#widojest kids
redjennies · 11 months
echoes of the solstice was honestly just a good episode for people who enjoy Caleb's nontraditional relationships. like shadowghast won without Essek even appearing. widobrave won even though Veth was only in the ep for about five minutes. widojest and widofjord and fjorestfire won even though Fjord and Jester got engaged at the end. Empire Siblings straight up WON d&d forever. fucking even Yasha got an insane amount of damage on Trent Kaiju and Caduceus had full on BG3 stinkface on every time Trent talked.
like Caleb's ending literally did not need to have him living happily ever after with his 2.5 kids and spouse in a picket fence 3 bedroom 2.5 bathroom beige house to be so obviously surrounded by love. it was so fucking good, and what was better was seeing Caleb in a place where he could face his greatest trauma and still stay in a headspace where he could focus on protecting his loved ones as well!
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lavendergoth · 11 months
Rewatching Mighty Nein still (totally out of order) and holy sweet unrequited love; if you are like me, still obsessed with Widojest…
episode 64 when they’re fighting the creepy things around the 2:28:40 mark, when Fjord kisses “Jessie” (so cute) out of the blue, just watch Caleb’s FACE are you KIDDING ME O’BRIEN. The man is jealous and conflicted and in his feelings.
I never noticed it before cause Laura’s reaction is too cute to ignore but this time…I see you Caleb. Heartsick wizard, learning he is capable of loving again, totally against his will, powerless to do anything about it. I can’t.
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blorbologist · 1 year
THREE? Cracks knuckles, right then:
I'm doing a rewatch of Campaign 2 and the Essek withdrawal is bad. So my brain is poking at... what if Essek and a PC swapped places? Essek gets found out (or fucks up in an experiment and loses much of his skill) and is forced to flee and ends up sniffing out Something that could clear his name/be useful and so goes to see this circus show that goes wrong and gets roped into the Nein. Maybe in place of Fjord, who they encounter as a charming first mate to Avantika and can be swayed into changing sides. Or Caleb, a rogue agent Trent is still trying to track down and too wary to have partnered up with Nott in that cell. Perhaps Beauregard, disillusioned with the Soul thanks to Zeenoth and trying to tear it apart from within. The only set thing is a) Essek starting with the Nein from an early level, b) someone else getting to be the 'potentially evil ally who gets forcibly befriended and thus c) Jester has to stay with the Nein and still be a crux in Essek and this late addition party member turning a new leaf. No clue if this has been done already bc I hardly read any C2 fics but!
@rightpastnowhere and I have talked a bit about the idea of a Fullmetal Alchemist AU! Most of Vox Machina would be the equivalent of Team Mustang and other adults the boys meet along the journey - as for them? Well... I was thinking it'd be Beau and Caleb, with Beau being stuck in the suit of armor. Twisting things around to fit their campaign specialties is tricky but fun: flame alchemist being the new kid/Caleb. Vex, in the role of Roy being some specialized and lethal ranged alchemy, Percy her right-hand (I am a huge huge huge Royai shipper don't act surprised). Winry's role could go to Jester (though I loathe Widojest so she'd likely end up with Beau or Fjord). Essek gets to be host to Greed, which is fitting <333 The unfortunate role of Hughes would likely go to Vax (best way to make team Vox Machina go fucking ballistic, and.... yknow, twisted nod to canon). The Homunculi would likely amalgamate the roles of a few villains to fit the heroes they're in conflict with best - though Lust would take on a lot of Delilah's vibes and nasty behavior for sure. It's such a mess but very fun to think about! TBH a lot of what I like about FMA would likely get absorbed into the Age of Arcanum AU, though, so - just fun enrichment.
This is less an AU and more a thought, but: Vex would make for such a sexy Spider-woman. And a Doc Oc Percy... idk if there's anything there and I know Shit about Spider-lore but cmon. Consider with me. heeheehoo
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mistergandalf · 1 year
Get To Know Me!
I was tagged by the illustrious @vellichormybeloved ❤️ thank you lovely!
Part One
Are you named after anyone: Apparently some 90s actress I have no idea
When was the last time you cried: Hmmm last week maybe? I can't remember. I cry easily and often so it is neither remarkable nor memorable when it happens
Do you have kids: I wish I did :( maybe someday
Do you use sarcasm a lot: Not really? Maybe at some of my friends who I've known the longest.
What's the first thing you notice about people: How much confidence they have. Also since I'm in customer service, their demeanor.
What's your eye colour: Brown
Scary movies or happy endings: Happy endings! I hate scary movies lol I'm a weenie
Any special talents: I'm a good writer and I can play the piano and sing!
Where were you born: California
What are your hobbies: Reading, writing, video games, watching TV with my mom, playing D&D, chatting online. I am not active lmao
Have any pets: I have a chunky and stupid baby girl (cat) named Arwen and I love her very much.
What sports do you play/have you played: I played some summer sports when I was a kid and Did Not Like It.
How tall are you: 5'1"
Favourite subject in school: English
Dream job: My current job! Hotels/hospitality :)
Part Two
First ship: I have never really been into shipping at all, but I do recall wanting Kate to be with Sawyer in Lost
Three ships: Shadowgast and Widojest are the only things I feel like I've ever really shipped. I was super into Harry/Ginny as a teen when HP wasn't canceled yet
Last (current) song: Spotify says my most recent song was Blood In the Cut by K.Flay
Last movie: I saw Return of the King Extended Edition in theaters last week and it RULED
Currently reading: Beren and Luthien! I need to finish it so I can move on, I just bought the Shadow and Bone series because the show is soooo good
Currently watching: Shadow and Bone, as mentioned above lol
Currently consuming: Nothing atm! I should make dinner soon hmm
Currently craving: I actually think I want to make spam musubi for dinner since I have some spam in the fridge... gotta use it up. That reminds me I need to buy a musubi press RUNNING TO AMAZON
TAGGING @pepperonyscience, @malledhrim, @aadmelioraa, and @lazymeriadoc as I zoom onto amazon dot com lmao
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kissingagrumpygiant · 5 years
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widojest kids 
what kind of crimes will una rope her brother into bc hes too stupid 
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I was talking about an idea I had for a widojest kid on the widojest server and went '...I'm writing this', so here it is in all of its no one asked for it glory. I call it “Picture it Soft”.
It was all Una's fault. When the Lavorre children got in trouble, it was usually Una's fault. Though, it wasn't unusual for it to be Harley's fault either. Oskar occasionally would be the guilty party. If it involved ovens or pastries, Alby would deserve the blame. Lina was almost never the instigator of trouble, but she was only four and still had time to follow her siblings’ example. There were times where Mama was the one who got the mischief started, but that was part of her holy duty. But this time it was all Una's fault.
Alby should've known better than to listen to her. But it was boring at the Cobalt Soul. Everyone was old and busy, and all there was to do was wait for Mama and Papa to finish their important meeting. Sure, there was the library, but all the books there were meant for adults written by adults who didn't really want what they wrote to make sense. And the monks in the library would glare at them if they so much as fidgeted. So Una suggested that they play a game(technically Una was almost an adult, but she was the fun kind like Mama).
And now Alby and his siblings were in trouble and had scattered running in all directions trying to avoid monks and librarians. Alby could only hope that the confusion was enough for him to get away. Speed was not a skill of his. Neither was hiding, but he managed to find a door that was partially ajar and slipped into the room.
It was a bedroom, plain and boring. A simple bed sat in the middle of the room with sheet that hung down to the floor. Not paying attention to the rest of the room, Alby dove down under the bed. Or at least he had attempted to. Alby was proving to be the bulkiest of his siblings, which he never minded since he was also proving to be the strongest, but it did not help with squeezing under the bed. Lina, Oskar, and even Harley, who was two years older than Alby, could've easily slipped under there, and if she held her breath right, Una probably could've managed it too. But Alby couldn't even manage to get half way under the bed.
Something grabbed his shirtsleeve and tugged on it. Alby slid out from under the bed to see a half-elf staring at him. They were scrawny and nearly as short as Oskar, but they looked closer to Alby's age. Big, honey brown eyes shone out from behind scraggly, long, light brown hair. Their skin was a pale brown that made Alby think that they needed to go outside more.
At the same time, Alby could only imagine what the half-elf thought looking at him. Teiflings were common in his family, only Papa wasn’t one, but apparently they weren’t common in most places. He wasn’t tall, but he was big for his age in other ways and was told that some found him to be intimidating. Intimidating was not the look Alby was going for, but that didn’t stop him from getting a mohawk. The half-elf’s eyes kept flicking back and forth between his short horns that curled forward and the crooked spot near the end of his pale blue tail(he couldn’t remember how he got it since he was just a baby at the time, but apparently it involved why the game ‘Hide the Baby’ was banned in the Lavorre household).
The half-elf tugged on his sleeve, dragged him over to a wardrobe, and opened the door to it. Nodding, Alby climbed letting them close it behind him.
After a moment, Alby could hear someone enter the room. "Almethia," an older male voice said, "I hope you have been resting well. There's been a disturbance in the halls, so you'll want to make sure your door is locked." The speaker paused. "You haven't seen any hooligan tieflings running about have you?" Silence. "That's for the best. For all that their parents have done for us, those children are hellions. We wouldn’t want them bringing any harm to you."
Alby couldn't really argue against them being hellions, he and his siblings most certainly were, but they weren't bullies. He sulked until the half-elf opened the wardrobe's door and tugged on his shirtsleeve. Stumbling out of the wardrobe, Alby opened his mouth to thank them, but no words came out. His mouth did that sometimes, so instead, he brought his fingers to his chin and then bent his hand back towards the half-elf thanking them. The half-elf only stared for a long moment and nodded.
A silence hung between the two of them. Not a bad one, but a comfortable one. Alby had a feeling that the half-elf was like him and wasn't much of a talker. His siblings and even his parents would fill up the quiet with talk, but it was nice sharing the silence with someone. It was interrupted by a small rumbling sound.
"Are you hungwy?" Alby winced as soon as he said it. His long, snake-like tongue would trip and stumble over words. Even little Lina spoke clearer than him. He sometimes wondered if that was why his mouth would lock up and stay silent. "I meant hun-gry," he said purposefully enunciating the word.
The half-elf stared at him wide-eyed and scared.
"I sssay something wwong? Are you fasting?" Alby asked.
The half-elf shook their head. Their stomach grumbled again and they hunched down.
Alby crouched down alongside them trying to make himself smaller. "Do you want to eat? I'm hungwy too." Not quite true, but Alby was always ready to get bread. "We could go down to the kitchens."
Finally, the half-elf nodded.
Alby grinned. "Gweat. I'm Alby. Your name'sss Almethia, right?"
The half-elf shook their head mussing up their hair even more.
"Oh. You do have a name, wight?" A nod. "Okay. Do you know how to spell it?" Another nod. Alby sighed with relief. That was going to make things much easier. "I'll go through the alphabet and you'll let me know what letter'sss next in your name." He slowly went through the alphabet fingerspelling as he went through each one. The half-elf watched his hands carefully and stopped him on t, h, e, r, and u. "Okay, so your name starts with Deru, no, Theru."
The half-elf shook their head spelling out the first three letters before pausing and continuing with the next two.
"Your name ssstarts with The?"
They nodded.
"Oh." This half-elf was stranger than Alby had first imagined, but he didn't have much room to talk since his name was short for Albatross. He continued through the alphabet twice more and by then the half elf had picked up fingerspelling well enough to spell out their name. "The Wu-Runechild?" It sounded more like a title than a name, but they nodded. "Um, can I call you Runie?"
The Runechild nodded.
"Okay, Runie, let's go get something to eat."
Alby learned several things quickly about the Runechild. First was that they were not very fast, which made sneaking to the kitchens tricky. Second was that they were very good at hiding, which mostly made up for the first fact. Third, and most importantly though, was that the Runechild was afraid of nearly everything. At the slightest sound of anything, the Runechild would press their back against the wall, their eyes wide with fear.
“Wunie?” Alby asked. “Do you want to hold my hand? So we don’t get sepawated?”
The Runechild stared at him for a moment before nodding and taking his hand. Alby had snuck into the kitchens before with his siblings while their parents had meetings at the Cobalt Soul, but it felt different with the Runechild. They clung to his hand like it was a life preserver.
Finally, the two teens got to the kitchens. Getting there was the easy part, but slipping in for a couple of pastries usually wasn’t too hard. Though, usually Alby didn’t accidentally trip the moment he got to the doors. So at that point it wasn't a surprise that they got caught.
A monk cornered Alby and The Runechild quickly. Alby took a step forward putting himself between the monk and the Runechild. He opened his mouth to say something, but all his words dried up. A tremble filled his throat instead. It wasn't like Alby was clever with his words anyways. Not like Oskar, Harley, or Una. But he wanted to do or say something to defend the Runechild. So he just stood there blocking the Runechild from the monk's view.
"What are you doing here?" the monk demanded crossly.
"I," a small voice said behind Alby, "I wanted a snack. Alby was helping me get one."
The monk gasped. "Almethia? You shouldn't have left your room. You shouldn't have left your room. You know you could ask for something if you needed it."
Alby frowned at the monk. She should've realized that there was no way that the timid Runechild would ask for something. But the monk didn’t notice that the Runechild didn’t like that name either, so Alby shouldn’t have been surprised.
"Right," the Runechild said softly. Their voice was filled with uncertainty confirming Alby's suspicion. They were shaking in Alby's hand.
"But while you're here, you may get a snack. What did you want?"
The Runechild nodded. "Bread."
The monk nodded and went back into the kitchen and came back with a basket filled with bread and other goodies. "There you go. Now back to your room." She escorted the two of them back to the Runechild’s room. Alby had a feeling that she would’ve prefered sending him away, but the Runechild held on tightly to his hand.
It was quiet back in the Runechild’s room. The two of them talked, but it was all done with finger spelling and Alby showing the Runechild some of the signs he knew. Occasionally one of them would say something out loud, but it didn’t break their silence.
The door opened and the monk from earlier was there. “I believe that is yours.” She pointed at Alby with disdain.
“Ja, that’s one of ours,” Papa said. Mama stood behind him at the door.
Alby got up and the Runechild stood up behind him clutching his sleeve. “Hi,” the Runechild said softly.
A surprised expression crossed both Mama and Papa’s faces, but Mama recovered faster. “Oh hello. It’s nice to see you again. Did you have fun with Alby?”
“Mmhmm,” the Runechild said stepping out from behind Alby, but they still stuck close to him.
“We got bwead,” Alby said. He didn’t bother correcting himself in front of his parents. They never minded how his tongue got confused.
Papa smiled. “Good for you. Is it okay if we take Alby home?” he asked the Runechild.
The Runechild nodded and then brought their fingers to their chin and lowered them the same way Alby did when he thanked them.
“You’re welcome,” Mama said.
“Bye, Wunie,” Alby said. “Is it okay if I can back someday?”
The Runechild nodded enthusiastically.
Alby smiled.
Mama exchanged looks with Papa who just shook his head. “Well, we should be going, but we’ll be sure to bring Alby back soon,” Papa said.
The Runechild stared at Alby for a moment before squeezing his hand and darting back. “Bye,” they whispered.
“Bye!” Alby said again waving before joining his parents. The Runechild stared at him for a long time before waving back. It was going to be a strange friendship; Alby could already tell that, but he didn't mind.
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belligerentbagel · 4 years
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hygge ;; the feeling of coziness and contentment evoked by simple comforts
modern AU adoptive parents with kiri, for @mightynein69
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castiel-013 · 3 years
♡Critical role playlists♡
(Updated) thought I could share my CR playlists here cause Ive made quite a few
Molly / Lucien (but mostly Lucien)
Mollymauk / Kingsley
Astrid Beck
Fearne Calloway
Relationships (platonic and/or romantic)
Molly - Beau
Yasha - Molly (Circus kids :,,)
Empire kids
Yasha - Caleb
Mighty Nein 
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thecaduceusclay · 4 years
Seeing someone call any ship involving Caleb "het nonsense" 🤢
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karinamay · 3 years
Pairing: Caleb Widogast/Jester Lavorre (Widojest) Rating: Explicit (for explicit sexual content. a lot.) Word count: 1480 (a short one before I bow out of this series of filth)  No spoilers
"Good morning, handsome," Jester said, grinning. "Morning," Caleb managed. "Have I ever told you you look really hot when you've just woken up?" Jester asked, brushing his hair out of his face. Caleb chuckled. "That's a lie."
In which Jester finds creative ways to wake Caleb up.
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mumblingtealeaves · 4 years
A little widojest piece with that waltz we never had 😩
You understand now why they lost their minds and fought the wars..
And why I’ve spent my whole life trying to put it into words...
You’re in love.... true love..
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duriens · 4 years
I logically know that they’re keeping laura &travis / matt &marisha sitting together because of social distancing etc, it’s just that the illogical part of my brain cant fathom not seeing nott  veth &jester / beau &caleb sitting side by side anymore
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kissingagrumpygiant · 5 years
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ilya 🤝 ilya 
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athenaainehunter · 4 years
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...so, I wrote a little fic for my widojest child. Would people be interested in reading it?
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new chapter of Build Me Up From Ashes//Though I Feel So Far From Home from @elsinore-rose & shaypotter, thank u icons. made memes to celebrate.
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