#wip: corr
megraen · 27 days
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So, doing a little writing for chapter twelve, and I snickered at this part.
When Daryl finally did awake, he knew he was somewhere different that wasn’t the cot in his tent. The bed beneath him was soft, and the sheet smelt far too clean to his senses. And then there were the pinpricks of pain in his lower abdomen and temple. Jolting, he immediately felt hands holding him still. “Cease moving.” The feminine voice was familiar, and in his slowly awakening state, he couldn’t quite place it. Opening his eyes, Daryl went ridged. Right in front of him were women’s breasts, hidden beneath a brown singlet top and a soft-padded bra that did nothing to hinder nipples from poking through. He swallowed thickly. Forcing his eyes away, he glanced up, seeing Cassidy’s serious expression, and he remembered everything. The horse throwing him off and bolting away, landing on one of his arrows, having to kill two walkers and finding Sophia’s doll. He had managed to walk all the way back to camp, and then there was the echoing of a gunshot and the pain in his head as he’d been knocked off his feet. Someone had actually shot at him. “Who fuckin’ shot me…?” He rasped weakly, peering down the bed and seeing Hershel stitching up his side, making him understand why he felt two pangs of pain from needles. He froze again when he realised he was shirtless, which should have been obvious for the farmer to be stitching him up. Daryl glanced at Cassidy, barely registering her words when she said Andrea’s name. His jaw was tight as he held his tongue, his mouth in a thin line. He wanted nothing more than to roll over and reach for the blankets, covering himself. This was far outside his comfort zone. There was a knock at the door behind him, and when he went to turn his head towards the sound, Cassidy hissed at him to stay still and jerked his head back in her direction by his jaw, her fingertips soft against his skin.
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cilly-the-writer · 11 months
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Each quiz is 7 questions long. Questions are just for fun - feel free to skip!
Are you a Caster or Developer?
Are you an Acer or Optimizer (healer)?
Are you a Reader or Controller?
Are you a Realist or Dreamer?
Cord | Card | Coast | Coaster | Core | Cast | Care | Caster | Sword | Dart | Dice | Dozer | Door | Deck | Dare | Dazer
Casters can manipulate pure energy.
Developers can develop high-density weapons out of pure energy.
Reader abilities include emotion reading and thought reading.
Controller abilities include emotion influencing, mind control blocking, mind reader blocking, one-way telepathy, and general mind control
Acer abilities include enhanced human capabilities; such as enhanced senses, speed, strength, spatial awareness, balance, aim, reflexes, breathing, vocal range, endurance, durability, memory, pattern recognition, etc.  
Optimizer (healer) abilities include healing and energy restoration.
Realist abilities include telekinesis, elemental manipulation, and future reading.
Dreamer abilities include advanced manipulation of physics; such as time freezing, teleportation, materialization, temperature manipulation, transmutation, preservation, phasing, illusions, etc.
*Rare abilities in bold
**Some sorcerers have developer and caster magic, but it is not very common
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trudemaethien · 5 months
if you're still doing the wip titles game i'm curious about "when the gloves come off" and "17 actual age gap"
When the Gloves Come Off is Besany/Corr/Ordo identity porn shenanigans. The title comes from the fact that Corr has prosthetic arms, whereas Ordo who is undercover as him and interacting with Besany, does not.
She was interested in Corr and she is still interested in “Corr,” but now “Corr” has to flirt back so he can investigate her. Ordo is very suspicious of her everything, and. he must investigate very. thoroughly.
Ordo is trying to be professional, because he is torn between thinking Corr deserves to have this woman be into him and not be fooled by the ruse, but also he has to not break character for the good of the op.
There’s also something very intimate about wearing another man’s armor and adopting his mannerisms, and both Corr and Ordo are trying not to be weird at each other about it the whole time
Some dubcon, some work affair drama, some ridiculous outfit swapping… Besany not realizing what she has realized, namely Corr after hours is different than Corr on the job, and Corr and Ordo not-flirting over comms during the whole series of switcheroos
17 actual age gap answered here
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runekirikjartan · 6 days
Last Line Challenge
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or a many as you feel like).
Tagged by: @whiskygoldwings Thank you Whisky!
I've been working on 3 different WIPs interchangeably and can't actually figure out which was the last one so have all 3 under the cut.
Mandokarla Aran AU:
All it does is make it harder for Mereel to take his eyes off of Commander Fox to focus on his primary objective. He’s supposed to be staying on as an impartial liaison, yet that’s twice now where he’s been distracted by the Marshal Commander going about regular tasks. 
The Time Travel Fix-It:
"Kriffing mir'sheb." and Fox thinks... he knows that voice. He knows that damn voice. He practically falls out of the bed when it registers, reaching for something, anything to be used as a damn weapon, going alert faster than Hound does when he sees a pack of massif puppies. There are trainers surrounding him, armour that he remembers seeing stalking through the halls of Kamino, but cleaner, well cared for. He bares his teeth when he spots the more familiar sounding voice. The Nulls have to be somewhere, he gets along with Mereel, Jaing and Corr just fine but if Ordo spots him he's getting his ass handed to him. Standing at the entrance to the medbay, blocking Fox's exit as he finally finds something to use as a weapon, a scalpel from a knocked over tray, stands Kal Skirata, younger than Fox remembers. His head of hair is more blond than grey, he has less wrinkles on his face.
Fox & His Shinies - Part 19:
That wouldn’t do. “Where do you think you’re going?” Alpha called out, watching as Tenacity stiffened. “I haven’t dismissed you.”  He heard the quiet ‘fuck’ that Tenacity let out under his breath, just barely, before he turned around and clasped his hands behind his back, lifting his chin in a perfect parade rest. 
And I'm gonna tag: @yellowisharo @marloviandevil @bluecookies02 (bc ik bbgirl has been drawing recently), @voices-of-my-brothers @kworking (bc i know their stuff is awesome always) and @eyayah-oya
Can't wait to see everything y'all are currently doing but no expectations!
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merge-conflict · 3 months
abandoned wip wednesday
(not strictly intended to inspire a sense of ominousness)
“-check the comms are good?” The disembodied voice was calm and unfamiliar.
“Roger,” V answered, sounding like she was speaking to [Goro] from within his own head. The video captured everything on her interface, and he was somewhat disoriented by the speed and smoothness with which she sorted through several screens before dismissing them all and turning to her companion. Welles, his name had been. A big man, ill at ease in the suit he was wearing, but charismatic in that overbearing, American way. “Jackie?”
“What?” Jackie asked, and then broke out into a laugh when V punched his shoulder. “Geez, yes, roger, whatever.”
“So that’s an affirmative?” The first voice asked dryly– the netrunner, Goro guessed. T-bug. “As in, you’re not going to complain about some tiny-ass little made-up buzz in your ear for the next week?”
“What? No– c’mon T, you know me– I’m not a complainer.”
V laughed, the happy sound making Goro’s heart hurt. “Says the professional fucking belly-acher. Two weeks, Jack– two weeks I’ve been listening to you complain about those docker dumplings. Not a complainer, he says.”
“Ohhh, so that’s how you want to play it, eh?” Jackie shook a finger at V. She batted his hand away, scoffing, but he was unperturbed. “El príncipe de las pupusas?”
“Eso es el mejor que puedes hacer: el príncipe de las pupusas? Si recuerdo corr–“
“Children,” T-bug interrupted, in a tone that suggested she had suffered through this kind of conversation too many times. “Can we keep this professional, please?”
“Sorry T–“ Jackie flashed a smile, even as he whacked V in the arm and successfully parried her attempt to reciprocate. “Everything sounds great. You’re a rose among thorns.”
tagging @ghostoffuturespast, @corpocyborg, @baublekute (no pressure)
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kevotsuka · 6 months
porfavor... adoraria escuchar tu tesis sobre pk alex llora...
Por mis tags aqui
Respuesta corta; el sexo para él es algo divertido :) no hagas que se vuelva raro :) me iré gracias :)
Hasta que encuentra a alguien con quien el sexo no es solo diversión y el sentimiento de amor, querer desear/ser deseado desde un lugar más profundo que la lujuria y esperar que la otra persona se quede. Y llora porque las emociones lo superan. Se desborda como una presa rota, no es bonito y llora a través de su orgasmo :3
ENTONCES no respondi antes porque necesitaba tiempo para poder poner en palabras la razón por la que creo que Alex es el sex crier, en relaciones muy especificas (me refiero específicamente a luca/alex aquí)
Así que bienvenidos sean a mi ensayo de 1500 palabras sobre Alex Márquez 'el romance, la sexualidad y el tedio por los sentimientos ajenos' (ft Luca Marini, porque no puedo escribir de uno sin el otro).
Entonces, este video existe.
La respuesta de alex resonó profundamente en mi alma junto a varios de sus tweets y comentarios respecto a ser un sujeta velas y me hizo preguntarme, pero luego lei los tags de la distinguida dama de motogpblr @waru-chan8 , quien muy muy inteligente al decir en otro post relacionado esto:
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Poco después ella respondió esta pregunta, de forma mucho más amable de la que yo lo habría hecho :)
Desde ese momento Alex y su relación con el romance/sexualidad ha estado girando en mi cabeza como un kebab. Y yo soy un gato que ama ver cosas girar mientras las araña con sus garras queer. 
(Como descargo de responsabilidad: No estoy asumiendo nada sobre Alex M., personalmente ni siquiera creo que conozca los términos como 'aro' o 'ace' sólo por el hecho de que es hombre y los hombres me parecen decepcionantes por existir. Este es solo un pequeño escrito tonto y poco fundamentado donde mayormente proyecto mis propias luchas con la sexualidad y el romance en general)
Estoy muy de acuerdo en que Alex no es ace! Pero las micro etiquetas de la comunidad son amplias y aro/arromántico no es exactamente la que usaría.
En mi mundo fanfictionado (me refiero a que tengo un wip sobre esto en el que trabajo cuando la universidad no decide patearme) Alex es un hombre seguro de quien es, de su sexualidad, de lo que quiere y cómo quiere conseguirlo.
Se siente sexualmente atraído por hombres y mujeres y eso está bien, tiene + 25 años y sus crisis las tuvo hace diez años. Todo resuelto en esa esquina particular.
Ahora, lo que no siente es atracción romántica. O piensa que no sabe cómo sentirla.
(Está seguro de que, hubo una vez, hace un tiempo, pero nunca salió con esa persona, no lo sabe realmente… Así que no se cierra a ello, pero si no lo siente, no identifica nada en romántico, solo un cariño amistoso por alguien con quien normalmente te relacionas, es un no)
Alex, consciente de sí mismo y ocupado, muy ocupado, cuando alguien muestra algún tipo de interés romántico en él que SABE que no puede corresponder y tampoco quiere hacerlo, finge demencia o corre hacia las colinas, ya sea terminar todo o ghosting de ser necesario, elige tu veneno. 
Estas personas eran sus amigos (antiguos compañeros de colegio, gente que conoce por patrocinadores y con quien se lleva bien, etc.) antes de que su relación cambie y él termina sintiéndose mal por arruinar sus amistades así, a veces las personas no aceptan que sus sentimientos no son correspondidos y lo mantienen en contra de él, como si tuviese Alex la culpa de no enamorarse.
Se supone que el sexo es divertido :) pero la gente lo hace poco divertido al bombardearlo con sus sentimientos. Él no quiere lidiar con eso!
Marc dice que sus relaciones son sin amor y Alex dice 'si, ese es el maldito punto'
Uno no controla cómo se siente, Alex sabe eso, es perfectamente consciente de eso, muchas gracias, pero también sabe que uno controla cómo actúa en relación a sus sentimientos. 
Insinuaciones de querer más de lo que él pide (convertir una relación sexual sin compromiso emocional y lo que conlleva) es algo que él encuentra muy... Tedioso. 
La gente que quiere que él se responsabilice por sentimientos que él nunca se propuso a hacer a la otra persona sentir. 
'Si, se que dijimos que esto no iría por ese lado, pero me gustas, invítame a salir' es un gran no. Cuando comenzaron esta aventura Alex fue claro desde el inicio y odia cuando la gente dice una cosa y luego quiere que él se haga cargo cuando ellos ya no pueden cumplir con eso, en lugar de alejarse y poner distancia como él mismo haría si ya no pudiese cumplir su parte del trato. 
A Alex le gusta el sexo, claro, pero no cree que sea escencial para la existencia. Le gusta porque es divertido, pasar un buen momento, pero está bien si no puede tenerlo. No mantiene varias parejas porque es más genial estar con alguien, aprender todo sobre esta persona para hacerlo sentir bien y obtener un trato igual.
Pros: se siente mejor que tener varias parejas que no pueden satisfacer de todo. Una persona que te conoce y sabe lo que quieres y necesitas, a quien puedes darle el mismo tratamiento, es mucho mejor.
Contra: una sola persona en la que poner todo tu esfuerzo normalmente termina en uno de ellos atrapando sentimientos por el otro. Y Alex no va a ser el primero en caer por algo como eso.
¡Entonces! Llega alguien (Luca) quien lo entiende de una forma tan visceral que lo enferma. Luca nunca lo juzga por su enfoque en las relaciones que lleva (si por otras cosas, pero nunca por eso). Su amistad ha trascendido mucho más que cualquier cosa sexual que haya tenido con alguien anteriormente. Luca es más importante que todas esas vagas relaciones pasadas.
(Claro. Se siente atraído por Luca, ¿quien no lo hace? Debería ser pecado. Pero Luca también es alguien con quien trabaja y debe ver en el paddock durante la temporada y todo eso, así que nunca inició nada de ese lado y Luca estaba ocupado fallando en cuidar sus propios romances, así que nunca surgió)
Y Alex termina suspirando de forma inconsciente por Luca, ya que no se da cuenta de cómo sus sentimientos se transformaron a lo largo de los años y pasó de ver a Luca como alguien con quien puede compartir experiencias y lo comprenderá a [inserte un nudo gordiano de sentimientos complicados que no puede desenredarse, solo aceptar y vivir con ello].
El enamoramiento quedó en medio. Tan sutil que no se dio cuenta de cómo pasó de una 'atracción platónica simple' a 'amor romántico desesperado'.
Y, como dije, está SUSPIRANDO por Luca Marini, quien tiene sus propias maletas llenas de carga emocional (es un romántico empedernido con un miedo paralizante por iniciar cualquier cosa con alguien solo para descubrir que las bases de su relación están en su hermano mayor y no en él -le ha pasado más de una vez-). 
[Inserte 30k de desarrollo de relación que desencadena a ellos admitiendo que se quieren y que confían en sus sentimientos por el otro, crisis sobre 'nunca ante había querido esto y no se como lidiar'/'he tenido demasiadas relaciones y ya no se como confiar en otras personas con mi corazón'] 
Tener sexo con Luca es igual a todas sus relaciones sexuales anteriores para Alex. Igual que antes, Luca es un amigo antes que nada y nunca quisiera perder esa amistad si algo sale mal. 
Al mismo tiempo, tener sexo con Luca es completamente diferente a todas sus relaciones sexuales anteriores. Porque Alex ama a Luca y está completamente desesperado por su toque. 
(Porque las personas son más atractivas mientras más te gustan y a Alex le gusta mucho Luca) 
Alex tiene una relación complicada con los sentimientos. Ha huido de ellos tanto tiempo de cómo otros se sienten hacia él, que ver todo este amor que Luca siente por él y la forma en que su propia alma corresponde y quiere, desea, anhela tanto es mucho.
Y todo este conocimiento de / le gusta Luca / ama a Luca / quiere que esto dure, no por conveniencia como con sus compañeros anteriores, sino porque QUIERE a luca más allá de alguien con quien tontear / lo hace llorar porque ama mucho y se siente superado por todas estas cosas que antes no estaban ahí y ahora se ahoga en ellas :(
Las cascadas del iguazú se quedan cortas cuando se enfrentan al llanto de un hombre que suele ser el fuerte, el estable, la roca de todo el mundo y ahora siente que el piso sobre el que camina es arena y teme hundirse, pero de igual manera continúa caminando porque eso es amar; salir de lo que te hace sentir cómodo no porque alguien más te lo pide, si no porque sabes que si es con la otra persona, entonces no da tanto miedo.
Pero está bien porque a Luca le gusta verlo salir de su personaje y el llanto le recuerda que esto es tan diferente para Alex como para él :)
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pirrusstuff · 9 months
wip wednesday 🫀
Tagged by @jeeyuns mwah!
Ok here's more of Eddie's dollhouse, almost finish it!
Tw child abuse
He went up the stairs as fast as he could, he entered his room and locked himself in his closet as quietly as possible but he couldn't stop his sobs, he was terrified.
" Edmund, where are you?!" His father was in his room now " Es la última vez que corres de mi cabron!"
It didn't take long for his father to find him. He opened the closet door to find a little Eddie crying uncontrollably, his heart was beating furiously in his chest, he ran again but his father's rough hand grabbed one of his arms, with all his might Eddie managed to scape out of his father's grasp. He ran to where his dollhouse was, he could take it and run to his abuela's house, he knows that she would protect him from his father.
He was about to take his dollhouse when he felt a strong burning pain in his left hand.
His father had hit him with his belt buckle.
Now his hand was bleeding, not much but it was doing it.
" Papi… no papi, por favor" He was covering his little house with his body, he couldn't lose his happy place.
" Apparently the words were not enough to correct you... you are leading me to take other alternatives Edmundo, this hurts me more than it hurts you" The words were barely out of his mouth Eddie felt another impact on his back that made him drop his dollhouse.
I want to show how normalized it has been in Mexican culture to hit children, and the consequences that this has, how children learn to fear their parents.
Sometimes it is so traumatic that you only start to remember it until someone brings it up.
tagging some lovelys (only if you want to share) @wannabemylover @thatsojasminesworld @princehattric @disasterbuckdiaz
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firewoodwander · 4 months
WIP Title Tag Game
Rules: In a new post, list the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thank you to @brokenphoenix99 for the tag!! :D I’ve gone through and found fics I’d forgotten I’d started or forgotten even the idea of. So a very good thing for everybody!
Interrupted - Boss/A’den
Supernatural - Green/Photon
The currents pull you deep
Midnight Blue
Echo/Fives (E) & Jaing/Kom’rk & Corr/Mereel
Jaing and Mereel Stage a Baby Heist
Jesse/Tup - View to a Kill
Atin/Laseema - Friendly Rivalry
Indelicacy avows the crime
On a galactic tide
Like a new beginning
No pressure tags: @carverly @ibissal @nooneherebutusghosts @rexsterss
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wilsons-journey · 11 months
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Aaaaaand a little WIP before I go to bed.
It's only a small Comic thingy. More a filler for the next important bit.
Oh and we see someone new! I'm not sure yet, if he gets a bigger role or a small role in this story. But he won't do the "Corr" and disappears,... *coughs*
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crowstyme · 1 month
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(wip) you ever think about how corr would be so different if citrin never died
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phantasmaltrain · 1 year
wip for the phantom hall au! having fun writing ghostly banter ^^
melli’s reaction to the twins’ approach was nothing short of a wheeze, the ghostly warden turning to his companion leaning against the base of the display case. half sprawled out across the top of the glass, he rolled flat on his stomach, peering over the top to look at nobori with a smug look.
“ never knew you got any action back then, old man. those two are practically your spitting image. ”
“ i do not have any descendants, melli, if that is what you are accusing me of. ”
“ no descendants my ass. what’s the likelihood of someone else having your little knife hair and everything, huh? they’ve even got your hat! well, one of them does at least. twins…didn’t you always talk about having a twin brother? ever remember his name? ”
“ his name was- ”
“ emmet, we do not need to redesign our uniforms. they’re fine. ”
“ but it is the same hat and coat! i will not stand for this! ”
nobori seemed to almost click to attention as the two begun to volley back and forth in conversation, earning another snort of contempt from the purple haired man lying on top of the case at his quick distraction.
nobori had been spacey in life, sure, but by almighty sinnoh he was worse in death. snapping his fingers a few times above the silver haired man’s head, melli’s expression resembled that of a grimace. ( or perhaps closer to a pout. ) at the noise, nobori seemed even less focused on what he had to say, getting up from his spot on the floor.
“ hey! i was asking you something, why bother pay attention to their gibberish you- ”
“ sh. could you do that again? ”
“ do what again? ”
“ snapping your fingers. i need to make sure i saw that correctly. ”
brows furrowed, melli responded with an emphasized sigh, rolling his eyes, before sitting up.
“ fine, fine. ”
holding one hand up, he begun snapping his fingers again, glaring over to nobori with annoyance practically plastered onto his face.
“ what exactly is the point of this? ”
“ just look at their faces. watch. ”
the two men standing in front of the case seemed to carry on with their conversation for a bit. not even paying a glance over. the smiley one; ‘emmet’, if he had heard his name right, had continued talking without a care.
the frowning one, who’s name eluded both wardens, seemed rather intent on listening, but for a few moments, his gaze seemed to just
shift as to where melli was sitting
before quickly looking away.
the two ghosts sat stunned in silence, before melli threw his hands up in the air in exasperation.
“ hear us? yes. understand us? likely not. ”
“ and why is that, since you’re apparently a paranormal expert now? ”
craning his head to look at nobori, melli responded with a cross armed gesture, still lying on top of the glass display case with a scowl.
“ they’re speaking galarian, melli. whether he can hear us or not, we sound like gibberish. ”
“ oh, great. first person to acknowledge us in three centuries, and he doesn’t even UNDERSTAND us. ”
“ …you do know i speak galarian, corre-”
“ oh, so NOW you bring that up!? ”
“ i thought you knew that already. that, and the fact i would have told you had you not interrupted me. ”
brows furrowed, nobori cleared his throat, cupping one hand by his mouth.
“ hello? the young man with the black hat? can you hear us over here? ”
clearly he did; the man sharply turned himself towards their direction and away from who they presumed to be his brother, squinting at the wall before shaking his head, pinching the bridge of his nose, and beginning to trod off, seemingly to ‘emmet’s’ surprise.
the pair’s expressions seemed to hold a mild sense of triumph, before quickly melting into that of a collective franticness as the man begun to walk away. they weren’t loosing this opportunity, not now.
“ ingo? where are you going? it is not wise to become uncoupled on unfamiliar tracks- ingo! ”
‘emmet’ seemed to quickly jog after him alongside a black haired woman, leaving the space in front of the case empty once again.
melli quickly scrabbled up to a more sitting position, almost considering hopping down from the case. but that didn’t really matter. wasn’t like they could leave, anyways. they had tried that a few times over; it was like they were in their own glass case.
rather, his gaze shifted to nobori, wildly so, quickly attempting to snap the other back to attention. sauntering off the case, he shook the other warden by the shoulders, snapping his fingers again.
( while he wasn’t facing ‘ingo’ now, the man had stopped once again, staring intently at the case for the source of the noise. )
“ shit, shit, he’s leaving- call at him again! ingo- that’s what the other guy called him! yell that at him, why don’t you! ”
“ alright, alright, no need to shout at me- ingo! may i ask you return over here! we are requesting your assistance! ”
melli’s expression shifted from desperation to absolute panic and bewilderment as nobori begun stepping forward, shrugging him off and moving as if he was trying to follow the man.
they had tried that a few times since they had been stuck here for…sinnoh knows how long. always ended horribly. melli dove to drag the other back by the collar of his jacket, but his hand missed and he fell over entirely, hat falling over his face.
with an exasperated shout, he lifted the brim from over his eyes, jaw falling slack once he realized nobori had, in fact, somehow made it a few steps further from the case, still shouting out with that booming voice of his with his hands cupped by his mouth.
“ …nobori. ”
“ melli, i am attempting to concentrate here, could you please- ”
“ nobori look at where the hell you’re standing you absolute fool! ”
the man paused, tense. slowly turning around, nobori seemed to realize what he had done, silver eyes flitting between where melli was propping himself up back to a standing position, and his own shoes.
( that of which he could see the floor through; ghosts weren’t completely tangible, anyway. )
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megraen · 22 days
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“Hershel gave straightforward instructions that they not be informed,” Cassidy stated firmly, reinforcing the matter. Glenn bit the inside of his cheek and fixed his hat back on his head. He didn’t like it. After discovering all the walkers, Maggie followed him down the back of the barn, begging him to keep it quiet. But it was a considerable risk. His eyes shifted to the barn, focusing on the sealed doors. “They have a right to know, Cas. It affects the group’s safety,” Glenn whined, trying to reason with her. Her expression didn’t change, and Glenn knew what that meant. She was against the idea. “So does you fornicating with Hershel’s daughter.” Cassidy clapped back. Glenn shrunk under that comment. He looked away sheepishly, embarrassed, which was why he was in the barn’s loft.
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artemiseamoon · 2 years
Writing round up
September 2022 - March 2023
Most recent round up
Previous writing round ups
💫💫💫Feb 2023 updates 💫💫💫
✋🏾 = on hold coming eventually unless noted otherwise
🌸 = complete
💜 = actively in progress
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Complete (oneshots, fics, etc) 🌸
***See more at @artemiseamoon-updates (more than I can list here) ***
A lighthouse in the dark (triple frontier, Ofc, the boys)
Make it out alive (ft Frankie and Will, part of Frightfest) - triple frontier
After this is over (Calderoni, Slate, Walt &crew) - narcos mx
A hermits journey (Jax, brother omc fc Garrett h.) - Soa
Nocturna sanguine (my indulgent vamp fic based off an original short story of mine. Ofc fc is Kat Graham ft modern Ivar and Roman Godfrey)
Milk & Honey (werebear Bjorn x ofc | Vikings)
Flirting with Danger (narcos Mc Ramón x reader)
Milk & Honey (Werebear! Bjorn x ofc)
Under a Golden sun (ft Benny and ATJ as an omc)
Outshine the sun (extended) (Frankie x ofc ft. Benny)
The Barmaid & the Spaniard (Pero Tovar x plus! F reader)
Neptunium (vampire John Wick x f reader)
Wisteria & moonlight (ft my Ocs and werewolf Will miller and Benny miller)
Previously started & In progress 💜
Damage control (see link below)
Triple frontier
Damage control (ft private security Frankie)
Every breath, every heartbeat (will x ex fiancé oc) ✋🏾tba
Sweet Melancholy 👋🏾 tba
Have you even seen a vampire
Sin (Miguel, Pacho, RC) ✋🏾 tba
Playing with Fire (Poison x f reader/Oc) ✋🏾 tba
My world and yours (Barron x ofc coming mid January) - ✋🏾 (April 2023)
Reflections in the mirror (April or May 2023) Javi x ofc ✋🏾
Werewolf Ezra x huntress Nyx - queen of poisons
Marcus Moreno
Tell me no lies ✋🏾 (April 2023)
Pero Tovar
the terms of enchantment -✋🏾(May 2023)
Ricky Hauk
It’s all poetry (Ricky x ofc) 👋🏾 tba
Untitled - King Harald ( his pov to this) -✋🏾tba
When night comes - incubus Ragnar -✋🏾tba
Deep in the woods, the Goatman lives Satyr Ubbe -✋🏾(May move yo Halloween)
New to my masterlist!
Ryan Corr
Ser Harwin
Laena Velaryon
The Gray Man
The Sandman
Chris Hemsworth
On the road (movie Garret H.)
Maurice Compte
Chopping block, might get canceled
MCU - what comes next -✋🏾
Not canceled but not sure when I’ll start again
Some kind of blue (Thomas Shelby x ofc)
Writing celebrations, challenges
Frightfest -✋🏾
Writer Iron Chef 💜
Writer Wednesday ✋🏾
Other challenges
* on hold, creator had left tumblr but I’d like to finish these after I get some wips done , also see pinned post
Vikings x
Triple frontier /Soa crossover x
Finished fics & almost finished fics
🦋 remember
Previews post to tumblr (minus some exceptions) and full work only posts to A03
I do not do taglists
Reblogs mean more and do more than likes
Minors DNI , this is an adult 18 + account
I do not do requests anymore. That era is over.
I mainly reblog others via reblog accounts. Saving; @artesreadinglist | read @arte-is-now-reading | narcos home @narcos-narcosmx | gifs, art, etc @adrikamoon (I have some others too, these are the main ones) main is for random stuff, personal, my previews, etc
Update only account @artemiseamoon-updates
I don’t do tags, but you can follow there. You can also subscribe to select works or follow me on A03
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trudemaethien · 5 months
For the WIP game may I ask about the “tattoo& flowershop mafia AU” because all those tropes in your hands… I must know more 👀
this one was a fun idea that grew out a rp. so, what if you have ur emo tattoo artist, right, and u have ur flower guy, only—the flower guy isnt a shop guy, he’s a flower delivery guy.
only. that’s just his cover job. a guy with a big truck full of of dirt, shovels, crates and handtrucks, with an overwhelming floral scent? i wonderrrr what kind of mob baddie he might be 😈😈😈😈 (and bc im a nerd and i think funerary composting is neat, i decided this mob should be eco-friendly like that. how do you hide the evidence? 🌺🌸🌼💐 creepy)
ofc being a hitman isnt a constant stream of murder, so day to day he runs deliveries of all sorts and collects info, drives the city streets, you know, as a delivery guy does.
anyway he walks in and sees this tattooist and is like. immediately head over heels. the tattooist (who was an oc and not my half of the rp so im not gonna go into detail on them) ends up getting used as a hostage against him by his own family, older brother the semi-reluctant but brutal enforcer, father the kingpin…
I like the Nulls for this, Mereel as the flower delivery guy, Ordo as his brother, Besany his fiancée the chief of police’s daughter, The Godfather Kal Skirata, in a garish tropical print shirt and heavy gold chain necklace, ostentatious tan leather coat, etc.
Corr was in it too, with a taco truck, and he and Mereel had been cellmates in prison. Kal did not like that they were still friendly on the outside, so he adopted Corr so he could make Mereel feel bad about that relationship, there ended up being some poly shenanigans
it was a heck of a fun and engaging story and it lives rent-free; I’d like to clean it up and adapt it to a non-rp format sometime.
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equipebrasil · 2 years
Um lugar só para tags
Já pensou em ter um lugar exclusivo para encontrar conteúdo marcado com as tags que você segue? Pois sua espera acabou. Lançamos hoje esse recurso nas plataformas móveis.
O que é?
Ainda não havia uma maneira fácil de encontrar um conteúdo específico marcado com uma tag que você segue. A partir de agora você conta com a aba “Suas tags”, logo ao lado de “Seguindo” e “Para você” no topo do painel. E não se preocupe, pois sua experiência ao acessar a aba “Seguindo” segue a mesma: você ainda verá postagens das tags seguidas em seu painel.
Na aba “Suas tags”, você encontrará uma grande variedade de novos conteúdos exclusivos sobre os tópicos que você segue. Essa também é a nova casa das “Tags que você segue”, que foi movida do Explore para lá.
Você pode visualizar, gerenciar, adicionar e deixar de seguir suas tags — e criar uma colcha de retalhos multicolorida com todos seus interesses. Arte? Política? Memes? Tudo aqui.
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Por quê?
Apesar de outros recursos já fazerem algo semelhante, eles ficavam um pouco fora de mão para a maioria dos usuários. A aba "Seguindo" exibe posts dos blogs que você segue, conteúdo marcado com suas tags e coisas que achamos que você vai gostar, mas há sempre o risco de deixar passar novos conteúdos e não ver creators em potencial. Por esse motivo, a nova aba “Suas tags” exibirá exclusivamente posts marcados com as tags que você segue. Observe que esse recurso está sendo lançado em fase de teste no Android e no iOS, e será expandido para a web no futuro. Então, corre lá, dá uma olhada – e nos conte o que achou.
Dúvidas? Envie seus comentários e sugestões para o blog @wip ou preencha o formulário de ajuda. E fique de olho no blog da @equipebrasil para não perder as atualizações.
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persephones-journey · 7 months
Thanks to @emilyhufflepufftlk for the tag.
How many works do you have on AO3?
77.... So.... yeah....
2. What's your total AO3 wordcount?
Oh man... you are going to make me look at this.... okay...
Excluding the odd one shot I have posted here on tumblr but not on Ao3
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The Last Kingdom, House of the Dragon, Bridgerton, anything Ryan Corr has been in lol, ah, Supernatural, True Blood .... bascially most of my fave fandoms lol
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
A Targaryen Heart Set A Blaze
The Tales of the Complete Non-Legend of Yesterday
I Wanna Swim in You
Yes, Sex is Always the Answer
Fire, Blood, and A Strong Seed
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes. I love reading the comments and responding. It's how I have met some of my closest friends.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Well, the people who read them would say.... ALL OF THEM... but... probably for one shots You were All I Wanted, But Not Like This and for full length fics Nothing Lasts Forever
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Happy endings?.... what is this? LOL.... Kidding.... Ahh... Okay both are Aisling/Finan AU fics but... This Love Left A Permanent Mark and This Hope is Treacherous A couple other fics have good endings but these are probably what I think are the happy ending ones.... for now...
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yes, I have.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yes. Sometimes it feels like all I write is smut LOL. And I have totally stopped blushing when I write it.... Okay, most of the time lol
As to what kind... ahh, I think I've written almost everything once.... maybe...
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Yes. I do. Craziest one.... The Last Kingdom and House of the Dragon, titled What Could've Been, Would've Been, Should've Been You
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so...
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Yeah, back in the day... It was a Supernatural fic. I don't talk to the person anymore so....
14. What's your all time favourite ship?
Me/fave fictional character....
Also Finan/Ingrith is good too lol
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Four Warriors and the Bastard I've gotten distracted by everything else lol
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue. My friend once told me I nail dialogue. Also creating OCs and making them feel real... I've been told...
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Ah, everything not listed in strengths lol
Seriously though, probably emotion. Sometimes I find it so hard to put into words what my characters are feeling.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Finan's Irish is probably all wrong because I use Google Translate for it so.... that's my only thought lol
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
That's like choosing who my favourite child is!.....
Through the Dark
As much as Aisling and I could not agree on some plot points, that story felt so easy because... Aisling and Finan were themselves in it, you know. They had been married for a few years but they were still finding their way as a couple and of course, learning to trust their love for each other.
It's honestly the one I reread the most too lol
I tag: @bhxrdy @gemini-mama @butternutbran and anyone else who wants to do this...
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