#with all that hair she should get her kids to braid it rapunzel style
spiders-scribbles · 2 years
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Quick painted doodle of @draconic-ichor s godlord tarnished
Im loving the stories about her and Morgott (and their Morglings!) And shes just so gosh darn pretty I had to draw her at least once
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giggly-squiggily · 3 years
Braid (Tokyo Revengers)
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Heyo! So, this fic was based off a spontaneous headcanon I made a few posts back- the idea of Draken’s tattoo and temple being ticklish lives rent free in my brain, and I couldn’t resist making a fic out of it! I hope you like it!
Summary: Mikey wants to braid Draken’s hair. He discovers an interesting quirk about the big guy.
“Kenny….” Mikey flopped over in his spot on the floor, looking up at Draken with big eyes. He always did that when he wanted something- be it treats, a piggy back ride; you name it. Draken wished he could say he was immune to it.
He tried- staring forward and keeping his expression as neutral as possible. Mikey scooted closer, putting himself in Draken’s vision. Oh no- he’s doing the puppy eyes. Draken could feel himself starting to crack.
Hold out…hold out…
“What do you want Mikey?” So close!
“Can I do your hair?”
Draken blinked, surprised by the request. He looked at Mikey, raising a brow in curiosity. “What? Why?”
Mikey shrugged, giving nothing away. “I want to. You do my hair all the time.”
“Which you should really learn to do yourself.”
“That’s for another day.” Mikey grinned cheekily. “Come on! Let me do yours! I want to see if I can do the braid! Plus, you can’t tell me your arms don’t get tired after some point!”
Draken stared at him, considering his offer. It’s true his arms sometimes felt like lead- whether it be from carrying Mikey everywhere or from fights.
Still- asking someone else to do his hair felt so…intimate. He was letting his guard down enough to let others touch him so…gently.
He looked at Mikey.
Well…it wasn’t like Mikey was a stranger. They’ve been through it all, from gang fights, to petty drama between them, and a load of good memories to share. He was a brother to him, after all. “Fine. But if it looks stupid I’m taking it out.”
Mikey lit up like a Christmas tree, eyes brightening as if Draken summoned yet another mini flag for his kids meal. “Yay! Thanks Kenny! I’m gonna make you look pretty!”
“Gah- don’t make it weird!” Draken rolled his eyes, easing back as Mikey climbed on the bed, gently pulling the long blonde braid loose. “Wow, look at all this hair! You’re like Rapunzel of the Toman gang!”
“I think that title belongs to Baji.” Draken mused as Mikey combed his fingers through the locks, blowing a stray strand out of his face. “Do you even know how to braid?”
“Of course I do! I have a younger sister.” Mikey told him matter of factly. “Though if you ask Emma she’d tell you I’m terrible at it- but what does she know, she never braids her hair”
Draken snorted, imagining his friend and girlfriend arguing about his awful technique. Yep- definitely redoing it later. “Maybe she’s scared you jinxed her and doesn’t want to try it.”
“Hush!” Mikey tugged on a strand gently, carefully gathering up the rest. “That was a while ago. I’m much better now!”
Maybe not in style, but Draken couldn’t deny Mikey seemed to know what he was doing. His fingers were gentle as they detangled and twisted each strand, helping the other relax. He could feel Mikey’s hesitation at some points, trying to figure out where the next strand should go. Then he’d sort it out and carry on the process.
It was surprisingly soothing. Draken could feel himself starting to drift away.
“Hm. You know- I never did get to touch this.” Mikey mused out loud, peering at the dragon tattoo that sat along his friend's temple. “Did it hurt?”
“Like a bitch.” Draken answered, earning a laugh. “Go ahead. It’s healed already. It’s not gonna feel like much.”
“Oo, okay!” Mikey cheered. He put the hair-tie in the half finished braid, brushing aside any strands as he looked at the tattoo. With careful fingers, he ran a finger along the dragon’s body. “Wow-“
A snort resonated.
Mikey blinked. As did Draken.
“Did you just?” Mikey started.
“No.'' Draken cut him off.
The commander stared, processing what just happened. “You snorted?” It was more a statement than a question.
“No, I didn’t.” Draken stated firmly, the relaxed feeling slowly being replaced by nerves as Mikey studied him. “What happened to braiding-“
Mikey ran his finger along the tattoo again. This time Draken couldn’t hide the snort. “No freaking way! You’re ticklish!” Mikey cheered, giggles already bubbling up.
“No, I’m not! The tattoo just…” Draken blinked, realizing he couldn’t claim it hurt. He had just told Mikey it felt like nothing. “I don’t know, but I’m not ticklish.”
“Mm-hmm. And my name is Ken Ryuji.” Mikey grinned mischievously, looping his legs up and tucking them over Draken’s shoulders, pinning him. “Is it just the tattoo or is the entirety of your head ticklish?”
“Mikey, let me go- ergh!” Draken ducked when Mikey dragged his fingers against the skin, keeping his touch incredibly light. Reluctant giggles started pushing up his throat, and he clamped his lips shut to avoid smiling. “Mihikey!”
“Oh, what was that?” Mikey teased, grinning as he watched his friend struggle. “Was that a giggle? Is someone gonna laugh?” He increased the pressure lightly, opting to drag his short nails gently along the skin behind Draken’s ears and neck. “Come on, Kenny, no need to hide. I can feel you shaking!”
Was he shaking? He was definitely struggling to move. He could easily push away the legs holding him down-but Mikey was having fun. And he liked it when Mikey was having fun, so he let it be.
That didn’t mean he was going down without a stance of resistance!
“Mihihikey! Geheheht o-ohohff!”
“Oooo, you're laughing Kenny! Looks like I was right!” Mikey let out a gremlin-like snicker- going back to gently trailing his fingers along his temples, occasionally dipping behind his ears. “Come on- admit it tickles!”
Draken tried. He gritted his teeth. He ducked his head. He willed himself not to laugh and gave in immediately to Mikey’s game. He could do this-
“Pffft gahahhahahahhaha! Mihihihikey!”
He failed!
“Haha! Yay, Kenny! I knew it tickled!” Mikey cheered with a laugh, relishing in the deep laughs and chortles escaping the other’s lips, a blush creeping up Draken’s neck as he tried to wriggle away. His smile was warm and mirthful, giving Mikey even more incentive to continue. “Haha, you ARE ticklish! And here you are telling me you’re not! Finally- I can get you back!”
“Gahahahhaha! Mihihihihihikey! Ohohohohokay! Ohohohohokay I’m tihihihihihicklish! Now quihihihihit ihihihit!” Draken wheezed you, squeezing his eyes shut with mirth. Realizing he wasn’t getting out of this one, he squeezed his arms around Mikey’s legs and lurched forward.
“Whoa!” Mikey squeaked, suddenly tumbling forward and landing safely into the soft carpet. “Ke-hehehehehehehhenehehehehhehy!”
“You had your fun. Now it’s my turn!” Draken grinned as he quickly pinned the other, tickling along his stomach and sides until Mikey was howling with laughter. “Get ready to die, Mikey!”
Thanks for reading!
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2. The Stars Are Only the Beginning
Everything was beautiful! She saw things that she hadn’t seen before, things that she believed to be long gone, like fruit trees and people with pets. On the bus ride to the Academy, she counted 57 people with pets! They had little animals in their bag, or bigger ones, on a leash. The air smelled cleaner and there were fountains lining the school grounds. She was reminded of an old book where a boy goes to magic school for the first time. This. Was. Like. Magic. 
The world that Nana had known wasn’t dead. She was just not able to be a part of it anymore… And now, Shani would be! She would be able to live out her Nana’s dreams. That’s what she thought. The childlike wonder burning bright inside of her for the first time in real life.
One of the first things that happened upon leaving the bus was decontamination. The students went into a chamber that served as a huge shower, placing their bags on a conveyor belt to be scanned, searched, and disinfected. After the showers, they were given uniforms to put on and handed the rest of their uniforms. They were taken to treatment, where they were tested for diseases, lice, etc. 
“You’ll have to get rid of your hair,” the lady told Shani.
“Oh no! Do I have lice?” She panicked. She had heard about lice before, but never had it, as far as she knew.
“It’s too much,” the woman said.
“I can handle it,” Shani promised her. She had never cut her hair before, ever. The woman informed her that she had to get on that right away because photos for IDs were next and her hair was against protocol.  Shani tried to recall being informed of what protocol for hair was. She didn’t remember seeing that in any manual, but she had not yet accessed the Student Handbook, as it was an online handbook, and she wasn’t inside of the school yet to have access to online resources. She looked around. Other kids had either straight hair or tamed their curls into flat styles that only betrayed their texture in certain areas and with certain eyes. 
She watched a boy with pretty well done locs cry silently as his head was shaven. There was no way! Most of Nanefua’s stories happened during the lengthy process of maintaining Shani’s hair, to the point where Shani tended to style her hair as she read a book, reminiscing of that feeling. 
For the moment, she got her bags back and rushed as quickly as she could to put her hair into two french braids. It was puffy at the edges, but the lady shrugged her shoulders and simply reminded her that if she looked like she wasn’t at her best, they would respect her less every time they looked at her files. Panicked she looked at the clippers, considering it - though years later she would never admit so. One of the other girls tapped her on the shoulder and handed her something. Shani read the container: edge control. The girl mouthed to her, with only a muffled sound coming out of her lips, “This will help in a pinch, but you really should get someone to put it into a protective style for the semester.” 
Shani spent the next few minutes smoothing her edges and touching them up with the toothbrush she packed for her hair, then gave it back to the girl, signing “Thank you,” to her. 
The girl seemed surprised, but signed back “You’re welcome.”
They parted ways as Shani headed for the ID section. Her photo was taken and uploaded. Her stats were programmed into a brass plated electronic cuff, which was then placed around her arm and secured. She looked down at it and several lights were flickering, a few whirring sounds were made and finally it tightened around her arm and announced, “System activated.” 
The woman explained to her the meanings of the lights and sounds, “Whenever everything is paid up, all of the lights are gold. Whenever you need to pay, the segment that needs payment will light up green until it's paid. If you get behind a payment, it will light up red, and your academic experience may be interrupted.” She wore a stern face as she said, “And failure to pay, even upon removal from the program could result in sentencing.” The woman’s smile returned and she tacked on, “Between you and me, sometimes, you can pay through extra credit work and extracurricular interests that lead to revenue.” She winked. Shani nodded. “Perfect attendance also helps, and is one of the biggest determining factors in being in the Gold League.”
“What’s the Gold League?” Shani asked, already determined that whatever it was, she was going to do it. But, the woman had other students to prep and she was sure that it was in the Handbook.
Meanwhile, the deaf girl wasn’t getting an arm cuff. Instead she held her wrist forward and they scanned a chip inside of her forearm. “Welcome back, Miss Charming. How was your trip?” The person asked, but Miss Charming wasn't looking at her and didn’t immediately answer. However, a holographic interpreter appeared from her bracelet and signed the words. 
“Wonderful, thank you,” the girl finally answered. 
Shani noticed, only then, that though the girl had on the same royal blue color as the rest of the students, she wasn’t wearing one of the uniforms that they had been given. As they headed for orientation, Shani wondered where she got her outfit and if it was within regulations for the uniforms. It was a blazer and a pleated skirt, with a necktie and a red ribbon on her left lapel. On the right were a slew of pins, and ribbons, and she wore a gold badge on her coat.
She awkwardly smiled and signed to Shani, “I’m in the elite program.”
“I didn’t know that they let people into the elite program with…” Shani froze, unsure of what the correct word to use here was and feared she had already said too much to backtrack.
The girl looked upset, but she managed a smile as she passionately let her know, “I can do anything that I set my mind to do! Nice to meet you.” She hurried off to two other girls who were in a similar attire as hers - the royal blue of the Academy, but not the exact uniform that Shani and the others had on. She announced, in that muffled tone, “I am approaching!” And one of the girls (a brunette with short hair) gasped and turned to hug her. The other (a blond with long hair in a braid like Rapunzel) was smiling. She had already noticed her come up. They were signing and the one that Shani had spoken to, the Black one… She couldn’t tell if all three were deaf or not, was talking for both her and the other girl. Shani watched them longer than she intended - until they were out of sight, then she realized that she had to rush to orientation!
Shani watched as the board addressed the students. Well, the board was seated on a panel and a spokeswoman addressed the students. She noticed one of the board members in particular, who was as dark skinned as she was, with hair as coiled, though her hair was tied up in an intricate style, much like Nana might have done, and adorned with gold embellishments. 
The board was dressed in two golds. Genuine, authentic gold that Shani had only ever heard of in books, and then the gold that she knew of, but hadn’t really seen much of, now that she thought about it. But, there, she saw full outfits of it. A bright tone in super expensive seeming professional wear, accented by jewelry. The school board was the most regal thing she had ever seen in real life. She read that it was “the luxurious Spanish yellow hue (that the Academy bought rights to) which could only be purchased through the Academy, and only worn by members of the board and members of the Gold League.
“I have to get into that.” She read the requirements. All A’s. Perfect attendance. Good citizenship, as determined by the board. Superior presentation, as determined by the board… She… did not know how to make notes on her new device… yet. So, she broke open her paper notebook, and scribbled in red: Goals 1. Gold League. 2. Find paper version of handbook. 3. Research the history of this Spanish yellow hue. 4. Find out that deaf girl’s name and where she gets edge control…
After orientation, a member of faculty dismissed the kids to find their dormitories and let them know the bell schedule for the following day. “Is there a map?” Shani asked a boy seated next to her. He turned up his nose and kept going. She sighed and found staff. “Hi. Is there a map?” 
“There’s GPS in your device,” she said, smiling and went on with her business, not hearing Shani say that she didn’t know how to use or find the GPS in her device.
Her chest felt… pained? Excited? Scared? Restricted. Her chest felt tight. Her breathing was difficult. She wanted to scream and insist that someone help her find the dorms. She wanted to. But, you can’t do things like that in real life. She tried not to cry, though she was very frustrated, and she reminded herself that you need to have a plan and a path before moving forward. She moved against the wall of the auditorium and sat on the floor. She scribbled: How to Use My Device at the top of the page and doodled a happy ladybug on a flower. She studied the device for hours before someone came up to her, after everything was cleared out and nobody else was supposed to be in here. 
“Girl?” They said and used a scan gun to pull up the info from her arm cuff, “What are you doing?”
She looked up and realized that he was talking to her. He had on a gray uniform, so she knew that he wasn’t faculty. They wore a Midnight Blue attire. This was a gray uniform like people she knew from home. He probably lived in the Outskirts and worked in the city. She hoped that her being here wouldn’t get him into any trouble! Mama told her that Outskirters could get into trouble on a job for just about anything. “I’m sorry! I hope I don’t get you into trouble. I didn’t know how to find my dorms and there was nobody to help me, so I was just here, teaching myself how to help me…” 
She looked embarrassed as she put the device away into her issued backpack. “I was taking notes of the instructions of how to use my device, and drawing a map on paper, in case I couldn’t get the device to work, even with my notes…”
The man was sympathetic. “Listen, Miss Moore…”
“That’s not my last name!” She panicked, “They must have put the wrong information into the system for me!!” 
“No. They just… rebranded you. There’s… Nobody of stature with your last name, as it appears on your birth records, so they granted you a more acceptable name, for room to grow.”
“They… Took my last name away?”
“It’s in the school system. It just won’t appear on any of your achievements.”
“As I was saying, we need to get you to your dorms! It’s your first day and we don’t want you to get in trouble for wandering the halls unauthorized. Pop out that map and lets see if it gets you where you need to go, Miss Moore.”
“I don’t like that name. Can you just call me by my first name?” She asked, looking at the map, “Or did they change that too?”
“Is it Shani?”
“That’s my middle name.”
“The middle name is listed as your first name, now.” She felt that tightness in her chest again. “Listen. When I was your age, I couldn’t DREAM of getting into school. You made it here and with hard work, you’ll probably make it to a seat at the table. When you get there, you can be whoever you say you are.”
“I am who I say I am, right now!”
“As long as you know it, nobody can take that away. Even if they’re calling you something else.”
Shani laughed to herself… That’s not REALLY how the conversation went. That’s how it would have went if she had been the adult. What really happened was he was very short with her. 
“Look. Your name is Shani Moore and you need to get to the dorm, so hurry up, before both of us lose this!” She shuffled, trying to keep up with his long strides and consult her map and see through tears burning in her eyes and the smears they made on her recently drawn map. When she got to the dorms, it was spacious, but seemed cramped, because all of the space was being used. There were rows of loft beds with work spaces beneath them, and a wardrobe beneath the stairs. All of the other girls were comfortably in their issued pajamas and staring at her in disbelief. 
“You missed showers,” one girl said and everybody started laughing. Why? That shit wasn’t even funny, even by her 10 year old standards. She sat at the desk and unloaded her device. She would learn this stupid thing if it took her the rest of the night! And since there was no physical book about it, it nearly did. That was her first day of school. 
But, that wasn’t the version that she gave to incoming kids. She gave the story that felt good. She gave the story that inspired hope. 
Luna Charming passed by her, SO PRETTY in her royal blue pantsuit with a half pony and a red bow. She signed to her friend, “Working for free AGAIN?” 
Shani shrugged her shoulders and signed back, “SOMEBODY’S got to help these kids!” 
Shani usually went to the auditorium for orientation, seeing if she saw lost looking kids to assist and guide to where they needed to go. Most of them, she never saw again, but she felt better than she did that first day and she hoped that they entered their academic careers feeling better than SHE had. She fell in step with Luna and the two signed to each other as they walked, then parted ways whenever they got to Shani’s dormitory. Luna’s quarters were in the “alter ability” wing. 
Luna, being deaf, although she was in the elite program, did not share chambers with other students in the program. She shared chambers with other students who lived with various conditions, but were smart enough or rich enough to gain their way into this school. Luna was both. 
She had been purchased as a dependent when she was a toddler through an agency that paid poor parents for their children and sold them to rich people. It wasn’t considered an adoption, because the process was far less formal and not at all scrutinizing. But, Luna had been purchased by a wealthy couple that was into adoption for their charity phase, but didn’t feel like the hassle of the process. She was 2. She ONLY knew the Charmings as her parents and wouldn’t have never known about the way she came to be theirs if mean rich people didn’t have kids her age. She found out when she was 5. In their guilt over her upset, the Charmings spoiled Luna, a little more than their other children (who they collected in the same manner). They were also “into” disability awareness those years. They bought Luna and two of her sisters, one who didn’t talk (Taraleigh) and the other blind (Lorilei), and to this very day, there is a baby photo of the three of them, from a set in which they were See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil…
The older Luna got, the more she hated that thing. It was massive, and hanging in the parlor of her parents’ mansion. Yet, despite being less than civil people in certain aspects of humanity, they were decent parents. 
Of course, Luna knew that she thought this perhaps because she was the favorite of the three. They were only at the academy because she was, and they weren’t in the elite program, so even though Luna was, she bunked with them, instead. A waste. That was what Luna had told Shani the headmaster said of her intelligence whenever she thought that she wasn’t paying attention enough to read his lips. “A waste of intelligence when she’s like this.”
“I have other attributes,” Luna had said, surprising him. He even had her tested again to see if she could hear and was for whatever reason lying. When he was satisfied that her records were in order, he told her that her parents had given her leeway to put herself on record with a first name of her choice. (They had the money for it, you see, and the successful last name to boot.) “Luna,” the 6 year old said, “I’m going to be an astronaut.” She knew that face. You poor child. He must have been thinking. She ignored it and pressed forward, officially in the Academy records as Luna Charming. 
“Of course you are!” He cheered. Even not being able to hear his patronizing, she knew it was there. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but she could tell something was off. It was probably his insincere smile, or the thing that she had seen him mumble before. “All of the payments for your entry into the elite program on an astronaut’s trajectory is in the system and your personal interpreter will be arriving with all of your special needs materials.” She nodded. She didn’t necessarily need an interpreter, but she knew that the state of the art materials she would bring along would be very useful. Years later, Luna was above and beyond her… well… it would be ridiculous to call them peers. 
Nobody was in her league. She had worked with the intent to be the first 14 year old deaf astronaut. She had gotten the credits to receive credentials. On. Record. She met her goal. But, she was informed that she would definitely have to finish several other certifications, and was recommended another trajectory… to TEACH others. A teacher? Sure… privatized schooling was lucrative and her field of study would be booming… but that wasn’t what she wanted and she felt that if she was only a little closer to their normal, they wouldn’t have even suggested it. 
Both of her sisters were back in a special needs school by the time she was 14. They not only didn’t cut it at the Academy, but even being rich kids, they always felt like everyone was trying to make it harder on them there. Sure they were. Luna had peeped that by the time she was 8. Their parents were willing to pay whatever it took to make sure that their children were the best. Teachers could say that Lorilei needed a new device that was patent pending to access computer systems in a way that blind children never have before! And the Charmings were going to pay for it. They had paid for numerous surgeries to help Taraleigh to be able to speak, even experimental transplants, until the moment where she forgoed the desire and settled uponed a first edition customized speech box that allegedly would give her the voice she would have had, had she had one.
“You’re different, Beth. You’re gonna reach those stars” the voice had said to her when she hugged her sisters goodbye. 
“The stars are only the beginning,” she told them. That became her mantra. 
Now, she was opening her video mail to see Shani excited to finally get her Gold League badge. Luna sent her a congratulatory gift basket with some of her needs in it - edge control, plantation credits, and a few Spanish yellow accessories to start off the freshman year. 
With her sisters gone, Luna didn’t even leave the old quarters. She didn’t feel like having to get used to new neighbors and stuff and at least she had some memories here. But, she had ALWAYS had sisters, and now she was on her own in a wholly different way than whenever she had to go to class. They weren’t there when she got back.
She looked at a notification blinking on her screen. A message from Mom. “Annabeth, are you going to need us to pay for the elite quarters? We have to know by the end of the day.”
“No Mommy,” she said and the message was sent. At least she still had Shani.
A/N: I kinda hate how I jumped around in this one and might wind up tweaking it later on. It didn’t seem to transition seamlessly for me. Anyways, as much as i have ideas, I’ll go ahead and put them out there. Thanks for reading!
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locktobre · 4 years
Can I ask what you didn't like about Snow's design in RBTI? Maybe an opinion of each princess shown in the film if you're willing? Honestly all the princesses of color looked pretty bad to me and Cinderella right after them.
Sure, I’ll rant for a minute lol
I think, in general, the RBTI designs were very bad. It was fun to have the scene and see them interacting, but I think that they just didn’t do a good job on them visually. And the thing that sucks the most is that many of the princesses had been translated into CGI before, either in Sofia the First or Kingdom Hearts... and they managed to do it worse. This is Pixar. This is supposed to be one of the gold standards for animation and character design, and they did it BADLY. Plus, they all looked very samey. They removed any stylization unique to their movies, which doesn’t even make sense bc the WIRverse has characters with different styles interacting all the time. It’s like they were TRYING to be lazy about it. And then there was the Tiana controversy, which just proves that they weren’t trying for shit. Just bad. (I also don’t like the movie, so that doesn’t help.)
Anyway, my opinion of the individual princesses, in order:
Snow: She just sucked. Like I said, see her designs in Sofia the First and Kingdom Hearts to see it done better. But the thing I think bothers me the most is her hair. It’s like they didn’t know what to do with it, and I know her hairstyle can confuse some ppl, but you’d think Disney would get it right. She’s got 30s hair! That’s NOT how it’s supposed to look! And she had the same samey big-eyed skinny design as the others, bleh.
Cinderella: Ugly, looks like a little kid, has huge ears which is hilarious considering that a staple of her character design for years was not being able to see her ears. I think they translated her hair badly too, even tho there has been a shift in recent years to a more simple bun for her stock art, but they didn’t even do that right.
Aurora: Hated the way they did her bangs, kiddish face, I don’t even like the pink dress but they didn’t do it justice.
Ariel: I think Ariel was actually one of the more okay ones, bc she was already in the Glen Keane huge-eye style (since she was designed by him), but I wish they had picked a different shade of pink for her dress. Or just done the teal version that she’s usually marketed in anyway. I know ppl love the pink dress but I don’t lol.
Belle: One of the more okay ones, except for her face. The dress looked fine. But her chin was too sharp/not the right shape, and again, the huge eyes.
Jasmine: I don’t think her hair translated well to CG, which I’m more forgiving about bc it’s a very stylized hairstyle, so it’s not as easy to tell what it’s supposed to look like. But still, not a great look. She’s another of the okay ones to me, but I don’t have strong opinions on her to begin with.
P*cahontas: Bad. Even setting aside how much I dislike the character, she doesn’t look anything like her movie counterpart, from her face to her skintone. All around bad.
Mulan: The shape of her nose and chin are off, and I think the big eyes look particularly bad on her.
Tiana: There was the whole fiasco about her skintone, showing how much they just didn’t care when designing them. Her nose and the shape of her chin are off. (See a theme?) She had another pretty stylized big-eyed design that should have translated well, but didn’t.
Rapunzel: Unrecognizable, and especially egregious considering she was a CGI princess to begin with! They totally baby-faced her! They cut down everything soft and pretty about her and she just looks like a kid in a Rapunzel wig.
Merida: They gave her such HUGE eyes, and she looked like a mutant. Merida has a very unique design, and they just tossed it out the window. Bad. Very ugly. Idk who that was but it wasn’t Merida.
Elsa: They managed to make her stupid braid look even stupider, with how tall her hair was. I didn’t know that was possible but they managed it. Again, baby-faced, but also with that trademark Elsa makeup! Really creepy!
Anna: I will always stan her in any form, but she still looked bad. They only thing I actually liked about her design was that they made her face more angular, since she and Elsa both have such round faces in canon. But still, doesn’t look like herself at all.
Moana: Nose is off, chin is off, baby-faced her when she was already baby-faced... Ugly. Also, the fact that she was just as skinny as the other princesses even tho ppl love to claim her as curvy. Personally I don’t think of her as curvy at all, just a little more muscular than your average princess, but seeing her rail-thin was a trip.
As I said, I think pretty much all of them were done better in Kingdom Hearts and/or Sofia the First, as I mentioned. The Sofia designs were a bit more stylized, to fit into the show, but I think the changes they made were better ones, and they still managed to look more like themselves. For RBTI, it feels like they deliberately made them all look very much the same, and you can’t excuse that with “style,” that’s literally just laziness.
I’m also just a serious person and I don’t like some of the jokes they made. Like, having Aurora be narcoleptic is a common joke, but it’s also... not funny to me. She didn’t “fall asleep,” she was cursed, and she would have died if Merryweather hadn’t changed the spell! I know they’re not the actual Disney Princesses (they’re just the avatars of them on that particular site) but it still just feels weird and wrong, especially coming right from Disney’s own mouth. And them making fun of Merida’s accent? Eesh. That’s writing, tho, not character design.
Anyway, I don’t have strong feelings on a lot of them, but when I look at them it’s literally seeing them caricatured... by their own company... and it’s just weird and I hate it.
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bowldeepfannish · 5 years
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Fanart commision: scene from the Sailor Moon Shakespeare pastiche AU titled All The World’s Stage being developed by  @coppercrane2​​  . She’s the most Penguin Lady of them all and one mighty pillar of the SenshixShitennou corner in the Sailor Moon fandom. ---> @ssrevminibang Feasting on the juicy plot previews and picking each other’s brains was a delight and the highlight of my Summer <3. Thank you so much Charlie <3.
All handmade traditional in pencil , just scanned and sepia-ed to enhance that Renaissance period feel a-la Da Vinci sketchbook.
INFO AND #SYMBOLISM ahoy (inner history nerd unleashed alert!)  so buckle up XDDD
Jupiter/Makoto (aka Viola) Capulets-Prada is here disguised as a (male) page ‘Cesario’ in the Montague-Moschino-Gucci (M-M-G for short) noble household, in order to investigate the murder of her parents. The M-M-G clan is likely involved in the murder but the lady is determined. Keep your friend close and your (likely) enemies closer? Yep.
The Montagues’ first son and heir Nephrite/Orsino ‘s troubledar (and also his UST) is pinging at the new page. Dun dun dun dunnnn.
While ‘Cesario’ is at it he tries to polish his fencing and fighting skills too, to the delight of Montague cadet’s branch cousin and blades wizard  Zoisite/Benvolio. Hence the dagger&swords lesson in their inner yard depicted in the above art happens. Orsino closely watches them on the ground while his sister Rei/Beatrice Montague gazes at the trio from her chamber window on the first floor >D.
Clothes, heraldic motifs and stonemasonry for the scene above are a mix of both authentical late medieval/early Renaissance refs, plot clues hidden in  plain sight and a nod to the source characters >D.
- butterfly/moth & flame motifs, heraldry for the Montague-Moschino-Gucci are peppered all over the picture:
1) moth to flame, anyone? It ‘s a nod to desires and ambitions of more than one kind in the fic, and a sign of danger. 2) moths partake with the meaning of butterflies but also bring a note of ambivalence compared to the diurnal, pretty butterflies. (They’re both awesome :P ).  3) flame: It brings light and warmth but also destroys. Ditto on passion! Also nod to Mars/Rei. 4) moths were also a signature Gucci feature in one of their recent-ish fashion collections so it seemed a perfect fit for the Montague-Moschino-Gucci family crest :P.
- spring (?) water well:
1) a private and handy source of drinkable water is a major boon in an era without tap water and no plumbing and hit-and-miss sewers. Another sign of status & luck. Plus water symbolism!
The water bucket is there but hidden behind the central character. We just see the rope attached to it. --> Things hidden in plain sight, the dive for truth at the botton of the well/under the surface.. and thirst in more ways than one X°D.
2) nod to Ami/Portia being part of the M-M-G family (married into).
3) water inside the well, flame motifs bas-relief outside to surround it, a metal moth on top of the well... yes all these bits are there and placed just like that and there for a reason. The whole metalwork atop the well included. Start speculating my darlings >D. 4) there is more but see point 3).
- swords & dagger:
1) if you are a novice daggers are better/more effective a weapon than futzing with a rapier. 2) Zoisite/Benvolio loves shiny stabby things :P . In any universe he values the aesthetic. To thyne own Extra self be true. Also him: dagger vs rapier? Why choose one?  :P
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- hair/hairdo (or lack thereof):
for all the variance of styles in history strictly speaking for many centuries no respectable woman would go around with her hair down and loose.
Hence Rei’s hair at the window is properly braided and covered ( also a little nod to Olivia Hussey in Zeffirelli’s movie adaptation of Romeo & Juliet ) . Makoto/Viola here is disguised as a boy hence she let her hair down to blend with the males in the household + that combined with the ruffled collar helps disguising her lack of an Adam’s apple 8D .
Zoisite is still tying his hair in his trademark canon ponytail also because he’s such a wild walking genderbent Rapunzel his locks would get in the way of fencing XDD.
- hats (or lack thereof):
Nephrite/Orsino hates, hates, hates that cumbersome poofy embroidered hat. But for all his discomfort he’s a Good Kid (Mama Beryl/Tamora is a stickler for heraldic paraphernalia and power dressing) and as the first son and designated heir he gotta.
Rei wears her headband/hair cuff and and ribbons interlaced in her braid like a proper refined aristocrat young lady of means.
Zoi should probably wear some sort of hat and also tie his shirt laces but he can’t be bothered plus he’s from  the cadet branch: he’s gotta play such a non playing straight card whenever it suits him amirite :P
- miscellaneous wall work: it recycles elements from previous buildings, preferrably Romans. Includings choice bits from Antiquity in your very building was as much a sign of status (Roman Empire mystique!) as sometimes a necessity due to lost techniques/expensive exotic materials.
- lozenges/trellis window glass and decorated ceramic + ornamental bricks framing the window: very period. A handful of such windows still survive 50 metres from my house :P.   XV century Italian goodness <3. I actually sneaked a tad of late XIX century feel in too :P (medieval-ish Art Nouveau architecture is quite a thing where I live).
- glimpse of Rei’s chamber: carved and painted wooden ceilings, tapestry (landscapes with castles and/or mythological themes usually) hanging on the wall for both decor and shielding from drafts belonged to the noble class taste of the period ( a rather long period and large area in the Westt... much beloved in the middle ages up to well into the Tudors’ era at least :). Sometimes if you could not hang tapestries you would commision trompe l’oeil of tapestries :D ) .
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A repeat of the pics as sometimes Tumblr doesn’t display the top pic in pic posts  for me :°D. Thank you for reading if you have made it to the end!
I am looking foward to the published fic. Thak you so much again for this fantastic commission chance Charlie I loved working on this :,). -------- my twitter
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Thoughts while rewatching Tangled
Gothel doesn’t know about Pascal… he’s been around for years. I’m impressed, but I’m glad Punzie knows to keep him from her, it would’ve been awful for her to lose him. 
I’m still baffled how Gothel told Rapunzel her birthday was her real birthday. I saw a post about it a while back, and it has been on my mind ever since
Gothel called Rapunzel ‘chubby’, and I’m pretty sure she’s the skinniest Disney Princess
I’m pretty sure Rapunzel was my bisexual awakening. Eugene and Punzie are Disney’s best looking couple. 
I love looking back on Eugene and Max’s relationship, I know they still have a tiny bit of rivalry during the series, through teasing, but in the movie they’re so against each other, it’s really weird. 
It’s also really weird thinking of Eugene as Flynn Rider. Which is what he’s known as for 3/4 of this movie. 
FRYING PAN! I’ve never looked at a frying pan the same way since watching this movie the first time. 
Eugene is even handsome when unconscious, and Punzie knows this too, there was hesitation when she knocked him out
Raps shouldn’t be so proud of having a person in her closet 😂
She is beauty, she is grace, she will hit you with a frying pan right ‘round your face. 
I love a feisty Punzie 
“You broke my smoulder!” OMG 😂😂😂
It impresses me how Rapunzel never trips over her own hair.
If Max hadn’t jumped out at Gothel, she never would’ve gone back the the tower to find Rapunzel missing early and she would never have found out about being the lost princess. Though she might’ve still worked it out, I suppose. 
For someone who has been raised into being frightened of the outside world, Rapunzel is so sociable. 
Gothel obviously finds singing inside a Roughian’s pub suspicious. 
It’s STAN! His moustache is too small though. (Not sure if it is Stan, he seems too competent, but I think they modelled Stan off of him)
Shorty, Gothel is wayyyy too old for you. And evil. You should leave well alone. 
“You should know, this is the strangest thing I’ve ever done!” He says, sword fighting a horse with a frying pan. Just wait until the series starts. Things will get even weirder. 
I do miss the OG movie art style with the series. It’s still great, but the realism of the movie was so beautiful. 
Eugene just brushed her hair back and it was the cutest thing ever. 
I LOVE that he barely knows Punzie and still he trusts her enough with his real name. 
Eugene talking to Pascal as he panics over Rapunzel’s glowing hair. 
Turns out it wasn’t 3/4 of the movie, she’s calling him Eugene, everything is right in the world. 
The second person Rapunzel ever meets eventually becomes her husband. How wild is that? But also really cute for a movie, but in the real world it’d be creepy. 
Gothel ages QUICKLY! In the Mother Knows Best reprise, which isn’t even 24hrs after the last time Gothel used Rapunzel’s power, and she’s looking old af 
Max is actually a dog. 
Eugene actually put his hand out for Maximus to shake it 😂
I really want to know how the girls braided Punzie’s hair like that. 
Rapunzel bringing the community of Corona together in dance even before she realises she’s the princess. 
I love that Pascal keeps chilling on Eugene’s shoulder. Like he trusts him enough to do that. 
Can someone be my Eugene Fitzherbert please. Or the Rapunzel to my Eugene. I’m not fussed. 
It’s wild how King Frederic and Queen Arianna never talk during the movie. 
Oh the kingdom go onto a ship to release the lanterns! Never spotted that before. 
Eugene doesn’t take the satchel from her and I LOVE THAT
I love this movie so fricken much
I LOVE THIS SONG. At Last I See The Light is their song and it is the greatest love song in history. 
Pascal getting embarrassed over Rapunzel and Eugene having a moment, covering his eyes but then peeking through his hands 😂😂😂
I hate that Eugene ends up on the boat by the Stabbingtons and breaks Rapunzel’s heart. I know it’s not his fault at all, but you can FEEL the heartbreak. 
I wonder if Rapunzel was named by Gothel or the King and Queen. 
I think the guard I thought was Stan was a cross between Stan and the Captain. No sign of Cassandra though, which is a shame. 
“…Fine, now I’m the bad guy.” Gothel, you’ve always been the Bad Guy. Don’t kid yourself. 
How did Max know that Rapunzel was in danger? 
I can’t believe Gothel just went and stabbed Eugene. This is a Disney movie. 
I think the reason Gothel died but those like Pascal, who was revealed to be healed by Rapunzel’s hair when she first met him, didn’t is because Gothel’s life was literally dependant on the hair. Pascal didn’t need a constant stream of healing power after the initial healing. 
I am still a bit salty about how Rapunzel’s hair ended up. She’s a cute brunette, and the short choppy hair is really adorable. But I LOVED her as a blonde. 
It’s the family cowlick. 
I also love how Arianna pulls Eugene into the hug. 
I also love that Eugene did actually ask Rapunzel multiple times if she’d marry him. Like, it’s not just a joke he made, the joke was only that it was her that was asking. 
End Credit thing that made it into the Series: the monkey fortune teller, Vigor! 
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cottagethings · 5 years
self-quarantine activities
1. Complete a puzzle: The more pieces the better! Feeling extra saucy? Take on a Rubik's Cube. More of a word person? Crossword puzzle!
2. Start a journal or blog. Sure, it can be about the coronavirus, but it could also be about a specific interest from chess to cheese. 
3. If it won't bother your neighbors: Dust off that old instrument and practice.
4. Text all your exes just in case you have one more thing you wanted to get off your chest.
5. Write poetry. Perhaps you can craft a haiku for Mother's Day, or something without a specific structure. Just try it!
6. Watch all the really long movies you’ve avoided until now.
7. Download Duolingo, or a similar app, and teach yourself a foreign language.
8. Finally read “Infinite Jest,” “Les Miserables” or even “The Stand.” Go all in and read “Ulysses.” You got this. 
9. Meditate. Try lying down with your eyes closed, palms up and while focusing on your breath. Or spend 20 minutes sitting crosslegged and repeat a soothing word to yourself in your head. (The latter is more like transcendental meditation.)
10. Face masks, moisturizer, oh my! Treat yourself to a 10-step skin care routine you don’t have time for during a normal work week.
11. Look at pictures of puppies.
12. Put together the most attractive charcuterie board possible, but you can only use foods you already have in your fridge and cupboard.
13. Take note from "Tangled" star Rapunzel, who has an entire song about how she's spent her days alone in a castle. Activities included in her ditty: Ventriloquy, candle-making, papier-mâché and adding a new painting to her gallery.
14. Write actual letters to family and friends. After that? Write thank-you notes to service people who you remember went out of their way for you.
15. Learn calligraphy. YouTube can help.
16. Finally read the rules to those long and intense board games you've never played with the family. Encourage the family to play.
17. Put on a soap opera. Mute the sound. Create your own dialogue.
18. Have a space in your home where all of the tupperware goes? Organize it and actually match lids to containers.
19. Try on all your clothes and determine whether they “spark joy” á la Marie Kondo.
20. Better yet, go through this process with your junk drawer and supply shelves. 
21. Have a roommate meeting about how to be more considerate of one other, especially while you will likely be spending more time together. Bring baked goods.
22. Bake those goods.
23. Watch the films that won Oscars for best picture.
24. Watch films that won Independent Spirit Awards for best picture. 
25. Watch films that critics say should have won those aforementioned awards.
26. Read all the New Yorker issues piled on your desk.
27. Will Tom Hanks into recovery from coronavirus by watching every Tom Hanks movie chronologically. 
28. Knit or crochet.
29. Use Skype, FaceTime, Google Hangouts or Marco Polo to video chat with your long-distance friends.
30. Try out at-home aerobics or yoga videos. Consider downloading a fitness app with curated workout playlists.
31. Look at yourself in the mirror. Attempt a self portrait with pencil and paper.
32. Take a bubble bath (bonus: Add a glass of wine).
33. Make a classic cocktail, from negronis to Manhattans and aperol spritzes. Don't forget the garnish.
34. Coloring books: They’re not just for kids.
35. Take time to reflect: What have you accomplished in the last year? What goals are you setting for yourself in the next year?
36. Write a short story or get started on that novel.
37. Actually try to reproduce something you see on Pinterest. Probably fail. Try again.
38. Clear out the family room and camp indoors with all blankets, popcorn and scary movies.
39. Finally get around to fixing that broken door knob and loose tile or cleaning scuffed up walls. 
40. Acquire a foam roller and treat yourself to some physical therapy. 
41. Pretend you're 13 years old and fold a square piece of paper into a fortune teller you put your thumbs and pointer fingers into. Proceed to tell fortunes. 
42. Learn how to braid (fishtail, French, etc.) via YouTube tutorial..
43. Throw out all your too-old makeup and products. (Tip: most liquid products have a small symbol on them noting expirations, usually six months to a year. This includes sunscreen!)
44. Interview your grandparents (over the phone, of course) and save the audio. Can you create an audio story or book with that file?
45. Go through your camera roll, pick your favorite pics from the past year and make a photo book or order framed versions online. 
46. Go on a health kick and learn how to cook new recipes with ingredients you may not be using already, from miso to tahini.
47. Create a Google document of shows or movies you’re watching and share it among family and friends.
48. Make a list of things for which you are grateful. 
49. Have your own wine tasting of whatever bottles you have at home. Make up stories about the journey of the grapes to your mouth.
50. Work on your financial planning, such as exploring whether to refinance your loan or ways to save more money. 
51. Perfect grandma’s bolognese recipe.
52. Make coffee, but this time study how many beans you use, which types, how hot the water is, how long it brews and whether any of that makes a difference.
53. Buy gift cards from your favorite local businesses to help keep them in business while we quarantine.
54. Watch “Frozen 2,’ which went up early on Disney Plus. Another new movie on the streaming service: "Stargirl." 
55. Write a book with your family. Pick a character and each member writes a chapter about their adventures. Read aloud to each other. 
56. No March Madness? Have a Scrabble tournament. Or Bananagrams. Pictionary, anyone?
57. Get into baking with "The Great British Baking Show," but your technical challenge is baking something with the ingredients you have on hand (that you didn't already use in the charcuterie board).
58. Indoor scavenger hunt.
59. Alternate reading the Harry Potter series with your kids and cap each one off with the movie.
60. Dye your hair a new color. No one else needs to see it if you don't like it.
61. Read Robert Jordan’s 14-book “Wheel of Time” series before it streams on Amazon starring Rosamund Pike. 
62. Write a play starring your loved ones. Perform it via a video call app. 
63. Go viral in the good way by making a quarantine-themed TikTok.
64. Rearrange your sock drawer. Really.
65. Stop procrastinating and do your income taxes.
66. Make lists of all the museums, sporting events and concerts you want to visit when they finally reopen.
67. Get into comics with digital subscriptions on your tablet, like Marvel Unlimited. 
68. Rearrange your furniture to make it seem like your home is a totally different space. 
69. Practice shuffling playing cards like a Poker dealer. Be ready for employment opportunities once all casinos open back up.
70. Organize your spice rack alphabetically or get crazy and do it by cuisine.
71. Teach your dog to shake. Hand sanitizer optional.
72. Memorize the periodic table. You never know when that will come in handy.
73. Order and put together some IKEA furniture. Time yourself.
74. Get a free trial of a streaming service and binge-watch as much as you can before it expires. 
75. Apply for a new job. You have remote work experience now. 
76. Learn a new style of dance via YouTube, from bellydancing to breaking.
77. Update or write your will and organize your affairs. Yes, it sounds melodramatic and morbid but let’s face it: This is a task many of us avoid because we never have the time. Now we do.
78.The parades have been canceled but you can still make corned beef and cabbage for St. Patrick’s Day.
79. Bring out the Legos. Build your house inside of your house.
80. Watch the "Star Wars" movies in this and only this order: Rogue One-IV-V-II-III-Solo-VI-VII-VIII-IX.
81. Two words: Coronavirus beard! Grow it, moisturize it, comb it, love it.
82.  Learn the words to "Tung Twista." Get them so ingrained in your brain that you can rap them as fast as Twista can. Impress everyone. 
83. Been meaning to get some new glasses? Try on new frames virtually on sites like GlassesUSA.com.
84. Attempt things with your non-dominant hand, from writing to brushing your teeth. Prepare to be frustrated.
85. How many words per minute can you type? See if you can get speedier by taking a typing course.
86. Prepare to verbally duel a bully who wants to discuss the evolution of the market economy in the Southern colonies, by memorizing Matt Damon's "Good Will Hunting" speech. 
87. Learn origami. Make cranes for your loved ones.
88. Stretch. Work on your flexibility. It's possible to get the splits back, right?
89. Try to speak in pig Latin. Or, "ig-pay, atin-Lay."
90. Talk to your plants. How are they doing? Make sure they are getting the amount of sunlight they should be. Check their soil. Water if necessary.
91. Deep condition your hair and put paraffin wax on your hands. Enjoy your soft hair and nails.
92. Consider donating money to food banks to help families struggling to get meals.
93. Write a song. If you want to make it about your time inside and put it to the tune of "My Sharona" and replace "Sharona" with "Corona," do what you have to do.
94. Study the art of beatboxing.
95. Try moving in super-slow motion. It's OK to laugh at regular speed.
96. You know how there are dozens of ways to wear a scarf, but you only wear it the one way? Learn the other ways.
97. Learn Old English words. Pepper them into your conversation. Wherefore not?
98. Try on a new shade of lipstick. See how long it takes your partner to notice it.
99. Take deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth.
100. Sleep. Get lots of it.
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mo-ondial · 5 years
im going to cut my hair this week. 
when i was in first grade, i wanted to cut my hair. but i also kind of didn’t. 
cutting my hair meant that i could donate it. my hair could help someone with cancer! that would be cool. and i didn’t like brushing my hair, and i didn’t like washing my hair, and i did NOT like it when my hair was wet, or dirty, or ponytail-headache inducing. 
but i also kind of liked it. it was long, and it flew in the wind behind me when i ran. i could braid it at sleepovers, and put bows in it, and could put all sorts of pigtails in it for crazy hair day. when i got older i could dye it, all sorts of pretty colors. 
i decided to keep one, long braid. 
funny interlude actually, i wanted one braid in the front. to pull my hair out of my face, and so people could see it. but my mother wanted one in the back. she was trying to talk me out of it, because she didn’t want to deal with it. she also worried that having hair too long braided could give me a bald spot. so we decided that i would have two, and we’ll decide which one to keep. 
i still have two. 
so i was two-braided kid. 
people ask me so often why i did it - on the street, at the dentist, at school. sometimes i say i don’t know. sometimes i say i don’t remember. sometimes i say that it was just a fun thing i thought of when i was little, after all, why do first graders do anything? 
i think i wanted to be like rapunzel in the books that i read, like my uncle with loooong matts that he says he keeps because it keeps the past with him, like the native american draftees that i read about in an article, that were excellent trackers, but it lessoned their ability to track greatly when the army required them to cut their long hair. 
i wanted to be like myself. my hair changed so often, i liked donating it, and i liked change, and i wanted a piece of me to be recognizeable. i always remember the people with interesting hair. 
there was pressure put on me to be good different. i was allowed to be quirky, i was allowed to be odd, as long as i remembered that i had to be funny and cool to make up for it. i needed a redeeming quality for how odd i was. i had to be good different. i forced myself to be as outwardly weird as i could because i was scared of blending in and scared of being singled out for my actual insecurities. i needed to put that difference in between me and the white, cisgender, straight, pretty, able-bodied, skinny person that i thought was “average”. i was too scared of measuring up to what everyone told me was “normal” and “default” and coming up short, that i needed to run the other way. it was my job to entertain, to put on a show for people. i remember laying awake at night in third grade, trying to rewrite the way that i talked so that it was accessorized and quirky but good quirky. “whats a more original way to say hello?”, “i should say ‘steal’ instead of borrow, i think that’s what sarcasm is”, “i think it would be cute and funny to wear mismatched socks”. 
“i wonder what hairstyle people would notice?”
but it was cute. i was young. i liked it at first. 
at girl scout camp when people nicknamed me they named me braids. 
yea, braids. that’s me. i have braids. 
its what people remember about me. my sister when working with people in my grade mention my two long braids, and people remember that more than they remember my name. 
just last week, we were playing psyche, and the question was what i would patch a hole in the roof with, and someone put my braids. 
hair. it’s weird. it’s a part of your body, yes, but also not quite. i can’t feel it. there aren’t any nerves in it. and you get to choose some of it. you start out with what comes from your scalp, be it curly, straight, dark, light, thin, thick. but you get to choose the length, the style, you can dye it, you can make it your own. it is in between body and fashion. 
when we give affirmations, and the rules say that you can’t give physical complements, i still without a doubt get ones that complement my braids. 
are these a part of me? is my choice that i made in first grade that they are complementing? is “braids” a personality? 
don’t get me wrong, i used to like it. a long time ago. i still do. maybe. or maybe it’s just change. 
my father tries to convince me to cut them off. sometimes jokingly, but also not. they’re too much work. but isn’t me who does the work? 
my sister says that i have to cut them eventually. when i say i want to keep them forever, that’s ridiculous. but if i say i will cut them eventually, then yes, that’s the right option. because what if im rejected from a job interview? i certainly can’t go to college with them. i can’t have them as an adult. 
everyone says eventually. but when the fuck is eventually? 
i don’t like them anymore. i really, really, do want to cut them. it’s been long enough. i’ve been keeping them as some sort of obligation to who i once was, which isn’t who i am now. they keep me from being able to have the hairstyles i want. they’re the reason i can’t lay down in the grass as rest me head. the reason i can’t wear necklaces or things with too many rhinestones because they get caught. the reason why i have to stop myself from getting my head wet in pools because it would confine me to hours of brushing. they’re remnants of my need to make sure im feminine enough and accessorized enough to be respected. they aren’t mine anymore. they’ve always belonged to other people. for other people to see, to touch, to play with. 
so i started mentioning that i want to cut them. 
really? cut them? why? yes, i am the same person that cried when a camp bully came at me with scissors while i was sleeping and tried to cut them off. but then is different from now. 
now that i say “now” instead of “eventually”, look how everyone disagrees again. 
even my father, against it from day one, says that he kind of regrets it, because he’s going to miss them. 
my mother resents me cutting them even more, for she’s the one that read in my diary the words “trans”, “nonbinary”, “they/them”. my braids are the last feminine thing about me that she doesn’t want to give up. 
but funnily enough, when she says “But they’re mine too! You can’t cut them!”, that’s when im sure i want to cut them. they are on my head. they grew out of my head. i brush them and braid them every month and every time i go swimming. whatever part of myself that other people think that they own has been stolen from me, and i have every right to take it back. 
isn’t this hard enough? deciding that hey, im grown, i can give up this thing that ive gotten so used to and attatched a part of my identity to? seeing the last bit of my feminine childhood fall to the floor? why do you have to make a fuss and make me hate my hair even more instead of this being a personal right-of-passage for me and a good sendoff?
but everyone wants to get rid of something eventually. because eventually never comes. 
but “eventually” is now. i’m tired of eventually. seeing a doctor eventually or fixing my teeth eventually or getting therapy eventually, moving bedrooms eventually, asking her out eventually, using my preferred name eventually, living eventually. 
i’m not cutting my hair eventually. 
im going to cut my hair this week. 
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argotmagazine-blog · 5 years
Dancing On My Own
Yes, Mickey?
(How do you call your loverboy?)
Come 'ere loverboy!
(And if he doesn't answer?) Oh, loverboy!
(And if he STILL doesn't answer?) I simply say…
I was six years old the first time I draped my father’s after-shower wrap around my waist and lip-synched for my life. In the living room of my family’s single story, ranch style home in Walnut Creek, California, I performed to “Love is Strange.” The audience, comprised of my father, stepmother, and brother, laughed hysterically at my hijinks – oh how silly to see a boy wearing a skirt and singing the woman’s part of a song! At literally the same time RuPaul was gaining notoriety working the Atlanta Circuit Parties, I, at only six years old, was slaying the Bay Area suburb living room scene and living for it, Mama!
A year later, I performed live in an oversized sweatshirt dress and leg warmers on a leather ottoman stage. Another number from this genderfuck child prodigy that resonated with my home audience was my original drag parody based on a hit Crystal Gayle song “Donuts Make My Brown Eyes Blue.” Again, I was rewarded with laughter and applause. My family truly loved me, and I was beginning to know that I was born to be a performer.
Cut to a few years later: it was a dress-up day at school for Halloween and I had no idea what to be. My stepmother came in for the heroic rescue with a waist length straight brown wig, a bandanna, a peasant skirt, and a liberal application of lipstick and eyeshadow. I looked in the mirror and instantly fell in love with myself in what would now be considered a very problematic “fortune teller” Halloween look. I can’t even imagine the accent I spoke with. Suffice it to say, if repeated today that ensemble would most definitely result in a cancel culture call out.
Year by year, I learned that I was definitely different. As a “creative” child, I was prone to talking out of turn and disrupting the class. I did not know what “being gay” was, and I had certainly never seen an “out” gay person that I knew of. The closest thing to a drag queen I knew was my Grandmother, Beatrice. She was a Portuguese powerhouse that lived larger than life in an assortment of caftans, wigs, fur coats, costume jewels, fire red fingernails, and her ever-present cocktail of choice in her hand. I lovingly called her world’s cheapest screwdriver the “Popov and Donald” after its two main ingredients: Popov Vodka and Donald Duck orange juice. The constant, comforting refrain of clinking and tinkling ice surrounded her as she stirred it steadily with her nicotine stained index finger. With parents who blasted Elton John, Neil Diamond, Bette Midler, Barry Manilow, and let’s not forget the beginning of this story, the soundtrack to “Dirty Dancing” when I was but six years old, it would seem as if the Universe was surrounding me with the perfect, magical, organic tools I would need to live my best faggotty life. Yet, In the summer of fourth grade, it all coalesced into understanding that I was truly different. Not just a creative type but there was something else, something more that separated me from the rest of the kids around me. The person who taught me this was Mr. M.
Mr. M. was my summer school theater teacher. When I saw him, I could just tell that he had the same thing that I had. That thing – the one that made me different – it was in him too. I immediately recognized it, and it was beautiful, and it made me feel so good that I wasn’t alone. It was the first time that I truly could see that there were actually adults like me too. Mr. M. had created a 4th through 6th grade summer-stock follies masterpiece that combined the story of Rapunzel with the music from Hair. It was everything my queer little heart desired rolled into a masterpiece for the stage, dusted in fairytale glitter, and laid out like a prize before me. I was cast in the dream role I could have never imagined I needed. My character was “Jacques,” Rapunzel’s best friend, confidant, and (though unspoken) very, very flamboyantly gay hairdresser. I was obviously the comedic relief – and I knew that at the time – but I didn’t care. I loved the role and despite having no idea what camp meant at the time (and certainly wouldn’t have cared if I did). I knew that this part had been created just for me, to let me shine, and I was not going to let Mr. M. down.
My stepmom stepped up like a hero again and made me look like everything that a 10-year-old, fabulous hairdresser should look like. Remember that waist length wig from my fortune teller look? Well she lovingly cut off a little 6 inch snip and braided it into the back of my big ass, blown out hair. I didn’t know or care that this was being “gay,” but I knew that I had never in my life felt more right.
In what will be a surprise to no one, I can humbly confirm that I stole the show. The audience loved me, seeing this fabulous child, living his truth, loving himself and not being afraid to shine in all his homo-glory in only the fourth grade? I was years ahead of the world and it felt amazing. In fact, before the show, we had joked in my house about the mannerisms of being gay, the flouncy walk, the limp wrists, the sassy lisp. I genuinely loved them all so much that after the performance, I began to adopt these affectations officially into my daily life, from lisping from the breakfast table: “Plleathe path the theareal” to my bedtime prayers, “in Jethus name we pray, amen”.
And that’s the moment. The moment where things changed.
“Sit down here next to me,” my father asked as he patted the bed politely. He called in my stepmother. “We should probably talk.”
After everyone assembled, my father asked thoughtfully “Do you know what homosexuality is?”
“No,” I responded quietly. I could tell immediately from his tone that 1) I was whatever that thing was and 2) that it was absolutely not okay.
“Well, it’s when two men do the things together that only a man and a woman are supposed to do together,” he lectured me. “And it is very wrong. You know how you played that part in the play, and how you have been walking and talking that way since? That’s not okay anymore. That’s how these homosexuals really act. It’s okay to act like them and laugh at them as a joke, like in the play. But it’s completely unacceptable to do those things in real life. In fact, men who do those things, well, the Bible says that they are going to hell. Do you want to go to hell?”
I did not want to go to hell. I slowly shook my head turning red, the furnace of shame stoked hot inside me.
“Good,” he said finally. “Then it’s time to stop acting like that. Back to being normal from now on.” He said goodnight, kissed me on the forehead, clicked off my bedroom light and shut the door behind him.
10…9…8… I counted down in my head. When I got to one, I thought Okay, he can’t be by the door anymore. That’s when the tears started flowing.
I still didn’t truly understand what being a homosexual was, but now I knew that I could never be one. Not only would it upset my father, but Jesus too? Well, that was just too much pressure. I was going into the fifth grade and the one thing I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt was that I did not, under any circumstances, want to go to hell.
My life was never the same from that moment on. As a child, I certainly never saw a dress or wig again. I spent the next twenty-five years pretending that I was not who I knew I was inside, trying my best to hide the traits as I got older but still knowing I had a funny voice and walk. Within a few years, I knew deep, deep inside that I was definitively the very thing I had been mandated not to be. I hid it further by marrying a woman and pretending even harder for many years that I was just a regular ol’ straight guy, just bein’ straight and actin’ straight and livin’ my best straight life. You know, lying.
I dated only women in my adolescence and finally, at age 18, I started dating my best friend. I guess we “fell in love,” though it was honestly more a relationship born of co-dependence, self-preservation, and convenience - and married at 21. For fourteen years I “played house.” To be honest, it wasn’t terrible. I had married my best friend and technically she knew I was gay as she had actually been the first and only person I had come out to up to that point. We pretended like that conversation had never happened. I thought I did an amazing job playing this role of dedicated straight husband contrary to many of the reviews on my role when I finally came out.
Everyday was a mental battle of epic proportions. Imagine a voice in your mind that has one job to do all day every day, and that job is to remind you that you are living a complete lie. I struggled with mental health issues, doing everything I could to manifest destructive patterns and catastrophes so that I could distract myself from my terrifying inner demons. As each year passed, the voice got louder and more distracting. But now I was in too deep. What would even be the value in listening to the voice and taking action? Destroying my marriage, my life and for what? I didn’t even know if what was on the other side would be better.At least I was safe in my cocoon as long as I played the part.
Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore. I wasn’t prepared to come out, but I also knew I couldn’t keep ignoring the voice the way I had been. I just needed something to quiet the voice. At the same time, I was also looking for a new fitness regime to help get my weight under control. When I drove by Padme Yoga in Sacramento, CA on a drizzly October afternoon, it seemed like kismet. Yoga could help me with my fitness, but I had also heard lots of friends talk about how much it helped them quiet their minds. Perfect! I signed up for my first yoga class, and though I was scared shitless, I actually showed up. At the end of the class, the instructor came up to me and asked me if I enjoyed the class, which I told her I did. Then she said “Come back tomorrow, this practice will change your life.” So I did. And the day after that, and the day after that, and the day after that.
The weight came off of my waist and my thighs, but there was a different kind of weight coming off of my shoulders as well. I felt happier and more joyful. People seemed to want to be around me more and I felt more authentic. I just kept showing up and my teacher from that first class was right - my life was changing. Strangely enough, the voice about my hidden sexuality was a bit quieter but I had new voices as well - ones telling me that I was perfect the way I was in that moment and that in or out of the closet, I was exactly where I was supposed to be. I began to feel this love for myself I had not felt in a very long time; not because I was skinny or more energetic, but because I was doing exactly what I needed for myself.
One Friday evening in May 2014, as I laid in pigeon pose I began to sob. People say they “ugly cry,” well I beautifully cried as years of self hate, sadness, anger, frustration, lies, manipulation, and abuse just flowed from my eyes and onto my mat. 75 minutes later, I knew I was ready. I went home, and for the first time, I let my inner knowing speak for me. I came out, for good.
The journey since has not been easy, but it has been a necessary one and I have learned so much. The best part is, I have never once been alone since. Remember that little boy, the one who went to bed that night crying, scared, and afraid that he would never be the person he was meant to be? Well amazingly enough, he woke up the moment I stepped off my yoga mat that evening. He has been by my side ever since. In fact, he is sitting right here next to me as I write this, wearing his favorite gown, loving himself, feeling beautiful and accepted. He calmly, lovingly reminds me that neither of us needs ever feel alone again.
Xavier Bettencourt is a writer and comedian currently residing in Sacramento, CA. Known for his authentic and humorous storytelling voice and unique point of view, Xavier digs deep to speak his truth and tirelessly encourages others to do the same. Follow him on Instagram for more: @thecomedybear.
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Worth It (Portraits of 119)
Summary: Just a short fic about Hisako bonding with her daughter (Akane is about four in this one). 
Hayama Akane sat patiently on a cushion at the foot of her bed while her mother ran the boar bristle brush through her hair. Every night her mom would brush it one hundred and twenty times, until it started to shine like pink satin. The ritual always made Akane feel a little like Rapunzel, or Auntie Erina, and like Rapunzel (or Auntie Erina) her hair was almost long enough for her to sit on. 
“Eighty-five, eighty-six, eighty-seven, eighty-eight...” 
Her eyelids started drooping at the steady sound of her mother’s voice, a voice like a calligraphy pen gliding smoothly across parchment. Akane knew that her mom was capable of yelling, and that she yelled quite a lot—at dad, at Auntie Alice, at the limitations of western biomedicine—but at night she was all green tea and summer rain. 
“Don’t fall asleep yet.” Akane felt her mom tap her shoulder with the back side of the brush. “I’m almost done.” 
Akane nodded, sitting up straight again. After a few more brush strokes, she started working the strands into a loose braid.  “Was your hair this long when you were a kid?” 
“What a strange thing to ask.” Hisako paused for a moment, thinking over the question. “No. Now that I think about it, my hair has never been much longer than this.” 
Akane glanced up to look at the pink hair, only a few shades darker than her own, neatly cropped just above her mother’s shoulders. “How come?” she asked. 
Hisako shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess I thought long hair would take too much time to style or get in the way while I was cooking. It just never seemed worth the trouble.” 
Akane pondered this idea for a moment. “Then maybe I should start cutting my hair too, to save time.” 
Her mom looked appalled at the notion, as though the idea had never occurred to her. “No, sweetheart.” She kissed the top of her head, bringing a smile to Akane’s face. “You are always worth it.”
It was then that Hayama Akane made her first major aesthetic choice. She would always have hair that fell well past her waist. 
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spartanguard · 7 years
Technically that is wrong. The Witch is much older than Rapunzel, as we recall Wish Hook is very old when we first meet him. His reason to screw over Rapunzel has to do with the fact that she has something he wants, cause he goes to her tower clearly to find this dark and magical power to get his revenge. They have a fling, and he chooses revenge over her. Which makes her angry and she gets prego. She becomes mother gothel bc of what he did to her....
She also keeps her daughter locked up because of what Wish Hook did to her she believes all people are bad and doesn’t want Alice to go through that. Wish Hook finds out he has a kid and goes to see her and sneaks in all the time. One time Rapunzel/The Witch catches him and poisons his heart and curses it cause of what he did to her. It’s a bad relationship because of what Hook does and what Rapunzel does in retaliation, toxic and causing pain to him and his daughter.
And your statement of how it’s a rehash? So what this whole season is loaded with rehashes what’s one more to add to the bucket list of rehashes this season? It makes sense, The Witch has very similar hair style to Rapunzel, age wise it matches, Wish Hook did not fall in love with anyone else but Milah so if he had a fling with Rapunzel he very likely did not choose her over his revenge and she grew angry and became The Witch, it all fits TBH. This is Wish Hook he thinks he’s hot shit.
The reason they have a toxic and bad relationship is cause she curses his heart and poisons him to never see his daughter. She’s the one causing the pain between him and her daughter and it’s because of what he did to her that she’s like this. That is the epitome of a toxic relationship. And he clearly does not show any kind of love for the mother of his child whatsoever he said as such to Real Hook, he didn’t know a Captain Hook could find love.
I’m assuming this is in response to this.
And TECHNICALLY, this is ALL speculation and discussion; no one will be right or wrong until after the episode airs (and it’s far more likely we’ll all be wrong, as usual). It’s not a contest, though.
I will admit, now that you explained it in full, I understand your theory better and think it has more of a chance of playing out. (I definitely have “Stay With Me” from Into the Woods stuck in my head now.) And you bring up a very good point with the Witch’s hairstyle (although I might counter that with the fact that everyone seems to be wearing braids this season; perhaps that’s JMo’s legacy
I still think there’s a casting issue with this, though. You bring up Wish Hook’s age—based on the established story, he should be 28 years older than Killian Prime. So we could extrapolate that to be an ~30-year age difference between Rapunzel, as we saw her in pics/promo (which appear to be a flashback), and the Witch. I really think if they were going to do that, they’d have found actresses with a wider age gap than 9 years; case in point: Rose McGowan (young Cora) is 25 years younger than Barbara Hershey (Cora). And if we’re to assume she wouldn’t age due to magic, then the same applies: why have a different actress?
This season definitely has callbacks and similar scenarios to situations from the past, but they’ve managed to tweak them all to be unique, like we saw in 7x06 with Drizella versus Regina. So I don’t think they’d outright repeat something from an earlier season; Killian would have to have a reason to betray Rapunzel. I’m not gonna try to argue that he won’t, but there has to be something to differentiate this situation from the one with Ursula. 
I’m with you on the Witch being the big bad, though obviously we don’t know why yet.Spurned romantic love is a reason for villainy we haven’t seen yet on the show; I’m not writing it off, but it usually goes much deeper than that. So either Killian does something that really damages Rapunzel, in your scenario, or…I don’t know. I don’t really have a counter to it other than that.
I definitely agree that this Witch is the same one who has his daughter and poisons his heart; there’s no reason to introduce another, unless they make it Zelena for some TBD reason. And to further play Devil’s advocate, it’s not confirmed that Rapunzel is the mother, or that Killian is the biological father. Just sayin’.
So PSA: if you don’t want me to critique your spec, cover your bases when you send it. You might have something there; we just don’t know yet.
Also, PSA, this is likely the last anon like this I’ll be replying to. My supply of troll feed is just about empty. Take care, nonnie.
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17 Hottest Triangle Box Braids You Got Gotta See
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Triangle box braids are an alternative to the box braids where the hair is cut into triangles instead of boxy ones. Totally above average, these braids are comfortable and an easy idea to try!
These incomparable braids were once worn by the hair queens Zoe Kravitz and Teyana Taylor! Versatility is always present in box braids. From a top bun, chunky braids, or swept sideways, you'll never have a choice to take your hairstyle to the next level.
Chalia Mangrum by Ohio designs smart braided looks and goes with various accessories. "The main thing that women do wrong is that their hair needs to be blown straight or some texture." She tells us this while reassuring that triangle part box braids are great for all types of hair textures.
When talking about maintenance, Chalia recommends a hair oil, an edge check and a foam. "Use oil to keep your scalp dry. The edge control keeps your edges smooth and smooth, and the foam helps control frizz, ”she says. Wrap them up at night and don't pull as this loosens them up faster. Following these tips will give you beautiful braids that can last for about 4 to 6 weeks.
Ready to play your protective hair game? These are the trendiest triangle braids to try hairstyles this season.
Small triangle box braids
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So nice job! If you choose this little triangle box braids on your black locks, you will surely flaunt your edgy taste. This is how you should level up your protective hairstyling game.
How would you describe this look?
This style is a large knotless braid with triangle pieces. I love the fact that it has less tension on the customer's natural hair. It is also very durable and light.
Any advice for someone considering it?
This style is for all hair types and it can be styled in several ways. It's great for the girl who just wants to get up and go and doesn't have to worry about her hair. It is also long lasting for around 4-6 weeks or longer.
Triangle box braids with curly ends
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Pop some twist to your hairstyle and pull these knotless triangle box braids with curly ends. These add length to your black mane as if you opted for a Rapunzel mane.
How would you describe this look?
This look is called the knotless bohemian box braids (triangle pieces). First, I love this look because of the knotless start, which creates less tension and more flexibility when styling. There is also a more natural look compared to the traditional method of box braids where the knot is visible. The bohemian hair on the ends gives this style a very feminine and boho look, and I think that's what my customers love most about it.
Any advice for someone considering it?
It is definitely beneficial for our natural hair. For the initial installation there is no tension and stress on the hair, especially on the hairline, which affects most women. It is also low maintenance and the versatility is amazing!
Triangle box braids with color
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If you no longer find your style of protection delightful, feel free to update your look. These triangle box braids with color are to brighten up your black locks with a hint of blonde hue.
Thick cornrow triangle box braids
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Gorgeous thick cornrow triangle box braids to satisfy your craving for a fresh aura. The aesthetic lines on the scalp and the polished edges are good reasons to have your black mane braided.
Side triangle box braids
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Ruffled ends are what make these side triangular box braids exceptional than ever before. The idea here is to add extra length and flair to your black protection style.
Triangle box braids with rubber bands
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Give your conventional black protective hairstyle a twist for kicks only. Time to reinforce your triangle braids with rubber bands and more delicate hair accessories.
Parted big triangle box braids
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These are solid and straight-up classy! Explore this severed large triangle case and wear it like a diva.
Long triangle box braids for thin hair
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This is such a beautiful hairstyle so that you have a versatile look, ideal for any mood. These are the long triangle box braids for thin hair, giving you a confident and edgy finish. Do you have a young girl in your life? Check out these cute box braids for kids!
Triangle box braids in a bun
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These triangular braids in a bun give you that classy and stylish look. View some of the curly strands to add extra details to your black hairstyle.
Large triangle box braids
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Are you passionate about getting your kinky locks braided or twisted? Don't have time to style your locks first thing every morning? These layered large triangle box braids fit the bill. Its beauty will not fade if you can keep it tight and free from ruffles.
Jumbo triangle box braids
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Do you have a bubbly personality with the charm of an empress? If so, don't miss out on giving these jumbo triangle box braids a shot! Show them with additional accessories how a shoulder length style can make a statement. See more of the best jumbo box braids.
Triangle goddess box braids
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Such a great way to keep a versatile, chic and protective hairstyle! Make a strong impact as you wear these long triangle goddess box braids. Flecky edges, blonde highlights and rubber bands prove that details make something extra.
Honey Blonde Triangle Box Braids
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Do you want a hairstyle that gives you effortless glamor? Rock these gorgeous honey blonde triangle box braids to pump up your look. The bright pink ombre is sure to match your edgy but flirty aura. Do you dig this color? Then here are a few blonde box braids for you.
Medium-sized triangle box braids
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Peel off a hairstyle that has a great aesthetic root pattern for a little surprise. Complete your style by wearing these medium-sized triangle box braids. These give your curls such a fuller and polished edge.
Bordeaux triangle box braids
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Go loud and bright! Give a swirl to these long, jumbo burgundy box braids with triangular parts. The white strings wrapped around a few braids give the ultimate look a sense of aesthetic delight.
Triangle box braids with cord
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If big braids with golden add-ons are your thing, this hairstyle must please your heart. Wear these long triangle box braids with cords and cuffs to always get you ready for a rave-up! Do you like it? See these cute long box braids here!
17 Hottest Triangle Box Braids You Got Gotta See
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qualitytacolover · 5 years
17 Hottest Triangle Box Braids You Got Gotta See
New Post has been published on https://www.easypromhairstyles.com/17-hottest-triangle-box-braids-you-got-gotta-see-32.html
17 Hottest Triangle Box Braids You Got Gotta See
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Triangle box braids are an alternative to the box braids where the hair is cut into triangles instead of boxy ones. Totally above average, these braids are comfortable and an easy idea to try!
These incomparable braids were once worn by the hair queens Zoe Kravitz and Teyana Taylor! Versatility is always present in box braids. From a top bun, chunky braids, or swept sideways, you'll never have a choice to take your hairstyle to the next level.
Chalia Mangrum by Ohio designs smart braided looks and goes with various accessories. "The main thing that women do wrong is that their hair needs to be blown straight or some texture." She tells us this while reassuring that triangle part box braids are great for all types of hair textures.
When talking about maintenance, Chalia recommends a hair oil, an edge check and a foam. "Use oil to keep your scalp dry. The edge control keeps your edges smooth and smooth, and the foam helps control frizz, ”she says. Wrap them up at night and don't pull as this loosens them up faster. Following these tips will give you beautiful braids that can last for about 4 to 6 weeks.
Ready to play your protective hair game? These are the trendiest triangle braids to try hairstyles this season.
Small triangle box braids
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So nice job! If you choose this little triangle box braids on your black locks, you will surely flaunt your edgy taste. This is how you should level up your protective hairstyling game.
How would you describe this look?
This style is a large knotless braid with triangle pieces. I love the fact that it has less tension on the customer's natural hair. It is also very durable and light.
Any advice for someone considering it?
This style is for all hair types and it can be styled in several ways. It's great for the girl who just wants to get up and go and doesn't have to worry about her hair. It is also long lasting for around 4-6 weeks or longer.
Triangle box braids with curly ends
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Pop some twist to your hairstyle and pull these knotless triangle box braids with curly ends. These add length to your black mane as if you opted for a Rapunzel mane.
How would you describe this look?
This look is called the knotless bohemian box braids (triangle pieces). First, I love this look because of the knotless start, which creates less tension and more flexibility when styling. There is also a more natural look compared to the traditional method of box braids where the knot is visible. The bohemian hair on the ends gives this style a very feminine and boho look, and I think that's what my customers love most about it.
Any advice for someone considering it?
It is definitely beneficial for our natural hair. For the initial installation there is no tension and stress on the hair, especially on the hairline, which affects most women. It is also low maintenance and the versatility is amazing!
Triangle box braids with color
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If you no longer find your style of protection delightful, feel free to update your look. These triangle box braids with color are to brighten up your black locks with a hint of blonde hue.
Thick cornrow triangle box braids
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Gorgeous thick cornrow triangle box braids to satisfy your craving for a fresh aura. The aesthetic lines on the scalp and the polished edges are good reasons to have your black mane braided.
Side triangle box braids
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Ruffled ends are what make these side triangular box braids exceptional than ever before. The idea here is to add extra length and flair to your black protection style.
Triangle box braids with rubber bands
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Give your conventional black protective hairstyle a twist for kicks only. Time to reinforce your triangle braids with rubber bands and more delicate hair accessories.
Parted big triangle box braids
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These are solid and straight-up classy! Explore this severed large triangle case and wear it like a diva.
Long triangle box braids for thin hair
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This is such a beautiful hairstyle so that you have a versatile look, ideal for any mood. These are the long triangle box braids for thin hair, giving you a confident and edgy finish. Do you have a young girl in your life? Check out these cute box braids for kids!
Triangle box braids in a bun
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These triangular braids in a bun give you that classy and stylish look. View some of the curly strands to add extra details to your black hairstyle.
Large triangle box braids
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Are you passionate about getting your kinky locks braided or twisted? Don't have time to style your locks first thing every morning? These layered large triangle box braids fit the bill. Its beauty will not fade if you can keep it tight and free from ruffles.
Jumbo triangle box braids
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Do you have a bubbly personality with the charm of an empress? If so, don't miss out on giving these jumbo triangle box braids a shot! Show them with additional accessories how a shoulder length style can make a statement. See more of the best jumbo box braids.
Triangle goddess box braids
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Such a great way to keep a versatile, chic and protective hairstyle! Make a strong impact as you wear these long triangle goddess box braids. Flecky edges, blonde highlights and rubber bands prove that details make something extra.
Honey Blonde Triangle Box Braids
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Do you want a hairstyle that gives you effortless glamor? Rock these gorgeous honey blonde triangle box braids to pump up your look. The bright pink ombre is sure to match your edgy but flirty aura. Do you dig this color? Then here are a few blonde box braids for you.
Medium-sized triangle box braids
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Peel off a hairstyle that has a great aesthetic root pattern for a little surprise. Complete your style by wearing these medium-sized triangle box braids. These give your curls such a fuller and polished edge.
Bordeaux triangle box braids
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Go loud and bright! Give a swirl to these long, jumbo burgundy box braids with triangular parts. The white strings wrapped around a few braids give the ultimate look a sense of aesthetic delight.
Triangle box braids with cord
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If big braids with golden add-ons are your thing, this hairstyle must please your heart. Wear these long triangle box braids with cords and cuffs to always get you ready for a rave-up! Do you like it? See these cute long box braids here!
0 notes
sak-a · 7 years
Bubblies (Toukomaru)
Word Count: 2,783
Soapies to Bubblies, I’m terrible with titles.
Someone requested for Komaru taking a bath with Fukawa to help overcome here fear. I hope you enjoy the fluffy cheese. °˖✧ (◕u◕ ❀) ✧˖° 
*     *     *
     “Touko, do you feel okay?”
     “A-as about as ‘okay’ as I can be without s-seeing.”
     “Got it. I’m gonna take my hands away in a second.”
     “A-alright.” She hears the water splash when Komaru drops her arms into the water.
     “… Touko?”
     “Your eyes are still closed…”
     “I know! Just…” She exhales deeply, hoping to sooth her nerves, and feels the other’s hands intertwine with hers.
     “Don’t look down. Just look at me.” She feels her hand being gently squeezed. “I’m right here with you.” The ordinarily gloomy woman bites her lower lip, counts to ten, and opens her eyes to Komaru’s wonderful smile, even more radiant and warmer than the sun. The water had been cleverly obscured by the brunette’s suggestion of using bubble bath solution. The gentle, flowery scent wafting through the air made it difficult for her to stay tensed. It would have been better if the hotel bathtub was a little bigger; the two sat on their knees to avoid accidentally snagging Touko’s hair.
     Komaru stretches, getting comfortable and wiggled a little in place. “What do you think? There’s no way you can see the marks with all these bubbles, right?”
     “Y-yeah…” Touko slouches and slinks lower into the water until it was above her shoulders.
     “I can’t believe you’ve never thought about using bubble bath before!” Komaru leans back against the wall and lifts her legs, drawing her knees close to her chest.
     “That stuff’s for little kids! I’ll have you know, not even my mothers bathed me in it!”
     “What?! That’s so sad! Bubble baths are like, the only reason kids even take them! I’ll have you know that Makoto and I used it every day! He made the best bubble Santas!” Komaru claps her hands excitedly. “Oh, but sometimes he’d use so much that he’d still have soap in his hair when he went to bed!” Touko’s eyes narrow as she shares that, looking away and sinking lower into the water to hide her pouting mouth.
     “You bathed with Naegi when you were little? Of course you would, you brocon…”
     “Hey, it’s normal! There’s nothing weird about that!”
     “Sure there isn’t.” Komaru sits up and scoots closer to Touko until she feels their toes touch. “Wh-what?”
     “You aren’t jealous, are you?”
     “Wh–!” Touko nearly shoots out of the bath at the suggestion. “O-of course not! Why would I be jealous over you talking about Naegi every day and having to hear how your life was without talking about him?!” Komaru jumps at the outburst and stares wide-eyed as she watches Touko’s face go through a number of expressions and turn red before shrinking back in the bubbles.
     “I-I was kidding! I’m sorry!” The former writing prodigy slams her face into the water. “Aaahh, please don’t try to drown yourself! I was just teasing! I’m sorry, Toki!”
     “Don’t call me that!!” Or at least that’s what Komaru thinks she said, with her speech garbled and all. Touko raises her head and Komaru has an apologetic smile.
     “Besides, we’re sharing a bath right now. And it’s different between us.” She leans forward until their foreheads touch. “We eat together, sleep together, wake up together… mostly. And fight together. As… girlfriends.” Her cheeks turn pink as she says the last word and glances into her reflection below. “My love towards you is different than towards Makoto.”
     The dreary woman bites her lip again; she can’t tell if it’s Komaru’s forehead or hers that feels hotter.
     “Those are lines definitely inspired by a sh-shoujo manga enthusiast,” she grumbles. “Have you no shame in saying them?”
     “Just a little bit,” she giggles. “I’m not great with words like you are, after all… It’s fine to borrow some if I really feel that way, right?” She looks back at Touko, all traces of irritation slowly fading away as she sighed before closing her eyes.
     “Fine. Only if you really mean it…” Komaru’s eyes close as well as she leans to the side, rubbing her cheek against Touko’s.
     “Are you all warmed up now?” Komaru pulls back and looks over her shoulder, grabbing the shower head and slowly turning on the water. “Turn around, okay?” Touko does so silently, brushing her hair back. Then, she feels her hair get heavy with water as Komaru guides the shower head over it and closes her eyes. Seeing the unease in the lines forming in her forehead, Komaru tries to keep talking to help her relax.
     “D-don’t you dare think about how I look like The Grudge!”
     “I wasn’t! B-but now that you mention it…”
     “I’m sorry! H-how much time did it take you to grow it out this long, anyway?”
     “… I don’t remember.” She opens her eyes somewhat, staring at the water as she tries to dig past the memories of her other self. “It’s been like that for m-most of my life.”
     “You’re more like Rapunzel than The Grudge.”
     Touko scoffs. “A-as if. There have been boys who have pulled my hair but never wanted to be my p-prince. A-and I’m nowhere close to some helpless pretty princess.”
     “No, you’re not helpless.” She hears the water shut off when she feels her hair is completely damp. “You’re really, really strong, Touko. Not just for Syo, either.” She groans at the pun. “And you’re beautiful.” She feels the other woman’s fingers comb through her hair, taking bundles into her hands. “So beautiful.” … Ordinarily she would retort with her usual self-deprecating quips but she can’t find the words to argue with Komaru’s genuine feelings. She never could.
     Touko opts to look away as she feels face getting warm again. Komaru pumps shampoo into her hands and starts lathering her hair. “I’ve always wanted long hair too, but it’s so hard to maintain it,” she sighs. “I probably wouldn’t have looked as good as you do.”
     “Are you fishing for compliments from me now?” Touko grumbles, closing her eyes again when she feels her hands get close to her forehead.
     “You’d look good. You’re above average in c-cuteness, after all. So don’t say stuff like that.” The brunette stares at her for a moment before letting out another laugh while patting her hair down.
     “You don’t want me to take your character trait, right?”
     “Sure, let’s go with that.”
     “Because it’s not like you like me or anything, right?”
     “Oi, oi, don’t try to label me as a trashy tsu-tsundere!”
     “Hmm, but you do act like one to me…”
     “Sorry, sorry~” She hears the water start running again and Komaru washes the suds out. Touko sits quietly in thought; even though her hair should have had knots and tangles from her hygiene habits, she didn’t feel a thing. Komaru truly was a gentle girl.
     “Hey.” She looks over her shoulder. “When you’re done, let me do your hair too.”
     “Huh? I-it’s alright, you don’t have to!”
     “I’m just returning the f-favor. You’ve helped me enough already.”
     “It’s alright, really!”
     “J-just let me do this!”
     “I-if you insist…!” She passes the shower head and they both face the other way. Touko runs her hand through the brunette’s unkempt mop of hair, surprised by how silky it was. Is this what her hair should feel like? How other girls’ were supposed to be?
     “Turn the water off and give me the bottle.” Trying to copy what Komaru did, she starts scrubbing her scalp. It didn’t take much to notice Komaru’s hands balled into fists and her head was pushing back against Touko. “H-hey, if it hurts, then tell me!”
     “I’m supposed to be saying that!” She sighs and Komaru can feel her fingers shaking in her hair. “I-I’ve never even bathed with my mothers before. I don’t know how to do this sort of thing for another girl…” Touko relaxes her hands. “C-could you show me?” She feels a nodding motion against her palms and Komaru turns around, putting her hands over Touko’s.
     “You don’t have to try so hard for my sake or anything,” she laughs and guides her. “Um, it made me really happy, though.” When Touko gets a better feel for how she should go about it, she finishes the rest herself and rinses the soap out. When Komaru lifts her head, Touko’s greeted with a smile so full of adoration she thought her heart would burst. “Thank you.”
     She can’t help but kiss her, unable to even find words from her own stories or vocabulary to figure out what to say. Komaru’s eyes widened in surprise and when she’s about to return the kiss, Touko yanks herself back and holds herself defensively, as if to say she couldn’t handle any more affection. Komaru takes what she got and giggles, touching her lips as she turns the valve off. “Are you ready to get out?”
     “Y-yeah.” Komaru stands first, returning the shower head to its spot on the wall and gets out of the tub to dry herself. She turns back and Touko closes her eyes, reaching her hands out for Komaru to take and help guide her out. She feels the former pat her dry for her, being especially careful not to linger around her marked thigh, and helps her into a bath robe. Touko ties the front herself and opens her eyes as Komaru hands her her glasses before putting on her own robe.
     “Whew! I didn’t think that would be so much work,” she laughs, stretching her arms. “That wasn’t too bad, was it? You don’t feel uncomfortable?”
     “… No.”
     “Ahh, that’s great!”
     “Th-thank you.”
     “Don’t thank me yet, let me dry your hair!” She gestures for Touko to come stand by the mirror. She watches Komaru plug in a hairdryer and pick up a brush in the reflection.
     “D-did you used to do this kind of thing for your f-friends or something?”
     “Oh, yeah! At sleepovers and stuff, typical girl jumbo. No one had hair as long as yours, though!” Her head feels lighter as the water evaporates. “Wow, it’s gotten so straight and shiny…” Touko gently bit her lower lip, surprised to see herself like this for the first time. “I wish we had some ties so I could braid your hair!”
     “Huh? Haven’t you ever wanted to braid another girl’s hair?”
     “Of course not…” Komaru makes quick work to dry her head off before moving onto her own. Touko moves back to give her room and watches the girl take great care in styling her short hair, witnessing the miracle of how fast her ahoge dried off and sprung back to life. They walk back out of the bathroom and sit on their bed, waiting for their clothes to air dry on the backs of chairs after being washed.
     “I can’t believe the electricity works in this hotel but not the washing machines,” Komaru pouts as she flips through a light novel she found on one of their Monokuma raids. “I can’t believe how hard doing laundry by hand is!”
     “Be thankful there was even a-anything we could use to wash our clothes in the first place. And stop r-reading that garbage!”
     “There’s nothing else to do! And this is actually really good, Touko! See, it’s about–”
     “I don’t want to hear it.” She puts her hand over the flimsy excuse for a book. “I’m too worn out from dealing with the brats and Junk Monokuma. I want to sleep…” Touko’s gaze trails off to the lack of pillows and blankets; the covers were also taking their sweet time drying.
     Glancing back to Komaru, she decides to tease her back for embarrassing her so much earlier. “Oi, Komaru, your fun bags are real, right?”
     “F-fun–?! O-of course they are!” She’s immediately flustered and turning red.
     “Let me rest my head on ‘em. I wanna see what all the nonsense is about.”
     “Aren’t you confusing that with a lap pillow?!”
     “Your thighs are probably hard with muscle from all the running around we do.”
     “They are not!” Komaru’s cheeks puff up for a moment but her expression relaxes as she composes herself. “B-but if you want to, Touko, then…” Her face is getting hot again when she’s surprised by how readily she agreed; She wasn’t going to insist in the first place, but she couldn’t back out now. She had to save face.
     “P-pardon the intrusion, then.” Touko’s pretty sure the bed springs couldn’t creak any louder as she slowly leans to the side, her temple eventually touching Komaru’s chest, and the first thought she has is how much softer it was than a pillow. However her courage runs dry and she zips back, sitting straight up.
     “H-how was it?!” Komaru yells unintentionally, too anxious to speak calmly.
     “Y-y-your heart’s t-too loud!” Although it was actually her own that was ringing in her ears.
     “Well sorry! I can’t help it!”
     “Ugh, I’ll just dry the sheets myself!” Touko grabs the hairdryer and makes the bed with haste, her energy leaving as she leaves the dryer on the table and falls back on the bed, sinking into the mattress. “How late is it?” She lets out a deep sigh, closing her eyes.
     “Close to ten. I guess we can turn in now.” Komaru flicks the light off and plops down next to her.
     “I’m passing out either way.”
     “Ahh, Touko, don’t hog the blanket!”
     “You always do, anyway!”
     “Don’t be so cold! I’ll catch something!”
     “You’ll catch these hands before you do!”
     “Aaahh, don’t be mean!” As Touko turns onto her side, she gets an idea. “Fine, it can’t be helped!” Touko jumps when she feels her arms snake around her stomach and Komaru’s front against her back. “Keep me warm, okay, Toki?”
     “Don’t call me that ridiculous nickname!” But she doesn’t resist, letting the other snuggle into her and curls up. “… Don’t start tossing and turning in the middle of the night when we’re like this.”
     “I won’t! I’ll make sure of it!” She feels Komaru press her face against the back of her neck and plant a kiss. “I’ll protect you!”
     “D-don’t act like you’re some prince all of a sudden…”
     Komaru hums thoughtfully as she shimmies in place, trying to get more comfortable. “I just wanna be able to pay you back for everything you did for me.” Touko says nothing, letting her continue. “You helped me be strong and didn’t let me give up, after all.” She closes her eyes as she smiles, recalling those moments. “I wanna help you through your fear of baths and anything else you’re scared of.” Touko unconsciously touches her thigh as she speaks, unable to feel the scars inflicted on it through the fluffy material of the robe. “Now and… well, not forever since we’ll be gone from this world one day…”
     Touko suddenly turns around, facing her with a serious look in her eyes. “Don’t say something like that so lightly. I won’t let that happen if I can help it.” She doesn’t stutter, but despite the conviction in her words, her voice is shaking. “I-if that day comes, then we’ll be gone t-together!”
     Komaru can’t help but laugh. “Now who’s taking lines from shoujo manga?”
     “Sh-shut up, I couldn’t think of anything!” She touches her forehead against the woman who had a way with words, smiling even more.
     “Yes, let’s make sure it’s together,” she continues. “I always wanna be here for you.” The woman so wholly in love cuddles closer to her beloved. “Thank you, Touko. For everything.”
     “… Th-thank you, too. For accepting me.” Touko brushes the blanket over Komaru’s body, reaches her arms around her, and gets closer as well, until they were completely tangled with each other. “For being my first friend… my first real l-love… F-for loving me back…” She dips her head to avoid her eyes. “F-for being… here.” She feels Komaru’s warm lips touch her forehead and they both wiggle around for a while until they can relax, their weary eyes starting to close as they finally fell asleep.
     They would have exchanged those three words that every couple does, but they both knew well enough, already. Touko has long grown tired of them, its value lost in the sea of words among her novels and finds little meaning in repeating herself; Komaru, having more than enough vigor to say it faster than a machine gun, could never find the perfect way to profess it. Yes, trusting the depths of their feelings for each other was enough. That was all they needed to keep going in the cruel world still engulfed by despair; they were each other’s greatest hope. And they both had a heavenly rest, dreaming about each other after the same thought crossed their minds.
     I love you.
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forkanna · 7 years
See also: @pankite​ 
The world was nothing but a blur through the endless stream of tears. Anna's body shook from a combination of the biting night chill and her own sobs. She had lost track of the amount of time she lay curled up under the sturdy oak by the cafeteria building with her face buried into her legs.
She replayed her argument with her sister in her mind over and over again. She desperately wished for either her Papa or Kristoff to come wrap their arms around her and tell her how she didn't just fuck up any chances she had of getting her sister back… at least, not completely. Even if Elsa accepted this, there would always be that awkward tension between them now. A silent disapproval that sent Anna into another fresh round of sobs just thinking about it.
And now she understood why her mother did all that she did. Why Idunn pretended Anna never called or sent anything to Elsa. It made her heart throb in agony to think that her mother hated her so much that she would purposefully sabotage her from being in contact with her older sister over something like her sexuality. Anna cursed her thirteen-year-old self for proudly announcing her first kiss to her mother, and for being naive enough to trust that she would accept her no matter what. That family was stronger than hate. Never in a million years did she think that Idunn would cut her off and try to turn Elsa against her!
And just as they were getting close again, Anna had to go and screw it up… possibly permanently. She didn't even have the decency to stay and comfort her sister. Instead, she took off, too cowardly to hold still and listen to her in case Elsa changed her mind and told her how much she hated her.
"Hey!" came a sudden, cheerful voice that shattered the silence. "What the heck are you doing out here, all by yourself?"
"...P-Punzie?" Anna whimpered and lifted her face from her legs to look up at the blurry form of her friend. A shudder went through her and she huddled more into herself for warmth. "W-What are you d-doing? It's late..." She wiped at her raw eyes in a vain attempt to clear them before Rapunzel got close enough to see her in the state she was in. As if her shaking voice didn't give her away first. "I-It's nothing, I- I just needed some air."
There was very little hesitation before the brunette sank down next to Anna, an arm automatically draping over her back. "It is not 'nothing'. Are you okay? What's wrong, Anna?"
The warmth that accompanied the arm helped ease Anna and she cuddled into Rapunzel unconsciously. "Punzie..." She let out a sigh and sniffed. "I- I fucked up. I got into a fight with Elsa and…" She looked at the brunette. "Um… h-how do you really feel… about gay people?"
Rapunzel stared back at her for a long moment, as if trying to think of an answer. Then she whispered, "Sorry, I'm, um, not used to hearing language like that. Can you repeat the question?"
"Punzie," Anna sighed softly. "Please, be honest with me; I'm serious." She paused for a moment, praying that she wasn't about to make another mistake. "How do you feel about people in the LGBT spectrum? You defended them earlier…" She tried to smile reassuringly to show her friend that she wouldn't be mad about her answer. "I just want to know now that we're not trapped in a tent with Pastor Frollo."
"Well…" The girl was very obviously squirming, but she rushed on, "I don't feel any certain way, y'know? They're just people. Like, I'm really struggling with that and how it relates to God and Christianity, but I don't know how to… I kinda… What's the big freakin' deal? Who cares who somebody loves or doesn't love? It just seems like there's a lot of sin in the world, bad sin, dangerous sin! And we waste so much of our time on homosexuality instead of the stuff we should be working on, like… homelessness, or murder, or domestic abuse, or… I don't know!"
Anna smiled a little wider, her chest warm with affection for the rambling woman. "I think you're a really nice person, Punzie." She rested a hand on her shoulder. "If I were to tell you someone we know is gay, would you treat them different?"
At that, Rapunzel scoffed. "Probably. Like, not on purpose, though. I just have never had any gay friends. I mean, there's a boy in my class everybody's pretty sure is, but like, without knowing for… sure…" Then the thread of their conversation started to catch up with her, and her eyes widened. "Wait. You're telling me… somebody here is? A gay kid came to Bible camp?!"
"Yeah," Anna said with a half-snort. She decided to take the plunge, releasing Rapunzel's shoulder so she could nervously hug herself again. "It's me."
"It's… you're… wait, what are you saying? You're a lesbian? No. But you don't… I mean you're so…" Swallowing hard, Rapunzel started hugging her own knees. "M-maybe I should stop saying things before I say a thing that's really stupid."
"Bi, actually. I have no feelings for you or any of the other girls, before you ask," she said bluntly, "nor do I randomly want to bang you, Punzie. I like girls just like you like boys, but I doubt you want to jump every guy's bone, right?" She tried to grin but it came out as more of a half-smile, half-grimace.
"A-ah." Her cheeks were filling with pinkness, and at first Anna was worried that she really had thought those things. But what she said next was, "S-sorry, I don't normally spend much time thinking about… um…" Lowering her voice to barely a whisper, she finished, "Ess-ee-ex."
Anna relaxed and let a tired giggle past her lips. "That's okay. Just thought I would get those stereotypes out of the way before you asked about them." She leaned against the tree, the stress finally taking its toll and she looked ready to fall asleep. "Anyway, I told Elsa. She… I won't say took it badly - because really, she didn't - but I thought I might as well stay away for now so she can… sort out things, I guess."
Her voice was a little more hushed in a worried way. "Ohhh. So… oh wow, you came out to two people in the same day. And in a campground full of Christians! I'm… maybe this is the wrong thing to take away from this, but you're pretty brave."
"I feel more tired than brave," Anna confessed. "I just… I don't want to hide it anymore and sit there like a good girl while people talk down on people like me. Elsa… well, we got into an argument and it came out. I came out. With you, I just feel like I can trust you." Anna sighed, "Is it okay if I crash in your cabin tonight? I- I don't think I should go back to mine yet."
"She took it that bad?" Rapunzel asked, reaching over to perch a hand on Anna's bicep. "That sucks… I'm really sorry. After the past few days, I started to think maybe you could be the one to unfreeze the Ice Queen, y'know? But maybe…" Shaking her head, she said, "Nah, I shouldn't say anything about her, either. I talk a lot more than I should, if you haven't noticed."
"Elsa's not a bad person," Anna insisted to her friend, frowning. "She's our Mama's kid just as much as I'm Papa's… actually, Elsa took it much better than I expected. I just can't face her right now." She stood up on numb legs, groaning at the pins and needles that were only intensified from the cold. "Thank you, Punzie, for listening..."
"Wait!" Popping up next to Anna, she caught her by the elbow. "You don't have to run off. Um… yeah, Snow is sleeping over with Aurora and Belle. So if you wanna use her bunk…"
"Thanks." Anna smiled at her and they started walking towards the cabin. There was a pleasant silence between the two, just the quiet song of cicadas in the distance. Then Anna's face fell.
"I don't know how I'm going to face the kids tomorrow… I mean, they'll know something's up…"
Shrugging, Rapunzel said, "I dunno, either. We'll just have to see how it shakes out when we get there, right? I mean, maybe you can just pretend everything's the same and, um, see if Elsa will follow your lead?"
"Yeah, I'll try that. Better than nothing, anyway."
Entering the cabin made Anna let out a sigh of pleasure at the warmth. "You know, it's been a long time since I had a sleepover," she exclaimed, trying to lighten the mood, and added, "If you aren't tired, we can watch a movie, or do each other's hair or something!" The thought of a fun night helped Anna take her mind off her sister and the day ahead.
"No movies; camp rules, remember?" But then she hastily followed up with, "But I would! Totally! Um… yeah, my hair's a choppy mess, but if you wanna put it in little braids, that sounds cool! And I can put yours in a French braid — my mom taught me!"
Anna's face fell briefly, having forgotten that rule, but it lifted again when Rapunzel offered to play with her hair. "I would like that," she said, and started working on freeing her hair from their own braids, shaking it free and running her fingers through until her hair fell in soft auburn waves, roughly to about her shoulder blades.
Having mostly just her dad and Kristoff, Anna didn't do things like this often. It had been Elsa or Mama who used to do her hair when she still visited, and Esmeralda taught her how to do her signature twin braids on her own without making them look like a sloppy mess. So she was really excited to see her hair in a different style than what she was used to.
"It's so pretty and soft," Rapunzel whispered once she was running a brush through it, voice warm and as soothing as the motions. "I'm jealous; I tried to go blonde when my hair was super long, but the treatments kinda fried it and I ended up just chopping it all off."
She hummed in sympathy but was mostly distracted by the therapeutic feel of the brush and the soothing sound of Rapunzel's voice. "You look good the way you are now," she reassured, eyes closing. "I mean, I'm sure you would've looked great with long blond hair, but the way you look now suits you." She cracked an eye open to throw a warm smile over at Rapunzel. "Besides, long-haired blondes are my type, so that might've been awkward." She couldn't help but worry that the joke was a little much but it was out now.
"O-oh, really?" The laughter that followed was distinctly nervous, but mainly good-natured. "I, um… thank you? Wait, that's probably not the right thing to say here…" She let out a little growl of frustration at herself. "I promise, I'm not gonna be this dumb in a few days. You're really cool, I could tell from the first day! This is just… y'know, new territory. An adjustment for my hetero brain."
A chuckle was followed by Anna resting her hand on Rapunzel's arm and giving it a pat. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't make jokes when you only just found out…" She paused and smiled softly to herself. "Thank you again, Rapunzel, you don't know how much this means to me."
After a few more contemplative seconds, she said, "I can guess. When I fight with my parents, I just have to lock the door to my room upstairs and wait it out for a while because I can't face them. Or they can't handle talking to me without being, y'know, all parental about it and acting like I'm just a stupid kid. Sometimes, it feels like I'm gonna be in there for the rest of my life. So… even though I don't really get what you're going through, I definitely understand what it's like to need space."
The smile that next graced Anna's lips was a tad bitter. "I still feel bad. Dropping a bomb and then leaving her like that. I just didn't know what else to do… Elsa's always liked being alone when she feels overwhelmed and I couldn't stand the way she looked at me." She shivered and hugged herself.
"Well… she's probably in the same place I am. It's new. And like you said, she's overwhelmed. Give it some time, okay? Talk to her tomorrow. And even if she's still freaking out, then that just means she needs more time, right? It's probably harder for her 'cause she's known you longer."
"You're right," Anna sighed. "All I can do is sit and wait for tomorrow and see where we go from there." She desperately hoped that Elsa would still want her in her life. That they could go forward together without being split apart for a second and possibly final time. The optimist inside her piped up that Elsa wouldn't do that — that she would love her all the same, and Anna decided to believe that for now.
Despite the cold whisper from the other half of her psyche that told her she had thought that about her mother, too, and had been burned for it.
"Hey, how's that braid coming?"
"About half done," Rapunzel told her with a smile, fingers making quick work of entwining the three groupings of hair. "So… um, you and girls. How's that working out so far?"
"My first kiss was from a girl." Anna's voice wasn't as cheery as usual but it was clear by her fond tone that she had perked up from the question. "My friend Mulan surprised me by kissing me just before she had to go back to China to be with her family. And not just a friend-kiss. That's when I really started thinking about my sexuality. I went on a date with a few boys here and there, and even went out with a guy named Hans for a couple of months, but there is something about women that I find I like a bit more." She giggled, "Then my ex-girlfriend Esme waltzed into my life, and there was no more doubting where my main interest lay."
"And I haven't even been on a real date-date with Flynn yet," she breathed in wonder. "And here's you, figuring out you're… mostly-gay, or whatever, and kissing two girls when I've barely kissed the one boy! Like, we're about the same age, right? I always thought I was saving myself for marriage, and that it was a really good thing. Is that dumb? Should I be dating more, even though I think Flynn is the right man for me?"
"If it feels right, that's all that matters, Punzie." The warm words of her Papa from the day she had confessed her conflicted feelings came back to Anna, so she passed them along: "If you think Flynn is the man for you, then you don't need to date anyone else. I don't find it dumb that you're waiting for marriage, or not kissing, especially if you aren't comfortable. You should do things at your own pace and not feel ashamed for it." Anna shook her very gently, to make sure she was still listening. "If this Flynn loves you, he will wait until you are ready. If he doesn't and tries to push you, he isn't worth it."
At those words, Rapunzel smiled and let out a soft chuckle. "Well… he does push for kisses. But not too much. And he never, ever brings up going further; he knows we're waiting and it's as important to him as it is to me." Then she added in a whisper, "But maybe I do want to try kissing now; I mean, we're over eighteen, right? And we're still together after a year of courtship."
"If you feel you're ready, then kiss him," Anna encouraged. "And don't just not do it if you think that it's something the Bible frowns upon. Kissing isn't a sin, believe me." She remembered sharing that particular worry with her father and having him exaggeratedly regale all the times her Bible-strict mother used to kiss him before they were married, much to Anna's embarrassment. "Congratulations on that, by the way! A year!"
"Thanks," she giggled with a bashful smile. "He's such a dork, but he's my dork." Then she patted Anna's shoulders. "All done! You know, I think I have an extra shower cap, if you wanna bag it up so it'll still look nice tomorrow."
Anna stood up and walked over to the mirror over Snow's desk. She was instantly struck by just how different and pretty she looked with her hair draped into a single, elegant braid down her back. She looked kind of like a redheaded version of Elsa, and the thought made Anna smile.
"I think I'd like that; we'll see what the kids have to say about my new look." She spun on her heel and felt the slight smack of the braid against her shoulder, which made her giggle. "What do you think, Rapunzel?"
"I think you look fantastic!" she gushed, clapping her hands. "And not just because it's my handiwork, I swear! Like, your hair is just made to be braided, dude!"
Snorting at the little "dude" thrown in there, she looked back at the mirror and smiled, admiring the image looking back… and her traitorous brain wondered how Elsa would react to seeing her like this. Would she be impressed at how mature she looked? Would she say anything?
"I think we should head to bed now," Anna announced after a long moment. Her enthusiasm was curbed by the unexpected bout of tiredness that came with the thought. She cursed herself inwardly for ruining her good mood again. "It's really late."
"Yeah," Rapunzel admitted with a sad little nod. "I mean, if you need to talk more, I'll be just a few feet away, though. Don't be afraid to speak up! Oh, and um, I don't have an extra toothbrush or anything, but I have some jammies! If you want 'em. They have little green lizards all over." After a second, she added in a mutter, "I like lizards."
It didn't take long for Anna to get dressed and ready for bed, her hair carefully tucked into a shower cap to keep the beautiful braid intact while she slept. The pajamas were a little small on her since Rapunzel was shorter, but Anna didn't mind as she slipped hesitantly into Snow's bunk.
"She won't be mad?"
"Nah. I'll explain if she is, but I kinda doubt that'll happen. She's not petty." As she snuggled into her bunk, Rapunzel whispered across, "Hey, Anna?"
Anna snuggled into the blankets, which were made from some very warm, soft material that felt like heaven against her bare patches of skin. "Yes Punzie?" she replied when she got comfortable, already feeling the toll of the day taking over and the dark blanket of unconsciousness starting to settle in her brain.
"I… I know it was hard to trust me, with your secret and all… but I…" Her voice was a little more strained when she spoke again. "I'm so glad I stood up to Pastor Frollo today. So, so glad."
"Thanks for standing up to him, Rapunzel," Anna murmured sleepily, hiding a smile into her pillow. "I'm really glad you did, too. It's really nice knowing someone cares." She blinked and let out a sigh. "You're a good friend and I'm really glad to have met you."
She struggled to stay awake and say more, but the bed was too comfortable and the pull of sleep too tempting. With a last hum, she closed her eyes and gave in.
                                         To Be Continued...
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kidsviral-blog · 6 years
We Tried Out Pinterest Hair Tutorials And This Is What Happened
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We Tried Out Pinterest Hair Tutorials And This Is What Happened
Looks like things are about to get Pinteresting.
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Nathan W. Pyle for BuzzFeed / Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
2. With Pinterest being one of the most popular beauty resources, we got five women with different hair types to try out the most popular DIY hairstyles.
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
  Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
  Allison: I’m Jewish so I got that Jew hair: longish, darkish, curlyish, frizzyish.
Kirsten: I have short, thick, wavy hair. I’ve never been very into doing my hair, so this is going to be interesting for me. I’ll be excited if I can find some quick, easy hairstyles.
Candace: Ever since I was a little kid, I’ve been “blessed” with more hair than I can handle. It always air-dries into a a grown-ass Simba mane.
Kristin: I have long, fine, curly hair. If it’s too long I look like a cocker spaniel; if it’s too short, it frizzes up and I look like a clown. I am bad at Pinterest, so I do not have high hopes for this.
Sheridan: Well, I’m black. But really, I like to describe my hair as “What the fuck are you?” It does this weird curly-wavy-straight thing and there’s a reason why I see my hairdresser as often as possible.
4. The Half-Crown Braid Tutorial from Hair Romance from the front…
Christina Butcher / hairromance.com
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
  Macey J Forornda for BuzzFeed
Macey J Forornda for BuzzFeed
Macey J Forornda for BuzzFeed
  6. …and from the back:
Christina Butcher / hairromance.com
Macey Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey Foronda for BuzzFeed
  Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
  Allison: Not to be Allison Bragg, but I was pretty sure this one was going to be easy for me since I’ve been known to dabble in the braid crown. My technique is typically the poor man’s version of this, so I was a little thrown off, but overall it was pretty easy.
Kirsten: This one isn’t bad. I mean, I am pretty bad at hair, but I can conquer a braid, so this one wasn’t terrible for me. Though I do wish I had some Rapunzel locks to make this look cooler.
Candace: Braiding is actually a way for me to pin down the puffiness of my hair. It was hard to determine how much hair to actually grab though. I was really proud of my braids, so I discovered I DID get something out of Girl Scouts.
Kristin: I got lucky. I got so lucky. I was not expecting this turn out OK and THEN IT TOTALLY DID. I haven’t seen it from the back, but I suspect I am living the American hair dream. Also, taking this out was easier than putting this in.
Sheridan: Like WTF kind of black magic is this shit? The chick’s hair looks FLAWLESS in the tutorial, and if she’s gonna tell me she didn’t blow-dry, straighten, then perfectly wave the bottom in order to have a good base to do this, then buh-bye. In the end, it didn’t look as terrible as I thought it would, but let’s be honest, this style is for longer hair.
8. The Two-Minute Updo With a Headband from Hello Natural
Hello Natural / hellonatural.co
Macey J Forornda for BuzzFeed
Macey J Forornda for BuzzFeed
  Macey J Forornda for BuzzFeed
Macey J Forornda for BuzzFeed
Macey J Forornda for BuzzFeed
  Allison: LOL! We all looked like George Washington or judges from the 18th century.
Kirsten: Is my rat tail out? My ears kept poking out like that girl from Lord of the Rings. Actually, just Orlando Bloom. But like a not-hot version. Also, this did not take me two minutes. This could come out at any second. Actually — like right now, it is coming out right now.
Candace: I think my hair is just too damn thick for the Pinterest lifestyle. I aimed for 1920s chic, but because of how bad I am with hair, I got George Washington mixed with Princess Leia.
Kristin: I think this only takes two minutes if you are good at things, which I am not. Also, my hair is way too fine for this. I feel like I’m wearing a hat. Allison and Kirsten look good, though.
Sheridan: I feel like it’s the Regency era and I’m a Bennet sister but no one mentions me because I’m worse than Lydia.
10. The Easy Hair Bow from Beautylish
Alicia Hentemann / beautylish.com
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
  Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
  Allison: I was so excited for this one because it’s a BOW MADE OF HAIR, GUYS! But it ended up looking like three buns on the top of my head. Whatever, I’m not mad at it. Going to try this every day for the rest of 2015 and see if I can perfect it. Hoping to really nail it down as my summer look.
Kirsten: I feel like this is a hairstyle that I would see on Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century. Or maybe Ariana Grande would wear this and people would look at you like, “How does that girl not have a headache?”
Candace: I swear, it is pretty much impossible for me to line something up perfectly in the center of my head. I need to live in the ’80s where everything was to the side. I’m proud because I could actually get a semi-decent bow, but the lopsidedness was so sad, so, so sad.
Kristin: Look, I’ve always wanted to join the Mickey Mouse Club, so this worked out fine for me.
Sheridan: LOL. No.
12. The Half-Up Criss-Cross Updo from Ma Nouvelle Mode from the side…
Natalia Simmons / manouvellemode.com
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
  Macey J Forornda for BuzzFeed
Macey J Forornda for BuzzFeed
Macey J Forornda for BuzzFeed
  14. …and from the back:
Natalia Simmons / manouvellemode.com
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
  Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
  Allison: I don’t get this one at all. It’s just like a half pony thing? Also teasing my hair is a big mistake, and I know not to go there.
Kirsten: When I teased my hair that gave me a nice “after sex” look, but not the kind you want, the kind where you run into the bathroom and fix yourself so the person isn’t terrified of you.
Candace: So, I feel like Snooki pre-baby right now, and I’m ready for my duckface selfie. You’re supposed to tease your hair for more volume in the tutorial, and I should have known not to do that based on how poofy my hair already is.
Kristin: This took me three tries. I tried so hard, you guys, but all I got was mad bumps. My hair just didn’t wanna. No amount of back-combing was gonna make this happen for me. Now I just have a head full of frizz.
Sheridan: So, according to the tutorial, short hair girls can totally rock this hairstyle, and I have to say…doesn’t look too terrible. The teasing was my favorite part — it brought me back to my picturesque New Jersey childhood in which bumps were REQUIRED. I wish I had a little bit straighter hair just so that the sides would look less frizzy and a little more ~sleek~ but I didn’t hate this so SUCCESS.
16. The Straightened Braid Waves Tutorial from Hey Wanderer
Hey Wanderer / heywandererblog.com
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
  Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
  Allison: This made me look like I’m in an ’80s hair band. I guess it’s supposed to curl your hair, but it kind of straightened mine?
Kirsten: I think I should have tried larger braids because I kinda look like I got electrocuted. This hairstyle was described as “after beach” wavy and I look like “after I got caught in the undertow” wavy.
Candace: Welp, I was super excited about this, thinking, “YAS I can finally do my hair in under an hour.” Wrong, so wrong. I ended up getting this, like, ’00s middle school crimped-lion hybrid. I made my natural waves turn into teeny tiny riptides. I feel like I have no skill.
Kristin: Yeah, my hair looks the same.
Sheridan: I feel like this hairstyle actually made my hair look straighter. I could totally rock this look normally — no sarcasm. Maybe people will mistake me for Solange Knowles. Don’t white people think that all black people look alike? They’ll be like, “Black girl, big hair, Solange, Solange!” I’m just getting carried away now. This one is an A+, y’all.
18. After putting our hair expertise to the test, we had some final thoughts:
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Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed
Allison: I don’t even own a brush, hair dryer, or straightener, soooo I suppose I’m not the target demo here. I prefer to keep my look au naturel, but I am a big fan of all these braids and bows and will definitely incorporate them into my look (summer 2015 here I come).
Kirsten: I’m the type of person that can’t even get all of my hair into a ponytail correctly, so these tutorials were hard for me to say the least. They are advertised as being super easy and quick to do, but if you don’t have fine, long, wavy hair I think they don’t work as well.
Candace: I mean, it’s always been incredibly hard to do anything with my hair, and I know I am an exception, but people still have insanely thick hair like me. I guess there really are hairstyles that are specifically for certain hair, and that’s OK. To those with coarse and unruly hair out there, you’re NOT alone.
Kristin: I think the important takeaway here is that doing your hair is hard, and being good at it is harder, so everyone should just try to be a little nicer and more patient with themselves because we all have to go through a lot of bologna to look good in the morning.
Sheridan: I’m glad I got to be a part of this and represent the awkward black girl who doesn’t know how to do her own hair, but this honestly just reaffirmed my belief that you don’t get in between a black woman and her weekly hairdresser, whether that’s her sister, mom, paid professional, aunt, or even a dad who knows how to wield a comb like no other.
Read more: http://www.buzzfeed.com/candacelowry/this-is-what-pinterest-hair-tutorials-actually-look-like-on
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