#wish I could be one of the people who doesnt have to do their speech in person 😭
upperranktwo · 11 months
Good night everyone 💞 need to make sure i'm well rested for tomorrow! I am absolutely terrified, but I've gotta remember that in about 14 hours, my entire speech will be over with, and I can rest after 6 weeks of hard work and practicing! Just hope I don't fuck up and have a panic attack 😭
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merriclo · 1 year
ahsjkds rant/vent in the tags
#i fucking LOVE having to hug my friend as they sob bc our rights r actively being revoked#i’m literally 16 years old. i don’t even have my permit yet.#it shouldn’t be up to us kids. i shouldn’t have to tell them that we’ll fix it and make it all ok one day#it’s not that fucking hard to let trans people exist. it’s really not.#and yet#i just. ughajdnfjkw#they were sobbing. and all i could do was promise that i’d try and fix it.#i’m pissed and tired and upset and all i can do about it is hope that my emails and club speeches actually do something while i wait#there are wonderful adults who are fighting for us and i cherish them greatly#but that doesnt change the fact that the government - the very people i was raised to believe we’re there to protect me - is actively#passing laws in favor of my suicide.#and the only thing i can do about it in the meantime is comfort my friends and hope they give my email the light of day#it’ll be okay. we can fix this and save our community. i know we can.#i just wish this wasn’t something we have to do in the first place#this is gonna sound indelicate but i wish i still flinched when getting called a faggot#i’m not sure if this makes sense but it feels like i lost something when i started teaching myself to remain neutral in the face of bigotry#i want to be mad and upset but instead i’m carefully crafting how im perceived and judged at every moment#where’s the justice in me forcing myself to watch bigoted videos at the age of 14 so i wouldn’t be caught off guard or shocked when harassed#tell me where the fuck the justice is in that.#sorry for all this rambling i’m just upset
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eddies-house · 11 months
Seeing Barbie with Eddie - Headcanons
@gravedigginbbydoll and i talked about eddie going with you to watch Barbie and so i created this list of headcanons (if you haven't seen the movie dont read)
lets you put pink tinsel in his hair and blend it with his curls so he has a mop of hair and sparkles (ends up asking if you can do black for him for one of his shows)
wears his regular black jeans but has a hot pink bandana hanging out his back pocket and a matching pink belt (of course still sports his handcuff buckle)
wears a baby pink cropped shirt with the sleeves ripped off
lets you do his eye makeup and you do pink eyeshadow with glitter all over his eyes and some to highlight his cheeks
he looks in the mirror and insists he's the most metal barbie out there
def participates in the "hi barbie!" thing and everyone you pass hes going "hi barbie!!!" with a little wave of his fingers and when they say it back to him he gets so happy like fully relishing in being one of the girlies
def tries to seduce you the way ken does to barbie and over exaggerates his manly voice but cant even make it through the whole song without laughing (especially when he tries to replicate the "take you for for granted" part)
calls his trailer his mojo dojo casa house from that day on
when he picks you up for the next week he pulls up in his van and yells out the window "hi barbie!!" and if you respond "hi ken!!" he pouts until you call him barbie cause hes def a barbie
when gloria does her whole speech in the movie hes looking at the screen, jaw dropped and listening intently and once she finishes he cant hold back he just screams HELL YEAH
when they're stealing back all the barbies behind the kens backs he just whispers something like "fuck yeah, take down the patriarchy"
lets you cry on him in his van after the movie and lowkey cries into your hair too
takes you to get greasy food and milkshakes after
looks over at you with puffy eyes as yall finish off your milkshakes in silence and says "i so badly wish the patriarchy was just about horses"
turns into a deep talk about how though he doesnt mean it, he was still a little blind to a few of the issues women still face and the movie opened his eyes a little more and hes sorry for being ignorant and in turn "contributing to the motherfucking patriarchy"
you laugh because this is the man wearing almost all pink to the barbie movie premier, the man who cried with you over the movie and had no shame, the man who doesnt give a shit about gender roles and heteronormative society, who will with no hesitation stick up for people when those who benefit from such a society try to assert their power
you have to explain to him that hes one of the good ones and the fact that he even recognizes that there are some issues he may have been unaware of without you having to explain it throughout the movie speaks volumes
please feel free to add to this, this could be so fun
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WIBTAH for sending my (21NB) SIL (20F) stuff to help with her pregnancy when her mom said she doesn't want us to?
✨️✨️✨️❣️✨️✨️✨️ <- so i can recognise the post
so for some context, SIL didn't tell us she was 2 months pregnant until last night. She'd been planning on moving across the country (we live in the USA so across country is 3000~ miles/4500~ km) to go live with her boyfriend (22M) for a while now. None of us wanted her to go regardless but now that we know she's pregnant we wish she were here even more so we could help with anything she needs. She left this morning for her flight across country with a guy our family barely knows - some of us only learned his name last night.
my MIL - her mom - says she was gonna send her a car before finding out about the pregnancy but since SIL said she's gonna go to school and work online cus she wants to stay home with the baby, the mom doesn't want to send her a car that the idiot who got her pregnant (and was the one who convinced her not to tell us about it) is gonna end up using instead of her.
so, i brought up sending her some stuff to show her that she has people here who will help her (even if she is across the country) and show she's not alone. MIL was worried it would convince her to stay there. My worry is that not giving her any help will push her to stay over there where she doesn't know anyone instead of staying with family or, at least, someone she knows better than her bf of a few months.
I know she doesn't like it here, and at first I supported her moving out before I found out it was across the country with a guy she met *This Year* (2023 when submitted - idk how long thisll take to post). I don't think she should have to stay in this house, I understand she has trauma here and I fully support her moving out but the thought of her alone and pregnant on the other side of the country where she has absolutely no one other than her bf (who doesnt seem to be taking this situation seriously At All) and his family - who none of us have ever met - is just terrifying.
I dont think what I want to send her is something that would end up being a present for the boyfriend instead of her like the car. I have a pregnancy pillow from a surgery I had last year and thought even if she ends up not wanting it, sending it to her would at least show her that she's not alone and we still love and care about her from all the way over here. It isn't much and I don't think it's anything that would convince her to stay over there so I don't see why it should be a problem.
For full transparency, I *do* hope sending her support might convince her to come back, even if she doesn't move back into the house, I hope she doesn't stay in a place with a guy who clearly isn't ready to help, people she doesn't know, new rules, new everything. It all just seems too stressful under regular circumstances, let alone during her first-ever pregnancy. That being said, her staying or going is her choice, all of us agreed that trying to force her to stay/come back would only stress her out more and would be bad for her and the baby.
for extra context- when i say we dont know the bf at all, i mean it. i met him yesterday, the rest of the family has met him 2, maybe 3 times. he made a speech last night at dinner that only made me worry more, "I may not be the best for her", "Yeah, I'm in school but I'm not studying anything right now" (wtf does that even mean????), apparently he wants to be a cop (which i dont like personally) but isnt doing anything to accomplish that? and when FIL asked if we could visit her, he completely waffled as if he had never thought of the fact that we would like to go see her?? and her child??? Everyone throughout dinner made it very clear to him that we Don't know him and we're entrusting the baby of the household, the Princess of the household, with him - all of this was before we even knew she was pregnant. He didn't even tell the dad about the pregnancy before they left, he made MIL do it.
tl;dr- SIL's bf convinced her not to tell her family she was pregnant until the night before she moves across the country to live with him. I want to send her stuff to help with her pregnancy & show her she's not alone & we're here to help with whatever she needs but MIL worries sending her things will convince her that she doesnt need to come back home, i worry that not sending her anything at all will make her not want to come back at all.
What are these acronyms?
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galacticleague · 16 days
speaking my truth on npmd because im thinking about this alot. i think the reason it falls flatter than tgwdlm and bf as a musical is that tgwdlm and bf have a running theme — want.
(whole thing undercut)
the cast of tgwdlm want human connection - charlotte wants sam to love her, bill wants alice to love him, mr davidson wants his wife to choke him while he jerks off etc etc, and eventually paul goes from 'i want what anyone wants, money, kids, a partner maybe idk' to - to put it simply - wanting emma (putting it very simply, if i went into detail this post would go off the rails). this switch is what makes him vulnerable to the hive and this want to live and to survive and to be happy with emma is satiated by pokey by giving him the connection he craves via hivemind, this is how it works for everyone. they want to be happy, pokey makes them happy by removing any need to want anything in the first place.
similarly, in bf, the adults of hatchetfield are still miserable and they want to be happy, they have this void within them that they feel they need to fill with products and consumerism. if they buy this stupid fucking doll their kids will love them, they will be happy, etc etc. and this want to be happy is similarly satiated by wiggly via the cult - they have something to worship, or - in lindas case - people who worship them. they have purpose, or at least they think they do, but whether their problems have actually been solved or not - they are still content.
but in npmd, this is less solid. theres that bit where they have to sacrifice what they want the most, but this is near the end. its kind of all over the place, and this wobbliness(?) is sort of just emphasised by the fact that there is no specific lord in black, its all of them. now i loved the summoning when i first watched it because im obviously a huge hatchetfield fan so i like. know who these characters are but as ive seen others say, alot of npmd does rely on knowing hatchetfield lore - understanding injokes. and in hindsight it just... isnt great for the cohesion of the plot.
tgwdlm and bf both have specific themes, specific lords in black, they have subplots but they have a solid throughline that is easier to follow. to me, npmd feels like its all over the place and it just feels kind of...mid for lack of a better word.
i think there were some moments that were just kind jarring? i guess? like if i loved you coming directly after ruths death was really strange, tonally. i wish they spent more time on ruths death tbh she deserved better. richie got two songs and an opening scene. anyways i digress- i feel like whenever i think about it im always like. i just wanted More. which is weird cuz its already like 2 hours long but idk. IDK!!! if i loved definitely felt unnecessary to me- like just conflict out of nowhere. i would have liked more build up to it. maybe im just salty that it took up stagetime that could have been used to grieve ruth but. sorry for the random if i loved you slander i think my point here is that some moments and some subplots felt more tropey, injokey or like fanservice??but not in a sexual way?? - is that the right word to use idk - than actual compelling plot moments. tgwdlm is an incredible work of theatre and uses subversions of tropes to communicate a great story, bf is a detailed criticism of american consumerism and how capitalistic societies force people to rely on products to make their lives better, npmd is. high school drama with ghosts. it just doesnt hit as hard on its own.
i dont want to be one of those "im a better writer, and THIS is how i would have done it!!!! im going to fix this!!!" people so im not going to do that but i think something i would have liked to see was focus on just one lord in black, probably nibbly because i feel like he fits the most and has the least preexisting story. i mean for gods sake, why does wiggly have the most speech time out of all the lords in black again!!! he already has an entire musical about him!!! greedy bitch- well i guess thats kind of his thing. i think i just want to see more of nibbly tbh, he has one nmt story and he only shows up at the very end. anyways that was kind of a side rant sorry gang. there isnt a problem with having a story featuring all the lords in black, but i think it just doesnt quite work in npmd for like structural reasons as well as plot cohesion.
i did enjoy npmd, im not pretending i didnt, but narratively it is the weakest hatchetfield musical and i just wanted to put my finger on what it is specifically. please dont take this as like hate or slander, i am a huge starkid fan, but i think it is important to consume media critically.
also i am not a professional i am a teenage drama and english lit student who likes media analysis and narrative design so just. take everything i say with a grain of salt :)
if you read all this, thankyou and if you disagree please lmk what you think(civilly.i do not want discourse in my notes)!! i could be hugely wrong about this and just need to think more about npmd and id love to see others' analyses!
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yellowbluemoonshine · 11 months
Dabi & Toga’s Arc;
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This is most likely an unpopular opinion buti think Dabi and Toga’s character arc/hero-villain interaction could’ve been written better.
Like, i love the whole speech between Toga and Ochaco, despite its flaws and the fact that it happenned in a few chapters (lol), it was till good with great art but at the same time, its weird for Toga to act like Ochaco is the only one who made her experience love. Romantic, plationic, doesnt matter, love is love. She experienced that love with league and i hoped Ochaco to make Toga realize that she already found love in league. Not in Ochaco. Dont get me wrong. I still think Ochaco’s acceptance matter in a different way than league but still, it would be nice to see both Toga and Dabi to give up on their obsessions for the sake of league/Shigaraki (since he is their hero). But instead, story gave them what they ‘wanted’. Like;
Do you want your dad to see you, Dabi? Let me give it to you. Let’s give your abuser a redemption arc, without properly adressing the flaws of society and every great point you made.
Do you want to be loved by Ochaco/Izuku, Toga? You bet, girl! Ochaco thinks you have the cutest smile and you found love with her and she even said she is gonna give her blood to you! Even though, Twice, Shiggy, league already did/do that for you and you found love with them but lets focus on yuri, togaochaco scenes.
My problem with this is that its like Dabi cant be saved without being seen by abuser and its like Toga didnt find love/bigger love with legaue than she has with Ochaco. Its like cheap writing to me because focusing on their inner world, adressing all that great speech about society and their familly bond would be harder. I wish story made those two force to choose between league and revenge/obsessions first, then make Shouto and Ochaco realize that they are family, then they can reach out to them. Not after their obsession accept their love, not because of that. Endeavour didnt need to be that important for Dabi’s story, it could be small part of it, without focusing on entirely on his acceptance and the love of league could be the main focus, instead of yuri interaction (i dont blame people for it, because author writes them in a weird way, whether make izuochaco canon or togaochaco after they become friends, not like this). (Not even mentioning Spinner/Shoji, Hawks/Twice and others).
Anyway, i think in both hero-villain interactions, story omitted a few important steps to make them get their current position. It could’ve/should’ve written better. I hope we get better writing with Shiggy-Deku.
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bombshelllblonde · 3 months
hiiihihii!! im backkkk to tell u abt my rdr playthough bc im bored asf haha
¡love this game omg!! the graphics, the story, the details UGH!!!!
hunting is actually so fun for no reason- i bought so many fancy ass guns too 😭
also my play type whenever i play ANY story game thats open world is to do every possible thing every except the actual story so i get a bunch of stuff and then its so muvh easier
in short i have 6000+ dollars 😋
bonus of exploring everything is i got thw white arabian and i love her sm ‼️‼️ i named her pearl and she is my baby
dress up is my seconf favorite hobby
my fav outfit rn is the red vest w the floral pattern on the front (i forget what its called) n the black french dress shirt underneath + the bison necklace talisman
(also arthur w medium-long length hair n short facial hair>>>)
this game is so detail oriented, its kind of insane- im doing a high honor run atm, and i came across the blind beggar for the third (?) time and the blind guy said and i quote
"that is which killing you will finally help you, friend- to hear and see."
is this foreshadowing this feels like foreshadowing
also ik arthurs dies (bc of tiktok edits and fics, they artists in this fandom is amazing!!!) and im not prepared at all 😭 im going to procrastinate so bad 
yk the hole lil speech he has at the campfire yk "most human beings seem to know why they were born but, for me- its seems i was just mean ton hurt and suffer myself" that one
im bawling istg if he doesnt get a good ending im going to be writing a formal complaint to rockstar games
tw opinions (ik bro its crazy to have opinions in 2024 whattt no wayy)
ive gotten to the point in playing where im in ch 3, and the only way i can progress the actual story is to help micah rob a stagecoach or whatever
micah is a bastard and i dont like him
him as a character is rlly well written and awesome but,,,,,hes,,,slimy,,and i hate him,,,,so he can wait for a little longer ☺️
my favorite characters rn in no particular order is
arthur (obviously) , charles , sean , javier , tilly , marybeth , and kieran
my pookies ‼️‼️
moving on im so sorry this is so so long 😭 idk anyone who likes rdr irl lmao
anyway hope u have a nice day and no wolves attack you and spoke ur horse who bucks you off a cliff
(in rdr btw)
((true story also))
yo, having 6k in chapter 3 is amazing. good for you!
my first playthrough i got the white arabian and i named her Lemoyne Tree as a tribute to the state of Lemoyne and my favorite post malone song Lemon Tree. But she always got super dirty so i then went to the lake next to Strawberry and tamed the red chestnut arabian. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that one, she's gorgeous and arthur always gets that one when i play it. my beautiful baby girl Diablo <3
also yes. heckin FUCK MICAH BELL. even from the beginning he's been a slime ball. hate that man <3
i won't go too far, but just keep yourself high honor towards the end of the game. you need that to be your first ending. :')
Charles deserves the absolute world. just listening to him speak and hanging out with him at camp, and the missions you continue on to do with him throughout the game are so much fun. charles is someone i wish i could have in my real life because he seems like he would be the best person to speak to and hang out with. he is so lovely and down to earth. even arthur says it a couple times throughout the game. charles gets a good ending i promise.
my top blorbos are Arthur, Dutch, Charles, Hosea, and Josiah Trelawny my absolute beloved <33333 just wait until you go on the mission with Charles to find trelawny. one of my favorite missions ever ever ever ever!!
a lot of people dislike dutch, but i love him so much. he is my actual father. i love him.
i also hate john. let me know how you feel about that little greasy weasel of a man. :)))
i'm so so so glad you're having fun and i am very invested, so please continue to keep me updated on what ur doing because i need to live vicariously through you. if i could erase my entire mind and replay the game over and over again for the first time, i totally would
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limeleviathan · 9 days
introducing traumatised lesbians: part 2!
meet Cerulean
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yes im using the same second image as i did with AVIAN, sue me
anyway, this is Cerulean! she goes by she/her and is AVIAN's beloved girlfriend
her speech indicator will be C, for example (C: do you need a hug?)
she is one of the few members of the group who is not a Subject of Operation Vanguard, however she bore witness to what caused AVIAN to become part of it, and was most supportive of getting her the help she needed. she is incredibly compassionate, but fiercely defends her friends, drawing her blade if she believes any of them to be in danger
she is the quietest member of the group by far when around people she doesnt know, but around her closest friends, or especially her girlfriend, AVIAN, she is able to talk for hours
while she has no special abilities herself, the sword she wields does grant access to Blinking, a low-distance, electrified teleport, and the sword itself is capable of chaining lightning in exchange for a large amount of energy
BACKSTORY (Sunset Beginnings)
its an even longer one than the other two, 3000 words this time :3
I’ve never been the extroverted type. The fact that some people are able to talk to new people easily just doesn’t make sense to me. Whenever I see someone cool, someone who I want to get to know better, I’ve tried talking, but for some reason, when I began the conversation, it quickly ground to a halt.
Naturally, this made school difficult. Where others were in bustling circles, each group intertwined through a person or two, I sat alone. Whenever I tried to change that, people just moved on. I felt like no one wanted me. I felt like no one cared. A few other kids tried to stick with me out of pity, but I just couldn’t handle the group environment of most friend groups.
It wouldn’t come as a surprise that group projects always filled me with dread. Usually, when I see everyone else’s results, I see them all standing together, sharing together, enjoying each other’s company. My groups, however, are never that cohesive. While the rest of the group is always just talking and being happy, they leave me all the work because I don’t talk much, and then when my nervousness prevents me from sharing, they just take all the credit! I was considering just leaving school altogether, and I was only 10!
This all changed one day, though. As I walked into class, hoping I wouldn’t get too screwed over in the group project I knew we had today, the teacher gestured for me to sit at the table at the back of the room. Not a great start, considering the kind of kids that usually sit there. At least for now, though, the table sat empty, and I waited anxiously to find out who I would be with.
And then she walked in. I saw, coming through the door, the vibrant orange of Tangelo, known for assisting anyone with any troubles whatsoever. Whether just a confusing homework question or even losing a family member, she always put others first, and always made sure that the problem was managed before she left. I had always been hoping that someday I may be able to talk to her about my inability to make friends, but just being in her vicinity made the words get caught in my throat.
She followed the teacher’s gesture to my table, her face glowing with excitement. She was my opposite in almost every way imaginable: while I was reserved and kept to myself, she had an expansive circle of friends and talking to others was second nature to her. While I was always shy and scared of others’ perception of me, she was proud and uncaring of any criticisms anyone else has. Not that they have any. She had never made an enemy, as far as I knew.
Ever since our first day in this class, she had caught my attention and I wished I could be closer to her. The way she always smiles when anyone compliments her, the way she fervently defends anyone being bullied or even just insulted, the way she lights up the room just by entering it. Unfortunately, she made me more nervous than anyone else at first, so I was simply hoping that she would someday approach me.
Now, as I sat right next to her, I hoped that it would finally happen. And it did. About a minute after sitting down, she started talking. I still love how she is able to talk for hours on end, even when she has a sore throat and it physically hurts. She just loves the company of others, and being able to listen to her ramble on about her interests still warms my heart.
Wait, I’m getting sidetracked now. Where was I? Oh wait, she just sat down. Yeah, as she started talking, I immediately felt nervous, but unlike with anyone else, I was still able to talk relatively comfortably.
“Hi!” she exclaimed, her permanent smile still as bright as ever. “Hey,” I responded quietly, not sure how to approach a conversation like this. “Sorry in advance that you have to work with me… you probably know that I can’t present too well, so I think I’m going to have to leave that to you…” “Hey, don’t apologise. I didn’t just get put into this with you, I wanted to work with you. You’ve always been alone, and when you haven’t, you’ve always been thrown with the… less mature kids. Anyway, I asked Mr. Saffron if I could work with you, and he let us!” “You… you actually wanted to work with me? I… I’ve never actually had anyone want to spend time with me, let alone work with me.” “Well, that’s their loss! From what I’ve seen throughout the year, you’re a really cool person, and I probably would have approached you a little sooner if it weren’t for how you often seem kinda uncomfortable when talking with people.” “Wait, you noticed that? I’d always thought I’d kept that a lot more hidden…” “It is actually hidden fairly well, it’s just that I’ve always been able to tell when people don’t feel comfortable. Hey, if you want, you could hang out with me and my friends at lunch! We’re usually in the games room, you could meet us there!” “We have a games room?! Why did no one tell me about this sooner?!” “I take it you’re interested, then!” “Absolutely! Video games are my favourite!” “Well, I’ll see you there! Also it’s good to see you being excited, I haven’t seen that too much this year and I’m glad I’ve been able to help!”
She was right. I couldn’t remember the last time I was excited to do something social at the time. Usually I’d thought of it as a chore, but that time? Between spending more time with Tangelo and getting to maybe meet more people who love gaming, I was genuinely excited to meet someone for the first time in years.
We kept chatting as we worked on our poster, and when class finished, Tangelo led me out and towards the games room. As we stepped into the room, I was amazed. The whiteboard that stretched across the room was glowing with the light of a screen I knew well, coming from a projector at the back of the room. I looked around and saw a long table with bags and lunch boxes scattered across. In the centre of the room lay patches of beanbags, with 2 couches at the back. There was a group of sticks gathered around the front, where they each connected their controllers before they all turned to us.
“Hi guys!” Tangelo said, cheerfully. “We’ve got a new player here! Cerulean, say hi!” “Hey…” I murmured, not expecting to encounter so many people here. Tangelo noticed my hesitation, and turned to me, face warm with compassion. “It’s alright to be nervous. I know you struggle with talking to new people, especially so many.” How did she know? “Maybe it’d be better if we introduce you through the game. You know how to play Smash?” “Do I?! Of course I do!” “Well then! Grab a controller and let's play!”
I ran excitedly to the front of the room, and a tall purple stick handed me a pro controller. That stick came to be known as ARACHNID, Tangelo’s adopted sibling and fellow Subject later on. They have expressed wishes for their former name to not be disclosed, so I’ll just refer to them as ARACHNID from here on out. Anyway, I grabbed the controller, thanked them, and flopped onto a beanbag. Tangelo sat down with me shortly after. Then, we began.
These sticks were a lot better than I was expecting, but I think I held my own fairly well, especially considering that this was my first ever 8 player game. They were all so welcoming, and when I won game 3, they had an idea.
“Let’s all go random!” a green stick called out. Another stick I got to know better later on. Her, although at the time it was his, name was Forest, now known as LEVIATHAN or Lime. The reasoning behind that last nickname was an interesting one. One day, a while later, she would just pull a lime out of her backpack, mid-game, and just… take a bite out of it. Skin and everything. It was… certainly an interesting thing to witness, and distracted us just long enough for her to just get two free kills in that game. We never got distracted like that again, but we called her Lime from then on out.
Anyway, we all went random, and chaos ensued as almost everyone groaned after seeing their fighters, and then proceeded to target Tangelo who allegedly got one of her best ones. She still won. Her skill was admirable, and although the gap has closed slightly, it’s always impressive when she manages the impossible.
We kept playing until Lime checked her watch and declared that this was the last game. Upon its completion, we packed the switch into the drawer at the front of the room, which contained many more games and controllers left unused. I thanked everyone for letting me play and being so kind, and they let me know that I could return every day if I wanted to. Now, fast forward 4 years, me and Tangelo still go daily, with her whole friend group, although Lime and ARACHNID have both moved on to high school. Allegedly they also have a gaming group there, and also play Smash, so I expect that when we arrive next year, Lime will be ready to take us on in a school environment once more.
Anyway, that's enough about Year 5, time to talk about the next big moment. In Year 7, Tangelo invited me to her house for a sleepover, and her being my bestie, I accepted immediately. Here’s the difficult part, though. I had realised I was actually a lesbian a few months prior, when I began to develop a crush on her. I knew that I would probably get rejected, since she was probably straight and wouldn’t feel the same way, but after all that time, I thought I might as well tell her.
I thought of an amazing idea as to how: Truth or Dare. Never have I heard of a sleepover where Truth or Dare was never played, and you are bound to speak the truth there. So I decided I would try and slightly manipulate the game to the point where someone, hopefully Tangelo, would ask me about my crush. 
As I arrived, I greeted Tangelo with the standard hug and bonk on the head that we often did to each other. She welcomed me inside, and showed me around. I saw ARACHNID just sitting in the living room on their phone, and they waved when they saw me. I waved back. When we got to Tangelo’s room, we heard the doorbell, and both sprinted back to the door to welcome Lime in. We all went back to Tangelo’s room, and I actually got a chance to look at it this time.
It was a fairly cosy yet chaotic place that reflected Tangelo very well. The bed was vibrant blues and oranges in a sunset, completely unmade. The corner of the room housed a large bookshelf, filled to the brim with many different series. Her bedside table held a stack of books seven high, all from one series. A desk in the corner held her laptop, and there was an external keyboard and mouse connected to it, all glowing a pale blue. I felt at ease in her room. I felt calm.
Another knock at the door, and Tangelo ran back over to let Scarlet in. As they both returned, we all sat on Tangelo’s bed and continued chatting. Eventually, Tangelo suggested we play Truth or Dare to spice things up. Considering that I was hoping for it, I accepted immediately, and Scarlet began.
“Tangelo, truth or dare?” she asked. “Let's start with a truth.” Tangelo replied. “Have you ever wished you could kill anyone?” “Nope! I try not to make enemies if I can avoid it, and besides, messing with them in every way imaginable is a lot more fun.” “...How would you know that it’s more fun?” Lime asked curiously. “Doesn’t take much thought to know that messing with someone is more fun than murder,” Tangelo responded. “Fair enough.”
I went next.
“Scarlet, truth or dare?” I asked. “Truth,” she responded. “Lotta truth already, huh,” I responded. “Anyway, have you ever had a crush on anyone?” “Yeah. There’s this one guy in my math class, you wouldn’t know him though. His name’s Turquoise.” 
Next up was Tangelo.
“Forest, truth or dare?” “Truth,” he responded, sounding… nervous? Also I’m using he because that’s what he was at the time. That wouldn’t last much longer. “Hmmmm… What is your biggest secret?”
He took a deep breath, clearly mentally preparing to let out something big. We all waited anxiously, wondering what could be making him so nervous, especially considering that he very rarely got nervous at all, let alone THAT nervous. 
At last, with a deep inhale, he finally began. “I… I’m…” He sighed, and, with a sudden burst of energy, announced “Ya boy’s a girl!” We all sat in silence for a moment, shocked by the sudden announcement, before Scarlet began chanting “One of us! One of us! One of us!”
Me and Tangelo immediately burst out laughing, before both flopping forwards to hug Lime. Scarlet joined us a moment later.
“I’m so glad you were able to tell us,” Tangelo told Lime, slightly muffled by being mid-hug with 3 other sticks. “And managing to keep your usual energy? That would have been tough with how stressful that must have been. We are all so proud of you” “Damn right we are!” Scarlet added, her voice filled with her usual fervour. “We’ll always love you, girl!” I exclaimed. In a much softer tone, I added, “we’ll always be here for you, you can come to us if you need it.” “Thanks guys,” Lime responded, “I’m so glad you all are so supportive. It means a lot to me.”
We all sat there for a few minutes, hugging each other like there was no tomorrow, before Lime sat up once more.
“Well, the game’s still going,” Lime announced, “and it’s my turn! Cerulean, truth or dare!” We all returned to where we were sitting, eager to return to the game. “Let’s mix things up a little. Dare!” “Slap ARACHNID with a fish.” “What?” “You heard me.” “Why?” “Why not?” “Hey, sorry to burst your bubble, but there aren’t any fish in this house right now,” Tangelo stated, sounding… regretful? Why was everyone so intent on me slapping Tangelo’s sibling with a fish? “I’ll deal with that,” Scarlet said, eyes filled with determination, “nearest supermarket is only a couple minute walk if I’m fast enough. I’ll have your fish soon!”
With that, she left the room. I was still confused on why everyone wanted me to slap Tangelo’s sibling with a fish, but hey, a dare’s a dare. In the meantime, we opted to continue our game without Scarlet until she returned. It was my turn once again. I decided to continue my plan.
“Forest, truth or dare.” “Truth.” Perfect. “Who is your crush?” “Don’t have one right now.”
I hoped that Tangelo would continue the cycle. This question frequently began one.
“Cerulean,” she asked, seeming surprisingly hesitant, “truth or dare?” I hoped this would lead where I thought it would. “Truth.” “Who… who is your crush?” This was exactly what I was hoping for. And it was incredibly nerve-wracking. But I wasn’t going to back down now. Nervousness be damned, I was going to confess! “My crush…” I began, nervousness near overwhelming. “My crush is… it’s you, Tangelo. But I know you’re probably straight, so I haven’t told you… until now.”
Lime went silent, turning to Tangelo. Tangelo seemed even redder than usual.
“That…” she stuttered, clearly nervous about something. “That was… This is… I can’t believe…” She stopped, as though words were failing her, and then simply jumped forward and hugged me. As I sat there, about to hug back, feeling my face burning up, she whispered “I had a crush on you too.”
Lime sat there for a moment in awe, then finally let her excitement show, letting out an incoherent string of words, clearly excited that her friends had found love, and that she was there to witness it.
Now, to this day, that was still the greatest day of my life. Me and Tangelo are still together, two years later, and have really been through thick and thin. I mean, yeah, we did both explode in a car crash that one time, and it was easily the most terrifying moment of my life, since while me and her mum had recovered quickly enough, she was still completely unconscious, and had to have cybernetic replacements to save her life.
She made it through completely fine, especially due to Lime, now also known as Subject: LEVIATHAN, and her newfound mechanical abilities. ARACHNID went into the Operation that saved her life as well, which is where they got the name of Subject: ARACHNID. Now, me and Tangelo, who is now also known as Subject: AVIAN, like to make use of her new abilities of flight to fly around the sunset, me in her arms, away from the rest of the world. 
I am so glad I was able to meet her, and I love her with all my heart. She was my only friend when I had no others, and then as I got to meet her friends, I finally had a group I felt at home with.
Oh yeah, Scarlet did get back, she did get a fish, and I did slap ARACHNID with it. They were confused for a moment, but found it very funny as well. Good times!
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babymorte · 15 days
Hi Kiki! ✌🏼 7, 10 and 26 😌😌😌
oh hai~!!
7. a horror movie you want to recommend to people?
reincarnation!!! its done by takashi shimizu (ju-on: the grudge) and without giving too much away its about a film being made about murders that happened at a haunted hotel but its actually being filmed at the haunted hotel and the main character starts to see visions of the murders happening. dont look up any trailers because they all spoil it but its such a great movie. also two south korean films that everyone needs to watch and both star park shin-hye (i adore her honestly) are #alive which is about this guy that's stuck in his apartment alone trying to survive a zombie apocalypse...theres an american version called alone but its more of a drama and its honestly kind of boring in comparison to #alive (if you like train to busan you'll love this movie i promise) and the other movie is simply called 'call'. its another one you cant watch the trailer because it gives away the entire plot that you're supposed to watch unfold if that makes sense....basically park shin-hye is in modern times and she finds this phone that has the ability to call a girl back in the 90s (its like a time travel thing of sorts but not really) and they form a friendship...thats basically all you're allowed to know. its one of those movies you just have to trust me and thank me later. it doesnt make sense until it starts making sense...if that makes sense? like call is SUCH a good freaking movie. park shin-hye is phenomenal in it as she is in everything and its just such a mindfuck of a movie. its more psychological thriller than straight horror but the elements are all there so im counting it. the stepmom from a tale of two sisters is also in it and holy shit that woman does not age. but yea that's on netflix and i highly HIGHLY recommend it!
oh also also i've been obsessively telling anyone who will listen to me to watch pontypool. holy shit that movie is SO good. like the ide of spreading a virus/plague through speech is absolutely horrifying and its one of those movies that once you watch it a second time and know whats going on there is SO much foreshadowing it's ridiculous. like its so clever how they do it.
10) a horror movie you wish you could watch again like it's the first time
the conjuring. that movie scared the shit out of me when i saw it in theatres but i rewatched it recently and it was just meh...like i still love it dont get me wrong it just doesnt have the same affect that it did the first time you know?
26) a horror movie you didn't expect to like but you did
does cocaine bear count?? cuz like its kind of a horror movie but its more comedy...? i dont know i cant think of any movies that i watched that i didnt think i would like because i tend to only watch movies i think i'll genuinely enjoy but for some reason cocaine bear was the first movie that popped into my head. like it was so much better than it had any right to be...i guess in the same light tucker and dale vs evil could be on that list...i thought they were both going to be ridiculously stupid...and they are...but in the absolute best way possible. like tucker and dale is one of my favourite movies of all time and im not a huge comedy person...same with cocaine bear. cocaine bear is so freaking funny like it genuinely makes me happy.
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selamat-linting · 2 months
if yall think that department store job is bad wait until you hear about the stock broker job i almost had.
so, i recently turned 19 at the time and was desperate for employment. there's this walk-in interview ad on the local job site. i went there, hand in my resume, and without looking at my file the HR told me im accepted for a three day training program. it should be a red flag, but i came in anyway.
our trainer is a man in a fancy suit. the first thing he said other than the over-excited greeting was thanks. thanks for not believing the naysayers who said this job is a scam.
i might be stupid, but im not stupid enough to ignore that. immediately i was hyper aware of everything this trainer was doing and saying. our first day was all motivational speeches and bombarding everyone who dared to question their scheme with noises and covert shaming so they'd get in line. the actual product we're selling, the daily operation, he either sidesteps the question or explain it in such a vague nothingburger way that you couldnt understand it. at least they gave us free lunch though.
when i get home, i began looking up the name of the company. theyre formally certified as a broker company, but its hard to find an actual job desc or the benefits. there's even accounts of costumers who felt theyre getting scammed out of the whole deal. i still came in the next day.
i dont know what i was thinking tbh. i guess there is a part of me who wished it was all a misunderstanding, or a part of me who thinks i can actually make a sale and get money despite the circumstances, and a part of me who wants to convince myself that im not a quitter. i was a mess. i went on my second day, and at least a quarter of people are gone. we did our training, this time we're taught how to trade stocks, using software we barely understand with principles we dont even get. and ofc when we get the job, the money we use for trading would be our customers' money.
during break time, they told us to get comfortable with the workers who have been there for months. i was friendly with them, but i realized they're the ones i could actually get a straight answer from. i basically cornered and made one of them to admit this is a job with no base pay, just a commission scheme. and some havent closed anything for months since the day they start working. i admit, i did it for myself, but i hope other people who enrolled in training with me heard it too.
it was then i made the decision to drop out. dont get me wrong, commission only jobs are a standard practice for a lot of sales industry, and i respect people who do the hustle. actually, i might even try it one day if (big IF here) im skilled and financially stable enough to weather the rough months. but its wrong for that company to avoid explaining that aspect especially when the job is convincing people to fund your trading business and you cant even educate your workers on the product properly! its predatory and scammy as fuck.
and for years after that sometimes i hear a story of a coworker who tried their luck. all of them failed. well, one girl i know manage to close a deal. except she got screwed by her seniors and she didnt get her earnings. one guy i know even end up drowning in debt because of that job. but then again, i dont feel sorry for him because i overheard him confessed to raping a girl at a party once so he deserved it lol!
anyway, the office of that trading company was soon shut down around 2020. i heard they got sued, or they cant pay the rent for the building, im not sure. they were closed though. and everyone who knows that place but doesnt work there, recognized they have a not so stellar reputation. however, they recently reopened under a new name. different company name, same business model. thats capitalism.
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cpunkwitch · 9 months
answering my questions p3
[pt: answering my questions p3]
part 1 (link), part 2 (link)
ask game 3 (link)
biggest inaccessible thing that angers you right now?
doors with round handles. fuck those door knobs im glad my bedroom door doesnt actually close so i dont have to use it.
2. something no one talks about that you wish had more discussion about how it could be more accessible?
windows. i dont ever see anyone talk about how windows (that are meant to be opened for air circulation etc) could be more accessible. the window i have i have to wrestle with in order to get it open in the summer, because of that i avoided it this summer and ended up not having ac
i get there are some windows that have the screen on the other side and the inside slides up, i prefer those, my sister has that in her room, but the locks and the act of opening the window itself is not easy or something everyone can do.
3. what are some good resources that help you out? any blogs or sites that really helped you out with a disability or gave you support?
a user on here actually suggested speech assistant to me, i dont remember who but i was able to find an aac for my phone thanks to a tumblr user. i dont really have anything else to respond with, my resources are actually kinda limited ^^;
i got my cane off amazon, thats really the only other thing i have.
4. if you have an aid, mobility or not, how did you get it and do you know any good places to get them at good prices?
unfortunately all i know is amazon because i dont have a way of using other sites. most other sites dont use stripe and paypal is a bitch to me. i know there was a post going around earlier to be put on a wait list for a free wheelchair i think? if anyone knows where that post is id like to reblog it again
best way to get things at a lower price though is if theyre used/2nd hand. theyre considered worth less than new ones as they've been used and probably worn in already, therein they arent in mint condition like newer ones, but theyre still good. i actually got my first two binders that way. (tbh i get most things that way)
i know you can find 2nd hand stuff on facebook groups/marketplace, Kijiji, ebay and similar sites but i dont fully trust most of them myself.
when it comes to aid's that are programs though, such as aac or screen readers, there are tonnes that are completely free or come with small monthly subs or in-app purchases that arent too pricey and a lot of sites and social apps have those built in now a days with stickers, emojis, gifs, text-to-speech options on devices and so on.
5. any programs you know of that are either easily accessible or make things more accessible?
aside from my answer in 4, i have asl bloom which is like duolingo for american sign language. if you wanna quickly learn some asl for free, asl bloom is great!
i mentioned i have speech assistant for an aac, i've excitedly posted a bit yesterday about using it for the first time in a classroom setting.
6. whats an aid that no one mentions being an aid? could be big or small
anything is an aid if it assists you. glasses, braces, screen readers, etc
i see plenty of people acknowledging that pictures, emojis etc are aids as well esp for the nonverbal, more so than i would see sometime in the past.
a lot of things that might not be considered socially acceptable can be aids too, plastic straws for example, esp bendy ones, but thats been talked about quite a lot since the pandemic and i hope to see that discussion continue until theyre finally brought back as the default.
things that i never-to-rarely see anyone mention as an aid of some sort though? aside from medication, creams and things for pain management, theres not much to come to mind.
7. any recent news that really pissed you off, like an accessibility being taken away?
there was something at the time of making that ask game but i no longer remember what. nothing recent that have to bring up, at least not right now.
8. any good news to share with the disabled community?
i am sorry to say i bring no news at all, good or bad, but i may have some at a later date. perhaps whenever i get that french aac update we can consider that good news
9. what are some helpful things in your town/city for cripples?
nothing special i can think of
10. what can your town/city improve on to help?
the fucking side walks
11. is there an accommodation you wish you had/could get/want more of?
if i had the money and was in a different situation, id get a shower chair, braces or compression gloves, a wheelchair etc.
typing programs like typist arent made with disabled people in mind and i wish they were, i make mistakes because im dyslexic and cant always control my stims and they score you on how many mistakes you make with no backspace option and you cant continue until you improve with the least amount to no mistakes. they should at least let you use the backspace.
i use typist for class and it pisses me off that i cant go back and fix my mistakes. not just typing either but writing classes in general that grade you on how many mistakes you make should consider and accommodate people with issues writing/typing. just giving them more time to work on an assignment is not much of an accomodation. tics, stims etc are all things that can effect a persons writing and its pretty unfair and ablest to think that everyone can just stop making mistakes with writing if they practice enough.
12. whats some discourse going around right now that you wish would stop?
non physically disabled / able bodied people claiming cripplepunk includes them. should never have been discourse to begin with the name itself should be fucking self explanatory and if you know anything about cripplepunk its that its FOR THE PHYSICALLY DISABLED
also transid/transx bullshit...
13. advice for people who are only just discovering theyre crippled?
its okay to be disabled, learning your physical limitations and general limitations with your body is actually a good thing.
youre not lazy, youre not unsightly, youre not gross, youre not creepy, youre a living being and you deserve the accessibility, accomodations and help you need or want. if youre thinking of getting assistance get it.
youre not taking anything away or hurting anything by calling yourself disabled and using aids if you think it helps you.
whatever you have hindering your physical functions does not define you nore is it the only trait about you but it is a part of you that comes with you. dont let anyone disrespect you over it, get/use what you need, its your body.
14. any questions for people who've been in the community a while?
what were things like when cripplepunk first started? how did it gain traction and popularity? how did you come across it and what was it like when you were new?
do you have any advice for people just joining cripplepunk and things to say about content creation for cpunk? is there content you wish to see more of or reoccur? what was content online like when you first joined disabled/crippled spaces?
15. ramble about your condition?
man i really need to book time with the chiropractor. my arthritis aches are in more than just my hands and wrists, i get really bad foot cramps, leg and ankle pain and i have seriously bad tension and stiffness in my neck, shoulders and back.
if i remember tomorrow i'll call them when i get home for lunch between classes. and see if i can book thursday afternoons
a lot of my condition comes from my moms side of the family, which is cool in theory, i like talking about that kinda thing, hereditary and genes n stuff interests me but because its my mom and i grew up in her shadow being referred to as her "mini me" and shit, it makes me pretty uncomfortable to know just how much like her i am and i cant get away from it. (and thats not even mentioning how uncomfortable i am being associated with one of my ab/sers(u) to such a degree)
16. rant about your environment?
i feel like thats a thing for an entire post on its own. i could rant about my home environment or my city.
17. if you have any aids, have you decorated and/or named them?
ive painted my cane and and trying to paint it again when i remember, have the time and spoons, but i havnt named it or added any attachments and i want to. suggestions are welcome!
18. tips for maintaining mobility aids of any?
as a cane user:
wash and sanitize the handle/grip and foot of your cane as frequently as you use it. especially if someone else has touched it and you've been outside with it and have allergies!
use paint sealer if you customize your cane and use masking tape on the parts of it that you arent customizing (handle, foot, joints if its foldable)
place it by the door but not next to the entrance or shoes so it doesnt get knocked over/kicked etc and so you remember to take it with you if youre an "out of sight out of mind" type of forgetful person like me.
crippled-pvp mentioned this before; place your cane under the seats/on the floor if youre in a car. its deadly otherwise.
19. anything that motivates you to leave your house even just for fresh air and a stretch?
coffee/snack runs. the garden on campus nearby. if it werent for close by things like that i'd see no point in leaving the house outside work/school. and maybe a few other things like painting in the back yard ig?
20. free space!
feel free to ask me questions, to clarify or elaborate/expand on something, my inbox is always open for a chat and anon is on for privacy of those who use side blogs or are too anxious to be off anon. anon is not on for hate/discourse.
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[ID: banner reading "dni if... proship, transx/id, syscourse/discourse blog, anti-mspec lesbians/gays, anti-lesboy/turigirl more in pinned rentry. this blog is protected by the addams family, the de rolo family and co." in all black lowercase text. It has a grey cloud background. On the left is the De Rolo coat of arms with a cobweb in the top corner and symmetrically flipped on the right is the symbol of Vox Machina with the same cobweb in the bottom corner :End ID]
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detectiveaku · 8 months
I have varied opinions on c!techno. I think he's interesting because I don't see a lot of genuine good to them as well as being morally terrible. He's diehard loyal to a select few people. He'll kill his allies without a second apology. He has a strict set of morals. Said morals are almost more ruthless than killing as he pleases. He makes long speeches on other people's morality. He does not and will not attempt to understand situations more than he already does.
I really wish they had canonized the Antarctic Empire fully because I think he was already a hypocrite and I think him being a former imperialist who gave it up and now is a challenge seeking anarchist with no interest in the longterm effects of his actions and a dog-eat-dog worldview would be interesting
100% agree that the AE should have been canon, i generally use that as his backstory because i think it dovetails well with wilbur coming from newfoundland as this mutual moral corruption of their ideals that they had in smpearth to pogtopia.
of the two, dream and technoblade, only one of them managed to get tommy to turn against lmanburg for a time. like, for everyone's portrayal of dream as this mastermind manipulator, techno did what he could never do and convince tommy to go against lmanburg. and the way he did it by exploiting tommy's fears of being abandoned is genuinely sinister as hell. its not treated like that from his perspective but from tommy's, thats how it seems.
a similar thing can be said in pogtopia. its implied on several occasions (mostly from wilbur's pov, but again, techno from techno's perspective is damn near a different character) that technoblade was aware that wilbur was going to destroy lmanburg, knew that he likely was going to die in the explosion, and was either complicit or encouraging in this plan. which when you look at the cwilbur finale and how lmanburg represented his friendships (and really you don't have to go as far as the finale, its all throughout lmanburg's history), its again, very sinister.
with ranboo, i believe there was a scene where he literally backed him against a wall, after bonding over their shared social anxiety and willingness to succumb to peer pressure, to join the syndicate and go against snowchester, which i will remind you is the nation ran by ranboo's husband who technoblade executed. again, humorous from techno's perspective but from ranboo's hes terrifying.
so techno's supposed virtue of loyalty is something i find difficult to see. to me, hes not even particularly lawful and driven by ideology. hes driven by a similar thing wilbur and dream are, the desire to be seen as powerful. and under "anarchism" (what techno believes anarchism is about) techno would be the most powerful person, so thats the ideology he drifts towards. but its not like he cares about the wellbeing or freedom of the people around him as you would expect an anarchist to do. and for all of his loyalty the only person he is "loyal" to is himself, and he is willing to accept help from others if they are also loyal to him. and thats the loyalty you see, which is why he feels "betrayed" every time someone disagrees with him.
its not necessarily that hes a hypocrite so much that he is not driven by what he says he is driven by. his sole motivation above all else is to be seen as powerful. he doesnt like governments telling him what to do, so he destroys them. when a dictator calls on him to execute someone and he is faced with either leaving the stage and being called a coward, or displaying his strength by going through with the execution, he goes through with it. he apologizes only when he knows the person will help him if he does. once you realize this, you realize that everything that techno does is perfectly in line with it and there is no hypocrisy within his character other than ones you project onto him.
and thats why hes nearly as bad as cdream is to me. but its also why hes one of my favorite characters.
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captaindarksword · 10 months
I have to be frank the whole how could you be against korrasami its the only same sex ship in lok or the first canon same sex ship involving mc’s kind of shows to me that they understand on a deep level that korrasami was badly written that it had no buildup.
since they have to rely on the uniqueness ( the fact there wasnt a same sex ship involving a mc before)
to try and deflect criticism . when the fact its the only canon same sex ship in lok and the first canon same sex ship  involving mc is irrelevant for its a forced ship that shouldnt have happened . 
If i were to make one wish  to change lok it would be the last minute retcon korrasami didnt happen because the fact that its the first canon same sex ship involving mc should not be the reason why people support it.
korra nd asami were barely friends they barely interacted with each other censorship doesnt explain what happened with them. and korrasami shippers just took any positive interaction between them and claimed it was evidence and they take any moment and over play/hype/exaggerate along with infusing headcanons as if they were fact.
1. I recall someone claiming that korra chose asami to help her in b3 when nothing shows that 
2. they claimed that korra sent asami multiple letters when its implied its only one letter
3/ they pretend that korra sending asami a letter (she wouldnt have read the letter asami sent back so it would be more like korra venting in a letter which is easier to do then talking one to one .(from experience )  ) means asami is closer to her than the others when it doesnt . people can say stuff to someone they arent as close to because they felt that they would understand better saw an example of this from an anon on a different post,  or they didnt 
4. asami has never shown the ability to support korra the way she needed to tenzin and mako have heck in remembrances asami the one moment we had to see her try and support korra she failed she went youre the avatar of course we need you while tenzin succeded by bringing up korra as a person and mako got a whole speech about how he feels about korra the person. and cares about korra who she is and wouldnt bring up korra being the avatar as why he needs korra.
and  mako supported korra the way she needed to when she went off to confront zaheer and given their personalities mako would be the only one who would have done this
6. korra and asami barely interacted in b4 censorship doesnt explain that
7.  people try to go if it was a het ship you would see it when no ,  if korra/asami was a guy no one would ship korrasami, while people wouldship makorra even if one of  them were genderbent.
8.    on the blush that isnt romantic evidence she blushed at bolin complimenting her as well and she didnt have romantic feelings for him ( she was just in a sad/negative state
at best you could say maybe male asami hada crush on korra ( since with friendships between men and women dont really include compliments while two girls being friends can compliment each others appearance without it being romantic. while if two guys did that people would make gay jokes while two girls complimenting each others looks is considered normal.
( guys tend to avoid being too intimate/close with their guy friends do to not wanting to be seen as gay 
while two girls being friends dont have this problem
 alot of people ignore that to just go if one of them was gender swapped
“You can’t just port the actions of a female character over to her Rule 63 equivalent without alteration and expect it to mean anything.  Male!Asami never would have been helping Korra get dressed in the first place, and he probably wouldn’t have gotten a letter, either.  And portraying platonic male-female friendships without romantic undertones is a ridiculous tightwalk that doesn’t allow for compliments about appearance in the way female-female friendships do.
You can’t just port the actions of a female character over to her Rule 63 equivalent without alteration and expect it to mean anything.  Male!Asami never would have been helping Korra get dressed in the first place, and he probably wouldn’t have gotten a letter, either.  And portraying platonic male-female friendships without romantic undertones is a ridiculous tightwalk that doesn’t allow for compliments about appearance in the way female-female friendships do.
Build up requires, you know, building up.  Korra and Asami only had personal conversations in eight episodes out of the 26 that made up Books 3 and 4, and their amount of direct conversation tanked between the two Books, with Book 3’s five direct plot-related conversations dropping to zero in Book 4.  Since episodes with group conversations held steady at two, that means that episodes with any conversations between the two at all dropped from 11 to 6.  That’s… basically the opposite of buildup.  (And, for reference, Book 1 had nine episodes that dealt with Mako and Korra’s relationship directly, which is more than Korra and Asami had in both Books 3 and 4.)
If the show wanted to portray Asami as Korra’s closest friend and confidant, it should have found a way to make it seem like Korra actually valued Asami as such instead of just having her react to Asami pushing to do stuff or help her in almost every instance.  =P  Male!Asami would have probably read as a pushy Nice Guy if things played out the same way.
K/A wasn’t intended to salvage the show, no (and Bryke didn’t seem to want to continue past Book 4 anyway).  Given Bryan’s post, it’s far more likely that it was intended to salvage Bryke’s conscience.
Shippers base speculation on ridiculously limited evidence regardless of gender, particularly when the characters involved are attractive.  That doesn’t mean that shows actually expect their viewers to see something like Kuvira and Tonraq looking at each other as romantic.  =P
9. to be frank if asami was a guy I doubt male asami would be the one to help korra get dressed given their lacking relationship
( dont give me but korrasami was more popular as an argument to it having evidence or being planned zutara was more popular then kataang.)
www . tumblr . com/ikkinthekitsune/146525844549/ive-just-been-thinking-lately-what-if-some-of
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reficu1 · 1 year
hi :p for matchups, i hope this okieee <3 genshin and bsd
my names kuro, no gender preference. im gender-fluid, i look like a cute girl and a cute boy depending on how i want haha. im INTP, depends on day. also virgo.
like idols, skincare, vampires (im vampirekin/i am one), cats (i love taking care of them and cats usually nice to me since i know how best to approach them). love music (gothic rock, neoclassical dark wave, breakcore, experimental rock, ec). love fashion aLOT, im very very into vkei, lolita/ouji and gyaru (i usually dress in kogyaru fashion). love night-time and wandering streets at night, especially in cities where its active and people are around. good food (rare beef, curry, mooncakes, mantou, castella, manju). would have cat ears and tail if i could.
dislike dogs 👎 scared of them. being center of attention (i prefer to watch people than be watched by others). dirt (including messy people). people who are very loud and annoying. birds, anything gross or violent. i dislike fashion styles i wouldnt wear.
hobbies include designing clothes, sewing, listening to music, baking, attending festivals, interior design.
personality: i prefer to listen to others than talk, but depending on who/topic i can speak for hours and hours. relaxed mainly, i dont like being energetic or loud/fastpaced. very picky with food/texture/fashion/literally everything. i comes off weird/scary to a lot of people but it doesnt bother me, its nice. can be a little lazy, i let people do first move. prefer doing things my way, and isolate from others a bit. very careful with how i look.
insecurities: not many, wish i was taller (162cm). dont want to gain weight (in the 40's of kg). i guess maybe how pale i am but im sensitive to sun so i cant help it.
thank chuuuuu
I match up for you...
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Xinyan. I think you would agree on your best interests for sure! Of course, you may not be a songwriter, the main thing is that you share her hobby, for which she was offended in her childhood. Of course, now there are no problems with the recognition of her work, but still. She is so full of energy that she would take you with her to her concerts or other festivals. Imagine how one day Xinyan gathers all his friends from Líyuè, you are asked to design clothes for the guys and ideas for the interior of the festival. In such preparation for the event, there is work for everyone, and everyone would help each other. I want to note right away that Xinyan has a violent reaction, and you mentioned that you don’t like loud people, but based on her manner of communication, I can say that she strives to evoke positive emotions and comfort in people in the company. In the circle of close friends, she does not entertain them, she maintains a kind and cheerful atmosphere. Yes, that's why at first you did not immediately consider each other.
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Koyo Ozaki. I want to say right away that in the works of bsd I try to be realistic and work with character analyzes, so they can be preyedat by negativism. Her manner of communication includes pathos and a dramatic and stormy character. She has a beautiful speech and can use metaphors well. "A flower grown in darkness will not survive on the side of light." I'm sure she would try to do whatever you want. But Koyo does not have a wasted maternal instinct (sorry that I use this incorrect term), so she would take the position of an auditor who would watch you, and Koyo is one of those parents who are convinced that they know better how their child lives and what to choose. BUT! You can consider your interaction after Koyo's conversation with Dazai, then she reconsidered her attitude towards you and it would already be more like a healthy relationship. Of course, she would continue to follow you, give in, help, indulge. It's just that it's all part of the consequences of her psychological trauma. She wouldn't want to lose you.
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sharpsharks · 1 month
im one of those people who doesnt like romance or sexual tension in my movies about non-romancey things.
apocalypse movie? i do not want to see people kiss.
alien movie? i do not want to see a heartfelt confession speech.
secret agent movie? i do not want to see a vague sex scene.
give me blood, danger, threats, deaths, screams, guns, social commentary, horror, terror and big goofy explosions.
i dont wanna see romantic couples of any kind. no romance. no sexual shit, no inter-personal tension.
i dont even watch movies where i know there's gonna be a sex scene in it. i look up whether or not its gonna have one in it. and i don't watch it if it does.
like i dont care.
i need more movies about siblings doing shit together. i need more movies about found family friend groups where no ones tryna romance each other. i need friends who arent gonna kiss each other at the end. no big confession speeches or nothin.
no enemies to lovers, no friends to lovers, no lovers, nothing. i wish for none of that.
i stop caring about an action movie when i see romance.
straight romance, gay romance, lesbian romance or any other type of romance or any kind from any kind of people.
i do not discriminate: i dont like romance in my media.
and im a very romantic gay guy in a relationship. i ain't aro or ace or nothing, i just don't like watching fictional romance and shit. like i do not give a single shit about it.
i roll my eyes SO hard when i see romance in a movie where they could do without it.
i do not care for it.
i really dont.
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p1f1 · 11 months
as much as i love commentary videos (i can watch those and video essays non stop for hours), theres a genuine sickness in my stomach when theyre reacting to someone whos being sexist or misogynistic.
ramble below the line, but please check out the ending part.
idk what makes me feel this way, the borderline ridiculous stuff that comes out of their mouth or the fact someone can be so stupid that they say this in todays day and age. and i get that for how modern it is some people still agree with these stupid comments and speeches but there will always be at least a handful of people who agree with whatever.
and yes i do feel this way with any type of discrimination, but it sickens me when i hear about how badly some women, as myself, hate being one. its unfair. sure itll always be that way and "life isnt fair" but still, its just crazy. if youre someone who sees a woman whos complaining about hating being a woman (not because they dont feel comfy in their own body ((or want to be a different gender)), but because they hate how theyre being treated. ), and for some reason thinks theyre being ridiculous, please dont interact with me lmao.
its sad how i feel afraid to walk alone at night or be in a car alone. or go on dates, or talk about this to anyone, or go swimming , or go out in general. nobody, i mean nobody, should have to feel afraid to be out in the world, because thats wrong. especially with todays messed up beauty standards. im not exactly skinny, but at least im trying to change myself. it hurts alot when someone points something you hate about yourself and acts like you dont know. its sad how no matter how pretty or skinny you are youll never be good enough. i hate it. people arent perfect. nobody is. nobody ever will be because thats how humans are.
i have had encounters with sexists. just as any person would. and when someone makes fun of you or mocks you with the reason youre a woman, it doesnt make you feel smart, and its not easy to not let them get to you. genders, races, and sexualities will never be equal to the public. women will always be under men. gay people will always be hated. non white people will always be treated and seen differently. and in my eyes, everyones equal and always will be but me or you will never be able to change someones mind.
and ngl, i used to say i hated men as a joke, but i dont think its much of a joke anymore. younger me would call me weird for hating being a woman but im so glad i wasnt exposed to how gross the world could be sometimes.
this is a rant, but also a reminder. if you are sexist, misogynistic, racist, transphobic, or just a bigot get off of my blog.
im not the best a wording things so, if you think that i see anyone thats not white or gay differently, i promise you youre wrong. im not racist, homophobic, or any of that. this is just much better than me crying to myself about how much i hate humans sometimes.
also, if youre like me, and think nobodys there for you, or talking about your problems wont help, it will. i had a small talk with a friend and even though it was only a few texts and sentences, i really felt touched. i only talked about my family problems very vaguely. it was a stupid video. 'if you had one wish, what would it be?" i answered something like i wish i could change the way my family sees me and his one word response of "why?" made me so emotional.
friends and friends. people you talk to on a regular basis and people you know want to talk with you are friends, even if you dont think so.
my DM's are always open. even if this only reaches a few or onyl a few see it, you can always dm me on this acc or my other. hell i might not even know your name but just know that i care about you so deeply. i would never want someone as amazing as you to feel down or angry.
so please, if you think that talking about your problems wont help, try it before you say that. it can change decisions you make in the future that youll regret. again, my dm's are open always if youre struggling. i care.
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