#wilton rader
cervicrazed Β· 4 months
Can I get the whole hog for Wilton Rader pls
Oh man...the og...
I have been so evil to this poor guy and i will do it again
OC lore for the poster boy of suffering below:
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^ This is Wilton Rader (late 20s & mid 50s respectively)
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
Wil here was the first victim of my 'W' name obsession
I didn't wanna give him a "boring" name like William, so I looked up variants that 'Wil' could be a nickname for + Wilton won
last name (Rader) was picked bc together his name means 'Wheelmaker Who Lives by the Stream' & it felt like a nice little easter egg foreshadowing his retirement
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
As of the Dead Wood storyline, he's in his mid-late 60s
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
Walt!! They met after being recruited for a demonic civil war neither really wanted to take part in. They became nearly inseparable over the course of The War, but Wilton still had a hard time coming to terms with how he really felt. He was only able to admit his love for Walt many many years later, when he thought the world was about to end. your typical mlm confession
πŸ• - What is their favorite food?
Being the only member of his family that can't feed off of intangible emotions, he's forced himself to learn how to cook and is pretty good at it!
He's got terrible food anxiety regarding red meats, so he uses fish and eggs instead - he loves making quiches!
πŸ’Ό - What do they do for a living?
Wilton is a woodworker! He goes into town every so often to sell his wares; anything from bed frames and cabinets to mini wooden sculptures
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
Wilton likes to spend his free time reading, or at least practicing.
He never got the chance to go to school, so never learned to do it in his youth; a fact that he's embarrassed of but will never admit.
🎯 -What do they do best?
He insists his only talent is whittling & carving and will fervently refute anyone who says otherwise.
Unfortunately for him, it's hard for many to forget his fearsome and bloody past.
πŸ₯Š -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
Aside from woodworking, Wilton loves to take long walks along the river, especially when it rains. It's a deeply calming experience for him.
He hates having to recall or talk about his younger years. Apart from meeting Walt, he doesn't believe there's anything good worth remembering, let alone telling his daughter.
❀️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
Holding a baby Bambi in his arms for the first time. Well, "arms". She was so small that she fit into the palms of his hands and her teeth hadn't yet grown in; he stayed up all night just holding and rocking her.
βœ‚οΈ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
A tactical error during The War led to him and his troop being ambushed and his wings were ripped out for trophies. As punishment, he spent his entire recovery in a nightmare coma induced by the demon that lives in his brain.
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
yes and no..
OG design is him as a youngin w/ a blue hoodie he never takes off (bc of the little antlers)
πŸ€ - What originally inspired the OC?
an RPG i was apart of run by @/fvriva on Scratch, my first social media
He was originally a mlp horse(?) turned human if you can fuckn believe it....
πŸŒ‚ - What genre do they belong in?
Fantasy Body Horror
πŸ’š - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
Cis(?) + Aspec
πŸ™Œ - How many sibling does your OC have?
Just Warren, but they don't talk much without interference from Bambi. After mauling him, Wilton doesn't feel like he deserves to have a relationship with his brother. He respectfully keeps his distance.
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
His father (Gindikouk) is a demonic spirit of decay who trapped and tortured him in his own mind for decades. Wilton wants nothing more than to forget about His existence entirely.
His mother (Fable Monroe) was a witch who only gave birth to him so Gindikouk could have a host body. She died before he could meet her, but that was probably for the best.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
The angst for sure, but also exploring how he heals from it.
It's pretty easy to traumatize a character but it's been more interesting to see how they put themselves back together.
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
I used to write about and draw this guy all the time.
I've since let him "retire" so I can focus more on Bambi + co!
πŸ’Ž - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
I had a lot of drafts where I killed him off and none of em felt like a satisfying end for him.
He's technically dead in Dead Wood, but that's after getting a happy ending so it's fiinnee
πŸ’€ - Does your OC have any phobias?
That Gindikouk will somehow worm His way back into Wil's life
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
Gindikouk. hands down.
πŸŽ“ - How long have you had the OC?
Since 2013 i think!
πŸ₯ - What age were you when you created the OC?
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spindlekick Β· 1 year
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Dads & Daughter time‼️
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cinalilli Β· 6 years
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for a dumb hogwarts au between me and @wendigohome
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cervicrazed Β· 3 months
I don't know if *you* have reblogged the duo ask game yet but if so bambi and her dad hog please 🐽 🎀
Can't wait to be evil once more 😈
How This Game Works: The following questions will be answered as if the characters are being interviewed about their opinions on each other
She's technically got 2 dads but I'll assume you meant Wilton (it's the juicer option since their relationship is a little rockier)
Additional clarification: Bambi refers to Wilton as 'Dad' & Walt as 'Jekat' (Jek in their natural forms are genderless ; there isn't really a distinction between 'mom' and 'dad' so Jekat refers to both 'and it helps me keep track of who's who)
Father-Daughter interview below:
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πŸ˜‡ - What is their best trait?
Wilton: "Her self confidence. Definitely got that from Walt."
Bambi: "He's kinder than what most people think, if the rumors about my family are anything to go by."
😈 - What is their worst trait?
Wilton: "Too brash for her own good. Everything is like a fight to her; not every problem can be solved with biting! None should be!"
Bambi: "He's a total control freak! I'm still not allowed to go into town without him! Says he's worried I'll 'get lost in the feelings of the crowd' - yeah right. He just doesn't want me having any fun outside of home."
βš–οΈ - Are they a good person?
Wilton: "Of course! No matter what, I believe she'll stay that way."
Bambi: "I thought so; but I keep hearing these weird rumors from people I don't even know. I'm not sure if they're real but I really, really hope they're not. Dad won't talk to me about it either way."
πŸ‘οΈ - Do you really know them?
Wilton: "Yes..? Well..no, it hasn't felt like it. She feels so much more distant from me nowadays. Sometimes I worry one day she'll just... disappear."
Bambi: "No, but not for lack of trying! He refuses to tell me anything. I even tried asking Jekat and all I got were impossible riddles. It's always 'when you're older' but how old do I have to be?"
πŸ‘₯ - Who are they to you?
Wilton: "The brightest light in my life! My little Sprout..."
Bambi: "He's my dad, who else would he be?"
❀️ - Who are you to them?
Wilton: "Her father!"
Bambi: "A fragile little baby probably. That's how he treats me."
🐺 - What animal do they remind you of?
Wilton: "A bobcat. She hunts just like 'em."
Bambi: "I told him once that he reminded me of an elk and he really didn't like that so....I guess a beaver? Y'know, cus' of all the wood carving?"
😘 - Are they your type? Do you know who their love interest is? What do you think about them?
Wilton: "I think so..? The mermaid girl, right? She seems...nice...."
Bambi: "Anybody with eyes knows it's Jekat and I love him! He's a lot more fun than Dad is."
😨 - What's their greatest fear?
Wilton: "I know she hates being home all the time, she's not shy about saying it. Probably scared of missing out on something big, but I don't think she's ready to see what the world is really like."
Bambi: "I know what it is, I caught a whiff of it from one of his nightmares; He's afraid of losing us - me and Jekat. Knowing that doesn't make being stuck here any easier though."
🧠 - What's your best memory with them? Worst?
(Best) Wilton: "Our best memory... I'd say the first time she walked into my workshed. She was so small and so curious - asking about all the different tools, the best wood to use, how it all got put together...we spent half the day on whittling alone. I still have the totem she made on my desk, but she hates that I kept it. I don't know why, it's great quality for a first try!"
(Worst) Wilton: "I didn't have any real bad memories with Bambi until recently. It's always an argument about the same thing - that she feels trapped, smothered, that I'm 'stealing her life away' and 'forcing her to be alone'. In the heat of the moment I said some things I...I really shouldn't have. She hasn't looked at me the same since. I don't know how to fix it."
(Best) Bambi: "My best memory with dad? Easy. It was about three summers ago, when the leaves were starting to turn. Jekat had convinced him to spar with me for the first time ever. I didn't expect him to be so quick, especially cus' he's so old, but he was real tough to beat! I didn't even think he knew how to fight, but he beat me every time, no matter what angle I struck at. I've been wanting a rematch but he keeps sayin' no."
(Worst) Bambi: "Woof...the worst would definitely be my first experience with nightmares. Jekat told me they were delicious but also dangerous; I wasn't supposed to enter one alone, but of course I did it anyway. The smell was so strong it woke me up, so I followed it all the way to Dad's bed and....I don't know. It was...It was bad. Let's just leave it at that."
πŸ‘£ - How long have you known each other?
Wilton: "Since she was just a sprout! Makes me feel old, watching her grow up so fast."
Bambi: "My entire life, basically. Feels like it goes without saying."
πŸ«‚ - How has your relationship changed recently?
Wilton: "She's....well, she's a teenager. Things have been a little tense between us lately, but I hope she knows I still love her."
Bambi: "It hasn't really, that's what's so frustrating. He still treats me like I'm a waddling toddler and I'm not allowed to do anything on my own! I sneak out at night when I can, but I think he's starting to catch on."
🫑 - Are they a good leader?
Wilton: "I can see the makings of one in her, she's just a bit too eager for violence. It worries me sometimes."
Bambi: "Maybe if he was teaching a woodworking class? I have a hard time imagining him leading anyone really, he's wayy too soft spoken."
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cervicrazed Β· 5 months
da WHOLE HOG for bambi + whichever of your newer ocs pairs best with her ;]
Hell yeah, let's do it!!
I can already tell this'll be a long one so have a page break to save yourself some dash space
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^This is Bambi! ^This is Jak L!
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
Bambi -> you actually gave Bambi her name if I remember right!! I think the logic was Wilton Rader (deer motif) + Walt (Disney) = Bambi
It was funny & fit so well that I didn't bother looking for any other names after that
Jak L. -> When I was making her originally all I knew was that I wanted a pitch black head & red eyes - the tall ears were a last minute addition that made her look like Anubis to me so....well, i just couldn't resist the pull of the pun
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
Bambi -> It kinds depends? I jump around her timeline a lot when i draw her so here's a good rule a thumb; if her hair is in pigtails, she's meant to be no older than 10, long ponytail caps at 16, and her shorter, shoulder length cut means she's 17-19
Jak L. -> Around 18 or 19 - a little older than Bambi to up her 'cool factor' in her eyes. They meet during Bambi's first attempt to go to (Human) school
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
Bambi -> Crushing hard on Jak but trying to play it cool. She's the poster child for a rebellious teen and Bambi is mesmerized by her confidence and defiance
Jak L. -> Not too keen on relationships after getting cursed by her ex during a messy breakup (she doesn't like to talk about it) Bambi's adoration is not lost on her, but she worries the curse may intervene if she gets too close
πŸ• - What is their favorite food?
Bambi -> She absolutely loooovees Lake Trout. There's an abundance of them near her childhood home, so her dads cooked it for dinner often. She used to get sick of it but on long trips it's nice to be reminded of home.
Jak L. -> It used to be a lemon butter chicken thighs, but Jak's curse won't let her eat 'anything that bleeds.' She's found Chicken of the Woods to be a decent replacement, but it's just not the same.
πŸ’Ό - What do they do for a living?
Bambi -> Money isn't really used outside of Human settlements, but Bambi will run errands for her uncle Warren in exchange for magical items she can sell or use. Due to the nature of his work, the 'simple errands' have a habit of becoming day long quests instead.
Jak L. -> Works part time as a babysitter for human/monster couples. Part of this job includes helping deliver the child to the other parent's home, as neither is allowed to live in the other's community. The journey can be dangerous, but she knows the trail like the back of her hand - meaning her fare can cost as much as she likes.
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
Bambi -> Loves wrestling and will never say no if challenged. The scruffier the struggle the more fun she has ((she also enjoys a bit of whittling due to her dad's influence but will never admit that to him))
Jak L. -> Secretly enjoys climbing up trees to write poetry. She feels her poems are too soft and melancholic for the mysterious punk rebel persona she's trying to sculpt, so no one's ever read em :(
🎯 -What do they do best?
Bambi -> Despite wrestling being her favorite pastime, Bambi is best at parkour! The Jek taught her how to take advantage of her digitigrade legs to give her a better boost in agility
Jak L. -> Jak is convinced she's the best at everything she does, but her true passion lies in lyrical prose.
πŸ₯Š -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
Bambi -> Other than wrestling, Bambi loves to fish! She doesn't use a rod or bait, preferring to catch them with her own hands and teeth (not always a successful method, but it's endlessly fun for her)
She hates feeling caged in or restricted, something she and Wilton argue about often.
Jak L. -> Despite how she makes it seem, Jak loves teaching and watching over the children she's put in charge of. She likes giving them the time to explore, vent, and whatever else they want but rarely have the freedom to do.
She hates authority in all it's forms, holding a strong belief that anyone in a position of power will abuse it. It's just a matter of when.
❀️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
Bambi -> She'd been around 12 years old, on a visit with Wilton into a human settlement so they could sell his carvings. She caught one of the older boys trying to set fire to their stand and tackled him. She walked away with a few scratches while he limped away with a broken nose. Her father was displeased sure, but that was nothing compared to the pride she felt at winning her first brawl.
Jak L. -> A month or two after meeting Bambi, she had introduced her to her uncle; a necromancer. Jak had always wanted to learn magic but had never found a teacher patient enough to show her. It took the whole day to master but the Lich Doctor taught her how to heal minor cuts and scrapes. It may have only been a simple spell but it meant the world to her.
βœ‚οΈ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
Bambi -> Wilton had gotten sick and stayed worryingly ill for weeks; it didn't seem like he'd get any better. Bambi offered to get the Lich Doctor to help but he was adamantly against it, resulting in a nasty argument and Bambi leaving anyway. By the time she returned, her dad had already passed. Sure, her uncle assured her that he could reincarnate him, but it didn't change the fact that her last words to him had been "I hate you"
Jak L. -> Jak had hidden herself in her favorite tree, happily writing poems no one would ever see. Her ex didn't like the thought of her keeping secrets from them, leading to a shouting match and a frenzied fight over the pages. Once read, he misinterpreted her poems as an admission to cheating; burning her work and cursing her to never be loved again. She's been looking for a way to break it ever since.
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
Bambi -> Not at all really. The only thing left over from her first design is her yellow flannel - it's her signature character color! she looks weird without it now!!
Jak L. -> Yeah, I made Jak in January so there hasn't been a lot of (if any) evolution in her design (yet)
πŸ€ - What originally inspired the OC?
Bambi -> Originally I wanted to make a non-canon fankid for Wilton & Walt / The Jek to explore what they'd be like as parents. I based her personality off a little girl I saw aggressively splashing in rain puddles and laughing evilly. the rest is history
Jak L. -> Design practice! She wasn't going to be an OC at first, just an exercise in character design but when I finished I liked the potential too much for her to just be a one off.
πŸŒ‚ - What genre do they belong in?
Bambi -> YA fantasy but preferably one that has more fucked up freaky little creatures ((like the spiderwick chronicles))
Jak L. -> Whatever genre Rebel Without a Cause was ((add in a fantasy or horror element so she can keep her face))
πŸ’š - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
Bambi -> Demigirl + Lesbian! β€οΈπŸ§‘πŸ€πŸ©·πŸ’œ
Jak L. -> Transfemme + Bisexual! β€οΈπŸ’œπŸ’™
πŸ™Œ - How many sibling does your OC have?
Bambi -> she tried really hard to get her dads to grow a new sibling but Wilton wouldn't have it (Bambi suspects Walt planted one anyway, but has no proof)
Jak L. -> She's unsure if she has any siblings. Maybe she does, maybe she doesn't. Jak doesn't know and doesn't care to find out.
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
Bambi -> Loving but a bit strained. Her parents' over-protectiveness kept her from exploring anything beyond the river mill for years and their secrecy prevented her from learning anything about their pasts. She wishes they'd respect her autonomy and not keep so many secrets from her
Jak L. -> Cold and distant. All she knows about them is that they left her behind and disappeared. She doesn't know if they died, but she wouldn't be upset if they did. As far as she's concerned, her father is the sun and her mother the moon
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
Bambi -> all the potential pathways I could take her character! Her storyline isn't set in stone like some of my other OCs so I have a lot of fun putting her in Situationsβ„’
Jak L. -> her design for sure. She's incredibly fun to draw, especially her locs & baggy t-shirt
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
Bambi -> Getting back in the habit of drawing her again now that I've gotten over my second-hand embarrassed ab sharing my stuff. I've definitely got more notes about her than I do drawings
Jak L. -> Only very recently started fleshing her out via notes/short stories. It's been fun getting to know what her personality is going to be like
πŸ’Ž - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
Bambi -> I don't think I've ever thought ab killing Bambi off, not even in an angsty one-off. She's got too much of a story to tell to cut it short like that
Jak L. -> kinda? But not really dedicated to it just yet. She's too new for me to want to get rid of so quickly.
πŸ’€ - Does your OC have any phobias?
Bambi -> She'll claim she doesn't, but she's absolutely Claustrophobic
Jak L. -> Not exactly Pyrophobic since she can be around campfires or a fireplace well enough, but she will refuse to interact with it in any way that doesn't involve putting it out
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
Bambi -> The Big Secret her family has been hiding from her ((she hasn't really met Him yet))
Jak L. -> Jak sees every established institution as her arch nemesis
πŸŽ“ - How long have you had the OC?
Bambi -> oh man it's been a loongg while....I think since 2017 or 2018? That makes her about 7 or 8 years old....wow...
Jak L. -> Jak is about 4 months old ‼️
πŸ₯ - What age were you when you created the OC?
Bambi -> I was probably 16 or 17 when I first sketched her up
Jak L. -> Can confidently confirm that I was 22 when Jak popped onto my canvas
Phew! You made it to the end! Thanks!
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cervicrazed Β· 5 months
walt + all the other named members of his species
GAH this one took so long whoops
Haven't technically introduced other members of The Jek just yet, but I'll throw in one lil guy I've been rotating in my mind
OC Lore under the cut! (body horror cw)
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^ Walt's "Human" form ^ 'Standard' Jek form
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
Walt-> a year or so after I made Wilton, I made Walt(on) - they weren't originally gonna be in the same story so I didn't notice there was only a vowel difference between them🀦🏽 I fixed this by having Walt choose his name to be similar on purpose, unknowingly bonding the two forever afterwards
Iniko -> originally heard it from an amazing artist of the same name! Really liked how it sounded so I looked more into the etymology & started crafting the story from there (working backwards this time around)
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
The Jek as a species are as old as fear itself - but Walt is around 80 or 90 years old by the start of the Dead Wood plotline
Iniko is about 15 years older than Bambi
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
Walt -> There've been a few, but Wilton is the only one he would die for. Since emotions are all he can see/smell, he often forgets that others can't tell what he's feeling just by looking
Iniko -> Not yet. They're a bit too preoccupied plotting revenge to think about anything else
πŸ• - What is their favorite food?
All Jek feed on Nightmares, but as an individual, Walt's favorite are ones that involve the dreamer being chased by A Creatureβ„’ (Adrenaline is particularly sweet)
Iniko enjoys the taste of paranoia the most - it's not as filling as a full on nightmare, but it's in a much richer supply
πŸ’Ό - What do they do for a living?
Walt -> Fulfills the role of a Boogeyman-esque urban legend to keep potential trespassers away from his family. Not to say he doesn't enjoy it, as the fear he inspires is it's own reward.
Iniko -> political subterfuge/espionage; despite having no interest in whatever politics are going on. Their services can be bought, but not with money; they'll only take the job if you agree to do something for them first (you may live to regret it).
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
Walt -> Painting! He can't actually see the final product, but part of the fun is hearing Bambi and Wil try and guess what the art depicts
Iniko -> Enjoys studying and growing plants since they're the only living thing they can't mimic very well
🎯 -What do they do best?
Walt -> he's a skilled strategist! Prides himself on staying at least two steps ahead of everyone else; unfortunately doesn't mean he's never wrong
Iniko -> Mimicry! They've perfected their shapeshifting into an art - even being able to seemlessly mimic the voices & cadence of others
πŸ₯Š -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
Walt -> Loves spending time with his family! Wil and Bambi are his entire world. Holds nothing but righteous rage towards Casters (magic users) - he blames their greed for driving The Jek to (near) extinction
Iniko -> Loves the feeling of 'getting away with it' & gossiping. It's a valuable way to get information, but they easily + inadvertently get too involved with local affairs. Hates everything about the Rader family, especially Bambi.
❀️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
Walt -> Dutifully watching and waiting for his daughter to grow. It took her a year and a half before she was ready to pluck out of the ground
Iniko -> Finding out they had a sister this whole time!
βœ‚οΈ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
Walt -> Watching Wilton waste away to disease. While happy there was a way to revive him, Walt's not sure he can survive losing him again
Iniko -> Finding out they had a sister this whole time.
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
Walt -> kinda? His 'human disguise' hasn't really changed that much, but his 'true form' has changed at least 3 times
Iniko -> as of rn they don't have a design yet πŸ’€ I'm workin on it!!
πŸ€ - What originally inspired the OC?
Walt -> i wanted to make an OC based off supernatural's leviathans + that balerina girl from Cabin in the Woods (2011) bc I really liked the idea of a person's head/face being nothing but teeth
Iniko -> Getting this ask & watching Boy Kills World (2024). I haven't made another Jek character since Bambi, kinda wanted to change that thanks to this ask!
πŸŒ‚ - What genre do they belong in?
Walt -> Animated Dark Comedy, but bonus points if the hypothetical director can pull off the live action practical effects
Iniko -> Dark Fantasy Revenge Thriller....like The Prestige (2006) if there were monsters as well as magicians
πŸ’š - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
Walt -> Masc but not exclusively + Demisexual
Iniko -> Agender + Asexual
πŸ™Œ - How many siblings does your OC have?
Walt -> one, but he suspects they're long dead by now
Iniko -> one, and they hate her
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
Walt -> Was stolen from his family shortly after sprouting; still aches for that lost connection but tries to make up for it with his new family
Iniko -> Relentlessly hateful towards their parents. Doesn't want to kill them, but not out of mercy; they want to take everything away from them first.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
Walt -> teef. They make drawing him take foreverr but it's always worth it to me. Pincushion of a creature
Iniko -> their antagonist status. Dead Wood's been desperately needing one for a while now and they're a very fun fit
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
Walt -> admittedly haven't drawn him in a while ...gotta change that
Iniko -> been drawing them a lot trying to figure out what they even look like. Haven't settled on a design I like yet
πŸ’Ž - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
Walt -> nah. He'll live forever, which is much more tragic
Iniko -> maybe? They're too new for me to want to do that
πŸ’€ - Does your OC have any phobias?
Walt -> I guess technically he has all of them?
Iniko -> the only fear they have is of failure
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
Walt -> his father in-law, an ancient forest demon
Iniko -> their sister, a moody teenager
πŸŽ“ - How long have you had the OC?
Walt -> Easter, 2015...9 years...
Iniko -> as I'm writing this... a month or so?
πŸ₯ - What age were you when you created the OC?
Walt -> 14...
Iniko -> 22 πŸ’ͺ🏽
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cervicrazed Β· 3 years
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Oh to jump into my tall bf's lap on a sunny afternoon
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cervicrazed Β· 3 years
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Oh to retire with your childhood "best friend" and grow a daughter out of the ground
This is what all true heroes strive for
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cervicrazed Β· 3 years
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Instructions not clear, ended up removing all empathy πŸ€•
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cervicrazed Β· 3 years
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All parts of my OC pride series previously shared on Instagram
Happy Pride everyone πŸ’•
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cervicrazed Β· 4 years
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The Lost Boys
Redesigned some old OCs and tweaked their backstories a bit.
Three missing kids and their surrogate forest demon father. What could go wrong?
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