#Would like to also know how frostbreath works
lillyosaurus · 2 years
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I just think she’s a little neat a little silly hmm
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wof-reworked · 2 months
Hello! I was scrolling through your posts, enjoying myself, reading the lore, when I saw that you didn't exactly know what to do for the Great Ice Dragon. Uh, please disregard this ask if it's presumptuous of me, but I'd like to share my interpretation of the Great Ice Dragon, if you will. (Some things may not fit with your lore and I apologize!!! I'm taking my information off of the books, mostly.) So I'd like to think that Icewings were a lot more, uh, widespread. In ancient, older times, I mean. And that, slowly, they were losing spots to live that had the sufficient temperature for Icewings to be living comfortably in Pyrrhia. So an Icewing animus decided to make a place where they could all live comfortably. Either by finding an area on that map and going "there, you are now snowy and cold." Or (and this is the version that permeates the Great Ice Dragon myth) he went over there and enchanted his frostbreath so that when he used it, the land would be chilled immediately. This saves the Icewings from their loss of territory and comfortable living spaces. But stories, uh, change! So it goes from Icewing animus, to Icewing folk hero, to Icewing spirit, to The Great Ice Dragon. (Ice doesn't look like a work to me anymore.) So, uh, yeah! My interpretation of the Great Ice Dragon, if you'll have it. If not, then uh, have a nice day! Remember to hydrate!
no I love this sort of stuff, thank you so much for sharing your stuff w me, I'm kind of honored :}
I really like this myth as something for Icewings to believe, and the way it transforms over time is (chefs kiss).
I also think that would give some really cool flavor to the Great Ice Dragon since animus dragons are associated with royalty,,, of course the original idea would be far removed but even starting from animus might shape how the Great Ice Dragon is thought of,,, already he's kind of a patriarch but I think a cold, inscrutable one would suit that kind of characterization coming from an old Icewing animus.
I genuinely might adapt this into my ongoing wof lore, thank you so much !!!!
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hollyswofrewrite · 2 years
sfowefnjfwkn;l I'm trying to figure out the biology of the pantalian(?) dragons and it is just. so confusing.
For example, do rainwings secrete poison, acid, or anything else? Some poisons can burn/damage skin, but not to Queen Scarlet level, and that's not even talking about how it would have to pass through SCALES, not skin! AND HOW DO THEIR FANGS WORK. ARE THEY FELXIBLE. DO THEY HAVE TO AWKWARDLY MOVE THEIR HEAD TO AIM. WHAT IS GOING ON.
How do Sandwings survive? They don't have an easy way to get rid of heat(Ex: Big ears) aside from their 'sails' and even then that's IFFY cause I don't know if blood runs through it or not. Realistically, they should be awake during evening/dawn, or night(Based on whether the dunes get cold at night) but they seem to be active during the day?? but they can still get heatstroke??? tf is going ON with these guys.
Mudwings are fine, ig. nothing really special. Trying to make em more like crocodiles.
Nightwings are also fine- making them more like fluffy bats. Volcano idea might get scrapped/reworked, so there's that. Still gotta massively nerf Mindreading/FutureSight.
Why are Seawings so small? Do their ears fold underwater- wait, why do they go above land? They can live underwater without ever going up, and with the war and all, it would make sense if they never left. Maybe they still need to get air, but they live in coastal areas/islands and have the 'mudwings can hold their breath for an hour thing'? Would give them some actual stakes.
Skywings should have feathers/beaks. They would get cold in high altitudes, and they should just have feathers cause they have nothing else going on with them.
I am not touching Icewings with a ten foot pole. They do not radiate cold. They have fur. They live in the Taiga. I will die on this hill. (I am working on Frostbreath but basically its gonna be an animus magic thing and oh god I haven't even talked about animus magic yet.)
aeejcnjkdnddjikssk this dragon series has me by a chokehold.
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Disaster Ice Cream
Prompt: Your roommate is a hulking demon, a former warlord with millennia of combat experience, and the picture of menace and brutality. You just caught them halfway through a gallon-sized bucket of your favorite ice cream, frozen like a deer in headlights.
Prompt Source: user/quazerflame ; subreddit “Writing Prompts”
Grath, Demon Lord of the 649th battalion of Hell's Army, did not touch my personal things without permission as a general rule. It was one of those demon things, he couldn't.
The Disaster Ice Cream was an exception and like every roomate I had ever had before him, I had explained exactly what circumstances it was for and that, like a fire axe, in those circumstances it was considered communal property.
I considered for a moment.
"So... are you... okay first I'm trying to help not overstep boundaries so please take it in that spirit, this is my first time with a non-human emotional catastrophe and I can't read your body language too well. Is this a 'I need to process in peace with tissues and ice cream in private' or is this a 'two bowls and vent' kind of issue?"
Slowly, almost like he expected me to be mad at him or something, he dipped one claw in for another scoop, wide-eyed as a cat.
"I... do not know. But eating Disaster Ice Cream unobserved has not helped the situation; perhaps a listening ear or advice might be better."
Oh, his real voice was out, he hated doing that since it was so deep it tended to vibrate everything in the house. It was also warbling all over the place, the way if he was human I would call 'about to cry' or 'devastated', so I elected not to mention it.
"Two bowls it is, then. You didn't use a scrubber under your claws before you tucked in, did you?"
He looked at me funny.
"Emotional Disaster or not, you have been quite informative about the many ways germs get humans sick. I hoped to not need the entire gallon; I scrubbed my claws and skin accordingly so as not to contaminate the bucket."
"Nice, I appreciate your thoughtfulness," I said, and watched his ears lift slightly from their droop. "Most humans, by the time they need the Disaster Ice cream, can't think that far ahead. Me included at times."
He blinked, and his pupils dilated a little from the stressed pinpoints.
"So this is why venting can help. You can been where I sit with the Disaster Ice Cream."
"Not always exactly the same, but I have been in a point of emotional devastation. So, what caused this?"
"Human Kevin, at work," and now his ears were drooping again and I started stabbing the remaining half of the gallon with my spoon to get some in my bowl.
"Is Human Kevin that jerk supervisor who tried to cancel your time off request from literally last year until you got his boss involved?"
"Yes, that Kevin," he sighed gustily, and the bucket in his lap froze over anew. Frostbreath- he really felt like shit if his magic was slipping out unnoticed.
"He passed you over for that promotion, didn't he," I growled.
"How did you know?"
"People like that," I accidentally bit my spoon so my snarl was louder than intended, "are petty, vengeful, and just plain MEAN. You going over his head kept the company out of legal trouble for your leave, but it made him look bad, and in his tiny worldview was defiance of his authority."
"Human Kevin thinks he has real authority? When I have served under Hell's greatest commanders? When I have seen the Dragonsbane on the field of war? He thinks to command me?"
His voice edged high in disbelief- human Kevin was so insignificant that he didn't even warrant anger at his foolishness. Grath mostly seemed bewildered.
"Shitty managers like to power-trip by abusing what little power they have over people that rank lower than them in any way, especially in any official capacity like a job. They have no real power and never will- they don't have the willpower to make it honestly by becoming like, a soldier or general or something, so they look for people to take advantage of. Human Kevin is one of those. He desperately wants power and authority but isn't willing to do any of what it takes to earn or accumulate it. So he can 'punish' you for 'defying' him by not giving you the promotion YOU earned, but he can't stop you from transferring to a position equal to or higher than his in another department. He thinks he can be a tyrant, but he's really just a little fish in a big pond swimming with tiny fish to make himself look bigger."
Aw, my ice cream was gone.
"Ah. He is an unruly recruit who believes he is fast-tracking to officer, when he is actually fast-tracking to black board," Grath said knowingly as he emptied the last of the gallon. "Now I no longer feel bad about him calling me a poor worker, selfish, lazy, or undedicated. These are all the things HE is and wishes others to believe are not him. I know what to do with people like him. This has helped immensely. I appreciate your Disaster Ice Cream much more now, Friend."
I grinned.
"Good! Cuz you finished it, which means you get to make that cold-ass trip to get a new one!" I slapped a twenty in his hand and, laughing, saw him out the door.
Then I put in a call...
"So Human Kevin is about to get his shit wrecked. Tomorrow when G gets in to work. Let everyone know- I want SOMEONE in the office recording the fireworks. I promised his first boss if we ever made sure Kevin got what's coming to him I'd make sure he got a copy on tape."
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I think IceWings are fucked up. This sounds vague - I will explain.
Out of all the different dragon tribes, they're the ones (in my opinion) living in the most extreme habitat. This neccecates a fuckton of really niche adaptations for staying warm in extreme cold (I think their body temperature is lower than other dragons, which call for a set of funky enzymes that have a lower optimal temperature), coping with really bright light (read: they have no night vision whatsoever, something weird going on with their eyes (I don't know much about how eyes work to hypothesise details)), not to mention a frostbreath production mechanism!
This is to say that it's really hard to get IceWing hybrids because genetically they're the most evolved away from whatever common ancestor all the tribes have (that business is not convergent evolution). Why do Darkstalker and Whiteout even exist? Because Wings of Fire runs on rule of cool and Tui clearly isn't a scientist.
If you were going to try and conceive an IceWing hybrid, I'd say the easiest tribe to do it with would be the SeaWings. Why? SeaWings already (as according to my extensive headcanon) have cold weather adaptations (blubber. All SeaWings are a little chubby, that's just how they're made. I don't make the rules. AND ICEWINGS SHOULD HAVE THAT TOO (screw the pointy aesthetic. All IceWings are now more polar bear)), so those would mesh well enough, though as with any SeaWing cross there's going to be problems in the gill area but they still have lungs so it's fine, and IceWings living in a frozen water area likely aren't bad with water. (Incidentally, the easiest tribe for SeaWings to hybridise with are the MudWings and it is my firmly held belief that there are no good number of SeaWing/MudWing hybrids out there since their territories are RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER and neither tribe really maintains a strict 'keeping track of where everyone is' policy and also I bet there's a lot of overlap of where the borders between them actually are ESPECIALLY pre War of SandWing Succession)
To reiterate: any IceWing hybrid baby, if it even gets conceived, is highly likely to not have anatomy that lets it live due to things like, oh, half of it's digestive enzymes needing a different body temperature to the other half.
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do you have any idea of what a wof my hero academia human au would be like? it doesn't have to be fleshed out,i just want hcs i guess
Okay so I know you said you just wanted headcanons but this idea got my brain going and I ended up with a whole fanfiction ready to be written so expect that soon :) i'll get to the plot in a second but here's all the quirks i came up with for the main characters (third arc characters will probably come later, for now it's just the first and second arc). All these characters are half-dragon in this AU, so they still have wings, tails, and/or fire, depending on their tribe.
Quirk name: Fire Resistance
He is resistant to all fire - putting mud on his skin strengthens his Quirk and replenishes his energy. Because of this, while he was under the mountain, everyone thought he was Quirkless. It wasn’t until they escaped that he rolled around in some mud and later found out that this activated his Quirk.
Quirk name: Tsunami
She can create any amount of water, from a single droplet to a huge wave (although that takes a lot more energy). Since she grew up under a mountain, she doesn’t have much control over her Quirk, so she avoids creating large waves unless completely necessary. Similar to Clay, drinking or being in water strengthens her Quirk and replenishes her energy.
Quirk name: Jungle
She can change the colors of her skin and scales, either for camouflage or for colorful displays, and she can shoot deadly corrosive venom from her fangs.
Quirk name: Future Vision and Mind Reading
She inherited both her parent’s Quirks; she can read the mind of anyone within her range, and she can receive visions or prophecies from the future. She doesn’t have much control over her Future Vision; it’s not entirely accurate and what she sees can often be changed. Some downsides; she can’t turn off her mind reading, she can only block out thoughts temporarily. She also gets headaches from her visions or if she’s hearing too many people’s thoughts at once.
Quirk name: Frostbreath
Nicknamed “freezing death breath,” he can shoot icelike breath from his mouth that freezes anything it touches, and can even kill someone. Because of this, he also radiates cold.
Quirk name: Firescales
A mutation that causes her to be covered in scales that burn/melt almost everything that touches them - except her, of course. The only things they’re not hot enough to melt are certain kinds of metal and rock. She usually wears either armourlike clothes made of tungsten, or clothes made of fireproof scales or skin she got from the Sky Palace.
Quirk name: Animus
A mutation that is derived from the ancient magic of his dragon ancestors. This Quirk allows him to manipulate and/or enchant living and nonliving things.
Quirkless, but still has a venomous barb on his tail
Quirk name: Jungle
Same Quirk as Glory; she can change her skin/scale colors and spit deadly venom, although her venom is much weaker.
Okay, now that all the Quirks are done, let’s get to the plot. (Also, if you want me to add more characters, let me know!) My first idea for this was that Pyrrhia is a separate continent on Earth, somewhere in the ocean near Japan. Also, just for some lore or backstory or whatever so this all makes more sense, instead of the Scorching being when the dragons took over the humans, it’s when dragons integrated into human society. This results in it being more common to be half-dragon, or have dragon ancestors, than to have a Quirk. Otherwise, everything is pretty much the same.
This takes place after book 5, but instead of Jade Mountain Academy, the Dragonets of Destiny decide to move to Japan and work at UA High. How do they speak Japanese, you ask? I have no idea, but it’s my fanfiction and I get to choose the language so just pretend it makes sense. Anyway, they choose a few dragons (namely, the Jade Winglet) to take with them as exchange students, sort of. In this AU, Darkstalker is buried near UA High instead of Jade Mountain in Pyrrhia so they still have an antagonist. Also, the League of Villains kind of replaces Vulture’s Talons of Power. The Jade Winglet will still have the same name, even though the classes aren’t called winglets, since they’re still a small group of dragons, so technically they can still be called a winglet. (No, I’m not just lazy, what are you talking about?) That’s all for now, but stay tuned for part two, which will have actual headcanons!
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qibliii · 4 years
I saw one of your posts where in the tags you mused on if icebreath thaws. I've only read the first 11 1/2 books so idk if this was covered in one I haven't read, but I was thinking maybe it works similar to rainwing venom, where it doesn't thaw as easily on living organisms. That would explain how Winter's frostbreath thawed after he put out the fire in the history cave in book 6, but even sitting in lava for years Battlewinner's never thawed
“Also, an addition: it may just be particularly dangerous when exposed to flesh, but scales are relatively fine when they're hit. Bc dragons would have been hit with it all the time in the war, and in book 6(that's where I am in my reread) Moon even gets hit on her wing but she's presumably fine later. But Icicle mentioned something about "do you know what happens if you get it in your eye?" and of course there's what happened to Battlewinner”
I think it may work kind of like freezerburn? This “ice” (quotations because this is definitely not normal ice) works its way deep into the tissues of organic matter, possibly dehydrating and freezing at the same time. 
So maybe it forcibly pulls water up to the surface of flesh upon contact in order to cause the former. Scales could protect against that to some degree...
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ash-trash · 4 years
🐱 - 🏡 - 🛡️ for Rakk Smokewraith and Ink Voidbreath
(( Ink’s answers may contain Lunar plotline spoilers. ))
🐱 Were they modeled after a specific feline? Maybe a combination of some? If not, what was your inspiration?
Rakk Smokewraith: Rakk wasn’t modeled after any sort of specific feline, and I usually don’t make my charr after specific cats. That said - Rakk was one of the first characters I made, in my first weekend playing the game. At the time, I knew nothing about GW2 lore and very little about Charr, and Rakk is actually one of the few from that era that isn’t based off a pre-existing character, so... Honestly, his character looks was basically “I want something very edgy and Ashy”, hence the name and the fact that he’s dark primarily. The lighter stripes were just because I liked the inverse tiger pattern, I guess!
Ink Voidbreath: OKAY SO! Ink was originally a villain concept for Lunar’s Drizzlewood plotline but I loved them too much to let them die, and I ended up reforming/making them as a character. It actually started when I heard the song “Blinding Lights” by The Weeknd (( Yes, I’m basic. )), and the phrase “drowning in the night” really stuck with me, even out of context. I began to think of that literally, and as I’d been replaying a lot of GW1 lately (where my main is an Assassin), I had some of the Assassin’s shadowy magic abilities on the mind (especially with EoD coming up!), and I thought about mixing the two: a character who specialized in ancient magicks, manipulating shadows and darkness. Literally drowning in the “night”. As far as their physical looks, I... admittedly went very shamelessly aesthetic with this. Breath (the villain warband) was named for both breath weapons and... also the fact that I shamelessly indulged my aesthetic and had them have visible elemental breath (eg, Firebreath’s exhalations would have little bits of fire, Frostbreath’s have icy mist, and Ink’s... have this thick black “smoke” (basically elemental darkness. Shut up, it’s aesthetic.)). Other than that, I got hit with another inspiration brick and decided that I wanted them to be sort of Okami-themed (the “ink” part of the aesthetic), and be a white base Charr with a black pattern that shifts and swirls, actually being composed of their magic.
TL;DR Ink’s inspiration was “Blinding Lights” by The Weeknd, GW1′s Assassin, and Amaterasu from Okami.
🏡 Where do they live? 
Rakk Smokewraith: Although Rakk’s cover identity lives in the Citadel, he doesn’t really spend a lot of time there. He’s often out and about wherever undercover renegades/traitors/Flame are hiding, meaning he spends a lot of time in Ebonhawke, Divinity’s Reach, Lion’s Arch, and smaller encampments everywhere. Lately, he’s been in Grothmar a lot. If he had to choose a place to make his residence, he’d probably say Divinity’s Reach. Although he’s not much for humans, he does like a few things about them - they tend to smell nice, they’re smaller than him, and they prioritize comfort. DR is a city where he can get good food, a plush bed, plentiful drink, lots of grooming supplies, and still be big enough to push people around.
Ink Voidbreath: For a long while, Ink hasn’t really had a home, traveling to where their sense of duty takes them. Often, that tended to be field camps, in various renegade caves and strongholds, and most recently, in various Dominion encampments. Now that they’re “free”, they’re trying to stay unnoticed, especially with all the anti-Charr sentiment lately, and finding themselves staying in slums, thieves’ holds, and other unsavory places... However, if Ink could choose a place where they’d like to live... they’d probably say a quiet cabin in some idyllic mountain valley somewhere. Something supremely peaceful, with lots of quiet, and calm, and a minimum of neighbors. Maybe some fields of wildflowers. If forced to pick on a map, probably somewhere in the Woodland Cascades, well-isolated from the events of the world.
🛡️ Weapons?
Rakk Smokewraith: Being primarily Ash, Rakk’s weapons of choice are his daggers. However, they’re mostly for show. He’s a runt, and he knows it, and so when it actually comes to combat, he prefers to let his necromancy do the fighting. Between undead minions and dark magic, he’s got enough tricks up his sleeve to handle just about anything he needs to. Although he carries a pistol to keep up appearances, and knows how to use it, he’s a terrible shot, and so it’s mostly just for show. He doesn’t have any sort of sentimental attachment to his weapons, and isn’t really the sentimental kind of Charr to begin with. What matters most to him is usually how good/fancy it looks, with a little bit of focus on how well-made it is. Usually, the more expensive, the better ;)
Ink Voidbreath: Ink, fitting with their training and their chosen expertise, also prefers dual daggers! Although they have a lot of potent magic at their disposal, a lot of it isn’t solely offensive, so they have to rely on their weapons a lot. They tend to be pretty confident with any sort of bladed weapon, though light-weight is better. They’ve tried to forge weapons from shadow magic, or simply enhance their weapons with their magic, but to no success yet - nothing competes with good steel, and they’ve made sure that their daggers are the best quality. As far as special attachment to any sort of weapon, Ink does have a special knife! Upon graduating from the Fahrar, Ink’s initial warband all received custom trench knives - the finest material, and engraved artistically - both a weapon and a work of art. Now, given that it’s all they have to remember their initial warband with, it’s too precious to fight with, especially given how revealing/identifying the engraving would be.
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