#witchy goodies
gloryfore · 1 year
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If you need me you know where I’ll be x
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tyiart · 1 year
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Witch's Gallery and Spiderweb Corset desktop wallpapers
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giz-art · 7 months
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There is a quite big ongoing sale on Redbubble right now, from now to december 2nd. It's quite a good opportunity to find some original gifts for the gifting seasons AND support the artists you love in the same time ^ ^
Gently reminder that I have TWO redbubble shops !
Gizmoon - Is my general shop, you will find my nature/wildlife/witchy art there.
The Blupee - is my fanart zone. With mostly Zelda stuff for now ! Also, I'm in the process to open my small ephemeral shop with metallic foiled on badges, mirrors and greeting cards so... Stay tuned ;)
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inhalingmagic · 1 year
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archangeldyke-all · 2 months
hi angel !! i hope ur doing well.
what do you think sevika would be like with a witchy partner? like a partner whose always slipping crystals into her pockets or using makeup to draw protection sigils on her arm (me lol)
disclaimer! i know a bit about witchcraft, being a lesbian and all, but i'm not super familiar with rituals, or cultural practices, so this is all kinda just guessing.
men and minors dni
the thing is... she tries so hard to be a skeptic.
she scoffs every morning when you gently tuck a black crystal into her side satchel, promising it'll protect her.
she rolls her eyes when you talk about astrology or the phases of the moon... like the planets have powers.
and any time she walks in on your burying a candle or some herbs, she just shakes her head and chuckles, then kisses your head and goes about her day.
but... and she fucking hates the fact that it's true... your little potions and spells and whatever else you do... it seems to work.
she asked you one night after she got home, as she was cooking dinner and you were unpacking her satchel for her, why you don't just leave the 'little rock' in overnight, so you don't have to pack it for her every day.
you giggled and explained to her that half the protection is the way you bless it, the symbols you trace into it every morning.
"what kinda symbols?"
"well, i made a special one for you. for when you go to work. that you'll come home safe to me."
and you kinda take her breath away with that answer.
and, worst of all, it seems like it works. each day since you've moved in and started the little morning ritual, she's come home safe and sound, excited to see you.
(she convinces herself it's just the placebo effect, until she comes to terms with the truth when you're too sick one morning to pack her little satchel for her, she forgets the crystal, and gets the shit beat outta her. twice in one day.)
sometimes you anoint her forehead or pulse points with little oils: petals and herbs and other little goodies in the jars. she'll ask what it's for and you'll shrug.
"this one's for peace of mind. you look all far away." you said one night, when you caught on the couch watching tv in the middle of the night.
she was snoring on top of you within minutes.
"this one's for communication." you said on the morning before she asked silco for a raise.
which she ended up getting.
"this one's... well... you'll see." you said mischeviously, before pressing a kiss to her cheek and winking at her.
when she had your ankles by her ears, her strap balls deep inside of you, you giggled and bit her earlobe. "it was an arousal-- ah! arousal oil."
"figures." sevika grunts.
anyways... you know that despite the teasing sevika respects it. she's always bringing you 'cool rocks' for your crystal collection-- you don't have the heart to tell her most of them are just pebbles, so you just add 'em to the shelf. she'll pick up anything and everything that looks a little mystical for you: from cool black matches, to candles whose flames burn different colors, to real crystals, and bones or taxidermied critters.
(she kind of loves the witchy-gothy vibe of it all, loves that there's always candles burning, and incense by the windows-- little jars of goodies and ingredients everywhere. she thinks it's cool. she'll never admit it to you, though.)
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai @vikasub
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keeksandgigz · 4 months
Hey Keeks! So I was day dreaming while I was looking at my ring that has a Lilith sigil on it and now I’m thinking about Witchy giving Eddie something like it
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Im mixing these two @rebelfell hehe here's a little vignette, for some reason Eddie doing crystal shop deliveries makes me think of Kronk. <3
Hope u enjoy!!
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You pick up the phone attached to the wall.
"Genesis Records. Eddie speaking, what's up?" you smile as you imagine him leaning against the wall, holding the landline phone between his ear and shoulder as he gets a pen and paper to take notes in case it's some important shipment information.
"Ed, it's me" you huff out, and you can feel the smile from the other side of the receiver, he likes it when you call him at work, his heart picks up- maybe at the chance that he might have to sneak off upstairs into his apartment when you happen to have coordinated lunch breaks.
"Hey, witchy, I'm about to go on my lunch, I'll see you upstairs in five-" you're quick to interrupt him.
"Wipe that smirk off your face, I'm not on my lunch. I called you because I need your help" you're overwhelmed and don't seem to be in the mood for his shenanigans. You can sense his smile dropping immediately, a slow cast of concern washing over his face.
"What is it, baby?" his tone is suddenly muted, like a child that got scolded for talking too much from his teacher.
"We're understaffed. It's just me and Naradea right now, we need someone to do deliveries, we're incredibly backed up with them" You purse your lips together, hoping for a decisive 'yes' "I'll send you a list of addresses and I'll pay for gas and stuff, you just need to drive around town and deliver some packages- crystals, potions, the works" you huff out, half- stressed.
It takes him a second to think about it "Matt can cover me, I'll be over in a second lemme grab my truck and I'll meet you in the courtyard?" and you exhale a sigh of relief as he hangs up and gets his truck over to the back entrance of your store.
You run out, a couple small boxes in your hands "Thank you so much for doing this, I'll uh... make sure you're rewarded plenty tonight" you whisper against his cheek, placing a small kiss where the warm air of your breath hit.
He grows red at the seductive invitation, slightly growing somewhere else as well, unable to keep his head from reeling at the thought of what would be waiting for him tonight.
"Consider me intrigued" he smirks against your lips, taking the boxes from your hands and giving you a delicate kiss as he fills up the back of his truck with boxes.
You show him a clipboard with the names of the witches and their addresses "See, you've got Arla on Lombard, Clemensia on Castro, Athena and Arachne both on Third street and so on. They should be placed in order so you don't have to go back and forth around the city" you point at the purple colored page.
"Am I gonna get hit on by any of these ladies, 'cause if I am you gotta warn me- can't be too charming if they're trying to fuck me" he snickers, you hit him on the arm "ow," he moans.
"'Kay then" you take off your ring, the one with the sigil of Lilith that sits on your middle finger "give me your pinky, this will tell them that you're already spoken for"
You slip the ring on his pinky finger "Witchy if you wanted to propose to me this is a weird way to do it, y'know?" he laughs "Am I just cattle to you?" he moans dramatically as he gets in the car, rolling down his window.
"Cutest cattle I've ever seen" you scrunch your nose as you lean in the open window to give him a kiss "I'll see you tonight at mine?"
"You bet, and you can tell me more about that reward you were talking about" he smirks, puckering his lips for a kiss.
"I'll go home to sharpen my knives, then" you joke, biting your lip.
"Mmm, kinky" he caresses your forearm "See you tonight, gorgeous" he says, before driving off.
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"Hello Ms. Arla, my name's Eddie I will be delivering your goodies for all your witchy needs today" he says, in his charming tone, as he watches the old lady reach into her pocket to give him a candy that seemed to be at least 50 years old. Grandmas are all the same after all.
"My god, Clemensia you look divine today" he flirts with a close friend of your aunt Hilda as she blushes and lightly smacks his arm. He offers her the box full of her deliveries "your witchy goodies m'lady" he bows and is not allowed to leave until he's had tea with her.
During his rounds he's offered treats, biscuits, readings of all kinds as he politely agrees, unable to say no to these nice ladies who all seem to know him by name.
His last delivery is someone named Aphra- he's never met her before, maybe a new addition to the 'witch community' as he calls it.
She ordered two boxes of stuff. He carries them up a steep flight of stairs and rings the doorbell.
Aphra isn't old, she isn't young- she looks ageless, and that, for some reason, scares Eddie.
"Lady- uh- Ms.- your witchiness- Aphra?" he stutters in a bout of embarrassment as he continues "my name's-"
"Edward. You're the young witch's human boyfriend" she hums "She got in a lot of trouble for allowing you to be a part of our world" He remembers you being deprived of your magic until your trial. Two months of seeing you mope around your apartment.
He wasn't sure what to say.
"Despite that you stuck by her, even through your bout of confusion. Let's call it you being... 'lost'" she snickers as she reaches into the pocket of her jacket, extracting a token made out of black metal.
"Bring this to your witch, as a token of my appreciation. Have a good evening, Edward" she brings the boxes inside with ease, and closes the door behind her.
He looks at the black token. Ridged with the sigil of the coven- three indented stars.
Eddie plays with it on the way to your house, rolling it on his leg, wondering what it might mean.
When he gets to your house, much to his dismay, he has to stop you from jumping on him. The curiosity is eating him alive. He shows you the black token, and all color seems to drain from your face.
"Holy shit" you utter "Holy shit!" a bit louder this time.
"Wha- what? What is it, witchy?" he asks, as you guide him on your purple couch. Your breath seems to be knocked from your lungs.
"Aphra is the head of the coven" you're playing with the indentations of the token, Eddie mentally cringes at the absolute shit first impression he made with what appears to be the madame president of all witches, or something like that.
"This token is her blessing" you have tears in your eyes, Eddie's still confused.
"Blessing for what?"
"Blessing to get married" you shrill, and Eddie's heart almost falls out of his ass.
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korva-the-raven · 3 months
I'm a Raven. I won't do minimalism.
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I like collecting small shinee things and making weird little junk trinkets.
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I collect curios and nature things.
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I also collect trash and junk. And sometimes I find lucky treasure.
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I collect Halloween loot and gumball machine loot. I have a pencil collection too. My inner child is alive and thriving.
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I collect color too. I build a tiny color museum based on found objects. I also collect lots of nerd stuff. That's my model of a neuron (brain cell) I made out of pipe cleaners at the Science fair last weekend.
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I collect ephemera too. My desk is always cluttered because it's where I empty my pockets, and I'm always busy with my adventures, so my goodies and swag always pile up.
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I cover my walls with my favorite things and pay no mind to giving them an aesthetic treatment or design. They are there because I want them there.
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I just like spooky, nerdy, witchy, colorful plastic Shiney shit. And I love cluttering my personal space with it. It only has to make sense to me.
Also, I have a pet rock now.
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#my 5x7 feel of maximialism glory that is my little corner of the world #raven's lair
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imnotasuperhero · 1 year
Look into my eyes (search your soul)
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
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Summary: Your love for Wanda could make you go the distance and more, just to see her happy. 
A/N: A day late, but in my defence I had a packed friday, lol. I woke up after a night out with the need to finish this part and post it, so here it is! BEware of any mistake since.. hehe.. I partied all night. Also, blame tumblr for any weird design on the post.
A/N 2: For now, this is planned to be four parts with the chance to growing. So it’s on you, guys. Hope you enjoy this and gets you wanting more (:
If not tomorrow, next weekend part 3 will be out.
Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI, Part VII, Part VIII, Part IX
Wanda stirred, waking up to an empty bed, before looking over at the sleeping babies beside her.
Her heart couldn't grow bigger at the sight in front of her. Those two little humans were finally in this crazy world, and the fears she could feel start growing at the back of her mind were doing little to help her breathe. She just wanted for you to hurry, to be by her side like you always were.
But all hopes of you being away in search of coffee dissipated when she saw her husband sleeping on the chair at the far end of the room.
'He finally dared to show up,' she sighed to herself.
What would she give for Vision to be more like you. To be present when she needed him, to show how much he cared for her.
A few months till now, she started noticing how Vision would go on longer trips, almost as if escaping their life together. And she would be lying if it didn't hurt her. Part of her still loved him. But a bigger part told her she just missed what they were.
She could only hope he would be present in their children's lives, at least. 
The tone of her phone going off signaled her of a new message and her heart jumped at the thought of you.
Seeing your name on the screen, Wanda smiled brightly as she hurried to open it.
'Good morning, Witchy. How are the twins treating you? Hopefully, they're not too much. How are you?'
'Good morning. They surely love to sleep.. still waiting for them to wake up so I can feed them. I am alright. How are you?'
After a few seconds of her message being unread, she just lowered her phone, basking in the warm feeling burning up inside her. The way you made her feel was something that -secretly- she enjoyed deeply.
Just as her phone went off again, the twins started to cry, demanding her attention. It was at that moment that Wanda made her peace with knowing her kids became before you.
Sitting up in her bed, she tried to wake up Vision. But decided she was better without his help for it was in vain.
Slowly stepping up, she maneuvered both babies in her arms as a grunt escaped her, her whole body begging her not to move. Sitting in bed, she shifted and shifted until she found a comfortable position.
Once she was settled, she placed each boy on each one of her breasts, hissing at the pain that sprouted from the latching.
Holding back her tears, she remembered the words you'd said the day before, as the first feeding happened.
“No no, let me,” You demanded as you quickly stood up from the chair, almost running the short distance to the crying twins’ crib.
Picking Billy up, you carefully placed him in Wanda’s arms. “Here you go, baby,” you spoke softly before you picked Tommy up, cooing at him as you patiently waited for Wanda to find a comfortable position.
“I know, sunshine.” You calmly spoke against the baby’s head as you rocked him softly. “Mommy needs a little more time for two beautiful babies like you need only the best. And you know the good things need time,” you smiled as you checked Wanda, busying herself with his brother before you lowered your voice to a whisper, “But don’t worry, you can always count on me to feed you the goodies.”
“I’ve heard that,” 
Looking up from the fussing baby in your arms, you found Wanda’s eyes staring warmly at you as she tried her best to stay put, waiting for her son with open arms.
Giggling at her words, you kissed Tommy’s head before placing him against his mother’s chest. “I stand by my words,” you whispered before kissing his forehead.
The pain that ran through Wanda’s chest got her in tears. Closing her eyes, she breathed deeply as she bit her lips, trying to stay still.
Looking up at the weight by her side, she couldn’t help the sob that escaped her at seeing you wrapping your arm around her shoulders.
“I know, Wands.” You kissed her head and she just let your body be the one who held her in place. “But this is part of the process, and you have to endure it for your babies,” you coed as you caressed Billy’s head.
“It’s for my babies,” she whispered, gathering the patience it took.
But said patience was running thick as the twins started crying at the lack of breast milk, and Wanda just felt defeated. She wanted her old life back.
Trying in vain to hold her cries, Wanda settled both babies’ heads on her shoulders, rocking them the best she could to try and calm them.
“Ugh. They’re too loud.” Vision grunted as he stood up, walking towards the door leaving Wanda with rage building inside of her.
A few minutes passed by when Vision walked back in with a nurse hot on his heels.
“Good morning, Hon,” the nurse walked to the redhead with a soft smile on her lips. “What’s the problem?” She asked as she quickly checked the charts at the feet of Wanda’s bed.
"I don’t know," Wanda spoke on the verge of more tears running down. "I tried to feed them but they started crying." She looked up at the nurse with hopes she could help her calm her kids.
"I see," The nurse paused as she checked the bag connected to Wanda's hand. "Did it happen yesterday?"
"No." Wanda sighed.
"There's an easy solution for that," the nurse smiled brightly, caressing Wanda's head, and she would lie if she didn't think about her mom at that moment. She should be here with her, guiding her.
"Let me go get some formula, yes? You're not producing much to feed both of them," she explained calmly, making sure Wanda calmed down before she walked away.
She laughed sardonically when Vision started gathering his things. “Are you really leaving now?” The redhead spits out venomously as she tried to calm her crying boys.
“Work is calling, baby. I need to make money to provide for you.” Vision nodded as he picked up the call, walking away for God knows how long, this time. And that action alone was enough to make her cry alongside her babies. The excruciating pain in her chest making it harder and harder to breathe. This was just too much.
But the nurse didn’t take much and as soon as she entered the room, she hurriedly took one of the babies from Wanda and gave her one of the bottles in her hands, calmingly feeding the twin in her arms.
“Where’s the dad?” She asked confused.
Wanda didn’t dare to look up. “He had work to do,” she whispered. Her eyes never leaving Tommy, as he happily sucked from his bottle.
“Is there someone I can call? Doc will be here soon and you might be able to go home today,” the nurse smiled as she rocked softly.
“I-” Wanda paused, thinking of you. Quickly picking up her phone, she paused before dialing your number. “Could you… Could you talk to her?”
And Wanda’s secret prayers were answered when the nurse nodded softly, locking the bottle under her chin so Billy could keep feeding and hurriedly grabbed Wanda’s phone, bringing it to her ear.
“Hi, I’m Wanda’s nurse. N- no, everything is alright,” the nurse giggled something warm. “It’s just her husband had to go away and she might be able to- Oh, okay. Be safe, though.” 
“She’s on her way,” the nurse smiled as she left Wanda’s phone on the table beside her bed.
Truth to your words, you walked through the door in less than 10 minutes.
“Sorry I’m late,” you placed the small gift in your hand on the table beside Wanda’s phone before you quickly kissed her forehead.
“I’ve got him,” you smiled to the nurse as she placed Billy in your arms. “Hi, baby,” you coed as you automatically started to rock him, continuing the nurse’s ministrations on his back.
“Hi,” Wanda spoke softly and frowned when she saw you freeze at her words for a second too long.
“You’re not the only baby, from now on,” you joked.
“You are the only asshole in this room, though.” Wanda couldn’t help the smile at your giggles.
“Are they strictly to bottles, now?” The worriness in your voice had Wanda concentrating really hard on making Tommy burp, avoiding looking in your way.
“No need to worry, sweety,” the nurse jotted some things down into her notepad before giving you her whole attention. “Wanda just can’t produce enough milk for both of them, so she can either complement her breastfeeding with it or just go for the formula.”
“Ohh, I see.”
Wanda could feel your eyes on her and her whole body burned with shame.
“The doc will be here in a few, though. He’ll talk you guys through it,” the nurse smiled before walking out of the room.
Once you both were alone, Wanda felt the side of the bed shift and the releaving sigh that escaped her when she felt your body against hers had her cheeks heating up.
“How are you holding up?” You asked as you caressed Tommy’s head.
“Not gonna lie. This is a rollercoaster full of downs,” Wanda allowed her body to rest against yours, seeking the comfort she needed.
“Is there anything I can-” 
“Way to go, dude.” You interrupted your previous thought as you faked disgust at the warm feeling on your shoulder. “It’s only right that you love me, but you don’t need to be so explicit about it.” You shifted the baby from one arm to the other as you took your jacket off.
Wanda couldn’t help but laugh at your words. “I told you karma was coming back,”
“Karma is a smelly bitch,” you scrunched your nose as you walked to the baby’s bag, taking some wet wipes to clean your jacket.
Seeing you so harmonically moving with her son in your arms had her heart warming up. And she made sure to thank the Universe or whichever God out there for having a friend like you in her life.
As always, likes, comments and reblogs are highly appreaciated :)
Taglist: @summergeezburr @wandabear @red1culous @inluvwithfictionalwomen @aliherreraaa @kiancorpse @whitewidowsbite @xxxtwilightaxelxxx​ (If you wanna be added, just let me know!)
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esotheria-sims · 11 months
Hi Esotheria, can you help me finding small witchy zombie-related knickknack deco for shelves and bookshelves? Asking this for some of my normal Knowledge Sims with high interest for paranormal stuff, so I want to decorate their rooms with occult-related deco.
Hi there! I don't have much zombie-related clutter, but I can help with the witch side of the ask! ^^
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Buyable Reagents mod - so that even your non-witch sims can have reagents as deco. Best combined with Pineappleforest's reagents default replacement!
Buyable AL witch stuff by Hugelunatic (the little witch statues could probably work as shelf deco?)
Extracted in-game magic clutter (wands, crystal ball, books, witch hats etc.) by Shastakiss
3t2 Supernatural conversions I and 3t2 Supernatural conversions II by Shastakiss
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Gargoyle statue, spellbook, and jars by Chimerical (reuploaded by theatticbox)
Extracted TSM books and potions by lmhwjs (I love those old books so much!)
Steampunk conversions by lmhwjs (linked mostly for the quill and parchment deco that comes with the set; I use it on my witches' desks all the time!)
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4t2 Sabrina clutter set by Nikaonishko
TS4 to TS2 Realm of Magic deco by Gryning (the set contains a tombstone that might also be suited for your zombie clutter needs!)
4t2 Witchy clutter by Limonaire
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Various Harry Potter conversions by Decat
Various 4t2 objects by Decat
Realm of Magic conversions by Decat
Witchy goodies by Deatherella
4t2 Paranrormal Helping Hand deco by TheNinthWaveSims
I also recommend you check out all past supernatural/magic themes that were running on GoS! ^^ To name a few:
2022.07-08 That 70s Theme & Eye of Newt
2021.09-10 Baby On Board & In the Mausoleum (also for zombie-related stuff)
2020.05-06 HomeCrafter & Tea with the Queen
2019.09-10 Farm to Table & Danse Macabre (also for zombie-related stuff)
2015.07 - Fairy Tale & Fantasy
2011.06 - Magic and Fantasy
2009.10 - Halloween! (also for zombie-related stuff)
Hope this helps a little! ^^
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sweet-villain · 1 year
Ignite~ B.H Ft S.H
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Anonymous asked:
Hiiii I am in an angsty mode at the moment… so of course I have to go to the ✨angst queen ✨ …..so reader is with billy but billy cheats then begs for a second chance, reader gives them a second chance. But he cheats again so then after a while reader finds someone maybe Eddie or Steve. Then billy gets mad to find them with an arm around reader and try’s to start a fight with them. After billy is trying to flirt and get back with reader but reader is over him.
I hope this is a good angst one 🙂
Warning : Angst, Cheating
Tags : : @ceriseheaven @josephquinnlover0 @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @stillfalling30minslater @alyisdead @witchy-munson @e0509
My Master List is in This Area
You should of listened to your friends that guys like Billy Hargrove were no good for you. But, you loved him. He had became like a drug that you couldn't walk away from.
He walked through the halls with head held up high making his way where you stood leaning his shoulder against the locker that was next to yours. You hadn't noticed him at first getting your books out. When you were finished and shut the locker, you almost jumped out of your skin seeing him there.
" You can't just do that, Billy" you had your hand on your heart feeling it race. He laughed while chewing the gum in his mouth.
He shrugged in response. He wasn't the one that would apologize, " Walking me to class?" you asked. He wrapped his arms around your shoulder pulling you his side. Heads turned as you two walked down the hall.
Though Billy's eyes were too busy staring at the girl in front of you with a short skirt on. He watched her ass move, " Billy!" you pushed his chest noticing his attention was on her. He turned his head, just in time when you waved over to Steve who turned around the corner.
" Princess.." Billy called out to you. Steve waved back noticing you walking by him. Steve and you were really good friend, but Billy didn't like that you two were friendly. He didn't like Steve at all to begin with.
" What? He's my friend" Billy grunted. He tugged you closer to his side turning around once you were near the classroom with your books tightly held against your chest.
Billy leaned down brushing his lips with your as he softly kissed you. But it turned harsher when he gripped your hips pulling you flush against his. He felt eyes on him. Snapping his eyes opening and finding who has been watching him. It was Steve.
Billy's blue eyes bore into Steve, smirking into the kiss as you kissed him. You pulled away, breathless looking up at your boyfriend.
" I've gotta get to class" you muttered, putting a piece of hair behind your ear. Billy snapped his gum, rolling his eyes. He couldn't understand how you could be such a goody too shoes with homework, studying and showing up to class on time.
When you turned around to walk into the classroom, you felt a sting on your ass. Turning around with your cheeks flushed and glaring at your boyfriend, " Billy!" he winked at you in response as he walked away.
You didn't notice that he sent a wink to another girl that was giggling by the locker and twirling her hair.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You were too blind to see that he would take your heart and throw it on the ground like it was nothing. You were too into your head thinking Billy Hargrove actually cared about you. That there was something there, when it wasn't. You were just part of his game.
" Aw look little miss princess is without her dog. Oh where, oh where could he be?" Carol asked, blowing a bubble with her gum as she twirled her hair.
" Piss of Carol" she dramatically put her hand on her heart like your words had some sort of affect on her. You pushed past her looking around if you could spot your boyfriend in the mass of people dancing around, drinking and snogging each other's faces off.
Steve emerged from the crowd with his hands in his pockets as his eyes found yours, his held a bit of worry and sorrow in them. He made his way over to you and gently squeezed your shoulder.
" You okay?" you asked him. This wasn't normal behavior coming from him. Why was he worried? Steve's eyebrows knitted together as realization dawned to him that you had no idea.
" Have you seen Billy?" you asked, looking around hoping he wouldn't spot you with Steve.
" Listen-" he started to say but your head turned to him not really wanting to hear his excuses on why you shouldn't be with Billy. You had all heard it all before.
" Steve, please. Tell me where he is?" Steve swallowed the lump in his mouth as he knows what you are about to see and it's not a happy sight. He sighed, " He went upstairs. But not alone."
Your heart raced at what Steve has told you and instead of staying with Steve like he wanted you too, you made your way upstairs.
" Hip Hop, look at the princess go" Tommy chuckled as he watched you race upstairs. You knocked on the first door you found and it was empty, you went to the next one and opened it without asking if someone was in there. There was a couple making out, but no sign of Billy.
" Billy!" you shouted through the halls. There were two more doors left, one door a couple had came out fixing their own clothes while the one that was left remained closed.
Your heart was racing, palms becoming sweating and feeling your eyes sting with tears as you made your way closer to the door. Your hand shakily reached out to turn the knob and when you did, a sight that broke your heart came into a clear picture.
A girl was going down on your boyfriend as his head was thrown back. His fingers were in her hair as she sucked him off. You gasped with tears rolling down your cheeks. Billy's head snapped up hearing the gasp and his eyes landed on you.
" Shit!" he muttered as he pushed the girl off of him. He was scrambling to get his pants on. " Doll, it's not what it looks like" he says buckling his pants. But you stood there, body frozen as you stared at your so called boyfriend.
" I-I loved you!" you screamed tuning around, making your way down the steps past Tommy and Carol as they snickered. Steve spotted you bolting down the steps to the front door. He growled spotting Billy running down the steps with his pants half zipped up and jacket barely on.
" it's not what it looks like!" Billy shouted racing after you out the front door. " She's nothing!" He continue to run after you down the street. The cold air whipped against your cheeks, sniffling.
" Go away, you have done enough" Billy caught up to you and grabbed onto your wrist stopping you from walking away from him.
" You have to believe me, doll. She's not you, she doesn't mean to me the way you do" you chuckled brushing away your tears with the back of your hand.
" I should of listened to my friend, everyone. You're such an asshole, you never cared about me or loved me!" you pushed at his chest. He stumbled back, catching his balance watching you cry over him.
" I'm sorry" he tried to say as it was going to solve anything.
You shook your head, " it's too late for that."
Billy watched you walk down the street, away from him with his own heart splattered on the ground.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Everyone in school found out what had happened and eyes were constantly on you as you walked into your classes.
" You look like you need a nap" Steve mutters as you drop besides him on the bench as he took a break. He was at basketball practice asking you to come see him that he can cop your notes on what he missed the day before.
" Thanks, Harrington. Just what every girl wants to hear" he sighed, running a hand through his hair. " I gave him a very nice bloody lip and a black eye" he mutters talking about your now ex boyfriend.
You shrugged in response. Billy had been watching you interact with Steve from the other side. The ball was passed to him as he dribbled it across the court with a glare on his face.
Steve wrapped his arm around you and pulled you closer. It caused Billy's blood to boil that Steve had your attention now. He threw the basketball across the court towards Steve and it hit him in the head..
He fell in between the benches with his upper body in it while his legs were raised above.
" Steve!" you shouted reaching over to help him up. He waved his hands motioning to you that he was okay. He felt dizzy from the ball hitting him in the head. " Are you okay?" you asked him, glaring over to Billy. He had he biggest smirk on his face.
" 'm fine" Steve mumbled as he slide off the bench.
" Harrington, quit slacking off!" the couch yelled at him, blowing the whistle. You winced at the sound taking your bag and throwing it over your shoulder.
" I'll see you later, Steve" he nodded with a small smile as he jogged to get the ball away from the others.
You didn't even look at Billy when you walked out. His jaw clenched when you didn't look at him or even take notice of him anymore. He turned to look where Steve was dribbling the ball on the court and ran over to take it from him.
" Gotta be faster than that, buttercup" Billy teased. Steve rolled his eyes in response.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Your feet paused making their way to the car spotting a head of curls, blue eyes locking on yours with a cigarette in his mouth leaning against your car. You moved around the car to put your book bag inside and ready to get in when he spoke up.
" Can we talk?" he asked, taking his cigarette out of his mouth as he rounded around the car. " We don't have anything to talk about, Hargrove" he scoffed at the usage of his last name like when he first met you. You would always use his last name when you talked to him.
" I-I miss you" he says, dropping his cigarette and stomping it with his foot. " I d-din't mean for it to happen the way it happened.." he shrugged as he looked at the ground. He was too afraid to look at you to see the way you would look at him. Like he was a mistake.
" But it did happen, it didn't even cross your mind that you Billy, Billy Hargrove were dating. Dating someone that cared so deeply about you, that loved you, that adored you, that would do anything to make you happy."
His lip quivered as his eyes brimmed with tears. He hated that you were making him feel like this in the middle of the school parking lot where anyone can turn and look to see how vulnerable he looked.
" P-Please.. I'll do a-anything to make it w-work between u-us" he says through his tears. You took notice that people stopped to listen to your conversation with him now and they were whispering.
You made your way up to him, peeking through his curls to see how upset he looked and your heart ached at the sight. You loved him still, even if he took your heart and ran it over.
" Come over for dinner tonight and we'll talk" He snapped his head up hearing you, wiping his nose with the back of his hand as he nodded in response. He took notice people have turned to look at him.
" What are you looking at?!" He shouted, raising his hands up. " Don't you have places to be?!" He shouted in anger, a hand on his arm stops him from snapping. He turns his head to look down at you.
" Get home safe" you tell him before getting into your car and driving off.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Billy had came over around dinner time and you answered in wearing one of his shirts and a pair of sweats with your hair up. The sight made Billy smile, the real smile that no one would usually see unless they were you.
He stepped inside your house, your parents were out on a business trip while you were left alone to take care of the house. You weren't lonely, Nancy had came over the other day as you two studied and painted each other nails. Tina had stopped by to drop some cookies and tell you about the new gossip going around.
" It smells really good" Billy says as he sniffed the air. His stomach grumbled as his mouth watered.
" I saved you a plate" you mumbled making your way into the kitchen where Billy followed you as he sat down on one of the chairs. You put a plate of spaghetti in front of him with garlic bread on the side and grabbed him a glass of water too.
" Thank you" he mumbles taking the fork you had placed down as he dug in. He noticed you weren't eating with him and twirled some spaghetti on his fork as he offered it to you.
" I'm not really hungry" Billy waited not pulling the fork back until you opened your mouth and he fed you. " But you must be really hungry, this is for you" you pushed his plate closer to him.
" I can share" he says. He turned to look at you to see you were playing with the ring on your finger. It was a nervous habit of yours that he picked up on while being with you.
" What do you wanna talk about?" he asked once he finished the plate you made him. He did offer you bites of the food but you refused and pushed it to his mouth.
" You really hurt me" he nods, hanging his head. " I know, and I didn't mean it."
" Do you care about me?" Billy swallowed the lump in his throat as he looked down at his lips. He did care about you, a lot. He does. It's really hard to get the words out sometimes.
" I do, you know that" he mumbles.
" Then why did you decide that at that party to go ruin what we had?" he shrugged in response. Billy hadn't really thought of an answer to give to you on why he did what he did.
" Don't give me that!" you shouted, glaring at him. His jaw set hearing you started to yell and it pissed him off. " I don't know what you want me to say!" he shouted raising his hands up in the air.
" Forget it, Billy. You know where the door is" you got up taking his plate to the sink but when you turned around, there he stood leaning his body against yours and trapping you against the counter.
His hand rose up to brush the hair away from your face.
" I'm not leaving until your mine again" he mumbles. " You cheated on me..."
" I didn't mean it, doll. Believe me. The only girl I ever wanted was you, no one else. There is no one else. You make me happy and feel safe. It's you"
Right there you believed him. His words melted. your heart.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
A note landed on your desk the following two days and you rose your head to look around to see if you could spot who had dropped it. No one dared to look your way knowing what it said already. Steve was sitting on the other side drawing on his desk while you took the note in your hands and opening it.
Your boyfriend and Stephanie Lawrence were fooling around in the boys locker room
You gasped, looking around the room once more to see if anyone looked your way once more. You rose your hand up and the teacher called on you.
" May I be excused? I don't feel so well" you grabbed onto your stomach in pain. The teacher nodded telling you to go to the nurses office. You stood up from the chair and grabbed onto your things catching Steve's attention as his eyebrows knitted together seeing the panic look on your face.
He rose up from his seat to catch you look at him.
" Are you okay?" he mouths to you. You shook your head in response racing out of the classroom to your locker where you felt the tears sting your eyes. This wasn't happening again. Billy said he wasn't going to do this again.
Your head felt dizzy and everything was spinning. You didn't know what happen but the next thing you knew you fainted with arms catching you before you hit the ground.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You groaned as you rose up in your bed, not really knowing what happened when a hand lays on your forehead stopping you from going anywhere.
" Where do you think your going?" your eyes landed on Steve sitting besides you on your bed. " What happened?" you asked, raising up on your elbows.
" You fainted, I took you to the nurses office and brought you home" he says. " My car!" you shouted remembering it was in the parking lot.
" It's here, Jonathan brought it" he says.
Suddenly you remembered the note, " Steve?" you asked. Your heart racing at the thought of it being true. " Yeah?" he asked.
" Is Billy cheating on me again?" his lips grew in a thin line as he looked away in silence. It had been all over the school that he's been fooling around with Stephanie, one of the cheerleaders.
" It is.." you mumbled, " god, I'm so stupid"
" You're not stupid, it's him. He doesn't deserve you" he turned his head watching just in time as the tears ran down your cheeks. " Oh Y/N" he says opening his arms. You rose off the bed moving over to him and wrapped your arms around him.
You cried in Steve Harrington's arms that day. That day Steve realized that he wanted to the one to put you back together.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It was true, Billy was cheating on you with Stephanie. Everyone was talking about it and yet you were tired of it. Billy had broken your heart many times over and over but you had enough.
You hadn't talked or seen Billy in the past three days, and he tried to call you. You didn't pick up. He tried to see you at school but you avoided him in all ways you could. He tried to sit outside your house but you didn't come out. You found a way out through the back of another house that was across from you. There was a gate but you had to get tackled by a dog. It was a risk you were willing to take.
A harsh knock came to the door causing you to groan as you tried to study for one of the upcoming tests that you were having. You needed to pull your grade up to graduate next year.
" No one is home!" you shouted through the door hoping they would go away but they kept knocking. " Jesus, I'm coming. Hold your bananas!"
You threw the door open ready to chew out the person who was bothering you out when your eyes landed on your so called boyfriend.
" Can I help you, William?" he scoffed hearing you use his real name.
" That's not my name, princess and you know it" he says leaning against the doorframe. " what's going on, I haven't seen you much baby. I miss you" he tried to reach out with his hands to touch you but you stepped out of his reach with your arms across your chest.
" Okay, what's wrong?" he asked. " Why won't you let me touch you?"
" Because I don't know where your hands been. Must been buried deep in Stephanie" his eyes widen at your words.
" Baby, she's not-" you cut him off.
" She's not what it seems, that you need me, that you love me, that I am your forever... yeah yeah.. Hargrove. That's old news" his mouth dropped open by the end of your sentence .
" Y/N, you know I love you"
" That's bullshit, you're fucking bullshit!" you posted a finger at him. " Don't ever call me baby ever again, you're disgusting. You're a heartless asshole and I don't want to ever see you again. We're done!" you slammed the door in his face before he could say anything else.
" You're going to regret this! I know you love me! You need me!" he shouted through the door, with one bang to the door he walked down the path to his car in anger.
You didn't need Billy Hargrove. You didn't need a cheater like him.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It's been two weeks since you and Billy have been done. He had tried multiple times to get you back weather leaving presents by your front door, leaving notes in your locker room telling you how much he loved you, leaving a mix tape on top of your desk before you got to class. He knew your classes.
You rolled your times every time and threw each item away. You were getting over Billy Hargrove and everyone around you couldn't believe it. They couldn't believe it when Steve Harrington was the reason you started to smile and laugh.
Billy watched from down the hall in anger seeing Steve blow raspberries against your cheeks causing you to laugh. He used to make you laugh like that.
He huffed in anger.
" Are we still going out tonight?" he heard one of girls that kept following him ask him. He hadn't paid attention to her as his eyes were on you and Steve Harrington.
" I need to get to class, Steve" you squealed as his arms wrapped around you, pulling you flush against his body as he left kisses all over your face.
You had moved on from Billy finding your happy self with Steve. He has been there for you every chance he got. He really made it all.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
" You dating Harrington now?" you heard the familiar voice of your ex boyfriend. Your back was to him as you turned around to face him for the first time in awhile. Billy had noticed the brighter look in your eyes and the way your lips lit up in a small smile.
" What's it to you if I was?" you asked.
Billy's fist opened and closed by his side as he gritted his teeth.
" It matters to me because you don't move on from someone like me to someone like him. He's nothing compared to me" Billy growled.
" He makes me happier" those words were all it took to break Billy Hargrove's heart as he lets them sink in. There is silence between the two of you.
" I hope you find your happiness, Billy. I do. You've hurt me way to many times and I didn't want that in my life. I wanted to be happy, and I found that with Steve."
Billy scoffed.
" Maybe one day you can be a part of my life again, but not yet. I'm not ready for you to be back in my life. For what it's worth, I really did love you Billy and you did make me happy. But he does it better, better than you ever did"
You knew you hurt him with your words. It shows in his eyes. He had a way of showing how he felt through those blue eyes.
" I'll wait till your ready" he says, "I'm sorry" he adds knowing you needed to hear it from him. He's not a man to apologize but with you, he do it over and over again.
" It might take years"
" I will wait as long as I need" Billy says. He walked away to his car wishing he would take everything back. He watched as you walked to Steve's car, throwing your arms around him and going on your toes to kiss him. It stung him to watch you with the one person he hated.
But he was going to wait to be back in your life, even if it was being friends with you. You made him feel safe.
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deatherella · 2 years
Didn't make the Deadline Goodies . . .
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This post has many goodies I made for GoS' July-August themes. They were just sitting there in my upload folder doing nothing on Sept 1st. So, here they are. There's all kinds of things for the magic/witchy half of the themes. The above preview show all kinds of magical needs converted from Sims 4. The wall hangings are a bunch of demon plates I gathered many years ago -- I might have been pissed off at my ex-husband at the time, you never know. They are on a MsBarrows painting mesh that was edited by someone else.
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Witchy Shoppe Tarot Cards. Simder Talia made tons of really nice tarot card sets in all kinds of different sizes and I didn't want to eat up around thirty guids so I tore apart all the textures and used them for recolors of the Cat Tarot. The laying down box is slaved to the standing box.
Find all of the above in this Download Folder.
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Nine deco sims converted from REIGNINGSIMS' Spellcasters set. The deco sim at the table is reading tarot cards (seen above). Use move_objects on to put her on a chair.
Download Deco Sims.
Credits: SimderTalia Mechtasim REIGNINGSIMS
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vervainandmoon · 2 months
Would any witches be interested in doing a witchy trade? I own Vervain and Moon on Etsy and I have a lot of witching wares like crystals, herbs, spell jars, altar tools, books, jewelry, charms etc. I just think it would be fun to swap goodies with someone and share the Magick! Anyone interested? Message me!
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tamascarian · 1 year
This could end as a story
Part 2
Feat - Tyler Galpin x local witch! Reader
Contains - Time gap, Wednesday Spoilers
P.s: I’m sorry for the gaps, I really wanted to end the story already so I just did this.
Tags: @sardonic-courtney​ @asters-abditory​ @raevyng​ @podraje​​
"Wait.. Let me get this clear. You want to perform some witchy-woo on me?"
"Yes." I nodded at Tyler. It's not like he's going to die or anything.
"Okay, fine. Let's just go on with this." he surrender.
I grinned and took Tyler's hand to perform this spell I saw not long ago. I closed my eyes and started chanting.
I didn't actually told Tyler what this spell was about, but this is supposed to make me his hyde's master.
Yes, about a few days ago when we started talking, I found out that he was indeed the hyde's host.
"Tyler, hey!"
He ignored me. That was a first. I followed him through the stairs and noticed that he looks different. His usual grin wasn't present and his eyes look.. dark for some reason.
Being the curious cat I am, I perform a quick invisibility spell and followed Tyler inside. There was blonde woman who's in a call and she looks destress.
Tyler went inside the restroom when the lady was pacing back and forth and rambling on the phone, I stand there in the corner, waiting for something to happen.
But what happened is just what I didn't expect to see first hand.
The hyde murdered the poor woman, it clawed her until she was torn to shreds. But then, the hyde transform to something I much more didn't expected..
He was on top of the dead body but as soon as he realized that, he crawled far away and started crying.
I went to Tyler just as soon as my invisibility spell vanished, he didn't questioned why I was there, he just cried harder.
"Shh, its okay. Its okay." Yes, even if murdering someone is not okay, you just have to say it.
"Uh, its done. I think?" I'm still not sure if it worked or not.
Tyler looked at me weirdly but just as soon as he was about to speak, the door of my cabin flew open and a thing started blurting out nonsense.
"what? expelled? Thornhill? who the hell is Thornhill? Wednesday? expelled? what did she do this time? Tyler? monster? Crackstone? as in the one who burned every witches here? what? where?" I tried my best to understand what was thing saying.
Then thing turned to Tyler and started chocking him to death to the point I needed to intervene using magic.
"Thing, its alright. Yes, he's the hyde, I know. I did something using my magic and I think I know just how to test it."
"Go find help. We're going to look for Wednesday."
Thing was a bit hesitant to go but I promised him I would be the one killing Tyler if things didn't go well for us. Which made Tyler uncomfortable.
I started doing a locator spell to find Wednesday and not soon after the map of Jericho burned, meaning I got my answer.
"Let's go."
"Go where?"
"To crackstone."
"Wednesday!" I shouted as soon as we arrive at the crackstone.
I saw wednesday chained and the tomb of crackstone opening.
"You're a bit late, honey." The redhead woman laughed. I stared at her then at Tyler then at Wednesday who's weakly looking at us. Since the first time I met Wednesday, this is the first time I saw here vulnerable.
"Tyler, honey, why don't you make mama proud and shut her up?" The redhead smiled at Tyler but Tyler just stay still, confirming my thoughts.
"Tyler?" he looked at me, "Why don't you shut her up?" I look at the redhead woman who looks bewildered when Tyler started transforming as the hyde.
"Tyler! No" The woman shouted when the hyde start approaching her. She keeps shouting ‘no’ and ‘help’ but I couldn’t care less.
I immediately went to unchain Wednesday and successfully freed her but she was too weak to stand on her own yet when..
The tomb opened.
The very dead, corpse rotting Joseph Crackstone rose from the dead. And to say he wasn't happy to see us would be an understatement.
"Goody Addams!" He lifted Wednesday in the air using his magic stick. What an ironic way to kill someone who he insists using magic.
He went closer to me while Wednesday was still struggling to breathe in the air.
“A witch..” He was about to stab me when the hyde grab me and sprinted outside, leaving Wednesday alone.
“Tyler! No! Wednesday’s still there! We have to go back!” I shouted when Tyler started transforming back.
“You really think that would stop Wednesday? We both know her, you more than me.” He rebut.
That really made me think. Just recently, when Wednesday and I were properly introduced, I realized she was the girl who always had grand birthdays I went to. The same girl I went to camp with. The same girl who burned our camp. Nothing really stops Wednesday now that I think of it.
“Okay..” I surrender.
Its been weeks since the incident with Wednesday happened and they were forced to have a school break since their principal died. Things with Tyler and I had been surprisingly good.
“Hey..” I called Tyler who was snuggling with me in his couch. Were watching a movie in his house while his dad’s out again.
“Hmm?” He responded, too focus on the movie.
“I was thinking, since.. y’know. We’re both outcasts, why don’t we enroll at Nevermore?”
That made him look at me.
“You really want too?” He sincerely asked. I thought about it before and I really like to be with people like me, living normal and not excluded in life.
“Yeah” I answered.
“I’ll talk to my dad about it.” Tyler and his dad are really getting along now that his dad no longer has to hide Tyler’s identity to him.
“Thanks.” I smiled.
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kaluxsims · 2 years
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I had so much fun finding and converting those 70's pants that I had to do one more thing before the theme ends. This is @sentate's Daffodil Dress, with @dallasgirl79's Mary-Jane Platforms.
Get it here at GoS, and check out the other 70's and witchy goodies!
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thevirginwitch · 1 year
Tarot Tuesday - Rose & Thorns Tarot Spread
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What is the ROOT of the problem?
What will GROW from the problem if it's not solved?
What will be the most difficult part - the THORNS - of solving this problem?
You can gain early access to my #TarotTuesday posts (as well as exclusive access to research notes, digital goodies, free tarot readings, and other witchy content) over on my Patreon for only $2/month!
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life-in-the-garden · 9 months
This zine is 30 pages of lunar goodness that's all about the moon.
I'm currently attempting to bulk up my savings in preparation for moving out of my abusive parents' home once I get my undergrad degree in two years, so it would mean the world to me if you could take a gander at my zine and maybe even buy it! If finances are tough and you can't, however, I completely understand.
Also, would anyone be interested in buying a physical copy of this zine? It would come as a saddle-stitched booklet with a decorated cardstock cover.
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