mila-stardust · 1 year
Book Of Shadows
I've been editing my Book of Shadows for a few days now and I think it's time to share some of it here. These are just a few excerpts from it. I purposely made it black&white so it looks Victorian and uses less ink when printed on parchment paper.
1. History of Paganism
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2. Satanic Panic
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3. The Sacred Circle & Altar
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4. Lunar Transit
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5. Moon Phases
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6. Wheel of the Year + Imbolc
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Keep in mind that these are just some of the random pages I picked so it's unorganized. I'll be sharing my Table of Contents next time to show you how I organized it all.
P.S. Almost all of the fonts are free to download from Dafont. So if you want any font from these pages let me know :) We do not gatekeep here!
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lunarsilver · 2 years
What awaits you in December?
As always, choose the picture or number you feel most drawn to.
I’m not a doctor, a psychiatrist, a therapist nor a psychologist. Tarot readings will never replace meetings with them.
It’s a general reading, so not everything will resonate.
If you can’t choose between two piles, probably both of them have some messages for you. You can also not identify with any of them and that’s okay too.
Readings can help you make a decision, but they shouldn’t be the main reason of making it.
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1 ~ 2 ~ 3
Theme (Major Arcana only): The Lovers – Back of the Deck: The Empress
More info: Ace of Pentacles (R) – Ace of Cups (R) – The Fool – Back of the Deck: Seven of Swords (R)
Oh man, so many cards related to new beginnings!
The theme of your December will be relationships and feminity (regardless of your gender). The deck I used for this part of the reading futures characters from a certain game – both of them are young girls being in touch with who they are and what they want (maybe some of you play Genshin Impact and Barbara or Fischl are somehow special for you). There’s this stepping into your power and embracing who you are. Even if some may think your hobbies or how you express yourself is weird or cringe, there is also a lot people out there that would adore you and appreciate what you do for them.
As I said at the beginning, the second part of the reading kinda shocked me, literally all of the cards except the one at the back talk about some sort of a new start, pretty straightforward. This December is a whole new beginning, why wait for the new year. Be careful, there’s some chance you can miss if you won’t act. Plan ahead. There will be some looking into yourself, understanding your emotions. Do you have an imposter syndrome? There will be harder moments, but The Fool heralds a new beginning, stepping into your power and having fun with discovering new things. Seriously, getting to know yourself better and embracing it just keeps popping up. A truly „stop cringing, embrace the cringe” message.
Kinda an afterthought, but your relationships with family can be important, most likely with your parents and/or siblings, especially with your (older) sister.
Theme (Major Arcana only): Death (R) – Back of the Deck: The World
More info: Queen of Wands (R) – Three of Pentacles – Five of Pentacles – Back of the Deck: Knight of Wands
Looks like you will experience some blockages and stagnancy, but it’s also pretty clear this December is all about your inner self: seeking closure and inner transofrmation. It isn’t really about outer world, more about you yourself. Maybe some of you will feel a little stuck in your spirituality or disconnected from your ancestors/spirits. In case any of you plays Genshin Impact, I used a deck with characters from it for this part of the reading and the ones on your cards are Hu Tao and Paimon, maybe they’re somehow significant to you.
Now, going more into details – we have Wands and Pentacles here, fire and earth. Do you plan to visit some older building, all in white and beige, maybe abandoned, full of plants? Pretty specific, but it came to my mind when I was looking at the pictures of the Pentacles cards, they have both a pretty similar vibe, calming and kinda mysterious. A museum? Renaissance vibes.
Yeah, this Queen of Wands in reverse? That’s what I was talking about earlier, you concentrate energy on yourself now. You may spend more time alone, to understand yourself better. However! It doesn’t mean you won’t have people around you, after all we have two cards from the Court here. You will work on some project together. Remember about clear communication with each other. Nearer the end of December you can have some struggles; save some money for sure, and remember to have reliable people around you. You know, if you ever feel lonely, remember it’s always temporary. Knight of Wands says you’ve got it! You have this passion and determination, pile 2, you can do this! Oops, the Knight slided out of the pile and The Lovers showed up from under it. So, there was this feeling in me that for some of you The Knight can actually represent someone else that will be important for you during December, and I feel like these Lovers kinda confirm it. Some bond, maybe? As if this Knight was about to bring a precious relationship, you are the queen and someone else is the knight – for some, of course. Alternatively, it’s a confirmation of my words: you will do it. Some choices are to be made, and you have the fire in you to make it.
Theme (Major Arcana Only): The Tower – Back of the Deck: Justice
More info: The Hanged Man – King of Pentacles – Six of Swords – Back of the Deck: Knave of Wands (R)
Okay, guys, some major, sudden change, a big event or process that can be hard for you to handle. After The Tower usually something better comes to us, so keep it in mind when it won’t be easy for you. This change is related to what Justice represents: clarity and truth, cause and effect, Justice doesn’t take anybody’s shit. Whatever it is, justice will be served. For some, it can be more literal, be about law. For others, maybe someone who treated you unfair or bullied you is going to deal with the consequences. If you feel like you can be the bad guy in someone’s scenario, it’s time to change. Wow, sorry for being so serious here, just gotten into this mood after seeing the cards. In case any of you plays Genshin Impact, I used a deck with characters from it for this part of the reading and the ones on your cards are Raiden Shogun and Jean, maybe they’re somehow important to you. Some problems with keeping balance in your life?
Moving on, the beginning of this December is about letting go, stopping for a moment, reflecting, looking from a different perspective. It looks like you will be in your power, pile 3! Money, work – you have this under control. Maybe you will be some kind of a leader. Working on some passion project? There’s this stability and reliability in you, even thought different things can be frustrating. Remember to be patient. The end of the December will bring you a transition of some kind, leaving something behind – probably The Tower will be in ruin by now and you will start something new, better than what this Tower was. We have here Major Arcana, Pentacles, Swords and Wands, we only lack Cups (I actually saw a reversed King of Cups while shuffling but it didn’t pop out) – this can signalize a disconnection from feelings. Remember to give yourself some time to think about why you feel a certain way.
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bhadsatyr · 2 years
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"To open certain Ways, one must first open oneself"
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pinetreewannabe · 1 year
i love witchcraft bc it can be anything i want it to. i stirr my morning tea six times and thats my blessing for the day. i look at the sunset and take deep breaths thats my good night spell. i need to do it more often its great :)
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notdelusionalatall · 1 year
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Blessed Beltane 💚🍀 My mini altar in a jar. It has soil, herbs, some fake flowers, clovers and dandelions and a cherry stick with ribbons to represent the maypole. (I add the evil eye as a protection) xD Any advice is much appreciated.
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brutalistemple · 1 year
I miss how esoteric tumblr was in 2018/2019. not just witchbrl stuff but like gnosticism memes
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starlish · 3 years
i'm using full moon water to boil my instant ramen. so that's selfcare? cool.
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artdefenses · 4 years
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Happy Yule ❄
I wish you a good holiday, full of happiness and love. May you be always in the way of light, being blessed by the Gods. You went amazingly and was so brave this year! Full your heart with the hope our God is bringing to us. Let the light of the Goddess enter your home, bringing peace and joy with her. Even if you can't decorate your house or anything like this, the Gods understand your true feelings and intentions, just wait for the right moment. Happy Yule!
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wellnesswitchylia · 4 years
Dedicate one page to your pendulum. Write yes/no/maybe/idk at the 4 corner of the page. Use it for quick divination!
Removibile moon phases calendar. Must have.
Page of inventory. Write down what you need, what you have, what you'll have soon. Do you need moon water? Look on your calendary when will the next full moon be, and write something on this page. Do you wanna forget it? I dont think so! (Very helpful for forgetful witches like...me)
I don't like white pages. To have that look like "grow old pages" i use coffee! With a brush paint the pages of your bos. It's a long work, i know, but hey! What a look! Tea for a lighter results. (Try it before on paper not that important!)
Instead of coffee, you can use moon water or sun water or crystal water on special pages. You can add essential oil too.
Hope you'll like this!
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fettfleisch · 4 years
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© Soeren Baptism
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elysianfeywitch · 4 years
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bhadsatyr · 2 years
After a while I decided to go back to my craft.
The first work after a long time... Decided to make something grounding, easy to manifest and to perceive: Money, enough to to buy a list of things I want for my craft and to pay a list of services due to a specific time - 11/11 - .
After a positive divination spread, picked my tools and performed my ritual: A simple meditation on a sigil with libation to my spirits.
The next week I was promoted, given three bonuses and new laboral opportunities are on their way.
My divination methods confirms that this is the manifestation prompted by my work.
Feeling completely excited and fulfilled, ready to deepen my craft to new levels.
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valdivine · 4 years
yo dead dash where my astro witchy bitches at
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femoral-pulse · 3 years
Super sexy of the gods (not sure which one(s) yet) to mess with my internet in an attempt to get me to go outside in a snow storm
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naturewitchbitch · 4 years
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My first altar ever! It took me a lot of time to get to this point and even if it doesn't seem like something big, for me it's like a milestone.
Any baby witches out there? :)
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