fleatreatment · 1 year
🪰🕊️ Flea wings have long been a topic of debate among entomologists and the general public. Some believe that fleas are capable of flight, while others dismiss this as a myth. So, what's the truth? Let's take a closer look at the evidence. 🔍📈 First, it's important to note that fleas do have wings, but they are very small and not designed for flight. Instead, they are used for balance and jumping. Fleas are known for their impressive jumping ability, which can reach up to 200 times their body length. This is due to their powerful leg muscles, not their wings. 🤔🔬 Despite this, there have been reports of fleas being able to fly short distances. Some scientists have even conducted experiments to test this theory. So, are flea wings a myth or a reality? Stay tuned to find out.1. The Anatomy of Flea Wings: Understanding Their Structure and Functionality🔬 Flea wings are unique in structure and function. They are transparent, thin, and covered in tiny hairs that help them cling to fur. 🦟 The wings are composed of two layers of chitin, a tough and lightweight material that provides strength and flexibility. 🕷️ The veins in the wings act as a support system, providing rigidity and stability during flight. 🦗 Fleas use their wings for jumping, not flying. The wings act as a catapult, propelling the flea forward with incredible force. 🦟 The hind legs of fleas are specially adapted for jumping, allowing them to leap up to 200 times their body length. 🕷️ Flea wings also play a role in regulating body temperature and moisture levels. 🦗 Understanding the anatomy of flea wings can help in developing effective pest control methods.2. The Evolutionary History of Flea Wings: Tracing Their Origins and DevelopmentFlea wings have a complex evolutionary history. 🦟 They are believed to have originated from the legs of insects. 🦗 Over time, they evolved into specialized structures for jumping and gliding. 🦘 Flea wings are unique in that they are the only insect wings that are completely covered by a protective sheath. 🛡️ Scientists have studied the development of flea wings through fossils and genetic analysis. 🔬 The earliest known flea wing fossils date back to the Jurassic period. 🦕 Genetic analysis has shown that flea wings evolved from the same genetic pathway as beetle wings. 🐞 However, flea wings have evolved to be much smaller and more specialized for their jumping lifestyle. 🏃‍♂️ The evolution of flea wings has also been influenced by their hosts. 🐶 Fleas that live on mammals have evolved wings that allow them to jump from host to host. 🐾 Fleas that live on birds have evolved wings that allow them to glide between feathers. 🕊️ The diversity of flea wing morphology is a testament to the adaptability of these tiny insects. 🌟 3. The Role of Flea Wings in Jumping: Debunking the Myth of Their Flying AbilitiesFlea wings are not designed for flying, but for jumping. They are too small and weak to support the weight of the flea. The wings are used to generate lift and propel the flea forward. They act like tiny propellers, creating a force that propels the flea upward. The wings flap at a rate of 200 times per second, providing the necessary lift. The myth of flea wings being able to fly is due to their rapid movement. They can jump up to 200 times their body length, making them the best jumpers in the animal kingdom. Flea wings play a crucial role in the flea's survival, allowing them to escape predators and find new hosts. 🦟🪰🪲4. The Adaptations of Flea Wings: How They Help Fleas Survive and ThriveFlea wings are unique adaptations that allow fleas to survive and thrive in their environment. They are small and compact, allowing fleas to move quickly and easily through fur. They are also strong and flexible, allowing fleas to jump up to 200 times their body length. The wings are covered in tiny hairs that help fleas stick to surfaces and prevent them from falling off. These adaptations are essential for fleas to find food and mates, avoid predators, and spread to new hosts. Flea wings also have a unique structure that allows them to withstand the high forces generated during jumping. The wings are made up of a protein called resilin, which is highly elastic and can store and release energy quickly. This allows fleas to jump with incredible speed and force, even though they are only a few millimeters long. Overall, flea wings are a remarkable example of how organisms can adapt to their environment and thrive in even the most challenging conditions. 🦟🪰🕷️5. The Significance of Flea Wings in Pest Control: Strategies for Effective EradicationFlea wings can be a crucial factor in pest control. They allow fleas to jump up to 100 times their height. Effective eradication strategies include: - Vacuuming carpets, furniture, and pet bedding regularly. - Using flea repellent sprays and powders on pets and in the home. - Washing pet bedding and toys in hot water. - Treating pets with flea medication prescribed by a veterinarian. - Hiring a professional exterminator for severe infestations. Flea wings are not only a nuisance but also a health hazard. They can transmit diseases and cause allergic reactions. Fleas can also infest homes and yards, making it difficult to get rid of them. Prevention is key to flea control. Regular cleaning and grooming of pets can help prevent infestations. Keeping yards and outdoor areas clean and free of debris can also reduce the risk of flea infestations. In conclusion, flea wings play a significant role in pest control. Effective eradication strategies include regular cleaning, treatment of pets, and professional extermination if necessary. Prevention is crucial to avoid infestations and potential health hazards. 🐾🚫🦟6. The Future of Flea Wings Research: Exploring New Discoveries and ApplicationsAs technology advances, so does our ability to study flea wings. 🦟 Scientists are exploring new discoveries and applications for this research. 🔬 New imaging techniques allow for more detailed analysis of wing structure. 🌍 Studying flea wings can help us understand the evolution of insects and their role in ecosystems. 💻 Computer simulations are being used to model the aerodynamics of flea wings and their potential applications in engineering. The potential applications of flea wing research are vast. 🚀 Here are just a few: 🌱 Developing new insect-repellent materials for agriculture and public health. 🚗 Designing more efficient and sustainable modes of transportation based on flea wing aerodynamics. 🏢 Creating new materials for building construction based on the strength and flexibility of flea wings. Despite these exciting developments, there is still much to learn about flea wings. 🤔 Future research will focus on: 🧬 Understanding the genetic basis for wing structure and function. 🔍 Investigating the role of wing microstructure in flea flight. 🌡️ Studying how environmental factors such as temperature and humidity affect wing performance. 7. The Cultural Significance of Flea Wings: From Folklore to Modern ScienceFlea wings have been a part of folklore for centuries, symbolizing agility and quickness. In modern science, they are studied for their unique structure and potential applications in technology. 🦟 The wings are incredibly thin and flexible, allowing fleas to jump up to 200 times their body length. Scientists are studying the structure to create more efficient and lightweight materials. 💪 Flea wings also have antimicrobial properties, which could lead to the development of new antibiotics. The wings are being studied for their potential in medical applications. 💊 In some cultures, flea wings are believed to bring good luck and protect against evil spirits. They are used in traditional medicine and as a decorative element in clothing and accessories. 🍀 In Japan, flea wings are a symbol of the samurai, representing their agility and quickness in battle. They are also used in art and literature, representing the fleeting nature of life. 🇯🇵 Overall, flea wings have a rich cultural significance and are being studied for their potential in modern science. Who knew such tiny creatures could have such a big impact? 🤔 In conclusion, the existence of flea wings remains a mystery. Despite numerous accounts of sightings, there is no concrete evidence to support their existence. Scientists continue to study fleas and their anatomy, but so far, no wings have been found. While it is possible that flea wings are a myth, it is also important to keep an open mind. As we continue to explore the natural world, we may discover new species or uncover new information about existing ones. Until then, the mystery of flea wings remains unsolved. 🤔 Regardless of whether flea wings are real or not, fleas remain a common pest that can cause discomfort and health issues for both humans and animals. It is important to take preventative measures, such as regular cleaning and flea treatments, to keep these tiny creatures at bay. 🚫🦟 https://fleatreatment.uk/flea-wings-myth-or-reality/?_unique_id=6461f6f50391d
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drfloundus · 2 years
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365/233 Someone once said “Welcome [Alien] Ladybug overlords”. #heightstownnj #explorenj #spottedlanternfly #hesaidevil #latergram #365photoproject #bugs #insects #wingedinsects https://www.instagram.com/p/CjLMUcjuvq3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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corviisquire · 3 months
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I’ve read the comments on my post abt soulsborne sleep token thing! Here’s some concept art I tried. More is on the way just… HW ew. Tagging people who were interested/encouraging this idea: @sleep-token @wingedinsect @moonchild-in-blue @foundationsofdecay @madsthenightowl @a-s-levynn
Undercut is me mindlessly rambling about what’s going on in my brain about this. Don’t read unless you like torturing yourself with reading.
I guess to start, I have only played Elden Ring (crucible knight more like crucible kill yours-IM JOKING), I’ve watched some lore videos on Elden Ring Bloodborne and DS1, haven’t played DS1 yet, and have all the art books except DS2 (cause nobody likes DS2). I’ve played very limited DND games. I’ve read lots of weaponry wiki pages but I have bad memory. If any information I say below is incorrect (like I say this sword is two-handed but it’s not or I misspell spauldor… spalder? Spauldron?) please correct me. I’m just using information I know and I’m always open to suggestions and feedback!
Random Lore Bits: Sleep and the Whale lived in peace but Sleep was always the higher deity. It created all that lives on the land and the TMBTE creatures. Sleep had many worhsippers but Vessel and the rest stood out. They were appointed as the highest knights of sleep. Vessel always had Sleep’s favor and therefore became Sleep’s vessel. Confusing I’m aware lmao. Sleep and Whale became enemies somehow and Sleep injured the whale, causing it to die. This time period before the Whale’s death was called Eden. NPCs speak of Eden all the time about how, “Peace and day has never been restored since Eden” “Eden is over” “If the whale were here, Eden would still be here”. All followers of Sleep become corrupt.
Bosses: Once killed, all bosses turn into statues and have branches grow out of them. They aren’t dead, just dormant. You can fight them again but returning to their fight area and making an offering of a certain amount of tokens. Once defeated again they return to being dormant. If you defeat all resurrected bosses (fought each one twice) you get smth called a Talisman of Blood (important later).
Regular enemies: Idk skeletons???? Giant birds??? Snakes???? Giant insectoids Idk bro???
Location: Like Elden Ring lands between, it’s called Fields of Elation. The capital city is either Nazareth or Jericho. I’ll try to incorporate Calcutta somehow. Geography is a mix of frigid coast, deep dark forest, large cavernous cave strictures, old ruined castles with mysterious rusty machinery inside, sparatic temples to sleep (all whale temples were destroyed), and the remnants of towns. Large trade road that goes through the entirety of the land is called the Path of Reason??? Idk bro I’m spitballing.
Currency: Tokens. Killing enemies and bosses earns you large amounts of tokens and like how runes work, you can level up you and your armaments with them.
Waypoints: Sites of grace, bonfires, more like RITUALS (I am not funny). I think calling waypoints rituals makes sense.
Flasks HP/FP: Estus Flask, Flask of Crimson/Cruelean Tears…. How about Flssk of H I G H W A T E R. Nah I’m kidding. No idea! Suggestions are open! I’m reading lyrics and nothings jumping out.
Incantations/Spells: Can be equipped to magic armaments and weapons! Kinda like you can choose between spell sword or just being a wizard.
Player Character: Tarnished, undead, hunter…. No idea what to call them. Robes and garments Very inspired by TPWBYT. Thinking the whale was an ancient god defeated by Sleep. Player Character is gifted with a certain power of the whale and was resurrected to defeat Sleep. Game opens with epic cutscene and player charter emerges from a cavern (TLYW) and goes through it before finding themselves on the coast of a freezing raging sea and an inviting forest. There’s probably one class you play as cause I’m lazy and you just collect armor and new weapons on the journey. TLYW style robes with greaves, hood, and gauntlets. Basic longsword.
Vessel: I’ve read the feedback and I agree that staff needs to stay. Live laugh staff. I’ve seen a few Elden ring builds where it’s right armament is staff for casting the long range stuff and left armament is a short sword, miséricorde (mercy dagger), scimitar(?), or other various short weapons. I like the image of this because I imagine him having somewhat light armor so if you’re far away, he spell. If you’re close, he stab. Spells are gonna be red. Change my mind. I like the Elden Ring boss Maliketh’s magic attacks so I imagine something like that. I imagine his boss fight starts with epic cut scene with him kneeled in a big arching cathedral temple type place and he’s like, “you seek to defeat the vessel of Sleep, foolish warrior? I have not known defeat against those of the sea nor those of Sleep” or some crazy bs like that. Half health, hands of Sleep show up and swipe and grab and Player Character. Just giant spindly hands that appear and float around. Attempts to break away form Sleep control but fails so that why he evil >:}
II: Dual wielding… what? No idea. I want him to dual wild some sort of straight weapon cause like drumsticks but honestly… sickles are so badass… Med. to light armor so he can move around a lot. Some sort of helmet with feather Mohawk. Boss area is probably in a fort outside of the main city. Just you and this guy. Get ready for a stamina check.
III: I’m torn between frenzied flame/black flame style magic user or spell sword. If magic, light armor. If spell sword, med. armor. Boss fight in a large old temple, candlelit and torn tapestries everywhere. Better have some fire immunity talismans on you.
IV: Halbert. All the way. Heavy armor my guy. Idk not much to say. Thinking banished knight ornstein inspo?? Boss fight Outside the gates to Vessel/Sleep’s castle. Vigor check time!!!
Chokehold: large dark cavern with webs strung about. It appears from above like, “A traitor to Sleep, hm? Pity. You seemed like you would be a good asset to the Vessel’s artillery.” Big axe time. High HP high strength boss. Vulnerable spot is probably its stomach area. Gives you armor, weapon, talisman, and incantation “Branches in a Flood” (roots sprout from the ground and entangle enemy).
The Summoning: Player probably stumbles upon the fight after meeting Aqua Regia and Granite. Mean killing machine. Idk what else to say erm… maybe player interacts with a sleep token symbol on a pillar with runes and it summons (pun intended) the summoning creature??? Stonehenge lookin boss area. Armor, weapons, talisman, and incantations are dropped.
Granite: Relatively peaceful NPC. Dialogue options are cool and it probably raises stats and alters your armaments. Quest line ends with Granite maybe just becoming dormant or it becomes a member of sleep again and sad boss fight initiates. Drops its armor, axes, root/weed talisman that increases stamina and immunity.
Aqua Regia: Chill and never ends in boss fight. Probably lets you summon them during other boss fights. Spear and sword. Gifts you new armor and talismans. Quest line maybe ends with them becoming too weak to keep battling and becomes dormsnt. You get their armor, spear, sword, rose talisman that raises FP, and a spell/incantation that shoots gold acid rays called Gold Rush or smth similar (Like Aqua Regia? Get it?)
Vore: Awesome boss. Inflicts poison damage for sure. I think we can all imagine how fighting Vore would be. In a poison lake haha it wants you to suffer. Armor, weapons, talisman, and incantations are dropped.
Ascensionism: Swords swords swords. Pulls a Starscourge Radahn and turns a meteor and player has to dodge lmao (cause yk ascending). Boss area is probably in a giant colosseum that’s old and crumbling. Armor, weapons, talisman, and incantations are dropped.
Are You Really Okay?: Player character pulls a stupid and decides to touch and inspect the strange incubator with a fetus inside and AYRO appears and is like “DONT TOUCH MY CHILD” initiate boss fight. Small castle is the boss fight area. Armor, weapons, talisman, and incantations are dropped.
The Apparition: Big guy, big hammer. Boss fight is somewhere in a forest clearing. No other ideas for it. Drops weapons, armor, talisman, incantations like everyone else.
DYWTYLM: Chokehold but with tiny dagger and looks like a giant engine. Probably shoots fire from the pipes on its body? Chokehold is PISSED if you defeat this guy first. Brothers fr fr. Boss fight in an old building filled with machinery. Speed is low but HP is super high. Drops armor, weapons, incantations, and talisman.
Rain: Your magic immunity better be HIGH. Renala style fight: Crazy hits, bad defense. Probably drops some crazy cool incantations, armor (really bad armor), and a talisman of fire immunity and raises your FP. Boss fight area is in a shiny crystaly forest area surrounded by weeping willow/wisteria like trees.
Take Me Back To Eden: The last boss before Vessel. Killer fight. Armor is also fire??? Difficult but probably super dope. Boss fight is in a SUPER large hallway in the castle of Sleep. Drops weapons, armor, talisman of resistance against airborne attacks.
Euclid: NPC that’s probably cranky and hesitant to befriend you at first. Still a follower of Sleep but respects the players fate to defeat the sleepmiester (I’m so tired bro—). Might fight you idk.Once dormant, drops and old mask of Vessel, a few incantations, and armor.
Endings: Endings one: You defeat vessel, sleep becomes dormant and no gods rule over the land. Retires and vessels are resurrected. Endings 2: You defeat vessel and become the new Vessel of Sleep. No difference from first ending, you just chose if ya wanna be evil or not. Endings 3: If you acquire the Talisman of Blood, Sleep sees you worthy to fight them without using a vessel. Radagon Elden Beast situation. When you defeat sleep, the whale is resurrected.
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scrapsofinspiration · 2 months
thanks for tagging me @melioradeluxe , i loved this!! (sorry it's not ghost, but ST just worked better 😅💛)
artist: sleep token (based on lyrics, vibes and puns)
what is your gender: jaws
how do you feel: high water :P
if you could go anywhere: fields of elation
favorite mode of transportation: (w)alkaline (nothing else rlly resonated so i had to get creative)
your best friend: telomeres
favorite time of day: the night does not belong to god
if your life was a tv show: euclid
relationship status: fall for me
your fear: distraction
tagging (no pressure, as always): @myladyofmercy @wingedinsect @betweengraves + whoever wants to join in!! :)
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elkkiel · 2 months
9 people I'd like to know better
ty for the tags @lifemod17 @politemagic @rain-over-the-city !! a little boop and a forehead kissie for u :3 🩷
Last song I listened to: Bitches Brew – Crosses
Currently watching: nothing atm, I am on my way home from work lol
Sweet/savoury/spicy: Sweet usually, I am a chocolate fiend no matter how much my acne will protest the sugar
Relationship status: I like to hang out with my cat (single to an absolutely abysmal degree)
Current obsession: Sleep Token. Just Sleep Token. They've got me in a chokehold fr fr
tags (no pressure or obligation of course): @birchdoodle @saatmans @long-lost-ghost @wooly-nooly @kaseylovesbayley @dreastmilk @branches-in-a-flood @wingedinsect @eepymonstrr
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lifemod17 · 2 months
I was tagged by @politemagic and @hookedhobbies thank you lovelies!! 🥰🥰
nine people i'd like to know better tag challenge 💛
last song i listened to: 'Sweet Thing' - Van Morrison
currently watching: none, I am catching up online on what I missed while I was asleep
sweet/savory/spicy: sweet
relationship status: perennially, perpetually yearning. so single.
current obsession: you guys ever heard of this music thing? it's addicting fr
some no pressure tags!! 💛💛💛 @wingedinsect @red-ace-in-space @bipolar-professional @elkkiel @melioradeluxe @aquaregia-sangye @sleeptokenpuppy @loveinthemindpalace @nemowankenobi
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bathorii · 3 months
helllooooo ghost tumblr ❕💥 📣
- i’m arvo, i’m 19, he/him pronouns, from the north east of england :)
- ghost fan since 2022
- HARDCORE griftwood & hunters moon stan💪
there is not much more to say except. there will be art and maybe fanfic! :)
(i’m into fashion so expect to see the ghouls and ghoulettes all dolled up hehe)
i have a sleep token blog @wingedinsect, i post fan art there too
this is a sideblog so any likes and follows come from the above blog! ^^
my art will be at: #arvo’s art
headcanons: #arvo’s headcanons
reblogs: #bathoriiblogs
(i will make a fanfic tag if i pluck up the courage to post my writing, i haven’t written fanfic in so long but i really want to get back into it!)
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clepsidras · 2 years
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Supersoul fighter Solo round #bee #petal #plant #leaf #flower #vegetation #black-and-white #style #insect #terrestrialplant #wing #tintsandshades #pollinator #monochromephotography #monochrome #floweringplant #membrane-wingedinsect #close-up #pollen #wildlife #spring #macrophotography #blossom #herbaceousplant (at Sintra, Portugal) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgTo8xsMFGq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pixie1013 · 3 years
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From eggs to 2nd instar, here's the Citheronia Splendens Caterpillars ♡ Flip through for video -> Aren't they adorable!? Spikey little magic noodles... just munching away on their sweet gum leaves. I raised their parents last year, thanks to @gwentomologist #entomology #caterpillars #moth #caterpillar #caterpillarsofinstagram #citheroniasplendens #citheronia #splendidroyalmoth #royalmoth #insects #buggirl #insecthobby #orangecaterpillar #spikeycaterpillar #blackandorange #Lepidoptera #wingedinsect #motheggs #moths #bugs #insecteggs #hairycaterpillar #raisingcaterpillars #insectgirl #bughobby #insectkeeping #macrophotography #macro #insectphotography #sweetgum (at Pixieland Farm) https://www.instagram.com/p/CS_JuyfL-9w/?utm_medium=tumblr
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the-grand-gemini · 5 years
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I still need to edit my high quality photos of Moth's Moon II, but here's an angled shot that I feel depicts the colours better 🦋 . . . 🦋🌕🦋 . . . #moth #moth'smoon #moonmoth #deathheadmoth #phasesofthemoon #moonchild #moonphases #fullmoon #goldenmoon #celestialbodies #goldleaf #metalic #nightsky #space #galaxy #stars #moonandstars #night #katieversace #insectart #wingedinsect #metamorphosis #watercolour #art #painting #illustration #artwork #🦋🌕🦋 #🌕 https://www.instagram.com/p/BsojOKxh3UT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xonwooi7yxcs
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southbostonbitch · 2 years
Reposted from @earthpix Katydids, often known as bush crickets, are insects belonging to the Tettigoniidae family. Previously, they were known as "long-horned grasshoppers." There are almost 6,400 species known. 🎥 @ titosan25 via TikTok . . . #bugs #insect #buglife #buglady #cricket #grasshopper #longhornedgrasshopper #bushcricket #chirp #katydid #wingedinsect #ilovebugs #buglover #entomology #naturegram #naturegirl #creepycrawlies #buggram #bug #insects #iloveinsects #insectlady https://www.instagram.com/p/CdSE5gGABz_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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depthworldofficial · 3 years
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Honey bee 🐝 Follow @depthworldofficial #bee #insect #insects #wingedinsect #nature #hymenoptera #entomology #macro #wildlife #insect_perfection #insects_of_our_world #insectsofinstagram #insectsphotography #insectsworld #insects_macro #insectstagram #raw_insects #kings_insects #butterflyrevolution #insectphoto #insect_addict #animalslover #animal https://www.instagram.com/p/CTDBEwvK23T/?utm_medium=tumblr
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gilbertkingelisa · 3 years
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Landing #Outdoors #Nature #Photography #NaturePhotography #Summer #Flower #EbonyButterfly #SeekandYeShallFind #GilbertKingElisa #WingedInsect https://www.instagram.com/p/CSX7-W7nabg/?utm_medium=tumblr
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trexkamal · 4 years
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Tachinid flies | Phuket | Thailand | Nikon Gears The Tachinidae are a large and variable family of true flies within the insect order Diptera, with more than 8,200 known species and many more to be discovered. Over 1300 species have been described in North America alone. Insects in this family commonly are called tachinid flies or simply tachinids. @featured_wildlife @macro_captures_ @nature_brilliance @insectguru . . . . . #tachinidae #insect #macrophotography #invertebrate #arthropod #pest #photography #macro #wildlife #wingedinsect #close #nature_shooters #blowflies #housefly #lovenature #macrogardener #nature #naturephotography #organism #photooftheday #insects #insectsofinstagram #pollinator #wingedinsects #earth #insectphotography #instagood #instapic #naturelover #bugs (at Phuket, Thailand) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBipTuKDBSW/?igshid=yy1r6y353x2o
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kaggie1967 · 4 years
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When you’re gardening and you make a new friend. Put it in flowers it came back. Help #mothernaturesbeauty she will pay you back. #butterfly #wingedinsect #butterfliesofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CBfWQ-CHDDc/?igshid=wxyoh4uwut2p
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hannahtooke · 4 years
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Working on winged insects #workinprogress #illustration #sketchbook #collage #natureillustration #wip #wingedinsect #editorialillustration #kidlitart #childrensbooks #picturebook #illustratorsofinstagram #insectillustration https://www.instagram.com/p/B8Rihcnnzh7/?igshid=8zrain8ydx6o
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