#winx mike and vanessa
winx-blooms-magic-au · 7 months
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snarky-art · 3 months
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Now that’s a family
I’m wanting to color these eventually but it’ll be a hot minute before I’m able to finish it so I figured I’d post the sketches at least
Some lore info also on Marion’s preference for corsets that go to the waist when I’ve mentioned that traditional Dominion fashion has empire waistlines! I’m treating this kind of how French fashion was treated in courts during the 1700s. Marion loves fashion and she loves staying on top of trends. The shape of the style of corset she’s often shown in is what was in vogue for a lot of royal courts at the time before The Fall of Domino, so that’s why she and Daphne are often on it. It was the main fashion of the Dominion court at that time due to Marion’s influence.
Since Domino is back in the limelight now tho, having just been resurrected, a push for Bloom and others to wear more traditional styled garments is important to cement that they’re still a strong people with a strong culture and aren’t to be looked down on after everything that happened.
However, for the picture post Daphne’s resurrection, the reason she’s wearing the traditional empire waistline is because she’s lost a lot of weight because of overstimulation with texture and issues of ptsd affecting everything, and that style of clothing utilizing the physically bigger elements present in the shape of Dominion clothing covers how thin she actually is. It’s a farce.
So glad everyone chooses to finally talk and work on getting better and properly supporting Bloom and Daphne. Love a good family unit.
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welcome-to-alfea · 2 months
Winx Families: Bloom!
You can find my Bloom redesign here! Her Winx redesign is here!
Just like in canon, Bloom has two sets of parents and her older sister Daphne. Both her Earth family and her Dominon family get along very well and work together to be one blended unit.
Mike and Vanessa Hernandez-Carter are Bloom's adoptive parents. Vanessa runs her own flower shop called The Garden of Eden. Mike used to be a full-time firefighter, but he has since retired and is now working in the shop with Vanessa. They're college sweethearts, and Bloom considers them to be relationship goals.
They're both Bloom's number 1 supporters and have taken finding out their daughter is a fairy princess in relative stride. They love all the girls and regularly host sleepovers for the club.
King and Queen Oritel and Marion WyDrak of Domino are Bloom's biological parents. Marion Fairy of Fury is Queen Regnant of the planet as well as the head of Domino's Council of Guardian Fairies. She's also a holder of the Dragon Flame. Oritel is a wizard and served in the royal military before he married and became king. They were 3700 at the time of Domino's disappearance.
They met at age 20 when Marion snuck out of a ball her parents were hosting to have a moment of peace. Oritel found her in the gardens reading a book of poetry. It was coincidently his favorite poet, and they spent the evening reading to each other.
They are a force to be reckoned with, both on and off the battlefield. Marion is famous through the universe for her sharp tongue. Oritel, while more introverted, is well versed in sarcasm and is not afraid to use it. Privately, they are both huge dorks. They love puzzles, poetry, and studying mythology (a trait Bloom inherited).
Daphne Wydrak is Bloom's older sister. She is the Crown Princess of Domino, Guardian Fairy of Domino, Nymph of Sparks, and a holder of the Dragon Flame. She was 200 years old during Domino's disappearance.
Daphne is a magical prodigy, being accepted into Alfea at only 14. Faragonda recognized her potential and began mentoring her. She was the youngest fairy to earn the title of Nymph, doing so at the age of 100. Her magical prowness is what led the ancestral witches to focus on Domino.
Daphne herself is a rather awkward person, having to live up both to her mother's legacy as well as the accolades she's earned. She loves journaling her spare time and has amassed quite the collection of journals. She's aro ace and is very happy to just have a cat as her companion.
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artistic-moth-man · 8 months
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Ok but if you dont like mike and vanessa you clearly have a family issue and should probably go to therapy for it
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winxclubscreencaps · 5 months
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winx club season 1 - episode 1 (an unexpected event)
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vicontheinternet · 9 months
I like the idea that mike and Vanessa have some recollection of the magic dimension or just magic in general like make mike a former specialist who settled down in earth and found a nice earth girl who turned out to be a dryad and that why they heard daphne and that’s why they weren’t shocked by the burning building stop burning as soon as mike picked bloom up and have them be supportive of her and her wonders
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simplytheevebest · 2 years
Trick or Treat
Happy (early) Halloween! Enjoy this fluffy nonsense one shot featuring the dysfunctional Peters family, pumpkin carving, candy, and a return of the skeleton coat rack.
For some reason I love the idea that Farah recuperates from her nap at the Peters’ house because it’s sort of outside Rosalind’s jurisdiction, and … this happened. A total AU, I am making up a lot of things and playing fast and loose with characterization. Pretending Farah’s pendant was a gift from Saul (implied, not directly stated) and that the nap left her “powerless” (for now). Also making up how they celebrate Halloween in the other world. Unlikely to be continued, but never say never!
“And… done.”
Bloom likes to think she knows her dad pretty well. He played football in college and gets together with some of his firehouse buddies every once in a while to play a few low-commitment games in the park. He used to use football metaphors to help her study, not because they actually worked, but because hearing her dad try to relate a tackle at the thirty yard line to the steps of photosynthesis was usually just outrageous enough to get a laugh out of her and relieve some of those final exam jitters. He puts so much milk in his coffee it’s barely coffee, and she’d tested this theory once by giving him a cup of warm milk with only a spoonful of coffee -to this day she doesn’t think he ever noticed the difference, but the week-long experiment had earned her an A for her science project that year.
He does not, as the ‘cool kids say,’ wear the pants in her parents’ relationship, especially when her mom is being stubborn and Bloom is being impossible and it’s easier to bow out and let things settle than try to intervene. He isn’t afraid to confront girl problems, however, and though she hadn’t appreciated it at the time, Bloom can admit know that it was immensely thoughtful of him to bring her three different brands of tampons because he hadn’t known which she prefers. He does now. He is also a pretty exceptional baker, going above and beyond basic cookies and brownies to scones and Victorian sponge, and is an avid consumer of the Great British Bake Off.
He is also not an artist: for as well as Bloom knows him, she knows she’s never going to be able to guess the origins of the pumpkin he’s now proudly displaying to her. She wrinkles her nose, flicking a bit of pumpkin guts off her arm.
“It looks great dad, it’s a really good… mouse?”
“It’s not a mouse,” he huffs, fiddling with the battery powered candle to stick inside.
“Then why does it have ears?”
“Those are its eyes,” he traces the shape of a triangle in the space of what is very clearly the carving of a circle, “It’s a traditional jack-o-lantern. Very spooky.”
“It’s spooky how much it looks like a mouse,” Bloom quips, ducking to the side when he lobs a handful of pumpkin guts at her. She gapes dramatically, stuttering on a laugh when the pile of seeds and muck knocks over the plastic skeleton that never seems to make it back into the basement when Halloween is over. It’s a glorified coatrack most of the year, and it spills its burden to the floor, head popping off and rolling into the living room.
“What’s going on!” Her mother demands from the kitchen, and Bloom and her father share a look.
“Dad’s committing skeletal assault.”
Vanessa appears in the doorway, a bowl of candy in each hand, and steps cleanly over the toppled skeleton with a pointed look at her husband.
“That thing is making it into the basement this year, mark my words. Bloom-y, which bowl should I hand out to the kids? Gummies or chocolate?”
She weighs them both like a teetering scale, tipping them forward so Bloom can inspect the contents of gummy worms and Hershey’s respectively. Bloom takes her time mulling it over, reaching for her own battery-powered tea light.
“Gummies for the kids.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, then we get to eat the chocolate ourselves.”
“Genius,” Vanessa shakes the bowl, “I knew there was a reason we were sending you to that fancy school. Mike! Put some of the coats in the closet for Christ’s sake.”
Bloom snickers, turning her back on her dad’s attempts to return the pile of coats to the poor plastic skeleton too weak to hold them all up. It’s a miracle they’ve balanced so precariously up until now, and it’s only because it’s usually so obscured that her mom doesn’t kick up too much of a fuss during the year about banishing it back to the basement with the rest of the decorations. Bloom pops the candle into her pumpkin, not quite a masterful attempt, but still better than her dad’s, and turns it around for her mom’s approval.
“What’d’you think?”
“It looks great honey, better than your dad’s anyway. What is it, a rat?”
“It’s a jack-o-lantern.”
“Why’re its eyes so big?”
“He’s shocked at how rude you’re being,” Mike gripes, scooping up their pumpkins to deposit on the front porch. They’ve got the windows thrown open, a bit of a late-October breeze filtering through and ruffling the curtains, but it’s only now because the sun has set that there’s anything resembling a chill. Nothing like the damp, cold evenings in Alfea, because the only time the girls had complained of a heat wave the temperature hadn’t come even close to touching Gardenia on a mild day, but it’s refreshing, considering the baking sun from earlier.
Vanessa sets the chocolate bowl within reach, and Bloom fishes out a Kit-Kat, drawing her knees up to her chest.
“Has Miss Dowling been down?”
She only catches the edge of her mother’s frown, brows creased in worry as she gathers up the trashbags keeping the dining room table free from pumpkin mush. Bloom knows her dad pretty well, but her mom isn’t quite as easy to read. Her mom’s restless when it comes to hobbies, a new one almost every week, attempts to keep busy rather than fret over her only daughter’s social life -not that they’ve really worked. So Bloom can’t say for certain if her mom enjoys knitting or painting or hiking, only that she’s partaken in those things at some point. She knows her mom isn’t close to her own mother, a grandmother that lives out on the East Coast who sends checks for holidays but hasn’t visited in Bloom’s recent memories, which is probably why she tries so hard with Bloom. Her mom is a worrier, that much she does know, so she’s not surprised that her mom’s worry has extended to her daughter’s fugitive headmistress currently camping out in their guest room. (Her mom also takes her coffee black, and swears she can tell when her mug has even been in the vicinity of cream and sugar).
“Not today. Although she might’ve come down when we were out earlier, it’s hard to say. She’s very tidy.”
Bloom never thought she’d hear the day her mom regarded cleanliness a bad thing, but clearly she does. Vanessa is a doter, and Bloom knows it’s killing her, just a little, not to be able to wait on Miss Dowling hand and foot as a guest in their home. She’s used to it, since their usual house guest is her uncle Eddie, and he never looks after himself, which her mom hates, but also thrives on. It’s the being needed, which Bloom gets, considering she’d decided long ago she no longer needed her mother, and Vanessa had taken that about as well as the Titanic had taken on the iceberg.
It’s entirely likely that Miss Dowling waited, purposefully, to come down for a cup of tea (using a kettle Bloom knows for a fact was not “up in the cupboard,” looking a little too new to be used, like her mother claimed) and something to eat, and cleaned up so completely after herself that they’d have no way of knowing. It’d be funny, thinking about how her teacher’s fastidiousness is driving her mother’s hospitable nature up the wall, if it didn’t also make her sad to think about. Miss Dowling is their guest, but she’s doing an excellent job behaving as if she’s an unwelcome one, intruding on their good will and kindness, like it hadn’t been Bloom’s idea -at her parents’ insistence- to have the woman stay with them until she’d regained her strength.
“I’m going to check on her,” she decides, and Vanessa crumples the trashbags up with one hand, dumping the carving utensils in the sink with the other.
“Bring her some candy-”
“Not the Butterfingers,” Mike interrupts, “Those are mine.”
Bloom rolls her eyes good-naturedly, scooping up the bowl and taking the stairs two at a time. The guest room door is open, it usually is, like her teacher doesn’t think she has the right to boundaries and privacy in someone else’s home, but Bloom knocks on the doorframe anyway. Miss Dowling stands at the window, dressed like she’s expecting to host a meeting, rather than having spent the day inside doing nothing. Which isn’t entirely fair, Bloom knows she’s been working incredibly hard trying to reconnect with her magic, she just doesn’t imagine wearing slacks is going to be any more effective than sweatpants.
Her teacher turns, one hand wrapped tightly around the pendant at her neck, the other tucked across her middle.
“Miss Dowling. Candy?”
She holds out the bowl, knowing the older woman won’t take it, and counts to five before setting it on the bed, settling herself on the edge.
“Did you come down while we were out? Mom’s worried you didn’t eat-”
“I did, Bloom, thank you.”
She turns back to the window, fingers winding around and around the chain, lost in thought. Bloom swings her legs, purses her lips; it’s awkward, having her teacher here, not because it’s her teacher, but because it’s Bloom’s fault she’s here. A fugitive. In hiding. Presumed dead. All because Bloom’s impatience and reckless impulsiveness had seen fit to free a tyrant, just to better learn the answers to questions Miss Dowling had promised to help her find “tomorrow.” Bloom had taken the chance someone else could provide them sooner, yet here they were, with more questions now than they’d had before.
“Do they celebrate Halloween in the other world? I wasn’t there long enough to find out.”
Miss Dowling turns away from the window again, brows raised; then they furrow in contemplation, “We do, although it’s not quite so… commercialized. It’s a celebration of the living and the dead, more reminiscent, I think, of your Day of the Dead than proper Halloween. Alfea holds a festival every year, we invite the parents and guardians of the students, but some choose to go home to celebrate in their own way. We celebrate our own lives, and those of the ones we’ve lost.”
Bloom nods quietly: it’s an answer, but it hovers dangerously close to topics neither really wants to address.
“So no Spider-Man costumes?”
Miss Dowling huffs a laugh, finally stepping away from the window, “No, no ‘Spider-Man’ costumes, no costumes of any kind, though we do get dressed up. It’s quite fun.”
“I’m sorry I missed it.”
“There’s always next year,” and the acknowledgement of ‘next year,’ that they’ll get through this well enough for there to be a new year, that her headmistress will welcome her back to Alfea in time to experience it, has Bloom clearing her throat against the emotion choking it.
Bloom picks at a thread on the bedspread, “You know you’re not like, bothering us, right? We want you here. And mom loves taking care of people, seriously, she’d make a five course meal if you asked and she’d love every second of it.”
“I know,” Miss Dowling answers softly, and the mattress dips at the other end, by the headboard, as she settles across from her student. “But I’m cognizant of the danger I’m putting you in by being here, especially without my magic, and regardless, I am imposing, if not on your lives, than on your safety.”
“How is it? Your magic, I mean.”
Her teacher sighs, a sad, frustrated thing, and a hand comes back up to grip the pendant, “I can’t feel it. For the first time in as long as I can remember I can feel… nothing. It feels… emptying, like I’m missing a part of myself. Sometimes I think the flicker is there but it doesn’t last it’s-” she huffs another sigh “-it’s unnerving. I’ve lost that connection to myself, to… other people, and I’m not used to it.”
Bloom wonders if the pendant has anything to do with it, if it holds more significance than her headmistress is willing to share, so she doesn’t pry. She can’t remember what it felt like not to have her magic, so she can’t imagine how it must feel for Miss Dowling, and she doesn’t want to try. It makes her think of her mother, set adrift by a daughter who claimed not to need her, bouncing from hobby to hobby in search of… something, anything, to fill the space left behind, and when those didn’t work, she’d turn back to Bloom, tried to forcefully fill that space with repeated attempts at connecting that’d left them both drained from the pressure and the dwelling.
“Want to help me hand out candy to the trick or treaters?”
Miss Dowling blinks, bewildered, and Bloom smiles softly.
“Maybe you just need a little break. ‘Recharge the ol' batteries,’ like my dad says. And my mom always makes me hand out the candy and there’s only so many times I can say ‘wow cool costume’ without sounding totally fake so you could… I don’t know, help me.”
“I-” She’s going to refuse, Bloom can tell, but something changes, a split second decision, and the older woman’s expression softens. “I’d love to.”
Bloom beams, reaching for the bowl, and when she offers it this time, her teacher reaches back.
“Not the Butterfingers,” Bloom warns, “Those are dad’s, and he’s weird about his candy.”
Her parents greet them when they make it back downstairs, or rather her father accosts her poor headmistress, his botched pumpkin still in his arms, meaning he’s spent all this time defending his ‘artistic masterpiece’ against Vanessa, who retreats back to the kitchen with a shaking head.
“Miss Dowling, you’re an impartial third party. What does this look like to you?”
“Dad don’t make her judge your weird pumpkin-”
“Hush you! Well?”
Miss Dowling smiles politely, and Bloom catches a twitch at the edge of her mouth that might be a laugh.
“It’s a very nice… mouse.”
The laugh that bursts from Bloom’s mouth is drowned out by Vanessa’s triumphant, “Aha!” Leaving Mike to grumble under his breath.
“Ganging up on me in my own house. It’s shameful, is what it is. Shameful.”
“Ignore him,” Bloom swaps the chocolate bowl for the gummy candy just as the doorbell rings for the first of many times that night. She plasters on a megawatt smile, greeting the chorus of “trick or treat!” with an already lackluster exclamation over a lion, a fairy princess, and a Spider-Man.
“Great costumes guys, you look… great.”
“What beautiful wings,” Miss Dowling adds behind her, and the fairy princess beams, scurrying back to her waiting mother, which prompts Spider-Man to show off his “impressive” web shooters and the lion to give a “ferocious” roar. Bloom huffs, crouching to sit on the front step, and Miss Dowling lowers beside her.
“I thought you wanted my help,” she teases, and Bloom huffs again.
“You’re gonna put me out of the job. Seriously, mom’s going to make you come back every year just to compliment all the trick or treaters because she says I do a ‘crap job.’”
“You do do a crap job,” Vanessa calls from inside, and shuts up her husband’s laughter with an equally scathing comment about his pumpkin, again. “Honestly, the only two people around here with any creative spirit are myself and Farah, and she won’t be here forever, so where does that leave me?”
Bloom tunes out her parents’ playful banter, digging through the bowl for gummy bears; Miss Dowling accepts some of her own, just in time for a bumblebee, a Power Ranger, and two Pokemon to rush up.
“Trick or treat!”
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folkloristico · 1 year
I know the only reason why Bloom is shown to be passionate about fairy tales is to draw a connection between her and the Magic Dimension, to show she somehow always ‘knew’ she was a fairy, but what if it were a reminiscence of her early life?
In her dreams, Bloom sees things she isn’t supposed to. She doesn’t know she’s adopted so she can never guess they’re her memories. Sometimes there’s fire, so hot and vivid it almost feels real. Bloom can’t fathom why she’s having these weird nightmares. But more often than not, there’s dreams too. Bloom dreams of fairies and dragons and all sorts of magic creatures; she dreams of stories she writes down and sketches once she wakes up. At first, Bloom assumes she has a fervid imagination, and the voices she sometimes hears in these dreams are made up in her mind.
Then she finds out. It was Marion and Oritel all along. One day Bloom asks Daphne to tell her something about their parents and Daphne tells her they used to read her—and Daphne back when she was a child—bedtime stories. Marion in particular was passionate about Domino’s folklore and she would recite those stories over and over, never getting tired of them. Of course, a baby would never be able to remember, but magic works in mysterious ways. So somehow, Marion’s bedtime stories stuck out with Bloom and she relives them as ‘just dreams’.
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thewickedmerman · 2 years
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I got around to doing Bloom's adopted parents, Mike and Vanessa. I wanted them to look more realistic in their bodies. However, I also wanted to give some rep by making Mike a Jewish trans man (I even gave him a traditional Jewish curly hair style). Why? Because we have plenty of cishet couple rep and it won't hurt to change characters that were originally that, especially with rep from non-cishets is very underrepresented. So don't act like this is taking away from the original because it still exists, is official unlike my version, and the cishet rep is still the majority. It's not gonna hurt anything. Besides, I feel like it adds to the kind of person Bloom is. Not only because of Mike being trans but also being Jewish, where as I have Vanessa being Southeast Asian woman (Specifically a Filipina), so Bloom grew up parents that have two different religious beliefs (As well as growing up with holidays like Christmas along with Jewish holidays) and it shows that she's incredibly accepting of other beliefs and cultures. She's be more than willing to learn about different cultures. True, you can be that way growing up in what our society considers to be a "traditional family," but I feel like this adds to her character as well as show some rep. Also, I made Vanessa pansexual.
For Mike I used Kristoff body from Frozen, a combination of Roger Radcliffe (101 Dalmatians) and Wendy's husband Edward (Return to Neverland) for his face, and used his outfit he wore in the movie Secret of the Lost Kingdom. For Vanessa I used Nita's body from Brother Bear II, Urdaja's face, and a combination of her original outfit and her outfits from the CGI movies. I hope you like it and comment letting me know what you think.
Credit for the character bases goes to SelenaEde of DeviantArt
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snarky-art · 1 year
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Really quick piece for Hanukkah that I am too late posting🥲
I hope all who celebrate had a wonderful time spent with loved ones and delicious food!
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darkpoisonouslove · 2 years
1x02 - Welcome to Magic (Dream Sequence)
I allegedly finished this chapter of the Winx Club rewrite last year but I was unhappy with two of the scenes and wanted to rework them. Naturally, they were exactly the two scenes from which I posted excerpts on here so I have deleted the old versions and am now posting snippets from the new and improved scenes. Here is a part of Bloom's dream sequence (just a teeny mention of body horror at the end):
Kiko shifted in her arms. With discontent at her interrupted stroking of his fur or excitement from the warmth framing the view from the front door when Bloom opened it. The rays of light caressed her eagerly but gently as she closed her eyes and let herself enjoy the cozy atmosphere. She could have stayed like that for hours with Kiko’s body heat complementing the smiling weather if she hadn’t heard her parents’ footsteps announcing their descend down the stairs.
She passed over the threshold but her platforms hit nothing solid. Each step carried her higher into the air and the heat of one last, stolen summer day. She’d made it up but she could only pack her heart in the already stuffed suitcases after one final moment with her parents.
The commotion of their distressed voices calling out for her had her looking over her shoulder. Vanessa was shielding her eyes with a hand and Mike was wiping at his as if their blue was melting from laser beams shooting from the sky. They clasped their hands together and stumbled down the short flight of stairs out the front door as they yelled for her.
Bloom opened her mouth but no sound came out of it even to her own ears despite the clear shouts of “Mom!” and “Dad!” ringing in her head. Her heart pounded against her rib cage when Mike looked up into the sky but his eyes were screwed shut and Bloom choked on her tongue.
The air trembled around her parents from the heat. They were both getting blurry around the edges from the aggressively exacerbating glow leaving no shade for them to shelter themselves in.
Bloom twisted around when a heavy blanket of darkness swooped over her. She yelped at the sight of the eighty feet tall golden fairy in front of her. She wore a golden mask and her blonde hair was spilling light. She was the source of the warm rays that had replaced the sun. Bloom recognized her from her other dreams.
Her parents’ voices screaming her name were overshadowed by a louder, booming echo. It was coming from the fairy as she offered Bloom a hand, her power rippling through the air in waves.
Her shadow spilled over Bloom’s childhood home suffocating it in streams until no part of the facade could remain afloat above the darkness. Bloom’s fingers strained only to touch more and more nothingness as the rest of her body refused to budge. She was hanging in the air as if by a noose tightening around her throat to make the edges of her own vision blur.
A scream finally broke out from her seizing vocal cords, the horrifying roar sending her parents scrambling back and skidding into the monstrous shadow as well. The sweeping draft of cold shook their intertwined fingers apart and left them reaching out of the dark whirlpool. She was their only hope as their wedding bands reflected the rays of light bursting from the fairy in a last parting gesture. The blackness swarmed the shiny metal and clung to the vulnerable skin around to erase every trace of her parents’ love and existence.
Tears streamed down Bloom’s cheeks unfazed by whatever heat resided in her magical core. If her powers were fire, she couldn’t summon it to burn away the nothingness that had devoured her parents in contrast to the fairy’s accommodating light.
Bloom whipped around to look at her again and smacked away the offending hand still outstretched towards her. It barely moved from the strength slipping through her trembling fingers. The contact sent a burst of energy through her but she would rather gouge her own eyes and eat them than follow the creature that had cost her her parents.
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ripclaw300 · 1 year
Hello, has anyone written a fanfiction about Mike and Vanessa finding and adopting Bloom? I’ve always wondered exactly what was going through their heads when they found her, and how they made the decision to adopt her.
If not, I’ll be more than happy to do it myself, as I think it will be good practice for my future writing. But I want to do it correctly; does anyone have any suggestions on what sources I can find on what would realistically happen in that situation (like finding a baby in a fire with no connections)? Any personal accounts/experiences are also greatly appreciated. I am open to suggestions!
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winxclubscreencaps · 5 months
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winx club season 1 - episode 1 (an unexpected event)
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vicontheinternet · 10 months
Question, why couldn’t mike and Vanessa just get a house out in magix? It seems like the protective bubble for non magical being is just around the school. Does this mean that the specialist are magical being then?
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winxwannabe · 4 months
I’m frothing at the mouth for as much info from the Winx encyclopedia thing as you’re willing to post thank you for your service
Good news! There are a series of pages regarding the girl’s childhoods that are ripe with✨family dynamics✨ and L O R E. I forgot to take photos of the pages before leaving for a weekend trip, but I can tell you what I’ve learned and post the images on Monday!
Before the good stuff let’s get the boring out of the way: there’s no new info on Bloom’s childhood since it was covered so extensively in Season 1. Expected, but I will tell you my favorite part: Bloom says no matter what Mike and Vanessa are her parents. You love to see it.
Flora has a distant relationship with her dad compared to her mom and Miele. He’s a landscape architect for ‘The Senatorial Chamber of Public Greens,’ and wasn’t around much. She was also one of those kids who could make flower jewelry. So jealous.
Stella was raised mostly by the Solarian royal staff instead of Radius or Luna. Big day for the Radius Haters. She always had a thing for brunette boys and either A) got the magic equivalent of Lasik or B) wears contacts. I’m going with B in my own head cannons.
Layla has childhood trauma from being forced to stay inside. Yay? We knew about that but you know what I found that was new: ANNE LORE! Aisha knows where Anne moved - a planet called Eros. There’s no mention of it anywhere else in Winx, so re-write people can go ape with it. (This is apparently on the wiki now but it’s not mentioned in the series so I never looked whoops)
Musa’s pages are just…a right mess of contradictions. Ho-Boe wanted Musa to become a singer like Matlin was, a TOTAL 180 from the series where he’s worried about Musa following in her mother’s footsteps. He’s worried about her going to Alfea to be a fairy? I don’t know I’m missing a key word in the translation or something, but I will report back!
Also, there’s a footnote about her mom’s hologram being stored in a camellia flower, which is important in Chinese and Japanese culture. Not surprising, but makes the whitewashing Fate did funnier.
And lastly, Tecna heavily implies on Zenith it’s common to have memories stored in virtual reality? A true gold mine of potential story content (especially when you did a season about time travel). They give Tecna anxiety to look though - which to be fair is a mood. But it does mention specifically Tecna’s always been a smart kid, even on Zenith, and that she had friends. I don’t know why that made me happy but it did (probably because ‘nerd’ characters are usually portrayed as outcasts, so I appreciate Tecna not going through that).
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