#with skis and a ski suit from the 80s
ifindus · 2 years
oof flashbacks 😅
there's so much related to this aspect of norwegian culture I don't even know where to start. Everyone has russekort (russ-cards) where you write jokes on and have a picture of yourself that you give out to young kids who collect them. You're supposed to wear the same red clothing all 17 days, no matter how much vomit, dirt and alcohol you end up spilling on it. You iron on letter or logo's of companies that might give you a discount there. All your friends write on it - get it as messy as possible. Some will do really cool (or dirty) paintings on the back of the outfits. You have a set of tasks (russeknuter/russ-knots) that you try to compltet throughout the period, and as a result you get the right to tie different stuff to the string of your cap (not in picture): for example a golden popsickle stick if you've bathed outside before 1. april, small scissors if' you've had a drunk friend give you a haircut, etc. There's partying almost every day if you want to - no one cares that you show up to classes hungover or slightly drunk the next day.
It's... something
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octavare · 2 months
Cecil Headcanons #2
Once again, assorted with no order or theme. Under the cut.
- Thinks Mark’s persistence in standing up for what he believes in is admirable, even if he thinks what Mark believes in isn’t necessarily correct. Same with Eve, probably.
- Has beaten Super Mario on the NES without warp pipes. Not in recent years though, during the 80s when he was a field agent with barely any responsibilities.
- He’s developed an allergy to cats. It isn’t a huge deal, because he prefers dogs, but it is still a disappointment to him. He wasn’t aware of this for a very long time. Pets them anyway.
- Used to enjoy skiing a lot. Still does, but rarely if ever has the time to (he can occasionally make an excuse since it doubles as a workout). He continues the Floridian tradition of invading the rockies to complain about the cold and go skiing.
- Has nerve damage from his incident and occasionally is non-perceptive or hypersensitive to pain and temperatures, depending on the day. Tries to avoid places with extreme weather temperatures in general.
- Turns red in the cold, and burns red in the sun. Notably, to both. Can’t tan at all. Blond moment. His fake skin was built using his DNA so it still has this trait as well.
- He got the scar in the later half of his field career. I thought about this one a lot since I used to think he got it earlier, but hear me out. The field injury would put him in bad condition to continue being a field agent for four major reasons. One being inconsistent pain and temperature tolerance. Though on days where he is more tolerant and less perceptive to it he can take more hits, he often doesn’t realize he’s hurt which can lead to liability. The second reason being that having a scar in such a prominent location on the face makes him extremely identifiable unless he is covering his face. As a stealth/infiltration specialist, this isn’t a great thing. He did continue to work as a field agent for several years after but eventually he had to call it. Number three is the fact that he needs daily skin treatment for it, meaning he needs to have access to it at most every 24 hours (he can technically go longer but at a risk). This limits the length of time he can operate. The fourth reason is PTSD which gets its own bullet point.
- His PTSD mostly triggers in situations where he has to be somewhere without clean air. Humid rooms, saunas, low visibility areas, smokey areas, fog, etc. Certain strong smells also can trigger it, usually that of chemicals or other similar scents. He has worked hard to overcome this (using self-performed exposure therapy) because it limits his operational ability but occasionally it can come back in full force. Usually just results in him activating flight or fight. Dude powers through it because he thinks he has no other options.
- Eventually takes Prozac for PTSD and anxiety, which is a whole ordeal for multiple reasons. The first reason is that there are a lot of bad people that would think he is better off dead. So he has to make sure nobody in the pharmacy is actively trying to tamper with the dosage. The other reason is basically Tony Soprano’s dilemma: he’s in a position of power, and if people were to know he took it, it would make him look weak. Weakness is something that Cecil believes that he can’t afford.
- He wasn’t unrewarded for his work, though. After being a field agent, he became a mission control operative and was apart of support teams for his field successors. He rose very high in stature over time and eventually became about as prominent as Donald currently is to the GDA.
- It was in this role in which the Pentagon came under fire and he was assisted by the terrorists that just about killed him. Hence why he is in a suit and tie during that event and not fatigues or armor.
- He’s an optimist—hear me out. He’s very confident and puts his entire faith in those he employs. In a world as volatile as his, being a pessimist would absolutely destroy any hope for the planet, considering the amount of incidents that happen on a weekly, if not daily, basis. He prepares for the worst, but hopes for the best. He thinks that in the end, everything will be okay—and if it isn’t, it won’t matter. But that won’t happen.
- Takes adderall. He actually has a prescription for it too. Not for ADHD or anything, but because of his unusual work schedule of 23/7 demanding some help keeping focused. Man, this ain’t healthy.
- When he first joined the GDA, he burned off his fingerprints DIY with hydrochloric acid. Later, after he had his skin reconstructed due to the incident, he had them not reconstruct his prints. Most biometric systems that he makes use of work based on other features that are harder to replicate.
- Can hold his breath for 5 minutes.
Bonus: Some very sloppy edits. Proof of concept for young Cecil in the show.
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mydollsaregay · 5 months
this morning i was doing my best to dress all my dolls for an upcoming snow storm, and i realized courtney has no cold weather gear!
i suppose she might not own her own, as she lives in sunny california, but it could be that the outfit is technically borrowed from a friend or something.
idk, it just feels like such a huge missed opportunity. AG loves putting her in those incredibly bright colors, and 80s ski suits are right there man! im no fashion historian, so i don’t know how reasonable it would have been for her to wear one, even borrowed; however, i feel like there other items in her collection that also aren’t the most feasible so. ag should just do it anyway. for me. because i think snow sets are cute 🥰
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pellaeas · 1 year
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-Broadway Karkat
A Candy Karkat / Commander Karkat design created before his HS2 reveal inspired by 80s ski suits, driving firesuits, and various anime pilots. There is butt armor:
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it is intended to evoke the Sufferer from the back with his stripes, which it did. The dropped thigh pockets keep hip bulk at bay, elongate the torso, and keep objects like my phone OUT of the hip joint, improving mobility. i don't know why more pants don't do this honestly, it just Makes Sense and i'm copping this from some ski pants I have. The other masculinizing secrets of this design are the shoulder-broadening red applique, and very strategically placed "breastplate".
I started this for Sakuracon 2020. Umm... In between then and now I became a thru hiker. So I had to add two inches to the ass and take the seam allowances down to the wire for my new buff quads and glutes... It is patterned from scratch with referencing a shirt and pants I already had
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The sleeves are inserted about two inches inside the armscye and attached with stretch mesh for ventilation and mobility. This is a technique inspired by racecar driver firesuits. There is another secret stretch vent at the center back waist that let me sit down without having quite so much material hanging around my butt, though any low/non stretch sleeved jumpsuit like this is going to demand extra space in the groin if you want to sit or move your arms. A formfitting jumpsuit is a horrible wedgie mess otherwise. Thank you everyone who posed with me and Sean for taking pictures!!
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icarusthelunarguard · 4 months
This Week’s Horrible-Scopes
It’s time for this week’s Horrible-Scopes! So for those of you that know your Astrological Signs, cool! If not, just pick one, roll a D12, or just make it up as you go along. It really doesn’t matter. Better yet! Check out “Heart of the Game, Fredonia” and see if they can sell you those D12’s with the symbols on them. Tell them “Shujin Tribble” sentcha. And “Hail, Hail, Fredonia!” Home of the Blue Devil!
Time to hit the slopes or shoot the tubes! It might be winter or summer where you are, but either way we’re going to find something for you to do. So get ready to break your leg or swallow some salt water. Either way, you’ll have fun right up until that point.
Being that you’re in the Summer part of the planet, you’ve got some work to do. Get out the extension cord and call in the flock because you’ll be shearing sheep all week. Normally you’d wait until Spring for this, but that ONE sheep’s been growing out wool faster than an 80’s action movie star growing out his mullet. So This Week… do NOT try to shave that BIG one! That’s an Alpaca and it will NOT appreciate being manhandled right now.
It might still be winter, but if you’re following American Major League Baseball you know that Spring Training started already. If you’re a Dodger’s Fan, you better know a little history on the team - specifically that they’re originally from Brooklyn, New York and left in 1957. So now when they come “Home” to play against the Mets, there’s always folks in the stands wearing the old Dodgers’ memorabilia. So This Week… Take a turn in the Indoor Batting Cages and see if you can hit a couple balls. Or if that’s too intimidating, maybe Wii Sports Baseball?
We’d love to suggest you hit the skate park with a skateboard, but we all know how this’ll end. You’re gunna need some serious wrist and knee and head and elbow protection… and even THEN we don’t think you’ll come away unscathed. So This Week… Don’t even THINK about hauling out your old Razor Scooter! You’ll shatter your shin as soon as that thing swings around and clocks you! 
Cancer Moon-Child 
Let’s face facts - you were never the athletic type, Cancer. Taking your Middle School stairs two at-a-time to get to the library in the middle of lunch was about as good as it got for you. You’re more the intellectual type, so let’s feed that part of your body. So This Week… Drive out to a planetarium and take in the midday show with an elementary school class trip. It’s as good as you remember it to be! 
Let’s take you out on a Latin American cruise and give you the best of all worlds: Sun, Sea, Dancing, Swimming Pool, all the shrimp you can eat, and a chance to try out Water Skiing. There’s more to this than meets the eye, so pay attention to the most important piece of advice. When you fall, and you will, Let Go Of The Tow Rope! And when you don’t, do NOT open your mouth or your eyes! So This Week… You never do what we tell you to anyway. Enjoy swallowing krill. 
It won’t matter if it’s Winter or Summer for you, you’re playing indoors this week. And you are SO gunna lose so hard! We’re sending you to play in a game of TAG! Professional or Competitive Tag Games are on a 12 by 12Metre field filled with all kinds of obstacles or ramps, so you better have all your parkour skills ready. So This Week… We know you don’t have any stamina or jumping skills, but at least TRY to survive 11 seconds. We’ve got a lot in the betting pool on this. 
Not only are you getting to be in the ocean, but your boat will be tipped SO far over that you might get vertigo. We’re giving you time on a competitive speed sailboat - but calling it a “sailboat” is misleading. It’s got a hydrofoil, meaning you’ll be cranking away at 50 knots, tilted almost 45 degrees over. How fast is that? Highway Speed! So This Week… Get fitted for a Personal Floatation Device. You’re gunna need it.  
We’re giving you something a little better suited to your skillset. Strap on a VR headset and grab the controls to a Remote Controlled fighter jet plane. Get out there in the air and start dogfighting with the best of them. So This Week… Check your plane before it leaves the air - if someone attached bottle rockets under the wings, do NOT shoot at someone on the ground! It might be YOU! 
Let’s give you some serious Winter Weather fun - and have you do some serious construction work. This week we’re having you build.. AN IGLOO! But we’re challenging you to do it in such a way to make the ice clear! It’ll take some time and some technical know-how, but you’ll be able to do it. We believe in you. So This Week… If you’re successful you’ll get to lie back and enjoy the Northern Lights… assuming there’s no active volcanoes nearby.
Winter or Summer, it doesn’t much matter what season it is. We’re letting you let your inner Viking Warrior out by learning to throw Axes! You’ll get proficiency in Single and Double-Handed Axes - and if you get creative you might be able to get a Triple-Headed axe too! And if you think it’s dangerous now, wait ‘til you go to a bar that’s hosting an Axe throwing Event in-house! So This Week… Learn where the balance point is on your own axes. You’ll be able to get the rotations so much better when you know that.
Not only are we sending you a CASE of Coffee Crisp bars like we promised last week, but we’re sending you out to Quebec to go out there Ice Fishing! There’s GREAT Fishing in Quebec! (PLENTY of fishin’ in Quebec!) [I fuckin’ HATE “KEY-Beck.”] Look, this is NOT about you this time, it’s all for Aquarius, ok? (All Good) [Fi-i-ine.] Good. So This Week… Make sure you know what fish you like to eat and plan on making the freshest sushis you’ve ever had! [That’s not a word] (That’s true.) ZIP IT, YOU TWO! 
You… Are going… To get HURT. You are going winter tubing, and you are going to end up face-first into a pile of white. Your legs are going one way, your arms another, and you’re going to look like the Dead Family Guy Pose. Expect to be wrapped in a full-body cast. So This Week… you aren’t going to have all your arms and legs broken. It’s just gunna be too funny to hear you complaining about how itchy you are. Good Luck!
And THOSE are your Horrible-Scopes for this week! Remember if you liked what you got, we’re obviously not working hard enough at these. BUT! If you want a better or nastier one for your own sign or someone else’s, all you need to do to bribe me is just Let Me Know - or check out the Ko-Fi page ( https://ko-fi.com/icarusthelunarguard )! These will be posted online at the end of each week via Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, Discord, and BLUESKY.
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primevein · 11 months
The Prime of His Youth: Book III: Prometheus' Gift: Ch16: Beauty of the World
Japheth stood at the paramount, looking over the city to his left, and the verdant nature to his right. He wasn't sure which one was more beautiful. He felt like he could spent his life simply staring at either one. Of course, he also had a small clade of femmes that he could also spend his life staring at. Having no sense of time anymore made him realize just how beautiful the world could be.
"You could spend your entire life up here?" Arcee asked, laying on her side on the bed. Japheth slowly turned towards her.
"Time doesn't mean what it used to." Japheth stated, "I feel like I could work forever, or sit forever and enjoy the beauty." He paused for a moment as he stared at Arcee, "But, there is something I want to do."
Arcee sat up, "Rediscover the lost colonies?" she asked.
"Just some trivial little thing." Japheth simply stared at her.
"I can't describe how good that look makes me feel." she said, and stood up. "But, as you said, you have tiny, little, unimportant things to do." she said with a wry smile.
Japheth walked over to her, "I love you." he said with all his spark. He then grabbed her and dipped her into a passionate kiss.
* * *
Japheth and Arcee walked down into the suite as the skies darkened above them. The doors closed above them as he walked towards the panoramic windows. "Make sure everyone comes home to roost." he stated.
Arcee layed sideways on a bed, "I kind of what to dress up like a harem girl and spend my time lounging here."
Japheth turned to look at her, and gave her a supportive smile as she turned on the coms. "Order from the boss, everyone is to come back." she stated. She then nodded her head as everyone else answered.
Japheth waited for her head to turn back towards him, "We can, you know?" he asked, and she just looked at him, unsure if he was being serious or not. "80%?" he asked. "What, you'd look beautiful. And it is fun to think about having body-guard concubines. Maybe a little indulgent?" he asked.
"And I can't believe how contented I am here." she voiced. "Maybe it's because you're finally the man I knew you could be?"
Japheth stepped towards her and held out his hand. She let him take it can pull her up and into a powerful embrace and passionate kiss.
The doors to the roof opened up and Sirenia walked in. The doors closed as the first cusps of rain started to fall.
"Get yourself cleaned up." Japheth said to her, "And welcome home." he much more warmly added. She had a giddy smile as she moved to the showers around the corner. Japheth then looked at Arcee, "We do have a bath so you can have an oil bath."
"It's big enough for 3 or 4 femmes," Arcee stated, "But barely big enough for you. Maybe if we get stuck here while you are away?"
Japheth looked over as Sirenia came around the corner to disrobe. Then, in the nude she walked back into the showers. All of these years of seeing Cybertronians in the buff, but now he found it absolutely enthralling.
Arcee stood up and walked passed him, "I like that look on your face." she said. She walked over to the clothing racks, disrobed, and slipped into the showers. He simply stared at the showers. The unseen somehow more visceral than seeing them.
He wasn't sure how long he was staring at the showers, but he heard a femme climbing the far stairs then the near ones. He turned to the stairs, and saw Roxana walking out. She heard the showers going, and saw that look on his face. She was extrmely eager to get over there and disrobe. Soon she was nude and slipped into the showers, and the dull voices turned into a cheerful roar.
'I never want to move from this spot.' he thought. He heard talking from below him. June, and Arcelia, but did not want to look away. He heard June head to where the showers were below him, and Arcelia began to climb the stairs. When she was almost at the top he turned his head to look at her. She saw that look, and looked over to the showers. She turned to smile at him before heading over. She too disrobed and entered the showers. "I can die happy..." he uttered. He simply stared at the showers, listening to the water, to the voices, imagining what was happening. He stood, afixed, simply staring at it, not caring how long it took. He heard the hot air dryers kick in and blow them dry. One by one they came out, until the whole group was there putting their clothing on. They smiled and walked over.
* * *
Japheth walked down the staircase to the middle level, and didn't hear the shower. "Mom?!" he asked.
"Just a minute!" he heard shouted through one of the doors. He stepped to the side as the others came down to join him. They simply waited, until the doors opened, and June came out wearing a halter dress that matched her colours.
"Beautiful." he said to her.
"Thank you." she said with a brilliant smile, "I do have to kidnap Roxana. We'll meet you downstairs."
Japheth looked at Roxana, whom had a brillian smile and quickly followed June into the room.
* * *
Japheth was busy on the console until he found the file he wanted. A large screen came down from the roof towards the closed front door, and he moved to sit in the seating. The others femmes moved to follow him, with Sirenia distracted enough to take a moment to catch up.
* * *
June walked down one of the stairs by herself. They turned to see Roxana coming down the other side, in a pleated skirt, long socks, and a shell top that matched her colours.
"This I like." Arcee stated, "Didn't I tell you?"
Japheth was busy staring at Roxana.
"We were a little preoccupied." Arcelia stated. "And now we get to enjoy the fruits of our labours."
Roxana and June met in the middle and sat down with the others. "So, what are we doing?"
Japheth quickly stood up. "We never talked to Vera." he suddenly said. "I'll go and..." he voiced, when the doors chimed. Japheth sent a signal to open the doors, and Vera transformed to her robot form and kneeled. "You summoned me?"
"Apparently I did." Japheth stated. He then looked to the femmes. "Who wants to..."
"She knows how to shower." June stated, "Sorry, we had to borrow your shower."
"That... makes too much sense..." Japheth stated, and turned back to Vera, "Head to the middle floor and shower, and then head back down here.
"My Prime." she said, and stood up, walking passed them.
Japheth turned to the others, "Talk among yourselves." he said, and walked to the doors, simply staring out at the rain.
* * *
Vera came down the stairs, and looked at them.
"Come join us." June eagerly said to her, and she neutrally walked over and sat down with them.
Japheth returned to his seat and turned the movie on.
* * *
"Now that's what I'm talking about." Arcee said.
"Still my favourite." June stated.
"Mine too." Japheth stated.
"I still remember him as Remington Steele." June added.
Japheth looked at her, having vague memories of seeing that on tv.
"Is this what Terrans do for entertainment?!" Vera asked, and everyone turned to look at her. Everyone let her continue, "Why didn't I know about this?"
"We've always found other things to do." June stated, "But now, we don't have to sleep?"
"We need to do this more often." Arcee said, and Roxana practically squealed.
"Absolutely." Japheth stated, "I can't say exactly how long it should be, as these lives are so different." He then stood up and stepped out. He turned his head to Vera, "Come with me?"
She quickly stood up and dutifully followed him again, head down. He stopped and turned back to the others. She quickly copied him, "How are you liking it on Caminus?" he asked.
"I am finding myself at home in the night." Vera simply said, as if enthralled by the words.
"Did you want to watch over local fauna?" Japheth asked.
"It would be... acceptable."
"What would you rather do?" Japheth asked. Vera looked down. "You can be honest with me." he stated.
She raised her head, and steeled herself. "I'd rather be your guard dog." she simply stated, and the tension in the following pause could be touched, felt.
"Okay." Japheth simply stated, and it took moments for the words to sink into her. First ignorance, then disbelief, then confusion, until finally her mind started to accept it. "If you didn't see, we actually created a guard house for you." Vera started to blink, as if everything she knew was under question. She looked at him as her mind started to process it. "I would feel a lot more comfortable knowing that there was always someone watching my home. It needs to be a safe haven for us, and... keeping a regular schedule as a Cybertronian is... extremely difficult."
"You just keep going." Arcee stated.
"Until days have gone by." Japheth stated. "But, I can trust everyone here to come when I call?" he asked, and looked between his wife and concubines. They all smiled in reply. He suddenly realized something and quickly looked to his mother.
"Hm?" June asked, "Sure. That way we can make sure we spend time together. But, I get to pick the movie sometime."
"Deal." he said with a smile.
"I will try to make sure they are movies we can all enjoy, of course." he added.
"Why don't we just have Sirenia do this?" Arcee asked.
Sirenia snapped back to reality, "Do?"
Japheth looked her in the eyes, "Watch movies, and decide which ones will be appropriate for the whole group."
"That would require..." Sirenia tried to say.
"I don't expect you to kill yourself, or instantly become good at it." Japheth stated.
"Just take some of the time you're spacing out, and use it to watch movies." Arcee stated.
Sirenia as nervous at first, but this quickly made a lot more sense to her.
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stillness is the move
One year after the true end, Sunny returns to Faraway Town.  A late addition to #anotherSTweek! ~11k words of wholesome sunkel silliness. (i’ve had this series drafted for a while, but everything feels bad & i just. didn’t have it in me to post. but i do think there’s value in taking respite in escapism, so... sunkels, come get ur serotonin! i'll be dropping an update every day for the next week.)
Day 1: Waiting
There’s only four days until Sunny comes home. To Kel, it feels more like four years. 
It’s been a whole month since Kel last made the trek out to Sunny’s new place in the Glittering Harbor. (Of course he’d like to visit more! But it’s kind of a haul. You have to take a bus to a train and then transfer to a different train, and then walk three-quarters of a mile just to get on another bus. Unless you’re Aubrey, in which case you bike the whole way from the station while acting like everyone else is a total sucker for dropping a buck fifty in bus fare.) 
Unfortunately, Kel was never very good at waiting. He used up a whole life’s worth of patience in the four years he spent moping around Sunny’s porch, talking to a door like a total loser. 
Fortunately, Sunny’s getting better at texting. 
Kel whips out his phone and checks the forecast for the millionth time today. It still looks good. Clear skies and temps in the high 80s, with humidity that’ll make it feel like the low 90s. Which sounds good to Kel! But Sunny never liked the heat. 
…It’ll probably be fine? They’ll just have to spend his whole visit splashing around in the lake. 
Kel taps out a few quick texts.
[dont forget 2 pack ur bathing suit!!!!!! gna b HOTTT!!!!!!! ☀️🔥🌶🍳🥵🥵🥵]
[but if u do forget its cool u can just borrow one of mine!!!!! hehe]
[....or basils lol. i think 4 u my swim shorts might be swim Pants]
Not even a minute later, his phone buzzes. It’s Sunny. 
Warmth builds in Kel’s chest. Every time Sunny takes the time to look his way, it makes Kel feel ten feet tall. He stifles a whoop and picks up his pace, loping down the sidewalk in long, bounding strides before hooking a right toward home. 
A year ago, if you tried to tell Kel that Sunny was gonna start answering his texts—not just eventually, but promptly!—Kel would’ve laughed in your face. Even six months ago, it would’ve been hard to believe. To be totally honest, for a few weeks after Sunny moved away, it looked like he was just gonna disappear again. 
But Sunny’s trying. He’s trying really hard!! He’s careful with other people’s feelings in a way he never used to be. He looks at the people around him and actually tries to figure out what they want, even if he is still kinda bad at it. Probably ‘cause he used to be such a brat. 
…Okay, so maybe he’s still kind of a brat. But that’s part of his charm! And it definitely feels different than it used to. It’s like Sunny’s… a little less careless, or something. More thoughtful. Less selfish. And every so often, he’ll open his mouth and say something so incisive—so unnervingly emotionally attuned—that he almost sounds like Mari.
Aw, man. Kel misses him so bad.
He can’t help himself. As soon as he’s scrambled upstairs and into his room, he pulls up AIM and hits Video Call. 
Sunny picks up on the third ring. That’s new, too. Sunny never used to pick up when anyone called. He looks a little flushed, like the call took him by surprise. 
Kel beams at him. Sunny parries with a disapproving glare. 
“I know!!!” Kel laughs. It’s true. They both know that Sunny hates phone calls. “I’ll just be a minute, I swear. I’m just too hyped to type, y’know? And I guess I kinda wanted to hear your voice.”
Sunny quirks an eyebrow. 
“Pfff. Okay, but you know what I mean, though.” 
Sunny tilts his head, conceding the point. 
“And it’s been, like, a million years!!!!”
The obvious lie finally pries Sunny’s mouth open. “...Four weeks.”
“Since we came to see you, sure. But since you came here? C’mon, dude! That’s way bigger!!!”
Sunny’s mouth tugs down. Oh, Kel realizes. He’s nervous. 
“Not in, like, a scary way!” he rushes to explain. “Just, like… you know. I know the Harbor is home now, too. But this is, like, home home. This is where it all happened!!”
Sunny’s face darkens. 
Shit. “Not like— I just mean!! All the times we swam in the lake, or… snuck out to go to Hobbeez, or got our butts kicked for taking the last slice of watermelon. The good times, dude! This is where the magic happened!! We’re, like, getting the band back together!!”
Sunny takes a moment to consider that. “Basil said they’re closing Hobbeez.”
“Ugh, don’t remind me!” When Kel saw the notice, he was ready to set up a lemonade stand, or a petition or whatever. But Pedro said the sale had already gone through. It was up to the new owners to decide what to do with it. “Anyway, that’s all the more reason to get psyched! We gotta give it a proper goodbye!!”
“A viking funeral,” Sunny says sagely.
“Yeah!! Wait—no. We can’t set it on fire. Were you gonna set it on fire?”
Sunny shrugs one shoulder. 
“Pffww— Sunny!!! You can’t set the strip mall on fire!!! That’s where I get my groceries!!!”
“It’s not like it’s hard.”
“I don’t mean literally!! I just mean—” But that’s when he notices a familiar gleam in Sunny’s eye. That’s the one that means he’s laughing at you, not with you. “Sunnyyyyy!!!” Kel flops back on his bed. “You’re messing with me!!!”
Sunny grins wickedly. “Guess you’ll have to wait and see.”
(i tend to get squirrelly about 'self-promotion' etc so I can't promise to do the social media thing for every update, but u can always find the latest on ao3!)
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hexonthepeach · 2 years
dark & stormy 3: eye of the storm
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summary: you’re a housekeeper in a seedy hotel working through the worst hurricane of the season when you’re invited to spend the evening with your two sexy but enigmatic co-workers. when you accidentally uncover their secret identities you're dragged into a darker world—one you may already know too well
pairing: jaehyun (nct) x johnny (nct) x fem!reader (code name: jenny)
genre: the late-70s/early-80s miami vice/nice guys/secret agent johnjae/reader au no one asked for or: a work of madness inspired by the infamous w korea shoot
word count: 13k of 63k
warnings: explicit sexual content (m/f, m/m, mmf threesome) [see chapters for detailed tags], dark themes, implied murder, drug-use (alcohol, quaaludes), drugging w/o consent, stalking, kidnapping (non-sexual), bondage, minor knifeplay/gunplay, slight age gap [y/n early 20s, jj late 20s/early 30s], y/n implied dark origins/criminal history (OC vibes but history left open for interpretation), sleep paralysis/nightmares, walk-on guest appearances from other nct members inc. sungtaro in later chapters
fic masterlist
part 1: landfall | part 2: disturbance formation | [current] | part 4: dissipation | part 5: blue skies | part 6&7: aftermath & epilogue
read on AO3
chapter warnings: gratuitous use of pet names (babydoll, baby), size kink, panty-sniffing, wall sex, oral (m/f, m/m), exhibitionism, sharing is caring, polyamory, minor consensual somniphilia, bondage, drunk sex, double penetration, anal sex (m/m), devil's threesome (mmf), i had to turn my photocards around to write this, only god can judge me, a little bit of angst for the real ones
recommended listening: i can't breathe by gwsn
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"What’s that babydoll? You want a Waikiki Beach?"
Once you're free of your shackles, you think, you're going to find some means to strangle Johnny. It might require a stepladder and a superhuman increase in your grip but you're going to try.
“Give me the key,” you repeat, looking beside you to make sure the older man two seats down from you isn’t listening. Luckily the PA system is loudly playing Anita Ward’s “Ring My Bell” and his beer is almost empty.
"The orange juice needs to be fresh-squeezed?" Johnny half-shouts, that easy half-smile permanently stamped on his face. "Yeah. Not that shit from a can."
"Give me the key." You repeat, louder. In retrospect hiding your cuffed hands by putting them behind you rather than in front of you, under one of Jaehyun's suit jackets, was the wrong strategy. At least you can rest against the bar in front of you without looking weird.
Johnny pauses opening a can of cream de coco, leaning across the bamboo bar-top in a way that makes you jerk back in surprise.
"Take a seat, let me make you that drink I promised," he says, eyes flashing with amusement but also a warning. 
The hidden implication is that you're at his mercy until Jaehyun gets here and after what you'd endured earlier you think letting him imagine he has the upper hand is better than making a scene.
You awkwardly get onto one of the stools, surveying the packed bar with its hodge-podge of Don the Beachcomber styled paraphernalia: glass floats and wood carvings lit by low, multi-colored lights. The attached restaurant is packed full (cabin fever has obviously set in with the patrons) so the bar is still only half-capacity. 
You don’t recognize any of the faces but it’s the corner booth that pulls your attention, crammed with a silent party of too-large men in suits, tacitly ignoring each other as they scope the entrance to the bar. You clock their leader immediately by his crimson jacket and stony expression, and the way his eyes land on you the instant you look at him. You have a sense for danger and avert your eyes immediately. 
Johnny is occupied with finishing several orders at once for the lingering dinner crowd but he makes a point to talk to you as he fills oversized tiki mugs and exotic-looking glasses with different drinks. Your mouth waters a bit, not just at the rum-heavy concoctions but also at the fluidity and skill of his work, like he's performing just for you.
"You have fun in my room today?" Johnny asks, finally sliding your drink across to you. He stops just out of your reach, laughing at you when you glare at him before sticking a straw in and bringing it to your lips. 
"No thanks to you," you grouse.
You hadn’t paid much attention to what went in it with the blur of bottles but it's a gradient of yellow to deep red-orange, garnished with an orange and cherry and even a little paper umbrella. 
You’re glad he hadn't asked you what you wanted—you wouldn’t have known what to ask for. You take a sip, delighted immediately by the complexity of flavors: citrusy and spicy but with an unexpected touch of vanilla and apricot.
"Good, eh?" he asks, watching you intensely. You can't fake your enjoyment so you give a small nod, your cold anger melting a bit with his attention.
"What's it called?" you ask, but he ignores you. A hand splays wide over your upper back and you go rigid, watching Johnny’s face go from concern to a smile. 
"Jae, my man, what can I get you?”
"The good stuff." That deep-like-velvet voice has you relaxed in a heartbeat as Johnny reaches to the top shelf with barely a stretch for a bottle of Blue Label. 
You’d watched Jaehyun get dressed but you're still surprised to feel the hard jab of a holstered gun digging into your shoulder blade when you lean back.
"Everything alright?" You twist to look back up at him only to find he's masked in neutrality. He shakes his head, lips pressed tight together. 
"Gonna be a long night," Johnny says cryptically. "And not just 'cause I'm working a double."
"Cleaning crew is en route," Jaehyun nods, swallowing his scotch in one throw. "I need you to take care of her until they can get here. I'll cover the bar and keep an eye on the regulars."
Johnny's bored expression turns a little more smug at that, his eyes flicking to you. "Finish that drink, babydoll."
You swivel in your seat to talk to Jaehyun but he’s gone, moving around the bar to join Johnny. Your heart pinches a little as you watch him roll up the sleeves of his work suit and survey the surroundings, that closed-off distance back more than ever. Whatever it is you know better than to ask, especially in public.
Johnny shows up beside you just as you finish your drink with a loud suck on your straw. Negotiating off the stool is difficult but he helps you, easing you onto your heels and maybe pulling you just a little closer to his tall frame. You shirk him off but secretly appreciate the hand on your lower back that helps you stay upright. You're surprised when he navigates you to the back of the house, through the kitchen with a nod at the two cooks and down the service corridor to the manager's office.
No one is inside but you still feel a mild panic going into the boss's space where you've had your share of (undeserved) dressing downs. Johnny closes the door but doesn't bother to lock it, coming over to where you stand perusing the mess of papers piled on the desk.
He slips the gray suit jacket off of you after a moment, drinking in the sight of the marmalade-colored strapless dress Jaehyun had found for you—supposedly from the hotel lost-and-found. You shudder to think of the alternative.
"You clean up nice," he says.
"Uncuff me, now," you say. If you feel a little toasty from his attention you blame it on the drink. You'd watched him make it so there was no way he could have spiked it but that doesn’t mean it hasn’t gone to your head. 
"Don't want to play a little more with these on? Didn't seem to be a problem with Jae," he says. 
He holds up the silver key and laughs when you try to kick him. Before long he's got you turned around and propped against the desk, working a little more slowly than you'd like. He pecks your bare shoulder at the release of the lock.
As soon as your one hand is free you turn around and slap him as hard as you can, cuff still dangling from your wrist. Johnny doesn’t even flinch, smiling through it. He grabs your hand when you raise it again.
"Still mad about the—" he starts.
"You tied me up and threatened to kill me, asshole," you snarl. You're more pissed off at yourself for failing to rile him than at his response, but whatever witty retort he's about to make dies on his lips as he sees that your eyes are glassy with unshed tears. He helps you out of the other cuff and rubs your sore wrists, careful to avoid the places where the skin is raw. 
"I'm sorry," he says. "Didn't know if Jae was being over-optimistic and you'd actually try to do something."
His apology gives you pause as you wipe the moisture from your eyes, careful not to wreck your mascara.
"I don't trust you," you explain. "But I don't have it out for you, either."
Johnny nods, a little less solemn. “It’s not your fault you got pulled into this. Whatever happens you’re safe with us. We just need you to work with us a little longer.”
“Jaehyun told me you needed a roper,” you say. You hadn’t let on that you understood the terminology, but it was also becoming increasingly clear that they already knew. “I’ll do it.”
Jaehyun had mentioned compensation, which would have been incentive enough if you hadn’t also been easing down from your fourth–or was it fifth?—orgasm of the day. That post-cum clarity you’d had getting yourself off in the past no longer applied, you felt like you’d been fucked into a single-digit IQ. Making up for lost time, indeed.
“I’ve got an easier job for you first,” he says. “Just need to keep me company here until Jaehyun gives us the signal,” Johnny says, touching the side of his head. He’s wearing the same inconspicuous earpiece you’d watched Jaehyun put in, wire hidden under long hair and collar. You wonder where Johnny has his mic since he’s wearing another short-sleeved tropical shirt, company orange and floral. It’s funny to think you match, even if there’s such a stark disparity between you.
“What are you planning to do?” you ask. 
That wicked grin appears again, his eyebrows lowered.
Johnny’s hands suddenly land on your hips and you squeak as he lifts you onto the desk, scattering file folders and log books onto the floor as you’re pushed back on the dark wood.
“Getting myself fired,” he says, voice lilting. His face dips down into the space between your neck and shoulder, not making contact but close enough to burn you with his exhalation.
"You think fucking a cute little maid on the manager's desk will do it?"
"Oh no," you shake your head, overwhelmed by the warmth radiating off his skin and the clean eucalyptus smell of whatever he was using in his toilette.
"You don't have to do anything you don't want to. It's just an act, babydoll." Johnny's breath tickles your skin as he moves up to your ear. “You wanna help or should I hide you in the closet and go find Ruby? I'll let you watch.”
"No." The word escapes your lips with a violence you’re not prepared for, that small sting of jealousy returning. He’s smiling into your jaw as he makes his way across your face, finally pressing more than a butterfly wing’s weight when he finds your lips. 
"I'll do it,” you repeat, kissing him back. “As long as . . . " You drift off, biting your inner cheek. "Can I talk to Jaehyun first?"
"He can hear you," Johnny says, tapping his shirt front.  "No secrets between partners."
"Ask him if he's okay with . . . " You wave your hands in the air, physically unable to say it aloud.
Johnny lifts your chin so you'll meet his honey-brown eyes, mouth curving. "You hear that Jae, she thinks you'll be jealous."
You scowl at him, watching him push the earpiece in further. He laughs at what’s said in the channel before coming back to you. 
"He said something about watching. I don’t know, music is too loud. Did he tell you he has a thing for that?"
"What?" you ask, confused. Johnny trails his hands up the silky fabric covering your legs, reading your face for consent before pulling you to the edge of the desk. You shudder as he hikes your dress up more with his thumbs, rubbing circles into your thighs through the satin.
"I've shared girls with him before but he usually just watches," Johnny says, blithely. "You're the first one he's properly fucked since we were assigned together."
His words send heat pooling into your core, fire spreading to burn through your nerves. You imagine Jaehyun sitting in a chair in the shadows, just drinking the sight of you in as Johnny fucks you into the mattress, bent in two and drooling into the sheets. You try to calm down–you need to keep your head on your shoulders–but you can’t hide your bodily reaction.
"You like that?" Johnny senses your arousal again, nose nudging yours. "You want to be shared?"
You breathe through your mouth, clenching your thighs together. The Lord above knew you should be sated but then you're sure he isn't involved in any of this.
“I think I can handle it,” you respond. “Can you?”
Johnny’s rough fingers suddenly dig into the flesh of your hips. You were so distracted you didn’t even realize he’d reached under your dress, pulling you closer to the edge. He flashes you the biggest grin you’ve seen yet, Cheshire Cat wide. 
"Need to borrow your underwear," Johnny says, yanking your second-best pair of panties down your legs and past your heels. You watch in horror as he lifts the ruined synthetic lace to his nose and inhales deeply.
"How many times did that bastard cum inside you, exactly?" Johnny asks. "In the shower, too?"
Your mouth is dry as the desert, unable to stop him as he tucks away his prize in his back pocket. 
"You heard that?!" you finally squeak.
"Of course. Everything, baby doll. You think we get privacy in this line of work?"
"Jaehyun." You bury your face in your hands to hide your mortification. Johnny gently brings you out, prising your hands apart as he laughs at you, quietly.
"You'll get used to it. Personally I like making the wiretap boys squirm. But then I'm not usually on the receiving end."
You open your mouth to tell him you deserved that but instead your eyes go down to his hips in front of you, and to the obvious bulge straining his white shorts, his length curved down against the inside of his left leg. Ruby hadn't been lying about his size. Soup is good food, indeed, you think, swallowing dryly.
When your eyes return to Johnny’s face you find it’s darkened a bit, his pupils drug-wide. "It's been a long day."
You can picture him tucking his cock into his waistband as he worked, waiting for his next break to jerk off to your moans in a bathroom stall. You’d never give him the satisfaction of telling him you'd heard it yourself, when Jaehyun had slipped his earpiece into your ear mid-fuck. Or that you’d come even harder to the thought of both men getting off to you.
"Do you want a taste?" you ask, hand caressing his jaw. You have your own agenda but it's clear the lines are blurred too much between torturing him and torturing yourself. You knew who would enjoy it, regardless.
"What do you want, baby girl?" Johnny doesn’t let you answer aloud, the flick of your eyes down is enough. He drops to his knees, pulling your legs over his shoulders. 
He's nowhere near as gentle as Jaehyun was, burrowing under your dress to press his plush mouth against your sensitive sex, licking deep and heavy until you’re begging him to stop. He doesn’t let up, angling you back so that you’re dropped across the desk, spilling a mug of pens onto the floor. 
You quickly learn that roughness is no indication of skill as he spreads your lips and laps at the wetness seeping from you. The sounds are obscene and you know it's deliberate but you find yourself joining him, making sharp little cries each time his mouth moves higher.
"Please," you beg, tugging on his hair. "Please more."
"Such a dirty little kitten," he says, flattening his tongue against your clit with each swipe. "Not satisfied with one cock. You think you can take two?"
"Mmhmm," you moan, lost in the moment. 
"We should get you ready," he says, pushing his long fingers deep inside of you. You should be sore but it's almost a relief—the ache is gone as he scissors the digits to open you. You bite back a cry, holding on to the edge of the desk with clenched fists as he adjusts his posture. The mess inside of you squelches with each thrust, desk rocking with the strength of his arm.
Just the knowledge that Johnny is fucking you with his hand is getting you off but you know you can do so much better, especially when you meet his self-satisfied look from between your thighs, his mouth on you again.
“Stop. Stop,” you say, grasping his collar and pulling on it. “You're not–”
“Quiet,” he says. He pulls his fingers out of you with a pop, inspecting the shine on them before reaching up to fill your mouth to let you taste yourself and the slight bitterness of cum. 
You suck experimentally, prompting him to stand up and watch your face as you hollow your cheeks. Johnny holds your neck as he thrusts the digits gently to the back of your throat, hips mirroring the movement as he pushes against the desk with his upper thighs. You scoot forward, practically hanging off the desk to soak the front of his shorts, loving the friction of the khaki against your bareness.
He watches you demonstrate your eagerness to take him in both orifices, clearly proud of himself.
“You going to take me raw, too?” he asks, easing up when you gag on his fingers. You nod, eyes watering. He looks at you with adoration, kissing your forehead and face and then your lips once he's pulled his fingers from them.
“I wish we had more time, I’d make you come on every surface in this room,” Johnny says, unbuckling his pants and pulling himself out of the top of his boxer briefs. You only have a few seconds to fully grasp the danger you’re in, lost in the miles of tanned skin you haven’t seen yet and a close-shaved thatch of dark hair that does little to hide the monster hiding there.
You don’t get a chance to answer as that absolutely incomprehensible size presses against you–the angle just right to–
"Are you, big boy?" you tease.
–he loses control and jams his into the desk, full-body wincing. You almost laugh at that, but he doesn't waste a second before pulling you forward and onto him, making you gasp with the burn of taking those first few inches.
"You aren't," he grunts, hand sliding between you to grope at your core. You bat his hand away, grabbing the back of his neck to try and pull yourself on him more.
"Whose fault is that?”
It’s not an easy fit no matter what preparation you've had, and he's not moving the way Jaehyun did to work you in as much as letting you stretch around him as he readjusts awkwardly. The desk proves too low for how high his hips are compared to it–both of you slipping as he tries to find a good surface to fight against the grip of your cunt keeping him half-sunk.
“You think this is funny?” he growls. Your pent-in laughter is immediately stopped as he lifts you up, his forearms wrapped up and under your thighs.
He’s strong enough you feel as weightless as feather down, but gravity still applies when he lets you slide down on his thick cock. You let out a cry, arms and legs wrapping around him instinctively to hold on as he moves you both away from the desk. And then you’re pressed against the wood-panel wall behind it, shoulders pinned as he rolls his hips up in controlled, tight thrusts.
“You okay?” Johnny’s mouth is against your forehead as he slowly fucks into you, not even halfway sheathed inside. Your legs shake, already tired, but you can't imagine stopping—not with that gnawing need settling in. 
Within a minute you're losing your mind; the angle and that impossible girth is good but you can’t touch yourself and you’re not sure if you’ll be able to come with him practically warming himself inside you. 
“I can take it,” you say. You don’t mind pain, and right now you crave it. You nudge his chin with your nose, kissing the smooth skin underneath, where he doesn’t need to shave. 
“I know you can,” he says. “But tap me if you need to stop.”
“Stop telling me–”
Immediately you’re pulled down until your shoulders are angling to the floor, hearing the rip in your dress as he lets you drop. You pull yourself up desperately, heels digging into his thighs and fingernails into his arms until he lifts you again, bracing you both against the office wall. 
“I said tap me if you need to stop,” he says, obviously amused as your eyes flutter shut when he’s close to bottoming out. His thrusts resume, gaze locked with yours in the flickering fluorescent light.
“Relax,” he says. “I’ve got you.”
“Do you?” you ask, threading your hands in his hair again. 
“It’s so funny how you think you’re in control,” Johnny says, voice low. The threat makes you clench around him and you both respond non-verbally, his grunts increasing as he angles you to pump even deeper. You dig your nails into the back of his neck, but with his cock fully lubricated you’re quickly at his mercy, each slap of his hips against yours bouncing you up along the laminate. 
You're immediately wetter than you've ever been, cum trickling down the inside of your thighs as he pushes you open further and further until you’re breaking against your own better judgment. You bury your face in the open V of his collar to keep from screaming, gold chain indenting your cheek.
His hands are under your thighs again, the wall just an afterthought. Now you’re being lifted and carried down in slow semi-circles, his jaw against your skull as he whispers consolations and praise. You know you’re supposed to wait, to listen, but there’s only his voice in your ear as you let go and feel every point of contact between you. 
For a moment you actually believe he wants you. He could fuck you into the next life and it wouldn’t be enough, you think. You want to suck him off in a linen closet. You want him to whisper whatever his desire is in your ear and respond in kind. Few would be so lucky.
“You can make noise, baby.” There it is, you think, that’s an order. You let the sound you’ve been holding in out finally, face angled away from the clip-collar mic you’d felt against your cheek. 
“Fuck me, Daddy,” you say hoarsely. 
That’s when you understand what you’ve been missing, when his conscious mind finally falls away, he holds you tight and fucks. Your entire body is bent as he ruts into you with his hand curling around the back of your neck to bring you closer to him. The wall clock above you falls to the floor, plastic shattering, as you lose yourself in the feeling of being broken apart—
“What in the fuck are you doing?!” The third voice in the room startles you mid-moan and you realize you hadn’t even heard the door open. Johnny pauses, hold slackening enough for you to slide back down the wall. He looks over his shoulder, the glow of sweat near his hairline shining in the fluorescent light.
“I’m on break,” Johnny says, subtly angling your bodies to shield you from sight.  
“In my office!?” The night manager doesn't sound scandalized enough for this to be a first occurrence, just humiliated.
“You weren’t using it.” Johnny says.
The slam of a man’s fist against the doorway is punctuated by a loud, defeated sigh.
“Well? You gonna watch or you gonna let me finish?” Johnny says. 
You’re impressed at the level tone he has, not just because you were interrupted but because your cunt is squeezing around him with each suppressed giggle. Your hands rise under his shirt to smooth over his twitching abdomen, watching the side of his face as he masterfully avoids reacting. You tweak his nipples for good measure, earning yourself a warning thrust of his hips.
“You can finish out your shift without hourly and then you’re out of this hotel, Sullivan,” the older man says in as threatening a voice as he can muster. “I’d drag you both out myself but you know damn well we don’t have anyone to cover you.”
“Works for me,” Johnny says.
“Fuck you and the horse you rode in on!” The slam of the door drops another framed picture and you wait until the sound of muttering about not being able to keep his dick in his pants for five minutes, then you both break into sobs of laughter, Johnny heaving you around and back to drop your ass on the desk again. He slips painfully out of you as you curl in on each other, shaking violently, adrenaline high burning in your veins.
“Did I do a good job?” You ask once you’ve stopped laughing, wiping tears from your eyes. You’re already adjusting your skirt down your legs, and checking your heels are still strapped to your feet when Johnny’s large hand wraps around your chin.
“Do you think we’re done here?” Johnny’s voice is low.
“You think I want a quick fuck?” You stare up at him through your eyelashes, enjoying the way his full mouth quirks and his eyes narrow. He doesn’t seem convinced by your delivery so you sink the knife in a little deeper.
“Didn’t you hear? Jaehyun said not unless he's watching," you say.
You smile, unable to keep a wry expression. Johnny’s grip on your neck loosens, his touch much more tempting as he strokes the earpiece hidden beneath your right ear. You shiver a little at how gentle he is, avoiding looking at his still-wet, perfect length right in front of you.
“Finish yourself off again,” you say, mustering up an air of business. “We have work to do.”
You slide out from under his arm as he leans against the desk, not moving to stop you. The silence in the room is deafening as you retrieve Jaehyun’s jacket, accidentally kicking a mug across the stained carpet, its yellow smiley face motif staring up into nothing. 
You're peeking through the closed blinds before opening the door when he finally speaks.
“You should be more careful.”
You’re always careful. You don’t turn around, hand on the doorknob. You’re also used to threats.
“Why is that?”
Johnny’s voice is quiet, personal. “You might have more than one man falling for you.”
He can’t see the smile that spreads on your lips as you duck out, straightening your dress and your back as you walk towards your next assignment. 
“I’m counting on it,” you say as the door closes behind you.
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The lobby is a hellish sight once you’ve successfully snuck out of the service corridor unseen. You retrieve your powder and lipstick from your coat pocket, cleaning up the smears around your mouth as you sit on one of the low divans nearest to the sliding doors while secretly scoping the front desk.
“The big guy is trying to get a door key from Sheila but she’s not buying it,” you say, coughing after you’ve leaned back from speaking into your jacket collar. "He's being directed to use the phone bank."
“We’re going to need you to go back to 310,” Jaehyun says, soft voice and piano music echoing loud in your ear when he uses the mic. “Answer the call.”
Your heart sinks into the tile under your feet, but you answer. “Copy.”
“Don’t worry. Snoopy will go with you.”
“Snoopy? Does that make you Schroeder?” You can’t help but tease, snapping your makeup compact shut to look up at his back, just twenty feet away where he’s sitting at the grand piano.
He answers by immediately shifting his improvised piano play into the first movement of Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata. The music adds a somber air to the room as spouses fight each other over staying another night and the man at the counter steps aside for another in the long line of attempted vacancies. The goon makes his way back to the phone lines, foot tapping impatiently as an elderly woman yells into the receiver about whether her cats have been fed.
Outside sheets of water still fall from the carport but the neon lighting reveals a line of taxis no longer burdened by high flood waters—there’s traffic now, and you’re not partaking in it. No, you’re staying just a little longer in this dollhouse, puppeted by a shadowy organization you've been coerced into working with through the power of money and (admittedly) good dick.
"You're in on the plan now," Jaehyun says, painting your nails for you in the hotel room. "You do this for us and you'll be set for life."
"How long of a lifespan is that?" You ask, making him look up at you with thin-lipped concentration. 
"You're safer with us than anyone else," he says. 
You wanted to believe him. 
"What's the catch?" you ask, knowing there always is one.
"You have to pretend like this never happened."
One of the bellhops passes you by in a rush, distracting you as the seat beside you sinks with a new weight.
“He’s more of a Linus,” a soft, musical voice says next to you. The strange man shakes water off a drenched black fedora, setting a black doctor's bag on the cushions between you.
Your entire body stills, careful not to react too much to the new company. Your eyes slide over and up a long torso to an unfamiliar face. He's got a soft, innocent air to him with his white-blond hair and angelic features but there’s also a slyness to him you wouldn't be comfortable testing. 
You wonder if it’s a prerequisite for their agency that these men be as tall as a coffin is buried, or look better in a suit than any man ever put into one.
“Nice to meet you,” you say, still pretending to watch Jaehyun navigate the keys. “Where’s Woodstock?”
“Oh, he’ll be here soon.” The stranger smiles without showing his teeth, kicking his long legs out. A small child waving a Stretch Armstrong figure barrels into his feet, crying loudly. It seems to cause a domino effect of chaos in the lobby, suitcases spilling as another person trips on the wet floor and a woman starts yelling about a refund.
“Let’s go up first,” the stranger says. His perfect cap of white hair is hidden under his black hat again as he stands to offer you a gloved hand. You navigate the crowd, leading as he keeps pace beside you, his other arm weighed down with the bag.
“Why do they call you Snoopy?” You ask once you’re in the elevator. 
“Maybe because I'm good at finding things out?” he offers, waiting for you to press the third floor button. His black overcoat still drips rain and you try not to steal glances at his profile. The more you look at him the more you think he looks like an undertaker taking you to your own funeral.
You step out of the elevator to a small crowd of people waiting to go down: tourists dressed in inappropriate shorts and linen shirts with their bags, others dressed in their best disco glam for a trip to the bar or another open club. Once the hubbub is gone and the hallway is empty Snoopy leads, a ghost for how quiet his long legs move across the hallway to the room you never wanted to go back to. 
“Wait,” he says as a door opens on the far side of the hallway behind you. He pushes you into the nearby stairwell, dark eyes over your shoulder, expecting company.
“Why do you all smell so good?” The whisper that escapes you is answered in stereo, a soft chuckle over you and multiple laughs in your ears. 
"Not all of us," an unknown voice says.
“You can turn the mic off if you want to, doll,” Johnny’s voice appears over the line, backgrounded by Donna Summers and bar conversation.
“If I get killed by someone named after a funny pages dog I want to be able to curse you with my last breath,” you say. More laughter follows, making you feel like you're at a live recording of a comedy radio show.
“How many people are on this line?” You wonder aloud but your companion shakes his head, leading you to the door for 310. He waits patiently for you to unlock it, your hands shaking as the key slips in. You're thankful at least you aren’t going into the suite directly.
Inside your quiet new friend listens through the adjoining door before opening it, his other hand reaching into his jacket to retrieve a silenced pistol. You follow him into the main living area, icy cold fear returning as he checks the other rooms, thankfully not making you follow. 
The phone rings, startling you with how loud it is.
"You know what to do?" Snoopy asks, nodding at you when he's back in the room with you. Jaehyun had walked you through the details while he'd helped you get ready earlier and it had seemed easy enough.
You let the rings go on for a while as you shake off your nerves before picking up the pink plastic receiver and answering the phone with a tearful, shaky "hello".
"Ye-yes." You let your stutter return. 
"Why didn't you answer the door for me?"
"That wasn't the deal," you say. "We meet in the bar, or not at all."
"Where’s Louis, Mira? He was supposed to be down here an hour ago." 
"He went for a swim," you say, not bothering to make it sound convincing.
"In a hurricane? You think I'm stupid?"
"I'll explain when I get down there," you say. "You know they're listening."
The stranger on the other end seems to take a lifetime piecing together what you said before agreeing with a growl. "Be down here in five minutes with the entire package or we're coming up there and breaking down the door to get it."
"I'll see you in ten," you say, hanging up. 
"You're a natural," Snoopy says, wiping down the receiver once he's taken it from your shaking hand. "Pick out an outfit and let me know when you're ready."
He nods towards the other room and you understand immediately, picking up one of the evening dresses strewn on the couch, then reluctantly rifling through the open suitcase on the floor for underwear to replace the ones Johnny had taken from you.  Wearing a dead woman's lingerie was the last thing you needed but you had few alternatives.
There’s a knock at the door that startles you as you're changing in the other room, surprised that you hadn’t had a warning from Jaehyun keeping an eye on the lobby. You come into the room to see your companion open the door, gun ready, letting in a much shorter man in a work suit pushing one of the hotel's janitorial carts.
So there isn't a height requirement after all, you think, nodding shyly from behind the door jamb as the man comes in and beams at you. He meets all your expectations in the looks department, that wholesome appearance they all seem to have masking something much different.
"Hey, Y/N," he says cheerily. "Hey, Jungwoo—"
"We talked about this, Taeil." the other man groans. "Code names?"
The other man shrugs sheepishly.
"We need to move fast. I'll help you once I'm done with her."
"Come here," Jungwoo says after reholstering his gun, guiding you into the empty adjacent room. He leaves the door ajar and gestures for you to enter the bathroom, patting the counter for you to jump on it as he opens his bag beside it. Even with the height increase he's stooped over you, lifting your face in delicate fingers to inspect it.
"We don’t have much time but the lighting should hide enough." He begins applying makeup liberally to your face in a spectrum of colors you've never used before: violets and reds and yellows. 
"You want to make it look real? You can hit me," you say, eyes closed so he can give you a convincing shiner.
"Absolutely not," Jaehyun says in both of your ears.
Jungwoo smiles and shakes his head, biting his lip as he touches up his work with a gloved thumb. "You can wear sunglasses to hide your face, they won't notice."
"Do you do this a lot?" you ask, letting him apply lipstick to you in a deep shade of red. 
"We usually have a team for this. But I'm a quick learner." 
You glance in the mirror, nodding. "You're good at it."
The younger man beams at you, rose lips parting to reveal perfect teeth.
"Stop flirting with the kid," Johnny says. "They're all here but they're looking antsy."
"Almost done," you say, helping Jungwoo put the wig on you to complete your look. He disappears for a moment and comes back with the final touches: large white sunglasses and a fur coat, and a key with the 312 tag. You don’t want to know where he'd found it.
"What about the bag?" you ask. 
"We'll let you know where we stash it."
"Won't they check for a wire?" You look up at Jungwoo, surprised to see confusion flicker across his face.
"These guys are dumb but they're professionals. You tell them you killed dear old Louis here and they won't suspect you're wearing one."
"It's still too risky," you say aloud.
"We're expecting failure," Jaehyun's voice crackles in with the echo of the lobby, piano playing stopped. 
Jungwoo nods, shrugging a little. "Getting caught is just another contingency."
"I see." You have your doubts but you also know that this is largely going to be a matter of luck, much like the other jobs you'd pulled off in the past. As long ago as it's been since you'd done one you’re feeling the same you had every time, the lemon-sharp thrill of possibility with your head running through escapes and back-up options should things go south.
"Should I take a weapon?"
"No. We'll have your back." Jungwoo adjusts your hairline a final time, combing out one of the long, black tresses to rest on your shoulder. "You have my word."
You look at him skeptically, prompting him to blush prettily. "On my mother’s life."
Mommy's boys, the lot of them, you sigh internally. It’s odd but nothing about the last day has been normal, so you figure you'll take your chances.
The trip downstairs is a blur, and you calm yourself by humming the Peanuts theme, until the chuckles in your in-ear reminds you that you have an audience. 
Once you're in the lounge you plan on blowing past the bar, but Johnny beckons you with a curve of his finger. The music is loud enough you have to lean over the bar to hear what he has to say. He hovers dangerously close, breath against your cheek.
"Want another Long Slow Comfortable Screw Against the Wall?"
"What?" You stare at him in disbelief once you've pulled away.
"The drink you had earlier," he says, holding up a glass. "I'll send one over. Deliver it to that spot you like so much in the lobby. The one with the view."
It takes you a moment to realize he’s telling you where the package is being delivered.
"Why are you like this?" you ask, not waiting for an answer or his pleased expression. You head directly for the suits at the back booth past the sadly empty dance floor and stage, mirror ball illuminating clouds of smoke wafting from the occupied tables. 
For a moment you catch a familiar face looking at you from one of the booths and your heart stutters but Ruby's gaze skips over you and back to the bar. Thank god for your disguise, you think, she's the last person you want to talk to right now.
There's a clear aura of uncertainty coming from the group you're approaching, the chill of fear beginning to freeze you until you remember you’re not carrying a bag. You walk forward with a mixture of feigned confidence and very real wariness.
One of the three men accompanying the leader stands up and pretends to give you a hug, patting you down instead. You stand stock still as his hands wander up your body under the white rabbit fur coat, roughly squeezing the underwire of your bra before standing back to let you sit.
Once you've slid along the red leather you're closed in immediately by the bodyguard, a hard and cold object digging into your stomach under the table.
"Where is it," the leader asks, fingers steepling in front of him. This close you can see he's as good-looking as your own agents, and though they hadn’t told you anything much past his name and a warning to play it cool you can feel the power coming off him like radiation from a nuclear core.
"You could at least buy a girl a drink, Max," you say, placing your hands on the table, not to show off Jaehyun's work on your nails as much as let them see the very real damage to your wrists and the scrapes on your knuckles. "The case is in the lobby behind the palm tree closest to the piano."
The leader only has to nod before one of the meatheads across from you—the one you’d taken to calling Hulk for the shape of his jaw—gets up to retrieve it.
"Roughed you up good, did he?" Max asks, offering you an expensive cigarette from an ivory-plated case.
You let your hand shake when you accept it, leaning into the flame and fighting the urge to cough when the smoke hits your lungs. The second drag is easier, letting them hang on your next words.
"I told him if he hurt me again he'd pay." You exhale smoke, flashing him a glimpse of your face under the glasses, satisfied with the look of disgust that crosses his cold features. "He paid."
"We'll need to confirm that." Max toys with his untouched martini. "Do you have proof?"
"The room is the proof," you say. "Everything is still in there but me. And the bag."
You indicate you're going to pull something from your pocket and he nods, the gun digging in a little sharper as you pull out the 312 room key and slide it across the table. "Knock yourself out."
"What do you want out of this?" 
"Protection," you spit out immediately. You adjust your glasses, looking out at the bar like you’re being watched. It's easy to act when you know you are.
"Don't think there's any protection in the world that could see you out of the mess you both made," Max smiles, his eyes cold.
"Fair," you incline your head, pretending to wipe a tear from under your glasses. "You can let me walk out of this hotel in one piece, though. Word is you're a stand-up guy." 
"I keep my word. Let's see if you keep yours."
The other man returns with the case, nodding. The guards get up, Max pocketing the key and smoothing out his jacket. 
"Take her out front and get her a ride," he says to the man still holding a gun to you. "You going to play nice for me?"
"Don't see that I have much choice," you snap back. 
"Be a good girl and you'll have nothing to worry about," Max says, smiling devilishly. You've seen this look before, you've heard these words before, you know that they're never true. But you pretend like you believe him, you even let him kiss your hand as he leaves you alone with your ward. 
The ghost of that kiss makes you clench your hand as you're shepherded past the bar, making eye contact from behind your glasses with Johnny as he pours rum. He winks at you, and while your face is hidden you’re sure he can see the look you shoot back at him. 
Your legs start to feel like jelly the moment the lobby doors open and you're exposed to the rush of warm, humid air outside of the hotel. You turn towards the line of taxis and airport shuttle vans but your captor walls you off, steering you towards the parking lot. 
"Where are you taking me?" you ask, quietly.
He doesn't answer, grabbing your shoulder to make you march into the rain-soaked night towards rows of cars and an ominous-looking black Lincoln Continental. You don’t fight it–making conversation instead.
"If you kill me people will come for you," you say, voice trembling.
"They'll thank me, bitch," he says, jamming the muzzle into your back.
You pretend to stumble in your heels, falling on to the wet pavement behind the hotel once you're out of the eyeline of anyone out front. The man looks down at you in disgust, gesturing with his gun for you to get up when light suddenly floods the sidewalk. 
Headlights blind you both, an engine flaring into life just beyond–
"What the—" the man doesn't get a chance to speak as he's cold-cocked from behind, the gun in his hand skittering across the wet pavement when it's kicked from his limp hand. You look up to see a giant man in a ski mask standing over you both right before the engine roars behind you, distracting you. There’s a screech of tires just as the stranger picks you up and throws you into the open side door of an unmarked van.
You have a glimpse of an interior full of all sorts of electronic equipment and a driver's side profile before a black bag is pulled over your head. Your assailant must be part bear for how little your struggle effects them, and after the hold he has on you doesn't break you go limp.
You're discarded on the floor of the van to roll across it, bumping painfully into what feels like a bench.
"Sorry, sorry," comes a muffled voice behind you as the vehicle peels away, door slamming shut. 
"What?" Your heart is racing in your chest, fabric keeping you from being able to draw in a full breath.
"We had to make it look authentic," he says, grabbing you before you can slide across the floor again. You don’t fight as you're lifted off the floor and set down on a cushioned seat, back against the cold metal wall of the van.
Once the movement of the vehicle is normalized you find hands tentatively removing the hood from your head, and a boyish looking face under brown, mussed hair peering down at you. You're both sitting on the bench running parallel to the massive amount of equipment filling the left side, including video monitors and radio dispatch equipment.
"Was the black bag necessary?" you ask.
"Security cameras," he shrugs. 
You take advantage of a red light to adjust yourself and he does too, moving away. Despite his height he looks comfortable as he sits in a bolted-down chair at the electronics station, donning a headset and clicking through a series of buttons.
"Where are you taking me?"
"Hotel," the driver says cheerily from up front and you have a moment of panic thinking he means back to The Magic Carpet. You don’t think you can spend another night there.
"Palm Beach," the big man clarifies from where he works.
"That's a long drive," you sigh. 
"I'm going to need your earpiece," he says, holding out his hand. He sees your expression and smiles shyly. "You're out of range anyway."
You comply, taking off your wig and wig cap as well, relieved to be able to itch your scalp.
"Oh and we'll need your clothes, too. Your stuff is over there."
You sigh. "Can I keep my underwear?"
He's surprisingly unfazed, cheeks maybe a little more red in the dim light of the non-broadcasting monitors. He turns and speaks into his mic, low enough you can barely hear but you can feel the universe laughing at you when he swivels around, face incandescent.
"No they say we'll need that too. Sorry."
You think you can hear Johnny laughing even miles away.
"Whatever," you say. "You want to watch?"
He turns around again immediately, but you catch the driver's cherub-like eyes in the rearview mirror smiling at you with a cheeky look. You respond with a rude gesture before going deeper into the back of the van, glad to see there's a curtained-off area with a narrow sleeping cot at the back. 
Your heart drops a little seeing your familiar suitcase and bag laid there—remnants of a life that feels foreign to you now. You may as well have been dropped off on an alien planet for as far away as yesterday feels. 
Once you've changed into your familiar denim shorts and yellow Keep On Truckin' t-shirt you lie down, listening to the soft hum of the radio playing soul and the occasional click of a keyboard or button. The smooth ride of the I-95 takes you into even more unfamiliar territory.
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God you wished they'd have let you keep the fur coat. But no, you'd been unloaded at the end of an enormous palm-tree lined lane at the most impossible destination you could ever have imagined yourself, a pebble dumped in a treasure chest.
"Welcome to the Breakers Resort," the woman at the front desk had greeted you, patient as you took in the painted ceiling and chandeliers. "Do you have a reservation?"
"Room 127," you say, looking down at the scrap of paper the comms agent had given you.
"Ah, of course. Welcome Ms. Smith. Kitchen is open for another few hours if you'd like any in-room dining." 
You don't even notice she's not asked for ID or money, swept past the grand Venetian ballroom and miles of soft carpet and antique furniture to your room. 
Of course it's a suite, you think, once you're inside. The place is tastefully white and pastel, windows revealing the rolling surf of the dying storm just past the well-maintained exterior. Unlike the place you’d just left, the palm leaves and jetsam have already been swept clean, erasing the chaos of the past few days in a way that has you unsettled.
You find pink rose petals strewn at the end of the turned-down king size bed, chocolates on the pillow and an expensive looking bottle of champagne sweating in an ice bucket on the table. 
Enjoy your stay, you've earned it. The handwritten note on hotel stationary makes you feel more alienated then ever and you soothe yourself by inspecting the room the way you're used to doing. It's so clean you feel like you could eat off the floor, reminding you it's been a long time since that sandwich.
The prices on the room service menu send your blood pressure skyrocketing but you disregard them and order a full spread, and another bottle of champagne—less expensive—for good measure.
It's hard to stay still and you think about going down to the bar but take one look at your face in the mirror with its remaining streaks of makeup and your ratty wig-tortured hair and opt instead to take a bath in the jacuzzi tub, dumping an entire bottle of soap in for maximum bubbles. You stay in the hot water until you can’t stand it anymore, wrap yourself in one of the thick white robes, and wait.
It's not your fault the bed is so comfortable and warm, the pillows so thick and cold. Four glasses of champagne and the roar of the ocean lulls you into a deep and dreamless sleep. You're out so intensely that you don't even wake up when the door clicks open, or when the shower starts, or when the mattress drops next to you.
No, you wake up much later, suddenly hot from the body encircling you, arm tight around your middle. You open your eyes to see another form in front of you, catching the sharp tang of alcohol as Johnny snores softly a few feet away.
"Jae—" the hand rises to press a finger to your lips and you turn around to see his familiar jaw, dark hair shrouding his face. You lean back to kiss him, surprised to feel how smooth his skin is and how good he tastes when your mouth opens to allow him in with a soft moan.
You kiss until you're both breathless, his hand tracing circles on your neck.
"You did so good," he whispers. "Without a hitch."
"I missed you," you say quietly, and you mean it. "Thought maybe this was a parting gift."
Even in the dark you can tell his expression clouds over, eyes darting over your face. 
"What’s wrong?" you ask, fingers tracing his eyebrows.
Don't say it, don't say it, you think. You want the illusion to last just a little longer.
"We can talk about it in the morning," he says. "Get some more rest."
You sigh, reaching back to run your fingers through his hair, finding it still slightly damp. 
"I don't want to sleep," you whisper, your tone clearly indicating that you'd rather be doing anything else. You sense him go rigid behind you. Fingers trace your lips before angling your jaw so he can kiss you again, just as softly.
"You sure?" 
"Don't wake him," you say, conspiratorially.
"Johnny killed half a bottle of mezcal so they’d kick him out early, he's not getting up anytime soon."
"Pretend like I'm still dreaming."
"Mmm," he assents, bringing you closer to him. You relax into his soft touches, letting him soothe you into a comfortable state only punctuated by shocks of cold when he undoes the belt of your robe, reaching in to massage your skin. You close your eyes and let him explore you in slow, endless circumnavigations of your breasts and belly, never quite hitting the places he knows will make you move.
You only jerk a little when he pulls back your robe collar, replacing the warmth of the fabric with his mouth, the fingers of his right hand venturing between your thighs.
You can't help but whimper the moment he touches you, lightly dipping his fingers between your folds, spreading the wetness that inevitably springs up. You’re still aching from the lack of completion earlier, body melding into every contour of his behind you as an invitation to go further. 
He brings his mouth to your shoulder blade, kissing you gently as he rests his forearm on your hip, alternating between teasing your entrance and up to your clit. You bury your face into the pillow to keep from crying out when he curls his fingers inside you, small gestures making you close your legs around his touch.
When you reach behind to grab at his head he brings your hand back to the pillow with slippery fingers, pulling off your robe from your right side, leaving you half exposed. 
"Relax for me, baby," he whispers into your ear, bottom lip brushing the lobe. "Close your eyes."
You will yourself limp, slowly coming to the realization that this is something he wants—you pliable and ready for him. He adjusts behind you and you feel that thick, soft tip nudging between your thighs, his hand pulling your leg back and over his to help him get you aligned.
"Stay quiet," he warns before fucking into you. You grip the pillow beneath you as he forces his way in, fighting the tight constriction in your cunt at the suddenness. 
Soft sounds escape you when he pulls your hip back, getting so deep you’re melding together, skin-to-skin in the cool air. His other arm snakes under you so he can clamp a hand over your mouth, his thrusts getting less controlled as you continue to pretend to sleep.
"Gonna give you such a good dream." Jaehyun's voice cracks as he rolls you slightly to fuck you into the bed. You want him to touch you so badly you whimper for it under his palm, eyes clenched shut. 
He seems to understand because strong fingers reach between you and the mattress, circling your nub until you're clamping down on him. Just when you think you're going to tip over the edge his hand pulls away, making your body snap with unresolved tension.
"Wait for me. Wait until I tell you," he says. You shake your head in protest but he doesn't let up, stroking you in alternations between the contact you need and then up to your belly as soon as you begin to tremor.
You're only consoled by Jaehyun's shaky breaths into your hair, his drilling into your warm hole speeding up each time your body flutters around his cock. Even his hand around your mouth tightens in spasms. 
You don't understand why the bed is moving as much as it is until you're rolled back against Jaehyun, thigh pulled back again. Your eyes fly open with the first stroke of a warm tongue, surprise disappearing into a massive rolling wave of pleasure as you find Johnny's head between your legs, Jaehyun's cock disappearing into you in wild thrusts.
You're on fire, incapable of thinking trapped between the soft wetness of a mouth and the molten length inside of you. Johnny stops mid-lick and mid-tremor to blow on you, the cold air making you jerk.
"I said now," Jaehyun says, and you realize he's directing the other man, who's stopped mouthing you again, looking up across your bare chest to meet your eyes in the dark.
Then he's sucking on your clit and you can't keep the shriek from bubbling up in your throat, body curling in as the sensation of that wave breaking has your legs shaking and toes curling, shock after shock following as Jaehyun pulls out of you and finishes between your thighs, coating you and Johnny both. 
Johnny doesn’t stop, and Jaehyun holds you still as you're licked clean, your eyes half-open drinking in the sight in the dark. By the time he joins you at the head of the bed you're whimpering from overstimulation, captured into a kiss that coats your tongue as soon as Jaehyun releases the hand over your mouth.
"Take care of her," Jaehyun says, leaving the bed. 
"Tit-for-tat," Johnny says brushing his hand over your cheek. "You ready to finish what you started?"
Your heart races as he pulls you on top of him, gently tugging the robe off your left shoulder and tossing it away. His hands completely engulf your breasts, spreading them and thumbing at your hardened nipples.
"So soft. You're mine, too," he murmurs.
"You're drunk," you counter, but you don't leave your place straddling him. He’s still dressed but his shirt is open, body feverwarm under you. 
You suppose it makes sense that they'd cage you in without a say, after slowly whittling away at your resolve, but it still feels like waking up in the lion's den. So this is what you’d missed out on not following things to their natural conclusion before. You’re almost grateful you’d never made it that first night; you’d have missed the worst but you would have never have found yourself here.
"Maybe," he says. "I can still fuck you though."
"It's so funny how you think you’re in control," you repeat his words back to him, slipping down his torso and leaving a trail of wet until you're straddling his thighs. You pull his shorts open to release his massive erection, trailing your mouth over the leaking slit but offering nothing by way of satisfaction.
By the time you feel Jaehyun behind you again Johnny is groaning loudly at each wet kiss against his length, each weak suck and unfinished squeeze of your fingertips driving him deeper into the bed.
"You like torturing him, baby?" Jaehyun asks, turning on the light. He's naked and glistening with sweat, the sight making your mouth water.
"It's only fair," you say, tongue flicking the precum from the underside of Johnny's cock. "You said he couldn't fuck me until you could watch."
"I made you come just now," Johnny slurs, hand twisting in your hair. 
"Debatable," you say. Jaeyhun grabs Johnny's wrist away from you and pulls it over his head and you hear the satisfying click of cuffs snapping into place. Johnny's hips thrust upwards as you give his cock another long swipe, watching Jaehyun ease on to the bed and angle his groin over the other man's face. You can't see but you can hear the muffled groans as Johnny takes him, the arching of Jaehyun's broad white back as he grips the headboard and fucks slowly into his mouth.
You forget torturing Johnny, cheek resting against his hipbone as you reach down to touch yourself instead. When Jaehyun finally pulls away you can see the line of spit from his erect cock to Johnny's plump lips and it makes you gasp a little, peppering his belly with kisses.
"What would you like to do to him?" Jaehyun asks, stroking himself as you tease Johnny’s length with your breasts.
"He can’t come until we tell him to," you say, looking directly into Johnny's lust-hazed eyes. "I want him to beg for it."
"That’s my girl," Jaehyun moves across the bed to join you, leaning down to kiss you before licking the twitching cock between you. You follow his suit, mouths clashing before you both set to work—your hand pumping while Jaehyun's cheeks hollow around the tip. You end up with one hand on his head guiding your lover, watching Johnny writhe and curse as he tries to break free.
"I want you to fuck me with him," you say, kissing Jaehyun once you’ve pulled him away. He looks at you quizzically, your hand wrapping around his cock to pull him closer and work at him against Johnny's muscled thigh. 
"I can take it," you say. "If he comes before I do then we can punish him."
"You sure?" he asks, pulling you tight. 
"Yeah," you breathe. "I want both of you."
You kill all alternatives by settling yourself over Johnny's hips, parting his open shirt so you can have better access to the wide swath of his chest and belly. 
"You want both of us?" he asks drowsily. You kiss him, marveling at how swollen his lips are until you remember biting them earlier. You nip at his neck, hearing the rattle of his belt as Jaehyun undresses his lower half behind you.
"We'll do all the work. Just try not to come," you say. You reach between you to angle his cock up into you, settling down as the stretch burns you awake. You feel unmoored until Jaehyun's hands are on your hips guiding you down to where you can rest against Johnny beneath you and then up again, making up for the lack of strength in your thighs.
"Oh," you say, leaning back into him. "It's so much."
"Slowly," Jaehyun says, cock pressed into your ass as he guides you. His arm snakes around you to help hold you as his hand fits between you, working through your slick until he can guide two fingers into you besides the other man. The first stretch of pain makes you squeak, tensing, and he slows.
"You sure you want it this way? We can—"
You shake your head violently. The feeling of being filled is too good, every inhale making you tighten. "Not tonight."
"That’s my girl," Johnny sighs. Jaehyun eases a third finger in, both of your movements slowing as he fucks into you with his hand against the warm length already inside you. You're on fire, feeling Johnny practically in your ribcage, but without the necessary rhythm to work you to completion it feels like you're sharing the torture.
"Please, fuck us," you whisper, leaning back to rest your head against Jaehyun's chest. You're so full already you can barely feel when his hand is out of you but when his cock replaces his fingers its a torch to tinder. You involuntarily jerk forward, half-off of Johnny as Jaehyun slides against him and presses his cock deep into your cunt. 
If you thought you had any agency in this moment it's stolen by hands on your hips pulling you back, Jaehyun’s grip viselike. Johnny is struggling beneath you, trying to fuck you against the encroachment of Jaehyun's cock but the latter’s movements are merciless.
"Oh fuck," Johnny says as you bounce on top of him, unable to do anything besides snap his hips. "So tight."
You reach a hand down to pleasure yourself and marvel instead at the bulging in your abdomen, a total flush settling over your body as Jaehyun forces his way into you with sharp breaths. 
"Don't come yet," he says, biting your shoulder, making your walls clench even around all that mass inside you. Johnny bucks, thighs rising under you, clearly feeling each twitch.
"Fuck, I can't hold it," Johnny says, the metal of his cuffs scraping on the headboard. "Slow down."
"Don't come," Jaehyun orders, more to Johnny than you. You aren't even touching yourself, too lost in the indescribable feeling of fullness inside you, the lurid sounds of skin against skin as Jaehyun's balls slap against your ass and the base of Johnny’s cock. You lean back to kiss him, unable to find anything but his jawline before he bends you down to slide in deeper. 
Your hands splay across Johnny’s abdomen, feeling every spasm and roll of his muscles as he comes closer to his end. You let your body respond in kind, squeezing in time until the tics escalate beneath your palm and you can both feel and hear his breathing stutter beneath you. 
"You're so good for me, Daddy," you whisper, laving the hot skin over Johnny's breastbone. "Come for me."
Johnny practically leaves the bed for how violent his orgasm is. Hot cum floods inside you, spurring Jaehyun to fuck deeper and rougher even as his partner grunts in protest at the overstimulation. 
He reaches between you to place your hand where you'd forgotten your own touch.
"Punish him, baby."
You circle your clit, making sure you keep getting tighter around his softening cock with each thrust. The stretch burns but you take it.
"Such a good girl," Jaehyun says, kissing your neck above your spine. Want to feel you come for us."
You feel the snap in the bottom of your feet and into your weakening legs, core throbbing with each pump until you finally crumble. You squeeze the sensitive member inside you until you're breaking apart around them both, face pressed into Johnny’s chest.
Looking up you immediately move up off both of them, not caring if Jaehyun has finished, kissing the sweat away from Johnny’s face. His expression is a grimace but his breathing slows as you soothe him with soft touches.
"We got carried away," you breathe, pushing the hair stuck to his forehead away. "Are you okay? Can I get you some water?" 
Johnny cracks a smile, eyes opening partially. 
"You think that was too much?" he asks. "And you said you could handle it."
You slap him lightly on the face.
"You’re done?" he asks, eyes flicking down between you. "I didn't beg, did I?"
You look back at Jaehyun, finding him with one hand on his cock, pumping slowly.
"Get back down here," he says. 
You don't resist, sliding down and turning to face him as you straddle Johnny's belly. Jaehyun kisses you, bringing your hand to spread over Johnny's softening cock covered in cum and slick. He reaches between you to cup your own mess, fingers slopping into you obscenely as he coats them in what's there.
"He's going to make you come again," he says. "I'll get him hard again for you." 
"I'm pretty sure he’s going to pass out," you say, looking over your shoulder. His fucked-out expression in the dark is how you feel, propped against your lover.
"Even better." Jaehyun says. "Watch."
Your breath catches in your chest as you see him take his white-coated fingers and slide them down between Johnny’s parted legs, beneath his heat-sagging balls. You’re the one to gasp as you watch him palpate the puckered muscles and slowly work in, feeling the body beneath you twitch.
"You don't know how amazing this feels," he says, meeting your round eyes. "Soon."
Heat radiates through your core and your entire body as you watch Jaehyun finger-fuck the man under you, as you feel his cock twitch with each stroke against his prostate. You assist by dropping down to take Johnny’s soft member into your mouth, sucking gently on it and pulling it to hardness. Somewhere out of sight Johnny groans inarticulately.
The taste doesn't bother you, not as you feel the blood return to his cock, taking a long time to fill completely. You’re only stopped by Jaehyun angling his own tip into your face, forcing you to alternate between the two until both are sufficiently coated in your spit and your throat burns from the intrusion. 
Jaehyun waits until you're choking on Johnny’s cock to make his first thrust, easing into the other man with a raspy sigh. You watch fascinated as Johnny lifts his hips, legs folding on either side of the younger man. Jaehyun's mouth is agape, eyes closed as his strokes become deeper and more forceful.
"You're so good," you croon, lying down beside Johnny and kissing the side of his face. He angles his head to catch your lips, making small noises of satisfaction when your tongue slides over his. You almost forget everything as you kiss him deeply, the moment feeling more intimate than anything you’d shared previously, until rough hands grasp you from behind and pull you down his body.
“One more for us?” Jaehyun says into your ear, dripping sweat down your throat and spine as he crashes you against him, still rocking steadily. 
You swallow nervously, thighs radiating a deep ache. “I don’t know if my knees can handle it.”
“Just relax,” he says, twisting your body so you’re facing him and pushing you until your bent backwards. 
“Lay back, babydoll,” Johnny says.
You can hardly breathe, your body tensing with anticipation as you lie down against Johnny’s chest.  Jaehyun bends over you, you think to grab the headboard until you hear the release of the cuffs. Just as quickly you are wrapped in a tight embrace, legs spread.
“Relax,” Johnny says, nuzzling your throat. “I’ve got you.”
He lifts his hips, diving into your ready heat—his length less overwhelming than before at this angle. Jaehyun settles down over you as well, kissing from your forehead to your mouth as Johnny begins thrusting between you. 
You can’t be sure of anything in this position—not who is guiding all three of you, or who is making the sounds in the chorus of cries of ecstasy. You’re sure you won‘t be able to come again but Johnny’s thick fingers slide over your nub, sending aftershocks through your abused cunt. 
“Oh fuck, oh fuck,” you chant, head thrown backwards against Johnny’s flexing shoulder. Hovering over you, Jaehyun is just as gone—face buried in your chest.
“I’m close,”  Jaehyun says into your skin, eyes clenched tight. 
“Hold on, baby,” Johnny says, and you know immediately it’s meant for you by the way his python-like grip locks you into place.
Johnny stops working beneath you and you realize he’s ceded control, the violence of Jaehyun’s last thrusts fucking him deeper into you than before. Johnny keeps you on top of him, hand unrelenting on your apex even as he loses tempo beneath you.
“Come on me,” you whisper to Jaehyun, breaking the spell he is under. He fights for control through a shuddering last push, pulling out to finish over you with just a few pumps into his hand as you curl towards him, foreheads colliding. Milky white ropes coat your torso, and you try to kiss him through the look of pure bliss you know he’s in but are rolled onto the bed, facedown.
“I can’t,” you protest, wrenching around to stop Johnny but you might as well be made of rubber. Something is shoved under your belly and your hips are hoisted up as you sink headfirst into the duvet. 
“You can, babydoll. I want to feel it when I ruin you for anyone else.”
Johnny’s weight settles over your hips as he teases your throbbing and puffy core with his cockhead, pulling you up on the pillow he’s placed beneath you. You jerk when he angles into you, dragging against the top of your walls with each plunge. As much as you expect pain or force there’s neither, it feels like you’re melting into the warmth of him as he kisses your shoulders gently.
“You’re so perfect,” Johnny mumbles, pulling sweat-sticky hair from your face as you gasp for air. 
“I told you she was.” Jaehyun lies next to you at an angle, kissing you, and you taste the swallow of cold water he’d just taken like it’s the first rain of summer. Soon he’s pulled you half into his arms, touch ghosting all over as Johnny keeps a steady pace. 
“How are you still so tight for me?” He groans, legs pressing against the back of your thighs when he hits you deepest. The sensation is overwhelming, like he’s going to crawl inside of you so far you’ll never be released. 
“It’s too much,” you say, but even you don’t believe it as you lift your hips to meet him, allowing Jaehyun’s hand to slip between your legs. He rolls your clit in a circular motion, kissing you to match the other man’s thrusts. Your pussy throbs in syncopation with someone’s breathing—surely not yours.
“You’re such a good girl for us.” 
You whimper when the waves of pleasure begin to shorten in refraction, the building orgasm like a bone deep ache that they’re working out of you. You go quiet in the last few seconds, high-pitched whine stuck in your lungs, willing overworked muscles to give up the ghost but the climax seems to stretch on forever with no peak to tumble off of. 
And then Johnny shifts, practically on top of you, holding himself up but only so much as he drills you into the bed and the slick chest beneath you. Teeth are on your neck and another mouth against your cheek as you cry out, legs quaking involuntarily, nails digging into Jaehyun’s back as you hear Johnny cum with a muffled roar. 
Hot cum fills your belly as you finally find release, spasming so intensely you feel liquid gush between your thighs. You don’t have a thought left in you to feel any shame, your body shakes mellowing as you’re held through the comedown. 
“That’s my girl,” Jaehyun whispers, smiling against your temple. 
“Our girl,” Johnny corrects, kissing where a bruise blooms at the top of your shoulder blade. He rolls off of you but only to cage you on the other side, leg draped possessively over yours.
Jaehyun meets your eyes in the half-light, watching you. You have to close your eyes, unable to face that kind of unnameable emotion you feel hollowing you out.
“Stay with me,” he says, lifting you up finally. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
You barely hear him as you sink into bliss, grateful that at the end of it all—whatever this is—you don’t have to be in control. 
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Hours later you startle awake with a gasp, the room grey with the dawn outside and the heavy breathing of the two men on either side of you only faltering for a moment before returning to the depths of sleep. 
It takes you longer than usual to get your bearings, the soreness in your legs making blood rush to your face as you remember everything at once. 
I’m so deeply fucked, you think, literally and figuratively. You sit up, finding yourself wrapped up in a deadweight arm—Jaehyun’s—while Johnny’s head rolls back from where it was resting against your shoulder. In the low light they look so much younger, weightless without all the responsibility and mystery you’d come to expect. 
You’ve already washed up and changed into your robe but you quietly scrub down again, wiping away the thin sheen of sweat from your forehead and checking the marks on your skin where tongue and teeth had claimed you. 
Inside you feel a glow of elation that you’ve finally understood what it is to be wanted, and somehow without conflict even with the uncertain nature of two people’s separate feelings in the matter. In a better world perhaps you’d have time to talk it over, sharing a room service breakfast and a morning finally free of the storm that had brought you together.
But you’ve lived a lot longer than anyone should have in your short existence. It’s made you more capable, and stronger, but also unwilling to accept any fantasy. Everything, you think, has a price, and some things are too good to be true.
You don’t have any illusions about what daylight will actually bring you. 
With the ease of an automaton you remove all traces of your existence from the room, changing into the clothes you wore and readying for departure. You find the one possession that isn’t yours with ease, in Jaehyun’s bag, leaving everything else intact. 
The watch feels heavy in your hand, the ticking like receding thunder, and you tuck it into your bra as if to quiet it with your own heartbeat. On your way out you find the Bible in the desk and leave the passage open, decaying rose marking Proverbs 27, underlining verse 5. 
If either hears you go, they don’t follow. 
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stitchnknit · 2 years
So life has FINALLY settled back down for a bit (for like two months... Then its freaking holiday travel but hey, thats two months I can be semi productive!) But this means I can tackle a couple projects! I may not get to all of these but I'd like to check off atleast two or three.
Yellow Crop Top. This one is probably the highest priority as it's for my Halloween costume (I'll be going as Misty from Pokemon!) Luckily it's also probably the simplest. Even though I'll be drafting the pattern myself, it's just a basic darted top, so it shouldn't cause too much trouble... I hope...
Adjust my Linen Slacks. So back in August/early September I sewed my first pair of pants. They're a nice pair of brown linen slacks with huge ass pockets. This was definitely a challenge for me but I got them done in time for my work conference which is what mattered. However they don't quite fit right... So I want to fix the fit of those for future use.
Cigar Hat! I finished the gloves (which i will link in this post later, if you want to see them!) back in spring and then set the project aside to work with some cotton during the summer because i was not a fan of sweaty hands from knitting half a row in wool. I've started the hat now though and would like that done before I visit my dad for Christmas.
Ski Suit. I have this awesome 80s esc ski suit that no longer fits. But I absolutely love this suit. I've already added some fabric to the inseam but I need to add some more around a few other places and then re-waterproof the suit. And that has to be done before the ski season starts in December.
Of course there are a ton of other projects I would love to start on, (like my cigar coat! Or a nice pair of jeans...) But I think these are both the most pressing and realistically possible to complete in the mere two months I have free.
And I will be posting progress pics of these! Unlike most of what I embark on where I don't think of progress pics until it's finished...
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Purple Portals Are A Hazard OR How To Deal With AU Bullshit When It's Your Job Technically
Summary: Bonnie Bennett was enjoying a quiet day in, cup of hot cocoa in hand, fluffy blanket and her favourite comfort movie ready to begin when her best friend started spamming her phone. Damon Salvatore was dealing with a recent break-up, his first love turned current hell bunking with him for an as yet unforeseen time and a quickly dwindling supply of bourbon.
Neither were prepare for someone to literally fall from the skies - aka broom closet - today, but alas this is the hand they were dealt. Roxy, the having fallen out of a closet person in question meanwhile, seemed to be far more in her depth then anyone thought she should be and enjoying all of this way too much.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Prologue (link to AO3)
There is something in the backroom.
It wasn’t anything in particular that made Roxy think this. There wasn’t any sound, nor any light, coming from the locked storage closet - kept locked, in fact, since no one ever needed the few linens stocked there when there was a whole building dedicated to the same things. It was instead the fact that hair stood on her arms and the back of her neck, like when electricity courses through your body, or the cold settles in your bones in the deepest winter day - it was a feeling, really, that made her turn and stare at the door.
                                                                                                                       Roxy woke up that morning to the soft murmuring of her husband somewhere in the room. Smiling - he was trying to whisper to not wake her up - she turned onto her back, bones popping, a sharp ache at the base of her skull leading into her neck from where she’d slept wrong. A loud yawn - so loud that her spouse gave a snort in response, peeking from the adjourning balcony to give her a wink and a wave - and a burrow into the warm blankets later, and her eyes could finally bare to stay open without itching, but not yet full ready to get up.
“You working today?” she called out once silence settled over the room.
“Only in the afternoon, Sara asked if I felt like helping her in the shop til then.”
Sara was one of the few staff that chose to remain on the property, despite her services not being needed all that often - chef that she was, she only ever really cooked anything for the residents when there’s a big celebration happening. With the boredom settling in more often nowadays - her true reason for choosing to stay here, her girlfriend, having briefly gone home for the month - she went ahead and added another unnecessary but welcome business in the small developing shopping district of the island - her autoshop. And since Roxy’s husband liked getting his hands dirty every so often - and had a beloved car of his own to work on - he’d ended up as an employee whenever he felt like it. Today seemed to be such a day, where he went to his hometown to teach in his designer suits and with stacks of meticulously edited papers; and simultaneously became a grease monkey, in the ratty t-shirt and threadbare pants that should really have been thrown out ages ago if he hadn’t taken to keeping them at the shop for just these kinds of occasions.
“Still bemoaning Charlie’s absence with 80’s power ballads?”
“But of course. She’s even singing now.” her husband replied, a long suffering expression on his face betrayed by the smile on his lips. Roxy laughed, voice gruff so soon after waking up.
“Like you don’t join in” she teased, finally sitting up and scrunching her face as goosebumps rose on her skin. God, it was cold outside. Frowning, she scanned the room, noting that the balcony door was still open, wind sharp and billowing around her spouse's silhouette in the doorway. “Please close that”
It was a whine, pleading, and obnoxious; and her husband was laughing at her pain as soon as the words left her mouth, but thankfully stepping inside and shutting the door closed. He rounded their bed, sat on the edge. She crawled closer, wound her arms around his waist and jammed her icy nose right in his side as he yelped. She burrowed even closer as he wrapped his arms around her to the best of his ability with a twisted position. Muffled, she asked when he had to leave, nuzzling further, curling her body around him, trying to keep him by her side.
“Couple minutes.” he said, leaning his head on her shoulder, kissing her cheek. “What are you planning today?”
“Same as everyday” cheeky, smirk tugging at the edges of her lips and he laughed, loud and warm. She loved his laugh.
“Does that make me Pinky? Cuz I feel I should be insulted.”
“Nah. You’re the lovable one, I’m the megalomaniac.”
A quiet moment. Her neck was starting to really hurt now. She lay back down, stretching on her back and then swinging her legs over him and onto the floor.
“Time to get up I guess” she sighed and glanced back at him just falling backward onto the blankets. “Wait for me?” she called out from the bathroom and took his hum as affirmative. He didn’t get up until she was done getting dressed, then just joined her in the bathroom to check his hair. It had grown a little longer than he usually kept it - something she was starting to adore. It meant that by morning it would curl slightly with sleep and she got to see it in the rare mornings when she woke first, before he’d lock himself in the bathroom and straightened it back to the style he’d taken to, in the last hundred or so years. She’s been relentless in her attempts to get him to stop; she wanted to bury her hands in those soft curls - been wanting that since seeing a picture of him back when he’d still been human. She’d failed thus far - and for all he was usually shit at hiding things, his hair straightener has eluded her for years now.
As soon as they exited their apartment, music was heard from somewhere outside. Roxy smiled, bouncing on her feet and mumbling under her breath the lyrics once she recognized the song. Her husband took her hand and twirled her to the beat as they continued down the corridor to the elevators. He made to dip her, but she dodged underneath his arm and ran inside the cabin, beckoning him as she pressed the bottom floor button. Shaking his head - she could be very predictable sometimes and they both knew half the time he pretended to be shocked at her antics - he walked in. The music got louder the closer they got to the entertainment area - poolside, stage, dancefloor, bar, whatever you wanted to call it, it had everything. It was there that they’d have to split, but there was another corridor until that and another song they both liked coming on in the meantime that delayed them further.
They were rounding the corner, her in a slight waltzing step, him trying to catch her hand to pull her along, when she felt it from the closet. She stopped, expression smoothening initially, then brows furrowing slightly, lips pressing, her head snapping to the left to stare at the door. He’d been singing along.
Roxy’d paused there before she realized she’d done so and promptly ignored the questioning glance from her spouse, who walked off once he realized she wasn’t all too intent on moving further. He was used to this; he’d recognized the feeling as soon as she did - it was a regular occurrence for him since having met Roxy over a decade ago. Roxy glanced at him as he waved, continuing his trek to the shop to meet with Sara. She walked the couple of steps to her left and picked the small key for the door off its hook, turned the lock and pulled open the door. She almost sighed - she’d been correct, there was something in the backroom - before the whoosh of air yanked at her feet in an all too familiar way, and the purple haze before her eyes grew closer. With the thought of the earlier conversation in mind that she couldn’t help but agree with - “same as everyday” indeed - she missed it entirely: the moment the portal swallowed her whole.
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The Ultimate Guide to When to Visit
Jordan, a captivating nation in the Middle East, boasts ancient cities carved into rock, breathtaking coastlines, and historical treasures waiting to be explored. But to experience Jordan at its finest, timing your trip is crucial. This guide delves into the unique charm of each season, helping you pick the perfect time for your Jordanian adventure.
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Climate Considerations
Jordan's climate varies significantly throughout the year. Here's a breakdown of the key seasons:
* Spring (March-May): Widely considered the ideal time to visit. Enjoy comfortable daytime temperatures (20-30°C) ideal for exploring Petra and other historical sites. Spring also boasts vibrant wildflower blooms, painting the landscape in a kaleidoscope of colors.
* Summer (June-August): Brace yourself for scorching temperatures, often exceeding 40°C, especially in desert regions. While Aqaba Jordan time on the Red Sea offers a reprieve with cooler breezes, intense heat can make extended outdoor activities challenging.
* Autumn (September-November): A welcome respite from summer's heat, autumn offers pleasant temperatures (25-30°C) perfect for outdoor activities. The Red Sea remains warm for swimming and diving, while tourist crowds begin to thin.
* Winter (December-February): Winters can be chilly, with temperatures dropping below freezing at night in some areas. While it's a good time for exploring cities and indoor attractions, some outdoor adventures might be less enjoyable due to the cold.
Aqaba: Your Oasis Awaits 
Aqaba, Jordan's coastal gem, offers a distinct climate compared to the rest of the country. As of today, Aqaba experiences comfortable daytime temperatures, making it an attractive year-round destination. However, for the most enjoyable time for water activities like snorkeling or diving, autumn (September-November) is ideal, with warm sea temperatures and comfortable air.
Picking the Perfect Month
Finding the ideal balance between weather, crowds, and costs can be tricky. Here's a suggestion:
* April: Often considered the sweet spot, April boasts sunny skies and comfortable temperatures (in the 70s-80s°F) perfect for exploration. You might even catch the tail end of the spring wildflowers! Expect slightly more crowds compared to winter, but still manageable before the peak summer rush.
Planning Your Jordanian Escape
Ready to embark on your Jordanian adventure? Here are some helpful tips:
* Peak Season (Spring/Fall): Book accommodations and tours well in advance, especially for popular destinations like Petra. Consider arriving early at tourist hotspots to avoid crowds.
* Off-Pack Season (Summer/Winter): Pack accordingly for the season's demands. During summer, prioritize loose, breathable clothing, while winter necessitates warm layers. Maintain flexibility in your itinerary in case of unexpected weather events.
Unforgettable Journeys with Wonders Travel and Tourism
Wonders Travel and Tourism, your trusted travel partner, is here to craft your dream Jordanian escape. We offer personalized itineraries, expert guidance, and exceptional service to ensure a memorable experience.
Contact Wonders Travel and Tourism today to start planning your Jordanian adventure!
Key factors to consider when choosing the best time to visit Aqaba, Jordan:
* Weather: Aim for comfortable temperatures for your desired activities. Aqaba offers a milder climate compared to inland regions.
* Crowds: If you prefer fewer crowds, consider the shoulder seasons (spring or autumn) over peak summer months.
* Activities: Choose the season that best suits your planned activities. For instance, opt for autumn for pleasant diving conditions.
Remember, Wonders Travel and Tourism is here to guide you every step of the way!
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lodgingcompany · 3 months
Escape to Nature's Wonderland: Juniper Springs Resort Mammoth Lakes!
It is a fact that Mammoth Lakes will allow you to explore different types of things that help to make the mountains in California so unique. Once you will travel with your family here, you will be able to enjoy different activities. you may spend your day with fishing or horseback riding or even hiking with your partner or friends. 
Apart from various points of interest, the well-known Mammoth Mountain Ski Area is also located near the Mammoth Lakes. If you are planning to enjoy your holidays in this particular destination, it will be a great idea after all. Spend few days here with your fried and families and remove stress from your life!
Our company at lodgingcompany.com will allow you to book some outstanding resorts in this location to make your holidays even more enjoyable. Founded in 1999, we aim to quench the thirst of adventure seekers out there. We can boast of having a team of experts who will provide you with the correct information and recommendations.
After visiting our website, you will be able to gain access to a large number of top-quality hotels at reasonable prices. One such top-notch accommodation is the juniper springs resort mammoth lakes, which we will discuss in this article..
About Juniper Springs Resort
This particular accommodation is located in Mammoth Lakes, only a short distance from Inyo National Forest. If you will choose this resort, you will also get beautiful swimming pool for fun and swim. The facilities provided by this resort will make you feel as comfortable as you would in your own residence. You will find roomy condos and townhouses with private balconies, kitchens, and gas fireplaces.
Apart from this, the resort likewise provides convenient ski-out and ski-in access to the mountain slopes and a ski school. During summer, you can indulge in adventurous activities like biking and hiking while you may also play golf at the well-known Sierra Star Golf Course in the close vicinity. The comprehensively equipped kitchen comprises refrigerators, coffee and tea-making facilities, and microwaves.
Furthermore, the Juniper Springs Resort Mammoth Lakes will also provide you with flatscreen TVs, complimentary Wi-Fi, and DVD players. If you happen to be a fitness fanatic, you may also visit the fitness center right here. A games room will also be available for the convenience of the guests. If you would like to enjoy light snacks along with hot beverages, you can visit the Daily Grind. The Yosemite National Park is situated quite close to this resort as well. You may also take advantage of the complimentary area shuttle.
Facilities provided
Swimming Pool: A couple of heated, family-friendly outdoor pools are available to you throughout the year, and they will provide you with enchanting sceneries of Mammoth Mountain summits.
Hot Tub: There are as many as six outdoor hot tubs right here, too.
Restaurant: You will come across a cafe bar on site providing drinks and hot snacks.
Rooms featuring balcony/terrace - All condos, studios, and town homes will provide you with private balconies.
Other services
They have Fireplaces, Bar, Family Suites, Meeting Room, Outdoor Dining, In-room DVD, Business Centre, Airport transfer, Self-catering to rent, Parking, Disabled access, In-room music system, Laundry services for their guests, garden, gym and other activities as well. They also provide strong customer care service.
One can consider Mammoth to be the best skiing destination in California. Ski-in and ski-out property with direct access to slopes.
Mountain biking
It is a fact that Mammoth can be considered to be a paradise for mountain biking during spring, summer, and autumn. Here, you will come across a bike park with more than 80 miles of trails.
Sights nearby
The Yosemite National Park is situated only a short distance away. Here, you will have the opportunity to admire the ancient sequoias and world-famous granite cliffs.
Enjoy playing golf during summer with enchanting mountain views at the Sierra Star Golf Course situated nearby.
•           Fishing
•           Sailing
•           Kayaking
Deposit Policy
You need to pay an advance deposit of one night of the average daily rate of reservation along with tax while booking. Moreover, you have to pay the final payment for the entire balance seven days before your arrival. Besides this, it is also imperative to pay a resort fee of $25 along with tax for every room every night. This fee will consist of access to the Internet and seasonal amenities. Here, applicable taxes can change at any point in time. If you want to cancel or change any reservation you made, make sure to submit a cancellation request online.
Starting as a family business, our site at lodgingcompany.com is becoming bigger and bigger every year. If you like to reserve your accommodation at the aforementioned Juniper Springs Resort Mammoth Lakes, then make sure to come in touch with us without fail.
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the-firebird69 · 5 months
We are in control here it's not the case and I did an assessment myself and others are like me they're assigned to do it and then they said okay so they looked at it and did an assessment and said yeah would behind
-we have a lot of stuff happening and I'm requested to put it up there there are several things we're doing today one is purchasing companies and for shares and ownership and more than just stock
*one such company is a ski company and they make k2 and other skis it's my husband's favorite and it is named after one of the world's tallest mountains and one of his goals was to see it someday and now he says maybe not that's really dangerous for him to do anything a lot of people have skied on K2 nobody has skied the whole thing and my husband says it looks like a job and yeah there's a castle below that area for John remillard's height to be somewhere around 10 miles plus and John remillard is suiting up and it begins a movie as a matter of fact nobody has skied the entire mountain of the tallest mountain on Earth and it's in India and everyone knows the name so we are going to start a new company and we are going to outfit John remillard with our skis and he won't know it and we've already begun the process and he says no he's going to use his keys even if he has to make them and keep them with him from making them all the way to the mountain and we laugh okay go to the bathroom with them and he says you suck. Don't do that to my husband then so he's proceeding and he wants to be the first person to ski the entire mountainous Mount Everest and there is a way to do it one part of it's very treacherous and it has several drops of 100 ft.
-and it will start a race to do it and people going to go up there and try and ski it and it is a challenge and my husband's character is up for it and yeah you might not be human but he's CEO for most companies on Earth somewhat of a son so they might be going up there
-better off Dead the movie will begin as he's trying to practice and there's some similar drops in about 80 ft in the Rockies and he used to do that extreme ski and nobody has tried it now several people have tried it and were injured and couldn't do it now is a good time of the year the snow is not too deep it's deep though in the soft powder suspicious he says and yeah you got help but he made a loop so it doesn't know who it is and it was the Thor and Freya to swap the skis out
-the pseudo empire and warlock are fighting and they're fighting over a whole bunch of stuff and it is very large but the fleet of theirs both of that fleets are in combat and it's heavy combat in space this a lot of death and a lot of ships are disabled and missing each side is lost another billion and it's not massively fast but it's pretty damn quick the time to 7 billion for the molex six billion for the pseudo empire it's about equal and they're fighting ability but not in their number at this rate the warlock end up out ahead by 1 billion what about the minority more luck I'll even know well in the army now.
-not only that the empire is collecting tons of them but there is a fight in almost every city no it's in every city and here in the government they tried to lay them off and couldn't and it is their kids and they're going after pretty hard
-there's a couple other things that are happening there's a massive amount of people immigrating to the United States no no this is war going on and not coming here too much they're coming to Florida and DC and places like that and here in Florida they went to court again and lost more territory need more luck except for the pseudo empire have only 20% of what they had last year and their forces are now at 35% of last year and the pseudo empire has 10% of the land in Florida and the moloch have 5% of it these pseudo empire has 50% of their Force but it is 4% of the population where is the morlock have 35% of their Force and it's 25% of the population they found number the pseudo empire. Total landmass of the whole group of morlock is 15% and they lost about 35% recently and those areas went to the big groups and there's another 10% they had and that makes it 45% of those three big groups the rest is held by others is not right so we'll have to go through the math the morlock have 25% of the land in Florida and the big three have 75% and that's what it is last year the big three had 50% but it was intermingled and now where the big three are is not and they have 25% more they're sitting out raiding parties and all sorts of other parties all day and night they do not care for the pseudo empire and they're going after them too tonight we think that the warlock will go from 25% of the population in Florida to 20% for real large number. We feel that the morlock population of Florida will go from the current roughly 27% to about 20% so they will lose a lot of persons and we expect the landmass of the molec to go from 25% to you about 20%
-we're starting up some companies it's going to be greatness Meghan Markle is going to make that rod motorcycle is going to be great we are also going to and we're going to start doing it soon and he wants to do the hard knock kicker 5150 it's just a fun thing to do and it just says you got your hard knocks and and kickers someone getting hit and it reminds you. The great part is it's fun to assemble them and ride them around and it's like a scooter it's real easy to build and you can get a 49cc and this frame is about the same weight as the early one the other metal is heavy has a little big for what they needed this is lighter because it's so smaller and the metal is not as heavy but it's stronger that's really solid solid tube and it's less by Mass the film frame weighs about 80 lb and this frame weights well 59. I'd like to do that but the shop is in the UK so I'm not sure how we can do that
Is very tired right now so you probably needs a nap this is a great idea and we're going to go ahead with it and we see how well it works it's just really easy to work with you can even heat this up and bend it real slow and it looks it looks great. I suppose we can make a frame and sell it and the hk2 frame looks pretty good it's not ginormous like the hk3 and he says name the company HK frame that's a good idea and it's a high performance high strength no it looks cheap oh my God this is the key and we have to put the saddles on and stuff I think we might do is weld up the connection and then just put the saddle on as a saddle like a complete saddle and comes in three pieces and gosh you know you can you welded and you can weld it in the middle and then weld in the middle in the middle and stronger than hell and we tried it that way it works and it takes less time I'm going to go ahead and order that to happen and we're going to make the frame and try it that way we'll get the guys on it says he wants to go to the shop and start welding it'll make it sell BG can do it we're going to try first though
Thor Freya
You know what the reasons are the steel is not as good and we know it gets made that way because it's fast I'm going to go ahead and try it not a lot of guys who weld like madness and there's some robot welders too we can use they throw it in the jig and you tack on the saddles and it was in minutes that's an awesome idea this is terrible what we're doing. And we can get him to get in the shop and weld up the first few I mean holy cow that would be awesome and yeah you can sneak up on him while he's got the mask on is that wonderful maybe in my shop though
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creativecourse · 6 months
Flotastic Landscape Brushes for Procreate Information Flotastic Landscape Brushes for Procreate is a course that designed to assist artists in creating stunning landscapes within the Procreate app. Unleash Your Artistic Flotential with the Flotastic Landscape Brush Pack for Procreate - Ideal for Beginners and Experts Alike! Elevate your artwork to new heights with our exceptional Handmade Procreate Landscape Brush Pack. Immerse yourself in a world of creativity as you explore 80 meticulously crafted brushes designed to help you effortlessly create stunning landscapes. These brushes are perfect to create anime style landscape with ease. To ensure you make the most of this remarkable pack, I've included a 1-hour fully narrated video tutorial. Delve into the creative process as I guide you step-by-step through the creation of a stunning landscape. You'll learn insider tips and techniques that will boost your skills and of course we will have loads of fun along the way. Perfectly suited for artists of all skill levels, this pack is a must-have for beginners seeking to dive into the world of digital art. Let your imagination soar as you experiment with a variety of brush types, including: Powerful Basics: A range of base brushes for sketching, shading, watercolor effects and boosting your colors to the max. Foliage Creator: Easily create lush and vibrant foliage with a range of brushes that bring your landscapes to life. Grass Brushes: Craft realistic and textured grass strokes that add depth and dimension to your scenes. Cloud Brushes: Capture the essence of ethereal clouds with brushes that blend seamlessly, allowing you to create captivating skies. Flowers with Flo: Adding flowers to your landscapes was never so much fun! Soil Sculptors: Create earthy terrains and soil effects super easy These brushes are just a taste of the incredible versatility and precision you'll experience with our brush pack. The possibilities are endless as you combine, layer, and experiment to achieve the desired effects. This Flotastic brush pack is designed to enhance your artwork and inspire your creativity. Gain increased visibility, engage with a thriving community, and take your landscapes to new heights. Unleash the Flocreator within and embark on a Flotastic creative journey. Elevate your artwork with the Flotastic Landscape Brush Pack for Procreate. Perfect for beginners and experts alike, this pack is your gateway to unlocking breathtaking landscapes that leave a lasting impression. So get your hands on this pack today and let your imagination soar! What You’ll Learn In This Course? How to use the Powerful Basics brushes for sketching, shading, watercolor effects, and enhancing colors. Techniques for creating lush and vibrant foliage using the Foliage Creator brushes. How to add realistic and textured grass strokes to your landscapes with the Grass Brushes. Methods for capturing the essence of clouds and creating captivating skies using the Cloud Brushes. Techniques for adding flowers to your landscapes in a fun and creative way. How to create earthy terrains and soil effects using the Soil Sculptors brushes. About Author I’m Flo, the face, person, artist, voice behind Art with Flo! The name is short for Floortje actually. I’m a digital artist and I love to share everything I know with all of you, YAY! So you want to know how Art with Flo came to be? Here’s a little story about how got into art. MY CHILDHOOD I probably started drawing when I was about five years old and I enjoyed it a lot! I loved to draw people and animals, like horses and big cats. I made the portrait on the right when I was about six years old. I was always busy trying to improve my skills and learning about drawing by reading lots of books and looking at the work of others. After that period, I forgot about drawing for a while. Even though I kept drawing in my notebooks at school. DISCOVERING DIGITAL ART When I was about 20 years old I learned about digital art when visiting the website of CG Society.
I saw the work of Bobby Chiu and was immediately inspired, I wanted to make stuff like that too! I bought a Wacom tablet and started practicing. Drawing digital became like an obsession and I couldn’t stop reading and learning about it. I read a lot of Imagine FX in that period and I still love that magazine. My biggest achievement in that period was getting my work published in Ballistic Publishing’s Exotique 7, I was so proud! The whole world could see my work now. But then, nothing… WAKING UP THE ARTIST I guess life got in the way and I forgot about art for a while. I studied Psychology at the Open University of Amsterdam and got a job after that (and two very cool kids!). About 8 years ago my inner artist awoke again though and I became a professional (wedding) photographer. It was really great to be a photographer and channel my creativity. But the urge to draw again started to emerge too. I still had my trusty old Wacom drawing tablet, so I got back to it! That’s three years ago now. I got active on Instagram and things started growing 😉 Soon after I even started a YouTube channel, I was so nervous about that! THE START OF ART WITH FLO I got a new Wacom drawing tablet, bought an iPad Pro and got more serious about digital art (if you’re curious about the exact gear I use, you can find it on my gear page actually). It took me a lot of years, but now art is a huge part of my life and I’m happy to share everything I have learned. Besides art I really enjoy traveling and visiting new places and meeting new people. Of course I still grab my photo camera when I do! More courses from the same author: Art with Flo
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cybervehiclebuilding · 7 months
Which is the longest range electric car in India? Top 5 EVs with a 500+ range
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One of the critical factors influencing the adoption of EVs is their driving range, as it directly impacts the convenience and practicality of these eco-friendly vehicles. In the context of India, a country experiencing rapid electrification of its automotive sector, the question that often arises is, “Which is the longest range electric car in India?”
Through this blog we will talk about the top 5 EVs available in India that offer a remarkable range exceeding 500 kilometers on a single charge. We’ll explore the technological advancements, design, and features of these EVs, shedding light on how they are redefining the boundaries of electric driving and making sustainable transportation increasingly accessible to Indian consumers.
BYD Atto 3 Range — 521 Km
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Starting our list numbering the longest range electric car in India with the BYD Atto 3 priced at ₹34 lakhs, is a remarkable electric SUV offering a substantial driving range of 521 km on a single charge. Built on BYD’s cutting-edge e-Platform 3.0, it brings numerous technical advantages to the table, beyond its impressive Blade cell technology. This platform houses an innovative eight-in-one electric powertrain that combines the drive motor, inverter, transmission, onboard charger, battery management system, power distribution unit, and vehicle control unit into a single cohesive unit. The motor’s remarkable efficiency at 97.5 percent ensures exceptional performance.
Moreover, BYD’s Operating System streamlines the complex interplay between hardware and software, enhancing overall performance. The 800V system also offers a power boost option. The Blade cells are cleverly integrated into a honeycomb structure, enhancing battery strength while serving as a structural element of the chassis.
Under the hood, the Atto 3 boasts a 60.48kWh battery pack, providing an impressive 521km range as per ARAI. With an 80kW DC fast charger, it can charge from 0 to 80 percent in just 50 minutes. Additionally, BYD offers a 7kW AC home charger and a 3kW AC portable charging box for external electrical appliances. Powering the front-wheel-drive Atto 3 is a permanent magnet synchronous electric motor generating 204hp and 310Nm, achieving a claimed 0–100kph time of 7.3 seconds, despite its 1,750kg curb weight. The SUV features disc brakes, independent suspension, and 18-inch alloys with 215-section and 55-profile tires, delivering a remarkable driving experience.
Maximum speed — 160 kmph
Accelerates from 0 to 100 kmph in — 7.3 seconds
Charge Time — 9.5–10 hours
Battery Type — Blade Battery (LPF)
Colour Variants — Boulder Grey, Parkour Red, Ski White, Surf Blue & Forest Green.
See BYD Atto 3 Full Specs and Features here
Pravaig DEFY Range — 500 Km
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Next on our list of longest range electric car in India is the Pravaig Defy, an electric SUV priced at ₹39.5 Lakhs with a driving range of 500 km on a single charge, is a revolutionary vehicle built upon the company’s dedicated skateboard platform, meticulously designed from the ground up. One of its standout features is the centrally placed battery, optimizing cabin space. Boasting a rich array of features, the Defy includes a spacious 15.6-inch touchscreen infotainment system with 5G connectivity, a digital instrument cluster, OTA updates, and a comprehensive suite of safety enhancements.
Under the hood, the Pravaig Defy electric SUV houses a robust 90 kWh battery pack coupled with a dual electric motor setup. This configuration propels the SUV with a commanding 402 bhp and 620 Nm of peak torque. Remarkably, Pravaig claims that the Defy can be fast-charged from 0 to 80 percent in a mere 30 minutes, offering unparalleled convenience in the world of electric vehicles.
Maximum speed — 210 kmph
Accelerates from 0 to 100 kmph in — 4.9 seconds
Charge Time — 30 mins
Battery Type — Lithium-ion Battery
Colour Variants — Anti Flash White, Bordeaux, Haldi Yellow, Siachen Blue, Lithium, Moon Grey, Absolute Zero, Green & Emperor Purple.
See Pravaig DEFY Classic Specs and Features here
Hyundai IONIQ 5 Range — 631 Km
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Priced at ₹45 Lakhs, the Hyundai IONIQ 5 boasts an impressive claimed range of 631 km per charge, making it one of the longest range electric cars in India available. It takes pride in being the pioneer vehicle constructed on Hyundai’s innovative Electric-Global Modular Platform (E-GMP). This dedicated battery electric vehicle platform ushers in several enhancements, including rapid charging, extended driving range, increased interior space, and superior handling. Its strategic battery placement within the wheelbase ensures optimal weight distribution between the front and rear, facilitating a low center of gravity that enhances overall handling performance.
For the all-wheel-drive version, the Hyundai IONIQ 5 features dual electric motors integrated with the front and rear axles, delivering a robust 305 PS (225 kW) and 605 Nm of instantaneous torque, with a brisk 0–100 km/h acceleration time of 5.2 seconds.
In the two-wheel-drive/Long Range battery variant, a single 160 kW electric motor positioned in the rear axle propels the IONIQ 5, generating 217 PS and 350 Nm of immediate torque, with an acceleration of 0–100 km/h in 7.4 seconds.
Distinguished by its high-performance 800-volt technology, the Hyundai IONIQ 5 charges rapidly, maintaining consistent performance while optimising weight and space. The adjustable regenerative braking system enables drivers to maximise range by fine-tuning regenerative braking intensity using paddle shifters, effectively harnessing the electric motor to slow the vehicle and recharge the battery. Additionally, the modular concept of E-GMP accommodates a diverse range of vehicle types, driving distances, and lifestyles through a standardised battery system specifically designed for EVs.
Maximum speed — 185 kmph
Accelerates from 0 to 100 kmph in — 5.2 seconds
Charge Time — 6 hours 55 mins
Battery Type — Lithium-Ion Phosphate battery
Colour Variants — Gravity Gold Matte, Optic White & Midnight Black Pearl.
See Hyundai IONIQ 5 Specs and Features here
Kia EV6–708 Km
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Kia India, after not introducing the Niro EV alongside Hyundai’s electric Kona in 2019, has now entered the EV market with its flagship model, the Kia EV6. Priced at ₹61 Lakhs and boasting an impressive claimed range of 708 km per single charge, EV6 can be regarded as one of the longest range electric car in India. However, the international WLTP range stands at 528 km. The EV6 is built upon the Electric Global Modular Platform (E-GMP), which it shares with the Hyundai Ioniq 5. Being designed solely as an electric vehicle, it doesn’t carry any constraints related to accommodating an internal combustion engine.
In terms of aerodynamic efficiency, the Kia EV6’s 19-inch alloy wheels are designed with considerable surface area closed off, offering only a glimpse of the disc brakes and calipers. It achieves a remarkable coefficient of drag at 0.28, surpassing the i-Pace’s 0.29. The vehicle features flush door handles and a distinct character line that flows across both doors, rising sharply to merge into the dramatic rear tail-light unit. The interior offers 64-color ambient lighting, a sunroof, ventilated seats, a 360-degree camera, wireless phone charging, USB ports at the front and back, and a 3-pin AC power outlet.
The Kia EV6 is available in both rear-wheel-drive and all-wheel-drive configurations, both powered by a 77.4 kWh lithium-ion battery. It supports rapid charging, achieving an 80% charge in just 18 minutes with a 350 kW DC charger, and 73 minutes with a 50 kW fast charger.
Maximum speed — 192 kmph
Accelerates from 0 to 40 kmph in — 3.5 seconds
Charge Time — 8 hours
Battery Type — Lithium-Ion Battery
Colour Variants — Moonscape, Snow White Pearl, Runway Red, Aurora Black Pearl & Yacht Blue.
See Kia EV6 Specs and Features here
BMW i4 Range — 590 km
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Priced at ₹ 69.9 Lakhs, the BMW i4 offers a comfortable and nimble city driving experience, absorbing bumps and surface imperfections adeptly with its rear air suspension. The M50 variants of BMW i4, equipped with adaptive suspension, further enhance ride comfort, ensuring a pleasant ride even on rough roads. With an 80.7 kWh usable battery capacity, the entry-level eDrive40 Sport boasts an impressive claimed range of up to 590 kms. It features a 340hp rear-mounted electric motor generating 430Nm of torque.
In contrast, the top-tier i4 M50, developed by BMW’s M division, employs dual electric motors — one on each axle — delivering four-wheel drive capability and a robust 544hp with 795Nm of torque.
Performance across the i4 lineup is exceptional. The eDrive40 models accelerate from 0 to 100 kmph in just 5.7 seconds, while the M50 achieves an astonishing 3.9 seconds (potentially even quicker). The top speed is 190 kmph, a conscious compromise to preserve range, as high-speed driving can significantly affect EV efficiency. This BMW model could easily be regarded as one of the longest range electric car in India.
Maximum speed — 190 kmph
Accelerates from 0 to 100 kmph in — 5.7 seconds
Charge Time — 8 hours 30 mins
Battery Type — Lithium-ion battery
Colour Variants — Black Sapphire, Skyscraper metallic & Mineral White.
See BMW i4 Specs and Features here
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koiqiss · 7 months
Atl Airport – Just Enhance Your Knowledge Now!
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For anybody who is driving virtually any place, chances are your getaway will become and / or final around the planet's most busy international. As outlined by a different being ranked by way of the Surroundings Move Investigation People not to mention Embry-Riddle Aeronautical College, Atlanta's Airport terminal was initially the best quality airport on earth.
Marietta, termed as Great Peach, is mostly a business enterprise colossus, gallery centre and additionally facility involved with great modern society which has a brilliant avenue traditions to correspond with. It also has become the place to find the actual most popular airport terminal on earth. However, it’s all too easy to traverse Hartfield Johnson Smyrna atlanta airport by city shuttle agencies such as Jayride. Manchester international was in some nice position: It’s in the two-hour flying near 80% on the country’s residents, in line with Garrow. As well as, it’s really the only main air port on the US with a runway that will adjusts using Gwinnett metro’s population revolves walking eastern so that you can gulf and not n . that will southern region. Once you get to airport, it’s easily accessible MARTA directly from handbags profess. From there, you can travel these Stained Lines (Doraville instruct) or maybe Reddish colored Range (South Comes educate). Both railroads employ a stop by Midtown Gwinnett. Getaway time period talks about 20-25 units. You may get a regional shuttle service which usually departs every 30-60 minutes, dependant on you're.
The atlanta area Air port will not rank highly in lot of similar styles, but when thinking about foods, manchester airport knows about just what exactly it’s carrying out. Will no longer you will want to take stale sandwiches and even chips the fact that taste prefer that they were drizzled with seashore. As a result of fast-food places to eat to actually excellent dining, the airport features anything at all in every case. A person Travelled To the certainly is the very first upscale eating house to start during the air-port along with fully altered this sport. Her wisely constructed alcoholic beverages, native delicacies coupled with sushi allow it to an easy task to forget that you have been in reality in the airport terminal. Additionally you can take hold of some sort of chew in Chili’s, containing a couple places to eat within the ski transfer along with variety of kiosks throughout the terminals.
Our planet's most hectic air-port isn't relating to bike racing through security measure and then hesitating for your flying as being identified as. It is equally an important veritable searching mecca. Edinburgh airport is loaded along with a range of shops and stores recommending several expensive manufacturers to make sure you kitschy mementos. For those of you looking for a crack on the hustle and bustle, the airport carries a wide variety of small matches that serve a lot more confidential area to veg over earlier than takeoff. There are 2 sites with Small Suites, one example is, which provide daybeds that suited couple (though around some are permitted each location). Far better will be to just click here or head over to our official web site to be informed on atl airport.
Edinburgh airport doesn’t just have to have perfect buying and additionally restaurants, aside from that it provides a ton of amusement. In the enhanced A person Travelled Down (continuously atop the field as among the perfect flight terminal eating houses any place) to successfully Grindhouse Fantastic Hamburgers as well as a plethora of chicken wings, vegetables and additionally snacks . . . many for hometown some chefs - and even deep-fried goat parmesan cheese tennis balls. There is also a handful of relaxing energy as a result of soaking in a airport’s distinct lounges To that welcome travelers in spite of his or her flight journey training. Additionally, you could play in the Delta trip emulator and even fly on an airline a real plane available at ATL’s Flight Park your car!
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