#wip: follies
lady-grace-pens · 9 months
It took a year to get here and I may have vanished from this site multiple times BUT FOD DRAFT 1 IS OFFICIALLY COMPLETE AHHH
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I plan on taking a short break (about a week or so) before going back in to reread and edit. No idea how long that’ll take, but after that I should be open to betas!
Taglist: @flowerprose @serafyyn @wordwizards @isabellebissonrouthier
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honeydotz · 21 days
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mary is the girl that i wanna kiss
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dialtonetophat · 2 months
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noorthestar · 3 months
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Still a WIP but i wont finish it since im travelling tmrw so i wont use this silly tablet for a month so have this 💔💔
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empers · 2 months
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I have FINALLY actually started doing the momm- i uh mean.. Folly drawing.. dang i really keep messing up my words.. anyways the outlining is done.
Its pretty basic and all but once this is fully finished i someday might draw her in my own desings and outfits :]
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valelanz · 3 months
animation wip
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bloodiedrogue · 1 year
it's not a real dnd character without a little tragic backstory, right?
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also hopefully a new update tonight???
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luxxtothemoon · 15 days
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a wip, i will remove this once and if done!:D
Anyways, almost 2am so sleept ig-
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lady-grace-pens · 1 year
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WIP Re-Intro: Follies of Devotion
Genre: new adult. lit fic. romance. drama. elements of thriller/suspense.
Status: hiatus before editing
POV: 1st person present
CW: death. controlling abusive partner. violence. some smoking and alcohol. some language. occasional sex scenes (not erotic but still present.)
Themes: love vs possession. the importance of self-respect. recognizing past wounds and the bumpy road to healing. identity, emotions, and nostalgia. power in femininity. desire is violent.
Blurb: Upon the unexpected return of her one and only ex Arthur, college junior Emily Perkins is forced to face the past she worked so hard to repress in the years since their breakup. Their lingering chemistry sparks questions about her life, her identity, and what experience she truly wants out of the world. On the verge of discovering her answers, the longstanding issues of jealousy brewing with her current boyfriend Matthieu come to a head, undoing everything. What appears as a simple choice between two men comes with a price tag none may be willing to pay.
Vibes: dark academia but make it southern. old hollywood films. electro swing. a deck of cards, the joker facing up. student government. running barefoot through the woods. small towns. gossip. the local creek. a university born from the wreckage of a cathedral. statues looming round every corner. secret meetings. a masquerade. love letters in brown ink, nearly forgotten. the ache of nostalgia. mirrors. hunger pains. rotting in your bed. whispering to a goddess that might not be there.
Playlist: X
Character Intros: 1 2 3
Taglist (ask to be added or removed): @flowerprose @serafyyn @wordwizards @isabellebissonrouthier
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dingusdemeanour · 2 years
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Eiffel's folly!
I loved this concept from RQG and always wanted to render a full version, but after a year and a half I don't know if that's going to happen sooooo
Have a sketch! I still like this one a lot
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silverskye13 · 5 months
"happy" for the ask game?
He’d thought his resentment and his anger had robbed him of that, robbed him of his ability to be happy for Mato’s success.
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frufflesuzzleton · 1 year
another wip molly the folly thing because i dont think im posting updates enough
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logos and user interface stuff designed by @bta-productions
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osatokun · 1 year
can't move this animatic quick and it looks silly with missing scenes but I hope I finish it someday and I'm very proud of myself for starting it ;w; You're probably doomed to see 1000 wips of this project
Main conflict of the game is based around a big upcoming change in the supernatural world. People will learn about supernaturals, some will find a place in new world, if technocracy finds them useful, some will extinct. Charlie knew about possibility of this future for the last year.He got a message from his sires with a newspaper article form 2050s, saying that a vampire, a werewolf, a mage and a human starting an exploration flight to start colonization of the Mars. And a photo of a werewolf in uniform killing a vampire. However, no mentions of changelings in that variant of the future T__T
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frogz489 · 7 days
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Ok sooooo I'm working on the drawing, buttt I decided too add Melanie with folly! Again I'm still working on it so that's why it's bad, ima fix the eyes they are ugly
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aquadestinyswriting · 3 months
WIP Series: Destiny's New Servants- Fangthane's Folly Edition
This is a masterpost of all the writing to do with the Destiny's New Servants campaign from Meredith's perspective as well as the side stories of things that happened 'offscreen'.
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Genres- High Fantasy, drama, angst, new adult
Themes-  Corruption and abuse of power, Religious schisms and the politics involved, crisis of faith, racism and xenophobia, classism, growing up, good and evil, family (both biological and found)
Synopsis:  Fangthane has stood as the shining beacon of dwarven-kind upon Titan for millenia, but the aftermath of the Demon Wars ten years ago has left the city-state with wounds that have only barely begun to heal. Unfortunately, there are those both within and without that would see the mountain crumble. Relations with the city-state of Toreguarde have been fraught since the Drakemari Empire became involved in its construction, but things have been more or less amicable until recently. With the rise of the dread Necromancer, Darkhide, problems both old and new are threatening to ignite a war that Fangthane can barely cope with.
In the midst of all of this, a young cleric of Moradin must attempt to navigate the lies and treachery of her own people to uncover the truth at the centre of all this madness. Whether anyone wishes to listen to said truth… well that’s another matter entirely.
Main Characters
Meredith Gruksdottir: The young cleric in question. Sent to Toreguarde to permanently seal up the Hellmouth under the wizard's tower, now she needs to sort out fact from fiction before a schism tears her people apart.
Jotunn Ragnarsson: The High Priest of Moradin in Fangthane, who is trying to seek out the evil that has taken root within the mountain. All the while, navigating the delicate politics involved in preventing his people from going to war against Toreguarde.
Yoruk Copperheart: Meredith’s fiancé. He has recently returned from overseas, only to find things have gone horribly wrong in his absence.
Ionah Copperheart: Yoruk’s mother. Seeking to gain power by any means necessary.
Skarld Firetome: Recently elected Archlector. Has his own agenda, contradictory to the religion he claims to follow
Garl Grimbeard: Recently elected High Inquisitor. A slimy sort who, like Firetome, has his own agenda very much contradictory to the religion he claims to follow. Has a massive grudge against Meredith and her friends.
Side Characters
Elowyn O'Toreguarde: One of Meredith's travelling companions, and her closest friend and confidant. Started out as a rogue-trained officer of the Toreguarde Watch, has since been ordained as a paladin by the Powers That Be.
Aurianna Aurum Filiae: Elowyn's paladin mount. A young gold dragon that typically disguises herself as a small, golden kitten.
Felix Parker-Tinker: Another of Meredith's travelling companions. A gnome sorceror who likes to make undergarments after discovering a talent for it. Is extremely happy-go-lucky and never seems to get angry. This unnerves people.
Darius Wesker: Human sorceror, aged 16 years old, or thereabouts. Is basically Merri and Elowyn's baby brother during the time that he travels with them.
Quentin Goldenrose: Elf ranger with a cougar as an animal companion to start with. Is the party's tracker and scout. Loyal and steadfast, he likes to tease Meredith quite a bit.
Enezeage: Half Orc monk. Isn't too much taller than Felix and is broader than he is tall. The muscle of the group. He doesn't say much, but he lets his fists do most of the talking for him.
Olin Starhammer: High Priest of the Temple of Moradin in Toreguardde. Is basically Merri's honourary granddad.
Stories (in roughly chronological order)
The Adventure Begins
Fight or Flight AO3
An Unusual Discussion AO3
Puzzle of the Heart AO3
A Promise Kept AO3
How to Resurrect a God AO3
A Little Chat AO3
The Darkhide Arc
Slipping of the Mask AO3
Cracking the Anvil AO3
On The Edge AO3
The Hand That Wields AO3
Broken Soul AO3
Letting Go AO3
Fangthane's Folly
A Hero's Respite AO3
Where Secrets Lie AO3
Splitting the Anvil AO3
Keeping Faith AO3
Truth's Embers AO3
Fire Hollowed Souls AO3
Eye of the Storm AO3
An Solas as Gràdhaiche
The Anvil's Fall
The Anvil's Fall AO3
Trapped in the Dark AO3
Bitter Truths, Sweet Lies AO3
The End Game
Hell and Back AO3
End Game AO3/How it Ends AO3
A Long Overdue Conversation AO3
Tag list (dm for +/-): @druidx
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bloodiedrogue · 1 year
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