#wilburxpancakes' writing
farrah-fowler · 4 years
my friends and i have problems {sleepy bois inc x reader}{dream smp au}
pairings: found family!sbi x fem!reader (she/her) word count: 2.1k warnings: cursing, violence, injury, mention of blood a/n: reader is tommy’s older sister :) there will be a part two :) GIF ISN’T MINE
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“just give this up, y/n,” dream huffed as he adjusted his grip on his sword. he smirked behind his mask as he lifted it and got ready to strike. “it’s not worth it. he’s not worth it.”
he knew his words were making her angrier, his smirk deepening as her eyes slanted and her face flashed red. he got the reaction he wanted. y/n lifted herself off the ground, not bothering to wipe the dirt off of her armor. she hoisted her sword up, ready to attack whenever he was. “i’m not going to give up. i’ll get tommy back here or i’ll die trying.” 
dream felt anger rise in his chest as he took a step forward. somehow the mask he donned morphed into an expression that caused an undeniable feeling of fear in y/n’s gut. she tried to swallow her feelings but she couldn’t rid herself of the suffocating fear she felt. dream took another step forward, holding his sword closer to himself. “then i guess you’ll die trying.”
suddenly, his sword, nightmare as he named it, swung through the air. y/n saw the glint of the setting sun reflect off of it before she felt the blade of the sword hit her arm. she grunted in pain as the blade hit the one part of her arm that she neglected to cover with armor. dream laughed maniacally and used the butt of his sword to push against her chest plate, knocking y/n back to the ground. he flipped the sword in his hand and pressed the tip of it to y/n’s throat. “just. give. up.” with each word, he pressed the sword harder into y/n’s neck. she held her breath as she anticipated the trickle of blood down her neck. but it never came. instead, she heard the voices of her adoptive brother and father from down the pathway. dream took a step back as the voices neared before he enderpearled away, leaving y/n alone in the middle of the field. 
“y/n?” ghostbur’s voice piped up as him and philza turned the corner. he smiled brightly at her, basically skipping over to where she sat in the field. “hi y/n! phil and i were just headed over to techno’s house to visit him! oh- oh my, you have jam all over your face and arms. here, have some blue, calm yourself.”
at the mention of jam, phil turned his attention from the spot dream previously stood in to face his adoptive daughter. his expression twisted into one of worry as he saw all of the cuts and bruises that littered her exposed skin from the duel she just had with dream. “y/n…what did you do?”
“can we not do this right now?” she sighed heavily as she took the blue from ghostbur and stuffed it in her pocket. “i don’t need you to go all ‘dadza’ on me right after i almost got stabbed to death by the masked idiot.”
phil shot her a look that said ‘we’ll talk about this later’ and bent down to help her stand up. “fine. let’s just get you to techno’s. i’m sure he has some materials to get you all cleaned up and healed.”
the three of them began their journey towards techno’s house. there was scattered chatter from philza and ghostbur every couple minutes but there was never any remark from y/n. 
“i know what will help you, y/n!” ghostbur exclaimed as they tied up the small boat they used. “seeing tommy!”
y/n stopped dead in her tracks on the sand, turning to look at ghostbur with a confused stare. “what…what do you mean?”
“do you not know?” ghostbur asked.
“know what?”
“oh you’ll love this!” ghostbur beamed innocently. “tommy is at techno’s house!”
“what?” y/n whispered. she snapped her head towards her father figure and stared blankly. “for how long?”
“only a few days,” phil said. she felt anger boil inside of her at philza’s words. she started walking again, towards techno’s house with purpose in her step, ignoring the pain from her cuts and bruises.
“and you were going to tell me when?” y/n seethed. ghostbur and philza hurried after her, barely falling into step with her hasty movements. 
“soon,” phil said, his voice raising slightly to match her tone. “we were trying to figure out what the situation was with dream and tubbo.”
“and you didn’t think that i should have been involved in that conversation? or were you going to wait until after dream killed me to say something?” y/n bit back. she turned down the path towards techno’s house, the subtle landmarks indicating which way she was supposed to go before her eyes caught sight of the small spruce cabin. she sprinted towards the cabin, ignoring the shooting pain in her legs. y/n banged on techno’s door until he through it open. he looked at the much shorter girl with surprise, his eyes flitting between her and phil and ghostbur standing behind her awkwardly. “where is he?”
“where’s who?” techno coughed. even though he was the infamous technobalde who never died and was notorious for his dueling skills, nothing scared him more than y/n when she was upset. the root of this fear being when she was first introduced to techno, he thought it would be funny to steal her favorite sword from the chest in her room. he ended up with a black eye. ever since then, y/n’s been the one person to strike fear into the heart of the almighty technoblade.
“you know exactly who i’m talking about,” y/n huffed. she glared at techno as he shifted on his heels. techno glanced at phil who just nodded before he let y/n into the house.
“follow me,” he said as he descended the ladder.  “what happened to your face?”
“what happened to yours?” she sneered. 
“ouch,” technoblade mumbled. “tommy! get out here.”
tommy came stumbling out from behind a wall and stopped when he saw y/n. there she stood, his big sister. the only person to stick with him through thick and thin. the only person to actively try to stop dream after tommy was exiled. a big smile spread across his face as he ran towards her. instinctively, she pulled tommy in for a hug. tommy hugged her back briefly before stepping away. “you’re here! you’re really here! i thought dream would’ve exiled you too by now.” 
“he definitely tried to,” y/n muttered, earning confused glances from techno and philza. 
“what happened to your face?” tommy asked once he noticed the cuts from her duel with dream.
“don’t worry about it. it doesn’t matter right now,” y/n said smiling.
“oh so he gets a real answer but i get the response of a two year old. makes sense,” techno said in his signature monotone voice. 
“it’s getting late so why don’t we eat some dinner and then relax for a little bit. like a family,” philza cut in before there could be another childish spat. 
techno maneuvered through the small kitchen, throwing raw beef and pork into their respective furnaces. tommy and ghostbur went outside to put some small additions onto the house tommy was building. 
“so, are you going to tell me what happened to you?” phil asked expectantly. the question caught techno’s attention and he turned to face them while waiting for the steak and pork chops to cook. 
“igothurtwhileduelingwithdreamtogettommybackfromexile,” y/n mumbled quickly under her breath.
“i got hurt while dueling with dream to get tommy back from exile,” y/n said louder and slower. 
“what were you thinking? dueling dream alone? not even i’d do that,” techno chastised. very few times would he step into the role of ‘older brother’ and now was one of those times. 
“i was thinking that i needed to get my brother back to his home instead of letting him sit in god knows where all by himself,” y/n all but shouted. “phil, back me up.”
“actually, y/n, i’m siding with techno on this one. it was risky and kind of stupid to go against dream. we don’t know what weapons or resources he has and he could have killed you,” phil scolded. “you know you could have just asked techno or i for help and we could have made a plan.”
“no, i couldn’t have,” y/n said sternly. “this was my battle and i needed to fight it. by myself.”
“why won’t you let us help you?” phil asked, growing frustrated at y/n’s stubbornness. 
y/n took a deep breath and let her resolve melt. “because i don’t want to have to need help or have problems okay?! if i have problems that i can’t solve by myself then that makes me weak. tommy is my brother so it’s my job to get him back to l’manburg.”
“but y/n, we’re all a family. we’re all here for each other and will help each other out. just because we aren’t all biologically related doesn’t make tommy any less my brother than he is yours. just like your as much my sister as you are tommy’s,” ghostbur said, catching y/n, phil, and techno off guard. 
“i..i know that ghostbur,” y/n sighed. “but tommy is my responsibility and i needed to do it alone.”
“tommy is all of our responsibility, y/n,” techno replied as he pulled out the steaks from the furnace. “why do you think i let him stay here? i wouldn’t let just anyone hide here.”
“so what exactly happened?” phil asked, changing the attention back to y/n’s wounds since he could tell she was about to explode and yell at all three of them.
“where’s tommy?” y/n asked, searching the small room. 
“he said he had something for you and he wanted me to distract you,” ghostbur said. he picked up his satchel and took out a little blue bundle. “here have some blue, please calm yourself.”
“thank you ghostbur,” y/n said, flashing him a genuine smile. 
“so, what happened?” phil asked again.
y/n sighed as she put the blue into her satchel, groaning at the pain in her arm from where dream cut her. “i was on my way to go see niki and puffy but i bumped into dream. he kept taunting me about tommy’s exile and saying things about tommy not wanting to see me anymore because i abandoned him.”
“he was just saying that to make you mad, y/n,” phil sighed.
“yeah, i know. and it worked. i don’t know what happened next or who drew their sword first, all i remember is him kicking my ankle and me falling to the ground. then he cut my arm and i thought he was going to kill me but you guys showed up,” y/n explained. “he just kept taunting me. saying things like tommy wasn’t worth all the hassle and that i’d die before i’d get him back to l’manburg.” 
“let me see where he cut you,” phil said. techno was already moving through the house to get one of his healing potions for y/n. y/n took off her chest plate and showed her arm to phil. it was a lot worse than she expected. the blood was starting to cake on her arm and there was a large gash going from just above her elbow to the center of her forearm. “damn, he got you good. techno hand me the potion and a bottle of water.”
techno passed him both of the objects, smiling pitifully at y/n. sensing what was about to happen, ghostbur left the house quickly, muttering something about needing to give tommy some blue. phil unscrewed the glass bottle of water and poured it on y/n’s arm. she hissed as the water came into contact with the nasty injury. 
“holy shit, where’d you get that?” tommy’s voice cut through the room startling y/n. she snapped her head towards where he stood in the doorway. he had worry written all over his face and was staring down at the large gash on y/n’s arm.
“dream,” techno said simply. rage flashed through tommy’s face.
“that asshole did this to you?” tommy asked. he didn’t wait for a response. “when i get my hands on him-”
“tommy,” y/n sighed. “it’s okay don’t worry about it.” 
“it’s not okay, y/n,” tommy said. 
“well what are we going to do about it?” y/n asked.
“well they’re having a festival in l’manburg,” techno cut in. “and we know that dream is for sure going to be there.”
“what’re you saying, techno?” phil asked while handing y/n the healing potion. 
“i’m saying, we do something about this guy and take him out once and for all. we go to the festival and freak havoc. then it’s a win-win.”
“a win-win?” y/n inquired.
“you guys can take down dream,” techno paused. “and i’ll take down l’manburg.”
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stxrrywildflower · 4 years
home {g.w}
pairing - george weasley x reader
summary - george invites you to spend christmas with his family
warnings - mentions of family/home issues
“is y/n with you?”
george’s head snapped up at his twins words as he took a seat down at the gryffindor table in the great hall. “what? she’s not here?”
fred shook his head. “we thought she was with you. none of us have seen her since potions.”
a slight sense of panic set in at that. their potions class was a few hours ago and afterwards everyone had kinda gone their separate ways with the assumption you would all meet up to eat later that night.
but you weren’t here, and no one was quite sure where you were. unless you were tied up with a class, you usually never missed a meal. it was a free opportunity to spend time with your friends after all.
“i’m going to go find her,” george mumbled, hastily reaching down to grab a roll before leaving the table once more.
you were sitting in front of the fire in the gryffindor common room, knees drawn up to your chest and arms wrapped protectively around your body.
no one else was even in the gryffindor tower, all having left for dinner or to see their friends. you were completely alone, the roaring fire acting as your source of company.
your eyes were rimmed red from tears. you didn’t want to cry, nor did you want to show it but honestly, you really couldn’t help it.
commotion from outside the gryffindor entrance cut through the crackle of the fire. the portrait swung open before you could even react, the person on the other end entering without you even being able to process who it was.
“hey!” george called once he stepped in. “why aren’t you at dinner?”
you kept your gaze focused on your hands that laid in your lap at first. you didn’t want him to see why you were crying just moments ago.
but he was george after all, he was going to find out what was happening one way or another. you finally turned your head to meet his eyes and when you did, george’s expression changed entirely.
“hey, what’s wrong?” george asked once more, his tone multitudes softer than before.
“nothing george, i’m fine.”
george sat down beside you, crossing his legs under him as you stared on. it went quiet once more, george not wanting to push you into an unwarranted conversation.
“mcgonagall announced she’s starting the list of students who are staying here for christmas,” you finally spoke.
“what about it? don’t you go home for christmas?”
you visibly flinched at the mention of home, your gaze flickering back to the fire once more. “i haven’t been home for the holidays since before first year.”
george’s face shifted again. “where have you gone then?”
“usually with one of my other friends. but this year they’re all going with other people so i’m stuck,” you explained. “my home life isn’t great. my parents never really accepted the fact that they have a magical daughter and it’s kinda trickled into the holidays.”
“i’m sorry y/n. i just want you to know, you deserve so much more than what they give you. being magical and being at hogwarts is what makes you well you, don’t let anyone take that away.”
tears instinctively welled up in your eyes at his words. you hadn’t heard someone say that to you in so long and hearing it sent a wave of emotion through you.”
“can i hug you?”
you looked up at george, fully expecting him to have one of his usual joking smiles on his face and ready to add a witty remark. but if anything, it was the opposite. his face was still, eyes bent slightly upwards in a near pleading expression.
“of course.”
george wrapped his arms around you gently, pulling you close to him and tucking you comfortably into his chest.
you let your head nestle into the crook of his neck. his scent took over immediately; warm vanilla, tonka bean, and just the hit of smoke from the latest prank he was working on.
to put it simply, you felt safe. george felt like home and having his arms wrapped around you served as a heavy reminder of what you always wanted.
you gripped him a little tighter, wanting to convey your emotions without downright telling him. george seemed to understand as he squeezed right back - one, two, three times.
george didn’t once mind that he was your source of comfort at the moment or the feeling of the occasional tear on the back of his robe, he just wanted to make sure you were okay. and he was willing to sit there as long as you needed.
“why don’t you come home with me for the holidays and spend it with my family?” george offered.
you nearly paled at that, pulling away slightly from george. his hands remained resting in the crooks of your arms, legs still on their side of you.
“george-” you started. “please y/n,” he cut you off before you could protest. “you mean too much to me for you to be here by yourself on christmas. my family will have no issue. i promise you it’s no worry.”
you were still unsure of whether to accept or not. on one hand, being with the weasley’s for the holidays did sound really nice. there was no denying that. but the little voice in the back of your mind was already reminding you that you would be a burden, just like your parents said you were. 
“i don’t know george, i really don’t want to intrude.”
george frowned slightly. “do you want to make a deal?”
you quirked your eyebrow at his words. “it depends.”
“here’s what i’ll do. i’ll talk to fred, ron, and ginnie and see what they think and then i’ll write to mum. does that sound okay?” 
you hugged him once more. the force of your unexpected embrace made george rock slightly back. you were about to apologize, clearly feeling bad about your sudden display of affection but george cut you off.
george let out a laugh, pulling you closer to him until you finally rested back in the position you were before; his back against one of the chairs and you sitting in-between his legs.
“i’ll go, but only if they all say yes,” you agreed.
george hummed in content. “alright love, then we have a deal.”
you were sitting in the great hall a few days later when george brought up the topic again.
you and hermione were eating breakfast together, talking about your classes and complaining about the overwhelming workload leading up to the break. well it was more you complaining, though hermione did listen intently.
“y/n! y/n! y/n!” george called as he ran in, effectively sliding into the seat across from you with a wide grin once he reached the table.
“yes georgie?” you mused.
“read this,” he commanded, pushing a letter across the table and into your hands. you opened it up without another glance, eyes going down to read the swirls of text.
dear george,
first of all, you need to write more casual letters. i feel like i only get letters when you and your brother get in trouble.
please tell y/n she is more than welcome to visit. we would absolutely love to have her for the holidays, no one should ever be alone on christmas. (though i’m honestly a little surprised you haven’t brought her yet)
i can’t wait to see you all, send the others my love.
love, mum
p.s. - i’ve already started on her sweater
your eyes snapped up to meet george’s, him biting his lip with raised eyebrows.
“your mum said yes?”
george nodded. “more than yes, actually. i think she may be a little mad you haven’t visited sooner. i do mention you sometimes you know.”
the last part of george’s words didn’t even register in your mind, you instead focusing on the fact that people actually wanted your company.
“looks like you’re coming home for the holidays,” george beamed.
“looks like i’m going home for the holidays,” you repeated.
tagging: @goldenxreid @wilburxpancakes @blakeprentiss @criminaly-supernatural @blakes-dictionxry
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yelenasdog · 4 years
this or that
ah! i was going through my mentions and just now saw this, ty @benees !!! mwah this is so cute
sage green or baby blue | moon or stars | paperback or hardback | piercings or tattoos | drawing or writing | saturn or jupiter | line without a hook or mr. loverman | ancient greece or ancient egypt | prague or amsterdam | dark academia or light academia | indie aesthetic or cottagecore | stargazing or late night drives | strawberries or watermelons | rings or necklaces | extrovert or introvert | dragons or griffins | ocean or mountain | silver or gold | dawn or dusk | creative or free spirit | early bird or night owl | cook or bake | dagger or sword
no pressure tags: @wilburxpancakes @goldensatine @hazypoppy
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any writers who inspired you to start writing yourself? i love ur work😖😖
Bless you anon. Quite a few people inspired me, and I’ll tag them here:
@ssebstann @hurricanejjareau @snarky--starky @lovers-in-japan-reign-of-love @rae-is-typing @wilburxpancakes @winterscaptain and @sspencerreids
In terms of book authors:
Neil Gaiman @neil-gaiman
Stephen King
John Green
J.K. Rowling (Kind of ironic huh?)
J.R.R. Tolkien
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farrah-fowler · 4 years
adorable {sapnap x reader}
pairing: sapnap x fem!reader (she/her)
requested: no but requests are open
this is probably really bad but oh well it’s soft n fluffy
warnings: none
“bubba?” y/n’s soft whisper was just barely able to be heard over the shouts of dream and george in nick’s headset. nick turned his head to see y/n sitting on the edge of their bed wearing his hoodie. she was rubbing her eyes tiredly and had a small pout on her face.
“hold on guys,” nick said to his friends, muting himself on discord. he spun in his chair to face his sleepy girlfriend, a soft smile on his face. “what’s up, babe?”
“can we cuddle?” y/n whined more than asked. “ ‘m so tired.”
“yeah, of course,” he replied. he opened his arms as y/n moved off the bed. “c’mere baby.”
y/n stood next to his chair, unsure of what he wanted her to do.
“are you gonna stand there or are we gonna cuddle?” nick joked. he grabbed her hand gently and pulled her towards him. he helped y/n climb onto his chair so she was straddling his lap. nick kissed the her temple as he wrapped his arms around her torso“i just gotta be on until george finishes his stream and then we can go to bed, okay?”
“mkay bubba. take your time,” y/n breathed out. she nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck, sighing contently. “you’re comfy.”
“you’re adorable,” nick mumbled before unmuting. “sorry guys i’m back. say hi to y/n!”
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farrah-fowler · 4 years
safe and sound {loki x reader}
pairing: loki x fem!reader warnings: mentions of nightmares, mentions of death but nothing major song to listen to while reading: safe and sound by taylor swift a/n: hi guys! this is my first time writing for loki so i hope it's good! it's also my first time writing in over a month so i apologize if this isn't great. more important a/n: if you have any loki (or any marvel character) requests, i can't promise i'll write them but feel free to send them!
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"darling?" he mumbled into the darkness of the room. his hands searched the side of the bed where she had been resting, only to be met with cool sheets instead of her warm skin. with a tired sigh, loki heaved himself out of bed and slowly padded over to the balcony. the door was cracked open, allowing the cold night air push itself inside the bedroom. he pulled the door open and sure enough, y/n was curled up in the chair just outside the door. he moved closer without alerting her of his presence. as soon as he was able to see her clearly, the air was knocked from his lungs.
she looked absolutely flawless. the lights from various apartments around the city illuminated her face and reflected in her eyes. her hair bounced slightly with the gentle breeze and her shoulders shook from the cold, or so loki suspected. but as he moved closer to her, he saw that her shaking shoulders were from stifled cries not the cold.
"darling?" his soft voice caught y/n off guard and she turned her head to look at him in surprise. "what's the matter?"
"nothing, love. don't worry," y/n replied, swallowing a sob. loki quirked an eyebrow as he moved to sit next to her. they held eyesight for a second before the dam in y/n's eyes broke. fat tears rolled down the sides of her cheeks as she helplessly reached her hands out to grasp loki. he quickly scooped her into his arms and held her close to his body.
"another nightmare?" he questioned. y/n nodded her head as she held onto him tighter. "same one or is it a new one?"
"same one," y/n mumbled. for the past few weeks, her sleep had been disrupted by nightmares after memories of past missions resurfaced. every night without fail her mind would be plagued with the faces of innocent people dying and the faces of those who were not so innocent losing their lives as well. she couldn't handle it and had pulled several all nighters to try to escape them. loki had tried to get her to sleep, promising her he'd stay awake in case she woke up throughout the night but y/n was stubborn and fought against it.
"why didn't you wake me up?" loki asked as he rubbed her back gently and pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head. "i could have helped."
"didn't wanna bother," y/n cried. "i can't deal with these nightmares anymore. i can't do this job anymore. i want it all to stop."
"well if you don't want to keep doing the job, then we can figure something out. maybe we can both take breaks and i can finally take you to visit asgard for a few months. you'd love asgard," loki rambled.
y/n listened to him tell stories of asgard and his childhood until her cries came to a stop and her eyes were drooping shut. "love you, loki."
"and i love you too, my love. just close your eyes. you'll be alright, no one can hurt you now. come morning light, you and i'll be safe and sound. get some sleep darling," loki cooed before lifting her up and bringing the two of them back inside to get some much needed sleep.MM
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farrah-fowler · 4 years
i honked up {k.j. x reader}
part two of the night we met
karl jacobs x fem!reader (she/her) warnings: mentions of anxiety and lots of crying word count: 0.8k masterlist
a/n: if y’all wanna send in some fic requests for any of the smp that’d be fun :D
“karl?” y/n asked. his name alone knocked the air from her lungs but seeing him stand in their- her door way was enough to make her want to pass out. it had been three weeks, three miserable, long, heartbroken weeks, since the night he decided to leave. it was evident on her red rimmed eyes and tear streaked cheeks that the three weeks had been less than enjoyable for her. her heart ached at the sight of her ex-boyfriend, his expression mirroring hers. 
“y/n,” he breathed out. tears filled his eyes as they held eye contact. he swallowed the sadness building in his throat before he spoke, breaking the silence. “i really honked up.” 
the simple phrase coaxed a giggle out of y/n’s mouth, one that she tried so hard to not slip. she managed to wipe the small smile off of her face, facing karl with an unreadable expression. when she spoke, her voice was soft and hoarse. “yeah, you did.”
the two stood there in a thick silence, their eyes tracing the features of the one they missed oh so much. y/n silently moved aside and let karl into their apartment. karl felt a melancholic ache in his heart as he walked into their once shared home. their pictures littered the otherwise blank walls, untouched like paintings in a museum. sunlight shone through the windows, illuminating the living room in a soft golden afternoon hue. the contrast of the apartment today compared to the apartment on the night he left was almost enough to give him a headache. the dark, moonlit bathed memories of heartbreak were a distant shadow in the bright, sunlit living room. hopefully after today, those dark memories would be kept in a box in the back of their closet, long forgotten like a cheap souvenir. 
“y/n-” karl was cut off by her arms wrapping around his torso, pulling him into a hug. when he didn’t make any move to step away, y/n sighed happily. he was here to stay. 
“talk later, hugs now? missed you so much, just want hugs,” y/n mumbled, her voice small and tired. karl wrapped his arms around her tightly, holding her as if she was his one connection to the world around him. he let the building tears slip down his cheeks and on to the top of her head. he felt her shoulders shake in his embrace before he heard the sniffles and soft gasps and hiccups. 
“love, don’t cry,” karl said through his own tears. 
y/n replied with a loud sob, the nickname causing a sudden flood of emotions. karl felt his own sobs rack through his body and soon enough him and y/n were a pile of tears and hugs on the living room floor. “why? why did you leave?”
“i...” karl took a second to breathe. “i thought that we were drifting and that you didn’t love me anymore...”
“oh bubba,” y/n sighed. she unwrapped herself from his arms, pulling away just far enough so she could rest her hands on his face. she used her thumbs to push away the rapid tears falling down his cheeks. “i could never stop loving you. you’re...you’re the love of my life. you’re it for me. i don’t want to love anyone else.”
“i know that now. i do. i made a really dumb decision and i hurt you so badly.” karl gently removed her hands from his face before bringing his hands up to her cheeks. “i’m so sorry, love. i love you more than anything or anyone.”
y/n leaned into his palm, relishing in the contact she had missed. “i know, bubba. i know. i just wish you would have talked to me before doing something so rash.”
“i wish i did too,” karl whispered. tears rolled down both of their faces as a heavy silence filled the room. wordlessly, y/n stood up and pulled karl up with her. she linked their hands before leading them down the hall to their room. “where are we going?”
“to bed,” y/n mumbled. “i missed my karl cuddles. didn’t sleep well without you.”
“me neither,” he huffed. they crawled under the fluffy blankets that sat unmade on top of the bed and karl pulled y/n close to him. “are...are things okay between us?”
“i think so,” y/n breathed out. “just don’t leave in the middle of the night again. we can talk about things, bubba.”
“i won’t ever leave again,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “i love you so much. so so so much.”
“i love you too,” y/n mumbled. her eyes had drifted closed and her breathing was starting to even out as sleep consumed her. “i meant it, ya know?”
“meant what?”
“that you’re it for me,” she mumbled before sleep completely consumed her. 
“you’re it for me too,” karl said to her sleeping figure. he played with her hair for a few minutes, occasionally pressing gentle kisses to her forehead. “and i’ll never honk up this badly again.”
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farrah-fowler · 4 years
sapnap trying to distract you with kisses while you're trying to work on a paper or something?
give me attention or i’ll riot {sapnap x reader}
pairings: sapnap x reader/you (no pronouns used) warnings: none word count: 0.2k  a/n: please send me dream smp/mcyt requests :)
“y/n,” Sapnap whined, drawing out the last syllable of your name. “Come here and cuddle meeee.”
“Sap, i’m trying to do this assignment,” you replied, half paying attention. You were barely aware of his huffing and puffing, typing away at the essay due in a few days. Suddenly, you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist from behind.
“Give me attention or I’m rioting,” Sapnap demanded, resting his head on your shoulder. 
“Have fun rioting then,” you mumbled. Sapnap only moved closer to you, turning his head to face you. 
“Bet,” was all he said before he started peppering your face in kisses. 
“Sap-” you were cut off by a loud giggle as he pressed several kisses to your cheek. “Come on, bub. I gotta- I gotta work.”
“You’ve been working all day,” he whispered against your temple. “Time for a break.”
“No, I gotta get this-”
“Finish it tomorrow,” he replied before shutting off your laptop. “Come cuddle with me instead.”
“I really need to-”
“Too late. I already turned off your laptop,” Sapnap said. He pulled you out of your chair and led you over to your shared bed. You both laid down and he held you against his chest. He grinned at you and kissed the top of your head happily. “Yay! Cuddles!”
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farrah-fowler · 4 years
the night we met {k.j. x reader}
summary: karl makes a heartbreaking decision. 
warnings: angst, heartbreak, cursing but only one or two wordss
pairings: karl jacobs x fem!reader
word count: 0.6k
{lowercase is intended}
A/N: i wrote this while listening to the stuff we did from UP and the night we met so enjoy this angst and sadness (gif not mine) also the lyrics are a little out of order and i skipped a verse bc i couldn’t make it work
I am not the only traveler
“please,” her cries filled the dark room. “you can’t do this. you can’t just leave when it gets hard.”
“y/n….” his voice trailed off when he heard a sob get caught in her throat. the moon, barely peaking out of the clouds, illuminated the tear tracks racing down her cheeks. he wanted nothing more than to rest his hand on her damp cheek and brush away the sadness that he has caused but he restrained himself. 
“why? why are you doing this? why are you leaving me?” she whispered, another broken sob escaping. 
“i have no ch-“
“bullshit,” y/n shouted. she paused for a second, trying to stifle her cries. “that’s bullshit and we both know it.”
Who has not repaid his debt
“i don’t want to hurt-“
“then why are you?”
“i’m scared that i’ll never be good enough,” he finally admitted, his own heavy tears rolling down his cheeks. “i’m scared that you’ll stop loving me.”
I've been searching for a trail to follow again
Take me back to the night we met
“but if you leave we’ll never be able to figure this out. if you leave,” she took a second to regain her composure, what was left of it anyway. “if you leave, you’ll lose me and…and i’ll lose you.”
“i’m sorry y/n,” he whispered as he grabbed his already packed duffle bag. and before y/n could even blink her red, tear stained eyes, he was gone and in his place was the millions of pieces of y/n’s heart that he mercilessly crushed. 
“oh god,” y/n sobbed. the force of her sobs caused her to collapse to the ground. her body was shaking as she tried to ground herself. “please come back.”
I had all and then most of you
Some and now none of you
outside of the small apartment, karl pressed his back against the front door. his own sobs shaking his body. his heart cracked as he heard y/n’s sobs of anguish and pain. he fought everything in himself to turn around and leave, ignoring the signs of his own heart ache. he needed to think.
he was fixing the situation by leaving, right? it would be better if y/n grew to hate him without him there than for him to see the gradual loss of feelings, right? but did he know if she would even stop loving him or was it his mind playing tricks on him? was there any proof that she stopped loving him already? 
he didn’t know. all he knew was that he wanted all of the heartache and the wondering to stop. he wanted to be able to know for certain that neither of them would be hurt from their relationship. which was counterintuitive now that he was thinking about it but that didn’t matter. what mattered was he thought he was doing the right thing.
When the night was full of terrors
And your eyes were filled with tears
When you had not touched me yet
Oh, take me back to the night we met
so he packed everything up in the small duffle bag y/n got him for their first christmas. he stuffed it with all of the memories the two had created in the past two years. the midnight drives, the dances in the rain. 
I had all and then most of you
Some and now none of you
Take me back to the night we met
the countless movie nights, where the movie was long forgotten and background noise to their conversations about anything and everything under the night sky. the memories of them meeting, the first time he met her parents and the first time she met his. he had packed it all up, taking the happiness with him, in the matter of thirty minutes. 
I don't know what I'm supposed to do haunted by the ghost of you
and with his duffle bag full of memories and his heart full of pain, karl walked away, every happy and sad memory playing on a loop in his mind.
Take me back to the night we met
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farrah-fowler · 4 years
ballerinas {k.j. x reader}
karl jacobs x fem!reader (she/her)
warnings: none
work count: ?
“whatcha making?” karl asked, startling y/n as she danced around their kitchen.
“jeez karl,give me some warning next time! you gave me a heart attack!” y/n yelped as she put a hand dramatically on top of her heart. karl giggled before pulling her into a hug from behind and rested his head on her shoulder. “i’m making us some chocolate chip cookies.”
“yummy!” karl exclaimed. he pecked y/n’s cheek and held her tighter,
smiling against the side of her face. “we should dance.”
“after the cookies go in,” y/n smiled. she continued mixing the cookie dough together before moving out of karl’s embrace to get the cookie sheet. “wanna help me put them on here?”
“duh,” karl giggled. the two rolled the dough into balls and placed them on the cookie sheet. soon the cookies were in the oven, basking in the hot chamber, as soft music floated through the air. “dance with me?”
y/n beamed, placing her hand in karl’s. “always.”
y/n placed her empty hand on karl’s shoulder and he placed his on her waist. the two held each other as close as possible, swaying to the melody.
“wait let me spin you,” karl said, giggles bubbling from his chest. hé spun y/n around quickly and she collapsed against his chest in a heap of giggles and snorts. the sudden impact of her crashing against him made karl fall to the floor, pulling y/n down with him.
“we’re, we’re so gracious,” y/n laughed loudly, her laughs interrupting her words.
“we should be famous ballerinas,” karl added.
“you’d be a ballerino, not a ballerina,” she giggled.
“same thing. people would pay good money to see me prance around in tights don’t you think?”
y/n crinkled her nose in disgust which karl found absolutely adorable. “i’d pay money to never see that.”
their loud conversation was quickly interrupted as the loud beep of the oven timer signaled the cookies were done.
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farrah-fowler · 4 years
hi hi okay can u do something with cedric diggory and studying & it’s just super soft and fluffy 🥺 i love you <33
cedric diggory x fem!reader warnings: none
embers flew in the glow of the fireplace as wind pushed itself down the chimney. the hot air mingled with the cold air, creating an equilibrium of temperature in the hufflepuff common room. y/n and cedric were the only ones in the common room, the other hufflepuffs vacating hours ago to get some much needed rest.
y/n listened to the sound of the roaring wind battering against the walls of the castle. the crackle of the fire place added to the loud ambience of the wind and the quiet huffs of annoyance that y/n and cedric both emitted. they were sat on one of the couches. y/n was hunched over a scroll of parchment, her legs draped across cedric’s lap. cedric was reading some book a first year left on the table. he was waiting for his girlfriend to finish her report so they could finally spend some time together. y/n sighed heavily with frustration when a particularly loud crackle of wood shocked her out of her trance. the sudden noise caused her ink dipped quill to move a little to far to the left, crossing out an important bit of information.
hot tears of frustration pricked the corner of her eyes as she stared helplessly at the parchment, the fire’s light dancing across her vision. a tear slipped out against her wishes, and she furiously wiped it away with the sleeve of cedric’s knit sweater that she had stolen months ago. the sudden movement pulled cedric’s attention from whatever book he was immersed in and he looked over at her. his eyes softened when he saw y/n trying to keep her emotions in check, tears almost overflowing from her big eyes.
“okay that’s enough of this,” cedric whispered delicately, pulling the parchment from y/n’s grasp. he set it on the table in front of him, ignoring y/n’s protests. “come here, love.”
y/n moved so she was curled into cedric’s side. his arms wrapped around her, tugging her closer to him. she relished in the feeling of warmth that he provided. no fire could ever rival the warmth washing over her. no fire could ever feel like home. the warmth she felt from cedric could keep her warm in the middle of a snow snowstorm, surrounded by trees in the middle of nowhere. no fire could instantly melt her worries and stress away as if they were ice chips on a hot summers day.
cedric whispered to her, “it’s okay, love. no need to be stressed.”
looking up at cedric’s face, she felt her breath escape her lungs. his features were illuminated by the orange flames. his normally grey eyes reflected the bright orange fire as he looked down at her. the normally brown hair that rested on the top of his head had turned somewhat blonde. in the moment, she was sure that he was not of this world. that even in this world of magic they were both surrounded by, he was by far the most enchanting person to ever walk the halls of hogwarts.
and in the hufflepuff common room, with the wind roaring and the fire crackling, with the only light being the now dying fire and the warmth being provided by cedric, she was one hundred percent positive that he was the person she wanted to spend every waking minute with.
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farrah-fowler · 4 years
omg karl with a goth gf 🥺
omg it would be the softest thing ever 🥺 i’m gonna make this headcanons bc i don’t have the motivation for a blurb rn
i’m like half awake so apologies in advanced if this is awful!
send some more concepts in!
karl jacobs x goth!reader headcanons
whenever y/n paints her nails, karl is always right there waiting for her to paint his
he always lets her practice eyeliner on him
(one time he let her practice on stream and the chat exploded)
hot topic dates!!
going to concerts all the time (pre-covid ofc)
their friends have dubbed them the best dressed couple ever
he loves when y/n pairs one of his sweaters with some of her own fashion
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farrah-fowler · 4 years
moonlight {k.j. x reader}
karl jacobs x fem!reader
warnings: none :)
pls send some karl requests 🥺
stars shone in the dark blue sky. puddles from the previous days rain held moonlit reflections. the bright white moon was flanked by the sparkling specks, ready to begin its ascent through the night sky. wind whispered through the cracked window, dancing across y/n and karl’s noses.
a quiet giggle escaped karl’s mouth as y/n crinkled her nose in her sleep. she shifted closer to him, subconsciously hiding her face in the crook of karl’s neck. a soft sigh of content brushed the side of karl’s neck, illiciting another sleepy giggle from him. his arms mindlessly pulled y/n closer to him. with eyes sliding shut, exhaustion washing over him, and the cool night wind swirling around the room, karl let the comfort of sleep pull him under.
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farrah-fowler · 4 years
blurb request for a christmas date to hogsmeade w oliver wood! <3 luv u gracie
i lov u too hj <3
(i’m dreaming of a) white christmas {o.w. x reader}
oliver wood x fem!reader
snowflakes floated onto the noses and eyelashes of all the young wizards and witches and they made the small trek to hogsmeade for the day. y/n looked around in amazement at the falling snow coating the trees and ground. her nose and cheeks were turning blush pink as she walked hand in hand with oliver.
“isn’t it just gorgeous?” y/n asked dreamily. o
“yeah,” oliver replied. he wasn’t looking at the snow however.
y/n turned her head to look at him, meeting his eyes. “look at the snow, oli.”
“you’re prettier though,” he replied, squeezing her hand gently. y/n felt a warm blush heat up her face and turned her gaze to the snow covered path in a poor attempt to hide her blush. she mumbled a quiet,’no i’m not.' oliver removed his hand from hers and brought it up to her chin, lifting her head up gently. “yes you are.”
“oh we’re here,” y/n switched the topic. “do you want to go to honeyduke’s, madame puddifoots or the three broomsticks first?”
“let’s go to the three broomsticks,” oliver replied, pulling her by her hand into the dimly lit pub. he lead the two of them over to an empty table, letting y/n slide into the booth first before he sat next two her. madame rosemerta walked over, asking what the two lovebirds wanted. “two butter beers please.”
y/n rested her head on oliver’s shoulder as they talked about the last quidditch game. y/n looked out the window, watching her classmates walk in the snow. she admired the gray clouds that hung in sky and dropped the delicate white particles.
“here you go,” madame rosemerta said as she placed the two butterbeers on the table.
y/n took her mug and mumbled a quiet thank you. she turned to oliver, a bright smile plastered on her face. “merry christmas, oli.”
“merry christmas, y/n."
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farrah-fowler · 4 years
read to me? {j.m. x reader}
summary: jess and y/n spend a perfect day together
warnings: none
pairings: jess mariano x fem!reader
word count: 0.8k
{lowercase is intended}
A/N: this is my first jess fic! honestly i think this is my best writing so enjoy! (taglist for all writing is open)
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soft golden light filtered into luke's apartment from the large window in the living room. yellow and orange leaves rustled on the trees outside as the wind shook them gently. cars and people went by without a care in the world, enjoying the beautiful and blustery autumn day. y/n sat in the window, watching people go about their day. she felt the chill of the wind through the window and the setting sun dusted a diluted warmth over her nose. she looked over at her boyfriend, missing the warmth on her face. he was laying on the sofa, reading a book he had read maybe a dozen times before. the autumn sun highlighted his features in such a way that it made him look like a statue in a museum made of glass at sunset. she could’ve sworn that her breath was knocked out of her lungs (no doubt carried down the street with stray leaves and scraps of papers) when she saw him.
“i heard taking a picture lasts longer,” jess mumbled while his eyes lazily scanned the page of his book. “what are you doing?”
“just watching,” y/n replied, resting her head against the cool glass window. “it’s such a pretty day today.”
jess turned his head to look at her. his heart skipped a beat at the sight. her figure was draped with one of his sweaters that was much too large for her body. the golden hue put a spotlight on her, making her look more angelic than jess had ever seen her. dust particles floated through the air and swirled around her like snowflakes on a winters day. he could hear a hint of longing in her voice as she looked out of the window. “we can go out there if you want to.”
y/n’s face lit up with joy, her smile shining brighter than the sun. “really?”
jess nodded. a smile matching hers fell on his face. “yeah, come on.”
she quickly scrambled off of the seat and got her shoes. she grabbed a blanket, well attempted to anyway, from the top shelf of the closet before jess came up behind her. he rested a hand on y/n’s hip as he reached up and got the blanket off of the shelf for her. handing her the blanket, he pressed a kiss to the tip of her nose. y/n blushed, hiding her face in the picnic blanket. she reached her hand out for him to take, smiling brightly when he placed his hand in hers. “let’s go.”
jess led her out of the apartment and through the diner. they both said hello to luke before jess pulled y/n out of the door and to the town square. y/n smiled as the cold wind brushed her nose and the weak warmth of the sun ghosted over her forehead. jess took the blanket from her and laid it on top of the almost dead grass next to a large oak tree. he sat down and leaned against the trunk of the old tree.
“come here,” he said, motioning for y/n to come sit next to him. she plopped down next to him, giggling slightly as the wind pushed her hair around.
“it’s so nice out,” y/n mumbled. she rested her head on his shoulder and sighed contently. “read to me?”
jess nodded and opened the small book. he flipped to the page he left off. the page had small notes and was worn from several reads. she watched as he traced the lines of the page. his voice was soft and gentle as he told the tale of the fictional characters. y/n shifted her attention to around the town.
she felt peace wash over her while listening to jess’s voice and watching her beloved neighbors go about their days. kids down the way were trying to build a leaf pile, their giggles echoing through the square. y/n laughed quietly when a little boy did a cannon ball into the leaf pile earning squeals of frustration from the other kids.
“what’s so funny?” jess asked. he pressed a kiss to the top of her head before looking in the same direction as her. he was met with the little kids throwing leaves at the young boy who jumped in the pile. orange and yellow leaves fell from the sky, showering the kids like a midnight thunderstorm.
“those kids,” y/n replied. she reached for his hand and played with his fingers softly. she relished in the contact between the two, her head on his shoulder, his hand in hers. the autumn sun and the soft wind was the cherry on top of the ideal afternoon. it was perfect. “thank you, jess.”
“for what?” jess asked. he grinned at the way she fiddled with his fingers.
“for this,” y/n motioned to the autumnal scenery around her. “i love just being here with you and spending time with you.”
“oh,” jess said quietly. he had never had someone express that they like spending time with him the way y/n had. it had thrown him off his rhythm for a split second before he regained his composure. “no need to say thank you, y/n. i’ll do this anytime, any weather.”
taglist for all works: (open)
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farrah-fowler · 4 years
dancing in the dark {t.c. x reader}
 summary: timothée and y/n dance in their kitchen at night
warnings: none just super fluffy
word count: 0.5k
A/N: requests are open! 
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    Music played quietly somewhere in the distance as Y/N unlocked the door to their apartment. The setting sun filled the room with a golden glow. Setting her keys and purse on the entry table, she felt the stress of the day melt off her shoulders. The apartment smelled faintly of vanilla, Timothée’s cologne, and whatever he was currently cooking, it smelled like home. Timothée’s head popped out from the kitchen, a smile spreading across his face as he spotted his girlfriend. 
    “Mon amour! You’re home,” Timothée said, stepping out from the kitchen and walking over to her. She wrapped her arms around his torso as soon as he got close enough. He immediately wrapped his arms around her shoulders, his chin finding it’s spot on the top of her head. “How was work today?” he mumbled. 
    “Long and tiring, but I’m happy to be home with you now,” she said, her voice muffled by his shirt, as he rubbed her back. She sighed happily, a small smile landing on her face. “How ‘bout you? How was your day?”
    “Nothing special. I just went over my lines for the audition tomorrow. I started dinner too,” he said, grabbing her hand and leading her to the kitchen. 
    “Mmm what’d you make?” she inquired, looking at the oven. 
    “That, mon amour, is for me to know and you to find out,” he quipped. Timmy lifted her hand and twirled her before pulling her into his arms and pressing a quick kiss to her lips. 
    “And when will I find out?” She said, giggling before kissing him again.
    “Maybe thirty minutes? Might be a little longer,” he answered, before making her twirl again. The slightly open kitchen window allowed for a slight breeze to make its way into the couple’s apartment. The setting sun was just barely visible , just before it disappeared from the sky for the night. The music, louder than before but still quiet, played on a speaker set on the counter. It was playing La Vie en Rose by Louis Armstrong, their song. “May I have this dance, mon amour?” He asked, bowing jokingly.
    “Why certainly, bubbas,”she accepted, curtseying dramatically. Timmy pulled Y/N in for the dance, one hand resting on her hip while the other still held her hand. She placed her free hand on his shoulder. Timmy started to move them expertly through the kitchen. 
      He twirled her and dipped her, the whole nine yards. At some points they were laughing so hard, Timothée and Y/N almost fell over. After dancing for a few songs, their laughs had died down. Y/N had looped her arms around his neck and Timmy wrapped his around her torso. By now, the sun was long gone, slipping away to make room for the soft moonlight. 
     “Bub,” Y/N started. 
    “We never turned the lights on.” 
    “Oh, huh, I guess we didn’t,” he said, smiling softly down at his girlfriend. “Je t’aime, mon amour.” He kissed her forehead softly.
    “I love you more, my love,” she replied, resting her head on his shoulder, pressing a gentle kiss against his neck. Though it was a small kiss, Timmy could feel the amount of love she had for him. 
    The two continued to sway to the soft love songs as the night went on, the dinner in the oven eventually forgotten about. If someone were to peer in on the couple, there would be no doubts that they were deeply in love with each other. 
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