#windy and Hyrule are best friends
smilesrobotlover · 11 months
Whumptober day 28, bloody knife
Ugh hey I found a way to write this one. Ok this is another super short one, it’s meant to set up the next few days. So this is also important to know what is going on.
Once again, please for the love of all things that are holy DONT tag this as LU. This is not LU read the gosh darn tags before you reblog please!!!
Warnings: bloody injury, poison kinda?
Hyrule woke up with a jolt. It was dark outside, and all he heard was the quiet snores of his companions, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that something woke him up. He sat up, staring at Windy who was keeping watch with Green.
“Hey Freckles!” Windy called out quietly, and Green waved. Hyrule rubbed the back of his neck, looking at the dark forest ahead of him.
“Is everything alright?” Green asked.
“I… I dunno,” Hyrule said quietly, still staring at the dark forest. Windy only snorted.
“Scared of the dark are ya?” He teased, and Hyrule glared at him.
“No, Eyebrows, I just… I have a bad feeling.”
Green looked at Windy concerned, and he got serious quick.
“Did you have a nightmare?” Green asked, and Hyrule shook his head.
“Did you hear anything? ‘Cause we didn’t.”
Hyrule shook his head again, and the two younger heroes glanced at each other.
“Do you need to pee?”
Hyrule gave the two a look and they lifted their hands defensively.
“It was just a suggestion!”
“I don’t think a sense of impending doom is a sign that I need to pee,” Hyrule deadpanned, and Windy giggled.
“Well, do you?”
Hyrule glared at them harder and stood up silently. The two burst out laughing as he grabbed his candle and marched into the forest.
“W-wait!” Green called out to him. “Do you want someone to go with you?”
“I won’t be far away, I can just holler if something happens. Now shut up before you wake up the others!”
The other two nodded and Hyrule marched behind a tree, far enough to not be heard, but close enough in case something happened. He wasn’t necessarily afraid of the dark, in fact, he’s found comfort in it at times, but he couldn’t shake the feeling of unease tonight. He stared ahead at the dark forest, holding his sword tightly as he listened to the night sounds the forest normally made. Suddenly, it all went silent, and he spun around, only for something to slash at his chest. He tripped over a root and landed on the ground with a yelp, clutching his bleeding chest. He gasped at the dark figure standing over him, holding a bloody knife, not needing the light to know that this was one of the puppeteer’s creations. Hyrule shot up, pulling his sword out and ready to call for help, but suddenly it felt like the energy was sucked out of him. His sword fell to the ground as he collapsed, feeling weaker by the second.
The figure stepped closer to him, and he tried to summon any form of magic to protect him, but he realized that it was his magic that was being drained. He laid helplessly on the ground, watching as the figure reached out to grab him, but he heard a yell before he was touched.
Windy game barreling in, swinging his sword left and right in a maniacal, yet a strategic manner at the same time. He put himself in between Hyrule and the perpetrator, pointing the sword at the puppet. Green appeared behind the puppet, with the rest of the colors surrounding him. Windy jumped to Hyrule as they attacked the puppet, and Hyrule only laid there helplessly as he started to get dizzy.
“Hyrule! You’re bleeding!” Windy exclaimed, rummaging through his pack for a potion.
“W-wait,” Hyrule breathed out, “p-poison, my magic… it’s being drained.”
Windy frowned at that and looked up at someone else who knelt at Hyrule’s side.
“Time? Do you have a magic potion?”
Hyrule looked over at Time who was the one who sat near him. He looked through his pouch and shook his head.
“What’s happening?” The older hero asked.
“Hyrule says his magic is being drained. I wonder if the blade that cut him had some sort of magic draining poison or something.”
Hyrule breathed heavily, watching as Twilight appeared, helping the colors fight off the perpetrator. He felt cold but hot at the same time as his strength left him, and he no longer was able to hold himself up.
“C’mon, Hyrule, stay with us!” Windy begged, giving him a red potion. “This should help with the wound and the poison! Just stay awake!”
Hyrule fought to stay awake as he sipped some of the potion, with Time helping him keep his head up. The potion helped give him strength, but his magic was so drained that he had a feeling that he couldn’t stay awake. He suddenly heard shouting and magic being blasted at the others.
“Wild! Age! Get back!” He heard Twilight yell out, and Windy held Hyrule.
“He’s…. A portal… out…!” He heard Windy shout out, but Hyrule felt the world grow dark around him, and the familiar dizzy feeling of losing all his magic overcame him, and darkness whisked him away.
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majorproblems77 · 7 months
Hello LU fans! I'm back with another LU update analysis! :D
Are you ready cause there's so much to unpack I'm gonna be here a while. Like last time I'm gonna put a timer on lmao, see how long this takes me.
As always grab your popcorn and drink of choice, cause we need hydration in this life.
all art belongs to @linkeduniverse and Jojo, and if I pull panels from any other pages I'll let you know where it's from! :D
Obviously spoilers for Dawn 8 :D
And a note, I've not played TP or WW, you'll see why thats important later.
Let us begin, shall we!
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Man, Poor wild, he's probably beating himself up like there's no tomorrow right now. He looks HORIFIED.
Probably because in technicality, he failed.
I love how he's holding his sword here too. Kinda acting as a shield to the conversation.
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Same expression as wild. He also looks horrified. Infact the resemblance between these two in uncanny.
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Man time really is the dad isnt he. Unimpressed dad look at 12'oclock. Jokes aside he doesn't look angry about it. He looks like he now gathering information from those who finished the fight. As we know once he left with Twilight he was the only other one to not make it back to the fight.
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Thats a fair sentence, thinking about it, I think the only other game where Iron Knuckles appear is in one of Hyrule's games? I'm surprised he's not mentioned anything about it.
Most of the others do have armoured enemies though. So while the others dont have direct experience I assume they have the basics.
All but, Sky and Wars None of them fight armoured enemies like that in their games.
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I assume because he's defeated this thing like it was a guardian (Stasis and then wailing on it cause that's what i would do lmao) He assumed it was defeated when it exploded into pieces. Like guardians are prone to do. tbh he was probably gonna go back to look for loot at some point.
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You tell them Wind. The small hero, underestimated by everyone BUT Time. Was correct thank you.
Justice for the windy boy.
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God Wild really is beating himself up about this. I love the fact that we see four's reaction to this statement. As to be honest. Over the last few nights, Four and Wild have had plenty of bonding moments. These guys are gonna become best friends.
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And now we get Time.
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The way he's looking over these panels. That look. He know's he's the leader of this group but something that Time isn't used to is making Permanent mistakes.
He has the Ocarina of Time, and when he was back in Termina every time something went wrong he could just play the song of Time and restart the three-day cycle with no trouble at all.
Time, as a person. Isnt technically used to failing.
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This panel is stunning. It's what I assume is going on inside his head. It's so pretty. It's so detailed it's just oh man easily one of my favourite panels.
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now you know i had to talk about panels with my beloved blorbo in.
first off he's so pretty. Jojo has really outdone herself with just how amazing these updates have looked. The lighting the shading its all just so incredible.
The first half of this panel with Sky's face. He, He is beating himself up about the injury. He had nothing to do with it but he cares so much about the rest of the group he feels bad. He kinda looks like he's thinking about it. Like he can see it. Like time did but we dont see inside Sky's head.
Makes me think about what exactly he saw.
And Twilight's face, he looks so sad. His little pout. Poor wolf boy, which we can now call you properly as the rest of them know now.
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And to be honest I'm glad he's standing his ground. Mr, My injury isn't that bad before falling over. the stubborn ranch hand strikes again.
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The parallels from this frame and the one from later have been mentioned elsewhere but I'm just gonna post the frame here as it's turned up. Run you coward lizard. Run.
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Captain link is back. Poor warriors, he's still showing signs of being stressed. He's one of the only one's who hasn't been able to rest over the downtime that they've had. He's been busy being in charge of the group while Time was out.
I can only assume it's only a matter of time before this comes back to get him. Maybe he is next on the chopping block? (Pun kinda intended) Something could happen and he messes up and gets hurt of causes someone to get hurt.
oh and also
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None of us did, Hyrule.
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The boys ever, I'm glad they are talking about this like this. And that it's legend who's starting to throw ideas out there like this. As the one who's got the most experience in the group, it makes sense that he would be the one to start offering ideas as to Why not just how.
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Because you pissed it off Sky. Because half of you pissed it off. In fact I do believe he had a bunch of panels in Shifting Shadows pt2 where you indeed pissed it off.
The entire reason it started running from you and Twilight had to track it was because of FI's reaction to his sword.
Wait... that explains the guilt. It is actually potentially Sky's fault. Or if he's anything like I think he is. He remembers that fight with the shadow and knows.
He knows.
Also, with clenched fist Sky is ready for a fight. Next time the shadow turns up I assume he's gonna go after it when it's inevitablebly goes after Twilight/Wild. Maybe he'll jump in after being told not too because the Master sword appears to be the only thing as of right now that can fight the red stuff that comes off the shadows sword.
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did you hear Warriors shiver? I did.
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And you'd know all about that wouldn't you Four. :D
Mandatory Sky appreciation picture
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Him's my beloved blorbo. He's wonderful. Such a lil guy. Bestest bean. My beloved. /pl
Anyway moving on
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Oh yeah, the amount of power that the items list contains We've seen the arsenal that they have between them (in the December art).
We saw what just Time could do.
Now add the rest of them and the enemies dont stand a chance. They've just gotta figure out how to either avoid the weapons of each other or work as a team with the arsenal in hand to fight better.
Like imagine if Twilight used his gale boomerang to send Wild into the air.
(Writer brain go brr, gonna write that down)
It's basically Revalis Gale.
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This man is so damn dramatic I love him
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And here's the parallel frame
the shadow running towards Warriors vs running away from Twilight.
You know thinking about it... Shadow didn't shapeshift until Twilight did. The push towards Warriors was when shadow thought they were on level footing.
But when Twilight went after Dink, he was the one who had to flee because he lost his advantage.
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The man is pissed that Shadow hurt Twilight. He is so damn mad and I think that he is saying what he would assume Fi would. (With more emotion because well, Fi)
Also that last frame.
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time is looking towards the master sword. And he looks angry. This will absolutely have gone unnoticed by the others because if they saw he was angry it was probably just because of the conversation topic.
god I love the dynamic here and I'm excited to see if it goes anywhere
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Him's I love his simple way of agreeing its wonderful.
I approve to wind let's go blow some stuff up!
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Hyrule shows the group why he is called the traveller. The man just wants to go on his adventures let him go!
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Sky is so proud of himself
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this face says 'Look guys I didn't give it to the weird toilet hand! :D'
I love this man a healthy amount.
One last thing before I go
I love this update as a whole, seeing the group gear up and getting to see the layers of the armour and straps and fastenings being put on while they are having this discussion is amazing.
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I'd give you a collection of pictures but Tumblr is being rude and I can't post more than 30. So you can have these as all four panels show what I'm talking about.
Twilight adjusting his gauntlets warriors adjusting his scarf.
Hyrule attaching his shield to his back and putting his sword strap on.
God, I love this update so much. It was amazing and I very much enjoyed it. Let me know what you think! :D
Thank you as ever for reading my rambles i appreciate you :D
Have a wonderful day and dont forget to hydrate! See you next time!
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queenofmoons67 · 3 months
Sir Link, Royal Palace Mouser
Fandom: Linked Universe, Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Warriors
Tags: Warriors-centric, Warriors' POV, Alternate Universe, Warriors is a (warrior) cat
Summary: In which Zelda introduces Sir Link, Royal Palace Mouser, to the newly arrived Chain.
Word Length: 1054
Link walked through Hyrule Castle, stride long and head held high to show off his newest armor. Zelda had commissioned it weeks ago, and it had just arrived at the royal armory that morning. She hadn’t seen him in it yet, though; Link had enlisted the help of a few squires with all the buckles, and then been pointed towards the throne room. Apparently, a group of travelers had arrived, and Zelda had granted them an immediate audience.
Link halted outside the throne room and gave an impatient sniff. The pair of guards at the door jumped.
“Sir Link!” one said, and pulled the door open with a bow.
Link nodded back, but his attention was taken by the scene inside. Zelda stood not on the dais, but in the hall before it, as she normally only did with friends and family. Weren’t these strangers?
Link jogged forward and called her name. “Zelda!” he cried. “Zelda!”
The queen turned to him, face lighting up. “Link!” she called back. “There are some people you simply have to meet.”
Link reached her side, and immediately pressed his body against hers, putting himself between her and the strangers. If they wanted to harm her, they’d have to go through him first.
“Oh, Link,” Zelda cooed. “Did you get your new armor? How does it fit?”
Hands slid under his armpits. Link startled and tried to get away, but he was too slow: Zelda had already lifted him into her arms, fitting his hind legs under one and supporting his front legs with the other.
Link laid his ears back and looked away, sulking. It was so embarrassing when Zelda manhandled him in front of people, but he supposed he could make an exception this once. And only because of the new armor.
Link huffed, but raised his chin so Zelda could see his full profile. Her fingers slipped under the buckles with practiced ease, making sure the armor wasn’t too tight, and then did the same with his scarf.
“Perfect!” Zelda announced, and pressed a kiss right between his ears.
Link sighed. The strangers, Zelda! They were right there! Staring… rather intently at Link, actually.
“Everyone,” Zelda said, cuddling Link close now that the inspection was done. “This is Link. Link, these are your predecessors!”
Link hacked. His what now?
Zelda’s arms fell away, but Link landed easily on his feet. His back arched, new armor bending with the movement, and the surprise-prompted hairball landed right on a pair of fancy shoes. Their owner immediately shrieked and leapt away, but Link simply sat, licked his paw, and drew it over his ear before looking up.
Seven pairs of eyes stared back. Mr. Fancy Shoes with the fancy pink hair streak was cursing in a manner unbecoming of a queen’s presence as he changed his shoes a few tail lengths away.
“So…” one of the strangers ventured, his handsome white cloak drawing Link’s eye. “Is this… the only Link in Hyrule?”
“The only one!” Zelda agreed cheerfully. “Isn’t he adorable?”
Well. Link wouldn’t say adorable, but he was Sir Link, Royal Palace Mouser, and his new armor and Hyrule-blue scarf did make him look quite fetching, if he did say so himself.
“Wild,” one of the other strangers started, his one-eye narrowed on Link. “You’re the oldest in the timeline. Have you ever heard of Hylia choosing… ah…”
A teenager with long, blonde-hair knelt in front of Link and held out his hand, fingers curled inward. Finally, someone with manners! Link sniffed the hand, then purred and moved closer, rubbing his head against the side.
The boy, “Wild,” smelled of the best parts of Hyrule: Forests thousands of years old, fish washed with river snow melt, and the open air. Link didn’t leave the castle often, due to his job keeping it mouse-free, but on windy days, he could smell all of Hyrule from the highest tower’s parapet.
Wild let Link scent him, then grinned up at the others. “A cat? There is one story, about a hero born smaller than most, sworn to protect Hyrule Castle itself. The Sheikah never gave it much attention. Guess they should have, huh?”
The last words were delivered with a scratch behind Link’s ears. He leaned into it for a second, but then backed away at the reminder of his sworn duty. Hyrule Castle didn’t just mean the stones: It meant Zelda.
Looking up, he met the queen’s eyes.
“The story is true,” she said, and clasped her hands over the front of her skirt. “Link used to be a wild cat. I found him the same day I found the Master Sword; they lived together, abandoned in a meadow, and I could only draw the sword when I also held Link. We wouldn’t just name any cat ‘Link,’ after all.”
Zelda grinned wryly, but her gaze was shrewd on the strangers. She judged them for judging her and Link alike, and he leant into her legs to show his support.
“Do you still wish to take him with you, now that you know the truth? Or will you leave him to his duty?”
Wait, what? Link looked up at her, but Zelda’s gaze hadn’t budged from the strangers.
“I apologize,” the one-eyed man said. His voice was firm, but quiet, even in the large, echoing hall. “But even if Link is not who we ourselves expected, Hylia knew who we would find. She means for him to join us.” His eye fell again on Link, softer than last time, and crinkled when he smiled. “He looks well-prepared for a journey. Four is a smith, and can care for his armor. The rest of us will care for him the best we can. I can promise you that.”
Zelda smiled. “And he will care for you in turn.” She knelt and placed two fingers under his scarf, checking its fit again. “Come back to me, Link,” she whispered.
Link nuzzled her arm. An entire war had raged around him, people trying to control him and, through him, the triforce of courage. They had thought it would be easy, with his feline, non-Hylian form. But Link had fought Cia, and he had fought Ganon, and he had succeeded.
He could survive a journey with strangers, for Hyrule and Zelda.
For home.
[End Fic]
I would LOVE to continue this AU, but I'm also hesitant to do a full fic. If you have any ideas / certain scenes you want to see, let me know!
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apparitianhanako · 2 years
@squigglywindy @socialc1imb @shyrule @silvercaptain24
Y’all are really inspiring angst fic writer’s :)
I. I am not. But I wrote this really late last night, and it doesn’t even come close to y’all’s stuff, to be honest, it trash, but. Y’all inspired my angsty fic shit.
The Smallest isn’t the Always the Smallest
Wind wrapped one end of the captain’s scarf around his shoulders, tucking his knees to his chest. Each of the others were sitting around the fire, deep in conversation. Laughter filled the air as Legend told a thrilling story, complete with him acting out certain parts. Around them, frost gathered on the trees and snow slowly began to fall. It was still the beginning of winter, but Wind was cold. Wars wrapped an arm around the sailor, giving him warmth. The bellowing laughter of the captain shook Wind, but he didn’t mind. He was warm. On cold nights out at sea, Wind was used to the wind tussling his curls as he ran about the deck during a storm, helping wherever he could. He missed Linebeck and Tetra to death, and he would have loved to go home and see them. But here he sat, curled up against his brother, droopy eyed, without a care. It wasn’t too long before everyone settled down, Sky cuddling up with Legend and Four, while Twilight lay his bedroll beside Wild. Time took watch with Hyrule, and Warriors and Wind got themselves to sleep.   The night air wasn’t something Wind liked to wake up to. It was cold and windy, and there was a light layer of snow covering the ground. He wanted more than anything to be home with Aryll and Grandmother right about now. Sitting before the fire all bundled up and begging to be allowed to stay up... It’s what he wanted more than anything. Of course, he knew the others all cared for and loved him just as much. They were his brothers; it was only natural they love him... but a small part of him thought that maybe it was all in his head. Perhaps he simply wanted to believe that they cared for him. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d been stuck in his head instead of in reality. His heart ached for some reassurance... something to show him that it was all real. He crossed his arms over his stomach, curling in on himself. He sniffled. The sound of their loved one in distress is something that will be noticed by any good father. Time looked over at Wind. Hyrule was already asleep, leaning on Time’s shoulder. He eased himself up, quietly making his way to the youngest hero and sitting beside him. His long fingers danced through Winds hair. The sailor looked up at him, wiping the few tears from his eyes, lips still quivering. Time didn’t say anything, only spread his arms, offering a hug. Wind gladly excepted, wrapping his short arms around Time’s chest. He stayed quiet as Time stroked his hair. The silence continued several moments before Time asked quietly, “do you want to talk about it?” Wind stayed silent a moment, and Time was about to five up, when Wind asked, “Time, do you love me?” Time’s eyes widened. He thought for sure Wind would know. He would give up his life for the youngster. He loved him like a son. “Of course, I do! How could I not?” Wind remained silent. Of course, he knew in his heart that it was true. But something in the back of his mind told him it wasn’t.   “Why?” Wind asked. This time, Time took a few minutes to answer. “When you smile, it lightens up the area. You're mischievous and quite a handful, but we love you for it. You’re stronger than you know, and smarter than you think. You have the courage of Zelda herself, and the bravery of the first Link. You’re as powerful as a deity when you want to be, yet you’re gentle and kind. You’re there to listen whenever someone just needs to talk; but you also give your solid opinion. You put others beside yourself, despite your young age. You love your family and friends more than anything else in the world, and you show it. Come to think of it... you’re most likely the best hero Hyrule has ever had. Sure, the rest of us have defeated Ganon, or done some other great feat, but we don’t even come close to you. You’re both gentle, and strong. Kind, and powerful. And I’m proud of you.” Wind had a hard time accepting it. But the kind words brought the lad to tears. “Do you actually mean it, or are you just saying that to make me feel better?” Time smiled down at him. “I mean it with all my heart. If we were put in a situation where you were in a dangerous position, I wouldn’t hesitate to get you out of it.”   Wind wiped his eyes; lips, still trembling, turned to a small smile. He fell asleep in Time’s arms that night, feeling better than before. - And every word said by their leader was true. He truly would do anything to get the sailor out of a dangerous position; that was something Wind thought back to as he stared up at his brother. Time coughed, a trickle of blood running down his chin. Wind had been struck to the side, now sitting on the ground with wide eyes as Time gave him a pained smile. Sure, every enemy had been defeated, but at a high cost. Time collapsed to his knees, pressing a hand to the large stab wound in his chest.   Wind couldn’t say a word. He couldn’t take his eyes away from Time. Time paled, hacking up a large amount of blood. That was it. That’s what made Wind snap out of it. He ran to Time, body trembling and choking back tears.   “Time, stay with me!” It came out as a plea. Time clapped a hand over Winds back. “Well... that happened,” he chuckled, eyes squeezed shut and a light grimace on his face. Wind shook. “Hey... don’t joke like that... You’ll be fine, right? T-this can be fixed with a fairy? Potions? Whatever you need, I can get it!” It was a desperate attempt at comfort, but it was all he could do. “No, Wind... I’m afraid... it’s too late for that.” No... no, it couldn’t be.   “Wind... like I said before... you’re the strongest person I know. You’re going to do great things. You carry so much love in your heart... give some of it to yourself.”
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bokettochild · 2 years
May I request Wind? (I don’t think he gets enough attention)
Windy Boy!!!!!
Headcanon A:  realistic
Wind is the only member of the chain (other than maybe Legend, maybe) who knows how to read a map really well. The others just can vaguely follow them, but Wind knows them best because he knows who they work from making so many himself.
He draws maps of the others' Hyrule's when he's bored, and they chain is grateful because most of his maps are better than the official ones.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
Wind is going to grow to be the tallest out of all of them
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
Wind lives in constant fear that when he comes back home, his sister will be missing again and this time he won't have anything to go off of to find her.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
Wind carries a pipe with him. He got it from one of the pirates at a joke and he often takes it out to chew on it or make the others think that he's smoking. He's not. It's a bubble pipe.
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skyward-floored · 3 years
Hello ma’am I very much like your links meeting au and would like to know about love interests if there’s any??
You got it anon, but none of that ma’am stuff, if you have to be formal, take a page from the kids I babysit, call me miss markers.
Aaaaand this got long so it’s under the cut.
Cloud - Boy’s on his honeymoon with Zelda, they’re so in love!! Or at least, he was on his honeymoon. Until he got yanked away by this whole time-travel business. He’s rather upset about that. Him and Zelda have been married for not even a week yet aaauugh
Mini - kiddo is too young for romance, but he’s best friends with his Zelda.
Sprite - once again a bit young for a relationship, but he definitely had something going on with Zelda there during oot. He’s not quite sure what his feelings are towards her now. There’s Malon too, but he’s kind of too distracted by existential dread to think about romance much.
Gloam - Poor guy is so confused. Was he in love with Midna? Was she in love with him? Her leaving really messed him up, but is that because she was basically his best friend, or was there more going on there??? It takes him a while to sort everything out, and during it all he finds himself noticing Ilia more. She went through a lot during his adventure too, and while their experiences were hardly the same she does get a lot of it, and it’s good to talk to her... have her eyes always been that pretty?
Light - Once again, best friends with his Zelda. Not sure if he likes her like that though, he just went on an entire journey to save her and he thought about her the whole time, and she was one of the only things all four of him could agree on and... uh oh.
Windy - He’s besties with Tetra. When they’re a little older they get into a relationship, but Windy’s grandma instilled in him really proper views of romance and stuff, (because I think it’s hilarious) which drives Tetra insane. “Yes Link, we can hold hands please let me kiss you your grandma doesn’t have to know Link come on-“
Hibiscus - hoo boy. During his first adventure he had quite a crush on Zelda, but it was hard for him to spend time with her due to royal stuff and his travels so it kinda faded. Then Koholint happened. Marin was quite literally his dream girl, and Hib was positively smitten. They fall hopelessly in love and right before he wakes the windfish him and Marin get engaged. He has to desperately tell himself it won’t be in vain and that waking the windfish will be fine, that it’ll all work out. It doesn’t. The island and Marin are gone, and Hibiscus is heartbroken.
Hue - he’s pretty sure Zelda has a crush on him, but he isn’t quite certain what he thinks of her. Romance isn’t at the top of his list of priorities at the moment.
Brownie - Is horribly in love with Zelda (the one woken up at the end of aol, he’s just really good friends with the other Zelda), but he’s terrified his blood curse will attract monsters and put her and the castle in danger if he visits. Plus he’s a nobody. Who is he to fall in love with a princess? Does she even like him back?!
Hyrule Warriors Link (no nickname yet) - so. turns out the old stern guys on Zelda’s council aren’t fans of having an castletown-nobody marry their princess, even if he is a war hero/chosen hero of Hyrule, so they’ve basically forbidden Link from anything but a business relationship. Of course, Link and Zelda don’t care because they’re rather in love. Secret relationship trope ensues, mostly because I’m a sucker for it. Impa helps enable them but vehemently denies any involvement.
Slate - Things are a little weird between him and Zelda. I mean, she guided him through his journey, and everything he did was for her, but how much of that was muscle memory? Does he really remember her? He’s sort of put artificial distance between them because he’s a little scared she won’t like who he is now.
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awkwardspontaneity · 3 years
Snowy Slip & Slide
Link x GN!Sheikah!Reader
Part 5 of Memories of You 
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Summary: After the events taking place on Vah Medoh, Y/n is still shaken. In hopes of cheering them up Link takes them to his favourite place in the Hebra region.
A/N: This one took me such a long time to finish. I'm so bad at writing fluff so a teensy dash of angst slipped in. BUT, this is just some cute softness with more look into the relationship between Y/n and Link. Also! A fun fact is that the idea of Y/n being afraid of heights comes from the original Link x Y/n story I had taking place in Skyward Sword. I went with this story instead of that one because I've been obsessed with BOTW recently but I still think about that old story sometimes. Not sure if anyone would be interested in that after this one is done
regular= present     italic= memory
It was a windy day in the Hebra Region. Although it was often windy in Hebra, today felt different. When Link had arrived, the air lay stagnant, the ominous winds of the Divine Beast making everywhere else feel still. Now that Vah Medoh was free from Ganon's control the world felt alive again. Gusts of wind trailing through the mountain pathways like rivers before gathering around the Rito village in celebration. Even the tempest that was the flight range was brighter with winds that felt more like they would guide you rather than tear you apart should you not find the flow. 
Link stood at the path before the flight range alone. He had come back to return the practice bow he had borrowed in favour of Revali’s bow he now possessed. After, Link had stood outside the humble hut, watching the winds push snowflakes around in a frosty dance. A dance that both mesmerized, and also pulled at his clothes as if to say follow me. Tearing his eyes away from the flight range Link followed the tugging sensation up the snowy peak behind.
It was only moments up the path when he saw them. A soft image of his best friend racing past on a shield. 
Laughter bounced around as they teased him for being so slow. When they got to the bottom, Y/n stood and cheered and Link watched himself angle his shield into them, sending both Champions into the snow.
“I told you I was the surf champ.” Y/n giggled from their place beside him. Link reached out to swat at their arm only to have his hand caught in Y/n’s.  They gave him a grin so bright the glittering snow seemed to dull in comparison. “Thank you for doing this.”
Haze covered his vision and after a moment, Link realized the memory had blurred with tears. He laughed through watery eyes, staring at the spot he had lay with them. Moments like this reminded him of exactly how long it had been since he had had such a soft moment with someone like that. 
Wiping away the moisture under his eyes, Link continued his way up the slope. Whatever that flash was, he was sure it was tied to a memory. A memory with Y/n that he was not going to let go of.
The gut feeling took him to a ledge at the top of the slope. It was a small place, tucked away from the winds and the world while still overlooking all of Hyrule. It was beautiful. He remembered thinking the same thing when Y/n was there next to him.
“What are we doing up here?” Y/n was sitting on the snow beside Link looking out at Hyrule below them. “I mean it’s really beautiful, I just didn’t think you’d wanna hang around after everything today.”
Link looked over at his friend. They were kicking at the snow below them, and he thought he caught their eyes but they were quick to look away. It was cute.
“I guess I wasn’t really feeling like travelling after everything.” Link smiled softly as he looked at the horizon. “Plus, this is one of my favourite spots in Hebra. Great for shield surfing.”
Now Y/n was looking at him with wide eyes. A soft grin slipped onto their face and Y/n leaned against his shoulder. The duo sat there with matching smiles as they watched the world around them. 
Link was the one to break their warm bubble, “I was really scared today.”
Y/n pressed their face further into his shoulder and he felt guilty. He needed to talk to them about everything, but he didn’t want to upset them. Still, he continued on. If they weren’t ready to talk then he would fill the silence this one time. “I should’ve noticed what was going on with you earlier and… and because I didn’t… I couldn’t do anything for you.”
He was stopped by Y/n placing a hand on his. “None of that was your fault.” They cut off his protests by intertwining their fingers. “I didn’t tell you about my fear of heights so of course you wouldn’t know. I know you want to look out for everyone all the time, but you don’t need to do that with me.”
“I don’t want you to be in a position like that again." He looked so serious Y/n couldn’t help but let a smile slip across their face. He was too sweet. “I know that I can’t save everyone. Sometimes it’s all I can think about… but as long as I’m with you I won’t let you get hurt.”
“Knowing you’re by my side is enough for me.” Y/n nudged his shoulder, snapping him out of his head with a grin. “And I’ll do the same. As long as we’re together, we have each other's backs.”
“Okay.” Link stared at them with a flush. The sun casting a soft glow across them and the words they had said were almost too much for him. They really were too beautiful.
“So.. You said this was a good spot for shield surfing?”
“Hmm? Oh yeah,” Link reached over to run his free hand along the spare shield he had. “I used to shield surf down this slope when I was doing winter training with the cadets. I haven’t been able to come back here since becoming a Champion and all.”
“Well then, how about a race down the mountain since you brought along this extra shield?” Y/n stood up, twirling to face Link. “Y’know, I’m something of a pro when it comes to shield surfing.”
“I am!”
“You don’t even carry a shield.” By this point the duo were both standing, Link staring Y/n down with an arched brow and a smirk. “And I’d rather not have you fall a second time today.”
“Hah! Don’t get all high and mighty with me, I’ve seen you fall down a hill in the middle of battle!”
“It was one time.” Link stomped his foot at the mention, something that sent Y/n into a fit of giggles at the childish act. It was nice to see the so-called ‘stoic champion’ being so upbeat.
“Okay then.” Y/n pointed at Link grinning as they picked up the shield. “Don’t blink or you’ll miss my awesome moves. Now go!”
Y/n hopped on the spare shield and took off down the hill.
“Hey, that's cheating!”
“You’re just too slow!”
And with laughter echoing off the two raced down the snowy slopes.
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mrneighbourlove · 4 years
Evil’s Bane: Ch 7. Entering the Tower
Darkness was all around them. Along with a petrifying smell. They couldn't hear any sounds, not even in their own heads. It was as if time had stopped to entrap them in a pocket of hell. As long as this feeling of isolation and disgust lasted, their release was just as quick. The jaws of the serpent spat out the contents it had swallowed, quickly retreating back into the water from which it came. Leere's vision was incredibly blurred, and she gasped for air as she felt the earth beneath her. It was hard on her left, yet soft on her right. A decomposed body perhaps? Finally, she remembered to speak. "B-Bonegrinder? Anyone there?"
"Leere!" Black exclaimed. "Thank the Mother Goddess! You've been knocked silly for a good while. And I can't move." He was currently trapped underneath one of Bonegrinder's massive coils. "He took the brunt of the landing and he's out cold. Think you can pull me out from underneath him?"
Leere picked herself up, grabbing Bonegrinder by his coil. With a deep breath, she dug her feet, clenched her muscles, and pulled. "Fat. Loath."
"... that's not going to work." Black managed to wriggle free his staff that was attached to his body strap. He rolled it over to Leere. "Use this as a lever underneath his coil. I'll help you push down to get my legs free. Tell me when you're ready."
"Ok." Leere grabbed his staff, ready to pry Bonegrinder off. "Ready? One three. One. Two. Three!"
Black gritted his teeth and managed to move his legs free from under his master. Luckily, nothing was broken, just bruised. A Wraith's body was trapped in a state of living and decay, so trying to heal a wound was a major problem. Wobbly on his feet, he then asked, "Are you all right?"
"I am." Leere looked around, seeing someone lift themselves from the ground. There was fog around them, but with Leere's vision getting better, she made out his outline. "Bi-Hanzo?" The man was holding his head, a little groggy from the landing. "Indeed. I think I see Kenshi over there. If he's alive I'm going to wake him up."
"I would summon some fire, but it smells like methane in here." Black coughed once at the smell. "So I am not going to risk that. Though, I can provide some light." The Wraith took off his head wrap that covered most of his face and head. One reason he wore it was because his hair floated in every direction and... he was actually a grey-blue from head to toe. Glowing. "This is a pain when you try to sneak up on someone."
Leere was surprised to be sure. Her small shock turned into a smile quickly. "I bet. You know, for someone between life and death, you're still a rather handsome man." She looked around to see Bi-Hanzo getting Kenshi on his feet. "Good. We're all alive. Do you think Bonegrinder can be woken up easily?"
"I will..." Black looked a little puzzled at her comment. "Take that as a compliment." He then glanced at his master. No wonder he was out cold. Evidently, he hit head first, snapping one horn completely off and cracking the other. "Give me a moment to see."
"Take your time." Kenshi was rubbing his head. Man lost his sword in the attack. "Where are we?" Bi-Hanzo patted him on the shoulder. "Stay here with them. I'll look around."
"Bonegrinder. Bonegrinder!" Black shook the Anagari lightly, not wanting to jar him further, but the situation was urgent. The huge snake did not move. The Wraith frowned and sighed. "I think he rattled his skull. It's going to take him a bit to heal. We should wait here. We do not know what this creature is and our surroundings."
Bi-Hano ran back just over the small hillside. "All of you. Come with me now, you need to see this."
Leere looked to Black and nodded. Walking with Bi-Hanzo, the moment they came out of the fog, they were stopped in their tracks at the sight. In front of them was the biggest castle they had ever seen. No, it'd be disingenuous to call it simply a castle. It was a massive city, with sophisticated architecture that linked everything together. The designs were incredibly Gothic by nature, with the very sky as red as blood in the air. Black clouds rolled over, and the air was dry to breath in. They didn't need to see eyes on them to know that they were being watched by at least something. The most impressive, or haunting piece of architecture depending how one viewed it, was a titanic tower. It kept spiraling up and up and up, far above the clouds themselves. It had etching in its stone that were large and deliberate as well. The entire city could be described as gothic.
"... I'm beginning to believe we should have left when Bonegrinder insisted we did." Black said very dryly as he gave Leere an annoyed glance. "Because that does not look very inviting."
"No. I agree with you." Bi-Hanzo let his clenched hands go. "This is center of all of the evil in Malus. Inferos. The serpent didn't need to kill us. It just wanted to bring us here..."
"... EXACTLY why we should have left." Black groaned aloud and then pulled Leere along back to Bonegrinder. "There's no way in hell that I'm leaving him and he entrusted the princess in my care. So, we will both wait here and I suggest you two do the same."
Leere was about to say something, when a shadow flew over them. Glancing to the city, she saw the monster from her dream perch itself on a tree. It was hard to make out in the shadows, but it was defiantly it. "You!"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" As Leere tried to get up to follow after the shadow, Black snatched her wrist and yanked her backwards. "You can 'you!' it later, you can't go after whatever that was blindly!"
"That's what we came here to deal with! That's what threatened my family and Hyrule!" Leere tugged away, tightening the collar on her trench coat. "Killing monsters is what I do."
The two other Mortuus watched as Leere pulled away from Black and started walking ahead. Bi-Hanzo decided to take the lead for Kenshi. "I have no idea if we can return. But perhaps we can find the missing villagers here."
"Like my daughter." With hope in his heart, Kenshi ran after Leere.
Before running with the other two Bi-Hanzo looked to Black one more time. "You should join us. Before one of those monsters comes here."
"It's not a monster, Leere! Even if that... that..." Black swore under his breath. "Abomination is simply a host, it is much more powerful than you, than me, and even those two lunkheads combined! We cannot hope to defeat it unless we have Bonegrinder with it. And defeat... is a very strong word. Please, if you won't listen to Bonegrinder, then listen to me." He implored her. "We don't know the extent of what we're dealing with. Don't rush in without leaping and leave your family without a mom."
Leere stopped in her tracks, for only a moment. "I've stopped god like beings before. I know the risks." With that, she ran into the city perimeter. Bi-Hanzo and Kenshi quickly followed behind her.
As Black stewed with his thoughts on the matter, he heard a familiar galloping approach from behind. "Black? Is that you?"
While Black had agreed to keep an eye on the princess, there was no way he was going to leave Bonegrinder vulnerable and alone. The snake would probably bite his head off, not literally, but lecture him nine circles to hell when he woke up and found the princess gone. Though, the Wraith was shocked to see the Lynel. "Hades!!!" Black was relieved. "You're alive! We were worried for you!"
"I worried for you. It was a miracle I stayed alive so long. And your scent suddenly traveled so far north, I could barely keep up. Where is the Sage of Shadow?"
Hades looked down to Bonegrinder, parting the hair out of his eyes. He didn't look good. "What happened to you..."
"The all-wise sage decided to go on a wild goose chase after I warned her not to do so." The Wraith grumbled to the Lynel. "That woman doesn't listen." When he inquired of Bonegrinder, the Wraith frowned. "I think in the scuffle of this serpent inhaling us, he hit his head. I'm guessing a skull fracture since usually something like this wouldn't knock him out. It's just taking him a little to heal."
Hades looked into the city, shuddering. "Go find her. I'll stay here with Bonegrinder and get him awake. It's important that the sage stays alive long enough to not be killed by some mindless beast."
Black felt conflicted. "Are you sure? Two guardians are better than one."
"I'm ten times the guardian you are." Hades gave the Wraith a light grin. "Go. I'll use my magic to try and jumpstart his awakening. We'll be able to track you, no matter how deep you go into that city."
"Just because you're bigger, doesn't necessarily mean better." Black patted Hades' haunches. "I'm glad you're all right, friend. Please be safe while watching over Bonegrinder."
“I will.” Hades watched Black race off to chase after Leere. Placing a hand on Bonegrinders head, he channeled some magic and waited for him to awaken.
Leere was finding new ways to be surprised. Going through a large city block, she saw windy staircases that raced around towers, spiders traveling on rope sized webs, and water traveling upwards from a pond into a building. “Keep an eye out for anything.”
Black had hurried after the princess, but decided to lurk in the darkness. It was safer than way. Not to mention, in case Leere suddenly had an idea to run away from him again, she could not pin point where he was. So for now, he kept hidden, watching.
The Sage pointed the way for their target destination. “There. That’s our best option.” As they opened the door to the city gates, a deep stench swept through the area. On the other side was a mountain of corpses piled up. A half a dozen hooded Mortuus were gathering bodies when they saw the new comers. It was hard for the group to hide their presence with how creaky the city gates were. The other Mortuus paused, unsure in the present moment on how to act against the newcomers. That was when one pointed, letting out a horrific low-pitched howl. Leere could only make out the intense rage in their black and red eyes glowing slightly in the dimly lit area.
Some of the local Mortuus took control of a few of the corpses to fight Leere and her party. Another started to bled from her eye sockets, their body tearing itself apart in a transformation. In the city of Inferos, Mortuus who walked the streets were open to the unspoken rule of kill or be killed at any time.
Both Bi-Hanzo and Leere felt they couldn’t take control of the nearby bodies or destroy them at a will. So they resorted to other means. Leere took her scythe, cutting down zombified corpses that staggered their way towards her. The warrior of balance made his way to kill the casters directly. With no mercy, he froze bodies, shattering flesh apart. The Mortuus who was transforming had finished turning into a beast of fur and fangs. The Lycan charged at Kenshi, who was still looking for a weapon to use.
Other Mortuus in the area simply opted to flee. Not every one of them were so eager to throw their lives or spill blood. Leere and Bi-Hanzo were grateful that everyone who was watching them didn’t feel the need to attack. What neither enjoyed was the lack of control they could seize from the other Mortuus. Their zombies had their puppet masters, and they wouldn’t be taken away from them.
Black swore from the shadows and decided to get involved. Leere seemed to be a magnet for trouble when dealing with forces of darkness. Hades was at least right about that part. Kenshi was in trouble with that damn wolf, Leere and Hanzo were chopping up zombies, and there were monsters all around... Black was beginning to think Hades should have gone ahead instead of him. While the assassin was an excellent fighter, he was used to dealing with opponents one-on-one or very quickly, not in a battle setting. Though, he would do his best. Emerging from the darkness, he appeared in front of Kenshi and cut down the werewolf with a slice to its throat. Tossing Kenshi one of his blades, he instructed. "Don't lose it, kid."
Kenshi watched as the werewolf grabbed its throat, stumbling backwards. Gripping the sword, the Mortuus man took a breath as he ran forward towards one of the Necromancers, decapitating one with multiple swings to the neck.
Bi-Hanzo held no regrets about killing his own people. In fact, in his mind, these weren’t his people. The centralists were monsters masquerading in his flesh and skin. Turning briefly into a mist form he gracefully moved past the dead, killing the last of the Necromancer attacking them.
Leere’s blue scythe sizzled as she brought it to her side, a light sound vibrating in the air to cut the silence. “Black. Thank you for the assistance. Where’s Bonegrinder?”
"Hades is helping him heal." Black informed Leere as he walked around and remove the heads of all the corpses... just in case. "He survived. We both think Bonegrinder fractured his skull in that fumbling around. They should be catching up in a few minutes, I hope."
Hades? The cat had been able to follow them all this way so quickly? Strange, but Leere wasn’t going to question how he got here in the moment. “That’s good.”
Around them, in the buildings, other Mortuus were gathering to their window sides more and more. Even some curious kids. Finally, one of the residents spoke out. “Outsiders! Very odd to see a group of outer ring Mortuus who aren’t completely lacking in perpetration. And we didn’t know you had the skill to have a pet undead so stealthy.”
Leere tapped the staff of her scythe against the ground. “He’s not a pet, but a fellow traveller.” “Traveller? Ha! Who in their right mind would want to travel here?” Some of the residents laughed. Many held expressions of stone.
Bi-Hanzo shouted out to them. “Have there been other Mortuus from the outside taken here? Answer us!”
“Oh sure,” the resident smiled. This was the most entertainment she had in forever.
“They often go up there.” She pointed to the biggest on the continent. “But no outsiders ever leave the Tower of Death.”
“Tower of Death?” Leere chimed in. Seemed like a simple name.
“Of course. It’s a magical construct that is simply, ultimately, and in all its finality, death.”
"... pet?" Black scoffed with a role of his glowing eyes. "I am no puppet. More like a ghost than one of their ghouls." He then looked at Leere. "We're not going up into that tower without Bonegrinder or Hades. If my master's indication was correct, then this means that there is a possibility that Destroyer could very well be nearby."
“I absolutely agree.” Leere was scanning the eyes looking down on her. Up near her top left she saw a small boy tilting his head at her. When he saw that he had her attention, he waved to her. The Shadow Sage felt sad. This was no place to raise a child. What if she had to raise Joy like this? It deeply troubled her.
The resident looked shocked by Destroyer being mentioned. “No. Don’t mention his name. Terrible things always happen when he’s mentioned.”
The land was indeed as hideous as Bonegrinder had described it. He had no idea why anyone would want to live here. Those in their right mind wanted to escape. The others who wanted to remain were less than sane. Though, his master's words flowed through his mind: "friend or foe is not a question here". So... could these people really be 'good'? "Then would you rather me call him something else?" Black asked dryly. "One of his other names? Or Sir Divine Asshole?"
“It’s a case of never meet your heroes. Least for us that live on the lower levels. Death, madness and chaos has run rampant since they arrived.”
Kenshi let an angry shout out to them. “Don’t try to spin a tale of pity! You lot thrive on that! You dabble in evil magics!”
The resident snarled, a streak of fury on her face. “We do what we can to survive. Sure, we kill and betray sometimes do that, but we are still a community that bands together. Those that live higher want to the consume the whole damn world with their ambitions.”
Leere was about to say something, when a wailing siren was heard. At the far ends of each block, a deep fog was rolling in. Suddenly, all the residents were rushing to shut their windows. The lady talking to them pointed at the tower. “If you value your lives, run to the tower doors! I wish you luck!”
“Wait a second!” It was too late. Leere watched the last window close with the woman. In the fog, a massive tentacle reached out, scooping up a dog that was patrolling the food. With a whine the dog was taken into the fog, followed by a sickening crunch heard from inside. As the wet crunches echoed outwards, the Shadow Sage knew that they could easily be next. Leere looked to Black. The way to Bonegrinder was quickly cut off by the fog. It was like it wanted the group to enter the tower. “Black! We have to go!”
"... you know I blame you for dragging me into this, right?" Black snatched her wrist and started running at full speed. "Hold your breath. This is going to feel really cold." With a jump, he landed, sinking into the shadows below, pulling in Leere with him. He maneuvered around the tentacles through the darkness, zooming to the doors.
Bi-Hanzo and Kenshi, not having the same luxury, sprinted as hard as they could to the doors. They were made to be 30 feet tall, and need all of Leere and Blacks strength to open. “Pull your back into it!”
Black was throwing himself against the door, trying his best to get it to open. The only other option was to try to use the shadows to slide inside under the door... though, that would be difficult if he could not see where he was going. Just as it seemed the fog was going to catch up to them, Bonegrinder's huge coils slammed the doors open with one massive strike. The Anagari looked like hell. His horns were still damaged, his skin was scuffed, and he was missing several scales. Hades' magic had helped him heal, but his face was sunken and skin paling. It was obvious he was pushing his limit, despite Prama's influence. The huge Lynel was beside of him, unharmed for now.
The group of six ran in, with Hades closing the doors behind them as quickly as they opened it. With a loud bang, the doors sealed shut. Like it or not, they were trapped inside the black heart of Malus.
Previous Ch. https://mrneighbourlove.tumblr.com/post/626094342071828480/evils-bane-ch-6-yield-to-damnation
Next Ch. https://mrneighbourlove.tumblr.com/post/626629526442655744/evils-bane-ch-8-looming-dread
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yonch · 6 years
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wow he actually doesnt have orange hair :) oops first and foremost!! the design for unity is by @legendoflovely​ who has!! very good art!!! very cool!! i tried to imitate their style!!! but please check them out
ok and im gonna do more headcanons because :( yurei said my last ones were bad under the cut
link in general.. selective mutism and insomnia. dont like being locked up . Also they are all autistic because fuck you i’m autistic fuck whoever made that callout three years ago for a 15 year old. all the links are autistic because i said so and im allowed to say whatever the fuck i want and theyre all trans some of them are also poc because i said so. maybe all of them are evne the white passing ones theyre mixed becuaseu i said so
he chunky
he’s just a funny little dude i think. i think he has a great sense of humor
he has LIGHTNING SCARS from FIGHTING DEMISE.. and also lanayru because i was bad at fighting teknolbolings
he has asthma and narcolepsy
he likes how zelda smells (she smells like mist and clean linen)
he doesn’t like small, dark places (it reminds him of something he doesn’t know)
small(est) and angri(est)
probably has rabies because he is A Loony.. He is Insane... He is Mad!!! 
he’s a blacksmith and takes over for his grandpappy after his adventure
doesnt like heights very much
doesnt shower very often and his hair feels like coarse ass dog hair
is scared of cats because he almost got Killed by one when he was Tiny
really doesnt like the goddesses?? he’s got a shit load of trauma dude
the scar on his nose is from tripping on a rock and slamming his face into another one
got his eye mangled in a fight with some bandits :/
doesn’t like the sound of clocks ticking
but that doesn’t stop him from having a Spot On internal clock
can’t stop seeing red eyes and blue lights
very good with kids and animals!!!
he’s socially anxious and his favorite way to stim is by petting his goats 
color blind! specifically red green color blind
likes being scritched behind his ear and will thump his leg really hard on the ground (he starts doing this after he Transforms into Dog)
has a nice singing voice
he has sharp teeth!!!
designed!! by !! @legendoflovely​
he’s never lonely!! always has friends
happier After his adventure than before
spirit of the hero said its my turn on the brain cell (he has one)
likes flowers a lot and has nice memories of picking them with zelda
likes warm drinks
is so adhd you wont Even believe
yawns and sneezes.. like kitty
H U G E big brother energy
he likes watching birds with his family 
pirate life is the life for me (but no stealing bc thats bad :( )
he’s hydrophobic and can’t swim for long before having a panic attack
he grew up with trains!! so he knows a lot about them and he likes to info dump about them a lot
not having like. Specific Instructions makes him panic a little (catch me projecting)
he lives with grandma aryll and grandpa niko!! (they arent married!!!!!)
his eyes are hazel...
one of his ears... is crooked
he chipped his tooth by running away from bees and slamming into a train (this is based off something i did in game)
has the most scars
apple farmer!! smells like appel all the time
the pink hair is from his mom!! 
ptsd and depression 
still wishes that koholint was real
nonbinary  and masc aligned :)
has a lot of weird scars? look like paint splatters but you can’t rub them off
goes undercover in hytopia with the pseudonym of Finch! (his partners are jay and robin)
stops his apprenticeship to the blacksmith, considers beekeeping, eventually becomes a fashion icon
can’t stop trying to walk into walls
easily guilt tripped
heterochromia!! iridium!!
eats raw meat (doesn’t get a stomachache)
he has.. big bro vibe
his hat was a gift from his sister 
completely mute!
self taught in swordplay
doesn’t like bright flashing lights
what if fuck ing what if he what if he just what if he just ate rocks what if he jus tstraight up ate rocks
still has spotty memory (he never gains back any other memories)
doesn’t remember things unless he touches them
has chronic pain 
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rijurambles · 4 years
So - I'm into RP, not necessarily on here but I love doing it.
I thought I'd share one of my favorite RPs of all time to you guys. The Secret Grove!! Also known as SG. Still ongoing so if anything big happens then I'll put it here. This one was organized by yours truly, starring my best friends: Ashcan, Minish, Toony, and most recently old friend Bongo!!
This took place in the usual zelda verse, in some made up forest called the Secret Grove. Basically the plot was that everyone got stuck here and now has to work together to get out. Pretty simple, but this ended up being the most fun I've had with a concept in a long time.
Our Characters:
Riju/Me: Twilight (TP Link)
Ashcan: Princess Hilda, Yuga, Zant
Minish: Time (Oot Link) and Navi
Toony: Aqua (Blue Link from Triforce Heroes)
Bongo: Marin (but he hasn't really done anything yet so he's not here)
All relationships here are platonic(except for vague mentions of midlink)!! We're about found family.
I start us off with Twilight setting up camp, and he gets found by Windy (WW link,who sadly left the rp, but he was only active for like two months) . More like Twi finds /him/ but whatever. The two team up for a bit, because their only knowledge of this place came from a creepy vague signpost that implied that they might die here.
Meanwhile, Hilda shows up and is very, very confused. Aqua is there also and is so confused that he just - /screams/? This man just straight up yells. He misses his friends, okay? So right now it's nighttime, and Hilda has made a fire, and she happens to be in sight range of Twi and Windy. Twilight decides that they need as much help as they can get, so he proceeds to metal gear solid his way into her camp, pops up from behind a tree and offers vaguely to join them which either confuses Hilda more or pisses her off. I'm still not sure, but this is the moment where these two become rivals. Hilda refuses, but she still kind of sticks around.
I'm not entirely sure if I remember how Aqua joined the gang, but I think he just walked into our camp. So Twi is mostly group leader (much to Hilda's chagrin), starts assigning the gang roles so that they can get a camp running. Aqua goes off to get water, Twilight is in charge of finding food, and Hilda needs sticks for a fire. Also, we get nicknames!! Hilda never tells the group her actual name so Twi called her Dark Duchess one time and the name stuck. To fire back, Hilda called him dark lord. Aqua got called Turquoise Tunic once but gave them a lecture on how his clothes are sky blue and not turquoise.
Hilda ends up finding Time and Navi passed out in the middle of nowhere, and she trusts him because he mentioned that he's friends with Princess Zelda, so she tells Time her actual name. Time is a nice enough guy that he keeps the secret. Meanwhile, Twi places a deku nut trail to find his way back after discovering a decrepit mansion deep within the forest. Sure, it's not food, but it's better shelter than staying out in the wilderness.
The gang regroups. Twilight /swears/ that he recognizes Time but will never admit it. Eventually, just before they leave to go to the mansion, Time and Twilight have a bonding moment where they learn about each other's histories. Twi tells him about the whole Hero's Shade thing, which is a shocker to the younger Time (who has just completed the Spirit Temple), but he promises to make sure to still teach him since it's essential to his journey. This makes Twilight trust Time more than anyone else in the gang.
So everyone heads to the mansion.  Upon arriving and heading to the second floor, Twilight senses a Poe and is forced to go into wolf form to fight it. To the others, it just looks like Wolf Twi mauling air while levitating. Hilda is a little late to the party so she never got to see wolf Twi, and he explains this to the gang.  Aqua is still hecka confused. Hilda also takes off her heels, finally. The room with the Poe is actually a bedroom,  and so Twilight uses his lantern to light the room up a bit. They're all pretty tired. Twi hasn't slept since they got here, and who knows how chaotic his sleep schedule was before this.
After making sure everyone has blankets, Twilight passes flat out onto one of the beds. Everyone is pretty shocked by this since they haven't seen how much of a rough sleeper he is. He keeps mumbling things to himself and rolls around, falling off the bed at some point. Time plays his ocarina to help them sleep. Twilight wakes up in the middle of the night,  heads downstairs to try and clear his mind. 
He explores the mansion,  coming into a hallway with a sort of Darknut. Twilight fights it because  of course he does,  and like hell he's gonna let anyone else get hurt.  A thing about Twi: he will ALWAYS dedicate himself to protecting other people as a defense mechanism after losing a lot of his friends. He succeeds,  but also ends up waking up Hilda. Hilda is cranky because she didn't get her beauty rest or something,  and Twi makes the argument of "Uhm, I just save your life??". The two bicker a bit before Aqua and Time get up.
Deciding to explore the mansion,  the gang stumbles into another room. Twilight gets crushed by a wall master which is /ow/ but manages to cut his way out of it,  killing the thing.  This also leaves him covered in blood and slime and generally ew things,  which makes Hilda panic until Aqua uses the waterfall rod thing to clean him off. They end up finding themselves in the kitchen, where they meet the ghost of a little girl named Clarice. 
You might be thinking, what harm could this little kid possibly do? A lot. A lot is the answer. So basically, Clarice is bound to the mansion and can't leave. All she wants to do is explore the world outside so she can have some playmates. Hilda tries to use her magic to unbind her. This does not work, Hilda messes up the spell, and now Clarice is flying away and Twilight is following her in wolf form. The gang chase Clarice until they get to the top floor; a magnificent ballroom. Twilight goes back to human form and sees who else but Princess Midna, the girl who left the light world for good. Or did she? If she's here, then he thinks that things are going to be alright.
Twilight rushes up to hug Midna, after all, he hasn't seen her in nearly two years. Hilda catches up and sees a different story- Ravio. Holding Lorule's triforce. Not realizing that her triforce has already been restored, Hilda sprints up to go hug Ravio. This causes problems with Twi, who was kind of having a moment there. They start to argue for a bit. Aqua comes in, he sees Blaze (red link from Tfh), the friend that he hasn't seen since he got here. He's of course happy to be there, and also goes up to him.
And then Time comes along. He's the only one who sees the /real/ person. A horrifying monster. And all three of them think that this is someone dear to them. When Time fires an arrow at the corrupted Clarice, as you can expect, PROBLEMS OCCUR. Because you basically just stabbed Midna right in front of Twilight, which by the way, the last time that happened, he nearly had a coronary. Because you basically just stabbed Ravio right in front of Hilda. Because you just stabbed Blaze right in front of Aqua.
All hell breaks loose after that.
Twilight is reasonably pissed and pulls out the ball and chain. Time panics and cast's Nayru's Love to protect himself. Hilda wants to hurt Time first so she tries to trip Twi with magical vines. Twilight doesn't give a crap and runs himself over to Time, getting into a sword fight. After a while of arguing, Time manages to convince Twi that what he saw wasn't the real thing. Meanwhile, while Hilda and Twi are busy trying to give Time hell, Aqua rushes up to try and get Blaze out of the crossfire. Perhaps they could escape together and forget all this. He's about to make a run for it when Twilight comes up and starts telling him what Time said while Time fends off Hilda.
Aqua is SO confused and doesn't know what to do until Twilight says "That's an illusion " and everything starts making sense to Hilda. Lorule's triforce is fine. They don't even need this. Ravio isn't here. This isn't real. Having used up her magic, she falls down and nearly passes out. Time stabs Corrupted Clarice, which also nearly traumatized Aqua.
The fight is over, and everyone is mentally and physically destroyed.
They all recuperate, Hilda finally tells the group her real name and now has intense self doubt, Twi and Time patch themselves up with the help of Aqua. They start sharing stories to pass the time. Hilda talks about the beauty of Lorule, Aqua talks about his adventures with Forest and Blaze, and also sings a song. Twilight takes a deep sigh before finally talking about Midna and the Twilight Realm. Everyone is surprised to hear about all this and he seems genuinely distraught about it.
Everyone is mostly okay until an arc that me and Ash planned happens - a Kargoarc bursts through the window. Aqua had gone down to get their blankets, also. Twilight notices that it's from his Hyrule and gets up to fight, but Hilda is stubborn and wants to help too. Twilight aims a bomb arrow, Hilda uses a fireball.
BOTH miss.
The mansion is on FIRE.
Both of them panic. Hilda just wants to stay here and burn after all the things she's done but even though Twilight hates her he's not leaving her behind to die. They argue again, Time tries to reason with them but their fight escalates until they're both screaming their lungs out at each other. At one point - Twilight just /breaks/ and shifts into the mind of a little kid, which is really all he is, a kid that grew up told fast. He's crying. He asks if Hilda hates him and Hilda is about to scream at him before Time interrupts and knocks her out, having Twilight just carry her out. Time sends Navi to go help Aqua, and now it's a race against time to get out.
Twilight rushes down to the lower level, makes it to the second floor before the fire blocks his exit. He's trapped in a room, and has to make a split second decision to use a bedsheet as a rope to get them down from the window. He ties himself and Hilda together, ties an end to the windowsill, and jumps. It catches them the first time, thank Hylia, but then the sheet catches on fire and Twi is forced to untie themselves before they get burned.
He holds onto Hilda as much as he can, and then they fall.
Twilight hits his shoulder on a rock, shattering it on impact. Ow.
Hilda is mostly unharmed. That's all he needs to know before he passes out.
Time also jumps out of a window, but doesn't get hurt. Aqua finds a door and runs out, shielding Navi before passing out from the smoke.
These guys have been through some shindizzle, and it'll only get worse.
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smilesrobotlover · 11 months
each lbl link's cooking ability? Favorite color? and their favorite person?
Sky: he’s inexperienced with cooking, so he’s not good at it. Has no idea what he’s doing. He likes the color red, idk it fits him. Crimson loftwing you know what I mean? And his favorite person is Cloud of course 🥰 (cloud is his Zelda lol)
Minish: he’s ok, he could make those easy to make meals like ramen, maybe be able to follow a simple recipe. But he’ll ask a lot of questions about it. He likes green, specifically a dark or olive green. His favorite person is…. Uh…. I’m gonna say his grandpa, he loves him. They’re buddies. Of course Picori and Malon are his favorite people that are not family.
Time: he also could follow a simple recipe, but he doesn’t understand it enough to know what he’s doing. Idk, he wears green a lot so maybe he really likes green but I kinda want him to also love the color pink. I think that’d be cute, he loved Zelda’s dress. Malon of course is his fav person.
Legend: uh, he’s kinda mid at cooking like Minish and Time but I’d say he’s much better at it. Will confidently follow a recipe and won’t need to ask so many questions. I think he’d like the color blue, sky blue or ocean blue. And rn his fav person is Tulip, she’s his best friend and really his rock when he’s dealing with Koholint trauma.
Hyrule: absolutely awful at cooking but he doesn’t notice, mostly due to the fact of having to survive on his own and having to get used to bad food. I’d say he likes a pastel yellow, very pretty, Especially coming from a fairy. And his fav person…. Hmmm… well Peony is his best friend so I guess she may be it? He also loves hanging out with Rose and he confides in her about a lot of stuff, (she does the same).
Twilight: he’s a very good cook, his mama taught him well. I’d say he likes the color emerald green. And his fav person, well not a FAV person but he adores Colin, they are absolute homies (of course his whole family are his homies)
Four: not a good cook, also inexperienced, never had the responsibility of cooking for himself. Tho I’d say out of all the colors Vio is the best cook, he’s literally read every book in the library, even recipe books. The colors like their respective colors lol. Green loves green, blue loves blue, red loves red, and vio love purple. And all the colors LOVE Lily so much, she’s their favorite person, of course Leon is another but Lily is their best friend.
Windy: he’s inexperienced so he’s not very good at it, will burn soup. Idk, I think he’d like the color red, he finds it to be striking and cool. Also the blue on the lobster shirt. Uh, he has a lot of favorite people! Firstly his grandma and Aryll, and then Tetra and Linebeck, and all the pirates. They’re his homies.
Spirit: not good at cooking, not terrible at it but he never does it. Maroon is a good color to him. I think purple is another color he likes. And of COURSE Phantom is his favorite person along with Niko and Alphonzo.
Age: he’s pretty good at it. Not as good as Wild but he has an interest and love for food so he’s good. I love the idea that he loves the more deep ocean blue that the zora armor is. Hence why Mipha made it that color 🥺 and of course Mipha is his fav person. The champions and his family are also up there.
Wild: of COURSE he’s the best cook on the team, he’s phenomenal, remembers recipes insanely good and just KNOWS what will work well together. He’s incredible at it. His fav color is the same as Age’s, but I think he’s grown to love the color emerald green. And his fav person, I suppose Poppy and the champion descendants. Sidon is his best friend, Teba is a dad, Tulin is a lil brother, Riju is a lil sister, and Yunobo is another best friend.
Warriors. He could make a decent enough meal, but it won’t be very seasoned. and I just think that he loves the color of his scarf, it’s just lovely to him. And… favorite person, I feel like all the people he knows and love kind of drifted apart? Even Queen. Does proxie count as a person? She was there for him fr
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hyrulehearts1123 · 7 years
Tag thing
I was tagged to do this by @fucktional-slytherpuff. It took a little but to do, but here it is. Questions, answers, and tags are under the cut. Enjoy!
Rules: Answer all questions and tag 20 people.
1. What is your nickname?
I've got a lot of nicknames from various people. The most common ones are Hyrule and Buggs though.
2. What is your zodiac sign?  
3. What is your favorite book series?
There's more than one, but if I had to choose, The Belgariad by David Eddings. Top notch writing there.
4. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts?
Yeah, I'm open to the possibility.
5. Who is your favorite author?
Tolkien, Eddings, Brooks, Rowling, the list is endless at this point.
6. What is your current favorite song?
It's a close tie between Second Chance by Shinedown, and Ashes of Eden by Breaking Benjamin.
7. What is your favorite word?
8. What was the last song you listened to?
Cyanide Sweet Tooth Suicide by Shinedown.
9. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch?
Cutthroat Kitchen. Kickass food, crazy pranks.
10. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down?
Phantom of the Opera.
11. Do you play video games?
I'm waiting for my mom to finally stop playing so I can have my memory card back and finish Tales of the Abyss again. I may have created a monster.
12. What is your biggest fear?
At this point, things that I can't stop.
13. What is your best quality, in your opinion?
I've been told I'm very good at writing, so I'll go with that.
14. What is your worst quality, in your opinion?
I'm seriously stubborn. I have to try even when I know I'll fail.
15. What is your favorite season?
The three days of Autumn we get in the south.
16. Are you in a relationship?
17. What is something you miss from your childhood?
Not having to worry about a million different things.
18. Who is your best friend?
I've got 4 of them, but only one of them's on here. Hi @ofthewind01!
19. What is your eye color?
20. What is your hair color?
A vague brownish blonde
21. Who is someone you love?
All the book, movie, and video game characters that I adopted.
22. Who is someone you trust?
My friends.
23. Who is someone you think about often?
My sweet fictional children. They deserve so much better.
24. Are you currently excited about/for something?
I'm writing a book. Does that count?
25. What is your biggest obsession?
My writing, Tales of the Abyss, Marvel, the list goes on for a while.
26. What was your favorite TV show as a child?
House of Mouse. That show was awesome.
27. Do you have any unusual phobias?
Can't remember the name, but I hate fireworks if I can't see them.
28. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it?
Behind. I take good photos on occasion.
29. What is your favorite hobby?
Writing, playing guitar, painting.
30. What was the last book you read?
Enchanter's End Game by David Eddings.
31. What was the last movie you watched?
Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
32. What musical instruments do you play, if any?
I can play piano and flute by ear, and I'm learning guitar.
33. What is your favorite animal?
My cat Cocoa. Such a soft, pretty, silly baby.
34. What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow?
I can't think of anyone. God I'm brain dead right now.
35. What superpower do you wish you had?
Flying. Gimme them wiiiiiinggggssssss
36. When and where do you feel most at peace?
When I'm in my woods, or walking in the woods alone.
37. What makes you smile?
My cats, playing music, and reading.
38. What sports do you play, if any?
No sports here.
39. What is your favorite drink?
Tea and Mountain Dew.
40. Are you afraid of heights?
Not unless there isn't a railing of some kind.
41. What is your biggest pet peeve?
When people think they know more than you because they're either older, or did five seconds of research.
42. Have you ever been to a concert?
Several! They were all awesome, except when I got the flu at the last one.
43. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A doctor. Then I learned that blood freaks me out.
44. What fictional world would you like to live in?
Either Percy Jackson (book verse), or Hyrule.
45. What is something you worry about?
That I'll never succeed at anything.
46. Are you scared of the dark?
Nope. It's the only time I'm really left alone.
47. Do you like to sing?
Yeah. I've got a pretty good range, so I can do a lot of parts.
48. Have you ever skipped school?
Yeah, but I still had to do it later. The problems of being homeschooled I guess.
49. What is your favorite place on the planet?
Ireland. I wish I could go back.
50. Where would you like to live?
I don't really care, as long as it's in the middle of nowhere.
51. Do you have any pets?
Two cats. Only one of them likes me though.
52. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl?
Night owl. I don't wake up until noon.
53. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better?
Sunsets. Like I said, I hate getting up early.
54. Do you know how to drive?
Yeah. Got my license too.
55. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones?
I like both, but headphones tend to last longer.
56. Have you ever had braces?
Yup. Been there, done that.
57. What is your favorite genre of music?
I guess kinda rock. I just listen to whatever sounds good.
58. Who is your hero?
My mom, and my dad.
59. Do you read comic books?
On occasion.
60. What makes you the most angry?
People being arrogant.
61. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book?
Real book. There's just nothing like a real book.
62. What is your favorite subject in school?
I graduated earlier in the year, but I enjoyed Language Arts.
63. Do you have any siblings?
An older brother and a younger brother.
64. What was the last thing you bought?
A 2-liter of soda for a party.
65. How tall are you?
5″4. I'm kinda short.
66. Can you cook?
I can, but I don't all that often.
67. What are three things that you love?
video games, writing, and reading.
68. What are three things that you hate?
Dumbasses, people interrupting what I'm doing, and assumptions.
69. What is your sexual orientation?
I'm Asexual.
70. Where do you currently live?
The US, in the south.
71. Who was the last person you texted?
@ofthewind01. Have fun with your brother Windy.
72. When was the last time you cried?
Saturday. Wasn't fun.
73. Who is your favorite YouTuber?
74. Do you like to take selfies?
Not really.
75. What is your favorite app?
The Flow apps.
76. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like?
It's pretty good.
77. What is your favorite foreign accent?
A soft Irish accent.
78. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit?
Not sure. Somewhere in like, Greece would be cool.
79. What is your favorite number?
80. Do you find outer space of the deep ocean to be more interesting?
81. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil?
When I was younger, yeah, but not so much anymore.
82. Are you allergic to anything?
Ants. It's pretty severe too.
83. Can you wiggle your ears?
Kinda, but not really.
84. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something?
Whenever it happens.
85. Do you prefer the forest or the beach?
The woods.
86. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you?
Just try. It doesn't matter if you succeed or fail, what matters is that you try.
87. Are you a good liar?
I'm pretty good, but I don't do it all that often.
88. What is your Hogwarts House?
Slytherin through and through.
89. Do you talk to yourself?
Yes. I've had three way dialogues with myself before.
90. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
91. Do you keep a journal/diary?
92. Do you believe in second chances?
To an extent, and depending on what happened.
93. Do you believe that people are capable of change?
Sometimes, but no one can change completely.
94. Are you ticklish?
Not anymore.
95. Have you ever been on a plane?
More times than I can count. I don't actually remember most of the times, because a lot of them happened before I turned 1.
96. Do you have any piercings?
I had my ears pierced, but I don't really wear earrings often.
97. What fictional character do you wish was real?
*Glances towards the hundreds of characters I claimed as my children*
98. Do you have any tattoos?
Nope. Not planning to get any either.
99. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far?
When I decided to start writing.
100. Do you believe in karma?
Yup. What goes around comes around.
101. Do you wear glasses or contacts?
Glasses on occasion. I forget to a lot though.
102. Do you want children?
Yes, a boy and a girl.
103. Who is the smartest person you know?
My mom.
104. What is your most embarrassing memory?
I can't really think of anything right now.
105. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter?
Multiple. They never ended very well though. I always had to redo most of whatever I did after I got sleep.
106. What color are most of you clothes?
Just solid colors. Whatever looks good I guess.
107. Do you like adventures?
Sure, as long as I know what all it entails.
108. Have you ever been on TV?
Kinda, I was in the background when the leader of the children's department at my church was interviewed a while back.
109. How old are you?
110. What is your favorite quote?
“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.”
111. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods?
Depends on my mood.
112. Have your friends ever badly disapponted you?
Yeah, one of them did. We're not friends anymore because of it.
113.  What is your favorite scent?
114. Random fact you know?
Cats have a set of meows that are used specifically when around humans.
115. What is your opinion on long distance relationships?
They usually don't work out. It takes a lot of dedication, and I probably wouldn't try it.
Alrighty, I’m just gonna tag @ofthewind01, @trisscar368, @theriverscribe, and @tree-of-blue-squirrel. Do it, or don’t. I really don’t care, it’s up to you. Stay awesome my dudes.
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lemon-elf · 8 years
reverie, warmth, offering
Thanks, m8
reverie: think of somewhere otherworldly u wish to be within, what is it like there?
It’s open, with a nice windy breeze. I like wind and how it feels when it blows on me and all that. But it’s also got a place where friends and I can hang out and eat food and drink things and just have a jolly ol’ time. And lots of opportunities for adventure. I love adventuring. 
to be honest, this will sound stupid, but fucking running along Hyrule Field is all i want. 
warmth: what do you find most charming in others?
I don’t know. More often I feel envy towards others for what they can do and what I can’t do. It’s not healthy and is extremely negative. But I think I’m just a negative person. I’m also in a bad mindset atm,
But, when i think on it, I’d have to say their knowledge--the things THEY know a lot about is probably what I find charming. Or their smiles. I love seeing people smile. Double so if I’m the one making them smile cuz I’m funny (im not tho lol)
offering: how do you show others you are fond of them?
I’ve never been good at this. At least not in person. Online I can say nice things and compliment people all day, but once I’m in person? I’m distant and snarky. Affection and fondness are things I’ve always been bad at, and its probably been bad for people I’ve been close with.
The best I can say is buying people food or spending money on them is a sign that I’m fond of them. 
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miloscat · 5 years
2019 summary
Here’s some stuff I did this year.
First of all, I visited Japan again in May-June. This led to interesting game-related experiences and purchases, which I wrote about after I got back.
Comic Scanlations: I managed to finish a few of these, namely the official Sonic webcomic, a Super Mario-kun bonus chapter based on the DKC cartoon, a short Diddy Kong Racing choose-your-own-adventure/puzzle comic, and the manga tie-in to Dreamworks’ Shrek. All of them were great fun, and hopefully there’ll be more to come in the new year.
Streams: my weekly streams conitnued apace (Wednesdays 1pm Australian Eastern time), with many new heroines met. I enjoyed doing some theme months: sports platformers, robot month, witch month, no platformers allowed. I also did four whole follow-up dolphin showcases (lots of prep work but it paid off), and participated in a DKVine relay event playing DKC2. A particular delight was playing through Slam Dunk Kong, a ripoff of both DKC and Michael Jordan: Chaos in the Windy City. I fell in love with this game and even forced the game club to play it.
Game Club: Speaking of, my monthly game club on Discord had its typical eclectic playlist. My own childhood fav Beetle Adventure Racing got picked, but I also discovered new joys such as Ristar and The Divide.
Pixel Art: I continued my other hobby of my low-res pixel art collages, but recently set up a Deviantart page for them to go in. My back catalogue will slowly be migrated there. Subjects this year included Doctor Who spinoffs, other sci-fi favourites (Star Trek, Mystery Science Theatre, and Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy), and several covering some of my favourite game series, leading up to a big one covering heroines of my entire gaming life. A particular other favourite was the Roll concept piece, which built a cast for a Rockman game using only female characters from the series.
Podcasts: my good friend Gibbon and I recorded five whole episodes of our podcast The Arcade Era Power Hour for the Arcade Donkey Kong & friends fansite DK Girder. I also managed ten Eurovision commentaries for my other regular audio project, Nul Points, not that it has anything to do with video games.
Game reviews: Speaking of video games, I played at least 75 of them outside of streams, and wrote reviews for each one on this very blog. In particular, my PS4 and 3DS got a real workout this year, and I made some efforts towards clearing my backlog on iOS. I started the year by finishing my Spyro retrospective (Spyro 2 is the best, even more so in Reignited form) and finished by starting a WayForward one (Bloodrayne Betrayal and Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse are favourites there so far). In between I had some co-op fun with my spouse (Lego and Pokemon) and brother (Guacamelee, Risk of Rain, Overcooked, etc.), played some disappointing Nintendo games (Mario & Luigi Paper Jam Bros., Zelda Tri Force Heroes) and some excellent indie ones, found a few more dolphin games to try out (Shamu’s Deep Sea Adventures, Jupiter & Mars), and even played our Switch a bit.
My favourite game I played this year (aside from so-bad-it’s-good Slam Dunk Kong, of course) is Hover, the Jet Set Radio Future-inspired sci-fi parkour game. Honourable Mentions to Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair, Yoku’s Island Express, Steamworld Dig 2, and Cadence of Hyrule. The “Not As Bad As People Say” award goes to Hey! Pikmin, which I found quite nice. The award for “Least Offensive Gacha Mechanic” goes to Another Eden, which thrashed Mario Kart Tour in that department. “The Quiet Achiever” was Sega Heroes, which was a consistent time-waster for me nearly all year. And finally, “Game I Most Want to Pick Back Up And Actually Finish” is Chrono Cross. Maybe next year, bud!
0 notes
smilesrobotlover · 2 years
Well I’m gonna ramble about my lbl chain! With new references and designs!!! Starting with Sky:
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He is 21 years old, teaching the young kids how to fly and take care of their loftwings with Groose in Skyloft. He also goes down to the surface with Zelda to help her build the surface. Tho recently, she sent him and Groose to Skyloft for some unknown reason. He’s been waiting around to hear from her, but so far she’s said nothing. It’s been eating Sky up inside.
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Twilight is 19, almost 20. After his adventure, he was left so empty and heartbroken that he changed significantly. Being unable to talk to anyone about the Twili, not being close to Zelda who does understand him the most, and being left behind by his best friend and the girl he loved left him feeling hollow. He lost motivation to do anything and isolated himself inside for a year since then. He only came out at night, mostly as a wolf, which wasn’t terrible, but he was still feeling terrible (sunshine is good for you babes). Rusl was able to get him to visit, and Twi wanted to turn his life around… but something strange happened to him….
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Windy is 17, and has been adventuring with Tetra for a while, trying to find things to rebuild Hyrule, but also to do pirate shenanigans! He gets stir crazy really easily too so this helps him out. One day, they got a letter from Aryll (who joins them sometimes) saying that his grandma was not fairing well. The pirates headed straight for Outset island, not stopping for anything. Windy, who was getting ansty, went to clean the ship. When they arrived at Outset however, they found him missing from the boat, with Linebeck panicking over him.
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Now for Wild, who is 118. He’s just been chilling at Hateno, he and Zelda helping to rebuild certain parts of Hyrule and restoring the order that was lost. It’s been rather peaceful for him, which is nice for him, tho occasionally he stares off into the distance, regaining memories, being reminded of what he lost.
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Age is 19. A knight who patrols around Zora’s Domain, Hyrule thriving due to evil being defeated. Everyone has finally been able to relax, and Age and Mipha were able to get engaged, so he’s been getting ready for that along with doing his job. He takes his job seriously, and the pressure of being the hero hasn’t left him, but life is good for him.
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