#will do a post sans link as well i know how tumblr can be with links
mercuryandmoonpods · 1 year
Trapped, alone, and running out of air, follow our diver as she discovers what lies beneath the depths.
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ID: Text reads 'You are tuned into Abyss FM. Now sit back, relax, and... try to enjoy the ride. (Click off.)' End ID.
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elementroar · 2 months
This is the "Why ABA and Paracelsus can feel horny" lore/theory post
The main Paracelsus deepdive post is a monster that I'm building in Google docs cos Tumblr can't handle it while it's WIP. This is a separate lore/theory monster I want to get out of my system first.
Here's my theory why ABA is consistently portrayed as being horny for Paracelsus from the start.
Translated excerpt from the Night of Knives Vol.2 audio drama CD, released in 2004 (20 IRL years ago):
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Her being horny wasn't so much portrayed in-game in XX/AC+R really, prolly engine/sprite limitations and all; but then STRIVE happens and we get:
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It's not just her being horny, and knowing exactly how to rizz Paracelsus up, and clearly has been doing this in her pocket dimension for a while now. PARACELSUS CAN FEEL HORNY NOW TOO!
And I stg I'm not joking...I think there's a legit lore reason for this.
Cos by the end of her arcade mode's flawless ending and according to the latest interviews with Daisuke-san and the game directors, it's explained that Paracelsus' form depends on what ABA thinks of Paracelsus, as well as her general mental stability.
ABA thought Paracelsus looked like a key, and he morphed into a key as part of his nature, which naturally makes him always fit to his wielder's preferences. In my deepdive I'll explain in more detail, but in addition to that, Slayer figured out that since ABA also saw Para as her hopeful "key to the future", Para's heart also began to change to basically fit her ideal of what he is.
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So if ABA finds Paracelsus sexually attractive, and has made very obvious physical advances on him for years, then it follows that if she's horny for him, she can make Paras horny for her over time too, just like how Para is getting more key-like subconsciously just by being with her all this time.
I don't think this is entirely involuntary on Paracelsus end. I believe how much he wants to react to his wielder's emotions is still in his control...unless they become truly insane like with ABA's Jealous Rage being emotionally powerful enough to override Paras' ability to maintain his key form.
Also he reverts to his 'sharp teeth' design when he gets rizzed up, so he's losing his composure again and prolly holding back most of his...response. It's actually kinda telling cos Para used to just disassociate, ignore, scold ABA when she tries to make advances on him, so him actually responding now and to this degree is...interesting. And ABA seems very aware of this.
And for the bigger question of why ABA, an artificially created human would be created with the ability to feel horny...
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Ok, crack theory time, it might be linked to why she apparently can summon an actual alchemical gate just whenever she wants, and even use it as her private pad. ABA doesn't just wanna rizz Paracelsus up as a key, she wants him in a human body since the start too.
Y'all remember Ghostbusters, and what the Gatekeeper and the Keymaster have to do to open the gate...?
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yaminerua · 10 days
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I’m offering pen-and-paper sketches in exchange for proof of donation to Palestinian gfm campaigns and/or donations to reliable organisations that will provide aid, esims etc.
The more we can help nudge up these urgent campaigns to help people the better!!
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For more examples of my pen-and-paper sketches check out my #nerua doodles tag
Here’s how it works:
🔴 Make a donation (whatever you can offer, any amount however big or small is better than nothing at all!!) to a Palestinian family’s campaign, or one of the many reliable organisations providing aid, e-sims etc.
A quick non-exhaustive list of useful links you can use to donate:
Operation Olive Branch - Spreadsheet of many, many gfm campaigns tracking how much is needed.
This Tumblr Masterpost - Lists a good number of fundraisers, some of which are close to completion, and others which need much more boosting
GazaFunds - If it’s overwhelming trying to choose who to donate to, this page generates a random campaign each time for you
GazaEsims - Buy an esim to keep Palestinians connected in Gaza. Be sure to send the QR code screenshot to their provided email address and don’t activate the esim yourself!
CareForGaza - A non-profit charity providing aid to Gaza. Donate to their PayPal
UNRWA - Donate directly to UNRWA to support their operations in Gaza
Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund - Donate directly to PCRF to support the children in Gaza
Gaza Municipality - Donate to help improve water, waste management and sewage treatment conditions in Gaza
(other Palestinian family gfm links I’ve come across will be added under a cut at the bottom of this post, please check them out too and feel free to add any others you have seen to reblogs of this post!)
🟢 Take a screenshot of the receipt/proof of donation you receive once you’ve completed payment to prove that you have paid your chosen amount
⚪️ Message me your screenshot proof of your completed donation/payment to whichever campaign/organisation you chose along with what character(s) you would like a sketch of (be sure to let me know the fandom in case it’s not one I’m familiar with. You can drop a reference image along with your donation screenshot to be sure!)
⚫️ I’ll draw up the sketch for you as soon as I can to thank you for donating!
All donations of any size will receive a drawing, but be advised smaller donations will be quicker and less detailed/refined than larger donations.
Donations below $20 will receive a bust or waist shot. Donations $20 and over will be full body
Up to 3 characters available per sketch at any amount
I’ll draw for most fandoms, but here are a few I’m pretty familiar with: Red Dwarf, BBC Ghosts, Good Omens, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, YuGiOh, Pokemon, Tokyo Mew Mew, Cardcaptor Sakura (any CLAMP work tbh), Mob Psycho 100, Osomatsu-san, Naruto
I’ll also draw OCs if you send good references for them!
My usual commission/request limitations apply: No gore, NSFW etc
Bear in mind these function like character requests and aren’t as specific as full commissions, though I will try to honour general requests for what you would like from your sketch!
🚨🚨 Do NOT send ME your money!! Send it directly to the campaigns/organisations!! 🚨🚨
Please share and donate whatever you can if you are able to. And as always keep boycotting, protesting and talking about Palestine 🇵🇸
And remember to add your daily clicks too!
Some more gfm links below the cut ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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olderthannetfic · 8 months
The "reblog, don't like. Liking hurts creators" stuff has always gotten on my nerves, who are you to tell me what to put on my blog? But I jsut saw this post, which put it in a different light. https://mayahawkse.tumblr.com/post/691239174316097536/heres-a-little-comparison-for-people-who-say
I' got on Tumblr in 2013, quit around the porn ban, and only came back pretty recently. I didn't realise that people had actually stopped reblogging things from each other.
I guess the "likes hurt creators" thing might have some validity after all. I still really don't like the tone of entitlement or the idea that expressing your appreciation to OP with a like is an insult instead of an expression of appreciation.
The comment section probably cuts into the reblog counts; people have conversations there instead of in reblog chains, and don't have to reblog an entire post just to point out one quick thing or make the same joke as everyone else, but I don't think that comments account for the ratios in that post, especially since the screenshots don't show posts with hefty comments.
So yeah, guys, likes don't hurt creators, but Tumblr is for passing posts around. If you see something you like, you can just reblog it to be all "look at this cool thing I found". You don't have to worry about adding anything meaningful in a reblog, and if you and all your mutuals reblog the same post twelve times in a row, well, that's just how Tumblr works; if someone gets anoyed they can block the post through xkit.
Eh. I'd beware of anecdata like that.
I used to get like 2 notes a post and no asks ever. On the rare occasions that I reblogged heavily in a hot fandom of the moment for a month or two, I got a lot of engagement once people realized I was a place to go for that fandom, and I particularly got a lot of reblogs because people wanted that content on their own tumblrs.
Currently, I get a decent number of reblogs, but I get a lot more other interaction because things here tend to be discussions and debates and people don't necessarily want them on their own tumblrs.
In my case, I don't like the framing that it hurts creators because that's assuming that a person would have reblogged if they hadn't liked. In reality, they probably just wouldn't have interacted.
People pass posts around all kinds of ways, including pasting links to mine into various discord channels for fandom drama or sending me links to others' posts via chat messages here.
I also don't like the framing that it hurts creators because this only makes sense if you mean that it hurts the ability of visual artists to earn money.
Am I not a creator of a kind? Do I not write copious meta even if a lot of the content here comes from others? My ~engagement numbers~ are not harmed by failing to reblog. My engagement numbers don't matter full stop.
Or maybe, maybe, it's not about money, but it's about clout-chasing nonsense. Boo hoo, my gifset doesn't do numbers because it's not 2012 and I'm not in superwholock fandom now. Oh well. Chase the crowds to another site or chase the megafandoms. That's the only way to get those numbers back.
I do think that some time after 2012, people became increasingly afraid of harassment and may have pulled back on interactions, particularly contentful ones, because of that.
But mostly, tumblr has cleared out. Fewer people are using it, and fewer of the ones remaining are using it actively in a way where it makes sense to fill their own blog with content.
Maybe part of the change is that you can't become a BNF of tasteful curation so easily now, so there's no point in reblogging unless it's for yourself?
Maybe it's gifsets that are out of fashion? I don't know.
I never had much interest in "look at this cool thing" sans commentary back then, and I have little now. I have my activity page set to hide all that.
The changing phases of a site can be interesting, but we need a bit more than one person's top couple of posts to reach any conclusions.
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elizakai · 10 months
Ok keep in mind, some of these Are going through reboots or are ongoing! 
but these are BASICS and should mostly hold up!
I only knew of a few of these sources before tonight, so I did have to skim a few of these sources as I searched…. I’d like to think I’m a decent info surfer 🫠 but take with a grain of salt as you should most things _^_
I may have to come back and edit this post :( lmk if any of the links don’t work, sites prove unhelpful, or if you have BETTER sites, please 😁
If you want other au’s, or if anyone’s interested in specific characters simplified facts and/ or analysis, I can do the research for you and write it up more swallowable, just lmk _^_
Au/ canon by rahafwabas
The ao3 link in this was especially helpful to me personally :)⬇️
Au/ Canon by jokublog/ joku
SIMPLE, HELPFUL SUMMARY, JUST FACTS! updated 2021 so beware of potential changes but most of this holds up from reading it⬇️
Dreamtale past archive , xxtha has been approved by joku and has some good character analysis things on their blog, esp on dreamtale/ and dream’s character :D!⬇️
Au/ Canon by ask dusttale
DUSTTALE is hard because the creator speaks Korean.  I’ve yet to find compiled info so here’s their tumblr, there is an archive of asks and such on blog!
DUSTTALE has a lot of intentionally unanswered questions in general, so if it’s confusing that’s…part of it😪
Ask DustTale — Can you clarify something please? You keep...
This is helpful and simple character wise⬇️
Canon Dusttale Sans Storyline, Character, and Facts | Undertale AUs Amino
the creator has several stories on ao3 about dust (well, technically murder) sans, but most are in Korean….if you know how to find translations I’d love to get my hands on it 👀
Au/ Canon by comyet
COMYET Being golden and splendiferous and making it easy for me by compiling it for us I will marry them just for that, this includes a personality section too⬇️
Au/ Canon by SourAppleStudios
❗️This comic contains gore and disturbing images❗️as long as that doesn’t bother you…ABSOLUTELY go read it!!! IT’S GOOD.
If the link is weird, just find sourapplestudios and you should be able to figure it out! Keep in mind the comic is still in the works but a good amount of content is established
K so for horror SANS this is a wiki ( :( I tried avoiding those…) BUT it’s quick and easy, slightly biased but still valuable⬇️ I’m sure there’s better sources but this is the first decent quick one I found!
Now most of you are aware of the underswap drama that occurred…and that most of the fandom doesn’t adhere to the original underswap, especially after the creator stepped away from the story
However, I think this still holds valuable information, even if just for reference or ideas, so here THIS hefty chunkalunk⬇️
Canon Underswap research
I’m afraid an archive for the Fandom underswap probably doesn’t exist, as interpretations are kind of just…accepted?but if the original was more your thing, or if you just want the info, there it is!
god I’ve analyzed this hoe left and right. Not even kidding.
We all know loverofpiggies/ CQ , you should easily be able to find the comic with a search ‘ask error sans’ , there’s also some fun comic dubs on YouTube :) ! Here’s the blog with start at beginning and archive options⬇️
Ask Error!Sans (Unfinished) (Posts tagged errortale)
Also. This entire thing is AMAZING I read this years ago and had a ball,I need to reread it but I managed to find it and 😪✨ great phycology analysis by she-of-many-fandoms…⬇️✨
I draw comics sometimes — themightymarai: she-of-many-fandoms: Preface...
That’s all for now, my arms are dying from Internet surfing🧎🏽‍♀️AGAIN feel free to suggest, request, correct, comment or offer more info! Happy brainworms :) 🐛
( @zucchiyeni )
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How do I love thee, let me count the weeks... Final Round-Up
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Fellow Travelers Valentine's Celebration: Masterpost
✨ Show the authors some love with kudos and a quick comment on the fics after reading, and be sure to reblog this post, so others can enjoy these fics too!
💠 Authors: if your tumblr (or other socials) isn’t linked, and you'd like it to be, let me know and I'll be happy to add it. Or, if you are linked, and you'd rather not be, please contact me to remove it.
Works below can be found in this Ao3 Collection 💗
❤️ very pretty weeds by @beyondxmeasure | Cyantific [T, 2K] Hawk has really put Tim through the emotional wringer this weekend, and he seems far too nice to deserve any of it. Rafael tries his best to give his new friend a warm send-off and a few words of wisdom.
Or, the walk to the ferry from Rafael's POV.
🧡 Under Stars Chilled By The Winter by @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) [G,1K] Hawk has been away in Rome for a week. He comes home to Tim.
Part 7 of Bravery | Part 5 of FT Valentine's Month
💛 you're the home beneath the ruin by @startagainbuttercup | startagainbuttercup [T, 1K] Episode 2, Inside Hawk's head.
He thinks about Tim, about the joy he felt when he woke up next to him just ten minutes ago, and another memory comes to him, a memory of him smiling so adorably Hawk couldn't stop peppering him with kisses until Tim laughed, ticklish, and wrapped his arms around him tightly, preventing him from moving, not that Hawk wanted to move. He fell asleep in Skippy's arms, feeling safe and content.
Part 3 of FT Valentine's Month: how do I love thee, let me count the weeks…
💚 in the still of the night by @thewindyoubargainedfor | thewindyoubargainedfor [E, 2K] Tim stayed up, waiting for Hawk to call. Hawk made it worth his while.
💙 gold-skinned, eager baby by @lispenard-street | lispenardstreet [E, 10K] Tim sets out for Fire Island with a single goal: to dig Hawk out of his pit of self-destruction.
As it turns out, Hawk is after something else entirely.
A 1979 fix-it… of sorts.
💜 In your eyes, this is a place worth remembering. by @in-our-special-place |  Cupping_Cakes [M, 630] Hawk stumbled into the room, his eyes blurry and his steps unsteady, but his gaze was fixed on Tim, as if he were the only thing that mattered. A wave of emotions washed over Tim, flickering between anger, hurt, and a longing desire to hold Hawk close one more time.
💗 Where figures from the past stand tall And mocking voices ring above. by @in-our-special-place | Cupping_Cakes [M, 472] They held each other's gaze, their love speaking volumes more than any words ever could.
🤎 To Wrap Your Love Around Me by @beyondxmeasure | Cyantific [T, 5K] Waking up in Tim’s apartment, Hawk discovers Skippy's old robe, the same one from years ago, and the memories all come flooding back.
Tim doesn’t have much time left, will Hawk be brave enough to stay?
🖤 Beguiled Again by @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) [G, 1K] Tim comes home late, finding Hawk asleep and wearing his shirt.
Part 6 of Bravery | Part 3 of FT Valentine's Month
💝 I'll be there beside you, to dry your weeping eyes. by @in-our-special-place | Cupping_Cakes [M, 869] Frankie, the man he had loved and grown with through time. The man who had been by his side through all of life's ups and downs. The man who had never given up on him, no matter how lost or broken he felt.
❤️ I'll Forever Love You by Anonymous [G, 602] Marcus slow dances with his love.
🧡 The Night Before The Road Trip by @vespersong | vespersong [T, 2K] So...we all know Hawk planned the trip to Rehoboth beach. Which means he probably packed a bag. But what about Tim? Was he stuck in that same shirt all weekend? Well, let's just say Hawk was prepared.
💛 please tell me now by @thewindyoubargainedfor | thewindyoubargainedfor [G, 1K] When Marcus arrives in San Francisco, he knows the first thing he needs to do.
💚 We'll find the perfect place to go where we can run and hide. by @in-our-special-place | Cupping_Cakes [M, 706] 'I never told you this, but that was the best day of my life. I never felt so free and happy, like I could do anything with you by my side.'
💙 you should be in my space (you should be in my life) by @startagainbuttercup | startagainbuttercup [E, 3K] What if Tim let Hawk touch him during their mutual masturbation session?
Part 2 of FT Valentine's Month: how do I love thee, let me count the weeks...
💜 All Tied Up With Nowhere To Go by @jesterlesbian | captainquint [E, 2K] “Are they too tight?” Hawk asked, tugging on Tim’s wrists.
Tim’s wrists were, at that moment, bound to the headboard of Hawkins Fuller’s bed by some carefully knotted neckties. Tim was struck by the thought of Hawk wearing one of these ties to work on a later day, becoming distracted in his office thinking of what they had done with them on this night. His mouth twitched up at the corner.
“Hey, are you listening to me?” Hawk placed a hand under his chin and tilted Tim’s face towards Hawk’s own. “This is important, I don’t want to hurt you.”
Tim rolled his wrists and wiggled his fingers to show they were fine. “I’m not made of glass, Hawk, you don’t have to treat me like I’ll break.”
Or, Hawk teases a tied-up Tim
Part 2 of FT Valentine's Day 2024
🖤 No Expectations by @justviwriting | justviwriting [M, 3K] When Hawk wants to leave Tim in 1957, his plans are disrupted when Tim wakes up before he could walk out the door.
Part 5 of My Fellow Travelers Fanfics
💘 the gold of the dusk and the dawn by @redmyeyes | redmyeyes [M, 3K] Valentine’s Day, 1954
Part 4 of Fellow Travelers
🤎 Me too by @alorchik | alorchik [T, 1K] Hawk feels he can afford it now, here, with Tim.
❤️ Where No One Else Can See  by@bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) [G, 2K] Marcus once said Hawk was a damn good liar. And the first step in being the best damned liar that ever set foot in Washington was the necessity of being able to lie to yourself.
Hawk had been lying to himself for so long - about so many things - even he didn't think he would know his own truth if it was laid bare before him.
Until soft brown eyes and a kiss that tasted like milk and eternity.
Until Skippy.
Or, How Tim's touch made Hawk realise a certain fact.
Part 2 of FT Valentine's Month
🧡 The World is Not Kind to Good People♦️ by @lovebunnie | space_kid [T, 727] Tim felt Hawk’s eyes on him whenever they were in the same room, not unlike the unrelenting gaze of God; all powerful, all knowing, something Tim ached for.
💛 Stars fading but I linger on, dear  by @cinnamoncountess | CinnamonCountess [E, 5K] Tulips, roses, lavenders, daisies and orchids —
Tim closes his eyes for fleeting seconds as he passes the bayside and takes in the wide-ranging scent wafting over from the flower sales on each side of the road, drawing into his nostrils where it mixes with the salty sea odor from afar. It is that day of the year again that always squeezes on his heart like a fallen wall of bricks, burying him underneath.
💚 Everywhere I look, you're all I see.  by @in-our-special-place | Cupping_Cakes [M, 950] In that moment, all the pain, the hurt, and the years of separation melted away. It was just the two of them, lost in their own little world. And for Tim, it was all he ever wanted.
💙 Anywhere You Wander, Anywhere You Go  by Anonymous [G, 1K] As he was now, the man he was now - Tim could not deny the longing in his heart. The need to close the distance between them again, to take his heart back into his arms.
Or, another cabin husbands dancing together fic.
💜 cheek to cheek  by vexinganthony💠 [T, 2K] An extremely fluffy one shot about Tim singing at hawk’s behest.
Part 1 of valentine’s month prompts
💗 Unforgettable  by @justviwriting | justviwriting [T, 1K] Hawk and Tim dance together for the first time.
Part 4 of My Fellow Travelers Fanfics
❤️ One Desire  by @lovebunnie | space_kid [T, 1K] Tim instinctively stepped towards Hawk before stopping, "Hawk, I don’t-"
"You said music doesn’t sound the same," Hawk cut in. "I figured… it doesn’t have to sound the same. Let’s make it sound better."
Part 1 of Fellow Travelers Valentine’s Day 202
🧡 Hold Me In Your Arms  by @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) [G, 1K] Tim entices Hawk to dance with him, and then sing for him.
Part 3 of Bravery | Part 1 of FT Valentine's Month
💛 You're the one I want to go through time with. by @in-our-special-place | Cupping_Cakes [E, 773] 'Don't you need me, Skippy?' Hawk said softly.
'I have you,' Tim replied, his voice barely above a whisper.
💚 with your kiss my life begins  by @startagainbuttercup | startagainbuttercup [G, 785] 4 times Tim and Hawk dance.
Part 1 of FT Valentine's Month: how do I love thee, let me count the weeks…
💙 The Way We Danced Till Three by @jesterlesbian | captainquint [M, 2K] “There we go,” Hawk said, as he found the jazz station he often liked to tune into. Billie Holiday crooned through the static, singing They Can’t Take That Away From Me. Hawk tilted the bottle toward Tim in offering, who took it and tossed back a large swig before coughing and spluttering on the sharp taste of the alcohol.
“I don’t know how you do that,” Tim said, shuddering and sticking out his tongue.
Hawk laughed and took the bottle back, placing it on the desk near the radio. “Lots of practice.”
“Dance with me, Skippy?”
Or, Valentine's Day, 1954
Part 1 of FT Valentine's Day 2024
Thanks to all the creators for your wonderful efforts, and to the readers for taking the time to enjoy and share these fics!
Thank you to @fellow-travelers-events for hosting this event. 
Ao3 Collection 💗
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toffeebrew · 1 day
how do you do the tumbex thing? i wanna look at jakeis old art too :D
Being Honest, I don't know how to use it either! So instead, ill just show and tell you what i did.
just a quick note before trying to look through the website TURN YOUR ADBLOCK ON PLEASE- there will be a bunch of nsfw ads if you dont 😭😭
Here you can see I just looked up "cross tumdex". Just click on the link the image os connected to! found a post from 2016 ish era and sometimes older posts get recommended under it including old comics from jakei (and other creators 2!). I've noticed you have to use specific terms to get posts though, like when i searched "cross sans tumbex" i only got more recent tumblr posts.
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also you can find more posts by going through other peoples rbs. Most of the time people were rbing more then one old comic from that era. Because tumbex is a mirror website all reblogs can be found on here as well!! I've been using it to find old posts by searching their user on here and going through their archive.
sorry i couldn't be more help, I'm trying to figure out myself how to use the website LMAO!! There may be some yt videos out there that explain more :'D!!!
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yamata41 · 2 years
Is Hwamyong The Creator Of Bill!Sans? (yes! but actually no)
I’ve seen artists drawing Bill Sans and crediting the creator as Hwamyong, what I assume is that some artists did watch TVSS and saw me credit bill sans’s creator as Hwamyong, which made other people see those drawings and made them think that they are the creator. Well, I’m here to tell you some things about them. Back then when I decided to use Bill Sans in TVSS episode 3, I didn’t know who was the creator, when I searched about it tho, on Tumblr, I saw a few posts drawing bill sans and crediting Hwamyong as the creator, and I easily believed that they were the creator till recently.
The oldest post I could find about bill sans was a drawing of him made way back in 2016, that was the post that made me want to start to do more search about the creator, cause the artist credited Hwamyong as ‘’The design creator’’ more than 4 times! and they did that not as like, an actual AU creator.
Here’s the artist who drew bill sans back in 2016: https://cookienomie.tumblr.com/post/140855891336/sure-it-is-billsans-design-by-hwamyong
It was difficult to find information about them because Hwamyong is gone from the internet, and their Tumblr account was deleted, along with their Twitter account. But fortunately, there is a website called Wayback Machine, I posted Hwamyong’s tumblr link (which the account is deleted, only the link remains) and started searching, the website did have screenshots taken way back in 2015! and honestly, their drawings are amazing! I cannot show their works for obvious reasons, but if you are curious, you can check their works with the method I used. Now, even tho it is cool that we can see they were an artist and they were into Gravity Falls, and making AU’s about it, however! the screenshots start in 2015 and end in 2019, there were no signs of Bill Sans whatsoever in those screenshots.
In conclusion, because of how limited information we have about Hwamyong, I cannot find a clear result, what I am understanding from this is that Bill Sans is just a fun crossover idea with Bill + Sans, made by Hwamyong. There is no Tale, there is no interacting with multiverse or other Sanses like 404, he has no purpose, his AU is not even called GravityTale because there is no AU. So nobody can say anything canon about this crossover, not even Hwamyong themselves cause they only did the design (from the looks of it), nothing else, at the end of the day, it's just a crossover made for fun. These are my thoughts at least. IMPORTANT NOTE! What i would suggest to you is, If you are using Hwamyong’s design for bill sans (which is the commonly used design), just credit them as the design creator, not like an AU creator, but again, you don’t have to even use that design cause there is no canon design, nobody really owns Bill Sans, I think we are safe to say that it belongs to AU Community, you can make your own design of him and Tale.
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wigglebox · 11 months
Hellllewww my tumblr frens! 
I have some art updates to share with y'all which will be starting next week! I also made this post on Twitter.
The tl’dr already is:
Commissions opening up 
Ko-fi tip link
Art goals
Redbubble overhaul
Okay going more into it:
1) Commissions
Beginning next week I will hopefully have my commissions opened. I didn’t go as much into detail on my Twitter but essentially what’s going to happen is I will set up a Google form people can send in whenever they want. However, I’m only working on 5 people at a time. Therefore, the first batch of 5 will be messaged with their place in the line, and then once I’m done with that the next 5 who submitted the form will be messaged etc etc. 
I’ll be making a longer post with prices and how it’s all gonna work etc. next week — but just wanted to let you know that I will be opening commissions soon! I’m really excited! 
2) Ko-fi tip link
Also beginning next week, you’ll start to see [in smol font] on my art posts on here and in the replies of my Twitter posts a link to a ko-fi account. This isn’t for signing up for exclusive content, but is just a tip jar for like $1. 
I debated for a long while if I wanted to set up a bigget paywall with exclusive content but I decided against it simply bc I just don’t want to do that. I don’t have the resources to provide a lot of incentives but also — our wallets are really strapped right now [I know mine is]. I don’t want y’all, even if anyone was interested, having to choose between me or someone else. 
I also just think it’s more accessible for folks — even it it means I may lose out on more money coming my way. 
[this isn’t me shaming artists and my friends who have exclusive content, I just don’t feel like I can or have the willpower for that right now] 
So, just because I am still trying to really save up for a new, bigger, better iPad for my art, I’m going to just add a tip link. Do not feel like you have to tip me, I’m not gonna shame anyone who doesn’t — it’s just gonna be there in case anyone feels like it. But again, I know how hard money is right now to have. 
3) Art goals
My art goals for the next couple of months include getting bang-art done, opening up commissions, but also continuing with the exploration of pixel art and animation. Animation will be easier once I get a new iPad haha, my current little iPad Air is gasping for a break atm. 
So, expect to see a lot more of that! 
I also will be expanding my personal art a little more so I can build a portfolio website! Idk how many folks actually care about my personal art, but since I’m trying to transition into making art into a living, I need a website with original art on it! 
4) Redbubble overhaul
My Redbubble is kind of a mess at the moment with older designs that may not work as well, designs up before I realized how to really color with CYMK, and not a lot of themes or anything like that. 
So, I’m hoping in the next few weeks to get some designs up for Halloween/Spooky season as well as start to work on Christmas things so they’re available on time and before Christmas unlike last year. 
Redbubble won’t be a high income earner for me since I don’t up my share by much since I still want the price to be affordable, however I want to still put some more current designs up for anyone who may be interested. 
So that’s it for now! 
So to recap, no eclusive content subscriptions, just other random ways I’m trying to save up money for a new iPad which includes commissions, a tip jar, and updating my Redbubble.
Obviously I’ll still be posting my doodles sans commissions and Redbubble, so that won’t be going away! 
Thanks for reading! <3 
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battlemaiden13 · 1 year
I actually have a question, well technically 2?? Okay wasn’t 2, I kept thinking and getting ideas. But!!!
1) Are you okay with your characters, plot, stories etc from your fanfics (mainly HND) being Cosplayed? As in people cosplaying like Berry and Syrup like how on tiktok people did Sans, Edge, Fresh, Coffee etc? You okay with cosplays and reacting scenes? Or possibly even fan made scenes? Or them cosplaying they’re YN/MC or what they would wear in different chapters etc?
2) Is drawings of scenes on tiktok? Or again fanmade scenes? Changes or etc? Is it okay? Or like what if scenes? Or like voice acting said scenes or comics or comic dubs??
3) On said note of drawing; when you do the more spicy scenes, are you okay for the nsfw artists to draw it? With a YN or their MC?
4) Are you okay with fanart etc being on more then just Tumblr? Like Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok? Maybe even Youtube?
5) Do ya know how in DnD peoplez make mini scenes from they’re sessions? Or while they roleplay the figures move or the furniture or area changes? Are you okay with that or like doll like in dollhouse type thingy, because I kinda wanna do a figures of the paintball scenes
6) is it okay for people to make fanfics of your fanfics? Or like use your version of characters in they’re own fanfic, for example; take your characters out them in a total different world, but they’re personality etc stay the same, unless needed for certain story ideas like medieval, fantasy, dnd world etc
7) ALSO are you okay with people like making HND, etc, inspired like “merch” in a way?(thoughts on selling, but I’m more of is it okay to make for yourself) Or like making *spoiler kinda* The necklace Mafia gave MC? Mango and MC’s bracelets? Or like Dreams coin necklace? or people making like the boys jackets so it’s the cute “wearing my bf jacket” thing? - or thoughts on people designing tattoos of your fanfic and getting those tattoos? Or just designing tattoos?
Of course for all of these you’d be given credit, tagged, etc- if you have the certain platforms where posted or regardless credited one way or another! And of course have it’s own hashtag so it doesn’t get lost to something completely different like some idea examples: Cosplay wise: # HNDCosplay, HNDBerryCosplay, HNDMCCosplay, etc etc etc and say scenes HNDCannon, HNDFannon, HNDScenesCannon,
It’s just I’m a Cosplayer and I’ve been really wanting to Cosplay your characters, redo scenes in Cosplay format, and I wonder if it’s okay aswell as if others might be wanting too as well or if it’s just a me thing😂 Also sorry it was originally 2 questions that lead to an essay🤣 I really am sorry it’s long, however your story, REALLY helps my creative mind keep getting ideas and I have a lot of hobbies, I also don’t wanna spam you so I try to keep it all in one ask. Sorry again!!! Have a wonderful day and thank you so much for being my inspiration and motivation!!💞💗 ~Long Asks Anom aka 💚𝒯𝒽ℯℴ💚
Woah! This is a lot XD ok lets do this. 
Yeah people can cosplay scenes and characters from my story. I would actually love to see some cosplay scenes or even fanmade ones! And absolutely A-OK with people cosplaying MC. I love seeing different variants of MC!! It’s so cool and interesting to me. So Big Yes to all this
Absolutely!! Love drawing and a-ok with you making fan made scenes or changes! Yes to voice acting and comics and comic dubs! Go nuts. If my writing inspires you, use it! I’d love to see what others make because of my writing. 
Hehehe yes. Go nuts. If a NSFW artist would like to draw them then yes. Hell if they want to draw this now so I can have some inspiration I won’t say no XD
Yeah! Tumblr is just my main platform. I have an Instagram too! But don’t post there at all really. And a TikTok but that’s literally just for watching others' content. As long as you send me a link or something to it here because I’d love to see it more than anything else post wherever you’d like!
If you want to make miniatures, heck yeah! Like that’s awesome! Like little dioramas! That’s so cool honestly. Omg the paintball scene would work so well too! Go for it
YES! I have a few so far on AO3 that have been inspired by HND. I feel like the only skeletons I have claims on are Syrup and Berry though because I accidentally made them. Obviously all other skeletons belong to their original owners but if you like my interpretation of them go for it. Also use Syrup and Berry for whatever. Take them all of them! Then they can be your problem. You can use all the humans too, like Lo, Vanessa or the brothers. I don’t mind
Yes! Again i’d be careful cause obviously most of these skeletons are not mine. They are the respective owners so you’d have to check with them. However the necklace, mango’s friendship bracelet and dreams coin necklace are all fine to make if you want cause I did make them up. The jackets would be based on the other creators (I think most are ok with it from memory but double check) but Syrups you can make. Tattoo designs would be awesome to see!! If people get tattoos on HND that’s on them but I might die. Heck if someone makes a HND tattoo that I love I might get it XD. Currently I have no plans to make merch for HND just cause I never thought of it XD you can make whatever you want for yourself, selling would be fine for now? If I ever make my own in future my stance on that might change though. 
And that’s everything. Like you said please please please tag me so I can see!!! Or even just send it my way.  I love seeing creative works based on my writing. Your suggestions on tags all sound great too. 
I’ve never had a cosplayer want to do scenes from my writing before so that’s very exciting! Don’t apologize, this was great! Bother me anytime! I can’t wait to see what you end up doing!! I’m so pumped!! 
I hope you have a fantastic day Theo!!
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chatxkilluaxnoir · 1 year
I am trying to find these good (and funny to me; at least one of them) Posts about Sans and his character/characterization/portrayals that were really good and found on Tumblr at some point:
But I can’t.  And I am sad about it.
Like, one of the posts, was literally titled (or something very similar to it), “Sans is not Lazy”, and even though I know that name is the name of the post or at least similar to it, I can’t find it at at all (at least not yet), when I search for it.
Probably partially because Tumblr’s Search can suck sometimes.
Anyways, it was a really good post, that shows why Sans isn’t lazy (or as lazy or “lazy” in a Sans way) as some people think.  I just really like that post.  Not that I mind people portraying him as lazy; esp. if it is like, “he is lazy, but in an efficient way”, or showing how he is both parodically hardworking/not lazy and lazy at the same time (Sans is a character that has so many interesting and ofc well-done paradoxes about him, and I love that about him.  I love him), like TGQ (the full name being:  “The Golden Quiche”) does, but I think they do it, makes sense!  And feels in-character.  And without that, I don’t mind it too much, and can defin. still like/love it, and find it in-character and stuff (and also, people can do them and/or have different interpretations and opinions and analyses of characters and stuff and/or etc., and that is fine!; for the most part lmao; to me).  But I still like posts like that and other stuff, showing Sans as not being lazy, the other stuff I mention above about this/that point, and/or etc.  Just stuff like that (sometimes).  :)
If anyone knows what post I am talking about; I am once again (saying once again, because this ain’t my first time asking for help in finding stuff on here) asking for u to link it or something.  Please.
And the other post (and the one I find funny), was the ask to someone saying they couldn’t really pin down Sans’ character/characterization, and they answered going over some (not all ofc, Sans is too complex for that imo) of the more major & “minor” parts of his character.  I don’t completely agree with their anabasis of him, but I like a lot of it, and find it funny.  Or just see himself going, “Yeah, that is accurate”, even for some of the, less “nice” traits of Sans, lol.
Like, some of the way they described Sans was “fake”, “apathetic”, “unemotional”, and etc.  And what makes it even funnier to me, is that a lot of the traits they list off are like that, i.e., traits that can be seen as not very nice (though I think some are very useful and “good” in their own ways), and then they basically end it off with (not including some more quickfire little “trivia” notes about him, which are the things I agree with the least with, at least a couple and/or few of them probably.  Though I do agree with some others) “A good person?”.  And I just find that so funny.  They were basically like this about Sans, “Yes, he is, not the best person in a lot of ways, but I also do think he is a good person? too”.  I just find that hilarious honestly. But also, yes!  Sans is both a (very) flawed person, but I also “a good person?”, or at least does stuff with and/or has good intentions and good reasons for what he does and how he is and/or etc.
Anyways, that post (or like, someone got an ask I think, and did a really long answer to it) is so good, but I can’t find it.  I think I found it at one point by looking up “Sans characterization”, Undertale Sans characterization”, “Sans character, “Undertale Sans character”, or something like that.  But I am not finding it so far again.  And I am also sad about this again.  I even added “good person?” and “a good person?”, along with some other stuff, like Sans, but still, nothing.  Curse Tumblr’s sometimes terrible search.
Like with that other post I am trying to find, if u find this one/one u think is this one/something similar to this, please, let me know!
Thank you!!
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lenne13artblog · 2 years
Hello everyone, yes, I finally did it! I made new free 3D models for the undertale community! Edit: Added a video so people see what's that about =P
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This time, featuring Papyrus and Sans with a brand new face! Yay! Making Papyrus was quite the challenge, haha! The goal is to use them on a Free 3D animation website called Mixamo to create infinite boney references!
Here is the full tutorial on how to use them on Mixamo. Don't hesitate to ask questions if you are lost! Since it is suuuuper long, I'll add it under the cut with extra crediting info and the link to the models!
Here are the links to the 4 models! The ones named "fullanatomy" are naked you are warned. The others are those shown above.
Yes, they are 100% free. The only thing I ask is to respect the hours of work that went into it by crediting me on Tumblr: @lenne13 or @lenne13artblog on Twitter: @LTenkei, or on DA @13-Lenne-13. If you use them on any other platforms, just link any I guess? XD Whatever you are the most comfortable with. The Undertale community is very respectful though, and I never had problems with people using my models without proper credit, I trust you marvelous artist!
If you do a comic, you don't have to credit me on all the pages. Just do it once on your first page; that's more than enough! I'm super curious what'll you'll all do with it! Ah, small precisions. You can use it for nsfw, but please don't tag me in nsfw art. I am an sfw blog, I know you sinners, but there are kids around here =P
You can use those 3D models anywhere, not only in Mixamo, but I wanted to show people how you can use 3D models in Mixamo to create 2D references.
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Don't hesitate to download the full image on google drive to zoom in on it. (I could not upload it in one single image here as it was too long it might be more convenient this way) Using your phone helps too as it’s super easy to zoom on the pics there!
Additional notes: The 3D models have invisible spheres parts on the pelvis and the hands. They are only there because Mixamo doesn't read the models well without them. 
If you plan on using the 3D models for your own 3D project on Maya or Blender, you can just delete those. 
However, if you plan on using 3D clothes with physics on them, you'll need to add more invisible spheres, especially on the chest, because clothes physics and ribs do not mix well AT ALL. I tried >w>
Careful the models don’t have UVs, they are simply painted with Lambert materials if you want custom textures you’ll need to do the UVs. The topology is not too shabby so you should be able to do it easily.
There! That should be all of it!
If you read until there as usual I love you! How about posting three turtle emojis to show me you did! 🐢 🐢 🐢
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woosansang · 2 years
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henlo my beloveds!! i cannot believe that an entire year has passed in which not a single day goes by where i dont think about, listen to, watch, or fawn over (or all of the above) the most amazing group of young artists that i’ve ever had the pleasure of loving.
below the cut you will find some unnecessary emotional babbling about my short but amazing time as an atiny and some words of love to some of the people on this website who have contributed to that happiness. (fair warning: it is really fucking long i am so sorry and i do not expect many people to read it. tags and messages are at the bottom if that’s what you’re here for)
a week or so from today marks my first anniversary of being part of atinyblr, but it was on the fateful day of saturday july 17th 2021 that i watched my very first piece of ateez content and fell head over heels for fireworks!yeosang.
over 6000 tumblr posts later (what can i say? when ya boy obsesses, she oBsESsEs alright), and here we are. tumblr user woosansang who had previously not changed their url for SIX YEARS breaks tradition for Some Guys. smh @ myself at how whipped i am. @/bowtiescarves, you had a good run.
while yeosang captured my attention literally instantly, some of you know how utterly in denial i was about my san bias, which manifested itself within mere days of discovering them, yet it took me over six months to acknowledge how much he affected me. seonghwa joined the bias line second, officially, but then he got kicked out after deja vu because apparently i can’t take him seriously when he’s got pink hair or something idk. anyway, for all of one week i was posting about yeosang, san and seonghwa. and then i discovered inception era wooyoung and my life was basically over then. like. fucking goodbye jazzy lol LOL.
i remember listening to compilations of jongho singing for hours. i remember being so upset that they came to australia back in 2019 before i really even knew what kpop was at all and feeling like i’d missed my chance (cut to me now, kind of considering a wholeass holiday to korea for the sole purpose of seeing them live). i remember watching every. single. thanxx stage. GOD. those first few weeks were wild.
then i made my first ateez gifs. of seonghwa of all people. and since then, i have made more gifs and gifsets in the past year than the previous seven or eight years of being a casual content creator combined. (like i said, i’m insanely obsessed but wcyd)
outside of tumblr, i am a dancer, and after only knowing of ateez for a few weeks, my sister (who introduced me to them) and i decided that we were going to cut together a mashup song and learn a bunch of their choreographies to perform at our dance school’s annual concert in 2021. lockdowns and restrictions meant that we ended up learning and teaching this dance to our friend almost entirely online, and if i’m being completely honest here, our ateez dance was one of the only things that kept me happy during all the time spent stuck at home. like. combine dance and my current hyperfixation and you get one happy jazzy. we weren’t perfect by any means, but i was so so proud of our little trio for what we managed to accomplish (i think most of you have already seen my dance but if you want, you can dm me and i’ll send you the link if you want to watch!). our dance was ridiculously well recieved by the audience and i cannot remember ever being happier on stage then when i was performing to ateez’s music. it’s wild how serotonin works hey.
the past year of my life has been hectic, especially this last six months with my new job, and ateez has been the main thing that’s kept me going strong this whole time. they make me so happy, and the friends i have made through them make me so happy as well <3 i am so grateful that i found them and fell in love with them when i did <3
if you read all of that.... wow im so sorry i dont know how to be concise to save my life bsdhfbsd
now because i am me and i am physically incapable of keeping things short and sweet, there are just a few people that i want to say some stuff to that i’m sure they already know but i’m a sap so i’m gonna say it again. behold:
@hwanswerland fio bro idk what to say here tbh you know we are both too awkward and stupid for saying nice things to each other but i guess i have to bc i like you or something </3 fr though you know i do love talking to you, i love sending you stupid shit and bad hwa screenshots and random photos i find on twitter that either i’ve cried over or i know you will cry over. i love how we revel in each other losing our minds over some guys. and i also love how easy it has always been to be real with you, how well we clicked when we first started talking and how much i love waking up to random text essays from you overnight. thank you for listening to my bullshit and giving me your own right back. thank you for understanding my dislike of exclamation marks. thank you for being someone who actually likes to communicate about things if we ever take issue with something or just need clarification because we’re being stupid about some feelings or whatever. thank you for being you. i dont remember how we even became friends but i’m incredibly thankful that it happened. i guess. idk. you’re boring and i hate you. that’s more like it <333333
@sanhwaiting megan <3 beloved <3 bubble tea buddy <3 evil demon friend <3 we havent talked as much lately since we are such busy bees but i love you all the same! thank you especially for being such a kind and welcoming presense in atinyblr when i first stuck my toes into this fandom, for helping me with random cc stuff, for being such a sweet and constant presence in my notifs, for sending me so much stuff that i had to create tags just to keep track of my own suffering </3 i miss our little chats and i hope we can get back to them soon <333 ilysm <3
@hwanwooyoung chey my dearest, i hope you are having an amazing day today because you deserve the world <3 i self proclaimed myself as your emotional support mutual and while i don’t always manage to hold up that promise, i hope you know that i’m subconsiously sending you love and support every day! you’re such a beautiful person and i just want the universe to see that and give you everything you want in life <3 ilysm beloved, thank you for always being there for me <3 <3 <3
@ocean-dreamer-sky-chaser elise beloved!! i love you so much my love <3 im so glad we accidentally became friends lmao i love that i can leave rants in your dms whenever i need to and that we both feel comfortable enough to have deep and meaningful conversations and help each other out, or simply support each other and know we have each others’ backs. and also then i can come screaming about being on my knees for woosan just to have you go “same *faints*” HDSFJHSDK also love that we are both into fic lol it’s nice to have someone helplessly flailing with me about it <3333
@applejongho anne i think you’re just about the coolest person i know. even though we’ve only started talking properly quite recently, you’ve always been an awesome precense in atinyblr and i absolutely love how easy it is to chat to you about the most random shit. also MATH BUDDY LETS GO NERDS <33
@hanjesungs jay, although not really that deep in atinyblr anymore, you remain an awesome friend with knowledge on the most obscure things that i come to you to talk about, whether that be some random ass stage jisung did a year ago or how to build a computer from scratch, you always seem to know exactly what i need lmfao. thank you for teaching me about skz!! you and a few others truly opened my eyes to how fucking awesome they are. we should do another watch sesh soon <3 thank you for also always being there at whatever random hour i start vagueposting on tumblr, you show up in my messages with your love and support and distractions and i love you for it. you really need to get to bed at a reasonable time one of these days though HJDFSJDHF LOVE YOU <3
@blueberrysan shay!!! i love you so much <333 tbh, you are the heart of my life as an atiny, no doubt. you are the sweetest most precious angel and i wish we talked more but we’re both so stupidly shy it’s almost annoying sdjfsd thank you for also introducing me to svt and mr yoon jeonghan! i can’t thank you enough for all of the sweet messages and asks you’ve sent me, the little gifts here and there that i treasure. you’re so fucking lovely shay and i am so glad i am priviliged enough to know you <3 <3 <3
@hyunfelix dani im so glad we found each other again after being mutuals via stranger things without even talking to each other and then somehow being into some of the same kpop groups like a year or two later??? crazy how that happened. we need to come up with some kind of phonecall schedule lmao because we’re always missing each other being online but i love talking to you so much, it’s kind of like talking to myself but with an american accent BHSABD ilysm <3 text me again sometime pls <3333
a smol and special mention to sofie @seonghw-a and simi @yuggietual for the yeotent that i first found when searching for ateez content on tumblr lol, you guys were probably the first ccs i followed on here so you’re my og atinyblr crushes i guess sbdfjhf thanks for all your service to the yeo stans of this world <3
also a smol and special mention goes to the amazing work done by romi @songmingki providing atinys everywhere with content that we would not otherwise be able to access. i thank you internally every time i watch, save, gif, or simply drool over something you’ve uploaded. thank you so much <3
some other beloveds who i haven’t really spoken to much but deserve an honourable mention for making atiny and atinyblr incredible are @97choi @abiaswreck @ateezbiased @bvlnoriyas @dejawoos @jeongyunho99 @mangomingki @ortali @sanshine @seonghwaminho @soppa @lee--felix @woojoongz @wouyoung @xuseokgyu (i am so so sorry if i forgot anyone, it’s late and my brain is fried today)
last but not least, any non-mutuals who happen to be reading this, hi hello thanks for following my insane journey through stanning these silly, talented, gorgeous boys. i hope to stay here for a long time <3
thanks for coming to my ted talk. keep stanning ateez everyone <3
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dwellerinroots · 1 year
6 questions
This post brought to you by @thana-topsy; cheers for tagging me! Hopefully you'll get a few chuckles out of it..!
RULES: answer the questions then tag some folx you want to get to know better/catch up with.
Last Song: Like a lot of you here, I listen to a lot of game music; in general, ambient music is my preferred music for work/writing, since in the field it's easier to hear people talking if there isn't someone else talking... And for writing, words just get distracting. Anyway, I'm cheating here, a bit... Song ft. Vox; Air - Sex Born Poison (the line 'Prince from the Biomass' lives rent free in my head) Song sans Vox; Desiderii Marginis - The Sweet Hereafter (just full of feelings mostly...) Song (gaming games for gamers); Chapter 1 Epilogue, Limbus Company (I'm a huge fan of this company's works. They're very literary and just the right level of obtuse. But even still, what a wild ride this was... Oh, spoilers I suppose...)
Last Show: Television? Anime? What are those? Haha, no, I kid, I kid. I just generally place anything I can't consume at my own pace pretty low, you know..? Let's see, uh... I think it was old Sailor Moon. Dubbed, of course. The only way to watch.
Currently Watching: Isn't this really the same questions as above? Gawoaoaoh!? How am I supposed to answer?! I'm in a pickle, the last movie I watched, uh, hrmn, uh... Probably a horror film, probably Body Count, 1986. I'd link the trailer, but I think it's probably too much for tumblr dot com. You should look it up, though, horror is so dumb. (I say, affectionately.)
Currently Reading: Due to life having kicked my teeth so hard I'm talking through my gums, right now, I've mostly just been reading whatever I can take with me to work, so material literature only. Sorry, I'm luddite. I'm on my nth re-read of The Alexiad, and it angers me so much that a certain power is trying to - take the legacy of Ana Komnena (dreamy sigh) for their own. I've also been thumbing through my local birder's guide, as well as a book of regional mushroom varieties. I'm preparing. Also the Making of Doom 3 design book to cross-reference things. What else, hrmn... A friend of mine picked up a pulp sci-fantasy bundle, and it made me want to re-read The Dungeon series. But there's a lot in it, more then I can recommend here, so poke me if you want questionably-written swords, sandals, lasers, and who-knows-what-else recommendations.
Current Obsession: I feel a bit bad, I don't really obsess over - wait, wait, re-do. My WIFE (fictional) [hoarse croaking] More seriously, I don't really obsess over any one media. I love everything lots, and tend to go back to things that I didn't love 'the most' and revisit them even if they were only somewhat important to me. Similarly, even when I love a media, medium, or idea, it's somewhat at a distance. I realise that's quite disappointing to people, but I'm kind of laid-back. Always have been. Let's see if I can still find an interesting answer to this one, though... Oh, actually, it's not an obsession, but I'm obsessed in trying to promote it? The problem is, it's entirely - I feel like if you aren't a child of slavic descent who had bootleg consoles and enjoyed faerie tales and mushrooms, it's probably a hard sell, ahaha... Mushroom Musume is hard to describe. It's the perfect game for people who might have roughly time for one (1) level in ye old Boomer Shooter, but are feeling in the mood for faerie tales. And that's basically what it is; a faerie-tale simulator. It can be a light-hearted, even treacle-sweet story, one that's a little scary, something dark or melancholy, or a combination of all of the three. Sometimes, things that feel like failures are unique steps in that story that turn new pages; and this, combined with the incredible amount of choice and options available, makes it one of the coolest indie games I've stumbled upon. The score is hauntingly beautiful, the art and writing are divine, and short of mystical birds, it's got basically everything I grew up with. (Now one of the devs'll poke me that there are, in fact, mystical birds, probably.) You start as a recluse hermit, raise a mushroom-hominid as your daughter, and then play as said myconoid, just trying to live life. It's a simple joy of a game, and one I'll recommend to my dying breath.
Unrelated Obsession Stuff I've Been Doing: Again, sorry, I'm not really - even the stuff I love, I'll be like, well, 'that's enough of that, then, time to do something else' bahahahaha...
Re-playing Doom 2016; I'm looking forward to Routine, since apparently Mick Gordon did the score for it, and I thought the project was dead. There are still some flaws I have with it as a whole, but it's good fun.
Occasionally playing Civilisation... 3. With Rise and Rule. Listen, my entire family loves turn-based strategy. I really like how Civ 3 and ESPECIALLY R&R handled climate change, yeah? Complexity is often good. Also, I like games I can play for a few turns, thirty minutes over a cuppa, and then save and quit. I know the joke is 'one more turn' but for me it's 'ah, perfect for a lunch break.'
My cousin threatened said that we'll be playing GAUNTLET: DARK LEGACY on the nintendo gamecub (r) (tm) this weekend assuming that bit rot hasn't taken it's toll. It may not be a 'good' game. But if you're telling me you don't hear this and get amped...
Keeping friends and family from further complicating things in their lives.
Faffing about with writing; I'm also a read/writing mode only person, and if I have to choose between reading fics or writing, the latter wins out. If I don't spill a tiny amount of blood/ink I instantly explode, it's known. Ideally, people will make better decisions into the future and I will have more time. But if not, at least we'll always have TES...
Please don't feel obligated to do this sort of thing, but if you wanna have at it... I'll tag @zombiecatboys, @kulgen, @pikkish, @expended-sleeper, @totally-not-deacon, @beloved-lady-alma, @lyriumspectre, @thattalviel and anyone else who might possibly want it. Legitimately, I've never been good at telling what the proper etiquette is, especially when I'm like - 'wowowowowowo! quizzes awesome!' but know how - tiring that can get, bahaha!
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tsuki-sennin · 1 year
New form~! ...or I guess, to be more accurate (in my opinion at least), the rest of the new form~!
(Fucking Tumblr deleted my post just as I was making it, smh)
Anyways, Spoilers, I guess~!
-Geatsing Time
-Oh no, I sure hope Ace doesn't die before the opening credits!
-Keiwa and Neon with the save!
-Run, boy!
-He's awake!
-"Whoa man, you look terrible. Do you get injuries in the future too?"
-Deathless behavior.
-I find it very interesting how they flipflop between "era" and "world" when talking about the differences between Ziin and Ace.
-Learning the fear of human loss, huh buddy?
-Oh fuck, Nobunaga. ...are we talking Core Medals, a little bitch, a Parka Ghost, or Akira Date?
-...I don't wanna imagine him in the DGP, that's an implication I don't wanna imagine.
-Iulius Caesar.
-I have to say, the actor they got to play "A" certainly looks the part of a young Mediterranean lad from that era.
-It's definitely a Lord of Dark Odio-type situation.
-Oh fuck, Kekera.
-And Keiwa too, he's here!
-Keeps getting that coin.
-...certainly a lot to take in.
-"I die. I come back. It happens."
-We know of five major incarnations of "A". The (presumed) original, Garfield, Yakumo, Li, and of course our boy Ukiyo.
-Certainly five lives aren't enough for two thousand years, so that leaves us with far more questions than we've had before. How many wars has he fought in that weren't DGP related? How many languages has he spoken, how many spouses or kids did he have? How many friends or favorite foods or books has he read? Did he ever cross paths with non-DGP Riders before the movie? Or hell, how many times has Ace lived as woman or even an animal?
-Certainly five lives aren't enough for two thousand years, so that leaves us with far more questions than we've had before. How many wars has he fought in that weren't DGP related? How many languages has he spoken, how many spouses or kids did he have? How many friends or favorite foods or books has he read? What kind of day jobs did he have? Hell, how many times has Ace lived as woman or even eschew gender altogether? Did he ever cross paths with non-DGP Riders before the movie?
-All we can do is speculate.
-Ohhhhh, Ziin...
-I'm gonna be honest, I'm really enjoying Suzuki-san's performance, it's quite compelling.
-They say "Never meet your heroes", but...
-Oh boy, here comes the bad guys.
-Hey, Niram. Y'know that Driver of yours lets you fight too, right? I mean, Beroba's far more competent than Chirami could ever dream of being, but she's a teenage girl and you're a grown-ass man and obviously far more experienced in fighting than she is. You could very easily put her in gay baby jail if you show a little initiative.
-Shaddup Neon, he's finally doing something!
-Oh man, this is great.
-I'm being spoiled with these untransformed fights.
-"He doesn't need protecting, does he?" THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING
-Going for the jackpot, huh Neon?
-"Come, Geats!"
-I have to wonder how much of Yakumo Eisu is in there.
-Oooooh, Gigant Time! Been a while.
-Hammer Time?
-Time to dance, Commander.
-Oh, speaking of gay baby jail.
-Boost Mark Two!
-Y'know, I'm starting to think Niram got sick of me complaining and is legally shutting me up.
-Irritating man! That's Ace for ya!
-Save your oshi, Ziin-kun!
-He's awake now!
-Ooooooh, that's a nice standby loop.
-"Move over here, please."
-Dual On!
-Hyper Link!
-Oooooooooh, that's saucy!
-Laser Boost! Ready, Fight!
-Yeah, that's a good one.
-"You like my colors?"
-Jet Lagged!
-Saa... koko kara Highlight da! :)
-Oooooh, those're some spicy effects.
-Oh, okay, he's just
-Psychic now.
-Boost Time!
-Ooooooh, theme's playing, it's real now!
-Second half too~!
-Man, this is so chaotic, I love it.
-Finish Mode!
-Laser Boost Victory!
-She is down.
-See you later, Granny Gotham.
-I see Buffa doesn't appreciate his fans very much.
-"This Driver is mine now."
-All's Well That Ends Well?
-Awww, Ziin :)
-"You're my Number 1 Fan, lad."
-"Hmmmm... You lied to us, stole my power, and have the nerve to run your mouth off at me? How adorable."
-...he knows he needs the fingerprint authentication, right?
-"Bleeeeh. Hmph."
-I think Goddess Lady's a bit displeased with you, Michinaga.
-Right, next episode.
-Oh no, they're ruining her birthday. That's an unforgivable crime.
-"Surprise Bull-fighting Game", well it was nice knowing you Michinaga.
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mysteryman-17 · 2 years
I honestly don't have the drive to write up the associated dialogue for this one right now (have been prepping some other stuff outta order,) but I'll try to come back to it at some point!
Time’s End is an AHIT/Undertale crossover AU of sorts, taking place in the aftermath of a timeline where you lose the final boss fight against Mustache Girl. You can find the write-up here! In addition to the AO3 link being updated with lots of new material, you can also find the write-ups for the Neutral Endings and TimeWarp Route requirements over on Google Docs! The logo for Time's End was designed by @bittybattybunny. She's an incredible artist, be sure to check out their work here on Tumblr and over on Twitter!!
Mustache Girl takes on a hybrid Asgore and Asriel role, and her Palace acts as the New Home replacement. Hat Kid also takes the role of Sans. Bow Kid has come a long way by this point in the story, and as she makes her way through the labyrinth to Mu and her Time Pieces (her final step to being able to go home,) many of the people of this world are there to greet our protagonist. We may know the basics of what got everyone in this mess, but much like UT itself, here is where the ill-fated clash between Mu and Hat Kid is unveiled to its full extent.
Get Lost (modified)
Main Theme/Title Screen
Time Rift Story Book (Synth Jam)
Alternate Death Wish Time Sphere Loop (scrapped AHIT track)
The End (chords)
So... my first ever Track 71 replacement, and it's the one for Time's End (and will prolly be the longest single track posted for this AU to boot!) Wish I'd been able to finish this in time for Undertale's 7th anniversary, but oh well. Consider this my late contribution to the party! XD Also ye, I didn't wanna just go with "haha track 71's name is the same as the AU name," so I came up with smth different lol. Anyhow. The variety of motifs for Mustache Girl and Hat Kid in AHIT proper are... well, rather lacking when it comes to building a track like this to say the least, especially as far as the latter is concerned. Judge Jury and Executioner also just wasn't gonna cut it as a melody this time though I did use some of its general stylings in the backing, so I had to REALLY play around with the motifs I used to get things to fit the vibe I wanted here - including another modification of Get Lost as the "Memory" stand-in. I even included an essentially original motif that I made a year ago from building on top of Time Rift Story Book's very basic chords. The results definitely paid off here though, and I'm incredibly happy with how this turned out! The particular key change I did on the final section was very much a happy accident, and so many things just wound up coming together far nicer than I first thought, especially where my most bonkers motif choices are concerned. (Btw yes, considering how simple it is, this means I'll try to do the Memory replacement fairly soon-ish.) All my ramblings aside though, I hope you guys enjoy! :)
You can also listen to this track in high quality on the AU’s SoundCloud here! (Recommend it with this one moreso than any other track I’ve posted so far. Had to REALLY squash the bitrate, in comparison to the raw WAV file on SC, to make Tumblr take it due to the sheer length XP)
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