#Ravenclaw baddie
miscellaneousjay · 7 months
Yo BIPOC Potterheads!!!! Anyone got any good fanfic recommendations with Black Hermione, Desi Harry Potter, and all of them having positive friendships with the other (canon/fanon) witches and wizards of color? With all of the beautiful fan art I’ve seen and shamelessly revisiting Black Hermione’s Twitter account, I need a good story to go with the images! Like, I can’t get Black Hermione, Padma, Pavarti, Angelina, Cho, Lavender, Dean, and Blaze all hanging out and really bonding over being a handful of BIPOC at a PWI out of my head! Speaking of PWI, WHERE MY HAMU WITCHES AT?!
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princess-weasley · 3 months
𐙚 princess-weasley’s masterlist;
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concepts; —————————————- (🍓 - slytherin 🤍 - gryffindor 🌼 - hufflepuff )
🍓 y/n and pansy’s relationship
🍓 brother enzo berkshire
🍓 calling mattheo and theodore nicknames for the first time
🍓 calling theodore “mario”
🍓 slytherin boys reactions to walking in on you changing
meet the malfoy’s;
🍓 draco + y/n
instagram series;
🍓 y/n’s weekly photo dump - theodore nott x reader
🍓 dad to be draco - draco malfoy x reader
🤍 ron x baddie girlfriend - ron weasley x reader
🍓 bad idea! - draco malfoy x reader (smut)
🍓 enzo berkshire as your bestfriend - enzo berkshire x hufflepuff bestfriend reader
🍓 draco spoiling his girlfriend - draco malfoy x reader
🍓 husband draco headcannons - draco malfoy x wife reader
ron weasley x ravenclaw reader
——————————————————————————————𐙚 love, princess weasley
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destructivisms · 1 month
hi!! i found out you accept ship requests so i decided to send one. i'd like to know about the ship and who would be my best friend if possible 🫶 i'll be ok with any character from the show.
i'm a bi woman, with dark red hair and black eyes. i have a lot of tattoos and piercings on my nose and lip. i mostly dress classic, since i work as a psychologist. i graduated from university a couple of years ago, and since then, i've been working in a clinic with children with autism. my first language is russian.
in my free time, i draw! i have a blog dedicated to fanarts, and i also draw comms. i'm a huge bookworm, i love reading classics and modern prose the most, i have a tiktok acc about books in russ, i mainly talk about my favorite writers (aka nabokov and dostoevsky). when i was in high school, i won a competition for the best poem. i am not a fan of fantasy, but i have a tattoo with a dragon in honor of a song of ice and fire by grrm (i adore this book series).
i am not a very social person. I have a few friends, but i like spending time alone more. when i was a child, i really loved Harry Potter and always dreamed of being a ravenclaw, but all the tests put me in slytherin😭.
i am intj and a gemini (although i dont believe in astrology). now i am very busy with work, but i try to study always and improve my english and maybe even start learning spanish. i hope i sent enough information.
thank you very much!! 🤍����🤍
hello hello!! thank you for sending this one in (love how my ship requests attract fellow multilingual baddies lmao), hope you like it 🫶
I ship you with...
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the two coolest gals in the entire world actually.
You two meet at a coffee shop. It's a lazy afternoon, you're taking your time at a table in the corner with your drink and pastry of choice. But the main reason you're there is to draw — you decide to practice in a different environment, so observational drawing it is. It's been a while since you arrived, you've sketched a few faces of people passing by, objects, the refractions of light coming in through the window.
Your eyes search around for the next subject and then you see her — the woman who just sat down with a cup of tea and a piece of cake. She's got a little smile on as the guy by her side mutters a string of complaints about how this soggy atrocity can't even be called a real croissant. You draw them both for a while, but you really fixate on her; the myriad gestures and strong expressions she replies to him with are so interesting to try and replicate. And she's very cute.
You're so immersed in drawing her, you're caught by surprise when you lift your eyes from the sketch and she's looking back at you with a smile. Caught red-handed!
She approaches you, typing something in her phone, and when she shows you the screen she wants to see the drawings. She lights up with the sketch page and starts typing a string of compliments on her phone (you're already smiling too, at that point). She then asks for your pen to scribble something in the corner. Her friend then calls her and she waves goodbye and you know that cute smile will stay in your head forever.
When you look back at the sketch, you see she wrote down her name — KIMIKO, in block letters — and her number.
Your first text to her is a picture of the drawings — a sketch page filled with her various expressions. Crude sketches, gesture drawing and facial expressions practice mostly, but in her replies she's amazed. She asks to see more of your art and you send her the link to your blog!!
And that, my friend, is how Kimiko becomes your No. 1 fan
You two start chatting a lot, like, A LOT (you don't know this from your side of the conversation, but Frenchie sees her giggling at the screen and asks what is it, and Butcher is constantly telling her to put down the goddamn phone. Kimiko finds out she really likes texting)
(and she really likes you too)
It takes a while for you to see each other again, but by the time you do meet you're already "pen pals" (text pals?) and friends.
This time, you plan to go together to a street fair — it's your first in-person encounter with Kimiko in around a month, and you're friends now, so why are you nervous...?
Oh my God it's a date
Not that any of you make it explicit, but it is SO a date
You spend a wonderful day listening to live music, tasting good food, looking at the vendors and chatting. Kimiko might be non-verbal but those fingers can TYPE — she's incredibly lively, with a wide smile, and to be fair she's the one that does most of the "talking" in the conversation.
Also because she feels so comfortable with you, and how you navigate the conversation. You never make her feel like she's slowing things down by typing or seem less interested in what she has to say.
There's one specific vendor in the fair that's a stand for used books, and you use it as a prerogative to talk away about your love for classics (she ends up buying a book you recommend — insert here the Russian classic you'd recommend to her).
After that? It's a date and EVERYONE knows it.
Frenchie tells her all the time to make a move and invite you to another one. He thought you seemed nice (saw you once) and already shipped you both (read a single text). But he sees how Kimiko acts when texting you and talking to you — C'est l'amour, mon coeur, need I say more?
You go on a series of dates after that, each one more explicitly romantic than the previous one, until your connection eases into a relationship without you even noticing. It's just so natural to be with her.
The word "girlfriend" is first used, though, when Kimiko introduces you to THE BOYS. That's the main aspect of her life, and even though she'd like to protect you, fighting is the only way she knows how to — her family has to know you too. So Kimiko, smiling by your side, types Everyone, this is my girlfriend.
She often likes watching you draw — the expression of concentration on your face as you pour your heart into a piece. There's something really special to her about making art, Kimiko herself loves little crafts and probably picks up drawing because of you.
Both of you definitely have silent hang outs in which you do your art or read books, listen to music, have a good drink of coffee/tea and chill together.
You immediately melt, of course. It's official. And now you have this bunch of dudes who will also protect you (because lord knows what Kimiko would do if they didn't).
Getting introduced to the team, then, brings you to a great friendship with...
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braincells of the team duo!
Not gonna lie, I was torn between M.M. and Kimiko for the ship, but the more I thought about it the more I liked your friendship.
You get to know him when Kimiko introduces him to The Boys, but he already knew about you — all of them did — just by how much she texted you. All the time.
And when he meets you, he's so pleasantly surprised by how much of a good influence you are — not that he thought ill of you, it's just that in that world they've all learned to suspect anyone.
But M.M. vibes with you from the start: your level-headedness and drive don't manifest through coldness, but rather are something that he can connect with. You're as logical and practical as him.
Also I imagine your work as a psychologist gives you a mental tool set to de-escalate conflict, ground people, and get to the root of the problem, that he really appreciates. As the member of the team that's trying to keep them together and do the right thing, you're someone M.M. would love to have by his side.
You're not officially a part of The Boys, but M.M. soon starts going to you as a sort of advisor and friend — sometimes he needs someone to remind him of the right path to take, or simply a friendly shoulder to hear about all the shit he has to put up with because of these guys.
(Also, since the show implies Janine might also have OCD, or is dealing with anger issues in general, he absolutely goes to you for advice)
But enough about your profession, he also gets book recommendations from you (who wouldn't, you're so cool).
I loved @ brynnterpretations's hc that M.M. has Goodreads clout so I am absolutely incorporating it to say he boosts your book TikTok there, even though he does not speak Russian.
All in all, you've got yourself really good people by your side :)
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gywin97 · 1 year
I’ve been re-reading some of my favourite HP fics as I wait for HL to come out, and I love how you can tell which house the author is in based on how they’re ‘fix-it’ fic goes:
-          Massive, Avengers-style epic final showdown between Voldie and Harry
-          Golden Trio + Neville
-          “Harry no-” “Harry YES!”
-          Harry Potter / Ron Weasley have absolutely zero impulse control and it’s giving Hermione high blood pressure
-          Weasley Twins! Weasley Twins!
-          The Order is like 60% Weasley it’s basically gingers against fascism
-          Dumbledore is powerful but angry Minera McGonagall is terrifying
-          Sirius Black has more than five minutes of screentime.  
-          Remus Lupin is the one responsible adult in the room
-          “There’s no need to call me Sir, professor.”
-          Slytherins are all baddies, no redemption arc for you
-          Umbridge get’s GOT
-          *Draco makes a Weasel joke at Ron* Hermione: “You were literally a ferret.”
-          Harry visits the library and learns more spells than goddamn ‘expelliarmus’
-          Sassy!Harry, Smart!Harry,
-          The fuck kinda school is this??!?!
o   *See’s moving staircases* Really, right in front of my OSHA regulations?
o   So they’re really just letting anyone teach DADA, huh?
o   Susan Bones / Kingsley Shacklebolt shows up and lays down the law
-          Callouts for every plothole, and I mean EVERY plothole.
-          Someone notices the SOUL FRAGMENT living in Harry’s forehead
o   “Harry Potter must die” “Ok but have you tried literally anything else???”
-          Using magical gadgets (Time Turners, Sneakoscope, etc) and the Room of Requirement
-          Actual pagan rituals sprinkled in for flavor (Samhain, Yule, etc)
-          Witch  Wizard Wixen
-          Everyone lives / nobody dies, Happy Endings, Found Family
-          Characters actually sit down and deal with their TRUMA
-          “My cupboard-” “Your what?”
-          Harry is a sweetheart, polite to everyone
o   This includes Filch / House Elves / Goblins
o   no one can say no to his big green puppy eyes, sorry that’s illegal.
o   Snape/Minerva see’s Lily’s eyes and have emotions
-          Someone (Often Pomfrey) notices Harry’s abuse and takes action.
o   *Smacking Dumbledunce with a rolled-up newspaper* What! Were! You! Thinking!?
o   Harry gets adopted, and his new guardians are outside the Dursley’s house holding baseball bats.
-          You get a redemption arc, you get a redemption arc, EVERYBODY GETS REDEMPTION ARCS!!
-          Harry is a Slytherin / befriends Slytherins.
o   “Slytherin will never accept Harry Potter!” *Ten minutes later* “We’ve only had Harry Potter for a day and a half but if anything happened to him we’d kill everyone in this room and then the Dark Lord.”
o   Slytherin kids get personalities besides ‘mean’ and ‘henchmen’
o   Blasie Zabini is always a slut. I don’t know why this is universal, but it just is.
o   Theo Nott is always the nerd.
-          “So are we just gonna just not talk about the Chamber of Secrets or…?”
-          Fuck this, Fuck the Ministry, Fuck the Wizengamot, here’s 60 reasons why
-          BAMF Narcissa Malfoy
-          Harry gets a pet snake and regularly speaks Parseltongue
-          Severitus or Mentor!Snape:
o   Severus Snape hates James Potter but he hates child abuse more
o   “So I live with my aunt Petunia-” “Tunie?!?!”
o   The Eyebrow of Doom
o   Harry learning more about his mum than her eye color
-          Severus Snape ends up with a small pack of children following him around and he’s not sure how that happened but Merlin help anyone who fucks with them
-          Dumbledore call-out
-          It’s not dark or light magic, it’s just magic
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yoselin-uyu · 2 years
Art-Trades !!
With @lyss-fletcher !! (/^-^(^ ^*)/
THEY are like besties now, sorry you wont get rid of me!! BUT lyss has such a cool look !! The part of Lyss blue hair was my FAVORITE part, and the "shinee dot" coming out of the wand definitely added a touch 10/10. ✨💙🎆
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@thomokmeow !! (´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`)
GOSH I LOVE HER HAIR shes so cute and lovely i just cant help loving her too much 💟💟✨
And yes the "meme" was from a post of your's" :33
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And @samshogwarts !! (。・ω・。)ノ♡
I LOVED THIS ONE !! The BG is totally mine and im happy for it 🌑✨
Just look at them !! Aren't they so pretty ? I have to say, that i made lots LOTS of sketches for this one BELIEVE ME, but they didn't end the way i wanted to, i guess i'll have to practice more (•ө•)♡ 🌌
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Its was so funn to do them thanks for having this with me, Hope you like them ♡♡ !!
Love that they are all Ravenclaw, god i love them, Did i say "love" too much ? Well i dont care, i love them !! XDXD
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bird-kiss · 4 years
o, to embrace the dark acadamia of writing poetry in the ravenclaw common room, drinking firewhisky and reading classics, quoting philosophers with fellow intellectuals deep into the night.
to walk the grounds menacingly amongst a tight friend group, only to leap into the gigantic pillow fortress you’ve all made the second you’ve uttered the password to the slytherin dungeon, taking turns to tell ghost stories.
to be an arthoe hufflepuff who has too many plants to possibly be able to provide equal attention to, stitching colourful patches onto your jeans where you ripped them climbing trees with your best friend.
to invite all your mates to your dorm room to dance to muggle music playing off of your smuggled-in record player, jumping on beds and waving the gryffindor colours above your heads.
basically to be a hogwarts student untroubled by yearly visits from voldemort and unworried about a great war, living out your magical youth as one rightfully should
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Ok. How was that creepy chick you talk to considered for Ravenclaw and HUFFLEPUFF and not Slytherin. Literally HOW.
Hufflepuff is a mystery, but I believe she is the very definition of a Ravenclaw. The hat did not err in her placement. 
She seeks knowledge for its own sake, without some grand master plan of what to do with it. She certainly does not feel as though she has anything to prove, not to her peers, and I am getting the sense that while she respects me, she feels she has nothing to prove to me, either. Slytherins, on the other hand, regardless what they say to the contrary, always seem to be trying to prove themselves, their value and worth, especially to people they respect and admire. 
She is also willing to toss any notion of tradition out the window - legacies, customs, general consensus, these things mean little to her. A Slytherin would be appalled. 
No, she is, very much a Ravenclaw. 
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angrryslytherin · 6 years
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oh my god u rebel, we got a rEBel here, somebody better lock u up
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the-al-chemist · 2 years
Artemis Hexley and the Circle of Khanna
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Chapter 20: The Sunken Vault
A/N: it’s time to face the final Cursed Vault, but is Artemis really ready for what’s inside? Warnings: scenes of violence and trauma, flashbacks, mild horror, mentions of murder.
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Mr Maestro was as good as his word. On the final day of the month, after the summer term had already started and Bill had set off to Uganda on his expedition with Gringotts, Artemis received a heavy parcel in the morning post.
“Early birthday present?” asked Tonks.
“In a way,” Artemis replied, able to feel the frame of the lyre through the packaging. “We need to have a meeting with the rest of the Circle of Khanna. Penny, do you reckon you could let everyone know to meet at lunchtime?”
When it came to spreading news, no one was better than Penny Haywood. By lunchtime, the whole of the Circle of Khanna knew to meet at the lakeshore.
“We’ve got the lyre fixed,” Artemis told them. “We can go to the final Vault now. Not right now, Barnaby,” she added, and Barnaby stopped removing his shoes. “I mean later.”
“Later today?”
“Yeah, we could,” Artemis nodded, gnawing at her lower lip as she looked across the lake, in the direction of Hogsmeade station. “So, I know Bill isn’t going to be able to come with us, but I’ve spoken to my brother and he’s offered to help. He’s worried about how safe this is going to be, especially with so many of us going. He wanted it to be just him and me, but-”
“Typical,” muttered Merula, glaring at Artemis.
“I’m sorry?”
“I said that this is just typical,” Merula repeated. “You get all of us involved and then go ditch us to do your own thing as soon as your brother is involved.”
“Actually, that wasn’t what I was going to suggest at all,” said Artemis. “I actually told Jacob that you should come to the Vault, Merula. Rakepick trained you up just as much as she did me.”
Merula’s violet eyes widened. “You did?”
“Oh. Right. Yeah. Thanks.”
“You’re welcome. I mean, I did want all of you to come, but Jacob said that we shouldn’t draw too much attention to ourselves, and he’s got a point.”
“In case Rakepick is still about?”
“Well, yeah, but it’s not just her. The dementors are still around, the Aurors are looking for him as well as Rakepick, and Dumbledore has told us to leave the Vaults alone. Now that term’s started again, it’s going to look suspicious, all of us diving into the lake, especially with my brother as well.”
“So, what are you suggesting?”
“Some of us need to stay behind to either distract the teachers or keep watch.”
“Tonks and I can set up some distractions,” said Tulip, smirking to herself. “I’ve already got a couple of ideas.”
“Anything I can help with?” Jae asked.
“Almost certainly.”
“Well, that’s that settled,” Artemis nodded. “Anyone else got a preference?”
“I don’t mind keeping watch,” offered Badeea. “There’s an excellent view of the lakeshore from Ravenclaw tower. Andre, Talbott, you could stay with me?” 
“I’ll keep watch, but I’d rather do it from the air,” Talbott said quietly. “Alone.”
“Me, Liz, Ismelda, Charlie, and Alanza can stay behind to deal with the Grindylows,” said Barnaby. “And if there’s any trouble with any baddies or anything, Diego and I can fight them, too.”
“That’s… um… great, Barnaby. Thanks.”
“Chiara and I will stay behind at the Hospital Wing in case anyone gets hurt and needs healing,” Penny suggested, looking at Barnaby out of the corner of her eyes. “I’m rather good at Wiggenweld potions, if I do say so myself.”
“And it means we can keep an eye on the statue curse victims. If they get back to normal, we’ll know you’ve managed it.”
“Good point,” Artemis nodded at Chiara before turning to the remaining member of the group. “That just leaves you, Ben. What do you fancy doing?”
Ben frowned silently, his eyes fixed on the silt at his feet. Eventually, he looked up. When he did, he looked straight at Artemis.
“I want to go to the Cursed Vault,” he said, and Artemis blinked. 
“Are you sure?”
“Yes,” Ben nodded. “It seems right to go. The first time we found anything to do with the Vaults, it was you and me and Rowan. It was the three of us in the beginning, and now we are ending the Curses once and for all, I… I want to be there to do it. Actually there. For Rowan.”
Artemis swallowed and gave Ben a small smile. She looked around the Circle of Khanna, before fixing her eyes on the still surface of the Black Lake.
“For Rowan.”
With the lyre fixed and a plan in place, everything was ready. As night began to fall over the Hogwarts grounds, the Circle of Khanna took to their positions. Standing on the lakeshore with Ben and Merula, Artemis fired red sparks into the dusky air. 
She shivered as she waited for Jacob, though the evening was not cold. What if he didn’t show up? What if he had been hurt, or captured, or had changed his mind? What if he let her down again? The few minutes following her signal seemed to last an age, and the longer she waited, the more she found herself pushing back her sense of panic. He would be there. He had promised that he would be there.
Jacob kept his promise. Just as Artemis was considering going down the secret passageway to find him herself, he emerged from the boathouse with his head lowered and his hood up, his wand tightly clutched in his hand. 
“Three of you?” he asked, frowning at Ben and Merula, the latter of whom glowered at him. He glanced at Artemis before nodding his head. “Okay then. No time like the present. Let’s return this lyre.”
"We need to find Alanza first, she’s the one who can speak-”
“I can negotiate with the merpeople,” said Jacob, and he smirked at the confused look on Artemis’ face. “What? You really think I never bothered to teach myself a little Mermish?”
He winked and Artemis rolled her eyes as she followed him to the jetty, Merula and Ben in tow. One by one, they cast the bubblehead charm and jumped into the water. Beneath the surface, the water was just as murky as it had been earlier that month.
“Where did you meet the merfolk before?”
“Near here,” said Artemis, her voice muffled in spite of how loudly she was trying to speak. “We went that way, and then they just turned up.”
“Then let’s go that way.”
They walked along the bed of the lake, further into the deep water than they had been when the merpeople had found them before. They must have reached a settlement of sorts, presumably where the merfolk lived, for they started to see signs of habitation: huts made of driftwood, tools lain on the floor, rocks carved into statues, and strings of shells and pebbles hanging like garlands.
“It’s a village,” said Ben. “Are you sure we’re allowed to be here?”
Either Jacob hadn’t heard Ben or was ignoring him, for he was already starting to call out in Mermish. Though Artemis couldn’t understand his words, she could hear them clearly, and so must have the merfolk, for several mermen and mermaids emerged from the huts. As a few of them picked up their weapons, Jacob spoke hurriedly, and gestured to the lyre that Artemis was holding in her arms. After a brief exchange of words and an ever briefer flurry of activity, a younger-looking merman was sent away, only to return a few moments later with the merman who had given them the lyre. 
The merman eyed Jacob sceptically, and held out one hand to Artemis without saying a word.  She handed him the instrument, and he examined it closely before calling to two of his peers and giving them instructions.
“We need to follow them,” said Jacob, nodding at the two merfolk. “They will take us to the Vault.”
“How do you say thank you in Mermish?” Artemis asked, and once Jacob had said the phrase she repeated it slowly and carefully to the Merchief, who inclined his head and waved her on her way.
Artemis, Jacob, Merula, and Ben travelled a long distance through the water, or at least it felt that way. The two merpeople who had been tasked with guiding them to the Cursed Vault were powerful swimmers, and it was tiring trying - and failing - to match their pace. When they eventually slowed down,  Artemis assumed that the merpeople had realised that the humans were struggling to follow them, but instead they turned to Jacob and spoke to him, gesturing into the distance.
“What’s the matter? What’s going on?” 
“They won’t go any further. They’re too afraid.”
The merpeople did look skittish, their grey skin paler than when they had set off and a tremor to their voices that hadn’t been present back at the village. Artemis sighed.
“So now what?” she asked, and Jacob nodded in the direction in which the merfolk had been gesturing. 
“We have to go that way. They said we are looking for a cave.”
“Did they say what the cave looks like?”
“No. Only that it feels evil,” said Jacob, his face grim in the greenish glow of the water. “Sounds like it’s the right place, anyway.”
Artemis thanked their guides, who swam away even faster than they had been swimming before, leaving a rush of small silver bubbles in their wake. The curse-breakers went ahead without them, following their instructions until the outline of something tall could be seen through the dark, dirty water ahead.
“Is that-”
“The cave? It must be.”
As they approached it, the shape became clearer. It was a tall pile of stones, extending from a deep ravine in the floor of the lake towards the surface, towering over the completely still inky water around it.
“Is it just me,” said Ben, “or is the water cleaner here?”
“It’s because there’s nothing living here,” Merula replied, looking around at the now crystal-clear water. “Nothing alive wants to be near that Vault.”
“What do you think is inside?”
Ben’s question went unanswered, neither Artemis nor Merula able to think what might provoke such a strong reaction, or such a feeling of intense evil. Beatrice Haywood’s words echoed through Artemis’ mind as she looked towards the rocks. 
That’s the worst one of all of them… Every time I try to swim away, it’s like I’m being pulled back down…
There was an opening within the rock formation, and they swam in, finding themselves in a wide cave, which had yet another opening to a smaller, darker cave. Stepping inside, Artemis saw that the walls were dripping, and water was pooling at her feet.
“Hang on,” she said, surprised at how loud her voice sounded. “We aren’t underwater anymore!”
She removed her Bubblehead charm and took a deep breath, feeling the stagnant, clammy air enter her lungs. 
“How does that work?” Ben asked, following suit. “We are still underwater, why-”
“It’s magic, Copper, you moron.”
Artemis shrugged apologetically at Ben and followed Merula to another gap in the rock formation. She lit her wand and shone it inside, revealing yet another smaller cave.
“How long does this go on for, do you think?” she murmured, knowing fully well that the only way to find out would be to keep moving through the rocks, deeper into the system of caves.
The four of them did just that, following the path through the enchanted rocks, through the caves which got smaller and smaller, until they reached a dead end.
“This must be it,” said Artemis, and Jacob nodded. He stepped back, and gestured for Artemis to take the lead. She raised her wand. “Revelio!”
She had expected another opening to form in the rocks, or for a door to appear, like in the previous Cursed Vaults. What she hadn’t expected was the rumbling of the ground and the walls of the cave, for the whole space around her to shift, for the rocks to move so that they formed seven walls, or for a glowing golden column to rise from the centre. They had not just found the opening to the Cursed Vault, they were already inside it.
“But there’s nothing guarding it,” whispered Artemis, more to herself than anyone else. She frowned. The relative ease with which they had reached the vault made her feel uneasy. “It should be fighting back.”
“Try and open it,” said Jacob, also looking somewhat sceptical. Artemis stepped forward to touch the column, and he grabbed her wrist, pulling her back forcefully. “Legilimency first!”
Artemis nodded, and wriggled free of Jacob’s grip, which had been so tight that it had left pink marks. She stared at the glowing crystal, willing it to open… 
But it did not. She shrugged. “Looks like I’m just going to have to touch it, doesn’t it?”
“No, Artemis, wait-”
Jacob fell silent the second Artemis’ palm made contact with the cool surface of the column, which immediately stopped glowing. Without the glow of the column, the Vault was pitch black. Artemis frowned and waved her hand in front of her face. She could not see it.
“Jacob?” She called out, but there was no response. “Merula? Ben?”
Silence. Silence and darkness. She shuddered, suddenly feeling more afraid and hopeless than she had ever felt in her life, surrounded only by the endless expanse of nothingness. 
Then, she heard a voice. She stepped towards the sound, straining to see who was there.
It was Jacob, but he was taller than before and younger looking, too. When he knelt down, his eyes were level with hers. 
“I’ll be back at Christmas,” he told her, and she felt a tear running down her cheek. “And I’ll write to you every week until then, I promise.”
“Why can’t I come with you?” Artemis found herself asking, her voice more childlike than usual. “I want to go, too.”
“You will one day, Missy,” said Jacob, wiping her cheek and ruffling her hair. “Take care of mum for me whilst I’m gone.” 
He stepped away from her, and a hand on her shoulder stopped her from following him. There was the sound of a whistle, and the smell of smoke, the gentle chugging sound of a train… As the sound faded and Jacob disappeared, Artemis saw a stone archway standing on a daïs in front of her. Before she could stop them, her feet were carrying her towards it.
A woman’s voice, and a familiar one at that. She stopped dead in her tracks and turned around, but no one was there. She was all alone, surrounded by doors. She reached up to open one, but it was locked. Her heart started beating fast, there were shouts and crashes behind her, and she was scared. She stepped backwards and the doors began to spin around her, so fast she felt dizzy, and she screwed her eyes shut. When she opened them again, the doors had gone. 
Her mother stood in front of her, her face pale and eyes puffy. Jacob was beside her, a grim expression on his face. They both looked young, though Jacob was not as young as he had been before, when the train had been there. She frowned, and her mother nodded her head, tears welling in her eyes. 
“Ma?” she asked, and Sara Hexley closed her eyes. “Jacob?”
Jacob pointed his wand at her, and the darkness returned. In the distance, fireworks were bursting in the sky. Artemis lowered her gaze, and saw Jacob on the street outside her house. He raised a hand to her and walked away to the end of the street, disappearing between the flashes of two fireworks. She was alone, and she was crying, and a blackbird was flying, flying away from her… And her mother wouldn’t hug her, or even look at her, and Reggie the Muggle was packing up his boat, and she felt abandoned all over again. The darkness settled over her once more, and something grabbed her ankle.
“Rowan, it’s got me!” she shouted, desperately trying to fight against the thick vines that were reaching out from the darkness and grabbing her, trapping her, ensnaring her…
Suddenly she was free, but when she looked down, Fergus’ tiny body was limp in her arms. She looked up, and Rowan was hit by a bolt of ice. Artemis ran to her, but she disappeared. Instead, there was a Boggart advancing on her, its face shifting between Jacob’s and her own as it moved closer through the darkness. It’s features changed again, and it was Fenrir Greyback. A red cloak appeared over it, and it raised its wand. Charlie fell to the ground, and so did Rowan. Artemis looked back and the cloak was lifted to reveal Ben Copper’s face. She shook her head, and Rowan was in Ben’s place.
“Your friends are already a part of this,” said Rowan, her eyes glazed and voice monotonous. “Before the end of this year, one of them has to die.”
A jet of red light hit Rowan in the chest and Artemis turned to see Rakepick sitting calmly at her desk, her wand pointed at Artemis. There was another flash of light and Artemis watched her wand split apart in her hands. She snapped her head back up to Rakepick, who was now on her feet.
A man writhed on the floor in front of Artemis, and so did Merula, both of them were in pain, so much pain, and they were screaming, and so was Artemis, as Jacob walked away from her again, and Bill sailed away across the lake on a boat with his friends.
“I’m not Bill,” said a voice behind her - Charlie’s voice.
“I wish you were,” Artemis said, but she didn’t mean to say it, she didn’t mean it at all, but she had said it, and now Charlie was hurt and he was walking  away from her, too.
She went to run after him, but everything went dark again. That horrible feeling of unending despair had taken over her once more. She was in the forest, and it was cold. A dementor floated in front of her, and try as she might, she could not cast her patronus. 
But someone else could. Rakepick. She raised her wand and pointed it at Ben, but Rowan jumped out from the trees and they both fell, and Artemis ran towards them, and Rowan was in her arms and she was gone, gone, gone…
A hand took hold of Artemis’ own, and Rowan really was gone, and so was the forest. Artemis was in the Cursed Vault, which was no longer quite so dark. She looked down at her hand and up at the person who was holding it.
“Come on, Hexley,” said Merula, pulling her across to where Ben Copper was stumbling around as if he were blind, shaking and crying silently. 
Merula placed her other hand into Ben’s and though he continued to shake, he blinked at his surroundings, clearly able to see them.
“What… What was that?” he asked, a distinct tremor in his voice.
“That was the Vault fighting back.”
Artemis took a deep shaky breath and looked for Jacob. He had his hands placed to his head and was murmuring to himself under his breath.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” he whispered into his palms. Artemis reached out and took one of his hands in hers, and as she did, he blinked. “Artemis?”
“We need to get out of here,” said Artemis, looking at the column with contempt. “This place, it’s… We can’t stay here.”
Jacob frowned and nodded. He raised his wand and pointed it at the wall that had previously been the opening in the rock formation. 
The wall exploded, with pieces of rock flying out into the cave outside the Vault. Back in the cave, Merula quickly let go of Artemis and Ben’s hands.
“Well?” Artemis asked them. “Do you still… Has it stopped?”
Merula nodded, and Artemis let go of Jacob’s hand. The visions from inside the Vault did not return, but she still felt shaken. 
“That was awful,” said Ben. “Did the rest of you see that? All the worst things that have ever happened to you?” Artemis nodded, and he frowned at the Vault. “Did you feel it, too? Like you’d never feel anything good again?”
“I felt it,” Artemis told him, before turning to look at Jacob. “We need to break the curse. How do we do it?”
“I don’t know.”
Merula blinked at Jacob. “You don’t know?”
“No,” replied Jacob, simply.
“But you’re the one with all that research! You spent all those years studying the Vaults. You spent years inside one of the Vaults. How can you not know?”
“It’s not like I could go to the library when I was stuck in there, is it?” Jacob snapped at Merula, and her violet eyes widened. He immediately softened. “Sorry. But there is a reason that I don’t know. No one does, that’s the issue. No one has broken this Vault before, if they had…”
“Then the Cursed Vaults wouldn’t still be here,” Artemis finished her brother’s sentence for him. “So, what do we do? We’ve got to try something.”
“We’ll need to go back inside,” said Jacob, frowning at the glowing column. “It would be worth you trying Legilimency again. If not, there might be a clue inside the Vault itself. Worst case scenario, we can seal it.”
“Seal it?”
“Close it.”
“We all know what sealing means,” Merula muttered. “But last time we had to open it up. How is doing the opposite going to help?”
“It will stop the curse’s effect. It’s what Patricia did after I got stuck last time. It was too late for me, but… The problem is, it means that the curse won’t be properly broken. You won’t have any more statues, but I don’t know about the people who are already statues.”
“Okay, that’s fine,” said Artemis. “We can stop more people getting hurt, look into how to get past this curse, and come back another day to save everyone else.”
But Jacob shook his head.
“It’s not that simple,” he told her. “The Vaults are sequential. If you fail to open one and seal it instead, you have to start over. That’s why I left the trail for you to follow, I couldn’t get you to free me from the Buried Vault without opening the others first.”
“But even if we do have to open them all, it will still buy us some time to find out how to break it properly.”
From the other side of the cave came a low chuckle, one that sounded familiar in Artemis’ ears and made her blood run cold. She wasn’t the only one to react. Merula’s face paled, Ben looked nauseated, and Jacob grabbed hold of her arm and pulled her back behind him.
“I think it is obvious how to break the curse,” said Patricia Rakepick, stepping across the cave towards them, her eyes on Jacob, who tightened his grip on Artemis’ arm. “You can’t protect her forever, Jacob.”
“No,” Jacob said, a note of fear in his voice. “You promised not to hurt her. You promised that-”
“I promised that I would try it your way,” Rakepick told him. “You have tried it your way. Now, we go back to my plan. To R’s plan.”
“We can try again. She can try again. She can do it, she’s the one to do it.”
“Clearly not.”
“Patricia, please don’t do this. I’ll do anything.”
Jacob’s voice was almost cracking with emotion. Rakepick sighed deeply, and a flicker of something softer than disappointment entered her usually callous eyes.
“How many more people would you have die for this, Hexley?” she asked him.
“None,” replied Jacob, shaking his head “No more. And not her. Not Artemis, please. She can do it, trust me.”
Rakepick laughed, a harsh sound. “Oh, Jacob. I don’t think there’s a single person alive or dead who trusts you anymore.”
She raised her wand, and Jacob drew his, stepping in front of Artemis to shield her. But before either of them had the chance to cast the first spell, there was a shout from across the cave.
With a flash of light, Merula had pointed her wand at Madam Rakepick and conjured a thick rope that coiled around her chest, binding her arms to her sides.
“Bet you wish you’d never taught us that spell, Professor,” Merula sneered, lowering her wand slowly and staring at Rakepick with look of mingled disgust and fury. Rakepick cocked a sardonic eyebrow.
“Well,” she said quietly, a smirk playing on her lips. “Looks like you can fly after all, little bird.”
Merula blinked. “What?”
But before Rakepick could answer, Ben pointed his wand at her, and silently issued a red flash of light that hit her square in the chest and knocked her unconscious. Artemis and Merula stared at him.
“She can use wandless magic, remember?” he said. “We don’t want her doing what she did in the Vault last year.” 
“Good thinking,” Artemis nodded, her front teeth grazing her lower lip. “Right. We don’t have much time, so we’re just going to have to seal the Vault and hope for the best. We have to take Rakepick to the Aurors. She deserves to go to prison for what she did to Rowan.”
“She deserves worse than that,” Merula muttered, her eyebrows still furrowed deeply. “We should kill her.”
“She would have done the same to you, Hexley.”
“Yeah, but that doesn’t make it right,” Artemis said, and she turned to Jacob. “Does it?”
“No, it doesn’t,” her brother agreed with a sigh. “Besides, she knows so much about the Cursed Vaults. More than almost anyone. We can’t let that knowledge go to waste, especially if you want to seal the Vault and try again another time.”
“I do.”
“Then we can’t kill her,” Jacob said, simply. He raised his eyebrows slightly. “But we could… No.”
“Well, we could shut her in the Vault before we seal it.”
“In there?” Artemis frowned and looked at the Vault. “But, those visions…”
“It will keep her alive and on hand to break the final curse,” Jacob reasoned. “She might be more amenable to the idea of helping us after a stint in that place.”
“Or she might be even more unhinged than she is already!”
“Patricia is a lot of things, Artemis. Unhinged isn’t one of them.”
“I think it’s a great idea, personally,” said Merula. “No less than she deserves.”
“No. No one deserves that. Not even Rakepick,” Artemis said, decisively. “We do what Ben says. We give her to the Aurors. And we seal the Vault. If everyone that’s been a statue comes back to life, brilliant. If not, we can visit Rakepick in Azkaban prison and ask her how to break the curse properly another time.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. Now, let’s seal this thing and get back to the shore.”
When they returned to the shore, a still bound and unconscious Rakepick in tow, they found a larger welcome party than they had expected gathered by the water’s edge: the entire Circle of Khanna, Professors Dumbledore and Snape, and a handful of witches and wizards in Aurors’ uniforms, one of whom Artemis recognised as Mad-Eye Moody, the Auror who had interviewed her in the Hospital Wing in December. As Artemis, Jacob, Merula, and Ben emerged from the water, his  magical blue eye fixed on Rakepick, and he strode over to meet them.
“So, these teenagers are telling the truth,” he said gruffly, casting a look over his shoulder at the Circle of Khanna. “Patricia Rakepick really did enter the lake this evening. Though it looks like we weren’t really needed to apprehend the criminal after all. Stunning charm?” he asked, looking between Artemis, Merula and Ben as Jacob lowered his gaze to the floor, his dark hair casting a shadow over half of his face. When the other three nodded, Moody looked mildly impressed. “Good work, Miss Hexley.”
“Oh no,” said Artemis. “It was all Merula and Ben, really.”
But Moody did not seem to care who had truly caught Rakepick, for he did not say another word before he pointed his wand at her, and she awoke looking mildly dazed.
“Patricia Rakepick, my name is Alastor Moody. I am placing you under arrest - once again -  for your involvement with the criminal organisation ‘R’, and for the murder of Rowan Khanna. You will be sent to Azkaban prison until the time comes for you to be trialled by the Wizengamot for your crimes, and if found guilty, you shall remain in Azkaban for the entirety of your sentence.”
He held on to one of Rakepick’s bound arms and escorted her back across the shore to the rest of the Aurors. As he walked away, Artemis felt a hand on her upper arm.
“Artemis, look at me,” said Jacob, and she did. He bent down slightly so that his eyes were level with hers. “You trust me, don’t you? No matter what happens, or what anyone says?”
Artemis frowned, but nodded her head. “Why?”
Jacob did not reply, but he kissed Artemis on the top of her head and squeezed her upper arms before straightening up and following Mad Eye Moody, taking large strides in an attempt to catch up with the Auror.
“Wait!” Jacob called out, and when Moody stopped and turned around, he threw his wand down at his feet and held his hands up at the level of his shoulders. “My name is Jacob Odysseus Hexley. I was also involved with the criminal organisation ‘R’, and I was responsible for the death of Duncan Ashe in 1981.”
“No,” Artemis said, and realising she had said the word out loud, she repeated it, louder this time. “NO!”
But neither Jacob nor Moody, nor any of the other Aurors paid her any attention. Jacob was bound  and escorted away, leaving Artemis to watch, powerless, as her brother left her once more.
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jayz4dayz · 3 years
Kakegurui character headcanons that are canon in my eyes (Part 3)
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You already know this bitch has done hard drugs. She’s probably a dealer at Hyakkaou too ngl
Actually very intelligent and could get all A’s if she cared enough to
Canonly lesbian
She/they vibes 
Hardcore energy drink consumer. Monster and Redbull cans are all over the floor of her dorm room
If you simp for her… ya got mommy and daddy issues, luv-
Is physically touchy toward everyone, but lowkey recoils when someone she doesn’t know or trust touches her
Actively tries to annoy the shit out of both Sayaka and Yuriko as her way of showing her affection 
Night person
I can see her actively practicing witchcraft 
Favorite holiday is Halloween 
Probably has a glass eye somewhere but doesn’t bother putting it in because the eyepatch is a ✨look✨
Was the kid in school who ate glue or play dough 
Is best friends with Sayaka. Do not fight me on this
Needs to go to therapy. Honestly, who doesn’t in that school
Weapon of choice is her revolver, of course <3
Will often lay in Yuriko’s lap because Yuriko actually lets her. It’s one of her favorite things to do when she needs to unwind
Slytherin. 100% a Slytherin. 
Has at least one tattoo somewhere and nipple piercings too if we’re being honest
Can’t stand hot weather and prefers the cold 
Avid fan and listener of the band Mother Mother
Canonly almost shot a person on accident or on purpose with her revolver
Will flirt with Kirari just to piss off Sayaka 
Will flirt with Yuriko just to see her get flustered 
(Y’all can come after me all you want for this one) Has a crush on Yuriko
ESTP-A personality type
Has a pet tarantula
Most likely had a pen explode in her mouth while she was chewing on it in class at some point
Everyone asks “where is Midari?” but no one asks “how is Midari?” 
Favorite color is black or purple 
For SURE owns at least one choker 
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Refuses to take hard drugs but has accidentally gotten high off her ass from an edible. Midari’s edible, mind you
Is the mom friend of the group 
Owns a minivan and drives Midari and Runa places
Has a dent on the side of the same minivan because Midari hit the side of it with a shopping cart that Runa was in
Nurse vibes tbh
Keeps her eyes closed because she’s lowkey blind and can’t see much anyway 
Ravenclaw all the way
Was a horse girl in elementary school 
Has either really beautiful emerald green eyes or average Hudson-river colored brown eyes. Will we ever know?
Is secretly a cat girl. Why else do you think I used that image in particular for her
Easily flustered 
Has a crush on Midari but is still confused about her sexuality 
She sure as hell ain’t straight tho. Not in that school...
An only child
Is struggling, but wears a smile regardless 
Stepped on a butterfly once and sobbed
Ya know... say what you want, but I get vegetarian/vegan vibes from her 
Avid hot tea drinker 
Has pollen allergies
Morning person 
Prefers warmer weather and hates the rain
Has spa days with Yumemi once and a while
Can’t lift anything heavier than twenty pounds probably 
Would be on the Volley ball team if she wasn’t head of the Culture Club 
Several girls in her club have a huge crush on her and compete against Midari to gain her affection and attention 
Has straight A’s 
Idk why, but I can’t see her knowing how to swim
Gets cold easily 
Wears kimonos even when she’s at home 
Enjoys reading classical literature
Also enjoys listening to classical music
Would never admit this, but she listens to K-pop 
Has a hidden talent for drawing 
ISFJ-T personality type 
Weapon of choice is a bo-staff (which is really just a broom stick)  or Midari
Can speak Japanese, Korean, and Mandarin 
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Has absolutely done crack and likely a handful of other drugs 
Has a sugar addiction, but we already knew that one
G R E M L I N     E N E R G Y
Most likely has ADHD or ADD or both even 
I saw somewhere that said she’s 18?? Like, what?? She looks like she’s 12 tf... 
Asexual/Aromatic icon 
Hufflepuff vibes, but I can also kinda see her as a Slytherin
Jokingly homophobic towards Kirasaya and Yuridari 
Will drink nothing aside from soda or energy drinks 
Not a furry, contrary to popular belief. Just enjoys her onesies. Let her live her life jeez
Canonly a baddie 
Short, but will not hesitate in destroying your kneecaps 
Actually really close to the Momobami and Ikishima family
Plays video games with Midari almost every day after school since Aoi left 
Ironically uses “UwU” and “Ara, ara” but does not ironically call people a simp. Can you blame her? She’s surrounded by wlw
Will beat you in Mario Cart. Yes she will. I don’t care how good you think you are
Has managed to not break a single bone in her body despite her size 
Is good at every subject except for geography
Can’t drive, but owns a scooter which she’ll use to get to school if Yuriko is unable to drive her
Owns a pair of Heely’s with wheels  
Unironically wears socks with sandals 
Also wears crocs 
Listens to rap 
Is fast af. “Zoom, zoom, bitches!” 
Secretly a badass gambler
Gets approximately 2-5 hours of sleep each night because she stays up playing video games
Naps during her classes 
Listens and ignores whenever Kirari is pining over Sayaka and talking to her about it
ENFP-A personality type
I can see her owning a hedgehog for some reason, but also a rabbit 
Would probably get away with murder if we’re being honest 
Is not a natural blonde 
Two faced. Like seriously, don’t get on this bitch’s bad side. She’ll destroy you
293 notes · View notes
siriusmydeer · 4 years
Oh and Hello to you today you fine and brilliantly skilled author who I have came to love and adore, you see I know I’d already recently requested something from you but I had a taste of your absolutely amazingly fine talent and just had to come back for more
Ya see, this person here (hem hem, me) would like to ask if she could request something dealing with Young Remus Lupin Remmy Boi being a sweet older brother during the summer to his adoptive sister who is almost his age and very gay and him letting her hang out with him and the Mauraders because her friends were douchbags and skippy skip to Remus letting her rant about it while they sit in his bed, her head in his lap while she’s curled up in a ball and he’s half-heartedly reading while talking to her about her douche-bag friends before he cuddles his sis to his chest and lets her sleep in his bed that night
Anywho, sorry for annoyin you again but I’ve had a shit day and wanted to relax with one of my fav authors and a cuppa tea
baby i was so excited to write this, my internal message to homophobes lies within this one shot. y/n’s vent gave me very “gia ranting her her friends about being bi and it should be nobodies business”
my little sister
brother!remus lupin x fem!reader, girlfriend!marlene mckinnon x fem!reader
warnings: homophobia, mentions of slurs, mentions of conversion camp, angst? but not rly, fluffy remus, WOLFSTAR💋, swearing, jokingly mentions of murder, big brother energy from remus, um mentions of penises and masterbating😭, lowkey ravenclaw slander (ONLY MALES I PROMISE) and y/n being a baddie
word count: 1.3k
you were.... happy. yes, not in a sarcastic way. you had finally found a girl that didn’t just want to be your friend, or hate crime you. you found a girl that you wanted to kiss, a girl you wanted to love and girl that reciprocated that love. but unfortunately for you, your love choices had consequences and everyone else thought it was there business, commenting on it.
“𝗼𝗶, 𝗹𝘂𝗽𝗶𝗻! 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘁𝗼𝗹𝗱 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗳𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝘀𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝗵𝗲’𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗻𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗹 𝘆𝗲𝘁?”
“𝗰’𝗺𝗼𝗻 𝗹𝘂𝗽𝗶𝗻, 𝗵𝗮𝘀 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗳𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗳𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗹𝘆 𝘀𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗮𝘄𝗮𝘆 𝘆𝗲𝘁?”
“𝗶 𝗯𝗲𝘁 𝘆/𝗻 𝗵𝗮𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗽𝗿𝗶𝘃𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗺 𝘀𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗴𝗶𝗿𝗹𝘀 𝗱𝗼𝗻’𝘁 𝗳𝗲𝗲𝗹 𝘂𝗻𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗳𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗮𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱 𝗵𝗲𝗿. 𝗶 𝗺𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝘀𝗵𝗲’𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗻𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗹.”
“𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗱𝗼𝗻’𝘁 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗮 𝗰𝗿𝘂𝘀𝗵 𝗼𝗻 𝗺𝗲, 𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁? 𝗶 𝗺𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝗶’𝗺 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁.”
so to society, you weren’t normal. the worst part was you weren’t always the one hearing it, the girls in your dorm heard it, your brother heard about it and his best friends also happen to hear about it. that also never happened to stop them from shooting a hex or 20 in someone’s direction but, nonetheless, you “weren’t normal.”
you were sitting in the library studying next to your gorgeous girlfriend, marlene mckinnon. oh did something as innocent as studying get flipped into so much more, both of you working on mcgonagalls transfiguration homework. all fine and well until the 7th year ravenclaws decided to crawl up your butt and die.
“i see you two haven’t been sent away yet.”
“aw well if it isn’t the two girls who think they’re in love.”
“the two fa-“
one of the boys didn’t even get to finish his sentence before your wand was pinned against his neck, and suddenly he was speechless.
“‘m gonna say this as delicately as possible to spare your shit feelings but, before you finish your very derogatory sentence i would love for you to reconsider your words.” you started, “i personally think it’s hilarious that you gits are so bothered by whomst m’intimate with.”
“for being known as the smart house, you 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 are so bloody stupid. i could rip out my own brain and give it to you and it still wouldn’t be enough for you to learn how to mind your damn business.” you said firmly, “your 𝗺𝘂𝘀𝗸 has sunken into the air, so me and my girlfriend are going to get going.”
you took your wand away from his neck before the 3 boys scrambled to the other side of the library, in fear. you gathered both you, and marlene’s things before slinging your bags over your shoulder and walking out of the library. before you could turn the corner, her other arm gripped your arm putting you both to a halt.
you turned towards her beet red face, and eyes shining in adoration. “dude, i think that was the hottest thing you have ever done.” she said before pulling you into a lip lock outside of the library. would you have been very nervous in any other situation?absolutely. i mean you were kissing a female, in public, at school, in 1975. but in this moment you couldn’t care less about anything or anyone, just the beautiful girl that you were besotted with kissing you right now.
“good.” you giggled as you pulled away before pulling her arm in the direction of one of the hidden corridors.
the next time you found yourself diminished over your sexuality, you went to people who you genuinely felt safe and comfortable with. you burst through the marauders dorm, forgetting to knock but quickly covering your eyes.
“i really hope none of you are masterbating right now, because i’m sure as not in the mood to see a penis.”
“c’mon mini-moony, you’re literally never in the mood to see a penis.” sirius replied, you uncovered your eyes and saw sirius walk over to remus’ bed and put his head on remus’ shoulder, and a light blush covered both of there faces. james on the other hand was on the floor writing lily, one of the only other people who supported you, another love letter.
“ok so let me start, sirius and remus please splash some cold water on your face. james, get off your arse and actually be a normal person and try and have a normal conversation with lily because i assure you she doesn’t even read those letters. and the grand finale, if i get called 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 one more damn time necks will be broken and body parts and fluids will scatter on the floor.” you huffed, and sat at end of remus’ bed nonchalantly.
at the part of your mini-monologue where you mentioned being called a slur, james and sirius happened to jump from where they were, surrounding you with questions. “who called you that?!” “i need names, now, mini-moony.” meanwhile remus aggressively grabbed his wand and made a bee-line to the door. “OI! BROTHER OF MINE.” remus stopped at the sound of your voice and turned around, his grip on the wand leaving his knuckles a shade of white. “sit. now.” he scoffed before sitting on the bed staring straight at you.
you debated for a moment, before looking at remus. “lucius malfoy and his toerag puppy dog, evan rosier.” you shrugged before all of them made a run at the door, messily grabbing their wands stomping down the stairs leading to the common room.
as fifth year came to an end, summer eventually came to a start. as you were unpacking your trunk and putting your clothes in there rightful spots in your dresser before you heard a knock at the door. “come in!”
remus opened the door, leaning against the frame. “hey, you okay?” he knew it was a stupid question to ask, but ever since you came into his family he felt a sense of protectiveness over you. he would always look at you like a little girl who needed her laces double knotted because she would trip on them, and how she needed to climb on furniture to grab something and especially when his little sister wasn’t his little sister anymore and became and illegal animagus for him.
“having your picture with nice little names on them, i’m brilliant.” you said sarcastically before sitting on your bed and remus following your lead. he leaned his back against the headboard as you threw your head on his lap, curling yourself to make yourself as tiny as possible. “i mean why the hell does anyone care anyways? it’s not like i’m intervening in there lives, i’m not killing anyone? it works the exact same except it’s a girl and not a boy. i just don’t understand why everyone thinks they should have an opinion on something that isn’t there business to start with.” you vented as he rubbed your back, while reading. “i mean, i understand.” you looked at him with a raised brow, “sirius?” he sheepishly looked up from his book and nodded before looking down at his book again and blushing.
“please, i could spot that from a mile away. i mean you aren’t exactly subtle, at the mere touch you both look like you got out of a sauna.” you said, matter of fact like and pointing your finger in the air sassily, “at least lily and james don’t care.” he mumbled trying to make you and him feel better. “everyone shouldn’t care, but then again everyone else in this universe is also a pest.” you sighed, as he continued reading but not before speaking.
“people are stupid.”
“you’re right, people are stupid.”
“but you know what makes us feel better?”
“wow remus, it’s almost like i had no idea.”
“well i’m always right, so suck it up and take it.” he said shoving a chocolate bar in your face.
“i mean you could always have a sleepover with me where we eat chocolate and laugh at bad movies?” he said before looking down at you.
“remus, first yes, second how the hell does sirius put up with your ‘know-it-all-ness’?” you looked at him smirking, clearly he didn’t like that and he closed his book smacking it against your head.
“𝗼𝘂𝗰𝗵 𝗿𝗲𝗺𝘂𝘀!”
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dreaminginvelaris · 3 years
sorting TOG characters into hogwarts houses
did one for acotar, gotta do one for tog. this is my first tog post which is exciting! please note that i have only read this series once, have only read each book once, so i can't say im going to accurately sort them.
this one was challenging for me, i love TOG but im much more invested in acotar and its characters, so sorting these characters into houses by personality wasn't the easiest but it was fun nonetheless.
also i haven't read the assassin's blade so im not including sam cortland since idk him.
anyways lets go.
Slytherin: Ambitious, Cunning, Leadership, and Resourcefulness
Aelin: fire bitch breathing queen obviously is being sorted into slytherin. she is the epitome of the ambitious, cunning snake. there's not much to say, anyone who has read the books and seen aelin, knows she belongs here. Gryffindor i feel would be her second, could totally see her having daring adventures with the lions, but slytherin is for her. she may be one of my least favorite characters but as a fellow Slytherin i am honored to have her.
Manon: witch queen, i mean she wanted to be that queen of the witches which shows ambition, she was the leader of the thirteen which shows leadership, and she was very cunning and resourceful, she and aelin are very alike like that.
Sartaq: gives me slytherin vibes, idk i may be wrong abt this one. cant explain it
Gryffindor: Brave, Courage, Daring, Chivalrous
Fenrys: when he broke the blood oath to maeve so he can fight for aelin showed a true Gryffindor soul no doubt. in that one scene, he showed bravery and courage to the max. stan fenrys forever.
Lorcan: idk, he gives me gryffindor vibes, i don't rlly stan lorcan or really found him interesting so im just going with my first impression on him.
Nesryn: putting bad bitch nesryn in the house of brave bc well do i really need to say? She's a baddie period.
Lysandra: my girl lys, my queen, the baddest bitch of them all, ofc shes in the house of lions, as much as i would love to sort her into my house, i cant, shes a gryffindor. the amount of bravery and courage and nerve to take on the mantle of pretending to be aelin while aelin was captured is just...amazing. it certainly was not an easy thing to do especially when the love of your life hates your guts. all hail queen lysandra.
Aedion: give me jock vibes so im putting him here
Hufflepuff: Loyal, Kind, Patient, Hardworking
Elide: i debated putting her in slytherin considering she shows traits of cunning and resourcefulness, but idk when i think of elide i think of hufflepuff. shes loyal af to a queen, has been since she was a goddamn child, shes patient I would say having to endure that horrible life of hers, and i would say hardworking too, nothing was given to her, she earned it.
Yrene: queen yrene is of course a hufflepuff as she should be, ngl i wanted to put her in gryffindor because this queen is brave af, but i think yrene would be happy in hufflepuff using her healing magic to help others, because shes just so mf kind.
Gavriel: idk this is a character i don't really care abt but i mean hes loyal? to the cadre and his son. and hes kind. and patient, always giving aedion space. yup
Chaol: debated sorting him in Gryffindor but he's too uptight to be a lion. not that hufflepuffs are uptight, just that chaol himself wouldn't be a good fit in Gryffindor. and hes loyal and hardworking
Ravenclaw: Wisdom, Wit, Individuality, Intelligence
Dorian: i sorted king dorian here because imo he is very wise, i remember him giving advice to chaol when chaol was pissy at aelin, like the iconic line "you cant pick and choose which parts of her too love" yup hes wise af. hes also witty, which we see quite often in the books which just makes us love him even more, *heart eyes* and hes super-intelligent, a king has to be, plus he would definitely start a book club with the other Ravenclaws and would most definitely invite aelin.
Rowan: look, i know this might be a controversial opinion, idk maybe, but i rlly think rowan fits here. i mean the other houses really dont suit rowan imo. hes intelligent af, wise, and is himself always.
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dramionediscussion · 3 years
I’ve always found it so strange how JKR sets up all of these interesting and important themes throughout the books, but can never fully deliver or expand upon them. One theme that was introduced was searching for inter-house unity and showing that one’s house doesn’t determine their moral code (Pettigrew was a Gryffindor, Lockhart was a Ravenclaw, etc.). But despite this, there’s still a massive anti-Slytherin tone. We get Snape (who is far too gray to be considered strictly “good”) and Slughorn (who also has heavy flaws) and Andromeda (who has like 2 sentences devoted to her). And we’re told that Slytherins were allowed to help fight in the final battle but it’s never known if any actually did?? If JKR wanted to commit to the “house doesn’t matter” message, why not show more good Slytherins?? Or there’s the theme of “the world isn’t split into good people and death eaters” but…it kind of is?? At least that’s what the story shows. Draco is groomed into becoming a death eater and we get absolutely no proper redemption from him despite seeing how much he struggled internally. The final battle is quite literally between a hoard of death eaters and the students/adults of Hogwarts. If we’re meant to believe there’s more to a person than being a death eater—show it! Show growth!!! And the house elves!! There’s a constant theme of bigotry regarding muggleborns, house elves, werewolves, etc. but JKR really only touches on the muggleborn stuff and even after Voldemort is defeated, it’s not like that bigotry suddenly disappeared?! Ron was rather bigoted against house elves so it’s not strictly a blood purist issue. It just bums me out that JKR had so many strong themes in the books but she never really actively worked to show these themes in the storyline. There’s a lot of speaking with very little action to back it up.
Yeah she missed the mark on a lot of her themes.
She definitely had the opportunity to show that not all Slytherins are bad. You cannot only have Snape as that example, he wasn't a good people to show this. And even when people pointed out that maybe the Slytherins aren't that bad, she doubled down and said she based them on her own bullies and made people feel bad for liking Draco. Saying that we just like the actor. We are not shallow!
And they made Voldemort into this hog baddie, talking about how evil he is and what he wants to do. And he is evil, but I personally thought that it was very much about him and power. They didn't stress enough, they didn't show much about what he wants to do and how bad the world would be if he wins.
You didnt notice these things back then when you were younger, but now you definitely realize that the story had so much more potential.
- Lisa
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bumbleklee · 4 years
genshin characters in harry potter part 4 (liyue women) - sfw
part 1 mondstadt men, part 2 mondstadt women and part 3 liyue men + childe can be found here!!! final part, very exciting :,) 
becomes an auror after hogwarts
known for getting drunk in the forbidden forest with friends
her and ningguang are one of the only open-lesbian couples and beidou brings her to the yule ball
puts her name in the goblet of fire and gets chosen alongside zhongli but also doesn’t win
is a qudditch beater
luna lovegood kinnie
i saw a headcannon somewhere that 7th year hufflepuffs buy stuffed badgers and enchant them and leave them around for the younger students to find and ganyu participates in that
probably knits or crochets house scarves
her patronous would be a unicorn <<<<3333
Hu Tao
slytherin but could have been in gryffindor
convinced majority of slytherin students to agree to a prank war and once woke up on her mattress in the middle of the lake
is muggle-born and is known for telling the most outrageous (but true) stories about history
her favorite class would be transfiguration bc it helps her with the prank war
like chongyun, she’s always got sweets on her
ravenclaw with slytherin and hufflepuff traits
the sorting hat took five minutes to sort her because he just couldn’t decide
she loves flourish and blotts
is dedicated to her schoolwork but also knows when to have fun
needed to create an amortentia potion for a research paper and xingqui accidentally drank it (that was a fun few hours)
has a tiny greenhouse in her dorm filled with succulents 
Qiqi (as a teenager)
hufflepuff for the simple reason that qiqi’s head is just empty
if she isn’t sleeping or in class, you’ll find her in the herbology greenhouse
she kinda just does her own thing
klee and diona would force her to be their friend and drag her around to hogsmeade on the weekend or to the yule ball
once splinched her braids off and now she’s got short hair
slytherin BADDIE
boys want her, girls want to be her (but beidou has her)
epitome of that popular, hot blonde girl who couldn’t care less about you
but she’s VERY smart and aces all of her exams
owns a time turner
refers to childe as a “little bitch”
her patronous is a tiger
has a collection of butterbeer bottles in her room
is muggle-born and learned how to play the guitar as a child, so she brings it with her to hogwarts and can often be found playing it in the common room or in hogsmeade on the weekends
is a qudditch chaser
has ridden a dragon before
she’s somehow spent a night in every common room
gryffindor with hufflepuff traits
roommates with xinyan and has tried to get rid of the bottle collection multiple times but xinyan charmed it
spends an absurd amount of money at honeydukes
her patronous is a brown bear
sneaks into the kitchen a lot
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spooksier · 3 years
HI TYLER 💞 how about melanie king for the ask meme?
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life 
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | 10/10 would bang
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
best quality: she is the MOMENT, baddie alert!!
worst quality:  please learn to admit youre wrong baby please
ship them with:  GEORGIE!!!
brotp them with:  martin
needs to stay away from: jon :/
misc. thoughts: theres nothing more sexy than a bitch telling an eldritch being to fuck off. also poc melanie is the truth
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recreancyrpg · 2 years
Tumblr media
NAME. Dorcas Meadowes AGE. 24 ALUMNI HOUSE. Ravenclaw BLOOD STATUS. Muggleborn FACECLAIM.  Sierra Mcclain
Dorcas was always the girl poking her nose into places it didn’t belong. Even when she was a little girl - before Hogwarts, before magic - she was always wandering off in pursuit of some strange bug or overgrown path or unexplained noise. She drove her parents to distraction (the oddness that always dogged her heels probably didn’t help, although being able to rely on a miraculous escape whenever she poked her nose too far somewhere nasty certainly did). When an old lady in weird clothes showed up to explain that Dorcas was a witch, it was a relief for all parties. Mum and da liked her, of course they did; they loved her, too. But they were relieved to let her go to Hogwarts where she could be with other folk like her for once. Dorcas was just excited to have somewhere new to explore, and so so so many new things to learn!
That she wasn’t like other folk “like her” - or at least, that not all of them thought so - wasn’t the first thing she learned about Hogwarts, but she figured it out fast and decided not to care even faster. Dorcas had been the only black girl in a lot of her classes in the village back home; being one of only two muggleborns in her year was no harder. In many ways it was easier, because nobody could tell a person’s blood-status just by looking. Lily didn’t understand that, of course, and she didn’t even understand what it was like to really be a muggleborn, because her mate Severus had given her a leg-up, but it was still nice to have one other friend who came from a family where wands and frogspawn and Quidditch matches were so many made-up words. Not that Dorcas hesitated to learn all the new words the magical world presented her with - or anything and everything else she could get her hands on. Magic was wonderful. The fact that it had dangers of its own wasn’t worth getting upset over. 
It was worth fighting a war over, though. Dorcas knew you couldn’t change a whole world that easily, but the wizarding world was small. It was a lot easier to contemplate the audacious idea of changing a whole society when you could fit half of that society onto one Quidditch pitch. And, at the very least, she could stop somebody else from making it worse. Dorcas liked living in a world where her wits and her wand were enough to keep her safe - where nobody would scold her for being too smart for her “own good” or act as though women couldn’t handle a spell. Maybe Gryffindors were the brave ones, but there was no law on the book that said Ravenclaws couldn’t tweak a lion’s tail or bait a badger...or torment some snakes. Dorcas was nosy, yes. That didn’t mean she was skittish.
Which is maybe why she joined the Order. Yes, of course, it was for the cause, too. Being muggleborn and all. But maybe it also had to do with proving that she was worth more than people often believed. Muggleborns were powerful - just look at her and Lily! - and Ravenclaws were fierce. While Hogwarts tried to fit eleven year olds into boxes based on one trait, Dorcas would not be put in one herself. She was brave and ambitious and kind and intelligent. She wasn’t afraid of a man who hid behind another name - what kind of joke is Voldemort anyway, it’s almost laughable he chose Lord for himself - and she would not back down. She would see this to the end, no matter how many muggleborns died or purebloods were taken or spies infiltrated. She would see this through to the end - either because they won or because she found an early grave.
GIDEON PREWETT. Dorcas hadn’t exactly planned on being friends with any of her colleagues, what with most of them had their eyes closed to any of the corruption or simply ignoring it’s very existence. But Gideon was different and seemed to see who the real baddies were. He’s been different since his return and it worries Dorcas, but she’s sure that he’ll will be back to his usual self soon. Or at least she hopes he will be. JAMES POTTER. Dorcas knows that James doesn’t understand why Lily did what she did. But that’s because James doesn’t understand. Not just about the break up, but about why it was necessary. Dorcas isn’t really choosing sides, but as a fellow muggleborn, she completely gets Lily’s part in it. James is a pureblood - and while he might not be the Death Eater kind, he still has privilege. Unchecked privilege sometimes.  EMMA VANITY. For an organization fighting against a pureblooded take over, there are sure a lot of ‘em here! It’s hard to believe that all these people suddenly wanted to stop someone hellbent on keeping them in power, but Dorcas can’t complain if it helps the cause. But Emma... is she really helping? It’s hard not to see the cracks in her. They were in school together, after all. The girl cried over split potion - how is she going to handle war?
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