#winnie davis
notumare · 10 months
Winnie and Finley ♥️
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disneytva · 2 years
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Kim Berglund,Diane Ikemiyashiro and Lori Mozilo Get Promoted As Vice-Presidents Of Development And Current Series At Disney Junior.
Disney Has Promoted Kim Berglund,Diane Ikemiyashiro and Lori Mozilo As Vice-Presidents Of Development And Current Series At Disney Junior.
Kim Berglund will lead Development for Disney Junior with oversight of series, specials and films in development at Disney TVA & Disney Junior Eduational Resource Group (”Untitled Time Traveler Treasure Hunter Series by Kris Wimberly“) for Disney Junior.
Diane Ikemiyashiro & Lori Mozilo,became Vice Presidents on Current Series, will oversight over all series,specials and films at production (Spidey And His Amazing Friends,Mickey Mouse Funhouse,Alice’s Wonderland Bakery,Firebuds,Eureka, “Star Wars Young Jedi Adventures”,“Pupstruction”,“SuperKitties”;“RoboGobo”,”Tiny Trailblazers”,”Hey A.J!”,“Kindergarten: The Musical”,”Ariel” & “Winnie The Pooh Shorts") aditionally will work with Walt Disney Animation Studios,Pixar Animation Studios,20th Century Animation & 20th Century Family on development on shows based on IP-driven franchises for Disney Junior.
“Kim, Lori and Diane bring distinct creative viewpoints, relationships with the best and brightest creative talent, and an immense respect and care for the brand and our audience to Disney Junior every day,they have all been incredible partners to me, and I’m thrilled to see them expand their leadership roles.” said Sapire. 
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madamairlock · 10 months
Sharon doing everything she can to stay professional just to have Winnie fucking Davis throw her relationship in her face, oh my god.
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ruleof3bobby · 3 months
THE PERFECTION (2018) Grade: C
I give them props for some out of the box thinking on the narrative and editing. Little cheesy and corny, but the originality keeps you watching.
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sash-au · 6 months
[In the future; Revengers Movie Night] Winnie and Trisha: *Bickering, practically sitting on each others laps* Laura: *Laying their head on Grace's lap* Grace: *Playing with Laura's hair* Jenny and Shari: *Cuddling and giggling* Peggy RR, Very AroAce: I'm going to murder each and every one of you
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starcrossedjedis · 1 year
wait, you're the person who wrote winnie and noah? i love winnie and noah! :-D
Damn, I have no idea where that memory hit you from, but this made my day 🥹
(even though tbf wrote is a very strong word for sth that was very early stages of planning when the hyperfixation inevitably moved 🙈)
But I am so happy that you like them 🥰❤️ I have been revisiting a few of my more "this could totally be the next mid Wattpad to Netflix adaption" stories and Winnie and Noah were definitely in the Top 3 of "Ships I miss" 😊
Thank you for your kind message, it means a lot ❤️
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monstersandmaw · 10 months
Laces for a Lady - 18th century, poly, shifters x human romance - Chapter Six (sfw)
Disclaimer which I’m including in all my works after plagiarism and theft has taken place: I do not give my consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted anywhere. They are copyrighted and belong to me. 
Thanks for answering the poll about length of chapters - much appreciated!
Really hope you enjoy this one. It's a bit of a quieter tone, but things get a touch more 'intimate' next time... It's my favourite scene so far anyway. *shrug*. I've fettled with this chapter so much now that I can't see the wood for the trees, so here it is anyway.
Content: a chance encounter with Edmund leads to some clarification, and an invitation is delivered to Heath Top House that sends a chill of dread through Winnie but opens up an opportunity for Nel... Wordcount: 2995
Catch up here: Part One (sfw), Part Two (sfw), Part Three (sfw), Part Four (sfw), Part Five (sfw)
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By the time she reached the front door of the manor house, Nel could hardly see for the tears that made her vision swim and shift, but she made it upstairs to her room before bursting into a shuddering flood of emotion that threatened to drown her completely.
She ached more than ever for the easy, familiar companionship of her best friend, but she missed something else besides Will’s steady presence; something that had been teased before her that very night, but which she would probably never know in earnest: the true affection of a lover’s touch.
Plus, she’d made a complete fool of herself in nearly kissing Locryn Trevethan like that — Lammas Dance liberties be damned — and guilt and shame at what Edmund Nancarrow must think of her now flooded through her like one of the breakers which had nearly drowned her on the beach. With a shuddering huff of despair, she sank onto her bed and wept bleakly until her head ached and her throat was raw.
Outside her window, the music and dancing continued late into the night, and the laughter got more raucous and rowdy as the night wore on. She hoped Locryn and Ned were among those laughing, and Winnie too. Perhaps Locryn would dance with the young woman with whom she’d seen Edmund talking and laughing earlier. She had had the same large, brown eyes and pale skin as Edmund, and Nel wondered if she too was one of the numerous Nancarrows whom Aggie had mentioned living in the area; perhaps a cousin or a younger sister.
At some point hours later, when the music had faded and folks seemed to have drifted home in dribs and drabs, her bedroom door opened and she heard Winnie’s soft voice whisper her name. She feigned sleep from the depths of her chilly bed, her dress abandoned on the floorboards nearby, and the sliver of light on the ceiling retreated, plunging the room into midnight shadow once again.
That night she dreamed once more of thundering surf and dark kelp, and of the silvery flash of something swimming between the seaweed that wasn’t the eel’s tail she’d seen in her dreams before. She got the odd impression that she was being searched for as she lurked down among the shadows at the bottom of a deep, submerged cove, and in the dream she tried to conceal herself further in the fronds of kelp that brushed against her sides like a lover’s hands.
For three days after the dance, Nel could barely muster the energy to leave her bed, let alone go out of the house.
She pretended to have caught a chill, sitting in the library by a small and rather unnecessary fire that Davis had insisted on lighting for her, and reading the novels that Winnie regularly sent for from a bookseller in Bath.
Eventually though, she got past her dark mood, and took Blackthorn out again on more wild gallops along the coastal path, sometimes almost as far to the west from Polgarrack as Lantic Bay.
“Will you come into town with me?” Winnie asked one morning as they sat finishing a late breakfast beside the fire.
Nel shot a glance at the raindrops tracking down the windows, and pulled a face. “Today?”
“Yes,” Winnie sighed. “I want to post a letter to James’ sister in London, and I’ve already put it off for two days.”
“Can’t you ask Liddy to post it for you when she goes in anyway this afternoon?”
“I suppose I could,” Winnie said. “But I had hoped to catch the second post. We’ll take the carriage, obviously.”
Poor driver and horses, Nel thought, but said nothing.
After picking at the remainder of her eggs, she went to change into her usual, sturdy redingote, and by the time Nel was done, Winnie was already waiting for her, and the small carriage was just drawing up outside with the driver huddled under a wide-brimmed hat and an enormous, oiled cloak. He looked more like a pilchard fisherman than a coachman.
They posted Winnie’s letter and decided to sit at a table in The Lantern with a warming drink to drive the chill from their fingers and toes. “Before we go back, and now that the rain has eased off a little, I want to look for some more ribbon,” Winnie said as she finished her small cup of spiced wine. “Do you mind?”
Nel shook her head. For all that she was confident in calling herself Winnie’s friend by that point, she was also still a paid companion, and she wasn’t paid to object to Winnie’s whims, so the two of them settled the bill for their drinks and scuttled out into the rain. It had backed off to a miserable, sheeting drizzle, but the narrow lanes of Polgarrack’s twisting streets sheltered them from the worst of it. They still bustled headlong into the shop in their eagerness to get out of the weather though, and almost ploughed straight into Edmund Nancarrow on his way out.
He barely stepped back in time as Winnie flew in out of the rain, and Nel made it across the threshold with hardly any more grace, but they both drew up short when they realised that they’d almost knocked the man flat. “Oh, I apologise!” Winnie gasped, clapping her hand to her chest. “Please, I’m so sorry.”
“No harm done, m’lady,” he said and then let his gaze slide to Nel. “Miss Bywater.”
“I apologise too. We should have been looking where we were going,” she mumbled. After making such a fool of herself in front of Edmund’s lover, she found she couldn’t meet his gaze, and to her shame, she allowed herself to slink away around the ribbon display without another word.
From the corner of her eye though, she could see the way he lingered in the doorway with his own parcel tucked under one arm. He must have been on an errand for Mr. Fordyce at that time of day, and seemed to be considering whether to confront her about her behaviour with Locryn. She tried to will him away with her thoughts, but she wasn’t hopeful. While Winnie was distracted in a discussion with Mrs. Gwinnel about the best width of a ribbon for a bonnet these days, Edmund made his decision.
He eased himself back around, limping more markedly in the damp weather as he approached, and he looked at her with his head slightly cocked to one side. “Miss Bywater, might I speak with you for a moment?” he enquired in a hushed voice that scarcely carried across the scant distance between them, let alone to the other occupants of the shop.
With a tight, private sigh for herself, she nodded and turned to look at him at last.
He didn’t seem angry or hurt, which she took as a good sign.
Edmund swallowed thickly and offered her a twitchy smile. “Locryn was worried he’d upset you…” he began without preamble. “At the dance.”
“Locryn was worried?” she said, a fraction louder than she’d intended and she immediately lowered her voice to a terse hiss. “I thought… I thought perhaps I might have — ” she bit her lip and blinked rapidly. “I didn’t want to make any trouble for you,” she whispered. “I just wanted — I just wanted to dance with someone for a bit, that’s all. And then when he was kind enough to offer, I… Look, I didn’t mean anything… afterwards…” She had though. She had very much wanted him to kiss her. Frankly, she wanted either of them to kiss her, and she hated herself for the selfishness of it. Let them be happy with each other, she growled at herself.
However, comprehension and a small degree of relief too washed across Edmund’s expression, and the tension melted from him with a little, low laugh.
He shook his head, his mousy hair falling into his dark brown eyes. “Miss Bywater, the last thing that either of us thought of you was that you wanted to make trouble between us. I should thank you though for your… uh… for your discretion regarding our… relationship in front of the Penrose family,” he added. “Not everyone would be as understanding as you after all.”
She shrugged. “My best friend is not so different from you,” she said carefully. “Your situation is not… unknown to me.”
His smile grew from shy to almost awestruck for a moment, and then he glanced over his shoulder out at the rain, and ducked his head in a farewell bob. “Well, that’s all I wanted to tell you,” he said. “That Locryn was worried he’d caused offence and had asked me to apologise if I saw you.” Given that Locryn Trevethan was a bit of a loner and hardly interacted with the folk of the village, it seemed natural that he would have asked Edmund to mass the message along on the off-chance of a meeting.
“Not at all. If anything, I’m the one who should be apologising to him. I shouldn’t have left like that. Will you tell him? Next time you see him.”
Edmund nodded.
Nel heard the soft clunk of heels on the wooden floor behind her, and turned to find Winnie looking from one to the other of them. A fierce blush swept up Edmund’s pale skin from his collarbones to his ears, and he bowed stiffly from the waist, fiddling with his dark, tricorn hat in his hands. “A good day to you both,” he blurted, and bolted out of the door into the soft rain, where he jammed the hat on his head and disappeared out of sight around a corner.
Winnie raised her eyebrows at Nel, and said, “I seem to remember you talking to him at the Lammas Dance, no?”
“I’m surprised you remember anything, given how much cider you’d had,” she quipped reflexively, her sharp tone uttered mostly in defence. Mercifully, Winnie took it with a laugh before Nel could regret the barbed comment towards the person who was her employer, no matter how similar their sense of humour.
“Not enough to have forgotten the tailor’s handsome, soft-spoken assistant,” Winnie said dryly. “Shall we go back, or do you have any business in the village?”
It did not escape Nel’s notice that after that encounter, Winnie took almost every opportunity she had to take Nel into Polgarrack with her.
Most of the time, they never saw Edmund Nancarrow up close, and on only one occasion did she see Locryn Trevethan. He was mooring his little fishing boat at the far end of the harbour wall, and Nel ducked away into the apothecary’s before he could look up. If Winnie was being insufferably insistent about Nel ‘conveniently’ running into Edmund again, she certainly didn’t need Winnie noticing something strange with the village’s semi-wildman, Locryn, as well.
One morning over breakfast, Lord Penrose waved a heavy-looking piece of card stock around like it was a little flag, and chortled merrily into his boiled egg. “Winnifred, my dear, we have been invited to the Merrywells’ Christmas ball in Plymouth.” Beside him, his wife beamed at her, but Winnifred looked suddenly a little ill.
“Nel, you’ll come with me, won’t you?” she said immediately, staring wide-eyed at her companion and reaching for her forearm with a thin, birdlike hand. Nel had never seen such open panic in her eyes, even during the lightning storm earlier that summer.
“Certainly, if it wouldn’t be considered presumptuous for me to attend as well…?”
“Of course it wouldn’t!” Winnifred’s father-in-law scoffed, oblivious to — or uncaring of — Winnie’s visible discomfort at the whole idea. “You both must go. Winnifred must have someone her own age attending with her, and the high society of all Wessex will be there! One or two officers of the Navy too, I’d wager,” he added with an over-the-top wink in Nel’s direction.
Nel caught Winnie’s eye again and they came to a silent understanding, even as Nel ignored Lord Penrose’s so casually adding five years to her own age. Winnie was legally secure in her fortunes, and had absolutely no intention of remarrying, but her parents-in-law were clearly only too happy to try and set her up again. Nel would keep her company all evening if necessary. Hell, she’d bark like a guard dog if Winnie asked it of her.
Almost imperceptibly, Nel nodded her head, and Winnie relaxed with a sigh.
“Of course, you’ll both need new dresses,” Mary Penrose cooed. “But we shall have to arrange for Mr. Fordyce to come to the house, since Mrs. Dewell relocated to London.” She added that last as if it were a personal slight to her that their former mantua maker had married and moved to the capital where, no doubt, she could charge better prices.
There were certainly no female mantua makers in the tiny village of Polgarrack, and it was a cost that Lord Penrose was apparently not prepared to pay this time to send for one from Plymouth or Truro, even for the Merrywell’s Christmas Ball. Since it was also too much of a strain on Winnifred to travel herself simply for a fitting, Mr. Fordyce’s skills would have to suffice this time, as they had for the last dress he’d made for Winnie’s birthday in August.
Nel wondered fleetingly if Mr. Fordyce’s presence would mean that Edmund would come too when the master tailor came to discuss colours and details, but she deliberately didn’t spend too long on the thought. The very idea of Edmund’s graceful, pale hands that near her body threatened to recall all those dreams of exposed throats and soft, gasping moans which had long since faded since the nights after his rescue from the waves. She still dreamed of the sea almost every night though, but in a more abstract way.
Two weeks later, as October announced itself in a series of squalling storms, Mr. Fordyce was shown into the drawing room where Winnie and Nel were taking tea while they waited for the tailor to arrive. As Nel looked up, she heard the soft clunk of a cane tip on the wooden floorboards of the hallway outside, and her eyes rose to meet Edmund’s as he entered the room behind his master. Her heart gave a small flutter when she saw him. The shoulders of his simple but perfectly-fitted, dark coat were dusted with water from the short distance between carriage and front door and he had his dark hat tucked under his right arm.
He smiled briefly and bowed in greeting to the two ladies as they rose, and while Winnie spoke with Mr. Fordyce first, Nel found herself moving tactfully away towards the bay window. Winnie hardly needed her opinion on dresses — in fact it was the other way around — so Nel simply waited out of the way.
Outside, rain still hurled itself at the windows in a series of splattering gusts, and the distant sea was a cold, iron grey, and frothed with great white caps. She stared at it until she heard footsteps approaching from behind with the off-beat addition of a cane, and Mr. Nancarrow halted at a polite distance and followed her gaze out to sea.
“The weather is brutal today,” Nel murmured, her breath fogging against the windowpane while runnels of water tracked their way down the glass outside. “It’s a wonder you and Mr. Fordyce ventured out in such conditions.”
Edmund smiled softly when she glanced sidelong at him, and she tried not to notice the way his smooth, clean-shaven cheek dimpled slightly. He had freckles, she realised for the first time. They were very faint — barely a whisper of gold on his pale skin — but they were there all the same, and now that she’d seen them she couldn’t stop noticing them, so she tore her eyes away and looked out at the blurred grounds as the rain continued to race in off the sea.
“Is…” She paused and phrased her question carefully in the hopes he would understand her true meaning, “Is anyone out at sea today, do you think?”
Immediately, his smile lost a bit of its lustre and he sighed and nodded. “Yes,” he said. “Though in truth, to those who have spent more time at sea than on land, she holds little danger.”
“How can you say that?” she asked as she turned sharply to face him, her eyes darting to the pink, new scar just visible on his forehead where his hairline began. “You yourself were nearly drowned not so long ago.”
“True,” he conceded, adjusting his grip on the cane and his weight onto his left leg a little more, with the flicker of a grimace just touching his eyes.
He was clearly in some degree of pain, and trying to keep it to himself. She wondered if the cold and damp made it worse, and hoped that the warmth of the room would ease it a little while he was there. She also wondered how he had come to be hurt in the first place, but wouldn’t presume to ask.
“But… I’m a creature as much of the land as I am the sea,” he went on in his delicately-articulated way. “There are those, like Locryn,” he said with gentle emphasis on his lover’s name, “Who are quite as happy at sea in this weather as they are on a sultry summer day.”
“I find that incredible,” she breathed. “But then again, I grew up in the countryside a good day’s ride from the coast.”
“This must seem a wild and savage place indeed to you then,” he said gently, and not without a little sadness as he gazed at her.
He was not much taller than her, but she still had to raise her chin a little to meet his eyes.
She shrugged. “It’s not without its beauty too, Mr. Nancarrow.”
Next time, Nel gets measured for her new dress...
Next chapter ->
I hope you’re still enjoying it, and I hope you’ll consider reblogging as well as leaving a like if you enjoyed it. Take care of yourselves, and I hope you have a lovely day/night wherever you are, and whenever you read this.
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its-to-the-death · 6 months
Songs that made it through preliminaries (minus the MLP songs)
Rogues Are We (Holy Musical B@man)
Kick It Up a Notch (Starship)
Nerdy Prudes Must Die (Nerdy Prudes Must Die)
Join Us (and Die) (The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals)
No One Remembers Achmed (Twisted)
Feed Me (Little Shop of Horrors)
Dentist (Little Shop of Horrors)
Mean Green Mother From Outerspace (Little Shop of Horrors)
Old King Cole (Once Upon a Time in Space by The Mechanisms)
Favoured Son (Ulysses Dies at Dawn by The Mechanisms)
Odin (The Bifrost Incident by The Mechanisms)
There's a Platypus Controlling Me (Phineas and Ferb)
Evil for Extra Credit (Phineas and Ferb)
All the Convoluted Reasons We Pretend To Be Divorced (Phineas and Ferb)
I Love You (As Much As Someone Like Me Can Love Anyone) (Galavant)
No One But You (Galavant)
She'll Be Mine (Galavant)
Mother Knows Best (Tangled)
Ready As I'll Ever Be (Tangled the Series)
Nothing Left to Lose (Tangled the Series)
Pretty Women (Sweeney Todd)
Dancing Mad (Final Fantasy VI)
When the Chips are Down (Hadestown)
Master of Masters (Kingdom Hearts)
U.N. Owen Was Her? (Touhou 6: Embodiment of Scarlet Devil)
The Old Man of the Mountain/You Gotta Ho-De-Ho/The Scat Song Medley (Betty Boop)
Our Love is God (Heathers)
Biskit Family Business (Littlest Pet Shop)
We Both Reached For the Gun (Chicago)
Heaven on Their Minds (Jesus Christ Superstar)
Good to Be King (Journey to Bethlehem)
Jester (Legends of Oz: Dorothy's Return)
Sympathy for the Devil (song by The Rolling Stones)
Dressed to Oppress (Play It By Ear - The Muck of Merkmere)
One Step Ahead (Spies Are Forever)
Let the Pun Fit the Crime (Wander Over Yonder)
Necrostar (The Vice Quadrant by Steam Powered Giraffe)
Lost in Thoughts All Alone (Fire Emblem: Fates)
The Ring motif (Lord of the Rings)
I'm Alive (Next to Normal)
Where There's a Whip, There's a Way (Return of the King 1980)
There Ain't Nothin' But Bad Days Ahead (The Swan Princess: Mystery of the Enchanted Treasure)
Les Poissons (The Little Mermaid)
It's Our House Now (The House of Mouse - Halloween special)
Grandpa's Gonna Sue the Pants Off Santa (Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer)
Master of the House (Les Miserables)
Peaches (The Super Mario Bros. Movie)
The Boys Are Back In Town (To Kill You) (The Boys)
Dark Riders (Star Stable Online)
Grand Ceremony (Pyre)
Coraline (Coraline)
Better Than You (Camp Camp)
In the Hall of the Mountain King (Peer Gynt)
Get in the Water (Epic: The Musical)
Descole's theme live version (Professor Layton)
Isabella's Lullaby (The Promised Neverland)
Get Jinxed (League of Legends)
Pieces of You/Hologram Professor Song (Puppet History)
Great at Crime (Epithet Erased)
Davy Jones' theme (Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest)
Herbert Style (Club Penguin)
No One's Gonna Make a Monkey Out of Me (The Donkey Kong Country cartoon)
Diddy Drop Rap (The Donkey Kong Country cartoon)
Attack at the Wall (Mulan)
No More Toymakers to the King (Santa Claus is Comin' to Town)
What's Up Duloc? (Shrek musical)
If I'm Gonna Eat Somebody (It Might As Well Be You) (Ferngully)
The Phantom of the Opera (The Phantom of the Opera)
Prowler's theme (Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse)
How Can I Refuse? Reprise (Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper)
Friends in Low Places (Bigtop Burger)
That's Not How the Story Goes (A Series of Unfortunate Events)
The World Revolving (Deltarune)
Heffalumps and Woozles (Winnie the Pooh)
Waikyou Shenshoujin (Senki Zesshou Symphogear G)
No Good Deed (Wicked)
Fabulous (High School Musical 2)
Kidnap the Sandy Claws (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
Between Two Worlds (Limbus Company)
Your Best Nightmare (Undertale)
We Don't Talk About Bruno (Encanto)
Jaws theme (Jaws)
The Executioner (Umineko no naku koro ni)
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homosexualrodent · 2 years
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on parenthood and childhood in teen wolf
teen wolf, jeff davis / glory, jay-z / chemistry, weike wang / unknown source / winnie-the-pooh, a. a. milne / jennifer williamson / my father’s eyes, eric clapton / how do we forgive our fathers?, dick lourie / free-range angel produce: an idyll, joan tierney / the sunlit night, rebecca dinerstein / what my mother (a poet) might say, mary jean chan / please look after mom, kyung-sook shin, trans. chi-young kim / motion sickness, phoebe bridgers / for one more day, mitch albom / forbidden, tabitha suzama
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brokehorrorfan · 4 months
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It's a Wonderful Knife will be released on Blu-ray and DVD on April 9 via RLJE Films. The 2023 Christmas slasher is streaming exclusively on Shudder.
Tyler MacIntyre (Tragedy Girls, V/H/S/99) directs from a script by Michael Kennedy (Freaky). Jane Widdop, Jess McLeod, Joel McHale, Katharine Isabelle, William B. Davis, and Justin Long star.
Special features are listed below.
Special features:
Audio commentary by director Tyler MacIntyre and writer Michael Kennedy
Audio commentary by director Tyler MacIntyre and cinematographer Nicholas Piatnik
Better Off: The Making of It's a Wonderful Knife
Storyboards featurette
Social media spots
Stills gallery
After saving her town from a psychotic killer, Winnie Carruthers' life is less than wonderful. When she wishes she'd never been born, she finds herself in a nightmare parallel universe where without her, things could be much, much worse.
Pre-order It's a Wonderful Knife.
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winniethewife · 9 months
You never call me sober (Miguel O'hara x reader)
Part one Part two Part three Part four
You Can’t Always Save Everybody. (Spidersona)
Mood-Board Wedding Moodboard Masterlist moodboard
It's undeniably real (Layla El-Faouly x The Moonknight system x Reader)
Updates Mondays Mood board
Eclipsing Love (Marc Spector x OC)
Updates Fridays Mood board
I’m only me when I’m with you
Multi-fandom TS inspired fan fic, Updates Saturday's
It's time that you won (Llewyn Davis X OC)
Updates Sundays Mood Board
Jewels made of stardust (Poe Dameon x OC)
Updates Tuesdays Mood board Book 1 Moodboard
Believe in one thing, I won't go away. (Basil Stitt x Scarred!reader)
Mood Board
Kinktober 2023
Moon Knight Bingo 2024
Winnie's 200 follower celebration!
OC Masterlist
Request info
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thehyperrequiem · 3 months
Humanoids (Planes Parody) Duology Cast
“Gyroman is a small-town robot who dreams of one day competing as a high-flying air racer. However, poor Gyroman has two strikes against him: He's not built for racing, and he's terribly afraid of heights. To achieve his dream, Gyroman turns to naval aviator Spiral Pegasus. Spiral Pegasus helps Gyroman qualify to take on Worville Wright, the race circuit's defending champion. Gyroman's courage faces the ultimate test, as he takes aim at heights he never dreamed were possible.”
Fire and Rescue: “Gyroman, the famous racing air robot, learns that his core is damaged, so he must shift gears and find a new career. He joins an elite corps of firefighting aircraft devoted to protecting historic Piston Peak National Park. When a massive wildfire threatens the park, Gyroman--with the help of his fearless colleagues Tea Knight Cookie, Blue Slushy Cookie, Weather Report, Knight Cookie and The Alliance--learns what it takes to become a real hero.”
Gyroman (Megaman) as Dusty Crophopper
Spiral Pegasus (Megaman X) as Skipper
Cutman (Megaman) as Sparky
Gutsman (Megaman) as Chug
Croissant Cookie (Cookie Run) as Dottie
Cloudman (Megaman) as Leadbottom
Okchun Cookie (Cookie Run) as Ishani
Worville Wright (Balan Wonderworld) as Ripslinger
Cuckoo and Hooverton (Balan Wonderworld) as Ned and Zed
Shovel Knight (Shovel Knight) as Bulldog
Pure Vanilla Cookie (Cookie Run) as El Chupacabra
White Lily Cookie (Cookie Run) as Rochelle
Nitroman and Turboman (Megaman) as Bravo and Echo
Pilot Cookie (Cookie Run) as Colin Cowling
Blitzwing (Transformers Animated) as Franz/Von Fliegenhosen
Plague Knight (Shovel Knight) as Little King
Blastman (Megaman) as Judge Davis
Avocado Cookie (Cookie Run) as Roper
Various Humanoid Characters as the Wings Around The Globe Racers
Ford Cruller (Psychonauts) as MayDay
Tea Knight Cookie (Cookie Run) as Blade Ranger
Raspberry Mousse Cookie (Cookie Run) as Nick Loopin Lopez
Blue Slushy Cookie (Cookie Run) as Lil’ Dipper
Weather Report (Jjba) as Windlifter
Knight Cookie (Cookie Run) as Cabbie
Larry Davinci (LittleBIGPlanet 2) as Dynamite
Avalon Centrifuge (LittleBIGPlanet 2) as Drip
Clive Handforth (LittleBIGPlanet 2) as Blackout
Eve Silvia Paragorica (LittleBIGPlanet 2) as Avalanche
Victoria Von Bathysphere (LittleBIGPlanet 2) as Pinecone
Dr. Herbert Higginbotham (LittleBIGPlanet 2) as Himself/Sixth Smokejumper
Otto Mentallis (Psychonauts) as Maru
Woodman (Megaman) as Ol’ Jammer
Churro Cookie (Cookie Run) as The Secretary of the Interior
Steely Dan (Jjba) as Cad Spinner
Big Band (Skullgirls) as Pulaski
Almond Cookie (Cookie Run) as Rake
King (Megaman) as Ryker
Dynamoman (Megaman) as Kurtz
Compton Boole and Cassie O’Pia (Psychonauts) as Harvey and Winnie
Bubbleman (Megaman) as Flap
Parasoul (Skullgirls) as Patch
Umbrella (Skullgirls) as Herself/Patch’s Sister
Magna Centipede (Megaman X) as Andre
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disneytva · 2 years
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Alyssa Sapire Promoted At Disney As CEO Of Global Preschool Brand Disney Junior.
Alyssa Sapire Has Been Promoted At Disney As CEO Of Global Preschool Brand Disney Junior. Alyssa Sapire has been promoted to lead all content for Disney Junior, additionaly solidified her senior executive team across development and current for franchise potential at Disney Media Entertaiment & Distribution.
Sapire has built a diverse slate of series,specials,films and shorts for Disney Junior that includes upcoming projects such as“Star Wars Young Jedi Adventures”,“Doc McStuffins” Stop-Motion shorts; “Pupstruction”; “SuperKitties”;“RoboGobo”;”Tiny Trailblazers”;”Hey A.J!”;”Ariel”; “Kindergarten: The Musical” & “Winnie The Pooh Shorts".
The Promotion continues Ayo Davis bringing more female diverse voices as leadership at Disney BTV following the promotions of Meredith Roberts,Lisa Fragner,Elizabeth Taylor,Leah Buono,Amee Dolleman,Mahita Penke, Jennifer Dubin,Nicole Silveira,Claire McCabe,Kim Berglund,Diane Ikemiyashiro,Lori Mozilo & Meghan de Boer.
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comfort-clubhouse · 10 months
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Disney Comfort Characters (Waves 1-9)
Hades (Hercules)
Jafar (Aladdin)
Iago (Aladdin)
Jack Skellington (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Lilo (Lilo & Stitch)
Mickey Mouse
Minnie Mouse
XR (Buzz Lightyear Of Star Command)
King Candy (Wreck It Ralph)
Angel (Lilo & Stitch)
Faline (Bambi)
Claude Frollo (Hunchback Of Notre Dame)
Snow White (Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs)
Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty)
Stitch (Lilo & Stitch)
Mirabel Madrigal (Encanto)
Pepa Madrigal (Encanto)
NOS-4-A2 (Buzz Lightyear Of Star Command)
Felix (Wreck It Ralph)
Melody (Little Mermaid)
Captain Hook (Peter Pan)
Clarabelle Cow
Figaro (Pinocchio)
Jack Sparrow (Pirates Of The Caribbean)
Hector Barbossa (Pirates Of The Caribbean)
Davy Jones (Pirates Of The Caribbean)
Hugo, Victor & Laverne (Hunchback Of Notre Dame)
Djali (Hunchback Of Notre Dame)
Gideon (Pinocchio)
Daisy Duck
Lumiere (Beauty & The Beast)
Kronk (Emperor's New Groove)
Quasimodo (Hunchback Of Notre Dame)
Geppetto (Pinocchio)
Tigger (Winnie The Pooh)
Oswald The Lucky Rabbit
King (Owl House)
Esmeralda (Hunchback Of Notre Dame)
Genie (Aladdin)
Clopin Trouillefou (Hunchback Of Notre Dame)
Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls)
Marinette Dupain-Cheng (Miraculous Ladybug)
Alya (Miraculous Ladybug)
Della Duck (Ducktales)
Eda Clawthorne (Owl House)
Yzma (Emperor's New Groove)
Drakken (Kim Possible)
Antonio Madrigal (Encanto)
Bruno Madrigal (Encanto)
Doofenshmirtz (Phineas & Ferb)
Evil Emperor Zurg (Buzz Lightyear Of Star Command)
Willow (Owl House)
Gabriel Agreste (Miraculous Ladybug)
Thumper (Bambi)
Zero (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Oogie Boogie (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Kuzco (Emperor's New Groove)
Tutter (Bear In The Big Blue House)
Ursula (Little Mermaid)
Winnie The Pooh
Piglet (Winnie The Pooh)
Eeyore (Winnie The Pooh)
Kanga (Winnie The Pooh)
Roo (Winnie The Pooh)
Rabbit (Winnie The Pooh)
Nathalie (Miraculous Ladybug)
Archdeacon (Hunchback Of Notre Dame)
Phoebus (Hunchback Of Notre Dame)
Cruella De Vil (101 Dalmatians)
Evil Queen (Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs)
Lucky (101 Dalmatians)
Smee (Peter Pan)
Dr Facilier (Princess & The Frog)
Ortensia The Cat
Gus (Cinderella)
Luz Noceda (Owl House)
Manny (Ducktales)
Donald Duck
Shellsea (Fish Hooks)
Lambie (Doc McStuffins)
Scrooge McDuck (Ducktales)
Dewey Duck (Ducktales)
Sebastian (Little Mermaid)
Chip (Beauty & The Beast)
Fifi (Beauty & The Beast)
Honest John (Pinocchio)
Mushu (Mulan)
Jaq (Cinderella)
Oscar Proud (Proud Family)
King Andrias (Amphibia)
Baymax (Big Hero 6)
Swampy (Where's My Water/Swampy's Underground Adventures)
Pleakley (Lilo & Stitch)
Goliath (Gargoyles)
Zooster (Jungle Junction)
Wander (Wander Over Yonder)
Molly McGee (Ghost & Molly McGee)
Otto (Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go)
Antauri (Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go)
Collector (Owl House)
Scratch (Ghost & Molly McGee)
Raine (Owl House)
Circus Of Ooze Crew (Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go)
Anne (Amphibia)
Sprig (Amphibia)
Tilly (Big City Greens)
Cricket (Big City Greens)
Marcy (Amphibia)
Penny Proud (Proud Family)
Suga Mama (Proud Family)
Sasha (Amphibia)
Brandy (Brandy & Mr Whiskers)
Berry (Palace Pets)
Miss Featherbon (Palace Pets: Whisker Haven)
Daisy (Palace Pets)
Dreamy (Palace Pets)
Bill (Big City Greens)
Lena (Ducktales)
Mr Whiskers (Brandy & Mr Whiskers)
Lily (Palace Pets)
Tiana (Princess & The Frog)
Alice (Big City Greens)
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sundove88 · 4 months
Avians (Planes Parody Casting)
Tsubasa Yuunagi is a small-town bird who dreams of one day competing as a high-flying avian racer. However, poor Tsubasa has two strikes against him: He's not built for racing, and he's terribly afraid of heights. To achieve his dream, Tsubasa turns to naval aviator Mighty Eagle. Mighty Eagle helps Tsubasa qualify to take on Dark Raven, the race circuit's defending champion. Tsubasa’s courage faces the ultimate test, as he takes aim at heights he never dreamed were possible.
Tsubasa Yuunagi, the famous racing bird, learns that his core is damaged, so he must shift gears and find a new career. He joins an elite corps of firefighting aircraft devoted to protecting historic Piston Peak National Park. When a massive wildfire threatens the park, Tsubasa -- with the help of his fearless colleagues Terra, Splash Woman, Gyro Man, Meta Knight and the Brave Gang -- learns what it takes to become a real hero.
Tsubasa Yuunagi/Cure Wing as Dusty Crophopper (Hirogaru Sky PreCure)
Mighty Eagle as Skipper Riley (Angry Birds)
Ageha Hijiri/Cure Butterfly as Chug (Hirogaru Sky PreCure)
Skyla as Dottie (Pokemon)
Sora Harewataru/Cure Sky, Mashiro Nijigaoka/Cure Prism, and Elle-Chan/Cure Majesty as Themselves/Dusty’s Friends (Hirogaru Sky PreCure)
Chill Penguin as Sparky (Mega Man X)
Kakeru and Puwa Yuunagi as Themselves/Dusty’s Parents (Hirogaru Sky PreCure)
Storm Eagle as El Chupacabra (Mega Man X)
Panchito Pistoles and Jose Carioca as Themselves/El Chu’s Coworkers (The Three Caballeros)
Golden Cheese Cookie as Ishani (Cookie Run)
Dark Raven as Ripslinger (Billy Hatcher and The Giant Egg)
Stop and Freeze as Ned and Zed (Go Princess PreCure)
Storm Owl as Bulldog (Mega Man X)
Guardian Bird as Rochelle (Balan Wonderworld)
Various Other Bird Characters as the Wings Around The Globe Racers
Pigeot as Leadbottom (Pokemon)
Boomer Kuwanger as Echo (Mega Man X)
Gravity Beetle as Bravo (Mega Man X)
Pilot Cookie as Colin Cowling (Cookie Run)
Haoyu Chang as Franz (Balan Wonderworld)
Tropius as Little King (Pokemon)
Host Cookie/Fruit Roll Up Cookie as Judge Davis (Cookie Run)
SplashWoman as Lil Dipper (Mega Man)
Bandana Waddle Dee as Maru (Kirby)
Terra as Blade Ranger (Mega Man)
GyroMan as Windlifter (Mega Man)
Meta Knight as Cabbie (Kirby)
The Brave Gang/Gingerbrave, Strawberry Cookie, Wizard Cookie, Custard Cookie III, and Chili Pepper Cookie as The Smokejumpers (Dynamite, Drip, Blackout, Avalanche, and Blackout) (Cookie Run)
Professor Kukui as The Secretary of The Interior (Pokemon)
Harukichi and Youko Hoshina as Harvey and Winnie (Star Twinkle PreCure)
Hikaru Hoshina and Parents as Themselves/Harvey and Winnie’s Family (Star Twinkle PreCure)
Green Biker Dude as Nick Loopin Lopez (Mega Man X)
Mammon as Cad Spinner (Helluva Boss)
Ramos as Ol Jammer (Pokemon)
PumpMan as Mayday (MegaMan)
FlashMan as Ryker (MegaMan)
HydroMan as Pulaski (MegaMan)
Waddle Doo as Flap (Kirby)
Iris as Patch (Mega Man X)
JewelMan as Andre (Mega Man)
Here’s your hint for the next casting (It’s Dreamworks):
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msc-ddv-ss · 6 months
Character Request Sheet:
The list of all the characters I will write/take requests for:
Walt Disney Animated Movies:
Mickey Mouse and Friends:
Mickey Mouse
Donald Duck
Minnie Mouse
Daisy Duck
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs:
Snow White
The Evil Queen
The Seven Dwarfs
Jiminy Cricket
Timothy Q. Mouse
The Three Caballeros:
Panchito Pistoles
Jose Carioca
The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad:
Ichabod Crane
Mr. Toad
Prince Charming
The Fairy Godmother
Alice in Wonderland:
The Mad Hatter
The Queen of Hearts
The Cheshire Cat
Peter Pan:
Peter Pan
Captain Hook
Wendy / John / Michael
Lady and the Tramp:
Tramp (Butch)
Sleeping Beauty:
Prince Philip
Fauna / Flora / Merryweather
101 Dalmations:
Cruella De Vil
The Sword and The Stone:
Wart (Arthur)
Madam Mim
The Jungle Book:
King Louie
Shere Khan
The Aristocats:
Thomas O’Malley
Marie / Toulouse / Berlioz
Robin Hood:
Robin Hood
Maid Marian
Little John
Prince John
Winnie the Pooh:
Winnie the Pooh
Christopher Robin
Kanga / Roo
The Rescuers:
Miss Bianca
The Fox and The Hound:
The Black Cauldron:
Fflewddur Fflam
The Horned King
The Great Mouse Detective:
Basil of Baker Street
Professor Ratigan
Oliver & Company:
Bill Cykes
The Little Mermaid:
Prince Eric
King Triton
Beauty and The Beast:
The Beast
The Genie
The Nightmare Before Christmas:
Jack Skellington
Oogie Boogie
The Lion King:
Timon / Pumba
A Goofy Movie:
Max Goof
John Smith
Governor Ratcliffe
The Hunchback of Notre Dame:
Captain Phoebus
Claude Frollo
Fa Mulan
Li Shang
Shan Yu
The Emperor's New Groove:
Emperor Kuzco
Atlantis: The Lost Empire
Milo Thatch
Princess Kida
Commander Rourke
Helga Sinclair
Lilo & Stitch:
Lilo Pelekai
Nani Pelekai
Treasure Planet: (Please Gameloft, I'm begging you...)
Jim Hawkins
John Silver
Captain Amelia
Dr. Delbert Doppler
Brother Bear:
Home on the Range:
Mrs. Calloway
Alameda Slim
Chicken Little:
Chicken Little
Buck Cluck
Meet the Robinsons:
Wilbur Robinson
The Bowler Hat Guy
The Princess and The Frog:
Prince Naveen
Dr. Facilier
Mama Odie
Flynn Rider / Eugene Fitzherbert
Mother Gothel
Wreck-It Ralph:
Wreck-It Ralph
Vanellope Von Schweetz
Fix It Felix
Sergeant Calhoun
King Candy / Turbo
Big Hero 6:
Hiro Hamada
Honey Lemon
Judy Hopps
Nick Wilde
Chief Bogo
Raya and the Last Dragon:
Mirabel Madrigal
The Madrigal Family
Strange World:
Searcher Clade
Ethan Clade
Meridian Clade
Jaeger Clade
King Magnifico
Live Action Movies:
Pirates of the Caribbean:
Captain Jack Sparrow
Will Turner
Elizabeth Swann
Hector Barbossa
Davy Jones
Robert Phillip
Prince Edward
Hocus Pocus:
Mary Sanderson
Sarah Sanderson
Winfred Sanderson
Pixar Movies:
Toy Story:
Bo Peep
Monsters Inc.:
James P. Sullivan
Mike Wazowski
Celia Mae
Randall Boggs
Finding Nemo:
The Incredibles:
Mr Incredible
Edna Mode
Lightning McQueen
Carl Fredrickson
Charles Muntz
Miguel Rivera
Hector Rivera
Mama Imelda Rivera
Ernesto De La Cruz
Ian Lightfoot
Barley Lightfoot
Joe Gardner
Turning Red:
Meilin “Mei” Lee
Disney Television Animation Shows:
Scrooge McDuck
Louie / Dewey / Huey Duck
Launchpad McQuack
Webby Vanderquack
Bentina Beakley
Phineas and Ferb:
Phineas Flynn
Ferb Fletcher
Candace Flynn
Perry the Platypus
Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz
Gravity Falls:
Dipper Pines
Mabel Pines
Grunkle Stan
Soos Ramirez
Wendy Corduroy
Bill Cipher
Anne Boonchuy
Sprig Plantar
Polly Plantar
Hop Pop Plantar
Sasha Waybright
Marcy Wu
Owl House:
Luz Noceda
Edalyn Clawthorne
King Clawthorne
Amity Blight
Gus Porter
Willow Park
(The list will be updated whenever any new films release, new characters release in Dreamlight Valley, and when I feel comfortable writing for some of the other shows)
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