#winchester loyalty
mlobsters · 6 months
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see the danger, always danger endless talking, life rebuilding don't walk away
digital painting, 10 hours - drawing video below
song: atmosphere by joy division
my other spn art
kim manners et al were all about the light through the slats in this episode. i painted another scene from this ep that also had this type of lighting - when john is telling sam and dean he has to leave without them. different location, same kind of light. i feel it though, it's good stuff. i'm also a sucker for it. hence drawing it twice!
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thisisapaige · 12 days
I know we all ignore Dark Dynasty's existence but I have to point out that Rowena tells Charlie that the two of them are similar and then proceeds to describe Charlie as "sexually progressive."
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Anyway. Rowena is bisexual. Thanks for coming to my Tumblr post.
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sampegger · 9 months
btw. whenever certain deangirls bring up sam leaving dean in purgatory they always fail to mention that dean also knowingly left sam in the cage.
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sammygender · 2 months
the morality of ​supernatural is fucking crazy like why does your fantasy show have the same code of ethics as i did when i was 13 with severe attachment issues……
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nevereclipse · 9 months
something about "you're as mindless and obedient as an attack dog" something about "daddy's blunt little instrument" something about "the perfect soldier" something about "why do i have to be some kind of hero?" something about "your daddy brainwashed you with all this devil crap and probably touched you in a bad place" something about "all things considered" something about "your own father didn't care if you lived or died, why should you?" something about "you're not a child I never was" something about-
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chitaquahq · 1 month
Biggest difference between Endverse Dean and Dean is that Endverse Dean might have way more experience living on that universe— but if there is one single weapon on the battlefield, you can bet Dean will find it and use it.
When it comes to the heart of it, Endverse Dean needed a weapon, he needed someone to be his weapon or a physical object, he needed an army because he stopped believing in himself. He was defeated, he wanted to go back in time and give himself to Michael, he put all his faith on the Colt.
In contrast, Dean is a weapon. His actions have repercussions that change the story because he has a choice and that choice matters. He trusted his judgement when he said that there must be another way, one that didn't involve saying yes to Michael. When the Colt failed him, when Sam said yes to Lucifer, Dean went to a battlefield without a weapon. Cas and Bobby only gave him time, so Dean could fall on his knees and talk to his brother until it gave Sam the strength to cage Lucifer.
He did that with words alone.
When Cas met Dean, he thought he had no faith. It isn't quite true, it's just that his faith is not on some god or bug plan. Dean's faith is impossible to escape, it's all consuming and empowering, it's a world on its own. Dean believes in Sam, in Cas, in Bobby. Then he arrived to the Endverse and he deployed that faith in Chitaqua and Ichabod.
Incredibly fucking dangerous because he knows he only need one chance and it'll be over. One slip, one opening: that's how he killed Zachariah. Bring a weapon and he'll find it. Give him the 0.0001% chance of winning and he will.
Compared to Endverse Dean (the end of the road and the lost of purpose), Dean is the embodiment of possibilities. Not because those opportunities are granted to him, but because he'd craft them out of thin air if necessary.
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transmasc-rose · 4 months
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Furrifies your Rory Williams
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d-1hater · 2 months
Early season 6 Sam is rivaling the fuckery from season 4 Sam
I am NOT ok. Season 4 Sam pissed me off so bad I almost stopped watching if I wasn’t promised a gay plot line I would have
He needs to shape the fuck up quickly
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actually sam’s the one that sunk his claws in dean. but y’all aren’t ready for that conversation.
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serenityfails · 2 years
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another sketch request was for dragon age dean so of course i already had an elaborate scenario concocted in my head wherein john (a former templar) raised them to hunt down beasts, demons, and maleficar but sam turned out to be a mage and ran away to join the circle of magi
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deadlydelicious · 10 months
I love scientist Sam making tasers and bombs.
We get told so much how Sam is 'the smart one', but we see Dean being smart so much I think it looses its edge. I think we needed less of a 'Sam is the smart one and Dean is the dumb hick' approach that is clearly what the writers tried to tell us, but didn't really work with how smart Dean actually was, and more of a 'Dean is regular smart with unndiagnosed learning difficulties, but Sam is a legit Tony Stark/Stephen Hawking Genius once you put him in the right setting'
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gh-0-stcup · 7 months
I mean, a bigger problem than Charlie being involved with the book is them only chaining up Mr Frankenstein up by one arm. And also leaving him alone.
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faultyfoundations · 1 year
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Ruby kneeling before Sam: 4.09 and 4.22
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downs1de · 1 month
♡ fuckin. All of em any of em im so greedy
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●●●●○ | ATTRACTION ●●●●○ | AFFECTION ●●●●● | INTEREST ●●●●○ | LOYALTY ●●●○○ | TRUST
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●●●●○ | ATTRACTION ○○○○○ | AFFECTION ●●●●○ | INTEREST ○○○○○ | LOYALTY ○○○○○ | TRUST
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shanastoryteller · 26 days
i know supernatural is the show of missed opportunities but man. the trials really get to me - what a perfect way to reboot and reset this show that you're artificially extending for ratings. it could have been really, really good, actually
so the trials of god is a way for someone to gain the ability to seal the gates of hell and the gates of heaven
they have the translation for hell, they know that slamming the gates of hell shut means calling all the demons back home and locking the key. it's logical, then, to for them to believe the same is true of the one for heaven - that it calls all the angels back home and locks them away where they can't do any more damage
peace, for the people of earth, outside of the influence of angels and demons. that's got to be worth it, right?
so while sam is completing the hell trials, they get the angel tablet, kevin gets translating, to figure out the angel trials. or maybe metatron helps nudge them along to figuring it out, since him being the big bad here isn't really relevant and they are in a bit of time crunch
canon doesn't tell us what the heaven trials are, except that the first one involves a ritual using the heart of a nephilim. they make it sound like they're carving it from their chest, but what i would do is
have a nephilim offer you their heart from their chest (gain their loyalty in a binding ceremony)
create grace from freshwater (there is no rain that falls anywhere on earth that is safe to drink and god said let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters)
find a human soul to guide you to heaven (babel fell but the stairway was built and those with wings have no need of stairs)
so sam is in the midst of the hell trials when dean sort of accidentally on purpose completes the first heaven trial and then the brothers are on parallel train tracks heading in the opposite direction
sam works to close the gates of hell
dean works to close the gates of heaven
demons and angels both working to stop them
sam completes the trials. he restores crowley's humanity and he dies and the gates of hell are closed
but that's not the end
metatron says they can close the gates if they're willing to pay the price. canon says the price is sam's death, but frankly that doesn't make any sense. what's the death of one human against the horrors of hell? and remember, metatron doesn't know the winchesters. maybe another angel would make this comment, knowing how the winchesters have weighed the safety of the world against their brother and left the world out to dry, would think this a price worth warning for. but metatron wouldn't bother, wouldn't even think of it, if that was the only price
the gates of hell close and malevolent spirits explode across the globe, evil spirits and angry ghosts causing death and destruction everywhere
hell serves a function and now the gates are closed and every evil human soul is forced to stay on earth, causing as much destruction as it can
that's the price for closing the gates of hell
except. except. aren't the hell trials interesting?
kill a hellhound. rescue an innocent soul and return it to heaven. purify a demon and restore their humanity.
the trials are not to prove if someone is worthy of closing the gates of hell. it's to prove they're capable of setting hell to rights
the trials are if things got too out of hand, if things were taken too far, and hell had to be put back in it's place. sam dies and ends up exactly where azazel wanted him - ruler of hell. all the demons and souls are trapped with him and what he has to do, while he has them all there, while they can't escape, is exactly what he did to get there
he kills the hellhounds, leaving only those meant to patrol hell. he releases every innocent soul bound there. he purifies the demons one by one, who he either releases as innocent souls or who to pledge to do their job as demons of hell - punishing evil, containing evil - in penance for what they did before (how do i even begin to make up for what i've done, crowley had asked, and this is the answer)
meanwhile, dean, heartbroken, completes the heaven trials and dies
and the gates of heaven slam shut and all the angels are stripped of their grace and expelled from heaven and dean finds himself in charge of an empty heaven
the trials are for when things have gone too far and heaven must be rebuilt, after all
good souls pile up, no one who dies able to truly leave earth, and given enough time they become twisted things that must be hunted along with the spirits of evil men and women who cause chaos from their last breath
dean has work to do. he has one angel - the nephilim whose loyalty he earned in the first trial - and this is what he has to do. he recruits more, to replace the ranks, he creates grace and hands it out judiciously. he sends them to guide the good souls home, using the stairway that the former angels wouldn't be able to use even if they wanted to, and each good act and deed earns them a little more grace. former angels throw themselves into the fight for humans, because they know it's the only way that dean will return their grace to them and lift them back into heaven
and in fighting for them, in living like them, they learn to love these creations of their father that they'd despised. they see what he saw and the thought of destroying this place in a civil war becomes unthinkable to them. they are once more the angels god intended them to be
in this, dean and sam fulfill their destiny as lucifer and michael's vessels. not in letting them in, but in pushing them out, in doing the work each was intended for but refused
only when there is only evil human souls being punished and caged, only once the demons are once more working to run hell and earn their release to heaven, does sam reopen the gates of hell
only when there's a full choir of angels once more, committed to their cause, only once there are souls working with reapers as it once always was, does dean reopen the gates of heaven
they're called the god trials for a reason. above and below, sam and dean act as god, putting things back in their intended places
they could stay. they should stay. keeping house, making sure it all goes smoothly, eternally keeping earth safe from angels and demons both
they're called the god trials for a reason. not even god could resist the paradise inbetween that he'd created
dean doesn't know if sam is going to return to earth. he might stay in hell, and if dean becomes human once more, then what's the point? he'll live and die a human, get stuck in heaven, and be forever separated from the brother he loves
sam doesn't know if dean is going to return to earth. he migh not be able to, might be stuck doing his work - sam assumes if the hell trials did this to him, then the heaven trials did the same to dean, and the idea that dean could have failed the heaven trials after he dies doesn't even cross mind. if he returns and dean's not there then he loses it all, he never again gets to see the brother he loves
but when, exactly, haven't they been willing to risk everything for each other?
dean falls as lucifer fell, throwing himself towards earth
sam rises as michael did after the fall, pulling himself towards earth the same way michael once pulled himself to the top of heaven
what's the use of being a god without his brother, after all?
dean and sam are reunited on earth, human once more
no more angels, no more demons, heaven and hell functioning once more as they should. we're back to basics, a clean slate, all of the rest remade and set aside by their own hands (it's literal and a metaphor, the way the show could have remade itself with the trials, after setting aside kripke's plan while at the same time recognizing that the design of it - two brothers who love each other going across america and fighting evil - is the thing that made it worth watching to begin with) and now it's them again, brothers forged in blood and sacrifice and love, and a new appreciation for the humanity they gave up and returned to
and then we get my beloved monster of the week with no stupid too high stakes, convoluted bullshit involved, beyond the occasional angel who dean refused to reinstate and demon tracking down miscreant souls and, every once in a while, a person or creature or something in between squinting at them and going - weren't you two gods?
nah, they say, all corn fed grins and the dimples their momma gave them, we're brothers
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zer0expektation · 5 months
how do some of you motherfuckers watch supernatural and end up hating one of the brothers??? how do you hate Dean Winchester for having a world dooming loyalty to his family? how do you hate Sam Winchester for having that justified rage that wants so desperately to come out? how are you not both of them at once, choking in understanding every time they hurt one another because they think they have to?
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