#witcher graphics
ladycibia · 8 months
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another day, another Jaskier
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bontanart · 2 months
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White wolf
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nival-kenival-art · 23 days
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So Balatro has a Witcher DLC but it only changes the 3 spades face cards? So I made 3 different options that change the deck to make it actually worthwhile.
Feel free to download them and use them btw
How they look in game:
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Hearts - Zoltan, Triss, Regis, Yrden
Clubs - Eredin, Ciri, Emhyr, Axi
Diamonds - Lambert, Eskel, Vesemir, Quen
Spades - Aard
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bestiarum · 5 months
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i know everyone's got their theories about what roche's hair looks like under the chaperon but. this tw3 screenshot i took makes it seem like it's pulled up in a ponytail/bun? crazy.
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hanzajesthanza · 4 months
From Dark Horse:
As they travel to the edge of the known world, townsfolk speak of many stories, but it seems that's all they are-recitals of monsters and superstition-until a man follows Geralt with news of a devil scavenging the local fields. Get rid of the beast, but under no circumstances is it to be killed. Only how can Geralt hunt the creature, when there are no such things as devils?
The Witcher: The Edge of the World arrives in bookstores on December 17, 2024 and in comic shops on December 18, 2024. Pre-order at your local comic shop, bookstore, Amazon, Barnes & Noble or TFAW for $17.99.
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what a pleasant news to wake up to! the third dark horse witcher graphic novel short story adaptation, this time one of one of my favoritesssss 🌾🐐🧝🏻‍♂️ and this december!!
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three-jackdaws · 10 months
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me, any time someone asks me for advice (& they're not a paying client)
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artistsfuneral · 1 year
(this contains graphic description of violence and is absolutely skippable if that's not your thing!)
the VOTE and FANART are UNDER the cut because of this
The Road to Kaer Morhen - p.6
“Gentlemen,” he greeted the soldiers with a face-splitting grin and a courtly bow of his head. “It appears, there has been a misunderstanding.” The men stared at him, unmoving, tense. Behind them Aiden was still caught in his rage, not able to recognize Jaskier by his scent or sound anymore. “Why don't we all just sit down and talk about this like civilized people? I'm sure we can find some common ground.”
The bard's smile never wavering, he took a step forward only for the five soldiers to draw their swords at him. Steel for humans, Geralt's voice echoed in his thoughts as if any of that mattered. Silver had never stopped Jaskier before. Holding his hands up in what he knew was commonly understood as a surrendering gesture, he cocked his head to the side, watching as the archer reached behind his back for his bow. “How about some tea? I have this lovely mixture of zerrikanian spices that goes great with the apples you can buy around here. Oh, that reminds me! I wanted to keep some for apple cakes! Which would mean we can't use all of the tea, but surely some of you would prefer chamomile anyways, there's always one person that-”
“Shut the fuck up!”
Jaskier's mouth snapped shut with an audible click of his teeth. His initial smile had fallen off his lips as he stared at the man that had interrupted him with pure bewilderment. “Well that was incredibly rude. You are not getting any tea from me now.”
“I told you to shut the fuck up!” The same soldier as before yelled at him, spitting towards Jaskier's boots as he did so. The bard pulled a face in disgust.
“In the name of the crown of Redania, you are under arrest to be executed in the capitol!”
The forest was quiet around them, silent except for the wind in the trees and the metallic sound of the redanian soldiers readying themselves to arrest him.
The bard stared at them unblinking.
“Drop to your knees, this instance!” another soldier ordered harshly.
Jaskier's head fell back as he started to cackle loudly. The sound coming from deep inside his chest and forcing way through his throat like creature of its own.
“I don't think so, darling.”
Jaskier took a deep breath and exhaled it as the world slowed down around him.
They had hurt Aiden. Five soldiers in front of him, despicable creatures, faceless and worthless. Throats easily accessible from above. Exposed ankles. An unprotected back.
The Archer; almost too easy to kill.
A sixth trying to sneak up on him from behind. Useless.
His pack and lute slipped from his shoulders. The dull thumb cushioned by the forest floor. Aiden cried out in pain.
Jaskier inhaled and spun his body around, faster than any witcher ever could. His short sword was off his belt and in the man's eye socked before the soldier could even react. It popped with a horrible squelching sound that turned into the cracking of bones as the blade dove deeper and deeper into his skull. He was dead before his scream could form in his chest. Jaskier took hold of the man's throat and pulled his sword out, blood and chunky bits of soft tissue being forced out of his skull. He had been the one that made fun of the scar in Aiden's beautiful face. Now his body dropped to the ground lifelessly. Jaskier released his breath.
An arrow seared past his head and struck the bark of a tree not an arms length behind Jaskier. The archer's face lost all color as he watched the body of his fellow soldier hit the dirt floor. Freezing blue eyes fixated on their new target. Pulling a knife out of his blood splattered sleeves, Jaskier mourned the death of his favorite teal doublet and threw the barbed knife at the archer. He dropped to his knees like a puppet who's strings had been cut, cradling his stomach as a fearful scream broke from his lips. They always screamed in the end.
Running towards the next soldier, Jaskier couldn't help but to roll his eyes when the archer pulled the knife out, gutting himself in the progress.
The horses whinnied in panic, fighting against the reigns. Aiden snarled.
The soldier closest to him raised his arm high above his head, ready to strike down at the bard. Jaskier scoffed. Angling his own short sword upwards he closed the distance between himself and the other man and stabbed him right into the pit of his raised arm. The tip of his blade tore through flesh and bone until it hit the underside of the soldier's shoulder guard. Jaskier's opponent let out a primal howl as he dropped his sword to the slowly reddening forest floor. The bard ignored him, jerking his blade back out with brute force and kicking him to the side, eyes already focused on the next one.
Their swords met, loudly crashing against each other. The screeching sound of steel carving into steel seemed dull to Jaskier's ears. He inhaled and the world slowed down once more. He easily parried the next attack, taking hold of the man's elbow and twisting both of their bodies around, so they were chest to chest. As a result the redanian soldier that had tried to surprise Jaskier from behind found his sword stuck in his comrade's back. Jaskier slit the wounded's throat without hesitating and shoved his dying body towards the other soldier who easily crumbled under the unexpected weight. Mercilessly, the bard jumped on top of the fallen man's chest, breaking his rips and crushing his organs within seconds. This one had dislocated both of Aiden's shoulders for fun. Now he was choking on his own blood. He deserved worse.
Jaskier snarled and took hold of a stray sword, ramming it into a whimpering mess of human flesh on the ground. Two left. His face-splitting smile was back.
Aiden woke to the familiar taste of swallow in his mouth and a pounding headache. His first attempt to open his eyes failed miserably, the midday sun so bright it hurt enough to make him hiss out loud. It still hurt like a bitch the second time, but Aiden was now prepared for it and could work through the awful sensation, thinning his pupils through sheer will.
He found himself lying on the floor, free of chains and rope and with his wounds slowly mending themselves together thanks to the potion. The bard was kneeling right next to him and when he noticed that the Cat had woken up, his cornflower blue eyes softened with relief. During the last month Aiden had been in this exact same situation often enough that he could call it familiar. And yet something in the back of his mind was gnawing at him like a feral dog. “Thank goodness, you're awake again. You honestly had me worried there for a moment! Didn't I explicitly told you not to get caught?” Jaskier scolded him lightheartedly as he helped him to sit up. Nothing about the bard's gentle scent or the typically playful behavior warned the witcher about what he was moments away from seeing.
Aiden's breath caught in his throat as he took in the fucking massacre around them.
The corpses of the redanian soldiers that had overpowered him a few hours earlier littered the floor, broken and mangled as if they'd been mauled by a full pack of werewolves. The stench of blood and death was overwhelming and yet, Jaskier was completely unharmed.
His hands and face were covered in drying blood, as well as his boots and the rest of his clothes, but the bard himself had not a single scratch on him as far as Aiden could tell. “I thought about searching through the camp, see if I can find anything worthwhile, but I wanted to be here for you when you wake up. I hate waking up alone, but the troop leader had a sword that could possibly replace your broken one and hopefully we can find some spare clothes and other useful stuff. If we take their horses with us we can carry a bit more,” Jaskier babbled happily on, completely oblivious to the witcher's inner turmoil. “Not like they need the horses anymore,” he laughed.
Aiden grabbed him by the wrist, finger nails digging into Jaskier's blood-caked skin.
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devinwolfi · 2 years
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Offer me my deathless death Good God, let me give you my life
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solcorvidae · 8 months
Dear Fellow Traveller (But Tonight, I Still Dream Of You)
-3,022 words-
Warnings: Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions of Violence Other Tags/Warnings: Blood and Torture, Burns, Vomiting, Delirium, Asphyxiation, Hallucinations, Post-Mountain Fic, Burn Butcher Burn And Its Consequences, Hurt Jaskier | Dandelion, Jaskier | Dandelion Whump, Heavy Angst, Hurt No Comfort
Time and time again, Jaskier cried out for Geralt, begging the universe to tell him he needed help, dreaming about how the witcher would tear down the door and kill the mage that did this to him, how Geralt would cradle Jaskier's limp body and look down on him with sorrow, his golden eyes stinging as Jaskier's distant gaze met his own; maybe he would finally get an apology. Maybe Jaskier would forgive him. Hell, there's nothing in this damned world that would stop Jaskier from crawling his way back to the man who he, oh so, burdened with his presence. Some nights, Jaskier wondered if it was destiny. Maybe he was born to be broken. Maybe Jaskier's life's purpose was to relentlessly forgive everyone who had ever wronged him, no matter how horrendous the deed. Most of all, perhaps, he was destined to become a travelling troubadour in all versions of himself, all lifetimes converging into this single rotten truth. Of all lives he could have led, the only oneness between them was that he would meet Geralt of Rivia, the Butcher of Blaviken... his White Wolf. Truth be told, if it wasn't for Geralt, Jaskier wouldn't have ever endured such pain. If it wasn't for Geralt, Jaskier would be some nobody performer playing at backwater inns, making less than his worth in crowns and peddling for coin with his esteemed education, refusing to return to the courts of Lettenhove. If it wasn't for Geralt, Jaskier wouldn't know what trust and companionship are. If it wasn't for Geralt, Jaskier wouldn't be Jaskier; he wouldn't have written Toss a Coin, he wouldn't have travelled the Path, and Jaskier wouldn't have ever met half the people he presently knew and loved. But Jaskier would always forgive him, always run back to him, and always allow him an indefinite number of chances because Geralt was the defining feature in Jaskier's life; Geralt was his constant, his consistency. For all of Jaskier's adult life, it has always been Geralt. Jaskier's eyes were glassy and distant, almost indifferent to the crunch of bone and the searing pain in his head as his neck once again whipped to the side. He could no longer make out the words the mage had been saying. His head spun, and a rush filled his ears. Blood poured from his nose, filling his sinuses with the acrid stench of his own blood. It dribbled over his open lips and down his chin, spattering onto his already filth-ridden clothes as he panted labourously. With every intake of breath, Jaskier could feel his chest and throat gurgle and bubble. Where was he?
Continue Reading on AO3...
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twinkpoll · 1 year
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Preliminary Rounds under the cut!
POLL #1: Viktor (Arcane) vs Sauron (Tolkien)
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(Art by @cy-lindric)
POLL #2: Kurt Hummel (Glee) vs Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace)
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POLL #3: Tim Drake (DC Comics) vs Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf)
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POLL #4: Taako (The Adventure Zone) vs Jaskier (The Witcher)
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POLL #5: Wylan van Eyck vs Guillermo de la Cruz
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(Art by @marty-mc)
POLL #6: Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy) vs Tamaki Suoh (Ouran High School Host Club)
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POLL #7: Nagito Komaeda (Danganronpa) vs Billy Kaplan (Marvel)
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POLL #8: Lucius Spriggs (Our Flag Means Death) vs Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III (How to Train Your Dragon)
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Rep your lads, send your propaganda, gird your loins and do the fork in the garbage disposal because IT'S TIME! THE COUNTDOWN BEGINS NOW!
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jensjumbledmess · 4 months
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My review/thoughts about A Grain of Truth by Jack Rembiś, based on the short story by Andrzej Sapkowski.
Star & Spice Rating: ⭐️ 4/5, 🌶️ 0/5
TWs: Blood & Gore, Nudity (Female & Male), Sexual Assault
Judging a Book By It’s Cover: I think the cover is really pretty, the blue roses make a nice contrast to the beast door knocker and Geralt himself.
If you enjoyed the story A Grain of Truth from The Last Wish, then of course you’re going to enjoy this; it’s the same story, just told as a graphic novel. This little comic makes a great addition to any Witcher fan’s collection. The art in it is BEAUTIFUL, and as a matter of fact, I liked the art in this SO MUCH MORE than most of the art in The Witcher Omnibus, Volume 1. I can't get over it; the pages seem so vibrant, even the dark scenes. I love the way the characters are depicted. I will definitely be adding The Lesser Evil to my collection too at some point and I would love it if Jack Rembiś adapted all the other short stories as well.
For those that don’t know, A Grain of Truth is essentially a Beauty and the Beast retelling. Geralt encounters two dead bodies while traveling, leading to him investigate the area. He then stumbles across a strange, shy woman who runs away after he greets her; nearby finding  a manor, with a big courtyard and unique blue rose bush. While literally stopping to smell the roses, a large beast bursts from the manor in a (failed) attempt to scare Geralt away. The beast’s name is Nivellen, and he has been cursed into this form by a priestess after he was basically peer-pressured into sexually assaulting her many years ago. After Geralt and Nivellen talk and have dinner, Geralt decides to simply leave after Nivellen confesses that he has come to appreciate and favor his beastly form and doesn’t want Geralt to try to break the curse. Over night, Geralt has the revelation that the strange woman outside the manor, who has been keeping Nivellen company, may actually be very dangerous.
Thank you for reading! If you liked my review/thoughts, consider following me on [GoodReads], [Bookstagram], or [Threads]! (I tend to post on GoodReads & Threads first!)
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inspireswar · 8 months
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— you never knew lyanna as i did, robert. you saw her beauty, but not the iron underneath.
a semi-selective & headcanon-based lyanna stark from a song of ice and fire. as written by vic. oc and crossover-friendly. ©
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androidboy · 2 years
lil reminder to buy from your local comic shop instead of amazon if you can. all comic shops use the same distributors so you can preorder new graphic novels and comics through them and special order any in-print titles if they don’t currently have something you want in stock
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hanzajesthanza · 5 days
that would be a really fun (though exhausting) video to make, just "explain the witcher [entire series] from memory"
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wordsbyarwen · 1 year
For anyone who needs it, a reminder that i have an entire post-Coup fix-it series started way back in 2020. even includes a playlist! Vague enough in the details to shove into show canon, probably.
Part 3 ("you'll be an architect, so pull up your sleeves") is also possibly my favorite piece i've written, so that's a thing.
For extra good post-Coup vibes, might i also recommend:
This art, by @normallyiminsane, for the first ficlet of the series
This beautiful comic by the same artist, illustrating the first part of 'Architect'
These silly sketches by @ehay of the dog Salka (so named by Ciri) in a jacket for those cold Skellige winters
And finally, this art of Tissaia living her best life on Skellige, also by ehay.
Honorable mention must also be given to @tiredthinkbucket and @nigev for their modern renditions of Tissaia with a pooch-in-a-jacket, found here and here.
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