#winter fic exchange '23
cowboybarzy · 2 years
New Year’s Surprise
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this is written for @bitchinbarzal for @antoineroussel winter fic exchange ‘23! I saw you write a lot about families and stuff yourself and since I’ve never done that I thought I would try it!! I hope you like it :)
I definitely love the idea of daddy barz so if you want to see more of it lmk I have plenty more ideas!!
mat barzal x reader
word count: 1.6k
"3... 2... 1... Happy New Year!"
You, your husband, Mat, and your three little kids shouted excitedly while throwing some gold confetti in the air. You went to hug your children and husband, taking your baby girl out of his arms and kissing her chubby cheeks. She was a little over one and was losing her baby like features so you made sure to cherish them as much as possible.
"I want cake now!," your middle child, a little boy practically an exact copy of his father, demanded after the confetti had settled and your dance party was over.
"Me, too, buddy," Mat answered with a grin and made his way towards your dining room table, where you had set out some desert for your family to enjoy. Your two sons clung to his legs, laughing uncontrollably, as Mat tugged them along. Seeing this, your daughter whined, throwing her arms up wanting to be apart of this crazy show. And Mat, not being able to deny his daughter anything, stopped to turn and take her back in his arms.
"Giving them sugar right now is probably not the best idea," you said, trying to get your children to sit in their chairs somewhat quietly so they could choose which desert they want. But they were already screaming at you what they wanted, changing their minds every few seconds. "Good luck," you laughed at your parents in-law who came to visit to celebrate the new year and we're going to watch them for the night while you and Mat got a rare night out.
Tonight was in fact New Year's Eve, but it wasn't the new year just yet, there were still a few hours left. Mat's team was throwing a New Year's party and you desperately wanted to go, but you also wanted to celebrate with your kids so you came up with a plan. Since your kids couldn't tell time yet, you set a clock fast and pretend it was midnight and therefore the new year when it was actually only 9pm. This way, your kids wouldn't have to stay up so late but still felt special celebrating as a family. So you threw them a little party, dressed everyone up and had a little dance party.
"Alright, I'm gonna put her to bed and then we can go," your husband said, while gently stroking your daughters back who was slowly falling asleep on him. You pressed a few kisses to her cheeks, saying goodnight to her, before he walked her up to her bedroom. Your boys were up next to get ready for bed, so you walked them up as well and got them changed into their pjs and watched them brush their teeth. They begged to watch a movie before bed, and though you always scolded your husband for not being able to say no to your children, you often had the same trouble, so you gave in and settled them on the living room couch with their grandparents.
While they were arguing over what movie to watch, you touched up your makeup and got your purse ready to go. Mat came back just as you were finishing up, so you both said your goodbyes to the boys. After lots of hugs, kisses, and promises that you would only be gone for a little while, you finally made it out of the house and into the car.
"Ready to par-tay, Mama?," Mat asked in a silly voice while turning the music up.
"Always, with my favorite dancing partner." He returned the smile and brought your hand up to his mouth to give it a soft kiss. But your smile quickly faded when a wave of nausea hit you.
"What's wrong?," Mat quickly asked, noticing your change in mood.
"I don't know, I don't feel so good. My stomach."
"Are you gonna throw up? Do you want me to pull over?" You shook your head no, but opened the window to get some fresh air. It helped a little and so you closed your eyes and focused on your breathing, hoping the nausea would go away. "Are you getting sick? You didn't feel good this morning either."
"I don't know, I don't really feel sick besides this." You couldn't talk much more during the ride, but it was short anyway and you made it to your destination in a few minutes. The team had rented out a bar for the party that could accommodate most of the team and some additional friends. You weren't the first ones to arrive so you were greeted by a bunch of your friends when you entered.
"Ok, let's get you some water." Mat put his arm around you and guided you to the bar to order you a glass of water. "Do you want something to eat, too?"
"No, I had too much for dinner. That's probably why I don't feel good." While yes you had eaten more for dinner than you normally do, but you worked hard in the kitchen all day so you wanted to have a bit of everything. Probably a mistake. "But I already feel better."
"You sure? Let me know if you want to go home though." You nodded and leaned into his hug after taking a few chugs of your water.
"(Y/n)!" You heard your name from across the room from the girls waving you over. Mat let you go with a chuckle and turned to find someone to talk to.
"Water? Are you serious?," Emma, your best friend and Mat's best friend's wife, called out shaking her head.
"I don't feel so good right now, maybe later." You got a curious or suspicious stare back from her and some of the other girls, but you didn't think anything of it and started a new conversation.
The night went on with lots of conversations and dancing and of course drinking, which you didn't participate in. You had ordered a drink but after two sips it just didn't feel right so you handed it off to someone else who gladly accepted. For the countdown to midnight you found your husband who securely tightened his arm around you.
"3...2...1! Happy New Year!" You shouted for the second time and quickly fell into embrace with Mat. He kissed you a lot harder than he had earlier with your family around, but everyone else in this room was doing the same so you didn't care. You kissed him back equally as passionate, never wanting that moment to end.
"I'm so happy I got to spend another year with you. Let's make this another good one," Mat said after breaking your kiss.
"Me too. I love you." You kissed him again, but this one was kept short because your friends interrupting to wish you a happy new year.
"Shots? Shots!" One of the other girls suggested a little while later. But the thought of any alcohol made your stomach hurl and a wave of nausea hit you again, so you declined.
"You're not pregnant, are you?"
"What? No!," you were quick to reply, but paused right after you said it. Now that she mentioned it, you had been experiencing a few pregnancy symptoms you had previously attributed to stress or being sick. You also hadn't gotten your period in a long time, but since you only had your last baby a year ago, it wasn't surprising that your period was irregular. You and Mat had agreed this last baby would be the last and hadn't been trying to have a baby, so the thought of you being pregnant had not crossed your mind at all. Emma gave you a suspicious look, but got the girls to drop the subject. The entire rest of the night you couldn't shake the thought of being pregnant and just wanted to go home and take a test. Thankfully, Mat didn't want to stay much longer either so by 1:30am you were both home again. You went to check on your boys first, who shared a room, but couldn't find them in their beds. You had an idea where they were though. You stopped in your daughters bedroom, too, who unfortunately woke up when Mat pressed a kiss to her forehead. After some hugs, her sleepy eyes and whiny cries convinced you to take her with you to your bed, where your two boys were already spread out.
Mat placed your daughter in bed and quickly changed to lie down next to her. You however went to the bathroom to brush your teeth and take your makeup off, but your first action was to take a pregnancy test. You nervously waited for the test to tell you the results, so you busied yourself with your nightly routine. You didn't tell Mat yet, no need to worry him in case the test was negative.
Done with your lotion, you flipped the test with shaking hands. Positive. Positive. Oh crap. You stared at it for a few minutes, expecting to freak out or cry or break down, but instead... you laughed. You had one horny husband, that's for sure. And after three kids, the thought of adding one more really didn't seem as scary now that it was reality.
You hid the test behind your back and stepped out of the bathroom. Both you husband and children were spread out across the bed not leaving any space for you. Although you were tired, it brought a smile to your face. "We have too many kids," Mat chuckled sleepily.
"Yeah," you agreed and then held up your positive pregnancy test in the air. "Wanna add another one?"
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jostystyles · 2 years
cooler | tj
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a/n: this is my entry for @antoineroussel 's winter fic exchange! demi, thanks for putting this together as always!! this fic was written for @butgilinsky <3 I hope you enjoy it dear!! special thanks to @comphy-and-cozy for letting me brain rot about my tyson jost = nick miller agenda, and @suitandtys for the title. divider graphics are by @firefly-graphics . this fic is inspired by nick and jess's first kiss in new girl. i hope you enjoy <3
warnings: fluff, alcohol, use of she/her pronouns. mat barzal is an instigator.
word count: 2.8k
The All-Star Weekend, for a certain group of guys, meant the ability to show off their skills for the game they love, and praise for being considered the best of the best. But for the rest of them, it meant something else. 
Freedom & Relaxation. 
Of course, the way the free time was being spent varied from player to player. Some guys returned home to spend time with their kids and families, some took weekend trips, and some just stayed put. 
But for Tyson Jost, Mat Barzal, and Dante Fabbro, it meant a reunion. Typically, they only saw each other during the season when they played each other respectfully, and in the summer when they trained together amongst other things. This break, though, they’d be traveling to Cancun for a weekend getaway with some of their friends from back home. Though they all hailed from different hometowns, they had a pretty tight knit group that tried to see each other as much as possible. So when the group chat collectively agreed everyone would be free for a trip, it was decided. This was going to be a trip to remember. 
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“Wait, why the fuck do I need my passport?” Mat exclaimed inquisitively, his voice echoing through the speakers of the FaceTime call. 
Abruptly pausing her packing, (Y/N) turned to grab her phone off the bed. “What? Mat, where the hell do you think Cancun is?” 
“Uh. Florida.” He said, like she had asked him the stupidest question in the world.
“Jesus fuck, Mat, it’s in Mexico. Are you kidding me? Your plane ticket literally says you’re flying into Mexico.” 
As if his mind had just been completely blown, which it had in a way, Mat’s expression turned to one of total shock. “Wow. That makes a lot of sense, actually.” 
(Y/N) shook her head with a sigh, wondering how he has managed to make it this far. Out of all her close friends, Mat was the one she’d known the longest. The two of them had grown up on the same street, their families becoming friends over the years. Despite the jokes from everyone, they’d actually defied the odds to show that boys and girls can be just friends as they’d formed such a tight bond throughout their lives and consider each other like siblings. 
Naturally, they had the same friends. Enter Dante, who came into the picture when he and Mat started playing hockey together. Over the years, the three of them grew closer and other friends came and went, but as they got older, a group solidified. As they became teenagers, Tyson became a part of that group. (Y/N) still remembers the day she first met him. 
Her family was the last to arrive at the Fabbro’s lake house, as usual. This had been a tradition for the past few years, and she usually anticipated it each time. But for some reason she was nervous. She was 14 now, and things were changing. She was no longer the nerdy little girl that hung out with the hockey boys, physically at least. The thought of being in a bathing suit around a bunch of rowdy boys made her feel awkward and uncomfortable. She reminded herself it was just Mat and Dante, her two idiot best friends who would make fun of her for the color of the swimsuit, not how she looked in it. Shaking it off, she grabbed her suitcase and wandered through the cabin to the room she shared with Dante’s sisters. Tossing the bag on the bed, she quickly grabbed her book to head down to the water. (Y/N) closed the door behind her and turned around to walk away, only to take a few steps and collide with something bare and warm. She fell to the ground, letting out an “Oof.” 
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry I wasn’t looking where I was going are you ok?” A voice rambled on. 
“Yeah, no problem ‘m good, I-” (Y/N) replied, her voice faltering as she looked up. Her eyes were met with the softest brown ones, flashing at her with a look of concern. She felt the blood rush to her cheeks. 
“Here, let me help you up. I’m Tyson, um, Tyson Jost. Mat and Dante’s friend from hockey.” The boy said, reaching down to help her up. 
“I’m (Y/N). Also Mat and Dante’s friend, but um. Not from hockey.” She said, eliciting a laugh from Tyson. 
He stuck his hand out before saying, “Well, here’s to hoping we become each other’s friend too.” 
Shaking his hand, (Y/N) shook her head with a shy smile. A part of her knew her life would never be the same now that he was in it. 
“...when Tyson gets in?” 
The sound of Mat’s voice brought her back to reality. “Hm?” She replied. Rolling his eyes, Mat spoke with a teasing tone. 
“I knew that saying his name would get your attention. Do you know when Tyson gets in?” 
“You’re a dick. He gets in around the same time as you so I’d try and get to the house together. Gabe, Alicia, Jay and I will already be there.” 
“Fer sure. You think this’ll be the trip you finally admit you’re in love with each other?”
(Y/N) shot him a glare. “I will hang up on you right now Mathew. Tyson is not in love with me.” 
“You didn’t deny you’re in love with him though.” 
Caught off guard, she stumbled over her words. Mat let out a laugh, saying, “(Y/N/N) you realize I know you better than anyone right? You aren’t fooling anyone. Except Tys. He’s definitely oblivious.” 
“I will literally skin you alive and slice your achilles tendon if you say anything to him on this trip.” 
“Love you too.” 
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If there was anything Tyson needed right now, it was a gigantic margarita on the beach. The past year of his life had been a bit insane, and he was in desperate need of a vacation. He’d missed his friends, too. They didn’t get to see each other that often now that they were older, and cherished times like this. His flight had landed from Buffalo a few minutes ago, and he was waiting at the baggage claim to grab his luggage. Scrolling through instagram to pass time, he felt a hand clap on his shoulder and whipped his head around. 
“Oh hell yeah. Missed you brother, what’s up!” He said, turning to embrace Mat in a hug.
“Missed you too bud. You ready for the best weekend of your life? C’mon. Car’s here.” 
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“Jesus Christ, Leesh. I can’t believe your boss let you have his fucking house for the weekend. This place is insane.” (Y/N) exclaimed, taking in the sights that laid before her. Alicia’s boss had graciously let her utilize his beach mansion for the weekend as a thanks for her hard work at her company. 
“Eh, perks of being fucking good at what I do.” Alicia said, taking a swig of moscato straight from the bottle. “Who wants a cocktail?” 
“I sure do. Tequila sunrise, light on the sunrise, heavy on the tequila.” A voice cried out, followed by a huff of laughter. 
Turning around, (Y/N)’s confusion turned into a smile. “Barzy, you’re not even through the door and you’re already asking for a drink? Why am I surprised?” 
“You shouldn’t be. I love day drinking.” Mat stated, hugging her. “Watch out. Your boyfriend's right behind me.” He whispered in her ear, earning him a knee to his nether regions. 
Pushing him away, (Y/N) turned towards the guy she’d been waiting far too long to see. 
Tyson stood there, a small smile on his face. After the hell he’d been through the past 10 months, he still managed to smile. That was one of her favorite things about him. His brown eyes looked soft, and duller than usual, and she couldn’t tell if it was from the flight. 
“C’mere you big oaf. I missed you, Tys.” 
He hugged her for a bit longer than he intended. There was just something comforting about being in his best friend's arms again. 
“Ok, if you two love birds are going to keep hugging, we’re going to get this party started. Drinking games start now.” Dante said, shoving two solo cups full of something their way. 
Grabbing the cups, Tyson passed one to (Y/N). “Good to see you too, Big D. Lead the way.” 
“I missed you, you know.” Tyson said, swinging his and (Y/N)’s entwined hands back and forth. 
“I missed you too. Least we’re in the same state now though, right?” 
“6 hours is still too far.” 
(Y/N) chuckled. “Well, at least I’m a train ride away instead of a plane.” 
As they approached the patio, the party was already in full swing. Music was blasting, Mat was already trying to get Jay down from her place on top of the table, and Gabe and Alicia were mixing drinks like nobody's business. 
Tyson shook his head. “Somebodies gonna fucking die here.” 
“Either that, or we’re spending a night in a Mexican jail.” (Y/N) replied. The night was just about to begin. 
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To say everyone was fucked up would be putting it lightly. The drinks had been flowing consistently all evening, and it was approaching midnight. The gang had made their way inside for a game of who knows what. At this point, it was just a bunch of drunk people shouting things. Mat and Jay were sharing a bottle of wine, discussing God knows what under the dining room table. Gabe was shirtless, but wearing his swimsuit and dress socks. Tyson had somehow acquired a trench coat he found in one of the bedroom closets, and (Y/N) sported her bikini top and a bright pink tutu from god knows where. 
“Guys, I think we need to call it a night. We’re gonna be so hungover tomorrow and it’s only the first day.” 
“NO!” Alicia cried. “Don’t be a party pooper. You were out the latest in college.”
“We aren't in college anymore. I’m tired, Leesh.” (Y/N) wailed, resting her head dramatically on Tyson’s shoulder. 
“Boring. Who wants to play another game?” Alicia shouted, gaining the attention of the whole house. 
“How about good old fashioned, 7 minutes in heaven?” Jay chimed in, waggling her eyebrows mischievously. 
“OOOh, nice one Jay. I’m in. Who votes Josty and (Y/N)?” 
The room erupted in cheers, aside from (Y/N) and Tyson. 
“Hold on, don’t we get a say in this?” Tyson retorted. 
“Nope. Behind the iron curtain you go!” Alicia demanded, ushering them to the kitchen, where she then rolled the door that separated the two spaces shut. 
A chant of “Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” began amongst the other friends, as Tyson protested. 
“Open the door! This isn’t funny guys.” 
The chants continued, and (Y/N) sucked in a sharp breath at Tyson’s seeming wish to be left out. Would it really be that bad to him if they kissed? 
After a moment, (Y/N) spoke up. “Ok, we kissed! Sent you a picture!” 
From the other side of the door, Dante looked at the picture, which was of (Y/N) and Tyson with their lips pursed, angled at each others cheeks. “That is not a kiss! C’mon, Inspector Gadget, inspect those tonsils!” 
Barzy chimed in, saying, “Yeah! C’mon, Josty. Just give (Y/N) a tender, sensual, kiss, and we’ll let you right out.” 
“Mat, shut up!” (Y/N) cried, knowing full well he was having a field day with this. 
Tyson was desperately trying to pry the door open, but was unsuccessful. His heart was beating out of his chest. This was not how he wanted this to go. 
Leaning against the counter, (Y/N) pondered, “What’s the big deal? Let’s just suck it up and french a little.” That was the tequila talking. 
Tyson shot his head up at her. “Ok, fine. But don't say ‘suck it up and french a little’.” 
“Ok, fine, let’s do this.” 
They walked towards each other, stopping when they were in close proximity. (Y/N) could feel her heart beating a mile a minute. Tyson’s hands reached out to settle on her forearms. She could see the sparkle in his brown eyes that wasn’t there before. Later, she’d come to know, that spark only existed for her. 
“Let’s just do it.” Tyson said, his voice quivering slightly. 
“Let’s do it.” (Y/N) echoed. “Do it.” 
“I’m doing it.” 
“Fine, then do it.” 
“Are you a tounger?”
“Tyson, what the hell.” 
“Well, I don’t wanna put my tongue in your mouth if you don’t like it!” 
(Y/N) sighed, laughing at her best friend. “Just kiss me!” 
Tyson was freaking out. “OK, alright, great. That’s what I’m gonna do.” He grabbed her face, his fingers gracing her soft (Y/H/C) ever so lightly. “Ready?” 
“Yeah.” (Y/N) replied, quietly. 
Tyson closed his eyes, leaning in. (Y/N) pulled her head away, saying, “I’m sorry, you can’t do that!” 
“What did I do?” Tyson asked, eyebrows furrowed. 
“Your face!” 
“My face?” 
“You can’t do that with your face.” 
Tyson burst into laughter, (Y/N) soon following him. They stopped, glancing at each other for a brief moment. Tyson thought she was the prettiest girl in the world. He always had, ever since they met 10 years ago. Just as he was about to speak up, a banging ensued on the wall. 
“Yo, I don’t hear any talking, so ya’ll better be smooching!” Dante screeched. 
“Yeah, yeah, we’re getting to it.” Tyson said, not breaking eye contact with (Y/N). 
The chants of “Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” picked back up again. 
“Ok Tyson, come on. Just kiss me.” (Y/N) said, frustrated. 
“No, I’m not gonna kiss you.” 
“Kiss me!” 
“(Y/N), stop!” Tyson said harshly. 
“God, Jost, just kiss me already!” 
“No, not like this!” he almost shouted. 
(Y/N)’s face turned to one of confusion. “What? What does that mean?” 
Tyson took a step back, his face turning red. “No I didn’t mean… Nothing, I just. I didn’t mean it like that. I just, we can’t. That’s not, you know, like,” He was full on word vomiting, “Do you know like, it’s very, like, you don’t, that’s not what it…” 
(Y/N) tilted her head, a small smile on her face. Before she could say anything, the door swung open, revealing Jay, with an insane look on her face. 
“Ok, times up! Mat and I’s turn.” 
Tyson was gone faster than (Y/N) could see, leaving her with nothing but a sobered up head full of confusion, and a heavy heart. 
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Everyone had since retreated to their rooms for the night, except for Jay and Mat who were probably still making out in the kitchen like they usually do when they’re drunk. Her door slightly ajar, (Y/N) saw a quick shadow while she was brushing her hair. 
“Hey!” she cried out. Tyson stopped in his own doorway, turning around to see (Y/N) in hers. She stood there in her silk nightgown, bare faced, with the look of concern painted across her face that she often gave him. 
“You ok, Tys?” She asked softly, stepping out into the hallway just a bit. 
“Yeah, Im good. Just needed to sober up a bit, so I went and sat down by the beach.” 
“Oh. Ok. Listen, about earlier. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I was just messing around, feeding off our idiot friends.” (Y/N) apologized. 
“S’ Ok, (Y/N/N). It was just a game. I still think you’re cool.” 
“I think you’re cooler. Night, Tyson.” She replied with a smile. 
“G’night, (Y/N).” 
Just as she turned to go inside her room, something shifted within Tyson. Like he wasn’t even thinking, he reached out and grabbed her arm, pulling her flush to him. Before either of them could speak, he pressed his lips onto hers, encapsulating them into a passionate kiss. His arms moved to her lower back, hugging her so forcefully as if it were to be the last time. (Y/N)’s arms were wrapped around his neck, tugging at the tufts of curls that lay at the back of his head. Their lips moved in harmony, Tyson kissing her again and again each time with more push than the last. They finally broke apart, foreheads pressed together and breathing heavily. 
Tyson kissed her once more, than again, and again. He finally looked at her, his finger under her chin forcing her to look at him. 
She was staring at him, her big beautiful (Y/E/C) that he loved so dearly, begging him to say something. 
“I meant something like that.” Tyson told her, before dropping his hands from her figure and retreating into his room, and shutting the door.  
(Y/N) stood there, in complete and utter shock. She brought her hand up to touch her lips, and let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. 
Tyson Jost was going to be the death of her, and she’d been hoping to see the Grim Reaper for quite a while.
tags: @comphyjost @tinyhockey @2manytabsopen @laurenairay @fallinallincurls @ilyasorokinn @lt-natrace
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cobrakaisb · 2 years
only thing i ever get for christmas
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this is my fic for @lhugh​ as part of @bbrissonn​ winter fic exchange. i hope you like this annie <3
summary: it’s the holiday season, and there’s only one way luke can think of to let you know how he truly feels: gift giving
warnings: this imagine is not based off the justin bieber song, but i think it suits the imagine. i also used they/them pronouns for the reader since those are annie’s pronouns. 
word count: 1.6k
“who wants to go shopping?” you asked, poking your head into the living room area of the house. “nobody,” mackie mumbled, eyes transfixed on the television. “oh eddy don’t pass to him,” he said, fingers flying over the controller. you were supposed to be hanging out with your friends. everyone was gathered at the sophomore’s house: mark, mackie, ethan, luke, duker, a handful of the media girls, and you. then, you remembered that you still needed to buy a gift for your sister. 
you were going home for the holidays, and while your family had their issues, you still tried to bring some holiday spirit. “please. i just need one buddy, that’s it!” you begged, making prayer hands. 
“sorry y/n/n, but we’re all busy,” mark answered, a sympathetic smile on his face. his attention left you quickly as something exciting happened in the video game. “i can go with you tomorrow,” lauren suggested, patting your shoulder. “thanks, but i have to pack tomorrow. at this rate i’ll just go alone,” you answered, giving her a grateful smile before walking away to gather your belongings. 
“where are you going?” luke asked, finally catching sight of you. he’d been looking for you all day, and now he had you in his sights. he watches with furrowed eyebrows as you slip on your winter boots, tying the laces. “the store. i need to buy my sister a present, it completely slipped my mind,” you answered, standing up to your full height, which was still significantly shorter than luke. “want a buddy?” he asked, looking down at the contents of his cup, a small flush creeping up his neck. 
“yes! yes! yes! you want to come?” you asked, excitement coursing through your veins. he nodded, a quirked smile on his lips. “let me get my stuff,” he mumbled, before walking off to gather whatever he deemed essential. you agreed, promising to wait for him as you finished putting on your winter clothes. 
“ready?” he asked, reaching behind you to grab the house key from the random bowl the boys kept all the keys in. “mhm,” you answered, opening the front door and stepping into the cold, winter air. “where should we go?” he asked, following you down the steps of the house. you thought for a moment, trying to pinpoint a location where you might find something remotely close to a gift for your sister. “i think we should try the downtown area first. if there’s nothing, then i’ll just buy her a basic target gift,” you decided, walking down the pavement with luke by your side. “nothing wrong with a basic target gift,” luke said, a small smile on his lips at the sound of your quiet laughter.
“i know, but i still feel bad. i want it to seem like i put some effort into this,” you explained, looking at the taller boy. he nodded his head, humming in agreement. “what about you? did you get anything for your brothers?” you asked, trying to make conversation as the two of you continued your walk down the street. “yeah i got them a couple of gifts, mostly hockey related,” he answered, a small smile on his face. “that’s nice. i’m sure they’ll appreciate it,” you replied, eyes scanning the different storefronts that were just now coming into view.
you stopped in front of a small boutique. from the outside looking in, it appeared to still be open. your eyes scanned the contents in the window, and you noticed some items that looked promising. “do you mind if we go in here?” you asked, pointing towards the store as you turned to face luke. “of course. you’re the one who needs to buy gifts. we can go wherever you want,” luke answered, holding the door open for you to walk through. you mumbled out a small thanks as you began looking through all the different clothing options hanging on the racks.
it was about halfway through your search that you saw a simple tee shirt. it was neutral colors but with an elaborate butterfly design on the front. it was super cute, and you could immediately think of a handful of outfits to make with the shirt. “you think your sister will like that?” luke asked, looking at the shirt in your hands. “huh? oh no, it’s not really her style,” you explained, putting the shirt back with a regretful stare. eventually, you moved on to the jewelry section, where a necklace and earrings set caught your eye. it was perfect for you sister, so you ended up buying, leaving the butterfly shirt behind.      
“guys who knows how to wrap a gift?” luke asked, looking at his roommates. “do not look at me. why would i know how to do that?” mackie asked, shaking his head. luke huffed, annoyance clearly present on his face. “why do you need to wrap a present? didn’t y/n help you wrap them a couple of weeks ago?” mark asked, looking at his friend. “well yeah, but that was before i bought their present,” luke mumbled, awkwardly scratching at the back of his neck.
“you bought y/n a present?” ethan asked slowly, as if the idea was so hard to comprehend. “yes,” luke answered, a nervous look overtaking his face. “okay. what is it?” ethan continued, standing up from his spot on the couch. “this shirt that they were looking at. i just know y/n liked it, so i bought it without them realizing,” luke rambled, opening the bag from the boutique. the boys all stood around the bag, looking at the contents inside. “oh that’s a great pick. they’d definitely wear that,” dylan said, clapping luke on the shoulder. luke rolled his eyes at his friend’s words. “i know duker. that’s why i bought it, especially since y/n couldn’t keep their eyes off it.” 
“why don’t you just give it to them in the bag?” mackie asked, eyebrows raised. luke shrugged, “it seems kind of bare minimum, and i don’t want to be a bare minimum type of guy,” he answered. “well considering that they're leaving in an hour, i don’t think we should try to get this all dolled up,” mark replied, giving luke a pointed look. 
“shit. i forgot they were leaving so soon. i’ll be back,” he mumbled, taking the bag from the guys. luke scrambled around the house to grab car keys and his jacket, but he made it out with just enough time to see you. 
“y/n!” he called, waving to you as you brought your suitcase onto the curb. “luke?” you asked, confusion present in your voice. you were not expecting to see him today considering that you exchanged goodbyes yesterday. “i know you’re leaving for the airport to go home for the break, but i couldn’t let you go without giving you this,” he said, shoving the bag into your hands. 
your eyes rotated between the bag and him. he seemed nervous, which wasn’t totally out of character for luke, but it was a little odd. the two of you were friends, and you had been for a long time, so it was weird to see him acting like this. finally, you opened the bag, taking out the contents which were wrapped carefully in tissue paper. you immediately recognized the logo on the sticker as the one belonging to the boutique you two visited yesterday. 
“luke,” you started but stopped when he said, “just open it please.” you complied, pulling back the sticker with the utmost care. luke watched, bottom lip between his teeth, as you finally glanced at the shirt. the same shirt that you had been eyeing at the store. “this is the shirt i was looking at,” you mumbled, allowing your eyes to meet his. “yeah. you seemed really into it, and i knew you’d wear it so i bought it,” he answered, hand rubbing at the back of his neck. 
without even thinking, your arms latched around his shoulders as you pulled him into a hug. luke stood there frozen, for a split second, before he hugged you back. his arms wrapped around your waist as he held you close. “this is so sweet, and so thoughtful. thank you luke. i love it, honestly,” you said, pulling away from his embrace so you could meet his eyes. “you’re welcome y/n. i just…i wanted to get something special for you because you mean so much to me,” he replied. “you mean a lot to me too, luke,” you answered, smiling at him. luke reciprocated your smile, but there was something else behind it; something he wasn't saying.
“right but i…you mean more to me than a friend…i um…what i’m trying to say is that i like you y/n, a lot…i like you romantically that is,” he said, stumbling over his words awkwardly. “luke,” you whispered, grabbing his hand in yours. “i like you romantically too. sure i’ve never really said anything, but i figured you didn’t feel the same way and i wasn’t willing to risk our friendship over that,” you explained. luke squeezed your hand, his long fingers curling around yours. he swallowed back his nerves. “maybe when you come back we could go on a date. a real date,” he proposed. “yeah. i’d like that a lot,” you answered, giving his hand another squeeze. 
“yeah?” he asked. “yeah,” you agreed, smiling up at him with nothing but adoration in your eyes.
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bbrissonn · 2 years
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hi!!! so i will be organizing a winter fic exchange for the '01 ntdp class and the umich team (including a few alumni). here's how it work:
after filling out the form linked at the bottom of this post, i will be giving a blog for which you need to write a winter themed fic, the type if fic it needs to be and which boy you will be writing about.
this is opened to anyone who wants to participate, no matter how much experience you have in writing !!
now here are some rules:
this is an reader or oc insert fic exhange.
the fic must be linked with winter.
you have until dec. 1 to sign up for this exchange. you will receive your match by dec. 7.
you can start posting your fic on dec. 20 and you have until feb. 4 to post you fic.
the fic needs to have at least 1.5k or around this number of words
if at any points you change your username, you have to let me know. this is very important !!!
the person you write a fic for will NOT be the one writing a fic for you. so to find out more about what the person wants their fic be like, go into their inbox as an anon and ask quesion. which leads me to my next rule
your anons must be turned on by dec. 1
you are not to contact the person you are writing for without using their inbox and anon. the whole point of this is for people to not know who is writing for them.
do not ever mention which boy you are writing for, again this is apart of the surprise. the only element you are allowed to mention to them if the type of fic, and that only.
once fics start being posted, i will create a big mastlist on my account for everyone to see. once we get closer to dec. 20, i will make a post about what needs to be included in the post of your fic (the part before the fic, idk if im explaining this well but oh well).
once you all have your pairs, i will be checking in with you all every 2 weeks are so to see if any progress is being made.
-> link to sign up
tagging people who have showed interest @lhugh @cobrakaisb @bitchinbarzal @blankenlove @arianabordeleau @tthomasbordeleau @sidcrosbyspuck
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fear-of-flyers · 2 years
home for christmas
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this is my work written for @sidcrosbyspuck as a part of @iibratzbaby winter fic exchange! i hope y'all enjoy <3
pairing: alex turcotte x fem!reader word count: 2.4k warnings: generally angsty (the title is misleading sorry), siblings being bold (lmk if there's anything i'm missing!)
“Will you come home with me?” Alex asked you in early October when the AHL confirmed a holiday break. You answered “of course” with no hesitation because why wouldn’t you. You and Alex had been dating for almost a year and he had met your parents when they came to California for your college graduation; but you had yet to meet his dad. When Alex made his NHL debut you were in the middle of finals and trips hadn’t worked out since. You had only heard great things about his family since so you agreed to go. And for a while you were excited. But somewhere mid November Alex started losing, and with the losses came distance and with the distance came arguments. You were upset that he kept disappearing for what felt like days at a time to hang out with his friends and do anything to forget about a loss. He always said he was sorry but never seemed to make the effort to change and as time went on you felt more and more hurt. The issue though was how perfect Alex managed to be when he was there. Somehow he kept up with the littlest things and for those moments you couldn’t imagine yourself anywhere else. When he made you breakfast in bed and offered to drive you to work you found yourself forgetting how often you were curled up in a cold bed with not a clue where in the city your boyfriend was. So while deep inside you knew that you shouldn’t go home with him, you did anyway. 
The two of you boarded a flight on December 22 at LAX and landed 4 hours later at O’Hare in Chicago. From there you got in your rental car for the week and drove the 45 minutes to Alex’s hometown. Along the way you held hands over the center console as Alex pointed out all of the places he’d grown up. It was nice. You felt like you were seeing a new side of the boy you thought you knew everything about. At your insistence you stopped by a shop in town to get a bouquet for Alex’s mom and a bottle of wine for Alex’s dad before finally making your way to his home. And the best part of it all was how you could feel his energy growing as you got closer to your destination. Finally you pulled into the driveway of a light blue, two-story house. Alex killed the ignition and you each unbuckled your seatbelt. You turned to look at him, smiling when you saw just how happy he was to be home. Feeling your eyes on him, Alex turned and looked at you. “You ready?” He asked, squeezing your hand almost in reassurance. “Yup!” You nodded, letting go of his hand to open your door and walk to grab your bag out of the trunk. 
When you both had your bags Alex grabbed your hand with his empty one and in his excitement half-dragged you to the front door. As you climbed the steps, the door opened and Alex let go of your hand to hug his dad before introducing you. “Dad this is Y/n, Y/n this is my dad.” He said, moving to the side so you could take the hug Mr.Turcotte offered to you. “Hi Mr.Turcott, nice to meet you,” you said. “Please, Y/n, call me Alfie. It’s nice to meet you too,” he responded. “I’ve heard great things about you.” With that you blushed, looking softly at Alex until he looked away as Alfie invited you inside. 
Once inside Alex showed you to his room where you both left your bags before heading downstairs to talk about plans for the week. You learned that Alex’s mom still worked full time but would be off from the 23rd to when you and Alex left on the 28th. She would be home around 4:30 that evening and Alex’s siblings would arrive over the course of the next few days. With that information you asked Alex if he had made any plans for while he was home. You wanted to know if there was anything you needed mentally prepare for. Instead you learned that Alex was hanging out with two separate groups of friends and you weren’t invited. 
“We wanted like a guy's night, you know?” Alex asked you, his face remaining neutral as he took in the flash of hurt on yours. “No hard feelings right? I promise it’s nothing personal.” You nodded slightly, pasting on a smile. “Of course Alex. No hard feelings. What if we had a date night though?” You asked. It had been a while since you spent intentional time together and a part of you hoped the sneaking suspicion you had that the relationship wouldn’t make it back to LA wasn’t true. Unfortunately Alex’s response was “Maybe, depends on if we have time or not.” Hearing “we” you looked at him confused. “If ‘we’ have time?” You asked, “Alex I came to hang out with the people you love. As far as I’m aware I have nothing but time.” At that Alex had the decency of looking chastised but when he opened his mouth those feelings weren’t conveyed. “I guess I meant if I have time. Sorry.” You nodded again, not bothering to hold your smile and got up, announcing “I’m gonna go unpack a little.” before climbing the stairs to Alex’s room.
And that was where you found yourself 3 days later. You were alone, getting ready to go to Alex’s aunt’s house for Christmas dinner and you couldn’t stop thinking. This was the first moment of real alone time you had had since you arrived, Alex was showering while you did your makeup, and the longer you sat the more clear it became to you. Then the realization hit you like a ton of bricks, you were falling out of love. And the timing made it that much worse. You didn’t want to talk to Alex about breaking up as you were sitting in his parents home. What you didn’t know was that Alex was having the same internal monologue as he showered. The issue was that instead of being mature adults and talking about your feelings as Alex was deciding to pull away even more you opted to make it seem like everything was perfect. This mix meant horrible tension all through dinner starting when you reached for Alex’s hand over the dash and he opted to drive with two hands. It didn’t get better when he introduced you to his family then abandoned you to hang out with his cousins, and it was still bad when you sat through most of dessert, the entire ride home, and your bedtime routine virtually silent. That night as you fell asleep you half thought that you would be more comfortable sleeping alone. The bed you were sharing felt just as cold as the nights you slept by yourself but at least then you were in a familiar space, here you felt entirely isolated.
The next morning you moved around the bathroom with Alex, falling into a familiar routine even as the air felt stale. After breakfast with his family Alex excused himself for the rest of the morning to go to Topgolf with his friends. As the door shut behind him you turned to go upstairs and were met with the face of Gabi, one of his older sisters. You jumped a little, not expecting someone behind you. “Hey. Everything good?” You asked, not quite understanding what was going on. Gabi shook her head, “I could ask you the same thing Y/n.” Your face contorted with more confusion and at your look Gabi grabbed your wrist and led you upstairs to her room. 
You moved to sit in the desk chair as Gabi closed the door behind you before sitting on her bed. After sitting in silence for a couple of minutes you finally broke it. “What did you mean earlier? Why wouldn’t everything be good with me?” You asked, already wanting the conversation to be over. Gabi rolled her eyes, “Things clearly aren’t going perfectly with you and Alex. There was a weird tension between y’all when you got here and it’s somehow managed to get worse,” she said. “You barely said a word to him last night, I have a right to be concerned.” And for whatever reason that statement got you. In what world did she have a right into her brother’s relationship? If she was truly concerned why wouldn’t she take it up with Alex? “We’re fine Gabi,” you said. “And not that it’s your business but I’m just upset he made all these plans that didn’t include me.” Gabi nodded, “Oh.” You smiled sharply, “Anything else you wanna know? Any other business I can put out there?” You asked before standing and walking out of the room as she shook her head.
You made yourself scarce after the conversation with Gabi, not wanting to face Alex’s family until he got home. The issue was that once he got home Alex didn’t make his way upstairs until it was almost dinner time. You wanted to be okay with that, truly, but it definitely hurt that Alex didn’t even text to check in. When he did finally make it upstairs you smiled gently from the bed, pausing your movie. “Hey,” you said, “how was golf?” Alex smiled back as he sat at the edge of the bed, pulling your ankles into his lap. “Good,” he replied, “it started snowing on the way home. How was hanging out here?” Your eyes widened slightly remembering the conversation from that morning but decided that now wasn’t the time. “It was fine,” you said. “Something happened with Gabi but I don’t want to talk about it right now, especially not around your family.” Alex nodded in understanding but still looked concerned. Sensing this you asked, “Is there somewhere in town we can get ice cream tonight?” He nodded, “Yeah, we can go to Culver’s after dinner. I’ll tell my family we wanted time to ourselves.”
You found that kind of ironic, the fact that time alone was gonna be the excuse he used; that was all you wanted since the beginning of the trip. Yet here you were, using time alone as an excuse so you could tell him about what his sister did. But you nodded in agreement anyways, not wanting to stir the pot before this conversation. “Mom said dinner would be ready soon.” Alex said, moving your legs out of his lap and standing up. “Are you ready to head down?” You nodded, moving the blankets off of your body and taking Alex’s offered hand to pull you up. The two of you walked to the door hand in hand but the moment of bliss stopped as Gabi peeked her head in to let you know dinner was ready. You watched as her eyes flicked down to your joined hands, sending you a look you couldn’t quite read. You grimaced a little, hoping Alex didn’t notice the interaction. If he did he didn’t say anything but he did let your hand go to pull the door open further, stepping to the side to let you through.
After an awkward dinner you and Alex excused yourselves, pulled on your jackets and climbed into his car. “What was up with you and Gabi at dinner?” He asked, unable to wait any longer. “I don’t really know,” you answered honestly. “Although I can’t say I’m surprised she didn’t tell you about this morning.” Alex turned onto the main road, “What happened this morning?” You shook your head as you remembered. “She asked me what was happening between us.” You said, “I asked why she felt the need to be in our business and why she didn’t ask you.” Alex scoffed, “Why does it matter who she asked?” Then it was your turn to scoff, “She’s your sister Alex. I’ve known her for not even 3 days. If one of my friends went to you, instead of me, about something they thought was a problem I wouldn’t exactly appreciate it.” You said, hoping desperately it made sense to him. Unfortunately Alex’s response was “I don’t see the problem with it Y/n, she was just concerned.” And that was your breaking point. “You haven’t seen a problem with a lot of things recently Alex,” you said. “If you had, maybe we wouldn’t be having this conversation.” Alex tightened his grip on the wheel and turned slightly to you, “What does that mean?” he asked. “It means exactly what it sounds like,” you replied. “You’ve seen no problem going out with the team and not telling me anything, and you certainly haven’t seen a problem leaving me alone in your childhood home as you go off to do what you please. I’m not happy anymore Alex and I thought coming here would make it better but it hasn’t and I don’t know what to do.” 
The car slowed to a stop as Alex pulled to the side of the road you were on. “I didn’t realize you felt that way.” He said turning to you, face contorted strangely. “Well I didn’t either Alex. Not until all the time alone gave me a chance to process.” All Alex could manage was “oh” before slipping into silence. That was how you sat for the next couple of minutes, the both of you processing. As you processed you realized that you couldn’t quite remember the last time Alex said that he loved you. So you turned to him, “Do you feel differently Alex?” you asked. “Well,” he started, but the words didn’t quite come. “You don’t love me anymore, do you?” And if words escaped him before he certainly wasn’t opening his mouth now. “Okay then,” you said, the lack of response makes Alex’s answer perfectly clear. “I want to go home.” Once again, Alex couldn’t do anything but nod, “I’ll help you reschedule your flights to as soon as possible.” He said, pulling back onto the road as you opened your phone to find flights.
The two of you arrived back at Alex's house in silence, walked past his family and went upstairs where Alex confirmed flights for you as you set to work packing. That night you slept together in a familiarly cold bed and the next morning Alex graciously drove you to the airport before his family even woke up. “Thanks for coming,” Alex said as he handed you your bag from the trunk. You rolled your eyes, “Don’t do this Alex.” You said, grabbing your bag and turning to walk away. “Playing nice isn’t gonna fix anything now.”
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pinkierre · 2 years
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fuelling the fire until we combust piarles | 11.2k | T | complete | for @pierregasiy
“Do you mind if I sit with you?” Charles looks up into the direction of the voice. His heart skips a beat when he realizes who’s standing right in front of him. The very gorgeous looking guy Charles has been staring at for months. And he’s waiting for a response.
read on AO3
view the entire Piarles Winter Fic Exchange on AO3
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s-ccaam-era-crepe · 2 years
Hi @woodytpt01 !! I was/am your gifter for @dndads-winter-gift-exchange. I wrote a fic called Starry Eyed that is posted to ao3 (If you want it posted here too just lmk!) and it will be updated daily during this week. I hope you enjoy and happy holidays!!
Ao3 link
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lqfiles · 1 year
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after your college had announced that all the students were required to join a club and attend it twice a week, you were planning on either a) dropping out, or b) join the art club and pretend to be sick most of the times. that was before you discovered that park jisung is a long time member of the football team. change in plans: you LOVE football.
or in which you mindlessly join the football club in hopes of catching your crush’s attention (and to maybe secretly check him out too) who cares if you can’t even kick a ball up in the air?
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football-player!jisung x fem!reader
genre ; rlly just humour, football / sports au, fluff, some angst, pining and eventually mutual pining, probably slow-burn, college au, strangers to lovers.
extras ; teasing and profanity | sexual and death jokes | reader is down bad | jisung kinda dislikes reader and closed off at the start | my knowledge on football isn’t the BEST but i know above basics and enough for this fic | idrc if some of these subject clubs don’t exist this is for entertainment 😸
notes ; 😭 mostly posting this for myself cos i’ve wanted to try a smau for a while now but i hope anyone else enjoys too.
PLAYLIST ; Rising , TripleS — Hype Boy , newjeans — Awkward , SZA — Gasoline , ROSY (FT. LILMONEY) — Attracted To You , Pinkpantheress — Cognac Queen , Megan Thee Stallion — Goodie Bag , Still Woozy — Eyedress , Something About You .
STATUS ; completed! (24.02.24)
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profiles (1) | profiles (2)
1 ) donghyuck’s fault
2 ) 20% more insane
3 ) it’s the voices again
4 ) yes captain!
5 ) invest in a priv account
6 ) peach lipton ice tea
7 ) no suicide EVER
8 ) always believe women
9 ) grape & lemon drink
10 ) favourite teammate
11 ) wingman
12 ) jeno’s food provider
13 ) no lunch
14 ) awkward tension
15 ) a simple conversation
16 ) an even more normal conversation
17 ) under my umbrella
18 ) a canon event (ft. Renjun's Black Friday offer)
19 ) feeling submissive and fragile
20 ) woman hobbies & failed courseworks
21 ) man up and break it
22 ) make-up brush vs subway sandwich
24 ) a nice gesture
25 ) NOT my boyfriend
26 ) business exchange
27 ) what about mark?
28 ) winter wonders with you
30 ) my princess (very lame)
31 ) riddle me this
32 ) do you like her? (probably)
33 ) wtf does QUORA know?
34 ) JISUNGxY/N: plan A
35 ) evil out the way, GOOD RIDDANCE
36 ) basketball incidents.
37 ) JISUNGxY/N: plan B (the jisung quiz)
38 ) E-DATING 🔛🔝🔥
39 ) wise words from renjun
40 ) that one sign
41 ) guess it’s a date
42 ) (unofficial) couple goals
43 ) the y/nle argument
44 ) professional over-thinker
45 ) executing major girlboss energy
46 ) the confession prep
47 ) knock some sense into them
48 ) war is over
49 ) knock some sense into JISUNG
50 ) an overdue confession
51 ) be your boyfriend?
52 ) scored that goal!
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jisung the blonde
jaemin’s hit tweets
the jeno quiz
one huge polyamory relationship
rating my boyfriend’s hair colours
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thank you for reading!
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conundrumoftime · 2 days
My Haladriel fics
I haven't grouped all these together before, so here's a collection of all the complete Haladriel fics I've written so far since October '22. Cannot believe it's been almost two years!
(Some of these fics also feature Celeborn/Galadriel, Celeborn/Sauron or all of them together, because I like a) Celeborn b) multishipping and c) mess. I'll make it clear here which stories those are, so if Celeborn is not your guy or if multishipping confuses or distresses you then that's! fine! just please don't read those ones and then be weird to me about it in the comments.)
Multi-chapter fics
Shadow-Bride (E, 265k words): This is my long long longfic, started in December of '22 and now complete after 43 chapters. Canon-divergence from the middle of s1.
Banquets have burned for you (M, 24k words): Written for eastwynds for the spring '23 Haladriel fic exchange, where the prompt was "one thing happens differently on Númenor, and everything changes." Went heavy on the Greek tragedy influence for this one because it felt fitting for Númenor.
A man is a god in ruins (E, 21k words): At the time this was the longest story I'd ever written and the first multi-chapter story I'd finished since the LiveJournal days. How things change! Canon-divergence from the very end of s1; what if Halbrand decided to leave Eregion before Galadriel got suspicious?
All the kinds of alive you can be (E, 13k words, also Celeborn/Galadriel, also Celeborn/Sauron/Galadriel): so loads of us have written "what if Sauron shapechanged into Celeborn to seduce Galadriel"; this is "what if Sauron shapechanged into Galadriel to seduce Celeborn, because he's furious with her and obsessed with her and sort of wants to be her all at the same time"?
So Wide a Sea (E, 6k words, also Galadriel/Celeborn): After Sauron's final defeat in the War of the Ring Galadriel remembers a long-ago day on Númenor.
One-shot fics
Five times Halbrand's secret got revealed (T, 6000 words): the first Haladriel fic I ever wrote, of five scenarios of Galadriel learning his name. 'Shadow-Bride' is a continuation of one of these five; 'A man is a god in ruins' is the '...and one time it didn't.'
Tar-Mairon of the Shire (G, 3000 words): entire fix-it fluff, probably more '&' than '/', Hobbits make everything better including Dark Lords.
Tempered (M, 3600 words): written for @thecoziestbean for the spring '24 Haladriel fic exchange.
And white winter, on its knees (M, 1800 words): written for the Haladriel Winter Solstice '23, a what-if Galadriel said yes to Sauron's offer story.
Weakened like Achilles, with you always at my heels (M, 4000 words): written for Haladriel Week '24. A little moment after the Tirharad battle and before the volcano.
I have loved flowers that fade (M, 1700 words): they deserved to have at least one nice time in Eregion before she found out who he was!
Weighed Against Our Future (T, 1800 words): A delirious (or is he?) Halbrand on the road to Eregion.
Shine (T, 3300 words) and its sequel Lady of the Seas (E, 3700 words): Halbrand makes Galadriel's armour on Númenor.
Silver Queen (M, 3600 words): my first 'what if Celebrían was Sauron's daughter?' story, sort of a Haladriel fic and sort of a fix-it for Celebrían.
Civil Twilight (M, 10k words, also Celeborn/Galadriel): for Haladriel Week '23. A 'what if Celebrían was Sauron's daughter?' and 'what if Galadriel finds her missing husband?' story combined.
The turn of the tide (T, 1700 words): For Haladriel Week '23. In the Fourth Age after travelling back to Valinor, Galadriel still feels called to the sea.
Though I sang in my chains like the sea (T, 3000 words): For Haladriel Week '23. They were on that ep2 raft for a while; so this is a gapfiller of them getting to know each other better. Or not.
Blood Sugar (M, 7000 words): the only time I've ever done a modern AU, and even then it doesn't really count because he's still literal Sauron in it. Anyway: Glasgow, professional disillusionment, and difficult relationships with your history.
Ficlets under 1000 words
You built a nest inside my soul, you rest your head on leaves of gold (M, 800 words); Numenor alleyway smut.
How shall summer's honey breath hold out (M, 600 words): and why shouldn't Galadriel get to command an army and have a nice time with the enemy general while heavily pregnant.
Gilded (G, 550 words): another 'what if she said yes on the raft' fic
Not for all my little words (T, 775 words) s1 ep8, Elrond-POV on Galadriel and her weird new friend in Eregion.
Miscellaneous fics:
Half-Maia Celebrían short fics: Suo Gân (G, 1000 words), Arda Sahta (G, 1100 words), As Little Might Be Thought (T, 2600 words). All these are Galadriel/Celeborn (and the last one is also Celebrían/Elrond) and Sauron isn't really in them, but they're all about the impact of that being his child.
To hold all the promise of blue-velvet dark (T, 1700 words) - another 'what if Sauron impersonates Galadriel?' fic, this time featuring baby half-Maia Amroth.
Silmarillion rather than TROP: As certain dark things are loved (M, 8000 words, also Galadriel/Celeborn, also Galadriel/Celeborn/Sauron), for @softlighter for the Sufficiently Advanced '24 exchange. Annatar in 2nd Age Ost-in-Edhil.
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emotionalcadaver · 1 year
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Series Masterlist
Fandom: Peaky Blinders
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x OC
Summary: They call him the Devil. They tell her to stay clear of him. They warn her that he'll steal her soul. But Lucy Winters came to Small Health fleeing monsters and unspeakable trauma. And her soul seems but a small price to pay in exchange for the things that Tommy Shelby has to offer her.
Word Count: 456,927
Notes: While all fics can be read as standalone pieces, those listed here are interconnected and can also be read as one long series. Please heed the warnings the can be found in the notes of each individual fic. All works are listed in the order I recommend reading them in. Please also note that while this series is labeled Tommy Shelby x OC and will focus on their relationship, it will also feature depictions of polyamory throughout.
✽ Indicates works with multiple chapters.
Fics or chapters that contain explicit smut will be marked with 🔞 and have the appropriate warnings listed in their corresponding notes.
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Part 1: These Devilish Intentions ✽🔞
Part 2: Does the Devil Have a Heart ✽
Part 3: Teach Me How 🔞
Part 4: Barren
Part 5: Not Afraid of a Little Blood 🔞
Part 6: The Shovels Against the Wall 🔞
Part 7: Stitched into Skin
Part 8: Thunder
Part 9: Bound in Blood 🔞
Part 10: Red Right Hand ✽🔞
Part 11: Don’t Look Back ✽
Part 12: Bloodied & Broken ✽
Part 13: Dance of Darkness ✽🔞
Part 14: Everything
Part 15: Accepted
Part 16: Lady of the Various Sorrows ✽
Part 17: Not Yours
Part 18: Moth
Part 19: In the Bleak Midwinter ✽🔞
Part 20: Smoky Kisses 🔞
Part 21: The Shadow of the Abattoir ✽🔞 (IN PROGRESS)
Part 22: This Misery We've Made ✽🔞 (COMING SOON)
Part 23: My Darling One (COMING SOON)
Part 24: Do You Love Me ✽🔞 (COMING SOON)
Part 25: Back From Under the Ground ✽🔞 (COMING SOON)
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Thank you for reading! Please consider leaving a comment, reblog, or like. I always appreciate feedback and love getting the opportunity to interact with you and hear your thoughts!
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starry-hughes · 10 months
star’s ficmas event
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welcome to star’s christmas (ficmas!) event. every day, starting december 1, a christmas/winter-related fic will be posted. down below is the list of all the fics that will be posted and who they will be about.
you can choose who the fics are about by sending an ask with a player and what day/fic you would like to see! it's a first come, first serve basis (aka i will be choosing the name given to me first). once the fic has a name next to it, it is off the table. all players i write for can be found here, if you don't see a player you'd like on the list, feel free to ask! please send an ask with your picks! i won't post all the asks, but i will update the list as it goes
merry christmas and happy holidays!
star's navigation
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day 1: ice skating → luca fantilli
day 2: mistletoe → anthony beauvillier
day 3: gingerbread house → mat barzal and teacher!gf
day 4: ugly christmas sweaters → dakota and mark (au)
day 5: picking out a tree → mat barzal
day 6: playing in the snow → single dad!jack (au)
day 7: hot chocolate→ jamie drysdale
day 8: present exchange → single dad!jack (au)
day 9: christmas traditions → caroline and kent (au)
day 10: playing santa → single dad!jack (au)
day 11: bah humbug → andrei svechnikov
day 12: wrapping presents → jack hughes
day 13: decorating → mat barzal
day 14: meeting the family → logan and nico (au)
day 15: fireplace snuggling → kasey and mackie (au)
day 16: fake holiday date → luke hughes
day 17: secret santa → jack hughes
day 18: baking → daisy's au (quinn hughes au)
day 19: christmas music → aspen and cole (au)
day 20: baby’s first christmas → sawyer & quinn (au)
day 21: christmas shopping → nico hischier
day 22: holiday disaster → luke hughes
day 23: family heirloom → mat barzal
day 24: christmas dinner → trevor zegras
day 25: christmas wrapping → quinn hughes
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cobrakaisb · 2 years
i got anxious and posted it a bit ago! i tagged you!!
i just read it and let me tell you, trevor needs a revenge arc. like fast forward to now, and she tries to get with him and he’s like no fuck you.
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hermannsthumb · 11 months
Newt/Hermann Fic and Art Secret Santa-Winter Exchange 2023 ❄️👨‍🔬❤️👨‍🔬❄️
Hi all!! Here is the info and sign-up form for for the Newt/Hermann 2023 Secret Santa/Winter Exchange.
To join the exchange, sign up using this form by Monday, 11/27/23.
How does it work? If you sign up for the exchange by November 27th, I'll randomly and anonymously match up all participants and assign you a giftee by Saturday, December 2nd. It'll then be your responsibility to create some form of Newt/Hermann content (fic, art, etc.) for your giftee by January 31st, 2024, and in return, someone will make some form of Newt/Hermann content for you!
Note that this is a little different than previous years, where gifts were 'due' by early January. I'm hoping that extending the deadline beyond the busy holiday/school finals season will allow more people to participant if they would like! (You're of course welcome to finish up your gift by New Year's as usual if you would prefer that.)
There are some more specific details about signing up in the form, as well as a spot to share your ‘wishlist’ (i.e., tropes or scenarios you just can’t live without that might be helpful if your giftee needs some inspiration!), and another spot to indicate interest in being a pinch hitter.
I'll be crossposting about this on Twitter and Instagram as well.
For those of you who will be posting your gifts to AO3, I have made a collection for the 2023 exchange right here which you’re welcome to add your works to.
Please let me know if you have any questions. I hope you all have fun!!!!!! ❄️❄️❄️❄️
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pinkierre · 8 months
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damage, destruction
piarles | 6,7k | T | Piarles Winter Fic Exchange 23/24
Pierre Gasly doesn’t win the 2016 GP2 title, and thus he stays in the category for another year with Prema. He’s joined for the 2017 F2 season by his long time best friend and fresh GP3 champion Charles Leclerc. What starts as a dream come true, quickly turns into a nightmare. Fast forward 8 years later and they’re teammates again. At Ferrari F1 team. However this time, they hate each other. How will they cope?
Written for my dearest @your-littlesecret
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drarryspecificrecs · 2 years
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HP/DRARRY Fic Fests 2023
★ Sources : potterfests, @hpfests & @lee-bella || as of 2024.02
Knot Another Writing Fest 2023 @hpknotfest : AO3
H/D Candy Hearts Fest 2023 @hdcandyheartsfest : AO3
HP Kinkuary 2023 @kinkuary : AO3
HP Shipuary 2023 @hpshipuary : AO3
HP Call Me Daddy Fest 2023 @call-me-daddy-fic-fest : AO3
Valentine’s Day Fic Exchange : AO3
HP Fruit Fest 2023 @hp-fruit-fest : AO3
Salt and Pepper Fest 2023 hp-goldenage@DW : AO3
Dronarry Fest 2023 @dronarryfest : AO3
Draco Tops Harry Fest 2023 @dracotops-harry : AO3
HP Poetry Fest @hp-poetry-fest : AO3
HP Trans Fest 2023 @hptransfest : AO3
HP Triad!Fest 2022/23 Magical Creatures Edition @hptriadfest : AO3
Lights, Camera, Drarry Fest 2023 @lcdrarry : AO3
H/D Mpreg Fest 2023 @harrydracompreg : AO3
Basilisks & Staircases 2023 @gameofdrarry : AO3
HP Pride Fest 2023 @hppridefest2023 : AO3
HP Wedding Fest @hpweddingfest : AO3
H/D Wireless 2023 @hd-wireless : AO3
Drarry Disability Fest 2023 @drarrydisabilityfest : AO3
HP Cest Fest 2023 @hpcestfest : AO3
Harry James Potter Week 2023 @harryjamespotterweek : AO3
HP Bodice Ripper Fest 2023 @hp-bodiceripper : AO3
HP Law of Attraction Fest @hp-lawofattraction-fest : AO3
Drarry Let's Play 2023 @drarry-lets-play : AO3
Kill Your Darlings 2023 @hp-mcd-fest : AO3
HP Cottagecore Fest 2023 @hpcottagecorefest : AO3
HP Drizzle Fest 2023 @hpdrizzle : AO3
HP Soulmates Fest: Fated to Be @hp-soulmates : AO3
H/D Career Fair 2023 @hd-fan-fair : AO3
H/D Suds Lite 2023 @hdsudsfest​ : AO3
HP Dead Dove Fest 2023 @hpdeaddove : AO3
HP Kinktober 2023 @hpkinktober : AO3
HP Snooze Fest @hpsnooze : AO3
Pumpkin Spice Fic Fest 2023 @pumpkinspiceficfest : AO3
Unleashed! Fest 2023 @unleashed-fest : AO3
Discord Cultober Fics : AO3
Bite Me Delight Me Fest 2023 @bite-me-delight-me-hp-fest : AO3
Drarropoly '23: Here There Be Dragons @gameofdrarry : AO3
HP Socmed AU Fest : AO3
H/D Erised 2023 @hd-erised : AO3
H/D Owlpost Winter Fest 2023 @hdowlpost : AO3
25 Days of Draco and Harry 2023 @slythindor100 : AO3
Wheel of Drarry Mini-Exchange Secret Santa 2023 @drarrymicrofic : AO3
Dark Festivus Gift Exchange 2023 @harrypotterfesthub : AO3
HP Festival of Stars 2023 @hpfestofstars : AO3
HP Soulmates Secret Santa @hp-soulmates-secret-santa : AO3
HP Yuletide Bliss 2023 @hp-yuletide-bliss : AO3
Yuletide and Mulled Wine Fest 2023 @yuletide-and-mulled-wine : AO3
Fanatical Fam Fic Exchange 2023 : AO3
Frottage Cottage FFF : AO3
✔ previous year • next year ✔ other years
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hymemena · 11 months
˚₊ ˚ ‧₊ .:・˚₊ ˚ ‧₊ .:・˚₊ *˚Winter Countdown To The New Year Challenge˚₊ ˚ ‧₊ .:・˚₊ ˚ ‧₊ .:・˚₊ *˚
Below you will find 31 headcanon questions/prompts for the winter season, one for each day of December. For multimuse blogs, feel free to pick a different muse every day or just do one muse for the whole month! If you enjoy the challenge, make sure to tag some friends or reblog this post to spread it! I hope everyone has a safe, warm winter! This was inspired by @mimis-memes' Halloween Countdown Challenge!
1. Do they get cold easily? What method do they use to get warm the quickest?
2. Does your muse enjoy playing in the snow? Can they build a snowman? Make snowballs? Do they make snow angels or forts?
3. Does your muse enjoy dressing for the season? If they have pets, do they dress them up?
4. What is their favorite hot drink?
5. Write an open starter in which your muse answers the door for another muse in the middle of a blizzard.
6. Make a short (3-4 song) playlist for your muse in winter!
7. Is there anything about the winter season that they love? What about something that they can't stand?
8. Does your muse live in a place where the winters are brutal or more mild?
9. What is a color palette that your muse associates with winter?
10. Your muse has slipped and fallen on ice! Write a drabble or an open starter in which they need a little help.
11. Does your muse feel more giving or selfish during the winter holidays?
12. Would your muse bake cookies for the season? What's their favorite kind?
13. What is your muse's winter comfort food? Why do they like it so much?
14. Create a winter-themed moodboard for your muse!
15. Your muse has walked under the mistletoe! Write a drabble or open starter for this!
16. Does your muse get sick easily? What's their general health like? Does that change in the winter?
17. Is your muse very active in the winter or do they prefer to stay inside where it's warm? Why?
18. What is a good winter memory for your muse? What about a bad one?
19. Does your muse have a winter routine? What is it?
20. If your muse stumbled upon a cryptid/supernatural creature during the winter months, what would it be? How would that meeting go? Write a drabble/short exchange!
21. What kind of gifts make your muse happiest?
22. What is the most important gift your muse has received? What about the lousiest?
23. Does your muse like to watch holiday movies? Do they have a favorite? What is it?
24. Does your muse celebrate any winter holidays?
25. Does your muse have any New Year's traditions? If so, what are they? If not, what might convince them to start?
26. Does your muse believe in fortune-telling? Would they get their fortune told for the New Year?
27. What is your muse looking forward to most next year?
28. What are your muse's New Year resolutions? Do they usually stick to them or give up?
29. What was your muse's last year like? Would they change anything if they could?
30. Write a drabble/short fic in which your muse does something cozy during a snowstorm.
31. Create a moodboard for your muse's New Year's Eve!
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