#will be saving this ask forever
aimfor-theheart · 6 months
i’ve been reading godmaker for the first time and i’m not super far into it (i’m on the third chapter) but it’s reminding me a lot of sharing beds like little kids insofar as the readers have similar abilities and the tragedy hovers in the atmosphere similarly. i’m not sure how to articulate it but it’s that foreboding feeling that all of this has been decided already and we’re all hurtling toward inevitable heartbreak. and i think that’s u grappling with the existing tragedies present in the source material of the manga/anime but i wanted to let u know that it’s a really great atmosphere for the fic. it hurts a lot to know that the hope within these fics is very small and proportional to how powerful and how deeply constrained the main characters are by their situations in life. whether it’s hawks with being a hero or dabi becoming a villain or gojo becoming a god i think it’s really interesting that u grapple with these themes. it’s really interesting to draw a through line across these two fics. it also makes me think about coin toss a bit and how you’ve talked about how that’s like The Story u wanted to tell about tomura. it’s really resonated with me since u published it bc it really encapsulates the tragedy of tomura and hero society. and i just wanna say thank u that u approach these topics in ur fics bc they’re not easy but they’re really rewarding as a reader trying to engage in the source material in a way that isn’t really done by the creators of the mangas themselves
woah….anon i’m not gonna lie to you….this is maybe the most seen i’ve ever felt about my writing?? lmao?? does that even make sense?? but ig i think you just captured entirely, exactly what i set out to accomplish with those fics and it is very insane and incredible and i’m just?? a little lost for words
i just really really appreciate you—not just taking the time to read my fics but then come to my inbox and articulate your thoughts and dissect my writing and—literally Get It like spot on!!!
there are several things to know about me: i love tragedies. i love stories dealing with time. i think there is a great deal of room for tragedy within plots centering time. and like you said, i just really wanted to tease out those elements of tragedy that i saw within the original works.
in general with heroes (or gods)—there’s this fate tied to them. you know? when we deal with such titan figures, there is a myth and fate tied to them. gojo especially to me is like…so macbeth-ian (perhaps getou is moreso but. they both are) in the sense that….was he always going to be a god? or did he make himself that way because that what was expected and told to him? does it matter—if he by his own violation or not would still become one?
and i like inserting a reader that further emphasizes or complicates that. i also just like my very powerful, all-knowing, cassandra readers.
anyways. i just can’t get over this ask. thank you SO much. thank you from the bottom of my heart. it was rewarding to write it!! even more rewarding to hear that it was captured well and something that you enjoyed and sunk your teeth into!
thank you thank you thank you 💗💗
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infinites-chaser · 1 month
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"You are someone who needs dreams more than you need nice things. You are someone who needs faith more than you need bulletproof, long-term plans. You are someone who needs to see your life as unlimited more than you need to recognize the inevitable obstacles and disappointments that lie ahead. You’re a person who needs to worship the sky in the morning, and while you praise the peach and gold light, you need to treasure every mistake you’ve ever made like a tarnished ring, like a clay heart, like a smooth river rock. Mundane mistakes and mundane objects are filled with magic. You have the rare ability to recognize that. Everything that goes wrong right now is a gift that shows you what you don’t want. Everything that goes right is a glimpse of what’s possible. This is true for all of us, no matter how old we are, but it’s especially true for you in this moment, because everything is new for you. You will look back on these days when you’re older and have even more problems, big and small, and you’ll say “Sure this stuff is hard, but at least I’m not living at home and working at that torturous fucking job!” You will feel grateful that this unlimited world gave you an opportunity to see who you are, as clear as day, without a shadow of doubt. Because knowing who you are and what you love is bliss. You can get through a lot, once you know who you are and you’re willing to stand up for who you are.
You just need to understand this: You are a person who needs to cultivate an unlimited mindset no matter what you’re doing. You need to imagine big things. You need to dream.
The most precious thing you own is your faith in your own stubborn heart, your own delirious soul, your own glorious dreams.
Pursue your academic dreams. Don’t do it because you’ll become someone important. Do it because it makes you feel alive right now, it supports who you are, it gives you an unparalleled opportunity to embody your values and principles. Difficulties and obstacles only make it even more possible to manifest your faith and inspire others with it. You will be rich or poor or somewhere it between, and it won’t matter that much. What will always matter is how you feel RIGHT NOW, what you believe in RIGHT NOW, and how unlimited the world feels to you RIGHT NOW. At the heart of all of this, for you, is daring to feel more, daring to care more, daring to invest and invest and invest, daring to look like a fool in the eyes of those who never dare. This is who you are. You are luminous when you feel everything, when you dare, when you give up on having too much and you learn how perfect JUST ENOUGH looks and feels to you. It looks like less than enough to others. That’s not your problem. You will lose faith. You will feel discouraged. You will feel tired. And you will get up the next day and believe all over again. This is who you are."
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chrysopoeias · 7 months
Drawing prompt..... Maybe Riza being silly with Hayate? (Aside: one of my favorite drawings Arakawa did of her is when she's holding him and making him do a little puppy wave while she is completely straight-faced, she's so funny and cute)
I love that hayate is a shibe
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signanothername · 2 months
(Sorry if my Arabic is crusty. I used Google translate 😭)
Anyways, here's Killer :3
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YOUR ART IS SO PRETTTTYYYYYYYYY!!!!!! 😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷✨✨✨✨✨
And surprisingly google didn’t butcher the sentences they’re actually correct shhshsh
Here’s more Killer being the best mom to his cats <333
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sunderwight · 9 months
Thinking about a situation where SQQ gets a look at Luo Binghe's package (post-Abyss but pre-Maigu Ridge, or in an AU where Maigu Ridge doesn't happen) through like, the outline of his pants or whatever (maybe Binghe took a wardrobe tip from Jareth of Labyrinth), and then got to thinking about how huge Luo Binghe's meat is, like in an actually non-sexual way this time just his brain gets onto a tangent about a bunch of scenes from PIDW where the descriptions varied wildly, and then he starts wondering about exactly what size it is, because to go by the novel's descriptions it's either bigger than average but not insane or there's another arm stuffed into that codpiece somehow. Surely it's closer to the former than the latter? SQQ doesn't have any other evidence that physical limitations in this world are that different from his own world, but then again, would it come up in any of his conversations if women in this world have sufficiently cavernous vaginas for damn near every virgin Bingge met to accommodate a dick that big? Does it at least make childbirth easier? He hasn't exactly polled anyone on it, so it could be the case. But what about the back door, so to speak? There were a few sex scenes that went in that direction, forbidden tunnel of love type stuff and it was all incredibly bad and cheesy, but of course, SQQ actually has a "back door" too and surely he would notice if it was possible to stick his own arm up it. Although it's also not as if he's tried, and as a peak lord with a fantasy metabolism he doesn't actually have to take a shit either, his body processes everything extremely efficiently and it's been years since... well anyway it's not like he's had occasion to investigate it much, now that he's thinking about it. Maybe he can? Not that this is relevant information to anything though and given the inconsistencies the probable limitations of the numerous people PIDW Binghe had sex with, his package, though prodigious, is probably not actually that big of a weapon. How could he even comfortably keep it contained otherwise...? Etc etc etc.
Meanwhile the entire time he's having this internal spiel, he's just... staring. At Luo Binghe's dick. Really blatantly. It doesn't even occur to him that he's doing something incriminating about his interests or possible attraction precisely because he's not, for once, getting flustered about it (much) but is in fact genuinely vexed by the mystery. This is not so much a case of imagining Luo Binghe's dick as wondering about fantasy physiology. So he's lost track of where his gaze has wandered.
The longer it goes on for though the more flustered Luo Binghe gets though. Like, should he say something? Is this a prelude to Shizun making a move? Is there... something wrong with it? Why is he staring so intently? Is Shizun aware that he has just been looking straight at Luo Binghe's dick for almost ten minutes now...? He should definitely say something, right? Maybe this is his chance! Or maybe he should wait and see what Shizun does next? Should he try a line? Something suave? Ask if he wants to see it! Shizun can absolutely see Binghe's dick if he wants to! No wait, but what if Shizun is planning on making a move and he ruins it by being impatient? He should wait and see where this is going.
...How long is it going to take, though...?
Luo Binghe's brain frazzles between trying to decide if he should make a move or prepare to be receptive towards one, or maybe check and make sure his dick hasn't turned into tentacle or something without him noticing, while Shen Qingqiu slooowly (very slowly) begins to realize that yes, he has been staring at Luo Binghe's dick while lost in thought for such a long time that now it's weird. It's definitely weird. He should look away now, at once, except now if he stops staring at Binghe's dick it's going to end whatever stalemate this is and he's probably going to have to explain why he was ogling it in the first place, and he definitely cannot explain anything, so he just keeps staring while furiously trying to think of a non-gay explanation for why he's now glaring intensely at Luo Binghe's crotch.
...He can't think of anything. Oh god. This is a disaster. Luo Binghe is going to kill him for being a perve!
(Good luck, Binghe.)
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buwheal · 7 months
Man although I can't send this and have Spamton see the image (cuz it would be text instead) I'll send it to you and you can give me your opinion about it.
What do you think...
...snowy Spamton?
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(this was on a car btw, which made it even better)
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risestarkiss · 8 months
Are you a fan of other TMNT iterations, or is Rise the only one?
Good question! TMNT has been a part of my life for three decades. I was the target demographic for the 1980's cartoon. I watched the first TMNT live action movie in theaters. I owned all of the live action movies, recorded the cartoons religiously, and begged my parents for their toys every year. I've seen the turtles through their heyday and on their worst day. (*cough* Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation *cough*)
Therefore, all of the iterations have a special place in my heart. However, I've always wanted more out of their story; more family values, more brother bonding, more heart, more love. I wanted the boys to find peace and genuinely enjoy themselves! I remember watching an episode of the 2003 turtles (aka, the Beefcake turtles, fight me) and the ep starts with the boys sitting in their den playing videogames, just enjoying each other's company. Younger me thought that was so nice!.....Then their lair blew up, all of their enemies descended on them at once, and the turtles spent the rest of the episode fighting for their lives. That type of storyline wasn't just in the 2003 version. It was across virtually every iteration. To me, it seemed like the boys were always being...tortured. It felt like their family was being punished just for being different, in every single TMNT universe. I've said all that to say this.
In Rise, they laugh with each other and enjoy each other's company. They pursue their interests and interact in a world that doesn't hate them at first sight. The turtles act like brothers, not just roommates. (The show actually pokes fun at this. "We're brothers, but sometimes it feels like we're just roommates." - Don) There are episodes where the boys just do silly things, or simply have a great time, and love that for them! Of course they'll go through tough times, but ultimately I want these boys to be happy, safe, successful, and loved. Besides, after all that they've been through in the 40 years since their inception, they deserve it! So, am I a fan of the other iterations? Absolutely. But Rise is the series that I, personally, have always been waiting for.
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Thanks for the ask! 💜💜💜
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cubbihue · 26 days
Figured I'd share these. For some reason they're all about Chimmy akskddksbdjej
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hunybody · 1 month
It’s really funny to watch you wonder why people wish violence upon you while you’re being homophobic.
my wizard’s spells make you all so fucking mad…… well guess what. i’ve got my hand on my spell book right now. i’m opening it to my favorite page, and it’s bookmarked, and dogeared, and it says MAGIC SPELL FOR KILLING TOMMY FROM 911. and it says it really big just like that. MAGIC SPELL OF EXPLODE TOMMY FOREVER is the one right under it. and i hold up a perfectly manicured finger and i begin to chant and use my powerful magics. with a tremendous BANG i burst through the barrier between universes and land in front of tommy from 911. i reach into my splendid wizard’s robe and pull out a gun and fire it and he dies. badly.
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frobby · 1 month
I think it would be really funny if rin was the more helpful one around his house. Like u would think rin would be the disrespectful one who always bails on housework or mass but its actually yukio who would always have an excuse not to go or forget about chores to the point that rin just does them instinctively now
#this post lagged my phone so bad i had to save it as a draft and switch it to my computer#god is trying to stop me from spreading my 'yukio is an atheist' ideals#anyway this extends to when they live together and when they are adults to the point that rin comes over and does all the chores for yukio#cuz this created an oroboros since rin always did them as a kid now yukio doesnt have them in his brain#he tries his best tho he would neveradmit (at least in highschool) that hes kind of a boyfailure at housework#rin is a homemaker this is my truth#rin is like kinda resentful but not enough to act on it and its so deep down he doesnt even realize its there#like yeah its kinda fucked up that he would ask yukio for help setting things up for mass or doing the laundry but yukio has a busy scedule#and hes wayy smarter than rin so obviously he shouldnt waste his time on stuff like that but rin would never voice those in a negative way#rin doesnt hate helping his brother tho if yukio asked him to come over and clean his house everyday forever he would probably do it#its just the principal of yukio being a perfect angel and rin not getting any credit cuz hes doing 'thankless jobs'#and yukio kinda feels bad even tho he really did have things to do he just couldnt tell rin cuz it was exorcist work#im just writing fanfiction now#accept my okumura twin fanfiction headcanons#blue exorcist#ao no exorcist#yukio okumura#rin okumura#'blue exorcist' 'ao no exorcist' yukio okumura' 'rin okumura' are my most used tags on tumblr#am i in your hearts yet blue exorcist tumbr?🥺
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22-b · 9 months
゚ ⋆ ゚⛆ ゚ ⋆ ゚ caution: this blog may contain flashing lights, moving/flashing gifs, bright colors, bugs, swearing, blood, and unsettling themes. be careful, and enjoy your stay.
matching pfps w @/woerm-town + @/purrfectnothing
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This is my introduction, hello everyone!! i am a minor! DNI if you’re a primarily NSFW blog. i also request that you do not send me DMs or asks about donations, i am unable to help you, and it stresses me out.
I’m really scatterbrained, forgetful, low energy, and terrible at interacting with others, so if we’re moots or smth, I’m sorry I’m advance if it seems like I’m ignoring you!! That’s just me being a dumbass I love you and you’re always welcome here /gen
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My name is Kepler , (<- sometimes i like other names) I go by a mix of he/it/ae/bug/nya + other neos. I’m transmasc, INTP-A, and my time zone is MST. 3-25
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Status: iugh we tired
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I interact with a lottt of fandoms, so here’s a list of the ones that my idiot brain can remember atm: BSD, ENA, Lackadaisy, Murder Drones, TADC, Gravity Falls, TOH, Amphibia, Warriors, Webtoons (SBG, TIOS, Paperteeth, Cherry Crush + Marionetta are my favs rn), Furries, Legend of Zelda, ACNH, Possibly In Michigan, TMC, Kirby, The Last Unicorn, The Tea Dragon Society, etc
i LOVE music: the front bottoms, icp, marina, Madilyn Mei, mitski, AJDispirito, creep-p, cavetown, maneskin, Will wood, lemon demon, mother mother, tv girl, tally hall, Penelope Scott, Bo burnham, arctic monkeys, hatsune miku, rebzyyx, fish in a birdcage, the oh hellos, IAMX, IDKHBTFM, grandson, graham kartna, Toby fox, the oozes, the mountain goats, glass animals, I don’t like mirrors, etc
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I love getting asks!! Anything you want to ask, silly asks, a simple hello, sharing about your day, whatever, it brings me a lot of joy. *Shaking you* IF YOU HAVE OCS. SHOW THEM TO ME I WILL DRAW THEM AND LOVE THEM AND KISS THEM GOODNIGHT /nf
oh! spam interacting is cool too!! basically you won’t upset me too easily, and if you do, I’ll let you know / block you if it's too serious :) My DMs are also always open
im nonhuman!!!! be nice
DNI: general. you’ll be blocked if you make me uncomfortable.
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also run @dogramagra-and-destruction . and @/you-worthless-cat (vent blog)
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dividers by @cafekitsune
all my tags are below for navigation
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mymarifae · 12 days
sooooooo when i jokingly said to myself "haha did ruan mei play aeonic necromancy on tingyun's remains or something" i wasn't expecting that to literally be the case what the fuck
#ON ONE HAND! TINGYUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#ON THE OTHER! HELLO???????????????????????????????????#that was a really good update . a little clunky in those transitions sometimes but ooooh boy that came together GOOD#jiaoqiu nearly sent me into hysterics i was so upset . and flabbergasted. mostly flabbergasted#also the part where hoolay let him go for a little bit and you had the option to try asking for help#with severe consequences to be reaped afterwards. that was so nervewracking#i ended up doing it once out of curiosity and immediately regretted it and was horribly anxious the rest of the time i was running around#and yeah those consequences sure do. Consequence#props to the writers and stuff for that one that was great i felt ill#FEIXIAO... GOD FEIXIAOOOOO OHHHH BOY I LOVE HERRR what a great character#i hoped and i prayed and i dreamed for a deep dive into her condition and not a vague gloss-over as hyv loves to do AND I GOT IT#moze didn't do enough tricks (aka just . being a part of the story and interacting with other characters) for me to care about him still#it's like#the yaoqing trio: yay yahoo yippee WOOOO YAYYYY#moze by himself: closes my eyes forever#DO MORE TRICKS FOR ME#lingsha's pretty cool. i will save her from her bad design#oh oh oh YANQING!!!!!!!!!! USING WHAT JINGLIU TAUGHT HIM AND IMMOBILIZING HOOLAY ALL BY HIMSELF!!!!!! OH YM GOD#MY LITTLE BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#that cutscene was terrifying i almost died of stress . i'm so proud of you yanqing. never do that again#i had fun and now it's 3 am and i have work in the morning. help me
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shkika · 1 year
Has Saint ever met any other slugcats?
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I imagine they have become quite rare, especially around iterator complexes!
Saint doesn't have any complicated feelings regarded slug cats, just because he has the body of one. He wasn't raised by them or anything of the sort. He's closer to a zombie honestly than a slug cat that grew up..
Which is why he's so weak and frail.
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pigdemonart · 7 months
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Isadore certified fan favorite cringefail baby girl !!!!
Here is a video of me killing him to death
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signanothername · 19 days
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I literally don’t even know what to say this looks so good ugh your artstyle is so beautiful im HDHSHSHHSHS <333333333
Thank you sm for taking the time to draw this <3333
Context for those who are wondering what the hell is going on dhhdhdhdh
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chlorenw · 11 months
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Hey I remember when you had your profile pic as a bug version of yourself and I know it was a LONG time ago but this t shirt I found a picture of reminded me of that XD
have a nice day 💛
this right!
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and I love that shirt!!!
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