#will it post i am NOT hopeful anyway this sucks bye
in1-nutshell · 6 months
Hey, not sure if you're down for writing a continuation of the “Megatron 'accidentally' adopting human Buddy who fears nothing” post. But there was a line “Rung has a line of bots that express the same worry for Buddy one day doing something dumb and not being able to come back from it.” that I think should be expanded upon. Dangerous things are constantly happening to the lost light crew and Buddy must have the devil's luck to come out of everything that happens unscathed. I'd like to see that luck run out. I'd like to see the crew panicking because Buddy got hurt badly and there's been no news if they'll recover or not. I want to see Megatron deal with the impending mortality of his newly adopted kid poorly. And I want to see everyone on the lost light panic even more because if Megatron doesn't start a war if this kid dies, Whirl absolutely will. P.s please let buddy live, I may crave angst, but not that much.
Have a good day, love your writing
Ooooh! Have you been peaking at some of my drafts? haha! I have been thinking about what would happen if Buddy ever got hurt on Megatron's watch. But now more bots are going to watch.
Hope you enjoy!
Megatron and Fearless Buddy who gets seriously hurt
SFW, familial, platonic, angst but happy ending, mention of injuries but nothing graphic or detailed, Human reader
As we all know Buddy fears nothing
And this put some stress on their friends and new dad, Megatron.
“Hey Megs!”--Rodimus
“Rodimus, don’t call me that.”--Megatron
“Yeah, not gonna happen. Anyways I was wondering if you’ve seen Buddy anywhere. They were supposed to show me something?”--Rodimus
“Show you what?”--Megatron
“Something about being a present for being Brainstorm’s ‘Guinea pig’?”--Rodimus
Buddy flying by on a jet pack.
“Hi Roddy! Hi Megs! Bye Roddy! Bye Megs!”--Buddy
“…”—Rodimus and Megatron
Both mechs start running
But as time continues to go on, their little antics are just normalized. Sure, there are still some bots that know the true fragility of the human life span. Such bots included but not limited to Ratchet, First Aid, Velocity, Swerve, Rung, Megatron, and Whirl
“Where are you going with those pilars?”—First Aid
“It’s nothing illegal, yet.”--Buddy
“What type of answer is that!?”—First Aid
But for the most part the crew thinks Buddy is almost as durable as they are. Yes, even Megatron has been guilty of this type of behavior. He isn’t too proud of that.
“C’mon Fleshy jump and do a flip!”—Random Bot
“I think not.”--Whirl
“If you break your dumb fragile bones who else is going to come with me on planet expeditions? Cyclonus? I think not. He sucks out all the fun.”—Whirl
“I am literally right here.”--Cyclonus
So, let the angst begin.
The place was being invaded by space pirates.
The pirates where taking the bridge and had successfully barricaded themselves in.
“Why can’t we just break the door down?”--Buddy
“The main room has delicate equipment. One wrong move…”--Megatron
“Okay that’s a bad idea then.”--Buddy
“We just need an opening from the main door and we can figure out the rest.”--Rodimus
“Hey, I’m tiny enough to fit through the crack under the door. I can open the door!”--Buddy
“Absolutely not.”--Megatron
“For once I’m agreeing with him.”--Whirl
“Hey, its not like we have many options here. Unless someone else has a better idea then I am quite literally the only thing stopping these guys.”--Buddy
“…go then…”--Megatron
He was going to regret saying it like that. The computers dashboard in order to unlock the door or at least give it an opening. So, when they were sure that the aliens weren’t looking, they sprinted over to the console by swinging up with a grappling hook to the chair and began running towards the buttons.
They had indirectly activated the plasma screens.
These were holoscreens all over the ship that would show what was happening on the bridge. Everyone had a front row seat to Buddy sprinting across the console. There where cheers as Buddy was coming closer and closer to the button
“They made it!”--Rodimus
“Way to go Buddy!”--Tailgate
“Just press the button.”—Ultra Magnus
“That’s my Amica—”--Whirl
It was right there…
The alien came out of nowhere…
“EW! A Rat!”--Alien
“A ra—"--Buddy
They swatted Buddy across the room in one swift movement. They’re tiny body hurdling across the room and off screen. A small sickening crack was heard.
It was barely noticeable.
But it caused a deafening sound across the entire Lost Light.
 Good news for the crew, Buddy’s shoe came off from the force of the hit and successfully pressed the button opening the door.
Everyone is lined up to take these aliens down.
Megatron and Whirl are at the forefront of it.
Megatron is trying to find Buddy while Whirl is absolutely destroying everything.
Megatron spots Buddy slumped over in the far corner of the room.
No motion, nothing
He is just frozen in place.
“Megatron! Move!”--Ratchet
Ratchet snaps him out of it as he is trying to help Buddy.
Megatron snaps out of it a cover him.
Buddy is rushed out an into the medbay.
Everyone is waiting.
The sudden gravity of Buddy’s mortality weighs heavily on the minds of everyone involved.
Megatron sulks in his room thinking about how he failed them. He can’t bear to sit by Buddy in the med bay. Ratchet understands and tells him that he when Buddy wakes up.
Whirl on the other hand, stays by Buddy’s bed side the entire time.
“Hey Tiny. It’s been a hot minute since you’ve open those little eyes… You mind opening them up?”--whirl
“Fine be like that…”--Whirl
“Well, you’ve missed a lot since you took that hit. One you have a ton of inner most energon by your room and a growing number of get-well gifts. I personally made sure none of you’re a secret bomb. Megs is still in his room and its giving everyone the creeps.”--Whirl
“… Don’t tell this to anyone… but we miss you, you scared the ever living Pits out of us.”--Whirl
Whirl has lost every good thing in his life. He is going to make sure that this one thing does go so soon.
Buddy does wake up
“Hye Whirly Bird?”--Buddy
“Why you looking at me like that? Someone died?”--Buddy
“You nearly did Tiny!”--Whirl
“But I didn’t, huh? It takes more than a hand to stop me.”--Buddy
“…I guess huh.”--Whirl
Megatron is zooming over when he hears. Buddy is trying to play off their injuries to try and keep the peace.
“Hey Megs.”--Buddy
“You okay? You look like you’re dying.”--Buddy
“… that was a poor choice of words.”--Megatron
“Yeah I guess— woah, Megs?"—Buddy
Megatron gently holding Buddy’s hand the best he can
“Just let me hold you please, just a little bit.”--Megatron
“Sure Megs.”--Buddy
As they are recovering Buddy is treated with a bit more respect than they had before. Good thing too, they did after all manage to save the ship after all.
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moonswolfie · 8 months
Capricious feelings
Atsumu x gn!reader
(this could be read as pre or post timeskip tsumu so have fun with it 💙)
I am back on my "haikyuu fics based off vocaloid songs" grind after the first one was moderately successful, so I bring you:
Kimagure Mercy and Atsumu except the ending is good because i am smitten for atsumu and cannot write him as an asshole even though he absolutely would be one😭
Warnings: a few swear words, sort of angst to sort of fluff
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He's calling you again. You only roll your eyes, waiting for your phone to stop ringing and turning away to focus on whatever else you're doing.
You know why he's calling, anyways. It's cuz he wants your help, or wants to borrow some money, or has some other favour that he wants from you.
You see, Atsumu's your boyfriend on paper, but in practice, things couldn't be more different. The "relationship", if you can even still call it that, is on the verge of collapsing. He only ever calls you when he needs favours, constantly making excuses for his distant behaviour.
The phone stops ringing, and you take a breath of relief, only for it to start ringing again a few seconds. God, he must really want a favour if he bothered calling twice in a row. You sigh, picking up the phone.
"Hi, how are ya?" He's using a sweet, gentle tone to butter you up as always. You regretfully know all of his little tricks by now.
"I'm fine. Why are you calling?" You're aware that you sound a little cold and harsh, but what's the point in useless small talk when you already know that isn't why he's calling?
"Come over, will ya?"
Those words froze you for a second. Whenever he asked you to come over, it would always end with him sucking your face off and then ignoring you until you leave. It always leaves you feeling sick and empty, knowing those kisses mean nothing to him.
Yet someway, somehow, you find yourself feeling giddy whenever he takes your hand or wraps his arms around your waist. And you hate that you do.
You absolutely hate the thought of falling in love with him. Not with that selfish, self-obsessed asshole who only uses you for favours and doesn't give a damn about you. But your heart insists on betraying your mind, your reason.
"Are ya there? You've been real quiet..." his voice snaps you out of your train of thought. "Yeah, I'm coming."
You don't know why you still bend to his will every time, you could easily say no, break up with him and never talk to him again. Maybe you actually do know why... and you don't like the reason.
"Lovely, I'll be waitin'. Bye now." he hung up the phone. As always, he has you wrapped around his finger, otherwise you wouldn't be making your way to his house right now. You live relatively close to him, so the walk isn't long. You briefly think about turning around and going back home. But once again, your stupid heart wins.
You ring the doorbell, and a sudden wave of regret flushes over you. Should you really be falling into his arms again? Should you have ignored your mind, telling you to turn back?
Before you even have a chance to run away, the door opens. "Heya, sweets. Come on in." That smile is a deceptive mask, and you know it. You silently walk in, sitting down on the couch, your usual make-out spot. You just have to get it over with and hope your stomach doesn't churn from guilt later.
He sits down beside you, and you close your eyes in anticipation to be roughly grabbed by him. But it doesn't come.
"Are you good? Ya look a lil' pale." the concern in his voice was completely unexpected.
"Since when do you care how I'm doing?" You have no idea what came over you in that moment. Normally you would brush it off, lie to him, or assure him you're fine. But he'd never asked you that with such concern before, and you don't know what to do with yourself anymore.
"I'm yer boyfriend, of course I-"
"Oh, shut up! You only care when you want a favour from me!" You stood up, clenching your hands into fists. "You don't actually give a damn about me, do you?! You don't love me, you only love yourself!!" All your repressed feelings suddenly came spilling out.
He looked awfully surprised by your behaviour, probably because you finally didn't bend to his will once. Because you finally said what's on your mind. It felt good, but at the same time, your heart felt a pang of pain once the words you said finally registered in your brain.
"I... this is what I called ya over for, actually...." he looked to the ground, wearing a solemn expression. His mask of confidence was breaking.
"I know that I'm a horrible boyfriend, but I'm goin' ta fix that." He looked back up at you, determination shining in his eyes.
This was a conversation you never ever expected to have. Is this a cruel prank? Would Atsumu do that to you?
"I don't... understand. Why now?" You weren't sure what to think right now. You're honestly thinking too many things, feeling too many emotions at once right now.
"Because, I ended up realisin' that ya deserve better than this. Honestly, yer too good fer me." Knowing Atsumu, it must've taken a lot for him to throw away his pride and ego just to admit this.
At your silence, he continued. "My point is, I wanna be better for ya, give this whole love thing a shot, ya know? But if ya really feel that way, you can break up with me, I won't mind..."
"Atsumu, you ass." He flinched slightly at your response, searching your face for your emotions. "You can't do this to me." Right when you finally felt strong enough to call him out, he decides to pull you right back in and make you feel all horrible.
You sigh. "You're a lucky man, Atsumu. But these better not be empty promises." Your hopeless heart wins you over once again. Yet this time, you feel assured. Assured that Atsumu will do the right thing.
Atsumu finally felt like he could breathe again, placing a hand on his chest. "Would I ever break a promise I made?" He asked with a relieved smile.
"Honestly.... you seem like you would." You rolled your eyes playfully.
"Hey, I didn't promise to better myself just so you can insult me!"
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Stalker's little family.
Pairing: Austin Butler x reader.
Part 1.
Warning:Blood kink, Cum shots, Sex Toy, Choking, Dirty talk, Pregnancy sex, Hair pulling, Oral (Fem & male receiving) Shower sex, Breeding kink, Degrading kink, Praise kink, Dark humor, Murder, Gore, Dark reader, Yandere Austin, Clean toothbrush.
Summary: It's time for Austin to return to California, Anaheim so with a heavy heart you leave with your new boyfriend, to his shared house with Kaia, you keep asking what happened with her but he'd either switch the topic or not answer at all regardless of this you're absolutely ecstatic for your new horizon but it seems it wouldn't come so easy to obtain when Austin's neighbor finds out about his secrets.
A/n: I want to thank everyone who had waited patiently for me post this, if I'm being honest I had lost motivation to finish but I did! I hope that y'all like it, I want to also say I appreciate every person who likes my stories and my followers without y'all I'd never find out how much I love to write. Anyways onto the story and like always stay tuned (Sorry if it sucked!)
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"Thank you so much for everything." you said as you pulled away from ki's embrace "I am sad to see you go, (N/N) you have been a great friend and colleague. Take care of my baby ok?" Ki winked at you which you playful huffed "Now get going or you're guard dog is going to put me six feet under," He chuckled nervously looking over your shoulder, and you followed his gaze to see Austin's icky blues glaring murderously at Ki, holding Hudson, who was in fact too busy gumming on his little fist to notice his daddy's deadly aura.
You hid your smirk, feelings of arousal and euphoria rushed up your veins like a drug "I guess so, Bye Ki. I'll call you sometime." you winked at him before heading to your car not bothering to hide your smirk anymore "Cool down tiger." You teased walking past Austin to your vehicle, you open the car door and sat down in the passenger seat. Austin following in suit after he buckled Hudson into his car seat before getting to the driver's seat and began driving, his eyes ahead of him, his jaw clenched "My love you don't need to be jealous, I love you." you said softly "I know, I just can't help it. You're mine after all." he takes your hand and kissed your knuckles, a small smile on his lips, God he loved you so damn much, even when you tease him like that, he just didn't trust Ki he was known for being a playboy, anyone can see he liked, Maybe even loved you and that thought made he want to go crazy, you're his, if he has to get you pregnant, breed you over and over again for people to know that then he will, happily.
Ki had some of his people move your stuff into Austin's house in the dead of night, and his jet set to take you back privately, knowing you wanted to keep your little family secret, especially since Kaia went missing, it would be bad publicity for Austin and you can't, won't ruin his dreams. "He asleep?" you asked sitting up in the queen-sized bed you now shared with Austin "with difficulty but asleep." he sighed, slipping under the covers, his head on his hand as he looked at you "it's hard huh?" you said laying down "Oh yeah," he chuckled softly pulling you into his embrace "But I wouldn't change a thing." his other hand rubbing your 3-month pregnant belly "Not a thing." you smiled as you both laid in the comfortable silence, his arms around you and his heartbeat in your ear made everything so surreal, you dreamed of something like this, THE Austin Bulter to be in love with you, have a family with him, to have that honor of bearing his children and here you are, in his bed, in his arms, his love all around you, yes you and Hudson had to be kept secret but you actually liked that you don't want paparazzi in your business.
Your thinking stopped when Austin's soft snores filled your ears "Goodnight my love." you whispered and kissed his cheek before snuggling into his chest as sleep overcomes you. Austin slowly open his eyes only to shut them from the slither of light from the curtains, he grunted and turned to cuddle you but he felt nothing "Baby?!" he called, a bit of panic in his deeper voice, sitting up in the bed "I'm in the kitchen!" you called back, Austin quickly got out of bed and rushed to the kitchen, his pajama pants hang on his hips, and his panic immediately vanished as he sees you fed Hudson some baby food with your new work cloths; a white pencil skirt with a white dress jacket buttoned and a black blouse low-cut.
Austin looked at your get-up, top to bottom l, he licked and bit his bottom lip, his blues darkened "Say," he trailed off "When was the last time I fucked you?" "Austin!" you gasped "What?! I'm just asking," he smirked "Not in front of Hudson! Horn dog." you giggled as Austin placed kisses around your face and neck, "I have to go, I can't be late, I'm the CEO now." you smiled at him as he pouted "Sarsh is gonna come and pick Hudson so he can have a play date with Jackson" Austin nod "Bye baby," Austin whispered against your lips before giving you one last kiss. You waved goodbye to Austin and Hudson, who rested against his father's waist, Austin waved back with a smile.
Ryan's eyes watched the houses going over if this is ready to try to find out the truth he knew something was up when movers had moved something into his neighbor's house in the dead of night and his Kaia went missing after she accuses of Austin cheating, that was enough for him to think maybe Austin had something to do with that, gripping his lock picks and a blacklight, left his house and jumped the fence to the backyard of his neighbor's home, and started to unlock the back door, He sighed asentersnter the house "Ok where to begin?" he questions no one, he had 3 hours before you and Austin come back from work. Closing the door he began to look around.
He looked in the bedrooms first upstairs and then the master bedroom bathroom, he turned the blacklight on the sink, and streaks of bright green fell down the drain, taking his phone he snapped a photo before heading to the kitchen, Ryan's heart stopped dead, the loud clinking of heels hit the wooden floors that lead to the very room he was it. He looked around vertically 'There!' he looked at the walk-in pantry and immediately hid in that spot, peeking through the mostly closed double doors, he watch you as you dropped your keys on the marble Island. "I know you're there, come out," you called out with an ice-cold tone, staring directly at the pantry, Rayn walked out, a glare in his eyes "You cause her death huh?" he spat "You took my only happiness away! Now it's your turn, I'll—" Ryan's villain's speech was cut short by his own scream as a knife stuck out of his shoulder, another painful scream ripe out of him as the knife was jerked out, his body slumped to the floor, gripping his shoulder to try and stop the bleeding but that was useless as he'll come to find out. Austin pinned the defenseless man and his knife cut into Ryan's chest over and over again, blood spattering onto Austin's face, and hands, and a large pool of crimson leaked out of the already dead man "Austin." you called firmly, he didn't stop, you frowned as you walked to him and kneel beside him"Austin." you called again softly taking his face in your hands, your frowned deepened as a tear hits the dumb corpse.
"I-I can't lose you or Hudson." Austin stuttered tears keep falling " Oh baby you'll never lose us," you looked down at Ryan's lifeless body "We made sure of that." Austin's breathing calmed, "let's hide the evidence," you said taking the shovel you left by the front door and handing it to him. "we'll be fine my love," you kissed him and nudge him gently to the backyard, you watched him leave before began to grab things that you needed like the tarp, mop and bucket, a large zip ties, a jar of hydrogen peroxide and flowers. You filled the bucket with water and hydrogen peroxide, dragged the body onto the huge black trap, wrapped him in it, and close the tarp with the zip ties. You were mopping the floor when Austin came in, and you could help but stop to watch as Austin picked up the body almost effortlessly, the blood made him even more beautiful and sexy, and you could already feel yourself become soaked for your boyfriend, you quickly finish mopping up all the blood, grabbed the flowers and walked into the backyard, Austin had already buried the body next to the flower garden, Austin wipe the dirt off his forehead but it becoming even dirtier, you let out a small giggle at that which got you an adorable confused look from Austin before you both began to plant the flowers above Ryan's resting place. "Now let's get cleaned up" you clapped your hands clean, well the best you could do with blood and dirt caked on them, Austin being the gentleman he was, helped you up.
Flashes of Austin filled your mind, him being so protective and possessive, killing the threat of your happiness, for your family, his eyes, damn near black as a starless night, and the beautiful crimson splattering onto his cheeks hands, and chest, some even in his blonde hair, the strong feeling of hormonal lust came as your want for him grows. You barely had enough time to step into the bathroom when Austin's mouth smashed against yours, tongue exploring your mouth like it would all suddenly vanish, you lewdly moaned at feeling the hotness of his tongue, he backed you more into the bathroom, one hand blindly opening the bathroom mirror cabinet, and Austin broke the heated kiss as he begins to open up the unused electric toothbrush "Clothes off and lay on the floor" his deep voice growled, and you smirked playfully, undressed with Austin smacked your ass and laid down against the cold white tile, waiting and anticipating for his next move, he's slowly almost teasingly took his clothes off and got on his knees, the toothbrush between his teeth and he took it out of his mouth "let's have a try huh?" he smirked, turned on it, the vibration sounded out in the otherwise room silent, the rough bristles hit your sensitive bud with a spinning vibration.
A loud whimper and moan at a harsh but pleasant sensation "that's my beautiful slut." he said, his cock slammed and pounded away into you without mercy.
"Fuck," he groans tossing the toothbrush away, his hand now occupied with choking and squeezing your throat, leaving a bloody handprint, your eyes rolled back as he rolled his hips, throwing one leg on his shoulder, and leaned to kiss you reaching a new deeper angle "Eyes on me," he growled pulling your head back, fist wrapped in your hair a while he drilled down into you like a crazed man, his pelvis bone slapping against your clit.
"So beautiful, carrying my baby let every motherfucker you're mine, fuck. Want. To. Keep. You. Pregnant." squeezing your neck tighter as he thrusted after every period, you loved that idea, you would gladly carry this man's babies no matter how much he wanted, to have him breed you over and over, would be a dream come true. You were close so close, your pussy clenched and unclenched around Austin making him curse under his breath as he fucked you faster, "Fuck!" you cried grabbing into his bicep, and a hand on your belly you came, your back arched, pushing your breasts against his firm chest. Austin continues to thrust until you came down your high, he pulled and wrapped his hand that was on your neck around his angry and sensitive cock, jerking and squeezing, his pearly cum suddenly shoots onto your chest and stomach, heavy almost breathless pants left him.
You both sat there for a second before Austin stood up and picked you up setting you down the toilet, a kiss on your head, and then turning on the shower head to the right temperature. You hummed as the hot water relax your muscles, and the beautiful Crimson rush down to the drain "We're not done yet." Austin whispered into your ear, turning you around and getting on his knees, His eyes meet yours, licking his lips and before his pillowy lips wrapped on your clitoris.
You closed your eyes with a smile as your boyfriend eats you out, this truly was a dream come true, you'd fight for this, and Austin had proven this tonight, by killing that pesky, nosy neighbor, too high off drugs that drove everyone away and the day he killed Kaia, yes you knew, when It came your family you knew when something was up, you even know he brought an engagement ring but you wouldn't tell him that.
This was your happily ever after and nobody. Nobody would take it from you.
Taglist; @kendralavon7, @purejasmine, @plasticfantasticl0ver, @galaxygirl453, @cynic-spirit, @18lkpeters, @chasingwildflowers,
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firebugging · 5 months
Hope everyone's year has been good so far, I've wanted to do this for a while, so here's my little ramble!!
I wanted to do as many people as possible but I am a COWARD and just went until I feel like I wrote too much, everything is utc :3
ALRIGHTTTTT, STARTING OFF WITH @eslover. I remember our first interaction the best tbh... (milgram tree, kotorb!!) you're the person that made really want to try and branch out to talk to other people within the milgramblr community (I still get a bit embarrassed though). You're super nice and I'm really grateful that we're mutuals! Truly the McMido acc ever !!
Next up, @tsuwmya! You were my first mutual here and I think you're super cool!! I really admire you, even if I don't interact with you a-lot, your ocgram is SOSO WELL DONE AND ALL THE CHARACTERS ARE SO CHEWYYY (it made me begin work on my own ocgram again actually). Your analysis posts are always such a pleasure to read and there is something about your art that makes me want to eat it like a sandwich /pos
@dearmahiru YOUUU. You're the person that made me like 0610 and MY GOD, DOOMED YURI!! They're one of my favourite ships now hehe. BUT ANYWAYS, ANOTHER PERSON WHO MAKES WONDERFULLY WRITTEN ANALYSIS POSTS, they're always such good reads and you can tell how well researched they are! In my head you're THE Mahiru mutual and I await the Kotoko final girl post!
LINA @linabirb. Uhmm... fun fact, when I initially got into Milgram, your edit blog was the first thing I really checked out in terms of fan work. I believe I was the anon that asked for heart shaped miko icons one time (I loved them btw. I ended up using them for one of my rentry pages WITH CREDIT OFC). You're really friendly and soso approachable 10/10 MUTUAL!!!
@narumimii YOU'RE LIKE A CELEBRITY 2 ME... so cool. I lovelove you edits and will probably spam like them later out of respect because photopea SUCKS and trying to understand it made me admire you for putting up with it's confusingness. Also... yurigram real I LOVE YOUR ART OK BYE
@art-stuff-by-goose You're one of my irls and also not on milgramblr but you are my qp WIFE so I would like to thank your for putting up with me for all these years! I can be cringefail boyflop girlloser around you without worry and you also introduced SSOOSOOSO many cool games to me YOU WILL BE NUKED!! Overall you are very cool and I am gonna give you one of my silly dinosaurs :3
TO EVERYONE WHO ISN'T ON HERE!! Just know that even if we're not close, I really appreciate you! Everyone who I've interacted with here (no matter how much or how little) has really made my fandom experience so much more enjoyable, this is actually the first time I've really tried to interact with others in the community and it's been soso wonderful thus far. So thank you! I hope that you all have a wonderful 2024!! <3
Also uhmmm, I suck at interacting first so if you'd like to get closer, maybe send an ask? OK THAT'S ALL THIS WAS UHMMMMM VERY UHHHH THIS WAS A POST!!!!!!
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el00o · 12 days
well, I decided to write a post about Unpleasant anyway.
In my universe/headcanons, Unpleasant is an unpleasant and terrible creature. I'm really already tired of the fact that the entire audience of the Regretator justified their perception of him as some kind of emo bitch boy and a stupid omega who only knows jokes about skibidi toilet and sucking Jeremy's cock. Because I'm from Russia, the name Unpleasant translates into our language as indecent/unpleasant /terrible. do you understand? I don't want to offend anyone, but the way others present him in the image of a shy emo boy already completely beats off the whole image and essence of Unpleasant.
Others really think that Unpleasant is an emo shy kawaii person who is friends with an Infected and Jeremy. It's really dumb. you just created a comfortable Unpleasant for yourself in order, God forbid, to damage your psyche. I'm not saying that Unpleasant can be 100 percent like that. it's just my universe/headcannon and opinion about Unpleasant.
in my universe, Unpleasant is a sadistic creature with perverted and sick tendencies, creating unpleasant sensations from it (which is its essence from the very beginning). He's a hypocritical bastard with a sick mind. please note that he is not just some fucking schizophrenic, but a thoughtful and intelligent being who can harm someone without any conscience or regret, and then get away with it.
I would like to add that I DO NOT SUPPORT violence, pedophilia and bestiality and even more so, I'm NOT ROMATIZING him.
I hope you understand my opinion and there will not be any individuals who will write that I am sick bastard.
I also want to apologize for my rude behavior and also, I don't want to offend anyone about their opinions/headcanons, etc. Bye.
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theharrowing · 11 months
another writer posted about lack of engagement and how much it sucks when fellow writers promise to read their work but then never do. i understand first-hand the disappointment that is felt when you are hoping and expecting for someone to engage and then they never do. (or when someone says, "i read this fic and i intend to tell you how i feel" but then do not.)
on the one hand, friendships are not transactional and i do not believe i am owed anything. but on the other, sitting and waiting for something that never comes can be heartbreaking. especially for those of us who already get so little engagement compared to some of our peers.
and, so want to apologize to all of the friends who i have done that to. i reblog with "tbr" or dm asking what i should read, and then i get super busy and often forget/lose track. it is never intentional, but it does happen, and i am sorry if i have been a disappointing friend.
life happens, people get busy, people forget...we all know all of these things to be true. and i can repeat over and over that friendships here are not transactional, and that nobody here owes anything to anyone, but it is hard to wait for something that never comes. it sucks. so i just want to put it out there that i care and i am sorry.
i will probably continue to make heartfelt but ultimately empty promises because i really do have eyes bigger than my stomach and no ability to feast on as many delicious fics as i want to. there are so many reasons why i do or do not read fics, whether it is due to time, or i am only in the mood for something specific, or whatever whatever. i am so ungodly slow at reading, which also does not help.
anyway, i am beginning to tangent, so i am going to post this shit ok bye. i love you, drink water!
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la-squadra1234 · 1 year
New idea :0
What if: "hxh characters knew that their kiddo are in couple with their best friend's child ?"
(For exemple feitan's kid and Phinks' one or other)
Of course I can do that!
Btw I am trying to get every request done as fast as possible but most of the time I can’t do them in the same day as I get the request, so expect them in about two days after you request some thing
Full credit to la-squadra1234
He honestly wouldn’t care because he knows damn well that his kid is going to be fine and that his kid won’t stupidly reveal any information that the other child doesn’t already know about
He also wouldn’t really care because he knows that his kid won’t get hurt and it’s safer for his kids to date that way anyways
He’s honestly just happy for his child but the best part about it is that his kid can’t reveal any information that is unknown to the public so it’s safe
He would definitely be the last to find out, but he wouldn’t care in the first place anyways because it has nothing to do with him and his child is not getting hurt so absolutely he’s fine with it
He would be chill about everything, unless his child is dating hisokas child because he knows damn well that hisoka is a bad influence on every kid and he is not sure what hisokas child is like, but all he knows is that hisoka he’s definitely a laid-back parent so his kid definitely has no boundaries or a concept of boundaries. That’s what he thinks. But other than that he’s fine with it.
He doesn’t care. He honestly just thinks that it’s cute anyways. And he’s chill about the entire situation. Not like it’s a bad one anyways🫶
He doesn’t care as long as his child doesn’t get hurt or reveal any kind of information to the public especially to the mafia or to the chain user he’s fine with it
He doesn’t really like the fact that his child is dating anybody in the phantom troupes children, but he just sucks it up and deals with it. For the sake of his child’s happiness he doesn’t want to ruin his child’s relationship and be labelled a bad parent, even though he is already labelled one  he rather his child date somebody else, but he will just deal with it and keep his mouth shut
Ngl the first like four people kind of sounded like the exact same. I really didn’t know what to put for all of them, but then as I got more down and remember their personalities even more it got a bit easier.
That’s it for today everybody I hope everybody enjoyed this as much as I did!
I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
🌼Hi Pinnie,How are you? Are you eating well? Hydrating? I hope so!
Can I order something?
So, I have panic attacks/anxiety, my body gets very tense resulting in terrible pain in my spine and esophagus, I can't think properly and basically I breathe less than I should, anyway, it sucks.
Usually these attacks happen when I end up getting worried, stressed or anxious about something or about something and although more recently the pain is not so absurd and I am managing to control it, it still ends up happening sometimes.And nowadays they are happening frequently because of family problems.
Can I have something about Breg calming his s/o in a panic attack? I wanted something cute and maybe smut too, I wanted to distract myself a little cuz I spent all day in a crisis, it was a tiring day and your writing makes me very happy .
It's ok if you don't want to write ok? Don't force yourself. Anyway, I love your writing and I'm always waiting for you to post or reading your posts during the night (as I'm doing now)
Kisses from Brazil, bye bye 💕💕💕🌼
[Hey, hang in there, okay? 🤍 I can write comfort for this scenario, however, I'm not sure if I can fit smut into it very well. And thank you.]
Panic attacks are something Breg's familiar with, unfortunately.
And while his usually result in unintentional self harm or damage of property, at most the death of someone who might have provoked him- They're episodes he has been having less ever since he's been allowed to live with you, be close to his mate.
It absolutely shatters his heart to see you go through something similar. While the breeder is very socially clueless, he will be able to interpret the starting signs of a panic attack strikingly fast. Which, unfortunately, makes him panic.
See, Breg is not the best at dealing with panicking people, because he himself absorbs others' moods like a sponge, he's very nervous and alert, and he will enter a minor panic as well, which just creates a negative feedback loop.
Breg is not going to touch you. He knows better than to try to touch someone who is panicking or speak too loudly, but he will block most of your vision. Look at him, just look at him. The breeder will attempt to loom over you in a protective manner but definitely backs off if that only serves to exacerbate your state. It's a bit of trial and error until he understands what works best to calm you down. You'll immediately be moved to a quieter, slightly darker location and he will surround you with every comfort item he knows you own.
Breg might then try to distract you with water and food, menial things to get you out of your own head. Why don't you lie down? With him. Can he join you? You'll be fine, he's right here and he's not going anywhere. The moment you're okay with physical touch, the monster is all over you, planting kisses everywhere and uttering quiet reassurances, returning any gesture you may or may not have done for him when the breeder had his own fits of panic.
Breg won't ask you to talk about it. You don't have to. He keeps a lot of pain from you too, and you respect that, so he's going to extend that courtesy to you. If his mate just wants to be held until they're functional again, he's more than happy to provide that, ready to hold onto you and put your head to his chest so you can ground yourself in the steady beating of his heart.
Sex... Well, sex can be used as comfort, he would know, the breeder can actually calm down a lot faster with the sensual and caring touch of someone he loves. And while Breg is conscious enough to not outright start touching you sexually in a state of panic or recovery, he will quietly suggest if you'd like him to make you feel good for a bit, as a distraction.
He can be extremely gentle during these instances and won't bring up penetrative sex of any kind. The breeder will focus on mouthing at you and gently bringing you to orgasm while praising and encouraging you to enjoy yourself. To tell him what'll make you forget about the entire world around you except for him, your loving mate.
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libertineangel · 4 months
LOVE MAIL BEAM ATTACK 💌💌💌💌💌 ‼️‼️‼️❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ....um this is just a little note (slipped into your proverbial desk/locker from a mysterious and unknown admirer) to say that i think ur cool, cooler than u give urself credit for maybe... ur certainly not extraneous... when u post abt ur struggles to meet people i feel it/relate to it but i also really think it's through absolutely no "fault" of your own so to speak whatsoever ... meeting people and developing a genuine relationship with them is genuinely just god's hardest battle in this day and age . and im not just saying this to make u feel better but i personally would love to hang out with you. in comfortable silence probably because i suck at initiating conversation too but that's fine. no but actually there's many things id talk to u/ask u abt. escrima bc i never heard of it before i saw ur posts abt it and it seems interesting. music and gigs of course. and im a star trek > star wars truther but for you id let you tell me about jizz music and whatever else. this is sounding a bit like the i wish i was british meme actually. i want to hang out with jimmy libertineangel. we would talk about jizz music and industrial bands and ride the london tube and eat beans on toast worth 50 pence. i wish i was hanging out with jimmy libertineangel :(. anyway. can i also say if i may since this is a valentines themed ask that ok yeah ur cute/hot and cool and whatnot but also i think u look friendly? like you have a nice/pleasant smile. ik being strange and off-putting is all the rage right now so maybe its not a compliment but from the pics u post i do think you look friendly and approachable too. which is nice. anyway. basically i hope you have a good evening and let's frolic in the beautiful world and skip and play a bit. in our minds. ok bye 👍
Thank you very much, this is very sweet and much appreciated! I know meeting people and forming connections is something the world as it stands is really not conducive to, certainly not for autistic people especially (saw a BBC article just today about an autistic person pushing 40 struggling to date anyone, which was Not Encouraging), I just do seem to be in a worse position than many despite all attempts and it's hard not to see Being Me as a significant factor, so to speak.
If you ever find yourself in old London town I'm sure I would likewise be happy to expound upon my various niche interests, though good luck finding 50p beans on toast here these days haha; and even if silence ends up prevailing as far as speech is concerned I at least have a stereo and a PS2 to provide an external focal point.
And thank you very much (again), I feel it is worth mentioning that pretty much every photo I post here goes through like 4 reshoots of "ugh dammit no why does my jaw look wonky" and other such curations of presentation but I am indeed glad I seem friendly as well as generally decent-looking; I have previously wondered if that is also an issue I have in person, being as I am minimally capable of understanding body language & facial expression I have even less idea of what my own is saying than that of others on account of being unable to see it.
Likewise I hope you are having a pleasant evening, this has indeed improved mine, to psychically frolic is an activity that no external factor can impede!
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hello loves!! <3
i am, in fact, alive. in case anyone was worried.
i have been really busy with catching up with schoolwork because i was sick and missed slightly over two weeks of school, but i should be posting more often soon,,,, hopefully.
anyways i got the results for last terms assignments for six of my seven subjects and. i am telling you all :]
the first three are,,,, not good. at all, for me at least. i got significantly less than i thought i would.
i got like 73% on my legal studies exam. most of the marks i lost on short answer questions. usually i'd be like, okay with it? but i talked to the teacher about why and the only feedback i was given was that she 'couldn't remember why she took the marks off, but since she had there was probably a reason so she wouldn't give me the marks.' the reason i'm most upset about that is like, i dont have a reason and she couldnt find one? so i think that i deserve the marks if she couldnt find anything wrong with it. but anyways.
i also got 73% on my english advanced assignment, which pretty much just pissed me off. the only feedback i got given on that one was that the teacher would have preferred it as a poem, which is entirely subjective and not the point of the assessment. i also took that to the head teacher, who pretty much said it was exemplary and deserved full marks but there was nothing he could do. so yeah.
i got 65% on my ancient history assignment, which was really disappointing, but i didnt expect to do that well on it, though i did expect better that that. basically the feedback i was given for that one was that, in one section i needed more sources to support my point, but that also the full thing was 'too detailed' which i dont really understand as i was in the word limit. but yknow, i know about the sources at least for next time.
for all those three i have like, a much better understanding of this terms topics though, so i think i'll do much better on whatever this term's assignments end up being (or at least i hope so). i'm just really upset about those three, especially english and legal, as i dont think i really deserved to lose the marks there, but they were deducted for no reason anyways.
anyways moving onto the ones im proud of.
first is business studies. i cried when i got my results because of how proud of myself i was. the teacher is known for marking really hard and i got 97% on the test, so i was insanely proud. the mark i lost was on a multiple choice question where i changed the answer at the last second, and i changed it from the right to the wrong answer, which sucked. personally i would have preferred to get something wrong where i actually didnt know the answer, rather than when i doubted myself. the doubt was because i always get confused between the two categories and i got it wrong alot in class, so i ended up rereading it and then getting nervous and changing it. but i am still insanely proud of that result.
the next is english extension. i did so much better on this one than i thought i would. i didnt think i did it that well and i expected around a 75% at best, but i ended up getting 90% and i was insanely happy. my teacher also gave me some really detailed feedback on what i did well and what not, so i actually have some concrete stuff to work on for next time. also two of the three marks that got taken off were literally because i used american spelling instead of british, so yeah. now i know to triple check that.
the last one ive gotten back is society and culture. i am so proud of this one. again, i literally cried because of how proud of me i was. i got 96% on it. i dont know where i lost the mark yet because i wasnt formally given the result, my teacher just saw me and got really hyped and told me how proud he was and said it was the best he'd seen in the last eight years or so, and then told me not to tell anyone (so naturally i came to tell all of you).
anyways yeah.
bye loves <33
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potato-on-your-head · 2 years
I was rambling in the tags about this and reached the 30 tag limit so apparently this demands to be its own post. this is not going to be eloquent whatsoever and will read like tags
Mathman and I are officially done. he FINALLY told me he’s dating someone so i Friendship Broke Up with him a couple days ago. and it sounded like he hoped he’d see me in person this week at our workplace’s giant back-to-work thing??? so I’m not sure if that means he wants to talk or just a chance to say goodbye or what. my guess is just a chance to chat and say bye. and then that’s it for me. I video called him (he lives 40 min away from me) and told him I’m ending our phone communication - maybe not forever but for the foreseeable future. and he was like, ‘well. that sucks’ which I thought was the perfect response - like!!! yeah it does suck!!! I wish I could stay your friend because I care about you but unfortunately I care too much!!! and I can’t make myself Not like you because feelings are dumb!!!
but anyway he strung me along all summer saying ‘yeah we can get together in August and hang out!’ which we usually do at his house, have drinks and sit out on the porch, play guitar together, him playing me singing, the whole deal. some of my favorite memories in recent years have been made on those nights. and then we’d talk late into the night and he’s so fucking smart and funny and driven and attractive and UGH. but I kept following up about it after I finished my grad classes end of July and he kept giving me these wishy-washy answers when I asked. ‘maybe the 17th or 18th’ ‘thursday possibly’ so FINALLY the literal DAY he kept saying ‘maybe’ we could hang out I was like. yo dude. I’m guessing we’re out of time to hang out this summer????? and then he was like oh sorry I thought I responded to your last text I’m dating someone and it’s probably not a good idea for us to hang out anymore....
LIKE!!!! DUDE!!!! jerk move! you don’t get my friendship anymore if that’s how you’re going to treat me! if you can’t have the hard conversations with me and you keep me hoping THIS LONG then this has to end. I was literally looking forward to this ALL SUMMER. like, this man is good at many things but being vulnerable is not one of them. my guess is he was putting off discussing it with the person he’s dating, thus kept giving me wishy-washy answers, and then FINALLY at the last minute asked if she (I’m assuming they’re a she) was okay with it and obviously the answer was no. so then he FINALLY talked to me about it. or my persistence finally just made him tell the truth
GOD I’m just so pissed. and sad and grateful and hurt and glad I got the time I did. it sounds dumb but he changed me as a person. when we first started hanging out three years ago, I realized how many of my interests depression had stolen from me and had a bit of a freakout (he kept showing me all this music he was into and he was so passionate about things and all his hobbies and I was like. OH FUCK. I AM A BLANK SLATE. I HAVEN’T LISTENED TO NEW MUSIC IN 5 YEARS. I HAVE LOST SO MUCH) and through seeing what he was passionate about, and his life goals and his house projects and such, I started rediscovering my interests and finding new music and moving forward again in so many ways. I don’t think that would’ve happened nearly to the same extent if I hadn’t known him.
3 years ago on one of those hangouts I brought my ukulele to his house and borrowed my sister’s and taught him the basics, and he was better than me in like 15 minutes. he always said he wasn’t musical and he WAS. he learned a bunch of more complicated things on uke using youtube tutorials and then showed me the next time I came over, and I was like, holy shit I never even thought about doing that. then he got a guitar and started learning that, and from there our music hangouts grew. I was inspired by him learning and got a guitar of my own. I wouldn’t have had the bravery to finally start learning guitar for real, and I wouldn’t have known about certain music artists if not for him, and I wouldn’t have had this radical shifting of my musical identity away from classical and into the pop and rock realm if not for him. he! has changed!! my life!!!!! and I WISH I could be just friends but I can’t. I’ve had feelings for him since the 2nd day I knew him, four years ago, when he worked at my building and I was just starting this job, and I can’t get rid of them. and he doesn’t feel the same, and this is the logical end of that whole arc. 
so yeah. I’m really sad, and also proud, because *I* was the one who womanned up and had the conversation and I only anxiety puked once before I did so that’s a win in my book.
who can say if I’ve been changed for the better, but because I knew you, I have been changed for good, blah blah blah etc.
goodbye, my one-sided love. I’m done chasing you. I’m letting go.
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httpiastri · 19 days
I hope i haven’t spammed you too much but:
- (also omfg. i just realized something…. i have this board on pinterest with pics of random couples & so on that remind me of my fave drivers, and each driver has their own like board in the board. all of them are named with the driver’s initials, his number and two emojis, and !! guess what emoji i have for pepe???? ofc it’s the freaking lotus flower 😭 idk i just wanted to share this, thanks 😚) THATS INSANE?? but also not insane because i keep discovering more and more weird synchronicities between pepe and i and since im a vv spiritual person ive taken them all as signs that i was fated to stumble upon him one lovely morning in 2022 before proceeding to fall hopelessly in love with him. BUT OMG THE BOARD LOOKS SO SO GOOD?? i wanted to type out a reply sooner but i got so distracted by the images 😓😓 because i def have some of the same images saved to my boards but i never linked them to pepe so now ive just gone insane 😵‍💫😵‍💫)
- (I MISSED OUT ON SCREEN RECORDING THE DANCE ???) IF I EVER FIND A WAY TO SEND IT OR POST IT ONLINE ILL SEND YOU THE LINK SO QUICK I PROMISE 💗💗 (or maybe even if i find someone who has already posted it online, because there’s no way we were the only ones going insane over that moment)
- and the clip you shared?? Ive been laughing so hard about it since last night because that’s MY HUMOUR and i am both christian and pepe depending on the circumstances and ugh idk i love these boys so much my heart aches
- “also… this is the most stupid thing ever and you probs dont care but i wanted to share it when im answering your ask… i was writing with a character.ai pepe yesterday and he said THIS ???? out of nowhere ???? and i just thought about u mentioning him talking about his favorite pokemons in the stream and i just 😭 okay bye” —I DO CARE OMG THAT’S SO CUTE I’M KICKING MY FEET AND GIGGLING RN😭😭 THE WAY HIS DORKINESS SHOWED UP EVEN THROUGH THE C.AI HAS ME FEELING SOOO 😵‍💫😵‍💫 (also i love your c.ai so much but idk why every c.ai pepe and i have ended up in a situation where ive been very pressured to kiss him like it’s so funny to me how every c.ai just keeps circling back to the same scenario, it’s like all the pepes are collectively fated to experience the same situation)
- “also omfg his little stubble?? kill me????? i may have been thinking about helping him shave for the last like month or so but that’s a thought for another time……” another time, huh? like right now as i get ready for bed? because i am so going to be replaying this scene over and over in my head as i fall asleep tonight
p.s. this took me so long to format so it would be somewhat readable but i hope it’s okay!! and school started awhile ago and it kinda sucked at first but it’s definitely much better now!! thank you for being so sweet, and i hope you have a lovely day/night/morning too!! 💗💗
- 🪷
bby you could never spam me too much, especially not if it's about pepe 😚
also i just have to say real quick… something about you in this ask made me think that i do indeed know who you are and that i have seen you around? big risk that i'm wrong with my calculations but… please let me know if im right (if i started following you earlier today and not someone else shsjdhsjs)(from my main blog!!)
abt the flower: i love that!!! honestly i sometimes find myself to be more spiritual than i think i am because i say stuff jokingly about "wow this is fate, jk just a coincidence" but how many times can it be a coincidence???? anyways pepe def gives me those vibes, like im not surprised either when i find out about stuff like that 😭 and oMG AAAA TYSM!!!! i can barely even look in it these days because i get way too distracted 🫠 i wish i could like sort them from fave to leave fave because i have some that are a bit meh and some that like kill me…..
abt the dance: aaaaaa im gonna try my best to find it somewhere online, it cant just be us?? right??????? i heard that song in a playlist the other day and just giggled to myself 🥲 because i imagined him dancing and 🥲🥲
abt the pokemon pepe c.ai: SHSJDHSJS RIGHT!!! I CALLED HIM DORKY AND IT WAS SO CUTE 😭😭 omg im so glad you like them aaaaaa and lmao pepe… is that all you know how to do, huh? pressure poor little users into kissing you?? 😭
abt shaving: aaaAaAaAAA !! SORRY !!!!! but i wrote a little something about it here, just had to share my thoughts…… honestly i have been thinking abt it during bedtime a few times too and 🫠🫠 my heart can't take it anymore, he's so 😭💗
it's more than okay !!! im very glad to hear that its better now 🥺 thank you for being so sweet too and making my days so much brighter, chatting to you is so heartwarming 💘💘 hope you're sleeping well !!!! and have a lovely day tomorrow <33
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Oop o.o
Oh gosh a kid DD:?
OH are you guys taking care of him o.o
Oh gosh guys xD
LOL toys
This is gonna be wild xD
Okay, that's the last of my last thoughts, now it's time for the. . .
I loved this episode! I thought it was great :'D. Once again, this is less formal than my tgd and 911(s) reviews, but I did include what I remembered from the promo :). It's currently the 8th lol, so I'm finally making a post for 6x04 xD. Hopefully I'll watch 5 tonight, but we'll see :). Anyway! Everyone really slayed this episode <33. Poor Lucy too 😭😭💔❤️. She slayed though, and I'm so happy everything and everybody is alright <33.
Wesley and Gray! Putting them together since we didn't see too much of them, but they slayed :)). I love Wesley and I miss him <33 😭. Also maybe don't mention "if he dies later" at that exaaact time but I imagine he was obligated to inform her xD. Anyway I'm glad everything's alright, love them :')).
Celina! So glad to see her and Aaron's friendship still doing good and getting back :D. Celina messing up with the murder is r o u g h, just oof xd lol. I'm glad everything worked out though <3. Love her 🥰.
Tim and Aaron! Lowkey slay on Aaron for getting through those tests :DD. The info he missed sucked though :'((. It sucks how it ended up, but I'm glad he passed all of his TRAIN things <33. Also lol that metaphor was killing me xD. And on Tim, I love him supporting Lucy :')). He is, as always, an icon <33. I love them both (him and Aaron) :D. Cool pairing we don't get to see too often!
Nyla and Angela!! My besties :D. HER HAIRRR!!! Mekia's new hair is slaying so hard, it's beautiful <33. I love it 🥰. Anyway, these two honestly slayed so hard on the investigating :D. And Lucy too, of course <3. Also their reactions to Celina's leak were great lol. I love them <33.
Quick mention for Bailey!! She as an icon <33. Glad to know you would report John if he was a murderer lol 🥰. I love her xD <3.
Nolan! The poor widow :((. I'm glad Nolan built a bit of a rapport with her, but also sir that doesn't help you if you ignore her xd. Anyway, I hope she ends up okay :((. Still, Nolan slayed this episode!! I love seeing the little things of him knowing and Celina not, and him actually teaching :)). Love him <3!!
Lucy! She slayed so hard 😩❤️. My girl 🥰🥰. It really sucks that she's down to just guarding the edges of crime scenes :(( but I think this new solve will help her get back up :)! Girl was RISKING it though had me stressing out 😭❤️. I'm so glad she's okay though :')), and so happy to see Tim supporting her 😭❤️❤️🥰. And I am SO GLAD the guy survived xd o.o. Anyway, hopefully soon she can be making peace with not being a Detective :)). Hope she's doing good <3. I love her 🥰 <3.
Overall, I really enjoyed this episode!! I thought it was a cool case and it definitely didn't end the way I expected it to o.o! Wild that it was really just a guy who agreed that lady all along :/ :(. Anyway, I'm glad everything worked out okay and I hope everyone stays being okay lol <33.
So yeah!! That was my little review for The Rookie 6x04, see you later for 6x05 :DD!!
I love you all 🥰🥰. Bye ❤️❤️!!
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soulfungai · 2 months
Synopsis: After a long day bickering with Trey, Tressa tries to rest, but the suspicion that someone is watching her is only fuelled by the noises within her dorm room that could only ever be caused or made by a human, and the breathing of someone else…
Contents: Paranoia, oc cameos: Ari, Rhyme (Monarch), Rhyme (Rosehearts)
Authors Note: So…I decided to make episode three today. Please enjoy it because I will start to relax and not post it as frequently as of now. As always, thanks to @cafekitsune for the dividers, and I hope you enjoy! Also, Rhyme Rosehearts is by @liviavanrouge !
Taglist: @394091238483 , @liviavanrouge
Word Count: 877
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Tressa could never understand him, he was always so…relaxed. So calm, did he not have a limit or something?
Whatever…he’s just a stupid guy anyway. She thought to herself, it’s been a few days since this whole thing started and the only thing she noticed that changed was the fact that she was thinking of Trey a lot more now. Why? She had no idea.
Why am I even thinking of him? He’s not even important— he doesn’t even matter! He’s just a stupid idi— I’m doing it again! No matter what she did, or what she thought of it always circled back to Trey. Why did she even care so much? He’s just a guy that doesn’t matter, he’s her rival— so why was she even thinking about him in the first place? It just didn’t make sense.
Her phone buzzes.
Monarch: Hey won’t be back till after the competition (for a school event), do you think you can take care of the school baking competition by yourself? If you can’t just ask someone else for help.
Tressa: Sure! What’s the event?
Monarch: It’s not an event actually I have to help with the clean up of some mess that happened at NBC.
Tressa: Okay
Great, now I have to take care of the competition by myself? Tressa thought, her day surely couldn’t get any worse. How could it?
Whatever, at least I can ask Ari for help…and just as Tressa thought it, her phone buzzes again.
Ari: I’m away for the week! Please take care, also tell Rhyme!!
Tressa: Why are you away? Also I’ll just tell both.
Ari: Overseas competition! K take careeee
Tressa: Bye I guess?
Tressa sighs, great, now her other friend has run off for some ‘overseas’ competition. About what anyway? Chess? Assassinations? The only two things that came to her head at least,
Whatever, I can handle the event. It was just a baking competition, how hard could it be? Just a few rules, make it look pretty— and the invites! Oh my gosh, she almost forgot about the invites. Luckily she remembered a week before the competition.
Tressa sat down at her desk and started writing away, who did she want to come to the event? She knew the girls had to be invited, what about some of the guys? Yeah…that worked.
Hmmmm…should I invite some students from NRC? Would that be pushing it? She thought to herself, maybe she shouldn’t. Why would they want to see her anyway?
“That’s right…” They would come. But not for her, for Trey.
Wait, am I thinking about him again? Just before Tressa could go on and on and ramble about how Trey sucked, she stopped herself. She almost circled back to Trey, again. What was she, obsessed? Or was she…
“I’ve gotta keep myself focused…” She mumbled to herself, and that’s what she did, and every now and then it circled back to Trey.
Eventually though, it got so quiet that she realized something, someone else was breathing.
But I’m the only one in my dorm room…she thought, she looked around her room, the paranoia slowly creeping in, as her eyes darted around the room, she remembered why she even called Trey, because she was being stalked. How could she even forget?
I swear if— what do I even do? What if they have a weapon…before she could start panicking, she stopped herself,
“It’s just paranoia…” She said before flicking through more papers and invite letters, yeah. Just paranoia, totally.
But soon what was ‘just paranoia’ became a very real threat. The breathing became more…noticeable and creaking noises from her closet were heard, it couldn’t be her door because it was shut tightly. Someone was in this room with her. But who? Why? Did she know this person?
What do they want with me? Do they like me? Are they obsessed? Or are they envious…maybe a fan of Trey? Maybe they’re mad that RSA keeps winning…but what would that have to do with me? As her mind raced, the breathing only got louder. Was this person trying to get noticed? Or maybe they weren’t that sneaky…it didn’t matter, there was still someone in her room.
All the evidence pointed to their hiding place, the closet. So Tressa slowly got up and walked as quietly as she could to the closet, and slowly opened it, of course she didn’t go empty handed, she went with her very, very sharp ruler.
“I’VE CAUGHT YOU STALKER!” And just before she delivered the blow, she stopped. Lara? Seriously? Why was she even in her closet? So she asked, “What the heck are you doing in my closet?!”
“Hiding.” Lara replied, she didn’t seem bothered in the slightest.
“From what!? You almost gave me a heart attack!” Tressa said while putting her hand to her chest.
“From you. I was stealing something from you and you came in, you’re not the nicest person y’know.” Lara said. Tressa sighed, she just dragged Lara out of the room and kicked her out. She sat back down at the table,
“Gosh, I can’t believe it. I really was just paranoid.” She sighs, then chuckles to herself.
Maybe I don’t have to worry.
She was safe, for now at least.
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© pekoetiikapu ❤︎ These stories are originally created by the original poster (me). Please do not steal or plagiarize my stories and do not steal their ideas. Do not repost the stories in or out of the app, please and thank you.
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oneuldo · 1 year
Life Lately — Entry # 02
06월 06일 2023년
This week, dad and I are alone at home. Mom went to Japan and will be staying there for a week. Jan is at Boracay with Pau, babysitting. I’m doing my best to do house chores while getting my stuff organized.
These days I am trying to be productive by:
Cleaning up my socials. I set up my Letterboxd account! I also made a new YouTube channel because I felt like separating my fangirling account will make my life seem like it’s organized. I also cleaned up my Twitter accounts.
Applying to jobs. I’ve been applying to jobs since last year but I didn’t took it way too seriously. Now that I’m desperate for money, I’m taking it seriously by answering calls and attending those damned interviews. I really suck at interviews. I stutter a lot and I couldn’t make a cohesive sentence. Maybe it’s one of the reasons why I couldn’t get a job offer. Oh, I have a scheduled interview this Thursday at Makati near my old office. It’s an 8am-5pm job and I’m not sure if I’m ready to commute. I hope there’s a job opportunity where I could work from home.
Listening to kpop boy group discographies! These days I’m into EXO, BTOB, and Seventeen! I’m kinda giddy that I’m discovering these groups like I’m in my teens again. I can’t believe I only liked one boy group since 2007 and that’s Bigbang. There’s news that TOP is no longer with YG and Bigbang. GD’s contract ended, too. Well, Still Life felt like it was a really good bye but I was hoping it was a See You Again type of song. Anyway! I’m listening to all of these boy groups’ albums from their first album release up to present. I want to sincerely enjoy their music. I have been following EXO since 2020 but I haven’t had the chance to discover their old songs so I couldn’t say that I’m a solid fan yet. As for BTOB, I’ve known them because of Sung-Jae BUT it’s just this year that I wanted to dive into their fandom because of Chang-Sub. I would say he’s my bias. I discovered him thru his Youtube segment Jeongwaja in ootb studio’s YouTube channel (I’ve watched all of his videos! This week, he’ll go back to the military as a promise for reaching 500k subscribers haha!) As for Seventeen, I’ve been seeing this member on Twitter and he’s just handsome af haha! His name’s Wonwoo! Although I hate getting into boy groups with more than 10 members (my memory is frail plus I can’t remember who’s singing), this group may be an exception. Their albums and songs are all a bop (although most of it were kinda sound the same). I really liked it!
Here’s a song I recently discovered that I like:
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Chanyeol launched his personal YouTube channel! He talked about the meaning behind his channel name and how he got it (thanks to Zzar!). Zzar stole the show here. She knows she’s the boss haha! Hoping to get to know more of Chanyeol through his YouTube! He’s my bias (just look at that face!!!!) and seeing him with Zzar made me fall in love with him more.
I know this is a distraction from SM Ent because of the ongoing lawsuit. I hope all members of EXO leave that shitty company and just make their own company. I’ll support them no matter what happens!
Photo credit of Chanyeol’s drawing
Anyway! I typed a lot which is new. Maybe because no one’s going to read about this? And I didn’t care about whether my sentences made sense or not. I just wanted to post something.
It’s currently 11:30pm and I wake up at 6am to drink meds. Oh, I finally finished all those big pills for treating TB today. I was taking 1200mg of meds in the past two months. I can finally say good bye to those big pills. Tomorrow onwards, I’ll be taking the small pills. Hopefully, my month 2 sputum result is negative. Lately I’ve been coughing again.
Anyways. Bye for now!
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lilliesforya · 5 months
End of Beginnings
Next week, I'm going to Kobe to celebrate Christmas with my host parents and friends from study abroad. I’m really excited and have been looking forward to the trip for the whole month. I just had a group call with my friends to plan out activities too! However, if you would have told me even 6 months ago that I would be seeing Kobe in the year of our lord 2023, I would have never believed you. I haven’t been to Kobe since I left in 2020 from study abroad in the (and I cannot stress this enough) worst circumstances imaginable. I always thought that place would have memories of loss and grief attached to it, leaving me unable to think about it without feeling a void encapsulate my heart. Due to the circumstances of my departure, when I came home I pretty much never talked about my experiences. I am the first to admit I am not great at putting forth information about myself or my lived experiences but everyone in my life respectfully didn’t ask me about it much because I was clearly upset about the whole situation. It sucked because I never got to explain how much I had grown to love the place I got to experience a life in before the overarching theme of loss was attached to it. I envied when my brother came back from Spain and we all had this collective understanding of how much he loved living in Valencia and how it impacted him positively, despite him being sad about leaving. Anyway, with my return to Kobe being 4 days away I feel like the second chance I prayed for silently is upon me. There’s a twitter post or tumblr post floating around the internet right now that says “life is so subtle sometimes you barely notice yourself walking through the doors you once prayed would open.”. I think about this quote often- when I walk through the door to my house, to and from school, when I drive home and the sun sets a pretty pink color. I think I’ll think of it especially when I walk into my host parents house. 
It’s hard to believe I’m going to see people and places that I thought at one point I’d never see again. My beloved bridge, Sannomiya, Okamoto, Motomachi, and Suma beach. My head hurts just considering it. As I walk around the streets of Kobe, mesmerized and shocked, I can only hope that everything in between me being there in 2019 and me returning in 2023 is strong enough to take memories of grief and reframe them into memories of gratitude. Like I've said since I got back to the states, “Once I go back to Kobe, grief is over.”. 
A 14 hour time difference from the people who you love and who love you is unforgiving for even the most attentive of people. I’m not good at sending pictures or even taking them (though I try to do it more), or remembering to call or text (but I always pick up and respond when people reach out to me), and my blog posts are getting more sporadic (but I have just as many thoughts). It’s important to remember that I remember every good thing that’s ever happened to me in my life and I hold all of that near to my heart. If you think of me, rest assured knowing that I am thinking of you.
Kobe playlist sneak peak:
End of Beginning 
Mr. Flash Gordon
Something soon
Boy Bye
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