#wit beyond measure: rowena ravenclaw
miscellaneousjay · 7 months
Yo BIPOC Potterheads!!!! Anyone got any good fanfic recommendations with Black Hermione, Desi Harry Potter, and all of them having positive friendships with the other (canon/fanon) witches and wizards of color? With all of the beautiful fan art I’ve seen and shamelessly revisiting Black Hermione’s Twitter account, I need a good story to go with the images! Like, I can’t get Black Hermione, Padma, Pavarti, Angelina, Cho, Lavender, Dean, and Blaze all hanging out and really bonding over being a handful of BIPOC at a PWI out of my head! Speaking of PWI, WHERE MY HAMU WITCHES AT?!
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theostrophywife · 1 year
kiss with a fist | chapter one.
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masterlist 💋 chapters 💋 playlist
pairing: theodore nott x reader.
song inspiration: kiss with a fist - florence and the machine.
author's note: i'm so excited to share this series with everyone. this was literally meant to be a one shot fic but i have no self control therefore it spiraled into a whole series. without further ado, please enjoy the first chapter and let me know what you think 🤎
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Wit beyond measure is a man’s greatest treasure. 
Intelligence, knowledge, wisdom. These were the traits that Ravenclaws valued most, but if the founder of your house could see you now, Rowena Ravenclaw would probably roll over in her grave. 
Because there was nothing smart about falling in love with Theodore Nott. 
In fact, it might be the most idiotic thing you’ve ever done in your entire life. 
So why did it feel so bloody exhilarating? 
To understand your descent into madness, it was prudent to trace the events back to point zero. 
It was a rainy September afternoon, unusually dreary even for the Scottish Highlands. The first week of your return to Hogwarts had been chaotic to say the least. Between performing your prefect duties by showing the first years around the castle and dealing with the clueless third year that accidentally set off Weasleys' Wildfire Whiz-bangs in the Great Hall, you were absolutely knackered by the time Friday rolled around. 
Unfortunately, you had no time to rest. Even though the term just started, you were already spending much of your nights studying until your eyes felt like they were going to fall out of your skull. Tonight, you were in the potions laboratory tackling a particularly stubborn advanced draught. No matter how hard you tried, you just couldn’t figure it out. 
You dropped a sprig of wormwood into the cauldron and stirred counterclockwise then clockwise, just like the recipe instructed. The concoction bubbled to the surface. Holding your breath, you peered into the mixture with hope that this try would finally turn out successful. The potion turned a vibrant magenta color before exploding all over the front of your uniform. 
Sadly, this was the closest you’d come to brewing the Angel’s Trumpet Draught. You sighed, wiping down your tie with a washcloth. It did nothing except make the mess worse. What you needed was a good old fashioned soak.
Luckily, you had access to the prefect’s bathroom on the fifth floor. During this time of night, it would be gloriously empty. Giving you the perfect opportunity to wallow in bubbles and self pity. 
The trek from the dungeons to the fifth floor was fortunately uneventful. The hallways were dark and quiet, allowing you to slink off to the bathroom in peace. With a whisper of pine fresh, the pearly gates opened.
You turned on the faucets, setting the temperature just below boiling and dispensing herbs and fragrances into the tub. When you were finally satisfied, you quickly discarded your soiled clothes and eagerly stepped into the warm bath. The scent of rosewater and pink himalayan salt instantly relaxed you. 
You sighed deeply, leaning against the marble tile and closing your eyes. This was definitely not the way you thought seventh year would go. Your last year at Hogwarts was supposed to be the highlight of your academic career. While your housemates fretted and fussed over quidditch games and blood moon balls, you refused to take your eyes off the prize.
Ever the diligent student, you had no interest in extracurriculars unless it brought you closer to your dream of becoming an accomplished potions master, which would hopefully catch the eye of the Most Extraordinary Society of Potioneers. Joining the prestigious group was a dream that you had been working towards since first year. Blood, sweat, and tears had gone towards achieving this goal, especially during your most recent break. 
You spent the entire holiday interning at the Brewery, attending lectures at the Magical Division of the University of Oxford, and you had not only completed the assigned reading for your Advanced Potions class, but Professor Slughorn’s personal recommendations as well. All of that hard work should have placed you ahead of the curve, but your class rank remained the same as always. 
Not first.
Never first.
No, that spot belonged to that rich infuriating smartass pureblooded motherfu—
“Theodore Nott,” you said, lacing your voice with as much venom as you could muster. 
Between the pale moonstone pillars stood the source of your academic anguish. Theodore was dripping sweat, his green and silver quidditch jersey covered in mud and grime. The prefect badge pinned to his robe was barely visible, more brown than silver. His curly brown hair fell erratically across his cheekbones as he brushed a stray strand away to squint in the faint light. 
The side of his mouth quirked up into a smirk when he recognized you. “You know, most people just call me Theo.” His gaze lingered on your form, which was barely covered by pink suds. “Especially those who know me rather intimately.”
You flushed in response. Amusement danced in his watercolor eyes, which seemed brighter now thanks to his sun kissed complexion. Knowing Nott, he probably spent his summer laying out in the Italian sun while attractive witches fed him grapes by hand. You didn’t get a tan like that from holing up in the English countryside with nothing but a boiling cauldron and a dusty textbook for company. He didn’t even have the audacity to pretend like he was worried about his class ranking. The bastard. 
“Every rule has its exception, Theodore,” you gritted out. “Now get the fuck out.” 
He cocked his head, sending a mass of wavy brown locks to spill to one side. “You’re right. Most people don’t usually say my name like it’s an unforgivable, but I guess you’re special in that way, diavolina mia.”
Little devil, Nott's idea of a fond nickname, irritated you to no end. Your annoyance only made him use it more. Gods, what a wanker. 
“Are you deaf or just thick? This bathroom is occupied,” you huffed, sinking lower into the bubbles. “Leave before I scream bloody murder.” 
Theo smirked. “Oh, I guarantee you’ll be screaming.” He kicked his shoes off, leaving them in a messy pile beside your own neatly arranged boots. “Though the only thing I’ll be murdering is that pu—”
The glare you sent his way would have sent lesser men running for the Forbidden Forest. “I’m serious, Nott. I’ve had a terrible fucking day and I am not giving up the bath.” 
“Neither am I,” he countered. “Practice was brutal. I ate shit on the pitch and all I want to do is to reap my prefect benefits via bubble bath. I’m afraid you’re just going to have to learn how to share, sweetheart.”
You watched in stunned silence as he peeled off his jersey. The moonlight streamed through the glass stained windows, painting him in a surreal sort of light. There was no ounce of shame to be found in Theodore Nott as he stripped off his trousers and stood stark naked in the middle of the bathroom. 
Look away, you thought. Look the fuck away now.  
But like a moth to a flame, you found yourself horribly drawn to the cocky, arrogant, son of a bludger. His tall frame cut an imposing figure in the dark as slivers of moonlight danced across his ridiculously toned chest and well-defined abs. He was neither brawny nor scrawny, but somewhere in the middle, which unfortunately happened to be your sweet spot. 
To make matters worse, the smug prick seemed perfectly aware of your ogling. You could’ve sworn Theo flexed as he stalked towards you. Unlike most boys his age, he wasn’t awkward or bumbling. Theo was confident in his body. Too confident. 
You sighed. “Can you at least attempt to be decent?” 
“Why? It’s not like you haven’t seen it all before.”
As if you needed a reminder of this ongoing tryst between you. Theo waded to your side, leaning his head back as the warm water sloshed around him. His eyes fluttered close, those thick lashes of his kissing the top of his cheekbones. Water trickled down his collarbone and you had to fight the urge to lean over and lick it off. 
“I told you, last time was—“ 
“The last time,” Theo finished. “I’m perfectly aware, principessa. You say it every time.” 
“I mean it this time.” 
He cocked his head, flashing those hypnotizing eyes at you. “Oh?” Theo drawled slowly, reaching out to brush a wayward lock of hair that had escaped from your braid. “Did my poor little Ravenclaw finally find the courage to say no to the big bad Slytherin?” 
Your breath hitched as he pressed his lips against your throat. “Fuck,” you whispered. 
“Go on then, love,” Theo hummed against your skin. He kissed the sensitive spot beneath your earlobe, making you involuntarily arch into him. Slender fingers wrapped around the base of your throat, holding you in place. “Tell me what you want, diavolina.” 
You sighed in defeat. “Stop being an asshole and kiss me, Nott.” 
Theo grabbed the back of your head and crashed his lips against yours like a man starved. After months of going without, you came to the horrid realization that you craved this as much as he did. You crawled into his lap, straddling him as he gripped your hips hard enough to leave bruises. 
I am a stupid girl, you thought. A stupid, horny girl who had no business snogging Theodore Nott. 
One, you were bitter rivals. Two, Theo awakened a dangerous side of you that defied all logic. This whole fucked up situation started because of your lapse of judgment last winter. As always, Theo had said or done something to annoy you during class and in return you hexed his drink to taste like dragon dung. He retched for a week straight. Somehow Snape found out that you were to blame and placed both of you in detention.
One thing led to another in the potions classroom and you ended up with your skirt around your waist and Theo’s head between your legs. You quickly resolved that the only way to shut him up was to keep him occupied and occupied he was. Ever since then, the two of you had been at it like rabbits. 
You thought that you would leave all of it behind in sixth year, but barely a week into this term and you were already repeating the pattern. 
“I’ve been thinking about this all summer,” Theo groaned into your mouth. 
“That’s cute, Nott,” you responded sarcastically. “Miss me over the holidays, did you?”
Theo rolled his eyes. “Oh, please. Don’t act like you haven’t been thinking about this too. You’ve been testier than a Hungarian Horntail since the minute you got off the platform. I could tell that you haven’t been properly fucked since our little impromptu goodbye in the broom closet last spring.” 
“You’re absolutely repulsing.” 
He smirked. “Then why are you pulling me closer?” 
You rolled your eyes. “Shut up and fuck me before I change my mind.” 
“You could say please.” 
“I could,” you said with a shrug before gripping his cock and lining him up at your entrance. Theo groaned as you sank down into him with a satisfied little smirk. “But I won’t.” 
The moan that came out of his mouth barely sounded human. “Fuck,” he said, burying his head in the crook of your neck. “How do you always feel so fucking good?” 
You knew what he meant. As much as you hated to admit it, Theo was right. You hadn’t gotten properly laid since your last tryst. There had been other boys this summer, but none of them made you feel like this. Because sex with Theo wasn’t just sex. It was warfare. You fucked like you both had something to prove. 
Even now, as you grinded your hips against him, Theo thrusted upwards with equal force like you were competing for the bloody house cup. You ran your fingers through his hair, frowning a little. 
“What?” Theo asked. 
“Did you cut your hair?” 
He grinned as he trailed kisses along your jaw. “You don’t like it?”
“Less to hold onto.”
“Don’t worry dolcezza,” Theo chuckled darkly. He squeezed your thighs and pressed you against him roughly. “I’ll make sure to hold on tight for the both of us.”
You hummed in agreement before sinking down again, setting a steady rhythm as you rode him with reckless abandon. For someone who valued logic, every ounce of common sense you possessed went out the window when it came to this infuriating boy. 
Maybe you were a masochist. But as Theo thrust sharply into you, the stupid little voice in your head said that you didn’t really mind the pain. 
You moaned as Theo tilted your chin, capturing your lips with his. It was a clash of tongue and teeth as you fought for dominance, putting your bodies to the test. He knew exactly what buttons to press, which sensitive spots to hit, how to challenge you physically and mentally. 
“Gods, right there.” You whimpered, digging your fingernails into his back. Theo’s hypnotizing eyes snapped to yours, piercing through every layer until you felt even more bare than you already were. “Don’t fucking stop, please.”
He smirked. “So you do have bedside manner after all.” 
“Not for you,” you said as you grinded down hard, making Theo bite into your shoulder. 
“Salazar fucking save me,” he grunted. 
“Your founder can’t save you now, Nott.” 
“Cruel, ruthless woman.” Theo looked up at you like he was praying to the stars. His movements stilled as your gazes collided. “Tell me you missed this. Tell me that no one else makes you feel like this.” 
You whined at the loss of friction. “You’ve picked a shit time to get all sentimental on me, Nott.”
“It’s not sentiment, it’s the truth,” Theo declared, thrusting lazily. “And I want to hear you say it.” 
“Call it curiosity,” he said casually. “I want to know if I measure up to the boys back in Oxford.”
Not even close, you thought. But you were not about to admit that out loud. 
“Curiosity killed the cat, you know.” 
Theo chuckled before sinking his teeth into your neck. “But I’m not a cat, little bird. I’m a snake and I’m coiled around you ready to strike if you say the word.” 
You shivered slightly. This constant back and forth, all the bickering and banter, was just you and Theo’s sick and twisted version of foreplay. Gods, you fucking missed it. 
“Fine,” you grumbled. “Theodore Nott, you are an infuriating little shit but you fuck like an absolute demon. I missed sneaking around with you in the broom closet, the charms classroom, the astronomy tower, and wherever else we managed to defile in this bloody castle. Is that what you wanted to hear?” 
The shiteating grin on his face almost made you want to take it all back, but then he flipped you over, laying you down on the cold marble tile and staring at you with so much lust in his eyes that you felt the depths of his desire in your core. He crawled over you, water trickling down his tanned skin. 
“Close enough,” he remarked before hiking your leg over his shoulder and burying himself so deep that you clawed the edge of the tub to keep yourself from slipping. 
The rest of it was a blur of skin on skin as Theo unleashed himself on you. His mouth, his fingers, his cock were all just tools of seduction that he wielded with lethal precision. 
The pleasure washed over you in waves, crashing again and again as he made you cum not once, not twice, but a total of three times. By the time he reached his peak, you were so exhausted that the two of you collapsed in the dark. 
You laid side by side, staring up at the domed glass ceiling in stunned silence. After a moment, Theo turned over to face you.
“So what?”
“Did I manage to knock that stick out of your arse?”
You rolled your eyes, pushing off the tile. “And that’s my cue to leave.”
“I’m kidding. I’m good, but I’m not that good,” Theo teased, following closely behind as you put your clothes back on. He eyed the bright magenta stain on the front of your uniform. “What happened there? Did you murder some poor unsuspecting pygmy puff?” 
“No, but I did a number on the potions lab,” you lamented with a sigh. “That stupid Angel’s Trumpet Draught is bloody impossible to brew.” 
“That old thing?” Theo asked, pulling out a fresh set of clothes from his quidditch bag. “I finished it ages ago.” 
You gaped, nearly tumbling over your own skirt. “How? I followed the recipe word for word and this disastrous stain was all I managed to achieve.”
“Sometimes you have to go off the book,” he replied. “Experiment a little.” 
“No thanks, I’d rather keep all my limbs intact.”
“I think you’re doing a rather splendid job of endangering yourself all on your own,” Theo said sarcastically. He cocked his head as you slipped on your boots. “I’ll make you a deal. I’ll show you how to brew the draught in exchange for a favor.” 
You narrowed your eyes in suspicion. “What kind of favor?” 
“That’s for me to decide and for you to accept.” 
“I’d rather not give an egomaniac a nuclear advantage.” 
Theo rolled his eyes. “Do you want my help or not, diavolina?” 
“Fine,” you said with a sigh. “But only because I’m desperate.” 
“Words every bloke is dying to hear.” 
Without a word, he tossed a mass of balled up fabric in your direction. “What’s this?” 
“A jumper, an article of clothing generally worn to retain warmth in colder climates,” Theo deadpanned.
“I know what a jumper is, you tosser. Why are you giving it to me?” 
“Because, you’ll get a cold walking around like that,” Theo explained with a longsuffering sigh as though you were a clueless first year. The corners of his mouth quirked up. “Plus, I can see your nipples through your blouse and as much as I enjoy the view, I doubt that flashing Filch is at the top of your bucket list.” 
“You truly are appalling,” you replied, shrugging the slightly faded jumper on. The thing was so worn that you couldn’t even make out the inscription on the front. The fabric swallowed you whole, skimming the top of your thighs. It also smelled like sea salt and smoke and boy. One boy in particular. 
“You’re welcome, sweetheart.” He grinned, showing off those stupid little dimples of his. “Meet me in the potions lab tomorrow. Eight o’clock sharp, just like old times. And bring a muffin.” 
“For the draught?’ 
“No, for me.” Theo said, holding the door open. “I’ll need motivation if I’m spending my Saturday morning with you.” 
You slipped into the hallway and flipped him the bird. His laughter followed you in the dark like an annoying shadow.
“See you tomorrow, my little pygmy puff!”
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Taglist: @annaisabookworm@marina468@yaraasthings @the0doreslover@bubybubsters@moony-artemis @natasha887@lucyysthings@criesinlies @bunnymallowo@niktwazny303@letmedownslows @siriuslyalovergirl@wordsarelife@clairesjointshurt @daydreamingabthar @mishtay @cherry-hoe  @littlebookbengal @maybefoxysouls @nomup  @aliensknowmyillusions
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runaway90s · 9 months
I'm a Ravenclaw!
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ofmythsandfablesaa · 2 years
Rowena Ravenclaw
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Wit Beyond Measure (Aged 33 ; FC: Katie McGrath)
Modern verse, years after the Battle of Hogwarts. Rowena Marseline Ravenclaw Dawson is a descendent of one of the four founders. Although born in Scotland, she was raised in England, but decided to move back to Scotland once old enough. She is an Astronomy professor and on the council with Hogwarts’ latest headmaster. Rowena enjoys charting the stars in her spare time, as well as organizing events for the students and staff to participate in. If she would have it her way though, she’d be in her quarters or at her cottage in Scotland reading with a nice cup of tea.
Fair Ravenclaw from Glen (Aged 35; FC: Katie McGrath)
Takes place in the 11th century. Rowena Ravenclaw has come together with three other wonderful wizards and witches to create a school for young mages to learn how to properly use magic, calling the school Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Rowena lives on property along with her daughter Helena and teaches Astronomy and Flying.
Seventh Year (Aged 18 ; FC: Grace Phipps)
Rowena Dawson is in her seventh year at Hogwarts, learning to become a professor for the very school she’d come to call home. She’s a descendant of the founder of her house, and such notoriety comes with certain expectations for her that causes the young witch to stress and feel anxious at times. She’s curious, fun-loving, and loves to read, but she’d rather be at a quidditch game or studying the stars and moon phases.
Force of Nature (Witcher Verse ; FC: Katie McGrath)
Rowena was a sorceress for the Queen of Lyria and Rivia for many years, but forewent being employed by the queen to roam the continent on her own. She doesn’t settle down in a place for too long, because mages are frowned upon in most areas, but she enjoys the adventure and what her journey could bring. 
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jacelightbourneart · 2 years
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Day 11 of Inktober 2022: Eagle This is as straightforward as I can get. The Ravenclaw Eagle is my take on this prompt. Those who have known me the longest know that no matter what, my Hogwarts House is always Ravenclaw. Often understood to be the house with the most brainpower given its reputation, it was later expanded to include those who are fixated and always curious to learn. It is the house where those who thirst for knowledge find themselves at home in. "Wit Beyond Measure is Man's Greatest Treasure" is Rowena Ravenclaw's Maxim for her house. It is very apropos for those who wish to learn new things about fields of study they find themselves immersed in, myself included. You would find me not only reading tomes of medical books and law books, but also books on medieval and world history, earth science, astronomy, architecture, and even food science. It's as Ravenclaw as I can get. #inktober2022day11 #inktober2022day11eagle #inktober2022eagle #inktober2022 #inktober #inked #ink #inkdrawing #inkillustration #markerart #fanart #artwork #art #artoftheday #artofinstagram #artistoninstagram #artistsoninstagram #harrypotter #harrypotterandthedeathlyhallows #ravenclaw #ravenclawpride #ravenclawaesthetic #ravenclawhouse #rowenaravenclaw #drawing #draw #wizardingworld #inkart https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjii1MDht0r/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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witchoflegends · 2 years
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@fallencrowns​ sent: 💔 ( for rowena! )
52. My muse tells yours their dark secret.
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“Salazar, enough! I’ll never hate muggles as you do! Partly because I married one!” She was tired of listening to him rant and rave about his continued hatred of muggles. She was tired of knowing what he was willing to do to them, and she found herself blurting out the one thing she knew he would never want to hear. A mistake, for sure, but there was no way Rowena could put the words back into her mouth. So she might as well accept her fate. When she spoke again, her words came a lot softer. “Sometime in the 15th century I went to live amongst them. See what it was like to live as they do. I fell in love, and we had children. A set of twins. Two beautiful wizard boys, Gideon and Santana.”
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bcbliophile · 2 years
every friend group should include a bimbo
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a mean bisexual
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 an even meaner lesbian
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 a token straight that’s on thin ice
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 an astrology bitch who has everyone’s birth chart memorized
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 and a short Queen
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jenwojtowicz · 6 years
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For all of the Ravenclaws : )
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hpdailyquoty · 6 years
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tatesharon · 4 years
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Hogwarts Founders’ Relics
Slytherin’s Locket was a piece of jewellery originally owned by Salazar Slytherin that became an heirloom of his family.
Ravenclaw’s Diadem was the only known relic once belonging to Rowena Ravenclaw. Etched upon its surface was Ravenclaw’s famous quote: “Wit beyond measure is man’s greatest treasure.”
The Sword of Gryffindor was a thousand-year-old, goblin-made swordowned by the famed wizard Godric Gryffindor.
Helga Hufflepuff’s Cup was a magical item created by Helga Hufflepuff. It was a small golden cup with two finely-wrought handles with a badger engraved on the side and a few jewels. 
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mixmioart · 7 years
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“Wit beyond measure is man’s greatest treasure”.
I made a Ravenclaw-themed design because I am a proud Ravenclawer.  Love to all my fellow ravens!
(Please don’t use without crediting me! Thanks <3)
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Ravenclaw + Slytherin = Raverin 💙💚
Aesthetic made by me, please give credit! ;)
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longbottomneville · 7 years
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The four houses: Ravenclaw 2/4
Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, if you’ve a ready mind, where those of wit and learning, will aways find their kind
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ourworldofwonders · 4 years
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Rowena Ravenclaw
"Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure"
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ssa-alex-hopkins · 3 years
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Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure. Going medieval this year, and celebrating Halloween as the wise Rowena Ravenclaw 💙🦅
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black-doe · 4 years
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– Wit beyond measure is man’s greatest treasure.
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