#wig cap repair
wig-supplies-and-more · 9 months
Wig Services: Identifying Fields of Application
Choosing the best wig service field to enter can be a daunting task. We have compiled a list of wig services that you may be able to provide your clients. Select the one that's right for you based on your skill level and expertise.
Want to work in the wig industry, but don’t know where to start?   Choosing the best wig service field to enter can be a daunting task. We have compiled a list of wig services that you may be able to provide your clients. Select the one that’s right for you based on your skill level and expertise. Wig Cleaning & Conditioning: Wig cleaning and conditioning services are designed to refresh and…
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waitimcomingtoo · 7 months
And I’ve Been Meaning To Tell You
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Synopsis: you overhear Peter denying that he likes you so you go out with another guy, leaving him to crash your date and tell you how he feels
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“At what point does the staring because you’re pining for your friend become staring because you’re a stalker and planing on wearing her hair as a wig?” Ned asked after following Peter’s gaze and seeing he was once again staring at you from across the cafeteria.
“I don’t know. I think when I start wearing baseball caps and standing outside her window with binoculars.” Peter sighed happily and rested his chin in his hand as he continued to stare.
“But, it’s not gonna get to that point though, right?” Ned laughed nervously.
“I don’t know.” Peter shrugged. “She lives on a pretty high floor.”
“That’s not the answer I wanted.” Ned said quietly.
“I had a dream last night that I asked her out and she said “I’ll see you at 8” without ever telling me where we were meeting just like in the movies.” Peter said proudly.
“You should not be proud of that. Why don’t you just ask her out with your out loud words for once?” Ned asked him.
“Because the dynamic of our friendship will be-“
“-forever altered past the point of repair and things will eventually return to normal but never feel the same.” Ned groaned as ge finished Peter’s sentence. “Yes, I know. Thats always your excuse. But I really don’t think she’ll say no.”
“You don’t know that.” Peter insisted. “I can’t risk it.”
“Peter, it’s so obvious you guys like each other. She always laughs at your jokes and nobody, and I mean nobody, finds you funny. And I know you like her back because you stare at her all the time and got goosebumps that one time her ponytail hit you in the face.”
“It smelled like freedom and prosperity.” Peter whispered.
“So ask her out and smell her ponytail all the time.” Ned whispered back.
“I just can’t, okay? And I don’t even like her like that. So stop bringing it up.” Peter said and looked over at you again. He watched you leave a group of friends and walk over to him and Ned.
“But you guys obviously want to be together so why don’t you just be together?” Ned asked him.
“Because I don’t like her and she doesn’t like me, okay? That’s that.” Peter whispered harshly just as you sat down at their table.
“Hey guys. I’m pretty sure I just got a veinte out of one hundred on my Spanish quiz so.” You sighed and dropped your backpack on the table.
“Hi.” Peter’s blushed and smiled at you. Your bad mood quickly eviscerated and you smiled back.
“Hi Peter.”
“If you want, I can help you study for your next Spanish quiz. I took it last semester and did fairly bien.” Peter offered.
“Really?” You lit up. “Thanks, Pete. That would be so bien of you.”
“No problemo.” Peter said back.
“This feels…racist.” Ned mumbled as he watched the interaction.
“I, uh, I watched that movie you were talking about the other day.“ You told Peter with a nervous smile.
“You watched Alien? Did you like it?” Peter asked excitedly.
“I did but it made me kinda paranoid about, you know, aliens. But I liked the part when the alien came out of the guys chest. I never realized that scene was from that movie. I felt like I was finally in on the film bros inside jokes.”
“Yeah. I like that part too. I also like the part when he swam up the filters motor and stuck that pebble in there so the tank would get dirty and have to be cleaned, giving all the other fish a chance to escape.” Peter replied. It took you a minute to get it but when you did, you burst out laughing. Peter blushed at how hard you were laughing at his joke while Ned watched the interaction in disgust.
“That was not funny.” Ned shook his head. “Not even a little bit. It was a little criminal actually.”
“What? Yes it was. Peters always funny.” You insisted.
“Isn’t he though?” Ned faked a smile before rolling his eyes.
“Hey, back off. I liked the joke.” You defended Peter, making his blush deepen.
“Thank you. I like your jokes too.” Peter told you.
“Ugh.” Ned groaned. “This is revolting to watch. Why don’t you guys just get married already?”
“That’s not a bad idea.” You said. “We’d get a tax break, right? Whatever that means.”
“It’s when they break your taxes in half.” Peter answered.
“Oh, is that it?” You laughed. “Sounds about right.”
“I know because I took that accounting class freshman year. You weren’t in that class so you wouldn’t know.” He teased you.
“Hm. Is that the class they cancelled because not enough people signed up?” You teased back.
“Yep. That one.” He nodded. “Wow. The memory on you. You’d be an excellent gatherer if this was Hunter gatherer times.”
“Aw, Peter. That’s the nicest thing a guys ever said to me.” You smiled and touched your heart.
“If you liked that compliment I have like eight more in the chamber ready to go.” Peter told you.
“Oh my God. Just make out already. But not in front of my clementine.” Ned grumbled and peeled his clementine. You and Peter fell silent at his exclamation. Peter’s face burned with embarrassment while you avoided eye contact with either of them.
“I’m gonna go refill my water bottle. I’ll be right back.” You smiled awkwardly and quickly left the table.
“Nice job, Ned.” Peter hugged. “You just made her so uncomfortable she went to fill up a full water bottle.”
“I told you, dude. She obviously likes you. I was just pointing out the obvious.” Ned defended himself.
“She doesn’t like me.” Peter insisted.
“Are you kidding me? You just made a Finding Nemo joke and she actually laughed. Not even fake laugh. That was a genuine belly laugh at the worst joke I have ever had the misfortune of hearing. She’s down horrendous for you.”
“No, she’s not. She just sees me as a friend. And I don’t even like her like that so it doesn’t matter.” Peter lied in an effort to change the subject.
“You can’t hide the truth from your best friend. I see right through your lies. You like her. I know it and you know it. Why can’t she know it?” Ned asked.
“I told you to stop bringing it up.” Peter grumbled, growing frustrated now. It wasn’t uncommon for Ned to bring this up but it was happening more than usual lately and all it did was remind Peter that you’d never be together.
“I don’t like her, okay? I never did. I don’t think she’s pretty, I don’t find her funny, and I don’t want to be her boyfriend. I don’t know why you don’t believe me. I swear, I do not like her like that. I never have, and I never will. Okay?” Peter snapped. Little did he know, you had come back to the table and heard his whole outburst. You blinked a few times as your stomach sank but put on a brave face and sat down.
“I’m back.” You forced a smiled but didn’t meet Peter’s eyes. Peter’s eyes widened when you sat down and he looked at Ned.
“How much of that did you hear?” Peter asked you.
“How much of what?” You played dumb. You had to pretend you weren’t crushed that the boy you’d been pining after for years just very aggressively confirmed he didn’t like you.
“Nothing.” Peter lied and exchanged another look with Ned. Ned shrugged before changing the subject to move away from the moment entirely. You pretended to listen as you tried your best not to look as disappointed as you felt.
Once your break was over, you left the cafeteria and went for a walk around campus to clear your head. You ended up on a bench and sat down before taking a big sigh. You hadn’t noticed the guy that was sitting on the other end of the bench, but he certainly noticed you.
“Hey.” He said. You looked around for who he was talking to but found no one.
“Me, hey?” You asked and pointed to yourself.
“Yeah. You, hey.” He smiled and nodded his head.
“Oh. Hey.” You smiled back.
“I’m Drew.” He said.
“Y/n.” You said back.
“What’s the matter, Y/n? You look forlorn.”
“Oh, it’s stupid.” You waved your hand.
“Not to me. Tell me about it.” He insisted and scooted closer to you. You looked down at the lessened space between the two of you and laughed shyly.
“It’s nothing. I just overheard my friends talking about me.” You told him.
“Oh shit. Was it bad?”
“Not necessarily. But it didn’t make me feel good.”
“Damn. That sucks.” Drew said. You nodded in agreement and an awkward silence fell between you.
“I like that shirt.” He said suddenly and nodded towards your shirt.
“Oh, thanks. I borrowed it from a girl I didn’t even talk to anymore.” You replied as you pulled on the shirt.
“Finders keepers.” He shrugged. “You should wear it when I take you out.”
“Why would I wear a shirt you’ve already seen when we go out?” You laughed.
“So we’re going out?” Drew smiled.
“I guess we are.” You shrugged and realized you had just agreed to a date.
“Cool. I’ll pick you up Friday.” Drew winked at you before getting off the bench. You smiled at the unexpected interaction before realizing you had not gotten a single detail.
“Wait, pick me up where?” You called after him, but he was already gone. You slumped back in your seat on the bench and felt an equal mix of confusion and excitement. Maybe this new guy was exactly what you needed to forget about Peter.
The next day, you sat with Peter and Ned at your usual spot in the lunch room but barely paid attention to their conversation. Drew had found you on Instagram and you’d been talking to him all day. Peter had noticed your thumbs flying around your keyboard and the smile on your face and felt curious and ever so slightly jealous about who was making you smile like that.
“Is that good with you Y/n?” Ned asked you.
“Sorry, what?” You asked and put your phone down.
“We were saying we were gonna get chicken wings and watch the Trixi Mattel documentary.” Peter informed you.
“Again? And I can’t Friday.” You told them.
“Why not?” Peter asked.
“I have a date.”
Ned and Peter exchanged a looked before started to speak at the same time. They both stumbled over their words and spoke over each other as they gave you all their thoughts and opinions on why you should not go on this date. You tried to cut in but Ned kept listing Criminal Minds plot lines where women were murdered while Peter asked question after question about the guy.
“Slow down. One at a time.” You shouted over them and they both went silent. You pointed to Ned to signal that it was his turn to talk.
“You have a date? With a human boy?” Ned asked in disgust.
“Yeah. Is that surprising?” You asked, sounding a little hurt that they were so shocked.
“No.” Peter replied and looked at Ned to signal for him to say the same so that you wouldn’t be offended.
“Yes.” Ned said immediately. “Who the hell is this guy?”
“Ned.” Peter said warningly.
“His name is Drew.” You shrugged.
“Drew? What’s his brothers name, draw? Stupid fucking past tense ass bullshit name.” Ned grumbled.
“Jesus Ned.” You laughed. “It’s a normal name. It’s short for Andrew.”
“Andrew?” Peter scoffed. “What is he, an apostle?”
“I don’t think there was an apostle named. Andrew.” You stated. “I think they were all named Mark. And like, John or something.”
“I don’t know. I wasn’t there.” Peter waved his hand. “Why are you going on a date with this potential psychopath?”
“Because asked me on a date.” You said simply.
“And you said yes? When we don’t even know this guy. What if he’s into hardcore drugs and wants to use you as a drug mule for his next big drug operation?“
“He seemed fine.” You shrugged.
“So you’re gonna risk your life going on a date with this lunatic because he “seemed” fine? What if he’s a cannibal?” Ned asked.
“I don’t think he’s a cannibal. He was just sitting on a bench on his phone.”
“Oh my God. He sounds completely insane. Check the sex offender registry for his name right now.” Ned instructed Peter. Peter started typing his name into his laptop so you shut Peter’s laptop with a roll of your eyes.
“Why are you guys being insane? I thought you’d be happy for me.”
“I’m about to end my life over this.” Peter mumbled.
“Me too.” Ned added. “What even spurred this reckless decision?”
“I don’t know. A guy hasn’t shown interest in me in a while. This guy did so I took a chance. Is it really that crazy?”
“Yes.” Ned said immediately. “You’re ludicrous for this. You are absolutely Pitbull featuring Ludacris for this. Saying yes to a date with a stranger. This girl has lost her damn mind.”
“How else do you meet people?” You asked them.
“You don’t.” Peter said a sarcastic laugh. you threw your hands up in exasperation and Peter and Ned exchanged a look.
“What he means is, you should try asking a friend out. That way, you already know them and know you won’t get diced and quartered into a bunch of little pieces.” Ned said kindly.
“Why would he dice me and quarter me? Wouldn’t one or the either be enough?” You asked.
“Probably not for this lunatic.” Ned laughed like it was ridiculous to suggest.
“I think you guys are over reacting. What if he’s just a nice guy wants to take me on a date?”
“No guy wants that.” Ned groaned.
“Wow. Thanks Ned.” You said sarcastically.
“What I meant was, Peter has something to say.” Ned said and pointed to Peter. Peter turned bright red and gave Ned an angry look.
“You do?” You asked Peter.
“No?” Peter replied.
“Right.” You smiled tightly and looked away from him, making Peter know he blew it.
“Where is the date?” Ned asked.
“I don’t know. Some frat house. He said his friend is having a party and he wants to take me.”
“A party? At a frat house? With underage drinking? Oh great. So this guy is a law breaker. He probably has an extensive criminal record already. And I bet it’s for the drug mule thing.” Ned insisted.
“We’re all 21. You literally turned 22 last week.” You reminded him.
“I don’t see how that’s relevant to this conversation.” Ned brushed you off.
“What kind of first date is a party anyway? A girl like you deserves to be taken on a nice, well thought out date that doesn’t involve getting drunk around strangers. If I was the one taking you on a date, I’d make a picnic of your favorite snacks and we’d eat it on the rooftop of my apartment while the sun sets.” Peter stated.
“But you’re not the one taking me on a date. He is. He likes me, you don’t.” You said sharply, making everyone fall silent. You hadn’t meant to snap at Peter like that but it bothered you that he was aggressively putting down your date after rejecting you.
“What? Am I wrong?” You asked the table.
“Peter.” Ned whispered but it was loud enough for everyone to hear. You looked at Peter again but he just couldn’t do it.
“No. You’re not wrong.” He said quietly. You nodded your head like you expected that before getting up from the table.
“I just wanted my friends to tell me they were happy for me. Instead, we just had one of the weirdest and least encouraging conversations I’ve ever been an apart of. I’ll see you guys later.” You grumbled and walked away.
“That went well.” Ned said once you were gone.
“She definitely overheard me. I totally hurt her feelings and drove her right into the arms of that cannibal drug mule. Why did I say those things?” Peter asked and rubbed his face in frustration.
“I don’t know man. I would have stopped at “I don’t like her” but you really went off.” Ned agreed.
“Because you were annoying me with how much you were asking.” Peter whined. “Oh God. What am I gonna do now? Shes gonna go to that party and fall in love with draw and forget all about me.”
“I’ll tell you what we’re gonna do. We’re gonna find draw’s party and crash it. And you’re gonna woman up and tell her how you feel.”
“How are we gonna find his party? We’re not exactly good at attending parties.”
“I have my sources.” Ned smiled deviously.
“You’re just track her location on snap maps, aren’t you?” Peter sighed.
“Yeah, I’m just gonna track her on snap maps.” Ned admitted.
When Friday came around, Peter and Ned were glued to their phones as the tried to find out where you were. Luckily for them, you had been posting a plethora of pictures of the party to your Snapchat so they easily found where you were. Unlucky for Peter, Drew was featured in all of the pictures and you looked like you were having the time of your life. Peter swallowed down his jealousy and got dressed to go to the party. He rehearsed his speech for you in his head as he made his way through the crowd. He finally found you in the kitchen in the arms of a girl he didn’t recognize. Your eyes lit up when you saw him and you tried to go towards him but immediately tripped over your over feet.
“Peter!” You cheered and threw your arms around him. The girl who had been holding you let go of your waist while Peter looked at her in confusion. You stumbled into Peter and had a hard time keeping yourself up straight
“You know her?” The girl asked Peter.
“Yeah. She’s my best friend. What’s going on? Who are you? And where’s draw?”
“I’m Serita. I found her all by herself. She seemed pretty upset.”
“Well if it isn’t Peter Peter pumpkin eater. He actually doesn’t even like pumpkin flavored things. He doesn’t like me either. He made that very clear.” You laughed and clapped Serita on the back. Serita looked at Peter in amusement but he was too focused on how drunk you were.
“Are you drunk?” Peter asked in shock.
“What? No.” You scoffed and nearly fell over.
“She’s wasted.” Serita told him. “I got her to drink some water by telling her it was a big shot of vodka.”
“I’m just here to feel the heat with somebody.” You said and held your hands up in defense.
“I’ve never seen you drink this much. What happened?” Peter asked you.
“Psh. I’m not as think as you drunk I am.” You denied the obvious with a wave of your hand. The action caused you to stumble again and you had to grip Peter’s shirt to keep from going down.
“You can’t even stand up straight. Where’s draw?” Peter asked again and looked around the room for your date.
“I don’t know.” You shrugged. “I’m pretty sure he left with that pretty red headed girl from our statistics class sophmore year. With that teacher who had that cat with a silly name. Remember him? What was the cats name?”
“Kitty puss.” Peter reluctantly admitted.
“Kitty puss!” You cheered again and nearly dropped to the floor.
“I got you.” Peter said and tightened his grip on you. “But if he’s on on a date with you then why did he leave with another girl?”
“Because he didn’t get what he wanted from this girl?” You shrugged with a sad smile. Peter’s eyes darkened and he looked at Serita with a clenched jaw.
“What did he want?” He asked her.
“To get her drunk enough to lower her standards.” Serita stated. “That’s what he does to all the undergrad girls on this campus. Or at least, he tries to. Girls his age know better and stay away from him. But unfortunately for your best friend here, she didn’t know about his reputation.”
“Sterling Knight should have had a bigger career after Starstruck. He was funny and could sing. I never found him all that handsome but he had star power. He deserved more from Disney and I’ll die on that hill.” You interrupted their conversation to say.
“That’s nice, sweetie.” Peter smiled kindly at you before looking at Serita again. “I’m gonna take her to the bathroom and try to sober her up. Thanks for taking care of her. I’m glad she had a friend here.”
“Oh, I don’t know this girl. I just noticed she needed someone and stayed with her.” Serita explained. Peter raised his eyebrows in surprise before giving her a grateful smile.
“Oh. Well thanks for noticing. I got it from here.” He said before picking you up bridal style. You laughed gleefully and wrapped your arms around his neck, making Peter turn red again. Serita noticed this and stopped him.
“Hold on. How do I know I can trust you with her?” Serita asked. “What if you don’t even know her and you’re just trying to do what Drew was trying to do?”
“I promise I know her. Look. She’s my lock screen.” Peter said and showed Serita his lock screen which was a photo of the two of you.
“Best friend, huh?” Serita smirked.
“Please.” Peter whined. “I can’t hear it from you too. I’m an idiot and I know that. That’s the whole reason I’m here.”
“Well good luck. She’s been talking about “my Peter” all night.” Serita patted his back before walking away. Peter smiled at that before carrying you to the bathroom.
“Is this how Lady Gaga felt at the 2011 Grammys when they carried her in in that giant egg?” You asked as you rested your head on Peter’s shoulder.
“We will never know how Lady Gaga felt while being carried in a giant egg at the 2011 Grammys. You’re just being carried by your idiot friend to a disgusting frat bathroom that probably has salmonella and syphilis all over it.”
“Romantic.” You chuckled and held Peter tighter. He shut the bathroom door behind the two of you before gently putting you down on the countertop. He started rummaging through the medicine cabinet while you swung your legs.
“My tummy hurts.” You whined.
“I know. Take this.” Peter instructed and handed you Tylenol.
“Magic beans?”
“Tylenol. Drink this.” He chuckled and handed you back the cup of water from Serita. You chugged the water with the pills and wiped your mouth before giving Peter a sad smile.
“How do you feel? Do you need to puke?”
“No.” You shook your head. That action made you nauseous and you hopped off the counter to throw up into the toilet.
“I had a feeling that was gonna happen.” Peter mumbled.
“Don’t tell Kitty Puss about what a wreck I am.” You pleaded and threw up again.
“I won’t.” Peter laughed and held your hair back.
“I’m gonna die.” You whined and slumped against the bathtub. Peter sat down beside you and got the hair out of your face.
“You’re not gonna die.” He assured you. “You’re just gonna have really bad breath and carpet burn on your knees.”
“I hate carpet burn.” You said and started to cry. Peter had a feeling the tears weren’t just from the carpet burn so he wrapped his arms around you.
“It’s okay. Let it all out.” He said softly as he rubbed his hand on your back. You wrapped your arms around his neck and cried into his shoulder for a minute before pulling away. He grabbed a tissue from the counter and wiped your tears for you.
“I’m sorry.” You said quietly as you stared down at your lap.
“What are you sorry for?”
“For going on this date.”
“No. I don’t want to hear that. You don’t have anything to apologize for.” Peter shook his head as he continued to dry your eyes. You pushed your hand away and held it so he would look at you.
“I do. I only went because I was mad at you. And I posted all those things because I wanted you to think I was having fun with another guy. But I wasn’t having fun. I was thinking about you the entire night.”
“Well you fooled me.” Peter chucked. “I thought you were halfway in love with this guy already. But why were you mad at me?”
“I heard you the other day. I heard you tell Ned you didn’t like me.” You admitted and gave him a sad smile.
“Oh, that’s not-“
“And it’s fine.” You cut him off. “I shouldn’t have gotten mad at you over that. It’s not your fault you don’t like me. We can’t help what we don’t feel.”
Peter stared into your eyes and saw a sadness he’d never seen you show before. You had sobered up a little but still weren’t completely there. He wanted to tell you how he felt, but he wanted you to be sober enough to remember it.
“So what happened to your date?” He changed the subject. You gave Peter a sad smile and shrugged your shoulders.
“He wasn’t much of a gentleman.” You admitted. Peters jaw clenched but he tried to remain calm for you same.
“Why do you say that?”
“I kept trying to talk to him and get to know him but all he wanted to do was get drunk. So I kept drinking whatever he handed me because I thought that would make me a more “fun” date.” You told him. You looked down at your dress and nervously fiddled with the hem of it. Peter stayed silent as he watched your eyes fill up with tears.
“I got all dressed up. I did my hair and my makeup. I tried to look pretty for him.” You said sadly. “But he didn’t even compliment me when he saw me. And he didn’t laugh at any of my jokes. I kept feeling like I was annoying him any time I asked him a question. But I was just trying to get to know him.“
“Well he’s crazy for not complimenting you. Because you look very pretty tonight.”
“Oh, please. My makeup’s running down my face and I probably have puke on my dress.”
“Doesn’t matter. You’re still the prettiest girl in this room.” Peter told you.
“I’m the only girl in this room.” You reminded him and pointed to the bathroom wall.
“Doesn’t matter. You’re the prettiest girl in any room you’re in.” Peter stated. That brought a smile out of you and you slipped your hand into his.
“You’re sweet.” You smiled in appreciation and gave his hand a squeeze. Peter squeezed you back before getting the hair off your forehead. You leaned into his hand and looked into his eyes.
“What happened tonight?“ He asked quietly.
“Well, once I was drunk enough for Drew’s liking, he asked me to go up to one of the bedrooms with him. I went because I thought it was because he wanted a more private place to talk. I thought he wanted to hear what I had to say. Imagine that? Imagine your date being interesting in something you had to say? But he didn’t care about that. He didn’t want to talk.” You laughed sadly before looking down at the floor with a heavy sadness.
“What did he want?” Peter asked and braced himself. You looked up and met Peter’s eyes with a sad smile.
“You know what he wanted.” You said softly. Peter gulped and nodded his head so you wouldn’t have to relive it. You let out a sigh and wiped your tears on the back of your hand.
“He didn’t even kiss me.” You laughed sadly. “He just shut the door and tried to unzip my dress. I pushed him away and yelled at him, and then he got upset that I was upset so he left me in there. I was too drunk to go after him so I just sat there for a while in the dark. By the time I came back down to the party, he was already making out with another girl.”
“What’s this guys problem? He got to take the most incredible girl in this city on a date and he blows it in every way possible? He’d be lucky to talk to you, let alone go out on a date with you. How could he not see what a privilege he had just to be near you?” Peter said with genuine anger.
“Thanks, Pete.” You chuckled and felt slightly better about the night. Peter was about to go off more until he saw the look on your face. You didn’t need to hear Peter’s gripe right now. You needed comfort.
“Should we kill him?” Peter asked after a beat of silence.
“I think so. Serita told me he’s got a bit of a reputation for this kind of thing. I had no idea.”
“I can’t believe Ned was right and this guy really was insane.” Peter said, making you laugh.
“I know. I guess this means we should listen to him more.” You laughed. Peter smiled at you before scooping you up again and kicking the door open.
“Woah. Where are we going?” You asked as he carried you straight out of the party.
“On a real date.” He replied and you fell silent. He carried you all the way to his apartment building and swung up to the roof.
“Stay here. I’ll be right back.” Peter said and he slipped out of his button down. He draped it over your shoulders to keep you warm before racing downstairs.
When he returned, he had a picnic blanket, his portable Death Star night light, a lunchables pizza, and two bottles of water. You smiled as he laid the picnic blanket down before patted the space beside him. You sat down and he wrapped a blanket from his bed around the both of you. You cracked open your water bottle and downed it while he put together the lunchables. He handed you one of the pizzas and you did cheers before silently eating them as the sun began to rise.
“Are you enjoying your meal, madam?” Peter looked away from the sunrise to ask you.
“Why, yes I am. This is one of the finer lunchables I’ve ever eaten. Compliments to the chef.” You played along.
“The chef thanks you kindly.” Peter replied and you both laughed.
A comfortable silence fell between the two of you for a minute as you watched the sky become pink. Peter looked over at you and felt his heart ache over the way the sun was lighting up your face with a warm glow. You were holding your blanket tightly around your body to shield yourself from the morning air and had your eyes shut to let the night wash away from you. Peter knew in that moment he was in love and it could not be unspoken any longer.
“So, uh, remember when we were in the bathroom before and you said we should listen to Ned more?” Peter began.
“That doesn’t sound like something I would say. But I guess so. Why?” You wondered and looked over at him. Peter looked you in the eyes and gulped.
“Ned was actually right about a second thing.”
“Two things? Is he going for a personal record?” You laughed. When you saw that Peter wasn’t laughing, you stopped smiling.
“What is it, Pete? Something bad?”
“No. Not bad. Just, um, just a little clarification, I guess.” Peter began.
“Clarification about what?”
“I know you heard me telling Ned that I didn’t like you. And I know that it hurt your feelings. Which I totally understand why it would. It was overkill. But what you overheard the was my frustrated attempt to get Ned to stop insisting that I liked you.”
“Oh. Okay.” You said slowly and never took your eyes off him. Peter stared into your eyes for the last time before everything changed.
“And the only reason he keeps insisting that is because it’s true. He was trying to get me to tell you how I felt and I snapped at him because I was scared that if I ever did tell you how I felt, you wouldn’t feel the same.” Peter finished. You stared at him for a long time but Peter couldn’t read your expression. You were definitely pensive but he didn’t know if you were upset with him or relieved to know the truth. You turned your face back towards the sunrise and stared out at it.
“Hm.” You hummed.
“Hm? That’s all you have to say?” Peter asked nervously.
“Sorry. I was just thinking about that part in the movie Alien when the two main characters get directions from that school of fish and all the fish take the shape of an arrow to show them which way to go.” You said very seriously. Peter shook his head before cracking up laughing.
“Wow. Ned must be on a roll because hearing my own joke repeated back to me makes me realize how unfunny it was.” He admitted, making you laughing.
“I still laughed.” You shrugged. “Even if it wasn’t funny.”
“You did.” He realized with a smile.
“Probably because I like you so much.” You shrugged again and stopped looking at the sunrise to look at him. Peters smile grew and he reached over to hand your hand in his. All that pining and anticipation had led to that moment of you finally admitted how you felt about each other.
“Yeah.” He smiled. “Thats probably why.”
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firespirited · 8 months
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I have a Delilah Noir !
I was looking for gunky bundles and found a damaged 'bjd' instead. She was a mess.
So I have two projects for the weeks ahead :
Celia the BJD: sculpting in Milliput for neck and hips then sanding and testing wig ideas.
Delilah Noir: acetone goop repair for the ankle, making a head cap, removing the pink overpaint from the lips, possibly filling the mouth slightly with coats of black + acrylic matte. Delilah probably won't be staying, she's a fun project but I'd want to modify her significantly.
photos under cut:
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Celia's wiring. I'm not touching the eye makeup until the last minute, it gives her a cheekiness that demands attention - I will get around to doing the work!
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Delilah looked like she'd been splashed with coffee. Her wig was glued to the front and back of her head (no head cap) with non water-soluble (or alcohol for that matter) glue so I gently pried it off and soaked it before removing the glue with my finger nails strand by strand from the wig (acetone for the head).
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Her putty was both hard and turning into dust while also oily and pretending to be soft which is a very odd textural sensation... and had cracked one of the eyes a little. I removed the eyelash and replaced it with acrylic matte sealant for glue (dries clear, no clumps, water-soluble) as well as repainting the chipped lower lash lines.
She had stains on her upper eyes at the nose bridge, the eyeliner doesn't quite fit the eye with pink parts showing - the lipstick also doesn't quite match the lip sculpt. It's taking me a while to remove the pink, I'm thinking it's maybe enamel paint
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Please excuse the green putty - since fixed it. There's potential in that face, I like the heavy lidded teen goth y2k look but it's missing something beyond my skillsets.
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posing-in-a-dollroom · 9 months
So i got a nellie for 60$ who was a lot more tlc than advertised. They advertised her as having a small mark on her eyebrow that they hadn't treated and she gets here and she has it all over her mouth, both eyes, is covered in dirt, paint, and grime, with deep scratches on her legs and hands. None of it shows up very well in photos but i included them anyway
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Nevertheless, I've worked on worse, and even though I'm annoyed that she wasn't properly advertised, i will repair her too.
So i am started by removing all the dirt and dust, and then launching into stain treatment because it's the only day the sun will be out in the coming weeks. I had to scrub her down multiple times because she was really dirty
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It faded a bit but not a lot before the sun set so i take the time in between stain treatments to boil wash her hair and tighten her limbs.
The limbs went great. The hair.... did not.
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After attempting to fix it over multiple hours and getting so frustrated i started to cry i realized my mom definitely did raise a quitter and there was no shame in that so i proceeded to buy her a new wig and call it a day.
The wig took a week to get here and the wig cap only covered the crown of her head so if you move her hair she is still very bald.
However in that week i managed to get most of her sharpie stains off except for one on her leg that i wasnt particularly bothered by because it was covered by her tights
I did end up removing her wig and repositioning it a few times because i was having a really hard time with it.
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Her outfit arrived on the same day as the wig glue so i managed to get both of those done at once and also glue her receding eyelash in place, which i was really glad about because it was annoying the holy hell out of me.
And here she is!
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I still don't love the wig, but I'll live with it or get a new one and replace it.
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omgkalyppso · 6 days
is anyone curious about my troubleshooting adventures with bg3 patch 7? i think it's fun to share (long)
deleted all my mods, deleted modsettings.lsx, damaged my game (deleted some files in Generated and similar) and repaired my game to start clean.
installed improved ui which is required for many mods. booted up the game. saw that i correctly got it to show up in the mods list despite not being in the igmm (in-game mod manager). closed the game like an idiot instead of testing a save.
installed the script extender, which is required for many mods. booted up the game. knew it wouldn't be in the mod manager because of the type of mod it is. booted up a save that used no mods. ctd. restarted the game. turned off the improved ui mod. booted up a save that used no mods to see if it loaded this time and was not the script extender --
and my computer blue screened and the rgb colors on my computer fan started wigging out.
at this point i could get saves (in vulkan) that did not use mods to load with the improved ui mod (turned on) and the script extender which was file bg3se-updater-2024329 which is the second last script extender. the most recent script extender which is file bg3se-updater-20240430 caused ctd for me
OUGH this game is killing my computer. my amd video drivers crashed instead of the game after this
i blue screened again when i tried to launch in dx11
installed a mod which changes karlach's face a lot of weird shit happened including the flags under the symbol of bhaal turning neon blue selected new game saw karlach's new face closed the cc the game crashed load the game load a late game save of étoile's in conversation with karlach see that her face is running fine closed the game closed spotify that was not running blue screen installed a mod that adds additional faces to the cc loaded the game selected new game without turning on the mod in the igmm the game crashed loaded the game turned on the mod i'd installed in igmm selected new game saw the new faces in the cc closed the cc the game crashed
someone asked me about mod load order. i realized they were all set to 1 and that i had to uninstall all mods and install the mod (from the igmm) mod manager fixes and tweaks to be able to influence my mod order
at this point, in vulkan when only the mod that influences mod load order was installed, there was a strobing light effect on the curtains below bhaal's symbol on the main menu screen like there used to be on karlach's pillow in camp
launched the game. saw that the mods fixes and tweaks was working and the other mods were assigned a load order attempted to mouse over the up down buttons to adjust order game and video drivers crashed
launched the game capped frame rate. opened mod list. adjusted mod order. turned mods on. accessed an (early modless) save file (of étoile's) two of the mods were 'summon tutorial chest' and 'putting armor into tutorial chest' summon tutorial chest spell known, use spell chest exists, click to open chest game and video drivers crash
launched the game. made sure frame rate was still capped, mods still fine. accessed a modless save file just after character creation moved the camera in the nautiloid game crashed (but not video drivers this time)
launched the game. made sure frame rate was stil capped, mods still fine started a new game karlach's facial mod was fine, listened to her opening introduction, custom heads working got out of character creation moved the camera in the nautiloid game crashed (again, not drivers this time)
launched the game. made sure the frame rate was still capped, turned off the mods related to the tutorial chest, but left karlach's face and improved ui accessed an unmodded save file from just after the character creation clicked on the screen to turn the camera in the nautiloid (did not yet move the camera) game visuals froze, but audio continued, no crash, had to ctrl+alt+delete out of there
launched the game. made sure the frame rate was still capped, didn't look at mods, turned off v-sync in graphics options immediately saw the game running smoother accessed an unmodded save file just after character creation moved the camera smoothly around the nautiloid game crashed
launched the game adjusted a graphical setting (i'll have to check what it was called) attempted to access an unmodded save file just after character creation game stuck loading 0% no audio, had to ctrl+alt+del
launched the game turned off the thing i turned on that was supposed to improve performance last time turned off two other graphical settings (one of them was like god rays, and the other was another supposedly superfluous aesthetic thing) attempted to access an unmodded save file just after character creation straight ctd
launched the game put my graphical settings back to what they were reduced the overall graphics attempted to access an unmodded save file just after character creation game stuck loading 0% no audio, had to ctrl+alt+del
dunno what compelled me but reinstalled newer script extender despite earlier issues launched game in dx11 put my graphics back to their overall settings accessed an unmodded save file after character creation ran around the nautiloid turned on the mods accessed an early unmodded save file of étoile's summoned the tutorial chest put on a mod outfit close the game launched the game in vulkan attempted to access an unmodded save file after character creation game and video drivers crashed
installed reshade for dx11 because without reshade i'm nothing launched the game in dx11 accessed an unmodded save file after character creation all mods still active ran around the nautiloid, summoned the tutorial chest, saw it had shit in it but didn't put on an outfit closed game
and there you have it! dx11 it is until / unless they ever come up with a patch / someone else finds a solution for vulkan because i don't think i have it in me to keep troubleshooting that for a few more months now
now to continue reinstalling mods 1-3 at a time
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kaxenart · 1 year
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I tore the wig cap a little and repairing it ended up with some bulk, but it is better than the first tiny wig.
Also I really like tencel. It's like the Better Viscose. It's shiny and easier to tame.
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northwest-cryptid · 10 months
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Making a new post here to address this one because I do want people to be fully aware when they jump into this game.
As a person who plays (and enjoys) both Mabi and PSO2 lemme just say the customization in Mabi makes PSO2 look silly for a lot of reasons, but they are fundamentally different experiences.
A lot of PSO2's customization is limited in how much you can do but not in how you can do it, like sure you can rotate parts or make them different sizes; you can't really do that with Mabi. However in PSO2 you're still limited to like, 4 accessories and generally 3 different layers of clothing and only two of them really matter. While in Mabi your main torso gear, your gloves, your hat/wig, your robe/wings, even your shoes, and if you wear glasses or not; are all various slots that allow you to fully customize a look.
However in PSO2 you dye something and it's like "you're going to change this one predetermined part of this thing and nothing else" where as in Mabi it's like "alright you have parts A B C D E and F to change, which part are you changing?" So you have just a ton more control over your general color scheme and such but it will also require a lot of dyes to keep a consistent look.
In PSO2 Customization comes almost exclusively from Gacha and running missions to get meseta to buy really overpriced accessories and such, which is fine if you're cool saving up a lot and blowing it all on one or two things.
Mabinogi's player economy is far from GOOD but it FUNCTIONS by which I mean when an event rolls around or a gacha comes out, you can almost always predict the changes in the prices you're going to see; if things are common the price drops; if they aren't the price goes up that's really basic but given that the economy for the auction house is player driven you see a lot more change than you might think and you can reliably track those changes.
I literally just bought a hair style earlier for 700k that was exclusively selling for 30m THAT'S a price drop and it's thanks to both a gacha and a style event making the style a lot more common than it was.
Mabinogi customization comes not from one source, but from MANY sources and there-in-lies the issue many new players struggle with.
So you want fashion? Okay you need Gold, maybe you need Pon.
Well Pon is one of the few things that is nearly always Cash Shop exclusive but DOES come with just about every Event or every other Event so you CAN and WILL obtain plenty for free if you just play the game do not worry about that.
How about Gold? Well since it's the universal currency for everything from buying that new cool fashion in the shop to repairing or upgrading your basic sword; you can bet your ass it's very easy to obtain and the player economy is surprisingly not super broken as a result.
If I told you that you could earn over 100k passively every day; or 1m passively over a week; you'd probably assume that the player economy would sell even common things for anywhere from 500k - like 5m because "it's so easy to get money" right?
But no, most like okay to good things start from 70k - 200k with upper 500k - 1m being like the sort of start of where you're going to see some of the actually rarer fashion and gear. With the actually RARE fashion or gear being anywhere between 10m - 30m and that probably sounds really scary to a new player; until you remember oh yea you can make 1m passively every week on top of literally whatever else you do. Now I'm not saying that 30 WEEKS of real time is anything to shrug at, but it's also not EXCLUSIVELY your source of income, or even your main source of income.
There are Shadow Missions that award you about 1m - 1.5m per day for running them 5 times (the daily cap allowed for those missions) how long does that take? Collectively, for all 5; about 30 minutes if you're spamming them solo with a character who's not really that good at clearing them. If you're properly geared for them, maybe taking a friend with you who can help deal some damage? You're looking at closer to like, 15 minutes tops.
Maybe you don't care for running Shadow Missions? That's fine, pick up a crafting class and sell some stuff on the market; or maybe just do some normal content like commerce or dungeons; you'll literally pick up 200k - 500k every day you play just for enjoying the game casually you can make much more if you actually try to.
A really funny example of this is actually how Skiz (aka @cringefail-hermitry) gave me 4m to get an item I wanted to buy the other day before I left for work; and DURING MY DRIVE TO WORK sends me a DM to tell me that the 4m has already been recovered by just selling something.
What I'm trying to say here is that it SOUNDS scary to think "I'm going to need Pon I'm going to need Gold, there's going to be this huge hurdle to jump over before I can look the way I want to." However, the reality of the matter is that you won't look exactly how you want right out the gate; but that by playing the game you will obtain everything you require to look however you want easily without ever dropping a dime on the game.
They even let you save your hair/face/eyes/mouth settings which does include the color used and such, and quickly change between them without any cost to you.
Mabinogi is best explained in my opinion, as a game about growth; both mechanically and thematically. For the sake of our interests we're looking at the mechanical growth. As you progress through the game you will be getting more inventory space until your inventory turns into a horribly disorganized mess where you are having trouble with customization not because you lack the things you want but because you have to utilize the search function to figure out where you put that outfit/wig/equipment among the 18 random bags you have.
Mabinogi has a weird curve of difficulty not merely in combat, but in almost everything and it's inverted from what you'd expect. When you first start everything is difficult because you likely won't have many ways to go about making gold, obtaining items; or just doing the things you want to do. This is because the game does an admittedly poor job of explaining all the possible ways you CAN go about these things. However once you've spent time with the game and get better at it, and it's many ways of doing just about whatever you want to do; you'll have so many options that it will be really easy to make money, or just do whatever you want; including obtaining new items and fashion.
It unfortunately falls into the trapping of pushing you into the "Blaanid" questline which is meant to streamline you right to the point where you'd be prepped and ready for end game despite the fact you just started playing. It's great for existing players, or people who want to get a bit of a boost now and then; but if you just hard focus it there are going to be times when you don't understand the skills being given to you, you don't understand the mechanics being asked of you; and you're going to feel like you're playing a mobile game that's telling you to "click here, now click here; and now click here; SEE YOU DID THAT! DOESN'T IT FEEL COOL TO DO THAT!" Even though you're not sure exactly what you just did.
I understand why this is happening, and it's attributed mostly to the dwindling player numbers and the fact that "times are changing" and people don't appreciate the idea of a slow growth game like they maybe used to when it comes to MMOs.
That being said you're never FORCED into Blaanid's quest line, and while I personally do enjoy it (because Blaanid is a cool character who is voiced by none other than the same actress who does the void of Hod in LoR) I never blame especially new players for wanting to sort of stay away from it until they want/need that bit of a boost to keep going.
I do believe personally that it's a lot more enjoyable to stumble upon quests, skills, and general character upgrades yourself as you'll have a much easier time understanding them and how they're used by doing so. I didn't learn about the dye system from the game giving me a tutorial about fashion and forcing me to use the dye on a piece of gear I don't really care about; I learned about it by a friend of mine seeing my dumb ass wearing gear that didn't have a cohesive color scheme and going "hey, do you want these dyes? You can use them on your gear and it will look a lot better." It's that kind of social player interaction I love in MMOs and it's why I personally have a ton of fond memories of playing Mabinogi.
However when I introduce people to the game, especially those interested in the complex customization and fashion potential of it; a lot of them quit before they even get started because they sort of want to count to 100 by starting at 50. Sure I get it, if you're trying to count to 100 starting at 1 sounds like it's going to take a long time and if your goal is purely to get to 100 and you're not enjoying yourself while counting to 15 you're going to feel that burn out before you even get to the 50 you wanted to start at.
A weird analogy but hopefully it makes sense. Mabinogi is that sort of game; you gotta start at 1, and enjoy the journey because at some point or another you're going to realize that 100 was your goal and now you're still counting well past like, 500. This isn't even an analogy for like levels or anything just the idea of "things take time, and once you stop looking at where you want to be; and enjoy where you are, you're going to have a lot more fun with it and one day you'll realize you're so far past your goal that you didn't even realize you've hit it."
What I mean is when I made my most recent main (Aki) I made them to sort of mirror my Vtuber Avatar, and since hitting that goal I've also gotten so far with them that they now have a whole Roland cosplay, and like 3 other complete looks ranging from "what if Aki had a woman's body since they're genderfluid" to "what if I was a knight straight out of Dark Souls." and I just think it's fun that the game lets me use those styles on a whim whenever I want, but I DO remember when I had weird hair and off color clothing for this character and was thinking it would take me a long time to even get to where I could make 1m reliably.
This game takes time, but the payoff is VERY worth it if you enjoy it. It can also be very helpful to have some friends who play with you or who don't mind helping you get gear, gold, or other items needed to reach your goals.
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retorres · 1 year
∆HAIR THERAPY – OFFICIAL WEBSITE: https://cutt.ly/SwdorgBp 
Did you know that thousands of people, like you and me, suffer from severe hair loss? There are also cases of thinning, dull hair, which became more evident after the age of 40, where the hair becomes thin, dull, lifeless. Sometimes we wear caps, hats and even wigs to disguise our baldness, because we feel ashamed of our hair and even experience humiliating situations in places that do not allow the use of caps and hats, especially in more sophisticated places. Due to such suffering experienced by millions of people, since exposing hair is inevitable, researchers sought the cause of hair problems.   So, after much research, the real cause of female hair loss is NOT the result of 'bad' genetics, aging, menopause... or even childbirth. The real reason you are losing your hair, may be due to a faulty signal inside the hair follicles. Hence the revolutionary 60-second "Rapunzel Ritual" that will help you regain the full, youthful hair you had in your 20s. To facilitate, in view of the purpose that guides this channel, to help the greatest number of people, I will leave in the description of this video and in the comments below, the official website for the purchase of the product HAIR THERAPY SHAMPOO (RITUAL RAPUNZEL). You just need to join this opportunity, to start a new story of overcoming and achievements. YOU ARE CAPABLE, GOD BLESS!!! 
∆ What is HAIR THERAPY?   It is a new shampoo from Clinical Effects designed to stimulate the growth of new follicular stem cells in women over 40 by repairing ruptured hair follicles to minimize the hair loss process.
∆ DOES HAIR THERAPY WORK? Yes, because the product contains in its formula natural ingredients and other revolutionary ingredients - stem cells which are the raw material that produces all other cells in our body - and are associated with youth and vitality.
∆ DOES HAIR THERAPY REALLY WORK? yes, as signaling molecules are released, sending an urgent message to your stem cells to grow more hair, they begin to divide and multiply... and new hair is formed. 
∆ IS HAIR THERAPY GOOD? yes, because we know that we have two hair phases, stage 1 ¨Anagen¨, known as the growth phase, as it is when you are in your 20s and 30s... your hair will be long effortlessly, flowing and silky. However, as you age, an increasing amount of hair leaves the anagen phase and instead moves into stage 2, the ¨Telogenous¨ phase, where the hair stops growing and the root hardens. Therefore, by applying Hair Therapy Shampoo daily, you can enjoy thicker and more voluminous hair using a blend of natural ingredients based on the Rapunzel Ritual. 
∆ HAIR THERAPY INGREDIENTS? Hair Therapy SHAMPOO is made with plant-based ingredients and revolutionary ingredients, among them: AnaGain, a phenomenal ingredient that stimulates the production of FGF7 at the root of the hair, to start growing new healthy hair; Baicapil which is a very special substance extracted from a herb called Chinese skullcap that increases cellular activity at the ROOT level, hair follicles are rejuvenated and energized from the inside out, restoring healthy signaling and giving your hair a more youthful and voluminous appearance; and Biotin which is an essential vitamin to heal brittle and fragile hair. 
∆ Can HAIR THERAPY SHAMPOO be used by vegans? Yes, as Clinical Effects NEVER test their products on animals, their manufacturing process is ethical and environmentally friendly. 
∆ How to use HAIR THERAPY SHAMPOO? The manufacturer recommends using the same Rapunzel's Ritual every morning, 60 seconds in the shower or bath, massaging the roots, which will leave rich organic nutrients in your hair. 
∆ HAIR THERAPY SHAMPOO PRODUCT REVIEWS? Many women claim to have noticed a significant difference in just two weeks after applying Hair Therapy shampoo. Their hair looks thicker and fuller. 
∆ DOES HAIR THERAPY HAVE A GUARANTEE? yes, if you get the product from the official website that I left in the description, it comes with a 180-day money back guarantee, which gives you six months to try it and see if it works.
∆ HAIR THERAPY – OFFICIAL WEBSITE: https://cutt.ly/SwdorgBp 
∆ HAIR THERAPY – OFFICIAL WEBSITE: https://cutt.ly/SwdorgBp 
 ∆ SUBSCRIVE TO THE CHANNEL:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-jJ... ∆ SHARE THIS VIDEO: https://youtu.be/pa4fbqXct-I 
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shlomimorwigs1 · 3 days
Wigs for breast cancer patients
Wigs for breast cancers patients are not only a cosmetic answer; they represent empowerment and desire during a hard time. For many ladies undergoing treatment, hair loss can be one of the most distressing aspect outcomes, impacting their shallowness and feel of identification. Choosing to wear a wig can help repair self assurance and offer a semblance of normalcy amid the turmoil of diagnosis and remedy.
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The market for wigs in particular designed for breast cancers patients has increased extensively, presenting a huge kind of patterns, colours, and materials that cater to person preferences. These wigs are crafted with consolation in mind, regularly offering soft caps which might be gentle on sensitive scalps. Many options even mimic natural hair movement and texture, allowing sufferers to experience like themselves again.
Moreover, sporting a wig can serve as an vital declaration of resilience. It permits breast cancer survivors to reclaim their look on their own phrases at the same time as navigating the emotional panorama of their adventure. Investing in a excellent wig isn’t always merely about aesthetics; it’s approximately embracing one’s identity and locating power at some stage in healing. For the ones facing this battle, selecting the proper wig may be an empowering step toward recovery — both physically and emotionally.
READ MORE: https://cancerwigsbyshlomimorwigs.blogspot.com/2024/09/cancer-wigs-helping-those-in-need.html
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Premier Hair Replacement Solutions in Delhi: Transform Your Appearance Right Now
Welcome to Veronica Hair Replacement Solution, your trusted partner in hair restoration and maintenance. We specialize in providing high-quality, natural-looking hair replacement options, including wigs, patches, hair extensions, toppers, and closures for both men and women. Whether you are dealing with hair loss, thinning hair, or simply looking for a new style, we are here to help.
At Veronica Hair Replacement Solution, we believe that everyone deserves to feel confident and beautiful. That’s why we offer personalized, non-surgical hair replacement solutions that are affordable and accessible to all. Our skilled team of professionals takes pride in providing expert consultations, helping you find the perfect solution that meets your unique needs.
Our Services Include:
Wigs: From lace front wigs to full cap wigs, we offer a wide range of natural-looking wigs to suit every style. Hair Patches: Our custom hair patches provide a seamless solution for covering bald spots or thinning hair. Hair Extensions & Toppers: Enhance your look with our premium hair extensions and toppers, made from high-quality materials. Hairpiece Repair Services: We also offer expert wig and patch repair services to extend the life of your hairpieces, ensuring they always look flawless. With locations in Rajouri Garden, Pitampura, Dwarka, Gurgaon, and Noida, we are conveniently available for your hair replacement needs. We are committed to helping you look and feel your best with top-notch service and unmatched expertise.
Ready to restore your confidence? Schedule a free consultation today to explore your options and discover how Veronica Hair Replacement Solution can help you achieve the look you’ve always wanted.
Visit our (https://www.veronicahairreplacement.com/about-veronica-hair-replacement-solutions.php) to learn more about our services and see examples of our work.
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Top Hair Replacement Services in Delhi: Transform Your Look Today
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passion-beauty · 30 days
How to care for your full lace braid wig to prolong its life
Maintaining the durability and quality of a wig, particularly one as complex as a full lace braid wig, calls for careful attention to detail and appropriate care procedures. Full lace braid wigs are made from premium human hair wigs and can be rather expensive. They are renowned for their adaptability and realistic appearance. Taking good care of the wig not only makes it last longer but also keeps it looking just as gorgeous as the day it was bought. This blog provides a thorough how-to for properly caring for full lace braid wigs.
Understanding full lace braid wigs
The foundation of a full lace braid wig is composed entirely of lace, providing a multitude of styling and parting possibilities. The entire wig is meticulously hand-knotted onto the lace cap, often incorporating intricate braid patterns that resemble a real hairline. Because of its exceptional realism and breathability, this style of wig is especially well-liked.
Washing the wig
It's essential to wash your hair frequently to avoid product and oil accumulation, which can harm it. But full lace braid wigs are sensitive, therefore you have to wash them carefully. Use a gentle, sulfate-free shampoo to prevent depleting the hair of its natural oils. To avoid tangling, when washing, the water should flow in the same direction as the hair. To make sure there are no remaining shampoo traces, the wig should be properly rinsed after being soaked and gently shaken in a basin of lukewarm water.
Conditioning the wig
In order to maintain silky, manageable, and tangle-free hair, conditioning is necessary. To avoid releasing the knots, use a light-textured, hydrating conditioner to the mid-lengths and ends of the hair, avoiding the base of the cap. To assist close the hair cuticles and preserve moisture, the wig should be left to sit in the conditioner for a few minutes before rinsing with cool water.
Drying the wig
It is never recommended to wring out wigs, especially braided ones, as this can harm the hair and cause the braids to become unnatural. To get rid of extra water, the wig should instead be softly rubbed. To promote even drying and to keep the cap in shape, it is ideal to let the wig air dry on a wig stand. It is advised to use a cool setting on blow dryers if rapid drying is required, as direct heat from these devices can be harmful.
Styling the wig
Full lace braid wigs are very adaptable, but they need to be styled carefully. When utilizing heat styling tools, it's crucial to utilize the lowest setting and apply a heat protectant because high heat can damage hair. Using your fingers or a wide-tooth comb to detangle and style a deep wave lace frontal wig helps keep the waves in place and reduces frizz.
Storing the wig
In order to preserve the wig's condition, proper storage is essential. The wig should be kept out of the direct sun, heavy humidity, and dust, as these factors can cause the hair to deteriorate. The best way to maintain the style and avoid tangles is to wear the wig on a mannequin head or wig stand. The wig can be kept safe for a longer period of time by being wrapped in a silk or satin bag and protected with a hair net.
Regular maintenance
Regular care, such as re-braiding the wig and using leave-in conditioners or oils, can help preserve the health and shine of the hair in addition to washing and styling. It's also a good idea to bring the wig to a professional wig stylist for routine care, such as small repairs and deep conditioning treatments.
To maintain the full lace braid wig's beauty and functionality, careful treatment and devotion are required. Owners of high quality human hair wigs may showcase gorgeous, lifelike hairstyles that express their individual style and sophistication for years to come by according to these care instructions. When a wig is properly cared for, it not only lasts longer but also becomes a treasured addition to one's collection of beauty products.
Source: https://passionbeauty-hairproducts.blogspot.com/2024/08/how-to-care-for-your-full-lace-braid.html
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seospecialist123 · 1 month
Preserve the Lifespan of Your Wig with These Easy Care Tips
1. Choose the Right Wig Care Products
The type of products you use can greatly impact the lifespan of your wig. Always opt for wig-specific shampoos and conditioners that are formulated to be gentle on wig fibers, whether synthetic or human hair. Avoid using regular hair products that contain harsh chemicals, sulfates, or alcohol, as these can damage the wig’s fibers and reduce its lifespan.
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2. Wash with Caution
Overwashing is a common mistake that can shorten the lifespan of your wig. To prevent this, wash your wig only when necessary—typically every 7-10 days or when it appears visibly soiled. When washing, use lukewarm water and a gentle, wig-safe shampoo. Avoid rubbing or twisting the wig; instead, gently swish it in the water to clean. Rinse thoroughly to remove all product residue.
3. Condition Regularly
Conditioning helps to keep the wig’s fibers soft and manageable. After washing, apply a lightweight, wig-safe conditioner to the wig, focusing on the ends where the hair is most prone to dryness. Use a wide-tooth comb to distribute the conditioner evenly and detangle the wig. Rinse with cool water to help seal the cuticles and maintain the wig’s smooth texture.
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4. Avoid Heat Damage
Heat can be damaging to both synthetic and human hair wigs. For synthetic wigs, avoid using heat styling tools altogether, as they can melt or alter the fibers. For human hair wigs, always use a heat protectant spray and set your styling tools to a low or medium heat setting. Excessive heat can cause dryness and breakage, compromising the wig’s longevity.
5. Dry Properly
How you dry your wig plays a crucial role in preserving its lifespan. After washing, gently blot the wig with a towel to remove excess water. Avoid wringing or twisting the wig, which can cause stretching or damage. Allow the wig to air dry on a wig stand or mannequin head to maintain its shape and avoid tangling. Keep it away from direct sunlight and heat sources, which can cause the fibers to become brittle.
6. Store with Care
Proper storage is essential for maintaining your wig’s shape and quality. When not in use, store your wig on a wig stand or mannequin head to keep its form. If you need to store it for an extended period, place it in a breathable bag or box to protect it from dust and damage. Avoid storing the wig in areas with high humidity or direct sunlight, as these can affect the fibers.
7. Avoid Excessive Manipulation
Frequent handling and styling can lead to wear and tear on your wig. Minimize manipulation by using your fingers or a wide-tooth comb to gently style and detangle the wig. Excessive brushing or tugging can cause the fibers to become frayed and lose their shape. Be gentle when styling and avoid pulling on the wig.
8. Protect While Sleeping
If you wear your wig overnight, consider using a silk or satin pillowcase to reduce friction and prevent tangling. Alternatively, you can wrap your wig in a silk scarf or use a silk sleep cap to minimize movement and protect the fibers. If you’re not wearing the wig, store it properly on a wig stand to maintain its shape and avoid unnecessary stress on the fibers.
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9. Regular Maintenance
Schedule regular maintenance appointments with a professional stylist who specializes in wigs. They can help with adjustments, repairs, and advice on how to extend the lifespan of your wig. Regular check-ups can prevent small issues from becoming bigger problems and keep your wig looking its best.
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hairstyleforteen · 4 months
How To Keep Your Hair Healthy After Dying It: 9 Best Tips!
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Flaunting your newly felt hair, especially when it's felt a shocking, bright, or pastel color, can give you a natural high. However, it can take so much work to maintain the color and overall health of your locks. You must use special products for them and go to the salon regularly for color touch-ups. It can be pretty overwhelming, particularly if the hair is your first time. Do you know how to keep your hair healthy after dying it?
How Hair Dye Damages Hair
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Most assume that hair dye just washes on hair, leaving behind a colored stain. This is not what happens, however. To permanently set the color, it must pass through the natural hair defenses. Commercial hair dyes use ammonia to raise the cuticle's layers so that color enters. This leaves the hair shaft with an open gap. Your natural color is removed from the peroxide (or bleach) in the coloring so that your hair feels like straw. Try Kintsugi Haircare natural formula to keep your hair healthy. The new color links to the inner core of your hair and should remain in your hair, even after shampooing. The problem is this: you lose your hair dye every time you expose your artificial hair to shampoo and water.  The type of shampoo you use doesn't matter; getting your hair moist and applying any shampoo will remove the artificial hair color. You must, therefore, keep your hair colored in order to maintain an artificial color.
How To Keep Your Hair Healthy After Dying It
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The easiest way to repair damaged dyed hair is to cut it off and begin. If you don't want to go for a while with an extreme bob, wigs, and extensions could be considered as an alluring alternative. If that doesn't work for you, the first thing you can do is to get rid of hot styling instruments. Resign yourself for a while to do without hair color and other hair chemicals. Conditioners and DIY treatments like olive oil or hot avocado oil, can provide temporary relief. Apply to the hair, cover 30-40 minutes with a shower cap, and then rinse thoroughly. You can also put in your hands ten drops of tea tree oil and apply it to your hair with a towel. Leave the style and style. Regardless of the remedy, you try, remember it's just temporary. Once the damage is done, nothing will repair your hair completely.
How To Keep Your Hair Healthy After Dying It: Washing Process
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Your hair is usually washed as part of the tinting process, so don't wash it again as soon as possible as soon as you get home. However, if you have to jump into the ASAP shower, it will not affect your color's vibration. Phew! Phew! So when we wash our hair after teasing it, doesn't it really matter? "No time, after getting it colored, you should wait to wash your hair," confirms Francesca. How many times should your colored hair be washed? If you have felt your locks for the first time, you might need to adjust your weekly washing routine. This is to ensure that you don't wash your hair over. The more you wash the hair that is teased with a lot of pigment, the more faded you can look. Try washing it every other day, at most, or ideally every two to three days, if possible. So, should you wash your hair before you color? The answer is no if you bleach your roots. The natural oils in your hair can protect the skirt during the process of tinting. However, in general, you should always follow the instructions of any particular coloring you use. Whatever color you chose, when creating a washing schedule, it's important to think about your hair texture. Natural hair tends to be drier than other types, so it is best to wash it once a week if you've dyed your natural hair. On the other hand, fine hair may have to be washed every other day. This is because the sebum and oils in the hair naturally build up, which can weigh it down and make it look flat. Do hot showers make your hair less colorful? They can. Hot water opens the cuticle of the hair, perhaps leaching more color. Coldwater, by contrast, tends to 'screen' the cuticle. This might be the case, but we won't all swap our warm showers for an ice bath in the near future, let's be honest. It is better to be aware that the more colorful hair you rinse under warm water, the more it can lose its vibration. Therefore, it is easier (and less chilling) to provide hair with a quick burst of cold water or to put a shower cap on your hair after washing.
How To Keep Your Hair Healthy After Dying It: Effective Tips
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Here are the best tips on how to keep your hair healthy after dying it! 1. Wash the hair less often. The more you wash, the faster your color fades – it's just as simple. So buy back some time in your daily routine and skip washing frequently. The best way to care about your color is to wash it only twice or thrice a week – then drink oil with dry shampoo from those roots if needed. 2. Skip to the conditioner directly. So, you have trouble weaning yourself away from daily washing – for years. You will add softness, shine, and careful care – all without washing away that crazy color. 3. Choose the right shampoo.  There is a reason for inventing color protective shampoo. While some regular shampoos can wash away your color and speed the color up, formulas protect your color and help keep your pastel, vivid or metallic shade beautiful and vibrant. Whatever you do, choose a "low sulfate" shampoo because it helps to wash your hair with less color. 4. Condition. When we color our hair, it becomes more fragile – it helps the color to come out and thus fade away. Allow oils, butter, conditioning polymers, and other moisturizing agents, which are often used to form a protective barrier and prevent your color from bidding for freedom. 5. Heat protection.  They work – the ingredients in heat protecting sprays, in particular, reduce heat damage, most likely in the evening, as the hair heats up. However, they can't insulate your hair from most damage, so you still have to minimize your hair's thermal exposure! 6. Make time for masks.  If you have been on a color break and are slack about masking, now is the time to return to the car. A super dose of healing nutrition that helps repair damage increase brightness-and naturally keep this color longer-can only be added five to ten minutes of masking twice a week.
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7. Air dry.  Among the set styles is a blow-dry backlash – and we think we know why. They know that not only can all the heat from blow-dryers, straightening irons and curling tongs harm the hair, but also pressing to make moisture lose more and compromise this radiant color. 8. Use filters.  One of the long-lasting, super bold enemies is UV light from the sun. Even when the days appear dark in winter, light loves havoc with your hair. Add a UV spray filter to your morning routine and show the sun who is the boss. 9. Smart swimming. Do you remember the stories of chlorine turning green-colored hair? Chlorine can not only change your color (not color green, of course), but it can quickly fade. So prepare your hair and condition if you go to the pool. Apply a layer of conditioner to your hair and drag it in a bun to form a chemical protection barrier.
How To Keep Your Hair Healthy After Dying It: Softening The Hair
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Finally, you have the color that you wanted, but now your hair's texture feels more like straw. Fortunately, you can have both world's best. Your perfectly colored hair can become perfectly soft with the right products, the right habits, and maybe a few timely trips to the fridge. Condition your hair right after you have dyed.  Usually, some kind of conditioner is included in the coloring product to be applied. If not, condition your entire head using your usual conditioning device, leave in and rinse it with cool water for at least three minutes. After dyeing, wait 48-72 hours and do not even get it wet again before you wash your hair. This gives you time to recover your hair. Use deep conditioning.  Use a deep conditioner once a week in addition to your regular conditioning routine. If you get oily roots, just rub the conditioner into your hair's tips. It can be rinsed out after a few minutes. Begin with warm water every time you shower and finish in the cold. Warm water opens your hair follicle, and it backs up with cold water. That is, warm water allows your hair to absorb moisture, and cold water keeps it inside. So resist the urge to take a hot shower, thank you for your tresses later!
Final Words
You can easily damage your hair if you want to try different hairstyles and colors, which are fun, fantastic, insane, and cute. Condition – like beauty – begins from inside, so feed your hair inside out. An omega-3 fatty acid diet that contains oily fish such as salmon and mackerel will nourish your hair, making it shiny and strong. Add walnuts and get a hit of vitamin E to help fight dry hair after color. Read the full article
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beautywitheverywear · 6 months
Flaunt Your Look: 4 Must-Have Long Wig Styles & Maintenance Tips
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Long wigs have become an integral part of fashion, allowing individuals to experiment with different looks effortlessly. From sleek and straight to curly and voluminous, the options are endless. Here, we'll delve into four must-have long wig styles that can transform your appearance and explore practical ways to maintain them for lasting beauty.
Long Wig Styles: 4 Must-Haves
1. Flowing Waves
Perfect for both casual outings and formal events, flowing waves exude elegance and sophistication. Achieve these long wig styles by opting for a long wig with soft, loose waves that cascade down your shoulders. Use a wide-tooth comb to detangle the strands gently, and spritz with a leave-in conditioner to maintain their natural bounce and shine.
2. Sleek and Straight
A timeless classic, elegant, and straight long wigs offer a polished and refined look suitable for various occasions. To keep this style flawless, regularly use a heat protectant spray before straightening to prevent damage. Additionally, invest in a silk or satin wig cap to reduce friction and avoid frizz while sleeping.
3. Bouncy Curls
For those craving volume and drama, bouncy curls are the way to go. Choose a long wig with tight curls, or opt for a curly hair extension to add dimension and flair. To maintain the curls' shape, avoid brushing or combing vigorously; instead, gently finger-comb or use a wide-tooth comb. Regularly moisturize the curls with a lightweight, curl-enhancing product to keep them defined and frizz-free.
4. Bohemian Braids
Embrace your bohemian spirit with long wig styles featuring intricate braids. Whether it's fishtail, Dutch, or waterfall braids, these wig styles add a whimsical touch to your look. To prolong the braids' lifespan, gently wash them with a sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner and air dry them to maintain their texture and structure.
Maintaining Long Wigs
Regular Cleaning: Clean your long wigs after every 6-8 wears to remove dirt, oil, and product buildup. Use a wig shampoo specifically formulated for synthetic or human hair wigs, depending on the material.
Proper Storage: Store your long wigs on wig stands or mannequin heads to maintain their shape and prevent tangling. Avoid exposing them to direct sunlight or heat sources, as this can cause fading or damage.
Avoid Heat Damage: Limit the use of heat styling tools on synthetic wigs to prevent melting or frizzing. For human hair wigs, use a heat protectant spray before styling and avoid excessive heat exposure.
Trimming and Maintenance: Regularly trim the ends of your long wigs to prevent split ends and maintain a fresh, healthy appearance. Additionally, consider professional wig maintenance services for intricate styles or repairs.
Incorporate these must-have long wig styles into your wardrobe and follow these maintenance tips to keep them looking flawless for every occasion. With proper care and attention, your long wigs will continue to elevate your style and confidence effortlessly.
Read More:
Shake Your Hair! The Best Long Wig Styles for Flowing Tresses
Super Long Wigs: How to Get the Ultimate Mermaid Look
Trending Styles With Long Wigs For Black Women
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bestwigoutlets · 8 months
How Do They Make Women’s Wigs So Real in Movies?
The role of women’s wigs in movies is to bring characters to life on the screen. Most of the wigs are hyperrealistic. The illusion is the result of hours from artists who are excellent at their jobs. These artisans utilize advanced techniques to make sure that the wigs look astonishingly good and real on the big screen.
Women’s Wigs: The Materials No matter how great the artists are, the materials of the wig still matter a lot. Crafting a realistic wig starts with a careful selection of materials. High-quality synthetic fibers or natural human hair are primary choices. Human hair wigs are often preferred for their lifelike appearance, texture, and versatility. Each strand is meticulously chosen to match the desired look and style.
Craftsmanship Behind the scenes, skilled wig designers and wigmakers are the unsung heroes. They meticulously hand-tie each strand of hair onto a lace or mesh cap. It is a time-consuming process but it is necessary to achieve a natural-looking hairline and part.
Customization for Character Wigs are not one-size-fits-all. The character’s personality, style, and story play a vital role in designing the perfect wig. Whether it is a historical figure or a glamorous starlet, the wig must be customized to reflect the nuances of the character. It includes selecting the right color, length, and style that complements the overall visual narrative.
Coloring and Styling For authenticity, achieving the perfect color match is vital. Wigmakers utilize a variety of coloring techniques, including hand-painting and blending different shades, to achieve a natural and multi-dimensional look. Skilled hairstylists work on the set to ensure that the wig is styled appropriately for every scene. This will help in maintaining consistent results throughout the film.
Maintenance and Care Movie productions often require actors to wear wigs for extended periods. They also ensure that wigs are meticulously maintained so that they last long. Wig departments have experts who handle cleaning, styling touch-ups, and repairs to keep the wig looking flawless throughout the filming process.
Digital Enhancements Digital enhancements also play a role in perfecting the realism of women’s wigs. Visual effects teams may use digital tools to refine hair movements, simulate natural shine, and address any imperfections that may arise during filming.
Although most wigs look realistic in some movies, not all results are the same. Some wigs on TV are just so awful. One great example is the wig of Queen Maeves in The Boys. It was wiggy. Some of them also look like part of a cosplay. And do you remember when Jessica Alba wore a wig for the Fantastic Four sequel? We rest our case.
Meticulous and Collaborative Process The creation of realistic wigs for women in movies requires a meticulous and collaborative process. From the initial selection of materials to the final touches on set, a team of dedicated professionals works tirelessly to ensure that they seamlessly blend into the world of the characters they adore.
The result of the process is not just a wig. Rather, it is a transformative piece of art that contributes to the magic of cinema. It allows audiences to immerse themselves in the stories unfolding on the silver screen.
Where to Find Realistic Wigs? You can shop for realistic women’s wigs at the Best Wig Outlet. We have various wigs, hairpieces, and other accessories that will provide you with an ultimate new look. Browse our wigs today and find something that is not just stylish but also comfortable to wear.
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junijeen · 1 year
Maintaining and Caring for Your Hair Wig in Lucknow: Dos and Don'ts
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Hair wigs have become increasingly popular as a versatile solution for hair loss or experimenting with different looks. Whether you are wearing a wig for medical reasons or fashion, proper maintenance is essential to keep it natural and in excellent condition.
If you reside in the vibrant city of Lucknow and own a hair wig, this blog post will guide you through the dos and don'ts of wig care to ensure your investment lasts and always looks its best.
Choose the Right Wig Care Products:
The first step to maintaining your hair wig Lucknow is to select the appropriate wig care products.
Invest in high-quality, sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner specially formulated for synthetic or human hair wigs.
Avoid regular hair care products, as they may contain harsh chemicals that can damage the wig fibers.
Detangle Gently:
Tangling is common in both synthetic and human hair wigs. To avoid unnecessary breakage, gently detangle your wig using a wide-tooth comb or a wig brush.
Start from the tips and work your way up, being cautious not to pull too hard.
Wash with Care:
Washing your wig regularly is essential to remove dirt and buildup. For synthetic wigs, wash them every 10-12 wears; for human hair wigs, every 6-8 years is sufficient. Fill a basin with cool water and add a small wig shampoo.
Submerge the wig and gently swish it around. Rinse thoroughly with cool water and avoid rubbing or twisting the hair.
Allow Wig to Air Dry:
After washing, never use a hairdryer or any heat-styling tools on your wig. Instead, pat it dry with a clean towel and place it on a wig stand or a mannequin head to air dry. This will help maintain the wig's shape and prevent heat damage.
Avoid Heat Styling (If Possible):
While some human hair wigs allow heat styling, avoiding it as much as possible is generally best to preserve the wig's longevity. If you must use heat, use a heat protectant spray and keep the styling tools on a low or medium setting.
Store Properly:
Proper storage is crucial for maintaining your hair wig in Lucknow. When not in use, store the wig on a wig stand or mannequin head to retain its shape and prevent tangling. Keep it cool, dry, away from direct sunlight and high humidity.
Protect from Friction:
Friction from headwear, like caps and scarves, can cause the wig to tangle or become matted. To prevent this, wear a wig cap underneath the wig, and opt for smooth-textured headwear that reduces friction.
Avoid Sleeping with Your Wig:
Sleeping with your wig on can lead to unnecessary wear and tear. Make it a habit to remove the wig before going to bed and place it on a wig stand for proper maintenance.
Regular Inspections:
Inspect your wig for any signs of wear, tear, or damage. Look for loose fibers, split ends, or frizz. Early detection allows for timely repairs, preventing further damage and extending the wig's lifespan.
Seek Professional Help
If you're unsure about maintaining your hair wig in Lucknow, consider consulting a professional wig stylist. They can offer valuable tips and tricks for your wig type and guide you on proper care and maintenance.
Owning a hair wig in Lucknow can be a game-changer, allowing you to flaunt different hairstyles effortlessly.
By following the dos and don'ts mentioned in this blog post, you can ensure your wig remains beautiful, natural-looking, and lasts for a long time.
With proper care and attention, your wig will remain a reliable and stylish companion throughout your journey. Remember, a well-maintained wig will make you feel confident and ready to take on the world!
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