#shes literally sitting in lava man
lillyosaurus · 2 years
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I just think she’s a little neat a little silly hmm
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cozage · 1 year
OMG HIII I LOVE YOUR WRITINGGG this is gonna be my first request ever (literally having a nervous breakdown) but I wanted to request a fem reader who is the bio daughter of whitebeard and comes back after 2 years of shinobi training to meet the new crew member Fire fist ace! and can you pls make it a short fic (I cannot fathom the words of how obsessed I am with this man IFDFJDKDGJK) (also can she have a DF that's associated with lava? pls and thank you *literally bowing*)
A/N: God this was so adorable to write. I'm so obsessed with this fun little story. Literally once I started writing I couldn't stop. thank u 
Characters: female reader, Ace, Marco, Whitebeard & Crew
Cw: alcohol, drunk reader
Total word count: 2.3k
Part 2 | Table of Contents | Read on A03
The Daughter’s Return Chapter 1: The Promised Position
The vivre card in your hand continued to move forward, but you could see the familiar outline of the Moby Dick ahead of you, and you grinned at the sight of being so close to your family again. You had been training for two years, and you couldn’t wait to catch up with your friends and your father after being apart for so long.
Your small boat looked even tinier as the giant ship loomed closer to you, but you weren’t concerned. Blue flames shot into the sky from the blue ship, and you sent out a stream of lava into the air in return. It was your code to the first division commander and friend, proof that you were who they were expecting. 
You saw a creature with blue flamed wings shoot into the sky, and you gathered up your things. You only had a small backpack and a few bags of food, so there wasn’t much to pack up. You said goodbye to your small raft, thanking it for its usefulness during your journey.
Marco landed on your boat, and you squealed in delight seeing your brother again. He wrapped you up in a hug and spun you around, laughing gleefully at your return. 
“Pops is going to be thrilled to see you,” he said, sitting you down. He ruffled your hair affectionately, smiling at you. “Missed you, kid.”
“Missed you too, Marco,” you said, grinning at him. You picked up a bag, handing it off to him to carry back to the ship. 
“You’ve grown!” he commented. “I can’t look down at you anymore.”
You gave him a cheeky grin. “I’m stronger too.” 
“You better be!” He laughed. “Pops didn’t smuggle you into Wano for you to come back the same!”
“Maybe he’ll finally make me commander now.” You stared up at the ship, thinking of the goal you’d been working towards since the beginning of your training. 
“About that…” Marco trailed off, and you shot him a suspicious look. 
He sighed, deciding to prepare you. “Pop’s filled the second division commander seat, actually.”
“What?” you hissed. “You’re joking.”
“I’m not.”
“With who?” you demanded. You refused to believe him. “I thought nobody wanted it.”
“It’s a new guy.”
“A new guy?” you scoffed. “You’re pulling my leg, Marco. It’s not funny.”
Marco looked nervous talking about it. “Let’s go see Pops, alright? He’ll explain.” 
You scowled, and your stomach clenched in anticipation. “Yeah, let’s go. I have some words to say to him.”
Marco wrapped his arms around your torso and extended his phoenix wings. “I’m glad to see you’re still a hothead.” You could hear the teasing in your voice, but you weren’t in the mood for jokes anymore. 
“Shinobi training can’t fix everything,” you grumbled. You could feel your skin getting warm, a sign you were letting your emotions get to you. 
You heard a lot of low whispers and mumbling, but you paid the new recruits no mind as you stormed across Moby Dick. Your father wasn’t on the deck, so you continued on to the command room. 
“DAD!” you screamed, and you could see some of the newer members slink away from you in fear. A part of you felt some pride to have such an impact, but you were too pissed to revel in it.
You slammed the command room door open to find your father speaking with another man you didn’t recognize, but you paid the guest no mind. You were too focused on settling the score of the second division commander seat.
Whitebeard smiled at you. “Y/N! You’re-”
“You bastard!” you shrieked. You pulled out a kunai, pointing it at your old man. “You promised!”
The unknown man threw a knife and knocked the kunai out of your hand, and you turned to glare at him. He was shirtless and was wearing an obnoxious orange hat, and he was returning your gaze with a look of equal irritation. 
“Stay out of this, newbie,” you hissed at the man. 
You reached into your pouch to grab another kunai, but he lunged at you, grabbing your wrist to stop you.
“I don’t know who you are,” the man said in a low, dangerous voice. “But you have no right attacking Pops the moment you get on our ship.”
“Stay out of my affairs,” you snarled. 
You turned your wrist to lava rocks to burn his hand, but at first the man didn’t react. You frowned, turning up the heat to liquidize your arm into magma, and finally the man pulled away in pain. He looked down at his hand in shock, as if he wasn’t expecting to be burned. You couldn’t blame him. It’s not everyday someone’s skin turns into boiling liquid. 
Whitebeard laughed loud and hearty, breaking the tension between you and the man, and you refocused your anger back to your father. 
“Never a dull moment with you around, kid! It’s great to have you back,” he laughed, and your face flushed with anger. 
“You promised me a commander position when I got back,” you yelled at him. “Who the hell did you give it to instead?”
Whitebeard laughed even harder. “That would be Ace.”
“Who the hell is Ace?” you hissed. 
The shirtless man raised his hand. “Uh-”
“I said stay out of my affairs!” You could feel steam coming off your head. Sometimes that happened when you got too angry.
The man pointed at himself. “Me. I’m Ace.”
You could feel your insides turning hot, lava coursing through your veins. 
“You’re joking,” you said. You glanced at your father, who was still smirking at the two of you. “He’s joking, right?”
You father raised his eyebrows, his gaze darting between the two of you, but he said nothing.
“Portgas D. Ace,” the man said, holding out a hand to you. You rolled your eyes and turned away from him, facing your father. 
“This guy?'' Your voice was full of skepticism. 
“Hey!” Ace yelled from behind you. “Don’t underestimate me!”
“I could squash you like a bug,” you shot back, still refusing to look at him. “Dad-”
“The decision was made with good reason, my girl,” Whitebeard said. “You’ll be working alongside him closely in the second division.”
“No, I won’t,” you laughed, rolling your eyes at his suggestion. 
“Yes, you will.” You could hear the seriousness in your father’s voice, the warning of consequences thick in his tone. 
You decided it was best to not outright defy him, and you switched your tactic from stubborness to logic.
“I’ve always been under Marco,” you reasoned.
“You’ll be better suited in the second division now.” You could feel Ace smirking behind you, and you resisted the urge to turn around and punch his teeth out. 
“Let me get this straight,” you said, trying to keep a level voice. “You give my commander position away and then tell me I have to work under the guy who took it from me?”
Ace laughed. “The second division position has been open for-”
You flicked a volcanic rock back at him, and he yelped in pain. 
“Marco is a fire user like me,” you worked to plead your case further. “And I know him. I would work better under him.”
“The first division is a medical division now,” your father explained. You could see you were testing his patience, but you didn’t care. “Your talents are better served on the offensive front, which Ace leads.”
“Plus,” your father added, cutting you off. “Ace is a fire user as well.”
You felt warmth spring up behind you, but you refused to give Ace the satisfaction of being acknowledged.
“I’m not wavering on this decision,” he said with finality. 
You felt your father’s conqueror’s haki spread out over the ship, and you knew that you had lost the argument. You could hear Ace stumble slightly behind you, and you resisted the urge to argue even further over the man’s weakness. At this point it would only make your father angry, even if you were right. 
“Fine, fine,” you sighed, giving up. There’d be plenty of time to talk with him about the position and prove your worth. “Can we at least have a party?”
Whitebeard’s overwhelming presence disappeared and his jolly laugh returned in an instant, already forgetting your alls squabble. He stood up, wrapping you in a comforting embrace, leading you past Ace and out onto the deck. 
“My daughter has returned home!” he shouted, and the crew cheered. “Prepare a feast!”
At least the party life on the Moby Dick hadn’t changed at all. You could still beat just about anyone in a drinking contest, and by halfway through the night, your mind was cloudy from the alcohol. 
You took a step away from the party and the fun to get a moment alone with the stars. You took a drink of the ale in your tankard, staring up at the million lights in the sky and thinking about how different the constellations looked during your time in Wano. You were so close to that country and those people, yet so far. 
“I think we got off on the wrong foot,” a male voice said behind you, startling you from your thoughts. 
You glanced back to find Portgas D. Ace walking towards you, looking up at the night sky. He was attempting to be casual about the whole thing, as if he had randomly found you here, but you could tell that he had most likely searched you out on purpose.
You rolled your eyes and turned away from him. He wasn’t even worth giving the time of day. He hadn’t done anything to prove he was anything special yet.
But Ace obviously wasn’t willing to give up that easily, because he came and stood directly next to you. His eyes were still on the sky, just like yours were. 
“I just feel like since we’re going to be working together, we should probably get to know each other a little better,” he said. 
You thought of plenty of snarky responses, but said none of them. You knew the silent treatment would be the best way to shut him down. Portgas D. Ace was not your friend. You wanted nothing to do with him. 
“Are you happy to be back on the ship?”
Still nothing came out of your mouth. You didn’t even look his way, you simply took another long drink. But you could see him starting to pout. It was only a matter of time before he gave up and returned to the party. You just had to keep your mouth shut. 
“All the guys said you had a pretty smoking ability. But I dunno, I think my fire ability is pretty hot.”
You scoff at that. “I’m hotter,” you shot back. 
Damn him. He could rile you up, and he knew exactly how to. You could see him smirk in the corner of your eye, and you cursed yourself for being so easy to manipulate. 
“That’s what they all said too,” he said quietly, a smile still lingering on his face. 
You turned to look at him, your face full of frustration. “What do you want?” 
He seemed surprised by your question. “What do you mean?”
“Why are you speaking to me?” you demanded. “What do you want?”
“Wh-No-I just-” Ace stammered, trying to find his words. 
You stared at him, your scowl deepening every time he started his sentence over. 
“You’re Whitebeard’s daughter, aren’t you?” he finally asked. 
“Yeah. And?”
“I’ve just heard a lot about you,” he said. 
“I dunno,” he said. “You intrigued me.”
You scowled at him. “What the hell does that mean?”
“I dunno!” He let out an exasperated sigh, turning his gaze to the stars. “You were just this larger than life story people always told since I got on this ship. Everyone always had something to say about you. I guess I just wanted to know how much of it was true.”
“All of it is true,” you said.
Ace let out a laugh, and then clamped his hand over his mouth to stop himself. “I really hope not.”
Your eye twitched, and you could feel your skin starting to tingle. “If people are lying about me, they’ll pay for it.”
“Marco talked about you like you were this sweet little kid.”
“Marco’s delusional.”
Ace laughed again, and this time he didn’t stop himself. You found yourself smiling along with him. 
“He definitely sees the best in people,” Ace said.
You shot him a look. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
You could see Ace tense. “Oh, nothing! I-”
You let out joyous rings of laughter now, and you see Ace give a strained smile, mostly unsure of how to react to your sudden friendliness. 
“You’re funny, Portgas D. Ace.” You go to take another sip of alcohol, just to find your cup empty. You frowned at it, and turned to go find more booze. 
“I’ll get it,” Ace offered, holding out his hand to take your cup. “I’m empty too.”
You nod, handing it off to him. The party was so loud anyway. You preferred the quiet atmosphere this late in the night. He strode away, and you watched him go, your father’s emblem displayed proudly on his back. He still wasn’t anything special, but at least he wasn’t scared of you like half of the crew. 
You hadn’t realized how much alcohol you had drank throughout the night until you were alone, and suddenly the world was spinning. You laid down on the deck to get your bearings, and then found yourself stuck there. 
When Ace came back, he found you sprawled out, staring upwards. 
“You okay?” he asked. He bent down to look at you, his face obscuring part of the sky. 
You giggled. “Your freckles look like stars.”
“You’re drunk.”
“No you’re drunk.”
He chuckled. “Your insults get worse as the night goes on.”
You stuck your tongue out at him, and then patted the deck next to you. “Come lay down.”
He obliged, his head resting next to yours. “What are we looking for?” he questioned. 
“Shhhh!” you hissed, pressing a finger to his mouth. “You’ll scare them away.”
You felt his lips turn upward against your finger, but he was quieter when he spoke. 
“What are we looking for?” he whispered. 
“Shooting stars!” you whispered back. 
“Oh,” Ace whispered. “Of course.”
“Tell me when you find one,” you said quietly. “I’m going to rest my eyes for a minute.”
You’re not sure if he ever found one. You were asleep before he responded.
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icycoldninja · 4 months
Hi, can i request Vergil x jealous fem!reader.
I’ve seen people do the other way around but Vergil is too damn fine for girls to ignore. Reader is normally shy but when the other women dose not get the hint that Vergil is taken while also mistreating the reader, she lashes out to the point Vergil has to get her out of there since they were causing a scene in the restaurant. Reader gets embarrassed and ashamed but Vergil ends up comforting her <3
Yes, he is fine as hell, lol. Here ya go, enjoy!
Too good for you (Vergil x jealous!fem!Reader angst/fluff)
Folding your arms in your seat at the quaint, cozy restaurant Vergil had taken you to, you grumbled at the scene before you, your dissatisfaction very clearly expressed on your face.
Your boyfriend Vergil had decided to take you to a cute little restaurant for dinner as opposed to something fancier simply for the homely atmosphere. Honestly, at this point, you were beginning to wish he'd taken you somewhere fancier because if he did, there would be a less likely chance of the waitresses crowding around your table, chattering away at him as they were now.
"Oh my God, look at his muscles!" One of them squealed, reaching out to poke Vergil's bicep. After seeing this, you wished he hadn't chosen to take off his cost to eat.
"And his hands are so big and strong," Another cooed, this one a dumb looking bimbo with too much makeup and dry hair.
"He is so good looking, I'm folding like clean laundry!" Giggled yet another woman whose face you couldn't see, to a bitchy-looking girl who had way too many lip fillers.
"I know, right?" She cackled, lightly running her hands, adorned with ridiculously long neon pink talons down Vergil's forearm.
These women--no--these bitches were treating Vergil more like an object to be admired rather than a person, seeing as they weren't respecting his personal space, or yours for that matter.
"Could I sit there?" Asked one woman, pointing to your seat. When you looked up to meet her face, you nearly recoiled in shock--she looked like a literal clown with her face paint and awful hairdo, not to mention her weird looking outfit that seemed to have been together from whatever she could find in a local high school's lost and found box.
"N-no...no, you can't," You finally answered, once you'd regained your ability to speak. In response to your words, the woman pouted, but did not leave. Instead, she seized your arm and began pulling on you in an attempt to get you out of your seat, that you were paying for. Good God, the entitlement of this woman!
Vergil himself ignored the women harassing him; it didn't bother him one bit, he'd endured worse at the hands of Mundus. But to see you being harassed by anyone at all made him put his foot down.
"Take your hands off her," He commanded, staring at the woman with a glare cold enough to freeze lava.
The woman, visibly upset, moodily took her hands off you and stalked away, though once she left, several more took her place. Groaning internally, you focused your attention on the table, trying so very hard to tune out the world around you. Vergil saw this, obviously, and reached across the table for your hand, giving it a gentle, reassuring squeeze.
You'd think by now, the women would have gotten the hint that the man they were fawning over was already taken, but nooooo. These girls were either idiots or they thought they could steal your boyfriend right out from under you. All of them. At once.
There was a severe lack of braincells in that room, unfortunately.
As you were trying so very hard to ignore these pests, one girl had the audacity to remark,
"You, girl, are way out of your league. He's too good for you."
"Yeah, bestie. Seriously though," Another girl scoffed. "He's male model hot, and you're just, well, basic."
"Yup, pretty basic bitch right here," Chimed in the third. "It makes no sense, why do ugly girls get all the fine men?" The girls were now talking amongst themselves about you, rather than to you.
"Honestly, he should just leave her,'" Sighed one of the girls. "He can do so much better."
At that point, you lost all the last shreds of self control you had left. With a screech unfamiliar to even your own brain, you lifted your glass of water and splashed it on the girls, effectively soaking their shirts and pants. Squealing like the little piggy that went "wee, wee, wee," all the way home, the girls fled from the scene, naturally causing a great deal of confusion and tension to arise in the restaurant.
You caught sight of a manager approaching you, as did Vergil, who immediately leapt from his seat, slipped on his coat, took your hand in his, and briskly led you out the door.
The two of you walked in silence for some time before you decided to speak up.
"I'm sorry, Vergil." You sighed, sounding sadder than you meant to.
"For what?" He replied, turning to look at you.
"For...ruining our dinner date...and causing a scene...and embarrassing the both of us in public..." You let out a shaky, nervous sigh which quickly turned into a small gasp of surprise when Vergil let go of your hand and thew his arm around your shoulder, pulling you close to him.
"You have nothing to apologize for." He told you, sternly.
"I...don't?" You asked, confused.
"Not at all." He affirmed, rubbing small circles into your shoulder with his thumb. "It was simply an act of jealousy. I would have done the same, had our roles been reversed." He paused a moment before adding with a smile,
"I am proud of you for standing up for yourself, and me." A tiny, unintentional gasp left you as you stared up at him, noting how his cold blue eyes glowed with a warmth reserved only for moments like this between the two of you.
"Really?" You inquired, almost breathlessly.
"Absolutely. It shows you have power, that you are willing to fight when necessary. It means you are motivated," Vergil said, leaning down to plant a soft and brief kiss on your forehead. "Do not stress over it any longer. Let us return home. We will continue our dinner date there."
You chuckled, wrapping your arms around Vergil's torso, clinging onto him as you walked--a very rare occurrence, which you savored. Now that your jealousy was gone, you had to admit, those women had a point: Vergil really was too good for you.
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lalasworld2x · 2 months
Shredder With Baby
Requested by @keiko89yo !
• Omg he’s going to be so gentle and protective after the birth. Like nobody is allowed near you without your permission, otherwise they will be shredded.
• He’s already planning all of the training they will be doing throughout the course of their life.
• You obviously check the training plans, just to make sure this kid won’t be Tarzaning over pits of lava anytime soon.
• “Karai, I’m going to make myself very clear. Under no circumstances will this child be hurt. Ever. Do you understand me?” “Yes, Father…” “Good.”
• Don’t even think about moving to do anything ever, he’s got this all covered.
• There will be at least two or three Foot members in the room with you at all times, even if Shredder’s there. You argue about them being in the bedroom with you, so you compromise with them sitting just outside the door and the windows and the roof.
• Weaponised incompetence?? Who’s she?? We don’t know her around here. This man will literally become your butler.
• He’ll give you as many massages as you want, make you as comfortable as you want. You wanna sleep all day? Be his guest!
• Even with all this kindness and compassion, he still keeps a hard facade on, mainly around any members of The Foot or his other employees. Can’t get too lovey dovey, can we?
• He never cared what sex the baby would be, he knew he would still train them the same anyways.
• If the baby was already diagnosed with any conditions or illnesses, he will do everything in his power to make sure this baby was okay.
• Only the best midwives and doctors for Oroku’s partner.
• He’s so gentle with the baby, it’s adorable!
• He doesn’t exactly spend time with the baby most dads would, but also, Shredder isn’t exactly like most men in general-
• Oroku’s favourite part about this baby (besides the fact that they’re his biological offspring obviously) is their eyes. You’ll always find him stroking the baby’s head as he’s staring into the baby’s gorgeous eyes.
• He’ll wear a shirt around the house less so Baby can have more skin-to-skin contact during the day.
• He’s not super picky with baby names, but he would definitely love a badass name. He would also love a beautiful cultural name, whether it be Japanese or from your own cultural background.
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doverstar · 10 months
abed/annie is my community otp, so I would love to hear your essay if you’re willing to share ♥️
girl it would be my pleasure
this is going to be an absolutely enormous word-vomit, please prepare-
I want to start off by saying I actually think Abed is genuinely a little bit crazy. Yes, he might be on the spectrum or have some disorder but the show is so loose with that it never really confirms it, so I’m not going to confirm it either, I just think there’s something-something-spectrum there but I’m not educated enough to understand exactly what they’re communicating he has or is dealing with. I think the safest thing to assume is indeed that he’s insane (he said it himself; he saw literal lava when Troy was leaving) but in a small, functional, unique way that doesn’t make him dangerous except when he wants to cut people’s arms off because “Evil Abed has taken over” hello someone do something about that –
Anyway. It’s super difficult for me to understand what goes on in his head episode-to-episode, but with Annie it’s actually easier? Abed has such a specific set of needs when it comes to relationships that it’s a miracle he found the study group at all. He’s so smart and creative and he’s actually very empathetic and sweet but he doesn’t always seem to know how to express things.
Annie is clearly Abed’s second-best friend in the show (it helps that the actor/actress are best friends too). When he can’t turn to Troy, he can always turn to Annie. She understands him and there’s never been a point where we see that start or end—it just naturally happened and they’re both used to it. Abed is always touching her, always sitting by her, always making eye contact with her, and if you pay close attention to even background scenes, he’s measuring her reactions to things more often than anyone else’s. If I had to guess, I think she’s the group member he understood faster than any of the others. Abed (this is, from what I’m told, part of being on the spectrum? but like I said I am uneducated and don’t want to definitively say something the show decided not to be clear about) needs certain things to be a certain way, or he can’t operate normally. He panics, or gets angry, or tries to mutilate Jeff Wingers. He genuinely thinks he is crazy, and he genuinely thinks no one he meets will be able to deal with him for an extended amount of time. (Let’s begin at the beginning from his POV.) Abed meets Annie (and the group), and she seems like the typical Molly Ringwald girl-next-door; pretty, smart, wants popularity, ambitious. That’s why he chose her when he created the study group. Annie is all of these cliched things, but hey, quickly it’s pretty clear Annie needs things to be a certain way. Annie needs structure and lists and good grades. So she gets it when Abed needs that, what a pleasant surprise! And part of that is that Annie empathizes with everyone around her, without even trying, so much so that she’s depicted often as the heart of the whole study group. She gets Abed, both because they’re the same in lots of ways and they’re the opposite. She can crush easily, explode easily, cry easily, laugh easily. Everything Abed has no idea how to emote. Annie is a volcano of emotions, and they’re triggered most when she’s feeling because of or on behalf of other people.
So here’s this girl near his own age who is orderly and structured, and knows how other people feel and can enter in with them emotionally, including Abed. She’s so nice, and tries so hard. She’s even good at playing pretend (Mixology Certification, party of one?). What a perfect leading lady for the life-movie Abed sees everywhere he goes (because that’s how he makes sense of the world). Annie is the ideal female star he’d want in any story: the girl full of passion and drive.
But then there’s Jeff—the study group’s Judd Nelson—presumably the perfect leading man. When Abed first handpicks the group in the pilot and first season, Jeff wants Britta. Hey, that makes sense, Britta seems to be the leading lady type, actually! She’s nice, she’s strong, she’s beautiful. Works perfectly. And look, Annie wants Troy—the brainy bubbly girl wants the dumb jock, that makes sense too. Everything works. Then things start changing within the dynamic. Troy is actually not that dumb, and not that sports-obsessed—he’s fun, and he’s the ideal bro for Abed, but he doesn’t work with Annie. Britta is not that nice, and not that strong—she’s bad at everything, and she doesn’t understand people, she just wants to and is constantly trying to portray (and then hopefully become) the kind of person that does. And Jeff is a stunted jerk who needs reformation.
Oh, Annie is Abed’s friend now too. She said it herself, and that’s rare in Abed’s life. She called them really good friends, and that’s so important to him that he’ll sit in a room for 26 straight hours with nothing to do because Annie asked him to do it. Troy is not the only character Abed would give up control for. There’s one other from the start, because the moment she told him with all her earnest doe-eyedness they were friends, she had him hook line and sinker.
Season 1 progresses. Jeff and Britta might still work, and Abed seems mildly interested in that if only for the cliches—maybe Britta can make him better. No, wait, Britta is bad at that too. Actually, they’re not good for each other. Actually, they’re bad for each other—they’re bad for everyone. But they have similar terrible flaws and habits, so maybe they do make a good pair. Still fine leads. Still works. And besides, Annie has filled in the place of Troy with hippie Vaughn, which is also fine. Doesn’t really work long-term, but Jeff and Britta drive the plot forward more anyway, so the focus should be on them, right? The group is working. The group is thriving. The TV of life moves along.
(Except Jeff kissed Annie to win the Man Is Good/Evil debate. And Abed predicted it. Which means he was thinking about that as a possibility, because he operates on variables and tries to understand outcomes so that he’s not surprised by anything and can keep his friends for longer by relating to and reacting to them better. Jeff has leading man vibes, Annie has leading lady vibes, that’s one potential outcome. And though he insists he’s just making hypotheses based on what he’s learned about his friends so far, when it does happen right in front of them in real life, they kiss, Abed is just as shocked as the others—he literally can’t take his eyes off them until the debate is won. Then afterward, he tells Shirley he can’t predict the future and uses his plans for Pierce being discovered as a genius next in his home-movies as an example, which he believes would never happen—then Britta calls Pierce a genius right in front of him and Abed looks visibly concerned. Maybe what he predicts about his friends will keep happening, even the things he thinks are the least likely of the potential outcomes. Maybe even Jeff and Annie as the two leads. But that doesn’t make sense, does it? Jeff and Britta are endgame, aren’t they? Annie is too young for a leading man like Jeff. Annie is too nice; Jeff is too selfish. Annie is gorgeous and driven, Jeff is handsome and needs fixing, that would work, no, it would change things too much, it’s too unlikely, back to Jeff and Britta, back to playing with Troy and studying film, don’t give it a second thought—)
Transfer dance happens. Annie is going away for the summer with Vaughn. Classic Annie, has his back, always doing the better thing for the plot, bringing a good end-of-Season twist, but it’s okay, as far as he knows she’ll be back in the fall and besides, Abed’s got to-roomie-or-not-roomie with Troy issues to deal with.
And then the new semester starts after the transfer dance. And Anthropology 101 happens (again, one of my favorite episodes for the group fight at the end when it comes to my lil ships). I’M GONNA TALK ABOUT ANTHROPOLOGY 101 NOW. For A CHUNK of time. Jeff and Britta are doing relationship-drama stuff Abed doesn’t quite care about, until Shirley suggests he’s being selfish and that a real friend would enter into Jeff and Britta’s [incredibly fake and nasty] “happiness” and Abed thinks that could work. Actually, progressing Jeff and Britta’s relationship is a goal he can definitely work with. In fact, if you pay attention to the show, whenever there is an opportunity to advance or out Jeff/Britta, Abed takes that opportunity. And whenever there is an opportunity to put JeffAnnie in an uncomfortable or inevitable, c’est la vie light (which two independence-heavy freaks like Jeff and Annie would consider negatively) he takes that too.
Abed urges Jeff/Britta to get married right there in the library before the fight, gives them the ring, because he thinks that’s the next logical step in their grossness. Special episode, all about Jeff/Britta, endgame endgame endgame! He can work with that. In fact, he’s happy to control that. He leaves the room to inexplicably get an Irish singer, dead-ringer Clooney, and a transportable wedding set.
When he comes back and tries to prep the group for the special wedding episode, everyone is tense and Jeff is bleeding from the nose, and Abed does not notice; he’s intent on advancing the plot and the endgame. Then Troy says, “Abed. Jeff made out with Annie.” And Abed’s immediate reaction is “What? Where? When?” And he looks unhappy, like the rest of them. Jeff made out with Annie, and that means everything Abed thought he understood is incorrect. (And I think it bothers the crap out of him and he doesn’t have the ability to unpack why that is the way most people do because he’s different. Surely he’s just angry for the same reasons the rest of the group is? That must be it. That must be why he’s angry specifically with Jeff, not Britta in any tangible way, or even Annie in a tangible way—until later, which I’ll talk about eventually.) Annie tells him they kissed after the transfer dance in a guilty voice, which is a sheepishness she does not respond with to any of the other members of the group. It’s almost like she’s picking up on Abed’s emotion specifically this time. And while everyone else in the group explodes, and Jeff reduces his kiss with Annie to something he should be ashamed of (accurate) because men are monsters who crave young flesh and Annie looks absolutely crushed like a deer in the headlights, Abed starts packing up to leave. And we only see how angry he is right then—he doesn’t enter into anyone else’s problems. We see him react to “Jeff made out with Annie”, and then this is the next time we see him react. Jeff asks where he’s going and Abed throws out a quippy “I now pronounce you cancelled” with a bounce of his eyebrows in an angry way, at Jeff, and when he tries to leave Jeff hurls insults at his back and Abed stops in the doorway, in a normal-person—again, angry—way and turns around and drops one of the sickest burns of the whole show, that TV makes sense and has “likeable leading men”, and says “In life, we have this. We have you.” And walks out. His anger is not directed at anybody else. He doesn’t help Troy with the Pierce situation. He doesn’t try to fix any of it. It’s like he heard “Jeff made out with Annie”, learned the specifics, and was standing there reeling until eventually he decided he couldn’t deal and went to leave, and wouldn’t have shown just how angry he was with Jeff unless Jeff had provoked him, which he did.
let me pretend I’m a 14-year-old shippy fangirl in my reasoning, okay-
Abed likes logic, and as Season 2 continues, Jeff/Annie gets more and more logical. In fact, even though he has noticed that Jeff and Britta are secretly hooking up in the background of the Season, he is not surprised in Paradigms of Human Memory when Annie calls Jeff out for the will-they-won’t-they he’s been enacting with her, and even says there is something between the two of them, matter-of-factly, which Jeff refuses to own up to. But Abed and Annie are getting closer and closer, too. It’s subtle, but it’s clear they’re 100% comfortable around each other. That becomes super clear by Abed’s Uncontrollable Christmas, when, besides Troy, Annie is the only other character to enter into Abed’s way of thinking and play with him, because it’s genuinely important to him and she recognizes that this is what he needs, when everyone else kind of drops off. She helps Abed and Troy stop Duncan from dealing with Abed in a practical, normal way, because she sees that Abed is dealing with something and can only deal with it his way to get through it. That’s incredibly rare for Abed, we see. He’s very attached to her—like I said, often touching her, often sitting by her, often reacting to her.
(I mean hi, in English As A Second Language, Abed thinks he won’t be affected by Annie’s Disney Face; when everyone else obeys Jeff in closing their eyes to it, Abed doesn’t. “Oh don’t worry about me, I can only connect to people through...movies...” literally stops in his tracks when he sees her Disney Face with the cutest wistful twitch of a smile. Jeff has to Indiana-Jones-reference him to make him look away. He doesn’t only connect to people through movies—at least, Annie can get through to him without the need of movies; he’s not a quirky lil robot, he can have normal feelings, but boy does it seem like Annie is the one bringing them out of him more often than most. she gets under his skin ajhzsdkejdb-)
Abed definitely has a crush on Annie. But he doesn’t know how to deal with that or portray it. To his mind, Annie should be with a leading man. Any time he flirts with her, he is pretending to be a leading man from a movie or show. (For a Few Paintballs More, anyone?) Because that’s who she should be paired off with. And that’s what she wants, right? She loooves Jeff Winger now. Britta’s not the leading lady, she never was, that role was always Annie’s, and it makes sense she wants Jeff, and it makes even more sense that Abed is observing the love story, not part of it. Abed is not the leading man, he’s the computer. He watches, analyzes, does not get involved or get the girl.
But he still wants her around, and he can have that much—in fact, when he moves in with Troy and Annie tells him she loves their place, Abed instantly suggests she move in. Not Abed and Troy. Just Abed, and he does not discuss it with his roommate. And Troy seems confused and surprised and gives Abed such an interesting look right after. Annie moves in, Abed agrees to sacrifice some of his routine for her (blanket fort for he and Troy, full bedroom for Annie), things are happy. Things are fine. She puts away his buttered noodles when he’s not finished with them, but she adapts to his needs when he expresses he doesn’t want her to do that; she breaks his Batman DVD but he adapts by forgiving her in a role he can express that in—Batman himself, plus, bonus, he gets to flirt with her as that leading man—and things are better. But then Annie starts trying to control things. Annie starts trying to make life go according to the movie in her head. She tries to get Britta and Troy together, which not only robs Abed of his best friend for a day and disrupts his routine, it makes him angry with Annie. And not just because she tampered with the group’s dynamic, which he doesn’t want anyone else but him to do. okay we’re caught up NOW I get to talk about Virtual Systems Analysis, which is my FAVORITE COMMUNITY EPISODE-
Throughout that episode, Annie is trying to speak in Abed’s language in the Dreamatorium in order to teach him empathy. In the past, she’s had success in communicating with him on his level, but this seems extra hard for some reason. She sees somehow through his expressionless face right away and sees he is angry with her, and though he tries to deflect by saying she’s going to ruin the group by meddling, she eventually does recognize what the problem is. At first she’s convinced Abed just wants Abed’s way and that he needs to be taught how to think of others first (she’s right), but he hears her say that to Troy and it spirals him right into the worry he always has—that he’s crazy, that he’s a problem, that he’ll never fit in because of that, and that when Annie (and anyone else) tries to deal with or fix him, they will get sick of it, give up, and toss him aside. He was already angry with her for a different reason, not just wanting his way again—but now he’s sure she’s done with Abed, too. So he becomes someone else, everyone else, to make his point: that she’s just messing with Britta and Troy so that nothing will stand in the way of her and Jeff.
DO YOU KNOW WHAT HE SAYS WHEN HE IS PRETENDING TO BE JEFF TO HER? He says, “With Abed gone, and Troy and Britta together, there’s nothing standing in the way of us.” With Abed gone. Why did he say that? Because with Abed gone, Annie gets to be in control of everyone? Obviously not. Or is it because out of everyone, every variable, the only other match that makes sense for Britta is Troy and the only other match that makes sense for Annie is-
Oops, Freudian slip. Oh, she’s not falling for it. And Abed is mad at her because he thinks she set up Britta and Troy so she could be with Jeff. Abed is mad that that’s what she wants. And when she tries to argue it’s not, he literally pretends he is her, logicking it out at her, trying to convince her that that is what she wants, because that’s what he thinks she wants, and her controlling things to cause JeffAnnie makes him mad. But c’est la vie, it’s inevitable anyway, right? Why isn’t she seeing that? Why is she trying to talk about him, he doesn’t want to talk about him, especially not after what she said about him— Then she fights back and tells him that she does not love Jeff, she loves the idea of being loved and if she can teach a guy like Jeff to love her, she’ll never be alone. And then she finds out that’s what Abed is afraid of, too. No—that’s what Abed is used to. “I’ve run the simulations, Annie. I don’t get married. [Why is that the first thing he said?] I don’t etc. etc.”
He’s afraid he’ll be alone, and people will always be getting tired of him and throwing him away. Didn’t Annie get tired of him? But she doesn’t, she’s not—in fact, she understands him. She shows him other members of the group understand that feeling, too. She uses his language to explain to him that he’s wrong, and that neither of them should be trying to make life go according to a script in their heads. Abed sees that she does understand, and if she can get into his head and understand him, she really can do it with anyone, and if she can do it, maybe he can too. Annie helps him and makes him a better person, because she reminds him to empathize, which is something Abed didn’t think he could do. Okay I just spent a long time talking about Abed’s perspective. A tiny bit of Annie now, because this is going on too long. As for Annie, she is afraid of being alone and unloved. She’s “psycho”, she’s crazy too, because someone who empathizes that much and can exude that much emotion does seem crazy to other people. She’s a different crazy than Abed, but her brand of psycho lends itself well to getting and communicating with him, because his crazy is escapism and her crazy is confrontation. His crazy is emotionless, her crazy is emotional. His crazy is control, her crazy is compassion. Her parents cut her off, her high school shunned her, Troy never noticed her, of course she’s scared of being ditched. Of being unimportant. Annie’s need to be perfect comes from the need to feel valued. And doesn’t Abed understand the need to not feel left alone? Doesn’t he understand everything needing to be just so, doesn’t he understand wanting to feel important but never expecting it? Just the computer. Just the observer. Wait. Didn’t he invite her to live with him, voluntarily? Doesn’t he always seem to be choosing her to sit by, don’t they always seem to be reassuring one another with a look or a touch? He gets how she feels about Jeff and Britta and their monopolization (hi Basic Sandwich), he gets when she’s feeling insecure, he gets when she needs to escape, just for a second, to pretend to be someone else in any given scenario so that she can take a risk or get out of her comfort zone, and he excels at that so they often do it together. They don’t have to be alone, they have each other. Annie doesn’t have to be perfect, Abed doesn’t have to be normal, and neither of them have to be in control. But nobody listens to me and instead we have Jeff kissing Annie and Brie Larson in a sweater. And don’t get me started on VCR Maintenance and Educational Publishing and why Abed and Annie are individually trying so hard to fight each other’s third-roommate preferences-
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deltaheartsstuff · 6 months
Betrayal *Break in fanfic*
i have decided to right some break in fanfiction this takes place out break in 1. Ill say a day or two after Larry was defeated by the family.
content warning and trigger warning for some violence and characters getting drugged near the end. Including implied torture.
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Larry opened his eyes, his whole body was aching but what hurt most was his back. Sat up slowly and looked around. He was in a med bay at one of the bases, the one Mary was in charge of. He was relieved for a second to not be in a jail cell until he realized something.
"oh... oh god...."
He remembers what happened. That family... when the purge started before usually everyone who lived in the neighborhood ether ran off or heavily secure there homes. And those who didn't would usually beg for there lives giving away there valuables in exchange for them.
Those few that decided to try and fight the mobsters wouldn't usually come out good in the end. Even if people managed to take down some of them Larry or even the other leaders like Mary would come and end them all until that family moved into town.
A family of 9 people. 5 adults, and 4 children, when Larry's men managed to break in there house, the adults defeated them, defending there kids. Larry went into the house to take care of them himself but they managed to slip by. Later when they finally tried running he and his men cornered them in the sewers.
Larry was never a man who couldn't admit when someone put up a good fight and Those adults did put up a good one, defeated most of the men with him, however he was much stronger for all of them. He was going to end one of them when one of the kids attacked him to protect there parent. Hitting him in the key which hurt really badly, when they knew the key was his weak spot they all attacked it until he dropped.
Larry felt a wave of embarrassment and a bit of fear in his body. Being defeated by common folk including literal children was bad enough but he wondered what would he think, what would he do to him. As these questions filled his mind, Mary entered the room startling him.
"Hey you're up!!! Larry how are you feeling?" She asked tossing him a water bottle.
"Oh Mary.... jesus do- do you know what happened?"
"Oh- you mean the fact a bunch of common folk defeated you??? Some of which were literally children?? Oh yeah, your men told me all about that- heh one guy even took a picture of it gave the twins a good laugh. You were lucky though those same men managed to save you before the cops could get to you."
Larry stared at her horrified, Mary went to sit down next to him. "Hey don't worry! Sometimes we get a little cocky- heh i probably would've been to!"
"Did... did.. he say anything?" He asked.
"Oh yeah... He wasn't happy but don't worry since you're not a random minion he isn't going to toss you into lava or anything!!"
Larry felt a little relieved to hear that but still felt a bit worried, Larry wasn't usually afraid of most things ever since he became leader but- that man, the headmaster was the one person he feared the most.
"So ummm.... Larry this might be a bad time to ask but do you think you can help me with something???"
"With what??"
"You see- i have been working on a little prototype for a bigger weapon"."
"Oh- oh really-!"
"Yup! Do you think you can help me? I had trouble getting it to work and i really could use some help- the others are really busy and my minions don't seem to understand it but I'm sure you will!"
"You know what- sure need to do something to get my mind- off that incident."
"Wonderful!! Do you need help up or?"
"I can walk just fine thank you very much... its in you're labs right?"
Mary gave him a smirk. "Yup that's were it is!!"
The two of them started walking over to her lab. Mobsters standing in the hall started chuckling to themselves though when Larry glared at them they all ran off. Larry looked a bit towards Mary who was humming to herself.
"Umm Mary can you describe this weapon- you seem very excited about it."
"Oh uh-- can't really describe it right now- lets just say its going to be very cool."
Larry stopped. "very cool? I want to know more. what can it do how will it help us? "
Mary stopped and glared at him. "Oh uh... its shoots lasers!"
"Is that it???"
"Oh of course not will do more! But uhh i only got the lasers to work."
Larry looked at her confused trying to think of what this weapon could be, it intrigue him. "lets just go see it than."
Later when the two of them finally got to her lab. Mary held the door open for him. "After you!!"
Larry thought this was weird but what was weirder what was inside. There wasn't any weapon but instead was an operating room with medical equipment and barrels of strange substances. A couple of the doctors were there to getting stuff from the cabinets.
"Mary there is no weapon in here- what is this...."
Mary closed the door behind her. "Well you see i may of lied to you a little, the prototype isn't done at all- and it isn't just a weapon its going to be a person!"
"What- Mary... you know how i feel about human experimentation..."
"Yeah, yeah- we don't need to do it killing and stealing is enough and even if we did they might attack us if i make them to strong- blah blah blah"
He glared at her. "Are you mocking me???"
"I don't know am i?."
Mary started laughing a little like she told a funny joke but Larry wasn't laughing.
"Mary i said no before what makes you think ill say yes now-"
"Oh yeah about that forgot to tell you but you are no longer the leader."
"wait... Wh.. WHAT!?"
"You see- since you were defeated by common folk it has come to my conclusion that you have grown weak.... The headmaster agreed to that- and so now I'm the leader."
Larry was speechless.
"And you see- the headmaster was going to kill you, he was going to do stuff indescribable to you.... however i convinced him that there was still use for you..."
"Use for me-" It started to click in his head what she wanted to do, he couldn't believe it. He started to look around for a weapon when he noticed one of the doctors about to stab him with a syringe, He grabbed him and tossed him at the barrels.
The other doctors went to help him as the substances burned him which caught Larry off guard which was enough time for Mary to tackle him to the ground. "This is for your own good Larry please don't fight."
Larry had tried getting up but he was still hurting, didn't help that Mary had one leg on his back right near his key which was the most sensitive area. Mary was handed a syringe from one of the doctors, Larry tried his best to avoid getting pierced by it but she managed to get it in him.
Pain and adrenaline hit his body as he managed to get Mary off of him and he bolted out the door, Mary just watched this and chuckled.
Larry ran down the hallway looking for an exit or at least something to defend himself. other mobsters were following him but not attacking they were waiting.
Eventually he felt something weird, his body started feeling heavy really heavy, he started slowing down before eventually he just collapsed onto the ground the only thing he was able to do was move his eyes. The mobsters were waiting for this moment as they proceeded to drag him back her lab were with the help of Mary put him on the operating table.
"Don't worry Larry i promise everything will be alright! We will fix you! Make you better than before! Heh you will even be able to kill that family that defeated you before! But first..."
Mary lifted up his shirt exposing his key more while one of the doctors handle her a scapple. The next thing that happened was the worst pain he had ever felt in his life, the key had been on him for decades now so what Mary was doing was basically amputating one of his limbs. What was worst to him though that she out of all people was doing this.
After the deed was done Mary put his key on a tray next to her as blood was running down his back before the doctors covered it with bandages before he was than dragged over to a chair and tied him down, he eventually was able to move his body again and when he did he screamed as his back was touching the chairs back, his whole body felt like his nerves had been ripped out.
"You... you bi-"
"Heh that's the best you can come up with? Calling me names won't stop this."
".....Mary..... why.... i thought we were... i thought you.."
Mary got in front of his face "And that's why I'm doing this... incase you had forgotten, The headmaster was going to kill you..."
"...... how much is this going to hurt...."
"I'm not going to lie Larry... this is probably going to hurt really bad. And it will probably be a long process and again a very painful one. Like ripping that key out of you will seem pleasant compared to it"
The angered expression turned into a worried one as Mary kissed him on the cheek. "Will start ether tonight or tomorrow for now ill let you rest..."
Mary left the room, along with the mobsters and doctors leaving him alone to his thoughts. He didn't want to admit it but he wasn't just scared but he was heartbroken. He knew Mary wasn't really the greatest person, he wasn't really that better than her but he loved her, loved her a lot and the fact she of all people was doing this to him felt like a nightmare.
And he knew the worst was yet to come.
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navibluebees · 2 years
begging on my knees for you to do a hc list for prager
Please read before interacting.
Oooh, well since you asked nicely. 😇💙 Also bless you because this was a ride I did not expect. He was a hard one to pin down (ehehe), but these are the vibes I got. Thank you for asking, I had such a good time with this one!
How Prager would be with his SO
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This man is TIRED, being woken up as a recom was his 13th reason, but he figured since his buddies were here too then why the hell not go with it
He goes with the flow at work, biting his tongue and following orders so when he gets home to you, he is stressed tf out.
Decompresses for a little while when he gets home, but then comes out and quietly inserts himself into whatever task you’re doing, & always eager to take advantage of his height to help you out
Not terrible with cooking but prefers to pull up a chair and be the taste tester
After you finish up chores, he needs cuddles and lots of kisses. 
Cuddles and naps where your limbs are intertwined or you’re sprawled out on top of him.
Will do literally anything for you… except squash bugs. The first time you guys saw a spider in your home, the floor became lava and you screamed at each other to get it. (Took this from the polycule because it made me laugh so damn hard. Currently picturing both Prager and his SO crouched on chairs and trying to squash the spider with a broom or something.)
Wants to be open with you, but has a lot of emotions built up, so he has a hard time finding the right words to say.
Subtly possessive. Trusts you wholly and other people for the most part, but cannot take his damn hands off of you. Pulls you into his lap, hand around your waist, gently rubbing your shoulders
Did a double-take when he first saw you and the way the light kissed your skin.
Becomes more outgoing as he gets more comfortable around you.
Animals love him. Was so excited to tell you about the time a viperwolf brought her cubs to him while he was on a mission. Refused to move until she came back to get them
Likes gaming, but gets so frustrated because the controllers are too tiny now for his big hands, so he gets you to sit in his lap and he talks you through how to play
Eyes crinkle up at the edges when you’re telling him about a funny story/ how your day went.
Has a goofy grin, 100% smitten with you
NSFW Below
In reference to loving you in his lap, he will grind subtly against you to tease you out in public. Loves when your face goes beet red and you have to pretend like you're not bothered.
Very rarely sub only when he needs a softer intimacy.
bc this man is so stressed, its gotta come out somewhere
Dominant most always. Even when you’re on top, he’s in charge
Will talk you through it just like the gaming. “Suck it like this. There’s a good Y/N” (matches well with someone who has a praise kink)
LOVES to tell you what to do step by step. If you refuse, he’ll grab you by the chin and go “Say that again. If you’re so confident, say it to my face.”
Spanking during doggy styleeeee, digging his fingers into your hips, bowing his body over yours and biting into your shoulder
VEERY much into edging. Loves pushing you to your limits more mentally than physically. And when you beg??? He fuckin loves it.
Will dirty talk your ears off, telling you what he’s about to do, praising you for how good you’re taking him
Lots of deep sounds from him, loves hearing how good he makes you feel.
After, he’s back to being a big softie, taking care of you and cleaning you up. 
Probably wouldn’t consider sharing unless you brought it up and only if it were someone he trusted. If it ever happened, he would make sure the other person knew who the alpha was
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psychangels · 1 year
wip wednesday again...here's some more of chapter 4! :]
When he jogs into the next room, he heads for the stairs, running up them as he grapples to the metal grates under the walkways above. Chai uses his momentum to swing up, onto the path. He almost falls over, but manages to catch himself on the railing. He takes a moment to breathe before making his way over to the vending machine. Selecting Over Charge, he gives the machine a good smack with his prosthetic hand. A couple of cans fall into the dropbox. As Chai kneels down to grab them, he takes a look around the room. It’s just him, OL-404, and a group of PGR-0101s. His brow furrows. “Hey, uh, where’s Sunny?” he asks OL-404 as he walks over to her desk. “Mr. Kist is currently in the test chamber,” she replies. “He’s been waiting for you.” “Oh—better not keep him waiting any longer, heh. Thanks!” Popping one of the cans open to take a sip, Chai heads up to the testing room’s doors. They open to reveal Sunny, his back turned. He’s messing around with whatever it is that he’s holding. Probably a tablet. A LEO-031 is next to him, and his LEN-N31, Sugar, is sitting by his feet. They both turn to look at Chai. He’s immediately reminded of that cat he saw last week. Maybe Sunny made that one, too? Although they don’t really look anything alike, aside from the fact that they’re all cats. Still, it wouldn’t hurt to ask. He calls out, “Sunny! What’s up, dude?” Sunny looks up, turning towards Chai with wide eyes. A grin breaks out on his face. “Chai! Wassup, my guy?” he exclaims. He tucks his tablet into his fanny pack as he jogs towards him. Chai meets him halfway. They fist bump with their prosthetic hands, fist bump again—this time with their flesh ones—then high five with both. “Man, you’re sweatier than I am after a hardcore workout!” “Not my fault you work in a literal lava pit.” Sunny barks out a laugh. “Fair enough, bro!” Something bumps into his hand. Chai looks down to see Sugar. It looks up at him with wide eyes. He chuckles as he pets its head. “So…you needed my help testing out some new bots, right?” “Huh?” Sunny’s brow furrows. Then, he snaps his fingers. “Oh, yeah!” He pulls out his tablet, tapping at the screen as he talks. “I already ran a couple of tests with the DUM-1Es earlier, but y’know, they can only do so much. I need somebody just as tough as me for this.” He glances up at Chai with a grin. “That’s where you come in.” “Naturally,” Chai states. “Here’s the rundown: Kale and Star want tighter security on campus. Something tougher than z-shielding, ruthless, and able to get around and through all the tight corners on campus easily. A real predator.” The sound of one of the hatches in the room opening echoes out. Chai looks around to see which it was, but none of the ones he can see are. His brow furrows. “So, dude, I’d like to introduce you to…” Suddenly, a large, metallic, black mass drops down from above. It lands behind Sunny with a resounding bang. The whole room shakes. “...the PACK-13.”
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mjrkime · 1 year
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I love TES series. Especially Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim.
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Cyrodiil is comfy. Almost fairytale-like.
Warning: a long and unreasonably emotional post about a videogame
I always find myself being quite bitter whilst coming back to TES IV: Oblivion despite being overall nostalgic. Morrowing felt different and it still does. The emotional baggage that I have for TES III usually relates to my unbearable wish for an escapism which this title provided. Yet, TES IV has a significant flavour to it.
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The home of pristinely clean streets, white towers, wine and beautiful pastoral scenery, it hides and nourishes bloody cults, horrific murderers, undercover intrigues and tragedies. Vvanderfell is grey and it's grey in every sense of the way. The morals, the people, the story. It's hard to be and feel heroic when you find yourself amidst a thousand years-long intrigue. Skyrim is bloody. It shows its guts to you because it can. It wants you to bathe in blood while crossing this cold and harsh land.
Oblivion doesn't want you to bathe in blood, it doesn't throw you into the web of intrigues. It gives you a simple story about a hero who finds themselves at the end of the old man's wish. Emperor Uriel Septim gives you his amulet before his inevitable demise. And after that it just goes as it always does.
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Cyrodiil hides its very essence under everyone's nose. It pretends to be an idyllic place. In fact, I can absolutely feel the need to slow down and take a stroll through the beautiful cities. Together with the soundtrack, the atmosphere brings you a taste of Tamika's fine wine. Going through the vast landscapes I felt like I finally understood why sometimes we just need to stop and just stare at the sky while the sun sets. Everything feels perfect But it's oh so far away from being perfect. There's, in fact, a necromancer living under that hill. A dangerous cult of ritualistic murderers prospers under the guise of Night Mother, housing their cozy hideout in the middle of the city. A menacing entity is plotting against the mages guild, the mercenaries and bandits watch the roads, thieves are spreading their curiosity amidst the city streets. There are dark mysteries in the ancient ruins and ugly secrets among the people of Cyrodiil. The daedra shrines await their chosen puppet to fulfill their sinister purposes. Also, there's a gate to the literal daedra hellish realm right there.
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The realm of Mehrunes Dagon feels like a cruel joke, an attraction in the house of horrors. There are spikes everywhere, the small islands of soil are surrounded by lava, the blood of countless victims soaks the walls of menacing towers and even the damn flora wants to murder you. It mocks the heavenly peaceful land of Cyrodiil perfectly.
What's that? Oh, a sudden realisation.
Cyrodiil seems... Stereotypical. Oae wae!
But the stereotype or not, I quite enjoy this heroic fairytale which is, in fact way darker than it may seem at first.
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Every time I come back to this land I can feel the underlying bitter sweet feeling. I know and love these characters, this story and this land. But also I know how each string ends. And it hurts. Sitting in front of Martin while he reads inside the Cloud Ruler Temple, training next to Agronak in the Arena, resting and enjoying the stay inside the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary. It all brings me as much misery as it does joy, because I KNOW that the ending is inevitable. I might delay it, I might never become a Champion of Cyrodiil, Arena Grand Champion or a Speaker, but it's only a fool's relief. Reading the interpretation of what might've happened to the Hero of Cyrodiil, honestly clicks to me. In my mind, my protagonist lost a good chunk of people she cared about no matter where she tried to go and what she tried to do. Strolling through Cyrodiil after the main plot always felt excruciatingly lonely and bitter. It's only logical that she would lose herself to a maddening corruption.
Every time I ride through the Colovian Highlands or stroll through the Nibenay Valley, I feel at ease and comfortable. But something inside me aches and feels like crying. Alone.
P.S. I know this feels too melancholic and d33p for a game that's basically a meme now, but I'm a person who cherishes videogame experiences way more than the real ones. Also I can't deny the emotional baggage that I have attached to it. However, I genuinely think that people kind of forgot how nice it felt to play this game. The memes are funny, yes, but I genuinely feel that the province of Cyrodiil holds way more depth than just that.
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Starry sits by herself, she is approached by Cloudy, who asks— “What are you doing?”
“I haven't a clue, to be honest.” She replies. “Perhaps a sense of longing.” Starry told Cloudy, somber. “Well, the way I see it, maybe you should just talk to whoever you miss again! I'm sure they'd forgive you.” Cloudy encouraged. Starry glared at Team FUN! for a second, but then said— “...thanks.”
Meanwhile, House, Flower and Lightning were speaking. “We should be turning against Flower, you guys— she’s a threat.” Flower told House and Lightning. “...good point, but what would that help us out with? We’d just be overpowered. Half of the team is on HER side.” House said. “and plus, I’d NEVER betray my BBBFF4EVER!!” Lightning exclaimed. “Your fucking wh…? Groan, whatever, just…” House paused, now leaning towards Flower; “We should form a double alliance, Flower.” House whispered to Flower. “What's that?” House then explained to Flower— “A double alliance means that I’m apart of an alliance with Heart, Star, Penta and Lightning, while also being apart of an alliance between me, you, Penta and Triangula.” House whispered. “That way, we can outlast them.” House told Flower. “...alright.” Flower flimsily agreed to the alliance.
Starry began to nearly approach Sunny, however, cowarded out after spotting Moony and Exclamation Mark talking near him. Phantom turned to Hangman on his heel and asked— “What's up with her?” He said, referring to Starry. “No clue.” Hangman shrugged. “They're talking about how me and Sunny should be their top values, since I’m small, and Sunny’s basically a child!” Period said thinking Phantom was talking about Moony. “That's not what I meant, but… they aren't wrong.” Phantom shrugged, as Period gasped in offense. “EXCUSE ME?!” Period shouted. “You’re literally the size of a basketball.” Hangman said, as Period turned in extreme offense towards him. “Well, I’m neither a mask with one half broken off, nor a man infinitely hanging! >:(“ Period then stormed off.
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“Boo—” Penta said, appearing behind Triangula, causing her to ring out in terror. Paperplates covered her ears, causing her to throw her jar of lava onto the ground, which spilled out and melted her, Phantom, GyroGyro, House, Starry, Star, and Flower.
The Gourd appears and groans. “Seriously people?! What is going on—?!”
“IDIOTS! Nobody can just CALM down! That's the issue.” Lunartic said. “Loonie, you aren't any—” Moony said before being cut off by a “SHUT UP, MOONY!! NOBODY cares!”
The Gourd demonically scolds— “EVERYONE. STOP FIGHTING.”
Everyone goes quiet…
anddd The Gourd revived Paperplates, Phantom, GyroGyro, House, Starry, Star and Flower.
“EVERYONE! Into your teams!” The Gourd said, snapping his fingers to send everyone back to their team.
“Oh! Oh! It’s challenge timeee!” Comedy excitedly said to Tragedy, who replied with a depressed; “yaayyyyy…”
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“..so, what's the ch—” Cloudy asks, before she is knocked back by The Gourd ripping out 2 platforms from the earth.
In the sky, there were now two mounds of ground, floating in the air. The craters they were ripped from had now been sealed. A rope formed, and The Gourd flew upwards.
“...is this a repeat?” Cloudy said, now carrying Mime with her, who immediately turned into The Colon Duo instead, and began carrying Comedy and Tragedy.
One by one, all of the contestants were lifted up by The Colon Duo, Cloudy, Hangman, Penta, or Lightning.
“Alrighty then… c’mon, Mime! We can cross!” Cloudy delightfully said, before The Gourd vaporized her, Mime, The Colon Duo, Hangman, Penta and Lightning out of the challenge. “FLYING IS DISQUALIFIED!” He shouted.
Lunartic began to cross the tightrope, Period following close behind. Suddenly, Star appeared and began to try and push them over, which worked as both he, Lunartic, and Period became disqualified.
“IDIOT!” Lunartic said, now jumping at Star to start brutally beating him on the ground, forcing Period to watch.
Flower began to cross, taking deep breaths with every step he took. Phantom followed close after him, however, House, still wanting to seem on Star’s Alliance, went to push Phantom off, however, in the process, pushed Flower off, too.
GyroGyro, Exclamation Mark and Question Mark were next to try and cross, however, Exclamation Mark would be pushed off by House, resulting in GyroGyro trying to scare House off, only for House to say; “I’m a LIVING house, dumbfuck!”
Regardless, 2 of the 4 remaining members of Team Fun remained as GyroGyro and Question Mark were counted safe.
Comedy, Tragedy, House and Triangula then came across each other, and decided to make a truce so they could win. Now, 2 of the 4 and 2 of the 3 members on both teams remained.
As Starry was crossing, she stopped. She and Moony locked eyes. A glare. A glare that both of them recognized as something… of longing. Distance. Like remembering something you can't truly distinguish, even after remembering what it is.
…and yet, it was broken by Heart pushing Starry off to disqualify her so that Team “What?” could be safe, leaving Team FUN! or The Masquerade at risk.
Paperplates rushed across the tightrope, however, as the wind suddenly blew, she had a marvelous idea, as she grabbed onto Moony, she propelled herself forwards, and ended up landing on the safety pad, meaning…
“SINCE ALL 3 QUALIFIED MEMBERS OF THE MASQUERADE ARE PRESENT: TEAM FUN! IS UP FOR ELIMINATION!” The Gourd announced, now jumping down to the ground below, then teleporting the contestants down with him.
The Gourd then revived The Colon Duo, Mime, Lightning, Cloudy, and Hangman.
Immediately, Devil began yelling at Angel, blaming her for the disqualification.
didn't do anything. She simply listened and accepted.
“..sigh, I think we should vote for them.” Moony sighed. “Good job, you're ACTUALLY listening to me!” Lunartic told Moony, thinking she was following his path.
“I agree with Moony, they… don't get along.” Sunny sheepishly said, “It’s them or Period…” Question Mark sadly said.
GyroGyro tried to get their attention, Sunny was going to say— “What's up, buddy?”, however, Lunartic had called for The Gourd to begin the elimination.
“How you fell from grace, Team Fun.” The Gourd said, condescendingly. “One of you will be eliminated, and it’ll all be at the hand of your own teammates.” The Gourd now pointed to the Booth. “Now VOTE.”
Sunny hesitates, then sighs. Voting for The Colon Duo.
Question Mark, Period, Exclamation Mark, and Moony then followed afterwards, voting for The Colon Duo as well.
Lunartic snides, saying “My plan is coming to fruition after all…!” Before voting for The Colon Duo.
The Colon Duo fly around, before Angel accidentally smacked the Vote for Period button.
GyroGyro then voted for Lunartic, making an aggressive wind howl.
“TIME FOR THE VOTES.” The Gourd said, as the votes loaded in.
“First Vote? …Period.”
Period is solemn.
“Second Vote? The Colon Duo.”
Angel seems shocked, Devil side-eyes it.
“Third Vote? Lunartic.”
“Who the FUCK—” Lunartic looks at Moony. “It was YOU, don't worry, I’ll teach your lesson after this.” Lunartic told Moony, as Sunny looked over at them in despair.
“Fourth Vote? The Colon Duo.”
Lunartic is trying to sneak off with Moony.
“Fifth Vote? The Colon Duo.”
Sunny jumps towards them, trying to break them up.
“Sixth Vote? THE COLON DUO.”
Devil is in shock as he hears the repeating name, however, Angel is starting to notice Lunartic, Moony and Sunny’s dispute.
“Seventh Vote? The Colon Duo, that's one vote more, and the final vote is—”
“STOP!” Sunny yelled at Lunartic.
“THE COL—” The Gourd was cut off by a loud SMACK.
Question Mark, Period, Exclaimation Mark, GyroGyro and the soon-to-be-eliminated Colon Duo looked at him in both shock and confusion.
“...SHE VOTED FOR ME! HE’S DEFENDING A TRAITOR!” Lunartic tried to defend.
The Gourd swiftly snapped, making The Colon Duo disparate into both Heaven and Hell.
Lunartic gave a middle finger to his team, before kicking Moony, and walking off.
“Are you OK?!” Moony asked Sunny, who was staring in shock.
“...we need to rest.” Question Mark said. “...we do.” Moony sighed.
“...that was it for this episode! ..see you all next time?” The Gourd said, akwardly.
AROS was written by TheWiseGuest.
All characters' voices, present or not, were acted out by L. Alberto S.
“What’s this?” Devil says, unamused as Angel holds a flyer in her mouth. “We should join, perhaps we can provide guidance?” Devil groans, before saying— “Fine.”
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the suicide boys are not gay and neither are desarae hollins so what this gives me is ur a hunk! ur a hunk! ugly dick down time everybody sit down now! its lava & knives daddy-ooh! never put that out no no no its my life uh! huh! my last name is hollins first last name is hooker collins ok so whille collins was looking at me he said dont u wishu could keep other information im looking for the nah ah! same people no no no she cannot be trusted ahe cannot be explained often wrong again! think again! think again! awkward um thats a word for vagina mhm mhm mhm she put it on! awkward! she put it on! is he into anything? for power as people think an expression thats amazzing hell yes so what do we do?! to justify a person why is she looking at us its disgusting no! what are u doing? what are u doing? whatre u gonna make me do? a very long joke a very long but i favor my family will probably be here tonight and it took her that long to write it?! ohmygod forget about it! were breaking up mom and dad exactly were breaking up were dead were dead oh! no exactly were done were breaking up were done for were breaking up were breaking up get the kids ow! haha h no no no not again! shut up ewwww ok so go home potter means my little pony went bang bang bang or? hey everybody listen up omg! were dead and were friends 4 lyf fuuu fuuu fuuu fuuuck were gonna die! like we cant get annoyed enough we cant get annoyed enough count your fingers im waiting for the right message oh! no 8:30 get her at 8:30 nah well ill find her everywhere and well hold on to her titties awwkward! i have a long day today but nothing will come up and my dads into losers friday never stops whose loser? ur loser dit wit! exactly buttons exactly buttons exactly buttons exactly buttons whaat? what? what?! look at all this homework ud have to dine to live here are we going to get little schools school are we gonna um not play today? were not playing today were not playing todai were not playing him uh! giving to him ew hahaha what the fuck bitch ur man betrayed u for his own personal gain? lol who is this? keeho uybwe u are mad annoying lol why! bc u turn into a different person every single day so do u! i know but i can track of them its every 3 days what? what its not a period joke? no it is now ok so what are u doing? please come over tonight surf! and cypress are fucking girls ok! lol umm they its weird like i didnt even do anything awkward its not possible literally so when i know its awkward as well say my body gets raped by shyness my suicidal mood will last over a week it totally sucks for outgoing ppl why! why! why! im asking nicely i am shy for 24hrs a day when shyness rapes me i know its not a thing think conceptual for a second also i am the best public speaker so being confused by anything i say doesnt exist its purely the pyshcadelic window pane swirls yes i see them cool ok byee why do u hate keeho? bc he looks at my content and misenterprets it as something only a child could do its not and i never talk about manga see! whore bc ppl immidiately crying baby! do that and its disgusting the only other thing i ask when reading my content is to never deep rape my work im in a gang as well we can come find u keeho theyre seamstress fairies dont kill them theyre sewing me back up since all my bones broke
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storytimewithnova · 1 year
kenma and shoyo fight
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a video was sent to the bfs in there GC
Kuroo:huh what is this
Akaashi:lets watch and find out
they clicked the video and saw sho and kenma Fight!?
Sho:I'm starting to glitch like really really glitch
Kuroo:glitch kitten what do you mean?
Akaashi:lets keep watching
Sho:I'm fading away
Sho:Kenma i'm losing my power and i Don't know when I'm gonna be gone for good
Kuroo:gone for good!?
Kenma:omg your fading away shona I I Don’t know what to say hey before you lose your power can you just help me with just one thing
Kuroo:kenma what the fuck!?
Akaashi:kenma wth she is dying and you asking favors
Kenma:could you use your ghost powers to thwart a little video release Oikawa has a bad tape on me I want it erased could you just scramble it
kuroo's thoughts 💭ghost powers is my kitten already dead impossible everyone can see her
Sho:I- are you kidding me i came here to apologize to you and you came here to use me I am literally about to disappear in to a freaking lava lamp
Kuroo:kitten omg i may never see you again
Sho:because i don't know what my UFB (unfinished business) is you're still sitting here caring what everyone thinks about you
Kuroo:so its true my gf is dead
Sho:i have done literally everything to make sure that you could be cool and then you could make your mark and you can get a bf  but you have done nothing you have done nothing for me you care more about this stupid video  or some dumb comment that i wrote then you care about your best friend
Kenma: ........
Kuroo:how would you like to tell my bf it was you that got me killed
Kenma: ......
Sho:over that stupid video you little gang ambushed me and beat me to death have fun explaining that one to Tetsu
Kenma: .....
sho walked off crying
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akaashi was  to stunned to speak kuroo was upset to say anything as well both kenma and sho came online
Kuroo:hey kitten
Akaashi:kenma why
Kenma: huh?
Akaashi:kenma don't play dumb now i know sho is dead your friends killed her
Kenma: .....
Akaashi:is that what that video is sho's death
Kenma: .....
Kuroo:why did you do that your my best friend you killed my gf
Kenma:i didn’t my friends did
Akaashi;exactly your friends you were there you watched you are an accessory to her murder
Kenma: ....
Kenma:i never told them or asked them to do it they just did it and oikawa filmed it and it and said if it got out we would all go down then i figured since she was a ghost she could make it all go away no one would know how was i to know atsumu made a copy to send to you guys
kuroo went offline clearly angry sho said shd would go go him akaashi told him to give him space while that was going on kuroo tried to find was for sbo not to disappear he even suggested she be on his computer think like iron man with jarvis or flash with gidian that was the sams concept for sho she agreed and it surprisingly worked
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zeravmeta · 2 years
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this is the funniest possible combination of people they could have done. This is absolutely the next greatest blockbuster hit organized by Lava and Nian after four nights of coffee induced productivity mania after listening to some Crimson Troupe tunes sung personally by Phantom and drinking Closures own specially made cocktail combined from all the things Kal'tsit injected herself with for a 40 hour continuous string of operations to keep herself functional. Hibiscus walked into the room after they released this poster and saw Lava biting into a brick of Pure Sugar Lump and swallow without even blinking and decided to seal off the rooms lest the insanity reach the outdoors
like Mr Nothing on his own is already superb to pair with another character given his Ultra Instinct style powerlevel hidden behind a guy trying to pass himself of as a dude called Norm L. Manne but then you have Saga who is quite literally one of the Dogs Of All Time who everyone needs to get a load of so she will believe Mr Nothing with a genuine honesty and earnestness that he is entirely unprepared for because he's used to most people thinking hes shady so he will now loudly and proudly showcase his full martial arts prowess alongside another martial arts master. And Saga herself is also great because she follows the ancient technique of Dog practiced only by Ceobe and uncounterable by even the most ancient Feranmut so when Mr Nothing insists that they cannot handle an enemy before them he'll have to sit his ass down and watch as she circle forward autocancels five bar meter ultracombo killimanjaros whatever hegemonic husk of a boss monster was sicked onto them by only the most corrupt and devious of Arts as she turns and says "see what was so hard"
and then Jaye is added to the mix.
And suddenly the two man dynamic becomes a perfect chaotic storm where Jaye, just like Mr Nothing, insists he's just a normal merchant, but unlike Mr Nothing he genuinely means it, entirely unaware that he's casting fucking Judgment Cut on everything that crosses his path. Jaye, with the most serious face ever born from countless hard days of customer service, will insist that what he's doing isn't special as he matches an Emperor's Blade blow for blow. The Emperor's Blade, never having been pushed to such a limit, will give himself into the demonic shards powers and turn into a full on Demon, this newly birthed creation immediately entering the second stage of life (known as death) as Jaye did not finish his attack animation and sashimi'd the demonic entity into a paste so fine it isn't cursing the land around it. And after witnessing such an incredible display, Saga will turn to Mr Nothing and go "See? it's nothing special"
So Mr Nothing, Saga, and Jaye walk into a bar, and all of Terra past and present knew this could not end well.
this trio will be the latest upcoming new buddy cop movie where they have to trace a missing shipment of finball meat. This of course will inevitably lead to a battle against two Gods hailing from Rim Billton with the thickest Aussie accents imaginable, a new Seaborn invasion featuring Corrupted Gladiia, the return of the Sargonian Rangers decked out in new sentai outfits, the full on revival of the Witch King, a Mecha Godzilla type entity made by Rhine Labs, the first ever Kazimierz Major winner on par with Nearl, and a surprise twist featuring a previously thought to be dead character
This movie will be so legendary that Whisperains continuous bouts of amnesia will stop. Full On Stop. because she will always remember this movie
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emonaculate · 4 years
Streamer!Eren headcanons
❥ AU: Modern!AU
❥ Genre: Fluff
❥ Rating: Anyone can read
❥ Pairings: Streamer!Eren x Black!Reader
❥ Author Note: Ive been having the biggest brain rot about streamer!eren cause i just feel in my bones, it would be perfect for him so here are some head canons.
inspired by @sleepysnk
Eren would play any game that peaks his interest, but gets the most views when he plays any horror game, minecraft, or among us.
Its mainly due to how serious he gets when he rages over losing/dying or getting a jump scare.
"Eren babe, not so loud."
"Sorry beautiful."
There are tons of video compilations dedicated to you walking in to shush him
His fans ADORE you
Most of them are baffled that Eren is in an interracial relationship but quickly grow used it after seeing your interactions
He often answers questions surrounding your relationship without invading what you want to keep private.
He would 100% let you sit in his lap whilst streaming
His views always rise when you are there, people just like seeing the adorable banter and romance
Everyone can tell how much he loves you
Literally he will visibly soften whenever you enter his line of view
Demands kisses whenever you enter or leave his "office"
If you ever miss a kiss, he will take a break from his stream and track you down
Plays with Jean, Connie, and Armin often
Plays with you too and gets super overprotective if anyone kills you in a game.
Once the entire gang played Among Us together and Eren went completely batshit after finding out Reiner and Bertholdt were the imposters that killed you.
The next round he is the imposter.
"And I took that personally."
He's oddly the scariest imposter.
For some reason, he becomes rational but manages to hide it well behind his usual hotheadness.
Still would never kill you tho <3
He would completely obliterate you in minecraft however
"eren stop I only have one heart left. you play too much."
"you didnt seem to mind playing when you hit me into lava... I lost all my fucking diamonds so you know what they say... hasta la vista baby"
Sucks at building but sucks at mining as well
usually fights mobs all night to stack up xp
says he's training to fight the dragon
swears he'll slay all creepers
deathly afraid of endermans
when they pop up, his screams are girly and loud
when he isn't fighting, he'll gather flowers for you and constantly leave them in places for you to find around your house
"Thanks for the flowers baby, yellow is still my favorite."
"I know princess."
he also puts gifts in your chests even though he sucks at mining, because you deserve the best.
Eren is pretty perverted and though he doesnt look at his stream chat often, whenever he sees any comments about your body or how lucky he is, all he does is grin knowingly and mumble "all mine."
HATES whenever people make it a big deal that you're black
addresses it once and swears if shit starts up again, he'll leave forever and never come back despite streaming being something he loves
will never tolerate racism or hearing stereotypes toward you EVER, even if its unintentional, pops off ever mfing time.
"Whether or not that's her real hair, it doesn't fucking concern you. Stop asking when you clearly look like you have uneven extensions, Brittany. Mind your fucking business."
"Baby chill, maybe she was just asking a honest questions."
"Nah fuck that. I don't give a damn, don't worry about whats in my baby's head."
You know those social media stars, who turn the cheek and allow people to say rude and hateful shit?
Yeah thats not Eren, he will always clap back harder and its beyond disrespectful.
"How are you gonna tell me to kill myself, when your bio literally says fly high mom? You must want me to pay her a visit or something."
"I'm too short? Well I think my height is just fine compared to your brother who seems to be just below six feet."
He has been cancelled TOO many times
its always for stupid shit
for being able to speak Japanese despite being a white man
for thinking pineapple on pizza is good
for liking Pepsi over coke
for pouring his milk in before his cereal
His COD lobby trash talk; while he doesn't say slurs or racist remarks, its too damn vulgar. He was built for that lobby 😭😭
His trash talking is elite and most times you can hear the person he is shit talking on the verge of crying. Its so fucking brutal.
In the same breath, he turn around and ask for kisses from you, as if he didn't make someone rethink being born.
That side only pops out when he is extremely pissed and he tries to avoid ever getting that mad because he knows words can hurt.
Gets super confused whenever someone asks what his thoughts on the community are.
"Love who you want, why the fuck should I worry about what some else gets off to?"
"If dicks makes you hard, cool. If pussy get you off, me too, lets be friends. Sexuality shouldn't matter people, grow tf up."
Donates a huge sum of the money he earns to different causes such as: cleaning up the polluted ocean charities, Black lives matter, protect Asian lives, and feed the hungry.
Basically he's caring and just wants to help despite his impulsive personality.
Once a month, he visits orphanages to talk to the kids, no camera no video nothing just to hang with the kids.
The only way his followers find out is because others posting about it.
Overall, Eren is in love with what he does and you, but if he had to pick, he'd choose you every single day over and over again <3
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canwealwaysbe · 2 years
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Anon, I screenshotted this instead of answering it directly to avoid it entering the Kev*son tag.
But to answer your question, no, not really! I feel like the writers were very very clear from the get go that Kevin committed to that relationship solely because she was pregnant. I was honestly shocked that people continued to feel confident in a kev*son endgame after he straight up couldn’t tell her he loved her. His “I love our family. I want to be a dad. I don’t want my kids to grow up in a broken home” was literal proof that he wasn’t in it for the right reasons. Additionally, a love that you have to grow into arguably isn’t a love at all. With that said, I share Kev*son shippers anger regarding the tossing aside of Madison’s love story. She deserved development and a genuine love story. She got Elijah thrown in and a baby that I’m convinced solely exists to just beat a dead horse that she and Kevin will never get back together.
As for the Sophie foreshadowing, I’ve felt it since the beginning. But man oh man I was 100% certain after the ep is season five when they had Kate directly compare Kophie and Kev*son and while he saw a future with Sophie (“Thats my ultimate dream, Sophie. you and me, until the very end.) he couldn’t form a vision with Madison. Kate knew it at this point too, that it was always going to be Sophie for her brother.
But a few of my favorite tidbits that pointed to a Kophie endgame:
1. Every single relationship Kevin has had throughout the series has been tied into Sophie. Her making appearances throughout every relationship struggle he had with other women was a tell tale sign that she was it for him.
2. During the Kophie-centric episode, they started with “Kevin, it’s the ending everyone wants and they’ll still never see it coming.”
3. Back in season 1 when Toby told Kevin to imagine the love of his life, and Kevin flew to Sophie. Given the TIU writers and their love for grand, romantic love stories. A love story spanning decades with two people who genuinely always go back to each other seemed to be a no brainer.
4. Literally just “You weren’t just a name on my list Sophie. You were THE name.”
5. People claim Kevin and Sophie don’t know each other now, only their past selves. To that I say, “you bite your nails when you’re nervous. I know you’re claustrophobic so I’m going to sit with you. You love exposed brick (I really do). I got the powdered donuts because I know you love them. Lava fries.”
6. Kevin: “Huh. Look at that. Even back then. After all this time.” (This was while he was engaged to Madison, by the way.
7. The parallel of them being each other’s person when losing a parent, the hardest battle. One can argue Sophie was that person 20 years ago, but Kevin was that for Sophie in present day when her mom died.
8. Her moms death. When Sophie said she wanted to be with someone who her mom knew (and vice versa, Jack knew Sophie was the love of Kevin’s life). Kevin at the gravesite saying he wanted one more shot with Sophie because “I’m finally ready now.”
9. Also with that scene, him saying “I never earned that ring. I wish I had another crack at it” and the TIU twitter posting the ring and saying “Did he earn it?” Last month Justin Hartley said Kevin’s love story is “earned”.
10. Last but not least, and the most recent foreshadowing and how I knew it would be Sophie in the end when the time came for Kate’s wedding to Phillip, the Princess Bride quote in Kevin’s speech. As we see the woman’s bra and clothes in Kevin’s dressing room, he’s quoting the Princess bride. The princess bride was Kevin and Sophie’s movie, and a direct throwback to the very first kophie scene in season one when Jack says “this whole party was for Sophie” because Kevin turned their birthday party into a TPB theme because it was her favorite movie.
Whew. I could keep going on but this has already gotten away from me. Anyways, I’m not surprised but definitely ecstatic about kophie endgame. We have waited SO LONG! Thank you for letting me get all my thoughts out in one post!
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Part One. George: the definition of “hello, have you met my friend?”
warnings: none word count: 1568 (not including pictures) *** Bugsy is Y/n’s username! I got too attached to change it to y/u/n so change it in your mind if you’d like :) 
behind the screen (irl dream x reader) series masterlist
ultimate masterlist
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Y/n sighed lightly as she set her phone on the desk in front of her. Her eyes traveled back to her monitor, where George was sharing his screen on Discord as he practiced speedruns. Y/n and Sapnap were on call with him to keep him company.
The cold air around her nipped at her skin, sending chills and bringing goosebumps. She pulled her hoodie closer to her body, tucking her feet on her chair to curl herself in a ball.
"This run sucks," George mumbled. "I thought it was going to be good."
"It would have if the village actually had anything useful," Sapnap commented. "There was a lava pool at spawn and everything."
"What do you think, Bugsy? Should I start over?"
She hummed, squinting at the screen. "Yeah, you should."
He left and started a new run.
"Karl's replies on Twitter are always so funny," Sapnap giggled after a few moments of silence. "He's so formal."
"I love that kid. That's my best friend right there, no cap," Y/n said with a smile. She and Karl had been friends for a few years now. They met through their parents being friends and shortly found out the other streamed and quickly bonded over that as their fanbases grew.
"Did you see Wilbur's response to your tweet?" Sapnap asked. "Man wrote you a letter."
"What did the tweets say?" George asked, half-listening as he focused on his run.
Sapnap read them and George laughed through his nose. "How could you ask for a Minecraft boyfriend while you're literally on a call with us while I'm playing Minecraft?"
"Just keeping my options open," Y/n laughed. "Don't worry, I'm wearing a GeorgeNotFound hoodie as we speak."
"I'd be worried, George. There are quite a few proposals in the responses."
"Shut up," Y/n muttered, a smile on her face that she was glad neither of them could see. "George, you remember my roommate is in love with you, right? Don't upset her by being jealous of boys coming after me."
"You're an idiot," George breathed out in a laugh. "No, she's not."
"She is. Very much."
"No, no, she isn't."
"George," Sapnap sighed dramatically. "Just accept that you can be loved."
"You're both idiots, okay?" George laughed awkwardly. "This seed is terrible," he groaned.
"Wait!" Sapnap yelled. "Village on the left!"
George quickly turned and ran towards the village to loot it. Y/n watched with Sapnap as George found iron and a few other valuable things.
"Oh! This might be okay."
"Bugsy?" Sapnap asked slowly, sounding confused.
"Sapnap?" she replied in the same tone.
"Have you not met Quackity?"
"No. What made you ask?"
"I just saw his response to your tweet."
"Why are you two on your phones? I'm speedrunning!"
"Because you still haven't made it to the nether on any of them," Sapnap bit. "How are you best friends with Karl and you haven't you met Quackity?"
"I dunno. I just haven't. There's a lot of people I have only spoken to through Twitter replies."
"Like who?" George asked.
"Why are we only talking about me?" Y/n asked in slight frustration. She wasn't fond of talking about herself because she wasn't used to it. "This is George's stream."
"Well, now I'm really curious so I wanna talk about this," George laughed. "Who haven't you met?"
"I dunno!" she said, flustered. "Quackity, Wilbur, Dream, Tubbo, Tomm-- wait, no I met Tommy. He yelled at me."
"Wait, wait, what?" Sapnap interrupted.
Y/n paused but neither of them said anything. "What?"
"You haven't met Dream?" George asked, sounding equally as confused.
No one said anything. "No? Why is that surprising. I mean, we've joked through tweets and stuff but I've never played with him or actually spoken to him."
"What about DMs and stuff?" George asked.
"Nope. Dream is just thirsty in my replies like Wilbur," she joked, feeling the anxiety of the awkward pauses seep through her skin and touch her bones. Why were they being so weird about it? "Why is that so shocking that a man with, like, 15 million subscribers has never spoken to me?"
Sapnap laughed. "I'm just genuinely surprised that he hasn't reached out to you before."
"Yeah, me too," George agreed. "He talks about you in a way I thought you guys were good friends. And you're friends with us so I just assumed you were friends with him too."
Y/n laughed, nervous at the mention of being talked about. "Well, he must be a pussy or something because I have yet to receive any acknowledgement from Dream Was Taken besides him occasionally replying to my tweets and Instagram pictures."
George laughed suddenly, making Y/n look at the monitor with George's screen quickly, which wasn't moving. "What happened? Did you find something?"
"No," George's screen began moving again and he started building a portal. "Dream just texted me because he's watching the stream."
"What did he say?" Sapnap asked.
"He said, 'can I join the call? I don't want Bugsy to think I'm a pussy'," George answered, lowering his voice to a mumble before adding, "And something else he'd probably kill me if I said out loud."
Sapnap and George laughed at Y/n's silence. She was only joking, not intending to challenge him to talk to her. Honestly, she was relieved he had never spoken to her because he intimidated her. Meeting people made her nervous and Dream was no different. If anything, he was worse because he was a big deal and he kinda flirted with her sometimes, which gave her butterflies in a way she didn't like.
"I'm adding him to call," George announced.
"Wait, you're not going to check if I'm okay with meeting him live in front of 80,000 people?" Y/n asked with a small, nervous laugh.
"No, because it's my stream. I can do what I want. I can't live another second knowing you two have never talked."
"I think Bugsy's scared!" Sapnap coeed.
"I think so too!"
"You wish," Y/n muttered.
A small sound emitted from Discord, notifying everyone that someone joined the voice chat.
"Hello Dreeaamm..." George dragged out as he navigated the nether. "I made it to the nether, Sapnap. Will you get off your phone now?"
"Yeah, I guess. Hi Dream!"
"Hello," Dream said casually. "Hello, Bugsy."
Y/n lowered in her chair more, pulling her hood up and closing it tight over her eyes. No one could see her but his voice made her feel seen.
Sapnap giggled and George laughed. Dream breathed out a laugh. Y/n responded with a small, "Hi."
"Bugsy, you're such a liar!" Sapnap called out. "You are so scared."
"Shut up, Sapnap!" she chuckled.
"Scared of what?" Dream asked innocently.
"Meeting you," George answered. Traitor.
"Forgive me," Y/n started, sitting up in her seat and pulling open her hood to watch George play, "for being nervous to meet Mr. Speedrun in front of a huge live audience." She decided to joke around to hopefully ease the nervousness under her skin. "I'm just worried he's going to flirt with me again and I'll have to embarrass him in front of everyone by rejecting him again."
They all laughed.
"I mean, you already said Karl was in the lead for being your Minecraft boyfriend, so I really have no shot," Dream said.
"As if I'm letting some girl named Bugsy steal my fiance!" Sapnap yelled.
"Ah!" The attention was ripped away from Y/n as George screamed. Y/n looked at the screen, watching as her friend was getting attacked by a hoard of zombie pigmen.
"Why did you hit one, George?" she teased.
"I didn't mean to! AHH!!" he screeched, making everyone laugh. "STOP ATTACKING ME!"
"George!" Dream laughed. "Just run, you won't be able to kill them all!"
"I'm trying!" George fell in lava and screamed again. His death appeared on the screen and Y/n could hear him slam his desk. "That run was so good until the zombie pig came out of nowhere."
He started a new run and it was quiet for a moment before Dream's soft voice spoke again. "Well, Bugsy. I hope you forgive me for taking so long to speak to you."
"I-I was just kidding about you being a pussy," she mumbled, making him laugh.
"No, it's true. I was."
"Come on, Dream, sliding in my DMs is easy," she joked. "You could have if you wanted to."
"Trust us," George laughed, "he wanted to."
"What?" Dream asked George loudly, making Sapnap laugh.
"Dream, you talk about her all the time. George and I were both led to believe you were already friends based on how you talk about her."
"How I talk about her? What does that mean?" Dream sounded defensive and it made Y/n smile.
"You're always like, 'Bugsy did this' and 'Bugsy tweeted that', and 'I have to do a face reveal before Bugsy does because she'll outshine me'," Sapnap teased.
"Okay, the last one? I never said that. You're lying about that."
"But the rest of it is true?" Y/n teased.
"Look, you play good and your tweets are funny! I didn't come on here to get bullied, oh my gosh."
A/N: this is my first time attempting a social media fic so the theme of this series is gonna be ignore the number of likes/retweets and stuff just know that y/n is a much smaller streamer she only gets a lot of likes and stuff when it involves other mcyt ya know okay fun times 
Please give feedback!! I hope you enjoy it!!! I don’t have a schedule right now but I might in the future if this series gets a lot of attention :) as of right now i’ll try to update at least once a week! 
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