#with 3 exclamation points bc this is a joke name
skelekins · 1 year
herror glorror glirror glitter hotch - chachacha horch-HORCH hitch glotch >:| blitch blootch glood glid blerror - too close blorrer bludder bloor
>:o glaxe d-sfdsljfsf glixe - jfc erraxe axor
current name
Tumblr media
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jjbaebank · 4 years
Boneyard Badass
Ask: hi luv! I was wondering if I could get a fic where the reader is like a legend on the cut bc of how badass she is but for some reason no one in the pouges has met her, until one night at a boneyard where her and kie have a convo and she casually says her name and kie drags her over to meet the pouges? and her and jj end up together? TYSM!!!! :)
“Yo, why does it look like all the Kooks are scared of you?” A girl said, coming up to you. “I don’t mean to offend you, honestly I’m impressed!”
“Oh, well I just don’t take their shit. Let’s just say I have my ways of getting revenge,” you announced solidly.
“Yikes, well remind me not to get on your bad side!” The girl joked, and you laughed in response.
“If you’re not a rich asshole who shits on others for being different, or poor, or whatever, I think you’ll be fine.” Noticing that the girl didn’t really know how to respond, you continued on. “Anyways, are you liking the party?”
“Yeah! I just wanted to talk to some new people. My friends are over there, by the way.” She pointed a group of people, one of whom caught your eye. A blonde boy with a baseball cap and a muscle tank on, and muscles he had indeed.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot to introduce myself! I’m Kie Carrera,” she added with a smile.
“I’m y/n y/l/n! I like your name by the way!” You complimented Kie, who stared back at you with a disbelieving look. Her mouth formed an O-shape and she tried to form words but couldn’t, causing you to let out a little giggle.
“What the... no fucking way... you’re y/n y/l/n, pogue LEGEND?” she finally sputtered out, eyes wide.
“Well, I wouldn’t necessarily say legend, but yup, that’s me!” You laughed humbly.
“Oh my god,” Kie said, and grabbed you by the wrist. With a tight grip, she grabbed you over to a small group. The group consisted of three boys and another girl, yet the one who stood out to you most was a blonde boy who was currently bent down with his head between his legs, taking a hit from a blunt and then shouting “See guys! I did it!”
You hid your smile behind your hand, but you couldn’t help but laugh upon noticing how earnest his expression was. When he heard it, his wide, blue eyes and gaping mouth paired with the way his hair flopped down crazily caused you to laugh even more.
He looked a little embarrassed but quickly turned it around so he was smirking, and he shot a finger gun at you, saying “Hey, I’d thought I’d already seen all the pretty girls on this island but apparently not. Wanna tell me your name?”
Lowering your hand from your face, you said “Maybe if you were right-side up,” with a matching smirk.
Suddenly, the girl named Kie shouted out “Guys, she’s fucking y/n y/l/n!!!!”
You heard the others exclamations and shouts but the only one you were focused on was the blonde boy, who’s face turned bright red as he tried to cooly stand back upright but he stood up too quickly ended up looking very clumsy.
“No way!!!! Y/n y/l/n?!” He shouted, staring at you. You nodded humbly and looked at the other people. A brown-haired boy was gaping at you and the boy next to him was on the floor and bowing. Looking back at the blonde boy, he had grasped one of your hands really tightly and was pumping it up in down in a handshake while gushing on and on about you.
“Wow guys, I’m really not that cool,” you laughed.
“You’re my role model!” Kie said, and two of the boys gasped.
You thanked them and went around the circle, asking for their names. Once you knew who everyone was, the shock had seemed to wear off their faces and you relaxed. 
As you mingled with the others, a certain blonde boy was watching you very intently. When you noticed him looking at you, you decided to stare back. Your eyes traveled down from his face to his bare chest, abs to his shorts, and thighs to calves before you let a smirk spread across your face. You raised your gaze and gave him a wink. You could see a small smile tug at his lips before he crossed his arms over his chest. He started walking towards you, two beers in hand.
“Whaddya say Y/N, a shotgun contest?” JJ asked.
“What’s in it for me?” You asked him with an eyebrow raised.
“If I win, you let me take you on a date. If you win--you choose, I guess.” 
“You’re going down, big boy,” you smirked. JJ grinned and shook his head in response, muttering a “You wish”. 
You both cracked open your beers, and JJ began the countdown. 
Tipping your head back, you gulped down the beer and when you were done, crushed it under your hand. JJ was still drinking his. He finished only a moment later, but you looked at him with a sly smile and he looked at you, impressed.
“Wow, I can’t believe you beat me!” He said. He would’ve been upset, but honestly he was too awestruck to be. No one had ever beaten him before. 
You were about to tease JJ, but out of the corner of your eye you saw Rafe, Topper, and Kelce walk over to John B and Pope. They began squaring up, and you decided to use your *skills.* You were pretty sure that John B and Pope could handle the boys, well, John B at least, but the Kooks played dirty, and besides, a 3 on 2 wasn’t fair.
“Hey boys, get the fuck away from them!” You shouted, pointing at Rafe, Topper, and Kelce. Seeing you, their eyes widened and they backed away, hands up, not without spitting on the ground in front of John B and Pope. John B moved to rush after in a fit of anger, but Kie and Pope held him back. 
“That’s right, bye-bye,” you said sweetly to the kooks, sticking out your middle finger as they backed away.
“Hey pogue, fair warning, she’s fucking crazy! Stay away from her, it’s for your own good!” Rafe yelled at JJ, pointing towards you.
You were surprised why Rafe would give JJ “advice” given that they were enemies, but you just ignored him and stared hard at JJ.
“They’re right, you probably should stay away from me,” you acknowledged, but tilted your head and gave him a challenging smirk.
“Maybe,” he agreed breathlessly, “but I don’t want to.”
“Good.” You grinned and beckoned for him to follow you as you walked towards a more secluded spot on the edge of the Boneyard. 
He stood still for a few moments, watching as you walked away, your face looking back at him and your teeth biting your lip seductively. 
He shook his head in disbelief and took off running after you, already way more turned on than he’d like to admit. 
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blossom-hwa · 4 years
3racha cafe au ps? bc the one w the dancers was so funny
3-year anniversary drabble game: send me an NCT/WAYV/Stray Kids/The Boyz member + a prompt (check out the post for ideas) and  I’ll write a drabble for you!
Title: Cafe Shenanigans
Pairing: no pairings, just 3racha being dumb
Triggers: a lot of cursing, suicidal jokes (purely jokes, if you are experiencing suicidal thoughts, please do not read this - it’s along the lines of like ‘pls kill me now’ but yeah)
quick clarification:
better than tony: chan
chingban: changbin
gremlin: jisung 
better than tony: changbin what have I told you about swearing in front of customers
chingban: not to do it
better than tony: then why did I hear you say shit when you knocked your head against the counter
chingban: I don’t exist for anything but pain
chingban: when will I stop being clowned for no reason
chingban: also I stooped down to get more syrup okay I wasn’t standing when I fucking hit my head
better than tony: you will stop being clowned when you learn the meaning of professionalism
gremlin: didn’t you lock yourself in the bathroom one time to send cat memes to minho
better than tony: THAT’S BESIDE THE POINT
chingban: pls let it go chan the guy just laughed okay
chingban: no harm done
chingban: well my dignity is in pieces
gremlin: can’t break something that never existed
chingban: watch me pour hot coffee down your throat while you scream in pain tiny sucker
gremlin: who’s calling me tiny
better than tony: kids please
better than tony: I'm the manager and they still won’t listen to me
better than tony: I'm giving up on life
gremlin: we’re right here you know
better than tony: did I say something wrong?
chingban: ooooo breaking out the punctuation
chingban: he’s serious today
better than tony: I'm always serious
gremlin: your cat memes say otherwise
better than tony: WILL YOU LET THAT GO
gremlin: if another bitch asks for a complicated-ass order, fucking soy latte with no foam or whatever the fuck
gremlin: I'm going to slit my throat in front of the cameras
gremlin: and my ghost will haunt this fucking cafe for the rest of time
chingban: aren’t there better things to do after you’re dead
chingban: like
better than tony: rejoice in the fact that you are no longer alive?
chingban: ^^
gremlin: no I just want to make sure I'm a pain in your asses even beyond the grave
chingban: a little bitch even in death, I see
gremlin: you got me !
better than tony: why do you have an extra space between your last word and the exclamation mark
gremlin: extra chaos
better than tony: as if your existence wasn’t chaotic enough already
chingban: just a suggestion
chingban: if you want to haunt us beyond the grave
chingban: team up with that little dude ji changmin across the mall at build a bear
gremlin: omg yes thank you for this lovely piece of advice
better than tony: NO NO NO NO NO NO NO
better than tony: N O
chingban: I need entertainment
chingban: and you getting scared shitless is entertainment
chingban: additionally if I'm the one providing the advice by the transitive property I'm not the one who gets pranked
gremlin: <3
better than tony: I should honestly fire both of you
better than tony: all you do is text at work
better than tony: swear in front of customers
better than tony: and leAVE HAIRPINS IN THE FUCKING SINK
chingban: felix says minho threatens to fire him and hyunjin at least once every shift
better than tony: I should do the same
gremlin: nah you’re too soft for that
chingban: ^^
better than tony: I want to argue but I can’t and I hate it
gremlin: <3
chingban: <3
better than tony: maybe I'll be the one who slits his throat in front of the cameras
gremlin: no you won’t you’re too soft to haunt us beyond the grave
better than tony: you’re right I won’t haunt you
better than tony: I'll just enjoy being dead and not fucking alive and having to deal with you
chingban: ngl that sounds like a pretty sweet deal
gremlin: but haunting
chingban: no
gremlin: :(
better than tony: changbin look you’ve made him sad
chingban: I-
chingban: YOU STARTED IT
better than tony: <3
chingban: breaking news chan has the capacity for evil and I don’t like it
gremlin: in my defense I was left alone
better than tony: that doesn’t explAIN THE FUCKING FIRE IN THE R E F R I G E R A TO R
chingban: I honestly wonder why chan hasn’t fired us yet
chingban: mostly jisung but also me
better than tony: A R E F R I G E R A T O R
gremlin: chan
gremlin: listen
gremlin: was this worse than ‘wow’
better than tony: .... 
chingban: nothing could be worse than wow
chingban: his gc name is proof
better than tony: FUCK
gremlin: okay cool thank you for agreeing 
gremlin: now
gremlin is typing...
chingban: the fuck are you typing 
chingban: a whole ass essay??
gremlin: if setting a fire in a refrigerator is still a less horrible mess than wow was, that means that chan can no longer yell at me for setting a fire in a refrigerator because he was one of the main contributors to the mess that wow was, meaning because he contributed to a bigger mess than the refrigerator fire, he is unable to yell at me because to do so would be hypocrisy because he committed a worse crime than I did
chingban: did that... did that really just fucking make sense
chingban: quick chan use your lawyering skills to find some loophole in this there’s no way jisung can be making sense
gremlin: okay fuck you
better than tony: your argument is invalid because you also contributed to wow
chingban: ROASTED
gremlin: fuck I really thought I had chan beat there for a moment
chingban: fat chance 
better than tony: OKAY AS PUNISHMENT
gremlin: yes papi
better than tony: oh my god I hate it here
gremlin: question
gremlin: if cookie monster entered the cafe and pointed a gun at me and told me to give him all of the cookies in the display case and the oven
gremlin: what should I do
better than tony: I 
better than tony: I don’t even know how to respond to this
chingban: give him the cookies wtf
chingban: where’s your sense of self-preservation
gremlin: flew away the first time I jumped out of a two-story window to avoid becoming ‘it’ in a game of tag in third grade
better than tony: that
better than tony: that explains so much
chingban: I feel like I should be surprised but I'm really not
chingban: that’s the most jisung thing I've ever heard of
gremlin: <3
gremlin: but back to my question
gremlin: what should I do
chingban: I literally said to give him the fucking cookies
better than tony: I agree with changbin
gremlin: but what if he gets greedy and asks for the cheesecake too
gremlin: and it’s my day to take home the leftover cake
better than tony: would you die for cheesecake???????????
gremlin: without a moment’s hesitation
chingban: the amount of brain cells I lost throughout this conversation
chingban: unfathomable
better than tony: I'm quitting my job
gremlin: no pls don’t who else will changbin and I bother during breaks
chingban: you say that kind of bullshit about cookie monster and cheesecake and then you go and say ‘changbin and I’ instead of ‘me and changbin’ like normal people?????????
gremlin: look you may have had a crusty ass English teacher but my English teacher was LIT and I'll have you know I would take a bullet for her
gremlin: the least I can do use proper grammar when it comes to common mistakes
gremlin: mistakes that plebs like you make
better than tony: this conversation has gone off the rails
chingban: a train wreck
gremlin: more like 15 train wrecks mashed into one
better than tony: just. pls get back to work
gremlin: not unless you promise not to fire yourself
better than tony: it’s?? not?? possible?? for?? me?? to?? fire?? myself??
chingban: he means quit
better than tony: oh
chingban: I speak fluent jisung
better than tony: pls shut up 
better than tony: fine I promise
better than tony: please get back to work
better than tony: preferably without burning any refrigerators
gremlin: no promises
better than tony: I'll take what I can get
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crowleyellestair · 4 years
Love your work! Would you mind doing the wolves (maybe sans geralt bc you’ve already done him) taking care of a reader with a migraine?
AN/// Sorry for the delay. Work and life have been crushing, but here it is!!! I really hope you like it :) Again, very sorry for the wait. I hope you’re not undergoing a migraine while reading. Much love <3
There wasn’t much that bugged Y/n. She was strong willed and had a high tolerance for anything, thus being able to endure the force that is Lambert. She often laughed when people claimed Jaskier to be the most outspoken and dramatic, knowing the youngest witcher held that crown. Fights happened between the two and often, but they both never had any true venom behind their words. While Y/n was like most, and gave Lambert a firm hand, the grip she had was gentle, knowing that behind that angry exterior was a man who simply sought happiness and the simpler things in life. She didn’t pull any punches when joking or handling the man, but endearments and affection were also paid to him in full, if not more so.
Migraines were commonplace for Y/n, though she had medication to subdue them quickly and with ease. In Oxenfurt, she had befriended a medical student, the two of them experimenting with things to help Y/n’s headaches. It seemed dangerous, and some things they had tried could be considered that, but in the end, they found the perfect mix. Though, her medical friend stayed near Novigrad, and Y/n was currently galivanting with Lambert in the south.
It started with the pressure behind her nose, building and spreading to her cheeks and behind her eyes. She swore to whatever force it was that felt like it was trying to push the eyes out of her sockets. The heels of her hands had pressed against them, but even her eyebrows were sensitive, the hairs irritating as they moved, follicles tiny pinpricks. It spread to her temples and her skin felt tight by her ears. Ringing was heard at every noise around her. Her body felt sore as she sat up in the bedroll pile, they often created by pushing the two traveler’s beds together with the effect of a larger one to snuggle. Lambert wouldn’t admit it or bring it up, but if their cuddling was ever mentioned or joked about, the man would brag about his spooning and comfort skills.
Her hips popped as she brought her knees to her chest, and the ache rippled throughout the rest of her body. Her eyes were squinting as they gazed over the view. It was hot the previous night, so the two found a cave somewhat higher in the mountain rage they were crossing, and the view was gorgeous. She could see a crystal-clear stream running through sparse trees that grew throughout the valley below. Y/n noticed Lambert was gone, and she sighed her thanks to anyone listening to her thoughts, slowly leaning over to blindly sift through her bags, looking for water. A loud noise just outside of the cave’s mouth made her cringe and ball herself up for a moment. Ringing followed, as well as drums pounding behind her eyes and through her temples. A softer sound was heard a second later, followed by a familiar, proud, booming voice.
“Even in the steepest fucking mountain side we could have camped in, we have warm breakfast! Bon appe… you know.” Lambert’s rare forgetfulness would have been funny if his voice didn’t bounce off the walls, dropping on her eardrums like raining arrows. There was a silence that followed his statement, his hands on his hips, waiting for the retort. He squinted when he didn’t receive it, knowing full well she was awake, but went to pull the small doe into the cave. The behavior of his beloved companion set alarms off, and he was immediately on edge, though he didn’t outwardly show it. This was new territory, and he didn’t know what to do. He didn’t want whatever conflict he was about to face. Out of desperation, he resorted to a Vesemir impression to try and lighten the tone.
“The early bird cannot fetch the worm if it has no desire to fly. While we cannot fly, we can find other means to get the worm that other birds can’t.” At some point, a hand found his hip and a finger started to wag.  His brows furrowed and he leaned over her form. His voice was normal, the edge somewhat showing. “I don’t know what you’re doing, but I wish it would stop-.”
“Lambert!” She shrunk away from her own voice that echoed back to her in full force. The harshness grating on her, not wanting him to feel the anger as well. Because she was angry. Y/n didn’t know why she had to suffer through these spells of headaches, wishing life would let up a bit on its berating habits. Lambert had flinched away from her, standing once more. His cat eyes were wide, and he took a step back. The true growl that came to her while she yelled his name was something he never wished to hear from her, having heard it from so many that hurt him before.
Tears started to drop, and Y/n scrunched her eyes close as tightly as possible, trying to block out the light, but also trying to turn to the man.
“Hey, I’m sorry. I can’t… It…” Her voice was a whisper, and despite his pounding heart, he dropped to a knee in front of her. He felt like a helpless child, wanting to get back into his mother’s good graces again, but it was so much more than that. He loved Y/n with all his being, and this was something he couldn’t handle. Her anger towards him is one thing, but true distain even slightly pointed in his direction was another. Lambert would do anything to right this, despite the unfamiliar fear that gripped him. His mind shrunk into itself, ready to lash out in defense despite months of being with her and being open.
“’It’ what? What’s happening?” He matched her whisper, outstretching a hand. It never landed against her skin, despite wanting to wipe the tears away and going to what their lives were before this.
“Migraine. It’s too loud. Bright. I need a minute.” The instant relief that flooded through him almost got out of hand. He didn’t know what he expected her to say, but knowing it wasn’t life changing was a relief. He nodded, now determined and grateful for the luck that has fallen upon him. Lambert stood quickly, marching out of the cave and climbing faster than when he entered. Y/n swore to herself, angry and in pain. She didn’t mean to yell or have her anger that was pointed at her body to be pointed towards her witcher, it simply happened. More tears fell as she curled back up, rubbing her temples in vain.
Lambert landed at the mouth of the cave once more, quietly walking to his lover. He placed the daisy like flowers in her lap, Y/n having shifted into a sitting position minutes ago. Her eye peeped open in question and felt even worse about yelling.
“Shh, I have this.” His soft, coaxing tone cut off her apologies as he found a bowl in their bags to grind the plant’s leaves. After it was successfully made into a past, he opened their food pack for the bread they had, spreading it, and smiling to the loaf. He insisted they get the onion clove loaf, as he had taste despite being a witcher. It was the same price as a plane loaf, what did she expect? He knew the deliciousness of the bread wouldn’t even out the bitterness of the plant, but it would help. Lambert plopped himself in front of her, staring intently as he held out the loaf. Y/n took it, eating it quickly and trying to steel herself from expressing the gross taste. Cat eyes bore into her frame, waiting and hoping. His hands perched on his knees, teeth worrying slightly into his bottom lip. It seemed at this point, Lambert would eradicate her migraine simply through pure will, his stare taking even Y/n aback. She stared back, never backing down from his gaze until Lambert smiled. Her brow rose in question, and his voice was full once more. “See, I told you I had it.”
Y/n took inventory of her body after not flinching away from the tone. The pain had receded, and only aches were left. It wasn’t fully gone, but the plant along with Lambert’s distracting visage had worked wonders. She smiled to him, but it dropped quickly.
“Lamb, I’m sorry.” He shook his head, smirking.
“There’s no need to be.” Despite the storm passing, he was truly scared earlier. Y/n meant too much to him to have anything go wrong. Lambert knew, however, that even if she had meant to yell at him, he would endure it. He would do anything to make it better, despite what happened to him. Y/n was worth everything and more than he had to give. He made it a habit to pick Feverfew, the plant he used, as much as possible. He always carried the paste in a vile next to his potions in the ‘chest of important things’ as he liked to call it from then on.
 “Oh, sweet Melitele.” Y/n groaned as she rolled over. She found herself alone under the covers, completely pulling the sheets over her head. The only light in the room came from the candles at the desk in the corner. Eskel had the habit of waking up after a couple of hours, the time used to check the camp perimeter or inn’s hiding spots. In Kaer Morhen, the habit didn’t change, though he simply reads. His attention was brought to the bed at the sound of a pain groan and exclamation.
“Y/n?” His voice came out as a whisper, only having an idea of what was happening. She had only been sleeping lightly for as long as he left the bed, so it could have easily been frustration due to exhaustion. His suspicions where confirmed however when the only response was a breathless grunt and the furs tightening around her form. He closed the book, walking over the bowl of water they kept near the window as Y/n often woke up thirsty in the night despite his constant reminders to stay hydrated. His feet lazily shuffled to grab a small cloth, folding it and submerging it into the cold water. Eskel blew out the candles, and made his way back to the bed. The brunette sat, Y/n slowly popping her head out from under the covers and into his lap. The towel was placed on her forehead, the cold water taking her mind to the shocking feel. His large fingers gently rubbed against her temples, the pressure trying to ease the ache.
Eskel’s lover quickly lost herself, only being tied down to the earth by the legs her head rested on and the fingers at her temples. The darkness and silence, along with the cold towel brought her mind away from the pain. After a handful of moments, Eskel started to whisper, reciting Y/n’s favorite novel. Her mind had another thing to focus on, and after a long while, the pain was gone.
“Thank you. Sorry I interrupted reading time.” Eskel gave a soft smile, leaning down and placing a kiss on the damp skin after lifting the towel.
“I love you,” he spoke softly. He said it as though it was the obvious reason why he did anything, especially helping out with her migraine. She smiled back softly, knowing he could see it.
“Not as much as I love you, cutie.” He scoffed quietly at the name, rolling his eyes. It had taken years for him to finally believe her when she called him that. It used to bring pain and make his chest hurt, but now it made him feel light. It made him proud somehow. The witcher was elated to have her as his other half, all the trust he had to give lying within her frame. They had gone through a lot together, their bond becoming unbreakable. Eskel could help her migraines in his sleep and her large heart could warm him from miles away.
He tossed the towel to the dirty pile of clothes in the corner of the room as she slowly started to shift. Eskel laid back as she turned to wrap herself around him. Her arms wound under his arms, hands resting under his shoulder blades. Her legs intertwined with his and her cheek nuzzled against his own. Light kisses dusted over his entire face, starting at the bottom of his scar at his jaw. No inch of his skin was left un-kissed in thanks for helping. His hands wrapped around her lower back, squeezing her to himself. Neither fell asleep right away, simply resorting to whispering sweet nothings to the other.
 Vesemir didn’t have many opportunities to be what he always wanted. Despite his lectures to the boys, telling them to never have a family or hope to be a parent, the old witcher always wanted to be a father. He had regrets, and one major one was not doting on his pups like he had wanted to when they were younger. But things were different now, and he could do what he liked, though they were too old to want what he wanted to give. Then Y/n came along. Geralt had a habit of bringing friends along to the keep, and no one ever refused the company, secretly wanting friendly faces, even if they belonged to a sorceress. Y/n wasn’t such entity, being merely a human, which allowed him to dote.
It was the small things that he allowed himself to do. He tried to keep his caring under lock and key, giving her just as many chores and rules as the other. The old witcher showed through giving her an extra sticky bun or lighting the only scented candle they had in the hot spring before she had her time alone in the pool. An extra fur blanket was left on her bed and the hearth in her room was always lit as she retired for the light, Vesemir lighting it as he passed to his own room.
They weren’t grandiose actions, but the hugs she graced him in thanks or the bright smiles he received made him aware how appreciated it was. And that made his old heart swell, knowing he is that figure he always wanted to be. Of course, he does the same for his sons, just in altered ways he knows they’ll appreciate more and there’s little outward thanks in return.
His parental need went into overdrive when one morning she padded down to the main hall, completely a mess. Usually, she would be completely ready for the day, up when the wolves woke, a bright smile gracing everyone. This morning, however, she had the extra fur wrapped tightly around herself. It was late in the morning, and he had waited in the hall for her, sending the boys out training already. The bags under her eyes made her whole visage look sunken and she squinted anytime she stepped out of the shadows. Vesemir met her in the shadows, his hand barely brushing her back.
“What’s wrong?” She blinked up at him, eyes droopy from exhaustion.
“Um,” her voice cracked loudly, and she flinched. “Headache.” The witcher acknowledged with a hum, turning her and leading her to the kitchen. There was only one window, and he sat her down at the end of the workspace where the light didn’t really touch. Water appeared in front of her and his voice softly drifted to her.
“You need to stay hydrated.” Y/n nodded, grabbing the cup and drinking half of its contents. There was quiet shuffling coming from the other end of the kitchen, Vesemir’s eyes frequently watching the woman. Her figure was slumped over, taking deep breaths and hands rubbing her eyes and temples. Sympathy ran through his veins, his need to help and care taking over. While he wouldn’t usually make a different meal than the food he had already prepared, he assumed this was an okay time to bend the rules. And no one was around to see it anyways.
Milk was pulled, along with oats, cinnamon, brown sugar and almonds. A pot with the milk started to boil as he tried to crush the almonds into smaller pieces as quietly as possible. The oats went into the pot, as well as the almonds. Soon, the cinnamon and sugar were dumped into a bowl with the oats and stirred, gently placed in front of Y/n’s sagging figure. He poured more water into the now empty cup, his spare hand gently placing itself on her head, letting it lightly run down her hair. He knew it was something really only done to comfort or praise a small child, but he couldn’t help himself. His ears picked up a small thank you, and he left her to watch over training. Once that was over, he made sure to check on her in her room, bringing in a small lavender plant he re potted, knowing the scent helped such things. More water was also brought, and he was relieved and content to see her in a deep sleep, a small smile on her face.
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gyeheoni · 3 years
q&a anon here - nono it's okay! i like reading your mini essays
:0 more thoughts on the others' ? might you share them?
and yeah i get the part about the stigma present in asian cultures (am east asian lol) :( am just glad he's feeling well enough to share his experiences and come back to promote with vrvr again
hhh thank you for reading all of that if you did ! T-T i think overall vrvr's premise for this cb is super interesting,,, and sure ;;;; omg i really just ramble uselessly about things ;;;; but it's nice to talk to other people about this stuff :]] ! esp since i don't think the teasers are super accessible for everyone lmao if i didn't have kverrers i would not know anything that goes on (tbh i still don't kjfghdf) so have to give a big thank you to verrer twt ;;;; and yea ;;;; if anything i'm happy minchan gets to be with the others again ! they all very clearly love him dearly ;;;; and when times are tough you really need people who care about you close ! (all the letters can be found here ! for anyone who still needs to read them ^^)
i didn't have anything i wanted to speak on too too specifically so apologies ahead of time if this is all over the place ! first tho, i read a thread recently about vrvr's writing ? / speaking styles from a translator ! and i noticed some of the things they were talking about too... i also ! have the diy version of face you ! where the members all wrote a short message and i felt in those messages and in the letters too you can really see each of their personalities kind of clearly ? for lack of a better description ;;;; like we talked about minchan's ;;;; there's something very earnest and genuine in his ;;;; which probably took immense courage on his part ... and also like we talked about it seems his feelings are a bit difficult to lay out when he describes them ;;;;
and i get this from some of the members too ? i feel like i'm probably most familiar with dongheon fgjhdgjd i haven't been a verrer long but ;;;; i sit in on a lot of his vlives and i've mentioned it before but he has a lot of ?? cuteness in the way he speaks looool i honestly think that's just how he talks normally ;;;; you'll see in his letter too he uses a lot of exclamations points and the TT in one of his answers ;;;; i felt like nothing he said really surprised me, but his genuine interest in song production and that whole process is really endearing to me personally ;;;; he talked about it too in his voice vlive but he's had a lot of worries and struggles for this upcoming promotion and i think you can kinda tell from the way he talks about stuff but it's mixed in with fanservice (?) so,,, not gonna try and project ;;;; but i know he's been working really hard ! and i am proud of him u.u (*cringe cringe*)
hoyoung and gyehyeon LMAO fkjhgdkjfgh ... they both rarely do solo vlives so i haven't heard them talk too much on their own and in their letters too, it's pretty ! straightforward and to the point ! both of their answers are short and concise, no extra add-ons... maybe it's bc i'm gyehyeon biased (now ?? ig ???) but i feel like he's always surprisingly warm in some ways ... really did not take him for the fanservice type at all but i'm starting to see more of it ;;;;; of course take my interpretations as you will as a baby verrer </3 i don't see them both as too talkative to begin with so not much insight i could provide for their letters ! i just thought it was kinda funny, if you removed the names and pics i probably would have been able to point out who's who if you asked kjfghdjkfg oh ig another thing you can really tell that performance is a big motivator for gye ;;;; he's always been kind of an enigma to me so it's hard for me to read past that
yeonho <33 my bestie i care he ! i really admire his optimism / outlook a lot ! and i think that really comes through in his letter like filling his room with lights ;;;; and then the joke about the 'hole' being only 2 meters deep fkjghdfjgh he's so *heart eyes* you know :'))) a funny guy :3 i remember the members saying he really does have such a bright personality and that makes me happy to hear ;;;; wishing him genuine happiness always ^^ yongseung ! i think he's quite literal like hoyoung and gyehyeon were too in some ways in his answers but there's something very mature and eloquent in how he describes stuff... like that metaphor of deep water,,, shine says he's very well-spoken and i'd definitely agree ;;;; smth almost poetic to the flow of his words it's very neat :0 and lastly kangmin ;;;; kangmin is so obviously babie ;;;; he has so many question marks in his answers ;;;;; lol kinda looks like he's unsure of his own words (wow like me using 20+ ? in this ask probably) ik the other members have said he's slowly becoming more self assured ! and i certainly hope to be able to see that growth ^^
but yea ! overall ! like i said i don't much like the use of ... at least the depression question in what is ... to oversimplify a convoluted music video teaser drop ;;; i also think by complicating the process for all of this they might disillusion some fans T-T but in my opinion at least this was all a very intriguing and creative way to present the concept ;;;; tying together the two versions of vrvr to real life vs. idol vrvr is a very cool parallel ;;;; i just wish some of the questions were different or presented in a different context, i'm really excited honestly ! and i felt like reading their letters was nice insight ^^
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
mtmte liveblog issue 13
humansona time, hell yes
OH MAN I forgot about the stuff w/swerve and blurr oof
that panel of perceptor just saying random equations always kills me vhsdjhfkbjhksdfnka
also I love so much that they call perceptor ‘percy’ that's so cute
I love the implications here that people just Grab minibots and carry them around like luggage bc they are Tiny lmao
ohhhh my god I fuckgin love ‘I'm just wondering if there's time to expand my aura and cleanse the area of aggression’ ‘I...don't think so, drift’ hgbadjfjbaskdfs drift’s hippy nonsense delivered completely seriously pairs hilariously with his whole ‘violent guy with a bunch of swords’ thing lmao
also, IM NEVER OVER CYCLONUS SINGING TO TAILGATE, and also the security team mistaking it for cyclonus murdering tg hbhkjadfbjkhsdf cyclonus u icon
and tg looking at cyclonus all heart-eyes, omg 
drift showing rodimus how to swordfight...fellas.....
rodimus, being entirely ignorant to the irony in calling cyclonus and tailgate’s relationship strange when he and drift are Right There, being weird gay frat bros
did yall know, I love magnus so much. law dad
magnus saying ‘that's not even a word. id have heard of it’ about the word ‘relax’ is so funny god 
rodimus bribing swerve with a bar license to get magnus turnt is hbvhjakdbfhskf
never over rodimus portioning out drifts blood money to the crew for shore leave hubhjsdkhfdbjksd god 
despite tg lying about a good amount of his past, I feel like he rlly DOES see cyclonus as a link to a more familiar time, and that's a large reason why he’s so forgiving toward cyc
mannnn the stuff w/blurr and swerve is so depressing in retrospect. swerve is like, such a depressing character the more you think abt him vbhskjdhfbsk jesus
magnus trying to get in on the convo when swerve starts talking statistics oh magnus
idk what ‘the lube pits’ are but I Really do not want to know
‘the temple of the raging prism’ sounds fuckin bangin tho
I love seeing everyones humansona!! this art style is pretty simple, but I think it looks cute
rungs ‘human name’ being ‘mary sue’ lmaoooooo jro w/the self callout
also skids’ name being blank is a nice touch
still not over tg being a baby....poor guy
whirls humansona is so fuckgin good, also swerve looks like a hobbit
magnus basing his avatar on verity is so sweet ;_; I really should read all the wreckers stuff after I finish this reread
WHY would magnus accept a drink from whirl anyways lmao
tailgate is so cute
they rlly just left magnus facedown on the table and kept drinking huh. the irresponsibility....we love it
rung don't lie, froid is your nemesis
WHY do we never get to hear more about skids’ apparent beef with misfire
rewind calling the swerve/misfire This early, wow
literally Everyone abandoning swerve to deal with magnus hgbvhfjdskdfbhs I fucking love this issue man
GOD I LOVE MAGNUS SO MUCH!!!!!!!! he’s such an interesting and unique character and hhhh I love him and his development
like, he was probably the biggest surprise out of everyone who agreed to go on the quest - ostensibly it was to keep order on the lost light, but it would make sense that magnus would get tired of being the Only one who cares about that sorta stuff on board 
drunk magnus is such a delight oh my god
magnus rlly just wants everyone to be safe :( my daddddd
magnus: I love all my children equally...swerve, rodimus, [looks at smudged writing on hand] dirt
swerve: see, magnus, that’s where you’re wrong - I ALSO have crippling depression!
cant believe they bought rodimus a hat vhbhksdfhahsjkdf
HHHHH GOD I FORGOT ABT THATTTT when cyclonus goes bonkers in order to stop rewind from playing the ark 1 footage and inadvertently outing tailgate as a liar....AUGHHHHH THE FUCKING...THE FUCKING ROMANCE OF IT ALL
oh rewind :( you should really wonder a little harder where chromedome is right now...oof
everyone jumping on magnus while he’s passed tf out is SO fucking funny 
hhhhhhhhhhh I love how cyclonus sat tailgate down and confronted him about lying, but did it privately and not in front of everyone - and he even saved tg from being exposed as a liar, too. AUGH 
I feel like cyclonus is kinda impressed at how effortlessly tg has managed to lie this whole time, and tbh it IS impressive, especially considering tailgate was basically teleported 6 million years into the future and has no idea how the world works anymore, but was still able to lie convincingly. even cyclonus only realized bc of his own past, and not until now
tailgate ;_; ;_; ;_; 
cyclonus: oh no...im soft
tailgate and cyclonus singing ye olde cybertronian tunes together...OUGHHHH my fucking heart bro mY FUCKING HEART.
on that note: the song ‘to noise making (sing)’ by hozier is literally about cygate. thank u for coming to my ted talk
magnus had to like, get the robot equivalent of a stomach pumping after that hvbskdjfbhskdf jesus they really did almost kill him huh
I consider this issue forshadowing bc it makes 100% sense that minimus would be a Mega Lightweight considering he’s like 3 feet tall
the real quest that swerve is participating in is ‘the quest to get friends’ and so far its going pretty badly. poor dude 
godddd the thing that says ‘next: Overlord!’ with a fucking exclamation point I DONT APPRECIATE THAT. 
OHO i forgot abt the canon fanfic at the end of this issue
rung kicking things off with some good ole bodily workings-based dread 
ok but being so awed by the construction of your species’ anatomy that you wanna fall on the floor in amazement? that's a whole ass mood and I do frequently stare at walls for long periods of time, thinking about the marvel that is the human body. so rung is valid 
FROID NAME DROP LMAO. also yet again, are you SURE he’s dead?? are you????
the name ‘froid’ cracked me up almost as much as ‘rigor morphis’ did when I first read this...robot-based science puns! woohoo!
rung rlly b out here thinking abt overlords lips.....
‘forced browsing is not the autobot way’ lmao skids
also fr tailgate defs thinks that whirls actually name is nutjob
the entire segment of cyclonus browsing and everyone watching him and commenting is just. golden
oh no. don't make me think of rewind and his tiny memory sticks that he carries around. I'm NOT READY
magnus’ brutal read on rodimus and the fact that he’s more suited, personality-wise, to wartime than peacetime? oof. love it
I ALSO love that a big part of this issue was magnus admitting, in less direct terms, that HE isn't made for the post-war life either - his strict adherence to the rules and constant vigilance isn't exactly the best mindset for peacetime, for him or the people under his command
magnus’s hatred of metaphors and similes and the like....hvbsdjkfbasjhdf I love him
MAGNUS ILY...he’s trying SO HARD cut him some slack. i think his jokes are. yeah!
oh goody this text used "rodimus’s" so I guess that's canonically correct and I haven't been using grammar incorrectly as I had feared 
rodimus sitting ON his desk and doodling on it...adhd icon
rodimus calling rung a psychotherapist, which was rung’s grounds for a nemesis hvbhjabfdskfnkks
rung: as I'm sure you know I take patient confidentiality VERY seriously
narrator: That Was A Lie 
AUGH this hurts...rung trying to get justice for red alert but rodimus is in on the overlord stuff :( ouch
so issue 13! I fucking love this issue. just some good ole funney space hijinks, with some nice relationship development for tg and cyc - plus a revelation about tailgate - and some characterization for swerve and magnus. plus we get to see humansonas, which is always fun. augh I love this comic, and I am SO not ready for the next few issues, good lord
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ghostspoke · 4 years
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{ mark lee / bigender / he/she } – ❖ where y'at? isn’t that ( JUN-SEO “CLAY” PARK ) o'va there ? i think they’ve been in town for ( 3 MONTHS ) and come from ( MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA), but who knows. i reckon they’re about ( TWENTY-ONE ) year old. did'ya here, i think they work as a/an ( YOUTUBER ) and live in ( HOTEL VILLA CONVENTO ). according to the talk of the town, they’re described as being ( + EASY-GOING ) but also ( - DUMBASS ). either way, tell'em there’s a party down on bourbon and they’re invited.
u all know the drill    :    its ur local cryptid eli at it with my literal dumbass. under the cut is gonna be a bulletpoint bio cause idk what the fuck a full sentence is <2   ,    personality   ,   &.    wcs. 
trigger warning for     drug abuse    ,    parental abuse   ,   possession    ,    internalized homophobia    ,    overdose   ,   &.   mentions of needles   &.   vomit
MARCH 18TH   ,    1999    :    jun   -    seo    “    clay   “   park was born to min-ji   &.    u-jin park in their high rise penthouse apartment at 3:28am. for mintues   ,    the newborn child was wide eyed   &.   quiet          staring at things that did not appear to be real. the midwife was ushered out of the room as the babies cries fill the room. his birth is publicized   &.   photos of his newborn form are splattered across gossip magazines. 
AGE 3     :      whispers in the night fill the baby moniter   ,    cooing from a child to the corners in the room. stacking blocks with friends that friends   ,   staff   ,   nor his family see. there are stares    &.    points from guests at events. 
AGE 5     :       when kids are getting ready for school or to go play soccer in the afternoon     ,    jun    -   seo is in front of the camera. headlining in any psychic show that will take him. the whispers are louder. he doesnt know how to keep them out. he forgets most of the year   ,   only to be awoken by burning water on his skin. 
AGE 13   :      there is a pretty boy in his class. dennis. his so smart   &.    helps clay with his homework. the excitement to see dennis is disgusting. it makes his stomach turn  &.   he falls back to the friends in the corners        talking to ghosts instead of people. these feelings will fade. 
AGE 15   :     he goes by a new name now    ,    clay seems to fit him more. fame has its perks    ,    drowning in followers because of who his parents are. hes barely passing school    ,    C’s gonna get those degrees. June 9th, 2014 is when clay has his first heroin needle.  in the tucked corner of a LA house party with a girl he cannot remember    ,    but they are best friends on instagram. for once   ,   the world is silent 
AGE 16   :    1,750 a week on needles    ,    he barely shows up to class anymore. hes sure the only reason why he is passing is cause his parents are doing something. they dont care as long as his face is on the morning copy of a gossip magazine   &.    he smiles for the cameras. he looks hollow in the mirror   ,    but the ghosts dont talk anymore. he has a girlfriend. he loves her. he thinks. he tells himself that in the mirror before going out to see her.  in November he will drunkenly try on her skirt    ,    something feels right. 
AGE 20    :    his brother comes home   &.   things get hard. his brother worries when he doesn’t go to school. clay knows that he’s fine. mom    &.    dad will make sure that everything goes fine.  on the cold tile with the rubber around his arm   ,   it goes wrong. he goes too deep into the silent   &.   is thrown against heavens door with vomit on his lips   &.   it hurts. he is cold   &.   it hurts. the voices are loud. they are so loud.
AGE 21    :    thrown against heaven’s door with the force of the overdose   ,   clay is ushered out of the public light. he drops out of uni   &.   all shows are canceled. the youtube channel he had started to explore the voices in the corners of the room  &.  vlogging his experiences trying to go to a grocery store for the first time is the only connection to his fame that is left untouched. he’s supposed to be healing    ,    going away from all ties to find herself   &.   get a better grip on the world. its all for PR   ,    knowing that her parents are waiting for the next issue of the gossip mag catching him buying on the street corner. the warm air that flutters through the open hotel window is ripe with choice   :   can he finally get clean ? 
 might actually be stupid, there isnt anything going on in her head 
impulse control who ? he does shit and then goes :o when things go wrong 
petty ? really petty honestly 
she's,,,, rlly angry at the world bc of u know no drugs on top of being an angry young adult so like ,,,, she's  so moody it’s gross 
very excitable ! honestly just a walking exclamation point  
slow to pick up on things, like you have to explain shit 5 times to him 
once they put her mind to something, its getting done but its getting done her way
a mom/dad friend who’s always checking up on them & making sure they’re doing okay
exes that ended on bad terms
ride or die - they’re always raising hell with
his dealer
someone who pls for the love of god teach her “healthy coping skillz “
best friend(s)
fake dating
someone who knows her from her past
he doesnt know how to take care of himself like he pours the whole thing of detergent into the washer help him 
someone who sees thru their shit
someone who believes in ghosts &. listens to their shit
ghosts arent real ur lying for the clout 
someone to feature on his youtube channel / someone for him to collab with 
a bad influence
someone who’s rlly protective over him or someone he’s Super protective over
unrequited crush/love interest
mutual crushes
sworn enemies
fuck it some hcs. 
hes allergic to penicillin
had a very bad attempt at a music career at age of 13
even though he cannot drive he has 3 cars 
cooks frozen chicken in the microwave cause thats how he cooks chicken nuggets 
hes conversationally fluent in cubañol , other forms of Spanish confuse him 
attempted to cheat on history tests by talking to ghosts   ,   ended up getting possed   &.   failed 
thought the earth was flat for 6 months before realizing that the rest of his friends were joking 
wasnt vaccinated till 18
 panic bought mango juul pods when juul stopped selling them
actually has a punch card for exrocisms    ,    &.   is extremely familiar with the priest who does them on him 
uses holy water as a base for his blackout juice   ,    vodka   ,    holy water   ,    &.   water flavoring mixed in an empty milk jug. 
is specializing in sexual ethics   ,   focusing on the treatment of woman within pornography 
was a former contestent on the bachorlette   ,   only to be kicked off for hooking up with another contestant on the show
will buy jewelry off people at parties 
eats ramen raw, doesnt know how to cook it
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zombiezz · 8 years
Purple: 10 facts about my roomBlue: 9 facts about my familyGreen: 8 facts about appearanceYellow: 7 facts about my childhoodOrange: 6 facts about my home townRed: 5 facts about my best friendPink: 4 facts about my parentsWhite: 3 facts about my personalityGrey: 2 facts about my favorite thingsBlack: 1 fact about the person I like
Purple: 10 facts about my room
1. I have two walls that are black and two that are black and white striped
2. I have a corkboard that has all my favorite drawings on it
3. I also hang my chokers/drying flowers there
4. i still have my Nightmare Before Christmas comforter/pillowcase set from my middle school emo phase and idk why i havent gotten a new one. 
5. I have tons of cool rocks everywhere
6. My art desk is a fucking wreck
7. My closet is a wreck too i never hang my shirts up
8. I have two guitars and a ukulele in there
9. I have a chalkboard door with all my favorite bands on it
10. I have a lava lamp but it doesnt work rip
Blue: 9 facts about my family
1. I’m half mexican so half of my family lives in the south/ in mexico
2. Im legitimately the emo cousin its not just my tumblr bio lmao
3. My aunt (moms side) is the queen of all vodka aunts
4. I have a little sister and a little brother and a little stepsister
5. My brother and I have matching purple hair atm
6. My cousin (dads side) does drag
7. I have eight cats (seven outside and one inside)
8. My sister is hella good at singing
9. My parents are rlly tall but my bro, sis, and I are all short???
Green: 8 facts about my appearance
1. Im short
2. Im abt 115 lbs 
3. My hair is short n purple atm
4. I have hella small hands/feet
5. I have brown eyes
6. My hair is naturally brown
7. my neck is really slim and I can’t wear some of my chokers >:V
8. i have a little scar on my forehead that kind of looks like an exclamation point
Yellow: 7 facts about my childhood
1. I’m the oldest sibling so I was always the babysitter
2. I went through a phase where I wore nothing but t-shirts that were too bug and jeans that were too big
3. My “best friends” throughout my childhood weren’t very nice to me and kind of ditched me all the time
4. I used to hate leggings so much as a kid and i have no idea why
5. I really loved cats. Like you know that girl who is really into horses that everyone knew in gradeschool?? I was that girl but with cats
6. Also middle school is when I was truly emo. Unironically emo
7. my favorite band was Skillet rip
Orange: 6 facts about my home town
1. There’s about 400 people living here
2. theres only a gas station, a bar, a church/ christian school, a bank, and a post office. Thats it
3. I went to said christian school up until 3rd grade
4. theres corn everywhere
5. theres a tree in the local park with roots that look like a big nose. And it’s named the “one two three tree”
6. the bare side of the hill where the cemetery is located is a hella place for sledding
Red: 5 facts about my best friend (i guess ill describe an irl bestie bc i have a whole squad of online besties)
1. She has a lot of freckles
2. She’s hella protective of me but shes also smaller than me so tbh i should be protecting her lmao
3. her hair is really long and red
4. She once gave me three dollars to get her something at a thrift store so i got her a toy dancing fish that sings “Hooked on a feeling”
5. shes really blunt but everyone thinks shes joking when she says blunt things and shes totally not its great
Pink: 4 facts about my parents
1. my dad is probably the reason i was emo
2. my mom is sooo pretty. like so much prettier than I am it’s ridiculous 
3. my mom has trouble saying words like “NASA” and “ankle” 
4. my dad literally only listens to heavy/death metal
White: 3 facts about my personality
1. Im hella insecure ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
2. I’m very touchy but at the same time i don’t touch someone if they haven’t given me permission to? Even if it wouldn’t be a big deal like sitting close enough that our shoulders brush or something. I always wait for the other person to do it first so I know its k with them.
3. Im really theatrical when telling stories and idk if its annoying but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Grey: 2 facts about my favorite things
1. idk what im supposed to put here but I love watercolors
2. also spooky sounding music 
Black: 1 fact about the person i like
1. hes a guy 
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shadowtearling · 8 years
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January is over! I’m both glad and surprised it came and went so quickly. I feel proud of myself for reading as much as I did this month!!!! I think the new year is always a good motivator to read read read. I love it. I’m doing a better job so far this year of reading whenever I can and taking advantage of my spare time in between and before classes. PLUS the long commute helps. Last year, I constantly found reason to NOT read, and this year, it’s like I can’t get enough! I also apparently can’t get enough of the exclamation point. Is it too much? Also! Do you all like this new banner? Any font suggestions? I’m clearly terrible at picking fonts; too indecisive. :( Anyway! On to the books!!!
Rating system: 2017 is the year of reading critically if I want to add diversity to my list of priorities for the kind books to be reading. This means also being a little more stingy with my ratings. (I don’t feel bad about this actually. I found I feel guiltier giving out five stars willy nilly, so this is an improvement!). This rating system is still arbitrary, so three star ratings don’t always have the same weight to them. As always, I rate based on my own thoughts and feelings, and as always, these are my opinions (unless I’m speaking about my marginalization(s). Don’t argue lmao). 
Rating Scale: 🌟 - 1 whole star ⭐️ - ½ star
Nichijou: My ordinary life (Vol. 1 & 2) by Keiichi Arawi - 🌟  🌟  🌟  = 3/5  (for both) This is a manga series about high school everyday life, but with a twist! (she said with sarcasm) There are a bunch of girls in high school and one of them happens to be a robot who just wants to fit in and be human (and her child scientist companion). One of the girls also happens to love making puns, one of them is the typical deadpan-type of characters, and the others are the normal ones. Some jokes were funny, most of them were not. I love puns, but this just had really terrible ones. The characters were supremely uninteresting, and I really don’t care about any of them. That said, while I was reading this, I guess I was entertained for the time being. This helps pass time quickly, but not the greatest manga I’ve ever encountered. 
Sweetness and Lightning (Vol. 1) by Gido Amagakure - 🌟  🌟  🌟   = 3/5  What’s better than food-related manga? Nothing! Except, I can find better food-related manga out there than this lmao. This was fun to read, but I found all of the characters were bland. I couldn’t find myself too invested in their stories. I also feel like this is going in the direction of student-teacher relationship (younger me would have loved that, but me now is absolutely creeped out by the idea of it). The child is adorable, though. I also do really love the positive relationship between the child and the dad, so that’s one redeeming quality. I don’t think I’ll continue with this series, though, unless I find copies of this for cheaps. 
Orange (Omnibus Vol. 1 & 2) by Ichigo Takano - 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 = 5/5 (for both) Out of all 12 books I’ve read this month, these are the only two five-star reads! I’m stingy lmao. Anyway, this was soooooooo good! Basically, this series is about this girl, Naho, who on the first day of her junior year (I THINK... don’t hold me to this), she receives a letter from future her telling her what will happen on those days and what she needs to do versus what she should avoid doing. She dismisses that letter until the contents come true! So this series then entails what happens with those letters and Naho & her friends. I cried so many tears and felt so many feelings. I related so hard to Kakeru even though our struggles were not the same. I also really loved the ending (even though I know a lot of people didn’t like how open-ended it was). I appreciated that aspect of the story because it feels true to the kind of tale it’s telling. It perfectly depicts how friends first react versus how they should react to other friends’ struggles. I really love the dynamics between every person, and I can only wish this series was longer to explore the different friendships we were introduced to. I HIGHLY recommend this series. Please go read it! (And then tell me so we can binge-watch the anime together!)
Something in Between by Melissa de la Cruz - 🌟  🌟  🌟  ⭐️   = 3.5/5  A story with a Filipina lead?! Sign me up! This tells the story of Jasmine who is the perfect student and is set to kick ass in college until she learns that her and her entire family have been illegal immigrants the entire time, and this super awesome scholarship she was supposed to get can no longer help her. I really loved getting to see my own culture reflected in this story (this is an #ownvoices ;) so go check it out). I didn’t appreciate the little jabs at other cultures though I do understand where it comes from. I also think there was so much happening? I feel like Jasmine and her fam were trying to tackle so much all at once (it’s realistic bc what POC doesn’t go thru so much in so little time), but also it made for a messy story. OH! I hated the writing lmao. It was tacky and not my style. I also think I’m just hella tired of YA contemporaries, but as of right now, they’re the biggest source for diversity in any YA category. Fantasy is still far too white lol. I still would recommend this because it is an important story that helps humanize immigrants, but beware lmao.
Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli- 🌟  🌟  🌟  = 3/5  I really enjoyed this story, but I was expecting so much more than what I was given. I hear everyone always raving about how fantastic this book was, but I think this was way too overhyped for me, which is why I didn’t like it as much as everyone else. I feel like the tension between friends was either unnecessary or done poorly (I’m talking about Leah here). HOWEVER, I still do like it. Simon was a fun character, and Blue was also really interesting. I also really love the discussion around consent and identity, and I think it was done well. 
Welcome to the Shadowhunter Academy (#1) by Cassandra Clare - 🌟  🌟  🌟  = 3/5  Simon felt reaaaaaally out of character in this novella. Maybe that’s bc of what happened at the end of TMI and that’s a valid excuse, but it makes me uncomfortable. Simon was one of the better characters in that series, and I really feel like he got butchered here. With that said, however, I do think that this novella shows improvement in CC’s writing because I still surprisingly enjoyed it. I just don’t think I’ll continue on with CC’s works? I think this is me breaking up with the Shadowhunter chronicles. She’s also highly problematic, so there’s that. 
The Star Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi - 🌟  🌟  🌟  🌟  🌟  = 4/5 LOVE This! An #Ownvoices fantasy about Mayavati whose horoscope entails a marriage with death and destruction. I buddy read this one with one of my really close friends (she doesn’t read too often), and we both really enjoyed it. Maya is this really dynamic character that, as the story progresses, really matures in a realistic way. The writing was phenomenal but I do think it was a bit out of place? Idk I always have problems whenever the writing is sophisticated but then it’s first person POV. Like.... I’m pretty positive that my brain cannot conceive even half of those words to describe what’s happening around me. I’d see a tree and I’d describe it as “green and really tall...” So there’s that. I also think that the writing kind of made it difficult to fall in love with the couple. I didn’t totally buy the romance, despite me loving both characters individually. I love the incorporation of different aspects of Indian culture as part of the fantasy elements of the world. I would love more from this story, but as it stands, this is where Maya’s story ends (the next book is actually a companion........). I highly recommend it! (Even though it sounds like I didn’t like it lmao I promise I did).
Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake - 🌟  🌟  🌟  🌟  🌟  = 4/5 I absolutely loved this. First of all, I appreciate that I can tell each sister apart from one another because they have such distinct personalities (Arisonoe is my fave as it turns out even if she has a dumb ass name). It’s a super slow book that basically builds up to the fight to the death (it doesn’t actually happen in this book). I knew that going in which is why I wasn’t salty when it didn’t happen. Basically, we get introduced to the sisters in this book, find out that there are some hella issues going on with their missing powers, and it gave us time to get used to the world all while introducing us to the characters. My number one biggest giant complaint is that I realllllly fucking hate Joseph. He’s an asshat and I hope he dies in book two. Katharine please kill him. There was an unnecessary love triangle lmao like fuck off with that shit maybe. I also hated Pietyr. So basically, the dudes are assholes and the girls are fantastic. Maybe that was the point? This is a matriarchal society so I guess it worked. Highly recommend if you really like politically-driven books and a large cast of characters.
Every Heart a Doorway by Seannan McGuire - 🌟  🌟  🌟  ⭐️   = 3.5/5 The writing is quite calming. Also confusing. This is another one of those far too hyped for me to love in the same way everyone else does. i appreciate the amazing concept and the wonderful conversations taking place in this book about identity, sexuality, gender, and mental illness. However, it was too short for me to really love any of the characters. I certainly failed to connect with the MC and didn’t feel for her anguish. It also left a bad taste in my mouth that the first person to be killed off in the murder mystery aspect happens to be POC when there were like 20 other white kids lmao........ NOT THAT I CONDONE MURDER but why we gotta kill POC for....... Idk. Proceed with caution I guess. 
Moll Flanders by Daniel Defoe- 🌟  🌟  🌟  = 3/5  This was funny as hell. Basically, it’s about this lady whose name we never really know because she keeps changing it to suit her needs. She was born in a prison, so she’s set up to fail in every aspect of her life bc poor and no family. HOWEVER, this is the story of how she eventually says fuck you to everyone and succeeds anyway bc why not. I read this for class, and I highly enjoyed it. Problems: there were literally zero chapter breaks, random ass capitalization (why must 17/18th century authors do this to me), too many much cataloging of goods (though that was literally the point is to be excessive... I get it... pls stop), and the author basically just said to the plot “GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGO” without taking a break. If you like classics similar to Jane Austen (but without the romance part bc she just basically scams all her husbands lmao), I think this is a really good one to check out. 
Thank you, lovely, for reading through this mess of a post. I love you and I hope you have a wonderful February reading month! 
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ashy-kid-spammin · 6 years
I am Having Emotions, So Sit Down And Buckle Up.
So Uh. You know what? From now on, this is gonna be my procrastination central. I am gonna write stupid anecdotes about my life, but really, it’s not gonna be about my life. It’s gonna be about how I, a Dumbfuck™️, met a Bean and learned how to be a human being. SLowly, with enough practice. 
This anecdote is alternatively titled, How I met The Same Person Three Separate Times, and/or The Dumbfuck and the Bean
Date: August 28th: So me being a DumbFuck means I knew I had to plan all my classes right? First day of College, I got that all sorted. I got to everything on time, got all my homework and notes down, started out on the Right Foot. but here’s the issue. I got complacent. For Tuesday, I looked at my calendar and map, was like yeahhh, I can get everywhere no issue, and said, Fuck it (cause I was a cool College Kid. I could SWear for Real now). I’m not gonna visit these classrooms early at all! I can find them in Ten minutes. 
But there was a problem. I was not Prepared for Altgeld. See, Altgeld is a confusing building, with floors built all weird. It looks like a great big castle, all big and gray stone with bells chimin at :50 and the hour. Being all great and imposing, I went in through the front. Mistake. I had no idea where my second floor classroom was. And the clock was ticking down. Completely lost, I eventually caved and asked several different people. One of these people was a “dude” in some nerd buttonup and cargo shorts with disheveled longish hair. Like if the Bieber hair grew out and actually decided to look good, was a tad bit wilder. Impression: NERD™️ Probably quiet, had the kinda rimmed glasses that made them look like an owl. Plus they were Asian, so it looked like they might know where they were going. No. Not even a clue. Bright side: they were also in a calc discussion! Sorry, they said. I’m in calc one, they said. Disappointed, I was like meh and asked someone in the office. They found their class first, and I found mine soon after. I don’t remember if I thought they were cute. I generally don’t think that on first meetings. What I remember most though, is the quiet and easy way they teamed up with me. I really like that, actually. Being willing to go along with things is the thing I feel like I’m generally supposed to do but here, I felt like we were actually Working Together for the two minutes we were lost in Imposing and Foreign Architecture. Unfortunately, due to how brief, I forgot completely about this until a couple weeks after. When THey remembered, and told Me. 
Date: ??? Around Sep 2-7 (most likely sep 3)
This doesn’t technically count, but I feel obliged to mention it. So, Joy, my friend at this point, tells me to join the Metagamers discord, so I scour everyone’s intros and see if anyone has any pictures up. Only one. A magic card (though back then I was Dumb and thought it was Pokemon) with a kid on it. They had on a white wig and a cool cape. Obviously cosplay. I was wowed. Huh! A nerd who Also Cosplays! I’ve been looking for those, cause I also wanna do that! Best of all, it said their name on it. Yiwei. What a p cool name. I scroll to their intro and see a super excited with Caps and Exclamation Points Introduction, with bunches of rambley stuff about Larp and DND (also they explained their intro statement? who does that. Nerd). Impression: NERD with side of Mysterious Skills and Swanky Confidence. (that might edge over into arrogance) But back then, I just saw the energy, enthusiasm, and ability to cosplay. Huh, I said. What a cool person. I kept that in my mind, I guess. 
Date: September 8th
I’d heard about Club Campaign and their awesome and fun Game Night, So I thought I’d go over to the English Building at 7 and see what was up. It was actually fun! I met cool new people, who I didn’t know, who were fun and inclusive nerds (but because I was shy I didn’t open up too much, but felt better cause everyone was good about talking to me, and left at 10 because back then I slept at 12, like a good nerd) Anyways, They were on the other side of the table, playing werewolf with the big table group we had, but I thought their name sounded familiar, and they looked kinda cool, even if all the games I kinda wanted to kill them (in game) because they were fucking things up for us townspeople, or I was a werewolf and kinda had to. Anyways, they kept offering for the group this mostly empty mello yello bottle they were drinking, to spin and see who it would off, and every time it would either land on them or very close to them. So of course, the mob tried to off them, because mello yello had spoken (they will still never drink mello yello to this day). All I remember really is them being uproariously loud with their nerd friendos they’d just met and being like, really social. I thought they’d been in this friend group for a while was one of the Popular Cool Nerdos. (You know, the people that get ribbed the hardest in a friendly way and have all the respect anyways? that one). Impression: NERD with dash of Social Circle. 
Date: September 11th. 
It was a Tuesday game and I’d just met this bean. They were casually just talking to the DM, who told me I was gonna partner up with them this session, cause my character was an intern who needed an excuse to travel with the party. She likes aiding and Abetting People. Anyways, within the first few minutes, they joke about 9/11, talk about (when offered gum by me) how each time they ate gum they swallowed it, explained things that went over my head, and continued making puns about stuff. Impression: NERD–Irreverent Trainwreck Edition. I did like them, yes, but they were a bit Swanky and Rambunctious. I felt like they’d do a lotta bullshittery during the campaign and they didn’t disappoint. ((Me: Oh, y’know, just blowing gum over here. Them: who’s Gum? Me, five minutes later: *smacks forehead into both palms* Them: I can’t believe that took you so long.)) Surprisingly enough, I ended up enjoying their bullshit so much I decided to align myself more visibly, and decided to give them one of my hairclips. I didn’t expect myself to do that, honestly, and it felt a bit weird. But their strange almost over-expressiveness and charismatic excitement kinda won me over. I have no idea why I handed over my hairclip that night, or why it pleased me so much to see it immediately in their hair. Still, I thought. This might be the start of a Beautiful New Friendship. (oh boy)
Other trivial things I did was briefly think they were like 20 bc of all the white hairs they had. Then they accused me of having white hairs too, which I did. I now can’t believe I thought they weren’t a freshman. They had too much zest for life. Uhhh, anyways, I thought they were cute I guess. Because I had a weird hunch, I asked them their pronouns, at which point they wrote them down, and then.. I was like me too!! Because we used the same pronouns, she/her and they/them. That spark of connection was kinda wholly complete. See, I tend to only go for the people I have connections with. People who tend to be queer in some way, because that, I can feel on some level, you know? Things like attraction, gender identity, and stuff like that. It happened with (Codename) similarly too. But I felt that spark, like, immediately. Like actually within an hour of legit talking to this one. They were so vibrant, they kinda immediately stood out. Like a comet, or like a bright red flower against a generic green background. So I guess it isn’t hard to see why I kinda fell into Cute Person Likey Likey. 
Anyways, we ate dinner together with friendos after, and after I found out they lived in my dorm, we stayed up until like 12 in the piano rooms where they played me all the songs they knew, which was fun af. I liked them a lot. They seemed like a fun person. Throughout the thing, they kinda seemed nervous, a little bit pause-y, a lil timid, which I thought was because close proximity, aLone, and cause nerves from new person. As we said goodnight, they did all that stuff again, and just sorta shouted, “Check your Discord!!” and then dashed up the stairs. I didn’t know them very well, so I was like, huh. Impression: NERD with Casual Dramatic Flair. What a cool disheveled piano man, I thought in the most gender neutral way possible. 
So they wanted me to check my discord? Huh, I thought to myself. Maybe they just really wanna send me Cool Memes. 
I was wrong. 
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I started nervously laughing, and then shaking, and then up and down pacing, and then my teeth were chattering, and then my roommate was like, what tf is going on, why are you suddenly Like THis. “I dunno! I don’t know why this is Happening,” I kinda whisper shrieked. He started laughing and was like boiiiiiii you in love I see the signs, you GAVE THEM your hairclip, if I don’t know what a sign is, that def is one. Three weeks and that man could read me like a neon sign. Everyone probably could, anyway. 
So my teeth were chattering, my entire body was shivering, but I had yet to respond. They sent me another vaguely panicky sounding thing. Coherently, I replied with this: 
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Like I always say, yeaafhhhghvfbb. 
NEXT TIME: DumbFuck And Bean Wing A Date
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jjbaebank · 4 years
hi luv! I was wondering if I could get a fic where the reader is like a legend on the cut bc of how badass she is but for some reason no one in the pouges has met her, until one night at a boneyard where her and kie have a convo and she casually says her name and kie drags her over to meet the pouges? and her and jj end up together? TYSM!!!! :)
A/N: Heyy sorry this took so long :( I hope you enjoy it though and that this was what you were looking for!! <3
“Yo, why does it look like all the Kooks are scared of you?” A girl said, coming up to you. “I don’t mean to offend you, honestly I’m impressed!”
“Oh, well I just don’t take their shit. Let’s just say I have my ways of getting revenge,” you announced solidly.
“Yikes, well remind me not to get on your bad side!” The girl joked, and you laughed in response.
“If you’re not a rich asshole who shits on others for being different, or poor, or whatever, I think you’ll be fine.” Noticing that the girl didn’t really know how to respond, you continued on. “Anyways, are you liking the party?”
“Yeah! I just wanted to talk to some new people. My friends are over there, by the way.” She pointed a group of people, one of whom caught your eye. A blonde boy with a baseball cap and a muscle tank on, and muscles he had indeed.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot to introduce myself! I’m Kie Carrera,” she added with a smile.
“I’m y/n y/l/n! I like your name by the way!” You complimented Kie, who stared back at you with a disbelieving look. Her mouth formed an O-shape and she tried to form words but couldn’t, causing you to let out a little giggle.
“What the… no fucking way… you’re y/n y/l/n, pogue LEGEND?” she finally sputtered out, eyes wide.
“Well, I wouldn’t necessarily say legend, but yup, that’s me!” You laughed humbly.
“Oh my god,” Kie said, and grabbed you by the wrist. With a tight grip, she grabbed you over to a small group. The group consisted of three boys and another girl, yet the one who stood out to you most was a blonde boy who was currently bent down with his head between his legs, taking a hit from a blunt and then shouting “See guys! I did it!”
You hid your smile behind your hand, but you couldn’t help but laugh upon noticing how earnest his expression was. When he heard it, his wide, blue eyes and gaping mouth paired with the way his hair flopped down crazily caused you to laugh even more.
He looked a little embarrassed but quickly turned it around so he was smirking, and he shot a finger gun at you, saying “Hey, I’d thought I’d already seen all the pretty girls on this island but apparently not. Wanna tell me your name?”
Lowering your hand from your face, you said “Maybe if you were right-side up,” with a matching smirk.
Suddenly, the girl named Kie shouted out “Guys, she’s fucking y/n y/l/n!!!!”
You heard the others exclamations and shouts but the only one you were focused on was the blonde boy, who’s face turned bright red as he tried to cooly stand back upright but he stood up too quickly ended up looking very clumsy.
“No way!!!! Y/n y/l/n?!” He shouted, staring at you. You nodded humbly and looked at the other people. A brown-haired boy was gaping at you and the boy next to him was on the floor and bowing. Looking back at the blonde boy, he had grasped one of your hands really tightly and was pumping it up in down in a handshake while gushing on and on about you.
“Wow guys, I’m really not that cool,” you laughed.
“You’re my role model!” Kie said, and two of the boys gasped.
You thanked them and went around the circle, asking for their names. Once you knew who everyone was, the shock had seemed to wear off their faces and you relaxed.
As you mingled with the others, a certain blonde boy, who you now knew was named JJ, was watching you very intently. When you noticed him looking at you, you decided to stare back. Your eyes traveled down from his face to his bare chest, abs to his shorts, and thighs to calves before you let a smirk spread across your face. You raised your gaze and gave him a wink. You could see a small smile tug at his lips before he crossed his arms over his chest. He started walking towards you, two beers in hand.
“Whaddya say Y/N, a shotgun contest?” JJ asked.
“What’s in it for me?” You asked him with an eyebrow raised.
“If I win, you let me take you on a date. If you win–you choose, I guess.”
“You’re going down, big boy,” you smirked. JJ grinned and shook his head in response, muttering a “You wish”.
You both cracked open your beers, and JJ began the countdown.
Tipping your head back, you gulped down the beer and when you were done, crushed it under your hand. JJ was still drinking his. He finished only a moment later, but you looked at him with a sly smile and he looked at you, impressed.
“Wow, I can’t believe you beat me!” He said. He would’ve been upset, but honestly he was too awestruck to be. No one had ever beaten him before.
You were about to tease JJ, but out of the corner of your eye you saw Rafe, Topper, and Kelce walk over to John B and Pope. They began squaring up, and you decided to use your *skills.* You were pretty sure that John B and Pope could handle the boys, well, John B at least, but the Kooks played dirty, and besides, a 3 on 2 wasn’t fair.
“Hey boys, get the fuck away from them!” You shouted, pointing at Rafe, Topper, and Kelce. Seeing you, their eyes widened and they backed away, hands up, not without spitting on the ground in front of John B and Pope. John B moved to rush after in a fit of anger, but Kie and Pope held him back.
“That’s right, bye-bye,” you said sweetly to the kooks, sticking out your middle finger as they backed away.
“Hey pogue, fair warning, she’s fucking crazy! Stay away from her, it’s for your own good!” Rafe yelled at JJ, pointing towards you.
You were surprised why Rafe would give JJ “advice” given that they were enemies, but you just ignored him and stared hard at JJ.
“They’re right, you probably should stay away from me,” you acknowledged, but tilted your head and gave him a challenging smirk.
“Maybe,” he agreed breathlessly, “but I don’t want to.”
“Good.” You grinned and beckoned for him to follow you as you walked towards a more secluded spot on the edge of the Boneyard.
He stood still for a few moments, watching as you walked away, your face looking back at him and your teeth biting your lip seductively.
He shook his head in disbelief and took off running after you, already way more turned on than he’d like to admit.
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