#witcher x plus size reader
cardierreh15 · 11 months
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Knight in Shining Leather
I do not give anyone permission to repost or copy my work!!!
Warning 18+: Violence , Cursing , Attempted SA , Blood , Gore .
Pairing: Geralt Of Rivia(modern) x Nessa (Black!Plus Size Female)
Description: Geralt being a knight in shining armor.
Word Count: 2.2K
One shot
It was a beautiful autumn night. The night’s air smelled of cinnamon and pumpkin. With it being just cool enough for her to wear a cardigan over her shoulders. Pretty soon, she would get too warm to even rock it.
It was roughly 9:45pm and she had come from a night out with the girls. Her best friend insisted that she drive her home since she stayed so close by. But Nessa was too hardheaded to let her do that. Besides, the walk wasn’t even 20 minutes away.
But a lot can happen in 20 minutes can it?
Her thick heeled boots clicked loudly on the asphalt, echoing throughout the street and bouncing off of the other buildings. She lived in a small town, so it was no surprise that almost everyone was in the house by now.
Nessa had her hands tucked in her pockets, at this point walking absentmindedly. She didn’t even realize there were two men walking about a few yards behind her. She didn’t think much of it, perhaps they were trying to make it to their destination too.
But their footsteps grew a little impatient.
This caused her to take further strides; holding her purse tightly in her arm as she tried to sneak her hand into it to retrieve her pepper spray.
‘Get her!’ One of the males exclaimed.
A panicked gasp escaped her lips as she did her best to take off but they were close enough to snatch her up by her cardigan. ‘HELP!’ She exclaimed before a man placed his large hand over her mouth and held a butterfly blade against her face. ‘Shhhh, shhh. Now, just be a good girl.’ He whispered against her ear.
She then bit down into his fingers and stepped on his foot. The criminal yelped out in agonizing pain.
‘Fuck you!’ She exclaimed before she was instantly grabbed by another male.
‘Get the bitch into the alley!’
‘No! No! Stop!’ Nessa begged and pleaded as she tried her best to fight back. But they weren’t having it.
They slammed her against the wall and she whimpered out in pain. ‘Urgh!’ She fell to her hands and knees. ‘Please— take whatever I have… it’s all material— I don’t want it! Please.’ She insisted, sobbing as she held her chest.
The bald headed guy began to dump out all of the contents in her purse and searched through it. ‘Awww, the bitch ain’t got nothin’. Lipstick, tampons, some other make up, — a wallet…’ he then looked at her name and then started going through her wallet where he snatched out $500. ‘I found a jackpot…’ then he walked over to the the ginger haired gentleman who towered above her.
‘How much ya find?’
‘$500. And It’s a Chanel wallet, taking that too.’ The male chuckled.
Nessa was on her knees before them as if she were praying to her God. Her hands shook as if her bones were chilling in the Arctic.
‘Nice,’ the ginger chuckled as the bald guy passed him some cash. ‘Now, the question is… what do we do with you?’
‘Hmmm. She’s pretty cute. She’s thicker than the rest of em. And you know I looove when they fight.’ He said as he shoved the wallet and the cash in his back pocket.
She instantly knew what baldy meant, and it caused her to panic a bit more. Until suddenly, the ginger just happened to step out of the way, and the bright LED street light caused a thick shard of glass to glisten in her eye.
Carefully leaning down as the two men bickered about who were going to have their turn with her first, she then grabbed the glass in her hand and waited.
The ginger sighed and rolled his eyes, ‘whatever. Fuck it. I’ll hold her still.’ He then squat down before her, ‘Alright sweet heart, you’re gonna—‘
Nessa instantly swiped the glass upward, aiming to stab him beneath his chin but instead, slicing his cheek.
‘AUGH!’ He practically jumped back; feeling the stinging pain at his cheek. Ginger grabbed the gasp and looked at the bright red blood in his palm. ‘You fucking bitch!’
His partner instantly brought her up to her feet, disarmed her and slapped her across her face so hard, he split the inside of her cheek.
She fell to the ground, her mind spinning as if she had swallowed a whole bottle of tequila. She could only hear the sound of their voices. They were so loud in her ears.
‘Kill that bitch! Kill her!’
She didn’t even know who was saying, all she knew was that she was pretty sure she was going to die in this filthy ass alley. And it would probably take her loved ones days to find her knowing these fools.
The ginger some how had the strength to pull her up to her feet. ‘You fucking— BITCH!’ And he kneed her in the stomach before she fell back down to the ground again. He kicked her, several times in the ribs.
Nessa whimpered out, choking on the air that was fighting so hard to come into her lungs. She lifted her hand up, in a “I surrender” kind of way, ‘please. Stop.’ She was too weak to scream for hell at this point.
‘Stop? Haha… oh wait til we’re done with you… get her up.’ Ginger said to Baldy.
Suddenly, everything felt like it was moving much slower than she was. Between the two antagonists, was a pair of bright golden eyes that reflected in the shadows. She thought she was hallucinating so she just laid there, accepting her fate that was to come.
When Baldy lifted her up to her feet, her head rest back against the brick wall. ‘Come on… make it quick.’ She breathed out tiredly.
Ginger chuckled and then Baldy chimed in. ‘Suit yourself.’
Suddenly, a bright flash whipped through the air like something out of a supernatural movie.
Nessa felt Baldy’s grip on her grow weaker and she noticed a thin line across his neck. A dribble of blood came leaking from his lips and his nose. She then noticed the sunken glare in his eyes.
His neck became a waterfall of his blood and a millisecond later, his head fell to wet the concrete and his body followed.
Nessa felt her stomach turn at the sight. She stumbled backwards in fear; immediately covering her lips to hold back the throw up that tried to fight its way out.
Ginger let out a scream as he saw his buddy’s head roll at his feet.
She felt too damn sick and scared to move really. Also, she couldn’t get over — how could someone be that talented with a blade that:
A.) No blood had spilled on her.
B.) None of them were able to see or hear him coming.
Ginger instantly pulled his gun out and walked over towards Nessa. ‘Whose there!? Come out!’ He snatched her up and pointed the gun at her head. ‘Come out! Or I swear to God, I will blow this bitch’s brains out!’
‘Please—‘ she started as she held her hands up.
‘SHUT UP!’ Ginger yelled as he looked all around. ‘Alright,’ he then clicked off the safety, ‘I’ll give you to the count of 3… come out— with your hands up… and I won’t kill her…’
‘Why would you think they’d come out for me?! I-I don’t even know what’s going on!’ She said out as she wiped her bloodied nose.
‘Shut. The fuck. Up. I swear you’re making this so much easier!’ He said as he continued to look around, ‘ONE! …. TWO!….’ He pressed the barrel against the back of her skull.
On three, a white haired male stepped from out of the shadows; those damn golden eyes making an appearance before he did. He wore black leather, and held a huge sword in his right hand. He had a scowl on his face that could kill instantly.
Ginger’s mouth fell slightly as he watched the tall, unearthly being approach the both of them. He stepped back, ‘Y—you… it can’t be. B-BACK UP!’
He just kept walking towards them. The sound of metal clinked with each step.
Ginger had finally hit the wall and Nessa looked back at the both of them.
‘Y—you’re dead! Y-you’re suppose to be dead!’
‘Says who?’ The white haired male asked, ‘You?’ His head fell to the side. Then he looked behind him, noticing the women who still stood there. He then looked back towards Ginger, ‘Go ahead… shoot her.’
Nessa’s eyebrows tugged into one in confusion. She wanted to impose on this reunion but she was hurting too bad to talk.
Ginger’s bottom lip trembled as much as his wrist did when he held that gun.
‘Go ahead…’
Ginger swallowed his spit, glancing over at the beautiful woman. He just didn’t have the guts.
The white haired male let out a sigh, ‘I knew it,’ and stabbed Ginger in his abdomen with the shiny sword.
Ginger began to choke. Wheezing as if he’d punctured his lung.
Nessa let out a harsh gasp and covered her lips in shock.
‘You’re… a coward.’ He twisted the blade to open the gaping wound more, ‘You pray on the weak… women and children… you and your friend don’t deserve to breathe for another second.’
He then snatched out the sword from Ginger’s abdomen and the male fell forward.
Nessa just stood in her spot, watching the man who just tried to kill her moments before, choke on his own blood and eventually took his last breath as the rest of him seeped into the cracks and crannies of the destroyed asphalt.
She was too frightened to scream, to run but also… her body was riddled with pain. Anything extreme would’ve probably caused her to pass out. So instead she asked, ‘A-are you gonna kill me next?’
The being then pulled out a dark cloth and wiped his shiny sword off in one swipe, ‘If I wanted … you’d be dead already.’
Well that was quite evident. She took in a deep breath as she just watched him sheath his sword and bend down to go in Ginger’s pocket.
She peaked over, ‘… he-he said you were suppose to be dead… are you like someone important?’
He didn’t say anything, instead he retrieved her money from the corpse and then ventured to the next.
‘Could I at least— know your name?’ She asked as she began to pick up her purse and the rest of her belongings. ‘You did save me after all, I would like to know who you are… In case I don’t ever see you again.’
He smirked as he grabbed her wallet out of the headless corpse and looked at her ID. She had a glorious smile. A smile that could turn any rainy day into sunshine.
Vanessa Hodge, December 18th, 1997, Address…
He took a mental note of her address before slowly rising to his feet and walked over to her.
She looked from his hands to his chest, that donned a silver necklace with a wolf engraved in it. She wondered what that meant.
‘Here,’ His voice brought her out of her thinking trance, ‘Your things.’ He looked down at her as she rose to her feet and threw her purse over her shoulder.
‘Thank you.’ She said softly before wincing at the pain in her cheek.
He lifted her chin to examine her.
Nessa hissed at the sudden, searing pain.
‘They most certainly did a number on you…’ he said as he looked at her split eyebrow. ‘Come. Let’s get you fixed up.’
‘Alright… only— if you do me a tiny favor?’
‘Hmm.’ A mere stranger, asking him for favors? He wasn’t the type to be handing those out. Especially without pay.
Yeah, she had no idea who he was.
‘You tell me your name…’
Was that it? She wanted to know his name? She almost got taken advantage of, got her shit pushed in and almost got her brains blown out but — she wanted to know his name?
‘I-I think it’s fair… I’d like to know who my knight in … shiny leather is.’
It grew quiet once more before he rested his hand on the handle of his sword and lifted his head with a gentle smirk.
‘I mean I think it’s also fair because you’re still a complete stranger and—‘
‘For someone who is in a lot of pain, you sure do talk a lot.’ He said as he shifted his weight and folded his massive arms across his chest.
Nessa felt the heat rise to her neck, her cheeks and then her ears. She looked off to the side, trying to avoid eye contact for a moment.
God you’re gonna blow this.
‘My name is Geralt. Now, if that is all you request, we should leave now.’
She let out a gentle puff of air and quickly walked towards him, ‘Lead the way.’ She shrugged.
Geralt swiftly turned around and they headed in the direction Nessa was heading.
‘So, you’re gonna tell me what you do and why you walk around with those things?’ She asked; swiping her dainty manicured finger at his silver handle.
‘No.’ He mused
‘And— Please don’t touch the swords.’ He said, hearing the cling that she left behind with her touch.
‘Oh— sorry.’
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jno--bro · 1 year
𝙸'𝚖 𝚐𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚏𝚊𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜. 𝙷𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚞𝚗𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚎𝚜, 𝚙𝚎𝚘𝚙𝚕𝚎 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖, 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚛𝚎𝚜 𝙸'𝚕𝚕 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎.
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ᕼᗩᖇᖇY ᑭOTTᗴᖇ (ᵇᵒᵒᵏ ᵃⁿᵈ ˢʰᵒʷ)
𝑆𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑢𝑠 𝑆𝑛𝑎𝑝𝑒
𝑅𝑒𝑚𝑢𝑠 𝐿𝑢𝑝𝑖𝑛
𝑆𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑢𝑠 𝐵𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑘
𝑅𝑜𝑛, 𝐹𝑟𝑒𝑑, 𝐺𝑒𝑜𝑟𝑔𝑒, 𝑀𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑊𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑦
𝐿𝑢𝑐𝑖𝑢𝑠 𝑀𝑎𝑙𝑓𝑜𝑦
Tᕼᗴ ᗯITᑕ��ᗴᖇ
𝐺𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑙𝑡 (ˢʰᵒʷ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵍᵃᵐᵉ)
Tᕼᗴ ᒪᗩՏT Oᖴ ᑌՏ
𝐽𝑜𝑙𝑒(ˢʰᵒʷ ᵛᵉʳˢⁱᵒⁿ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵍᵃᵐᵉ ᵛᵉʳˢⁱᵒⁿ )
ᗰᑕᑌ "ᑎ" ՏTᑌᖴᖴ ᒪIKᗴ TᕼᗩT
𝐷𝑜𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒(ᵇᵉⁿᵃᵈⁱᶜᵗ ᶜᵘᵐᵇᵉʳᵇᵃᵗᶜʰ)
𝑂𝑡𝑡𝑜 𝑂𝑐𝑡𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑢𝑠(ᵃˡᶠʳᵉᵈ ᵐᵒˡⁱⁿᵃ)
𝑁𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑛 𝑂𝑠𝑏𝑜𝑟𝑛(ʷⁱˡˡᵃᵐ ᵈᵃᶠᵒᵉ)
ᘜOOᗪ OᗰᗴᑎՏ(ˢʰᵒʷ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵇᵒᵒᵏ)
ᕼᗩᑎᑎIᗷᗩᒪ (ᵐᵒᵛⁱᵉ ᵛᵉʳˢⁱᵒⁿ ᵃⁿᵈ ˢʰᵒʷ ᵛᵉʳˢⁱᵒⁿ)
𝑊𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝐺𝑟𝑎ℎ𝑎𝑚(ᶠʳᵒᵐ ˢʰᵒʷ)
ᒪOTᖇ / Tᕼᗴ ᕼOᗷᗷIT / ᖇOᑭ
𝐴𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑊ℎ𝑖𝑠𝑘𝑒𝑦 𝑎𝑘𝑎 𝐽𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑑𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑠
𝐻𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑦 ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑡
Oᑎᑕᗴ ᗩᑭOᑎ ᗩ TIᗰᗴ
𝑀𝑟. 𝐺𝑜𝑙𝑑 / 𝑅𝑢𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑡𝑠𝑘𝑖𝑛
𝑅𝑒𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎 𝑀𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑠 / 𝐸𝑣𝑖𝑙 𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑒𝑛
𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑛 𝐻𝑜𝑜𝑘
𝐸𝑚𝑚𝑎 𝑆𝑤𝑎𝑛
ᗪIᗴ ᕼᗩᖇᗪ
𝐻𝑎𝑛𝑠 𝐺𝑟𝑢𝑏𝑒𝑟
ՏTᗩᖇ ᗯᗩᖇՏ
𝑂𝑏𝑖𝑤𝑎𝑛 𝐾𝑒𝑛𝑜𝑏𝑖
𝐴𝑛𝑎𝑘𝑖𝑛 𝑆𝑘𝑦𝑤𝑎𝑙𝑘𝑒𝑟
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🇬 🇪 🇳 🇷 🇪 🇸 
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𝖨'𝗆 𝗇𝗈𝗍 𝗍𝗈 𝗀𝗈𝗈𝖽 𝗈𝖿 𝖺 𝗐𝗋𝗂𝗍𝖾𝗋, 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖨 𝖺𝗆 𝗎𝗌𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝖺𝗌 𝖺 𝗐𝖺𝗒 𝗍𝗈 𝗂𝗆𝗉𝗋𝗈𝗏𝖾 𝗆𝗒 𝗐𝗋𝗂𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗎𝗌𝖾 𝗎𝗉 𝖺𝗇𝗒 𝖾𝗑𝗍𝗋𝖺 𝗍𝗂𝗆𝖾 𝖨 𝗁𝖺𝗏𝖾. 𝖲𝗈 𝗆𝗒 𝖽𝗆𝗌 𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝗈𝗉𝖾𝗇 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗋𝖾𝗊𝗎𝖾𝗌𝗍. ت︎ 𝖠𝗇𝖽 𝗂𝖿 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗐𝖺𝗇𝗍 𝗍𝗈 𝗋𝖾𝗊𝗎𝖾𝗌𝗍 𝗌𝗈𝗆𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝗐𝖺𝗌𝗇'𝗍 𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝖾𝖽 𝗈𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗅𝗂𝗌𝗍 𝗀𝗈 𝖺𝗁𝖾𝖺𝖽, 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖨'𝗅𝗅 𝗍𝖾𝗅𝗅 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗂𝖿 𝖨 𝗐𝗂𝗅𝗅 𝗐𝗋𝗂𝗍𝖾 𝗂𝗍 𝗈𝗋 𝗇𝗈𝗍.
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gemstone-roses · 7 months
I've got you
Geralt x Reader
Summary: geralt comforts you in the middle of the night.
Warnings: general anxiety themes, anxiety attack, fear, bit of sad, crying. Fluff. Bit of Size kink if you squint (whoops) can't help myself can I.
Huge hurt/comfort vibes, I need it okay.
Note: I'm having a bad week okay,🫠 reblogs and comments much appreciated ❤️ reminder this blog is 18 plus and so are all my works, including the sfw ones.
Hope this helps someone if they need it 🖤
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Flames dance in front of you. The heat from the fire the three of you had made at your camp that night had stopped feeling warm a while ago.
Jaskier slept soundly in his sleeping bag by a tree, the dense forest you found yourselves in provided more than enough safety for you to rest for the night.
And of course, geralt too.
He sits opposite you, legs spread wide, hands falling in-between them. He's keeping watch for any danger.
You wrap your arms around yourself. Habit, when you feel like this.
You'd felt it coming when you woke this morning. It starts in your throat, your chest.
Jaskier struggled to get on his horse this morning.
Usually you'd make a sarcastic comment at his expense, earning an eye roll from him and a small chuckle from geralt.
Today you stayed quiet. You knew irritation would lace your words without actually meaning it.
Leaves rustle beside you as the witcher moves from his spot and sits back down on the log you were sitting on.
Geralts thighs touched yours, he was so big it couldn't be helped.
The slight touch comforted you though.
"I can hear your heart racing over the noise of the fire"
Of course he could.
"oh, sorry?" You say softly.
You feel your chest tighten, you try to swallow but your mouth is dry.
Geralts brows furrow, he's heard your sharp intake of breath, your heart picking up.
"fuck" he whispers, getting up.
You startle slightly when you feel two hands on your thigh, geralt kneeling in front of you. His Amber eyes laced with concern for you.
"Y/n" he says gently, giving your thigh a squeeze.
"Look at me sweetheart" he continues. He gently grasps your chin and turns it towards him.
Tears pool in your eyes as his gaze feels like it's seeing right through you.
"You need to breathe, okay?breathe with me y/n" he reaches for your hand, places it on his chest.
Your hand trembles, you squeeze your eyes shut, trying to focus on him. One of his hands holding yours on his chest, the other is still holding your face.
"Keep looking at me, good, it's okay, that's it , your safe, ive got you". He soothes, caressing your cheek as he speaks.
The tears pooled in your eyes spill free
"Geralt" you choke out
"I know" he swipes your tears away, his calloused hands still gentle.
"Just keep breathing with me, hm?" He keeps stroking your face, until he feels your racing heart calm slightly.
You stay like that for what feels like hours. His touch not leaving you. Your still trembling slightly.
"Im s-
"Don't" he pushes up from the floor , wrapping his arms around you and leaning down to place a kiss to your head.
"Come" he says offering his hand
You take it, standing up
"Let me hold you tonight, hm?" He brings your hand up to his lips and places a feather light kiss to it.
You nod, and geralt wraps his huge arm around you as he guides you to his sleep bag.
"I've got you" he whispers, pulling you tighter into his embrace.
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Updates on my requests and other writing stuff!!
I haven't been very active on here (or with my writing) for a while, so I wanted to give people a little update. stuff that i've started writing is in bold letters
Soap x plus-sized!reader in a coffeeshop AU (requested by @ghostsoapgirl) i love this request so much!!! i've written quite a bit, but need to get around to the smut part :)
Continuation on the Soap x medic!reader series (requested by anon) haven't started on this yet, but once inspiration hits me, i'll continue this series for sure!
Judith x reader fluff (requested by @levithestripper) i promise i haven't forgotten about this! love, love, love judith so i'll try to get around this soon
angsty Harwin Strong x reader (implied cheating, betrayal etc etc, requested by anon) as of now, i have mixed feelings about this one tbh... i don't really know how to get around writing this just because my first thought when thinking of a cheater is homicide, but yk... i'll get there
platonic geralt x anxious!reader (requested by @catgoblinchelly) i love this idea, and especially that it's platonic, but i've barely written three lines :')
Vikings + opinions on modern day christmas things (requested by @demon-of-the-ancient-world) by the time i post this, it'll probably be july, but i love the request!!
Geralt x sorceress!reader with these prompts: "Are you really blind enough to not see the sparkles in her eyes when she’s staring at you?” & “When I’m with you, I almost feel normal.” (requested by anon) as always, i'll probably takke creative liberties with the prompts, but omg this is gonna be so fun to write
Witcher characters x maleficent!reader (requested by anon) love the concept!
Criston Cole fucking Daemon's wife or ex-wife (requested by anon) RAHHH ANON YOUR MIND IS FUCKING GINANTAMOUS LOVE LOVE LOVE UNREALISTIC SMUT SWEEP LET'S GOOO!!!! i also cannot get this image out of my head for some reason 🧍‍♀️
vikings + ivar being a remembered figure in history (requested by anon) i love this as well!! it's such an interesting concept
Stuff that I came up with at 2am and haven't finished
Oneshot: Snowfall; Simon Riley x formerfosterkid!reader (this is getting out of hand)
Oneshost: Affair; John Price x married!reader (john price hottest dom sweep)
Stuff that I've finished but don't really wanna post (idek)
Aegon Targaryen NSFW Alphabet (i was horny i'm sorry)
Corlys Velaryon NSFW Alphabet (no excuses here, he's a GILF)
A bunch of Hand turns Loom drafts that make me want to get a lobotomy)
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plus-size-reader · 4 years
Hidden Away
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Geralt of Rivia x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 2138 words
Warnings: none 
Summary: Geralt makes a small stop on his journey and has to take Jaskier along, only for the bard to uncover the Witcher’s biggest secret. 
Geralt had never got close to this place without stopping, but not for a lack of trying.
All those years ago, he had lived here under the cover of what he was, killing monsters for money, just as he did now. There was only one thing that was different back then, one very important thing.
You were, for lack of a better word, the witcher's life partner. You were the only person that he’d ever truly cared for and that meant one very painful thing. It meant that he had to leave you behind,
Geralt couldn’t very well let something happen to you because of who and what he was. If something happened to you, he would never be able to forgive himself so he left you here, only visiting on rare occasions.
You never agreed to it, of course, but he didn’t give you much choice in the matter.
Geralt made a rather strong case for why you had to stay there, and seeing as you’d never been the hunting and killing monsters type, you agreed against your better judgement.
Though you constantly found yourself staring out your window, waiting for the day he’d come strolling up that cobblestone path looking to spend a few nights with you before he had to leave again.
You were never going to escape your every second searching for the man you loved so much.
Still, as much time as you spent staring into the grassy fields and empty streets of town, you couldn’t have been less prepared for the time when he finally came looking for you.
It seemed that the time would never come but that all changed this morning, when Geralt insisted to the bard that he needed to stop in a nearby town for a few days.
He offered nothing more than that and Jaskier didn’t ask questions.
Whatever it was that Geralt needed to go there for, the other man seemed to understand that it wasn’t his place to probe for information. Anything he needed to know would come to him as the days unfolded.
Not that he was comfortable waiting that long as soon as the two men actually got into the town Geralt had been telling him about.
The witcher didn’t even bother to stop at the inn or any of the foodstands that were currently operating through the final months before winter when they would have to close up for the season.
Instead, he made his way toward the edge of town with not a word, just leading the bard behind him with Roach in tow. It would all come to light in time and right now, Geralt wasn’t in the mood to explain.
All he could think about was seeing you again after all this time.
It had been months since he’d been able to come through his way and that was something he wouldn’t be able to apologize for enough but to make up for it, he brought the bard along to help explain.
All things considered, the witcher was just glad he’d been able to carve out this time to see you before they had to leave again.
“Where are we going Geralt? What is going on?” Jaskier asked finally, half convinced that his best friend was out of his mind at this point. He seemed to just be walking into the woods with no destination in mind.
Though, just as he was about to demand that they stop and talk it through, your cabin came into view.
It was close enough to town that you could walk to get the things that you needed but not so easily accessible to the road that anyone just wandering through could find you.
Gerlat had built it with that in mind, with the sole purpose of keeping you safe when he couldn't.
“What is this?” Again, Jaskier spoke but Geralt ignored him, searching the window in the front, almost expecting to see you there in the shadow of it. Though, you weren’t there like you usually were.
Instead, you had been in the back of the cabin, checking on the raspberry plant you’d rescued from the forest. You weren’t sure it was going to sproat at first, but now it was doing pretty well.
In fact, it had even started flowering and it wouldn’t be too much longer that it would start producing fruit. By spring, you may have even been able to sell them at the market.
“Y/N? Are you here?”
The words came from the front of your home in a tone that you couldn’t have hoped to misplace. You faltered only slightly, considering if you could have imagined it but as if to prove you wrong, he called again.
This time it was only your name, in that deep, gruff voice that you knew so well but that wasn’t all. As you rounded the side of the cabin toward the front, you heard a second voice.
...One you didn’t recognize.
“Who is Y/N? Geralt, what is going on?” it sounded like another male, though his voice was much more melodious than demanding in the way the witcher’s was.
In any case, it was enough to make your walk toward the front of your home much more cautious than it would have been if it was just Geralt out there.
You didn’t know this stranger, and whoever it was, you couldn’t be sure that they didn’t want to do you any harm...At least, not until you saw the two of them with your own two eyes.
At first, all you did was peak around the corner you were hiding behind but it was more than enough for Geralt to see you. Even still, after he’d called out again, you didn’t come out.
You weren’t going to until he assured you that you were safe.
Perhaps all this time you’d spent in exile had made you a bit more cautious about strangers, more nervous to the company of other people but you couldn’t be blamed for that.
You just weren’t sure how safe you were in their company.
“Y/N, it’s okay. You can come out, this is a friend of mine” Geralt assured finally, partially proud that you were being so careful even in his presence. It meant that you were just as careful when he wasn’t there, and that would keep you alive.
Somehow, even after that, you didn’t seem convinced but you did as he asked, walking slowly until you were at his side finally. As soon as you were there though, your reactions did a complete 180.
To Jaskier, it was confusing but once you made sure that everything was safe, you practically launched yourself into the witcher's arm. It was an action that would have caught a normal man off guard, but not Geralt.
If anything, he seemed to have been anticipating the action and caught you gently without hesitance. Even a woman of your frame, who Jaskier could not have held in that way, gave little cause of issue for Geralt.
He barely even noticed the added weight of holding you, instead focusing on holding you as close to him as possible, breathing in your scent that he’d missed so much.
“I’m sorry it took me so long to get here, we’ve been on quite the journey” he muttered, pressing a gentle kiss to your face before setting you back down on the ground, letting you get your balance back before turning to the bard finally.
This whole time, Jaskier didn’t even know what was going on and he still stood by his friend without hesitation. As he said before, whatever he needed to know would find him in time.
All he had to do was wait.
“Forgive me, I’m being so rude. I’m Y/N” you spoke first, beating Geralt to it once you’d gotten comfortable in the company of this new man. Usually it would have taken longer but with the witcher here by your side, you had nothing to fear.
Nothing could hurt you while Geralt was here.
You offered a hand to the dark haired man, a bright smile on your face as you tried to get him to introduce himself in turn. Jaskier was thinking about it, of course, with every intention of doing so but he couldn’t make his tongue make the words.
In front of him was a goddess among men.
You were the most stunning creature he’d ever seen in his entire life and he was just expected to speak to you as if it was nothing? That wasn’t going to happen.
Luckily, Geralt knew his friend well enough to have seen this coming. The witcher was under no illusions about your beauty. You had been self conscious about your appearance all your life, constantly told to change yourself but Geralt had no part in that.
Once you two met, he made sure that you were aware of how beautiful you were just as you were, and now Jaskier was witnessing it for himself.
“This is Jaskier, he’s a bard” Geralt informed, a bit of humor in his tone as he spoke about the man in front of you both. The better you got to know him, the better you would understand.
...But that would come with time.
You giggled, assuming that there was something wrong with the strange man before he finally nodded, still unable to make the words he was searching for.
“It’s nice to meet you Jaskier” and with that, you reached back to take the witcher’s hand in your own, leading both men into the cover of your cabin. You tried not to spend too much time outside if you could help it,
You never knew who could have been watching.
“You two must be famished, I’ll fix you something” you spoke idely, more to yourself than either of them, immediately searching for something to serve them. “So, tell me about where you’ve been? Saved any lives lately?” you grinned, starting up the smalltalk as you worked.
Whatever it was they had been up to, you were beyond thrilled over the chance to hear all about it. Geralt’s stories had always been your favorite and you weren’t going to miss a second.
...And thus, began one of the most incredible stories you’d ever had the privilege of hearing with your own two ears. These two had been through the gauntlet and you were hooked on every word.  
“How do you know her? I swear, that woman is incredible. What do you imagine the chances I have with her are?” Jaskier wondered, fiddling with his fingers as he spoke.
You couldn’t hear them from where you were, doing your best to get the spare bed ready for a guest but Jaskier couldn’t help but check over his shoulder as he spoke about you.
He surely would die of embarrassment if you heard him.
“I don’t so bard. She’s my wife”
That was one hell of a development, of course, but Geralt said it as if it was nothing. It didn’t seem to register to him that information like that could have very well made Jaskier swallow his tongue.
A wife? He didn’t even know that Geralt had a wife, let alone the fact that his wife looked like you?
“You’ve been hiding her here and you didn’t tell me?” he gasped, his hand physically falling over his open mouth as he tried to comprehend this new information.
All Geralt did was nod.
He didn’t think that it was all that important until now, besides, telling people about you defeated the purpose of hiding you in the first place.
“No one knows about her, it's just better that way. She’s safe here, safer than she would ever be with me” It was just the truth, but even as he said it, there was a sadness in Geralt’s voice.
You truly did deserve much better than him, better than the life he’d provided for you but it kept you alive and that was all he could hope for now.
He only hoped that one day it would be better and you two could wake up beside one another every morning for the rest of your lives...but for now, this was just how it had to be.
“I refuse to believe that goddess of a woman married you” Jaskier shrugged, a few moments after Geralt left his side to help you. All he could do was watch the two of you, eyes wide with the sheer craziness of it.
...But the proof was in the pudding and Jaskier could see it with his own two eyes.
Geralt had a wife, and you just happened to be the most beautiful woman the bard had ever laid eyes on. There was no refuting that.
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Not sure if you’ve seen the Witcher yet but if possible can you do a black plus witch reader and Giralt and maybe he has to kill her but it’s a mistake and he saves her instead and some smutty smut takes place
And yes, I’ve watched and loved the Witcher!
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Getting killed and then revived by the Witcher includes:
 -You putting up one hell of a fight, not wanting to die
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 -Geralt hating to having to kill you, every second you fighting back actually puts him in misery as he is drawn to you
 -Him then finally plunging his sword in your chest, watching you stare wide eyed at him and trying to whisper your last words, but nothing coming out
 -You falling lifelessly into Geralt’s arms
 -Him grunting in despair and regret while dragging your lifeless bod into his tent near a random river
 -After hours of drinking and shedding a few tears, he decides to find a Djinn to undo his killing
 -Jaskier helping him search through the river
 -Geralt actually finding a Djinn bottle and rushing back to his tent
 -Him granting Jaskier a wish out of gratitude before wishing you back to life
 -His final wish being that the Djinn will grant him three other wishes
 -You waking up and ready to fight Geralt all over again
 -But him beating you to it by kissing you hungrily, making your head spin from the lust and the tenderness of his lips
 -Jaskier fleeing the tent faster that a motherfucker
 -You and Geralt ripping each other’s clothes off before he starts pounding you into the floor, your name leaving his lips in low grunts
 -The two of you going at it for several hours, his stamina taking you off guard as he makes you cum and cum for hours
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 Tag list: @jamesbarnesappreciationclub  l @pleasantdreamqueen l @disneymarina l @koizorahana l l @harleycativy l @itik-angsa l @sparklemichele l @melaninmarvel l @amethyst09 l @the-force-of-imagines l @bossyboyd03 l @enigmaticaphrodite l @pebblesz892 l @stars8melanin l @brittyevans l @toc1985 l @janeyboo l @badassbaker l @earthtocynthia l @lafayettes-baguettes-1 l @winters-beauty l @cannonindeez  l @ilovefanfic86 l @foureyedsiopao l @adorablespecialsnowflakes l @brittanyovens l @kanupps06 l @jazmynejack l @oliviajmarvel l @thebookwormslytherin l @theunsweetenedtruth l @talannalew l @littlexmissxfandomxlover l @amethyst-dreams-and-candy-canes l @dedebebe13 l @challaxkillmonger l @crimsonash330 l @booklover2929 l @aranelgrey l @panda-duuu l @thisismysecrethappyplace l @killmonsgyal l @lokislilcaribbeanprincess l @titty-teetee l @honey-anon l @queenxchallaxkillamonger l @princess-evans-addict l @hp-hogwartsexpress l @malindacath l @supernaturaltrashy l @letsdisneythings l @scorpionchild81 l @shado-raven l @alisoncdariel
-Emmanuelle 💋❤️
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ilovefandoms102 · 2 years
Pairing: Geralt of Rivia x Plus Size Reader
Summary: You get hurt and Geralt tends to your wounds…
Note: It’s been a hot minute but I am so VERY excited to start watching season 2 so I hope you guys enjoy!
Warnings🛑: blood, gore, protective daddy Geralt😍, violence, murder(of creatures), implied smut
Don’t forget to hit that reblog button!
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You hissed as the creature you and Geralt were fighting sliced a gash through your side, not the worse thing to happen to you, but at this moment it was more of an inconvenience…
Geralt knew you could handle yourself, but he still couldn’t help the need to protect what belonged to him. He landed the final blow, killing the monster and covering both of you in its blood and gore. He growled deep in his chest and plugged his blade one more time into it, taking his anger out on the thing that tried to hurt the love of his life…you.
“Think it’s dead love,” you slurred, slumping onto Roach who whined.
Geralt rushed over, helping you sit on a nearby rock. He couldn’t properly look at your wound like this, it was too deep in your side. He’d have to take you to an inn, hoping they’d have the proper medical supplies or a healer.
“I can hear you thinking Geralt, I’m alright.” you smiled, rubbing his bloody cheek.
“That’s deep my love, need to get a better look at it.” he grunted, his gold eyes looking you over for any other injuries.
“Nothing I can’t handle.” you dismissed, trying to stand but your beloved had you in an iron lock grip.
“Stop being so stubborn.” he growled, a sly smirk on your lips that made his cock ache.
“Think that’s a bit rich coming from the master of stubborn sir.” you chuckled, stopping when it hurt your side.
Geralt smiled a bit and kissed your soft lips before hoisting you on Roach, guiding the horse to the next inn. Your horse followed closely on your other side, nudging their head into your palm to which you softly petted the animal.
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Geralt became more worried as the two of you reached the inn, you hadn’t been responding to anything he’d said and he’d ended up having to carry you in fear you’d fall off Roach. He quickly demanded a room and all the medical supplies they acquired while gently laying you on the bed.
“Geralt?” you weakly rubbed his stubbly cheek.
“You’ll be just fine my love, just keep those pretty eyes open.” he said as he placed a delicate kiss to your lips.
“I must rest.” you mumbled, eyes falling closed.
“Hey! I need you awake darling, please stay with me.” Geralt begged as he stripped where your wound was.
A healer accompanied the supplied Geralt demanded, both of them quickly stitching you up while creating a concoction to keep from infection. You squeezed his hand when you felt the pricks of the needle, grimacing as you felt your skin and flesh being sewn together.
“So beautiful,” Geralt murmured, laying gentle kisses across your hairline.
“If I’d known I’d get such special treatment every time I got hurt, I would have started a long time ago.” you sassed, Geralt chuckling as you came back to yourself.
“I’ll give you special treatment anytime you want my love.” he smiled slightly, rubbing a healing paste gently on your wound once the stitching was done.
You thanked the healer, apologizing for your lovers lack of manners with an eye roll in his direction. Once they left, Geralt worked on drawing a bath for the two of you. The water would work wonders on your aching muscles, and you got to see a beautifully naked man. You couldn’t keep your stare away as he undressed, biting your lip as his plump ass came into view.
“See something you like darling?” he asked, arching a brow at you.
“I see lots of things I like.” you winked, grunting as Geralt helped you sit up.
Once he helped you undress, you slid carefully into the tub. Geralt slid in behind you, grabbing a mug as he began to wet your hair. He gently washed the blood, dirt, and grime from your body. You swore you fell more in love with this man everyday, every inch of you was precious to him.
“I’m ok,” you whispered, feeling him sigh and press his lips to the back of your head.
“I know, you’re strong, but I can’t help myself sometimes.” he admitted, sitting up when you turned around to face him.
“So…the Witcher cares about little ole me?” you teased, giggling when he growled.
He grabbed your jaw, pulling you into a filthy, hot kiss. You wanted more, whining when he pulled away.
“I love you.” he whispered, smiling down at your pouty face.
“I love you too Geralt, now kiss me like that again.” you sassed, raking your fingers through his white locks.
Geralt could never deny you, leaning in for another passionate kiss that led to…well let’s just say you couldn’t walk the next few days.
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The Bet
Pairing : AUHenry xOFC
Warning: unprotected, ddlg themes 
Summary : Henry makes a bet with his girlfiend to see who can go the longest without sex. 
 “And you really think that will work on me?” You frowned in mock disappointment. 
“O sweetheart I know it will.” He said holding your chin between his thumb and forefinger.
It took two weeks. 
That was essentially the longest you had ever gone without sex. 
And especially without sex with him. You rolled over in the bed exuding limitless frustration.
“ So you’re still holding on to this ?” you can hear him chuckling under his breath.
“ God, you gave up much quicker than I was expecting you too.”  he continued, rolling over to face you. 
“I’m not giving up, you press.” looking directly into his eyes.
“Ooooo. But you are.” he smiles calmly,tucking some hair behind your ear.
You can feel his hand move, gently tracing it’s way up your thigh. Not that you needed him to be turned on but, it certainly helped.  He leaned into your ear “You cannot resist me, it’s your weakness.” he says lightly licking the curve of your ear.
“I highly doubt that.” You say almost through your teeth as his hand finds its way to cupping your womanhood. He pushes your top leg back and begins rubbing where you are most sensitive. He knew you in that way, he knew things about your body, things about how you functioned most intimately, and that is what made him irresistible.
“Tell me.” he whispers “when you’re trying not to fuck me do you still try to press your legs together like this?” He was using his hand to force your legs open.
“When you’re trying so hard to not fuck me….how many times a day do you do it in your head?” he leans in to kiss you and you immediately pull your head back. 
“What makes you think I do you in my head?”you ask jokingly. He  grabs your hair, kissing you deeply. His lips were always soft and while he joked a lot you never felt like he was laughing at you.He had a talent of making you feel special, important. Even his kiss said all that. He rolled onto you, his hand working in the heat between your two bodies. Your body betrayed you and you let out a moan. 
“Good girl” he says under his breath. That makes your stomach flip. You bring a hand to the side of his face, giving up on the idea of holding out and finally kiss him back for real, moving your hips beneath him. He slips a finger inside of you, you know it to be a tease but, you allow him the power of it all. Eventually, you begin to get frustrated, bucking your hips into his hand and moaning in frustration. 
“Use your words sweetheart.What do you want?” he asks. Your lips meet his and then but, end up trailing down to the stubble of his chin. You grab his chin, looking him in the eyes. 
“I want you. I want you right now.” you breathe  into him. You hear him catch his breath in response to your words , as he adds another finger. You loved the effect your neediness could have on him. You bucked up into his hand again.
“Beg me.” His voice was a growl that sent shivers down your spine. You stare at him, giving him your most seductive face. But, he doesn’t break. Holding on to his resolve as much as he could. He gives in, you think ; as you mirror his action from before, grabbing his chin and kissing him. His tongue ventures to new places with your mouth.His hand slides down to your throat but you don’t notice the pressure until he says.
“Fucking do it. Beg me.”he pressed harder on your larynx. Allowing you just enough air. 
Your eyelids flew all the way open,the look of shock on your face was uncanny. 
“Please” you choked out “Please fuck me.”
“What about what happened last time hmm? You know once I start with you I don’t stop.” he warns.
“I know daddy. I  won’t. I promise.” leaning up to try to kiss him but, he pulls back denying you the satisfaction. 
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jayhargrove · 3 years
Happy birthday to this fine British man✨🤩
Disclaimer: Credits to cryfern on TikTok for this amazing edit!!!
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Made not Born: Part 1
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Fandom: The Witcher (Netflix)
Pairing: Jaskier x Plus Size! Goddess! Reader
Writer: @writings-of-a-hufflepuff​ aka @hufflepuffing-all-day-long​
Summary: You’re a goddess of little things, but you were made not born. You tire of immortality, of the glitter that does not fade, of watching those around you grow and age and falter and die. You help Jaskier in a moment of need and in return he tries to help you. Perhaps you find yourself falling in love along the way.
You find him by the roadside. You’ve followed his journeys, one of the many mortals you enjoy watching the life of, and now you find him in need of help. His clothes are dirtied, he is sat in a muddy ditch, hair misplaced and blood bleeding from the broken skin of his lip. He is beaten and he is bloody, but not dangerously so. But you are a minor goddess, good for healing little wounds and mending small broken things. 
You don’t answer his questioning calls until you’ve placed a hand on his cheek and the bruises have faded, the cuts stitching themselves back together, the rips in his doublet mending. You doubt he knows what god you are, few do, but his eyes glimmer with recognition as he takes in your form. You are the homeliest looking of the gods, although by mortal standards anything but. Your hips are wide, your stomach soft, your skin is covered in marks and scars from your previous mortal life. Your hair does not shine and your eyes do not glow. You looked as you did in your mortal life, only with something extra, something which mortals could never place a finger on and could never quite describe. It was an essence that let them know you were more than them, something else, something other. For some this bred fear, other’s awe, some comfort, and many curiosity.
“You’re Desara” He lifts himself from his place sitting, only to kneel instead. Blue eyes twinkling up at you, taking in the strands of your hair, the colour of your eyes, the way your dress falls around your body as if purposefully effortless. He tries not to stare, he really does, but he’s never met a god before and you’re...godly, no...otherworldly, effortlessly beautiful, shining like a beacon and, most of all, you look kind. There is a softness in your face that he never expected a god to have, he always imagined there would be glares and glowering, thunderbolts and lightning. He always thought gods were supposed to be frightening.  You were the opposite of what he had imagined, you gave off a feeling of comfort and safety that had his shoulders relaxing without a thought.
“That’s what you mortals call me...I go by Y/N...” You rest your hands on his shoulders and urge him to rise, he towers above you. Another thing he thought impossible. He always imagined the gods doing the towering, but he has to angle his head downwards to look you in the eye. He isn’t sure if he’s supposed to look a god in the eye...he’s not sure what godly etiquette is. He’s fully prepared to make a massive faux pas and be struck down with some sort of plague or be crushed under the might of your godly powers. 
“Well, that’s very...”
“It’s a very mundane name, I know. I wasn’t always a goddess, you know?” You say with a small little smile, coy, playful. He shakes his head and swallows hard. He will admit he knows your name, knows that you are a minor goddess, known for little things, but he does not know what little things and he does not know your story or history. He always imagined that Gods were born. That they simply burst into existence or rather they existed and birthed everything else. He’d be lying if he said he was an overly devout man, he’d seen enough to be open minded, but had never been one for leaving offerings at shrines or speaking out prayers and thanks.  
“I was once a farmer’s daughter. I sowed the seeds, I threshed the wheat, I brought in the harvest...and then one day a god came to me and decided to make me a god too. She believed they needed more, believed she could create something more of me. I think she believed I’d become a great one, a powerful one.” You laugh and he thinks it is supposed to sound bitter and humourless, but instead it sounds soft on the breeze like the light strumming of his lute or the sound of birdsong on a spring morning. “So I became Desara, Goddess of the little things, the warmth of a hearth, the feeling of home after a long journey. Goddess of small creatures and little deeds, of jaunty tunes and a noiseless breeze. Goddess of the seed that roots and the weed that dies, Goddess of the daisy chains and flower crowns. Of worms and of rhymes. Of broken noses and split lips. My powers are minor and few pray to me. Mostly, little children who find my rhymes and songs amusing or who wind chains of flowers for their friends. They soon forget, however.”
“A rather impressive list, oh beautiful creature, oh mighty goddess” He is not sure how anyone could forget you. If you consider yourself minor and unimpressive he cannot imagine what the other gods are like, but he finds that he has no interest in finding out.
“Please. Y/N. I do not enjoy being....grovelled too or worshipped. I am so tired, Julian Alfred Pankratz. I have lived so long and so lonely.” 
“If I am to call you Y/N, then please call me Jaskier.” There is a pause before he continues, “Surely you have admirers at your beck and call?” He cannot imagine you without them. Cannot imagine why men and women would not flock to worship at your feet, why they would not revel in the swell of your hips or the softness of your body, the kindness of your face, or the gentle nature of your words. It seemed to him that anyone would be a fool not to admire and worship you. 
“Admirers are not loves. They grovel, they seek, they desire, they want, but they do not wish to truly know or listen or care. What I would give to be mortal again, to live in the moment, to know there is an end. To be loved for myself, a farmer’s daughter and not a goddess.”
“Is there not some way to do so? To become mortal, I mean?” He doesn’t pretend to know much about these sorts of things, that was always Geralt’s area of expertise, but it makes sense to him that anything that is made can be unmade, anything that is fixed can be broken. 
“For all my years, my knowledge of gods and kings, monsters and men is rather limited. If there is, I doubt the other God’s would tell me for fear that in some hateful fury I might make them mortal. Although I tend to avoid them where possible and would much rather leave them to their quibbling and return to a simpler life”
“Your predicament moves me, Y/N...I am humbled in your presence, “ You go to cut him off and chastise but he stops you, “Not because you are a god or some immortal being but because it is clear to me you have a mortal soul longing for what mortals do.  Love.” Perhaps he is flowery with his words, like most bards are, but you decide that he truly means what he says, no matter how poetic it might appear. 
“If you will permit me, I would try to help? I have little knowledge on the subject of Gods, but I know a friend who might know where to look.”
“The Witcher.” He looks surprised, “Us Gods watch, you know. From our skies and our seas and our grasses and our trees. I find you enjoyable in your journeys, Toss a Coin to Your Witcher really was a masterpiece,” 
“-Why thank yo-” You cut off the thanks, not needing thanks for speaking what you feel is the truth. 
“I watch and I know things. He is your friend and you are right, he knows a great deal about my kind and all the tricks to make or break us...do stress that I was not born a god, I was made...and surely what was made can be unmade?” You take a deep breath and humble yourself, kneeling in front of him in a way none of the other gods would,  “I...thank you, Jaskier...I wish to be me again and I no longer wish to be so old and weary and never age. Thank you for trying even if an answer cannot be found.”
“I’ll find an answer. For good or ill. I’ve never had a quest of my own before, a true adventure, and I refuse to fail you, Y/N. I hope I can return your mortality.” You feel a little of your composure slip at the genuine kindness and determination in his voice, at the hopefully gleam in his blue eyes. You blink away what tears have filled your eyes and stand up to lean forward, pressing a thankful kiss to his forehead, gentleness you bestow upon any you can, but rarely with such genuine feeling. 
“Thank you, Jaskier. I will aid in what little ways I can, but I am no greater god, I cannot do much but mend small breaks, and soothe little hurts.” It’s a warning, kindly, but one to remind him that if he needs help greater than you can give then there is little you can do. It would pain you to see one of your favourite mortals perish in an effort to help you, you wanted your mortality, but not at the cost of a life. Perhaps your mortality wasn’t even possible to regain.
You leave him there, kneeling in the dirt with soft eyes and a softer heart. To him it seems as if you become one with the leaves and the trees, drifting off to somewhere unknown and his eyes follow for as long as they can before you disappear entirely. He steels himself, rising from the ground, tugging on his now mended doublet and grabbing his lute. He has a witcher to find and despite their current differences, Geralt had made it quite clear that he didn’t want the bard hanging around, Jaskier needed his help and he would put up with the grump for you. A kind goddess in need of help regaining her mortality, beautiful as the sunrise and quiet as the moon, well, that was just a song that needed to be written and a story that needed to be told.
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cardierreh15 · 9 months
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The Stranger
A lil’ sumn, sumn just in time for spooky szn my dears 😩🧡 enjoy.
**I do not give anyone permission to repost and/or copy my work!!!
Warnings 18+: Cursing , Blood , Cutting & Stabbing with claws , Non-Con Sex , Full Nelson Position?? (I think lol) , Biting , Oral (Female Recieving) , Praising Kink , Breeding , Kidnapping .
Pairing: Vampire!August x Maria(Black!Plus Size Female)
Description: August has a lil fun with his food. 😋
Word Count: 2.9K
Song: Eat Your Young by Hozier
They’re having sex in a graveyard. Thought I’d make that clear. Basically: Dead Dove Do Not Eat
The woman wheezed as she rested her hands on her knees; trying her damnedest to breathe, but the cold air burned in her chest. Doubled over, she coughed hard before slowly inhaling through her nose and then out through her mouth. Standing up straight, her lips trembled as the winter’s air embraced her in a deadly hold.
‘Home, just— try to get home.’ she muttered to herself as she wrapped her torso up in her own arms. It had seemed as if she were walking for ages now, but at least she caught her breath. ‘Home… just…almost there.’ she shivered.
Run, girl, run. A dark essence whispered through a cool breeze, heart sinking into the pit of her gut as a familiar dark laughter followed suit.
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‘Stop!’ she cried out, placing both hands over her ears as she started running again. She closed her eyes tightly, trying to focus on pure thoughts. ‘This— *huff* has to be— *huff huff* a nightmare!’ Suddenly, she tripped over a branch, tumbling and rolling until her weight betrayed her; head colliding with something cool and hard. Vision blurred and disoriented, she let out a pained groan as she weakly reached out, ‘Mmmmhhhff.’
Whimpering out, she felt something wet and warm trickling down the side of her face. Dragging her weight across the cool, dewy dirt and grass. ‘Please… please,’ she begged; placing her hands on the tombstone while struggling to pull herself to her feet. ‘Please just— leave me alone!’ she called out, her knees buckling as she stood up straight.
‘Hahah, and what’s the fun in that?!’
Heart ramming in her chest, her breathing had become shallow, the lump in her throat growing painful. ‘Who— why do you follow me?! Why can’t you just leave me alone?!’ she broke out in a hysterical sob, words inaudible. ‘Please! I have nothing to offer you— I can’t— I can’t…’
It grew quiet for a moment. Only the sound of the wind dancing through the trees and the dead leaves scraping against the ground filled the air. Suddenly, when safety seemed sure, she got wrapped up in a tight embrace. A cold hand covered her lips as she began squeal into the stranger’s flesh. The stranger grinned darkly as the woman flayed her arms and legs around.
‘Tag. I've got you now!’
He snickered, turning her around to get a good look at her. She was ravishing! Full puckered lips, gray eyes that made her tears resemble a rainy day. Her skin, soft and silky like raw honey. She was almost too pretty to eat. But he’d always been the type to play with his food.
Grabbing her jaw, his pointy nails gently stabbed at her flesh. She tried to let out a shriek but he placed his index finger against her full lips, ‘aht, Aht, — that’s not a smart idea sweet pea. He grinned, ‘Scream, and I’ll slit your throat ok? Give me a nod if you understand.’
The woman’s frightened eyes stared up into his bright blue irises that shone in the darkness, resembling that of the deepest depths of the ocean. She nodded hesitantly, never taking her eyes off of him.
‘Mmm, that’s a good girl. You are awfully pretty.’ He cooed, dragging his claw down the side of her face. ‘I would have hated to kill you before I've had my fun.’ he grinned; salivating at the thought of her being his personal blood bag.
‘Now, you’re going to do whatever I say… alright?’
The woman nodded again, a single tear falling down her face. She was freezing! It wouldn’t have been a shock if her tears turned into icicles at this point.
He brought her head towards him, gently sniffing at the open wound she’d created from her dance with the ground earlier. ‘Mmm,’ he hummed in delight. ‘So sweet,’he said, before licking up the blood that dripped down the side of her face.
She was stiff as a board, unable to move from the shock that coursed through her body. There was no way this was truly happening. No, no this had to be some kind of nightmare. Shutting her eyes tightly, whispering, ‘it’s just a dream, wake up Maria, it’s just a dream—‘
His thunderous laugh ripped through the air. ‘Are you sure about that princess? Seems real enough to me.’ He cooed in her ear as he pushed her thick hair behind her ear and ran his claw down her cheek, leaving behind a simple cut. She started to cry once again.
‘Awww, shhhh —don’t cry princess,’ he said as he wiped her tears away with the pad of his thumbs. ‘Everything will be over soon. And, if you behave, I might just let you go. All you have to do… is be a good girl.’
Maria swallowed her sticky spit and nodded once again, letting out a shaky sigh. She was willing to do anything if it meant for her to live.
‘Wh— what will you have me do?’
He smirked as his eyes flickered from her face to her breasts. ‘Well,’ with just a quick swipe of his finger, he tore the fabric of her shirt with his pointy nail. His eyes immediately landing on her silky brown skin, his fangs tingling at the thought of sinking them in that supple flesh.
‘Ah!’ she gasped, instantly wrapping her own arms around her body to conceal it. ‘Wh—‘ she backed up slowly until she tripped and fell back against a stone. ‘Oof!’ she whimpered, looking up at him. ‘H-here?! Now?’ she looked around as she quivered. ‘It’s cold! And we’re in a graveyard! Have you no respect for the dead?!’
‘Oh honey… haven’t your parents taught you not to assume?’ his smirk never faltered as he stood above her, glaring down at her like a hawk stalking its prey. ‘I am… the dead.’ His fangs seemed to appear out of nowhere! They were massive, frightening and white. Very distinguishable even with nights as dark as these. She stared up at him in fear as he reached down and lended her his hand.
‘Up…’ he commanded.
Maria swallowed her spit once again and placed her hand in his before he whisked her up to her feet in a fast motion. He pressed her against his chest, listening as her heart hadn’t ceased to keep its fast pace. ‘Why were you hiding that pretty body from me huh?’ he said, running his tongue over his fangs.
‘B-because I don’t know you! You’re a stranger! A monster!’
The stranger chuckled and backed her up against a tall tombstone. Her back was pressed flush against the coolness. ‘Alright,’ he placed his hand against the stone, ‘My name is August… there, am I still a stranger?’ He drug his pointy nail down the hill and the valley of her breasts, down her tummy until he rested it beneath her button to pop it.
‘I mean… no… I guess. B-but you’re still a monster!’ She bit back.
‘Oh really? Why… that’s not very nice.’ he chuckled, ‘You’re scared of me… aren’t you princess?’ he asked, popping the button to bring the zipper down. She jumped at the sudden flick before giving him a hesitant nod.
‘Good, you should be.’ he said before grabbing her wrist and swiftly turning her around and pinning her against the stone. ‘I’m not gonna hurt you… yet,’ he whispered softly in her ear. Something so sweet, like a lullaby. ‘Just—want a little taste,’ August added as he got down on his knees and pulled her jeans down to her ankles.
‘Wha—?!’ Her panties followed soon after.
‘What are you doing?! Stop!’ She tried to move but he grabbed her thighs and held it in a tight grip. ‘Aah!’ she yelped out at the sudden pain. His claws dug into her cool flesh. ‘I told you to be a good girl! Move again, and I will crush your femur!’
‘Ughh,’ she cried out in pain. ‘Please! Just let me go! I promise I won’t tell anyone!’
‘Well you may not make it out of here to tell anyone sweetheart. We might as well have a little fun huh?’
Maria’s bottom lip trembled before she sucked it between her teeth to keep from wailing like a wraith. But instead, she utter a sound.
‘Attagirl,’ he grinned as he released his grip on her skin, ‘Now… sit still,’ he said before inhaling the scent of her core. ‘Mmmm,’ he let out a guttural growl, stretching his neck and pressing the flattened tongue against her womanhood.
‘Ooh!’ Maria’s mouth fell open as a chill slid down her spine. She could feel her knees growing numb as his tongue assaulted her clit with a vengeance. If she were going to die, at least her last few moments would be of her experiencing a one in a lifetime moment. Fucking a monster.
August lifted her thigh as he flicked his tongue over her glorious abyss and her sensitive nub. ‘Mmmm,’ he hummed before pulling away for a second. ‘Fuuuuck, you’re delicious,’ he pressed a kiss on her inner thigh before he sank his teeth into her soft flesh.
‘AAAAAAH!’ she yelped out, startled by him biting into her. Maria looked down between her legs. ‘You said you weren’t going to hurt me!!!’ she whined out.
August licked at her punctured, swollen skin before placing a kiss on it, ‘Oh relax, baby girl. It’s just a love bite. You’ll be fine.’ He chuckled before his tongue was met with her pussy once again. Such a hungry lover he was.
‘Ooooh! Dear God! That feels sooo fucking good!’ Her head fell back as her fingers gripped at the tombstone. She subconsciously began to grind her hips against his face and reached behind her to grab a hand full of his thick dark hair. His face was just a seat for her at this point. And he didn’t mind it either.
A gasp ripped through her chest as her groin began to tighten as she grew closer to her orgasm. ‘Aaah! FUCK!’ She felt as if the world were crumbling beneath her feet.
August smiled softly as she came in his mouth unreluctantly. She was so warm on his tongue. He could stay here forever if she allowed it. Pulling away from her pussy, he bit into her other thigh. Hissing at the sudden pain, Maria gritted her teeth together and just bore it.
He bit her thighs, over and over again, as if trying to mark his territory. He stood up, peppering sweet kisses against her shoulder, and then her neck. ‘My, my— you are so delicious.’
Maria was lost in a world of pure bliss. The way he touched her, the way his cool lips danced across her now burning flesh— she felt like she was in heaven; or perhaps, hell.
‘How do you feel?’ August asked as his nose nuzzled comfortably behind her ear, in her braids.
‘Am I— am I dead?’ She whispered.
He chuckled darkly before grabbing her face once again as he leaned in for a kiss. ‘Not yet princess.’
Her now hooded, lust ridden eyes stared up at him as her lips parted gently, ready to embrace his frost bitten lips in a warm kiss. Once their lips met, it was as if she’d taken ecstasy. She never felt like this before on behalf of the lips of a man. Could it be the venom on this tongue?
The more her lips indulged on his taste, the more hooked she became. Plus, she kind of liked being able to taste herself on his tongue.
He broke the kiss and looked down at her with a twinkle in his eye. Hmm, he might need her after all. But he immediately pushed those thoughts to the side and walked over to a gravestone. August unzipped his pants and pushed them down along with his boxers.
Maria’s mouth fell open in shock and partly in fear when she saw that monster spring free from the prison of his pants. How was that thing going to fit inside of her?! She’s probably had sex only a handful of times in her life. It wasn’t at the top of her To-Do list either. So it was safe to say, she was scared.
‘Don’t be afraid princess. I promise I’ll be gentle,’ he gave her a devious smirk as he motioned his sharp claw towards himself. Her head fell forward, ashamed. Once in his grasp, he spun her around so her ass was facing him. August scooped her up effortlessly with a carnivorous grin on his face.
‘Whoa—‘ she gasped as she wrapped one arm around his neck for stability as he sat down on the destroyed grave.
August lowered her down on his dick. Thanks to the blood intake, he was standing at full attention and was ready to take advantage of this moment with her.
Maria hissed, digging her nails into his shoulder as the intrusive member basically split her in half. But the pain was blissful. He was filling her out the way she deserved, the way she needed.
‘Uhhh. Damn baby girl. You are so fucking tight.’ He lifted her thigh, hooking his arm beneath her knee and using his right knee to keep her leg up. He dug his sharp claws into her flesh. His other arm lay draped across her belly in a tight hold. This way, he was able to move her body up and down just the way he wanted.
The curvaceous woman threw her head back as he took full control of her body. And the way that he used her felt so good.
‘August! Please!’ she begged before she grit her teeth together, ‘Augh!! Fuck yes!’
‘That’s good baby? Damn, you take this dick so fucking well. Such a good girl for me!’ He let out an animalistic grunt, still bouncing her body but now adding in his own thrusts.
With the two frictions coming together to make one, Maria could feel her fragile human body begin to betray her. She breathed in short breaths, the cold air burning at her chest as she did so.
‘Ooh!’ With August’s fleeting movements, Maria thought she was seeing stars. The grip she had on the upright headstone was so tight, she split her nails.
August howled as his grip on her thigh grew a bit tighter. His nails finally pierced the skin and he drew a little bit of blood. But Maria was far too gone to even pay attention to the pain. August landed multiple slaps on her inner thigh as he reached between her thighs with his free hand and began to rub at her erected clit. He picked up his thrusts, ‘Fuuu—‘
Maria’s head fell forward, her mouth falling open in a big “O” as she watched his strong hand go to work on her clit. ‘Ohhh shit!’ Her bite ridden thighs began to shake as he handled her like a $2 whore.
‘Yeaaaah? You’re gonna cum aren’t you? I can feel it. I can feel you throbbing… that pretty pussy just begging for a release.’
‘Uh huuuuh!’ She whimpered out.
He thrusted harder, faster. Her cries grew louder as he abused her pussy with purpose. With the way she was wailing, someone would say this graveyard was haunted! ‘C’mon princess,’ he gritted his teeth, ‘Come on! Give it to me!’
Maria’s toes curled in her shoes as he plowed into her as if he were trying to explore new realms. She felt the numbness creep up her neck, and now she felt like she couldn’t breathe. This didn’t feel like a common orgasm. It felt euphoric but she felt as if he’d snatched her soul.
August let out a sinister laugh. ‘Oh you sweet thing. You don’t even know what to do with yourself!,’ he cooed teasingly before he grabbed her face. He opened his mouth to welcome her in another kiss. He allowed her tongue to slither between his teeth. And with just a gentle bite, he pierced the muscle.
She whined out in pain, squirming in his embrace as she bled into his mouth. Once he broke the kiss, she laid her head back lazily against him as he had his way with her. She’d lost a lot of blood now because of him. Her body felt completely numb and at this point, he was just using her like a doll. She couldn’t feel much anymore. All she could taste was iron, and hear his desperate grunts over the sounds of the night. Her eyes filled with tears as she knew what was to come of her.
‘Ugh. Fuck, you’d be the perfect mother for my children,’ he snarled out, his teeth clenched as he felt his member throb within her. ‘Sooo, fucking warm princess.’
Maria’s eyes grew wide as a tear slid down the side of her face. She couldn’t find the strength to speak! It was a miracle she was even alive! So she just laid limply on him.
His hand cupped at her bruised up thigh as he rammed his hips faster, coaxing and milking his own nut out of him, ‘Aaah. Fuuuck!’ His balls squeezed as he shoved his member deep inside of her, kissing at her warm cervix.
Used like a whore, Maria just laid there in his hold. Just waiting for her demise. She barely blinked as she felt it would be her last.
August let out a sigh before he laid her on top of the flat gravestone. He stood up, putting himself together. ‘Aww don’t play dead on me baby girl. You’ve proved to be a lot more useful than I thought.’ With the “warmth” of his embrace gone, she laid curled up on that cold stone shivering. She was mute.
‘You’re gonna be staying with me for awhile,’ he said before effortlessly scooping her up in his arms before he began to walk into the darkness of the night.
Her eyes were heavy… and she was growing cold by what had seemed to be the minute. ‘Sl—sleeep,’ she muttered out in pain.
Sleep my princess… for you will be my Queen once you’ve awakened.
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Look. I was in a mood. I usually feel a little weird about posting smut bc that good ole christian repression and guilt and I’ve been sitting on this for a minute but fuck it. It’s time to post. 
Pairing: Geralt x fem!plussize!reader
Warnings: smut. hella smutty. subtle ‘I don’t like my body all that much’ vibes but its minimal
Summary: It’s been too long since you've had a good shag and Geralt picks up on it. 
Traveling with these idiots was usually great. As much as Geralt pretended to be a hardened brute, he was funny as hell and rather sweet. Jaskier was, with no better way to phrase it, himself, and you got along with them quite well. 
By the fifth town you had to nearly flee because Jaskier slept with the wrong person or the people were just royal ass holes, you were getting agitated. It had been three months since you'd had sex and a good couple weeks since your last orgasm because you weren't ever alone. Not for lack of trying. You tried making excuses to go to bed early when you were sharing rooms and did your damnedest to find lovers for a night. It just took a little more time for you to find someone in a tavern who enjoyed your fuller figure than it did for the boys. Partly because you had to be more careful, men were far more dangerous than most of the women they chased, but partly because you knew you were selling to a niche market. By the time you've got a sure target, some kind of shit hits the fan and you're tugged away from your night without the dynamic duo of chaos.
On week three with no genuine 'me time' you woke from a vivid wet dream to Roach sniffing your hair and wanted to scream. 
"Good morning sunshine!" Jaskier called, already packing up camp. 
You sat up, glaring at him, "Is it?"
He frowned at you, "Geralt though you might be grumpy today. Did you accidentally mind meld with him again?" 
You forced a laugh, "Fuck I hope not." The dream was absolutely about him. 
You went about your business trying to keep from being outwardly angry.
When you and Jaskier had everything packed and ready to go you looked around, "Where the hell is Geralt?" 
Before Jaskier even had time to turn and look at you, you were being lifted in the air. 
"Right here." Geralt answered, swinging you over his shoulder. 
This was not helpful to your plight. There was nothing you wanted more at the moment than for Geralt to pick you up and pin you against a wall, or tree if need be, with your legs over his shoulders and eat you out until you came so hard you couldn't breathe. 
"Put me down!" You squealed, feeling your body react involuntarily. 
He plopped you on your feet, giving you an inquisitive look, but keeping quiet. It always made you suspicious when he didn't ask questions.
"She's cranky, just like you thought." Jaskier explained. 
The trek into town was longer than you had hoped but, thankfully, Geralt had let Jaskier hitch a ride so you could make better time. If you'd had to have him riding double behind you, with his complements and natural flirting nature, you might have lost it. 
On entering the pub of the inn you'd booked you just sighed and ordered a stiff drink. The pest problem must have been nocturnal because there were barely any patrons. You eyed a group of men in the corner but upon catching some of their conversation you gave up. Though, Jaskier was getting on swimmingly with one of the barmaids. 
You scoffed and drained your drink, better to be numb with alcohol than this ridiculously horny. 
"You alright?" Geralt asked. There was an edge to his voice that you couldn't quite describe and it concerned you. 
"Define alright." You set your empty mug at the end of the table and crossed your legs.
He just raised his eyebrows at you.
You slapped a coin on the table and shot him a defiant glare, "I'm going to bed." You hoped to Melitele that he would leave you alone.
You didn't hear him following you until you'd made it halfway to the door of your room.
"What the fuck Geralt!? Can't a woman have a few minutes alone!?" 
There was a small smile playing at the edge of his lips as he walked past you to the door, "Is that really what you want?" 
Your eyes went wide for a moment before narrowing and following him into the room, pressing your back against the door as you closed it, "What's that supposed to mean?" 
"Anyone ever told you you talk in your sleep?" He hadn't turned around to look at you yet, clearing his armor and bags off one of the beds.
Your ears were almost ringing and you felt that familiar light tug in the pit of your stomach, but you did your best to remain cautious, "No…" 
"Hmmm. Well you do." He finally turned to look at you, face completely unreadable, "Usually you just mumble incoherently, but this morning…" 
You swallowed hard, not sure whether to be embarrassed or apprehensive, "So what did I say?" 
He grinned and closed the distance between you, his hands came to rest on the door on either side of your head as he leaned down to whisper in your ear, "My name… 'harder'... make me cum for you…" 
Your whole body tingled at his words, your fingers twitched, wanting to curl around his collar and wind through his hair. There was no hope of dignity as you felt your heart rate spike when he leaned back to look you in the eyes.  
"Do you want me to? Make you cum for me? Over and over?" You could have sworn you felt his voice reverberate over your whole body.
Your own voice was breathy and desperate when you finally found it, "Fuck yes." 
His pupils dilated as he tucked a stray lock of hair behind your ear, running his fingers down your jaw, then neck with the lightest touch, "Are you sure?" 
You hooked your fingers through his belt loops and pulled him to you, "Yes." Your voice was firm and decisive, your brain finally catching up to your body, "Are you?" 
He chuckled softly, "Absolutely," he hooked a finger under your chin to hold your head steady as he kissed your forehead, cheeks, eyelids, nose, anything but your lips between every word, "You… drive… me… crazy… every… fucking… day… I've… wanted… you… for… months." 
You moaned in frustrated pleasure at the way only his words were affecting you, tugging at his belt blindly, "Such a tease…" 
With that he was gone, you opened your eyes to find him leaning against the bed frame, staring at you with a hungry expression, "Strip."
You unhooked your dress in the front, embarrassingly fast if you were honest, letting it fall to the floor leaving just your slip and stockings. Normally you'd be nervous, even with previous repeat lovers you'd been worried about showing all of you. But Geralt had treated wounds all over your body, he knew exactly what he was getting and the growing bulge in his pants told you he liked it. You tugged the silky straps of your slip over your shoulder and shifted just enough that it too pooled at your feet with your dress. 
"Shit…" he breathed, eyes roaming over your body like a man starved. 
You stepped out of the dress and your stockings and underwear, suddenly thankful your boots had a tear in them so you didn't have to fight to get them off. Standing between his legs you tugged at his shirt as you kissed him, surprised by how supple his lips were. He broke the kiss only to rip his shirt over his head, pulling you back to him immediately. You ran your hands over his chest, gripping the dark hair there with one hand while the other cupped his jaw. He uttered a low moan that sent fire through your body, your pussy absolutely aching for him. 
You gasped when his hands gripped your hips and held you to him as he fell back onto the mattress. He didn't miss a beat, rolling over you and pressing an urgent kiss to your lips.
"Geralt," you whined, helplessly grasping at his shoulders.
"What do you want?" He asked, more teasing than anything, kissing down your neck and across your collarbone.
"Make me cum. Please. I don't care how." You were almost embarrassed that you were already begging. 
He continued pressing kisses down your body, pausing to bite the skin beneath your breast, something you'd specifically told him you were less than pleased with about yourself, "Yes ma'am." He licked over the sting left behind by his teeth and continued his path down between your legs. He took his time making a trail of bite marks down your abdomen and across the inside of your thighs.
"Fuck Geralt. Please." You bucked your hips to him, desperate for his touch. 
He finally obliged, spreading your folds with one hand and gripping your hips with the other, "mmmm so wet for me." He almost said it to himself and the reverence in his voice was too much for you. 
Before you could say anything though he licked a stripe up your folds and you shivered as you moaned. His tongue found your clit as your hands gripped his hair, doing your best not to pull too hard. He moaned into your pussy, making you buck your hips against his arm. After so long with only your hands for pleasure your body was quick to respond. He picked up on this as he watched you writhe underneath him and inserted two fingers, devastatingly slowly. 
"Oohhh damnit Geralt. More." You begged, not caring who may hear through the thin walls. Immediately he added another finger, pumping and curling faster, in time with the flicks of his tongue at your clit. 
You felt that frenzied rush that comes right before bliss and tugged at his hair again. His groan sent you over the edge, shaking and praising his name like a sinner saved. 
He held your hips down, stroking and licking at your clit until your trembling subsided. 
You untangled your fingers from his hair and hooked your finger under his chin, guiding him back up to kiss you as you basked in the relief your body felt. The taste of you on his lips only reigniting the fire. 
"Feel better?" He ribbed, lying next to you and running his hands all over your body. 
You giggled as much at his words as the way his light touch tickled your skin, "Much." 
His hands squeezed your ass, pulling your thigh up over his hips, "Up for more?" 
You leaned into his kiss, palming his bulge beneath the fabric of his pants, "Absolutely." 
When his breath caught in his throat you beamed with pride, knowing this powerful man was putty in your hands. You unbuckled his belt and slowly pulled it from it's loops, tossing it somewhere behind you before you, making sure to look directly in his eyes. You bit your lip and brushed a hair from his eyes, enjoying the slight dilations and narrowing of his pupils as you moved on to the buttons at his waist. You had meant to tease him like he'd teased you but he rolled back and swiftly removed every last stitch of clothing before you could protest. 
"If you keep teasing me with that look in your eyes we'll never get there." 
He rolled back over top of you, swallowing your soft gasp in a kiss as his cock pressed against your thighs. You wrapped your legs around his waist and gripped his shoulders, any thought of taking your time completely forgotten. He lined himself up so he was sliding through your folds, slick and throbbing in anticipation. 
"Fuck…" he gasped, falling down to one elbow. 
You brought a hand to the nape of his neck and kissed him gently, whispering against his lips as he panted, "Fuck me Geralt. Hard." 
A shiver ran over his whole body but he wasted no time guiding his head to your entrance, slowly pushing in. 
"OH my gods…" your fingers dug into where they gripped him, completely losing control at the sensation of being so full. You clenched around him, pulling a moan from his lips as he bottomed out against your cervix. He stilled except for his chest heaving over you, giving you time. 
After a moment you kissed him again, biting his lower lip as you pulled away, "Go." 
His hips drew back immediately at the command, snapping forward with a force you'd only dreamed of. He pressed a kiss to your nose, searching your eyes for any sign of discomfort. You answered by thrusting your hips up to his, and tugging at the hair at the nape of his neck.  
He picked up a brutal pace, making your toes curl and turning your moans into grunts with the sheer force of his thrusts. You arched your back, pulling him as close to you as you could. His forehead pressed against yours, both of your eyes shut as your bodies were overwhelmed with the pleasure from the other's touch. 
"Just perfect for me." His voice was barely audible, picking up the pace even more than you thought possible. 
"I'm all yours darling." You thrust your hips up against his, finding the rhythm he'd set, "Harder, I can take it." 
He growled, the sound vibrating from deep within his chest as he slowed his pace but did exactly as you'd asked. His thrusts were pushing you up the bed, slamming the headboard against the wall with a force you thought might put a hole in it. 
You screamed his name, so close that you were seeing stars. 
Geralt fell to his other elbow, growling in your ear, "Cum for me."
The tension in your gut snapped as you writhed through your orgasm. Raking your nails down his back, you felt his hips stutter in one final thrust as your walls fluttered around him before he came, all growls and curses. If you'd been conscious of them, you might have been embarrassed by the senseless whines that escaped you. His thrusts slowed as you both slowly came down from the high, savoring every bit of the moments you could.
When you finally opened your eyes, his were still shut. You brushed your finger over his brow, almost amused that this would be the only time you didn't see them drawn together, letting yourself indulge in tracing his features. You let your legs fall from his hips as he slowly slid out of you and a sigh left your lips, happy and calm. His eyes finally opened when you tugged the tie out of his hair from where it was barely hanging on to a handful of strands. The way he looked at you made you want to melt, a mix of concern and awe that you'd never seen before. You smiled at him, giving his hips a gentle reassuring squeeze as if to say 'no you haven't broken me, and yes I'm better than fine'. His hair brushed your cheeks and neck as he leaned down to kiss you, slow and deep. You cradled his jaw in your hands, taking everything in with the nagging fear that he might pull away and leave you there. 
When he eventually did pull back it was only an inch or two, a shit eating grin plastered on his face, "Did I make your dreams come true?"
You rolled your eyes, swatting at his shoulder as he shimmied down your body just enough for his cheek to rest between your breasts.
"Sarcastic little shit..." you whispered, reveling in the comforting weight of his body on yours. He hummed a response and extended his arms up your torso,  caressing all the parts of you he could reach before settling on holding you close.
You rubbed the tops of his shoulders, his biceps, his back, kneading out knots when you came to them, willing him to relax. 
As you laid there, murmuring jokes and small vulnerable allowances, a voice in your head suggested you could be happy with each other, but you shooed it away. You'd rather enjoy it for what it was than get your hopes up. 
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chubbyreaderwriter · 4 years
Nurse Witcher
Geralt of Rivia x Plus Size/Chubby Reader
Imagine: You get hurt and Geralt takes the responsibility upon himself to patch you up.
Word Count: 2020 words 
Warnings: swearing
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The day you officially joined Jaskier and Geralt on their journey was a life changing one but you couldn't say you regretted it. You were always up for an adventure and a little danger and following a Witcher, those two were always around somewhere. You’d been travelling with them for just over five months now and you couldn't ever imagine going back to your life as a farmer’s daughter. There was no excitement there. 
Unfortunately, all the constant monster hunting was bound to get someone hurt eventually, you just didn't think it would be you. Jaskier had heard word of a striga in the woods in a village not far from where you were currently residing. Naturally, Geralt didn't wait too long before heading into the monster’s territory, leaving you and Jaskier racing to catch up with him. Jaskier was thankful for your arrival to the team since you let him ride with you on your horse. Though, you never saw Geralt giving Jaskier glaring looks whenever he held onto you a little too tight. 
Jaskier was like your best friend so you two were quite close, which Geralt always seemed to make comments about. You guess you could say you were friends with Geralt but there was something preventing you from becoming close friends with him and that was your undeniable attraction to him. Granted, you never told either of your companions but you never really made an effort to get to know Geralt on a more personal level in case you messed things up, knowing how easy it was to get on Geralt’s bad side. 
So, you and Jaskier were currently in the woods, trying to track Geralt’s location. You were going to offer him some assistance in combat while Jaskier wanted to watch the fight so he could write a song about it. You were both quietly walking through the trees when you heard a loud screech and a man’s shout. You and Jaskier both looked at each other before breaking out into a run towards the location of the sound. 
There was a dip in the ground and you fell, tumbling down a hill that had been a couple feet in front of you. You heard Jaskier calling out to you but you couldn't ear him well, the sound of leaves and sticks scraping against you was too loud to concentrate on what the bard was saying. You finally stopped moving when you were at the bottom of the hill and you wasted no time in climbing to your feet, drawing your sword. You saw Geralt roughly twenty feet away from you and he was fighting this beast. It wasn't a striga like once thought but it was an ugly creature indeed. It looked half man, half wolf and was covered in matted hair and its snout looked broken. But, you assumed you could fault that to Geralt’s actions. 
Not wasting any more time, you raced over, despite some pain in your left ankle. You could only guess that your accident had sprained the joint sometime during your fall. You raised your sword above your head and swung it down, aiming for the beast’s head but it moved and the metal was lodged into it’s broad shoulder. The creature roared and it turned and swung it’s arm back towards you, throwing you off the ground and into a nearby tree. 
You felt a deep pain in your lower back but you made the decision to ignore that as well and got back onto your feet as quick as you could before Geralt took any more damage. In hindsight, Geralt was more than capable of handling the creature himself but you liked to help, it got the job done quicker and it made you feel as though you were contributing to the team rather than being just a lowly tag along. 
You groaned as you hurried over to the two to grab your sword that had fallen onto the floor and pick it back up. Reaching down for the weapon, you looked away from the beast for two seconds but it was enough for it to strike you without you noticing. You felt a sharp pain in your side and you cried out. As you fell to the ground, you looked to your right side and saw three deep gashes. Your fall caught Geralt’s attention and when he saw the blood spilling from your side, he felt an overwhelming rage take over him and he lashed out at the beast. He skillfully swung his own sword and proceeded to slice at the creature’s torso, thighs and arms before ending the fight with a swift chop of the neck, separating it from it’s body. 
As much as you would’ve liked to congratulate Geralt on his success, you were too busy focusing on applying pressure to your wound. Jaskier came running down the hill as soon as the beast was dead, to be able to stumble by your side and try to help. But as soon as Jaskier was at your side, Geralt was already picking you up in his arms to carry you back up the hill to take you back to the village where you were staying, “Why did you do that? I was perfectly capable of killing the beast myself.” “Fuck off, I was just trying to help.” You tried to laugh but you only succeeded in bringing yourself more pain, resulting in your crying out. 
“She needs a doctor, urgently.” “No!” You cried out at Jaskier’s comment. You despised doctors, had done ever since you were a young girl. You had too many bad experiences with them and you’d sworn you’d never set foot in one again, so long as you may live. Geralt and Jaskier both knew this and while Jaskier thought it was ridiculous, Geralt respected your wishes. “I’ll do it myself.”
“No offence, Geralt, but don't you think someone more professional should be handling a wound as grave as hers?” Geralt grunted in dismissal, “She doesn't want a doctor so I’ll do it myself. I know what I’m doing.” Jaskier gritted his teeth, “If my friend dies because of you, I swear I will hurt you so bad, you’ll...you’ll...Just don't hurt her!”
You were listening to what they were saying but you were far too delirious from the pain that you couldn't give a response apart from a few unintelligible mumbles. Geralt looked down at you with worry once Jaskier had stopped his lecturing. Your eyes were half closed and your breaths were heavy but slow. He needed to hurry or there was a chance you couldn't be saved. When Geralt sped up his pace, that’s when you passed out from the pain, not able to take any more. 
Wood. That was the first thing you saw when you opened your eyes. With a loud groan, you turned on your left side to be able to take a look around the room you were in. It looked similar to the room you had been in last night but it was different. You then turned back onto your back and turned your head to the right, seeing Geralt sat on the chair next to the bed. You jerked from surprise, “Fuck!” Geralt gave the smallest smile of amusement from your reaction then turned serious when you cried out from the pain of your movements. Your hand immediately went down to clutch at your side and you hissed from the pressure. You pulled the sheets off your body and lifted your shirt, finding bandages wrapped around your whole stomach and sides. 
You relaxed your head back down onto the pillow and let out a deep breath, “So I’m not dead then?” “Fortunately not.” You grinned playfully, “Fortunately? Are you getting sweet on me?” Geralt rolled his eyes and got up from his seat, moving to the small table in the corner of the room where he picked up a roll of bandages and a bottle of what looked like herbs but who knew what it was. “I need to change your bandages now, you’ve been out almost two days now.” 
Your eyes widened, “Two days?!” Your nose then scrunched up from the pain in your side from getting worked up. Geralt sighed, “You need to keep still or it will take twice as long to heal.” “I know. Fuck, it hurts.” “It’s going to hurt less if you just let me change your bandages.” You sighed and gave a small nod, letting Geralt swiftly prop you up into a sitting position. It took everything you had not to scream, tears rushing to your eyes from the pain. It felt like you were being jabbed in the side with a heated iron rod over and over again. 
You saw Geralt’s hand move to reach for the bandages when you realised he was going to see your stomach. Out of fear, your hand gripped his wrist and he stopped, “What’s wrong?” You gritted your teeth, “I can change them myself now, thank you.” Geralt shook his head, “Don’t be ridiculous,” “I’m not.” “Just let me-” “No!” 
Frustrated, Geralt growled and glared at you, “Why must you be so difficult? I assume you’d have no problem with Jaskier doing this? is my touch so repulsive?” Shocked at his words, you paused. You cleared your throat before speaking, “No, it isn't. I don’t want you to see naked. I’ve been told it isn't a pleasant sight.”
“If that is your attempt at humour, it isn’t very amusing.” Geralt’s voice had softened as he slowly started to unravel the material around your waist. Your hand gripped his wrist more firmly, “It’s not a joke, Geralt.” The Witcher grunted, continuing with his task, ignoring your grip on him. “It may have escaped your notice, but I have already seen your bare torso when I first cleaned your wound. If nothing else, trust me when I say the sight is more than pleasant. Even with the nasty wound on your side.” You scoffed a laugh but groaned afterwards. Geralt had now unwrapped the last of the bandages and was focusing on your wound. 
With care, he opened the bottle of herbs with one hand, keeping you upright still with one arm behind your back. He hesitated slightly before applying the herbs into your wound, knowing that it was only going to cause you more pain before it would help soothe your injuries. You forced yourself to endure the pain, knowing it was meant to help you, but you didn't realise that Geralt was experiencing pain of his own. He felt an ache in his chest every time he heard one of your pained groans and whimpers.
Once he was done, he was careful to slowly wrap fresh bandages around your wounds, seeing that they still looked practically brand new. Geralt could tell that these were going to take an extra long time to heal and would most likely leave very large scars on your body. Now that you were lying back down, you sighed from relief. There was still pain, but it was dulled and it felt like you could breathe properly again. You grinned, “So, wanna tell me why you care if I’d let Jaskier touch my wounds?” Geralt got up and walked away from the bed to put his medical supplies back into his small leather pouch and attach it onto his belt. 
“It’s nothing to concern  yourself with. You need to rest.” “I’ll rest once you tell me.” Geralt continued to act as if it wasn't important to him, “Go to sleep, (Y/N), or I’ll have Jaskier sing you to sleep.” You mock gasped, “You’re no fun, Geralt. Fine, I’ll rest.” You couldn't see the smile Geralt had on his face as he was stood with his back facing you. Geralt said nothing else as he left the room, presumable to alert Jaskier that you had woken up. Smiling at the door that Geralt had just left through, you slowly closed your eyes and allowed yourself to relax and let yourself drift off to sleep once more. 
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hollandsmushroom · 3 years
I have 9k of Geralt of Rivia x Plus sizereader smut sitting in my drafts...
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Hi, could I request 'I've never felt this safe before' with Jaskier? Thank you x
The biggest copse near the river was a sacred place for you. Only the lucky ones knew the reasons behind your reverence to the place where your mother would take you in the middle of the night when anguish got the best of you.
She would sing to you while you sat on her lap, lulling you to sleep with her sweet although untrained voice.
Every time you missed her, which was often, you would revisit that place. If you closed your eyes tightly enough, her loving words would envelop you in a hug you had spent now years deprived of.
Soft footsteps interrupted your dreamlike state, slow, hesitant. Forced to open your eyes, you found bright blue ones on your face as Jaskier stood before you.
His eyes avoided yours, however. You never understood what he found in your face, yet he had spent the last three months kissing and tracing every inch as though he had never seen something as alluring.
You doubted it.
He opened his mouth, inhaling sharply, only to close it when words fell short. Oh, the irony.
“You are leaving,” you asserted.
Jaskier didn’t make a gesture or sound at first, which was so uncharacteristically him that you knew your assertion to be correct.
“Come with me, darling,” he pleaded, in a gentle voice, so sweet you swore honey spilled from his lips.
Your silence, heavy and deafening, startled him. He kneeled next to you, eyes —usually so bright— dark and wild as he painfully waited for your answer.
“Is it too selfish of me to ask this from you?” he pressed you to give him an answer. Anything.
“It is not,” you assured him through a rasp. “We’ve never spoken about... this.”
“You know I’ve meant to travel the continent forever.”
Using your palms as leverage, you moved back to rest your backside against a tree. “I was referring to my relationship to you. Or your relationship to me, better said.”
“I was blessed the day I met you, (Name), that is my relationship to you.”
You gazed at his expectant face. Jaskier sat on his heels, gazing back at you with desperation clear in his eyes that were getting wider and wider.
“When is it that you leave?”
“Come morning.”
“If I were to say no...”
He sighed, defeated. Yet he surely said, “I would ask again and again until your mind was changed.”
“You wouldn’t leave without me?”
He shook his head. “I’ve never felt this safe before.”
You cast your eyes past him, to the river where your dear mother used to bathe you in when the heat got too unbearable in the middle of a stroll.
“Would we ever come back?”
His eyes glinted under the patch of sunlight as he enthusiastically said, “We would, my dear, as many times as you wish.”
How could you deny him when the safest you had felt in years have been in his arms, too?
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plus-size-reader · 4 years
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Geralt of Rivia x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 2005 words
Warnings: none 
Summary: Geralt confesses his feelings for the reader as she’s bleeding out but when she recovers, he isn’t sure how to navigate from there.
Geralt told you that he loved you.
He thought you were dying, and he told you that he loved you.
However, the stab wound you’d suffered at the hands of that man wandering through the forest hadn’t been as deep as you’d initially assumed and you were nearly back to normal in a few days.
That left the three of you; Geralt, Jaskier, and you in a rather precarious position. Jaskier had taken on the tedious job of changing your bandages and making sure you didn’t tear at the mediocre stitches he’d given you while Geralt wouldn’t even look at you.
You weren’t sure what it was that you’d done but you were sure of one thing, you were sure that Geralt hated you. For one reason or another, you wouldn’t have been surprised if he never spoke to you again.
The biggest trouble with the witcher was that you barely understood him in the first place but after everything that had happened lately, you couldn’t even guess what he was thinking.
...And you couldn't even ask him because he wouldn’t be near you for more than a moment or two in passing.
So, you had to stick to what little contact you did have and talked through all your worries and concerns with Jaskier. Even now, as he was fiddling with the wrap on your abdomen, you couldn’t focus on anything more than Geralt.
“Why would he say that to me? Assuming, ah, that he wouldn’t have to ever deal with the consequences?” you asked, only stopping in the middle to wince when Jaskier pulled away the bandage from the bloodied wound a little too aggressively.
You had thought over that moment over and over again since it happened, and you still couldn’t make sense of it.
Geralt was the first one of the two of them to find you there, laying in a puddle of your own blood, the man who stabbed you long gone by then. You weren’t sure how long you’d been there, or what was happening as you faded in and out of consciousness.
However, what you did remember more vividly than everything else was when Geralt leaned down over you, holding the wound in your stomach tightly with one hand and bracing your cheek with the other as he urged you to stay awake.
The pain was numbing, but after that much time, you barely even paid it any mind.
All you could focus on was Geralt’s face, and the words that fell from his lips as he tried to keep pressure on the wound.
“You’re going to be fine, just keep your eyes on me” he begged, doing his very best to keep calm though it was hard to ignore how much blood you had lost. He wasn’t sure that there was any way to come back from that.
Still, he couldn’t help but hope that you were going to pull through. Normally, something like that wasn’t going to just slip through the cracks but with everything going on, he couldn’t help himself.
“Don’t leave me Y/N, I love you”
It was so real, and even though you did end up passing out on the way back to the camp, it was the first thing you remembered as soon as you did wake up.
Geralt loved you, and there was no moving on from that...at least, not for you.
He seemed to have wanted to completely forget it, as if he’d never said it at all. However, you couldn’t let it go nearly as easily, mostly because he offered no explanation.
If he told you that it was some kind of mistake, made out of the desperation of the situation, you could get on with your life as if it never happened, though it would hurt. The worst part of it all was that you had no frame of reference for it.
You didn’t even know if he cared for you or not.
...And Geralt wasn’t exactly clarifying.
Jaskier considered his words for a moment or so, folding a shred of cloth over itself a few times to make a bandage for your wound. It was healing rather nicely, all things considered but if you came down with an infection, it wouldn’t be for long.
Luckily, he had spent a few nights with a medicine woman a few years back and that brief knowledge helped both you and the witcher on your travels.
It wasn’t much, especially seeing as he spent more time studying her body than the things she was trying to teach him, but it was enough.
“Unfortunately my dear, Grumpy out there is the only one who can answer that. Who knows, maybe I would have done the same had I found you there” Jaskier shrugged finally, gesturing outside the tent to where Geralt was.
He wished desperately that he could help you understand and that he could give you the answers that you craved but he wasn’t in a position to do so. Truly, the only person who could tell you was the witcher, and you both knew it.
You had really hoped that Jaskier would be able to tell you so you wouldn’t have to confront the man yourself, but as it would turn out, you didn’t have much of a choice.
So, you finished up with Jaskier, making sure to thank him for being so diligent in your care and then made your way out to the river, where Geralt was currently staring into the depths.
He had been being so strange lately, and there really was no explanation for it, the obvious aside. The two of you had never had trouble speaking to each other before but this was different.
These circumstances were beyond your control.
“Looking for something, witcher?” you questioned first, finding that was the best icebreaker you could have hoped for. You both knew where this conversation was going, but it had to be handled the right way.
You were both rogues as a general rule, but sometimes it was easier to hide behind the social pleasantries that you usually disposed of.
That was about what you’d been expecting, but you’d already made up your mind. You were going to have this conversation, even if you had to knock Geralt on his ass to do it.
You weren’t going to just sit around like a damsel in distress, waiting for him to decide that you were deserving of an explanation.
All you could do was sigh, unable to keep your frustration a secret anymore. You had been raking your brain for days, when you weren’t in inconsolable pain, desperate to understand.
Nothing made him say it, in that moment he deemed as the last of your life, but he did anyway and there had to be a reason.
“Enough of this Geralt, why have you been so distant lately? I can’t understand” you asked, no longer paying any mind to how crazy you may have looked.
He wasn’t the only one who’d had to face your mortality. You couldn’t have died there in that moore, and still, you couldn’t get him to even answer a few simple questions.
Of course you were losing patience.
“I’ve spoken to Jaskier, he has no idea. I’ve given it every possible moment I could, but I can’t think about it anymore. I’m going to drive myself mad” you explained, both your hands rubbing hastily over your face.
You just couldn’t sit back and pretend it didn’t happen and maybe he could. Maybe Geralt was perfectly content with never speaking to you again, but you werent.
If nothing else, he was a good friend of yours and that would be a loss all its own.
Now, Geralt had been ignoring you purposefully, of course. He had no idea how to address what had happened there under that oak tree but he understood where you were coming from as well.
It truly wasn’t fair of him to expect you to forget it.
...But he just wasn’t sure how to explain himself.
Deep down the witcher knew that he was completely and irrevocably in love with you but that wasn’t even something he was willing to admit to himself so how was he meant to just tell you?
There was too much at stake on both sides. If you did happen to feel the same for him, you would be in danger for all the days of your life that you had left but if you didn’t, his heart would surely shatter.
How was he meant to approach you after that?
You had made it abundantly clear that you were in this voyage for the long haul and it would be terribly strange to have to see one another every day after this.
Still, there was no refuting the truth.
You had started this conversation, and he couldn’t very well back out of it again. He could only get away with that for so long, and it was time to own up to what he’d done.
“I thought I’d lost you” he started finally, his voice low in his throat as he tried to keep any composure he still had. These weren’t the sort of things he was used to talking about, and it was difficult.
Though, he had already made peace with the fact that he owed you an explanation, so he just had to swallow his pride and get it over with.
Whatever was going to happen, it was best to just get it out of the way now.
“As did I” you joked, not missing a beat as you tried to lighten the mood but Geralt only looked at you, those golden eyes of his silently begging you to just let him get through this.
...So you did.
You held your tongue, fiddling with your fingers as you let the man compose his thoughts. You understood that this was difficult for him but at least he was trying to tell you the truth.
It was more than you thought you’d get, frankly, when you came out here.
“I could not bear the idea of losing you without telling you the truth, and the truth is that I love you, Y/N” he admitted, his words shocking you more than even you were prepared for.
Until this moment, you could only think back in hazy memory to when those words had left his lips, but you had no confirmation that it was real. As soon as he spoke them into existence again, it confirmed what you’d believed all this time.
Geralt was in love with you.
“I was a coward, hiding behind what had happened but it doesn’t really matter. I have felt this way for quite some time” he shrugged, not once looking you in the eye the entire time.
He would never admit it, but Geralt was afraid. He was terrified of how you would react to his grand confession but that was quick to fade. You didn’t even have a chance to reject him really because you immediately found yourself in his arms, your lips pressed to his own.
It was a quick motion, something you shouldn’t have done, because as soon as you pulled away from him, the haze melted away from the two of you and you realized that you’d just really hurt yourself.
Though, Geralt beat you to it. “Your stitches” he warned, setting you down on the ground almost immediately after scooping you up.
The realization left you as quickly as it had came, but you didn’t really care. Frankly, you had more on your mind than a few torn sutures and from the tent, where Jaskier had been watching, all he saw was you, leaping into the white haired man’s arms again.
He was going to have to clean that all up, but it was best to just let the two of you have your moment for now.
After all, it wasn’t everyday that you admitted your love to one another.
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