#will furudate ever stop being amazing
THIS WEEK I don’t really have any specific to say, there were just lots of random moments that I loved so here we go!!
1) I loved this little montage of kuroken having fun so much!! Knowing that Kenma was a little hesitant at first and then showing signs of enjoying the tactical aspect of volleyball is just so cute! And them petting the lil cat!!!! 
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2) Kuroo being a shy kid shows how much Furudate cares about their characters and their growth. When Nekomata lowered the net for them and said something along the lines of enjoying the game being the most important and Kuroo REMEMBERS THAT MOMENT TO THIS DAY and then, knowing how he used to feel as a kid, [SPOILER ALERT] wants to make other people enjoy volleyball the way he did when he becomes a idk (checks smudged writing on hand) volleyball salesman?! Unmatched.
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3) Noya-san you’re so cool oh my god
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5) These expressions in a row seem so chaotic, but make so much sense ugh (also can’t wait to see this animated)
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7) Kageyama? Apologizing???? In this economy?????
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8) GOD another Iconic panel. Furudate slow it down we only have so much time!
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9) My cat does this sometimes
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10) Panel that I want to see animated pt. 247897
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Absolutely amazing piece of art of my Digimon OCs I requested from the ever-so-lovely and pleasant, @makkiah-draws (seriously you have no idea how happy this made... (❁´◡`❁)❤️🌟🍎🐧), please give them a follow and like on their respective platforms to show them your support! Anyways... these are my OCs from my own little Digimon AU/story, Akasa Oginome 「荻野目赤佐」 and her "partner", Kiran the Impmon 「キラン」, or in my case for him, my little fan-variant of him, "Impmon Rascal" 「インプモン ラスカル」 (basically, a little sword-wielding Impmon, or a toy sword that he's wielding based around the Long Sword from the Digimon World 4/X game), I do have a whole fan variant evolution-line made up for him! Strangely... he remembers that he has a name, but nothing much else... he's just one of the Digimon that follow her around the "Digital World", as I have few more but I kinda wanna make this short and simple. ^^'
Kiran may still keep some of the traditional quirks of an ordinary Impmon, but he usually likes to playfully pretend to be a "Noble Knight", protecting the weak and his Princess/Prince, though he can be a bit of an cowardly lion and a crybaby, I.E going against a bigger Digimon, knowing full well that he might get his butt handed to him, but he doesn't let that stop him from protecting Akasa and friends! Little tidbit, even throughout his evolution line, ending at my variation of an certain tall (albeit... "big 💪"), dark, and handsome biker... Kiran is more so a sweet-tooth than an meat eater, and secretly likes to be held, or digivolves to flip it around to hold you. u///u Which Akasa (+CO.) usually likes to poke fun at him for, teasingly calling him her "Little Prince"... u///u She may not "show" much, but she secretly has a penchant for pranks, even so more than Kiran, but ones that borderline on the surreal/absurd (I.E, like Mai Minakami's pranks for Nichijou). Usually to get a reaction out of them for fun... ^^'
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Decided to include the original just cause, made through an old flash game of an Digimon character creator, as I really can't draw worth jack... (wish I could -.-') Her Digivice would be based around the Smartphone Digivice from Last Evolution Kizuna, her smartphone having changed into a Digivice upon waking up in the Digital World.
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Akasa's name and outfit drawing some inspiration from a multitude of sources I love, her last name, Oginome, in particular being from an anime that's near and dear to me... Mawaru Penguindrum, with her outfit bearing some similarities to Heather Mason from Silent Hill 3. In some ways, her outfit sharing a somewhat-similar color scheme to both her and Ringo Oginome's respective outfits? Though "shorts" underneath are supposed to be black leggings under her skirt, considering the flash game was from all the way from 2012 (feel old yet?)... had to make some adjustments. >>' I kinda originally imagined her with lavender hair, à la Rika Furude from Higurashi, but thought this made her stand out a bit much, as I wanted her to seem... "normal" to say? Kiran in the pic is wearing a small black, sleeveless hoodie and shorts his size, with his neckerchief being a red scarf he covers himself with, underneath it as bears similar scars/markings like Beelzebumon/Beelzemon from Xros Wars. As he would state, saying he felt a little... "naked" for some odd reason.
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Anyways, this post is long enough as is, just wanted to share this and the artist here, once again, please give them a follow to support their work! ^u^
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Y’all please don’t hate me for this.
I just want to talk about Terushima real quick.
Before we start, a PSA: I’m not defending his and behavior in any way, just trying to get a different message across.
TW: I mention rape.
So all the hate for Terushima that I see in the fandom stems from what he did to Kiyoko, continuing to flirt with her without her consent.
That was not a good thing to do and isn’t a good example to set for people.
Bad Terushima!! Bad!! *spritzes with spray bottle*
But what I’m trying to say is that we shouldn’t make his character someone he’s not.
I see content creators hating on Terushima and saying stuff like “Omg I’m so sure he would rape me if we ever met.”
Terushima is not a rapist. He has never explicitly touched someone without their consent.
He sort of backed Kiyoko into a bit of a corner while he was flirting with her, but he never put his hands on her or touched her.
Please please don’t hate me for what I’m gonna say next. I’m not in any way hating on this character.
Tanaka is safe. He is our respectful king. The most flirting he ever did was offer to carry her bag
But remember when Noya first came back to the club?
The minute he saw her, he straight up pounced on her.
And I’ve seen people try to justify it by saying “Oh he’s her friend! She’s completely comfy with that!”
For those people, I’m asking you to go back and watch that scene again, watch her face and actions.
Did she look comfy?
But I’m not hating on Noya in any way. It’s obvious Kiyoko considers him a friend and is comfortable being with him, other than those actions. Which he probably later stops when Tanaka marries her.
Noya is also an amazing character and one of my faves in the series. His actions that one time don’t take much away from the fact that he’s a lovely character.
So what I’m really saying, is that you shouldn’t reduce Terushima’s entire character and spread lies about him based on one event.
The problem I see with Terushima is kind of similar to the Denki-Mineta parallel in BNHA.
People compare Denki to Mineta saying that they are both perverts when this really isn’t true.
Denki Kaminari is a flirt. He has a character outside of flirting with people and he’s a genuinely nice person who hasn’t done anything without consent.
Mineta has never gotten consent and does things that are sexual harassment and his entire character is just perversion.
Terushima falls on the Denki side of the spectrum. He’s a flirt, but he’s a character outside of that.
Let’s go more into his character.
He’s in Class 7, meaning college prep. It’s the highest class number out of everyone in the series. Meaning he’s just a giant-ass nerd.
The tongue piercing is the tongue piercing.
Now look at these:
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(They obvi aren’t mine, credits to Furudate) He can’t rape you y’all! He has the attention span of a literal toddler and likes DBZ!!
He also does respect women to a certain extent. Look at how he treats the managers!!
And he has TWO elder sisters.
He was such a nerd in high school, but then he became a hairdresser.
In conclusion, Terushima Yuuji is not a rapist. He is a very energetic high school volleyball captain and complete nerd who likes DBZ and doing peoples hair.
What he did that time is wrong, but don’t ever reduce his character to exclusively that. Every character and person has their ups and downs, making them balanced. He’s just another one. He shouldn’t flirt with people without consent.
I also do understand that he might be a character who brings up some uncomfy memories for some of you and that’s why you don’t like him. That’s perfectly fine!!
But to all of you, who slander him and say he’s a rapist without any reason to or do so because other people do, I am respectfully telling you to go fuck yourselves. Thank you for your time.
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rhetorical-ink · 4 years
Haikyuu!! Observations: Ushijima x Sakusa, Ft. Komori and Tendo
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Okay, am I about to dive into a lengthy post about why UshiSaku may be endgame in Haikyuu!! and how Tendo may be the best wing man for it all? 
Uhm, yes. Yes, I am, so bear with me. 
I’ve been stewing on this for a while now, so there’s a lot to cover in this post.  Let’s dive in!
Ushijima and Sakusa’s Parallels
Okay, first things’s first -- let’s talk about Ushijima, Sakusa, and the parallels the Manga has made with them. Starting with their views of Shoyo Hinata.  Let’s begin with Ushijima. While the stereotypical characterization of Ushijima is to make him completely stoic and unfeeling, Ushijima DOES have emotional responses, especially in the manga -- for example, his reaction on the court to Hinata is MUCH stronger than I believe the anime shows:
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This is developed further in the Shiratorizawa vs. Karasuno match -- as Ushijima struggles with the fact that Hinata is not a skilled player -- he just has natural athleticism and his actions are half “luck” and half the gutsy collaboration of his actions alongside the “reckless” and “wild” other players of Karasuno.
This idea of “luck,” interestingly enough, will come back with Ushijima nearly 200 chapters later...but we do establish here, that Ushijima is the type of person that admires and respects strength, and efforts that are backed by natural talent and disciplined training. It’s only natural that Hinata frustrates him, because at this point in the manga, Hinata and “disciplined training” aren’t exactly words that go together (more on that below).
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Verrry similarly, Sakusa has no room for people who lack discipline, though his “discipline” relates more to personal health than just physical preparation for a game. This comes in direct focus in a flashback during the Black Jackal vs Adlers game, when it shows Sakusa first meeting Hinata. Unlike Ushijima, it doesn’t seem like he “hates” Hinata, just has absolutely no desire to be around someone that lets themselves get sick...and he only allows himself to be open to Hinata as a teammate after Hinata expresses that he has indeed grown up since High School. 
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The manga also points to parallels of how they handle defeat, showing both Ushijima remaining proud and quiet after their loss to Karasuno, only quietly declaring to Hinata and Kageyama that he would “beat” them again --
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While with Sakusa, he’s more vocal in his musings about losing, in Chapter 368 stating that it would hurt more to be pitied, especially when you did all you could do, and still suffered a defeat. Itachiyama losing their setter could be viewed as “bad luck” in the final set, but Sakusa points to luck not having so much bearing as just it being the result of fate and unstoppable forces in the moment. Ever the realist, Sakusa...(again, more on “luck” below). 
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Sakusa objectively presents the fact that they lost in very simplistic, albeit nihilistic terms, and similarly, Ushijima doesn’t shy away from using objective information and putting things in simplistic terms without hyperbole. This can be seen through his conversation with Goshiki below. 
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Ushijima and Sakusa’s “Type”
So, if we’re going to even possibly ship these characters together...does it work? It becomes clear, through the manga and anime, though that both Ushijima and Sakusa admire players who are powerful, can present a legitimate challenge to them, and therefore spurn them to become stronger players, too. 
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Both Ushijima and Sakusa are portrayed as incredibly strong right out the gate in the manga, which makes sense as both are in the Top Three Aces for high school volleyball. However, unlike Kiryu (the #2 Ace that is depicted as more down-to-earth, friendly, compassionate, and relatable to our other protagonists), both Sakusa and Ushijima have “colossal protagonist” vibes -- seeming larger than life, incredibly stoic, and emotionally distant to others on their team, even if they are around them constantly. 
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And then, concerning Sakusa...there’s the infamous Chapter 394. 
If anything has established what Sakusa’s “Type” would be, it would be these two panels. Ushijima is checking off all of the boxes for Sakusa: Understands personal hygiene? Check. Someone offering Sakusa a challenge as a competitor, and motivating him to keep moving forward and practicing? Check!
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Chapter 394 answers many questions, and points us to the observation of: 
Sakusa’s “Pining”
Furudate, we see Sakusa lazer-focused on Ushijima from the other side of the court...you’re not fooling us:
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Hey, remember where the mystery of Sakusa and Ushijima’s relationship began? Waaaaay back, after the Shiratorizawa match, after the Fukurodani/Nekoma matches; at the start of the National Japan training camp that Kageyama attended in Chapter 209. 
A camp, where it was noted by Karasuno, that Ushijima had been the chosen representative of their prefecture for at least the last year.
And who is the first person Kageyama runs into at this camp?
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And the first thing Sakusa states isn’t a proper greeting, it’s not about how they beat Shiratorizawa...it’s how the team “somehow” beat WAKATOSHI-KUN. 
The next time we get interactions from Sakusa, he immediately jumps on the offensive, DEMANDING to know who the player was that led to Shiratorizawa’s downfall:
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It’s interesting that Kageyama implies the “entire” team was responsible for Ushijima’s defeat on the page before this one below, but of course, Kiyoomi does not pick up on this. Then, leave it to Komori to come in with the save. Again, tying Kiyoomi to being a “realist,” which will come into play below.
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So, it isn’t until Chapter 394 that we learn about Sakusa’s long-standing history of playing Ushijima in various matches, developing this competitive rivalry with him that has been going on since middle school. Ushijima is literally the one obstacle that he finds himself unable to surpass; the one piece of the puzzle he can’t put into place yet.
It’s no wonder the fact that someone defeated him irked him so much. 
We get a little more context from Komori on Sakusa and Ushijima’s rivalry, and more on the flashback on their Nationals loss which will tie into my last point. 
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Motoya Komori
I would be remiss not to bring up Motoya Kamori’s role in all this.
I think it’s verrrrrry interesting the route Furudate chose with Komori, specifically in revealing that he’s Kiyoomi’s cousin. 
This makes a LOT of sense, considering how closed off and antisocial Sakusa is. It justifies not only why Komori is so keen to stick by Sakusa’s side, despite his seeming apathy towards his presence, but it also justifies why Kiyoomi even sticks with Komori: he really doesn’t have a choice. Komori’s family.
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Side Note: Ever get the impression that Komori and Kageyama could be a fun friendship/pairing? I mean, the top setter and top libero? Komori seems genuinely friendly with Kageyama, both at the training camp and when they see each other at Nationals, commenting on Sakusa being out of his element...
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...Juuuuust a crack pairing side note! Spread the word! Now, back to the post!
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Komori becomes our main expositor about Sakusa in Chapter 394, noting how osbsessive compulsive he is, especially in finishing anything he starts. It’s just an odd choice for me, to make Komori his cousin. True, it goes against the stereotype that all family HAS to look or act like each other, and it does make sense to why their friendship is so strong. 
It’s just a move that Furudate hasn’t pulled the entire manga, and it comes right at the end of the series...and it disrupts Furudate’s tactic of giving us characters in “pairs” that, as some reactors have noted, are ripe for instant shipping. 
Coincidentally, right as we start to make connections between Sakusa and Ushijima. It’s almost as if Furudate sank the Komori x Sakusa ship with revealing their relationship, just in time to reveal the answer to our mystery of why Sakusa refers to Ushijima in such a familiar way...and let that ship sail. How poetic.
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Also, if you wanted to know WHY Komori is so good at being a libero, look at this page below. I mean, if YOU had to practice non-stop with the Top Ace in the nation, receiving his spikes, you can only imagine that you’d be amazing at the sport. 
I also like how this page points out how, despite Sakusa also having a physical trait that makes him stand out -- like Ushijima -- in contrast, it seems Sakusa’s “oddity” was instantly accepted among his peers and he didn’t face much resistance to it. Of course, this also could be because Komori notes Sakusa wasn’t close with his “much older” and “much busier” family. 
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Tendo’s Friendship
And, tying this all together, of course, is Tendo’s involvement. 
I love chapter 176 and this part of the anime, where we actually get backstory on Ushijima. I love that Tendo is pretty much his “true” friend in this series, as he actually is one of the few at Shiratorizawa to take the time to ask questions and get to know Ushijima.
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Chapter 176 is a big source of material for people shipping Tendo and Ushijima together, and I’ll be honest -- until Sakusa came into the picture, I was right there with you all. Tendo shows genuine concern and sincerity in his conversations with Ushijima off the court, and on the court, he’s practically the ONLY character on Shiratorizawa’s team, and in the whole manga (other than Oikawa) that calls Ushijima out and isn’t afraid to tease him. 
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Of course, in the end, Tendo is just as impressed and in awe of Ushijima’s raw athletic talent. It’s likely this page that fuels a lot of the ship:
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And, even later on, Ushijima borrows Tendo’s words to reveal to the team how much he’s enjoying the match, much to their surprise and Tendo’s delight. 
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So yes, Chapter 176 I believe started the UshiTen ship, and it does become more compounded in the infamous “Boy Ball Arc” before Spring Nationals, as we learn in Chapter 210 about Tendo and Ushijima’s friendship off the court in more detail; one example being them sharing Shonen Jump magazines...
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...and another being that they hang out during the practice matches, with Tendo being pretty much the only one talking to Ushijima in a casual setting. 
I’d like to point out that while some see this in Chapter 214 below as a “ship” moment, I did start to question if the two were just friends when Tendo likens Ushijima to a “monster” like Hinata and Kageyama. To me, this banter reveals that Tendo, ironically referred to as a monster himself, doesn’t put himself in the same league or category as Ushijima. This is also reflected in how Tendo notes he’s not pursuing volleyball after high school, but hopes that Ushijima ends up becoming famous and interviews him as his best friend.
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And this leads to the final point, which I think cements Tendo’s status as Ushijima’s best friend...but nothing more. Maybe. Perhaps. We’ll see.
We get the reveal in Chapter 395 that during Ushijima’s first few years post-high school, he didn’t constantly keep in contact with Tendo. We know this because Ushijima hasn’t mentioned his trip to the United States to Tendo, which had happened three months prior. So some time has passed there.
Of course, that doesn’t mean Tendo hasn’t kept caught up on Ushijima’s Pro Volleyball career, as that’s his reason for calling Ushijima in the first place. 
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I like that Tendo offers Ushijima advice and genuinely asks how his family is doing, specifically his father, whom Ushijima went overseas to visit with his father. Even if it has been a while since they’ve talked, you can tell that they are close enough friends that everything seems to pick right back up where it left off for them, which is true for many real-life friendships, and I appreciate Furudate giving us that here, and expanded on more years later, below.
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I love this page of Chapter 402. Especially Shiribu’s little crush of Ushijima, as he “shhh”’s Semi.
Not only because it reverses Tendo’s original prophecy that it would be himself interviewed as the famous Ushijima’s friend, but also that it cements their friendship. I mean, Ushijima flew to PARIS for the interview. I know that in itself could be considered shipper fodder, but the fact that they identify as best friends...it just fits them so well. And I could see Tendo talking with Ushijima on late night phone calls to talk him through his dating, or lack thereof, woes.
Also, let it be known these men are the most stylish in Haikyuu!! They should work with Asahi. 
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Also, also, Tendo’s favorite food is chocolate ice cream. That should have been all the foreshadowing we needed for his future career, right? ^^
Black Jackals vs Adlers
So, that leaves us with the meat of the UshiSaku ship: the Adlers vs Black Jackals match, and the final chapter 402. In Chapter 394, we establish Sakusa’s backstory and the potential pining he’s done for Ushijima the last ten years of his life, starting with this page:
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Again, tying back to being “lucky.” I like that despite how Ushijima couldn’t comprehend where Hinata attained all of his athleticism and lamented how half of his plays were just “lucky” and a combined effort of him and his teammates, in the end, Ushijima admits here that he himself is rather “lucky” he won the luck of the draw athletically and was born with a particular trait that made him excel in the game (that being lefthanded). Sakusa, incidentally, falls into the same category, though he doesn’t quite admit it as such. 
I like that we see these two actually interacting side-by-side, as equals, a visual I think Furudate designs intentionally. Unlike Tendo, who doesn’t situation himself in the same realm as Ushijima, Sakusa positions himself right in the same sphere, of the “Monster Generation.” 
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By the end of Chapter 394, Sakusa reflects on his own “luck.” In how he is lucky to have been given life -- reflected with a picture of Komori, his family -- to have met people -- reflected by Ushijima specifically -- and to still be playing volleyball -- reflected by his old high school setter, whom went on to play in the Division 1 league after his own injury. His views of “luck” are all represented in ideally, the people that mean most to him...and Ushijima is one of them. 
Sakusa also describes his “Ideal Last Game,” which could be represented by the game being played in that moment. It’s beautiful that someone who is so germaphobic and hyper-obsessive with controlling the atmosphere around him (who he comes in contact with, how he finishes everything he starts), is also so content and at ease on a volleyball court, where nothing is in his control but his own body and the contact he makes with the ball. And it also helps that he’s surrounded by amazing players, like Ushijima, here, to keep him rising to the next challenge --
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-- which ends up coming his way in the very next Chapter, as Ushijima (coincidentally right after Sakusa) has his ��moment” of reflection and growth put on display. Of course, Sakusa isn’t “finished” with catching up to Ushijima yet, as his cousin snidely reminds him with a laugh, here. I love that we see Ushijima smile, though, at Sakusa’s effort. 
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Speaking of “Effort,” that ties into later in Chapter 400, when we have Sakusa’s own high school banner for Itachiyama put on display. It’s a simple motto, that goes alongside Shiratorizawa’s in “Be Strong.” I also like here, that in contrast to Chapter 395, when Ushijima was smiling at Sakusa, who couldn’t bump his spike, in Chapter 400, we have Sakusa getting the spin off of Ushijima’s hand, and as he lands, he gives a little smirk to a disgruntled Ushijima. 
LITERALLY, these two have only truly smiled during a game at each other. Sure, each have scowled and showed irritation and drive towards facing opponents, but have we seen them “smile” at another in the midst of a game? Not really, unless you count Sakusa getting that service ace before Atsumu Miya in this same game...
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Speaking of Atsumu Miya, we’ll talk about him a little bit below. But for now, I like that Sakusa describes that there’s no “room for anything that disgusts me” on the court in a pro volleyball game. Everyone is at their fullest potential and peak physical condition, just like Sakusa, and they all have worked diligently to get to that position. 
We don’t get much other UshiSaku crumbs post Chapter 400, although, I would like to point out that Furudate, when drawing the National Japan Olympic Team, placed these two right next to each other. You know...for no reason, I’m sure.
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And yes, I would be remiss not to mention this tiny panel -- the last we see of Sakusa or Ushijima or Atsumu Miya, I believe -- as it’s Sakusa that digs up Oikawa’s insane serve. I just LOVE the smile that Ushijima has here as Sakusa digs it. Because unlike Sakusa and Atsumu Miya, Ushijima knows exactly what kind of player Oikawa was in the past, and no doubt knows the kind of plays he could pull off...so I’d imagine he’s proud that his teammate dug up this serve right off the bat. 
I know there are a lot of people that ship AtsuSaku, and I won’t deny you that Furudate has laid out crumbs for them as well...but I sort of view Miya with Sakusa the same way I view Tendo with Ushijima at the end of the day: as best friends. I definitely think that there is a hilarious friendship angle with Sakusa and Atsumu Miya -- but I think it’s Ushijima that is the player Sakusa is always going to try and beat and surpass...you could argue, very similar to the dynamic between Hinata and Kageyama in their rivalry...albeit, I think Sakusa’s hints more deliberately at something more...but that’s just my opinion.
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In the end, I find it interesting the decisions Furudate makes to show us these characters and specific interactions at the end of the series; specifically, showing Ushijima and Sakusa’s backstories back-to-back, and with all the little glances and panels of them near or looking towards one another. But hey, shippers will see what shippers want to see, right? 
I do think that Komori’s panel here in Chapter 394 is pretty telling, though: 
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Sakusa has identified Ushijima as someone he wants to beat and surpass, and he’s not going to stop until he does. And if there are feelings beyond that...well...he’s not going to stop until “he’s satisfied” with that, either. 
At least, according to Chapter 378, Ushijima’s already got his flu shot.
I hope you all enjoyed this little dive into this bizarre pairing in Haikyuu!! I’ve wanted to break this apart for a while, and now that the manga is over, I hope to do more of these types of posts with other pairings. Until next time, we can celebrate the ship that is UshiSaku (and KomoYama/KageMori -- pass it on!) with fan fiction and fan art to our heart’s content! ^^
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whorenita · 4 years
so haikyuu has officially ended. this series means a lot to thousands of people; we all have a different reason for why haikyuu is special to us but i think we can all agree on the simplicity of /why/ it’s so great. it’s about passion and drive. we love a good underdog story but add the dedicated rivalry, friendship, and love for the sport of volleyball, the basics of haikyuu boils down to the human nature of wanting to strive for the best.
from the very beginning, we’ve been told hinata and kageyama would play against each other. we were given a boy with a burning heart and nothing but wild senses and a boy with seething natural talent but lacking comradeship. together, they learned to balance out their faults and strengths, becoming not just karasunos unbeatable duo—karasuno now allowed to take flight— but one of japan’s top teams. this is something many of us can relate to, even not with sports but in our daily lives. furudate gave us an outlet to see ourselves in a way that says “strength comes with teamwork”. not all of us can do things alone, and it takes time to develop skills and trust to work /on/ a team. by the end of hinata and kageyamas three years of highschool, we, along with the two of them, have grown to open our hearts to the unique and unknown, allowing ourselves to fit into places we had otherwise seemed shut off to. real characters create real connections and furudate is a /genius/ for that alone; furudate granted us hope, friendship, and hardwork.
it’s hard to put into words why the personal connection to characters within haikyuu are as great as they are because of how complex they are. it’s just so natural.
don’t even get me started on the paneling either. that alone is by far the best shounen manga has seen and probably ever will. it’s dynamic, free flowing, and builds /into/ the scene it’s creating. and to back all that up, furudate’s art skills shove multiple 2 pace spreads that make your heart stop. they make the scene absolutely jaw dropping. the improvement of the art over the past several years is one that i haven’t seen with a lot of other manga. haikyuu’s style development is extremely powerful.
all this to say, i don’t even have all the words to express how amazing this series is. like, my brain can’t even begin comprehend how special haikyuu is. it has brought millions of fans from all around the world together. we’ve all made new friends, found a passion for the story being told, and maybe an interest in volleyball!! haikyuu has given so much to me and my friends within the manga community.
all that being said i just want to give a big thank you to haikyuu and most of all, furudate.
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crollalanzaa · 4 years
My Haikyuu Thoughts
(reposted from twitter)
I started the manga 23/6/14 largely because there was a void left by me falling out of HP which RL and PJO wasn’t filling. I saw Hinata art on viria’s tumblr and was, ‘oh, who he?’  I think I watched a bit of the anime but had not thought much of it ???
So there was this kid who was irritatingly enthusiastic and embarrassingly bad at volleyball and it was all the cringe making stuff I hate because I’m not into vicarious humiliation, but as I read on, and he hit that perfect shot and yelled ‘ALL RIIIIIGHT!’ I was almost hooked.
Then he appeared and you know who I mean. It wasn’t the appearance at the middle school match but turning up at the gym, realising his place was now under threat, but going out of his way to make sure the two idiots bonded on court.
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I was intrigued and more than a little koo-koo  over Suga, but still not absolutely hooked. The point where I knew this was not only my thing but a story which was going to reel me in was the Neighbourhood match. The drama of the Asahi/Suga/Nishinoya dynamic was one thing. Asahi calling for the toss still sends shivers up and down my spine and yet ... what hooked me was the adults leaving the match, their conversation as they went back to their normal lives They laughed with fondness and nostalgia about the drama of HS volleyball and   as an adult reading that, it suddenly transcended the kids/teen lit I’d thought it would be (nothing wrong with that -I often prefer this genre because books written for my demographic I find samey and overly romance or abuse based) because we had normal people like me who’d left their HS dreams in the gym (or the drama studio for me) but were happy(ish) in their everyday lives and enthusiastic about volleyball as a hobby. When Shimada put himself out to help Yamaguchi. When Saeko put herself out to get the idiots to Tokyo, it felt like they were falling for these kids and this team like me.
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Reel back a bit. Hq had been going for two years when I jumped in. I binge read everything in two days, finishing at 112 (I think). Back in the day, my friend, we were relying on fan translations. There was no official site, and the translators did it all for love,  which was wonderful but there was a lot of debate about reading for free and waiting for the translation could be tortuous. I wanted to support Furudate but couldn’t buy the physical copies. It was suggested at one point that Eng speaking fans shouldn’t be a part of the fandom  - not by anyone remotely official, you understand -  but that was the state of things in 2014. I bought official merch instead and watched the anime while I waited for 113 to drop.
So forward to 117. If you ever want to know why I still catch my breath and laugh a little at the Daichi Dead moment it’s because we all had to wait for what seemed like twenty years to find out what the high heck was wrong with him. I genuinely thought he’d wrecked his shoulder and was distraught because there was no way they’d win everything with the Captain out!
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(Of course I had no real idea about Ennoshita stepping up to the plate, but that’s another story) The discovery it was a tooth had me SCREECHING! So relieved. I yelled to one of my first hq friends (who’s now deactivated) and then casually went to France with friends -hahaha.
I’ve done complete 180s on so many characters now that it’s safe to say I never trust the initial narrative Kags, Tsukki, Yams (come on, he was Tsukki’s mate giggling in corners over Hinata’s ineptitude. It was only when he saw what Hinata could do he stopped being a sock puppet).  
 The biggest turn around was on Oikawa who I hated to the point where I threw things at my laptop when he appeared. It wasn’t so much him as everyone going ka-ka over him which pissed off my withered adult heart. What changed was forcing myself to write him for an IwaOi week. I reread/rewatched his story and through Hajime’s eyes I began to appreciate him. I wrote Philos as an Achilles/Patroclus reincarnation type fic and that led on and on. And this is what Furudate does so well. Gives you a ‘villain’ then adds the backstory so they’re a hero.
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Disliked Tendou, too but his Farewell My Paradise, his acceptance of defeat and the way he was such a good sport about it, made me gasp. And I love love love his new career.
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It’s the appreciation of amazing play by the opposition which made me fall hard for Inarizaki and Atsumu. (Look at him here! Punt him out the f*cking window!) I’d learnt not to automatically hate anyone, so I reserved judgment. Moment I decided I liked him? Setting for Kags.
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Moment I decided I loved him - getting laughed at by Osamu.
Before this turns into an Atsumu appreciation thread, let me tell you about the characters I was indifferent to but then warmed towards. The main one was because one of my earliest hq friends (yes, you Megan) likes him and through her eyes I started to appreciate the hngg that is Konoha Akinori 
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When I first started reading hq, I did some searches on tumblr and came across quite explicit Kuroken fanart, so I was understandably nervous meeting those Nekoma boys.   Although I’m still ultra fond of the kurokens I wrote, hindsight is a dreadful thing when you see how off your assumptions and hcs were. But in retrospect I don’t think anyone envisaged quite how dorky and shy Kuroo had been as a boy. The error I laugh over the most is somehow transplanting Yaku’s personality into Kai and vice versa, but that’s what happens when you write before canon is done. But I wouldn’t have it any other way. Could I have held off writing for six years - nyope. Not a chance. Watching the story unfold, week after week, year after year has honestly been the happiest part of my life. Is that sad? Is it melodramatic? 
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Perhaps. But it has brought me so much apart from a fantastic story. Found friends. A shelter from when real life’s shit. And so many laughs. I still on occasion burst out laughing in the street when I think about Hinata forgetting to spike, or a daft hc shared on twitter. Still sigh a little over the ppl who said they’d leave when their team lost. Remember the time I was warned not to celebrate the Crows winning because it would upset the Seijou fans. I restricted myself to a brief yay then deleted. All nonsense, because most of the Seijou fans I was friendly with accepted the narrative with a bit of wistfulness and looked forward to the next chapter. And for those who wept that Oikawa ‘deserved to win’ they received their own message from Tooru that his ‘worthless pride’ meant something and he was still a winner! 
Oikawa Tooru’s journey perfectly illustrated the idea that your life doesn’t end at High School, that your path is never fixed, and you’re not only made of your achievements but perhaps more so by the doubts and failures. We saw that more recently with the strongest player    Ushijima Wakatoshi whose recent backstory with Iwaizumi has at last made me warm to him. (Iwa-chan has this effect!) 
 There are so many stories to relate to. So many moments. Yachi and Suga overthinking. Kiyoko finding something else she was passionate about. Asahi returning. 
You all know I write and some of you know I’m an amateur actor - both of these rely on a certain amount of internal motivation but also external validation. What if the story flops? What if I dry on stage? ‘What if’ can become a never-ending mantra. So when Hirugami’s story appeared, where despite being amazing at volleyball it was making him miserable, until Hoshiumi suggested he could quit and that freed him - it sang to me.  I’ve been through ups and downs with writing, and much as I love acting it can takeover especially the worry that you’ll fuck up. I know I won’t set the world alight and that used to ‘Concern’ me, but partly thanks to this story and also my hq tl, I’ve realised it’s  unimportant.
If I fuck up on stage, I might throw off other people, but no one will die. If no one reads my fic, I won’t die. If I never write another fic ... no one will die except for the fictional characters and my headcanons. And even then they’re still alive in my head.
And look, I have so many ppl to thank who’ve made this journey with me and supported me all the way, but I’m too scared of missing people out and in a way everyone has helped. But none more than the creator. So Thank you Furudate and Haikyuu for everything. 
Great Receive!
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omidokiomi · 4 years
Hinata: You taught me that hard work really pays off. The raw talent was always there, but you faced so many hardships and had trouble showing what you're capable of. You weren’t what people called a geniuses, and you weren’t considered the best, but that never stopped you from reaching your goal and look at where you are now. Greatest decoy, you taught me to never give up, even when the odds are against you. There were many moments in my life and talks with people close to me I had that had me doubting myself. That made me feel like I wouldn’t get anywhere in life. I learned that with enough work and determination, you WILL make it.
Kageyama: You taught me that it takes time to become the person you were meant to be. You were alone and ignored by your teammates because of the attitude you had. You might have continued volleyball but you felt discouraged. Maybe you didn’t realize it when it was happening, but you were starting to grow and mature and I saw that whenever you had new games, practices. You kept doing what you loved and you found your people. People who cared for you and had your back, and you become the person everyone knew you were on the inside. I was like you at some point too and I had lost a lot of friends, but seeing you grow into the wonderful person you are today gave me hope.
Oikawa: I make so many jokes about hating you, but you taught me one of the most valuable things to me. You taught me to always do my best and more into everything I do. You gave it your all but never made it to nationals once…… but look at where you ended up. Look at where you are now. Look at where YOUR hard work got you. You did it, after all these years you did it. I had a period of time where I was depressed and I let my studies suffer because of it. When i found myself having to make up all that work, all those classes just so i could graduate, my mind came back to you. I pushed myself so hard and I did it. I graduated. I honestly didn’t think I would but I did. For the rest of my life i’m going to give it my all in everything I do, and never give up even if i don’t get my end result now. Because I know in the long run it will be worth it.
Akaashi: Maybe this one is a bit silly but you taught me how to be a better friend in a way. I was in a toxic relationship and it was making me a terrible person. The people closest to me never stopped supporting me, but I wasn’t treating them like I knew I should have. You knew Bokutos’ weaknesses so well and knew just what to do to cheer him up. I learned how to actually pay attention to my friends and their feelings better than I was doing before.
Sugawara: Overall, you taught me to just have a positive outlook in life. You were always so selfless and even when you weren’t picked to be starting setter, you continued to be a team player through and through. You supported your teammates no matter what, and you still worked hard despite not being regular. Even if i don’t get my way sometimes in life, that isn’t any excuse to have a bitter view towards the world and others.
Kuroo: This one is also a bit short but you taught me to follow my heart and do something I love. You loved volleyball and just wanted to share that love with the world. You just wanted everyone to see how fun it is. I didn’t know what I wanted to do in life and was unsure of where I would go. Thanks to you, I found something I enjoyed and I'm going to stick to it. I’m going to make it into a career for myself.
Osamu: You were such an incredible volleyball player, but you didn’t go pro. Instead you went into the food business. I was good at things that had the potential to allow me to go into other careers, but it wasn’t what I wanted to do. However, you were the example in my life that showed me that just because you’re good at something, doesn’t mean you need to make a life out of it. Just like kuroo, you taught me to just do what I love. You taught me that before anything else, make sure you live happily.
Asahi: You taught me that sometimes it’s okay to have your moments where you’re insecure, and you’ve felt like you’ve hit rock bottom. For sometime you didn’t return to volleyball, but when you did, you went on and did amazing things with your team. You became the ace you always were. You taught me that even if I have moments where I give up, even if I have my moments where I let my insecurities win, I can always bounce back and get through it.
Tsukki: Now you… YOU had a let character development. Deep down you loved volleyball but locked away those feelings because of what happened when you were younger. Look at you now tho Mr. Pro volleyball player. You taught me that even if i face hardship at some point in my life, that i can still find happiness in the future. It’s okay to let myself be happy. After my toxic relationship I never thought I'd date again. When I found myself in a good relationship again I didn't want to admit it, and became distant. I didn’t let myself be happy because of my past. However here I am in one of the best relationships I've ever been in. You taught me that at some point, it’s okay to stop denying my own happiness.
These are lessons that I learned from these characters that I hold dearest to my heart, but EVERY single character brings something to the anime and to the lives of other people. Thank you Haikyuu and thank you Furudate for giving me one the greatest sources to my happiness. Thank you for being the reason I have @yumeqo , who is one my closets friends today. I would have never became so close to her if we never had bonded over Haikyuu the way we did. This might be the end but Haikyuu for will always have a special place in my heart.
(Shoutout to @kei-kui for giving me the idea to make this, as you made you own thank you post as well❤️)
So with that being said, i’m going to take what i’ve learned and fly higher.... 💕
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caandlelit · 5 years
Saw you reblogging a post so can I ask for Bokoaka hcs?
i want u to know that this is the second time im typing these out bc i lost them the first time and thats why this is late
anyways yes i love them thanku for requesting
so theyre the sappiest couple
the most in love
the most domestic
in college, bokuto and kuroo share a dorm
and the sheer amount of times hes walked in on them making out on bokutos bed only to slap his hand on his eyes and blindly shuffle around for the door with the other is countless
konoha, walking inside to ask bokuto something only to see kuro sitting on the floor while staring blankly at his empty doritoes packet while akaashi and bokuto are entangled with each other:
" hey kuro dude are you okay "
kuro, tearing up: i have a chemistry test tomorrow and they wont leavE
they have a standing date
every saturday morning they get coffee before their respective classes because its the only free morning they share
every week without fail you'll see them tucked into the corner of the same cafe, bokuto talking animatedly while akaashi smiles at him warmly over his coffee and bokuto trying and failing miserably to be subtle as he hooks their ankles together
but akaashi just smiles wider and bokuto beams back helplessly
they share the bill and bokuto walks him to his class like he used to every day in highschool and kisses him goodbye and everything
theyre the type to have promise rings that bokuto pulled out on his graduation while kneeling under a cherry tree
its terrible
bokuto prides himself on being fucking hilarious and its been his daily goal to make akaashi laugh at least once a day ever since he made him laugh by accident the first time
in akaashis first year, he was telling some story about something he did in class while cleaning up after practice,
although konoha complained that he was yelling and gesturing wildly with his broom more than he was cleaning
and bokuto sees akaashi bite back a smile at one of the funnier parts of the story and his breathing stops
he catches himself and keeps talking, more exaggerated and trying to make it funnier while keeping an eye on akaashi's minute reactions
and then akaashi laughs out loud and bokuto stares, awestruck
like that was the goal but he didnt think hes actually succeed holy shiT
konoha ruins it
"woW akaashi i didnt knOw you were capable of showing human emotion-"
sarukui slaps the back of his head and stagewhispers "duMBASS"
and konohas like oW whaT diCKheAd
and then he sees bokuto still staring at akaashi and then hes like ooooohhhh
akaashi schools his face and hes like "respectfully shut up konoha-san" and bokuto just stares and smiles pathetically while konoha cusses akaashi out while also sounding proud of him in the background and thats when he first realizes hes falling
akaashi is a better texter than he is a talker cause he has time to formulate his sentences better than he already does
which makes his replies a little slower but they always make bo smile or laugh or occasionally sigh lovingly while staring at the text
while bokuto is just,,,the physical embodiment of 'need for speed'
texts half in emojis and also he'll take any short form of any word just so he can send his text faster
so "before" is often reduced to "b4"
and there is an over use of exclamation marks
and the word "heck" because he has younger siblings and he barely curses
"if i text faster then akaashi will see it faster and then he'll reply faster" he reasons
kuro retches
bokuto has made akaashi swoon at least once lets be real
akaashi cusses more than bokuto does this is a fact
bokuto refers to him exclusively as "bae" when hes around other people
then kuro says it to embarrass them and then kenma is saying it and then everyones saying it and akaashi cant even be mad at those puppy dog eyes
but also bokuto melts every time akaashi calls him "koutarou" so its fair
bokuto takes gym selfies dont even fucking try to change my mind
also hes as tall and tanned and muscled and fantastic as hercules himself
please dont talk to me about the anime he looked like a skinny lil punk
have some goddamned respect for the huge biceps akaashi keiji jerks off to for the love of god
big thanks to the fukurodani nationals matvh for delivering on a the golden buff guy bokuto moments i didnt know i needed until they were gone fuck karasuno lives
bokuto and akaashi bring back guyliner challenge their eyes would look amazing
@ furudate ill pay you
akaashi in big pants and bigger bomber jackets and bokuto in tight jeans and letterman jackets and both of them with snapbacks please and thank you
bokuto takes awesome selfies, snapchat is his most used app and he takes out the time and makes the effort to find good lighting
and he has streaks with everyone he knows including the managers and older teammates and friends he had in his first and second years and even some random volleyball opponents that hes still in contact with and hinata of coursE
because please
this is bokuto koutarou we are talking about
he is a social butterfly
his longest and most treasured streak is with kuroo
who he met in middle school during a match and they clicked so fast and so well that they exchanged snapchat usernames and started a streak that very day
when he adds akaashi, akaashi abruptly realizes
that he needs to up his fucking selfie game
and it takes a week before hes satisfied and thinks the picture is good enough to send
and its so pretty that bokuto lets out a strangled noise because hes almost as in love with the lighting bc of how it makes akaashis pale skin look all soft and pretty as he is with akaashi himself
bokuto and akaashi bring back guyliner challenge itd make their eyes look so good come oN
sign my petition
anyways i delivered now someone point me in the direction of fratboy bokuto bkak fics please and thankyou
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smartass-hoot · 5 years
Well it is surely a lovely sight to see another Haikyuu loving blog cause I'm glad the hype hasn't gone that down and hopefully it will come back after the release of season 4 ❤️ But, I see some Headcanons swimming around here 👀 (tbh i wanted to make a blog for writing but bish too lazy) so if you're up for it, I am in really big need of some shiratorizawa team bonding fluff Headcanons (If you don't happen to do mah bbies then I can get through with some Akaashi hcs as well) Have a nice day!
thank you so much for the ask you have no idea how happy this makes me
also lmao mood about the being lazy part
(note that I'm going to cover the things that are unrelated to volleyball)
So how did this whole team bonding thing start? Tendou probably mentioned it as he read a sports manga and Ushijima must’ve taken Tendou’s word for it and now there are so. many. things these precious boys do. 
They are literally a family. They have their own story, relations, everything. This all started when Eita began bitching about how flashy the Kardashians were (don't @ me, this boi is definitely into western pop culture) and this spiraled out of control and now they have a family tree that is more unnecessary and extra than the soapiest of operas. Goshiki is the abandoned son of Ushijima and Tendou who had him while they were an affair (now they are married) and Shirabu is his godmother and Eita is the aunt who was ex-mafia and ex-hitman but is now a singer. Hayato was Ushijima's ex and is now going out with Shirabu and they're both filthy rich billionaires. Reon was actually the secret lovechild of Obama and Jesus and has now been adopted by Taichi who is Tendou's twin (stop me before this gets out of hand please). They enjoyed making the story and it was a good start for team bonding because it involved a lot of laughter and they all opened up to each other.
Taichi suggested that they all meet up every weekend at the gymnasium but instead of playing volleyball they each had to come up with a new game to play (and it mostly involved a lot of running and tackling) and the boys kept coming up with more creative and absurd games to play. Ushijima, for some reason, had the best grasp of the most ridiculous rules. Tendou finds more and more loopholes to exploit. Goshiki is far too passionate about these games. Hayato nearly dies all the time. Reon ends up being the final boss they have to beat. Eita is the scriptwriter and the director of the games. Shirabu is the winner in all these games.
They once went camping and it was one of the best experiences because they all shared their childhood stories and their funny experiences. They don't even know how it started. They were just making casual conversation and suddenly it ended up with everyone confessing how they thought babies were made before they knew about the actual thing. Not only that, but embarrassing childhood histories and secret confessions just tumbled out like they were nothing. After a whole minute of awkward silence, they burst out laughing and began sharing their hobbies and their favorite things and it was a night that was completely fluffy and sweet in their memories. Everyone steered clear of horror talk that night on purpose.
In order to connect everyone, Shirabu and Hayato made a group chat and it's full of memes and the occasional debates that are so intense they'd put MUN's to shame, the most popular topic being the fight between whether Yui Aragaki was better or Maki Horikita was (they're both popular and very beautiful and talented Japanese actresses). It's mostly just roast battles between Eita and Shirabu featuring a very concerned Ushijima who wonders if they actually hate each other that much and has to be frequently reassured by the others that they are just play-fighting. Goshiki butts in occasionally, but when he does, the two setters immediately target him and destroy the poor soul (thank goodness this bean doesn't understand sarcasm).
They also have this cute little thing they do. Whenever it is someone's birthday, the whole team goes to the person's home with gifts and other things the person likes and they party. hard. It is a must to get a gift and the person who gives the best gift is crowned "best gift boi" with an actual crown and a bandanna that they wear (it's a cute little swan thing that Hayato made). Also, in school that day, they have a "surprise party" (i mean it's not a surprise if the person knows it is there) for the birthday boi and they do something very crazy and very special for him. honestly it's the sweetest thing ever, watching these beans panic as their plans fall apart last minute and coming up with alternatives and ending things in a disaster (but a fun disaster).
Other things they do apart from all of this (I'm just too lazy to elaborate also I don’t want to go too deep into these like the ones above):
Mall trips. Because Semi is a fashion disaster (based off this one comic I read but I can’t find the link to dammit) and they all love dressing him up.
Movie nights? Movie nights. There are instances where all of them ended up crying because the dog died. I’m talking about Hachiko (please watch this movie if you haven’t it’s so damn amazing).
Cooking and eating competitions (spoiler: Ushijima wins the latter and Hayato and Tendo tie for the former)
They tried karaoke once but decided that their music tastes were far too different for them to enjoy it.
Basically, anything they plan that isn’t approved by Shirabu ends up in disaster, dear potato what would they do without their mom.
That's about all I have for now soooo I hope these very detailed headcanons will do for now lmao.
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bentenharuki · 6 years
Haikyuu Chapter 301, Brainy Kitten on the move (literally ;))!
So, quite unexpectedly for me, as I still quite impassive about this current Karasuno vs Nekoma game, which holds no much (it holds none at all) thrill for me given how it HAS to end, I felt not only pushed at doing a roll with the latest chapter, but I ended coloring its panels the most than I have so far for any other (red is my fav color after all... ;))
There’s this thing Furudate, with his insufferable crowd-pleasing tendency, has done here starting exactly from the COVER of the chapter which has sucked me into (regrettably, he has) and I ended making way more than I was supposed to.
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Then, as I sighed already for it, he started with THIS (these... but in the end THIS) fella and I broke loose...
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I ADORE Tendou Satori.
Properly ADORE.
He is one of the characters I adore most in Haikyuu, and you know already I am also weak to Goshiki... So I knew already from here I would have LOVED this chapter, and I gave in immediately to it I guess, open to what was ahead.
LOOK HOW ADORABLE HE ISSSSSSSSSSS *.* Everything off him is dear to me.
It’s unlikely for me to fall for not handsome characters but Tendou is so peculiar and adorable I cannot help it. *.*
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I also like how Goshiki (who resembles every day more a sibling of Lord Kageyama Almighty... he has the same cut of the eye, although he has no the same colors to it, and he has thicker eyebrows but in so many ways they are looking alike and then you know I am extremely weak to super talents, which Goshiki is so...) is so participant about the games... He is so cute ^.^
I have ALSO to say what it is being said during the Shiratorizawa boys’ commentary is a bit (as usual with Furudate) of a stretch, but more about this later.
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Lovely panel.
The Lord to Tsukki and Tanaka looming... THIS IS GOOD TO ME.
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Let’s start to talk about the game. There are two parallel ways to talk about it.
One, is to analyze what is HAPPENING... which is one thing to consider.
The other, which has to be done to, is to start to understand how (sadly already) Furudate seems to have gone with the route of insanely upgrade Nekoma WITH NO BASES to this kind of development.
He has to, because otherwise what Karasuno has become would be WAY too hard for Nekoma to face, but it still... quite fantasy-like to have suddenly a Nekoma THIS good already.
I’ll explain myself better as things go.
Here, please notice how AGAIN the path play of Nekoma is TO MAKE IT DIFFICULT FOR THE LORD to set.
It’s a targeting of the setter which is a natural strategy against Karasuno, and which could be countered in TONS of ways tactically to be stopped, but ALL of these ways would imply a no inclusion of Boku No Hero Karasuno in the game itself and we know already Furudate can’t do it, even though it’d be the logic thing ANY coach would do (double setter set up, setter shifting, emphazising of the defense with the setter out... all of these would require to sacrifice the weakest and shorter hitter, who is also the one who defends worst, but when will ever Furudate do volley good with it? NEVER, we know it already...)
This I am writing concerns what the game is SHOWING right now. Nekoma is as usual very dedicated to defensive plays, and here there’s nothing new:
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I LOVE Bokuto... How can I express so much love... He is so wonderful and free... *.*
So, here we have ASAHI finally blossomed.
It is a believable thing, as Goshiki says, because that is a path which was traced past game(s) and it works with the capabilities Azumane has in his physique and skills.
I like the way Azumane is now, very much.
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Now as I explained also last time, it’s not like Nekoma is ONLY defense though.
By having a VERY, VERY skilled setter and as I wrote abundantly since ever, a FORMIDABLE hitter and ace in nuce LEV, Nekoma can have a wonderful attack too.
These panels are nothing surprising to me.
Brainy Kitty Kenma is a great setter, and of course as any setter would do, he is already playing in his mind what could happen later.
I always laugh when peole who clearly have no concept of volley and have never played it can get shocked at these reasoning Kenma does.
Flashnews... ANY setter HAS to be this way.
It’s part of the job.
Setters rule the court just because they have to do ALSO these reasonings, you scrubs.
And Kenma is a fine, fine, FINE player.
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Here it’s the panel which I LOVED as play goes.
Lev is a FERAL, AMAZING player.
People forget way too often, being all focused on the fictional of Hinata and his lame existence, how Lev was, as a temptative player just starting, able to hit a CC quick “by improvising it” along Kenma in teh first camp where Karasuno met him.
EVEN THE LORD got impressed by him.
This tells more than the rest about Lev’s skills.
Lev has ALL a hitter has to have, in the same capacity as the fictional midget as for athleticism and intuition, but... LOOK AT HIM.
Lev has also what a real ace HAS to have, which The Annoying Orange has not.
Which means REACH.
Which means WEIGHT.
Which means POWER.
Lev has it all.
And by having all this, the fact Lord Supreme of Volley CAN STILL SPIKE ON HIM is amazing.
As it’s expected by Lord Kageyama Almighty *.*
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Being Lev this imposing though, helps Nekoma in defending after the Lord’s spike.
It is an effort, but having Lev’s there TRULY is an invaluable plus.
Not only because he still can limit the other team’s attack... but also, OF COURSE, because once Kenma FINALLY does this...
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Lev will be able to do HIS thing, which is THIS AMAZING ONE action, which has gotten me water mouthed for its beauty and timing:
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To have a TRUE TALL HITTER is a bless my poor Lord won’t have, given how we have to stand a fictional midget in the pivot attack role.
Poor my Lord Kageyama, realizing “how high” Lev can spike.
While everyone is amazed at Kenma, people of course have forgotten the way teh attack was made by Lev.
Naturally so, if all those brainless ones are also coincidentally believing anyone like Hinata could survive on a court among taller players.
It’s not like I was not in love with Kenma’s move.
I waited YEARS to see that *.* and then THANX TO IT, I got this page, which goes straight into my personal list of best pages ever in the whole of Haikyuu *.*
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He is so PURE, honest, sincere and unfiltered....
While everyone has thought it EXACTLY like him, he is the only one TELLING Kenma what was on his mind (and everyone else’s minds).
He is so amazing. He is also stunningly gorgeous, but then what’s new there?
Lord Kageyama is PRAISING Kenma his own way... and I find it so cute how Kenma retracts... I hope to see more interactions between them, this before the whole game goes to waste with some upgrade from the Midget’s about the Midget’s...
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Here it comes what i was talking about before, as the way this game seems to have improved DRASTICALLY Nekoma in a way which is inconsequential to the facts actually happened in the manga.
I’ll try to explain.
If we assume what Karasuno has done to come here on this stage STAYS (namely, if we take it as a development completely and we have to) then the same shall value for Nekoma.
I mean, for me Karasuno wasn’t good enough to beat Shiratorizawa, but once they have had THAT done, they blossomed to a level INFINITELY better than Nekoma’s one.
Karasuno has beaten Shiratorizawa (a team WAY better than Nekoma, with a SUPER ACE, a SUPER BLOCKER, A SUPER DEFENSE. And TWO very good setters. Karasuno has SURPASSED THAT).
Karasuno has kept WINNING against DATEKO ULTRA BLOCK after Kageyama’s time in National (which has leveled up Kageyama even MORE, and he was already the best setter in the game...).
Karasuno has faced an ultra high toss in the form of Koganegawa’s one already. And they have WON.
Karasuno has faced time ago Hyakuzawa’s SUPER TALL AND STRONG attack.
And got it done too.
Karasuno has BEATED UP INARIZAKI, a team STRONGER than Shiratorizawa (and now we know the two team faced up, so it means past tournament Inarizaki BEAT SHIRATORIZAWA UP, logically).
Nekoma CANNOT even TOUCH such a development, no matter what. They have won against weak teams and lost with teams which are BY NOW not as good as the ones Karasuno has already won over. If anything is logically clear, is that it is true also Nekoma has evolved BUT in no way it has even by far comparably to Karasuno.
Instead, what we seem to have here?
A Nekoma SUDDENLY completely impeccable in all plays. Where are the limits in their attacks? GONE. Where are the limits their defensive approach was still having THE DAY BEFORE THIS MATCH THEY PLAY NOW? Who knows.
Right now, it seems like all of Nekoma has instantly upgraded TONS.
It’s IMPOSSIBLE. It works because to make Nekoma surrender, Furudate HAS to upgrade idiotically the midget too, but in real volley, to counter a team as Nekoma seems to be now (albeit if we consider who they have played with, and losing, there’s no way Nekoma can currently compare with Karasuno) one should just spare the Karasuno formation, forget Hinata exist and play a bit of the rotation with two setters, allowing the Lord to become a support (feral) spiker too at times.
It will happen NONE of it, we know.
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I love the way this panel is.
The extreme respect and truth Kenma speaks with.
Now Kenma is in potential a FANTASTIC setter. He could be in the same range as Oikawa (the Lord still too talented also for him), but what he lacks CANNOT BE WORKED ON IN A SPAN OF DAYS.
Kenma has NO ATHLETIC prowess.
This for a setter is IMPOSSIBLE to deal with, no matter how good your ball touch is.
And... before the brainless simpletons speak he COULD do it in this game... You can’t become an athletic monster from day to night.
To be frank, for Karasuno to win EASILY against Nekoma, they shall JUST target Kenma. Do what Nekoma is trying to do with Kageyama in reversal. It’d be game over soon.
In a little while, lovely Brainy Kitten would get gassed out because he has not the physique of Oikawa (or the one of the Lord, of course) to sustain extended plays where he has to constantly switch, jump, defend and set. And while Karasuno (if only Furudate would be good) could countermeasure a setter targeting by using TWO setters, Nekoma has only one setter to count on, and they couldn’t do anything about it.
But will Furudate do what ANY coach would do?
NOPE: he will keep adding force suddenly to Nekoma until a powered up Hinata will senselessly prevail over it.
We are all well used to them from ass-licking Furudate by now.
So I still expect this game to become a thing of hate for me, despite the fact Kitten Kenma is adorable, and Lev is fantastic, and a Karasuno deprived from the Orange Curse as it is now it’s a LOT of my likes.
But it won’t last so... I still ready to shut this game out in the near future.
See ya ;) I leave you with the Bonus:
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I love him so much... *.*
Bye Bye ;)
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96percentdone · 6 years
all the higu kids for the character ask meme
ALL OF THEM?! You’re lucky I love my kids. Under the cut it’s long as shit and also probably full of spoilers for those of y’all who haven’t finished..
Maebara Keiichi:
How I feel about this character: I’M LOVE KEIICHI I LOVE HIM HE IS MY SON. HE IS THE BEST. HE IS SUCH A GOOD BOY. NO I CAN’T UNDO THE ALLCAPS BECAUSE YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND. I. LOVE. KEIICHI. HE’S AMAZING. HE’S SO TALENTED AT PULLING SHIT OUT OF HIS ASS AND SUPPORTING AND MOTIVATING HIS FRIENDS. I WOULD LIVE FOR KEIICHI. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAll the people I ship romantically with this character: Mion and that’s about it lmaoMy non-romantic OTP for this character: the whole squad man the club is the ultimate brotp Although I have a super soft spot for his dynamic with SatchanMy unpopular opinion about this character: he’s a better protagonist than Battler fight me– uh no actually it’s that I’ve decided right now he’s bi and trans. No I will not justify that. You just have to live with it. I don’t want the straights to have my son. I wish they were like. less with him being a pervert. because tbh I don’t even like really think it fits his character? Like fine I can live with him being a little perverted; he’s a teenage boy with hormones, it be like that, but it’s so over the top to me that it’s obvious it’s just Ryukishi the author being gross through him because he does this with ALL the men. Keiichi is better than that. One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: I wish the dense mother fucker realized Mion has a massive crush on him. I don’t actually need a romantic resolution in Higurashi it just kills me inside when she’s being really transparent and tsun and fucking adorable and he’s like “yeah we’re bestest friends.” like son. 
Sonozaki Mion:
How I feel about this character: I’m love Mion she’s so cute and she’s such a good girl look at her. she’s never done anything wrong in her life. she just wants to play games with her friends. she’s so cunning and smart. she’s the best ever and she’s just. so good. so supportive. so fun. listen I love her also she’s my favourite kind of tsundere and I love her so muchAll the people I ship romantically with this character: Keiichi tbh. Although MiiRena is pretty cute too but idk man I just like keiimiiMy non-romantic OTP for this character: THE SQUAD. OBVIOUSLY. Also Rena specifically. And Shion too obvsMy unpopular opinion about this character: Mion is the better Sonozaki twin she’s more compelling and stop writing fics where she goes yandere and kills everyone fuck you. she’s also. a bicon. and genderfluid. One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: I actually wish Mion got more focus as herself. The big arcs that involve her are Watanagashi/Meakashi, and Meakashi is centered around Shion cause she’s the POV character, but Watanagashi ends up being half about Shion too because it’s not actually Mion for half of it. She gets a lot of focus I just wish Meakashi compensated for that a little more. 
Ryuugu Rena:
How I feel about this character: Rena is a good girl. I’m love her too. She’s got a lot of complexities and that depression is a shsl fucking mood. She’s also like super smart and it’s a lot of fun! Plus she’s compassionate and understanding even when you would expect it to have run out. I really love Rena.All the people I ship romantically with this character: ShiiRena is kinda fun tbh. MiiRena is tooMy non-romantic OTP for this character: THE. SQUAD. FUCK YEAH. Also Mion and Keiichi specificallyMy unpopular opinion about this character: do people still call her a yandere. fuck those guys. Also she’s not straight have you seen herOne thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: this is anime specific tbh but I kinda wish they killed her too in the disaster for tsumihoroboshi. it would really sell how fucking hopeless it is if none of them made, and kinda kills the crushing feeling at the end of the arc
Houjou Satoko:
How I feel about this character: I LOVE SATOKO SO MUCH SHE’S SUCH A GOOD STRONG CLEVER GIRL. SHE’S SO CREATIVE. SO MISCHIEVOUS. THE LIGHT OF MY LIFE AN ANGEL I MEAN LOOK AT HER. BABY GIRL. BABY. DESERVES THE WORLD AND NOT THIS SHIT. I LOVE HER SO MUCH OKAY SHE’S THE BESTAll the people I ship romantically with this character: Rika. That’s it she’s fucking ten y’all shitlords. Also have you seen satorika like enough said.My non-romantic OTP for this character: THE SQUAAAAADDDD. Also Satoshi obvs. And Keiichi. And Shion when she’s not being Like That™My unpopular opinion about this character: Satoko is the best actually and if you don’t like her you’re wrong. Y’all keep victim blaming her for crying and acting like an abused child even though she’s an. abused child. Who is just acting like an abused child would. Y’all really expect a fuckin ten-year-old with severe mental illness and a horrible history to not cry at minor things because all the stress is getting to her? Y’all really think it’s okay to beat the shit out of her for it? Fuck y’all; you’re disgusting.One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: Okay this is actually just a more general complaint, but it’s really bad for Satoko, but I wish matsuribayashi actually addressed like rule X and Satoko’s situation like Minagoroshi-hen did. Because yeah even if they save Rika, Satoko lives in a town that hates her for something that isn’t her fault, and Teppei could still come back. I just…wish we resolved that.
Furude Rika:
How I feel about this character: ah man Rika’s perpetual despair and hopelessness was me for so long she’s a big mood and I really support her quest to just live and be happy Rika is so good and she’s so sly and fuck she deserves the best too okay? OKAY?! LET HER HAVE ITAll the people I ship romantically with this character: Satoko. That is it. She is ten. That is her only option. And also Satorika is adorable.My non-romantic OTP for this character: the squad but esp Hanyuu. And Keiichi. My unpopular opinion about this character: stop fucking shipping her with keiichi or akasaka I should not have to explain why these are badOne thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: I wish we saw signs of her trying to do something in the question arcs. I mean you kind of see it but barely. I just wish there was more..
Sonozaki Shion:
How I feel about this character: Ah Shion. You are so divisive for me. Okay I actually like Shion generally but fuck in Meakashi/Watanagashi she’s fucking insufferable and pisses me off to no end. But she’s brilliant and fun too and I really like her when she’s not fucking like that.All the people I ship romantically with this character: ShiiRena and SatoShion and that’s about itMy non-romantic OTP for this character: the squad, but especially Satchan so long as she’s not being fucking like thatMy unpopular opinion about this character: she’s not a fuckin yandere either okay she toes the line in Meakashi/Watanagashi esp in the scene where she beats up Satoko, but like. her murder spree is motivated by revenge not by a possessive desire. While all her crazy and terrible behavior may stem from her love for Satoshi, it’s not this desire to possess him and make him all hers, and keep him from everyone else. She’s not a true yandere fuckin stop.One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: I think I would find reading Meakashi more tolerable if she struggled more with herself internally, and specifically realized she was victim blaming Satoko the entire time.
and finally for funsies Houjou Satoshi:
How I feel about this character: Satoshi is a good boy I love his voice. He deserves a lot better too like also he needs to come back because Satchan misses him and LISTEN. Anyway yeah Satoshi is good and it’s sad to see such a gentle boy get crushed from stress like thatAll the people I ship romantically with this character: Shion….? Honestly he only really interacts with her so I cant’ guage other dynamics.My non-romantic OTP for this character:the squad, but obviously esp SatchanMy unpopular opinion about this character: this relates to Satchan’s but uh fucking. Satoshi would literally never agree with any of you Satoko haters who justify it for his sake. Fuck y’allOne thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: why couldn’t we see him get out of his coma in matsuribayashi ryukishi. what the fuck.
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baskrvilles · 4 years
yesss the iwaushi selfie was so great it's literally the Worst selfie ever and I love them for it. sensei really is spoiling us tho every time a bunch of new stuff gets released I'm like omg please get some rest this series is over and ur still working this hard???? and I SO feel you about the karasuno v inarizaki match it's my favorite and so many good moments are getting glossed over/skipped. I really hope anime onlys pick up the manga after this and get to see it in its full glory (1/3)
also omg that iwaizumi edit is SO nice! I love the textures and fonts that you chose! that was a really good match I've been rereading bits and pieces of haikyuu lately and I got to that match and I always forget just how Good it is. and fukuroudani v mujinazaka!! I loved how much insight we got into akaashi during that match. but I totally agree haha there are so many good moments in haikyuu :') I'm so excited for the kny movie too!! it looks amazing from all the pv's! (2/3)
lmao yes hxh really got me with the chimera ant arc it started off all oh this is gonna be another fun arc! 😃 and then v quickly took a sharp left turn into like oh. oh no 😭 I hope u get the chance to catch up on furuba! they got to a lot of what I think is the really good stuff in s2 like beach arc and the student council. tho I totally get what you mean about attention span I always say I have a lot of inertia when it comes to watching things lol I have to like work myself up to it(3/3) ❤️🎅
yesssss omg we really are spoiled like the fact that sensei added so many extras to the final volume and redrew/added some scenes to the last chapter i was just not expecting all that bless you furudate for all you do 😭🙌 akaksksllksksk i’m glad i’m not the only one who thinks s4 is just a rushed mess! plus i don’t know if i’m crazy but i feel like at least 80% of the episodes are just moving still images?!?! like not a lot of actual animated movements if you know what mean. that’s why i haven’t been inspired to gif any of it 😔😔 it sucks but that’s what the manga is for! i also hope anime onlys just read the manga! at this point i have no hope for karasuno vs nekoma being done justice 😥
ahhh thank you! it’s actually my fav edit that i’ve made and people left such nice tags i’m 🥺💖 but yes that match was amazing! i’m biased but i wanted seijoh nationals and nationally ranked ace iwaizumi to be a thing 😆 it’s okay tho we got final boss oikawa in the end so it’s all good! honestly i wasn’t expecting akaashi’s character to be like that lol! i thought he was just gonna be a stoic maybe at times dorky character but to see how flustered and anxious he gets is so refreshing and relatable! it definitely made me love him more!
did you read the kny manga? or you don’t know what happens in the movie?? gaaawd chimera ant arc lol! actually the first time i watched hxh i stopped right in the beginning of that arc cuz i heard it was gonna be a shitfest so i couldn’t go through with it! 😭😭 fast forward to quarantine and i finally get through it but at what cost?!? i’m emotionally a wreck by the mere mention of meruem and komugi now!!! but it was an amazing arc for sure especially after greed island which wasn’t that good in my opinion! i’ll get to furuba eventually. it’s definitely not a priority 😂 i feel like i’m just not that into shoujo anymore that’s why i’m putting it off. but i gotta do it for the nostalgia!! and lol that’s a good way to put it! plus watching to much anime makes me so sleepy! my eyes are shit tbh 😆
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lovingmyotp · 7 years
Ok so... I’ve been reading fanfiction since I was still a fetus, and by that I mean I was 11 to 12 years old by the time. Also, I have read plenty of books too, and manga.
So I thought, why don’t make a recommendation?? Of all I’ve ever read and I can’t get out of my head? 
So, for ANYONE out there, you could find something interesting here. If not, this will be purely for self indulgence then.
Pride and Prejudice. - Jane Austen.  What can I say about p&p? I was fluctuated with the 2005 movie adaptation since I was 10 years old. And while I don’t tent to read the books when I’ve already watched their movies, I simply had to. And BOM! favorite book has been stored. 
The time traveler’s wife. -  Audrey Niffenegger. I bought this at a bookfair because I thought it was from a movie I had seen the promotionals for... figures out I was wrong, but this had me crying one summer afternoon. Since then I love time traveling-related books. And the movie? amazing.
Brida. - Paulo Coelho.  This made me the bookworm I am nowadays. I like to thank my abuela for that. This book is magic, and one of the reasons I’m such a hopeless romantic who believes in fate and soulmates. I can’t help it. Tho this is not the only good book from Paulo Coelho and not the only one I LOVE, this is by far my most favorite and it was my first from him.
Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the universe - Benjamin A. Saenz. Oh boy... this was the first book I read in english. It is special. It has a space in my heartsoul. I can’t remember how many times I have re-read it (and I don’t tend to do that) I find myself taking it from my bookshelf and searching for a specific scene so I can fall in love with it again. This is gold, it is a treasure, and when the day comes and a movie adaptation comes out I’m gonna die. 
The book thief. - Markus Zuzak. This book was so precious that I had to stop mid-way through reading the e-book version to wait half a year a buy a physical copy. This book is meant to be read while you can touch it, toss it, let your tears flow over its pages... just to enjoy the experience. I came for this book after I was reading such a good written fanfiction and the author claimed that they’ve stolen the writing style from this book. I DO NOT REGRET IT. You won’t either.
Daughter of Smoke and bones triology. -  Laini Taylor. It has been 4 years and I haven’t read the last one yet. But I love this. I love the protagonist. Reincarnation is on the list of things I freaking love about fiction and this book has it. Also, it’s the kind of book that makes you want to wish you could live in their fictional world. Just amazing. And the author?? is a ray of sunshine?? I love her.
The lux saga. - Jennifer L. Armentrout. These books made me go insane and stay up to morning. Kinda cliché-ish if you look too much into it. But that doesn’t stop them from being amazing. Hot aliens at the order. Main protagonist is relatable and a badass... why not?
The mortal instruments. - Cassandra Clare.  EVERYONE knows TMI by now. But these books made me the 18 year old I am. While Shadowhunters is like a canon divergence to the books -and don’t get me wrong I LOVE THE SHOW-, but the books? they’re gold. All the shadowhunters verse is amazing, but tmi is the life changing. I waited for the last two books to come out so it was torturing, but you can go and read them and enjoy the ride because there’s still more to come!!
H O N O R I F I C   M E N T I O N S:
 The tunnel. - Ernesto Sabato. 
Dead houses. - Miguel Otero Silva.
White like milk, red like blood. - Alessandro D’avenia.
Falcon’s Prey. - Penny Jordan. 
Maya’s notebook. - Isabel Allende.
Of Love and Shadows. - Isabell Allende.
The house of spirits. - Isabell Allende.
Fan Art. - Sarah Tregay.
Like water for chocolate. - Laura Esquivel.
And I think that’s it for books? not so many since I just listed the ones that have left a mark on me.
Jackass! - Sawatte Ii tte Dare ga Itta yo? - Scarlet Beriko. This manga makes you love legs. LEGS LEGS LEGS. Also, Scarlet Beriko’s art style is to be put into a museum and be looked at for all day long. Friends to lovers and that’s it. SHOUNEN AI if you want it to be.
Yondaime Ooyamato Tatsuyuki. - Scarlet Beriko. This is some good shit. GOOD ART. AMAZING BODIES. LOOK AT THAT SEME. HE IS SO CUTE?! Yakuzas. Did I mention the uke being a yakuza? well he is. One con of this manga? CW dubious-consent and rape at some point but with bl one kind of gets along with it (not that it is a good thing). Still a good manga. YAOI because yes.
Doushitemo Furetakunai. - Yoneda Kou. I cried. That’s it. IT HAS A LIVE-ACTION MOVIE??!! YES?! Cute, cute all over. SHOUNEN AI.
Udagawachou De Mattete Yo. - Hideyoshico. Enjoy how a boy loves wearing dresses and make-up because he slays with everything he puts on! and then succeeding at accepting himself. Also... IT HAS A LIVE-ACTION MOVIE TOO!??! YES! SHOUNEN AI.
Hana no mizu shiru, Hana no migoro ni, Hana no miyako de. - Takarai Rihito.  I fell in love with Takarai Rihito thanks to this. I seem to keep forgetting the exact order to read all three of them, but boy at one point you’ll cry if you figure that out. SHOUNEN AI.
Yuki No Shita No Qualia. - Kii Kanna.  I’m gonna be honest and say I don’t remember anything about this manga. The art style got me and that’s it. Maybe the story did it too and that’s why I have it on my fave list but... I must have read it too early in the morning and forgot everything ‘bout it. Thing is, if I binge-read-it it certainly is good. SHOUNEN AI for sure...(?)
Me o Tojite 3-Byou. - Aniya Yuiji.  You looking for: Good art style? Checked. Angst? Checked. Childhood friends to lovers? Checked. Then I got you some news!!! this is pure as the purest cinnamon roll (at least until you read the smutty doujinshi but that comes later) and If you’re feeling like the world sucks you should read this cup of happiness. SHOUNEN AI.
Yozora no Sumikko de. - Hayakawa Nojiko. This is beautiful. Hayakawa Nojiko’s art style is precious. And this artwork is amazing. The story is full of angst and makes you go YeSSsyyYeSSSss all over. Read it. READ IT. SHOUNEN AI.
Konbini-kun. - Junko. I miss Junko. At least her bl works. She’s by far one of my faves mangakas just because she draws such cute boys I can’t help but love all of them. This story in specific is just perfect. Bullying, the character being actually gay since the beginning, and him coming to terms with it. I just love it. YAOI If you know Junko you know it.
Sora to Hara. - Nakamura Asumiko. L O V E THIS MANGA OK? I’M WAITING FOR A MOVIE ADAPTATION JUST AS DOUKYUUSEI GOT ITS OWN. MY SONS DESERVE IT. This manga is so pure, so full of happiness, so fulfilling, you’ll feel over the moon in love with the characters. Also... SUPER HAPPY ENDING?? YESS! SHOUNEN AI.
Elektel Delusion. - Yonezou Nekota. If I don’t remember wrong this was one of the firsts bl mangas I ever read. And I love it. It has a place in my heart. Well deserved. I must say it is a classic? Fumi is the man we all deserve but don’t get to own. ever. YAOI.
XXX Allergy. -  Hinohara Meguru. A recently-added to my faves mangas. This is so cute. The seme is long-haired... that’s it. Cute history and they love each other. What else do you need? SHOUNEN AI.
Mou Ichido, Nando Demo. - Aniya Yuiji.  Memory loss. Angst. Smut. Aniya Yuiji. Another reason to live for. Just cry and enjoy the ride. ALSO, REVERSIBLE COUPLE!!! HELLO???!!1 YES!!!! GO JAPAN GO!! YAOI.
Lonely To Organdy. - Ogeretsu Tanaka. I just love angst, ok? HAVE SOME. GET A BITTERSWEET ENDING. ENJOY IT AND KEEP ON LIVING KNOWING THIS ENDED UP LIKE THIS, WHAT ELSE DID YOU EXPECT? Some ghosts, some dreams, two boys... yep. SHOUNEN AI.
Veranda Nite. - Ichikawa Kei. Back at it again with the ghosts? Yes. I love Ichikawa Kei for a reason yet she hasn’t gotten me at her will (completely) yet. Nevertheless, this is awesome. I don’t remember the ending but it is a one-shot. SHOUNEN AI. 
Hana wa saku ka. - Hidaka Shoko. This is the definition of SLOW BURN. The very definition. Good art. Amazing plot. Great characters... the bl manga you needed and now you know. GO! READ! IT! It is so long you grow up with it but you won’t regret it. SHOUNEN AI (at least until they finally do the do but it is a the very end)
YATAMOMO. - Harada.  Harada scares me. But I had to give her a try (for a third time) and this is what I found. A deep plot, and good character development. Momo is the kind of ukes I love and want to protect. YAOI.
  H O N O R I F I C   M E N T I O N S: partially because they’re still ongoing.
Aitsu no Daihonmei. -  Tanaka Suzuki. SHOUNEN AI.
Super Lovers. - Abe Miyuki. SHOUNEN AI.
Hidamari ga Kikoeru. - Fumino Yuki. SHOUNEN AI.
Ameiro Paradox. - Natsume Isaku. SHOUNEN AI.
Sekaiichi Hatsukoi. - Shungiku Nakamura. YAOI.
Honto Yajuu. - Yamamoto Kotetsuko. SHOUNEN AI.
Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai. - Yoneda Kou. YAOI.
I prefer shounen ai because it is cute all over, even though a good old school hard yaoi isn’t bad for the health any other day... 
Shoujo/Shounen: some are on-going.
Ao haru ride. - Sakisaka Io. First shoujo manga I ever read. I loved it. The only shoujo manga I’ve ever finished too. Everyone knows it. Angst is at the order, a good female protagonist and Haru being a cute boy since ever. SHOUJO. COMPLETE. 
Watashi ga motete dousunda! - Junko. I’m hating the protagonist by the moment but... reverse harem. She’s a fujoshi and by being lucky she’s now with one of the best guys to ever exist in fiction. God blessed her and I want that kind of spell over me too. Funny times at the order. SHOUJO. ON GOING.
Kuroshitsuji. - Yana Toboso. This manga is fresh, its art style is amazing, the plot would make you go :O!! and right now is the best moment to apply for this ride because it sure is a rollercoaster. SHOUNEN. ON GOING.
Kiben Gakuha Yotsuya Senpai no Kaidan. - Furudate Haruichi. I don’t know why I read this, or when... but it is amazing. I love Furudate Haruichi’s art style and this was my way of getting more full of it besides from Haikyuu!! Mystery solving is always interesting. SHOUNEN. COMPLETE.
CODA. -  Hitoshi Ichimura. Yuri!!! on ice from 2010. But instead of ice skating it is ballet and more of an open ending than rings that prove you’re a canon couple. It’s cute, you ship the characters and it doesn’t harm anyone. Read it, more people should love it. SHONEN. GENDER BENDER. shOujo?? COMPLETE.
Tokyo Ghoul - Ishida Sui. I only know my first son TG. I finished my friendship with TG:RE. What will happen to my dearest Kaneki Ken who should be protected at all costs? who knows. The manga is amazing, the anime not so much. SHOUNEN. COMPLETE.
Strobe Edge. - Sakisaka Io. I hate the ending. I hate the main characters. I love angst so I fell in love with Endou, the third wheel the other love interest of the protagonist and THE REAL GOOD BOY HERE HE DESERVED BETTER. SHOUJO. COMPLETE.
Shingeki no Kyojin. - Hajime Isayama. You know the one. Titans. Blood, sweat and tears but without good dancing. The manga is good is2g go and read it and enjoy the cliffhangers and lots of questions. SHOUNEN. ON GOING.
Yep, I read more yaoi manga than other genres... I’m a fujoshi I know that.
Finally... fanfiction. I’ll classify them by fandoms... that are not so many.
F A N F I C T I O N: all complete.
Shingeki no Kyojin. 
Not such thing as fate. by Mysecretfanmoments.  Reincarnation AU. My thing. I felt so at peace while reading this one... I really miss reading ereri fanfiction on a daily basis.
Inocencia perdida. by hudgens77 ¿Recordar mucho del 2014 cuando todo lo que hacía era leer en español? Nop. No recuerdo mucho de esta fanfic, pero Dios mio como amaba a esta autora. 
De cráneos y fotografías. by hudgens77 Una escena de esta fanfiction quedó por siempre en mi cabeza, por eso la adoro. Un poco extraña si no mal recuerdo pero es simplemente genial. Misterios y más misterios.
Fanboy. by RinAinsworth Fanboy!Eren ama a youtuber!Levi si no mal recuerdo. Su vida es el sueño de todo el mundo cuando este se muda en frente de su casa. Es muy graciosa y recuerdo haber disfrutado un montón el leerla en su tiempo. 
I used to read ereri/riren fanfiction like crazy back in the good old days. They were like my first otp or something. Of course all of that was on fanfiction.net and in spanish... I had to search there for this list and I find out most of them were never finished, ow my heart.
Tormentor, Mentor, Pleaser, Appeaser. by DarkFairyTail. Don’t remember that much but Hannibal fanfiction is always so good written it hurts. Just murder husbands being happy while husbanding and murdering. 
The Shape Of Me Will Always Be You. by MissDisoriental. Post canon fix it are always the best. Same as with the one above, just them being them and slow burn like salt in the sea.
Don’t say it. by Bibliomaniac. SOULMATES AU. YESS. TONY CAN’T TALK??! So his soulmates don’t have his words?? holy CRAP YESS ANGST MUCH ANGST I LOVE ANGST. 
Hide a heart of war. by RayShippouUchiha. People get flowers on their skin depending on things that have happened to them... language of flowers is heavy on this one. ANGST AGAIN, WHO ASKED FOR IT?
It was an accident. by HabuSake. The author of this has received so much crap I can’t believe it... HOWEVER, I intensely love this one. OMEGAVERSE, have I ever said I love it? well I do. Angst again yeeeaaah. 
Starquill. this is so random sorry.
Tony Stark Fucks Off Into Space. by itsallavengers. I’m always in for people loving Tony and here Peter Quill shows some of it. Also, post CW? Yess. 
A Nuke to Your Chest. by vorkosigan. Wanna know what calm feels like? read this. It is so... I don’t know... GOOD?!?!? you will not regret it. I cry just from remembering it.
I thought I'd have more stony fnf on the fave list but I guess the one from above is enough as it is PERFECT.
Yuri!!! on ICE.
Fever. by MilkTeaMiku Ok the thing I said about loving omegaverse? well yeah. This is pure smut. The first YOI fanfiction I ever read. Also I love the author.
An Examination of Stamina by Viktor Nikiforov. by Anonymous_Ostrich Pure smut, just that. Someone said bottom Victor? it has that too. You’re welcome. It is omegaverse too. 
I say that if I look for fluff of them both I better watch the anime. Let’s enjoy the dark side of them on internet.
De cuervos y amores. by Cerezo de Luna. Same case as with Ereri/riren, I used to read a shit-ton of kagehina back in the good old days... nowadays? not so much. Still... I forgot to write this in spanish. Ajá, esta es MUY LINDA. Recuerdo esperarla con ansias a que actualizara, FLUFF FLUFF y varias parejas del Karasuno.
Voltron Legendary Defender.
How to train your galra series. by magisterpavus. SMUT. SO MUCH SMUT. BUT VERY GOOD SMUT!
Fake it til you make it. by nikkiRA. Fake relationship anyone?? i’m into it. This is amazing, you’ll never regret it.
Never saw you coming. by dimpleforyourthoughts. Mutual pinning. Angst. Lance being the goodest friend ever... yes, my jam. 
Time out of mind. by aknightley. The boys?? wake up?? married?? in the future?? this is so cute it hurts?? 
So here’s what you’re not going to do. by BreakTheDawn. Lance telling the group what he really thinks, misunderstandings, my sweet boy getting stressed... yes, this is a work of art.
Nobody said it was easy. by heroami. Unrequited love. Angst. Not a happy ending... you feeling like reading that? go ahead. 
Lancelot. please I need more of this where Lotor isn’t a dickhead. 
The sunflower you lost. by peachii. I like to think of this fanfiction as lancelot, though Klance is endgame. Altean!Lance at the order. Reincarnation AU(or something among the line)... did I mention angst? where there is some of it too. 
And... that would be all for fanfictions I guess. I’m really picky with what I read. 
Hope you liked this big list! I’ll keep it updated! bye :)!
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blackandorange · 7 years
Top 5 best height differences? (for the ships!!)
1. Kagehina. I’m so weak for everything related to their height difference. Not to mention all the times that Kageyama effortlessly picks Hinata up by the shirt or that time when Hinata hid himself behind Kageyama and he actually moved a bit to cover him more and ???? honestly guys idk I just love them so much they make a mess out of me
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2. Iwaoi. THE WILDES CONCEPT IN HAIKYUU HISTORY WILL ALWAYS BE IWAIZUMI BEING SHORTER THAT OIKAWA #BLESSED literally that’s one of the best ideas Furudate ever had, kudos to him
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3. Asanoya. They are the ultimate height difference couple and the definition of a smol tol (ง •̀_•́)ง and a tol smol (;;;*_*)
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4. Kurotsuki. Kuroo’s true current concern is not “I can't get rid of my bedhead hair” but “what if...Tsukki....never stops getting taller?” (he’s already 3 cm ahead and he’s 2 years younger than you Kuroo....RIP)
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5. Kuroken and Yakulev (bless Nekoma). JUST LOOK AT THEM. If there’s something extremely comforting in how Kuroo is way way bigger than Kenma, the fact that Yaku could be that sassy and terrifying despite being so chibi is...just amazing. I live for the day we’re gonna see Lev picking him up (and getting killed right after) tbh
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Sen? Study topic! Why is Haikyuu so good in comparison to other sports anime?
Sports anime are big. In 2016, according to thefandometrics,Haikyuu was the most popular anime of the year and earned a respectable 5thplace for most manga sold in 2016 with over 6 million copies sold in Japanalone. Sports anime do not target a niche audience; you do not have to be anexpert at volleyball to enjoy this series. In an interview with Furudate, themangaka stated that he “wanted to bring to life the volleyball that was in myhead in the past.” This is a sport that is cherished by its creator and it iseasy to feel the amount of love and dedication that Furudate has put into thisseries but how exactly has it come so far? In comparison to other series, it isby far one of the most accessible series out there.
Haikyuu’s narrative is based around relatively normalhighschoolers. Although Hinata has a “freak quick”, it’s not anything specialwhen you have 17 year old Paola Egonu who recently broke the fastest serveworld record at 101kph; true a serve and spike are different, but this is onlyused as a small comparison to show that Hinata is not the most special personin the world. In addition to this, it opposes the completely terrifyingabilities that characters of Kuroko no Baske have with players who can shootfrom anywhere on the court. In comparison, all the team’s average heights arealso shorter than that of Japan’s real U19 team; Ushijima sets an imposingfigure against Hinata but he’s only a centimetre taller than Japan’s U19 teamaverage height.  Physically, there’s noimpossibility within Haikyuu… save for that one moment where Tanaka andNishinoya stopped in mid-air for comedic effect. The realism within Haikyuumeans that it is relatively easy for someone to relate to and with enoughpractice, one can eventually even surpass these characters in skill.
This sets it apart from the start of Kuroko no Basuke. Thecharacters of KnB are introduced as the best so in the eyes of the protagonistteam, their opponents become simply obstacles to overcome in comparison toHaikyuu’s characters. Hinata’s loss at the start of the series give reason anddrive from the very beginning which is not only to beat a team but to becomestronger, giving a whole montage where Hinata is shown running and trainingwith other characters. A lot of this first growth is skipped over in KnB whenSeirin first goes to their training and all that’s really focused on is them;there is no team for them to train with and they only have themselves toimprove upon; the part that I remember most from this was just Riko messing upcooking, while in Haikyuu, we see Karasuno fail time and time again against theTokyo Teams. This gives them the drive to fight because each “cog” – as Takedadescribes – is given the time to fit into place, whereas the first season ofKnB rushes over this development. The characters are already the best, withunrealistic abilities of perfect mimicry and an impossibly accurate shot, theseopponents seem flawless so Seirin’s victory seems almost inconceivable. Thegradual progression of a character makes victory seem plausible but without thebreathing time to expand upon development, a sudden victory from just jumpingreally high does not make the story flow well. However, realism should be ignoredto an extent with the presentation of superpower like effects.
Another factor that plays into why Haikyuu is a great seriesis that there is proper explanation behind it. A common thing that artists aretold to do in their work is to “show, not tell”, yet Haikyuu has a balancebetween this that does not seem forced at all. Starting from the bare bones of Yukigaoka,Hinata has to explain to his own teammates what setting and all of this is. It’sunderstandable, since these characters do not know how to deal with it.Learning is important for everyone, even with Shiratorizawa; Ushijima claimsthat he hasn’t even seen a libero set up a toss, and rightfully so, this isn’tseen much in high school volleyball at all. The coach and spectators are notjust informing players and people like Yachi and Saeko, but they inform theaudience following the story as well. In comparison to Yuri on Ice, my personalopinion is that Haikyuu is significantly better in involving the audience withthe sport that it showcases. YOI had very limited time to do things in, withonly twelve episodes to fit in a story over a year, yet Haikyuu’s Season 3 wasallowed the time to explain guess blocking etc. within those ten episodes. Nobodywithout prior ice skating knowledge would have ever known about the GOE andbase value scoring system at all, yet Haikyuu’s main aim is to showcasevolleyball rather than a couple. In this respect, Haikyuu is amazing at showingwhat true volleyball is, while YOI does not do the justice of explaining thecomplexity of ice skating.
A plethora of characters is also important to Haikyuu’sstory. While you have Nekoma as Karasuno’s ultimate rival, Seijou andShiratorizawa stand as more immediate threats. It is Karasuno’s story, not justHinata’s alone. Every single person on the team gets to develop in some way;not all of them have been explored yet but just Ennoshita’s words that he “won’tbe a bench warmer forever” lets you know that every single person on this teamis just as valuable as everyone else. Oikawa was ranked 5th in thelast popularity poll, despite not being part of Karasuno. It’s not just asimple fact of him being a good looking character, but he’s one that is wellfleshed out. The ‘whole’ fandom sees some sort of tragedy in Oikawa andIwaizumi going to different universities and pities the fact that he injuredhimself. These details could have been skipped over, yet he’s given his smalltime in the spotlight. Minor characters like Towada from Ougiminami are given astory, despite essentially being the obstacle in Karasuno’s way, showing theirdrive building up. However, Karasuno sees all of their players as respectable;Hinata cheers up Hyakuzawa and tells him that being tall is the “awesomesttalent” and still thinks that Ushijima is “so friggin’ cool” despite how heimagined that Ushijima said he has no right to live. Haikyuu’s story is soinnocent in comparison to attitudes like Aomine’s “the only person that canbeat me is me”; even Ushijima didn’t think he would lose but is still so calmand accepting of it. Each and every character is so important to the story andHaikyuu makes sure to acknowledge each character respectfully.
The whole atmosphere around Haikyuu is generally veryuplifting; even the court is brighter than that of Kuroko no Basuke’s. KnB’scourt seems dimly lit, with the audience merely a mass of shadows whereasHaikyuu constantly brings the audience into the action, recording the reactionsof the side characters in awe of what’s happening down below. In addition tothis, Haikyuu’s music makes you feel chills and goosebumps from a livelyorchestra in comparison to KnB’s heavy electronic sound that exudes pressurerather than excitement. Yuri on Ice cannot be brought into comparison due tothe fact that the action is choreographed towards the music unlike music thatis added in on top. Each of these series have different aims entirely. Yuri onIce showcases romance. Haikyuu and Kuroko no Basuke want you to be interestedin the sport but through different ways, amazement in comparison to it beingcool. Haikyuu gives you moments to laugh with slapstick and observationalcomedy but there isn’t the time to do this on the court of Kuroko no Basuke,giving it a more serious and heavy tone. As a result, Haikyuu is madeaccessible for more people as it is an anime that makes you feel good watching,rather than being pressured like on the court of KnB.
In conclusion, Haikyuu is well deserving of its title as themost popular sports anime of last year. The narrative is easily relatable to itsaudience and is relatively grounded and realistic. All characters are giventheir own development and the ins and outs of volleyball are explained wellwithout being forceful. In comparison to its other sports anime competitors,Haikyuu is considerably better in terms of characterisation and relativity tothe audience.
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shrimpyboke · 7 years
Have you ever had an itch that you constantly ignore, but it doesn’t go away? And it just keeps bothering you and irritating you until you finally scratch at it? Well, this is figuratively me.
First off, let me clarify this: I love both Yuri on Ice and Haikyuu. They were what kept me going through the shitty semester I had last year—I looked forward to each Wednesday and every Friday, and that’s what kept me distracted from spiraling headfirst into conflicting depression. But between then and now, on tumblr and on multiple social media platforms, I’ve noticed people from each fandom criticizing other animes. And it’s not constructive criticism nor is it enough to warrant a discussion. I know, I know—people are allowed to express their own opinions.
Continue reading if you want to actually read my rant (long post).
But what’s tiring me out is seeing one fandom throw down an anime to paint their favorites in a better light. I understand there are people who don’t like YOI and others who don’t like HQ, and that’s fine. You’re entitled to your own opinion, but you know what? It’s not necessary to shit on one anime to make yours look better. Primarily, I’ve seen some people from the YOI fandom throw shit at HQ, and I, being an avid HQ fan, am so fucking tired of seeing that shit.
Let me address some arguments I’ve seen:
So there was this one post that irked me, and it was about how HQ had so many unnecessary scenes and flashbacks that cut to their training camp and how each match took up five episodes. Ok, let me start with this, I’m not caught up in the manga (I’m at where Karasuno goes up against Johzenji), but you know what I’ve noticed? The anime does a fantastic job of following the manga. A lot of the key points are emphasized, and the characterization is just so on point.
The training camp? That introduced us to some of the most beloved characters from Nekoma and Fukurodani. Without Bokuto, Akaashi, and Kuroo, we wouldn’t see Hinata and Tsukishima’s development in character or skill. In fact, imo, the training camp is where most of the development took place. New skills were learned, and the bonds between teammates and friends solidified into something stronger and more unbreakable. The flashbacks are almost always cut back to this period because that’s when Karasuno grew as a team.
The matches? Like I said before, the anime does such an amazing job at keeping true to the manga that we get to see literally almost everything animated, and that’s pure dedication. Also, with each match, new skills are unveiled and we get to actually witness how the opposite team functions and how, just like Karasuno, the teams are made up of high school students who just want to go on and play volleyball, and that’s what makes each team so beloved and hard to hate.
This one gets to me so hard and it annoys the crap out of me because
“Queer baiting is a term used to describe the perceived attempt by canon creators (typically of television shows) to woo queer fans and/or slash fans, but with no intention of actually showing a gay relationship being consummated on screen.”
When in the hell has Furudate given us the impression that two characters are getting together? Never. That’s the answer: never. HQ is primarily based around friendship and teamwork. The bonds between the characters are so strong that usually a glance is enough to perceive the solidified trust between teammates. Is there shipping within the fandom? You bet your ass there is, and hell, I’m guilty of being one of them. But that’s because the fans like it—iwaoi, bokuaka, kuroken, bokuroo, oikuroo, kagehina, ushiten, tensemi, etc. If there’re two characters out there, they will be shipped.
But at the end of the day, a lot of us remember that Haikyuu revolves around friendship, teamwork, and bonding. There is no queerbaiting, and you can all fight me on that.
Fair enough. You have your preferences, others have theirs. Personally, I love Mob Psycho’s the most, but that’s just me. But don’t say things like, “Oh, YOI’s animation sucks” or “HQ’s animation is gross.” That’s just rude to the animators and producers who worked hard every day to bring these beloved animes to life.
Final comment:
I stayed quiet about the crunchyroll awards because I don’t like conflict, but I’ve seen comments that have irritated me beyond rationality. And I still see some now, like really? That was a while back. Honestly, even though I thought Mob Psycho’s animation was beautifully done, I knew YOI was going to win based off of sheer popularity. Because that’s primarily what the awards were about: popularity. And that’s fine because it’s already happened, and we can’t change anything.
But what I absolutely hated were the comments that said, “MP fans should stop crying about losing. It’s getting annoying.” Again, freedom to express opinions. But keep in mind that if YOI hadn’t won, the YOI fandom would be outraged. So it goes both ways, and from what I’ve seen, a lot of it was a one way street that lacked empathy towards an upset fandom.
I’ve also seen arguments on ‘how hard the producers worked, and that’s why YOI deserves the award.’ No one is saying that animators didn’t work hard. Ice skating involves all parts of the body, and it’s going to be impossible to produce something 100% perfect. BUT at the end of the day, it’s going to be about the results, and in my honest opinion, I would peg MP100’s animation to be much more fluid and beautifully done.
Again, I love all the animes mentioned above, but I definitely love HQ so much more to the point where I can watch the seasons again and again and not be tired of it. YOI is beautiful and revolutionary, and Yuri’s fight against anxiety is so relatable and wonderfully developed, but at the end of the day, if you ask me what my favorite anime is, I’d definitely answer Haikyuu.
And the only thing I ask for is for the fandoms to stop the baseless criticisms and respect each other. Treat them like separate animes. Don’t compare them because they’re different animes with differing concepts.
Again, you’re entitled to your own opinion, and this is mine.
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