#wintersoilder imagine
statierogers · 7 years
Anchor - Bucky Barnes
Title: Anchor
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: The reader can read minds and feelings but when (Y/N) (Y/L/N) met Bucky Barnes all she got was silence and terrible nightmares.
Words: 4’121
Warnings: none, sad Bucky
Genere: fluff
A/N: This is bloody long. And I don’t know if I like it or if it even makes sense. As always not from an English speaking country, so excuse my mistakes.
- Katie xx
My Masterlist
Your name: submit What is this?
(Y/N) - your first name
(L/N) - your last name
(Y/H/C) - your hair colour
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Bucky woke up from another nightmare. He was covered in sweat. It took him a second to comprehend where he was. Like every morning, he was shaken up. The pictures were burned into his memory, the screams still in his ears and the smell of blood still lingered. He didn't know if they were nightmares or things that actually had happened to him. The line between dreams and reality had become blurry a long time ago, even though he promised himself to remember all of their faces. Bucky needed to shake the uneasy feeling. So he got up to put on a shirt and go to the training room. It was the only way he knew how to get rid of intense emotions.
On the way down, he already noticed something was off. Because he saw Sam, Wanda, Natasha and Tony leaning over the railing looking down on the training room. Fighting noise was heard from down below. They were watching intensely from above. 
"Tony, you are right. She is really hot," Sam mentioned.
"And she got some moves. Steve actually seems to struggle," Natasha commented.
Bucky stood a few feet away from them and raised his eyebrows at his teammates. It wasn't unusual for them to be watching people train. But this seemed more like spying. Their voices were more of a whisper, and Tony's body was so far leaned over that Buck was sure he could fall at any second. Well, he was so not going to be the one saving him. Bucky finally stepped up next to Natasha and peered over the railing as well. There were indeed two people sparring. Steve was currently fighting a woman. Bucky had never seen her before. But the moment James Buchanan Barnes laid eyes on her, his breath caught in his throat. She was stunning. Her hair was tied back from her face. She was wearing training clothes that hugged every curve of her body. And she moved with such grace Bucky wasn't sure if he was even watching a fight. 
"Who is that?" Bucky asked, astonished when he found his voice again. 
He could swear he saw Wanda, Sam, and Tony jump a little, while Nat just seemed unfazed by his presence. Bucky was a trained assassin. It appeared he lost the ability to make any noise when he walked up to people. Great for the field, but really terrible for socialising. Usually, he gave his arrival away with some noise so he wouldn't scare people. But he was so caught under the woman's spell that he forgot. The only person he couldn't sneak up on was Natasha. It seemed like she always knew he was coming. 
"That is (Y/N) (L/N). She is our new recruit," Sam explained.
Bucky's eyes never left her. It was like he couldn't even if he tried. She mesmerised him like no woman before. It was unbelievable how she seemed to block every of Steves moves. Bucky was sure she had not taken one hit since he started watching her. Steve, on the other hand, was nearly taken down by her a few times. And he seemed exhausted. 
"How about a break Steve," she said a split second later. 
The blond nodded thankfully and walked to the side of the mat to grab two water bottles. The woman followed him. So did five pairs of eyes from above.
"How did he find her? She doesn't look like a stray Steve just picked up," Nat asked.
Wanda had her hair tilted and stared at the woman as if trying to figure her out.
"I can't tell. I can't tell anything. I'm not picking up a thing. No emotion, no fear. It's just nothing. Like a black hole," Wanda said slowly.
Bucky swore he could see the woman smile slightly. Her blocking every hit made him suspicious. Something was off with her.
"Do you think she is like you?" Nat asked.
She seemed to have noticed it too. Natasha was better at observing people than Bucky. Both of them were trained to assassinate people, but Hydras approach was a bit different than the Red Rooms. The women were taught to seduce, to be friendly, to get information out of people. Bucky was only sent in when it had to be quick and quiet. He couldn't read people like her. He observed situations and could escape rooms in split seconds. Bucky had already made up at least five ways out of here in the last five minutes. In case of attack. It was a habit he never got entirely rid of.
Tony seemed like he was going to add something to Tasha's statement, but the (Y/N)'s face turned to them.
"You could just come down and talk to me. I don't bite," she said and took a sip of the bottle in her hand. 
Tony's eyebrows furrowed together, and Steve seemed to hide a laugh. 
Bucky was the first one to move from his spot. He remembered now why he came here. Not to stare at some girl, even though it got rid of some of his rages. Without a word, he entered the training room and started wrapping his right hand. He felt someone watch his motions. 
"Bucky, come over here real quick. I want to introduce someone," Steve said from their training ring. 
Bucky turned around slowly. It wasn't like he was trying to be rude. If he was honest, he was scared to embarrass himself. Bucky used to be good at charming people's pants off. Now it felt like a foreign part of him. He strolled over, his eyes now looking at the woman's face. And he was stunned all over again. She was even more beautiful up close. Her eyes were bright, and her lips full. The most kissable lips he had ever seen. Barnes wasn't sure where these thoughts were coming from, but now he was even more embarrassed. With force, he pushed the thoughts to the back of his mind. Only then did Bucky notice the pretty woman frowning at him. He gave her one of his charming smiles. Or at least he hoped it was.
"Bucky, this is (Y/N) (L/N)," Steve introduced them, "(Y/N) this is my friend Bucky."
She still frowned up at the taller man. Bucky had stretched his hand out for her to shake, but she didn't even move hers an inch. Instead, she stared into his eyes so intensely that Bucky was sure she was looking into his soul. His stomach turned. He had never felt so nervous and excited at the same time. He never was the guy to get anxious talking to a woman. That was Steve's thing. For Barnes, this was supposed to be easy. This used to be easy. Now he just felt like she put his whole body on fire.
"What is wrong with you?" she then blurted out, still studying him. 
And then he realised something. His smile dropped as fast as it appeared, and he felt like someone poured a cold bucket of water over him. Of course, (Y/N) wouldn't want to shake his hand. A beautiful woman like her wouldn't even want to talk to someone like him. A killer, an assassin. The memory of his nightmare crept back to him as if it tried to remind him of his sins. Bucky dropped his hand. Steve just watched (Y/N) with his mouth open. A quiet whisper of her name fell from his lips. As if he was shocked by her rudeness. 
"Of course. I'm sorry...I didn't mean to assume you would... I mean...I am going to leave now," Bucky stumbled over his words. 
Without another sound, he stormed out of the training room, past his confused teammates that stood by the door.
"What was that about? I will not tolerate you being rude to Bucky. He isn't just some thing. He is an Avenger. A good man. And he was just going to be nice. And socialising is really hard for him...," Steve started rambling.
(Y/N) had turned to Steve in shock.
"Oh god, I didn't mean it like that. I...I'm sorry. It's just...he is different," she tried to explain.
Steve was in distress. He was angry and confused. And (Y/N) was sure he was about to start pacing. She didn't have to use her powers to know that.
"I know he has a metal arm. He hates the prosthetic like no one else," Steve continued to defend his best friend. 
She felt the need to stop him there. It wasn't meant like that. She didn't even notice his arm. First, she was too busy staring at him. That guy looked like a freaking Greece good. She could look at him for hours and not be bored. But then she noticed something else.
"Steve. Bucky is different. He... I can't read him. I have not picked up one of his thoughts or feelings," she explained.
Steve stiffened. But his face didn't match her confusion. It was sad. (Y/N) couldn't help but pick up his thoughts. And she was shocked by what she heard about the Winter Soldier.
She had to apologise to the poor guy. But it wasn't as easy as she thought. Because Steve wanted her to meet the rest of the team. Well, she already knew all their names, so they didn't need an introduction. They were the freaking Avengers, for God's sake. They were also really welcoming, to her surprise. And as glad as she was about that, Bucky and (Y/N) weren't alone for a second. And she didn't feel like embarrassing him and apologising in front of the whole team. And every time she tried making eye contact, he looked away. After dinner, Natasha showed her the rooms she would be moving into today. They were excellent, and she was sure this whole bedroom was more expensive than the apartment she had lived in before. 
(Y/N) tried sleeping. She really did, but she couldn't get a particular blue-eyed soldier out of her head. Steve did explain to her why he thought she couldn't read him. He mentioned his friend's issues with opening up to people. So he must have some walls in place. Some she couldn't even break through with powers. She had met people before she had trouble reading. But none of them were impossible. Natasha was one of those. She noticed that she was an assassin quickly. It seemed like she was trained in this. Reading Black Widows thoughts cost her so much power she stopped trying after five minutes. Unlike Tony's and Sam's. It's like they were screaming their thoughts at her. She now knew things about the guys she really didn't need to. She made a mental note to inform the Captain of his team's lack of mental walls. Wanda was actually really good at hiding her thoughts. And (Y/N) didn't even try to understand Visions mind. It was weird and way too wise for her. 
(Y/N) woke up with a scream. Her body sat up in bed faster than she could comprehend. She looked around the room and saw several items floating in the air. She softly dropped them into their places again with a sigh. This hadn't happened since she was a kid. When (Y/N) had a bad dream, her telegenic power was set off. But back then, the dreams were harmless. But not this time. The dream she just had wasn't about monsters. It was about torture and murder. They felt out of place. As if they weren't hers. She couldn't go back to sleep. She tried, but the screams still filled her ears. It was 5 a.m., and she decided to just start her day. 
She had planned to go and train, but it was already occupied when she entered the training room. A sweat covered back was turned to her. A very broad, muscular back. It was Bucky hitting a boxing bag. His metal arm gave him away. The shifting metal pads were reflecting the dim light from the ceiling. (Y/N) couldn't help but watch him. She had frozen in her step, her mouth slightly agape. This man was gorgeous even from the back. Bucky turned around so fast she couldn't really keep up with what happened. Because a split second later, he had her pinned against the wall. His blue eyes looking cold. When he realised who she was, he let go of her as if he had just touched a hot iron. 
"Oh, it's you," he said.
(Y/N) had not felt this shocked in a long time. It was weird being around him. It was quiet, too quiet. She would have predicted that move with any other person. But not with him. He could attack her any second, and she would be as helpless as any other person. (Y/N) thought she saw something like guilt in his eyes as he took three steps away from her. 
"I didn't mean to sneak up on you. I'm sorry, Bucky," she said after she found her voice again.
Bucky just gave her a quick nod and turned back to the boxing bag. (Y/N) realised that this was the perfect time to apologise to the man. She took one cautious step closer to the brunette. 
"Actually, now that you are here," she began, "I'd like to apologise for my behaviour."
 Her voice was quiet, small. Like she felt actually bad. And Bucky couldn't help but to stop his punching and turn to her. Was this real? Was she actually here saying those words.
"I didn't mean it that way. There is nothing wrong with you. Or maybe there is. I don't know. But you just surprised me," she fumbled with her words.
Bucky surprised her? For him, it was the other way around. He was so smitten by her, even after she said those words, he couldn't stop staring. Throughout the whole dinner, he had to look at her. How she laughed with his teammates and how she told them about her life. And he wanted to be part of it. He wanted her to laugh at his jokes and tell him about herself. But he didn't let himself. She was already disgusted by him. He wouldn't have compromised it even more by saying something.
"I'm afraid I don't understand, Doll," Bucky voiced his confusion.
Both of them seemed surprised at his pet name for her. Bucky had no idea where it came from. Well, he knew he used the nickname a lot in his earlier days. 
"I can't read you. And I tried. Throughout the whole dinner, I tried reading you. Just to get a feeling, a thought or a taste, but there is nothing. It's like running against a wall repeatedly. And quite frankly, I don't like it. It's so frustrating, and I got a terrible headache," (Y/N) said.
She didn't mean to sound angry. But she did hate it. It was scary not being able to be prepared for everything. She didn't know what Bucky would do next, what he thought or felt. To her surprise, Bucky had a smile on his lips. 
"Maybe this does you some good. Not knowing. I have a feeling you are not used to it. So maybe you just have to live with not knowing what I think."
With that, Bucky turned around again. Signalling this conversation was over. And (Y/N) just stood there lost for words. Was this his way of excepting her apology?
The dreams didn't go away. (Y/N) was generally scared to sleep. She didn't want the images of those dreams in her mind. So after a month, she had enough. She decided to stay up. Netflix kept her company, and it was a relatively quiet night. Until something pushed at her mind. It was the dream again. Then she heard the scream. She had never heard it before. Because she was usually asleep when it happened. She hadn't thought that this person would have bad dreams every night. In the beginning, she thought it was just temporary. She needed to find out who this person was, who caused her these sleepless nights. Not because she wasn't sleeping but also because the person was hurting. With every dream, pain and guilt were sent over to her. So she got up, blocking every image that was sent over her mental bonds. Only following the scream. It led to a room. Without thinking, she burst into the bedroom. The screaming had stopped. Bucky sat on the king-size bed in his room with his head hung low. And (Y/N)'s heart broke for the poor man as soon as she spotted him. She couldn't believe she hadn't figured it out before. Of course, it was him. The broken soldier. The tortured soul. That always seemed to be awake when she was. The incident in the training room wasn't the last time she had encountered Bucky at night. They had formed a particular bond in their nightly meetings. And she didn't mind the silence of his thoughts as she used to. It was refreshing. She trained with him, and Steve had paired them up on missions a few times already. He had seen the friendship that had blossomed between the pair. He also saw Bucky's crush on the girl. 
Guilt hit (Y/N) like a truck. If she had tried harder to read him, she might have had noticed earlier that he was in pain. But Bucky didn't share his pain with her. He only shared his good thoughts with (Y/N). He told her about his old life, he teased her just like Sam did, and he listened like no one else. Over the last week, she started picking up some of his feelings. It started so unexpectedly that she wasn't sure it was him at first. They were eating Breakfast, Sam, Steve, Bucky and her. The boys had just returned from their morning jog. And Sam was telling some story about the one time he and Steve went to a bar. She was laughing along with the boys. And suddenly, a feeling of pure joy hit her. And it was a different joy like she had felt before. Not like Sam's constant joy with everything, not Steve's soft joy. It was different. It was stronger and mixed with thankfulness. As if the person wasn't this happy for a long time. When she looked at Bucky, he was looking at her with a bright smile, and she couldn't help herself but beam back at him. She had never picked up an actual thought, but every day she could read more of his feelings.
"Bucky?" she whispered and slowly closed the door behind her.
He didn't move a muscle. His hair was covering his face, and she couldn't see his expression. She sat down next to him anyway. (Y/N) was determined to help the poor man. 
"Hey, James, it's me," she whispered and placed a hand on his shoulder. 
(Y/N) had started a habit of calling him by his real name. At first, she only did it to tease him. But she actually liked the sound of it. Bucky slowly lifted his head to look at her. He looked like a kicked puppy. Broken and sad. And then she felt it, a feeling of helplessness. And it came from him. She had just caught one of his feelings.
He couldn't believe she was actually here. The Wintersoldier had somehow developed feelings for the mind reader. But she wouldn't know that. To his honest luck, she couldn't read him. She would be terrified of what she would find in his head.  
"What are you doing here?" Bucky asked.
(Y/N) gave him a soft smile. That smile nearly took all his pain away. It was so sweet and so genuine, and Bucky really felt like hugging her to his chest. So he would feel something else. Something more than pain and loss.
"I heard your screams," she mumbled.
She didn't feel like telling him that he projected his nightmares on her. (Y/N) didn't want to hurt him more. She had gotten to know him over the last weeks, and Bucky was just like Steve. Both men liked taking all the blame. And if she told him, he might hide behind the wall again. 
"I am sorry, I woke you," he mumbled.
He sunk his head. He was ashamed. 
He couldn't believe what she must think of him. But to his surprise, she didn't run away. 
"I can help," she whispered, "If you let me." 
He shook his head furiously. He had no intention of letting her see him in this state. She shouldn't have to deal with him. With this mess of a man.
"You don't have to do this," Bucky mumbled. 
She chuckled a little as she shook her head. She was having none of that.
"I know. But I want to help you. James, you are my friend. Now come here."
Bucky would have done anything if she looked at him like this. She scooted up against the headboard of his bed, and her arms stretched out for him. And God was she perfect. And Bucky couldn't help but obey.
He laid his head on her lap, and as soon as he did that, her hand started stroking his hair. Bucky was frozen. He was never this close to her. Expect maybe training. But this was different. His heart was about to burst out of his chest, and he couldn't believe that it was a reality.
"I have to tell you something. I have been up all these nights because I had terrible dreams. But they weren't mine. And I came here because I heard you scream. And I realised your terror somehow reached me," she whispered.
His head shot up from her lap, and he had to stare at her for a minute. He did this to her? She had seen all his horrors. Like he saw them. Bucky had never felt worse in his life. Not her. Never her. Something pure as she shouldn't see this. But something else reached his mind. If his dreams reached her, she must have read him. What if she had learned to read him over those weeks. Did that mean she knew? Did she know he cared for her this deeply?
"I thought you couldn't read me."
"I can't read you. But people let their guard down when they sleep. I do it too," she explained. 
The guilt had hit him again. He felt terrible. Bucky was the one keeping (Y/N) up. He had never thought to ask why she was awake every night. He was so grateful for her company that he was selfish enough not to ask.
"I am so sorry. You shouldn't have to see all of this. My past, my wrongdoings. I don't deserve this. Your help. I can tell Steve to move my bedroom further away from yours, so maybe you can sleep in peace," he mumbled.
To his surprise, she smiled again. He was so confused about how she was still here. Why she didn't already run. Run from a broken man.
"You are such a good man. I can't believe you sometimes," she said and grabbed his face between her hands, "you don't deserve any of it. And none of it is your fault. All of this was done to you. You know me picking up your feelings from time to time means you've opened up to me. And you trusting me means so much. You can't imagine it. And now be quiet and let me help you, please."
His inside was on fire again. He did trust (Y/N). Maybe just as much as Steve. He didn't know how she did it. He was the Wintersoldier, and he trusted no one. But there was she, this beautiful woman who took him under her spell the day he met her. And even if she might know his feelings for her scared him, he was happy she was here. Glad he found her. Bucky knew better than to continue to argue. He was tired of fighting his need for comfort and love. So Bucky let (Y/N) take him into her arms. She stroked his hair again, and Bucky felt like closing his eyes. Suddenly he was taken over by a feeling of content. (Y/N) started humming a tune he didn't know. Here in her arms, he felt at peace for the first time in years. And he realised it was her doing. He knew she was using her powers to calm him. But that wasn't the only thing. It was her. Her holding him made him feel at ease. With or without power. (Y/N) was his anchor.
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alexandra2588 · 4 years
I’m trying to find some Bucky barns
fanfics/stories like based on falcon and the winter solider pls help meeeee
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Dating Bucky Barnes
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Being worried about him going off on missions, even though you know he's safe
Praying HYDRA don't some how get into his head again
Having to hold him close during the night when nightmares come because of what he did under mind control
Reassuring him it's not his fault
Holding his shaking body until he finally falls asleep with his head on your chest, your heart beat soothing him completely
Also him having to hold you, with all he's been though sometimes even you cry in your sleep, having night mares about the man you love never coming back from a mission
But to only then be quickly pulled into his chest
Listening to his soft confirmations that he's there, and always will be
The talks about getting married one day
Although not every relationship is perfect
You do fight
And when you two do fight it's basically a screaming war with you two seeing who can out anger who the most
Probably throwing things, but you would never hurt each other physically
He would feel so bad for the arguments l, as would you, he would refuse to let you leave and wants you to just sit on his lap, curled into him with his arms around you until you both felt okay
Or sometimes the fights would just lead straight up to angry sex. Which happened most the time
But always cared for you after
Forever will treat you like a princess ,
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mypoisonedvine · 3 years
Would you rather -
let wintersoilder!bucky keep you as his fuckdoll, as he fucks you infront of other soilders.
Let Prison!zemo have you as his own person fucktoy too fuck infront of gaurds.
JFC UMMM this is a very close call
they're both great but what I love about the second one is I'm imagining that you're supposed to be zemo's prison guard but somehow it ends up like that and so there's this power reversal (not to mention hatefucking because you used to be the one disciplining him and now he wants to make you regret ever thinking you could control him)
yeah so I'm gonna go with the second but like damn I love those both a lot
I'm thirsty af now
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statierogers · 7 years
A Grumpy Christmas Bucky - Bucky Barnes
Title: A grumpy Christmas Bucky
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Bucky doesn’t like Christmas. At least he thinks so.
Words: 1’389
Warnings: None. Maybe some terrible cheesiness.
Genere: Fluffy
A/N: I love Christmas. So I felt like writing a cheesy Christmas Imagine with Bucky Barnes.
- Katie xx
My Masterlist
(Y/N) - your first name
(Y/H/C) - your hair color
Your name: submit What is this?
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Bucky sat on the couch and read his book. Or at least he was trying to, but Steve's, Sam's and (Y/N) 's loud singing kept on interrupting him mid-sentence. They were belting out some version of a Christmas tune while decorating the massive tree in the living room. Tony had it delivered to the base specifically for (Y/N). She was ridiculously obsessed with Christmas.
He watched her as she grabbed another box of ornaments. Bucky thought he saw the words Avengers written on it. He couldn't believe his eyes and leaned forward on his seat. But there she was pulling out a mini version of Captain America. She held it up in front of Steve's face. Bucky hadn't seen him look this happy in years.
 "Is that me?" he asked her and grabbed it.
(Y/N) nodded happily. And Bucky had to stop himself from grinning. He still couldn't believe that this was his girlfriend. To other people, she may look a bit crazy. It's like Christmas threw up on her. She wore a red skirt, a crazy Christmas sweater with the most horrible pun, and a Santa hat on top of her head. To him, this weird girl was the most beautiful human he'd ever seen.
"There is also one of you, James," (Y/N) said while hanging up the Iron Man Ornament.
Bucky just shook his head. He just didn't understand the fuss about Christmas. He never had. Even back in the day, when his sisters used to get way too excited. For him, it never mattered if they had the perfect tree or huge presents. But here, things were different. Since the first November, every Avenger was talking about it. Wanda and Vision were trying to make the perfect dinner, Sam put his time into making "the perfect Christmas dinner" playlist, and Steve and (Y/N) were fussing about trees and ornaments for days. He didn't understand how everyone was so excited. It was just Christmas. Another holiday where shops made way too much profit.
Without a word, he lifted the book back up, hiding his face. Mainly because of the look on (Y/N)'s face. She looked so excited, so happy, and if he kept on seeing that, his heart would explode. She just made him feel so warm inside. Not just him, she was that kind of woman that everyone liked. Smart, kind and fun. The Avengers adored her, Tony especially. He would do everything for the young woman. He had a strong suspicion that (Y/N) and Peter were his favourites. And the worst thing was, (Y/N) knew Tony had a soft spot for her. She only had to ask for the enormous tree, and a few days later, it stood in their living room.
"Don't mind him. Bucky doesn't like Christmas," Steve said and stepped up the ladder to decorate the upper part of the tree.
Bucky was sure he heard (Y/N) gasp in shock. He lowered his book again and looked at Steve. His friend looked like such a dork, with his green Christmas sweater and reindeer ears. (Y/N) had put them on his head about an hour ago, and it had taken Buck about five minutes to stop laughing. Something was just funny about seeing Captain America all dressed up.  
"No, It's not Christmas that I don't like. It's all the drama around it. No one needs this huge tree and sweaters," he said and gestured down himself in a silent accusation.
He made a face as he saw the ugly sweater (Y/N) made him wear. It was bright red with a deer on it. She made everyone dress festively. Even Clint, who was currently running through the tower to find the tree-topper. (Y/N) had freaked out when she didn't find it in the ornament box. 
"How did I not know that about you?" she asked, astonished.
Bucky shrugged his shoulders. 
"Never felt like mentioning it," he mumbled.
He didn't tell her because he didn't want to make her unhappy. So he held the information back. He knew she loved Christmas.
"Well, you have never spent Christmas with the Avengers. This is going to be great as one of those movies," she said happily. "Wanda and Vision are going to serve you the best dinner you ever had, which Sam is going to eat like he would take part in an eating contest. Tony is going to flirt with May, who he pressured Peter into inviting as well. Pepper is going to hate that but keeps herself busy with starring at Steve. And Clint and Tasha will be drunk by nine. But it will be great, and everyone will love it."
Steve laughed while she talked. He seemingly remembered last year. Sam had nearly dropped the Wintersoldier ornament in shock of the accusation. He mumbled something along the lines of I don't eat that much. 
Bucky shook his head because this Christmas sounded exhausting. Maybe he needed to get drunk with Tasha and Clint. 
"(Y/N) don't act like you aren't tipsy too. And then you always make that emotional speech about how much you love everyone," Sam added.
"So, just like every day?" Bucky said and smiled innocently at his girlfriend. 
Steve stifled a laugh and (Y/N) giggled slightly. God, he loved this girl so much. She spun back around to the tree.
"Oh, and Steve here made me dance with him to the Jingle Bell Rock."
Her finger pointed at him accusingly. A blush covered Steve's cheeks. Bucky was slightly jealous of the picture he formed in his head. 
"Well, their dancing was horrible. Steve ain't got moves," Sam said to Steve. 
Steve turned his wide frame with a shocked expression. Bucky was lost in thought about how he would dance with his girl and nearly didn't notice her drop down on the couch next to him. 
"I love this. Christmas is beautiful." 
Bucky didn't understand. She stared at the bickering boys and sighed happily. Nothing about this looked like a happy Christmas. It was way too noisy and messy—nothing like the movies. You could hear pots clappering in the kitchen, smell something burn and hear the faint, very wrong singing of Peter, who was wrapping a present for Tony at the kitchen table.
"I don't understand why everyone enjoys this so much," he said to her, staring at the boys. 
(Y/N) turned to him with a small smile. A soft look in her eyes.
"It's not Christmas we love; it's the people. All of us are lost souls who found each other, in a way, like a weird family. Most of us would spend a lonely Christmas if we didn't have each other," She explained and leaned her head against his shoulder.
Without thinking, he put his arm around her and couldn't help but smile down at her. It was something he did automatically. His body was used to holding her. It felt right.
"We would have each other," he pointed out and kissed her head adoringly. 
She laughed quietly. That was true. It would be Bucky and her. And it would be beautiful. But it would also be wrong not spending Christmas with these weird people. 
"Well, now we have them too," she mumbled and freed herself from his hug.
Their little moment was over, and she jumped up. He missed her touch already. He felt like he needed to hold her as much as possible.
"So don't be grumpy, James." she mentioned, "I'll dance with you too."
And then she took his book out of his hand, threw it on the couch and pulled him up. Her grin was huge. Bucky let her pull him in front of the enormous tree. 
"Friday can you turn this up?" she asked the AI and began spinning Bucky around.
Steve laughed, still standing on the ladder, and Sam started filming them. And Bucky couldn't hold back a laugh as he danced with his girl surrounded by his friends. Maybe this Christmas won't suck as much.
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statierogers · 6 years
The new recruit - Bucky Barnes (Part 1)
Title: The New Recruit (Part1)
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: It’s Bucky’s new job to train (Y/N). They just really, really don’t like each other.
Words: 3’532
Warnings: Language
Genre: I don’t know. not really angsty nor really fluffy. Maybe something in between.
A/N: I went very overboard. So I put it into two parts.
My Masterlist
Your name: submit What is this?
(Y/N) - your first name
(Y/L/N) - your last name
- Katie xx
Part 2
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"Okay, so her name is (Y/N)," Steve spoke and pointed at the file he had thrown o the coffee table, "and she is enhanced."
The Avengers, except Thor and Peter, sat spread out on the living room couches. Some on chairs, some on the floor and some occupied the two sofas. They usually held briefings in the meeting room, but they all had a long week behind them, so no one was in the mood for uncomfortable office chairs.
"You know we have met her before. She started her training two weeks ago," Clint said and chewed one of the Gummy Worms Sam brought by.
Most of the team nodded at his statement. Well, not Tony; he was typing away on his phone.
"She was at your birthday party last week," Natasha added and tried grabbing some of the sweets, but Sam knocked her hands away.
Steve rolled his eyes at his teammates. Having a serious meeting was impossible. They were acting like children. It already took him 2 days to find a day where everyone was available. He liked to include and ask the whole team for his pledge because he knew half of them would pretend o be busy and not do him this favour. And he could do what he really didn't want to do and choose Bucky for this task. He had the hunch that it was going to end like this. The rest of the team tended to not engage in the extra activity. It's weird how lazy a budge of superheroes could be when it wasn't about Thanos Level threats. Well, except for Peter, but he had no say in this or anything for that matter. He was still in training, and Steve had his hands full with that one. Also because Tony had taken him under his wing and kept on updating his suit. The kid loved trying out the new technologies. Peter was also in school at the moment. Which was more important. Oh, and Thor. He was somewhere. Well, he probably making decisions as a king or beating up some otherworldly being.
"Okay... yea, anyways. Well, I started training (Y/N), and she isn't really good at hand to hand combat," he explained, and now Steve also felt the sudden urge to grab a Gummy Wurm.
Sam gave him a look. Apparently, Falcon didn't enjoy people taking his food. Steve took his hand back slowly and gave him an apologetic look. In the end, it was Sam's own fault to bring his precious snacks to a room full of those guys.
"And what exactly is your question?" Tony, who finally put his phone away, asked.
Steve sighed and rubbed a hand over his face. He stole an unsure glance at Bucky, who just sat on a chair with crossed arms. His face was a gruff mask. He stared at the picture of the young woman. Her smile seemed to be mocking Bucky, and he didn't like it. He didn't like her. Well, no, he did, but there was something about her that he hated. She got under his skin. She was just so reckless, sassy and straight up made stupid decisions all the time. But then she could just stand there looking so beautiful, being so funny and say something brilliant. And he hated that. He hated that he liked her and that she seemed to be the only woman that didn't put up with his shit.
"I need some help. I just can't get through to her," Steve sighed.
You could see in his friend's faces that they were looking for a way out. Their brains working for an excuse.
"And why do you need all of us here for that? The only people who seem to be able to help are Romanov, Clint and Icicle over there, and maybe Sam," Tony added. 
He nodded to the grumpy soldier, who just narrowed his eyes at him. Steve ignored them and looked with hopeful eyes to the two Ex SHIELD agents.
"Don't look at me. You know I can't get through to her either," Clint held up his hands in defence.
Steve sighed. Wanda furrowed her brows and looked between the guys, not wholly understanding their issue with (Y/N).
"Why exactly can't you get through to her?" Wanda wanted to know and made it quotes at the word through.
Steve blushed and looked at the floor. He hated admitting it, but she was just so adorable, he couldn't go hard on her. She just gave him one of those smiles, which she used to charm everyone's pants off, and he wouldn't be able to even near his fist her face. He knew she manipulated him so she could get out of training.
"She has those two guys wrapped around her pinky," Natasha smiled.
Clint narrowed his eyes at the redhead. Natasha knew all along. She had observed the men around her. All falling for the girl's coy act. Clint seemed like he was about to adopt her, and Steve looked at her like she was the most innocent woman ever. That girl was good at manipulating men. If she wanted to.
"Then you train her," Clint said and bumped her shoulder.
Natasha shook her head apologetically.
"I am knee-deep in Wanda's combat training," She shrugged her shoulders.
The women shared a look. Wanda didn't need to see into Natashas head to find out how she wanted this to play out. With Bucky training her. Vision tilted his head to the side. He seemed to have calculated something.
"It appears there is only one solution. It seems like most of us aren't really trained in this combat mode, except for James," Vision pitched in.
Bucky raised his head by the mention of his name. His posture suddenly turned stiff. He shook his head.
"No," he stated.
"Buck...," Steve started and reached his hand out in a comforting gesture.
He was interrupted by Bucky getting out of his chair. The usually so calm soldier seemed unsure now.  
"No, not going to happen," he added and pointed at Steve accusingly.
"But, it would help her. You are the only person that can get through to her," Steve said and jumped up as well.
What did that even mean? She was just a girl. Steve made a soothing gesture in his direction. The rest of the team watched them, intrigued. But they knew, they knew Bucky was irritated by (Y/N). It was no secret. Not even to her. She just enjoyed disagreeing with him. 
A humourless laugh left Bucky's lips, and he shook his head in disbelief. He didn't want to believe that Steve would suggest or even agree with this idea. 
"Are we talking about the same woman? She disagrees with me constantly," he said and pointed between himself and Steve.
Steve now also shook his head. That wasn't completely true, and Bucky knew it. 
"Are you sure? Every time she suggests something, you disagree with her," Sam added.
Sam was on her side, always. Also, because he and Bucky didn't agree on things either. They enjoyed bickering, but it was different. He knew Sam would have his back and that they were actual friends. With (Y/N), he was really not sure if she would just stab him if she got annoyed by him. Bucky opened his mouth and closed it again. There was no point in denying what Sam said, though. 
"That is because her ideas are stupid," he argued then anyways.
Steve was tired of this. Obviously, he knew that it would end in this argument. But Bucky ran away from her whenever he could. He knew that deep down, Bucky liked her. He just wasn't used to being challenged by a woman. She knew what she wanted, and she was headstrong, and Bucky hadn't met a lot of ladies like that. And maybe knowing her and exchanging more than those arguments with her would help him. 
"Do it for me, Bucky. She needs help. I can't do it. And she promised she would listen to you," Steve asked.
She never promised such a thing, but Steve hoped he would forget about that statement tomorrow. His resentment crumbled. Bucky needed some pushing. 
"Fine, I'll do it," he barked. 
Without another word, he stomped out of the room. The team's eyes followed his angry steps. 
"Seriously, that was easier than I thought," Tony said with a short nod.
Steve wouldn't say this was easy. He would hear Bucky complain for at least a month. 
"Steve, do you think this is a good idea? Letting those two train together?" Natasha asked him.
Steve crossed his arms defensively. No, he wasn't, not at all. He wasn't sure what the deal between those two was. They had only known each other for two weeks, but they didn't seem to like one another from day one. 
"No. But I didn't see you volunteer," he answered.
Natasha laughed and got off the chair elegantly. She didn't take Steve's defensiveness serious. To other people, he probably looked intimidating, but not to the Black Widow.
"Bucky is a freaking Drill Sargent, and you know it. And (Y/N) is just really stubborn. And lazy. A perfect combination," she mentioned and patted Steves' shoulder.
Sam tried to hide a laugh. Okay, she wasn't the only one who noticed.
"It's going to be fine," Steve said, his voice steady. 
But his face didn't seem so sure anymore. 
(Y/N) was ripped out of her sleep by someone pulling her blanket off.
"Get up, sleepyhead," a stern male voice said at the foot of her bed.
(Y/N) opened her eyes and was faced with a grumpy Bucky staring at her. The usually messy hair was tied to a bun at the nape of his neck. If it weren't this early, she would have stared at him and soaked in his attractive physic. She did that a lot. Stare at him. It's like her brain didn't want to, but her body had a mind of her own. Her eyes always travelled to him when he was in a room with her.
"Are you kidding? What time is it?" she mumbled, rubbing her eyes.
Her head moved around, trying to spot her phone to look at the time.
"It's six a.m. You are already thirty minutes late," Bucky stated and stepped to her closet. 
"What are you talking about?" she asked and grabbed her phone from the nightstand.
It's not like she didn't trust him, but she needed to see the time herself. She spotted five texts and one call from Bucky. All of them urged her to get up or asked her where the hell she was. Stalker much? Where did he even get her number? 
"I told you yesterday, the morning run starts at 5.30 a.m., and then we train," he said.
She dropped her phone on the bed with frustration and turned to him. 
"I thought that was a joke," she whispered and then added with a louder voice, "what the hell are you doing?"
Bucky had opened her closet and started searching for something. How rude. Her underwear was in there.
"Looking for your training clothes," he said.
She frowned. Okay, Bucky was acting weird.
"I can dress on my own," she mumbled. 
Bucky turned around suddenly. He seemed to have found what he wanted and dropped it on her bed. Yoga pants, Tank top and running shoes. (Y/N) sat up and stared at him.
"Are you sure? Just as good as you can be on time?" he asked sarcastically. 
She wanted to slap that grin off his face. He always grinned at her like that. It seemed to be reserved for her. Bucky just liked being a pain in her ass.
"This isn't the freaking army, Barnes," she growled and stared at the pile.
It felt like she hadn't seen workout clothes in years. She didn't enjoy working out. This was weird for someone who wanted to become an Avenger. She knew she had to give her everything so they would take her fully into the team. 
"Doll, if this were the army, you would be calling me Sargent Barnes," he said with a cheeky smile.
Then he turned around to the door. (Y/N) hated how much swagger he had in his step.
"Five minutes," he added.
(Y/N) grabbed the shoe on the bed and threw it. But it only hit the door and not his head.
"Well, screw you, Sargent Barnes," she yelled.
Then she fell back on the bed and let out a frustrated groan. She was sure she heard a male laugh through the door.
Natasha told her that this would be exhausting. Being trained by Bucky. He would go hard on her. She said something about the military background and Hydra training. But these were the Avengers. She didn't even understand why she needed this training. She had powers. She could adapt abilities by touching. If she touched Steve, she was just as strong as him. When (Y/N) touched Spidy, she could crawl walls and so on. She just couldn't fight. She never inherits their skills.
"I hate you," she said to him about the 50th time today.
Her back landed on the matt again. And she was surprised it wasn't broken yet. 
"Your endurance as well as your upper body strength suck," he lectured her.
Bucky ignored her statement about hating him. She had mumbled it under her breath so many times he didn't feel the need to acknowledge it. (Y/N) huffed and stared at him reproachfully. Even now, she looked beautiful. Propped up on her elbows, covered in sweat with furrowed brows. She was pissed. At least she acted like it. She seemed to be angrier at herself for not getting it than at him. She did mess up a lot of the instructions he gave her. But she had potential. 
"If you let me use my powers, it wouldn't be this bad. I would get your super serum strength," (Y/N) mumbled and rubbed a hand over her face.
Bucky laughed and stretched a hand out to help her up. It was the gentleman in him. Something he never got entirely rid of over the years. He wasn't going soft on her, but he still had basic manners, like holding open the door and helping a woman up.
"Steve let you use your powers, didn't he?" Bucky asked her.
(Y/N) sighed and stretched her limps.
"He did, but it was easier. Because he is fucking strong. How am I supposed to beat someone like you?" she growled.
"Natasha does it every day," he pointed out.
(Y/N) stopped rubbing her sore neck and rolled her eyes.
"Yea, I know she is good at everything. Stupid perfect woman," she said.
Bucky knew what she was trying to do. It was not gonna work with him. She tried getting his reassurance. She was trying it for about the fifth time today. To get his sympathy. He only understood now what Steve meant. He was close to giving in. She gave him one of her innocent smiles, and if he didn't know what she was doing, he would have dropped everything then and there. 
"Doll, not gonna work. I'm not Steve. I won't let you use powers or get out of training," he said with a cheeky smile and raised brows.
(Y/N) dropped her head. She swore under her breath. Good, that girl swore like a pirate. And he found it slightly endearing.
"Screw you," she said, "Sargent Barnes."
She placed her hands on her hips and huffed.
"In position," he laughed, "Recruit."
"No, she can't. She isn't ready yet. She wouldn't last five minutes in the field," Bucky said and puffed his chest out. 
This was new for (Y/N) to see Bucky was always the one making himself smaller than he was. He didn't want to be seen. Or to seem less dangerous. But not now. He stood next to her chair with his legs firmly placed and his Arms crossed. Not with his hips jolted out. She had noticed the difference between Bucky Barnes and Sargent James Buchanan Barnes. She liked Bucky better.
"Are you sure? I need another asset," Steve said and looked between her and Bucky.
(Y/N) seemed furious. Bucky didn't believe she was ready for the mission. And he told Steve, in front of everyone. She felt embarrassed and humiliated. 
"Yes, she isn't good enough yet," Bucky then said.
Or Sargent Bucky. She looked up at him. He only spared her a glance. She thought to see something that resembles regret. But then he looked away. So she let her eyes travel over the Avengers. All of them looked at her with pity. Without another word, she got up from her chair. She didn't feel the need to argue. Because the worst part was Bucky was right. It had been two months, and she still didn't learn it. Her head was held high as she stepped past the soldier and out of the door. She needed a drink.
"(Y/N)," Bucky yelled behind her.
He must have noticed that she was upset, but she continued walking. She didn't wanna see his face right now. She would punch it most likely.
"Wait," Bucky then said and grabbed her hand.
 He had caught her just when she stepped foot into the kitchen. He grabbed her wrist to stop her. (Y/N) Spun around to the brunette man. If her look could kill someone, he would be dead. Very dead. 
"Look, we'll train more. And then you can go on missions. I promise you. I just don't want you to go out there unprepared. Something could happen," Bucky tried to explain.
"I can do it. Why do I need this training? I could just get Wanda's power and use it in the field," she yelled.
Her eyes were fixed on his hand gripping her wrist. It was his metal arm; she was never bothered by it. She actually liked when it touched her while training. It cooled her down.
"You don't get it. What if you are in the field and none of us is near. I know the power manipulation doesn't hold for long. What if you are somewhere with no superpowered human? You are useless," he grunted.
He hated her stubbornness. Why couldn't she just listen like Steve promised him she would. Training her was exhausting because she didn't want to train. If she would actually put effort into it, she would be better. 
(Y/N) gave him a look, and a sudden urge overtook her. She wanted to show him that she could beat him. She wasn't useless. She had survived without his help for so long, so she didn't need him now.  
"Oh yeah?" she asked, and with that, she stretched out her other hand and touched his forehead.
Her skin touched his, and he felt a sudden rush go through him. Like something was pulling on him. And it wasn't because he touched her. Before he could register what she was doing, she had turned her hand so that she was gripping his arm, spun around and flipped him over her shoulder. Bucky landed on his back next to one of the kitchen chairs. Her left boot on his chest. She gave him defining smile. She had stolen his power. Well, he still had it, but they were equal now. His mouth opened slightly and closed again. What just happened? 
"Sorry? What was that about being useless?" she asked teasingly. 
Okay, if she was going to play it like that. Without warning, he kicked his foot against her other leg. She lost her balance, and Bucky rolled out from under her left foot. He jumped to his feet and stood opposite of her. They stared at each other. Both of them were in a defensive position. He couldn't help but notice that it looked exactly how he taught her. Not bad.
"Oh, Doll. You really wanna do this?" he asked her with a small smile. 
(Y/N) Didn't feel the need to answer. She just stormed in his direction and threw a fist at him. He caught it midair and held it in his palm. And he felt the force she used to hit him. That was his strength in her. He spun her around. The girls back was pressed against his chest. He had one arm pinned to her chest and the other around her neck, where he applied light pressure. He could smell her perfume and feel her rapid breathing. 
"You would be dead just about now," he mumbled into her ear. 
"Not so much," she grunted and stomped her heel to his foot. Bucky let her go in shock.
Bucky realised now this was different. This wasn't like training. They were fighting, and she was intent on winning. (Y/N) spun around, and then she grabbed a vase and threw it at him. He ducked it in shock while it shattered against the white wall behind him. She was angry. This wasn't fun for her. Bucky felt bad for a split second, then he remembered that none of this was his fault. Slowly he got up from his position. He studied her face. (Y/N)'s eyes looked more like slits and not as bright as usual.
"Have I  ever told you how insane you are?" he mumbled.
She huffed out air from her nose. They stared at each other for another second before both of them fully charged at each other. 
"Au," (Y/N) moaned while Bruce stitched up the cut on her forehead. 
He wasn't feeling sorry for her, that much she could see. She sat at one of the barstools. The one that was still standing. With a bruised lip and a cut on her forehead. But she still had Bucky's ability, so she did already feel it healing. Bucky sat on another chair where Tony was fixing his metal arm, where she rammed a knife into. It had gotten out of hand really fast. Some of the decor in the room was broken, while Bucky and (Y/N) were both hurt. And (Y/N) felt like a madwoman. She wasn't sure what came over her. She was just so angry, and Bucky being Bucky made it worse. And now, she felt ashamed. She needed to apologise to Bucky, and she hated that.
"Normal people just have sex to blow off their steam, but you try to kill each other," Sam said as he cleaned up some shards. 
"We didn't try to kill each other," (Y/N) mumbled, her eyes cast down.
She hissed when Bruce knotted the thread. Great, that would scar. She didn't dare to look at the former Winter Soldier. But she heard Tony's tool shut off.
"You two need to clean this and get this issue between you out of the way," Tony said, pointing at them.
The rest of the Avengers left the room quietly. (Y/N) gave Bucky a shy look. He seemed just as embarrassed as her. So she decided to start. 
"I'm sorry," she mumbled, just as Bucky said the same.
Bucky looked up at her. He studied her face for a second before he got up and took a careful step closer. Only now (Y/N) noticed that she could hear his heartbeat, courtesy of his own power. It was steady and slow. 
"Look, I know you are frustrated that you can't go on missions yet. I am not refusing it because I want to hurt you, quite the opposite, actually. I don't want you to go out there and hurt yourself. I want you to be ready and be able to take care of yourself," he explained slowly. 
(Y/N) stopped playing with her fingers and raised her head with a sigh. She hopped off the chair and met Bucky in the middle.
"I know," she said, "I am sorry I threw a plate at you."
Bucky laughed, and it was like music to her ears. This wasn't new. She always enjoyed his laugh. 
"You know, sometimes I wonder why we fight so much," he then said.
(Y/N) joined his laugh and decided to just be helpful for a second. She grabbed a broom and continued sweeping.
"I think it is actually because we are very alike," she told him and shrugged. 
Bucky shook his head at her and started placing the chairs upright. He couldn't believe what she was saying. (Y/N) was very different from him. She was pure. As stupid as it sounded, she was. Her heart was good, and she loved people with all her heart. She lived in the sun, while Bucky was a man with a dark past and a jumbled memory.
"No, we disagree constantly," he said.
(Y/N) was about to be annoyed with him, but then she saw his wink and knew he was joking. And then she laughed. This was weird. Bucky and her joking. 
"Funny," she commented.
"I can be fun if I want to," he said with a cheeky smile. 
(Y/N) shook her head over the man's behaviour. And even if she didn't want it to, a genuine smile slipped on her lips. She watched him for a second. Maybe she and Bucky could have fun as well and not just fight. 
"Are you staring at me?" Bucky suddenly asked her and lifted his head.
She tried covering her blush, but not so lucky. 
"Uhm, no... Just continue cleaning," she mumbled and concentrated on her sweeping.
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statierogers · 6 years
The New Recruit - Bucky Barnes (Part 2)
Title: The New Recruit (Part2)
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: It’s Bucky’s new job to train (Y/N). They just really, really don’t like each other.
Words: 3’051
Warnings: Language
Genere: Fluffy. Very very cheesy!
A/N: So this is part two. I also decided that it’s only gonna be two parts. I thought about making more and maybe I will, when I want to write more. But I don’t intend to.
My Masterlist
Your name: submit What is this?
(Y/N) - your first name
(Y/L/N) - your last name
- Katie xx
Part 1
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Their relationship had changed from that day on. It was like they were different people. Well, sometimes they still mocked each other, but they were civil. Maybe even more than that. The team noticed how both of them stole glances at each other. (Y/N) had developed a crush on the soldier. She couldn't believe it herself. Well, yea, he had always been handsome. She had eyes, but she never would have thought that she would get all giddy and nervous around him. It was a curse, to be honest. She wanted to tell him for so long that she just didn't know how to anymore at some point. She even dropped hints, but the man seemed oblivious to her feelings. Or he wasn't and just tried to let her down gently.
(Y/N) did some late night training to let out the frustration she had with herself and the situation. With her and her stupid heart for falling for the idiot. He had to start being kind to her. To make her laugh and turn their disagreeing into cute teasing. It was all his fault.
"(Y/N), Oh, there you are," a voice behind her said.
She knew it was Bucky. She would have known that voice anywhere. She had heard the low bariton enough. But she didn't bother turning around for him.
That was okay with Bucky. It gave him a good look on her backside. It was absolutely stunning to see her work, the back muscles moving with every punch. Five months ago, when they started training, he would have never thought that she would ever move with such elegance.
"Since when do you do extra training?" he asked her and leaned at the door frame.
She continued doing the combinations Bucky taught her. They just seemed more aggressive than usual. Poor Dummy. He was glad she didn't have super strength, or they would have to buy new ones.
"I always train," she lied.
This was so ridiculous she even laughed. She gave the dummy one last punch, her footwork perfect and her arms firm, not shaky at all like they used to be. Bucky couldn't hide the proud smile covering his face. That was his doing. He made the girl this strong.
She then grabbed her water bottle off the floor and took a sip. While drinking, she stepped closer to him.
"Why were you looking for me?" she asked.
Bucky had totally forgotten why he was here for a second. It was her face. Every time he looked at those eyes and those lips, he had the urge to kiss her. For a split second, he thought about just doing that, but he pushed it away. He wanted to do this the right way. Like you were supposed to do it.
"Bucky?" she asked again.
His face was burning, and he wasn't sure if she could see him blushing. God, this was embarrassing. He was here for one reason, he wanted to ask her out, to tell her how he felt. That he was stupid enough to fall in love with her. Well, he wouldn't say it like that, obviously.
"I... uhm," he began and stepped closer to her.
Bucky was unsure of himself. She lowered her bottle and stared into his eyes. Bucky stepped closer, and then he did something he would have never thought he'd do. He grabbed her free hand. A soft touch. Light, but he felt it in every fibre of his body. This was new, not like touching her when they trained, no. It was innocent.
"I wanted to ask you something," he continued.
He had practised this speech in his head. So many times. He even told Steve what he would say. Never in a million years would his old self have thought he would ask Steve for advice on that kind of subject. He looked up from their hands, and he thought he saw something like hope in her eyes.
"Yes?" she said and urged him to continue.
Bucky opened his mouth and closed it again. He continued staring into her eyes. Her smile was so soft that he wanted to touch her lips. And it was then when he chickened out.
"Uhm, what kind of movie do you wanna watch on movie night?" he then asked instead.
Her hopeful eyes turned into an annoyed face. He could have hit himself for this stupid question. Why didn't he just do it? How could he be scared of asking a girl out?
"A movie? Of course, it was a movie," she mumbled and spun on her heel.
She stomped to the bench where she had placed her bag and grabbed it. Bucky looked at her perplexed. What was she doing? What did he do now? She was angry again.
"Damn it, Sargent!" she yelled and stormed out of the room.
Bucky was frozen in his position. The only thing he could do was stare at the spot she just stood. What just happened?
She didn't know why she showed up. She was pissed at him. But there she was in her track pants and shirt walking into the living room.
She spotted five people on the Sofas. Wanda spread out on a chair and tucked under a blanket, Sam and Steve sitting on one sofa with a massive bowl of Popcorn. Peter had joined them as well, sitting on the blue chair and Bucky occupying the other sofa. Peter was probably supposed to be home by now, but who was she to judge. What bothered her more was that the only free space was next to Bucky. Was he doing this on purpose? She sighed and decided to not start drama, and sat down. She sat at the far end of the sofa with crossed arms. She felt Buckys stare at her. She just continued sulking.
"Great, everyone is here; the rest is busy or being anti-social," Sam said, rolling his eyes.
He then stuffed more Popcorn in his mouth, like every movie night. But this time (Y/N) 's heart was faster. She hated sitting close to Bucky. Well, no, she loved it, but it made her brain mush.
"What's the movie we are watching?" Steve asked.
And with that, the discussion began. (Y/N) was relatively quiet until she made a decision. Bucky had asked her which movie she wanted to see, and she was not gonna let them take it away from her.
"Let's watch Mamma Mia!" she said and clapped her hands together.
It was one of those movies that just made her feel good, and she couldn't help but smile slightly at the thought of that movie. The rest, not so much. A groan came from Sam.
"Again?" he asked and threw his head back dramatically.
Okay, maybe she made them watch it a few times. But she really enjoyed that movie. It always put a smile on her face. It was Mamma Mia for fuck's sake.
"You are just gonna dance and sing along, and it's really annoying," Peter mumbled.
(Y/N) gave him a look. The sass in that kid was becoming worse. She had to take him out of Tonys care. He started rubbing off on him.
"People under 17 don't get a vote," Sam threw in his direction.
It took Peter precisely three seconds to snatch Sams bowl in revenge. The web latched onto it, and he pulled it back, landing the Popcorn in his lap. Sam furrowed his brows, and Steve smiled at him. (Y/N) just ignored it. This was normal, believe it or not.
"C'mon, I need this. My muscles are still sore, so I can't do that much dancing. Sargent Barnes here tried killing me today... again," she grumbled and gave the man next to her a reproachful look.
Bucky was already staring at her. When she turned to him, a soft half-smile covered his lips. The rest of the team only saw adoration in his eyes, but (Y/N) didn't see it.
"Well, recruit, just doing my job. I only made you run 21 kilometres today," Bucky said with a cheeky smile and placed his arm on the back of the sofa.
She even thought she saw him scoot closer. (Y/N) did feel the urge to lean into him. It looked so comfortable. She knew there was only muscle under that henley. She wanted to touch it. There had been some dreams where she did. The thought of them sitting here, her leaning into his side and him putting his arm around her, felt right.
"See, torture, so let me have this," she said.
If she were standing, she would have stomped her foot. (Y/N) realised she was acting childish.
"We could fight over it," Sam laughed and put his fist up in a pretend boxing match.
She knew he was teasing her. He was referencing her and Buckys fight. He had been doing that for at least a month.
"Sure, let me just steal Steve's strength, and then we'll talk," she said.
Bucky watched their encounter with a smile. He wasn't sure who would beat who anymore. He trained the girl well.
"Okay, Sam, sit down. Let's watch Mamma Mia," Steve said, being the voice of reason.
(Y/N) sat down with a smile. She looked content and happy with what she had just achieved. Bucky enjoyed the look on her face, and it made him scoot a bit closer. It was like his body had its own mind. It needed her close. She looked at him, and he heard her heartbeat picking up.  This was new. Well, no, her pulse was always up when she was close to him, but they were always training, so he never suspected more of it.
The next day in training sucked. Bucky had beaten her again. This wasn't as usual as it used to be. Today he didn't let her lend his strength.
He stretched his hand out to her, like always. She sighed and stepped on her feet. Her hand shook slightly at the contact with Bucky. Why did he make her so nervous? This didn't seem normal anymore.
"Good Job," he said and helped her up again.
She couldn't stop thinking about yesterday. At some point throughout the movie, she and Bucky sat so close to each other that she could feel their thighs touching. But never did he take her hand or pull her into him. Bucky was afraid to make a move, and it annoyed her. What annoyed her even more was that she was scared to make a move as well. And she didn't know why. It was a time where a woman could take the first step. But Bucky and (Y/N) just danced around each other. Waiting until some miracle happened and one of them would have the balls to confess.
"Well, you won anyway," she mumbled, frustrated and grabbed her towel.
She had turned away from him and rubbed it over her face. Bucky watched her posture. It was defensive. He listened to her rapid heartbeat. She was angry, frustrated even, he could tell. Her being like this made him grumpy. It was like the woman was pregnant. Yesterday she would smile at him, and now suddenly, she was angry with him.
"What's up with you?" he asked her blunt.
He hated when she was angry. This made him feel like he was back to square one with her.
"Nothing," she mumbled into her towel.
Bucky sighed and rubbed the crease between his eyebrows. Was she acting ridiculous? Yes. This was just as common as it was 100 years ago. When a woman said nothing, there was always something.
"Of course there is. Yesterday you were all cuddly. And now you are acting bitchy," he said.
His hands were placed on his hips as he stared her down. She lowered her towel as soon as he spoke those words. Just to spin around and look at him. Her expression was furious. Because she had found another reason to be pissed at him again. As usual. That woman was so frustrating.
"Are you serious?" she asked him with a raised voice. She lifted her hands to drop them again.
It was like he angered the beast.
"Yes, just tell me what your problem is," his voice was raised.
He didn't notice himself that he stepped closer to her. He was too caught up in his anger.
She dropped the towel on the floor.
"You are," she told him. Her voice was strained.
His body had registered their closeness. His heartbeat was just as fast as hers now. He could reach out and touch (Y/N) 's cheek. And he wanted to. There was a longing he felt deep in his heart. The pull was unbearable.
"What have I done now?" he asked her and stepped away.
He couldn't think if she was this close to him. He needed to be able to breathe and use his brain.
"You... you are acting all charming, and you come in here every day looking like... that. And I am here dropping hints every day, but you don't ask me out," she yelled and pointed at him.
So she was pissed because... she liked him? This was typical between them. Fighting about things normal people would never fight about.
"Well, you make me feel all fluttery, and you are funny and pretty, and quite frankly, I hate it," he said.
(Y/N)' s face fell, she looked absolutely shocked, and she must have realised what they were having an argument about. She opened her mouth to interrupt him, but he shook his head. He started this confession; there was no use in stopping now.
"No, I am talking... You are so annoying. Really annoying. You have the biggest mouth in the world, and you swear like a sailor. And for some odd reason, you just find a way to always disagree with me. And when you don't get what you want, you to sulk for days," he rambled.
(YN) huffed and crossed her arms defensively. This was not going well. No love confession started with telling the other person how much he disliked them.
"Thanks," she mumbled ironically.
Bucky stepped closer to her and gave her a look. He needed her to shut up. But that wasn't really her strong suit.
"I am not finished," Bucky said, "But then there you are, being funny and adorable, and you give me one of those smiles that take my breath away. And then you sit next to me, and your arm brushes mine, and I feel like I am going to burst. I don't know what to say to you. You make me forget my words. I wanted to ask you out yesterday, but I couldn't. The absolute truth is that I like you a lot. And if you continue being like this, the chance that I fall in love with you is very high. I know this may surprise you, believe me, it surprised me, but...."
Bucky rant was interrupted.
Because she stepped on her tiptoes and kissed him. Just her lips on his. It was so brief and short he wasn't sure if he just imagined it. But he didn't. It was just a peck. She seemed just as shocked as him; her mouth had the shape of an "O".  A smile spread across his features. He carefully placed his hands on either side of her waist. One colder than the other. She didn't move a muscle, but her eyes followed his movements. She seemed in anticipation, watching him. Calculating his reaction.
"Did you just kiss me, recruit?" he teased her with a chuckle.
A slow nod came from her, and she pressed her lips together. She looked like she didn't believe she actually did that. He chuckled at her wariness. With a little tug, he pulled her closer. (Y/N) gasped, surprised and would have stumbled over her feet if he wouldn't have held her.
"But that was a bit weak," he continued.
She snorted, outraged. She put her hands on his chest and poked a finger into it. Her manner changed. Gone was the unsure girl, and back was (Y/N). She was indignant and feisty. Just how he liked her.
"Okay, this is so typical. I kiss you once, shortly, because it is my way of showing that I like you. And you complain. I can never do right by you. Why don't you show me how you are supposed to kiss people, Sargent," she commented sarcastically.
Her voice was grumbly, but he knew she wasn't really offended; she was just confused. So he gave her a cheeky smile. He shrugged his shoulders. He suddenly felt brave, and he couldn't believe that yesterday he chickened out of asking her to go on a date. It felt like so long ago. He stared into those eyes and felt the pull again. He didn't even need to force his body closer to her.
"Alright, Doll," he said.
Then he dipped his head down and kissed her. She made a surprised sound. But he ignored it. But then she buried her hands in his locks and pressed her body with full force against his. Bucky's heart was leaping out of his chest. This was better than he dreamed. She felt so soft against him. He could feel every curve and every edge. And his hands itched to explore more. So he let them travel from her hips to her shoulders, to her neck, her cheeks and then into her hair. He didn't know why but he wanted to pull her even closer to him.
She parted from him solely because of the need for air. Both of them were slightly out of breath. Both of their chests rose and fell rapidly.
"That wasn't bad, right?" he asked her.
His voice felt far away and didn't really sound the like usually. It was shakier. But the remark was cheeky anyway. (Y/N) tilted her head and lightly hit his broad chest. Bucky let his hands run down her shoulders and her body until he found her hands. Slowly he intertwined their fingers. A wild smile covered his face.
"Oh shut up, Bucky," she just mumbled.
He laughed at her remark, and when he looked into those soft eyes, he just decided to kiss her again.
people that wanted to be tagged: @this-is-happening , @killjoynotes , @shoytai
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statierogers · 7 years
Dance with me - Bucky Barnes
Title: Dance with me
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: (Y/N) is really pissed with Bucky, for letting her worry about him.
Words: 1’385
Warnings: None. Cuteness
Genere: Fluffy
A/N: Have you seen Dirty dancing? Well, my version of the best scene ever (this scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pouIFiaIig). I just had the idea for this and kinda whipped it up. I’m not sure if I like it, but here you go. (song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEu8DrO9PbY)
- Katie xx
(Y/N) - your first name
Your name: What is this?
My Masterlist
Tumblr media
(Y/N) couldn't sleep because she was worried. She stood in front of the window and pulled the blanket closer around her. She was waiting for Bucky to come back from his mission. The Quinjet with him and Steve on it should have already been back yesterday, and they hadn't made contact in over three days. That was unusual; they would usually report it if they were late. And she couldn't help but think that something might have happened to them.
She shifted her weight from her left to her right foot while taking a sip out of her cup. The Avengers base was always cold at night, and she regretted not wearing her long Pj's and socks. She would only stay in the living room until the jet appeared above the hangar bay, and then she would go to bed. At least, that was what she told herself. Pretending that she wouldn't be running down there to hug him and see if he was injured, but she wasn't sure if that was going to work out. Because (Y/N) was in love with Bucky. How couldn't she be? James Buchanan Barnes was perfect. He was charming, kind, and funny. And just one look from those damn blue eyes and her knees felt weak.
She wasn't sure how he felt, but she thought he might like her too. He flirted with her but never made a move on her. But he always seemed to be around her.
She glanced at the clock on the wall, reading 4:03 am. In about thirty minutes, Sam would start getting ready for his morning run. Usually, he would go with Steve and Bucky, but they weren't here.
"(Y/N)?" someone suddenly asked behind her.
She would have known that low voice every time. Shocked, she turned around, nearly dropping the mug.
"Bucky, what are you doing here?" she gasped.
And there he was, a bruise on his cheek and a slight cut above his eyebrow. Nevertheless, he looked handsome. The small lamp (Y/N) had turned on dipped him into golden light. His hair was messy, and his eyes sleepy. Yet still too beautiful for him to be a real human being.
"I couldn't sleep, so I went for a glass of water. Why are you up? You love sleeping," he mumbled, stepping closer, a soft smile on his lips.
What did he mean by couldn't sleep? 
Has he already been back all along? He must have come back and not informed her. She wasn't sure if she should be annoyed or embarrassed.
"I was waiting for you," she said loudly.
Bucky's eyebrows furrowed, but she ignored his confused look and put the mug down with more force than necessary. It nearly swapped over.
"What do you mean? I was in bed. The mission was exhausting; we ran into some trouble. Slept since I came back this afternoon," he mentioned casually.
He had to be kidding. Since this afternoon and he couldn't even tell her he was okay? She ripped her blanket off her shoulder, suddenly feeling too warm for it.
"Well, I am glad you slept well while I was waiting worried sick here. Try telling me next time that you are back and alive, so I don't have to freeze my butt off waiting here for you," she snarled.
She had stepped towards him and shoved the blanket in his hand. Bucky just stood there with big confused eyes and mouth agape. 
 She held his look and waited for a response. He didn't say a single word. With another angry noise, she walked away from him out of the room. If he couldn't even apologise, she would just leave.
Bucky was stunned by what just had happened. She had worried about him. Did that mean she cared? He couldn't believe she actually did. To say Bucky was hopelessly in love with (Y/N) since the day he had laid eyes on her was an understatement. She was gorgeous inside out. He never actually made a move on her. He only cryptically flirted with her. And now he made her angry. Did he just blow his chance with her? With a sigh, he turned around, laid the blanket on the sofa, and hurried behind her.
"Crap," he muttered under his breath.
He found her sitting on her bed in her room, listening to a record he didn't know. She was staring at him as he entered but didn't move a muscle. Bucky leaned against the door frame with crossed arms, watching her. He could have sighed out loud at how pretty she looked. With her messy hair, black satin PJ shorts, and tank-top. Her face was angry, but she still made his legs feel weak. Bucky didn't understand how she never noticed. Never before had she seemed to see how she took his breath away every time she smiled at him. Or how he tried to stand a little taller and look buffer as soon as she entered the room. Bucky wanted her bad. In every way. But now, she just looked at him with angry eyes. And he knew she waited for him to apologise.
"You're angry," he mumbled.
(Y/N) had raised her eyebrows. This was the most obvious thing he could have said. But he didn't add anything else. He was testing the waters at how pissed she would be.
"Of course, I am angry. I was waiting. Worrying. Do you know how that feels? You were supposed to be back days ago, and you didn't call me," she complained.
Bucky smiled softly. He couldn't refrain from it. He shouldn't be looking at her like this when she looked like she was about to punch him. But it was flattering, her being worried about him. He never had that before. 
"Believe me, Doll. I do know," he mumbled.
It was nearly funny how she never noticed how much he cared about her. He was terrified as soon as she took part in a mission. It killed him to see her go. Steve even let Bucky tag along when she had missions after the team told him how annoying Bucky was acting every time she was out there. 
(Y/N)' s mouth made a slight O shape when she seemed to realise what he meant. She wasn't sure what to say either — scared that she would anger him. She didn't want that look to disappear on his face. That smile. That beautiful smile
"I didn't think to call. I promise I will next time," he added.
There was silence between them; both of them seemed to be at a loss for words. Bucky felt tired of this ping pong between them. Tired of her not knowing what he felt. Wasn't it obvious? Bucky stepped out of the doorframe, closer to her. He just wanted to be close to her. 
"Dance with me," Bucky then asked her.
(Y/N) shook her head confused, and stared at his outstretched hand. She didn't expect this.
"What? Why?" she stuttered.
She suddenly turned nervous. Her body felt hot and cold at the same time. And maybe it was Buckys bright smile, or those eyes that she could get lost in, or even the softness in his tone. But she slowly took his hand and let him dance with her. Because Bucky had her under his spell, she couldn't have said no even if she wanted to.
He pulled her close to him. (Y/N)'s heartbeat skipped a beat only to then pick up its speed. She had never been this close to Bucky, but it felt like she belonged there. Her hand fit into his like they were meant to hold each other. Her cheek rested on his chest as they slowly moved along to the soft tune of the song. Bucky could smell her sweet scent and feel her hair tickle his cheek, and he had never been happier. It didn't matter that he just woke up from a nightmare. Not when he had her to hold.
"(Y/N)?" He whispered.
She made a slight noise indicating she heard him. 
"I think I am in love with you," he mumbled into her hair.
She didn't move for a bit, and he was scared she didn't hear his voice. But then she leaned back and looked at him. Her eyes were brighter than the stars, and her smile could have lightened up the whole world.
"Well, James, I think I love you too," she responded quietly.
And then she got on her tippy toes and kissed him. Bucky felt like his world exploded. 
The kiss was soft at the beginning, but then her hands gripped his locks, and Bucky suddenly couldn't hold back anymore. He kissed her harder and walked them backwards until her legs hit the foot of the bed. He interrupted the kiss and looked at her, questioning. Because Bucky knew where he wanted this to go, he knew he wanted to spend the whole night with her. He wanted to show her how he felt. But did she? (Y/N) just took his hand, gave him a wicked smile, and pulled him down on her bed.
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