#wings of fire book 4
sugar-phoenix · 1 year
Me: Why did they name her Queen Battlewinner? It doesn't seem to be a conventional NightWing name. Is it because she won the battle with an IceWing? Did they give her the name from birth? It's not like they could have foretold she would win a battle with an IceWing
Me: . . .
Me: OH
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lillyosaurus · 2 years
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I just think she’s a little neat a little silly hmm
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dogvomitkiddiepool · 2 months
Some things in the Wings of fire series i wish were elaborated on more:
-The kraken mentioned in The Book of Clearsight
-history of animus SkyWings
-if the Night and LeafWing populations could genetically bottleneck in the future due to low numbers
-what BeetleWings looked like in detail, tbh I want to hear more about potential extinct tribes or what dragons looked like between the scorching and now
-Tui saying she avoids giving dragons spider based names becasue she had a potential tribe idea (i forgot where i heard this one so take it with salt)
-non royal Sea and IceWings
-who else might have used DarkStalker’s scroll over the 2000+ years it was lying around
-RainWing history, in general
-the runty SkyWing egg that was mentioned in the prologue of Escaping Peril on the brightest night that was never found
-the origin of NightWing powers (and animus powers, but that seems like too big a question to ask. The better question is about what will happen to it)
feel free to add more
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wolfdog-weatherman · 3 months
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shiftywing · 1 year
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i just know this still haunts him
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quarrybee · 4 months
do you think joy ang saw some of her earlier art for wof and went “eww can i get a redo” and that’s how the limited edition book 1 happened
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you guys need to read legends: darkstalker.
like, go have a book about the inevitability of your own downfall. a book about about the importance of love in the face of tragedy. about the nature of free will. about absolute power corrupting absolutely. about nature vs nurture. about trying to save what you know you have already lost. about the cycle of war and pain and hate. about the fear and horror of yourself and what you might do. about trauma and love and violence and hope and death and the spiraling loss of everything you love.
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marshmallowcat666 · 2 months
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Smaugust prompts list by pencil cat!
Smaugust days 1-5;
Day 1 From a Book, Glory from Wings of Fire sitting in the branches of a tree
Day 2 Teeth, an oc named Bumblebee bearing sharp teeth
Day 3 Magic, two wof ocs, Blacknose enchanting his daughter Calyptra’s necklace
Day 4 Sword, wof oc King holding a decorated sword
Day 5 Snooze, wof oc Baltic taking a nap on the sea floor
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whumpster-fire · 2 months
Okay so I was just on a road trip and I decided to start listening to the Wings Of Fire series on audiobooks and after finishing the first sub-series I gotta say I'm loving it so far.
What I Expected: Warrior Cats but with dragons.
What I Got: Warrior Cats but with dragons meets Underland Chronicles (levels of Going This Hard with the dark themes and gore and fucked up stuff) meets A Series Of Unfortunate Events (general competence and trustworthiness of most of the adults in these poor kids' lives for most of the series). Like, not that Warrior Cats doesn't go hard with messed up stuff, but this series kind of gives me Underland Chronicles vibes in the way that it does it.
The setting and premise: In A World Ruled By Dragons... that apparently used to have a human civilization that was destroyed by dragons in an apocalyptic event long go but that's not important right now, (humans are still around but almost completely irrelevant to the plot with one notable exception), the seven tribes (species) of dragons have been dragged into an utter clusterfuck of a war because one of the tribes had a civil war due to a succession crisis and have managed to drag nearly everyone else into it. An ancient quite recent prophecy made by some guy who is still very much around states that this completely pointless waste of life will be ended by five children born under a specific celestial alignment, who will have the power to decide the victor of the civil war. A cross-species secret society known as the Talons Of Peace with the noble goal of getting everyone else to stop doing WWI With Dragons decides that the best way to make the prophecy go smoothly is to raise the destined hatchlings themselves in secret and keep them safe from any of the parties with a vested interest in the war's outcome, until they are ready...
In other words a pretty bog standard "Chosen Ones" children's fantasy plot, but what I love is that from the very beginning of the first book, Wings Of Fire pulls absolutely no punches with the fact that the main characters are child soldiers, and the supposed "good guys" organization is not only pretty sketchy for acquiring five eggs under circumstances of varying legitimacy (read: definitely kidnapped at least two, one more supposedly abandoned, one sold by deadbeat parents, one supposedly donated for the cause but it's unclear) but also is just as guilty of trying to use them as pawns for their own political goals as everyone else, and are not even actually neutral in the war.
What I also love is that the DoD (Dragonets of Destiny) are the worst fucking child soldiers ever and this is largely because the Talons Of Peace are completely fucking incompetent and massively fucked up every step of the "grooming kidnapped hatchlings into child soldiers" process.
Failed at kidnapping eggs. Literally in the very first chapter one of the eggs supposedly predestined to save the world is killed. One of the main characters is the last-minute replacement and literally not even the right species that's supposedly specified by the prophecy (and has psychological issues because no one has let her forget it)
Assigned the very important task of raising the Chosen Ones and teaching them the skills they will need to save the world to three dragons who were utterly horrible with kids and didn't want the job. Left them to it with no oversight for years and years.
Decided to raise them isolated from the organization they're supposed to be loyal to, in a fucking cave, giving them literally zero real world experience with so many essential skills like, say, navigation, or flying in actual weather. The main characters literally had a "Puppy Mill Animals Seeing Grass For the First Time" experience.
Did not research / pay attention to the basic biology and culture of the species the kids belong to. One of them, Clay, spent his whole life being told he tried to murder his adoptive siblings when he hatched because the surrogate parents had no idea that for his species the first in a clutch to hatch instinctively helps break their siblings' eggshells for them. Another is from the aquatic dragon species which has their own sign / bioluminescence language they use to communicate underwater. She was not taught any of this despite one of the surrogate parents being the SAME FUCKING SPECIES AS HER. And also, y'know, the negative amount of effort put into every single parenting decision related to Glory.
Literally the only thing the Talons Of Peace actually succeeded at was making the kids bond to each other, but managed to instill less than zero loyalty to the organization they were supposed to obey due to being left to be raised in isolation by emotionally and physically abusive parental figures. Later, the guy who made the prophecy, after checking back in and discovering that one of the children was the wrong species, thought fixing this mistake by having her murdered and replacing her with another kidnapped child would in any way work. As a result the Talons Of Peace now have five Chosen Ones who have ditched them and wanted absolutely nothing to do with them and their plans. As of three books into the series they are still doubling down on the "kill and replace the more annoying members of the group" plan and still seem to think that the surviving members would somehow accept this.
I also think it's noteworthy that, like, most of the remotely competent and trustworthy allies the DoD have are other child soldiers that they have run into along the way. Like, at this point we have Peril (Skywing Queen's attempt at making her very own Azula), Anemone (magical prodigy small child on a leash), Deathbringer (Nightwing secret agent who Glory accidentally flirted with while in disguise within the first five minutes of attempting her own unrelated spy mission), Fatespeaker (one of the Talons of Peace's backup plan dragonets who they somehow put even less effort into than the main five). And, like, Clay's siblings who are also a bunch of kids fighting a war.
Also I don't know if this was Tui T. Sutherland's intent all along or if it was audiobook reader Shannon McManus's artistic license, but. Whoever decided to give the Nightwings - a tribe from an inhospitable island who act like they're smarter and more cultured than everyone else but are mostly a bunch of pompous idiots, who have a decrepit and useless royal family, notoriously inedible "cuisine," and a plot to colonize and genocide one of the other tribes for land and natural resources - British accidents is a goddamn genius.
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vieramars · 1 month
Wings of fire but when queen battlewinner rises from the lava dark souls boss music starts playing
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certain wof fans when they see a child character: wtf is this???? I want to set it on fire and then kick it's corpse into a ravine, never to be seen again >:)
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kittenpinkamations · 1 year
*slaps wof books* these dragonets can fit so much trauma in them
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dogvomitkiddiepool · 2 months
hearing wof discourse can be a very mixed bag but one sentiment ive seen a lot is the agonizingly powerful hatred towards humans/scavengers. I have never seen anyone say they have a favorite character and follow up with a scavenger. I’ve seen people discuss how much they want to put them through victorian-child-killing-antics. I’m convinced the fandom wants there to be a scorching 2
personally, I’m not really interested in the humans who exist in a dragon series but I hope arc four is pantala-pyrrhia relations driven instead of human driven. I would find it really bizarre if the Invincible Lord or whatever his name was rolls up and gets treated like an actual threat. “OH NO! ITS THE INVINCIBLE LORD!” like just get a dragon to lay on him, problem solved.
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wolfdog-weatherman · 3 months
Just saw some stupid youtube video hating on The Dark Secret. “A wof fan would never say book 4 is their favorite lol !!” well what about me bitch. TDS is my favorite arc 1 book and my second favorite in the whole series. TDS is my best friend, do not use her name in vain.
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shiftywing · 2 years
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their interactions were literally so funny
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