#will pay someone to write santiago
fhatbhabiee · 3 months
Punto De Perder
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Prisoner!Frankie Morales x Plus Size Reader
word count: 1k
warnings: DDDNE (some topics in this fic might be triggering for some, please be advised), talks of gang affiliation (kinda-ish), special guest 👀. that's all the warnings i'm going to give to not spoil anything. read at your own risk.
note: i'm slowly getting back into the grove of writing my friends so i hope you enjoy and YES there's gonna be a part 2!
part 2
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“How did you even meet this mystery man?”
“Pen Pals.”
“Oh? Where's he from then?”
“He's in prison…” you muttered under your breath.
She gave you the most judgmental look you'd ever seen on your mother’s face. Something changed only a few seconds later, and she started laughing.
“That was a good joke,” she laughed. You scoffed, tossing down money for your half of lunch and walked out. Everyone had laughed at you when you mentioned Frankie. Said he was either a figment of your imagination or that all you did was tell them a joke. But he wasn't. He wasn't an imaginary man or a joke, he was real - he was just someone who had made a bad decision and was paying the consequences.
You brushed it all off as you pulled into the parking lot of the correction center. You flipped down your visor, fixing your lip gloss before getting out and fixing your dress. It may have sounded and looked silly, but you loved dressing up when you came for visitation.
It always looked the same. You and a group of people sat in a boring beige room filled with plastic chairs and steel tables bolted to the floor, with guards posted at each corner in the room. The door alarm went off, grabbing everyone's attention. As the door opened, a small sea of dark teal jumpsuits filled the room. Everyone stood up, hugging their loved ones before sitting down and talking. You looked up towards the door, and just like always, he was the last one to walk in. Tattoos on display and his dark curls being somewhat tamed by his cap.
“Conejita…” he whispered before wrapping his arms around you.
“Hi, baby,” you smiled, placing a small kiss on his cheek. “How are you?”
He let out a small sigh as he sat down in the chair, placing his hands on the table. “You know. Same old, same old. How about you, amor? How's the outside life?”
“Good. Just got settled into my new apartment.”
“That's good…” his lips turned into a smile as his eyes scanned your body, admiring how your dress defined your curves. “Te ves hermosa…” (You look beautiful.)
“Gracias, amor. Wanted to look nice for you. I know looking at men all day isn't really your style,” you joked, pulling a laugh from his lips.
Your heart swelled at the sound of his laughter, something that couldn't be expressed through pen and paper.
As visitation came to an end, you wanted nothing more than to walk out with Frankie by your side. But you couldn't. You said your goodbyes and shared a sweet kiss. One that you'll cherish until the next time you visit.
Frankie sat in his cell, reading over the letters and looking at the pictures you've sent him over the past few years. As his release date got closer and closer, he missed you more and more. Knowing that any day now, he'd get released, and you'd be there to pick him up. A tap on the steel door grabbed his attention.
“Fish.” His close friend and one of his crew members, Benny walked in. “Santiago wants to see you.”
Frankie rolled his eyes at Santiago's name, tucking the letters and pictures back in their safe spot. “What for?”
Benny shrugged. “He came to me personally. Didn't send one of his minions.”
“Shit… Fine. Where?”
“Laundry room.”
Frankie nodded, patting Benny on the back as he walked out of his cell. When Frankie first got here he had quickly gained the respect of most of the men in here, except for Santiago's team. Santiago had connections from the outside that helped him while he was on the inside, and one of those connections was someone serious, which then made some men look up to Santiago as a leader. Just how some looked up to Frankie.
Frankie walked into the laundry room, looking around and noticing he was surrounded by Santiago's crew.
“Fish.” Santiago chuckled as he walked to the center of the room. “Great to see you.”
“This another meeting? I told you I'm not-”
“No, not like that. Wouldn't want you to ruin your chances of getting out of this dump. Which is soon, right?”
Frankie nodded. “Yeah…”
“Pleasure working with you, Fish. Won't be the same without you.” Santiago got closer, handing Frankie an envelope. He shook Frankie's hand and pulled him close, whispering in his ear, “Don't open it ‘til you get back to your cell.”
Frankie tucked the envelope into his jumpsuit, wondering what the hell it could be. Knowing Santiago, it was probably just heroin. Frankie would just flush it when he got back to his cell.
“Anything else?”
“Nope.” Santiago smirked. “Have fun on the outside.”
Avoiding the guards at all cost, Frankie walked back into his cell. If Santiago had given him drugs and the guards were to have found it, Frankie's chances of getting out would quickly disappear. He closed the cell door and pulled the envelope out, quickly tearing it open. Thankfully none of his cell mates were there, so no one would see what's in the envelope.
To Frankie's surprise, it wasn't drugs. It was a polaroid. He pulled it out, heart sinking to the pit of his stomach. His hands started to shake as panic and anger flooded his system.
It was you. Curled up on a dirty mattress with what looked like shackles around your ankles. His eyes scanned the background, hoping to see some kind of hint on where you were, but the room was dark. All he could point out were cement walls. He felt handwriting on the back of the polaroid, which made him quickly flip it over.
“Shouldn't have fucked me over.”
His eyes scanned down to the signature scribbled at the bottom.
Dave York.
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beta'd: @nerdieforpedro @kilamonster @ak-vintage @80ssong
divider: @saradika-graphics
Masterlist — Frankie Masterlist
104 notes · View notes
pimosworld · 10 months
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The ties that bind
Pairing- Dave York x f!reader x Francisco Morales
Series Summary-Dave is a private investigator who tracks down soulmates. He’s tasked to find Frankie’s, but what happens when he finds you and he wants you to himself?
CW-18+,MDNI, Angst,Fluff,Eventual Smut,Hurt, Comfort,MMF dynamics. General warnings for each chapter. Anything sensitive will be added to individual chapters.
A/N-This starts out angsty but I don’t write sad endings so keep that in mind going forward. Reader has a best friend very near and dear to my heart.
[Series Masterlist][Main Masterlist]
Not beta read
Chapter I
Dave looks over the file on his desk again before he makes the call. He reviewed it the night before and was going to contact the client until he realized not everyone holds the same weird hours as he does. Insomnia. 
  He takes a sip of his coffee as he dials the number with a Florida area code. At least he would get to enjoy some nice weather this time. The last soulmate he tracked down mid winter lived in Buffalo New York, he wasted weeks trying to find him only to find out he was happily married and had no intention of leaving his current wife. The woman who hired him was devastated but…devastated doesn’t pay the bills so she was out twenty grand, and went back to being single a few states over. 
  They don’t always end in misery but he’s used to it now. He wonders why he still does it, maybe helping these people will erase the thought of killing someone’s soulmate when he’s contracted for his other job. He can’t think about that one too much. 
  “Hello Santiago speaking.” Dave glances down at the file once more to be sure. 
  “Ugh yes I’m Dave York calling to reach Francisco Morales?” He hears a low curse on the other end and some apologies. 
  “Oh ya, just give me a second.” He can hear ruffling and the sound of a sliding door. My patience is already wearing thin. 
  “Thanks for returning my call. I’m actually hiring you on behalf of my friend Francisco.” 
  This wouldn’t be the first time he was contracted to find someone’s soulmate because some friend or family member couldn’t keep their nose where it belonged. There would most certainly be drama and resistance. Two things Dave did not handle well. 
  “That’s very generous of you. Is Francisco eager to find his soulmate?” 
  “He ugh…well…yes, yes he is.” Fat chance
  “I would need to meet him of course to go through with this, you understand?” 
  “Of course, that won’t be a problem at all. I sent you the details of when and where we can meet and provided you with the deposit.” At least he means business, either way Dave doesn’t care about the in’s and outs of why people do it. He knows it’s important… or at least he did. 
  He finishes going over the rules with Santiago that will hopefully get relaid to Frankie. He’ll find your soulmate and set up a meeting. If the person does not wish to pursue the relationship he will relay that to you to avoid any in person embarrassment. No stalking or harassment involved. If he can’t find them within 30 days you get your money back. 
  Some people frowned upon what he did. Purists thought you should meet your soulmate organically. They were rarely alone for more than a few years before they found theirs so he didn’t like listening to what they had to say. 
  He wasted years trying to find his love. When he did find her…it was already too late. Those six months were the best and worst of his life. Knowing he’s found his soulmate and gets to spend every waking moment with her only to have it ripped from his grasp. 
  If he had to spend the rest of his tortured life helping others not waste time then he would. 
  Why the hell did Will make them wear bow ties? This must be Amanda’s suggestion, there’s no way he decided they should all be this uncomfortable on his wedding day. 
  Frankie looks over at Ben and Will having some brotherly talk as if the younger miller has some wise words of advice having been married for all of six months. He loved rubbing it in that he was able to tie the knot before the rest of them of course excluding Tom who got married years ago when they were all in basic. 
  He tries really hard not to be bitter on these days but he can’t help himself. Of course he ran that risk when he married someone who was not his soulmate. He loved Sophia so much it didn’t matter to him. It’s worked out for plenty of other people and it worked for him…until it didn’t. 
  He didn’t try very hard to find his soulmate. Between being in the military, not being able to put down roots for so long and the fact that his soulmate probably hated him for all his scars and tattoos he can’t say he put much of an effort into finding them. 
  The hummingbird tattoo on his wrist practically taunted him his entire marriage. He pretended he didn’t care and so did she. She always told him they would try for kids when she was ready and he never pushed. He thought she was finally ready when she told him they needed to talk. Never in a million years did he expect her to say she found her soulmate and she was leaving him. 
  Their baby boy should be a year old by now, Sophia was pregnant within a month of the divorce being finalized. This was information Santiago insisted despite the others protests that he needed to know so that he could move on. 
  He can’t put the blame all on her. He left for Colombia to bring home money so they could start a family and he came home with nothing but news that her best friend's husband was dead. 
  It must be some kind of fucked up karma that they went back for the money and now he’s alone. If he’s really being honest with himself, he knows they never really loved each other. It was convenient for both of them. Frankie doesn’t like being honest with himself so he'd rather continue on painting her as the villain in his story. 
  “Hermano, you need some help with that tie.” Santiago starts fidgeting before he can even answer no. He slaps his hands away and Santi backs away with his hands up in surrender. 
  “Why are you being so nice?” 
  “I’m always nice.” Frankie scoffs at that. Santiago was never nice unless he wanted something from you. 
  “You picked up my tux, gave me a ride here and now you’re offering to fix my tie?!” He gives him a look and Santi knows it’s only a matter of time. 
  “I have a surprise for you.” He resumes fixing his tie despite Frankie’s protests. 
  “The last time you surprised me someone died.” Santi clears his throat but doesn’t protest, it must be bad. 
  “I hired a PI to find your soulmate.” That last part is rushed out but Frankie hears him clear as day. 
  He shoves him back a few steps which draws the attention of Ben and Will. “Why the fuck would you do that?” 
  “Chill out Fish, what’s your problem?” Ben steps between the two of them as Frankie looks as though he could spit fire. 
  “I told him about the PI.” Ben whips around to Santi. 
  “I thought we were gonna wait until tomorrow.” Frankie looks over at Will in disbelief. 
  “You fucking knew about this?” He can see it in their eyes and how no one will look at him directly.
  “Can we please talk about this tomorrow? I’m getting married in an hour.” 
  Sure he’ll talk tomorrow, they can all talk about staying out of his life and meddling in his business. Pope can call off the PI and they can all go back to being happy with their soulmates and Santiago can go fuck off somewhere in another country as he always does, leaving Frankie to mope alone with his thoughts. 
  “Ya we’ll talk tomorrow.” Ben comes over to fix his tie and Frankie clenches his fists at his side. 
  This is going to be a long day. 
  The new Mr.& Mrs. Miller do look very in love on the dance floor as Frankie enjoys his second piece of cake. Cake never betrayed him…his ex wife and his best friends maybe but never cake. 
  Ben dips his wife and it sorely reminds him of his wedding day when he and Sophia ended up with calloused feet from dancing all night. 
  His chest tightens at the sight of Molly dancing with her girls. She stayed so strong through it all and she looks so happy, maybe it’s just a front or maybe she’s choosing not to be a miserable sap like him. She lost her soulmate and never once judged them for what they did. She knew how Tom could be. Frankie doesn’t know how someone could treat their soulmate the way Tom treated Molly. He’s better off alone than with a soulmate who doesn’t love him back. 
  Santiago makes his way over to the table and gestures to the seat next to Frankie. He nods his head for him to sit down while he watches the dance floor. They sit in silence for a moment and Frankie thinks about how selfish he is for being so petulant about the whole thing. 
  Santiago never cared about finding his soulmate, maybe because of their line of work or maybe it was the nature of his being. He’ll never forget the look on his face when his tattoo’s disappeared. He told the guys it was fine but they could hear him trying to muffle his cries in his bunk. 
  “I’ll do it Pope.” Santiago looks at him with a mixture of shock and excitement. 
  “I came ready for an argument.” He slides Frankie’s plate closer to him to steal a bite of cake. “We meet him tomorrow.” 
  “Jesus what if I said no?” Frankie slides the plate back to himself, not ready to let go of his precious dessert. 
  “You might want to lay off the cake if you’re going to meet your soulmate soon.” Frankie flips him off as Santi grabs the plate and saunters off to the dance floor. 
  Dave’s always early to meet a client, but never this early. He couldn’t find a lot of information on Francisco Morales but he did find out he was Delta Force and so was the man that hired him on his behalf. He always met potential clients in a public place of their choosing to get an idea of who they are. There's no doubt in his mind that this coffee shop holds no significance to the two men and will most certainly not help him figure out anything about Francisco. 
  He knows it’s their military training that they will never seem to break free from. It doesn’t make it easy for your soulmate to find you when you're as mysterious as Francisco Morales. No social media, no parking tickets, no convictions. A minor hiccup with his pilot's license but his record was scrubbed clean a few years ago. It takes a lot of money to completely wipe your record. 
  Their trip to Colombia wasn’t as off the books as they thought. With Dave’s connections he can find out a lot more about the average person than they think. It’s true he is paid to find your soulmate but he has a duty to uphold to not put said person in harm's way. Frankie’s sketchy past and interesting finances make him a little wary to just introduce him to the person he’s supposed to spend the rest of his life with. He doesn’t know the circumstances behind his wife leaving him and that also has his guard up. Who just up and leaves after 8 years? 
  He pauses his thoughts momentarily as he notices an old Jeep pull into the parking lot of the cafe. He hasn’t seen a Jeep like that in years. His suspicions are correct when two men around his age step out. Still relatively in military shape, the shorter of the two in a black t-shirt much too tight for him and black jeans. The taller one in an open flannel and blue jeans donning a dirty cap and aviators…that must be Francisco. 
  They both survey the area as if it’s their first time here and that confirms his other notion that these men wanted to meet somewhere not near their home. Probably thirty minutes to an hour outside of where they actually live if he would guess. Fifteen minutes early to be safe but still not earlier than him. 
  “I should’ve worn something nicer.” Frankie smooths his hands down the front of his worn flannel as they approach the coffee shop. This was his nice flannel but maybe he could’ve taken an iron to it or something. 
  “Relax hermano, he didn’t bring your soulmate to the meeting.” 
  “You vetted this guy?” Frankie couldn’t find much information on David York, which worried him a little. 
  “As much as I could.” Frankie holds the door open for Santiago as they enter and head straight for the counter. Coffee is much needed after imbibing too much at the wedding. He’s grateful in hindsight that he chose this location just outside of town. 
  “Corner,black suit.” 
  Frankie glances up, hopefully shielded by his sunglasses. “He looks smug.” 
  “Don’t start.” Santi hisses under his breath as he steps up to place their order. “ Two black coffees please.” 
  Best case scenario, this guy finds his soulmate and Frankie can’t even wrap his head around what he would do with that information. It scares him to even think about it. 
  Worst case scenario, Pope is out some money that he didn’t ask him to spend in the first place and he can go back to whatever semblance of a life he was living before all this. 
  Way to be positive Frankie
  Introductions are awkward to say the least. Frankie and Santi seated at the small cafe table across from Dave who has set a notepad down next to his small coffee. The silence is deafening as he scribbled down a few things after giving them a once over. 
  “So I’m sure you have some questions for me. If you don’t mind holding those until I’ve gone over everything.” He’s not really asking and Frankie already had his hackles up at the grim outlook of the man in front of him. 
  He always hated ‘suits’ . This guy is obviously ex-government and he’s not really sure how someone like him ended up in the line of work of finding someone’s soulmate. Besides the obvious monetary aspect there is a lot of love and emotion involved and the man seated before him doesn’t strike him as the romantic type. 
  “Why did you decide to hire me to find your soulmate?” I didn’t hire you. Frankie looks over at Santiago hoping he’ll help him out a little. 
  “Well ugh…I actually didn’t.” Dave raises his eyebrows at that but lets him continue. “My friend here was kind enough to give me a push in the right direction.” After too many drinks and a lot of talking he reconciled with Santi that this was something he should at least try to pursue. 
  Everything seems pretty straightforward once he starts going over his normal way of doing things. Frankie understands after the initial round of uncomfortable questions that Dave needs to make sure he’s not some weirdo. He opted to return a few peoples initial deposit upon meeting them and not deeming them safe enough or sane enough to track down their soulmate and uproot their lives. 
  Frankie’s thankful he doesn’t pry too much into his reason for divorcing. Dave mostly wanted to make sure that he was not still legally married because he won’t set anyone up for heartbreak. 
  Dave has a thirty day guarantee, if he doesn’t find them in that time frame you get a full refund. Frankie is a little shocked at his confidence. People spend their entire lives trying to find their soulmate and he can somehow guarantee it. 
  “So, now that I’ve gone over all the logistics. Do you have any questions for me?” Frankie looks to Santiago who’s been uncharacteristically quiet throughout this meeting. Maybe out of courtesy for Frankie or perhaps he’s sizing him up. Either way, Frankie really only has one thing he is curious about. 
  “Why do you do it?” 
  Dave takes a sip of his lukewarm coffee. It’s pretty bad if he’s being honest but he needs a moment. He always needs a moment when this question is brought up. It’s usually one of the only questions he hates answering. Truthfully answering would require to let people in ‘strangers’. 
  These same strangers trust him enough to do this so as uncomfortable as it is he provides enough of an answer to suit both parties. 
  “I hate to say that it pays well, but I have to state the obvious.” For the first time during the meeting Frankie can see his hard exterior crack a little. The first time where he seems nervous and unsure of what he’s going to say. 
  “Also…I wish I had met my wife sooner. I may have had more time with her.” 
  Santiago excuses himself from the table. He doesn’t do well with emotions. Frankie knows that probably stung a little. He’s not sure if it’s worse that Santi never got to meet them or if meeting them briefly makes it all that more painful. 
  “I appreciate your honesty Dave.” He sends him a tight lip smile that doesn’t meet the eyes. 
  “If that’s all you have for me I’ll be in touch in the next few days hopefully with an update.” 
  Frankie shakes his hand, a firm handshake he notes to himself. Dave has a nice build, he’s not sure why he makes a note of that as well. 
  Frankie finished the rest of his coffee and headed outside. Santi leans against the back of the Jeep scrolling idly on his phone. He looks up at him but says nothing as they both get in, Frankie in the driver's seat. 
  “I just needed some air.” Santiago looks out the passenger window seemingly fixated on the passing cars. 
  “I know hermano.” He doesn’t need to say anything more. 
  Neither of them speak for a while, too many thoughts on their minds as they ponder the meeting and what all of it means. Seeing Santiago still struggling with losing his soulmate makes Frankie want to give this his all. 
  Santi can’t shake the thought of Dave doing all this because he didn’t have enough time with his soulmate. At least he got to spend some time with them. He's lied to himself all these years after his tattoos and scars of his soulmate were long gone. This was not about him though, this is about helping his friend move on and be happy. That’s all he wants for them after the chaos he caused in Colombia. He has to make things right for him. Frankie may not see it as his fault but Santiago can’t help but think maybe Sophia would’ve stayed if things hadn’t gone so poorly. 
  Santiago would never know that things started to sour in their relationship long before that Ill fated trip to steal someone else’s money. 
  Frankie was the one who had it all together. A real job he could be proud of , a wife he loved , a house for their future family. Things quickly fell apart for him after they returned and he was no longer the one that they looked to for guidance. 
  Santiago made it his mission to help Frankie get back on his feet after they went back for the money. Frankie got his license back, he bought a home that didn’t remind him of all his memories with his ex wife, now all he needed to do was find love. 
  Santi rubs his hands across his jeans trying to shake himself from the trance. Frankie eyes him cautiously from the driver’s seat. 
  Santiago leans forward to turn the radio down. “So how are you feeling about all this?” 
  “Considering he has a guarantee, a little better than I felt going in.” 
  He doesn't want to get his hopes up too much but he’s starting to get that feeling like things may be taking a turn for the better. 
  Frankie pulls up to Santi’s house and puts the car in park. 
  “I know what you’re gonna say, I’ll be fine I promise and I’ll call you later after I sleep off this hangover.” Frankie smiles at that,Santiago only lets a select few into his world and he won’t push it any further. 
  “I just want to say thanks Pope. This really means a lot.” Santi waves him off and hops out, he knows how much it means but he’s not gonna get any more emotions out of this day. 
  “Love you hermano, this time next year we’ll be planning your wedding.” Santi calls out over his shoulder before he enters his house. Frankie wants to roll his eyes at that but he secretly hopes that he’s right. 
  “Alicia! We’re gonna be late.” You stand in your bedroom in front of the floor length mirror putting the finishing touches on your makeup. The modest yellow sundress and strappy heels you bought ages ago are finally getting some use. 
  “I can’t decide on what to wear.” You faintly hear her yell from her bedroom. 
  You’re not particularly excited about this singles event she signed you up for but you certainly didn’t want to walk in late and have all eyes on you. She’s your best friend so you agreed to accompany her on one of her many schemes to get you back on the dating scene. 
  You cross the hall to her room and find a mountain of clothes on her bed and more clothes flying out of her closet. 
  “Let me see what you’re wearing.” She emerges from her closet in a slinky black dress to match her long black hair. She was a bombshell in anything she wore so you aren’t sure what the hold up is. 
  “Alicia that looks hot, wear that.” She gives herself a once over in the mirror as she smooths her hands down the front. 
  “You don’t think this is sending the wrong message?” 
  “Babe you said yourself you need to get laid.” You glance down at the time on your phone. “Shit we’re gonna be really late.”
  “You’re right, I did say that. Thanks for talking me off a ledge.” She grabs her phone from the nightstand as you follow her out of the room. 
  “You’re gonna need to pretend my room is yours if you bring someone home though.” You gesture towards the disaster she left on her bed. 
  She turns to you, grabbing your face and kissing your forehead. “Only a true friend would let me defile her bed for the sake of a hookup.”
  You laugh as you shoo her along out the door. “That’s what friends are for.”
  The bad news, you were indeed late. The good news is no one seems to notice as you both enter the hotel lounge for the event. Everyone is talking and mingling amongst themselves so you and Alicia have an opportunity to grab a drink and settle in. 
  You haven’t been on a proper date in years so she thought this would be a nice way to ease back into things. No pressure or obligations and no awkward first date etiquette. People were just here to simply talk and get to know each other. If you made a connection that was great but if you just didn’t like someone then there were no hard feelings. 
  “Cute guy at twelve o'clock is checking you out.” You try to do a subtle scan of the room as you sip your fruity drink. 
  “Alicia I don’t know what that means…Wait how do you know he wasn’t checking you out?” She steps in front of you to slightly block your view. 
  “He’s in the gray button down on my right .” She half whispers as she attempts a head nod. “Do you see him?” 
  “Oh shit he’s coming over here.” You both do your best worst to act casual as a tall and very attractive…distractingly attractive man walks over. 
  “I do have to say yellow is definitely your color.” 
  “Told you.” Alicia says under her breath as she leaves you at the bar with this stranger. 
  You thank him politely for his compliment and introduce yourself as you try to ignore the lewd gestures your best friend is making with her hands behind his back. Thankfully she’s interrupted by a man with a tap on her shoulder. He’s noticeably not the type she goes for. He’s much too tall for her…she prefers to tower over her love interests ‘it makes me feel powerful’ in her words. 
  Jeff was nice enough as he engaged you in conversation. He mostly droned on about his job in finance and his hobbies, his five year goals and now come to think of it…you didn’t really get a chance to talk about yourself. He excused himself from the conversation when he saw someone he knew in the crowd, leaving you in your comfortable silence once again. 
  Your moment of reprieve is short lived when a woman approaches you. You actually enjoy talking to her and you can tell she’s listening intently. She’s beautiful, funny and smart. Perhaps another time you would be interested but she mentioned she just got out of a long term relationship and you don’t have the energy to be someone’s rebound. You’ve spent years repairing your broken heart and if this is your one attempt at trying to find love again it just wouldn’t be fair to either of you. 
  You still exchanged numbers after she’d said how nice it was to meet you. Your eyes immediately find Alicia’s across the room with a man who could be her grandfather. He doesn’t seem to notice her look of save me etched across her face. You take this moment to tease her a bit, making the same hand motions she did earlier. An older woman looks on in shock when you realize a little too late that you’ve caught the attention of others in the room. 
  After offering an apologetic smile, you gather yourself and join her across the room. 
  “Sorry to interrupt, Alicia, can I borrow you for a moment.”
   She loops her arm in yours pulling you close to her side. “It was nice to meet you Irving.”
  “The pleasure is all mine dear.” He takes her free hand, planting a sloppy wet kiss on the top. You bite your cheek to stifle a laugh as she waves him off. You can feel her eyes on you as you exit the lounge. 
  If looks could kill you’d be a goner. 
  “Irving seemed nice.”
  “Shut up.” 
  You both burst into a fit of giggles as you make it safely to the hotel lobby out of sight of anyone trying to vy for your attention. 
  These were the moments you lived for with your best friend. The reason you were able to get back on your feet when you moved across the country to start your life over. She took you in like a stray cat, no questions asked when you replied to her ad looking for a roommate. You didn’t find out until later on that she didn’t need the money, she just hated living alone. 
  She came from a wealthy family and traveled the world before settling in Naples Florida. She never had a soulmate…it wasn’t out of the ordinary for people to go their entire lives without so much as a mark or tattoo. It makes you wonder if the universe chooses at random or if people are destined for that path. She is such a free spirit it almost makes sense why she can’t be tied down to just one person. Her biggest problem is making sure her current interests aren't only after her for money. 
  “So…what’s the plan for the rest of the evening babe?” You both step out still arm in arm. It’s a beautiful sunset starting just over the tops of the buildings downtown. You could walk down to the beach or drab a drink at another bar. 
  You can feel your dress starting to cling to your back from the humidity and you made a huge mistake wearing heels that weren’t broken in yet. Alicia looks at you and then pulls out her phone to call a car to come get you. “Let’s go home and eat ice cream while we discuss what a train wreck that was.” 
  You let out a sigh of relief as you push back trying to stand on the heels of your feet. “That sounds like a perfect night.” 
  “At one point he actually took his dentures out to show me.” Alicia buries her head in the pillow as you make a disgusted face. 
  “That’s awful. I’m so sorry.” You’re laughing to the point of a stomach ache. 
  “Ya, you sound really sorry.” She throws the pillow at you on the other end of the couch. “So tell me about the girl. You were talking to her for a while.” She raises one eyebrow at you as she reaches down to the coffee table for the carton of rocky road. 
  “She was nice.” You lean forward grabbing the carton from her hands. “She was more than nice actually…but she just got out of a serious relationship.” 
  “Ugh…no one wants to be a rebound.” 
  Your thoughts exactly. 
  You swear sometimes you share a brain, or maybe you have just spent so much time with each other that you can’t help but think alike. 
  “I’m glad we went, I needed to break the ice. It’s not like the love of my life is gonna waltz into the record store.” You loved your job, you always had a love for music. There was something so special about the medium of records standing the test of time. That’s the kind of love you wanted. 
  “Let’s just marry each other if this dating thing doesn’t work out.” She holds out her pinky as you wrap yours around hers. 
  You raise from the couch gathering your plush blankets. “I’m gonna turn in for the night, love you leesh.” 
  “Love you too hon’, get some sleep.”
  That was a joke in its own right. The problem with having anxiety is the one time where your brain should quiet down is when it wants to be the most active. 
  You brush your thumb along the etched roses on your ring finger. It’s such a fine and delicate tattoo, the line work is beautiful and the stem of it perfectly curls around coming to a point at the end of your finger. 
  You hate to assume, but it’s always felt feminine in nature. It doesn’t seem like a drunken mistake or a rushed decision. The tattoo feels intentional. You had a lot of tattoos in a short amount of time when you were in college. These tattoos were overtly masculine. A small Blackhawk tattoo on your left wrist, almost mirroring your hummingbird. A gun of some kind on your left ankle…you weren’t familiar with firearms. A tiny elephant on the inside of your left thigh, by far the most adorable of the set. 
  In short succession they all adorned your body before you graduated from the California Institute of the Arts with a minor in arts management and a major in music history. Your step mother always said it was a waste and your father couldn’t be bothered to defend you. Your mother would have been proud though. 
  It was years before the roses showed up on your finger one beautiful spring day. It was so unlike the others it turned your world upside down. 
  The reason you moved across the country to escape the control and the pressure of someone who couldn’t love you with those scars and tattoos. Resenting you more and more each day knowing that you belonged to someone else. 
  It’s those thoughts that keep you up at night. The nightmares and horrible things that only your mind thinks up. As much as you try to push those thoughts away, you know deep down someone is out there. Made for you. 
  We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses. 
Comments and reblogs are much appreciated.
Taglist- @missladym1981 @legendary-pink-dot @brittmb115 @christinamadsen @heavennumber2 @anoverwhelmingdin @guelyury @hannahkatharine
Please let me know if you would like to be added to the taglist 🤍
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theanothersherlockian · 9 months
You Are In Love
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Frankie Morales x Reader
I’ve been on school break, i was bored so i made this little story. It’s based on “You are in love (TV’s)” by Taylor Swift.
It was fun writing this. English is not my first language so it might not be well written.
It’s fluffy. Mutual pinning. Reader speaks Spanish at the very end but is just one sentence.
Happy Frankie Friday! ❤️
1,600-ish words
Starting a new life away from where you grew up was difficult, eating alone in your job as a waitress at first, learning the shortcuts on the road or where the potholes were, not knowing anyone to hangout on weekends or days off. But you wanted to be far away from anything that could hold onto being someone you weren't, your household not being a home since you were a teeneger and feeling that you belonged somewhere else.
It was like that at first, until one day you met Benny Miller, an energetic young man who used to visit the restaurant at the same hour every week. He would always come at five pm, order a double cheeseburger with a milkshake, and then leave.
After a month of him entering the restaurant at the same time you started chatting with him, started to know him better, knew he was an MMA fighter, had a big brother named Will (who sometimes came with Benny) and that he had two best friends that had known when he was serving in the military.
Then he started inviting you to his fights and you met his friends there. A sassy but responsible man named Santiago Garcia and a shy with brown eyes named Francisco Morales, you knew by the way they were with each other that they meant the world to Benny and to the rest of them as well, they were a family.
With that they treated you as well like you were family, you started going with them everywhere, you went to the beach that summer and spent the whole time joking around with the guys. Benny and Will helping you move furniture. You felt comfortable with the guys around, but liking the company of someone specially.
You don't know how it started. The way his eyes shine when you tell a joke; or the way you both glances at each other at a party from the other side of the room talking with just the eyes; maybe it was when you found his bald patches where it's supposed to be a beard and joked about it to him; having inside jokes and the guys teasing you about it. You don’t know how it started, you just knew you felt safer when Francisco Morales was around.
He is driving you to your house after a night out. Hopping on his old truck like always. You were resting against Frankie’s shoulder. Watching him drive was one of the best views you ever encountered, watching his eyes dance around every car, his face when he's focused on a job, the way he licks his bottom lip without noticing but at the same time he acknowledge the things you say to him or still hums to the song at the radio drumming with his fingers the steering wheel.
You were talking to him, telling him how your week was, about that flickering light in your kitchen, rambling because no matter how mundane your thoughts were, he always wanted to hear them.
Frankie stopped at a red light and saw you looking at the window now. Cheeks still resting on his jacket. Feeling how both of your body radiates this soft warm energy, nobody knows how to explain it, just want to be together. The way the red light washes your body, lingering on your chest where his dog tags laid, in a secretly “you belong with me” way. He wanted to make this scene longer, to be with you like this.
To relive this intimate moment with you all night when he can’t sleep because of his nightmares. But he won’t tell you that. He won’t tell you that when he has nightmares, the nights when his PTSD gets worse, he calms himself remembering the times you spent time together. Remembering the way your nose crunches when something disgust you. When you think no one's paying attention and you start singing a song you get stuck in your head.
When Frankie’s all by himself those nights he remembers you, you are his light.
“Look up,” he says and your shoulders brush.
You both look at each other, his soft brown eyes stared as though hypnotized by something, someone. Everything felt slower, you could feel the way your heart pulse through your ears. Your breath becomes shallower by the time passes. Gently, Frankie moves a strand of hair from your face and opens his mouth, but before he could say anything a car behind him honks. The traffic light was green.
You both glance awkwardly, not sure how to react. He coughs trying to diffuse the tension.
“We should go,” he says.
The strand of light that passed through the curtains woke you. You laid there accommodating, trying to understand where you were. It wasn't your room, you knew that by the way the furniture in the room was different, but you heard an unmistakable voice singing in the kitchen.
Frankie had carried you to his bedroom after you’ve fallen asleep on the couch.
Grabbing a shirt from his closet, you came out of his bedroom. The music becomes louder every step you take. He was giving you his back, the white shirt Frankie was wearing stretching around his broad shoulder whenever he grabbed something, those big arms had you drizzling for just how big they were. He looked good like that.
“Good morning sleepy” he said cheerfully when he noticed you, but he stopped when he fully saw you. Standing there in his house wearing his shirt as pajamas, you were breathtaking. Your heart suddenly missed a beat the moment his eyes landed on you. A soft shy smile appears on your face.
And you knew right there, this was all what you dream of. A place where you can be yourself. You created your own safe space without knowing. And be grateful for them everytime. Benny, Will, Santi and Frankie rescue you when you thought no one could ever love you the way you are. You let go of your insecurities the moment you met them in that stinky MMA ring.
The air felt warm and you couldn't pinpoint if it was always like that or just you, until Frankie smelled it.
“shit the toast!” he hissed.
After breakfast and clearing the table, and some bumps into each other while doing so, you went to Frankie’s bedroom to change. But he grabbed your hand delicately, looking at you. His eyes conveyed vulnerability that you saw only when you were with him. You step closer to him. Skin tingling where his fingers went onto your skin, slowly going to your face.
“Can I kiss you?” he whispered.
“Please” you sighed.
Franke had you feeling like you were the only one on his mind, of course he was your best friend, but you also had wanted more. So when his soft lips connected yours it felt like a weight got off your chest, he's been feeling the same for not knowing how long. You take your time, there's no place where you would rather be, slowly melting into one. His left arm hugging your back gets you closer to him, caging you against him, your own fortress against the world. His mustache tickles your upper lip. His kiss was warm, comfortable, and dizzy, just like his pouty lips look like. Your hand sliding its way into his hair, grasping it.
You both pull out, looking at each other. Grasping for hair. His head resting into yours. Both cheeks pinks with fluster. Your hand still on his hair, those brown curls getting wilder. Giggling, you still couldn't let go of each other, afraid that if you let him go it will all disappear into a weird dream.
“You have a crush on me, Morales?” you jokingly say, kissing him again softly.
“Took you long enough,” Santi said, hugging you.
“We are just dumb” you look at Frankie and smile at him.
“Yeah you are” Benny said giggling, he was the happiest one. You could wonder if he was a part of this relationship too.
After the kiss it felt easier. All this time wasting time wondering if the other felt the same, when it was obvious. He had told you the many times he almost confessed to you, he couldn't stop giggling at the thought of it. You’ve never felt this peace before, both were walking on a cloud when were around each other.
It was the first time you were with them as a couple, you didn't want to tell them right away. Sneaking into each other's houses while pretending to be just friends.
Touches lingering more than a friend would on each other's bodies when playing soccer at the beach. Escaping when Santi invited you to his house, Frankie pulled you just for himself, the others without a clue in the world about what was happening. Just couldn't get enough of each other, wanting to be with the other, to be touching, to feel him on your body, the roughness of his calloused hands on your back, your neck desiring the scratch of his beard whenever you see him.
But tonight you decided that you were just happy with each other. It felt natural like this, Frankie’s arm around your shoulder, taking your hand and playing with it, kissing him in front of the others. He wasn't afraid of showing you off. He was so proud of you.
“I just have to say that I already knew it,” Will says, sipping from his beer.
“What?” you laugh “How?”
“There’s a certain light in your eyes when you are together filled with magic, and it only radiates love” will say softly looking at you “that and, he has a photo of you in the garage and saw your new nickname on his phone”
“oh fuck off” Frankie say blushing.
“Te amo, Francisco” you say, kissing him softly.
“Y yo te amo a ti, mi amor”
'Cause you can hear in the silence. You can feel it on the way home. You can see it with the lights out. You are in love, true love.
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Can I have Dom x reader where they fall in love after maria passes and Dom survives the events of gears 3?
I'm rusty but I managed to remember what I could about the plot of Gears 3 to write this AU :) We about to get real sad with this one. My main blog is slowing down so hopefully I can pay more attention to this one :D Hoping this is long enough!
Filling The Void
Dominic Santiago x Female! Reader
Synopsis: Even with the war over Dominic is still not in the best place mentally. Dom feels like he's lost it all with the passing of his wife... then you reminded him he still has someone after the war other than Marcus. Maybe you're what he needs to feel the aches in his body?
Content Warning: Romantic Pairing, Female/Male pairing, Angst, Depressing themes, Grief, Mentions or mercy killing (Maria's fate in canon), PTSD, Mentions of war/post war fic, Dom's scared to be in another relationship, Guilt.
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Time is supposed to heal all wounds. With the Lambent and Locust gone Dom should feel relieved. It's just that... he and Marcus both have lost so much to get to this point.
Dom couldn't get the image out of his head. The images of Maria's face, a shell of her former self. Dom still thinks of when he had to pull the trigger....
It had to be done, he knows this, but...
Part of him wonders if he should've left this world with her.
Dom's thoughts leave him the moment he feels a hand on his back. The touch shocks him, the sudden comfort makin him quickly turn around. His wide eyes soften when he realizes he isn't in any danger.
You stand behind him with a soft smile in your face. You and Marcus had always been there for him after the war. Especially after Maria....
During the Locust war you had been a rookie for Delta Squad. Normally rookie's don't get too far yet you managed to thrive. Pretty soon by the end of it all you had become your own person no longer having to wear the usual COG armor.
You had always been dedicated to your team. Even after the war you tried to keep track of Delta Squad. Far as Dom knows you weren't just in contact with him and Marcus, you most likely talk with Cole and Baird when they have time.
It surprised Dom when you said you wanted to stick by him even after the war. He already expected Marcus to stick by him but not you. Despite the surprise... he will admit you've helped a lot.
"See you're deep in thought...." You admit, sitting beside Dom. Dom moves back to look at the view of Sera. Sometimes he just needs to sit and think... he needs to cope.
"As usual." He sighs, trying to ignore your piercing stare. He knows what you're going to say and he isn't sure if he wants to answer.
"Thinking about Maria?" You ask, wary of re-opening healing wounds. Dom is silent and that confirms your suspicions. He feels your hand on his back again in an attempt to comfort him.
"... Why did you want to stay here with me?" Dom finds himself asking in an attempt to ignore your question. You're taken aback by the question and stop your attempts to comfort him.
"What do you mean?"
"What I mean is... you're a young woman with a life ahead of her. What do you get from staying with me?" Dom continues, turning to look at you. "The war is over, you don't need to be here anymore."
Dom wonders if he stepped too far when you give an uneasy look. He doesn't mean to come off as harsh. He just wonders... why you are always at his aid.
"... is it so wrong to care?" You ask softly, causing Dom's heart to clench. "If it helps... I see Delta Squad as my family. Plus..."
You're very cautious. He can tell you're worried you're intruding when you shuffle closer. Dom makes no attempt to move.
"I don't think I can leave you by yourself. I think you need someone to care for you." You admit. Dom takes a closer look at you, seeing your face turn a light shade of pink. Part of him finds it a bit cute but he doesn't say anything. Thoughts of Maria flash in his mind and he finds himself looking away again.
"You don't have to do this...." Dom answers softly, secretly he's thankful but worried he'll take too much of your life. He's quickly torn from his guilt when you turn him closer, hands on his forearms.
"I want to do this." Your expression and tone is stern. "I want to do this because I care for you. Admit it... you need someone."
"I don't think I'm ready." Dom admits, realizing what you're implying. You give him a soft smile along with a curt nod.
"That's alright. I just want to be here for you. Take all the time in the world. We all have to grieve at some point." You admit, going to pull away from him.
You weren't expecting Dom to pull you back, however.
You collide with his chest and feel him wrap his arms around you. You respond by mirroring the gesture, hands softly stroking his back. His rests his head on yours.
Time passes and you begin to hear crying.
You say nothing and just allow him to sob on top of you. You didn't like to see him cry... but it's what he needs right now. You understand his suffering.
"Sometimes I feel like I should've gone with her...." Dom admits, a sharp pain panging in your heart.
"Maria wouldn't have wanted that." You murmur, hugging him tighter. "She would've wanted you to live a happy life after the war."
"I know...." Dom shudders, pulling away with a teary face. "I just don't know how to live without her."
"I'm sure you will..." You encourage, keeping a smile to comfort him. "and I'll help you learn."
Dom appears to calm at your words. He really is lucky to have you. You mean so much to him....
Maybe you're right... Maria would want him happy.
"Thank you..." Dom smiles, snaking a hand to the back of your head. "For everything."
Before you realize it Dom is pulling you closer for a kiss. You allow him to brush against your lips, his facial hair tickling you softly. You feel your stomach and heart flutter before he pulls away.
At first you're in shock. Dom chuckles at this and pulls you close again. You lean into him in comfort.
"I may be scared to give my heart to another... but if you stick around long enough, maybe I'll give it to you." Dom confesses.
"Like I said before, I'll be willing to wait." You promise. "I will because I love you... and I just want you happy."
You two decide to spend the rest of your time sitting in silence. It may not have been much but Dom feels the hole in his heart fill just a bit. Perhaps he really can have another chance with you.
In the end maybe things will work out... you're both willing to wait for one another... both willing to take time to heal...
All because deep down... you really do love each other.
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aprillikesthings · 3 months
Someone on Reddit may have convinced me that once I’m done with the current fic I should try writing an au where Catra and Adora do the Camino
And my first thought was “but why the fuck would Catra do it” and then I realized the obvious answer which is “bc Adora asked her to come along”
But yeah I can imagine them starting the thing as Just Friends :) and by the time they get to Santiago de Compostela they’re together
But they also argue a few times and spend some days walking alone and various things happen
Also Adora would be like me, wanting to know all the things about the history and whatnot and kinda dorky about it lol
(But Catra would be like me in that “what do you mean we have to wake up at 6am EVERY DAY how is that a VACATION”)
Just imagine them in a crowded room of bunk beds but instead of the Horde it’s an albergue full of pilgrims and they’re both in their separate beds thinking “I cannot possibly tell her my feelings bc if she doesn’t feel the same this will be the most awkward trip on EARTH”
At what point do they confess. But also at what point do they snap and pay for a hotel room just so they can share a bed lolll
Actually wait one of them suggests a hotel just to have a shower with real towels (as opposed to quick-dry travel towels) and sleep in a real bed without a sleeping bag, but of course that’s not the ONLY reason eheheheh😎
(You can’t pull an “and there was only one bed” because hotel rooms always had twins pushed together! The whole point of them is that you can separate them if needed! They just won’t bother.)
“Is this just an excuse to make people read stories about your Camino” not entirely but also yes
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tielesiti-eftu · 1 year
the place where I worked for a month was run by scammers and I am not going to be paid
thank you so much to those of you who've already donated, I didn't expect this much to come in so fast. I'll keep this updated as I get more donations. original post continues below.
I worked a job at a fairly local place for about a month, but for a number of reasons, quit three weeks ago and was told my check would be in the mail. I never got that check, and found out tonight after doing some research that the place was run by a group of scammers, headed by Billy Russel Tomlinson and Santiago Aguilar, who have done this multiple times, over multiple states, over multiple years. Russ is currently in prison, not for stealing $400K from the state to set up a bogus business or for effectively scamming someone hired to be a permanent DJ out of $250K, but for selling a house he did not have the legal right to sell. Santiago, as far as I am currently aware, is gutting the building with his family to presumably not leave evidence and to resell for more money.
looking back, I should probably have noticed some red flags; we had never discussed pay at all, they hired me after just an application (with very little on it; this was my first job), I was rushed and pressured by them to get my application in virtually the same day I had gotten it, and then a similar case happened when I tried to drop out before even working there about three days before my first shift (for unrelated reasons).
I wouldn't have gotten much from them regardless, since I was only able to work for 13.5 out of the 67.5 hours I was scheduled. I had asked for a non-standard schedule from the outset and only worked part-time, and several things kept me from going in on a majority of the days; some days it was a bad knee I have flaring up or not getting much sleep the night before, some days it was Russ going in for a surgery that had been mysteriously delayed or a member of Santiago's family being in the hospital for an ulcer.
had I been paid minimum wage, my paycheck would probably have been just shy of $100 USD, nothing big, but still a decent amount in my opinion. had I been able to go in the whole time, barring any other complications, I should have gotten close to $500. the only reason I, or anyone in my family, got suspicious is because I had been ghosted about the check for the whole time between me quitting and now. this is likely due to the location closing and Russ being arrested (I wonder why?).
needless to say I will not be getting paid. I am incredibly frazzled about all of this, and this post has been a struggle to actually write because of it, so I'm going to try and wrap it up here. I was really counting on a check of any kind coming in, so, unsurprisingly at this point:
I am asking for money on the internet again
here is my PayPal, and here is my Ko-fi. my goal at this time is $100 because I seriously doubt I can get the full 500 like this, nor will I try. if I do manage to get to that goal I will extend it to 500. any help is appreciated, of course, since it's still more than the zero I'm getting from this "job" in the first place.
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kokobopam · 2 years
SS9 in Chile - an essay by kokobopam
It’s been two weeks since I saw Super Junior and I want to talk about it!
The thing is, initially I was going to write a little twitter thread about it, but then I had too much to say and too many things I didn’t want to forget so I decided to write a journal entry. This is something I’ve gotten used to doing after coming back from a concert I loved but they always end up on a notebook that no one else is going to see. So I thought maybe I could share a bit here. 
It’s still a very long post lmao but if you read it, I hope you can enjoy some of my thoughts, feelings and impressions of SS9 in Chile.
Super Show 9 : The Road - Santiago
For those of you who don’t know, I got into kpop very recently, like, starting the pandemic. So this was a very big deal because I’ve never been to a kpop concert (I’m not counting the failed MuBank, it was a festival anyway) or seen any of my favorite groups before. In fact, aside from Super Junior, who’s been to my country twice, neither EXO nor TVXQ have been close to me ever.
Up till December, we were convinced we would get a SS9 in Argentina, but things happened —the economy, stupid production companies, just one month's notice before the show— and we weren’t as lucky this time. It had to be Chile, then.
I won’t get into details but organizing this trip in such short notice was hard as fuck, but I was feeling so depressed at the prospect of missing them and they never coming back again that I simply had to go. It worked out in the end. Even when I had to put everything together in less than two weeks and I’m gonna be paying this for the next three months, it was worth every cent.
I’ve been to many, many (non-kpop) concerts and you can tell when the artist is there to share their music, to put on a show or just to get paid. Super Junior…they’re not just idols, they’re entertainers and they’re SO GOOD at it. But you can also tell how much they love doing what they do and that love and energy is definitely contagious.
The phenomenon of Super Junior becoming one of the biggest kpop groups in Latin America —more than a decade ago, before kpop went “mainstream” — is something to talk about on another post but I do believe we have a special relationship with them, otherwise this wouldn’t be their third time visiting in a decade and filling 15k - 20k venues, even on weekdays in some cases.
And I know, I know, speeches get repeated and the same words translated into different languages but you can tell when someone’s being honest about their feelings. They didn’t shy out about the fact that the flight had left them exhausted, that their bodies ached or that the jet lag was taking a toll on them but they still left everything on stage and made sure to tell us again and again how much energy they gained from us. 
So in return we sang and cheered for them as loud as we could and gave them all the love we have. I came back home feeling incredibly in love with Latam ELFs, I swear. 
Let’s get to the concert then.
I already knew most of the setlist but I still was blown away when the show began with Burn the Floor. This was probably one of the performances I was anticipating the most —ever since I watched the beginning of their tour in Seoul online— and finally experiencing it in person was absolutely incredible. This song and the stage production, with all the outfits and lights and red ropes (puppet strings!), was definitely one of the reasons I became an ELF so I was so glad they didn’t take it from the setlist.
They did change the setlist, though, and removed the Ticky Tocky-Paradox-Mystery section which I really wanted to see live. BUT I’m not complaining. In exchange they added One More Time and Lo Siento which everyone sang really loud, specially the choruses and parts in spanish. It was so much fun! And they also did Devil, Mango and Mamacita (the full regular ver! instead of the opera one) in those sexy black outfits, so yeah that was neat. 
The third part of the show was soft boys time <3 Yesung sang Small Things and he was the only member to do a solo. It was very sweet that he got the chance to do so, given that he didn’t have a lot of time to promote the album before coming to latam. I hope he enjoyed the spotlight even if we weren’t the best at the fan chant lol.
I don’t know how to explain this, but up to this point I had been very focused on the performances. Maybe it’s because it had been over a decade since the last time I saw any kind of pop group with men dancing on stage, or maybe because for all the previous acts they had been wearing color coordinated outfits so it was a bit hard to tell them apart from afar (I wasn’t close to the stage); but the thing is, listening to K.R.Y. live absolutely broke me.
It’s like my brain finally caught up with the fact that I was actually listening to them singing live in front of me and, god, I was positively overwhelmed. Kyuhyun’s and Ryeowook’s voices are some of my favorites in kpop and being able to hear them in person..I cried for real. I’m a sucker for singers and I still get goosebumps thinking about it. They’re out of this world, the three of them.
And another thing a friend pointed out was that it was their first time performing as a subunit in latam —Yesung wasn’t present the first time in 2013 and KyuWook were missing in 2018—so yeah, very surreal. I feel so lucky.
Part four of the show was what I’d been really really anticipating the whole time. Because when would I ever have the chance to see D&E or experience Bonamana rock ver. again? 
It was HOT. 
D&E are insane live. They have this crazily explosive stage presence that forces you to keep your eyes fixed on them because you don’t want to miss anything. They performed B.A.D and Danger and seeing them dance and flirt with the audience…I just couldn’t believe it. I hope they consider coming back in the future with their own tour because I wouldn’t miss the chance to see them.
After that, the rest of the members joined them for Black Suit and Bonamana. 
Ngl, I’ve been saving Bonamana Leeteuk fancams (you know which ones) since the beginning of their tour, but seeing the real thing live, I’m pretty sure I got a nose bleed. I also had Leeteuk, Kyuhyun and Hyukjae on my side of the stage so I was screaming my lungs out the entire time. They’re so sexy, all of them, and they went full rockstars with this performance which wasn’t good for my health. I’m still recovering.
Finally, they started the last bit of the show with the Analog Radio self recorded video which made me cry again (don’t judge me, I was really emotional). 
This last encore is where they show up with their hand drawn t-shirts (cute!!), sing some meaningful but fun songs and do their final ments. It was really sweet that they took their time to walk the entire stage sending hearts and kisses, waving at fans and interacting with them. Ryeowook even forgot to sing his part in a song because he was sitting down, signing albums haha my boy. 
Their ments were also cute and fun and heartfelt. And they made a real effort to communicate in our language and let us know how much they’d missed us and that, despite being tired, they were happy to be there. 
Special mention to Kyuhyun, my spanish speaking king, giving his entire speech like a local and going crazy for an inflatable whiskey bottle (x) after we sang him happy birthday lmao.
They closed the show with Ahora te puedes marchar, a total party with every single person singing along, said goodbye again, and that was it. The best two hours and a half of my life.
I came back home with many great memories and new elf friends which feels so good because there aren’t many kpop stans my age with the same music tastes where I live. So it was really lovely being able to share this with other people, specially since many of us had to travel very far away to see them. It was the best kind of bonding experience and I do love meeting people at concerts.
I’m still very emotional about everything. Following the rest of the tour stops in latam kept me on a SS9 high for a week and now I’m slowly coming back to reality, feeling like it was all a dream.
At least I know I didn’t imagine it, because just yesterday EunHae were posting a bunch of videos and pics about the tour with cute messages, so, we’re all going through it haha.
Thank you for reading this far. I know it’s probably too long but I love Super Junior with all my heart and I couldn’t fit that in a 280 character tweet.
I’m already making plans with my new elf friends to see them again so I hope they come back soon. And I hope next time it’s in my country.
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distant-velleity · 10 months
your ocs and number 21 for the ask game please !! 😭😭 i actually don't know which of your ocs are shipped ?? im not sure if chrysos and santiago are platonic or not but if they are a ship then that one please !! otherwise anything goes with your ocs 💖💗💗
yes they are shipped!! half the time when i write them they aren't even dating ASJKSJDFKS but it's okay they'll get there... at some point. anyway, you got what i think is a super fitting song for them, but it also reveals another side of my music taste (aggressively masculine or questionable music) so are we really winning here /j
You were a problem child, been grounded your whole life so now you running wild… …Well, you’re a hot mess, and I’m falling for you; and I’m like, hot damn, let me make you my boo
A burly bear beastman slams into the ground back-first, the air knocked out of his lungs for the moment. Santiago watches as Chrysos dusts off his bare hands, staring at the other Savanaclaw delinquents.
“Well?” asks the merman, with a challenging sharpness to his voice. The apology he expects has yet to come, as the rest still nervously close in on him—
—but it’s alright, Santiago realizes, witnessing Chrysos block solid punches and fade back so two guys ram straight into each other. There’s a cathartically wild smile on Chrysos’ face as he pulls on someone’s vest and knees them in a frankly extremely painful place, paying no heed to the agonized grunts and whines of defeat around him.
I’ve never seen this side of him before.
Santiago smirks to himself.
I like it.
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Hiya! The same "Plexiglass" anon here. I remember you once said you'd like to read if I write more. So uh... I was listening to a song written by Ghalib, and I don't know why, but it reminded me of Oscar. And I came up with this... I don't know, seemed very fitting for someone like Nathan or Santiago when they realize they're in love and it just takes their breath away. So here goes nothing:
Dear Beloved,
When I learned that
It takes a whole lifetime for a prayer
To be blessed with fruition –
I've already wasted half of it not learning
How to beg the unknown with a hungry heart,
And pray to the stars with every breath of my soul.
So, for each dismissive second of my ignorance,
One more mile was added to the rift between us
Until it could fit a few oceans —
When I could've been one more step closer to you.
I've sinned, My love,
By not knowing for so long what it is to yearn.
And for each purposeless beat of my heart
One minute piled up, and then one more...
Until there was a mountain of eons I couldn't cross
While you stood on the other side —
Oblivious, in bliss, happy, beautiful.
I don't blame you, Amor,
For vowing your heart elsewhere.
Why won't you?
I've been too late to discover the destiny
To devote mine to!
So now I stand in the scorching golden of the desert
As you rightfully bask in the soft pink glow of spring.
Thirst lodges itself into my throat like a stone,
And burns me inside out
Like an angry wildfire.
The sand scrapes my aching skin
As I kneel uselessly to beg the blinding sun
So it won't ever let me forget you –
Even in the next life.
For I don't want to waste any second of it
Not knowing you, not wanting you,
Not craving for you, not begging for you.
I don't want to not know praying for you ever again.
What's two lifetimes' sins to carry
If I can pay my penance in your arms?
Uhhh... That's it I guess... I'm sorry if I bothered you or you didn't like it.
Love ya! ❤
Hello!!! So nice to hear from you again, and thank you so much for sharing another piece with me!
Oh I can really feel the yearn in this one 😭 It’s defo giving me Santi vibes as I always headcanon him running from his feelings and waiting until it’s too late. (So sad!)
“What’s two lifetimes’ sins to carry
If I can pay my penance in your arms”?????
Excuse me, the FEELS?! The angst!! 😭😭😭
So honoured to read this! 🧡 Such a heartfelt take on yearning and I love the distance you created between the subject and the object of his affection - with time, with distance, with failure to realise feelings, with multiple lifetimes! I can feel the regret on the page!
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handelplayssims · 1 year
It seems that the fun thing about Winterfest for the Wallace family is that everyone is looking forward to something different. Santiago wants to deck the halls with bowls of holly. Ashlynn wants to eat that figgy pudding. Kiara wishes to wish you all a merry Winterfest, and enjoy the presents and well, Zayne wants presents and to see Father Winter. Right then! We’ll worry about each thing when each person wakes up! Annnnnd Ashlynn is in an awful mood. Welp. Jog around the block Ashlynn.
Hmm. Normally I would get a Winterfest tree if someone’s in the Festive Spirit mood but the person who has that as a beloved tradition is Kiara. And Santiago is especially not looking forward to the festive cheer. I think I’ll just get a pile of presents and wait. ...annnnd it’s Power Conservation Day. Man all of that food stocked up in the fridge is going to go bad. Also, how are we supposed to do Winterfest dinner if we don’t have power!? Ho boy. Tense Zayne and angry Ashlynn. Also Santiago can’t continue his whim of writing for his job if the power is out. Man! Bad times all around. And now I’m just waiting for Santiago to get his inspired moodlet before...would gyms even be open on Winterfest? I don’t think so. Anyway, I suddenly remembered a way to gain writing skill. Simply journal! He’s doing that while Ashlynn...was going to calm down at the mirror but is instead now just fine so since her first whim is to have a kid with Santiago, (nope!) we’re going to have her get in a flirty moodlet.
...Kiara, why are you in a picky eater phase? Whhhhy? That’s the worst trait of the childhood phases to get rid of. Anyway, time to do what I thought of awhile back! Invite over Alex Feng, her best teen friend, and give a present! One of her paintings will do! And thus does the giving gifts tradition is fullfilled. Oh and I remembered to have Zayne ask about a trait of Alex’s, since they’re friends as well. Outgoing. Hmm. My last mark on traits upon ageing up is also something social. I more think he’s an insider-sort of person than an outgoing one. More wants to form groups! In particular, a club for genius sims! That’s an idea to keep in mind for him. So many of those running around anyway.
Santiago wanted to make a 100 simoleans and then his holiday day off of pay kicked in. Ah well! Zayne’s back to tense, again, thanks to Santiago being around when he wants to play chess. ...you know what might be a better idea? Picking up logic books for him to read. It might be not as good as playing chess for skilling but at least it works and it’ll keep him away from his father. Kiara painted a rather large painting of Alex. I’m thinking of using it for décor for his club. And Santiago...wishes to complete his work task. Four interviews, coming up. First up, Jesminder Bheeda. Found out she’s a hothead so I’m talking up Ashlynn to her. Next up a child...which evidently you can’t interview. Fair enough!
It’s 8PM now and that’s around when Father Winter shows up! It’ll be time for presents! Ah, and Kiara got the emotionally mindful moodlet from all of the painting she did. It’s a Snowy Escape feature and the one that runs into my gameplay the most often. While you get a choice, I usually use a random thing picker to decide the emotion because that feels more fun to me. ...it’s ingenuity, the inspired moodlet. Dang. It actually meshes well with her other emotions. Anyway, we got a huge pile of presents that needs opening! The results of our haul are- a knife block set for Santiago. A duffel o’ cash for Ashlynn. A fancier child’s violin for Zayne. Finally, a motion gaming mat for Kiara. Everything except for the violin will be sold! And now we can finally have our grand dinner for the family. What Ashlynn had been waiting for so long! Oooh, and I can do it as a family unit! ...of course Kiara is going to the bathroom countertops. And Santigao. Welp. We got surrounded by trash somehow, a bit because the oven needed repairs and such but dinner was had. And now I remember to have Kiara and Zayne take a holiday for tomorrow. Winter break, after all! Winterfest is finished and all had a fantastic holiday! ...expecting that Zayne is still grudging against his father. And with one more masterpiece for Kiara painted, we end the night.
Neighborhood Watch!
Malcom Landgraab in the Landgraab household has died. Malcmom tried fixing the toilet and it randomly burst into flames.
JESUS! Neighborhood Watch is going out for blood! Nancy is dead too so uh...is Rosa Lend still alive? She was a crafted Sim I made that married Nancy and was in their household. ...yep! It’s just Rosa now! Might as well re-write the biography of the household while I’m here. By the by, she does have a million simoleans as a lotto winner. So we’ll see if we actually get to continue with her...
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kikis-writing-world · 2 years
Whole Enchilada
Pairing: Frankie Morales x Reader
Words: ~2k
This is a silly, self-indulgent drabble. I got one of those delivery meal kits and it came with enchiladas. I fucked them up. They were edible, but they weren’t good. Well, in the few days since The Incident, this formed in my mind. I was just excited to be writing anything again. Hope you enjoy it.
Also, while I don’t think I say so much in words, I usually write Frankie with Chilean heritage for obvious reasons. I know enchiladas aren’t Chilean, but I wanted to pay tribute to the dish that started it. That’s also why I start with Santiago bringing them up. I just don’t want anyone coming at me about mixing up cultures :)
Not proofread or betaed. I don’t believe there are any warnings but read on at your own risk.
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Frankie felt reinvigorated as he pulled into the driveway, the fatigue of a long day at work making way for the excitement and relief of making it home. He couldn’t stop the soft smile from appearing as he thought about it. He’d spent years of his life chasing a home, never quite finding somewhere that felt right enough to set roots. His teen years were spent at friends’ houses and roaming the city, never quite feeling at home after his mother passed away. Enlisting after graduation had him traveling the world, fighting for Uncle Sam with nothing to show for it except a meager pension, a collection of scars, and a broken mind. He slid easily into drug use after he left the army, using to quiet the echoes of war that hid in the shadows of his mind. With the white powder in his veins, the need for a home didn’t feel so oppressive.
It wasn’t an easy hole to dig himself out of and he never would have gotten there without help. His brothers in arms kicking his ass back into shape, the VA and their therapy for veterans struggling to return to civilian life, and more than one stint in a rehab facility. The memory of the withdrawal was enough to make him shiver in real life. The sensation helped him shake the memory of his time in that sterile environment - the shakes, the pain, the all consuming need to use - and brought him back to the present. To his home. To you.
It took him almost 40 years to find what he was looking for and when he did, it hit him like a slap in the face. He had never found home because home wasn’t somewhere. It was someone. Meeting you had been like stepping out of a dark cave and seeing the beach for the first time. The musty, stale air replaced with refreshing ocean air, the bright sun warming his chilled, dull skin. He was a moth drawn to the bright light you introduced to his life and as long as he stayed in that light, home could be anywhere.
He pushed open the creaky door to his old, brown truck, giving himself the same mental reminder he always did to oil it one of these days. The thought was fleeting and likely to be forgotten as it had been millions of times before. As the door slammed shut behind him, his focus turned back to you, to home, just on the other side of the recently painted blue door.
The scent of chili powder hung heavy in the air, almost enough to make him cough as he crossed the threshold. It tickled at his nose and pricked at his eyes, mixing with the scent of other spices and something that smelled a little too much like something burning. Worried, He called your name through the house.
“It’s fine, it’s okay, I just-” your voice rang through the house, panicking until you cut yourself off with a loud, frustrated groan. The tap in the kitchen turned on. Frankie kicked his boots off carelessly, leaving them lopsided on the floor in favor of hurrying to your side.
The kitchen looked like a disaster in progress. A baking pan sat on top of the stove, smoke billowing up from the charred remains of… Frankie couldn’t even tell what it was supposed to be. The hood above the stove was running full speed, pulling as much of the smoke out of the house as possible. A pot was sitting in the sink, water running into it and overflowing down the drain. A pan of roasted veggies sat, seemingly harmless amid the chaos. Evidence of the prep work was strewn about the counters: cutting board, knives, various spice jars.
You were a fair cook. You had a few favorite recipes you knew how to nail every time and some bigger recipes you made for potlucks or parties. Frankie had never seen you struggle to cook, which made the scene all the more shocking.
Finally, his eyes fell to you. You were sitting on the floor in front of the sink, leaning back into the cupboards behind you with your knees pulled up. Dried tear tracks cut through the flour dusted across one cheek as you picked at a loose thread on your jeans. Frankie saw the set of your jaw and the wobble of your bottom lip as you fought to keep it together.
First, Frankie reached over you to turn off the faucet. He slowly kneeled, groaning quietly as his knees popped and cracked, until he was on the floor with you.
“Mariposa, qué pasó?” He asked, resting his large, warm hands on your knees. “Are you okay?”
You nodded but avoided eye contact with him as you kept picking at the thread. He stared for a moment, wishing you’d meet his eyes. He watched as tears gathered anew along your lash line before cupping your chin softly in his hand. He lifted your face to his, leaving you with no choice but to make eye contact with him.
“What happened?” He asked again, patient as his thumb brushed away the first tear to break the dam.
“I- I was trying…” You mumbled, your voice hitching as you fought against your emotions. You took a breath and swallowed around the lump in your throat. “It’s stupid,” you shook your head as you rolled your eyes. The motion made more tears slip down your cheeks.
“It’s not stupid if you’re upset. Dime.” He prompted, brushing away more tears as they came.
You mumbled something quietly, stubborn and embarrassed. It was too low for Frankie to hear, so he quirked an eyebrow and leaned in closer, hoping you’d say it again.
You groaned, throwing your head back to thump against the cabinets. The sound echoed through the mostly-empty cabinet under the sink, making Frankie wince.
“This is all Santiago’s fault!” You cried out in frustration.
Frankie felt a wave of ice surge through him. Santiago was one of his oldest friends, but he was also one of the most reckless. Memories of Colombia flashed through his mind before he could stop them. “What did Pope do?” He asked, losing the fight to keep his voice level. His tone dropped, a dangerous, low timbre of warning.
“No, no, it’s not…” You rushed to put Frankie’s mind at ease. “It’s something he said… It’s so stupid, it shouldn’t be.”
As you rambled, Frankie stood with a long groan. Once he was at full height, he offered his hand to you. You bit your lip for a moment before accepting his help off the floor. He pulled you up easily, guiding you into his waiting arms. With your body tucked against his, he could feel the tension running through you. You gripped his flannel shirt, anchoring yourself as he ran his hand up and down your back in a comforting motion.
“What did Santiago say that made you burn…” Frankie trailed off, eyeing the pan on the oven. It had stopped smoking, so that was a good sign. He decided to play it safe, not trying to identify the mess. “Made you burn dinner?”
You didn’t answer right away, but Frankie gave you time. He nuzzled your hair as he waited for you to get your words together, smelling the scent of your shampoo under all the burnt spices in the air.
“Don’t laugh.” You finally muttered into his chest.
“Never.” He promised.
“Last week, at Benny’s place, for the barbeque…” You trailed off.
He nodded once, humming affirmatively that he remembered that night. He racked his brain, trying to remember what Santiago said that night. Nothing stuck out to him.
“He said... Hesaidthathednevermarrysomeonewhocouldntmakegoodenchiladas.” You spat out too quickly for Frankie to understand.
“Say that again?” He asked.
You pulled out of the hug, pacing as you ranted. “He said he’d never marry someone who couldn’t make good enchiladas and I realized that I don’t know how to cook enchiladas. Even worse, I don’t know how to cook empanadas or papa rellena or cazuela or anything you grew up eating and you’ll never marry me if I don’t learn how to cook something for you. You’re going to leave me for some beautiful latina who makes sopaipilla every Sunday and-”
Frankie had to bite his lip to stop himself from laughing, but he promised. He caught your arm as you crossed the kitchen, stopping your pacing. He held you at arms length, rubbing your arms.
“Woah, tranquila, deep breaths.” He instructed, releasing one arm to brush your hair away from your face. He took a deep breath, trying to get you to follow. You blinked up at him as you inhaled, trying to match his pace.
“Please don’t leave me for-”
Frankie silenced you with a kiss, hoping that he was silencing Santiago’s voice in your mind along with any other doubts you held. You froze against him before returning the kiss, letting him lead as he caressed your lips with his own. He wrapped his arms around you, tangling one hand in your hair while the other rested on your back, keeping you close to him. You wrapped your arms around his back in return, fisting the soft shirt across his shoulder blades.
When he pulled away, he stared down at your still closed eyes. You were breathing deeply and slower than you had been (even if it wasn’t as slowly as he’d like.) You were clearly no longer panicking.
Your dazed eyes blinked open, meeting his. You stared up at him, lips parted and kiss swollen as you caught your breath.
“I’m not leaving you. At least not over empanadas.” He grinned.
Your eyes widened, your dazed look turning into shock followed quickly by annoyance. “You said you wouldn’t laugh.” You pouted.
“And I’m not,” he pointed out, although he couldn’t stop himself from smiling over how silly you were being. “First of all, don’t listen to Santiago. He would have settled down with Alicia if she’d let him, and she couldn’t make enchiladas. She couldn’t boil water without setting something on fire.”
You couldn’t help but snort at the reminder of Alicia, a woman Santiago dated a few years back. She was fine but all wrong for him. He was blinded by love. Well, love and her body.
“Secondly, I’m not going anywhere unless you’re coming with me.” He promised. “I love your cooking, and if you want to learn more dishes, then we can learn together. No more crying over burnt empanadas, okay?”
“Okay,” you chuckled, your skin heating bashfully as Frankie leaned down to kiss your forehead.
“How about I order us some burgers and I help you clean this up?” He suggested, looking over the mess of the kitchen again.
“I would kill for a burger.” You groaned, snuggling up to Frankie as you tucked your head against his shoulder.
Frankie glanced over at the brick of charcoal on the stove - now identified as enchiladas - and fought back a laugh. “Oh don’t worry, they’re dead.”
A gasp from you was his only warning before you swatted him in the chest. He couldn’t stop himself from laughing at your affronted look. You laughed with him, even as you grumbled about him under your breath as you turned to deal with the pot in the sink.
Frankie pressed a kiss to your temple, muttering “love you too,” on his way to deal with the pan on the stove.
General Taglist @generalfoolish @harriedandharassed
P*dro P*scal Taglist @ilikechocolatemilkh @spideysimpossiblegirl @eli-the-thinker @seasonschange-butpeopledont @slightlyobsessedwithissues​
Frankie Morales Taglist @sugarpunch-princess​ @slightlyobsessedwithissues​ @mrsxreeves​
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geo-winchester · 2 years
if you don't mind, can i get 41 and 43 from marriage life with Santiago?
Thankyou sooooo much😍😍 keep up the good works🥳🥳
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Prompts: 41. Your beard start to tickle, I like to tell you to shave it but if I’m honest I love how you look with it.
43. “you know what this family needs?” “A new husband?” “Ja ja very funny”
A/N: hi darling, Thanks for your request and I’m sorry it took me a life to give you this but I got busy whit some stuffs but here it is, I hope you enjoy it and it’s what you expected, if you have any other idea let me now, I’ll try to write more often!
Santiago never imagined he’ll have a family, when he was young his only thought was the army, when he was done with it, he became a consulter but after what happened in Colombia everything changed, he got back to his hometown, he stayed close to tom’s family and helped them with whatever they needed. He was focus on them and never thought he would met someone else, until one day he saw you, he stop confused when he saw you sit on the floor of the hallway, he had seen you before, you were his neighbor, the few times he had seen you, you were in a hurry, so he haven’t really appreciate you before, you had your eyes closed as you listen to music.
-Hey, it’s everything okay?- he asked you but you didn’t move, he sighed and got close to you.
-Jesus Christ- you almos scream after you feel someone grab your shoulder -God, you almost gave me a heart attack- you notice his smile -but I’m glad that I made you smile.
-Sorry I shouldn’t be smiling.
-No, it’s fine, you have a great smile- you blush when he smirks -I mean most of the times I see you, you have always been serious… not that I noticed you before… I mean I’d seen you before but not in a creepy way…
-You have a nice smile too- he said and you couldn’t help but smile at him -So?
-Are you going to tell me why you are outside?
-Oh yes- You said -my key got stuck and the locksmith said he’ll be here at- Santiago look at his watch.
-That’s in two hours- you shrugged.
-That gives me time to listen to the podcast I’m behind- you said, he nodded.
-Do you want to wait in my apartment?- he asked you.
-Not even a date and you want me in your apartment?
-I didn’t mean it that way- you smiled.
-I know that- you said, you look at him confused when he sat next to you -What are you doing?
-Well if you don’t want to wait in my apartment, maybe I can join you, that way we can talk about that date.
Santiago couldn’t believe how much his life changed after that moment, after a couple of dates you start a relationship, then you move out together, he propose one night when you were chilling on the coach and after a small wedding you smile every time you called him husband, a couple of years laters, your son came in to your lives, if you thought you couldn’t love him more, you fall every time you saw him with his son, that soft smile when he held your boy and rock him, read him a book or just pay attention to his son. You were in the kitchen of your new home as you put everything in their places, you giggled when your husband hugged you from behind and kissed your neck.
-Your beard starts to tickle, I like to tell you to shave it but if I’m honest I love how you look with it- you said, he smirks.
-You want me to grow my beard?- you thought for a moment before you bit your lip.
-I'm going to sound really weird but I like to feel it when your head is between my legs- his smirk makes you blush.
-I’m going to please my wife.
-you know I’ll never tire of hearing you call me like that- he kisses you deeply.
-Where’s Tommy?- he asked you.
-Daddy, You’re home!- your 4 year old son screams from the stairs.
-Right here- you said as he caught your kid.
-Hey little soldier, how was your day?
-Great, mommy and I have breakfast outside, we play in our new backyard.
-You really have a great day- your kid nods.
-Ok little soldier go and play while daddy and I make dinner- you said and your son ran up to his room as you started to cook, you were in silence for a moment.
-So what do you think about this place?- he asked you.
-I love it since the first time we get inside, it looks like…
-Home- he finishes your sentence making you smile.
-But to be honest, I sometimes miss our little apartment, call me a baby but it was our special place, that’s where we met, Tommy gave his first step and…
-I know what you mean, it was special but we couldn’t be there forever- you nod, he hugs you and kisses your forehead -you know what this family needs?
-A new husband?- you asked with a smirk
-Ja ja very funny- he said.
-I know daddy!- Tommy said excitedly, none of you knew he was there -we need a movie night?- Santiago looked at you.
-Ok little soldier, go and pick the movie.
You made a little picnic in the living room, the three of you sit in the on the floor and watch the movie that your son pick, after he ate he try to stay up for as long as he could but at the middle of the movie he sleep between the two of you, Santiago look at his son and you notice how his face soft.
-Are you ok, babe?- he nods.
-It’s just that I never thought I would have this, that I had a son, a house of my own or you- you brush your cheek.
-I’m glad we found each other, you deserve this, you've been through a lot and you deserve to be happy- he gave you a small kiss.
-Thank god for that key- he said as he put an arm around your shoulders.
-Are you going to tell me what this family needs- you notice how he gets serious.
-I want another baby- you sit and look at him surprised -We talk about having another when we’re ready and I think we’re ready, what do you…- he stops when he notices that a few tears form in your eyes -darling are you ok?
-Yes, I’m just really happy that you think that because- you took your phone and showed him some test, his eyes opened when he realized what it said.
-You’re pregnant?- you nod.
-Apparently that prebye to our bedroom got us luck.
-God I love that place- you smile -So another addition to the Garcia family?- you nod, he takes your cheek and kisses you -I love you.
-I’m glad, if you wouldn’t this would be uncomfortable- he giggles, the two of you tense when Tommy move -I think we should take him to his bed- Santiago nod, he help you to stand up, you watch how he took your son -Do you really think we’re ready?
-Of course, beside were a team, we can do this- he said as he brushes your cheek, when you finally nod he smile -Come on Mrs. Garcia, let’s take this little soldier to bed.
Tag list: @anetteaneta @writefightandflightclub @mariesackler @multifandomlife22 @mattmurdocksscars @phoenixhalliwell @autumnleaves1991-blog @supernovafeather @ofstarsandvibranium @santigarcia @itspdameronthings @ahookedheroespureheart @later-gators12 @22carolina08 @in-between-the-cafes
If you want me to add you to my taglist please let me know🙈
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veritable-trash · 2 years
Orange Daydream
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head empty just neck neck neck neck neck
Pairing: Santiago Pope Garcia x F!Reader
Words: 5K
Warning: none! just santi being sexy and me not knowing how to get to the point and needing to world build like nobody's fucking business.
A/N: HELLO, alright yall sorry for not being up and about but I've been struggling to find time to write because I GOT A JOB YAY. this was really fun to write i love santi as a character and oscar isaac is just sexyyyyyyyyy so of course i'm gonna write some joyful relationship development! i got an ask in mi inbox that i'm currently working on(hint hint my eddie munson fixation is coming to a head be prepared) so i'll hopefully have that done soon. anywayssssss i'm taking any requests if people are interested honestly open to anything just trying to get more writing going in my life ok well love you all hope you've had a fantastic week and i hope you enjoy this! ALSO tommy isn't tom from TF but i thought it was funny so there ya go :)
a part two is possible but i got so many ideas swirling it's not the priority but it could be if people are like really fiending just let me know :)))))) <333
masterlist weoweoweow
Your ex was here. Milling about in Santi’s backyard blissfully unaware of your laser eyes trying to melt him to the ground from the kitchen window. 
Praying that he won’t notice you, that you can just stay here in anonymity for the rest of the evening or that, despite all the odds, the lasers you’re imagining shooting out of your eyes will become real and actually disintegrate him. 
A girl can dream. 
Santi was going to pay for this. You were going to make him get down on his knees and fucking grovel for at least 3 to 5 business days for putting you in this predicament. For letting that slug of a man traipse around your (Santi’s) backyard and ruin this lovely August evening with his bullshit and fuckery. 
Though to be fair it was partially on you but Santi was the one in charge of the guest list, so in reality it was completely his fault and he would be in the doghouse for this. For maybe the rest of his life, the jury was truly still out. 
It was hard to think about Tommy. He had been the love of your life(hah) for three years. You’d met Santi, your supposed best friend, through him. Had settled into this town, found a job, felt like you were creating a home. 
It had been almost painfully perfect. All your best friends called you relationship goals, the perfect couple, the envy of all single people near and far. 
And then he cheated. And not something simple like making out with some stranger at a bar.
No. Tommy had always had a penchant for the dramatic, so he ended up cheating on you with one of those aforementioned best friends. AND to make matters even worse, they were now engaged. Slapping their love and perfect relationship all across social media for you, the spinster, to tear apart with your gnarly, knobby fingers like some wicked witch planning to poison someone with an apple.
It had crossed your mind once or twice. It would be fitting retribution, Tommy and you had only broken up three months ago. 
You were living in hell. 
Now all you had left in this town was the knives littering your back and heart and in some twisted turn of fate Santi. Though for some reason he'd still let that motherfucker into your(Santi’s) house which was going to be quite a conversation when you got Santi alone. 
You heard her before you saw her. The squeal of elation made you want to claw your skin off. There she was rounding the corner and practically throwing herself into Tommy’s arms like he’s been away at war and she’s been staring out the window every day for months awaiting his return. 
God how fucking embarrassing. Just throwing their love around in front of everyone without a fucking care in the world. You’re surprised no one heard the banshee scream echoing around in your skull. 
Though that was how you and Tommy used to be. It hurt to admit that to yourself, could almost feel one of the knives lodged between your upper vertebras twisting viciously, tearing you apart as you remember exactly what it felt like to be spun around in his arms. Remembering so vividly how secure you had always felt with him, how safe.
Go fucking figure I guess.  
“If you scrub that plate any harder I think you’ll rub a hole in it sweetheart.”
Santi’s voice comes across muffled though you chalk that up to the living nightmare you're currently in and how you can’t seem to escape it. 
You turn to him, laser eyes now honing in on your new target and you swear you see Santi flinch a bit at the malice laced in your gaze. 
“You know Santiago I thought we were friends, best friends even. Yet here I scrub, looking out this window and who do I see? Oh that’s right, my villain of an ex and my villain of an ex best friend being all lovey dovey in our backyard. I can’t seem to even comprehend a good enough reason for them to be here other than you wanting to torture me, which I will admit would be something you would do.”
He chuckles at that, lips quirking ever so slightly up at the corners as he sidles up next to you at the sink. His hip bumps yours and his fingers wrap around the plate your viciously attacking and gently places it on the drying rack. 
“Honeybee come on, you know it’s my birthday and you know Tommy also knows it’s my birthday. He was always going to be here and though I wish he wasn’t here and I wish I could have told him to fuck off and never return again, you and I both know I can’t do that.”
Though the facetious pet name makes you want to grumble and spit and fight him, his arm gently wraps itself around your shoulders to tuck you into his side and as always he eases an ache in your chest and the fight in you dies out. Unsticks your lungs from your ribs so you can finally take a breath you didn’t even know you were desperately needing. His eyes trace your face, a gentleness there that you swear he only ever shows you.
Fuck Santi and his ability to distract you, allow you to breath even when it feels like your lungs are collapsing. It was why you guys had instantly clicked when Tommy introduced you two. 
He had flirted with you without a shred of modesty and yet made you feel like you could say absolutely anything without a second thought. It was the strangest combination but it just worked. That was just you and Santi, hot and cold, push and pull, fighting constantly but bonded by something cosmic. 
And you knew Santi was right. Tommy and him had been friends for years. Tommy was friends with Will and Benny, and even with you now usurping him in the friendship hierarchy with the boys, Tommy was always going to be a presence in this town, with these people. 
Though you did hold onto one victory and that was that Frankie had always had a problem with him. That’s why you loved Frankie the most out of the four of them and you made sure that Santi was well aware of it. Santi seethed at that fact. 
“Don’t call me that you know I hate it.” Your words are muffled into the soft cotton that wraps around his shoulders, no longer able to stare out of that godforsaken window and prolong your torture. “I ju-I don’t know I just wish he could disappear and that he never existed and I never had to see him again.”
You drag in air, the sound almost pitiful with the hurt laced through it and Santi’s other arm on instinct cages you tight against his chest. His temple settles against the side of your head and you swear you hear him intake a deep breath against your hair but you’re too distracted by his scent drowning you to really make heads or tails of anything. 
Cedar, mint, orange. Braided so delicately together you could miss all the different notes if it weren’t for the fact that you had it practically memorized it somewhere deep in your skull.  
You inhale another deep breath hoping to trap some of his scent in your lungs so you can tap into it later when, knowing your luck, you’ll be trapped alone with Tommy and his new fiancee. The joy.
Christ on a fucking cracker. 
“Are you really gonna stay in here for the rest of the party? Come on, it’s my birthday and the birthday boy wishes for you to at least try and socialize. For me. Please? Pretty please? Don’t make me beg now, though you know I do look absolutely fantastic on my knees.”
“God Santi you are such a fucking tramp! I can’t with you, you menace.”
But now you’re laughing and Santi’s eyebrows are waggling at you like this was his plan all along. To get you to laugh for just a second to stop your brain from descending into the ether of hate you’d been stewing in for months. 
Your eyes lock as you both settle back into the quiet of the kitchen. Benny’s laugh can be heard above the light commotion outside. The 80’s jams that Santi makes everyone listen to every year on his birthday trickle into your ears through the glass and walls, and you can smell the grill roaring, can practically see Frankie with his apron on and tongs in hand being a dictator about the right charcoal choice for the perfect smoky flavor. 
But you like it right here. Standing across from each other in the kitchen, talking but not talking, knowing but not knowing, just letting the sun filter in. His curls are like a prism for the light. Shades of black, brown, some chestnut and gray catching with every wave. 
God you love him.
Fuck, wait, not like love love him, you know just like love him. Like a best friend, like your confidante, like your everything-
“I’m-uhm I’m gonna head back out, ya know how Frankie gets if you leave him at the grill for too long-”
“Dictator Francisco Morales hailing from the Land of Grills, ya of course you gotta go save the general populous before he smokes them all out. I’ll try to get out there in a bit, I think that plate needs another solid scrub, swear I saw some barbecue sauce stuck to it.”
Santi’s eyes lighten and soften again, turning almost mahogany as the light catches them just so and before you can blink his lips press to your cheek and his scent washes over you again. 
“Don’t hide for too long, ok? I’ll be waiting for you outside. Just give me a whistle and I’ll come save you, pinky promise. I won’t let Tommy corner you, he’s gotten enough of your time already.”
The words are a whisper across the skin of your cheek and your heart stutter steps when his hand comes down and his pinky locks with yours in a quick squeeze.
And as quick as he came he’s gone and you can’t stop the faltering step you take forward, trying to chase down his touch. Your fingers graze the spot his lips just branded you and you swear there’s a residual heat that you can't decide is from his lips or your blush. 
Your hands snatch up the plate you were assaulting earlier, nails digging in as your eyes wander back up, back to staring through that cursed window. But it doesn’t feel as cursed this time around. Tommy is nowhere to be seen and your focus immediately lands on the brightest light outside. 
Santi is like a beacon to you now, your eyes immediately zeroing in on him walking back out into the yard. He beelines for Frankie jostling his shoulder with a strong hand and some whispered words that leave Frankie scowling and Santi laughing. 
These secret moments are few and far between, so few times do you get to watch, to be greedy about Santi without anyone knowing. Get to soak up every drop of him without needing to make sure no one can see how deep you may have fallen. 
Key word may!!!
But it was hard to pretend Santi wasn’t turning into something deeper, burrowing under your skin and planting himself on every nerve ending so that every touch somehow reminded you of him. You can’t stop staring at him because in these secret moments, when you let him, he consumes you. 
He’d been there for you like no one else ever had when Tommy decided to turn into captain douchebag and destroy your life. Had held your hand and stayed in with you even when all the boys were trying to get you to leave your dungeon of gloom, claiming a night out would get you out of this “funk”. Yet Santi knew exactly what you needed, and it turned out it was him, ice cream, and movies nonstop. And then somehow so slowly, so sneakily it turned out you just needed him.  
His head is thrown back, a laugh rippling up his throat, and there’s that prism again, like a halo around his head. Catching the sunlight just right to make him look almost angelic, every curl perfectly in place, tousled like some fucking cologne ad model. His neck is a crime against humanity, strong and tan and your mind starts to wander down south and at this point you’re too mesmerized by him to stop yourself. God what an absolute tool, you can’t stand him and his stupid beautiful face. 
Like clock work though, his head falls back down and his eyes instantly find yours in the window. He cocks his head just so, the wrinkles around his eyes deepening as his beam simmers down to just a gentle lift of his lips and his eyes dance with secrets promises. Your heart squeezes so tight you have to look away, back down at your reflection in the crystal clean plate before he reads your thoughts in your eyes. 
They’ve been getting a touch too loud recently. 
You’d held up your end of the bargain.
You’d ventured outside. Socialized even, though you mainly stayed glued to Frankie’s side by the grill, hoping against hope that he would be the most effective shield against Tommy and those incessant giggles you swear are somehow being directed directly at you. 
It’s like their fucking bats with echolocation pinpointed on you. Fuck if you know if that’s how echolocation works but that’s definitely how those giggles feel. Like they're vibrating in your skull hoping it’ll shatter like glass when an opera singer gets too close.
And honestly Frankie was doing a bang up job. He’d been there a bit in the aftermath of your breakup. Had done movie nights with Santi and you. Had bought you beers as you teared up in the booth you and Tommy had met in. That was the first night you'd left your house and to say it was atrocious would be showing restraint. Honestly it was a dark and mildly pathetic time but now Frankie was your boy, a friend that you knew wouldn’t leave you in the dust.
Until right now where he is actively leaving you in the dust, apologies seeping out of his eyes as Benny drags him away to the fire to chat “girls” and Tommy decides this is the absolute perfect time to approach.
While you are at the grill.
Sweat coats your palms and you almost knock your beer off the table as he shuffles up to you like you’re some scared deer. He even looks 5% apologetic which was more than you were expecting from him. Your hackles rise higher. 
“Hey, I uh saw you earlier and wanted to talk but wanted to catch you alone. You know so we can talk.”
Your brain takes a beat to catch up as you take Tommy in for the first time in almost three months. For some reason his face doesn’t make your heart stumble like it used to. You can only faintly remember the way you gritted your teeth as you stalked his Instagram page, cutting deeper with every post you looked at, every comment you read. And yet now all you can think is, jesus what had you seen in this dude?
He looks like you'd kicked his dog and ate his lunch and as if you should feel bad for him. Like you should be careful because he’s sensitive and you could hurt his feelings, even though he cheated on you! Threw your heart on the pavement and stomped all over it just for good measure. And is now echolocating his new love, star crossed lovers, bullshit fucking giggles straight into your brain.  
To hell with this dude. 
“You know what Tom-“
“Hey man thanks so much for coming! I truly didn’t think you were gonna be able to make it but you know Tommy, you’ve always been great with surprises. By the way I think your girl is looking for you inside, thought I heard her calling for ya.”
Orange. Just peeled, sticky sweet and beautifully tart and sharp. That’s what Santi smells like most at night. Like the sun has burnt away all the other notes throughout the day so you can smell what Santi is at his core. And to you he’s always smelled like oranges in the summer. 
His arm wraps around your shoulder again and his eyes are full of warning and mischief as if he knew exactly where that unfinished sentence was going and he wasn’t about to let you tear Tommy’s head off in front of an audience. Though he might let you do it in private. Santi did love a bit of gore. 
“Oh shit ya I totally forgot I did tell her we were gonna leave soon though I guess now’s as good a time to head out as any. Happy birthday man it’s always so good seeing you, and uh you know I’ll see ya around.”
Tommy’s just a blip now, a nonentity, basically an NPC at this point, good riddance, because now you get to be right next to Santi where you’ve been aching to be since he left you at the kitchen sink reeling.
“I think I swooped in right on time with that one because I have a feeling you were about to kick poor Tommy straight to the curb and maybe then some. I could practically see you winding up your swing. You are a terrifying woman to behold.”
He grabs your beer and his and without even looking back starts walking towards the now empty fire pit. Will and Benny and Frankie are obviously all still here, no way they leave before 1AM, the proverbial witching hour, but they’d all sequestered themselves inside to watch the game highlights with the rest of the late night stragglers. 
It was only ever you and Santi who wanted to brave the outdoors, no matter what time of year, just to get a little bit of peace, maybe even just a little bit more time for just the two of you, but no one had to know that.
“I would just like to let the record show that everything my brain was cooking up, he more than deserved to hear. I can’t believe he came up to me looking like I had somehow been the one in the wrong. Like I’m sorry but if I remember correctly, which fun fact I usually do, you cheated on me! I have a great fucking memory, you can't fool me this time!”
The sentence ends with chuckles shared over the fire and you’re both shoulder to shoulder, knee to knee, the chairs the only thing separating you two from each other. You’d lie and say you’re huddling for warmth but it’s the middle of the summer and it’s balmy and beautiful out. 
Sometimes there stops being a point to all the lies. 
Your head rolls onto Santi’s shoulder a puff of mint hitting you as you settle, your eyes tracing the constellations painted across the darkness high up above. He shifts down in the chair just a bit letting your head drop just that little bit more and it feels like two puzzle pieces clicking together. His cheek presses into the top of your head and you both inhale in sync, the exhale of breath just stirring your hair.
“You don’t think I’m actually terrifying do you? Not that it matters but you know, am I? Scary I mean because I don’t want to be but sometimes I feel like I am and I don’t want anyone to be scared of me.”
Santi pulls back, eyes searching your face, a level of worry etched in them. His lips are curled in a light smile but you can tell he’s picking apart your last sentence, seeing what’s between the lines. The insecurities that you know you don’t need to hide from him but still do. 
“Of course that’s the one thing you pick up from all the things I’ve ever said about you. Literally the single sorta bad thing and I didn’t even mean it in a bad way because of course I’m not scared of you. Sweetheart I could never be scared of you. Why would you ask that?”
His pinky latches onto yours, pulling your hand away from picking at the frayed edge of your shorts and placing both your hands on his thigh. Though you are very much in the middle of a mini melt down, the feel of his thigh under your hand makes you almost black out with how many emotions hit you at once. 
He’s devouring all your senses and it’s getting almost to the point of suffocation, yet you lean into him further, your forehead pressing into his shoulder like you’d done in the kitchen not too long ago. 
“I don’t know I just feel like I push people away? Or I’m seen as cold and mean and so people don’t really want to be around me? I mean Tommy used to kinda say stuff like that and how I have a resting bitch face, which you know sorta valid, but I ju-“
“God Tommy is such a fucking tool. Remind me to never allow him in my house every again. I can’t believe he said that kind of shit to you.”
The words are a whisper, an exhale against your temple so full of something that almost sounds like yearning and something even deeper than that. It’s terrifying, the silence starting to penetrate every corner of this moment you both seem suspended in. 
Santi’s lips press against your hair and then words tumble out into your tresses. 
“He’s an idiot, honestly has always been an idiot, and I wish he could disappear too so that you wouldn’t be hurting the way you are. Because you don’t deserve to be hurting and stressed and angry because he should be feeling all of those things instead of shoving his disgusting relationship in your face, which by the way, I just have to say gross because they were gross.”
And again he’s making you laugh, forget, live to be right here with him where nothing else fucking matters. Your head finally leaves the safety of his shoulders to look at him and it’s only at that very moment that you realize your faces are inches apart.
If that.
Your breathing shuts down and Santi seems to realize at the same time as you of the predicament you’re in. But he doesn’t pull away. 
His eyes flit back and forth between your own and he squeezes your pinky again as if he’s reminding you to breath. You release a breath and it’s too loud, too obvious, too revealing in this moment of some unspoken emotion but Santi’s lips pull up a bit, eyes colored with something akin to understanding. 
He’s always seen you, inside and out and right now is absolutely no different. 
“Sweetheart I’ve just gotta say something before I loose the nerve because I’ve been running around in circles in my head all day just thinking about you and I can’t keep a lid on it for much longer.”
Your lips part as you suck in another pitiful breath and Santis eyes dip slowly to your lips in a way that makes you want to eat him alive. Bite into his neck and mark him so that everyone knows he’s yours. His eyes seem to be on a similar train of thought. 
“Fuck I just can’t keep pretending you’re not all I think about. That I’ve been waiting for you to move on from Tommy so that I could finally say this because I’ve been waiting since I met you. Tommy was always in the fucking way and now he isn’t and now the way you’re looking at me is fucking dangerous territory because all I want to do is kick everyone out of my house and finally have it just be us.”
He’s both rambling and yet so sure, like he’s been practicing how to make this all seem spur of the moment even though you know for a fact Santi hates spur of the moment, would rather cut off a limb then live by the seat of his pants. It makes it all the more endearing. 
“I-I wow ok well let’s just see now because I am hearing that you are like into me into me, you know, like that and I don’t, you know, want to be too obvious off the bat but I have, you know, possibly been feeling a similar sort of emotion bu-“
The kiss has to have been ripped straight from your fantasies. Santi is actually just a figment of your imagination that you've manifested into the real world and he is the perfect kisser because there is no way kissing someone should feel like this.
You can taste the mint now, his scent no longer just in your nose but on your tongue, his kiss pouring more of him straight into you. It’s all encompassing, too many things happening at once that your brain feels like it might be melting out of your ears. 
His hand cups your jaw, fingertips pressing just below your ear in a way that seems benign yet sends ripples of heat down your spine. His tongue licking against the seam of your lips and then sweeping against yours that leaves you arching into him, a whimper sneaking its way up your throat and onto his tongue. His pinky still latched with yours squeezes tighter and tighter as if somehow that touch is what’s holding you both together. 
You’re both panting when you finally break, his nose skimming your cheek bone as he presses a fervent kiss to the corner of your lips, your jaw, just below your ear. Your eyes stay shut, basking in the sparkles that are flitting behind your closed lids with every press of his lips. 
He pulls back slightly to look in your eyes and you whine, eyes still shut, still needing more of him, more of that overwhelming, drowning, flying, sinking feeling that his lips give you. His chuckle ghosts over your lips and you swear he’s just fucking with you now. 
Your lids finally peel open and you can’t believe you left them closed for this long. Stopped yourself from seeing Santi looking like every wet dream you’ve ever had in your entire life all wrapped into one magical person. 
His eyes are black, blown with lust from the kiss sent from heaven, yet they’re sparkling like polished obsidian, a joy and contentment so clearly flowing out of them. He’s this enchanting mixture of unadulterated lust and sex appeal crossed with a deep ingrained affection and adoration all pinpointed on you and it’s a heady mixture you’re finding hard to withstand. 
“What are you thinking about honey?” The words are pressed from his lips to yours, a soft brush of air coating you in the sweetness of this moment with him. You can hear and feel the smile that he isn’t even trying to restrain and your own smile feels like it’s splitting your face in two. 
“Honestly, I was thinking about how mad I was that Tommy was here and that you were letting him in my-your house, your house, but now I’m just thinking about you. It’s been only you for a minute now.”
The next kiss catches you off guard, Santi no longer able to restrain himself from touching you. It’s more bruising this time round, claiming and needy. Santi groans against your lips and your fingers finally tangle into the curls of your dreams and it’s all just seeming to be getting more and more perfect. His arms snake around your body like they’ve been doing all night, yet this time there’s an urgency to his hold and he’s pulling you out of your chair and into his lap and you’re breathless and lightheaded all over again. 
His lips fall to your neck, licking at your pulse before biting down and sending you careening into an unbridled want. Your whimpering and moaning as he feasts on your neck, teeth clamping down just so pulling noises out of you that with anyone else you would be a bit embarrassed about. 
But with Santi it’s just perfect. 
“I’ve never told you this but I love it when you call my house yours. God it fucking drives me crazy when you tell me you want to go home and you mean here, with me. That you feel like you own me in some way, because fuck you do, god you do.”
The words are branded into the skin at your throat and your yanking his hair before you even know what you’re doing and sealing your lips against his again with a sigh and a moan. He responds in kind, an almost purr of content vibrating against your lips and tongue.  
“Well I’m happy you like it so much because now that everything’s on the table, you’re definitely mine and I’m also gonna be here way way way too much, hope you’re ok with that.”
He’s gazing at you with moons in his eyes and shooting stars in his heart. His smile is almost dazed and he looks so soft and warm and like your Santi. You run your fingers through his hair and that purr returns as his dark lashes flutter closed.
“I don’t think I’ll ever let you leave my house again because all I’ve ever wanted was to be in the backyard like today and to be able to see you in my-our kitchen window and know that it’s always gonna be us against the world. Always.”
reminder requests are open using anything that's tagged as writing for prompts and honestly any character is welcome i'm down to at least take a stab at most things ok love you guys kisses smooches the whole shebang
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soft-persephone · 3 years
Pirate!TF x FemReader!Mouse ~ Coming Soon
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AN: I want to write this fic soon, but here’s my ramblings.
Mouse: Reader grew up poor on streets of England, and joins several street gangs to survive. It’s actually just one gang and they change the name as they grow older because they don’t sound “tough” enough. She’s small but tough, so her nickname is mouse.
The only reason she’s on the streets is because her parents died young, and she has no other next of kin.
Most of the street boys she grew up with are starting family’s and getting low paying but honest jobs and now she has to find a way to survive on her own so she cuts her hair dresses like a man, and find a ship crew who needs an extra pair of hands
Santiago: The Captain. Was in the navy, but didn’t like what they represented, didn’t care for “serving” his country, and just wants to make his dad proud, but eventually stopped caring and became a pirate with his best friend Frankie.
Frankie: he joined the navy to take care of his Abuela, but after she passed he had no other purpose in life. All his loved ones were dead except Santi, so he tends to go where he goes out of love and loyalty. Also because Santi is impulsive and someone should be there to make sure he stays alive.
Hi— he’s also the only person who knows how to sail a ship. He’s tried to teach them several times the basics of what he does, but no one pays attention, and they don’t appreciate the ship the way they should, so he make’s sure he’ll never die anytime soon, or they who don’t be able to function as an actual pirate crew without him.
Will: He used to be a regular doctor with a normal office, but being a pirate paid more, and he’s honestly just here to look out for his brother Benny, but met some life long friends along the way. He couldn’t see himself around any other people.
Benny: He barely made it out the kitchen’s before he heard Santi and Frankie were jumping ship, and he begged them to take him with them. He wanted adventure and he wasn’t going to get that in the kitchen’s below deck of a navy ship.
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pascalscenarios · 3 years
CLUMSY (Frankie Morales x Reader)
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Inspired by the song “Clumsy” by Fergie 
Scenario Series
Frankie Morales X Reader
Summary: You’re a waitress at a bar. Frankie is clumsy and completely flustered around you. 
Words: 1600
Warning: Mentions of alcohol, accidental touching
Author's Note: No because clumsy Frankie sounds cute af - K
It was packed at Aces, the bar you waitressed at. Tonight was game night, meaning a big sporting event was airing live on TV. Everyone flooded to the bar to watch the game on the multiple flatscreens, drink a shit ton of beer and eat greasy, yet delicious food.
“Alright Mac, here’s your usual, a pint of beer and nachos” You take the beer off the tray first, then set the nachos down on to the small circular table.
“Thanks darlin” He smiles at you. He picks up the beer, taking a swig and turning his attention back to the game.
“Of course, let me know if you need anything else!” you say over the loud noise.
With that you hold your empty tray in your hand, weaving past tables and bodies and make your way over to the bar to pick up orders.
You set your tray on the bartop, picking up plates of foods and beers, placing them on your tray.
Your coworker Johnny rushes up to you “Could you cover the table in the back?” He says as he quickly piles up his tray with orders.“Sorry! I’m really falling behind with all these orders and they requested for you”
Johnny was a new hire, only been on the job for a couple weeks. This was his first night working with the bar packed like this. It could get overwhelming.
You look over to the back, four guys sitting at the table. It was The Miller brothers, Will and Benny, and their friends Santiago, and Frankie. The four guys were regulars at the bar, coming in every so often.
Frankie Morales was looking at you, but quickly averted his gaze away when you noticed him staring at you. A smile crept onto your face. Frankie was cute, and boy did you have a fat crush on him.
Frankie is always nervous around you. You’ve heard him talk to the guys or anyone else like it was nothing, but when it was you, he’d shut up real quick. He was selective with his words, sometimes even stuttering when he spoke.
Something always went wrong when he tried to talk to you. Countless of times he has tripped, slipped, stumbled and fumbled in your presence. He is an absolute clutz around you.
“Yeah, of course! Don’t worry, I got you!”
“Thank you! I owe one!” Johnny quickly takes his tray and rushes off into the room.
You quickly maneuver around the floor, dropping off beers and food to various tables before heading over to the table towards the back corner of the bar.
“Hey, boys!” you greeted him.
Benny shouts your name “...Our favorite Waitress!”
“How are you doing?” Will asks, leaning on his arms that were on the table.
“Good! It’s a busy night! I haven’t seen you guys around for a while” you hold the tray in your arms.
“We’ve been busy at work. Thought we should have a few beers, eat and watch the game” Santi says motioning to the TV.
“And besides, Frankie here wanted to see you” Benny tossing his arm around him. Frankies eyes widen.
You cock your eyebrow up. “Is that so?” The guys begin to snicker or try to hold in their laughs.
“What?- No, that’s not why we came here- I mean not that I don’t wanna see you- it’s good to see you-I” he begins to babble
You begin to giggle “It’s good to see you, Frankie”
Frankie wanted the floor to swallow him whole. He was turning red, embarrassed, and angry staring at Benny.
“I already know what you guys want, I’ll be back in a minute” you say before walking away.
Once you were a far distance away, the guys busted out laughing.
“God, Frankie what was that?!” Benny was hunched over from laughing.
Frankie rolled his eyes annoyed at his friends.
“The person you become when they’re around...it's unreal” Santi chimes in.
“You should ask them out already Frankie. You’ve been crushing on them for a while” Will encourages him.
“They probably think I’m fucking idiot” Frankie mumbles.
“You’re not an idiot. You’re just nervous, that's all. It’s normal to be nervous around someone you like. You’re too much in your head. Don’t try to control the situation, just let things happen. Let it play out” Will expresses his advice to Frankie.
“Alright, 20 bucks something is gonna go wrong tonight...I say pretty soon” Benny says.
“Frankie’s gonna be okay” Will glares at Benny and Santi. They weren’t even drunk yet, yet here they are being assholes.
“Something always happens though, but I think later on in the night” Santi gives them a knowing look, “You got yourself a bet” He leans across the table shaking hands with Benny. Will shakes his head and rolls his eyes.
“I knew I shouldn’t have come out tonight” Frankie gets up from his chair. “I’m going home”
“Frankie, Come on man” Benny drags out.
“No, I’m out of here” Frankie whips around, accidentally bumps into the tray in your hands. One of the pints tip over on the tray spilling all over your body.
“Oh my god” You gasp, clutching the tray close to you, making sure the rest of the pints don’t spill on the ground. You quickly set the beer soaked tray on to their table. You look down at yourself. Your v neck shirt was drenched in beer, and dripping onto your jeans.
“I’m so sorry- here let me help you” Frankie picks up the napkins from the dispenser on the table.
Your eyes widen as he begins to dap your exposed chest with the napkin. You know he means well. You don’t even think he realised what he was doing. You were just caught off guard.
“Frankie!” Will shouts.
“What-OH! Shit” it clicks in his head where his hands were, and clearly they shouldn’t be here.
He quickly moves his hands away from your body, and stepping away from you “I’m so sorry- I didn’t mean- I swear I wasn’t trying to- I” He was a stuttering mess.
“It’s fine” You chuckled awkwardly “Uh, I’m gonna go change and bring you new beers...I’ll have someone clean up the spill, excuse me” You pick up the tray and head back over to the bar.
“Fuck” Frankie sat back down covering his face in embarrassment. He felt terrible for not only spilling the drinks on you, but for touching you.
“Pay up, Garcia” Benny holds out his hand for twenty dollars. “Ouch!” Bennt helps out as his older brother slaps him upside the head.
The rest of the night Frankie remained silent, limiting himself to a few words, hardly making any eye contact when you came around by the table.
The bars closing time inched closer. People in the bar started to leave sporadically.
The night was coming down to an end. The guys paid for their food and left a good tip for you like they always do. The guys got up, waved goodbye to you, and started to make their way towards the exit.
Frankie didn’t want to leave without apologizing to you. I would have messed with his conscience, keeping him awake until the wee hours of the morning.
“I’ll catch up with you guys outside, I’ll be a minute.”
You were behind the bar, wiping up glasses that you just cleaned.
Frankie's heart was pounding. There was no need to be nervous. You were always so sweet to him. He took a deep breath in, signing quickly. “Hey” Frankie said as he approached the counter top.
“Hi” you smile softly at him as you set the cup down on the counter, picking up another to wipe.
“Are you staying a bit longer?”
“The guys are waiting for me outside..I just wanted to talk to you. I just wanted to apologize earlier-”
“Frankie” you sighed, “Don’t worry about it, it’s fine”
“No, It wasn’t. I knocked a whole pint of beer on you, then proceeded to touch your chest, without consent-”
“Frankie, it was an accident. You were just trying to help me” you giggle. “Besides, I think it's cute when I make you all flustered”
Frankie started to blush. He scratches the back of his neck “You noticed that huh?”
“There’s no need to be nervous around me. I’m no one special”
“Well I mean you kinda are. I’ve had a crush on you for a while” Frankie cringed at what he said. “Wow I sound like such a fucking creep- I’m sorry. I’m really not good at these things and I-”
You quickly set down the glass and rag down on the counter. You leaned your body forward, grabbing a hold of Frankies shirt, pulling him in for a kiss. It was simple and sweet.
You pull away, biting your lip “Frankie you need to relax...I’ve had a crush on you for a while too.
“Really? After I made myself look like a clown in front of you countless of times?”
“Yes really. How about we go out on a date?” You asked him.
“O-okay. Yeah I’d like that…” 
“I’m off Friday night. Is that day okay?” 
“Alright, here’s my number” You grab a pen from your apron, and write it down on a napkin. You hand him the napkin.
“Night Frankie”
Frankie heads out of the bar and finds the guys waiting around.
“What took you so long?” Benny complained 
“Looks like a got a date friday night” he smiles holding up the napkin with your number
MT: @icanbeyourjedi @sara-alonso @greeneyedblondie44 @hb8301 1 @alberta-sunrise @spacenerdpascal @ryleyrooroo @reader-s-cantina @nikkixostan @mindidjarin
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peralta-guaranteed · 3 years
What abkut mafia!jake au
Stop giving me awesome AU ideas that I cannot write the fic for! 😭
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- due to some really, really bad choices after high school (did he ever make other ones? who knows), Jake Peralta has ended up as a grunt for the Ianucci family. He doesn’t really do much - he’s mostly someone who gathers information and new areas for them to work in, because he’s good at randomly befriending people and milking them for all it’s worth. He’s done a few ‘deliveries’, too, but has never had to really get physical.
- (he was at one family meeting that turned into the ‘farewell’ of a mistrusted member and he still has nightmares about it)
- he’s never been arrested for anything and thought the police didn’t even know his name, so imagine his surprise when he’s approached by one of their higher-ups (as if he knows the rankings, psh, pigs are all the same) and subtly but definitely asked if he would be willing to work with them
- his task seems simple: bring one of their cops into the family undercover, the same way he has ‘recruited’ several bodega owners and other ‘low-skill’ workers that turned out to be useful for the family. Maybe keep an eye on the cop as well and help her out if she’s struggling
- she? oh yeah, it’s a woman. A frankly gorgeous woman, he realises when they meet up with her and some FBI dude who obviously pretends he’s not FBI, to discuss it all further. Her name is ‘Dora’, and he knows that’s a lie from the second she’s introduced, but the less he knows, probably the better. The rules are set, he gets a special cellphone number of a ‘cousin’ to contact if something goes wrong, and two weeks later Dora Perez is steadily working her way up the ranks with the Ianuccis, who are very proud of Jake for bringing in this brilliant new talent.
- He might or might not be looking out for her a little bit too much. He might or might not get involved in far more shady dealings with the Iannuccis so he can work closer with her. He might or might not be in deep, deep shit.
- ‘Dora’ is grateful for it, though, he learns every time he drives her home after a more difficult job. She used to be withdrawn and quiet with him, which he tried to equalise by cracking more and more stupid jokes and doing random silly stuff during their drives, but then one time they drive in absolute silence while she cleans blood of her hands, and he says something, he doesn’t remember what, but it’s the right thing apparently, because she starts to talk. She talks to him during every ride after, telling him about the stress and the constant guard she has to keep up and how none of her research binders prepared her for this, and at some point she tells him about nightmares and seeing death around every corner and she can’t wait for this mission to be over.
- (for her sake, he can’t wait for that either. For his sake, he wishes it would go on forever.)
- They’re sent out for a big job together once, because Jake has already become ‘connected’ to Amy in the Ianuccis’ eyes, and they both end up with blood on their hands, and some of it is hers.
- he gets out of the car after that drive home, and gets up to her tiny, fake apartment, and helps her clean the wounds (nothing too big, just cuts, because thank god that guy only had a knife before he beat it out of his hands and then beat the living daylight out of him after he injured her) with the softest fingers she’s ever felt. Then the cleaning alcohol is swapped for drinkable stuff, and they talk, and they talk about everything and nothing, about how a dead-beat dad and an absent mother make a Mafia goon, and how family pressure and a sense of constant duty make a detective who so badly wanted to say no to this assignment but couldn’t.
- “For what it’s worth, Dora, I’m glad you said yes. I mean, not that- not that I want you to do this kind of work- and I want things to be over for you soon, because- but- I’m glad it’s you.” “Amy.” “Hm?” “My name is Amy. Amy Santiago.”
- He wakes up in her bed the next morning, with her in his arms, and he kind of doesn’t regret a single thing, even as his smart-brain is screaming at him. He’s pretty sure he would’ve willingly died for her even before this night, but now, he realises... that he probably will.
- Amy (Amy, not Dora) does freak out a little more than he does when she wakes up. She can’t get involved, she says, this is a job, a dangerous one, and she has to focus on that job and getting the mafia gang and not- okay, okay, let’s not overthink this then, Jake says only to calm her down, we don’t do anything ‘involved’, we’re just... having fun. Keeping things light and breezy. Helping deal with the stress.
- and so, despite how much it hurts and how much it makes him happy at the same time, Jakey the Jew becomes Jakey, Dora’s Loverboy. It helps, he supposes, because it means the Ianuccis won’t suspect them hanging out so much, and send him along to most of her jobs now so he can watch out for her, and he gets to be with her in a way, even as she constantly reiterates ‘light and breezy’ to keep him at a distance no matter how close they get.
- it doesn’t feel very ‘light and breezy’ when they spend time together in front of the TV, though, to get their minds to relax after doing whatever the Ianuccis needed them doing. It doesn’t feel ‘light and breezy’ when they joke around in the bodega getting ice cream on a particularly hot day out doing jobs, or when she shows him around the library after meeting her ‘cousin’ there for a chat. It doesn’t feel ‘light and breezy’ at all when she sighs into his arms when he’s holding her in bed, neither of them even wanting to take the night any further than soft hands under tshirts, because all they really need at some point is the comfort of each other.
- and then one day, after a few months of this ‘light and breezy’ and ‘Dora’s Loverboy’, Jake gets invited for a ‘Talk’ by the family. With a capital T. And he’s not been that high up in the ranks at any point, and he’s not really done much for the family, but he’s not an idiot. He knows what that means. So of course he doesn’t tell Amy, writes her a short but succinct note instead that maybe ends with the L-word somewhere in it, and goes to have a Talk.
- The Ianuccis know that there is a rat, but they don’t know who. And they know that if Jakey is good for one thing, it’s information. So The Talk doesn’t end as quickly as it usually does, and the way he’d expected. It hurts a lot more, for one thing. Jake thinks of offering up some other goon or lower family member as the rat, if only to make the torture stop, but his brain is too broken in the moment to figure out a convincing story. And when the name ‘Perez’ suddenly drops into the conversation, there’s really only one other name he can still think of clearly to blame. Peralta.
- he doesn’t remember much after that - he’s pretty sure he heard gunshots, but none of them hit him, so what’s the deal with that? Everything else is pretty much a blur of pain and cold, and lots of shouting, and then warm soft hands on his face and a quiet voice saying his name amidst it all, and when he wakes up the next time he’s in a hospital bed.
- He’s in that hospital bed for two weeks to recover, and no one visits him. Not that it should be surprising - Nana is dead, his mom doesn’t know about anything he’s done since the age of 18 for a reason, and there’s no one else who in their right mind should care to visit him. So imagine his surprise when a detective shows up, introduces herself as Rosa Diaz, and explains that she’s Amy’s partner at work, but she’s not here for official business.
- “She wanted to come see you. Hell, she fought tooth and nail for it. But she had to be debriefed, stupid FBI assholes, and then it turned out two of the Ianuccis got away, so we had to find them first to make sure they don’t go after her for revenge” (well that explains the constant patrols in the hospital for him, as well) “and we had to hide her for her safety, but, Jake, she wanted to come see you. I swear.” “It’s okay.” Jake says, and it’s really not, but he’s been a brilliant liar for years now. “You can tell her... it’s okay. The job is done, and I’m, I’m glad she’s finally got it over and past her. Really. Tell her it’s okay.”
- He’s debriefed by the FBI after he gets discharged, as well. They tell him ‘good job’ and ‘thanks’ and pay him a surprisingly large amount of money and cover his hospital bills, so that’s good. They also advise that he move, not far, but far enough that any possible leftover scragglers of the family don’t remember his old place for a ‘visit’. So he moves, a few blocks only, enough to get a new favourite bodega and deli and discover that the library is actually nearby and that there’s this community college that Amy kept talking about for some reason, and if he takes a few classes to finally get a degree, it’s not about getting a proper job at some point, it’s more about not thinking about anything else. About maybe forgetting, even if it was her that basically got him where he is now.
- (it does not work)
- she knocks on his door a month later. She looks strange in her professional outfit instead of washed out jeans and a tanktop with a stupid slogan on it, but also so perfectly her. That’s Amy, he thinks, not Dora anymore. That’s Amy, and he still loves her just as much as he did when she was ‘Dora’ in his sweatpants and tshirt. Maybe more.
- “You’re a hard man to find, Peralta.” She says, and he knows that’s a lie, but she smiles with a scared look through it and he takes it for what it is - an attempt at saying anything, really, after 1 1/2 months of silence, when she’s probably got a speech all prepared in her head but needs to get there first. “That’s such a bad, cheesy movie line.” He helps, and she laughs and yeah, that’s all he needs in life. “Well we never watched any good movies, did we.” “Hey, we watched Die Hard. That’s the best movie there is.” She rolls her eyes but nods, and opens her mouth, and Jake thinks that the speech is coming now, but he has no idea what it might entail. Thank you and good bye, maybe. Good job, great work, can you sign this official statement for me so I can add it to my paperwork? possibly. “Screw light and breezy.” She says instead, and then she’s in his new apartment, which is much nicer and cleaner than the old place was even after she worked her magic on it, and she’s kissing him, and he’s never, ever letting her out.
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