#with fanon stuff or whatever
stardustdiiving · 3 months
I notice Nahida is portrayed as frustrated or scolding of other characters (usually Wanderer) in fanon often but to be honest I don’t think Nahida really has that much of a temper where she defaults to that sort of thing very much….She can be angry and firm as needed but I really don’t think that’s her first instinct on how to assert herself in a lot of cases.
She instead really strikes me as someone who primarily gets upset when it’s on behalf of other people or someone embodying ideas she finds very devoid of care and compassion for others….but struggles to really be angry on her own behalf. Like, it’s pointed out it’s only until she’s actively being rescued that she finally says she’s angry at the Sages, and while she is openly angry then we see later everyone comments on how they seem to have gotten off days, which I touched on in this post and feel u can infer from that this idea Nahida struggles to be harsh even towards to the people who kept her in a cage for 500 years—which makes when u see how much she rationalizes being treated like this earlier on. She ultimately seems more concerned with the Sages mistreatment of her people vs their mistreatment of Nahida herself.
This feels consistent to why she seems pretty visibly disgusted with Dottore when they have their negotiation. Dottore is more or less an antithesis to everything she believes about wisdom and embodies a lot of malice and cruelty that Nahida would be really disturbed by. I personally like to write her lack of a temper in some areas as something that seems almost troubling — bc on one hand she’s very forgiving and kind despite through being a lot, but on the other this seems like it might be rooted in just genuinely not allowing herself to be angry to protect herself. But yeah overall I think unless you’re really causing an issue Nahida is more likely to give you a kind of frazzled sad puppy look and very politely ask you to be better as opposed to hitting you with a sandal or scolding you for it
In the case of her relationship with Wanderer specifically I’ve like, talked about how I feel people overlook the fact Wanderer makes a genuine effort to cooperate with Nahida and doesn’t really fight with her much…so i don’t think they’re often bickering with each other to the point Nahida has to get really firm with him. She seems to have a pretty interesting amount of patience with him especially post AQ, which again I think is helped by the fact Wanderer is genuinely trying to cooperate and she sees that. We do see her ask Traveler + Scaramouche to stop bickering in Inversion of Genesis but she is in my opinion very polite and at most a bit awkward about it, not scolding or irritated
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brethilach · 1 month
euughh just saw someone say that Celegorm kidnapping Lúthien to force her into marriage was "out of character" and just. I understand the urge to smooth the edges off your blorbo's flaws or whatever but if you've gotten to the point where you genuinely believe the author's portrayal of his own character isn't in line with canon then I think you just misunderstood what you read
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angelhusbandry · 9 months
[primal fear 1996 ending spoilers]
been thinking about primal fear a lot again lately and it’s led me to think about the way people engage with it online and the most fascinating phenomenon to me is people who like it but hate the ending because i get where they’re coming from! when i first watched it, i identified a lot with aaron, and the ending twist made me suddenly very uncomfortable! but i took some time to analyze that discomfort and guys, i think it’s genius.
like: by the time you get to the twist you know the score. and like veneable said, she would’ve done it too! anyone would’ve done it! the twist isn’t that aaron did or didn’t do it — once we get to roy we know on some level he did — but the twist is that he didn’t feel bad about it. and he doesn’t need to! aaron stampler is a “villain” because he is not a sympathetic enough victim anymore. he had something bad happen to him and he responded. he’s able to construct himself as the perfect victim, something vail both pities and is all too ready to exploit (trying to “draw out” roy etc) and vail is shattered because he was tricked. because he supported someone who should’ve been supported, but wouldn’t have if he knew was more complicated than the easy, digestible version of a victim he was willing to support
when people make “aaron actually has DID” or “roy is real” aus so he can be demure and happy and vail can be his dad you are continuing the thought that caused aaron to do what he did, that aaron would’ve needed to be helpless, unaware, more pitiable to have been worth sympathy. but he’s not! he’s not a necessarily good person. and i have a great sympathy and love for him because of that, not despite that. what he did is material, and that’s what makes it defensible, not how he thought of it or his true personal feelings behind it. i can relate more to a “bad victim” than i can to the fake version of aaron stampler that he created to force people who don’t actually care about victims to accept due to a complete lack of complexity. but he’s a complex guy. and i love that for him ❤️
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veliseraptor · 1 year
just thinking about the "xue yang never cared about xiao xingchen he doesn't have real feelings and just thinks of him as a toy" take again and @ameliarating pointed something out to me namely:
Xue Yang broke into peals of laughter. "Wei-qianbei, you're merciless!"
"Fine, laugh. Even if you laugh yourself to death, Xiao Xingchen's soul will still be too broken to put back together. He found you repulsive, yet you still insist on dragging him back so that you can play games with him."
Abruptly, Xue Yang swung from laughter into rage. "Who wants to play games?!"
"Then why did you kneel in front of me and beg me to fix his soul for you?"
Of course, someone as clever as Xue Yang must have been aware that Wei Wuxian was trying to bait him. First, distracting him with anger, and second, provoking him into shouting, Wei Wuxian made it possible for Lan Wangji to deduce his location and strike. But still, Xue Yang couldn't help replying. "Why? Hah! As if you don't know. I want to turn him into a fierce corpse - under my control! Didn't he want to be a pure, virtuous cultivator? Then I'll make him endlessly slaughter people, so he'll never find peace!"
"Ah? You hate him that much? Then why did you kill Chang Ping?"
Xue Yang sneered. "Why did I kill Chang Ping? Do you need to ask, Yiling Patriarch? Didn't I already tell you? I said I was going to kill the entire Yueyang Chang Clan - I wasn't even going to spare one dog!"
[...] Wei Wuxian said, "You sure came up with a good explanation. Too bad the timing doesn't match up. Someone like you, who can't even let a dirty look go without avenging yourself a thousand times over, someone who strikes so swiftly and ruthlessly - if someone like you really wanted to kill off an entire family, why would they wait so many years to finish? You know perfectly well why you killed Chang Ping."
"Then tell me, what do I know? What do I know perfectly well?!"
He shouted this last sentence.
"You killed them, yes. But why lingchi? Killing someone that way signifies that it was punishment. If you were only getting revenge for yourself, why did you use Shuanghua and not your own Jiangzai? Why did you have to dig out Chang Ping's eyes and make him like Xiao Xingchen?"
Xue Yang shouted himself hoarse. "Bullshit! It's all bullshit! It was revenge - was I supposed to let him die comfortably?"
"Indeed, it was revenge. But whose revenge were you seeking? How ridiculous. If you genuinely wanted revenge, you should have sliced yourself into pieces!" (MDZS, Chapter 42)
so if we're meant to buy that interpretation, then...what is the point of this passage? what is it trying to say? is it just to give Wei Wuxian a means of distracting Xue Yang and making him show himself? then why this means? and why are we taking the line that Xue Yang himself, a famously reliable narrator (?) gives (re: wanting to turn Xiao Xingchen into a fierce corpse and control him) as the truth of the situation, as opposed to Wei Wuxian's own interpretation (where Xue Yang is taking revenge on Xiao Xingchen's behalf, albeit expressed onto a different target)? and what is the point of Xue Yang's reaction after this, where he suddenly goes silent and stops responding, meant to indicate? the fact that Xue Yang gets angrier and angrier at Wei Wuxian for pressing the point?
these are all cues present for a narrative purpose, not "just because," and they're pointing in a direction that indicates that Xue Yang in this scene is lying through his teeth, whether or not he admits that to himself.
furthermore, since inevitably "but adaptation" comes up in these conversations, CQL actually retains this scene in a remarkably intact form:
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coming to the conclusion based on this scene alone (not even touching the narrative surrounding the events in the past) that people who claim that "xue yang had no genuine feelings about xiao xingchen whatsoever" is to be taken as truth are not just taking the most boring possible read of this text but also at least a little actively reading against it.
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wasabikitcat · 7 months
I had this realization a few days ago when reviewing what we know about Gaster while theorizing about the mysterious Valentine from the newsletter and idk if other people have pointed this out yet, but I haven't seen anyone else talk about it:
I don't think Gaster's disappearance has anything to do with Core.
The Core is only mentioned in relation to Gaster once, in this dialogue from one of the Gaster followers:
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This dialogue is why most theories and fanon built around the idea that Gaster fell into the Core, which for reasons unknown to us erased him from existence. But I'm now pretty convinced that this is a red herring, because it doesn't actually say Gaster fell into the Core. It says he made the Core, and that he fell into his creation.
It does not say that this creation is the Core.
The dialogue is written in a way that leads you to assume the creation he fell into was the Core, but that doesn't really make much sense considering the rest of the dialogue.
The dialogue says "they say he created the Core," which implies this is second hand knowledge, but then says with certainty "One day, he fell into his creation." Why do they know for sure he fell into "his creation," but only knows he created the core from what others say?
If you talk to the follower again, they say "Will Alphys end up the same way?" Why would Alphys also fall into the Core? As far as we know, Alphys doesn't maintain the Core; if I remember correctly, a few monsters at Mettaton's hotel are stated to work in the Core, so wouldn't this follower be more concerned that those monsters will end up like Gaster and not Alphys?
And another question that I think fanon has just ignored due to the assumption it was something we don't yet know about, but I am now wondering about: Why would falling into the Core erase Gaster from time? When traveling through Hotland and viewing the Core in the distance, Alphys says this:
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And while this dialogue may at first seem indicative that the Core is more mysterious than a normal geothermal power generator (and it is in some ways), remember: Alphys didn't build the Core. Alphys doesn't understand how the Core works, not because it has some unnatural property that could erase people from space time, but because she didn't build it. Not only does this mean that the Core is likely just a power generator that utilizes the lava in Hotland to produce geothermal energy and convert it to electricity, it also means that Alphys doesn't work on the Core, because she doesn't know how it works. So why would the Gaster follower worry about Alphys ending up like Gaster if she doesn't have any involvement with the Core?
Additionally, that Gaster follower is the only one to mention the Core in relation to Gaster. In fact, one of the other followers says something that could be interpreted as actively contradicting his erasure being caused by the Core:
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This follower says "his experiments went wrong," and doesn't mention the Core. Why would Gaster be experimenting with the Core? And if he was, we don't know anything about it.
But you know what experiments we do know Gaster was working on, because it's literally one of the only pieces of dialogue we have from him?
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And do you know what other creation was presumably made by Gaster, as Alphys is unfamiliar with it's operation? That is also a creation that was actively being used in experiments, which Alphys is continuing to perform herself? Experiments that are directly involved with something we already know can alter time and space? A creation that is located in one of the most mysterious areas in the game with several oddities in it that are straight up never explained, multiple fourth wall breaking moments, and a couple explicit references to things we believe are associated with Gaster? A creation that suspiciously resembles in appearance the form of a character who canonically can alter time and space, not to mention resembling the thing that's literally called a GASTER BLASTER???
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#ignore the crusty spriters resource gaster blaster. google images is useless when it comes to finding actual gameplay screenshots.#anyways I may be completely out of the loop and everyone already knew this. but also the whole Core thing was basically accepted fanon#back in the day. and i only just realized it probably is a misinterpretation like less than a week ago#im not sure the determination extractor is the creation he fell into. but i think the creation he fell into is related to the extractor#also when looking up stuff for this i came upon the information that the tree man may be referenced in the true lab#when you enter the room filled with fog and try to inspect things it mentions a tree and a man.#not to mention the true lab being the debut of everyman of course.#and whatever the FUCK is up with the memory heads. who have a suspicious connection to phones btw.#actually Gaster has an incredibly suspicious connection to phones. like the spamton thing obviously but his presence seems to fuck up phone#the memory heads. the garbage noise in the dark world. hell GRANDPA SEMI is even directly related to phones.#considering one of the only two places he is mentioned is in a list of characters to have phone call events in the code of the demo.#also the art book mentions that the phone itself was originally a character. which kinda ties into the unused video game content theme.#this doesn't have much to do with this post im just rambling now.#anyways tl;dr i am now a 'gaster did not fall into the core' truther#undertale#deltarune#ut/dr#ut/dr theory
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twistedappletree · 1 year
Thinking about Lan Sizhui teaching Jin Ling how to play guqin.
Thinking about Jin Ling absolutely bored to tears by the fundamentals until he hears how beautifully Lan Sizhui plays and suddenly takes an interest (in the guqin, definitely the guqin, he’s interested in the guqin only, okay??)
Thinking about Jin Ling practicing outside of classes because he wants to impress Lan Sizhui by how much he’s improved and wants to make him proud and wants to see his face light up with a smile—I mean, what? No no no, he just wants to show initiative to learn, that’s all there is to it, nothing more. Nothing at all.
Thinking about Lan Sizhui finding Jin Ling asleep on his guqin after a night of wearing himself out with extra practice and gently waking him up to safely escort him back to his room so he doesn’t get caught by their seniors. Meanwhile, Jin Ling sleepily leans against him on the walk back to his room because it’s normal, he’s just tired, it’s obviously normal because Lan Sizhui slips his hand into his and smiles and Jin Ling’s heart feels like it’s on fire. Oh no.
Thinking about Jin Ling opening up to Lan Sizhui about his nightmares from all the trauma he’s endured and Lan Sizhui staying to play guqin for him until he falls asleep, each note chasing away every bad dream that tries to disturb him.
Thinking about them practicing guqin alone together the next day. And the day after. And the day after that—and they really are practicing but it’s a little hard to focus when Lan Sizhui keeps putting his hands over Jin Ling’s to move them to the correct strings, and Jin Ling’s face is a breath away from Lan Sizhui’s every time he leans over to help him.
It’s just guqin practice, that’s all there is to it, perfectly normal. 🩵💛
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tariah23 · 6 months
I rly don’t see how ppl be 20+ shipping kids anymore tbh… like, it’s so rampant and I don’t see the appeal to it anymore being as tho I’m in my late 20’s.
#I’m grown….. it always baffles me to see it like man I don’t care I don’t find joy in it anymore since I’m not a teenager#I just look at them and think they’re like my fake son… daughter nephew niece whatever lol#give me the struggling and mentally fucked up 20+ year old give me those middle age bitches man if I’m going to like a ship now anyway#like i don’t care about the romance between kids man it sucks that this is such a huge thing in most fandom spaces#not that I participate in said spaces since ppl are annoying and embarrassing#also very nasty#sns is diff tho like that’s a whole other thing 🪽#sns is just a classic it’s legendary it transcends space and time it it-#I’m so glad that jjk is full of adults tho lmfaoo#one of Gege’s only W’s… especially impressive for a shounen#i like jjk outside of the goiji pairings too like I just genuinely enjoy it despite how awful it is now lol#again#I do think that ppl need to learn how to become more comfortable with enjoying media outside of shipping tho#like there’s nothing wrong with it obviously but I’m talking more like how tons of ppl only get into a new series for the sole purpose#of shipping instead of engaging with said media and the story that it’s trying to tell…#this is why fanon and wild insane hc’s usually get out of control too to the point where those who might be interested in checking out#a series might be deterred because they don’t even know what the show is about because the only stuff that ppl see about the thing is ship#stuff and like discourse#and the behavior of the fans…#these ppl be 30+ arguing with teenagers man it’s crazy to me#I just think there needs to be a balance lol#like still go crazy. Have fun and all but you get it#but anyway. with all that being said! Goiji stays winning in my heart 🚶🏾‍♀️#rambling
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imminent-danger-came · 3 months
Lowkey. Do really hate sp*cynoodles
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drifloonz · 2 months
your steven interpretation is boring and fits into the fanon characterization of steven, i wish you would be a little more unique with how you write him :(((((((
i do Not feel like this is true bc fanon steven is like nothingburger sexy guy or yandere... esque?? or things like that that make him very shallow and one note . And not super depressed and mentally ill as he would be. literally like Fanon Steven is Not my steven and my steven is also very near and dear to my heart bc hes a comfort character who i had when i was going through a lot of shit! Like Actually! I think about him a lot! And a lot of the things i do w him are lifted from canon and the ways i interpret and analyze the og story. not a lot of the fanon or fandom stuff ... Does that. a lot of it is very divorced from stevens struggles and story and the fact its a tragedy in favor of shipping or whatever else. they do not give steven realistic struggles.
also bc i havent properly written steven in ages. idk if you read my headcanons or analysis'. Read Those if so. I dont actually write shit almost ever especially now i do not write him as a character bc i like to think about him and how hed do things, i dont like to Write him.
my keyboard is broken i am tired and depressed and dont really have many ideas for things to write with him bc i exhausted a lot of them. i still think about steven daily though, im mostly focused on my self indulgent shit i write because thats all all of this was. sharing my self indulgent shit with people who are fighting for Crumbs of steven.
i think ab him more than almost anybody else seems to in this fandom other than a few people i personally know ( shout out to like 3-4ish people ) and a few others i dont personally know. There are not many people i know who have the same headcanons and a lot that did i think took it from me? which is kinda funny. i dont own steven having bpd but i think its a thing i popularized more for example afaik. i see little bits of my headcanons rippling into other peoples and its fun
Also what the fuck do you mean 'boring' what do you want the depressed adult ass man to do when hes isolated. Sorry that he is not dancing for ur entertainment? Sorry that hes not a crazed serial murderer!!! when... he.. Wouldnt be he only really killed mike and nobody takes doors open as canon ever bc its stupid. I have no idea what you mean by boring. the fuck would an 'interesting' interpretation be. i am not interested in entirely redoing his concept as a character or his story nor am i fucking rewriting strangled red or am ever interested in it bc i think its fine on its own and whenever anyone tries its usually... Not good. Even ( and especially ) when smr did it LOL ( thankfully he never got to strangled red proper ).
i dont like a lot of people that do that unless it has a reason because i think the og story is perfectly fine untouched even if some parts could be elaborated on or explained better, but i dont think you have to shove super big changes to things like 'missingno is actually a conscious entity that talks to him!!! mike DID kill her' Like this detracts from a lot of the story and things that do that at least in my opinion make it.. more boring. its fine if people like that but its not for me. you dont need to make strangled red more dramatic and explain away everything. some of the vagueness is the fun of it.
i just wanted to share headcanons and my own projections that i think would fit him to the world bc nobody really thought about steven in the way i did.
i know a lot of people really love my steven interp and think hes unique so i think you just dislike it. Which can be a thing you can do i dont give a shit. I would also probably dislike whatever yours is! Im very picky with steven interpretations! ok not really people just dont genuinely write him as a full-fledged character very often. i am not making 'content' for people. im just sharing what i want to. if that doesnt appeal to you make your own shit! You probably wont find a lot of people writing whatever you want steven to be so you should do it for yourself bc thats how i got here.
if im taking this very personally or sound like it im mostly jsut really confused. and also bc i half-am but i dont care that much. Bc like. What do you want me to do...? Im not going to suddenly rewrite the entirety of my own personal interpretation of a character ive loved for almost 2 years straight now for someone else. i barely use this blog anymore! except when i want to post analysis or headcanons. its self-indulgent! but i still sure do think about steven deeply and intimately even if it for some reason feels like i dont. i think the autistic analyzation of the og writing should paint that im like serious about it.
anyways, there was not much of a reason to send this if youre so upset i dont write steven content the way you want ( and you probably would also have a lot of ideas i wouldnt agree with. ) Then send me 50 dollars NOW! [ if it wasnt obvious this is a joke. ]
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apotelesmaa · 7 months
A while back I saw sm1 saying tsukasa expresses emotions like it’s his first time experiencing them & while it’s very funny and true I think it’s also worth noting that unlike tv/movie actors, stage actors have to really exaggerate their body language/expressions so that their emotions are readable for everyone in the theatre. On screen you can easily pick up the micro expressions on an actor’s face because you’re like 5 ft away at most and the camera often zooms in on their face. From the back of the theatre you can’t read subtle expressions so the actors need to over emphasize and use their whole body. All this to say: given that u cannot take the theatre kid out of tsukasa I feel like his acting just bled into how he expresses his emotions.
Emu also does the body language thing but it’s harder to tell as she’s normally expressing a smaller range of emotions than tsukasa (she’s naturally joyous and whimsical creature & tsukasa is usually given ample reasons to express annoyance). I think that’s more of a result of her exaggerating her happiness so that other people are also happy rather than an acting thing though. Gestures at her refusing to show negative emotions. Entertainer/clown (actual clowns, not the insult) vs stage actor. Really good examples of them doing this is the clip of rui imitating tsukasa & the clip of nene imitating emu.
#project sekai#don’t misinterpret this he’s not like. pretending to feel whatever he’s expressing. he’s acting the emotions he feels.#he’s capable of not doing that esp when he needs to be serious. his normal is just stage acting behavior.#knowledge I gained from 1) having a theatre kid sister who was rlly good at this 2) doing photography for her shows 4 newspaper#she got put on the no print list (list for ppl who are photographed all the time who need to not be photographed so others can be in photos)#bc she specifically was very very good at doing this and it resulted in really good & clearly readable photos#2 a lesser extent I do this as well bc of her influence I just emote less#don’t think it’s a stretch to say that it’s intentional given the implication that he’s so loud bc he’s used to projecting his voice while#he performs.#to clarify wrt emu I think if she was to express more negative emotions they would be more subdued.#unless it was for a role in which case she feels more comfortable not expressing joy 24/7.#i could go on a tangent abt ‘tsukasa doesn’t express his true emotions’ fanon when 1) he does. very obviously. 2) *emu* doesn’t but that#gets ignored. hello. nene having to tell emu it’s ok to cry and rely on wxs to comfort her.#even in the main story where she’s like devestated and blaming herself for wxs breaking up#she’s still smiling when she’s telling tsukasa that she made everybody sad and ruined everything (her view not mine)#mafuyu emu parallels… hm.#i don’t think emu’s ever been shown pissed off id be interested in seeing how she expresses that.#speaking of the it’s ok to cry thing if I don’t get that card when it runs on global I’m going to fuckin lose it. gay ass card.#this is getting long and I have stuff to do but as a side note nene & rui both hide their emotions#nene bc she’s shy & doesn’t show her true hater self unless she’s with friends#& rui because he’s used to being alone & struggles to identify his own emotions#at some point I’m sure I’ll ramble incoherently about how a lot of the issues ppl project onto tsukasa r issues he doesn’t experience#but *emu* does but nobody ever takes her character seriously so it gets ignored.#colopale do an event where nene encourages emu to b ok with showing minor negative emotions please please please
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a-v-j · 1 year
"Well, I can be of help in understanding the conundrum of Something New Sans's soul. This shall take a bit of space and multiple asks."
"Part 1:"
"Source: https://rahafwabas.tumblr.com/post/169490095480/its-probably-too-late-to-ask-but-whats:"
'Killer was a normal sans who get a lot of bad timelines where frisk/Chara/you killed everyone so many times that he give up hope and join with you/frisk/Chara to try what you do what you find fun killing everyone
when he did that he thought it’s a one thing and he will be back to his normal “coding”
but after one gainsaid rote he didn’t stop and didn’t understand why maybe because it was the game get broken
because he shouldn’t do this and his soul get mixed out between a monster soul and the human determination soul
why you ask because the game only know that you/Chara/and frisk are only people have this soul
so the game got more broken and gives that to sans that why you see his soul looks wired because it doesn’t know if it’s a human soul or monster soul
and with that it broke sans mind that why you see him have two personality's because he doesn’t know how to act like a monster or like human'
"So from what it is said above, the reason why Killer's Soul is this way is because of Chara's machination by forcing Sans's soul to turn into something like them, through repetitive killing. Unfortunately, it failed, and Killer is stuck in a state where his soul has no idea what the heck it is at this point."
"Source: https://rahafwabas.tumblr.com/post/143681103640/something-new-part-3-part-1-and-2-bad"
"Source: https://rahafwabas.tumblr.com/post/145003677585/ephemera-draws-english-is-not-my-first"
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"While the designs seems to be in a contradiction, but the principle still remains."
"His Souls Has 4 stages actually:"
- Stage 1 = Classic Sans personality, soul resembling a monster soul.
- Stage 2 = Killer Sans personality, soul resembling a sphere encircled by a circle
- Stage 3 = A berserk state, if we take everything in consideration, it turns Killer into an emotionless beast with the only purpose being to kill.
- Stage 4 = A worse version of stage 3 from what it could be found.
"Source: https://rahafwabas.tumblr.com/post/168580981085/killerwhat-is-stage-4"
"Source: https://rahafwabas.tumblr.com/post/163493536850/bad-english-stage-4-killer-me-color"
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*takes notes*
Dont worry bout adding more info, got guys from discord help me with killers lol
Im still learning so how i represent killer might be..mostly..based of fanon lol, but I'll lean to a more canon personality as time passes lmao
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airbenderedacted · 1 year
So who’s your favorite character in Wander Over Yonder? And what’s your fav ship(s)?
Oh, I love playing this guessing game!! ♡ ~('▽^人) ✨
Favorite character? Well...
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As for ships, I wouldn't exactlyy say I ship anything in this show tbch, but I'd say I'm especially fond of Sylava, in a strictly fanon kinda way.
#Wander Over Yonder#Lord Dominator#woy is funny bc the core four are all so shippable but nothing rlly does it for me. i think nearly all possible pairs there have some charm#when considering *all five* of the mains not a whole lot changes bc dominator's a lesbian and sylvia is the only other main who isn't a dud#(i'm not a pr.o.shi.pper so bigoted type stuff grosses me out when it comes to shipping. we don't go there eugyhgfghhs)#tbcch i'm of the firm belief that lord dominator shouldnt be shipped with anyone in a srs sense. like as far as staying true to canon goes#she's made it extremely clear that she's not into that kinda stuff *and* that she's wAy too horrible for any kinda relationships anyway#but when it comes to lighthearted silly fanon stuff (or any degree of au stuff where *GASP* D isn't a demon & they Work) sylava makea me :)#(in whatever way ppl wanna imagine them. i'm partial to ''yes homo no romo'' qpr type goodness w/ them but i love seeing Everyone's takes!!#partially bc it's nice to see people actually. care. about what dom is and is not about (sexuality-wise). which is THE BARE MINIMUM but wel#a lot of people Do Not do that! sadly sexism and homophobia exist and it seeps into a lotta things in a lotta small ways and *sobs*#SO YEAH IT'S NICE TO SEE. NOT THAT. it's nice to see as a light shining through the darkness that is the internet & 2010s show fandoms sks#ah & partially bc sylava is like. literally the only ship ever kinda-sorta-teased in the show in a way that wasn't just played for jokes#which i think gives us neat things to work with when it comes to the whole ''what if'' kinda stuff- so!!! yea i just think it's neat :]#in both an ''in another life...'' not-so-hypothetical chemistry kinda way AND in an 'im a real stickler for Canon Goodness' kinda way too#haha#as for other ships i'm especially partial to... mmmmm.. 🤔#deathglare in the context of hater learning to cherish & appreciate peepers and treat him RIGHT makes me happy. i like that :)#and skeleton dance is always fun!!!! a real delight both on and off the screen hehah#most everything else makes me go ''oh cool. yea that's cute.'' 👍#ships involving minor characters are pretty take it or leave it. i dont think there's any i have any strong feelings about#except ig that it was pretty sweet when people were shipping lord hater & ripov. tbh i like how many ships people came up with w/ her#that was really swag. she was a fun character!!
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helpimstuckinafandom · 9 months
Idk if I've posted about this in the past but I genuinely don't even like stranger things. I watched it because my friend said it was "so me" and it was a nightmare to get through. Too much and not enough at the same time. Changing characterization just to use them differently. I was here for select characters and was hating what they were doing with them. I am so amazed that it was/is the big pop culture moment like truly. Do i even post this or leave it in my drafts i'm just so fucking tired i hate it here
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triglycercule · 23 days
i love characters with barely elaborated on personalities and traits and all that. dust sans??? absolute perfection i can do whatever the fuck i want with him. headcanon anything i want as long as it fits the framework that askdusttale has given me. nightmare??? his one main trait is that he's bad do you know how amazingly vague that is. i have even MORE freedom with him than anyone else. there are various different types of bad guy and i can make nightmare all of them and none simultaneously because he's simply not all that elaborated on. once i lose that creative freedom i lose all will to do anything with characters
#FREE ME!!! FREE ME FROM THE CAGE THAT IS CANON!!!!!!!!!!!!!#i LOVE fanon i LOVE being ooc I LOVE doing things that go against canon material#I HAVE FREEDOME!!! THESE ARE JUST FICTIONAL CHARACTERS I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT WITH THEM!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!#creative freedom is one trait i enjoy the most in this fandom and i think it is something that we need not to restrict but to encourage#yeaahhh OKAYsure. sure there might be a ton of little details in say like horror's lore that you can nitpick and expand on#but then you have to worry about it going against the other canon facts ans then ghsaakassaahhhfkksodks youre RESTRICTED BY CANON#canon i love canon but it is just going to choke me out stab me and then make me eat dirt and my own shit in the end#let me be free let me live in fanon elysian utopian paradise#i CHOOSE to believe in canon i CHOOSE to make these characters canon#but just know. it is a threat when i say that the mtt are very fun fanonized. fanon murder time trio is so fun#as long as jokes dont get overplayed and theres a variety of interactions fanon isSO FUN!!!#kist love hate relationship!!! FUCM YEAH!!! even though i think dust and killer would avoid eachother its more fun this way#just make sure to let horror get mad at dust and killer and let killer get mad at dust in a while and we've got VARIETY!!!#fluffy domestic soft horrordust??? FUCK YWAH!!!! just acknowledge canon horrordust would be stepping on cracked eggshells!!!#i think we need absolute creative freedom again no more restriction. man where are the silly fun dumb aus like empireverse.#even cringe shit like naj or pjs daycare except they arent made by a total loser and are actually good#PLEASE i just need more silly aus that aren't fully canon adjacent or continuing or compliant or a what if.............. maybe like jk fashi#no no. no shameless promo here. anyways i miss creativity please make it a trend to throw the sans aus into more than just canon storylines#guys WHERE is the child au. where are the elementary school sans aus. that would be fun#WHERE are the superhero aus. WHERE ARE THEY.#idolverse or whatever is a beautiful example of non canon aus and stuff i love idolverse. also magical girl au#i forgot who made those 2 aus but just know you are blessed and loved by triglycercule#it's a MULTIVERSE there are MULTIPLE UNIVERSES. let's explore branches further away from the canon base of the tree and onto a leaf of fanon#i just love dust a lot for the freedom he gives me. also nm because i came up with a egregious hc for him earlier today but forgot to post#tricule rant
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vulku · 1 year
just some usfw thoughts.
spock is . . . incredibly strong. yes, he will use that against you. to what degree and how, depends on the dynamic. do you like / want to be thrown around? to be held down? to be used? and with that said, he is very, very much amendable to things being both rough and with kink. simply ask. he likes to bite and mark; be it with his teeth, or leaving bruises with his hands. he also is very receptive to the same being done unto him as well. depending on what his partner can both handle, and is interested in, the severity of the marks left could be significant. even on the softer side, there will still be some bits of evidence left on his partners skin. i dont remember if i mentioned this before but : spock is a switch. i don't know if i would call him a true switch, just bc i'm not sure what that entails, and because it really depends on the situation and then partner. he typically has more dominant traits but those can translate to bratty behavior and don't mean he has to top, but i'd say he probably typically has with past partners. and he also has plenty of softness, of more submissive tendencies that people can draw out of him, if they know what to do and he's comfortable with them. but with what said i don't think spock, himself, has any actual preference on the matter, regardless of his partner's gender. so if you see him leaning toward something or the other, it is out of habit, and your muse is welcomed to readily let him know what their preferences may be -- whether it is a standing preference, or one in this particular moment. he will oblige quite willingly! beyond the obvious [ genitals! ] his hands, ears, and throat are very sensitive to touch / stimulation. i put them in order of greatest to least sensitivity, out of the three. but they are all appreciated. speaking of : vulcan male genitalia is obviously different from humans. i don't think it's insanely different, but! non human for sure. for one -- self lubricating. makes sense, dry desert climate, having that handy-dandy evolutionary trait makes sex easier for everyone involved, regardless of gender preferences. along with that -- i'm kind of half and half on retractable dicks? maybe? again, desert climate, makes sense to keep such a sensitive and vulnerable part of the anatomy safe. i do think, regardless, the testes are inside all the time. mostly for the retraceable thing idk if it would be more of a slit or sheath type thing, which is mostly where my indecisiveness comes but anyway. it DOES have shades of green. some darker, some lighter. but, no one is surprised because he does have green blood. and! there! are ridges. maybe even a knot if you are down for that. so, you're welcome! in terms of dimensions . . . he is more than the average length-wise, but more notably above - average in terms of girth. here is a general idea for the shape. it isn't exact but! for inquiring minds there you go. also pls do not click if you do not want to see a fantasy dildo reference >__> anyway, here's my contribution to sexy sunday. BYE.
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corallapis · 1 month
Just wanted to thank you for always showing the sources of whatever you’re talking about or showing screenshots of. Thanks.
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