her hands, “do you have any plans tomorrow?”
This is fine. If you say yes or say no then decline her next question, she’ll just forget any of this happened.
“I don’t - well, I think Thor wanted to go out for breakfast but that’s it. Why?”
“Do you... maybe wanna go out?” Natasha asks silently, looking at anywhere but you. “To, you know, catch you up on some of the things you missed. Only if you want to, no pressure.”
But your eyes light up at her words. You kind of expected it, she was showing signs that she likes you all night. And you actually made the Black Widow nervous. “Natasha, I’d love to.”
“Oh,” she sighs in relief, feeling the beat of her heart return to a normal pace. “Well I’ll - I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You walk over to her and place a hand on her arm, then lean over to plant a kiss on her cheek. “Good night.”
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1101001 · 3 years
‘ when high school ended, your relationship with oikawa did too. years later, something you didn’t want to call fate led you to each other on the sandy shores of a beach in brazil ’
character .. oikawa tooru 
word count .. 1.3k
tags .. exes (but not rlly 'to lovers’) , no pronouns used , possible timeskip spoilers? but nothing explicitly stated , uhh fluff-ish , written for @itskoushi​ <3
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You choked on your drink, turning your head to the side in futile hopes that it would hide your face. Why of all places and all times was he here, at a beach in Rio de Janeiro? Maybe it wasn’t him though, maybe it was just your eyes playing tricks on you.
You peered carefully over your friend’s head for another look. It definitely was him.
“Y/n, are you okay?” 
You nodded hastily, ignoring the suspicious look your friend was giving you. 
“Right, do you wanna come down to the beach with me?” she asked, pointing to the mob of people in bikinis and trunks walking around under the bright hot Brazilian sun. “Seems someone caught your eye too.”
There was a glint in her eye and before she could drag you with her, you shook your head, “No, I think I’ll stay here…”
“You sure?”
“I’m sure.”
She got up and muttered a ‘boring’ before turning and disappearing into the crowd.
Not two seconds after she left, the very person you were hoping to avoid appeared right behind you.
“Look who we have here.” His voice was sweet like honey, and you had to steel yourself against it before turning around and facing him.
“Hello to you too Oikawa.”
Oikawa Tooru, a boy (now man) who caused you massive amounts of internal conflict. Did you miss him and his chocolate brown eyes and perfectly tousled hair and seemingly carefree exterior? 
Maybe you did, but before you could fall into the trap that is Oikawa’s charm, you reminded yourself that you've already been down that path.
“Thought it was you,” he said, lips curving into a slight smirk. He leaned one arm against the bar table and you suddenly noticed how much muscle he’s built since you last saw him. “So what brings you to this lovely beach?”
You took a long sip from your drink, trying to look everywhere but him for fear of accidentally staring too long. “It was a business trip but now I’m just relaxing.”
From the background, a couple of people were starting to shout for Oikawa. He turned towards them and yelled, “GIMME A SEC,” before turning back to you and asking, “Hey uh are you up for some beach volleyball?”
You raised an eyebrow.
“There’s this small tournament and I’m the only one without a partner.”
It was a very sudden offer and you were hesitant to accept. Volleyball? At the beach? With your ex no less.
It didn’t seem like the best idea.
“Cmon I know you’re good,” Oikawa pleaded.
You were still hesitant, but the thought of playing volleyball again made your hands and arms itch. It seems you missed it more than you thought. 
“Fine,” you said taking one last sip of your drink before grabbing your things and hopping out of your seat. The two of you made your way over to the nets set up on the sand and Oikawa led you to a table to register.
“Have you ever played beach volleyball?” Oikawa asked as he grabbed a ball and tossed it to you.
You lightly set it back to him. “No, and I haven’t played normal volleyball for quite a while either.”
“That’s fine,” Oikawa replied, once again tossing the ball back to you. “It’s a just-for-fun competition anyway.”
And that just-for-fun competition was a lot more intense than you expected. Beach volleyball, you quickly learned, is very different from normal volleyball. Running around on the sand wasn’t exactly easy and being on the same side of the net as Oikawa, although you tried to ignore it, was giving you weird and very annoying butterflies. 
Instead of it being a terrible experience like it should’ve been though, you found yourself relishing the adrenaline that came with the feel of the ball on your hands. 
You and Oikawa made for a great team too. The two of you barely exchanges words but knew what the other meant every time. That combined with each of your own individual talent and skill made you a deadly combo and easily a favorite for the win.
And you might’ve won too, had you been able to continue playing.
You gritted your teeth as you struggled to stand up after an unsuccessful dive. Suddenly, Oikawa was there by your side, extending a hand and helping you up. 
“You ok there?” 
Honestly, no. Your ankle hurt like hell from how you dived into the sand just moments ago. The unevenness of the ground really wasn’t something to underestimate. 
“Uh my ankle hurts a bit,” you muttered. 
“By a bit you mean it hurts enough you can’t play anymore right?”
You looked away and nodded lamely. You’d like to think you changed since high school but it seems he still knew you too well.
“Ok, let's get you to a clinic then.”
By then, the referee and a few other people had gathered around. Oikawa quickly announced your withdrawal from the tournament and led you off the court.
“Can you walk?” he asked, extending a hand to steady you as you got up. 
“I think so,” you replied before taking one step and immediately realizing this was going to be a slow and painful walk to the clinic. 
But you gritted your teeth through the pain and, with Oikawa next to you, hobbled off. You eventually found a way to angle your feet against the sand to minimize pain so it wasn’t too bad.
Although this way was much more bearable pain-wise, it was slow, so slow that Oikawa suggested he just carry you to the clinic.
“No thanks,” you said, gritting your teeth as you forced your legs to move faster.
“Y/n please. You’re slower than a snail.”
You stopped and sighed, a sign he took as you agreeing apparently because he immediately grabbed your legs and lifted you bridal style almost effortlessly.
You were about to protest but the words died away as he looked down at you with a smile.
That smile.
Suddenly, you were a teenager at Aoba Johsai again, walking through its crowded hallways, passing Oikawa and a few of his fangirls trailing behind him. He flashed that same smile at you he had now and your heart skipped a beat. 
“Let’s just hope your ankle isn’t messed up too badly yeah?” His voice snapped you out of your thoughts and you responded with a simple ‘yeah’.
Your mind, at the moment, was focusing on other things. Not the way he carried you without a hint of tiredness on his face. Not the way your arms were intertwined around his neck. Not the way his hair bounced with every step he took, or the way his eyes glittered in the sunlight, or the way you could feel his heartbeat against you.
No, your mind was racing because even though this was hardly your most intimate moment, you felt ‘the feeling’.
Maybe you were caught up in it all. That was a very plausible and realistic explanation for why you were feeling what you were feeling right now. But as you two approached the clinic and he urged the nurses to care for you, your mind wandered.
Maybe he was just being a decent human being. Yes, of course, that was what he’s doing - being nice. The way he held your hand through it all made it seem like he was being more than just nice.
Maybe there was something more. When he looked at you, sheepish grin and concerned eyes, you couldn’t help but feel it.
You were getting carried away. It definitely seemed like you were. But you couldn’t think of anything wrong with the flutters in your chest. Sure the breakup wasn’t the smoothest but that was when you were young and going separate paths.
He might not even be feeling all that you were right now, but you gave yourself a sliver of hope because maybe he was.
And maybe, just maybe, a second try would be worth the while.
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. . .
note .. NINI HI IM SO SORRY THIS IS LATE BUT HAPPY FVKING belated BIRTHDAY !!! i know how much you love this trope and how much you love oiks soooo *holds this out to you like cake on a platter* ... not much slowburn tho sorry (i would but by the time i finish it’ll be ur next birthday sdkjghs) right anyway,,, hope you like it and again,, happy belated birthday <33
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crowsmybeloveds · 3 years
Shadow and Bone Series: Chapter Five
Fluorescent Adolescent
Pairing: Jesper Fahey x Reader
Summary: Y/N starts to grow into her role within the Crows.
Word Count: 5.3k
Warnings: Past (physical, emotional, sexual) abuse; Drug use; canon typical violence; roofies; Pekka Rollins; the Menagerie
A/N: thank you guys so much for the response on the last chapter!!! I’m so bad at responding to stuff but I read and obsessed over every comment and reblog!! (As always feel free to comment like reblog ask whatever toots ur horn)
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“I don’t know, Jes,” Y/N gulped. “It looks like it’s super heavy.”
“That sounds like something a loser would say.” Jesper replied, smirking at her.
The pair was staring up into the window of a large apartment, where a golden music machine was sitting. They had spoken about it before, and Y/N was absolutely enamored with them. They were Fabrikator made to create music when a disk was placed on them. She thought it was incredible. Now, Jesper was trying to get her to help him steal one.
“A loser?” She replied, annoyed. “That’s a lame insult.”
“I don’t know,” He laughed lightheartedly. “You seem pretty insulted.”
Y/N rolled her eyes and looked back at the window. The machine looked just like ones she had read about in books, where they were called magnetovon, but she and Jesper agreed golden music machine was a better name. “Seriously, though, how are we going to get it out of there?”
“Do not fret, milady.” Jesper smiled as he spoke in an exaggerated accent. “I had to carry many heavy things at the farm as a mere youngster.”
Y/N laughed. “First of all, lose the accent. Second of all, what farm?”
Jesper cleared his throat, and for a moment she was worried she had hit a soft spot, but he soon spoke up. “I grew up on one, in Novyi Zem.”
“Really?” She asked, a shocked expression on her face.
“Why is that so odd to you?” He laughed at her wide eyes.
“I mean, you just seem like a city boy, is all. You know, with the rings and the card games…”
It was Jespers turn to roll his eyes. “Oh, because I have good taste in jewelry means I can’t be from a farm?”
“No, it’s fine. I accept it.” She told him. “I just have a few questions.”
She smirked. “Do you get teary-eyed at the sight of hay bales?”
His smile dropped. “Shut up.”
“No,” She barely made it through her words, laughing too much. “I don’t think I will. Does the smell of horse manure remind you of home, country boy?”
Jesper cringed. “Gross, you cannot call me that.”
“Call you what, country boy?”
“Are you serious?”
“As murder,” She replied triumphantly. “You call me all sorts of nicknames, so it’s only fitting that you have one.”
“And you’ve decided on country boy?” He asked, shaking his head.
“I’ve decided on country boy.”
A few hours later, on the other side of the Barrel, Inej sat in the common area of the Slat, going over plans Kaz had given her. She was interrupted by muffled bickering coming toward the door.
“I’m just saying it’s not even creative. It took you like three seconds to come up with it.” Jesper argued as he came through the door with Y/N. They were each holding one side of a large golden machine. Inej tilted her head, looking at them. What on earth did those two do?
“Yes, it’s so unoriginal, but look at how riled it’s got you!” Y/N exclaimed as they set the machine down. She sighed and dusted off her hands, looking at it like it was her greatest achievement. “Now we just need to find some of the music disk things.”
Jesper loudly sighed. “It’s just one thing after another with you, isn’t it? Where do you get all that energy?”
Y/N gulped. “I don’t know.” She lied through her teeth. The jurda that she had been taking was also a stimulant, which many people used to stay awake.
“Did you steal a magnetovon?” Inej asked, confused. The pair turned toward her, just noticing she was there.
Jesper furrowed his brow. “Why do you assume we stole it?”
“Are you seriously asking me that?” Inej said as she bit back a laugh.
“Yes, we stole it. But look at it.” Y/N rushed out her words, clearly excited. “It’s beautiful, and once we get some of those disks -“
“Yes, that’s what they are called!” She snapped her fingers at the revelation. “Once we find those, we can have music.”
Inej shrugged. “Sounds nice.”
Y/N rushed to sit down next to Inej, talking to her all about the machine and the different types of music they could find. Jesper watched on.
In all honesty, Jesper was not totally convinced that the machine was as interesting as Y/N thought it was, but, when he saw how excited it made her, he knew it was his goal to get one. Ever since they had spoken about it from her window at the Emerald Palace, he looked in the windows of every wealthy man’s house when he was walking around the city, hoping to see one. He had been ecstatic when he finally found one, rushing to find her before dragging her back to the house to see it. The way her eyes lit up and she smiled when she looked at it made his heart stutter. He never wanted her to ever look different. So, with her help, he lugged the stupid thing all the way back to the Slat, just so that her smile might last a bit longer.
Inej and Y/N were deep in conversation, so they didn’t notice him slip out the door. If it was music his girl wanted, it was music she was going to get. He didn’t care if it might cost him an arm and a leg. He searched many of the stands surrounding the Crow Club, looking for the discs the girls had described.
He knew that if he was going to avoid his feelings for her, he should probably spend less time with her, and end their flirting, but he couldn’t bring himself to stop. Being around her made him feel electric, and he was sure he would never get enough of it. It was for this reason he searched every stand he could find for those stupid music discs.
They were absolutely nowhere to be found. He knew that they would be expensive and hard to come by, but now he was doubting that they even existed. He found himself back outside of the apartment from which they had stolen the golden music machine, wondering if they had any inside. He could hear the sounds of people moving around inside, so going in was not an option. He sighed, looking around the alley.
At the far end of the alley, there was a large pile of trash. On the top of it was a bag, which had large black discs falling off of it. Jesper perked up and practically sprinted down the street to see if it was the zapisi he was looking for. He looked in the bag, finding around ten discs that looked exactly like how Y/N had described them.
“Yes!” He shouted in triumph, ignoring the odd looks he got from people on the street. He slung the bag over his shoulder and ran back to the Slat, excited to show his findings to Y/N and Inej.
When he got there, he found both of them asleep on the same couch they had been on before he left. He chuckled. Y/N must have talked herself into exhaustion. He smiled at them and then turned to the machine, determined to figure out how it worked.
As he lowered the needle on to the disc, he crossed his fingers, praying he might have figured it out on his first try. It spun for a few moments and then —
“What the fuck!” Y/N was awoken by the loud sounds coming from the music room. Jesper hadn’t realized that the volume was all of the way up. The room shook with every beat. Now Inej and Y/N were awake, and everyone in the room was screaming.
“Saints! Jesper, make it stop!” Inej shouted, covering her ears.
Y/N ran over to the machine and turned a dial on it, making it play the music much more softly.
“Yeah,” Jesper said, out of breath. “That’s much better.”
Y/N smiled at him, “You bought zapisi?”
“I found zapisi.”
She once again stared at the machine. There’s that smile. Jesper thought. Worth it. She moved to sit down in front of the machine, putting a new song on it and letting it play. A soft song filled the room. She closed her eyes and sighed contentedly. “I can die happy now.”
Inej rolled her eyes, but smiled at her two friends. She was happy that Y/N was able to find happiness within the Dregs. She also thought that she and Jesper were idiots. They were both totally enraptured with each other, but neither did anything about it. It was ridiculous. She rested her head on the arm rest at the end of the couch, watching them.
Jespers eyes sparkled as he watched the girl on the ground. He tapped his foot to the rhythm of the music. “Y/N, you know this is a waltz, right?”
“Like the dance?”
“Yes.” He replied. “Do you know how to?”
She turned to him and shook her head.
“Here, I’ll teach you.” He reached out a hand for her to grab. Noticing her hesitation, he reached further. “Come on, it’ll be fun.”
“If you say so,” she spoke in a nervous voice, reaching for his hand. He lifted her up onto her feet. And used his other hand to grab her by her waist. She tried not to look flustered from being so close to him.
Jesper stared into her eyes and gulped. “Right, so you move with the beat. 1, 2, 3. You hear it?”
“Yes,” she responded, staring at her feet.
“Okay, so it’s like this: step forward, to the side, and then backwards.” Jesper smiled at how concentrated she was as she mirrored his steps. “Yeah, just like that.”
“Oh sorry,” She mumbled, as she accidentally stepped on his foot.
“No problem, gorgeous.” He gently reassured her. “Once you get good at this, we can do it in circles how you are supposed to.”
They continued their steps along with the music, Inej watching on. The day had finally faded into a dark night, and there was a small rainstorm occurring outside. For a dingy room in the middle of the Barrel, it was a rather blissful atmosphere.
The sound of Kaz’s cane filled the room, as he opened the door and began to walk in. He stopped in his tracks when her heard the music, looking up to see what was going on. He looked at Inej, raising an eyebrow. When she shrugged, he turned toward the rest of his Crows, examining their dancing with a meticulous, judging gaze. “You’re doing that wrong.”
Jesper and Y/N didn’t respond, off in their own world.
“Leave them alone,” Inej whispered as Kaz sat down in a chair next to the couch. “They’re having fun.”
They looked on at the dancing pair in silence. Adorable as the sight was, it left a pit in both of their stomachs. They both had similar thoughts in their mind. Something I might never have.
Jesper and Y/N had long since abandoned their mechanical steps, and were now spinning around with no real motive. She giggled as he spun her dramatically. When she arrived back at her original position, she looked up at him grinning. They were even closer than they were before. She looked at his lips. He’s really pretty.
Jesper, on the other hand, was trying his best to ignore his feelings for her, but it was becoming harder and harder with each passing second. Her closeness was becoming overwhelming, so he had spun her. When she ended up even closer, he felt like he was struggling to get enough air. I want to kiss her. He fought to keep himself from cringing. Absolutely not. She deserves better.
When the music stopped, they were both broken from their trancelike state. She stared up at him, taking a deep breath. He let go of her, stepping away and quickly turning toward the stairs. “Goodnight, Y/N.” He called, not even stopping to turn and wave goodbye. He quickly made his way to his room, sitting down on his cot and putting his head in his hands.
Y/N stood there, frozen and confused. Did she cross a boundary? Was he ok? What just happened? She turned to see Kaz and Inej staring at her.
“I, um,” she pointed at the stairs. “Yeah. Upstairs.”
Kaz and Inej watched as she rushed up the stairs, taking them two at a time.
When Y/N arrived at Jesper’s door, she gave it a few gentle taps. “Jes, are you alright?”
On the other side of the door, Jesper raised his head out of his hands, which were now shaking. No, I’m not alright. I’m fucking in love with you and it’s tearing me apart. “Yeah, I just remembered something I had to do.”
“Oh,” Y/N replied, “what is it?”
He opened the door and she backed away from it. He was dressed in his coat and top hat. He’s leaving. “I completely forgot I promised someone a coffee date at 11 bells.” He sighed, slightly impressed with his own lie. “I have to go, I’m already late.”
His insides twisted at the betrayed look on her face that she was trying to hide. Just get out. He thought. You’ll feel better with cards in your hand.
“Right,” she plastered a fake smile on her face. “Well, have fun!”
He gave a tight smile and made his way down the stairs. She stood there until she heard the slam of the door from the bottom floor. I must have freaked him out. She thought. Who would want a girl like me? I’m already spent.
She noticed her hands shaking and made her way up to her room above his. She closed the door behind her, and rushed to her work table, searching it for any traces of her jurda she could take. Tears formed in her eyes when she couldn’t find a single trace of her medicine, or even just a petal from the flower she used to make it. She slammed a hand down on her table before moving to open the drawers underneath. Again finding nothing, she searched her wallet. It was empty. She sighed, letting the tears fall. With shaking hands she opened the bottom drawer, taking out a small jar labeled “Anais.” She grabbed a wad of kruge from the jar and sighed. This is so fucking pathetic.
She rushed down the stairs, grabbing her coat from where she had left it on the couch before making her way out the door. Kaz and Inej’s questions of where she was going were left unanswered.
That night, when Jesper arrived in his room, he could hear movements coming from the room above him. He sighed at the sound, sitting down on his cot. He knew she overworked herself to distract from pain. He knew it hurt her to be abandoned, and it hurt him to leave. But he wasn’t the person she needed him to be, and he wasn’t sure if he ever could be. Running away was difficult, but somehow also the easiest way to deal with it.
Jesper woke up next morning with a pounding headache and even worse heartache. He saw a small note slid under the door, written in purple ink. He unfolded it and read.
Thank you for helping me get music. Sorry if I suck at waltzing.
- Y/N
He wished she understood why he had run. He wished he knew how to explain it. The pit in his stomach dug itself deeper.
Once a week, Y/N took Inej out to get muffins, if time and money allowed. She claimed it was her way of paying Inej back for taking a chance on her at the Emerald Palace. If Inej had never decided to help Y/N instead of allowing Kaz to simply kill her as soon as he knew she existed, Y/N would have been long gone. So, she bought Inej muffins, just like the muffin Inej had brought her when they met at the window for the first time.
They would go to a different baker each time, hoping to become, as Y/N put it, “the best muffin connoisseurs in all of Kerch!” Then, they would take their baked goods back to the Slat, sitting on Inej’s window ledge while they ate. The view of the Barrel from there made it seem much nicer, as if it was made of lanterns and starlight instead of blood and grime. They could also see the sea, which brought in a nice breeze. It was an easy spot to find comfort in.
“It was weird.” Inej nodded. They had been speaking about Jespers sudden actions a few nights prior. She waved her hand as she spoke. “He just ran off.”
“I know. He said he had a date, though.” Y/N replied. “He was running late?”
“Oh, I’m sorry.” Inej looked at her with wide, pitiful eyes.
“Why? I know better than to expect him to like me. Saints, I just figured out I like him, I can get over it.”
Inej raised her eyebrows. “Whatever you say…”
Y/N shook her head, laughing as she picked up her muffin. “Oh, fuck off!”
Inej started laughing as well, but her smile faded when she noticed her friend's nails. They were stained orange. “Oh, have you been working with jurda a lot?”
Y/N tensed. “What?”
“Your nails?”
“Oh, yeah. It’s a pretty powerful plant, it makes my job a lot easier.” Y/N tried to play it off, but she knew Inej didn’t really believe her.
“What did you make?” Inej asked, taking another bite of a muffin.
Y/N raised a finger to her mouth. “It’s a secret. Not finished yet.”
They both knew she was lying, and Y/N could tell Inej was not going to let it go. Inej was very smart, possibly smarter than she was, so she knew she wasn’t getting out of this.
Inej had given up on questioning. “If you ever need something, I can help.”
The words punched Y/N in the gut. She had been acting like she was being interrogated by the stadwatch when it was really just a worried friend. “I know, Inej. It’s just hard.”
Inej hummed and went back to eating her muffin. They finished their baked goods in awkward silence and then bid each other goodnight.
It was past twelve bells, and Y/N was seated at her mirror in her room at the Slat, furiously rubbing at the skin on her cheek, when a tapping sound came from her window. She wiped tears from her eyes and turned toward the noise to see Jesper in her window. He spread his arms and smiled.
It had been a few days since he ran off on her to go on a date. Neither of them understood how much the incident hurt each other, and they hadn’t talked about it. It was likely they never would.
If Jesper was still Jesper, he would just be himself and act like time had healed them. Y/N would play along.
“Come on, love. Let me in!” His voice was muffled as it made its way through the glass.
She stood up and walked over to him. She put her face close to the window and tilted her head.
“Why should I, country boy?”
“Easy,” He pointed at himself, “Because you’re in love with this face.”
Her heart sped up. Not just a joke, Jesper.
“I can see it from here.” She quipped, but still opened her window to let him in.
He jumped in, “But it’s better in this lighting, huh? I missed you, petal.” He held her face in both hands.
She flinched at his contact with her cheek that she had rubbed raw. She moved his hands down, hoping he wouldn’t notice. “It’s been like, two days since I last saw you.”
“I still missed you.” He had noticed her discomfort. “Did you hurt yourself, love?”
“Don’t worry about it.”
She moved to sit back down in front of her mirror. Jesper furrows his brows, hesitating in following her.
“Listen, I may not be the smartest in the Barrel. Saints, I’m not even the smartest person in this room,” he wiped at his brow. “But I’m not stupid enough to ignore whatever is going on here.” He gestured toward her as he walked over. “What’s wrong?”
“I, uh,” She held up a book, “Was practicing.”
Jesper looked at the book, “This is from the University library, did you steal it?”
She made a face at him. “No I enrolled,” she said sarcastically, “Yes, Jesper, of course I stole it.”
“The Science of Grisha Tailoring.” He said, making his voice sound posh and regal. “Why are you reading this? Can Alkemi even do tailoring?”
“No, I think it is just for Coporalniks, but I’m not your average Little Palace trained Fabrikator. Maybe I could, I don’t know, make a potion that does tailoring?” She sounded doubtful.
“Why would you need to do any tailoring? Does Kaz need it?”
“No, it’s for me.”
“Why?” Jesper was confused, and she was making him nervous.
“I just, um,” She stuttered, “I wanted to look different.”
“Why?” He looked at her, obviously irritated. “Who told you you needed to look different?”
“Don’t be mad.”
“Too late.” He quipped. “Who said that to you?”
Y/N sat frozen, staring at the floor. Pekka Rollins. She thought. Pekka Rollins told me that. The whole crew knew the girl had been tailored for every man she met other than Pekka. It was how they knew they could fake her death and get her out of there so easily. Who was gonna see her on the street and report her to the Dime Lions if they had all known her as a different woman? What they didn’t know, however, was the reason Pekka gave her for changing her appearance.
“Um, he always said I was never gonna ‘convince’ the men who came to see me to give me any information if I looked like this.” She gulped. “And Kaz needs me to distract a guy in this job tomorrow and I just wanna be able to do what he thinks i can do.”
“Kaz is having you seduce a man for a job? Are you joking? After everything you went through—“
“Jesper, I offered. He was reluctant but it’s what needs to be done.” She told him. She could see that it made him nervous. “It won’t be the same as at the Emerald Palace, I can give the guy as much or as little as I want because I won’t have Pekka making promises to him beforehand.”
Jesper tried his best to understand what she was saying. He was not thrilled about her doing the same types of jobs she did under Rollins, but if she felt comfortable then he guessed he was fine with it. It was not his choice to make anyways. On the other hand, he was not going to let the issue of the tailoring go. She was already hurting herself trying to do it.
“Alright,” He took a breath. “But you seriously don’t need to tailor yourself to distract that man. You distract me even when you haven’t slept in days.”
“But Pekka said -“
“He said that to you because he couldn’t have people recognizing you. He was lying, like always,” he said, looking in her eyes in the mirror. “And maybe because he wanted you for himself.” He lowered down so he was speaking in her ear, “And, darling, I’m not sure I blame him. You’re a proper stunner.”
“I don’t know,” She started.
He rose, placing his chin on the top of her head. “Say it.”
“Say you’re proper stunner.”
“I’m a proper stunner...” She murmured, laughing.
“Hm, louder.”
“I’m a proper stunner.” She said in her normal speaking volume.
“Not good enough,” he smirked, “Shout it.”
She turned in her chair and spoke in a hushed voice, “Jes, it’ll wake people up!”
He looked to the sides, “Maybe.” He rose his voice. “But I’m just going to keep getting louder!”
“Jesper, stop it.”
“No,” he grinned at her, turning her chair back to the mirror, “Not until you shout it!”
“Saints,” she sighed, then cleared her throat, “I’m a proper stunner!”
He snapped his fingers, making finger guns at mirror, “And don’t you forget it,”
She laughed, winking at the mirror to imitate him, “With that stunt I don’t think -“
Harsh knocking came from the doorway.
“Will you two be quiet?” Kaz’s voice was muffled by the door.
“Sorry, boss!” Y/N called back. His footsteps and his cane could be heard as he walked away.
As soon as the sound stopped, the two burst out laughing. Sure, they had some problems, but they were still at their best when they were together.
Kaz’s instructions were simple: woo the man out of his comfort zone, and kill him when the time was right. It wasn’t strategic, it was to send a message, and he was sure his Alkemi would be up to the challenge.
A member of the Razorgulls had recently been finding it within himself to advertise their club at the Fifth Harbour, claiming that the Crow Club was “a place for criminals and sinners, not poor lovely tourists.” True as the statement may have been, their club was not much better. Besides, it was bad for business. And Kaz’s reputation. So, it had to be dealt with.
Y/N was now sat across from the man and one of his friends at one of the clubs on Razorgull territory. She flirted with them like it was second nature, waiting for them to offer to take her out of the dirty booth.
“So, we went down to the harbor later that night, and destroyed the man’s the whole table.” The man and his friend laughed riotously at the story, slamming their fists on the table. “You should have seen the look on the old man’s face!”
She giggled at the story, leaning forward to touch his arm as she did. The man looked up at her with hungry eyes. She held back a grimace. I’m starting to wish I wasn’t good at this.
Across the room, Jesper watched the scene with cards in his hand, frowning. Like he had said, the idea of her flirting with other men didn’t appeal to him, and not just because it made a pit of jealous form in his stomach. He didn’t think she deserved to deal with men like this after all the men she had been forced to please in the past. Despite his reluctance to let the plan go through, he stayed at his spot where Kaz had told him to be, watching to make sure she was safe.
And she was fine. She had the men completely under her spell, no Grisha tampering required. She was infuriatingly good at laughing at their jokes, making their eyes lingering, and having them fooled that she though the world of them. Jesper wondered if she had done the same to him, but he was sure it was just his crush playing with his mind. Just because she probably doesn’t want you doesn’t mean she’s faked your entire friendship.
He had gotten so lost in his thoughts that he had almost missed her standing up with the two men, moving toward the door. Jesper looked up at an upper window of the club and fixed his collar, signaling Inej that they were on the move. Once the game was over, Kaz had told him that he could return back to the Slat and rest. He wouldn’t sleep, however, being too worried about his girl walking the streets with two violent gang members.
Outside, Inej hopped from rooftop to rooftop as she followed Y/N and her two new “friends.”
“Where are you gents taking me?” Y/N asked, batting her eyelashes.
“We’ve got an apartment just on the edge of the Barrel,” He told her, grabbing her by the waist before whispering in her ear, “just a few more blocks, sweetheart.”
The comment sent shivers down her spine. She closed her eyes tightly to drown out the flashbacks.
They continued down the street for a bit more, before one of the men began laughing. When she gave a confused hum, he began speaking.
“You see the gambling hall over there?” He pointed, earning a nod from Y/N. “I was there just the other day, playing cards. I won a shit ton from that Dregs sharpshooter.”
“No way,” the other man laughed, “you suck at cards.”
“I didn’t say I did it fair, just that I got myself some money,” he again leaned to speak into Y/N’s ear, “maybe I can buy you something real pretty to slip into.”
But she had already tensed when she heard Jesper’s name. She remembered the look on his face when he came back a few nights ago, dejected after another loss. She had held back her quip about his excess gambling, as it seemed he was upset about more than just that, and she didn’t want to press him about it. Now, hearing that someone had cheated him, that all his loss was because of some asshole’s shifty dealings, she saw red.
She moved her hands behind her back, the man with his arm wrapped around her felt his throat closing in. His vision became spotted and he moved his hands to his throat as wheezing coughs spilled out of him, causing the group to pause. He fell to his knees, unable to keep himself standing, and his friend moved next to him to ask if he was okay.
He didn’t live long enough to answer. His body lay face down in the alley they had stopped in, breath gone. His friend looked up at Y/N, quickly moving toward her when he saw the smile on her face.
“You bitch!” He shouted. “What the fuck did you do to him?”
He grabbed her by the arm and pushed her back into the wall behind her. She winced at the feeling of the brick against the back of her head, and the bruises he was no doubt leaving on her arm. She shook herself free of the disorientation, and tried to wring herself out of his arms, earning her an elbow in the face and a bloody nose. In one swift movement, stomped her foot on his, causing him to step back. She leaned her head back and slammed it into his s with a loud crack. He sat on the ground holding a hand to his head.
She leaned over him, hooking her index finger under is chin before whispering: “Kaz Brekker sends his regards.”
With a few quick motions of her hand he was unconscious. The two idiots seriously needed to look after their drinks more carefully.
Inej came down from the roof and examined the bodies. Her eyes were wide after checking the pulse of the man Y/N had first dealt with, face down on the ground. She gasped. “Saints, I think you’ve killed him.”
Y/N wiped blood from her lip and furrowed her brows. “Yeah, that was the plan.”
“No,” Inej disagreed, “Kaz told me —“
“There’s always a difference between what Kaz tells different people, you know that.” Inej continued to stare at the body with worried eyes. “Inej, I’m sorry, but I need to get this wig and makeup off and get some painkillers in my system. Can we go?”
Inej took a deep breath and nodded. Y/N linked arms with her and they continued down the street.
“And what about the other man, he’s unconscious?” Inej asked.
“Oh, yeah.” Y/N smirked, “He’ll live to tell the tale. Message sent, if I do say so myself. And all it cost me was a couple scrapes and bruises! I think they make me look hot.”
Inej laughed. “Can we get muffins on our way back?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
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spectracully · 4 years
crash the crush.
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pairings : senior student!xiaojun x sophomore student!reader warnings : profanity, underage drinking, mentions of drugs genre : fluff, a bit of crack? highschool!au word count : 4.3k
summary : what are the odds of crashing into your crush during the neighborhood-friendly run and mutual friends party?
You were pissed off when your mum said you need to work your lazy ass off. Well, if it's on the summer break, you'll most likely agree with her. But it's only the weekend, and you've been studying your ass off these days. A lazy weekend is something you earned, but your mum decided to rain on your lazy parade.
With all those groans and deep sighs, you storm off your house wearing your workout gear. Not much, only a windbreaker jacket paired with shorts and running shoes. Popping your airpods on both of your ears to blast some jams, you take some light jogging steps on your neighborhood. It's only 4.30 pm, and kinda windy, why the fuck are you doing this? That's right, because mum literally compared you to your neighbor's daughter, Giselle, who recently won a karate tournament. Now mum won't even shut up how much she wants an active daughter, not the lazy one. Yikes.
Back to the streets by Saweetie & Jhene Aiko plays, and you hear a message notification on your airpods. Still on your light jogs, you glance at the notification.
yeri<3 : yo yeri<3 : wyd
You stop jogging for a while to write your bestfriend back. It's saturday, she's probably asking you to hangout along with the gang. Yeri gets easily bored at home and in constant need of hanging out.
y/n : running  💃 💃 💃 y/n : mum said i need to be giselle
You continue your pace while waiting for her reply. You can see your neighborhood clearly now, seeing the details, since you always go to school in a sleepy state, not really noticing the environment, and also going home from school mostly sleeping in your brother's car.
The notification rings again. It must be Yeri.
yeri<3 : bitch thats a dancing emoji yeri<3 : running in a weather like this? yeri<3 : damn straight u wanna be giselle
You chuckle as you’re about to type the messages once more, the weather is fine, what the hell is she talking about? But then Yeri is still typing. 
yeri<3 : n e ways yeri<3 : party at lucas' 8pm yeri<3 : be there or be fucking square 💀 💀 💀
You sigh. There she goes. No other option than tag along with her, but it's not like you hate it anyway. Lucas' party is always awesome, you and your friends also will get a VIP pass because he's a good friend of yours too, despite the fact that you're not even in the same grade as him, he's one year above you and Yeri.
y/n : weather is nice dont jinx it y/n : fine but pick me up y/n : cuz doyoung won't let me drive his car
You send the messages to Yeri to prove her the weather is fine, and indicates that you agree to go to Lucas' house tonight, it's a great night to probably get wasted after all those tiring run mum decided to toss on you. It's gonna be fun, anyways. But the thing about hanging out with Lucas and his senior friends.. You might've developed a big fat crush with one of Lucas' closest friends, Xiaojun. 
You barely had an interaction with him, though, because he's usually the quiet and calm one in Lucas' closest friends group. Lucas himself is already so fucking loud, not to mention Hendery, the good-looking clown and moodmaker. There's also Jungwoo, the one who looks very calm but actually won't shut up once you talk to him. Mark too, the giggly one with some lame jokes. Well, going to Lucas' party tonight means you can see Xiaojun, probably getting the chances that you'll have some interaction over some boozes or something is also quite high.
After feeling all warmed up, you decide to give yourself a run around the block. Yeri's right, it's a funny weather to run. It's windy, but the more you stay outside, the cloud is getting darker and darker. You also knew that you're not really alone, who's doing this athletic bullshit in this kind of weather, you noticed that a boy is also doing this silly run when you were typing messages to Yeri. Probably just another neighbor's child being scolded by his mum of how Giselle is so athletic that his mum also wants an active son? Welp, you didn't see his face anyway, you were glued to the phone when you saw the figure running from the side.
It's not even a minute after you started running, Yeri already replied again. Is she really that bored that she doesn't have anything to do?
yeri<3 : ok i'll pick u up at 7 yeri<3 : um.. its fucking raining, y/n yeri<3 : go home and take a shower yeri<3 : pick ur clothes and put on some makeup instead yeri<3 : its saturday night, activate your hoe protocol yeri<3 : mr xiaojun is going to be there tonight
You stop running and stare at her messages. Raining? Is she drunk or what? It's not even 5pm yet and here she is, hallucinating-
Oop. There it goes. You feel some water drops on your head. Your hand. It was slow at first, but then the raindrops are getting harder and harder, it's pouring. 
"Motherfu-" you let out a curse, you should've trusted Yeri on this. As an intuitive homo sapiens with XX chromosomes, you scan through the streets, looking for some shelter to wait the rain to stop. Spotting a bus stop with a large steel canopy, you run like your life depended on it, avoiding the rain.
Finally arriving, you sigh and sit on the installed chair, typing messages to Yeri.
y/n : omg bitch ur right its raining y/n : should've pretended im dead in my room so mum wont bug me y/n : u know what after the rain ends im gonna sprint back home and take a fucking shower y/n : the universe doesnt like it when im trying to be giselle, it gave me rain instead
You sigh as you shuffle through your playlist, looking for some fun jams to pass your time through the rain, when somebody suddenly approaches you.
"Hi, do you mind if I take a seat here?" a boy asks, pointing to the chair next to you. You look up, and suddenly the next thing you wanna do is ascend your soul the fuck out of your body to the sky. 
Oh boy. It's Xiaojun. The boy you won't shut up about. He’s wearing a white loose tank and grey sweatpants, drenched in his own sweat. Oh god. This is truly an attack for you. What the fuck is he doing here? And why must you meet him at your mess like being all salty because of those running fiasco and the rain? While wearing your not-so-fashionable workout gear and not-so-tidy ponytails? Oh god.
You can feel your heart is about to explode when you realize that he is actually the person who is also doing the stupid running at this very weather, you just didn't notice it sooner because you were on your damn phone. Damn, mum was right, everything happened because you were always on your damn phone.
"No, of course! Take a seat!" you answer him, trying your best to crack your sweetest smile although it's more like sweatiest not sweetest.
He smiles back at you, taking a seat next to you, then his eyes get back to his phone, completely glued. Damn this is the only cardio that is worth it, no running, no jumping, no huff that huff this, only sitting next to Xiaojun on a rainy day on a bus stop. Wonderful.
You quickly whip up the messaging app to type all kinds of gibberish and send it to Yeri. She knows what shit is about to go down when you speak gibberish to her.
Lucky you, Yeri has nothing to do than respond to your messages, she stays put on the chat room.
yeri<3 : ASKJSJSKSK WHAT yeri<3 : HOW
y/n : KAHSKSJKS omg bitch y/n : i was sheltering myself from the goddamn rain y/n : im in bus stop rn y/n : this angel came to accompany me y/n : HE WAS RUNNING TOO OMG y/n : omg yeri just so u know if im not there when u pick me up y/n : its bc im in church getting married with my man xiaojun
yeri<3 : BITCH OMG SKSKSKSKK yeri<3 : GET MARRIED RN yeri<3 : WAIT dont waste the chance yeri<3 : talk to him rn!!!
You swear you're about to scream when Yeri sends that. She was actually right, this is your chance to talk to him, considering that you didn't really interact that much with him. But really? He didn't even say a word when he sat, probably didn't even remember your name? The disappointment slowly gets into your head.
You freeze on the spot. torn between wanting to talk to him and just let it slide, you'll see him again tonight as Lucas' house, right?
Just when you decide to give up and not say a word, he turns his head to you.
"Hey, I didn't know you live in this neighborhood too," he starts.
Oh god. If every time your heart beats fast you get a dollar, you'd probably have your own private island by now.
You try to play it cool when actually on the inside you wanna scream I LIKE YOU to his face rn. "Oh? Oh yes, my house is number 13." you answer calmly,
He cracks a smile, “13? You’re Doyoung’s little sister?”
Oh god. What the fuck is this clownery? He knows Doyoung? Why and how? At this rate you just wanna evaporate to the rain, what if Doyoung actually knows that you liked Xiaojun and he spills it? Oh god. 
You smile back at him, holding the panic you’ve been keeping since he mentioned Doyoung’s name. “Yep. I’m his sister.”
“Oh god, why didn’t I notice that earlier? I could’ve taken care of you at school!” he exclaims, and you sure you just wanna evaporate to the rain. Him? Taking care of you at school? YES PLEASE!
You let out a small giggle, trying to be as calm as possible when in reality you’re very sure you just wanna melt like a goddamn popsicle on a hot summer day. “So, how do you know my brother, actually?”
He laughs a bit, wiping away the sweat on his forehead. Oh god, he’s just so beautiful. “Well.. Doyoung and I used to be a dynamic duo in the school's choir, until he graduated.”
Oh, that. Doyoung is pretty serious about his career in the school’s choir, but you did not expect that Xiaojun is actually a part of it. Of course, he has the face of an angel, the voice is included.
“Now I know why Doyoung never let me come to his house. Turns out he has a cute- I mean, h-he has a sister, and that’s you! M-Maybe he’s afraid I’ll bother you or s-something.” he continues, stuttering a bit, and letting out an awkward laugh. You laugh again, feeling the blood rushing to your cheeks that you can’t hide no more. DID HE JUST SAY DOYOUNG HAS A CUTE SISTER? DID HE JUST SAY YOU’RE CUTE? DID HE-
But then, good things always come to an end. The goddamn rain stops. Oh fuck, no more chitter chatter with the dear crush. Just when it is the fucking time you need to hear the goddamn wedding bells, the rain decided to stop on your rain parade. Fuck.
He looks up, and seems like noticing the rain has stopped. “Well, Y/n. Lucas is having a party tonight, are you coming?”
You can feel your cheeks are still heating from his words, you shyly nod to him. Welp, maybe the rain has stopped, but this stupid crush? No. It goes on. Very much.
He stands up, straightening his white loose tank, getting ready to probably sprint back home. “Okay. See you tonight then, I’m going home. Have a good run!” he says as he walks away from the bus stop, leaving you dumbfounded. And lovestruck. That’s a win, alright.
Xiaojun slowly fades away from your view, and you’re still drowning on your pool of love. Yep, that’s it. You can’t even hold it, you quickly dial Yeri’s number to break out the news.
“What is it, Y/n? You literally left me on read for like 14 minutes straight and now you-”
“YERI LISTEN I’M GETTING MARRIED TONIGHT AND THAT’S A FUCKING FACT!” you shout to the phone, you can picture Yeri is probably goggling out her eyes right now.
“Girl, just because Xiaojun just asked you why the fuck were you running at times like this it doesn’t mean-”
“HE CALLED ME CUTE!” you blurted out,cutting her sentences for the second time,
“-you’re getting married- WHAT?? HE CALLED YOU WHAT?” Yeri yelled from the phone, now it’s pretty clear that Yeri is probably jumping her ass off right now.
You sprint your way to home, while holding your phone to your ears, continuing to give Yeri the details about the bus stop conversation you had earlier. Now she’s just yelling at you to pick the right dress and pamper yourself up, the probability you’ll marry Xiaojun at Lucas’ party is increasing. Sure it does.
It’s 11.28 PM, 3 hours and a half since you and Yeri just arrived at Lucas’ house, escaping from Doyoung’s warning to you, to get back in one piece, and most importantly, sober. As if you’re gonna leave Lucas’ house sober, that’s funny, alright. You and Yeri were greeted by Yangyang and Donghyuck, who are currently setting up the table for snacks and drinks. That was probably the first time you saw Donghyuck ever setting up something, because if not, Jungwoo would’ve set his ass on fire.
The party madness has started, seems like everybody already has enough alcohol running on their system. Lucas is already losing his shirt and starts twerking in the middle of his house along with Jaemin and Jungwoo. Ah yes, the thot trio already started their thing, and all you have to do is just stay back and avoid getting dragged to the dance mess, because the chance of Jungwoo and Jaemin will start grinding at you is kinda high right now.. Considering their.. Twerking fiasco.
You sit back on the couch and watch your friends getting crazy over the playlist Yangyang made just for this event, sipping on your cocktails that Donghyuck put god-knows-what in it, he said it’s just cherry juice mixed with gin and brandy, but somehow it tastes kinda citrusy. You glance to the right, only to see Yeri making out with some random guy (probably one of Lucas’ friends named Changbin but oh well, that’s Yeri’s business).
Slightly grossed out and sad because apparently you’re not making out with Xiaojun right now, you make your way to the patio, and find the crowd that circle around a spinning bottle. Interested, you join Jeno, Mark, Renjun, Yeji, Hyunjin, Sungchan, Karina, Vernon, Hendery, and of course, the (hottest) most important person right now, Xiaojun.
“Welcome! As a newly joined member.. Truth or dare?” Jeno greets you as you take a seat between Mark and Sungchan. Well, you’d love to sit beside Xiaojun, but apparently, that seat is already taken by Hendery and Vernon.
You silently glance at Xiaojun, who is wearing a denim jacket with light-yellow knit top underneath, paired with white trousers. Damn, he looks so damn good that you wanna cry a river.
Your head comes back to the question Jeno asked. Today’s your day, be bold or bald. It’s time. “Well, I’m not gonna put my drunk antics to waste. Dare then.” you answer boldly, earning a few ‘ooooh’s from your friends.
Jeno snickers. Well, fuck. Guess you’re a bit too damn bold tonight, the realization suddenly hits you like a fucking trainwreck, Jeno is kinda extreme for games like this. Wrong choice, y/n. You gulp as you wait for Jeno to come up with something.
“I dare you to kiss Xiaojun!” Jeno exclaims, clapping both of his hands like a goddamn happy seal. Mark and Hendery are high-fiving right now, throwing whistles around Xiaojun, who is silent as a fucking rock.
Oh god. Things you’ve said about not putting your drunk antics to waste should’ve stayed in that goddamn draft. This is where Jeno takes you, even though you’re secretly happy that you finally get to kiss your goddamn crush, that shit is EMBARRASSING. If you wanna evaporate to the waters, then it’s probably the right time to do it.
But why Xiaojun though? Is your big fat crush on him too obvious?
You freeze on the spot as you awkwardly smile and stare at Jeno. This shit can’t be real. Jeno is goddamn crazy. You can feel the air is getting hot, whether it’s because the alcohol starts kicking in, or just because the blood is rushing through your head.
“Scared, aren’t you?” Jeno taunts you, sipping his beer as the rest of the group laugh except you and Xiaojun, who is currently staring at you with a questionable expression. Is he pleased? Or is he pissed? Oh god.
“I-I’m not!” you answer him, leaning to Xiaojun, gulping once more before asking him, “You’re okay with this though?”
Xiaojun smirks, “How can I say no to you?” he asks back, accompanied by a few ‘ayyy~’ from the boys, sending butterflies to your stomach. Your face is probably as red as a tomato by now.
Good god. Is this the same Xiaojun who is quiet, calm, and collected among his friends? Why suddenly he is so bold? Oh, he’s probably just drunk and won’t remember this kiss anyway.. You lean closer to him, closing the gap between his face and yours by sealing the kiss. His lips are soft yet firm, almost like a grape jelly you had earlier this afternoon, with a hint of vodka, of course.
After a few seconds, you finally pull out and linger your eyes on him. It’s beautiful, and mesmerizing. You just wish that you can see it again, and only for you, no one else. As you get back to your seat, you take one more last glance at him, that is currently also glancing at you, with his cheeks red.
Okay. You definitely heard the wedding bells, thanks Jeno. That’s probably one of your dreams, and thanks to Jeno, it came true. But unfortunately, Xiaojun probably won’t feel the same, or worse, he’ll probably forget about it tomorrow.
Everyone claps, exchanging happy exclaims and cheers as if you just said ‘I do’ to Xiaojun lol, when in reality, you were just doing the dare Jeno gave you. You gulp bitterly as the game goes on and on.
It’s an hour past midnight, 1.12 AM to be exact. Thank god you’re not that shitfaced, but Yeri is. She is not even capable of doing anything anymore except being all smiley and shit, Changbin already drove her home like fifteen minutes ago, leaving you behind in Lucas’ lair. You suddenly felt the urge to thank god that Yeri made a fantastic decision last minute before picking you up, she used a taxi instead of driving. If she hadn’t, you’re probably stuck driving her home right now.
You scan through the house while leaning through the stair railings, looking for an easy target to get a free ride. Finally spotted your friends, you now have 3 choices : Donghyuck (who is currently seducing some random girl), Yangyang (who is now playing mobile games with Jaemin and Chenle), or Mark (who recently just hit a goddamn blunt, but he’s very capable to drive).
You sip your glass of water, making up your mind for your ride home. But then, suddenly someone taps on your shoulder.
“Do you wanna go home? Like, right now? I can drive you- I mean, our house is like, near.” you hear Xiaojun speaking to you, holding his car keys on his left hand.
Good gracious, is this even real? Like, Xiaojun, is actually asking you to go home with him? Is this real? Or are you just hallucinating from the goddamn weed you take 10 minutes ago from Lucas?
You stare at him blankly. He bit his lip, “I mean- If you wanna stay longer- or probably-”
“Yes, of course! Let’s go.” you smile at him, cutting off his words.
3 times in a day. Good job, Y/n! The wedding is up ahead!
He smiles and gives you a gesture, “Ladies first.”
The drive is not as awkward as you thought. Turns out, Xiaojun is full of surprise though, you nearly choked when he said he once formally apologized to Doyoung before he stood up to defend the dignity of Mint Chocolate Chip flavored ice cream. It’s delightful to find out that he has similar tastes as you, from ice cream flavor to music and school subjects.
Xiaojun also told you the reason why he was on the run earlier, he was bored. Damn, look at it, the difference between a forced daughter whose mum wants an active child, and a bored model-student. He said he didn’t expect to see you because he was embarrassed, he was drenched in sweat.
You can feel the butterflies on your stomach grow wilder and wilder from every word he said, or maybe it’s just the way he smiles when he talks to you? Welp, if it’s anything to do with Xiaojun, you’ll most likely get butterflies.
Just when you thought he was drunk, he is not. He’s capable of driving you home and carrying on some fun convos, also remembering little things. So.. perhaps, he is not going to forget the kiss you shared because of Jeno’s dare?
As you keep on exchanging conversation with him, suddenly it’s time to get off his car and get back to your house, get ready to deal with Doyoung’s nags and scolds for getting home this late.
You giggle as you take the seat belt off, smiling at the brown haired boy.
“Thank you for driving me home, Xiaojun. It was fun.” you say to him, waving him goodbye as you open the door. He smiles and waves back at you.
Just when you’re about to open the gate of your house, you hear the sound of slamming car doors. You turn around and see Xiaojun standing in front of you, eyes sparkling like a goddamn star. Unfortunately, it’s not Christmas.. If it is, all you want for Christmas is to stare at Xiaojun’s beautiful eyes all day, and probably get married to him.
“Um.. Y/n.. I don’t know how to say this but.. The kiss you gave me earlier, it’s kinda..” he starts, smiling sheepishly.
Oh god, what now? It’s kinda what? Gross? You swear you’ll kill Jeno if you hear that from Xiaojun.
You gaze at him as you wait for him to complete his sentences.
“It’s kinda.. Making me feel.. Things.” he finally continues, rubbing the back of his neck while looking away from you, flustered. It’s pretty cute.
You giggle at him a little, the butterflies come back, or maybe they never even left?
“Don’t laugh, Y/n. I’m being honest, I was pretty embarrassed to run into you during sheltering, and now you’re laughing at me for-”
You let out a big laugh before you pull him to another kiss. This one is a bit longer, more passionate and intimate, unlike the one you had before. He cups your cheek as you feel him smiling during the kiss.
“I’m sorry if I invaded your privacy- but your fast typing was very.. Intriguing.. I might’ve seen you texting Yeri at the bus stop.” he giggles after you pull out from the kiss.
Yikes. You feel like you’re about to burst now. He saw you texting Yeri? What kind of clownery is this? Did he see you typing- oh god, that’s too embarrassing to remember.
“No! That’s too embarrassing!” you cover your face, he laughs once more.
“Now, which church are we going to? I’m pretty sure you said we’re getting married tonight, right?” he takes your hands off your face, grinning widely.
You pout and lightly hit him, only to be attacked by his hugs a second later. Aww, finally, dreams do come true. You stay on his embrace for a few more minutes, no talking, just comfortable silence and realization that you’re on Xiaojun’s arms right now.
You glance at your watch, Doyoung would be furious by now. Telling him that you really have to go before Doyoung can rise from his sleep and beat your ass, you finally wave goodbye to him as he gets back to his car.
Finally entering the house, you’re greeted by Doyoung who’s standing in front of you, holding a bowl of salad on his right hand.
“So, kissing Xiaojun in front of my salad?” he raises his eyebrow.
You stick out your tongue as you make your way upstairs. Technically, not in front of Doyoung’s salad, because the door was closed. He’s probably looking through the window, such a nosy brother. You laugh at the thought of Doyoung getting furious while eating his salad as you get a message.
Xiaojun : so, see you at school? Xiaojun : can’t wait to hold your hand on monday ;)
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collecting-stories · 4 years
Exes - John B Routledge
Request: heyyy!! Can you write a John b fic like about the fall with ur prompt “here, take my sweater.“?? Maybe him and the reader are like best friends but don’t admit they really like each other and the readers ex bf or something shows up to the party and John b gets all protective and it’s chilly bc it’s autumn?? Or whatever u think lol im just such a sucker for the fall weather and I love ur writing!
A/N: Sorry I took so long with this! 
Outer Banks Masterlist
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John B slipped off his red hoodie, handing it off to you as you stepped closer to the bonfire, trying to warm yourself a little more. The tube top was cute but not warm and so far it seemed to be doing absolutely nothing to aid you in catching John B’s attention. Aside from alerting him that you were cold.  
“Here, take my sweatshirt,” John B said, pushing the hoodie into your hands. You slipped your arms through the still warm sweatshirt, gripping the ends in your hands as you zipped in up. He knew it sounded bad, even in his head, but he’d held off giving you his sweatshirt just because you looked so beautiful and he didn’t want to obscure that. Though watching you tuck yourself into his hoodie was pretty appealing too. It wasn’t the first time that you’d borrowed his clothes, more often then not when you went out on the boat together you would grab whatever Hawaiian shirt he’d discarded to swim and wear it. There was something especially enticing about you laying out on the HMS with his shirt on and he felt the same way now as you smiled at him, wearing his hoodie. It was a little possessive, if he was being honest.  
“Thanks,” you finally said, looking at out at the other people around the yard, “trust me to think it’s warmer than it is.”  
“We could go inside?” He offered, everyone had stayed outside for the most part and sneaking off inside the Chateau with you sounded perfect right about now.  
“You don’t mind?” You asked, the thought of getting John B alone immediately appealing. You were on cloud nine as it was, not having to share his attention with a bunch of other people like you usually did. John B had gravitated toward you when you got there and he seemed determined to stay, which was fine with you.  
He shook his head, “no. Party’s kinda lame tonight anyway.”  
You lead the way toward the front door of the Chateau, not a long walk from the bonfire that JJ had made earlier but one that removed the two of you from the cloak of the tree you’d been standing nearby. Out in the open, more people could see you, particularly your ex-boyfriend, who had shown up at John B’s house party for no other reason than knowing you would be there. You were wherever John B was, an argument that had defined a decent chunk of your relationship with your ex and was the main reason that the two of you broke it off.  
John B turned first, his hand immediately coming up to your back, pressing against his hoodie as you looked back toward the sound of someone calling your name. You were standing on the first step into John B’s porch, a few inches taller than him because he was still on the ground, and you recognized your ex walking toward the two of you.  
“Matt, hey.” To say there was bad blood between the two of you was an understatement. He had stayed away for the most part but every time you’d seen him out since the two of you broke up he had been an asshole. Kiara had yelled at him just last week when he called you a bitch in the parking lot of the Wreck. “What are you doing here?”
“It’s a party, pretty sure anyone on the cut was invited.” Matt replied, glancing at John B for a moment before looking back at you.  
“Yeah well, it’s on my yard.” John B said, “and I definitely don’t want you here.”
“I’m sure you don’t.”  
“Is there something you wanted Matt?” You huffed, impatient. He had been fine in the beginning but now he was just an asshole whenever he got the chance.
“Just wanted to talk, should’ve known John B would be hanging around you like a lap dog.” Matt replied, glaring at your best friend. “You must be the most patient guy there is man, you just waiting for her while she puts out for everyone else huh?”
“What did you just say?” John B’s hand dropped from your back as he stepped closer to Matt. He was an inch or two taller than your ex-boyfriend and when he squared his shoulders and stood up straight, he seemed even taller and more intimidating.  
“JB,” you muttered, “let's just go inside.”
“Yeah JB,” Matt replied, “go ahead inside, maybe she’ll finally let you have a p-” he cut off mid-sentence when John B punched him directly in the face, right between his eyes.
You covered your mouth with your hands, eyes wide as Matt stumbled backward. John B looked like he was seconds from absolutely losing it. He was breathing heavy and staring at Matt, waiting for any sort of retaliation a little too eagerly. You grabbed John B’s arm just above the handkerchief on his wrist.  
“John B.” You repeated his name, catching his attention this time. Matt was just standing there, holding his bleeding nose, too shocked to do anything else. He had expected to piss John B off but not enough that he’d end up with a bloody nose. John B relaxed slightly, enough that he let you pull him inside the house, shutting the door behind you and dragging him to his bedroom. At least there you were guaranteed alone time.  
“That guy just...” John B groaned, raking his hands through his hair and pacing the small space on his bedroom. You stepped out of his way, unsure what to do. “God, I can’t fucking stand him!”  
“He’s just pissed about the breakup, he’ll get over it.” You reassured. The last thing you wanted was to spend anymore time on the subject of Matt. He was an asshole that didn’t deserve your attention and you didn’t want John B giving him any either.  
“He’s the one who fucking broke up with you!”  
John B had been there the night of the breakup, you’d come to the Chateau to tell him and somehow imagined some rom-com confession scene playing out but all he did was tell you he was sorry and that Matt was an ass. There was no long dreamt of kiss or declaration of love, just John B trying to be a good friend and not even realizing he was the reason you and Matt had broken it off in the first place.  
“Yeah well, I didn’t give him much of a choice,” you admitted.  
“What do you mean?” John B asked.  
You’d given a fairly basic explanation of the breakup last time. You didn’t divulge any details about what was said or why Matt thought the almost one year relationship the two of you were in needed to come to a screeching halt. And yeah, he was an aggressive asshole since the breakup and you knew he was still pissed that it had played out the way it did but you also knew you weren’t entirely innocent in the matter.  
“He broke up with me because he didn’t like how close we were.” You replied, taking a seat on John B’s bed. “He told me he thought I had feelings for you.”
“Why would he think that?”  
“Because he heard me tell Kiara that I did.” You’d been at a kegger on the beach when John B was flirting with some random touron and you told Kie, a little too tipsy to filter yourself, that you thought dating Matt would erase the feelings you had for John B but they didn’t.  
John B stopped pacing, standing there staring at you, wearing his sweatshirt, sitting on his bed, telling him that you had feelings for him. “You…what?”  
“I like you…I didn’t think you were interested and Matt asked me out so I said yes and it was okay but I always liked you and he knew it.” You replied.  
“Why didn’t you tell me?” John B asked, “I mean this whole time…this whole time I liked you and I didn’t think…I thought you were with Matt and happy and I didn’t wanna fuck that up for you.”  
“Guess we were both kinda stupid.” You admitted.  
“Yeah,” he nodded, head still processing the information, “yeah but not anymore.”  
Fixing my tags...if you wanna be tagged fill this out!
taglist: @heavenlymama @vindictive-hearts @alexa-playafricabytoto @dontjinx-it @randomficsandshit @mysterious-adventurer @minigranger 
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notnctu · 4 years
when the snow falls (teaser)
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jung jaehyun x reader  genre - angst first, fluff later details - childhood best friends!au, ghost!au, platonic relationship, genderneutral!reader, ft. boyfriend johnny  warnings - grieving/mourning, death expected word count - 4k+  inspiration - A Christmas Carol  synopsis - Jaehyun visits you every holiday season since his death to bring you out of your self isolation and hatred for the one season you both once loved.
It’s been three years since he left and every winter season brings joyous memories that have turned melancholic. Your hatred for Christmas doesn’t stem from your despise of the festive holiday itself, but for the reason that your best friend will never share your once favorite holiday ever again. The twinkling bright multicolored lights, soft snow at the bottoms of your shoes, the warmth of the fireplace, the decorative trees, the love from your loved ones, what do all of them mean without Jaehyun? You’ve grown accustomed to shutting yourself whenever Christmas rolls around and talking to a ghost that doesn’t quite remember the same things that you do, or the secret he was planning to tell you that led to his death three years ago.  a/n - this is for my first collab ever: a taste of winter collab hosted by @dearyongs​​ & @pastelsicheng​​ ! thank you for hosting such a beautiful collab and being such angels, and thank you for letting me participate :) ALSO CLICK & FLIP UR DEVICE TO SEE THE COVER VERTICALLY ITS THE PRETTIEST THING IVE EVER MADE LMAO expected release date - December 24, 2020;  teaser word count - 620  taglist - @infnteen​​ @tytae-24​​ @doyoungs-southern-babygirl (couldnt tag!!) let me know if you want to be on the taglist by sending me an ask/reply :) 
The first sign of snowfall marks the first day of your self isolation period until the holidays pass. It marks the anniversary of your best friend’s death and an agonizingly long winter, but in spite of that, it also means the appearance of a rather special guest. A guest that is only visible to you and though resembles much of your passed friend, does not share the same memories as you do. 
“The snow is just so comforting, isn’t it?” Though you live alone, a sudden voice erupts from behind you and has you turning rather quickly to face the truth of this season. Your greatest treasure, yet haunting demise. “Hello, Y/N. How has your year been?” Jaehyun stands with a lean at your door frame, his arms crossed at his chest and hair full of fluff. 
“Hello, Jaehyun’s spirit. I happen to hate the snow, if you have forgotten.” Your hip presses against the cold glass and you’re no longer afraid of being half naked in front of what this form of imagination possesses itself to be. 
“Remind me why again.” Jaehyun casually sits on your unmade bed, looking as about your age now. There is a brief silence as you examine how he’s grown with you, you’d imagine this is how he’d look if he was still alive and well.
It would be his third year in college, same as you, possibly studying engineering due to his past fascination with the mechanics of roller coasters. With such a strong jawline and a definite lean built, girls would be running all over him. Not to mention, his dimples remain one of his charms.
Kicking off the icy window, you walk carefully and slowly up to Jaehyun. A hand reaches to caress his cheek, but it goes right through him and leaves your hand to hang in mid-air. This happens every time you see him again, wondering if you can get one last touch of his dewy complexion, and you simply can’t. Despite his ability to touch you, there is no possibility for your senses to travel through to the other side of the supernatural dimension. 
Jaehyun gently rests your hand back to your side and repeats his request, “remind me again why you hate the snow.”
“It’s how you died.” A small croak gets caught in the back of your throat and tears well up to blur your vision. “So when the snow falls, it brings me back to the dreadful memory of me losing you, of you leaving me.” 
“I died from snow? That is so lame.” Jaehyun grumbles and rolls his eyes. 
You chuckle, but the tears roll down your cheeks as if they know no happiness. “You died from a car accident in the snow. Your tires slid, you couldn’t brake … and so, you crashed. Full trauma to the head, an instant death.” 
“Where was I going?” He wasn’t this curious last winter, and so you’re unaware if it’s your mind playing sick tricks on you or if his unrest spirit is this forgetful. You wish it was the latter. 
Choking on your tears, the droplets hit the hardwood floors below you. An overwhelming feeling of melancholy overtakes your chest and you’re suffocating underneath an unknown pressure. Your throat is drier than your mother’s gingerbread cookies, but you swallow the frigid air around you. 
You’re so choked up by your sobbing that it’s too difficult to speak. Any words you say feel like thin ice, ready to crack at the lightest touch. “O-On the way to … my house. You were coming over to tell me a secret.”
“And I never got to tell you.” 
“No, Jaehyun. I’ll never know what you wanted to tell me that day.” 
when the snow falls. 
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