#windup wol
punningway · 1 year
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Wind-up Lura Luna, Garlond Ironworks Attire Edition!
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lily-ohfally · 9 months
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[WoL: Lobster]
I commissioned one of my friends to make two mods I had compatible and then did some texture editing and my lil boy Lobster is finally looking more and more true to how he looks in my head! I just need to add the last of his scars and we're there! Tho, I also want to try and make his skin even paler than it is, but I should've slept 4 hours ago so,,
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You know what, I assume that people always read my pinned, or notice the pointer "new reader? start here" in every new Fragments' episode. I might be deluding myself. So hi hello lemme TALK ABOUT MY COMIC.
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Before I get too rambly (and I mean RAMBLY), here's a quick intro. Fragments is a comic focused on feels and slice of life, made by a queer guy, aiming to ~character study~ the main cast (Vivi, Raha, Alisaie, Feo Ul) and fill in the gaps in canon (or linger in canon moments that needed more air imo), the tone ranging from angst to fluff to meme. Good punches require a good windup, so please don't expect angst anytime soon :3c
The story's segmented (fragmented, heh) into episodes. Episodes 1-11 take place in ARR, you can enjoy them with no worry about spoilers. Episode 12 onward is ShB, with all the spoilers and lorebending.
My storytelling style assumes you haven't only played through ShB, but know it like the back of your hand, i.e. it's for nerds and thinkers. Of course there's plenty of silly moments that don't require any deep knowledge, but the overarching story does. Often I skip canon events, only hinting that they took place, simply because I don't wanna retell the msq 1:1, I've got plenty of original scenes waiting to be drawn. You're in for a treat if you like obsessing over emotional and moral implications of things. And, yes, this's a story about a morally grey mc. Don't expect to be spoon-fed "and this's why that thing's bad, kids".
Currently I've outlined all the main story beats up until post EW, so it's like, not being winged as I go. Yes I refine things here and there, but I know where I'm going. I'm going ham!!!! With the lorebending post ShB. Initially I didn't plan to, but the more I learned about Vivi and personally grew as a writer, the more courage I got to "divorce" from canon. The general xiv story may still be good wherever it's headed, but it's not suited for an established wolgraha, so I'm making food for myself.
Everyone imagines the lil scenes from their wol's life, I'm taking that a tiiiiiny step further. Fragments tells a cohesive story that's looking to be the longest project at least in our corner. I can and will hyperfixate on this for years.
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I started out just like many others, being hit with ShB like a truck, I wanted to put a catboy under a microscope and rotate him forever. Although I'd already been drawing for decades, I didn't have the comic-making skills yet, or eloquence to write the dialogue, so I spent the first half of 2022 self-studying, just because I needed a mouth to be able to scream about my ship.
Vivi didn't exist prior to my obsession with Exarch. He was made for this, he started out as a reagent (or a foil, now that I know fancy writing terms) for a rich and fun chemistry, and keep myself entertained for years, first and foremost.
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Me, a fool: okay let's make a guy that falls in love with Exarch in this particular moment, what kinda life must he have led to- Me: ....oh no
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The chemistry quickly bubbled up and exploded in my face, involving not only Exarch, but other characters (first as a means to subtly tell about Vivi, then they also demanded their own screentime), and here I am, sitting with a massive script on my hands, drawing my blorbos every day. Thanks for enabling that btw.
I care about characters a lot. I ask a lot of whys and hows. I'm critical-minded and burned on many bad stories that did their characters dirty, and I wanna be an opposing example. What I'm doing is extremely ambitious and risky, yes, but I can only invite you to tag along and see if I stick to my word.
The internet's a cruel and unforgiving place nowadays, and here I am, pitting my passion against what feels like decaying humanity. I'm making this comic to keep myself happy above all else, being sincere and cringe because life's too short to be anything else.
Thanks for reading this, and if you haven't yet, read Fragments here!
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not-eorzeas-finest · 4 months
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featuring the lovely @windup-yahri being... an average WoL protagonist tbh
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heirsofdiscord · 1 year
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Parody of like three separate Michael vs Lucifer paintings in one because that's what's been on my mind since Athena declared herself god and my WoL is just Like That™.
Feat. @windup-dragoon @whitherliliesbloom & @ancientechos 's WoLs
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badkarma1998 · 14 days
How about 11, 22 and 25? :D
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11) Fave city-state:
Oh no, I have to pick one!? Man, I think if forced to choose Limsa is my fave, if only because it feels like home for my WoL
22) AFK spot:
If not Limsa's aetherite, my lovely home in the lavander beds that my lovely wife has decorated all cozy and pretty <3
25) Fave minion:
Ooooh there are so many cute ones, but probably Windup Alphinaud or Dressup Alisaie or Windup Mystel, because I am nothing if not hopelessly obsessed with the characters in this story
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woltourney · 1 year
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K'rona Bahmu (@hikaruhoshina) v. Heliox Kha (@windup-estinien)
K'rona Bahmu:
q. What is your WoL name and pronouns? a. K’rona Bahmu and she/her
q. What is your WoL's species? a. Miqo’te
q. What is your WoL's class? Or classes? a. Paladin
q. What data centre/server are you on, if you want people to find you? a. Chaos, Louisoix
q. Tell us a bit about your WoL! a. K’rona’s 25 (26 in Endwalker) years old, bi and autistic. She loves pink stuff, cute stuff, food, fantasy books and fashion. She’s a hopeless romantic, energetic, peppy but can be a bit of a klutz, silly and she’s a huge crybaby. K’rona was separated from her family in the Calamity and lost her memory, only remembering her name, age and namesday. She originally got a job at a Tavern in hopes her memory would return eventually or she’d run into someone who knew her. 5 years past and neither of those things happened and K’rona was incredibly lonely and depressed. Seeing the adventures that had come to the Tavern from time to time, she aimed to become one in the hopes of making friends and finding out about her past. Travelling to Ul’dah, she met Thancred and fell in love with him (though she wouldn’t admit this to him till Endwalker) and by meeting the scions, she finally found she had friends and felt happy for the first time in years.
q. Why should YOU win? (Answer IC!) a. To think I’d be in a competition to determine if I’m the best WOL…! sniffle Ack! I can’t start crying just yet! I wouldn’t of honestly made it this far without my friends helping me along the way but I hope you’ll vote for me!!! Or at the least, vote for me because I’m the cutest ehehe~ >w<
Heliox Kha:
q. What is your WoL name and pronouns? a. Heliox Kha (he/him)
q. What is your WoL's species? a. xaela au ra
q. What is your WoL's class? Or classes? a. Bard/Dark Knight
q. What data centre/server are you on, if you want people to find you? a. Phoenix; Light!
q. Tell us a bit about your WoL! a. Heliox is a sheep-herder turned adventurer when the gift of the echo and the longing to travel took him from the expanse of the Steppe into the bustling city of Kugane and then into the colorful variances of Eorzea. He never sought out the adventurer life - he simply always wants to lend a helping hand, and his deeds oft end up uplifting spirits as well - but he finds it agrees with him, and he wouldn't give it up for all the stars in the sky. In his free time, he writes and performs music. Also he is bi and transgender :3
q. Why should YOU win? (Answer IC!) a. "I should only win if we all can win. Wait, how does this work?"
q. Anything else you wanna add? a. I like him :) AND YOU LIKE HIM TOO, FELLOW CITIZEN
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jennasart · 2 years
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Commission I did awhile ago for @windup-dragoon of her wol Kiri!!!
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yshtolakisser · 1 year
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@windup-yahri's wol our wonderful catgirl..... nothing is wrong with her she just looks like that
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so this stretch of ew. I did this in two stretches across multiple days, so my memory is a bit fuzzy. Please forgive any misremembered sequences.
first off: i've said this before but it bears repeating: the pacing here is actively worse than stormblood's worst pacing. Why the fuck am i getting to the windup of what was clearly meant to be an end-of-expansion boss at level fucking 83.
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amon announcing his plan to piss on the moon, blink animation doing heavy lifting
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Those tempered by Anima started wrecking shit after Anima died, but notable that the thing made from Varis's remains lacks anything of Varis but his voice.
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I think this was in response to the above, which: fair.
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Rare "allowed to mention Zenos in a nonantagonistic way" answer.
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bnuuy ow o
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anyway: The Fucking Moon
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Arrive on The Fucking Moon and immediately start hearing voices. I'm sure the guy with Literal Psychosis took this excellently before he realized he wasn't the only one hearing it in his canon.
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gonna be honest a lot of the moon shots are from me just really wanting to fawn over my bnuuy. Don't remember the context here, i believe this is shortly after meeting the Watcher? There was a dialogue option I didn't get a screenshot of where you can tell the watcher to fuck off because it initially sounds like he wants you to do violence to wandering shades, though he does clarify that he's fine with pacifistic means when possible and just needs to rebuild zodiark's prison walls.
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the dog dialogue is very funny
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swapped to drg for overlevelled reasons around this point. i am nothing if not dedicated to shayun having slutty goth glams for as many occasions as possible.
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autism to autism communication
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Jokes aside, Zenos and Fandanny are breaking Zodiark's bonds.
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it is genuinely incredible how incredibly homoerotic every single zenos line becomes when you play a man, which i find funny considering that the trailer placeholder wol is the most jeff fantasy-ass dude
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the blorbo is just so happy to fight his bestie!
unfortunately, fandanny reveals that his plan all along was exactly what he told us during shb, annnd
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yeets himself into the pit. the pit jailing zodiark.
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and we learn that zodiark's mind is in no small part the minds of those sacrificed to him as well as whoever the current heart of Zodiark is. half a planet's worth of screaming, distressed ghosts. jesus. poor elidibus...
and tumblr is yelling at me for putting too many blorbo pics in now so TO BE CONTINUED
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Mounting Curiosity.
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What mount does your WoL (or other OC) favour? Why do they have a connection to this mount? Is it particularly grand? Or impressive?
Does it communicate something about their personality? Or their role in society? Perhaps they chose it in order to be intimidating? Or disarming? Or merely practical?
Mimble has a number of mounts, but his favourite is definitely his giant porxie. Largely because it's quite endearing and he rather enjoys whizzing around his more serious companions, with their grand chocobos and horses, on his flying magical porxie. However, he does also use it to assist with curing tempering and occasionally giving rides to children.
(Purely optional tags below the cut)
Tagging @avettabendrot @aroseyetbloomedwrites @bigpuppyroegadyn @briar-ffxiv @bramdreamshade @cadrenebula @chill-bunn-sage @draculas-husband @eljaofthecrookedgrin @eorzeanflowers @firelightmuse @goldthornxiv @meepsthemiqo @spotofmummery @healersadjust @kskellington @lookbluesoup @scales-claws-and-thorns @furys-mercy @loldragoon-ffxiv @lizzy-of-the-dotharl-tribe @the-littlest-kojin @mirageofthecrystal @nyarumi-nyan @ofscorchedearth @pinxli @phobos-voidwalker @peddlestox-shinyrocks @ruaidhri-ffxiv @scholarlostintime @talion-graves @theimperialnuisance @umbralaether @umbralastra @pumpkinmagekupo @windupsanson @windupadventurers @yzeltia @yloiseconeillants @windup-dragoon @zuraoftheblack @superiorthaumaturge @piratecatte @finalfartasy @roegirlrhi @lunaria-de-borel @lizarddiary @lt-rootsap @saeta @bough-waker @phoebe-of-ivalice @merlwybs-wife @professorbunbun @blucifermain @clan-nightblood @rulianbadeux @mages-ballad @azure-dragonsinger @ievaxol @fantasy-so-far @fair-fae @kolak-magiya and anyone else who is interested.
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minti-tales · 2 years
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I posted 118 times in 2022
That's 118 more posts than 2021!
62 posts created (53%)
56 posts reblogged (47%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 97 of my posts in 2022
Only 18% of my posts had no tags
#final fantasy 14 - 79 posts
#final fantasy xiv - 75 posts
#final fantasy oc - 69 posts
#rava viera - 29 posts
#queue'd - 24 posts
#minti wol - 22 posts
#dark knight - 22 posts
#ffxiv - 16 posts
#duskwight elezen - 12 posts
#final fantasy viera - 11 posts
Longest Tag: 48 characters
#i'm intimidated by the butt pounder of the opera
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Let resilience be associated with Sabbatine, this Warrior of Light, who perseveres. She nods in silent agreement on the eve of wargames with the cities of Eorzea, selected as the champion of Ishgard.
The common people of Ishgard sing through her guns. They stand shoulder to shoulder with the high-and-mighty knights of the Houses.
4 notes - Posted November 3, 2022
I answered this as Minti. I was surprised to see that it picked her out pretty accurately!
Your Result:
corruption arc
so. you got worse. and i'm not entirely sure i can blame you for it. maybe it was in you all along, hidden and waiting, or maybe someone planted it in you and watched it grow. either way, it's there now and you hold it in your fist like a second heart - this blood, this hunger, this thrill of having teeth and using them. perhaps you are right to. you are a mirror for the hardness of the world, and a mirror that we could all stand to look in more often. it's hard to watch the bleeding bring about more blood, but it is undeniable that you are very good at wounding.
Got tagged by @yzeltia
Tagging @windup-dragoon
5 notes - Posted December 6, 2022
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Begin at the beginning.
Once upon a time, as many stories begin, there once lived a rava viera, a rabbit person, in the faraway land of Eorzea.
But she was not always a rabbit. Stories change. Fantasias change our Warriors of Light.
Bear with me.
A long-time World of Warcraft player, motivated by friends stuck in their homes due to COVID, decided to roll a character in Final Fantasy XIV, which is critically acclaimed, as anyone will tell you.
So did one Warrior's story began, after laughing at the angry voice lines, and adjusting the chest meter to max, and other character customization shenanigans. This elf would be a version of their troll, Sabbac.
And so, we must begin the story again.
Once upon a time, in the faraway land of Eorzea, a Duskwight Elezen stepped off a boat bound for the seaside city of Limsa Lominsa. She did not know that one day, she would become a rabbit. She was just a wide-eyed elf then, ready to begin her journey as an arcanist and full member of the Adventurer's Guild.
This was during Shadowbringers, before the Summoner reworkings in Endwalker.
She was not a hero yet. Leporidaezation was far off in the future.
6 notes - Posted October 26, 2022
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*whispers softly nearby*
Should Minti go back to being a FemRoe? Lemme know!
8 notes - Posted November 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
And Now We Say Good-Night
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Inspired by a Discord conversation. Featuring @driftward's character, Zoissette; Y'shtola; Thancred; and Minti Chocolate. Sprouts beware, spoilers for Endwalker are over there!
"I don't know what to tell you, other than that she's been lying on the fainting couch for hours, not really moving."
Minti Chocolate, one of Gage Acquisitions' newer viera employees, nervously shifted her feet in front of the two guests. She wasn't accustomed to talking to the Warrior of Light's entourage, much less former members of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. Riff-raff off the street looking for a fight? Easy. She was a seasoned adventurer; taking out the local goons was like blowing her nose. However, neither adventuring school, nor her boss, could prepare her for a visit from two of Eorzea's greatest heroes. Two thought crossed her mind, staring at their black, wizened staff and shining gunblade: I'd be dead before I hit the ground. And: the cat's smaller than I imagined. Best not to say those things aloud.
"It would be fair not to make any assumptions yet, Miss Chocolate," said Thancred Waters, handsome hyur of Ul'dah who traded breaking hearts for gunblades. He turned to his shorter companion. "Though it is rather odd that she hasn't awoken yet. When would you say she arrived at the free company house?"
"Nine bells in the morning, two days ago," replied Minti, confidently. "She ate, changed out of her armor, and excused herself to the common area downstairs. She was snoring for a little bit, but now she's gone quiet and hasn't gotten up at all."
"I see," said Y'shtola Rhul, noted miqo'te black mage and one of the Warrior of Light's closest confidants. "You'll permit me to attend her?"
Minti nodded. "Of course. If you'll come down the stairs to the common room? Mind the floor - the lizard is redecorating." She rolled her eyes. "Again." She rolled her eyes.
"The lizard?" asked Thancred as he descended the stairs.
"One of our company members. They're the resident decorator. They have an eye for perfection, which means that they're going to gut the floor and replace it with marble, or whispering stone, or that odd block Zoissette got from the Palace of the Dead. I could *swear* I've seen faces in it."
Thancred gave Y'shtola a bemused look before turning back to the viera. "Sounds like they're quite the character."
"They are!" Minti gestured over to the fainting couch, where an dark-haired elezen in a nightgown was sleeping peacefully. At least, they appeared to be peaceful. "And there's the princess herself. If you need anything, just call upstairs, someone will hear you. Probably."
With that, Minti went back up to the stairs and outside to the stables, where a naughty brown chocobo was doing their best to avoid a bath.
Y'shtola knelt down next to her friend and, with a gentle motion, brushed back stands of hair that'd fallen in front of their face. "These days have been rather hard on you, haven't they?" she said softly. "Our journey to the Thirteenth. Zero. The fiends. It's never easy being Her champion."
As far as the mage could tell, Zoissette's aether appeared as it should, changed though it had been since their first meeting. Nothing missing. No emptiness like that during the Final Days. "Your friends are worried about you, though. And, we need to go back to Radz-at-Han to discuss our findings with Nidhana. So don't think you can keep sleeping like Raha once did. You have work to do. We all do."
Before Y'shtola could get back up, Thancred was next to her with a blanket and hot stone. "I thought the 'princess' might appreciate a little extra comfort before she awakes. Tired herself out, has she?"
Y'shtola nodded. "Sleeping like a babe, our warrior of light. She'll wake soon, if she knows that we're waiting for her." She paused to drape the blanket over Zoissette, give a peck on the cheek, and a pat on the back. "Shall we go upstairs and sit? I'd like to see more of The Lizard's handiwork."
"If it'll help," said Thancred. "I could use some broadening of my Ul'dahn architectural knowledge."
"I didn't know you were such an appreciator."
"Neither did I. First time for everything, I suppose."
8 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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lily-ohfally · 10 months
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I knew my meds worked when I had drawn the whole day instead of getting distracted, though it also feels like I'm developing carpel tunnel.. ANYWAYS, me and my friend's wols, ft. @cemiestrellaffxiv @windup-yahri @windup-nuriha @peachieparadox @nixmcgalloway @algaesstupidlobsterblog @theawesomedraws (not in that order lol)
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pallascatevo · 3 years
If Zenos isn’t allowed to bodily come back they should put his soul in a shinryu wind-up and have it follow us around and add sassy commentary
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yun-shuten · 3 years
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i like to think that the minions try to help wol if they get knocked down but at the same time, i’d become a frothing anger if my windup mystel gets aggroed 
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starrysnowdrop · 4 years
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Always You...
Yume x Cid
I commissioned @windup-dragoon to make some beautiful screens of my babies!!! They look absolutely gorgeous and I could not be any happier!! If you are interested in a commission or to donate, her kofi link is HERE!
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