#wilbur and fundy
“Did Fundy like Alivebur?”
“He- he loved you.”
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herinded · 1 year
dear theodosia
Burr's part is Wilbur singing to Tallulah
Hamilton's part Wilbur singing to Fundy
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accursed-worm · 2 years
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delicehm · 1 year
I just realized one thing
Tallulah saw Binary Monster in her dream long before it's introduction
Tallulah had a prophetic dream
You know, who also had prophetic dreams?
Wilbur had some serious beef with Apollo, I see
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the-wyzer · 6 months
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Full Origins Lineup! Which design is your favorite?
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the concept of the dream smp is completely mad like are we sure that wasn't a two year collective fever dream. a bunch of the biggest streamers in the m'necraft sphere on a server where it took one afternoon of breaking bad references to kick-start a two year sprawling in-game roleplay involving geo-political tensions, nations, one of the most accurate depictions of abuse in anything, necromancy, possession, a giant red egg, ghosts, a live suicide attempt and coming to terms with how sh't your dad was. all streamed on youtube and twitch. peak viewership on a single day was like 1.4 million people, involving some of the biggest names in the online gaming sphere, mr beast would log on every now and again and stop everyone role-playing to hunt for a bunch of gift cards that never got used, they were all gay all of the time for some reason, lil nas x logged on one time and built a tree house?? are we sure that was real like sure there were plenty of news articles on it for some reason but are we all totally sure that happened
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n0phis · 2 years
generational joy
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oh my god this took forever. THANK U TO THE TWO ASKS U GUYS R LEGENDS
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zathechaosgod · 2 years
i dont like youtooz and wont be buying one but. yeah this one is Hilarious
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as-de-spadas · 9 months
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Done with this "is this anything" bullshit.
I just spent an hour on it, it better be something.
Edit: New and improved version
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This is definetely something. It must be.
EDIT 2: New version with a few suggestions you guys left and way too much overthinking.
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Also, make my life more difficult! Send me your favorite youtubers or even your own skins and I'll happily add them to this monstrosity!
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moldyhay · 10 months
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Happy independance day, from L'Manberg! 🎉
(@wonda-cat and I both decided to celebrate by doing a piece using the same prompt! Check it out :D)
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copepods · 1 year
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live las nevadas reaction
[id: sketches on a white background of dream smp characters. in one, quackity is crossing his arms and saying “so, wilbur and i have some news-” and wilbur, his arms wrapped around quackity’s neck, cheerfully says “we’re together!” in the next drawing, tubbo is staring, shocked, awesamdude is staring judgementally, purpled is playing on his switch in the background, charlie is giving a thumbs-up gesture and saying “congratulations, quackity from las nevadas!”, foolish is clasping his hands and saying “that’s great but can i still get a raise,” and fundy looks like the “tails gets trolled” image. another black-and-white sketch has fundy placing his hands on quackity’s shoulders and saying “did you fuck my dad, quackity?” with a desperate expression. end id]
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tu-es-gegg · 11 months
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in continuation of my previous post
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cirrusea · 7 months
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Probably never going to finish this so here's the sketch. Happy 16th to the most epic dsmp battle :]
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accursed-worm · 2 years
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Parts [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ] [⭐️] [ 9 ] [ 10 ]
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Forever and always
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n0phis · 1 year
my finger hurts so bad i have a blister now BUT
worm curseworm helped immeasurably with the headcanons and details! they r responsible for most of the wicked sick stuff here!!!! worm curseworm supremacy
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buckle in. this is gonna b a long one
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wilbur: does his best to keep his meticulous but he kept wiping his fucking hands on his pants while brewing and got Ingredience(tm) on them that wont come out. he wanted to add that kinda like… hierarchy shit to the sleeves but also was going off a vague memory of what he thought ranks look like and kinda bullshitted it all (why are the pips and chevrons combined man)
tommy: the one who sewed all this shit, he had a coat like wilburs but being Tommy (see; pants) absolutely wrecked it through roughhousing and Existing and finally pitched it. he made a replacement that was a little less fancy and more like tubbos but with SO much more red because it’s ‘sick as fuck wilbur shut the fuck up’.
eret: looks the most similar to wilbur’s (due to his maturity compared to tubbo/tommy/fundy and the amount of trust wilbur placed in him) save for a few things like the boots, collar, and length of the undercoat. INCREDIBLY pristine save for a slightly damaged lapel and concrete dust on the sleeves from working on the wall (since they were able to avoid a lot of the fighting). up until their betrayal, their ability to stay as regal and clean as they did was almost taken as a threat to everyone’s perception of wilbur as the leader of the revolution
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tubbo: dirty as fuck, torn as fuck from various escapades in caves and while gardening; he never wore other clothes for menial labour and shit hes goofy. loose on him with a very crumpled collar and lots of stitches for minor tears in the fabric.
fundy: he has little boy shoes he has little boy shoes his outfit is somewhat infantilizing canonically so thats a fun little nod to it! he is just as Rambunctious as tubbo and tommy but makes a much stronger effort to clean his clothes because he is very afraid of his father’s judgement. there are *very* slight dirt stains as a result that just will not come out. while his uniform was being made, he asked if he could get his more similar to his father rather than tubbo/tommy, hence the short tail while everything else looks like wilbur’s. ALSO loose on him, moreso at the start to give him room to grow into it
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niki & jack: they joined after the l’manburg war and so theirs are very fresh, with a slightly altered design (red underside vs gold, inverted colours on the sash and pants/shirt/collar) compared to the prior default and marginally more saturated colours as a sign of how crisp and new they are. straight lines to keep the sleeves visually interesting without signifying a wartime rank. both are fairly well fitted as tommy has honed his skills and has tubbo and niki to help
WHOOF. there we go!
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