#wishlist. — ❪ i could really use a wish right now. ❫
pridesung · 5 months
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tag drop : ooc
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radiosrequiem · 8 months
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tag drop : ooc
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wordscarred · 1 year
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TAG DROP : ooc tags
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quirkbeat · 1 year
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sctsunai · 2 years
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boldlyvoid · 9 months
Dear Santa
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Aaron Hotchner x Fem Reader
Summary: Jack's wishlist this year only consists of one thing. He wants Y/N to be his step-mom.
A/N: Continuation of Waiting Rooms, set a year later
Warnings: slight angst trying to get Jack to share what he wants for Christmas, Haley and reader are friends, getting engaged
Word Count: 2.8K
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Rosie is about to turn 1. 
JJ and Will are having a big birthday bash at their place, 2 weeks before her actual birthday because being a Christmas baby is hard. Gift-giving becomes a chore, they feel overlooked as they get older, and holiday fatigue makes people not really want to add another thing to their plate. But the BAU loved any excuse to party and to spoil their godchildren— even if it wasn’t on paper like Aaron was, every single member on the team loved JJ’s children as if they were their own. 
 And Aaron’s girlfriend is invited to the party, too. 
Everyone knows her, she’s been around a lot and Aaron loves her dearly. Even Haley likes her, invited her to the wedding back in September and everything, which came in handy when they had to take Jack home for the night to give the happy couple some alone time. Aaron had him for 2 weeks during the honeymoon, and while he was at work, Y/N basically moved into his place to take care of Jack in his absence, which Haley was only okay with because Y/N had a degree in education and was trusted with 20 plus kids every day for years. They got on well, Jack loved talking to her and playing with her, he asked to call her at night when he had weekends with Aaron and she wasn’t over… and then she moved in. Jack was over the moon. 
It’s been a month now, playing family is so much easier when Y/N doesn’t have to leave ever. His house is her house and his son is her favourite little guy in the world… but he’s acting different. 
There are 2 weeks until Christmas and even Haley can’t get him to make a wish list. Well, he’s made one. He’s sent it to Santa, but he wouldn’t let her see it. So, you know, she can’t buy him anything in the name of Santa. It’s stressing them out, they have no idea why he’s being so secretive this year. 
They pick him up from Haley’s for the birthday party, he loves any excuse to spend time with Henry and Haley begs Aaron to try and get him to talk. To anyone. Someone on the team has to be able to crack what’s going on and get him to share what he wants. In exact specifics because if he doesn’t get what he wants on Christmas morning, there’s going to be hell to pay. 
He runs off to see Henry the second they’re inside, Aaron and Y/N put the gifts in the pile and head into the kitchen to give hugs and handshakes to all their friends. Y/N hugs Penelope and JJ and she takes little Rosie into her arms for a hug and kisses the side of her head, making Aaron swoon. “I can’t believe you’re so big!” She teases, brushing her nose against Rosie’s hair. 
“I know,” JJ sighs, shaking her head. “I wish I could keep them this tiny forever…” 
“Me too,” Aaron agrees. Looking off into the other room where the kids are all playing and making noise. “Things are easier when they’re 1.” 
“I don’t know,” Will shrugs. “I think 4 is treating Henry well.” 
“Has he told you what he wants for Christmas?” Y/N asks right away. 
They both nod, “why?” JJ asks. 
“Jack won’t tell us,” Aaron complains. “He made his letter, didn’t let me or Haley look and then mailed it away when he met Santa at the mall… we have no idea what he wants and he won’t tell us.” 
“Well, last year his Christmas was a lot to take,” Derek reminds them. “His mom getting engaged so soon after your divorce is going to stick out to him… his whole world changed last Christmas.” 
“Do you think maybe he asked Santa to bring you two together again?” Penelope asks, hesitant but onto something.
Aaron shakes his head, “no, he loves Scott. Talks very highly about him and their time together on weekdays.” 
“Hm,” Emily hums. “You want one of us to talk to him?” 
“I’m not sure,” Aaron’s honest. “Maybe Spencer, or Y/N even… I don’t want him to think he’s in trouble for not talking to us about his Wishlist.”
“I’ll do it,” Y/N volunteers, handing Rosie over to Aaron so he can have a snuggle with his god-daughter. “I’ll ask Henry too, just to cover my bases. Get them talking, see what’s up.” 
“Thank you,” Aaron leans in and presses a kiss to her lips while Rosie clings to him. 
They watch her leave and as soon as the coast is clear everyone's vibe switches. “So…” Derek is the first to tease him.
“When are you going to have another one?” Emily continues. 
Aaron shakes his head with a blush. Rosie is snuggled into his chest, head on his shoulder, he leans his cheek against her head and holds her close. She’s always loved him, she finds him calming and it’s probably because he’s so stern and has his emotions under control… also because he’s family. He was the 4th person to hold her in her entire life and he loved her because he loved her mother so much. 
“When she asks,” he’s honest.
“Oooo,” JJ teases with a smirk. “I’m surprised she hasn’t asked with how often she sees you with babies now.” 
“I know,” he sighs. “I think she wants to be married before she has kids. She’s traditional, I can’t blame her…” 
“So when are you going to ask?” Penelope asks, desperate to know. 
He shrugs, “We haven’t talked about it. It’s only been a year, we just moved in together, and we’d have to plan it all around her teaching schedule. There’s a lot to consider. I want to make sure she’s okay with my schedule, the long hours and the not being around— I mean, she’s good with Jack, she spends time with him when we get called out and she hasn’t said she has a problem with it but—
“but it’s happened to you once before,” JJ understands. 
He nods, “I love her too much to lose her too.” 
They all understand that. 
“She’s had time to run,” Emily adds. “If she didn’t like your job or the hours or missing you as much as I’m sure she does— she would’ve left already. She’s not the kind of woman to push her feelings down and just coast. She says what she feels and gets what she wants and what she wants is you and the life you’re building and the family you’ve welcomed her into.” 
His heart swells, “I hope so.” 
She plays with them for a bit, driving cars around a town printed on a carpet and making all the automobile noises with a smile. She loved this little boy so much, he was the best thing to come into her life since his dad. 
“Did you guys ask for more cars for Christmas?” She pries. 
Henry nods, but jack doesn’t say anything. He keeps driving, avoiding the question. 
“What else did you ask for Henry?” 
“Don’t tell her!” Jack cuts him off. “If you say it out loud it doesn’t come true.” 
“What?” She asks, almost laughing but she holds back. “Who told you that?” 
“No one…” he shakes his head, looking like he’s thinking hard.
“Then why do you think it works like that?”
“It’s like birthday wishes,” he explains. 
“What did you wish for on your birthday last year?” She asks, trying to figure out if he got it or not, to see if that’s why he thinks this. 
“The Spider-Man Hot Wheels track,” he explains. 
“And did you tell anyone?” She asks, he shakes his head. “And you got it?” 
“I did…” 
“What about Christmas last year? Did you tell anyone what you wanted?” 
“I made a list but… what I wanted most I told Santa and then it happened,” he whispers. “For mommy to get married to Scott.” 
“Oh,” her heart swells. “Oh, Jack. You know, that’s just because you told Santa and he can make things come true, but sometimes Santa can’t get all your gifts and he’ll reach out to your mommy and daddy and say hey, the 3rd thing on Jack's list I couldn’t make at my factory so you can get that for him. But Santa can’t talk to your mom or dad about presents unless you do too… he can’t tell your secrets.” 
“Oh,” he thinks hard about it. “I didn’t think about that.” 
“Yeah, when I was little we didn’t have a chimney so my dad actually had to wait up for Santa and let him into the house,” she explains the old lie her parents used to tell her. “They became good friends and Santa was always so happy to hear they got me the things he couldn’t make.” 
“I only put one thing on my list,” he frowns, scared now that he won’t get anything if it doesn’t come true. 
He starts to cry and she pulls him right into her lap, cradling him, “Oh, buddy it's okay. We can make a second list, explain everything to Santa and send it tonight, he’ll get it in time.” 
“You think?” He asks, looking up at her with those big hotchner brown eyes. 
She nods, “Come on, let’s go ask Aunty JJ if she has some paper.” 
They get up off the carpet and she carries him into the kitchen again, they get paper and a pencil and they sit down at the kitchen table together with Aaron standing over his shoulder. He puts down a couple things he’s seen on commercials between TV shows and things he’s seen in the store with his mom and she looks up at Aaron who smiles. He can get these things, there’s still lots of time to make sure his Christmas is good. 
But she wanted to know what his big present was… she needed to tell Aaron everything and they needed to work it out. They can’t ruin the magic of Christmas for him because this year his big wish doesn’t come true.
At home that night, they sit in bed and she tells him everything and his heart breaks a bit. “He has 1 wish and we have no idea what it is.” 
“I know,” she leans back against the pillows, just as panicked as he is. “Is there any way you can contact the mall and find out what Santa was working on that day and maybe, just maybe he remembers what Jack said?” 
“I can try… but I might just have Haley and Scott sit him down and have him watch Here Comes Santa Clause, make sure he has the real story and knows that it’s not like a birthday wish. Saying it doesn’t stop it from coming true,” Aaron explains. “I need him to have a good Christmas with us this year.” 
“He will,” she assures, cuddling into his side. She places her hand on his chest and he wraps his arm around her so she can get closer. “We all will.”
Aaron goes off on another case just before Christmas, Y/N spends the night before Jack’s arrival for his week at their house, wrapping presents. They’ve managed to get him everything he asked for. They split the list in half, Haley got him a bunch, they got him the rest and then they all threw in some practice things from themselves. 
Haley had dropped off her Santa gifts early, they’re hidden up in the attic so he can’t find them before Christmas morning. He’s going to be one spoiled boy… 
Aarons is still not back when Jack gets there. He’s so close to finishing the case, he should be home in a day. Till then, she’s more than happy to spend some one-on-one time with Jack. 
He runs upstairs to his room to put his bag away and Y/N gets a few minutes alone with Haley, “has he said anything?” 
She smirks, nodding, “he did…” 
She lights right up, “what? Can we get it in time?” 
“He wants you to be his step-mommy,” Haley whispers, stepping into her space and rubbing her arm. “So unless you want Aaron to be the one to propose, you should get a ring.” 
She’s in a state of shock for a while, Jack goes to bed after dinner and she just sits in the living room with her drink and the TV on low and she stares off. She has no idea what to do. Does she tell Aaron? Do they talk about it? Should they get rings together and make a plan? She could just get a ring and ask him? But does she get a ring for herself or for him? Would he even want a ring or would he maybe like a watch?” 
There’s a million things buzzing around her head and then the lock clicks over. The door opens and Aaron’s briefcase hits the floor before it closes. 
“Hey,” he smiles as he sees her. “You’re still up?” 
“What time is it?” She asks, having genuinely no idea. 
“Close to midnight… are you okay?” 
“Hm? Oh yeah,” she shakes her thoughts away and gets up to give him his big home-coming hug. 
She wraps herself around him, breathes him in and settles against his body. His big hands on her back, the warmth of his chest, the feeling of his lips on her forehead… it all feels like home. He’s her home. 
“I love you,” she whispers against his chest. 
He cups her face and pulls her attention up to his eyes. “I love you, sweetheart.” 
“Haley cracked the code,” she breaks down, it all falls out as she looks at him. He’s so soft, he’s so good to her… she wants to spend the rest of her life with him. “Jack wants us to get married too. He wants a stepmom and a stepdad. He wants two complete families at both his houses and I don’t blame him.” 
Aaron’s face lights right up, “he said that? Really?” 
She nods, “Last year he got a stepdad, this year he wants me to join the family…” 
“Do you want to?” He asks, making sure they’re on the same page. 
She nods, letting it all out, “I love you so much Aaron, there is nothing I want more than to spend the rest of my life with you and that beautiful boy upstairs.” 
“What kind of ring do you want?” 
When Christmas morning rolled around, Jack was surprised to see the mountain of presents under the tree. They let him go crazy, opening everything with his name on the tag while Aaron picked up the wrapping paper and put it in a plastic garbage bag. 
Y/N sat back, enjoying the show and taking photos to share with Haley later. 
Everything he wanted is there in front of him, already assembled and batteries put in them. He gets an apple and some candy in his stalking as well as a toothbrush that has the spider-man theme song built in for 2 minutes of optimal brushing. He gets some fun bath soaps and new crayons and a bunch of socks and underwear. It’s a perfect Christmas. 
But there is still 1 more gift. 
“Hey Jack, what’s that?” Aaron points to the tree. A small, little box is wrapped up and placed on a branch. “Did you miss one?” 
He wanders up to the tree and takes the box in his hands. “There’s no name?” 
“Huh,” Y/N pretends to be shocked. “You can open it, maybe you can figure out who it’s for?” 
He carefully peels the wrapping off and notices it's a velvet box. He opens it up like a book and then gasps when he notices it’s a ring. “Dad?” 
“That’s not for me,” he smiles. “Santa must've known I wanted to ask her... can you help me?” 
His face lights right up and he brings it over to Y/N. She hadn’t seen the ring yet, it was a surprise but in the style she explained. He sits down next to her and watches her take it out of the box. “Is this for me?” 
“Will you marry my dad?” he asks, eyes gleaming with the reflection of the Christmas tree lights. 
She tears up, she knew this would be emotional but hearing him say that… makes her heart grow 10 times its size. She nods, “Of course I will, I love him so much.” 
Aaron joins them, kneeling in front of her. He takes the ring from her hand, “I love you,” he reminds her as he slips it onto her ring finger. “I always will.” 
She pulls him up for a kiss and holds him close and Jack takes the initiative to join, getting between them, he snuggles in close. Happier than ever that his Christmas wish came true for a second year in a row. 
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General Taglist 
@ncsls0515 @stevesmunsons @reidsbookclub @sweetyyhippyy @manuosorioh @mrs-dr-reid @k-k0129 @squishyturtle @katsukis1wife @buckleyhans @mrs-ssa-hotch @ssavanessa22
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meowkusunoki · 10 days
t3 cover wishlist
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A Guide To The New World
good morning, new world. i breathe in and out as i shoulder my persistent habit of self-deprecation and decide to regard my life up until yesterday as the old me. i’m not good enough. i’m completely overshadowed. i want to be like you.
Undead Alice
“live by feeding on me, since you can’t die even if you want to.” everyone except us is crazy, even though your echo can be heard by everyone. every time i ask for ideas to hurt myself, i breathe in happiness and breath out poison. the ideal junkie, doesn’t it feel good that only the two of us are normal?
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Sad Girl Sex
sad girl sex, pow-pow! RIP to naivete, how come i’m the lamest? so this love’s something that can be filled by sleepin’ with somebody? no, it's not!
sad girl sex, pow-pow! love, it squashed me, i still feel it inside, just as i imagined, this hell, i can’t go back, your shut down sucks, it’s killin’ me!
leaving me alone after getting bored of me makes me sad. putting © beside the feelings i gave you. a masterpiece of a great nuisance, you should choose the title you like for it.
lock-on to the soul addiction. the warmth of a hug isn't denying the bad. no life or death, without you here. it doesn’t matter how many times, is it ok to smell it?
lock-on to the soul addiction. i can’t feel anything alone, but i guess that’s obvious. solve the problem within yourself. it doesn’t matter how many times, is it ok to smell it?
hey, i want you to tell me how i should act in this situation. hey, i just want to go crazy with the words like “i love you”.
so irritating!! hello to the unfortunate me, i’m confused, hate it, hate it! so irritating!! messed up bangs, getting angry, annoying, annoying!
no no no, i want to say “i love you” when i’m cuter! no no no, it’s not okay, i’ll go back to a cocoon and try again!
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aw, i just want to invent myself! i’m a cute chimera sewn crooked ←new!! expectations and pressures were the blueprint, i’m a cute chimera made from sucking xxx ←###
aw, i just don't know who i am! i'm a cute chimera who's changed ←new?? that blotchy pattern was a message, i'm a pretty little chimera made to be desired ←♡♡♡
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Theory of Negativity
i say “i’ll just die,” but am i really even alive in the first place? even if you get fed up with someone and start treating them poorly, since nothing will change, 'i want to change’ is the only wish i want granted.
“is that all?” you said, laughing at me, but even you have a ton of weak points. if only i could say 'stop it’ before it overflows, isn’t that right?
Ghost Rule
"mayday!" feel free to berate me, if honesty seems like such a wonderful thing. hey "mayday!" bring down the gavel and seal my fate, i who've chosen to act spoiled to the end.
"mayday!" expose me for what i really am, for this world is about to meet its end! hey "mayday!" dance with me! did you actually realize "i" was never truly here to begin with?
you throwin’ around that “later!”, such a bitch ass move, you deserve happiness, not! bad-bye-bye still addicted, but actin’ stupid, and pretending to be a good girl, ha-ha!
“hello earthlings, aitai-lians, we are.” “love us, you did, aliens from afar, we are.” goodbye to “want you”, a loversaurus, i wanted you to be the hero of this story, you know.
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Cosmic Rendezvous
everything i thought i did for you, it was actually all for me, to realize that now, i mean, how thick am i? here, take all of my oxygen, so in exchange, please please wake up.
i wanna dance with you, forever, i wanna poke fun and play, forever, this sucks so bad, this countdown to bye-bye, not long now till it runs out, fxxk. hey, take me with you to the other side, “together forever” like on a playground, laugh around but seriously, what’s up with my wish not coming true? fxxk.
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Otogibanashi / Fakery Tale
the space between today and yesterday, a slightly lonely place, a somewhat kind and gentle one as well, i want to go there.
you appear countless times, crying as you say “goodbye”...
if it all became a lie, that would be just fine, that goodbye you said while having shed those tears. don’t cry with that ashamed face, i want to forget it all and go back, i beg of you...
“i want to die, i want to die” but wait, you’re already dead! but “i miss you, i miss you” won’t disappear. pain, pain, doesn’t go away, tell me why, tell me why? only loneliness remains.
waha! we’re zombies, zombies!
stitch the wounds, apply the honey, 100 times, outfit to fall in love; rub the wounds, suck the honey, 100 times, i want to fall in love!
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Pseudo-Hope Syndrome
okay, i will be more responsible, so please don’t abandon me. i can’t even remember how many pinky promises i made with you, oh no, i can’t move anymore, how many pinkies do i have to cut off? i just started to realize now.
it’s okay to shed some tears if you wish to, and if it eases the pain, let’s dilute today with tears. how many times do i have to repeat this?
oh, i was so naive.
Relationship Scramble
in that case, we might as well go the distorted route, as that feels more right. it still hurts so much even now, with no sign of going away. i yearned so much for that "correctness," to the point that it breaks me down. next time, i'll just continue hiding my true desires and pushing forward with my false love, for someone's sake.
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take that! bang bang bang! don’t play around, how much i’ve done for you, you probably don’t even know, you don’t even know, you don’t even want to know.
take that! bang bang bang! you’ll go to hell, why don’t you say something? but can’t go back, we can’t come back. heal it, heal it, the after-effects of your “love”
this one sided love is tough, please text me later the instructions to forget you.
Poison Apple
you say no, but you say you love me, i can’t keep up. you’re the one who took your leave, hey, are you out of your mind?
you make me laugh with your “sorry”, serves you right, always self-centered. on a different note, your tear-stained face, it kinda tickles me the right way.
no more, not any more, you really should stop. no more, not any more, i’d get so ripe. i just can’t!
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(Not) A Devil
the maliciousness of the quote “it’s for your own good”, salaries exploited by the line “your dreams will come true”, ah, highly addictive things always hide a trap. my soul’s been reaped, how nasty, how nasty.
my radiant halo is closing in around my neck, it loosens when i lie, i can’t call out "sos". let’s cover it up in white paint, let's get lost in the parts we're playing, it gets easier when you lie, go on, try it!
My Name Is (this one is mostly vibes)
recently i’ve been saying it over and over, you know. that name of yours, it’s not a lie, is it? recently it was like: 'i’m sorry, ah, you are?' “i won’t tell you my name!”
my name is… my name is… my name is nowhere to be found. my name… my name… wishing that no one would call it out…
for some time i’ve been running away, from the tears of you that had become weak and lacking in courage. sinking into that montblanc, the sweet-toothed me had tried to make my escape.
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please give me a love like that, if you want to go further. you might say "no," but i’m not too sure. regardless, i can't stop anymore. you think that’d be a waste? can't you just weigh it in terms of the pros and cons?
if this is a dream, then you’re able to dream. the more certain things become, the cloudier it gets.
in the end, i'd much rather be alone, 'cause i don't need you anymore. i just can't taste your heart racing. in any case, in any case, you're the only one getting high, no?
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skamenglishsubs · 2 years
Young Royals, Season 3, Give me what I want!
Hopefully wWe're gonna get a third season FUCK YEAH GUYS WOOHOO, and since my predictions for last season were so awesome, here's my predictions for the next one, combined with my personal wishlist:
First up, what I don't want is Wilhelm and Simon having relationship issues. We're done with that, thank you very much. Let them be together the entire season, no reason to force them apart again. Will they/won't they? They will. Move on.
Time-wise, it makes perfect sense for the season to span the rest of the spring semester, culminating in graduation for the third-year students. Or, it could continue into the summer break, although that would remove us from the school setting. Maybe for something epilogue-ish?
Obviously, the show has to deal with the two main drama points that were setup; The fallout from Wilhelm coming out publicly, and the fallout from Sara reporting August to the police.
Wilhelm coming out is fodder for lots of drama, how will the Queen and the court react, how will the press react, how will the people react? I expect paparazzi, newspaper headlines, and more shouting matches over the phone.
If it becomes public knowledge that August leaked the sex tape, that's gonna have repercussions for him at school, and it throws a wrench in the court's plan to make him Wilhelm's backup. Aside from the possible criminal investigation and possible trial, of course. Maybe there's some redemption possible for him here? I wouldn't mind.
Simon is now going to start feeling the weight of royal duty and being in the public eye. Maybe he'll need to move to Hillerska for his own protection and become a boarder. Is he joining Forest Ridge? Can he maybe join a rival house like Sprucewood? That could be some fun drama. But the royal court is also going to want to plan his future, just like Wilhelm's is already planned, I want to see him deal with all those expectations. He might also find out that having a relationship in secret was the easier option.
And what about Rosh and Ayub? There's an excellent opportunity for some class journey drama here, is Simon going to leave them behind? Is he going to be forced to leave them behind? If he's still living at home, is he going to need a bodyguard when riding the bus from school with his friends? Who would win in a fight, Malin or Rosh?
I missed Linda and Micke in season 2. I know there's good reasons for it, but I want more of them in season 3. Both of them are going to be thrust into the public eye having to deal with that, and Micke isn't exactly clean-cut and representative. He might also be dragged into the drug circus because of August, so that's some excellent drama fuel right there.
I don't know what I wish for Sara. Can the show give her a little break perhaps, and not let her be that trigger for lots of drama, please? She deserves some peace and quiet. It would also be kinda funny if she and Simon trade places so that she'll move back home again, while Simon moves to Hillerska. Maybe have her realize how misguided her class aspirations have been?
I want Felice to have more of a plot of her own. She's only been on support duty in season 2, I want her plot from season 1 to come back, let's do something with her parents, her mom is wonderfully terrible!
Simon and Wilhelm have never really been publicly a couple at Hillerska. Everyone knows, sure, but it's always been gossipy and talked about behind their backs. How will everyone deal with it being out in the open? How will this clash with various shitty traditions at Forest Ridge like the on-the-table crap? Are they gonna make both boys get up and confess? That could actually be done in a good, affirming way. I would also love for the school to close ranks and protect the boys from outside prying eyes like paparazzi and shit. That could be an opportunity for the minor characters to shine. And what about the Society? Wilhelm is technically breaking the oath he made when he joined. Will they break or bend?
Alexander needs justice, just get out from under August's thumb, please! Henry can stick to comic relief, he's great at it. Have him interrupt the boys getting busy for once! Stedrika becoming an official item? Not sure if I want it, but maybe? Walter? Madison? Nils?Just keep carrying on, they're great as they are.
But the thing I want most is more Vincent. He is the worst, and I love every second of it. More. Give me more! Be terrible and hilarious all at once!
Finally, can we get some more cute shit with our main couple? I want Simon to sleep over at the castle. Can they wake up together in that big bed of Wilhelm's, please? And let's do a "meet the parents" while we're there. Have Simon join a private family dinner with the royals!
Now give me what I want! 🥰
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Loki Season 2 Wishlist
I've been creating a wishlist for what I want to see in Loki season 2, which premieres October 6.... [pause for long-suffering sigh because I’m so tired] I’m very annoyed that it’s not coming out until October (if it’s genuinely because of the strike(s), I’m not annoyed with the writers/actors but with the studios for not meeting demands so we can move on with our lives, but I’m pretty damn sure the strike is a scapegoat). I’m not surprised they keep moving it back, because they also kept pushing back season one! (I wish this format was audio so you could hear my indignation, haha.) But I wish it was still coming out in the summer like it was supposed to. Anyway, let’s jump into it. (Fair warning, a little bit of ranting incoming.)
First things first, Lokius: This ship has grown on me. I was resisting for a very long time, and I think it took until about episode four or five before I was like, “Okay, fine, you can date Owen Wilson.” And then I was all on board, and at this point I’ve written I think three Lokius fics on AO3 (link in the blog description). So, yeah. @ MCU, if you need some ideas, agree to the writers’ and actors’ demands and then hire me. I’m a lot of things but I’m not a scab. Okay, anyway. 
Genderfluid Loki: I’m genderfluid myself, and the “representation” included in the show was nonexistent. First of all, fluid is not a sex. Sex is assigned to you at birth, on Earth, and it corresponds to your genitalia. You are usually assigned male or female. There may be some places now where you can get Intersex put onto your birth certificate, if that qualifies, but until very recently, most intersex babies ended up undergoing surgery to change their bodies to fit better with one sex assignment or the other. Therefore, fluid cannot be considered a sex, at least in terms of on Earth. Perhaps it could be on other planets, but the people watching this show (as Twitter has been so helpfully pointing out recently) are on Earth, so no, wrong, Loki’s genderfluidity is gender-based not sex-based. I don’t know why they didn’t just put gender on the file, they should have. And that was the only time they included it, and I think that they put it there (aside from being like “ooh look at us we’re so progressive!”) as foreshadowing that Sylvie was going to be a girl. Which is bullshit, because that’s not what genderfluid means, either! Genderfluid means that you, yourself, change genders. And we never, in the show or the MCU in general, see Loki explicitly present or identify himself as anything other than a man. And furthermore, Sylvie isn’t genderfluid either, because she never states that she’s anything other than a woman. Nor do either of them ever request people refer to them using any other pronouns. On top of that, Sylvie is a trans woman, you cannot convince me otherwise, and you will pry that conviction out of my cold, dead, genderfluid hands. (I’m very incensed about this entire thing, I apologize. This is why I inserted the read more and the warning above.) So I’d like to see more of genderfluid Loki (not Sylvie; she’s made it clear that she is a (trans) woman, and I’m respecting that she’s got one gender). I don’t necessarily need to see him shapeshift into a woman, like into a different actor or Tom Hiddleston in make-up or something, because as much as I would love to shapeshift, I can’t, and I don’t think he needs to shapeshift to be his most authentic, genderfluid self (because then what does that say about irl genderfluid people? rant for another time, though, sorry). So I just want a little more justice to be paid to that, and maybe let him change up his pronouns sometimes. All right, moving on, before I get really worked up. 
Verity: I love Loki: Agent of Asgard. Al Ewing is my favorite comic writer for this reason (and not because he’s also bi; I just found that out 24 hours ago). Agent of Asgard is, in my opinion, the best version of Loki ever to hit the comics. It is the best version of genderfluid Loki, the best version of redemption arc Loki, the best version of Loki as a character in general. And his best friend is Verity Willis, ace icon Verity Willis. (I don’t make the rules, she’s ace; have you seen her character design? Have you heard her say that she’s not interested in romance? She’s ace!) I want her, some how, some way, in Loki. This is a little bit more of a stretch, because I don’t know how she can be put in, so this is a little bit more of a pipe-dream of a wish. But I want. her. in. Loki. So bad. 
Theo Bell: I also really like Mackenzi Lee’s Loki: Where Mischief Lies. (It’s a great book; you should definitely read it if you haven’t.) In it, Theo is Loki’s love interest-slash-coworkerish-slash-partner in crime. This story is set in Victorian England. Theo Bell is gay and walks with a cane. It’s been awhile since I read it so I may be taking this theory from a fanfic I wrote, but I’m pretty sure it’s canon that he became disabled as a result of a homophobic attack. (So trigger warning for that, but if it’s canon it’s only mentioned) He’s a great character; he’s funny, he’s snarky, he doesn’t put up with any of Loki’s shit, and he can also (and this might also be me adding to the character but I’m pretty sure I’m right) see through Loki’s lies pretty quickly at some points. So I would really like to see Theo in the MCU. I also have some theories about Theo versus Mobius (shameless plug for one of my fics, Choose Me, which utilizes my theory about them), so I would like for Theo to show up in the way that proves my theory right.
Agent of Asgard Loki: At the very least, I just really want that coat, that coat is so cool. (If you don’t know what I’m talking about, google Loki: Agent of Asgard. The coat that he wears throughout the comic is kick-ass.) I want that coat somewhere in the show, I do not care who’s wearing it. That being said, I really want Agent of Asgard Loki to make an appearance in the MCU at some point. Somehow. I already have some theories about where I think we can go with AoA Loki in the MCU (which I’ll probably post about later). Like I said, I really love that version of Loki, I really love that comic arc, and I want him somehow paid tribute to somewhere in the show. Actually, though, I did just reread the entire comic run, and I noticed that towards the end in the final climax of his redemption arc, there’s a lot of similarities between that and the last couple episodes of season one. So they already seem to be drawing on AoA, so maybe they won’t be able to include the actual characterization of Loki from AoA. But it’s still on my list.
Let Loki do more magic, goddammit!: He does very little magic in season one. Although he’s not able to do magic in the TVA (which was very annoying for the fic I was trying to write the other day), but as far as I can tell, he only does magic like four or five times in the rest of the show. Classic Loki literally says (and I looked up the exact quote because I’m a NERD, can you tell?) “Blades are worthless in the face of a Loki’s sorcery.” And then Loki proceeds to do NO MAGIC for most of the show! So I want him to do more magic, especially shapeshifting. And at one point I think he mentions that he likes doing his duplicity thing, so I think he should do more of that, too. (Which I think based on the only trailer-like thing we’ve gotten so far, it seems like he’s going to do. And maybe I’m stealing this from that trailer, but I think it would be really funny if he did the duplicity thing and then Mobius automatically knows which one is the real Loki, which is hilarious, because Thor doesn’t usually know.)
Give my girl Sylvie a girlfriend: While I do like the idea of her with B-15, I feel like the reason why we’re shipping her with B-15 for the most part is because there are basically no other girls in this show. C-20 is dead, Renslayer is a dick, and we just really don’t want her to be with Loki (you saw my first entry on this list, you know where I stand). I’m counting Loki on this list since he’s genderfluid even though it’s not being portrayed very well. So her with B-15 is fine, I do kind of like it, but I don’t know enough about B-15, I don’t know enough about their relationship. I don’t think they even have enough of a relationship yet for me to really feel like I super ship it. But I just want somebody for her, preferably a girlfriend, because I think that’d be cute. I’m genderfluid, personally, but I’m available. ;-)
Thor: I! Want! Thor! I know we got Frog Thor, but I want actual Thor! I want Thor to give all of the Lokis a hug, in particular Kid Loki (and I have some theories about why he killed Thor, or why he said he killed Thor), Classic Loki, Sylvie, and also our regular Loki. Because I think they need a hug from their big brother (I know they were raised as twins, but I like saying he’s their big brother, I don’t care). 
Classic Loki in Valhalla: Pretty straight forward (and you can read After on AO3, because I wrote this). I need Classic Loki to see Thor and I need Classic Loki to be in Valhalla, because I think he deserves it. (If he’s actually dead.)
Mobius’s backstory: I want to know where Mobius came from; I want to know how he got to the TVA. I want to know if he had a jet ski or if my theory is correct (per Choose Me). 
Why Sylvie was taken by the TVA: There are some great theories about why Sylvie was taken by the TVA, one of which I subscribe to the most as of late (as included in Nothing Matters at the End of the World. I’m pretty sure this is my last plug on this post, I’m so sorry). But I am not convinced that she was taken in because she’s a girl. I think that’s transphobic and misogynistic and nonsense. And I say transphobic because Sylvie’s a transwoman, and I will not be taking criticism on this. I don’t care that that line “born the goddess of mischief” was probably meant to discourage trans headcanons, and I encourage the writers to respectfully get their heads out of their asses and consider that “born this way” is not just a Lady Gaga song (but the song is also relevant in this case). So I think it’s pretty damn transphobic to say that she isn’t allowed to exist because she’s a woman. And it’s misogynist and transmisogynist to claim that the rest of what the timeline demands of her cannot be accomplished if she isn’t a cis man or genderfluid or whatever a “right” Loki is. So I want to know why she was actually taken in. There are a lot of theories online about why she was arrested, and I like a lot of them. And on top of that, she doesn’t know! She told Loki that it’s because she’s a girl, but then when she gets in front of Renslayer, she’s like, “What was my nexus event?” Which implies that she does not actually know. And maybe it’s just bad writing or a plot hole, and that’s very possible. It’s the MCU, and writers make mistakes (I know I sure do, though I don’t have a team of people checking my work). But I’m choosing to go with she doesn’t actually know. She was like six years old, she was a kid, she assumed something. And why would you assume that, if you’re six? Unless you’ve been told something else your whole life. So there are two possibilities for why she assumed this. Either, yes, she’s a cis woman, and spent her entire life until that point being told-- presumably by Odin--that because she’s a girl she’s not gonna rule. Which would suck, but checks out for Odin, because he’s a dick. Or she spent most of her life being told she’s a boy and having to tell everybody that she’s a girl. And even if she isn’t faced with any transphobia on Asgard (as Where Mischief Lies would have us believe), that’s hard for a six year old, and when she’s told that she’s in trouble for doing nothing, she’s gonna make some assumptions, and maybe she landed on that. But I don’t think she actually knows why and I want to know why. And I think she deserves to know why.
Reunite Sylvie with Thor: I either want Sylvie to reunite with her Thor or be sibling-adopted by Loki’s Thor (bonus points if Loki gets jealous and Thor has to be like “Give me a break. I love you, too, idiot.”). I want Sylvie to somehow get her brother back, whether it’s the one she lost or the Thor we know. I think she needs somebody, and I think Thor is a great person for that. Because I think Thor will immediately be like “You’re great. I love you. You’re wonderful, just because you’re my sister, and you’re the best.” Even after just meeting her, because Thor is such a wonderful little golden retriever puppy, and also, he loves Loki so much. And he continues to, even after everything that happened in the MCU! And that’s lovely, and I think Sylvie deserves someone like that.
And finally, I need Loki, somehow, in some way, to be able to lift Mjolnir by the end of season 2: I think he’s moving, very swiftly, towards being worthy of lifting Mjolnir, and I want him to be able to do that. I think that will show him, personally, that he is better and has changed. And I think he needs that physical validation and confirmation that he’s changed. I think that people (Mobius) can tell him until they’re blue in the face that he’s a good person, that he can be good, and that he can do what’s right and be a hero, but until he can lift Mjolnir (the way his brother can, because he’s been told by everyone his whole life that his brother is the best), I don’t think that he’ll believe that he is worthy of anything. And I want Thor and Mobius to see it, and I want them to lose their goddamn minds. Because I certainly will. 
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booklove22 · 1 year
Nace Mutual Pining Wishlist
I’ve been thinking a lot about the next few episodes and how we’re going to have to deal with the people-who-shall-not-be-named plotline soon. And as much as I don’t want to see it and wish we weren’t wasting our LAST SEASON on this rude interruption to the Nace endgame, I do think the potential for ongoing romantic angst for Nace is actually really high and COULD be really rewarding if done right.
After the season 3 finale, I wrote about the angst I wanted to see and a lot of it still applies now. I’m rehashing some of that post here, but also adding in a few more things and refining others because of what we’ve seen in the first 3 episodes.
Before we get to that though – I need to explain my headspace and why I think we could actually get a lot out of high-quality Nace content out of these eps despite the other love interests.
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It all rests on their last exchange and Nancy saying  “I can’t go back” while Ace says “I can’t go forward” – which highlights one very important thing: they are in a different place than they were before the curse. Ace thinking they could go back to being friends and “manage” by shoving the feelings back down because they did it before just isn’t realistic. That only worked before because they both thought their feelings were one-sided. They didn’t have post-curse honeymoon plans; and confessions of years-long feelings; and jealousy admissions; and the most epic of first kisses between them when they were shoving those feelings down. So, I mean, no offense Ace – I see what you’re trying to do here, but to quote another TV show “you can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube.”
Which leads me to the belief/hope that what we are about to witness (the ick-factor of other love interests aside) could actually be a level of mutual pining like we’ve never seen before. Keep in mind this is purely a wish list on my part, but these are the things I’d love to see while we wait for the Nace pendulum to swing back in the right direction.
Mutual Pining Wishlist
The entire Drew Crew, but mainly Nancy and Ace, all dressed up for some event and having one of those silent "god he/she looks amazing"     longing moments with their eyes.
A dance at this same event. THEY DESERVE A DANCE. Like where they didn’t intend to  dance together but like somehow they awkwardly get pushed together and its just pure tension and awkwardness at first but bleeds into something comfortable and sweet
A  "stuck somewhere together/in trouble together alone" episode to     really ratchet up the tension to peak levels. Bonus points if they are tied or cuffed together. Jesus. But I’ll take anything where its literally just the two of them against the evil of the week.
Someone on Twitter mentioned this ages ago so I can't take credit but... Ace going "absolutely feral" on someone who tries to hurt Nancy. Honestly, now that the image is in my head, I can't shake it. Like he didn’t give up being with the love of his life just to lose her through some other means, you know? I want to see him scared. Then I want to see him absolutely FURIOUS AND VIOLENT.
I already mentioned Ace stitching Nancy up in another post but revisiting that here. The idea being that Nancy gets hurt or has to use her blood in a ritual and Ace uses his newly learned suturing skills to stitch her up.  Think about how close they’d have to be. How he’d apologize if he was hurting her because “the people I do this on aren’t usually alive”…like a tension filled mirror image of the Sigil painting scene.
Nancy openly proud of Ace’s new job/expertise. Like I just feel like he would really want that praise from her. Even knowing that she never thought he was “lacking” (and I mean REALLY knowing that now), I still feel like he  still has baggage about his own self worth.
Ace being the one to be there for Nancy on the anniversary of Kate’s death. Alternatively, maybe Ace’s mom dies (is that heart problem going to come back around???) and Nancy being there for him as the only other person in  their friend group to know what its like to lose a mother. It would be SUCH an amazing bonding moment for them and really showcase how, curse aside, they are each other’s person no matter what the circumstance.
I don’t  know, but I really need some sort of high school flashback now. It feels out of reach honestly. Or maybe a case takes them to Keane High at one point and the tension of knowing that’s where Ace first had feelings for her…like…cmon. GIVE IT TO ME.
And I mean….what would mutual pining be without a sharing  a bed trope? Do I think they’ll go THAT far? No. But honestly, ever since Kennedy posted her “Season 4 emoji hints” tweet and it included a tent emoji…I’ve had an absurd amount of thoughts about the two of them somehow ending up in a sharing a tent situation. Maybe very survival driven. And it’s cold in Maine, you know, so maybe they also need to share a sleeping bag for body warmth. I’m probably way off but like…a girl can dream.
Please add more. I literally can’t stop thinking about Nace and I need the distraction of all the potential pining. Like I think we know there will be jealousy, but pining is where its really at...
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seaside-writings · 9 months
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Hello, hello, all you holly jolly people! It is the first day of my “12 Days of Prompts” event and we're starting off with something a little scary.
Every Christmas season there are two horror movies that my family and I watch over and over again. The first one as you can call see is “Krampus” and the second you’ll see later on!
Krampus is by far one of my favorite Christmas movies, I know that sounds strange, but it’s the truth. I love the monster designs, how the characters a portrayed, and how it still feels more like a Christmas movie than a horror movie, even during some of the actual horror parts. Plus, I like that it doesn’t try and take itself too seriously.
So if you haven’t seen it yet, I highly recommend it!
Like always if you do use these prompts please tag me so I can see what you’ve made!
I hope you all stay blessed and safe throughout your day.
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays: Celia ❤💚❄⛄🎄
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“It started with the wind, on a cold night, much like this,” - “It's Christmas. Nothing bad is going to happen on Christmas!” - "That's what a family is, baby. People you try to be friends with, even when you don't have a lot in common,” - “You're not thinking of going after that snowplow alone, are you?” “A Shepherd's gotta protect his flock,” - “It's the blizzard, honey, nothing's working right now,” - “They can see dust specks on Mars, but no one noticed a giant blizzard hurtling towards us,” “Well, as soon as the power's back, you can write an angry e-mail to the National Weather Service,” - “I would just be calmer if I knew how we were gonna survive Christmas with 12 people stuck in a house with no hot water, no heat, and no electricity,” - “You know, she and I, we butt heads, but I can't imagine life without her,” Yeah, I know what you mean,” _ “And that night, in the darkness of a howling blizzard… I got my wish,” “Oh, lay off of him! The kid deserves a prize for telling the truth!” - “It's just a scratch,” “Oh, my gosh,” “It looks like something bit you.” “Nope! Probably a bear trap under the snow or something,” “We don't have bears here,” - “Dear Santa, I know I haven't been great this year and I'm sorry for that, but I was really hoping you could help out me and my family this Christmas,” - “So, where’s the nog? I need to get merry,” - “Come on, kids, I'm gonna teach you how to make peppermint schnapps,” - "A little sugar, a little spice, makes everything nice." - "I haven't been this hungover since the Pope died." - “But Krampus didn't take me that night… He left me, as a reminder of what happens when hope is lost, when belief is forgotten… and the Christmas spirit dies,” - “They too had given up. And eventually, so did I,” - “What’s she saying?” “This… This is all our fault… he’s come for us all... He?” - “And for the first time, I didn't wish for a miracle, I wished for them to go away… a wish I would come to regret,” - “I'm old enough to know when life is coming at me with its pants down,” - "Listen, why don't we just leave? Right? We can all pile in the truck and we'll just see as far as we can get, and we can pick up-” “The truck's gone,” - “And I just wanna say I’m sorry for… thinking you’re such a spineless dick all these years,” - “Poor bastard must have sailed clear through,” “Looks more like the opposite,” “What’d you mean?” “The glass is punched in,” - “Don't suppose you got me a backup generator for Christmas, did you?” “Yeah, it's under the tree next to your ties and underwear,” - “Blah blah blah. Bullshit, bullshit. Ah, here we go, the wishlist!” - “Enough with the sappy crap, let's open up the damn presents,” - “See? Let them out of your sight for one second, and boom, shotgun wedding,” “Can you not, please,” “Well, you ought to know,” - “What did you see up there?” “You don't wanna know, sweetheart,” "Honey, I just got my ass kicked by a bunch of Christmas cookies, so trust me when I tell you I can take it!" - “It's not starting! It's not starting! Why isn't it starting!?”
“I think our best bet is to stay put, board up all the doors and windows, and as soon as the weather breaks, we'll go find her,”
“Hey, asshole! I take back my wish, I take it all back! Give me back my family!” - “I, um-- I just wanna say thanks for, uh, you know, saving my ass back there,” - “Twisted fairytale horseshit!!” - "I've hunted a lot of game in my day, those are hooves. Big ones too. Could be an elk or a goat,” What kind of goat walks on its hind legs? - “How much ammo do you have?” “A couple shells still loaded, maybe a dozen in my pocket. Why?” - “What? “She said we're screwed,” - “They had forgotten the spirit of Christmas, the sacrifice of giving. And my family was no different,” - “And as he had for thousands of years, Krampus came not to reward, but to punish, not to give, but to take,” - “I tried to help them to believe again, but we were no longer the loving family I remembered,” - “I knew Saint Nicholas was not coming this year. Instead, it was a much darker, more ancient spirit. The shadow of Saint Nicholas. It was Krampus,” - “I just wanted Christmas to be like it used to be, but forget it! I hate Christmas! I hate all of you!” - “Evil Santa? She’ll be yammering about a rabid Easter Bunny come Spring,” - “What are we gonna tell the kids?” “I don't know. The truth?” “Sure, which version of it?” - “Yeah, well, you know-- she always gets a little weird around Christmas,” - “Baby, please don't do this, listen, we can figure something else out,” “This is how I figure things out,” - “You had mom's angel this whole time?” “Yeah, I thought you knew,” “No,” - “It was almost Christmas, but this Christmas was darker, less cheerful. But I still believed in Santa, in magic and miracles, and the hope that we could find joy again,” - “I'm sorry, I just wanted Christmas to be like it used to be,” - “Our village had given up on miracles, and on each other,” - “Remember we used to fight over who got to place her?” “Yeah, you fought dirty, I still have the scars,” “Where do you think my girls get it from?” - “I don't like this,” “Whoever did this is a demented son of a bitch,” - “Come on, come on, please,” “I'm trying! I don't even know how to drive a stick! We have a hybrid! - “The snowplow?” “The keys were in the ignition-” “And it was beat to hell!’ “But if it runs, I drive it back here, and then everyone piles in the car and follows while I clear a path in front of us,” “And go where?” “The mall doubles as an emergency shelter, and if it's empty, we'll try the police station,” “And what if they're gone too?” “Then we keep driving till we see lights or people, plowed road, somewhere safe for the kids,” “And then we bring help back here,” - “I think it's panicking, trying to get outside,” “Well, we boarded everything up,” - “What are you doing? We've got four other kids here to protect,” - “It's not what you do, it's what you believe, and what you've given up," - “I think all this might be my fault,” - “What are we gonna do now?” “We keep the fire hot,” - “Oh, hey, there you are! Hey, kiddo. we thought the sugarplum fairies may have gotten you,” - “Everybody, hold on to each other,” - “Be good,” - “Wow, what's this all about?” “It's nothing just… merry Christmas,” “Merry Christmas to you too, baby,”
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cryoexorcist · 10 months
so i'm finally playing through the AQ, and i am about 90% done i think, on the 'finale' quest. i have thoughts. spoilers below, and i desperately need discussion.
so i haven't played for a number of reasons until today, and i managed to avoid spoilers for the most part. so if shit was already brought up, i didn't see it.
but basically, i wonder if neuvillete regaining power over fontaine and being sovereign again means that the other sovereigns will eventually come back into the picture. i refuse to believe that this is a one time thing. and with all the gnoses being given up, and the archons not having that much power, it means the sovereigns could eventually take a leaf out of neuvilette's book and follow suit?
i'm really curious about the (forgive my spelling) hexenzirkel. it's coming up a lot more lately, and i feel like it's definitely making a comeback. and i know gold has a huge role to play to come, but i'm wondering exactly how big of a part she has to play.
there's definitely a war brewing between celestia and teyvat, and focalors all but spelled it out for us. i can't remember what all the other archons have said about celestial, but she was the first one to all but say she's defying them.
also MY BOY CHILDE!!! i love him so fucking much, i actually clapped when i saw him. i really only need him from now on and i'll be happy (+ all my faves but still).
i am really excited to see what we'll see next with childe and skirk, and i'm really happy she's finally in the game proper. i am SO GOING to hop on my other blog and plot shit out with her, so CALLING ALL CHILDES, COME HANG OUT WITH YOUR MASTER.
for an au idea for chongyun, i had the wildest idea that chongyun could also be an abyss student. i have not let go of my legendary wishlist item, in which chongyun and childe work together and share the same general goal, and chongyun is probably also a disciple of skirks. nothing would make me happier than to finally, FINALLY get this plot going, because chongyun and childe i think would be the best of partners.
i think, honestly, that this managed to top sumeru's storyline. or at the very least, fontaine and sumeru are my current favorite archon quests, and i can just imagine it'll keep getting better from here.
for the critiques, i wish mona played a bigger part. she felt more like a cameo appearance just to appease the fans, she shoud've played a bigger role. i'd be super happy to find out later that she's a part of the hexenzirkel in the future, she would be powerful enough for it.
i also didn't remember navia's friends that died. i'm sad for her loss, but i genuinely didn't remember who they were until she fell into the water and saw them in person. and then it was an "oh yeah" moment, but nothing tear-jerking for me. the impact would've been a little better if we didn't have to wait so long to see her again.
if i have any other critiques i can't remember them right now. but these are my current thoughts FOR NOW, i'll definitely have more later.
more childe, pls. i hate that he was unconscious both times we actually saw him before he was yeeted. like let us fucking talk to him!
anyway. i did cry. it was good.
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softsky-daily · 6 months
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We got some all-time beautiful skies today. And a guest appearance from one of the many airplanes always flying around near here.
Positive thing: I got lots of yummy food, and got work done.
It was also my partner's birthday, but he's not really one for doing anything big so we just did our usual thing mostly. I gave him some games from his Steam wishlist and drew new matching icons for us.
I guess technically it's spring break now for me, but I have Conversation Table tomorrow, a busy Sunday, and still work during next week (and even an extra day to make up lost hours), so it doesn't really feel like it. I'm glad I don't have to go to class at least.
But anyway yeah the food. We went to my favorite dim sum place and it's always a win.
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Ahh. I almost wish I could go back again tomorrow. But it's like a 40 minute drive.
We studied at the cafe nearby for like 3 hours and I had a mocha latte which made me hyper for half the time and then gave me a bad headache for the rest of the night. Hopefully sleep will fix that.
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For dinner I took the leftover Jollibee chicken I had and cooked it up with some garlic, ginger, soy sauce, and oyster sauce and it was so good.
Anyways I am so sleepy right now. I was up early for Japanese class and then up late-ish trying to get the Conversation Table worksheet done. But all that is done now and I can be in sleep's sweet embrace.
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lamonnaie · 11 months
GMMTV 2024 Bingo
it's the eve of gmmtv 2024(.5) so perfect time for bingo. I made one for predictions and one for wishlist (there's plenty in the predictions that i'm rlly hoping for too, but i didn't want too many overlaps 😅).
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credit to @icouldhyperfixatehim for the template! :)
Some thoughts about my cards because apparently i can't shut up:
I definitely think they have gl series planned for the near future but idk if they would announce them now given 23.5 hasn't even aired yet. The whole split announcement thing seems to be to gauge audience reception, so possibly gl in part 2 to ride off of 23.5? its in my bingo anyway
Winnysatang series is essentially confirmed and i don't think it's a high school series purely based on how much satang's been going to the gym lately lmao i mean it might just be his choice, but i choose to take anything and everything as hints 😌
I think most of us have seen the fk + p'new rumours which.. yeah 😬 (still not over what they did to between us <//3)
i want a fluke pusit + thor comeback because they were insane in the warp effect, but lbr that's not happening lol. But I've been seeing the Thor + fluke nattanon (from project alpha) stuff lately soooo 👀? i'm honestly kinda hyped for that too
saw whispers of jossgawin and i'm so on board actually (didn't think and still don't rlly think joss would do a bl so they might just be in the same project, but still, the rumours are rumouring)
random marcpawin revival in 2023 surely wasn't for nothing right? i think they're gonna be a side couple in a show again next year (same for aouboom who gmm has actually been trying to rlly launch for a couple years 🤞 will they ever get to pillar status? here's hoping because i rlly like them <3)
i know jojo doesn't have any projects in part 1 and a couple of the actors i mentioned aren't even in the lineup, but i can't be bothered figuring it out so i guess some of this will just extend to part 2 :)
i really wanna see neomark again as leads, but i don't actually think we're gonna get mark in a bl (or at least as a cp) in part 1. Markford was obviously very successful because of msp, but i think neomark has more longevity (although idk if mark would be put in a set cp like that). Definitely think gmm wants to gauge the response to neomark more as only friends finishes up.
loved joong in the warp effect and i think he should just kiss everyone (hence joong harem) (joong dating show perhaps) i never rlly got into any of joongdunk's shows although i do love them as a pair outside of the series, so i kinda wanna see both of them act with different people (gmm give me ponddunk pls)
honestly joongdunk could be rlly good if u take them out of the same goddamn uni plotline every time 😭😭
lbr gmm's totally gonna try to recreate msp/gem4th's success with a new rookie pair. i do think msp was lightning in a bottle, so will this reach the same status? not likely, but only time will tell.
guys ohmnani look so good together you don't understand (i know the bl won't actually happen for various reasons but just look at them 😩😩)
i don't rlly have a lot of predictions nor wishes regarding actual concepts because i am uncreative and unoriginal 👍 Overall i do want something more exciting/less tropey though.
Also can you tell I just wanna see ohm in every show ever hajskdj
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mcalhenwrites · 11 months
Some personal stuff! (Good, mainly?)
We signed the lease, will be moving in about a month to another state. This means I'll be busy packing! But I'm still going to be writing in-between, especially since... I started packing this summer, slowly, and it's fortunate bc my health is atrocious. I have had an ovarian cyst issue for years now, and this one isn't bleeding out and hasn't for months. It just sits there and makes more organs and my back and hip ache really badly from the pressure. Hopefully I can take care of that when I get settled in. I might post my wishlist when I'm settled in, but I also think that since it's am*zon, like... hopefully people can find the same items on another site if they wish and send them via that. :D Always an option! But yeah, going to write. Will be posting stuff on AO3 sometimes? (I cannot guarantee this.) I could really use some word-of-mouth help when the time comes, since this is my income until my health is addressed, and even then... I'm not sure what's going to happen. I have to find out if I have Sjogren's, bc it runs in my family and I have the symptoms, and if I have that, it could be pretty impactful alongside fibro and a handful of other issues. I don't want to go on disability, I don't want to have my entire life flipped invasively upside down to most likely be rejected anyway. I'm hoping I can help my roommate out with more than just cooking and cleaning when my health allows, though. So selling my books and maybe having something like p*treon might help! In the meantime, just knowing what people might be able to say about my writing helps me know my strong points. If I do have any weak points, I do accept criticism! I want to get better. :) Seriously, it'll be good for me to get out of this house while it falls apart and breaks with no repairs, and mostly? I'm getting away from family. Finally. HUGE SHOUT OUT TO MY ROOMMATE! They are covering so many of my costs and giving me the chance to get my life in order. I gotta work hard and do my best. I know it won't be all sunshine and rainbows leaving my current environment for a new and better one, that there will be stresses and I will have episodes and forget I'm not home... I've heard that happens, esp with trauma and abuse? But I bet it's easier when you aren't IN the abusive environment to deal with that... Anyway, yeah! Mostly good. Minus the health shit. Going to do some writing and laundry and packing now. Then I'll relax with some video games or smth... or more writing... I'm not doing NaNo officially this year. Don't know if it can happen, so I'm just going to finish Seasons side stories, Rascal side stories, and work on Name the Frogs and The Dragons' Cosmos! Sending good luck to everyone, sorry I'll be pretty scarce but hopefully things settle down by Jan after the holidays :D (And I'm wishing you well, I know some people are having a hard time right now for various reasons, and I know world-wise, things are fucking rougher than ever. Take care and do what you can, though. Sending good vibes.)
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askleaderscrest · 11 months
Something About Stars
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Clarent: A gift giving event? That seems... Odd, but nice! We don't tend to give much around here, other than the occasional shared hunt. We're not really ones for material items, nowhere to put anything, after all! Though, I suppose if anyone hears this, I can think of a few things that could work?
A bitter tasting treat?
One of those odd discs humans use on their partner Pokemon. Preferably one of the Fighting type.
Something interesting from another part of Paldea, or even overseas.
Wishful thinking, but maybe just... Someone around my age to talk to.
Or maybe something for my son, Gladius? I think he deserves a kindness.
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Gladius: Huh, gift giving? Have I ever really wanted anything? Like a thing thing? I don't think I have? I'm pretty happy with what I have now, y'know? Though uh, I guess I can think of something?
Some training lessons would be nice, if that's manageable?
Something sweet! Berries are nice, but I've heard there's something sweeter out there!
Maybe a nice sharpening stone?
A way to see the ocean. I've heard of it, but never seen it.
Something nice for my mom? There's only so much I can offer her, and I think if anyone's deserving of a gift, it's her.
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Sabre: You really expect me to believe Pokemon will just give things without payment? Well, I'm not buying it! This is some sort of tactic to get me to trust someone so it's easier to get me while my back is turned, isn't it? If you're oh so generous, than let's make it more difficult to get me, I want battle items!
Rare candies. EXP candies. Any of that.
Something to teach me a new move. I could use more variety.
An Eviolite. Preferably the one off Vel's neck. Hate that guy.
A Covert Cloak would also be helpful.
An easy way to get Gladius out of the Crest before he gets himself killed.
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Capricorn: Wait, now why am I here? I ain't about this gift giving nonsense! I've hardly got any need for most things, but I guess I can think of somethin'?
Some human-made healing items.
Lessons on sign language.
Some human-made books for my daughter.
Advice on how to apologize to someone.
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Morris: Oh, you didn't think you'd be getting way without mentioning me, now did you? And right after ignoring me on my birthday too? Rude. I'm participating in this, whether you like it or not, and I'm not gonna be easy about it!
A sewing kit.
An uncarved grave stone.
A Flying Gem.
And now for a fun one: A feather. And I don't mean something off your average Pidgey, I mean a Lunar, Rainbow, or Silver Feather.
A Prison Bottle would be cool, we need a new one.
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Mod Note below:
(So most of these are pretty self explanatory, I think! Since most of the characters are feral/wild Pokemon, physical trinkets and such are pretty useless to them. It was actually pretty hard to think of options! So be as creative as you like with gifts! Also, elaborations just in case:
Clarent's list is pretty straight forward, I think. A bitter treat can be something akin to say, dark chocolate, since it's something she's never had. 'Someone around her age to talk to' can apply to pretty much any character who's been a parent, as she doesn't talk with many others except her Pawniards, Gladius, & Sabre!
Gladius' list is also pretty straight forward, he likes sweets and he wants to be stronger. Fulfilling a piece of Gladius' wishlist fulfills the final piece of Clarent's wishlist, and vice versa.
Sabre just wants to be stronger. Candies must be limited to a small handful and no, you can't actually take the Eviolite from Vel, though your character is free to try, they must fail to do so.
Capricorn... Is actually here on the chance my Star Sender is an artist who would rather not draw a Bisharp! His primary concern would be the first 3 listed items, but also lists a couple of story-relevant bonuses! Please note that since Capricorn hasn't been properly introduced, I unfortunately do not currently have a ref of his daughter done!
Morris serves the same purpose as Capricorn, being an extra on the chance you're an artist who would rather draw someone else. His legendary list is absurd at best and unfeasible at worst. But that's okay, because if you choose him, your character is allowed to fail miserably!
Have fun!
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