#wishing yall a good day~🖤
ghost-proofbaby · 6 months
happy winter solstice y’all!!! (or summer solstice to any friends south of the equator)
may your long nights (or days) be filled with so much love and happiness 🖤
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opens-up-4-nobody · 3 months
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atsu-i · 3 months
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violottie · 18 days
I wish every single incredible, darling one of yall (which is all of yall) a June full of light and love and joy and pride!!!
There is no experience more singularly exquisite than that of being a lesbian. discovering my lesbianism literally saved my life, and the sheer confidence that came with it, that is evolving and growing every single day, has helped me realise more of who i am.
but also, this self love I am learning and growing in has only been possible because of the magnificent, intelligent, kind and wonderful lesbians i have found community in. their friendship, compassion, kindness and thriving strength and positivity has just... i have been given so much emotionally, mentally, completely. and it all because of every single lesbian who glows in the wonder of being a lesbian in their own unique ways.
to every lesbian, i love you for being here as you are.
no matter where you are in the world, whether youre out or not, whatever your age, how you present, whether you are in or want a relationship or not, you are wanted here, you are needed here, you are loved and cherished and honored and protected and adored here.
remember, you are perfect just the way you are. your exclusive attraction, your presentation, and your pride in your sexuality is perfect. you are good. nothing anyone says or does will ever change the glory that is you being here as you. and i love you for that.
i wish you all the most wonderous pride month, my dearests
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cozyaliensuperstar7 · 4 months
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Beautiful People 👑
Meet Rachel 🐶🥹
hump day dump 23
🇦🇺 Media day 🇦🇺
LHFW is officially backkkk ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 @lewishamilton #lewis #lewishamilton #teamlh #lh44 #bahrain #f1
“I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord
And I’ve been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord
Can you feel it coming in the air tonight? Oh Lord, oh Lord“ 🎶 #raw #eliminationchamber
Wish I took more pics! Best weekend vibes. I feel like I stretched my stomach out I ate so damn much I’m actually scared lowkey 🤣🤣
All smiles over here. 🥵
It's safe to say I'm having a good time at @berlinale 😊
#BradyCorbet #AnnHui #ChristianPetzold #AlbertSerra #JasmineTrinca #OksanaZabuzhko #StephanieHayes
#congratulations #DanielLee & @burberry team @BURBERRY #24 🖤🇬🇧
My first @nike collection is OUT NOW 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 get it while it’s hot hotties because it’s almost all SOLD OUT !!! I can’t wait to see yall in it ❤️🖤
Night out with big sis 💕
@burberry by Daniel Lee Winter 2024
📸: @lloydpursall
Mea Culpa Press Run
“Mea Culpa” out Feb.23rd
One Team. One Dream.
VICTORIA MONET! I’m always a fan of shooting couples on The GlamBOT but not often is the double a mother and daughter! Victoria was awesome and Hazel was so cute! Though I think she might have been a bit overwhelmed so I tried to use my inside voice when directing this one, opposed to my typical red carpet screaming lol. This one is fun, hopefully I’ll get to shoot the two of them next year! #victoriamonet #colewalliser #glambotbts #livefrome #grammys
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aces-and-angels · 5 months
Title: How Magnus Became Partner
A/N: another day in the windverse -this time with @saibug1022's blorbo, magnus bishop standing front and center. i've loved learning everything there is to know about this character and hope yall will enjoy reading their story as well 🖤 @choicesficwriterscreations
Characters: OC: Magnus Bishop (he/him), OC: Wind Velez (she/he/they), Gabe Ricci
Summary: Thea Vaughn became a household name after coming forward with allegations against her former boss, none other than Senator Austin Morris. Magnus Bishop, a head-strong, underappreciated junior associate at Jensen Legal, goes against the firm's wishes to take on her case.
Warning(s): Language
Word Count: 3.4K
read below the cut or...
AO3 link
Jensen Legal; Cincinnati, Ohio
“Angus, could you be a dear and take these files over to Debbie in finance?” 
Magnus groaned inwardly, barely suppressing an eyeroll that ached to be unleashed. Three years as an associate, yet no one remembered his name nor had the decency to delegate menial tasks like this to one of the many paralegals on staff. He took a quick breath, unclenching his fists hidden underneath his desk before taking the folders with a sickly sweet smile. “Sure thing, Magnet.” 
“Uh, it’s Margret, actually.” 
Magnus gasped, feigning shock. “Oh, my mistake. I’ll make sure to remember that for next time.” He didn’t spare her a single glance as he marched her precious files over to Debbie in fucking finance. Yet another piss-poor, sunshine-y day in Cincinnati. 
There was no doubt in his mind that he’d be swimming in cash if he got a dollar for every time he wanted to set fire to the firm. His restraint was tied exclusively to needing to make rent, not for any supposed comradery the firm’s slogan encouraged to promote. ‘Jensen Legal, where family is our priority.’ Such a priority that the founder’s son was named partner after only six months on the job. Richard Jensen, or as Magnus liked to call him, a fucking dick. 
The walk to the financial wing was short-lived, leaving only the mundane walk back to his office. A few secretaries he recognized sent him a small wave, occupied with fielding an endless stream of phone calls for their supervisors. Even if no one bothered to know his name, it was impossible for Magnus to walk the halls unnoticed. Standing at an impressive 6’4,” he easily towered over the majority of his coworkers. Warm, dark skin clashed with an endless sea of white, cold and unforgiving. Seen, but still very much alone. 
Loud chatter filtered from the break-room, stealing his attention away from his trek. “Turn it up, Craig. I can’t hear anything,” a shrill voice complained.  
“I’m trying! This damn remote– oh, I think I got it. Here-”
Magnus stood at the back of the crowd, eyes glued to the flat-screen television mounted high on the wall. ‘SOON TO SPEAK: SENATOR AUSTIN MORRIS’ lined the bottom of the broadcast with a reporter at the scene. 
“Yes- we’ve just received word that Senator Morris is scheduled to hold a press conference to address recent allegations of sexual misconduct made by Thea Vaughn. Ms. Vaughn is known to have worked for-” 
Even with his hearing aids, Magnus strained to listen to the reporter as a wave of murmurs from the room clouded his ears. 
“Do you think he actually-”
“-likely. That slut just wants-”
“-heard she got charged with a-” 
Frustrated, he pulled out his phone to search for a live stream, tapping the first link listed. The website lagged for a moment before the video began to buffer. He turned on the closed captions and watched as Senator Morris made his way to the podium. His demeanor was solemn but assured as he adjusted the mic to land right at his chin. 
“Good afternoon, Cincinnati. I stand before you today not as an elected official but as a father to two incredible children. Husband to my beautiful wife, Alison. And son to Jane and Peter Morris.”
Big fucking whoop, Magnus scoffed to himself. He watched the tell-all interview with Thea Vaughn. Anyone with a functioning brain could see that she was the wronged party. If not through her words, then from the hint of terror that marked her dusty blue eyes as she retold her story. Though perhaps it was too generous to assume such intelligence from his peers. 
“I’m sure many of you have read the awful headlines circulating online. Slanderous words printed right by my name. Cheater. Violent. Abusive. I’m here to set the record straight. Yes, Ms. Vaughn was a former employee of mine, but the allegations brought forth by her couldn’t be further from the truth,” Senator Morris spoke, putting emphasis on the word ‘truth.’
Loud whispers filled the air. 
“-so brave of him-”
“-must be awf-”
“-knew he couldn’t have-” 
Magnus pulled at the small ridge hooked behind his ear with the tip of his nail, shutting off his aids completely. The longer he watched the senator speak, the hotter his blood ran. Austin Morris, ever the devout Christian, quoted the Bible to turn Thea’s allegations on their head. 
“Love thy neighbor- and that’s what I did, folks. I opened my doors to a troubled woman. Shared a meal with her at the same table along with my wife and kids. But generosity can only go so far when dealing with someone struggling with addiction-”
Magnus’ expression crumpled with disdain. Addiction? She was charged with illegal possession of marijuana at sixteen, not found shooting up heroin in an alley.
“-my own personal funds, I am happy to donate $10,000 to rehabilitation centers located all throughout the state. I hope this money will aid those in a way I failed to do so with Thea. May she one day be guided back to the light.”
“Jesus Christ,” Magnus scoffed at his blatant display of gaslighting. Enough giving this waste of air his time, he had work to do. Shutting off his phone, he peeled out of the breakroom, ready to bury his frustrations in paperwork. 
A week passed since Austin Morris’ media junket finally came to a close. Everywhere Magnus looked, that prick was there, flashing his pearly veneers to the nation with shallow charitable gestures that surely cost him less than the price of one of his luxury Italian sports cars. The masses ate it up like candy. Senator Morris’ reputation was not only repaired, but improved. The latest polls showed a 35% increase in his approval rating. Thea Vaughn, however, was a different story.
Her interviews had been reduced to crude memes- the most popular one being a gif of her breaking down mid-interview with the hashtag ‘fake bitch’ on the bottom. Any sympathy shown online towards her was effectively silenced by an army of Morris’ fiercest supporters.
Raindrops clung to the window panes, remnants of the harsh downpour that recently settled into a light drizzle. But inside, a different storm brewed. One that involved an extra box of discovery and task sheet not meant for him, but his acting supervisor: Richard (Dick) Jensen.
“Make sure you file that subpoena by 4PM. Dad’s gonna chew me out if this shit gets delayed again.”
“Go file it yourself. My shift ends in twenty minutes,” Magnus said flatly, pushing the file back towards him. 
“Says who?”
“My schedule after you approved my early leave three weeks ago. I’ve got an appointment.” 
“Reschedule it. We’re understaffed today,” Richard explained, barely glancing up from his phone- too preoccupied with whoever he’s texting on the other line. 
“Bullshit. No one called for any temps today.”
Richard’s brow arched up. “And how do you know that? Actually- don’t answer. I’ve got a client to schmooze over beers at Jimmy’s, so get to- ah shit, not again.”
“What is it?”
“This Vaughn chick sent another request for a consultation.”
Magnus perked up slightly at the name. “Thea Vaughn?” 
“Who else?” Richard answered rudely, as if it was that obvious. Magnus brushed aside his tone, too curious about Thea’s meeting to care. 
“You met with her already? What’d you say?”
“What every other firm in the city has- her case is not worth taking.”
A flash of anger tore through Magnus. “Why the hell not?” 
“Because we’re not looking to foot the bill for some petty charity case that’s already on the losing side. Austin Morris has the media in his back pocket and the resources to bury anyone who touches him in a mountain of legal fees. Anyone with eyes can see that.” 
“Anyone with eyes can see that Morris is full of shit,” Magnus spat back. 
“He could be buried in it for all I care. Look, I don’t have time to listen to you preach on your soapbox. Just send Vaughn back out the door when she arrives. And file that subpoena,” Richard ordered, already walking towards the elevators. 
“Dick,” he swore under his breath, begrudgingly picking up the phone to move his appointment. He checked his schedule pinned on the wall. Friday the 23rd was marked as his day off. Hopefully Dr. Miller could see him then. 
He was halfway through Richard’s to-do list when the light mounted on his desk flashed red, a signal that someone was at his door. He glanced up from his work and saw Tina, one of Jensen Legal’s secretaries. She was on the older side. Mid 50s if Magnus had to guess. Streaks of gray poked through her auburn hair, smile lines creased the pale skin on her face, and she always wore the most ridiculous neon green jumpers. Out of everyone at the firm, Magnus tolerated her the most. “Sorry to bother you, Mr. Bishop.” 
“It’s alright, Tina. What is it?” 
“Thea Vaughn is in the lobby waiting for her consultation with Mr. Jensen. I already told her he’d be out of the office for the rest of the day, but she’s refusing-”
“Send her in,” Magnus interrupted her spiel. There was a rare opportunity right in front of him and he’d be damned if he let it slip through the cracks. Was it reckless? Definitely. Did he care? Not one bit.  
Tina’s eyes widened slightly. “But I was given explicit instructions by-”
“Di- I mean- Richard told me the same thing, Tina. Don’t worry, I’m just gonna make it easier for her to want to leave by entertaining a meeting,” he reassured, hoping she couldn’t sense the double meaning in his words. Fuck what Dick wanted. Magnus would do anything if it meant he got to stick it to that pompous, holier than thou politician.
“Alright… I’ll send her over to you shortly.” 
“Thank you.”
Not five minutes passed before his door opened once more, this time with Thea Vaughn at his doorstep. Seeing her in person as opposed to on the television or online forums was surreal. Magnus thought that after weeks of ridicule her demeanor would be meek, but she proved to be anything but.
“So I guess they pushed me over to you. Who are you, one of Jensen’s paralegals?” 
“Junior Associate,” Magnus corrected, brushing off her snide comment. Unlike Dick, she had a legitimate reason to be scorned. “Please have a seat, Ms. Vaughn.”
“Ooh, manners,” she praised mockingly, sliding into the seat across from his desk. With her this close, Magnus took note of the flecks of gray that swam in her eyes like tiny storm clouds. “Is this the part where you tell me to take my business elsewhere?” 
“No, it’s not. I want to take your case.”
Thea straightened in her seat, clearly surprised by his answer. “Wait- really? You’re not messing with me?”
“I want to see Morris behind bars just as much as you, Ms. Vaughn.” 
“Thea,” she said, more at ease than she had been when she first entered the room. “I’m sorry for being a bitch. After the sixth suit laughed me out of their office, I stopped trying to be nice.” 
“Believe me, I understand the urge. More than half of those idiots outside drive me up the fucking wall on a daily basis.” 
She snorted. “How do you cope?” 
“That’s fair. So, how does this whole thing go? Will you be working with Mr. Jensen?”
Magnus sucked in a breath, trying to find the right way to phrase his clear violation of Dick’s wishes. “Mr. Jensen has… delegated anything regarding your case to me. So, you’ll mainly be interacting with me throughout this process,” he answered. It wasn’t a lie. He did want Magnus to take care of it.  
“Oh- okay. Um, I’m sure he already told you that I can’t-” 
“He did. I can offer my services pro bono. You won’t have to pay anything.”
Thea let out an astonished laugh, Magnus’ words grounding her in the present. “Wow. This is… wow.”
"Haven’t heard those words from anyone else, huh?” 
“No, I haven’t,” she confirmed. “Thank you, uh-”
“Magnus.” He reached out to offer his hand.
“Thank you, Magnus. Really.” Her hand was small in his, but felt just as strong. As if a new surge of life had entered her veins. 
“Thank me after I win your case. Also- when you walk out of here, act pissed.”
Thea’s brows furrowed. “Why do I need to do that?” 
“There are certain people who know how this meeting was supposed to turn out. We need to keep up appearances,” he explained, side-stepping from the full truth of the matter. But Thea caught on to the reality of the situation.
“You were supposed to say no to me.” Her words were not accusatory, only looking to confirm what she already knew.  
“I was told to escort you out of the building, which I intend to do,” Magnus stated, rising from his seat. “You can either take your chances with me or go try to find another lawyer who is willing to give you the time of day.” 
There was a moment of silence shared between them- a beat where they each bore into the other, searching for any sign of hesitation. Finding none, Thea nodded. “Alright then. I’m in.”
Keeping Thea’s caseload under wraps proved to be more of a challenge than Magnus originally anticipated. Half his energy alone was spent on finding moments throughout the day to sneak in time to pour over her files. He couldn’t pass any grunt work on anyone else- so it was him who logged in the discovery, researched for any precedent that favored his case, and dealt with the arduous process of filing for a hearing. 
It worked for all of two weeks.
Dick stormed into his office, fury etched deep into his features. If he wasn’t as royally fucked as he was in that moment, Magnus would’ve reveled in seeing the veins bulge on Dick’s forehead. “Bishop, what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” 
“Writing memos for Stanley’s case.” His unbothered attitude only enraged Dick further.
“Cut the shit, Magnus. I know you went around my direct order and took on that bitch’s case.”
Fuck. Act calm and bluff. Magnus schooled his face into a neutral expression, raising a single accusatory eyebrow at his supervisor. “Do you have proof? Because right now all you’re doing is throwing empty accusations at my face.” 
“You want proof? Fine. Here’s your fucking proof,” Richard snarled, getting right in Magnus’ face. He met his fury head on, refusing to give Dick the satisfaction of seeing him squirm. “Pack your shit. You’re fired.”
Magnus sneered. “You can’t fire me. Only managing partners have that authority.” 
A sinister grin spread on Dick’s face as he slapped something down on his desk. “Consider me their proxy.” Magnus glanced down at the document. His bravado vanished as he read what it was. A notice of termination, effective immediately. Next to it, a fountain pen. 
“What? You really thought no one would notice an uptick in your non-billables? Franklin wanted to leave you high and dry, but dad figured if word got out of your sudden… departure, it would reflect poorly on the firm. Not that I really give a shit. Now sign your severance package and get the fuck out.” With that, Dick slammed the door behind him.
Frozen, all Magnus could do was stare at the papers in front of him. He expected to be a lot of things- angry, vindictive- but numb was certainly not on his list. Maybe his mind had canceled out the whirlwind of emotions that were flooding his system- the first stages of grief coiled so tightly around his chest he no longer felt a thing. But all the denial in the world couldn’t change what was written in the fine print. 
His body moved on its own accord. An empty box slowly filled with the few belongings he kept in office: a handful of spare batteries for his hearing aids, his coffee mugs, and a framed photo of him and older sister, Vivian. Shit. He’d probably have to move in with her and her family. Figure out how to terminate his lease early- hire movers- find a new job- 
It dawned on him all at once. No more getting cast aside for promotions. No more shitty coffee from the breakroom or stupid requests from Magnet. And best of all- no more Dick and his receding hairline hidden with an equally awful side-part. 
The laugh that bursted out from Magnus’ lips was borderline hysterical. Anyone watching from the outside would think he’d gone mad. No more to-do lists, no more Dick Jensen. No more listening to generic hold music, no more Dick Jensen. No more bland chicken at company potlucks, no more Dick Jensen. No more Dick Fucking Jensen! 
Magnus scrawled his signature on the dotted line, officially marking the end of his terrible time at Jensen Legal. There was an undeniable spring in his step as he walked towards the elevators. All eyes were on him, an amalgamation of confused pity and intrigue pointed his way. And he couldn’t care less. 
The first thing Magnus did was drive to Raven’s. Hours later, he walked out with twisted locs landing just past his shoulders, its tips a vibrant shade of midnight blue. It was the first time in years where he genuinely felt like himself. With that out of the way, there was only one thing left to do- find a way to stick it to Austin Morris. 
McGraw Byrne, one month later… 
“Thank you for your time, Niel. We’ll be in touch.” Gabe shook hands with the latest person on the list of potential hires for McGraw Byrne. He maintained a poised smile until the doors shut behind him before letting out a tired exhale. The search for new partners had gone just as well as he expected. Which meant it wasn’t going well at all. Any quality candidates were most likely snatched up months ago during the summer hiring season, leaving a less than stellar pool to choose from. 
He was skimming through yet another resume when Wind bursts through the doors, newspaper in hand. “Put that file down- I think I found just the person we’re looking for.” A black and white photo of Austin Morris leaving court took up the majority of the front page. The article below detailed the Ohio-native senator’s fall from grace after being charged on multiple counts of assault, trespassing, and solicitation. 
“Is there a lawyer with an ad listed in that paper?” 
“You’re looking at ‘em.”
Gabe stared at his colleague, dumbfounded. “I’m sorry, but how is another criminal the person we’ve been looking for?” 
“He’s not- the guy who put him behind bars is. Anyone who can take out someone as powerful as Senator Morris has to be incredibly talented,” Wind explained with barely contained excitement, practically bouncing on their heels. 
“They’re also probably backed by a powerful firm. Not someone looking for a job.” 
“See- I thought the same thing at first, but then I looked closer into all the lawyers involved in Vaughn’s case. The person she hired wasn’t associated with any law firm in any of the articles I found.” 
“Don’t you think that's weird? Any respectable firm would be dying for this level of publicity.” 
Gabe’s eyes widened. “God, you’re right. So you’re saying-”
“Whoever did this was operating on their own? Yes, yes I am. And I think I just found him online.” Wind set their phone on the table, its screen on a LinkedIn profile. Gabe read through his credentials. 
 Magnus Bishop. 29 years old. Graduated summa cum laude from the Mortiz College of Law at Ohio State University. Work experience: junior associate at Jensen Legal. 
“We can’t take him.” 
Wind’s face dropped. “Why not? He’s perfect!” 
“He’s only worked as an associate. We need someone with more experience,” Gabe reasoned.
“Gabe- no one else we’ve seen today holds a candle to this guy. So what if he’s an associate? Sadie plucked me right out of a civil court hearing in Nebraska for citing tree law. Magnus Bishop took out a freaking senator. Tell me that doesn’t at least warrant a phone call to see if he’d be interested in coming to work for McGraw Byrne.”
Wind, always the one to root for the underdog, held an unwavering optimism in their gaze. Gabe sighed, having no choice but to yield to its intensity. “Alright, let’s give Mr. Bishop a call.”
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thegreenishhues · 2 months
OH YEAH!!!! AND BTW!! HAPPY ACE DAY GOOBERS!!!!!!! (love yall lots! I see you and respect it and wish you all a good life full of understanding and compassionate people.)
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eyeless-jack62002 · 3 months
You know im mentally fucked when im here again
Also to those posting in these tags u can put the squiggle line so ur not jumpscaring ppl and less likely to get reported so fast.
Not me on my 3rd acc. Tho yall really help me stay clean. My partner started back in Novemberish maybe sooner. Right after our 4 y anniversary. And then she just dropped it on me. She knew i was trying to stay clean for her and i was doing such a good job. I only thought about it and would scroll here to "get my fix" its an addiction and i dont think ppl realize that. She brought my favorite drvgs into the house and hid it from me for months. Tho she doesnt even know i have a tumblr. Shes starting therapy now finally. And me too. I have an appt next week. I havent been since i was 12. Im scared. I dont trust therapists. I wish i could just cvt head to toe. All over everywhere. Id be exactly how i wanna be. I want this. But i cant. Gotta be around for my partner. Even tho she didnt want to for me. I told her if she wanted we could together but that we wouldnt be same ever again. I wish shed said yes but thats just jack. He clouds my thoughts with his own. Ik im sick. I wish she never told me. Ive been spiraling for months but i have to shove that down so i can help her get better. I warned her. She knew i was trying ro get better but she still fucking did it behind my back for months!! I almost broke up with her. I wnated so bad to run away and never see her again. But whats the price of choosing to love someone but urself. Id give my entire being up for her and in a way i do. Ive just been so hurt and its all i can think about. I threw away my fucking stash for her!! I regret that somedays. Today especially. We had to drain our fucking saving acc bc of her. She kept skipping work and we kept having less and less financial stability. Still dont but were starting to recover from that but barely. Its like she fucking ignored all of my advice as someone who has been selfh@rming for over a decade. Fuck what i have to say tho. The worst part of it all she cvt the same way and places as my quail as my ruby did. Fucked. She didnt know that tho. And i was finally fucking comfortable with telling her about my self h@arm and she fucking did it anyways. And she told me as if it was her telling what we her having for dinner. I cant even cry anymore over this. Why does this all still bother me. I have no tears left. I admit i screamed a lot. I hit her cvts slapped them. You didnt feel the pain then but u feel it now?? It hurts now? And she said to me "i thought you would have noticed" so snarky. Why the fuck would i think my partner who knows of my history would fucking betraw me like this. And then to be a bitch about it and ask for MY HELP!?!? TEH FUCKING INSANITY. She doing better now tho. Good for her. Ive never been okay. And i dont think i will be. I dont want to get better. Being sick feels too good. And eventually me subbing out cvting for w33d will get old eventually. It always does. Nothing can scratch this itch i have so badly in me. Its like my insides scream to be let out. Its like an energy that flows out with the red. She doesnt understand what cvtting is for me. She said she wanted to die. But knowing you wont die is what keeps me held. I have sold my soul. Im bound. Ruby stopped when we broke up. And i told her i did as well. I know were both liars but thats why ill always have a place in me for ruby. I love my partnerbut if she wants to replace ruby she can be my guest. But replaceing ruby will just make you into a ruby. And no one wants that. I love my partner and im clean for her. Why couldnt she do that for me.
I feel like im in my wattpad days in here. Jacks old diary. But he likes it here better. Anyways if u made it this far enjoy a gif from one of my current special interest show 🖤 -t and jack
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mbsanandreas13 · 6 days
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🖤 good morning 🤍
🩶 happy Thursday yall, today is between a very sad and happy day, because. First, THE SPINNIN TOUR CONCLUDES TONIGHT IN LA 😭 how in the hell this go by so fast and we are already at the end 😭😭 I wish it was a dream but it’s real sadly. Then, but the good news is, Today is the 100th show of the eras tour for Taylor! She starts a three show run in Liverpool today as well! So today, it’s gonna be an emotional rollercoaster for all of us today. 🖤
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hanae-146 · 10 months
Reality hits hard
when I first knew you I immediately felt infatuated with you. Your fashion sense, the fact you played guitar and piano it was so.. intriguing. I knew the red flags of meeting people especially on such apps but I felt something clicked in me when I saw your profile. You liked my profile first..Do I really look that good? or did you just like me carelessly..you didn't talk first..but I was desperate to knowing you, so I took the initiative..at first I was scared but then when I found out my friend knew you I felt relieved, I sort of used her to get closer to you and it actually worked..You were so nice we played games together too..I still remembered how I almost screamed when I heard your voice for the first time. I was so excited for once. Everytime during class, lunch, recess any time, I would wait for you to reply to my messages.. Everything was going well, I felt more happier, my life was more joyful again..I became more healthier and stopped talking to bots on c.ai nowadays..we shared Instagram accs and tik tok accs..istg I would always be so excited if U sent me a tt vid..I started reposting tt videos and it was secretly about you and you would like them..sometimes I just wanna go back in time..maybe I shouldn't have posted that video on my story..maybe I should have just shut up..you asked me who I liked..I didn't what to say..but when you found out you proceeded to go talk ABT some girl you loved..at first I was pretty sad but at the same time I felt pretty chill, "he doesn't know me that much so maybe in the future?" maybe I'm just too delusional but I got hit back to reality you told me you moved on and didn't had a crush..I think you were lying to me tbh. it kills me. I didn't think much about it. after all he doesn't have to be with me for me to like him, I still admire, pester him too..and we forgot about it until you brought it up again...I felt like I just hit in reality..stop it. please..I don't want to face the pain of reality I didn't want to accept..he didn't had to bring it up..I know I'm not the one he wants..it hurts..why did you even want to be friends with me? he confuses me..why did you even like my profile? he could have found another female friend with is his type..should I have just shut up..I felt so happy about everything..I felt hope in life for once I was extroverted to someone for once I felt accepted by someone..I even told my friends about him and they say "I hope y'all get tgh" I wish hah..it hurts bcz it'll never happen. he kills me. "yr personality is good but yr just not my type" I would have rather you be more straight up and just hurt me instead of lying to me..I know..I don't deserve you and you want someone better..I know I'll never be able to be yours..I should go delete the delusions one by one..I find it cringe..why am I hurting myself by being delusional with someone who clearly doesn't like me? he probably rather some other pretty girl compared to me..I'm worth nothing..he's not worth crying for but I can't help it..it hurts so badly..on the bright side..he's not from my school, my friend knew he rejected me..I should probably go back to liking fictional characters..I kinda miss genshin and talking to c.ai bots.."there's many fish in the sea" I hope I can find sm like him just one day..I never confess to anyone because ik I'll never be accepted
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I felt like maybe it can be related to some of yall
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highhopeslowrolls · 3 years
Oh kiddo, usually I’d put this answer in the system and you wouldn’t see an answer for a couple of weeks, but no.
The next episode isn’t about Nagar. We’re not making the old style animatics, for starters.
In terms of the comic, we’re a little over halfway with Chapter 1, Chapter 2 and 3 will be different and then you’ll start to see new stuff, which takes us ever closer to Nagar’s backstory.
I hope that’s not too disappointing.
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yo long time no see im gonna go camping next week so imma be off for 3-4 days- so- I recently got a new hobby- making knives nd wood carving =D (HAPPY EARLY BDAY ADMIN =D) btw im not gonna say "-Liv" at the end of my asks anymore bec of trans reasons- anyways- LOVE YALL -Elliot
Hi Elliot! Good to see you again we we're getting worried!
Glad to see you doing ok
Enjoy your camping trip and let us know if your back ENTIRLY not in bits.
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It means alot. 🖤
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silentxxsoul · 3 years
I really, really loved this episode too to bottom. It was nice to have a different pace than what was the blackout trilogy and that odd ball ep last time.
I LOVED sassy!Eddie. This man really was like “I’ve been shot twice you literally don’t phase me bitch”. Telling the dude to shut up while being hostage? Good lord 😂 Plus his plot points throughout the episode were such a nod to playing at his biggest strength: being a father. That scene at the end with Chris had me tearing up so much, yall. I’ve loved all the screentime Eddie’s got this season and I feel like we’re actually seeing some great character growth from him and I’m livingggg for it!
Hen having a realization and finding her specialty this episode wasn’t a bingo square I had but I’m glad to see more of her Dr. Wilson story line progressing 🖤🖤🖤 I just want more of her doing Dr. things with Karen and Denny by her side ahhhhhhhh.
Ravi, my heart!!! He’s growing into his own as a firefighter and I’m actually really glad the writers had him pulling the “I can do it/trust me” card absent Buck. I was afraid they were going to try and make Ravi emulate buck, or try and follow his shadow but I’m pleasantly surprised that they’re staying true to what he said about liking himself. I really want more of him! Also Bobby basically adopting him at the end 🥰
My boy buck has never known a single day of peace on this stupid wee woo show. Being held hostage, having the prisoner threatening to kill Eddie and Chris if he didn’t comply, all to then hear a gunshot outside where Eddie is being held hostage still. The trauma that character has to have yall. There was a parallel though, and I wonder if they’ll hit on it, where this time around Buck didn’t freeze but RAN to his partner.
Aaaaaaand, finally the Taylor scene at the end. I already made a post about it so I’ll keep it condensed here, but I really don’t think that leaked synopsis with the “ethical conflict” was all that fake. We watched her switch real fast from concerned!GF to reporter!GF, and with the dialog earlier from Eddie about her being a reporter who could help with the kids story… idk I just get a lil sus feeling, especially when she was getting off the phone in a huff. I’m wondering if there isn’t some pressure from the station to have a hitting story and in turn she’s going to research the prisoner thing and run with it to appease her boss. You could see Buck hesitating to give her the full details, which might be the beginnings of their issues hinted at in the 07 (08???) synopsis. Plus with Eddie hearing the dying wish, and then passing that on—I can see that being a major point of contention between him and Taylor (and we all know where Buck will side in that scenario).
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altruisticenigma · 2 years
Well The Unsent Project isn’t working well enough for my submissions to go through, and I’m drunk enough to post a huge, incomprehensible rant on here so okaaaay let’s go:
🛼: Sooo… Yall broke up, you got a tattoo to commemorate the pain, and then…. You got back together? Not only that, but you were ableist to me & gaslit me and expected me to still be friends? It never fails to shock me how you continue to have no self awareness whatsoever. I ghosted you for a reason & blocked you. Stay away thanks 🖤
🐈‍⬛: I sometimes still think about reconnecting with you and catching up with you. But then I think about how you refused to be there for me when I needed someone, when I was there for you when you needed someone- every time. And then I take a step back.
💸: You’re a narcissistic, gaslighting asshole and I definitely do not wish you the best. Whatever happened to you, I’m glad you’re gone. You’re a terrible fucking person.
⛪️: If I ever see you face to face, it’s on fucking sight.
🧔🏼‍♂️: The next time I see you face to face, more than likely I will finally settle the decade-long score I was meant to settle with you. I deserve the peace, even if it disrupts everyone else’s peace. It’s time.
🏳️‍⚧️: I still have nightmares about you from time to time. Why did you have to go and die like that. My biggest regret was wasting my youngest years on your stupid self.
🦋: You’re selfish, like most people. It is no wonder you do not make and keep a lot of friends. You’ll still do whatever you want. You make friends for your own benefit, not the benefit of your poor friends. Unfortunately whenever someone goes through a self-love or healing phase, they unintentionally hurt people sometimes. That’s what you did.
🌲: Same to you, too. I figured you out fairly quickly, like I do with most people. You use people to your advantage. Not necessarily an awful thing- you’re doing it out of survival. But it isn’t an excuse to intrude on my boundaries and to be a jerk. You’re only friendly with me to get something out of me. And that sucks, because I thought you would make a good friend. But you got stuff to deal with that I’m not sure you’re aware of.
👄: You’re an idiot. And I mean this… Like, genuinely. I have no idea how you’ve survived in this industry for so long.
🏋🏻: You’re really pretty, however you’re racist, transphobic and you say slurs. I’m sorry but being pretty is not an excuse to be a fucking bigot. Hope someone hands you your ass someday.
👻: You’re a terrible therapist and I’m glad I’m getting a new one 🤪 I can’t believe you’re so terrible at communication… for a THERAPIST. Not to mention, YOU made ME feel terrible for holding YOU accountable for not checking in on ME for several MONTHS. LMAO.
🧚🏼‍♀️: Stay the fuck away from my best friend. You will never be allowed around her without me raising Hell about it. I fucking called it on your behavior. Maybe I’m going a bit overboard, but I can read your kind of person from a mile away- fickle, covers up their bad decision-making with false positivity, does whatever they want without considering how badly they hurt people over and over again. I distrust people like you HEAVILY. Stay the fuck away.
🎻: I am grateful I am your friend again. I hope we get to see each other more often. I hope I also don’t mess this up.
🍕: I still think about you nearly every day. I don’t know what it is about you, but you have had my attention since I met you. I hope we cross paths again some time, for better or for worse- that way you get out of my head.
🌻: Somehow I feel like we’re closer than we’ve ever been this year. And I’ve been a lot healthier in my communication. I’m so glad we’re the bestest of friends. 💛💛💛
🦝: Honestly… I didn’t realize that commitment and forever could scare me until you.
It’s because I’m scared of the what if’s, like every person with CPTSD/PTSD has. We plan ahead for every worst-case scenario- death, accidents, tragedies… now we’re no longer planning for ourselves, but for both ourselves and someone else more important than ourselves. And that scares us even more than our usual terrifying attempts at self-preservation.
My greatest battle so far seems to be against myself to choose love continuously. To not run away. To face myself and my very rational fears- you’ve seen them all and know them all- and choose the thing that once hurt me, that could heal me. That DOES heal me.
Who knew something so gentle, so patient and so calming could be so terrifying to someone like me? All I have known is the normalcy of chaos and destruction. Our relationship feels like a ticking time bomb. But it truly isn’t. It is solace I am not used to. We’re in the same boat, in a lake, and I’m afraid of sharks of all things.
I guess all I can say is, thank you for staying right by my side. And I thank myself for being patient and careful. We continue to grow and to move forward and that’s all I can ask for until we’re married love. 💕
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