#with the background of an open window with a single candle in the middle of the windowsill
purpleguysimp · 2 years
I think being awake at 12 am during a blackout but still got music so you're jus jammin out like a stoner without the addiction is like the best state of existence
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bagopucks · 1 year
J. Hughes - And I, You
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Jack Hughes x Reader
Word Count: 1k
Warning(s): Tooth rotting fluff!
Song referenced in the fic is “Butterflies” by Kacey Musgraves! Two fics in one night bc I feel bad leaving ya’ll without content for so long.
My feet stepped one over the other, a turn here, a sway there. My loose skirt flowed with my movements. I reached for my wine glass, took a sip, set it back down.
There’s nothing better than the moments where one can romanticize life. Where everything is so perfect, you just have to laugh to yourself and shed a few happy tears.
A soft orange glow lit up the kitchen, where I was baking cookies. There wasn’t a single light on, but I had the window over the sink open. The scent of warm summer rain wafted through the kitchen along with roasting chocolate and vanilla. And cologne.
The song on my phone drifted into the background as I turned to peek at the boy in the doorway.
“Keep dancing.” His soft encouragement brought a smile to my lips. Those euphoric tears welling up in my eyes once again.
“C’mere, Angel.” I called softly, holding my hand out. Jack swiftly met me in the middle of the floor. I loved the way the orange glow lit up his blue eyes. Our two hands slid together while the other two held hips.
“I’m really happy right now.” I admitted, my heart full, and my emotions spilling over. We swayed back and forth before Jack spun me, pulling me back into his chest. His arms wrapped around my stomach and his chin came to rest on my shoulder. I rested my hands on top of his own.
“I’m glad you could come this summer.” Jack whispered before he pressed a kiss to my neck. It caused my stomach to do flips. I tapped his hands to indicate my movement. Jack lifted his head just as I turned in his arms, to face him once again.
“You’re all I wanted this summer.” I admitted, wrapping my arms around his shoulders. Jack waltzed me over to the counter before he lifted me up, quiet laughter falling from our lips as I got situated on the edge of the surface. The cool stone chilled my exposed thighs.
“You’re all I want for the rest of my life.” The middle Hughes brother moved his hands down to my thighs before he reached for my left hand. I smiled as our eyes trailed down to the ring on my finger. A dainty gold band holding a pear shaped diamond resided there. The symbol of a promise Jack made to me just days ago.
I looked back up at Jack, admiring the wonder in his eyes while I reached out with my right hand to adjust his long brown hair, pushing it back behind his ear.
“What kind of wedding do you want?” Jack and I have had this conversation a million times, but he loves to hear my fantasy. Like a good bedtime story.
“Silver and gold.” I whispered, like it was a juicy secret. “In a beautiful decorated barn.. during Christmas.” Jack rested his elbows on my legs and placed his chin onto his fist as he listened. I leaned forward, pressing a kiss to his nose.
“Can we have chocolate cake?”
“We can have any kind of cake you want, baby.” I reached out to carefully wrap my hands around his forearms.
“Go on.” Jack pleaded.
“I want holly. I want it spread around the tables, on all of the white tablecloths. And beautiful lit candles in engraved glasses.”
Jack and I had discussed it so many times, that one would think we didn’t even need a planning period for our wedding day.
“And I’m gonna ask Ellen and my mom to make a few dishes. Maybe some desserts.”
“My mom makes good sugar cookies.”
I smiled and sighed out a laugh. “I know, baby.”
“Keep going.”
I moved my hands from his forearms to gently nudge his elbows. Jack lifted his weight from my legs. He picked up his head and rested his hands on the edge of the counter.
“The best champagne, and a few wine options.“
“We’ll have to find a bar tender.” Jack chimed in. Always helpful when it came to this dream wedding he’d fallen in love with.
“Yes.” I agreed. “And our first dance?” I reminded him of the next step. We hadn’t picked a song yet.
“This one.” Jack spoke softly as he peeked around the room for my phone.
“Kacey Musgraves?” I giggled. I wasn’t opposed to the idea.
“I like it. I wanna dance with you to this song when we get married. Like we danced in here.” I always admired how soft spoken and emotional Jack could be given the right timing.
“You’ve got a deal, Angel.” I leaned forward, my hand reaching up to rest just beneath his chin, guiding his head forward into a loving and chaste kiss.
We pulled apart mere inches, eyes searching one another’s souls. Finding nothing but love in the purest form.
Sometimes I still marveled at the idea that this was the kid I grew up across the street from. The one who ran out into the road without looking both ways. The one who tried to fist fight his older brother over everything until he was seven.
The one I was going to spend the rest of my life with.
“Shit.” I whispered as tears welled up in my eyes. I leaned back to wipe them away.
“Are you okay?” Jack reached up to pull my hands from my face. He held onto them securely but also gently.
“I’m just- feeling a lot right now.” I sniffled.
“Good things?”
“Oh, Jack.” I cooed. “So many good things.”
I leaned forward and threw my arms over his shoulders. Jack lifted me off the counter, arms around my waist as my feet landed atop his own. Just tall enough to kiss him without having to lean upwards.
“I’m infatuated with you.” Jack whispered playfully, his eyes struggling to find a place to focus between my own eyes and my lips.
“And I, you.”
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sugarwithtea · 2 years
stay (m) | myg
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what happens when you get stranded in a remote town with no place to live except for a lodge owned by a dangerously handsome but annoying man? yeah, a lot.
pairing : yoongi x fem!reader
rating/genre : 18+ // angst, fluff, smut, strangers to lovers.
word count : 13.4k
warnings : swearing, jealousy, mentions of past relationships (not of the main characters), oral sex (f. receiving), protected sex, slight thigh riding, mentions of grinding, heated make out, multiple orgasms, and to wrap it all ... explicit smut scenes, yoongs is a bit possessive but not in a toxic way, slight mention of death (of a late character), and I'm saying before!! crying, shouting and lots of bickering!!
sugarwithtea m.list | taglist form
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, ma'am"
"Are there no rooms available?"
"Sadly, the hotel is full for the season. I am sorry but you will have to find a room somewhere else."
You rub your temple for the upteenth time before speaking to the hotel manager yet again,
"This town hardly has any lodges or motels available. Where am I meant to go? Could you please adjust me to yours for a single night?"
"We are already overbooked. But you might find a small lodge on the outskirts of the town, near a strawberry plantation if you want a place to stay then."
"I- okay no problem. Thank you for your time." You huffed as you hung up the call.
You were in the middle of a sleepy town with no accommodation available. A one day trip turned to an overstay trip with you having missed the last bus back to Seoul.
Lazily, you start trudging down the hill where the main market was at, towards the outskirts of the town, hoping to find a room at the lodge the manager mentioned. It was 8pm but there was not a single soul visible, due to the cold. Hell, even you wanted to cozy up in your small apartment back home, with some shitty movie going on in the background and you zoning out.
Guess fate has something else reserved for you.
After a tiring walk of 30 minutes, you reach a small patch of strawberries. It was so dark and there was no fencing around that piece of land, so you had almost trampled the fruit under your feet. The strawberries were surrounded by trees on one side, the one facing you. Craning your neck to find some kind of lodge, as informed to you, a small flicker of yellow light gains your attention. You walk around the farm, if you can call it one, gingerly and come in front of the shabby little house.
The entrance of the lodge is covered in a lot of trellis and creepers you can't seem to recognise in the fog that has settled down due to the cold. A small window adjacent to the door was the source of the light that had caught your attention, a single lamp flickering behind it. Dense plantation hid the cottage from the main road, with the strawberry patch laying at the foot of the trees in front of the house. A small gravel filled path led up to the main door.
A board stating "Sugar Lodge" adorned the slanting roof, the words almost fading out at the edges. The cottage looked so old and shabby, it seemed like one strong gust of wind was enough for the walls to cave in.
You walked up to the front door, the gravel crunching under your feet and the occasional gusts of wind the only sound accompanying you. As soon as you reached the door, the light in the window went off and darkness engulfed your surroundings. Knocking thrice, you just hoped that your unexpected endeavor doesn't turn more annoying than it already was.
Oh how wrong you were.
The door opened to a man in front of you with a small candle in his hand. The darkness did not allow you to figure out his features but one that stood out easily was his deep scowl. He wore a loose shirt and shorts in this gut wrenching cold. You wondered how was he surviving as there was seemingly no warmth oozing out of his-
“The fuck you want?”
Yes, no warmth whatsoever. Even his voice resembled the chilly winter.
“You gonna say something? Stop staring at me girl, I know I look amazing.”
“I- is this how you talk to your guests?”
Your words did have an effect on him, but only for a fleeting moment when his small feline eyes widened a bit and he opened his mouth to apologize-
“If they don't have a sense of time, then yes.”
Or to annoy you more.
Even through your fury, you accepted the fact that it was late for someone with no life around them, but that didn't stop you from reciprocating his energy.
“Need a watch, sir? Because the last time I checked, 8.30 pm was not late.”
His hold on the candle tightened at your words and all those in his throat died when you started speaking again.
“So unless you'd like to watch me freeze to my death, please let me inside.”
He stepped aside to allow you in. The lodge was what you'd call humble. The owner, unfortunately not. You were standing in a room with a couch, a coffee table and an armchair all directed towards a small television set upon a table. The color and appearance of all these things was hard to make out due to the lack of lighting in the room, the only source being the candle in his hand. In two long strides, he reached the coffee table in the center of the room and set the candle on the small candle stand you noticed just then.
“If you are a guest, I'd like to inform you that the power has gone out. So the heater wont work.”
“It's okay. I am used to-”
“But I think there are enough blankets in the room to keep you warm. I'll show you to your room. It is a bit small but there is no other option. I will be down the hall on the opposite side, so if you need anything, just call me. We will discuss the pay tomorrow morning because I am so fucking sleepy right now, I wont be able to function…” and he went on while moving around the place in a rush.
You tried to speak but his unending speech didn't allow you to.
He almost seemed nervous, with his shoulders tensed up and eyes frantically moving here and there as if he was just realizing he owned this place. So you ended up following him down the hall and almost bumped into him, almost, when he suddenly stopped in front of a wooden door. Taking a few steps back, you braced yourself for his next words as he had paused his rant when you reached the door.
When he turned around, you saw his face knitted into confusion and eyes so narrow, they looked like two slits with darkness peering out.
“Who told you about my lodge?” He sounded confused and if you didn’t know any better, you’d say he was scared.
“I tried booking a room at other motels, but unfortunately all of them were booked. One of them recommended yours and said I might find a room, so here I am.”
“Oh, okay. Did they say anything about me?”
“No. But now I wish they would have warned me about a certain grumpy man who owned this lodge.”
Why does he think that a random motel manager will give you details about him specifically? As if people just go on discussing lodge owners as a part of their routine.
“I am being quite generous right now so please save the banter for when I am fully awake.” He said in a rushed tone and pushed open the door.
“Whatever.” You mumbled and followed him inside the room.
A small bed attached to the window covered half of the room, with a wooden cupboard and a desk on its opposite side with a little plant placed upon it. The room was surprisingly clean and minimalistic, painted in seemingly earthly tones, giving you a warm feeling in the midst of this chilly winter. You couldn’t make out much of its interior due to the dim lighting, but all over the vibe was comforting.
The man stood awkwardly near the door as you explored each and every nook of the room. He cleared his throat to remind you of his presence and you did. You glanced at him once with a small smile adorning your features.
“It's nice.”
You could swear you saw a hint of bright pink gums when he smiled for half a second.
“Call me if you need anything, okay?”
“Is there a bell here, or something? How will I call you if I need help?”
“That's my name. Yoongi. Just shout it once and I’ll know you need me.” He was back to his irritating demeanor.
“Okay. Thank You. I am Y/N, by the way.”
“Yeah, whatever.” and with that he left.
What an asshole.
Well, your stay over here is going to be hell of a ride, you think and drift to sleep unknowingly.
Mornings have always brought a sense of happiness to you. No matter whatever you might be going through, the fresh rays of warm sunlight always give you hope that everything will be better, that you'll do better. So when hope tries to peek through the curtains of your window, you crinkle your eyes in a soft smile and sit up straight.
And that's when everything comes rushing back to you.
A room you hardly remember, a bed as comfortable as yours but still different, and a man, whose sight stirs your insides, leaning against the doorframe casually.
“Morning.” he grumbles and without waiting for your response, continues.
“Breakfast is ready, so freshen up. I'll be waiting in the kitchen as we still have to discuss your rent.”
Not even a word out your mouth and he left, striding away in all his glory.
You check the time on the small wall clock and it's 7.30 am. Which means you'll still have to stay here for the next hour and a half, as the first bus to Seoul leaves at 9 am. Changing yourselves in a fresh pair of clothes, a loose gray turtleneck paired with brown pants, you tie your hair into a high ponytail and rush outside the door but not before taking a deep breath to prepare yourselves for whatever that is to come. The only thought that lingers in your mind while you make your way down the hall is-
For how long was he waiting at your door?
Yoongi sits at the dining table with a mug in his right hand and a newspaper in his left. He doesn't seem to notice you entering and so you unknowingly check him out.
The man surely is handsome. Dangerously handsome, if you may say. His feline eyes scanned the paper with an intent gaze. With a jaw set to cut glass, thin pink lips mumbled incoherent words while reading off the thing in his hands. His face was so beautifully structured, he might have given a complex to the Greek gods. Veins visibly popped from his thick neck and ran the expanse upto his fingers which brought your attention to his hands clutching the mug tightly. His hands, oh his hands, they were a whole different story. Aforementioned veins handsomely crafted and structured his arms, two silver rings adorning his index and middle fingers. The thoughts that his nimble fingers brought to your mind were better hidden. As if the heavens were not satisfied with your misery, you noticed him wearing gray sweatpants and a loose white t-shirt. Oh, what a sight.
You couldn't wrap your mind around the fact that you were visibly ogling a stranger who annoyed the shit out of you, and as if on cue-
“For the second time, stop staring at me, I know I look amazing.”
His hoarse voice was enough for you to get out of your trance and back to your senses. His gaze is still intently set upon the newspaper and you hastily shut your mouth which had gone agape at his words.
“As if.” you huffed a scoff and continued “Discuss the rent now, shall we? I have to leave in an hour or so.” you speak while trying your best to not let your gaze go down to his fingers.
“About that, look out from the window.” he looks at you with pity and something that vaguely looks like concern shining behind his lids. So, you walk up to the window and feel your heart sinking to your toes when you drink in the sight in front of you.
The whole area is covered in knee deep snow. The roads that were visible last night have now vanished beneath the whites and a chilly wind carries its way around, all while being in the presence of slight sunlight. Apparently, as he proceeded to inform you, a snowstorm took place around midnight, engulfing the whole town in way too much ice leading to commute and travel being on a hold as the roads were nowhere to be found.
Which means, your trip extended itself for the second time in less than twenty four hours.
You feel yourself shutting down at this new information and quietly sink in the chair across from him. His eyes hold you with a new found care, his demeanor switching from grumpy to kind and hands itching by his side. Your face had lost its shine and when you spoke, your voice was akin to a dull, gray sky.
“Don't worry, I will book a room in one of the hotels for some time. One of them said that they will have a room free by tonight.”
Yoongi looks up at you with his eyebrows knitted into confusion and mouth open.
“Why would you do that?” his voice was barely louder than a whisper.
“Because I need a place to live for some days, you know, the snow has stopped all travel.” you say while moving your hands around you to prove your point.
“No, I mean, you can stay here. This is a lodge.” he says while emphasizing on 'lodge'.
“I know, but I am already a pain in the ass for you. I don't want to trouble you more.”
“You” his voice was so loud, you flinched and simultaneously, he grimaced at his new found energy. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and continued through gritted teeth.
“You are not a pain in my ass. Dont worry about me. You can stay here.”
To say you were stunned at his words would be an understatement. Why was he so keen at making you stay at his place?
“You would also be paying me, and I could use that extra money.”
Oh right.
Of course he was looking out for himself. It makes sense why he wants you to stay, he will be benefiting from it. You can't blame him for that though, when you were doing the same. He looked helpless but he didn't leave his stern look. You weighed out the options in front of you and frankly, he made more sense.
The town was covered in a blanket of snow and going out with your stuff to find a hotel sounded absurd so you agreed to stay at his and you both quickly discussed your rent for the next three days, the estimated time it would take to get the buses back on track.
A movement, furry and soft at your feet made you push your chair back and shriek like a woman dying. The voice out of your throat was so loud that Yoongi rushed to your side to check the inconvenience.
“Oh my god. You could have told me you owned a pet. I feel like my heart is in my hands.”
“Stop being overdramatic. Sugar is the sweetest cat you'll ever meet.” he says while crouching down and scratching Sugar on his head.
A British Shorthair, Sugar indeed was one of the cutest you had ever seen. He rubbed himself against your leg and purred while all you could do was coo at him. Yoongi picked him up from your feet and started talking with him while pouting. When he smiled, a set of bright pink gums peeked out and you smiled on impulse. His interaction with Sugar was so sweet, you couldn't help but see it with heart eyes. Yoongi looked different, a good difference. He almost seemed … lovable.
Back up Y/N. What are you even thinking about! He can't be lovable. It's just what Sugar does to people, one feels giddy in the cat's presence.
While their incoherent mumbling and purring is going on, you look around the kitchen. It was perfectly set up, not even a stain was in sight as a plate of scrambled eggs and a mug of coffee caught your eye. Yoongi had told you that breakfast was ready, maybe this one was for you.
You set the plate down on the table and start eating like you haven't eaten in ages.
"Calm down, the eggs are not running away." he said while putting Sugar down and striding towards his seat.
" 'ese aa foo' " you try to say through a mouth full of some of the best eggs you have ever tried.
"What?" The chuckle that follows his words is light and adorable which makes you give him a small toothless smile and gulp your food down quickly to give him an answer.
"I said, these are good."
"Thank You." the shyest you had ever seen him in the expanse of your short stay, he wouldn't even dare to look in your eyes.
Maybe this stay won't be as bad as you had anticipated.
The next two hours pass in a blur. You had settled down in your room, reading a small novelette you had brought along. The cold had settled down a bit and the sun shone mildly at 10 am. Everything felt as if in a dream. The sight out of your curtains was heavenly, little flakes of snow perched at the sill and Sugar making time to time appearances in the yard outside. It was not snowing, but the wind
was a tad bitter so you decided to bring the cat inside.
Slinging your coat over your shoulders, you make your way to the backyard through the small door in the kitchen. You find Sugar pawing at the snow near the wall of what seems like Yoongi's window.
You pick him up and go back to the front door of the lodge, because you felt like taking a walk around the house in the deep snow. A shitty decision, which led to your feet and pants getting soggy.
Tiptoeing back to your room, you cleaned yourself up and realised the importance of arranging and planning clothes on a trip. Your pants were now completely wet so you had to put on your spare ones, with the thought in mind that you'll have to survive three more days in this place.
A trail of dirty water had made its way from the door to your room so when you opened your door, the sight that welcomed you was a horrified Yoongi. Instinctively, you took a step back. His expression was so fatal, you felt as if he might kill you right there for messing up his clean tiles.
"I , I'll clean it up. Sorry."
"No" he shouts while extending an arm in front of him and stepping back.
"No, I'll do it myself. No matter what, you are a guest. Just remember to use the doormat and the cloth beside the door the next time you set your foot out." he said in a comparatively lower voice and ran away quickly.
And all this while, all you could do was stare at him dumbfoundedly.
Yoongi cleaned up the whole place in a jiffy while you set on the task to tidy up your room, not wanting to be anywhere near him after the deed you had done.
It was around noon when the dire need of quenching your thirst pulled you out of your room and brought you straight to the kitchen. Yoongi was standing in front of the stove chopping some onions. You sneakily went up beside him and asked with your smallest voice yet
"What are you making?"
Yoongi jumped at your voice and accidentally cut his finger. He stared at you with eyes as wide as saucers while fresh drops of blood peeked through his cut.
"Oh my god, I am so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." You frantically let out while moving around to do something that might help him.
"It's okay, it's okay. Just please stand there quietly and don't do unnecessary work." he said and shoved his finger under the running tap, occasionally flinching when the water ran too deep.
"Sorry" you mumbled and stood off to the side and watched him carefully wipe his finger once the blood had stopped. You held out a band aid you had spotted in a drawer during your frantic search, which he snatched quickly and dressed his cut.
"Huh?" your eyebrows joined due to your utterly confused state.
"You asked what I was making. It's pasta." he said and got back to chopping onions, ones which surprisingly, didn't water your eyes. You had asked a question? Oh right, that's how this mishap happened.
"Right. How, how can I help you?"
"You can't. So it's better if you don't."
"I can, I know how to cook. Please let me do something Yoongi, I feel bad." you instinctively brought your hand up to his forearm, to which he responded by looking away.
He pondered over the excuses for a whole moment, before letting out a relatively dumb one.
"I need to bring some things for the sauce, there's nothing you can even do so leave it." he said while looking everywhere but you. You brightened up as the light bulb of an idea went off above your head.
"Perfect." you chimed.
"No." he groaned as he understood your intentions and snapped his head back to you.
"Yes. Please, let me. I know my way around and I won't mess up this time." a pout on your lips was all he needed to again, look away.
You could see the hesitation on his face, but you were not the one to back away. Instead, you obediently stood there with your hand still on his arm.
"Okay. I'll give you the list. Just don't get lost on your way."
"Yes, chief." you saluted, with a giggle and scurried away to get your coat. You noticed how he pulled out a small pencil from the front drawer. What you didn't notice though, was the red color that shaded his ears.
The walk to the nearest grocery store was tiring as fuck. You had put on big gum boots to save yourself from the snow, which didn't help your walk at all. Yoongi had given you a small list of three to four items, and now is when you regret offering your help to him. Of Course he is annoying and of course you would like to get out of his lodge as soon as possible, but your humanitarian instincts, which made you human, kicked in, and you decided that helping him by going out in this gut wrenching cold was the best thing you could do.
A lone boy made his way out of the store when you went inside. The insides were brightly lit but seemingly devoid of people. You made your way around to collect all the things you needed and went up to the counter. Just then, a person decided to approach the dozing off cashier at the same time and crash into you.
Fortunately, only your purse flew out of your hands and landed at the said person's feet. He quickly picked it up while chanting "sorry" as a mantra and looked up at you from his crouched down position. A move that made him drop the purse again. This time though, he picked it up without dropping it back and straightened up to tower above you.
"I am so sorry, I didn't see you in my haste." A voice dipped in honey ringed in your ears when he spoke. His face rendered the regret he mentioned and you waved your hand dismissively.
"No worries. It was my fault too." A small smile found its way on your lips when his shoulders relaxed and eyes glimmered with relief.
He stretches his hand towards to counter to usher you forward, "After you, Ms.-"
"Y/N." you say while shimmying towards the now awake cashier.
You give him a polite nod while paying for your things and then stepping aside to let him. He looked like he could star in movies. Towering at a little less than 6 feet, his face was well structured, with full lips and doe eyes. He was sturdily built and wore a sweatshirt with dark gray pants. His eyes gleamed brightly and a small smile never left his face.
"Y/N, you seem like a tourist."
"Is it that obvious?" you laugh and turn towards the door, hoping he follows you.
"Kind of, yeah. You are dressed up to go out, definitely not to buy groceries." he said while following you outside the store and letting out a light chuckle.
"I like an observant young man. What about you?"
"Do I like a lady who overdresses, definitely?"
His words make you blush deeply and you struggle to find your voice but still manage to emit a hearty chuckle at his words following it with
"I meant, are you a local, or a tourist?"
"Oh. Well I am kind of both. My grandparents live here, so I am here, in this town, at least once a year." he smiled while standing beside you and staring at the sky.
Just a few words of niceties with him were enough to sweep off the annoyance and embarrassment within you. Conversation with him grew steadily as you reached a crossroad, him going to the left and you heading ahead. A strange feeling inside you, a gleeful thought stopped you dead in your tracks and made you look back at him.
Only to find him looking at you with a soft smile while taking slow steps back which eventually came to a halt when he felt your stare. He looked like a deer caught in headlights, stammering to find an excuse, only for you to speak up.
"Yes?" his eyes softened upon seeing your shy smile.
"I'm a tourist. Would you mind being my guide around the town?" you asked sheepishly, almost in a whisper.
His eyebrows shoot up enough to get covered by the strands of soft hair falling on his forehead, but then suddenly his expression changed, softer than you had ever seen.
"I would love to."
You return to the lodge with your biggest smile, which Yoongi notices right away, wondering what did a trip to the store do to make you so happy. You set your purchases on the kitchen counter while humming a bright tune and turn around to sink in the armchair across from the kitchen. Yoongi's suspicion only grew when you kept on checking your phone from time to time, while he prepared the sauce.
Half an hour had passed in a heartbeat, when he set a plate full of pasta in front of you, the pasta looking like it was made by a Michelin star chef. You immediately resorted to gulping down the food like a woman starved, mumbling praises for the chef, not knowing the said chef had turned red as a tomato. Just when he opened his mouth to mumble a small thanks, your phone ring went off with 'Minhyuk' flashing across the screen. You immediately accepted the call and excused yourself from the table, scurrying towards the back door and then out to the porch to talk with him.
Now, Yoongi wasn't one to indulge in others business, but your light hearted giggles and excited tone of talking fell to his ears like prickling thorns. Not that he despised your voice, no. He despised the fact that you never laughed in front of him. Shaking his head, he wondered where that thought even came from. He doesn't care about you or your sickly sweet giggles. Get yourself together, Yoongi he thought and started focusing on his pasta, trying to not eavesdrop on your way too loud conversation.
After ten minutes, you returned back to a cold dish and a similar Yoongi. His back was turned to you while he was doing the dishes.
"I didn't make them for you to leave them just like that." he grumbled, though it seemed like he was talking more to himself than you.
"I had something I needed to take care of. By the way, I already said the pasta was good." you ate the said food, even if it was cold.
Yoongi very well knew that nothing was being taken care of by the way the conversation sounded. He scoffed at your words and continued his work when suddenly you spoke up again, this time, raging a storm within him.
"Don't make dinner for me today, I am going out -" you told him quietly and grimaced when he snapped his head back at you.
"On a date." you continued.
"You were here for hardly a day and have already snagged a date? Impressive." 
You furrowed your eyebrows at his words and at his new found bitterness. Why did he even care? It's not as if you both were friends that you needed to tell him about each and every encounter of yours with a guy.
"What is your problem? Am I commenting on your ways of living?"
"That's because I live pretty normally, unlike you."
"Oh Mr. Yoongi, you'd be surprised to know how normally you live." you say while making air quotes around normally.
At this moment, you both were face to face with each other, him being slightly taller than you. You could see his eyes narrow a bit and hands curl into fists, chest rising up and falling down due to the storm inside him and ears red, hopefully due to the anger. He could see your determined eyes and face, contorted in frustration. You take out your tongue to wet your lower lip, which had gone dry due to the cold, his eyes momentarily following that movement until he snapped his eyes back up to yours.
"You know what? Go and date that goody two shoes of yours."
"You know what? I will." were the last words you said as you fled from the room and away from him.
As Yoongi watched you go to your room, he tried to reason his own actions. Why had he acted in such a way? What had raged a storm inside of him? He was not able to wrap his mind around that, still standing at that same place as he was when you left.
It has been two days since your last interaction with Yoongi. He didn't seem to care to come to call you for breakfast or lunch anymore. You never saw him except for the occasional moments when you both passed each other in the kitchen.
You hit it off well with Minhyuk and thus planned to extend your stay by some more days to see where it goes. You liked him, but you both were not in a relationship yet, given the fact that you had gone on just two dates. He lived in Seoul, so if something got serious between the two of you, it wouldn't be difficult. Given the fact that he was planning to stay at his grandparents for a week more, and since you had nothing good to do at home, you planned to stay. Another reason to prolong your trip was that if things weren't to work out, you didn't want to take that back with you to Seoul. If you needed to end things, you'd better do it in a place you were most likely not to visit again than at a place which would remind you of him and your memories.
So you set on searching Yoongi around the lodge, to inform him about the change in your plans. The snow had cleared off a lot by now, the road and plants peeking from here and there. Even the cold had settled down to a bearable extent. As you continued your search, you found him crouched down near the strawberry plantation which lay in front of the lodge, one you had almost trampled on your first night here.
His back was turned to you so you creeped up beside him and cleared your throat to inform him of your presence. When he looked up at you, his eyebrows were furrowed, seemingly in concern, while he held a shriveled up and damaged strawberry in his hand. He cocked an eyebrow at you, his way to inform you why you decided to interrupt him while he took care of his precious strawberries.
"I am not leaving." Shit that sounded so bad. Both of you grimaced together, as soon as those words left your mouth.
"I mean, I am staying here for a week more. So extend my rent accordingly."
"You are staying here for this long? Why?"
"I -, I, umm, kind of, for Minhyuk." grimacing 2.0. Who the fuck talks like this Y/N? Get your act together, girl.
"I, We are kind of doing well and I am on leave already, from work. So I decided to stay longer."
The rising feeling in Yoongi's stomach when you had mentioned your prolonged stay, settled down as soon as you mentioned the reason.
"Oh, okay. As you wish." he said meekly and turned his attention back to the dying fruit in his hand.
You observed the way his expression softened, a concerned and scared one taking the place of the annoyed, bitter one. His hands trembled a bit as he set the strawberry down and let out a deep sigh, moving on to examine the next one. This one was worse than the previous one. The snow shone from the little crevices of the berry and the red color had faded to a dark brown, the leaves all dark and shriveled up. When you let your eyes trail around you, you saw that the whole patch was covered with the remnants of the snow. Chunks of the leftover snow were clearly visible amidst the strawberries which were now poorly affected by the sudden change in the weather.
"They are not doing well due to the snow." you speak out your concerns loud but in a cautious voice as he keeps down the fruit and stands up straight.
"Yes. Usually they can bear the cold, but not this much though." his eyes had gone dry and seemed tired. There was no sign of mirth on his face, he was drowned in sadness and concern for his dying strawberries. A soft, low chuckle resonated from him as he continued
"My grandfather used to take care of them. He was so efficient and he loved the strawberries like his own children. He talked to them, watered them, took care of them, all out of pure love and affection. He never sold them, even though they were the best in our town. He used to give baskets full of strawberries to people as gifts and blessings. He would have found a cure for them today, wouldn't have let them die, like I am, unfortunately." he finished with sadness engulfing him.
"Your grandfather must have been an amazing man."
"He was, indeed." and a soft, lone smile etched his lips as he reminisced about his late grandfather. "But I am not, as the berries are now dying because of my lack of care and knowledge."
You didn't know you'd ever think this, but he looked like an angel at that moment. Even with his features drowned in worry and sadness, his aura radiated peace and a strange sense of comfort that pulled you into him. You wanted to engulf him in a warm hug and tell him that everything will be okay, the strawberries will live on and he is not letting them die, just like his grandfather.
You fish out your phone from your back pocket as your habit, when an idea strikes you.
"Yoongi…" you begin way too enthusiastically. He hums to let you know he is listening, so you continue, "I have an idea."
He immediately looks up at you with big, round, hopeful eyes.
"An…an idea?"
"Yes. Do you know any place in this town where I can use the internet? My phone's network is out of reach."
"Umm, yes. There are many cafes in the main city which will provide you with internet, but…" he seems genuinely curious which only increases on seeing the cheeky grin on your face as he continues, "...what's the point?"
You groan, audibly groan, tired of the man not being able to pick up a simple thing.
"Ughhh Yoongi! I can use the internet to help you. It will give me ideas on how to save these strawberries of yours. What are you? A boomer?" 
His eyes widen with amusement and a small smile plays on his lips which is soon wiped off by his furrowed eyebrows.
"But, why would you help me?"
"Unlike you…" you begin with a roll of your eyes, "I am a good person, who likes to help people…" his turn to roll his eyes, "...regardless of their previous behaviour." you finish with a lopsided grin and sparkling eyes which pulls him towards you, but he stands his ground.
"Are you sure?" you nod eagerly, which still doesn't convince him as his expression doesn't change.
You walk towards him and put your hand on his arm, surprised by the feeling of taut muscles under your fingers. Yoongi is not buff, but seems like he is really well built.
"I am." Just these two words seal the deal for you both as he nods shyly and ducks his head to look away, grumbling a small 'thank you' and then moving away from you.
You stand there dumbfounded by his strange behaviour, the one where he was incredibly soft, like a squishy bear. Stop it, Y/N, your inner voice shouts as soon as you think this, but you still keep on staring at your fingertips, missing the warmth they felt previously.
"Are you sure about this?"
"A hundred percent. Just hold my hand, Y/N."
You glaze your eyes over the vast ice rink in front of you and your knees threaten to give up. Apparently, Minhyuk decided that for your fourth date, you should go ice skating, a sport you miserably fail at, and a fact he was unaware of. Two small girls move slowly around the edge of the rink, holding the railing to support themselves, and occasionally giggling and falling. A young couple, moving smoothly across the ice, hand in hand and eyes holding stars for the other. 
Watching them, your stomach sinks a level deeper. You and him are going well, but he still fails to occupy your thoughts continuously. You have convinced yourself that the fact you are not thinking about him does not mean that you don't want to be with him, or give it a try, but the rom com infested part of your brain dares to oppose and puts you into a mess of thoughts and emotions you can't sort out.
You pull out your phone to stop these thoughts, and a notification succeeds in doing so.
'Free Wi Fi available near you. Tap to connect.'
You quickly connect to the open, free wi fi of the skating rink and start seeing images of a certain pink flash of gums in your mind. Smiling to yourself, you start surfing the internet, failing to give attention to the man in front of you, who calls you for the fourth time. Giving up, he snatches the phone from your hand and you snap from your daze.
"Strawberries?" he looks at you and then back to the phone, repeating the action twice to ensure the sight in front of him, "... tips on defrosting them?" he gives you your phone back as he might have realised that asking you about things you haven't cared about telling him means you don't want to, especially on your fourth date. But he still continues, "I thought you were an editor of a fashion magazine. Thinking of switching to a farmer?" he finished with an amused smile.
"Shut up." you smack his forearm and usher him towards the ticket counter. "I am just trying to help a friend in need." 
A friend.
You don't know why you said it. Actually, you don't know many things. You don't know what you and Yoongi are. You don't know why he is on your mind when your potential future boyfriend is standing in front of you. You don't know if he thinks about you as frequently as you do about him. You don't know what he is doing right now. You don't know that back home, Yoongi is trying to divert his mind from the fact that you are on a date, from the sting he feels, from the touch you left on his arm, a burning surface which he rubs again and again, partly to ward off your touch and partly to feel it again, somewhere else.
"Indeed." Minhyuk says and brings you back to the dread in front of you, skating.
He advances towards the benches to wear the equipment, as you follow him absentmindedly. The date goes on, um, well from then on. You like it, you do, but you don't enjoy it the way you expected to. Minhyuk is indeed a gentleman. The only problem, he is way too much of a gentleman. When your feet slipped and your knees gave up, he failed to steady your fall as his grip on your hand was loose. He soon apologized for it, excusing his lack of action as shyness in holding you as you might feel uncomfortable. He literally said these words, leaving you speechless to this poor of a reason.
You soon gave up on it and settled on a bench nearby to the rink. You sure did share some good moments with him, but none of them were able to light a spark within you, or make you watch at him in awe, or even shyness. It all felt a little too… platonic. A feeling had you enraptured, that maybe he is just good as a friend, an amazing friend, as you both hit it off well. But the aspect of dating him didn't sit well with you, especially when he sat down beside you, his hands undoing his skates but his eyes elsewhere.
A tall, blonde woman reciprocated his stare and gave a bright smile at his sight. She soon made it over to the bench you both were at and waved happily, Minhyuk quickly setting aside his skates and standing up to greet her with a hug. 
You? Oh, you were sitting there forlornly, even though you were not alone, as he struck up a conversation with her, one that had both of them double over by laughing. You knew nothing about what to do in a situation where your date is entertaining another woman and forgetting to introduce you to her. 
You took your time in undoing your skates so that you had something to do when luckily, to save you of the embarrassment, she turns towards you and extends a hand forward.
"Hey, I'm Yerin." a tone dipped in honey talks to you when she opens her mouth.
"I'm Y/N. Nice meeting you." you clasp her soft hand into yours and are glad that you didn't stammer.
"Oh yeah. Yeji this is Y/N my date and Y/N, she is Yerin my …. ex girlfriend." Minhyuk states a bit uneasily as he moves his hand between the both of you, succeeding in doing an awkward introduction.
The last part of his sentence comes out in a whisper but it was something you had guessed by the way his eyes gleamed at her sight, his ears and cheeks flushed red when he hugged her and teeth peeking out in a handsome smile at every little joke she made.
Her eyes widen at his words, but she masks her surprise well except for one thing. Her eyes reflect her pain that even her wide smile isn't able to cover. She is hurt by the fact that he is here with his date, you. But she knows better than to act on it, so the conversation flows smoothly.
Yeji is an absolutely gorgeous woman. Throughout your whole interaction, she has been nothing but kind to you and her ex. When she leaves, her hug with Minhyuk  seems to last longer, an act that brings a soft smile to your face. He stared at her back until she was out of sight, mixed with the crowd now leaving the rink. He looked back at you with a tight lipped smile and guided you towards the exit, without any words. His heart is still somewhere else, but his hands are on the small of your back. Out of all this, you were sure of one thing, which was obvious to each and every eye around them.
Both of them were still in love with each other.
As you had hoped, this revelation did not sting you or made you feel jealous. Instead, you felt a weird sense of relief, partly because the confusing storm inside you had subsided as clarity shone brightly through your mind, and partly for a reason you don't know.
None of you say a word but each and every time you look at him, his eyes hold a forlorn stare, a longing you were able to place right away when you mentioned how nice Yeji was and his face brightened up immediately. 
"We broke up a while ago when she had to go to Europe. She was planning to settle down there but returned recently. I didn't know she was back until now. Even though she lives in Seoul, I don't know what she was doing here." he says while walking down the road to the lodge with you. 
"Is she with anyone else?"
"I don't know. I hope…" he shakes his head to get that thought out of his head and instead continues, "We haven't talked in a long while. I don't know what she is doing now." his eyes never meet yours and you have never been sure of anything before.
He doesn't hug you goodbye, nor do you, when you reach the front entrance. His eyes glaze over the strawberry patch and he gives you a knowing smile before heading away with a small wave as a goodbye. 
You take a deep breath and start walking towards the door with a thing set in your mind. That day, at the store, you found an amazing friend, but not a person you could develop any romantic feelings for, and he knows that now.
It's been two days since you officially stopped going on dates with him. You haven't stopped seeing him, though. But everything is strictly platonic. He told you today that he will try talking to Yeji again about their relationship and you have never been more happy for him.
On the other hand, Yoongi doesn't know a single thing about what is going on between you two. He doesn't know that you had found a friend in a guy he thought would be your boyfriend. You still go out to meet him and Yoongi's heart still sinks deeper with each action of yours.
The sun was hiding in the clouds today, playing a game of hide and seek with everyone trying to receive its warmth. The strawberries were getting better day by day. Both of you worked on them, without sharing a single word among yourselves. Each and every time you told him something, he'd reply with a curt nod or painfully short replies. You didn't even see him much nowadays, except for the occasional run ins during meals or at the strawberry patch.
You set Sugar down on the carpet of the living floor, who had run up to you as soon as you had entered the lodge. Once again, he was nowhere to be seen. You go to your room and get ready to sulk. You could've left early but you wanted to see the progress of the fruits, which is amazing and the berries are not dying now. Yoongi's actions make you doubt your stay. Unlike before, he doesn't even look your way now. No knocks on your door to call you for your meals, no fun interactions while cooking and eating, no playing with Sugar in front of you, nothing.
You feel like you have overstayed your welcome. Even though you are gonna pay for it, you don't have any particular reason to stay here longer. Your boss doesn't need you back at work right away, but the person you are staying with also doesn't need you. So it’d be better if you saved your money by not spending it on accommodation you don't even need in the first place.
Each and every time you make up your mind to leave that day, your heart opposes it. Each and every time you close your eyes, a sight of pink gums and feline eyes greets you. Each and every time you drown out the unnecessary voice around you, a low, deep laugh rings in your ears. It aches your heart. All of these things keep on breaking you slowly. You can't seem to reason his distance from you, his dislike for you. So, to soothe the dying pain in your chest, you open your door to go to his room, maybe to talk with him, or maybe to just soak yourself in his presence.
As soon as you open your door, a plate of food greets you just outside the threshold. It was 2pm and you hadn't had lunch yet, a fact Yoongi knew. Due to your recent unspoken arrangement, he didn't come to call you, or even knock at your door. He just set that plate outside your room because somewhere he knew, you weren't going to have your meals on time. Everything blurs in front of you as the tears form in your eyes.
Your actions recently are something you are not able to explain, even to yourselves. Why do you feel the need to cry? Especially on seeing that Yoongi cares for you? He is just a friend right? A friend you haven't talked to in the last four days, despite living in the same house. A friend you don't even know is a friend anymore or not?
You miss your friend. His annoying grumbling and sickly irritating smile. His know-it-all behaviour and instances of flushed cheeks and shiny eyes. His feel beneath your fingertips whenever you touched him. His adorable look when he watches you play with Sugar, a thing you had noticed twice before. You missed Yoongi so much, it was hard to stay in the same place as him knowing that you can't do anything. Knowing that you can't embrace him, can't talk to him about your day, can't joke with him anymore, can't tell him the things running in your mind, can't kiss him.
Of course you don't know where the thought to kiss him came from. But now that it has, it's the only thing in your mind and it's eating you up so bad, you take the plate in front of you and eat the contents quietly while going back to your bed. As soon as you end it, you start packing up your things. You need to get out of here as soon as you can as staying here longer is not good for you, your heart, your mind and maybe, Yoongi.
As you go through your things, you find out that one of your cardigans is missing. Not dwelling too much on a missing piece of cloth, you take your time in packing up and get ready by 3.30 pm. The only thing you want to do now is see Yoongi. You ready an envelope with the money you owe him and head towards his room, your luggage already at the front door.
You knock on his door thrice, none answered. So you slowly turn the handle and push open his door, only to find him sleeping peacefully on his bed. You walk up to him and a swarm of butterflies rises in your stomach when you see the thing in his hands, while sleeping.
Your missing cardigan is clutched closely to his chest by him, his head dipping unconsciously towards it and him inhaling the scent. Your scent, to be precise. He looks at peace while sleeping soundly as he holds a piece of you with himself, both, literally and metaphorically. You observe him and find traces of dried up tears on his cheeks. He was crying. And you were not worthy to be told about his miseries. Maybe you should leave right now, so he doesn't have to face you again.
You painfully keep the envelope on his bedside table and lean down to kiss his forehead but stop midway, instead blowing him a flying kiss and scurrying out of the room. Of course, the cardigan was a mistake. If he found even an ounce of comfort in you, he wouldn't have distanced himself from you like this. Maybe the soft material comforted him as he was clearly in dire need of it. You have added a short note in the envelope, to explain your sudden departure. Not wanting to face him ever again, you rush to the main door.
A new wave of tears hit you when you meet Sugar pawing your luggage at the door. You are leaving so much behind that you feel incomplete as you pick Sugar up to cuddle him one last time before leaving. As soon as you kiss his head, a sleepy voice startles you.
"Y/N." Yoongi says while rubbing his eyes as he stands in the hallway, outside his bedroom.
He opens his eyes and looks at you in confusion. Then, his eyes rake over the luggage at your feet and a strong wave of panic washes over him. He visibly shivers and his eyes start getting glossy.
"Are you leaving me?" he asks in the most painful voice ever, his eyes open wide and lips trembling, hands twitching by his side and eyebrows furrowed.
Your heart shatters into a million pieces on seeing him, hearing him and over the aspect of confronting him. You stay quiet as he approaches you with quick long strides and holds your shoulders with both his hands, shaking you out of your daze and yells,
"Are you leaving me?"
You give him no answer again. All you do is stare at him, trying to keep your eyes devoid of any emotions. He shakes you violently this time,
"Fucking answer me, can't you hear me? Are. You. Leaving?" he shouts at a voice so loud, something snaps inside you.
"Yes." you shout back, louder than him, as his hands slide down your shoulders and return back to his side. "Yes, I am leaving." you complete by sniffling your tears.
He doesn't take your answer well and stumbles backwards, almost colliding with the armchair behind him. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before closing his fists and opening his eyes again.
"Why?" a voice merely louder than a whisper comes out of him.
"Why? Yoongi? Are you really asking me this?"
He looks up at you in confusion, "What do you mean?"
"Nothing. I think I overstayed my welcome. And, I also need to go back to work now, so I have to leave." Thank god you didn't stutter, but that wasn't enough for him.
"Bullshit." he spits out, while moving towards you.
"It's not."
"It is. I can clearly see that you are lying. What's the real reason Y/N ?" he presses, his voice increasing by every second.
"You wanna know the real reason?!" you mumble, a light scoff punctuating your words.
"Yes. Yes I do." he shouts, now way too near you, your noses almost touching. "Do you think I'll believe you? One second you are staying here for a guy, going on dates with him and the next you pack up your bags saying you overstayed your welcome? That now suddenly your work is calling you. I haven't once said you that - "
"I am not dating him anymore." you cry out and he shuts up.
"What?" genuine curiosity dripped from his voice.
"We called it off a while ago. I was trying to tell you that but you were not ready to hold a conversation with me, ever." your eyes land at the armchair behind him.
You need to continue, need to get it out before you leave. You can't let him shout at you and just stand there, burying your anger while he lets it all out. You straighten up and stop your tears completely, look him straight in his eyes and jab your index at his chest.
"You wanted to know the real reason, right?" without waiting for him to answer, you continue, your new found confidence fueling your words, "It's you."
It hurts when you look at him like this. He looks like a lost puppy, eyes wide and pleasing, face flushed red and his whole body trembling. Your lips tremble and tears threaten to fall out, but you brace yourselves.
"Yes. Oh my god Yoongi…" you pull away from him, start moving around and gesture vaguely with your hands, as you get hyped up about how indifferent he is right now. "... You act like you literally hate me. You can't even come and talk to me, even when I try to…"
"... And then you have the fucking nerve to ask me that why am I leaving? I know, I know you don't like interacting with strangers but I…" you let the first tear fall down, "I thought we were more than that. Clearly, I was mistaken."
He stands still, trying to comprehend your outburst. Giving up, though you should not, but you do, you collect your luggage and trudge towards the main door, which is like three steps away.
Faster than light, Yoongi runs and stands between you and the door. He pleads with his eyes, he pleads with his body language, he pleads with his hands, he pleads by shaking his head. The only thing he is yet to plead with, is his words.
"Step. Aside." you grit through your teeth.
"Fucking step aside. Can't you listen to me atleast once?"
"No." he shouts.
"At Least say something else, you coward. You are chanting the same word like a mantra. Do you even know how much I am…" your voice raises suddenly and you finally snap for the worst, " … dying to hear you? Your irritating laugh? Your annoying words? Why the fuck are you saying just no, from those sickly sweet lips of yours? I never thought I would say this, Yoongi, but I really think I made a mistake by attaching myself to you. I think I have started to lo-" you catch yourself in time and lean forwards, nose almost brushing with his, "It hurts so much to know that you don't feel the same…" you close your eyes, trying to steady yourself, "That you'll never feel the same, that you'll never-"
His lips drown out your next words as he smashes them onto yours. The action was swift but it melted you in an instant and when he started moving his lips against yours, you reciprocated his actions. The kiss walked a fine line between rough and gentle. His actions, ever so sweet but fiery at the same time. An electric feeling jolted you, providing you with a new found ecstasy. The warmth from his soft lips doused you into a feeling of summer in the death of winter. You felt a burst of so many emotions, all at once, everything was overwhelming. Even though all of these things were happening at the same time, you didn't want to stop. But fuck oxygen, then.
He pulled away from you and rested his forehead against yours.
A beat passed. The silence was so loud, your heartbeat was audible clearly, mixed with the erratic beating of his. Yoongi chose it as the perfect time to break the silence by-
"I love you."
Time stops. Not in the cheesy way but it really does. You can't seem to breathe, but you also can't seem to take your eyes away from him. You could count his eyelashes, observe the slope of his nose, remember each and every contour of his face from up this close. His closed lids let you stare at him a moment longer, but when he opens them, your heart somersaults and threatens to fall to the ground.
He loves you.
The realization hits a million times harder than you had ever imagined. Have you ever been this happy? Everything seems hazy around you. When you meet his eyes, the only thing that is going on in your mind is Yoongi, Yoongi, Yoongi, I love you too. But before you can let the words out, your love, your object of undying affection, is cupping your cheek in his rather big, but oh so warm hands.
"Y/N?" he was unsure, scared. Afraid that you will push him away, his warmth and finally stop his heart from breathing after it has sunk down this low in all these days. Maybe he needs it, he thinks. He needed you to reject him to move on, to get you out of his mind, heart, life, everything. Maybe he misread your outburst as affection? As you had stayed quiet for so long now, he doubted everything he had ever known, his heart breaking into a thousand pieces and a sinking feeling settling itself in his chest. You need to react in some way or else he will die just looking at you being so dreamy and awestruck, confused. His string of thoughts was cut short by your mouth.
This time, it was you who initiated the kiss. You did it, for you didn't know how else to respond to him and maybe for the feeling in your chest that compelled you to do so, pulled by his thin but plump, soft lips and his strange love for you. As they say, actions speak louder than words. No words could describe what you wanted to say to him, and so, you resorted to acting on your instincts.
The kiss heated up quickly as he glided his tongue along your lips, asking for entrance, which you gave eagerly. He kissed you like a man starved and he just seemed to get more hungry when you let out a low moan in his mouth. His hands landed at your waist as he pulled you into him more and kneaded the flesh there. They travelled past your curves to your thighs, as he patted them once and held them in a position to hoist you up. You quickly caught onto him and hoisted yourself up, your legs wrapped around his tiny waist as his lips never left yours, scared you'll run away or he will wake up from this dream if he let that warmth disappear.
But, even if life comes from you, it doesn't and he has to pull away. Instead, he settles to leave a trail of hot kisses down your jawline, sucking and kissing at places that have you crumbling in his hold as you let out erratic moans and whimpers.
"Do you, do you want to?" he whispers slowly in your ear and nibbles at the earlobe.
You nod eagerly and tug at the hair at the nape of his neck as you had wrapped your hands around it. You feel his hardening bulge and set your face in the crook of his neck, reciprocating his ministrations. He leaves a small kiss on your shoulder and heads towards his bedroom.
He places you on the bed and hovers above you, his knee parting your legs and sliding up to the place where you need him the most. His hands move under your shirt as he attaches his lips to yours again. Slowly, his fingertips graze the outer edge of your bra and you fight back a shiver, as his knee hits the spot between your thighs.
You were sure he could feel your arousal on his knee when he groaned in your mouth, breaking the kiss to pepper some of them at your collarbone. Your panties were sticking to your core and his occasional groans turned you on even more. You rolled your hips on his knee and he had to pin you down by your waist to stop you from grinding against him.
"You're so greedy, baby." he chuckled and you thought you might never breathe again at the tone of his voice and the pet name slipping past his lips so effortlessly. He was hardening by each passing second and you could feel it on your stomach, the feeling disappearing when he started moving down, leaving open mouthed kisses on your clothed chest.
He reached the hem of your shirt and took it in between his teeth, looking at you with a hooded gaze. His eyes had turned so dark, your breath hitched in your throat on meeting them. That's when you realised that he is asking for your permission. You nod once and look away, not being able to hold his gaze for so long.
He moved the shirt with his mouth above your breasts, feasting on the view of them fitting snugly in your black lace bra. His hands moved without thought when he groped one of your boobs in his hand, molding the soft flesh through the thin material. He latched his mouth on the other clothed nipple of yours, you letting out a loud whimper at it. He pulled down the cup with his mouth and latched his hot lips on your now hardened nipple. His hand moved to your waist and arched your back, the other going behind you and tugging on the hook. Eventually, he had to free his other hand and unhook your lingerie, throwing it in a random direction.
He sat back on his heels, taking in the sight in front of him. Your form panting breathlessly, woven in his sheets, half naked, only for him. You looked at him through your lashes and made vague gestures with your hands to beckon him to you. His length was rock hard in his sweatpants as beads of sweat trickled down his forehead and his heart threatened to give up. Your lips all swollen due to the excessive kissing, your breasts beautifully out in front of him, with nipples hardened and wet with his saliva. His cock twitched when you mewled on the lack of touch.
"Oh god, Y/N." he groaned and attached himself again to your chest, licking a stripe across the valley between your boobs. This time, his hands moved to the buttons of your jeans. He bit on your nipple, as if asking you to speak.
"Yes. Oh, yes, Yoongi." you cried out due to the pain and pleasure.
He moved swiftly as he rid you of your jeans and panties. He smirked at your arousal, sticking shamelessly to your panties as they moved till your thighs and broke the string with his finger. He brought that finger till his mouth and licked it clean, removing it with a pop sound.
"So tasty, sweetheart." maybe you were bound to be dead soon as his actions took away your breath by each passing second.
"You are so wet. All for me?" he closed his eyes and dipped down, kissing and nipping at the skin of your inner thighs.
You were so driven by pleasure, you forgot to answer him, instead letting out short breaths and moans as he brought his hand to your mouth and put his finger between your lips. He puckered your lips with his hand and bit at your skin, emitting a high pitched moan from you.
"Answer me, sweetheart." you could feel, rather than see his smirk.
"Yes, all .. for … you." you were no longer in your right mind when he brought his mouth dangerously near to your centre. His hands left your mouth as he brought them to your folds and parted them easily with his long, steady fingers. He dipped one particularly long one in your dripping core as you whimpered and moaned like a mess, your back arching upwards.
"Mhmm. All mine." he said with eyes closed in ecstasy as his finger started moving in and out of you. He rubbed your clit with his thumb, skillfully and you shouted in ecstasy. The mouth which was before at your thigh was now breathing against your pussy, as he licked a long stripe across your folds and around his finger, still inside you. He plunged one more of his digit inside you as his lips latched at your clit.
He moved so skillfully, more than your hands could ever do. The muscles in his arms flexed as he continued moving in and out of you with a set, beautiful rhythm. Your cunt dripped more and more at his ministrations and the praises he let out about you taking him so well and tasting so sweet. He increased his pace and you almost fell apart under him.
His lips never left your clit, you shouting loudly at the stimulation, and his fingers were doused with your arousal upto his forearms, but he didn't stop at all.
"I've wanted to do this for so long, my love." he mumbles against your hardened nub, sending shivers up your spine. "You taste so nice, I could do this all day." he says as he sets the perfect rhythm of his fingers and tongue, both moving in a perfectly choreographed dance across your folds.
"Yoongi, I.." you let out between short breaths, your chest rising up and down dangerously fast," I can't, please, I am close."
"Already? Are you sure you'll be able to take all of me inside you?" he chuckles and his words are more than enough to push you over the edge.
You fall apart in his hold, as his free hand holds one of yours and pins it down to the mattress. He laps at your juices oozing out non stop as you come on his face. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you shut them and let out a loud cry.
It feels ecstatic. Something so strong, you have never felt. You feel like you're on the clouds with how lightheaded you feel, his mouth still not stopping down there. The orgasm hits you like none other. He had the ability to make you fall apart in his hold but still hold you together, all while making your head spin with the feeling. You squirm in his hand and squeeze his hand tightly due to the overstimulation as he was still not thinking to stop.
"Yoongi. Stop."
He sits back and licks his glossy lips, all covered with your essence. He smiles softly at you and a rose blooms in your chest, the petals ever so soft, devoid of thorns, all perfect in his presence. He kisses you tenderly and you move your hands to his chest. That's when you realize he is fully clothed. You grab his shirt in between your hands and mumble with your brows furrowed, your lips all red and pouty.
"Want this off."
He laughs at you being an adorable mess and moves to rid himself of his clothes. He stands up and undresses completely, his cock slapping against his taut abdomen as he discards his boxers. As he gets back to nipping at your neck, marking all the sweet spots, you palm his cock. He lets out a surprised moan against your earlobe, which spurs you on to move your hand across his length. You glide your thumb past his tip and spread the precum collected over there. He lets out low moans against your throat as you let your hand slide down to his balls, cupping them.
He moans loudly and then, suddenly holds your wrist to stop you from going any further. He brings your hand up and intertwines your fingers with his, them fitting together like a lost piece of puzzle and pins your hands above your head. You stare at him with confused eyes as he kisses your forehead.
"Next time, baby." he says as he kisses your nose, "Want to show you how much I love you." and he presses a chaste kiss on your lips before he is moving again.
He opens his bedside drawer and fishes out a foil packet. He slowly slides the condom over his veiny cock and settles himself between your legs. He takes his time kissing you slowly while his tip grazes your entrance.
"Can I?" he mumbles into the kiss.
"Yes, Yoongi." you cup his cheek and kiss his nose as he enters you, both of you moaning at the contact. He enters you slowly, inch by inch, until he bottoms out. You squirm in your place, your breaths erratic and hands clawing his back. He gives you a second to adjust to his length and when you say a small 'yes', he starts moving slowly but deeply.
He stretches you out deliciously as his cock hits the right spots, you a mess under him. But still, he is painfully slow as he tenderly kisses the spots from below your ear, upto your breastbone. You need something more and so, you start wiggling your hips, to try to get some more action. He notices it and stops kissing you, instead pinning both your hands above your head and biting at your lower lip.
"Love, you want me to go faster?" he lets out an airy chuckle as he increases his pace. But yet, you know he can do more as you try to free your hands from his hold.
"Yoongi." a string of moans pass you as he holds both your hands in one of his, and slides the other between your legs to rub at your clit. He now sets an animalistic pace, one that has you shouting in pleasure and him chanting your name like a mantra while rutting his hips against yours.
A tear or two slips from your eyes as the familiar knot starts building in your stomach. He must have felt you being close as he groaned in the crook of your neck, your cunt squeezing him perfectly. The feeling all too heavenly. He fit inside you perfectly, him hitting your g spot with each and every thrust as his eyes held the world whenever you looked into them.
He furrowed his eyebrows and looked down at the spot joining you to him, his heart giving out and him reveling in you.
"Oh, fuck." It felt like a fever dream, feeling you around him, moaning his name and looking at him with love and lust, a perfect combination, only for him. He could feel your upcoming orgasm, so he increased his pace to an unforgivable extent.
"I'm, I'm close." you were hardly able to form words but still let out the warning for him.
"You're so fucking tight." and that was the last straw for you as the knot snapped and your climax hit you, harder than the first one. You went limp in his hands and your body threatened to pass out from your high. The euphoric feeling didn't seem to stop as you literally saw stars in front of your eyes, him still not stopping.
"Y/N, shit." your walls were clenching around him tightly when you orgasmed and as you came down from your high, you could feel his thrusts getting sloppier and his pace faltering. He continued for some moments before, the overstimulation pulling out a shriek from you, before he let out a string of expletives and collapsed over you, filling up the condom.
He stayed there, in the crook of your neck and let his breathing get normal. He kisses your shoulder once before pulling out, both of you cringing at the feeling and rolls off you. He discarded the condom and came back beside you. All this while, you were a total euphoric mess. You almost dozed off when you felt the mattress sink beside you, indicating his return.
He pulled you in by his arms around your waist and rested his head in the space between your neck and collarbone as your back hit his chest. He started in a low whisper, his lips grazing your ear lobe,
"I might be a terrible person. I might have caused you a ton of pain. I might be a terrible person for always hiding behind a fake stature, cause I am scared. I was so fucking scared that you will never acknowledge me, or my feelings…" you turn back to face him and look him in his eyes, all glossy and scared but hopeful and loving at the same time, "but now that i am less scared, i wanted to tell you, that I love you. I love you so fucking much that it's the only thing i can think of. When you, " he takes your hand in his and intertwines your fingers, both of you staring at them fitting together. He brought your hands to his chest and continued, "When you told me you were staying here longer for him, I lost hope. So I distanced myself from you, in hopes of not letting you affect me more. But all this space only made me fall for you more, Y/N. Please, I beg you to let me love you. Can you please do the same?" he finished as he kissed your each and every knuckle.
The setting sun emanated a soft glow in the room, through the half curtained windows. The golden light reflecting off his face deemed him to be an angel, the almost invisible halo around him feeding the fact. As you stared in the depths of his glossy eyes, you realised he was undressing himself, his thoughts, his fears, in hope that you will embrace his true form without hesitation. And you'd be a true fool to let him down when your own heart yearns for that scared, loving, true man. You bring your intertwined hands to your mouth and press a chaste kiss on his hand,
"I love you, Yoongi." you smiled when his eyes lighted up and he pulled you in more, if possible. "The distance brought an epiphany to both of us, and I'd be stupid to not acknowledge it. Your gummy smile, cheesy laugh, those crinkly cat-like eyes were the only things in my mind whenever I closed my eyes. And I guess, I've really come to love them, like they are my own, mine."
He kisses you like you were made of glass, delicate and special. You break the hold of your hands and swing it across his torso, engulfing him in a hug and nuzzling your nose to his chest. He giggles softly and hugs you back, sniffing the scent of your hair, the scent of you.
"So, what do you think? Are you still leaving?" he asks playfully while caressing your hair.
You look up at him through your lashes and pat his chest, your words this time directly aimed at the thing alive beneath it.
"I think I am going to..." you kiss his chest twice as both of you laugh heartily at your silly action. You rest your head against it and close your eyes, reveling in the moment of peace, as you finish announcing your oh so obvious decision.
a/n : Hello everyone. This is my first fic ever. Thank You so much for reading it. It will be really nice if you could leave any kind of feedback, any way will be okay :))
p.s. if you want me to add you to the taglist of my future fics - pls reply to this post or just fill out this form and I'll add u <3
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pixla · 3 years
Wreckage (nick Goode x reader)
Summary: Nick saved your life, resuscitating you at the scene of an accident, ever since, he never left your side
Word count: 1.3k
Warnings: unprotected sex, parental death, grief, eating, swearing, make-outs
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Everything leading up to that moment you could hardly remember. What you put on that day, how you did your hair, it was all washed away into the void of your mind. What you do remember though, was the blurry lights as you finally opened your eyes.
Your back laid flat against the tarmac as two hands lifted from your chest. You heard his voice and the beep of a radio. It was hasty and panicked, but you couldn’t think clearly enough at the time to realize that. “Hey. Come on, lift your head.” You felt a hand on the back of your neck as you placed your palms on the ground beneath you, trying to keep your balance.
Your vision cleared as you looked around. “Where am I?” You felt his hand pull your head back to face him. “Don’t look, just come with me.” You wanted to fight, you didn’t want to go but something within you compelled you to.
The man, you later found to be named Nick, led you to his patrol car, placing you in the front passenger seat whilst you waited for an ambulance. You sat there, staring out the window at the wreckage before trying to take it all in. You hoped and prayed that it was a dream but the longer you sat there, the more you realised the reality you’d now have to live with.
That day was over three years ago. Now, you sat alone in your rather vacant apartment, your tv playing quietly in the background.
It was hard moving on, having to adjust to your day-to-day life without them. You bent your hand down, guiding the small flame to the single candle that sat just like you in the middle of the cake. You smiled, placing the lighter on to the table beside you. Closing your eyes, you imagined both of your parents beside you. Their sweet smiles, reflecting just how proud they are of you. Birthdays were always the worst, just another great reminder.
Although, there was always one man, who made sure of it that you never had time to think of your loneliness. As you bent down, blowing out the flame you heard a small knock at your door. Standing up, you brought the cake over to your kitchen counter before answering the door.
As the hinges squeaked open you couldn’t help but slip out a small smile. Nick stood in front of you, a small grocery bag in one hand and a small bouquet in the other. “You really need to oil these doors.” He smiled as you rolled your eyes, stepping to the side to grant the man entrance.
“I’m gonna cook you the best birthday dinner you’ve ever had.” He dropped the bag onto your counter as you placed yourself on your couch, sitting so that you could watch him as he cooked.
You set the table as the man walked over to you, two plates in either hand. “All finished.” Your eyes widened as he placed the dish in front of you. “Wow, I never knew you could cook like this, Nick.” In front of you sat a medium-rare steak with a side of new potatoes. It honestly looked so good, you could probably finish it within a few minutes but you chose self-restraint and manners instead.
Slicing into the slab of meat, you placed the small chunk into your mouth, the flavor and juices exploding and expanding over your tongue. “This is fucking amazing.” You said in between chews. “I tried.” Nick shrugged his shoulders modestly as his eyes averted.
You took Nick's dish, carrying it to the sink to wash it as your way of repaying him. You turned on the water as you heard the deteriorating floorboards behind your creek. You felt the man’s hands reach to your head, pulling your hair back gently, tucking it behind your ears. “Sit down, I’ll do the dishes later.” He whispered into your ear, resting his chin on your shoulder. You sighed, grabbing a small tea towel to dry your hands as you turned back around to him. “Can’t even wait for me to do the dishes?” You pulled him in closer by his belt loops. “Nope.”
Looking up at him, his eyes deepened. He leaned in slowly, watching as your expression changed before pressing a soft kiss against your lips, his hand wandering up to your cheek. His touch was soft and comforting, his warmth travelled through your body. He pulled back for a moment, as though to say something. But before he could, you pulled him back in, this kiss more desperate and needy. The feeling of his lips away from yours became unbearable.
You moaned as Nick pushed you back against the kitchen counter, your teeth clashing together. You lifted your hand from his shoulder up to his hair, pulling at it lightly. “Nick, the bedroom.” You whined in between kisses.
You stumbled back into your bedroom door, sending it flying open. You felt him pull you closer as you started to unbutton his uniform, tugging it over his shoulders.
The fabric made a light thump as it hit the ground, his badge falling with. “Lay down.” Nick spoke quietly. “Let me make you feel good.” You did as he wished, laying back into the plush duvet.
The man towered over you as his hands reached down to unbutton your shirt slowly, before doing the same to your denim jeans, slipping them down past your hips and to the ground. His eyes wandered over your semi-naked body, your only form of modesty coming from your underwear.
Your breath hitched as you felt his hand travel down your body, taking in every curve and crevice. “Nick.” You breathed out. “I need you.” Those words leaving your mouth seemed to flick a switch in Nick's brain as his slow and sensual actions became aggressive and eager, his hands flying to his belt to undo the buckle. Unzipping his fly, he grabbed your thighs, pulling your body closer to his, your heat only inches from his.
You yelped as Nick finally yanked down your underwear, leaving you completely bare. “I’m gonna make you feel so fucking good, okay?” Nick looked down at you as he held himself aligned with you before slowly pressing against your entrance.
You felt a knot in your stomach as you felt his tip slowly push into you. You gasped, grabbing at the bed sheets instinctively. The man threw his head back before taking in the image in front of him, giving you a moment to adjust before pushing all the way in. You gasped out his name as you felt his length fill you.
“You” the man furrowed his eyebrows as he thrusted into you. “Look beautiful.” His hips slapped against yours at a steady pace. It felt as though his body was made especially for yours.
Nick's hands gripped tightly on your waist, his fingers digging into the flesh. The man leaned down, placing his head in the crevice of your neck as he laid gentle bites along the skin.
You whined as you felt the man’s knees shift, spreading your legs further apart, allowing him to reach deeper within you. He thrusted into you, hitting the spot that had your eyes rolling back and your knuckles turning white every time without fail.
You dug your fingernails into his back as you felt yourself peak, him too following soon after. You felt yourself fill as he finally released inside of you. Your hands gripped at his hair, holding him tightly so he couldn’t escape, couldn’t leave.
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xpeachesncream · 4 years
bands | twelve
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[ series masterlist ]
summary: jeon jungkook has it all: the looks, the fame, the money, the women. being considered the sexiest man in the industry, he finds no complaints about the way his life is going nor does he find any reason to apologize for the way he approaches it. he is a force to be reckoned with - until he meets you.
pairing: stripper!reader x idol!jjk
genre: (18+) strip club/nightlife au, post grad au | fluff, angst, smut
words: 4.2k
warnings: cussing, mature language/implied sexual content, insecurities, some overthinking, introducing you to fluffy koo?! and i think we’re all familiar with the song at the end too 🥺
tags: @brightcolorsoffendme @min-nicoleee @eggbutnotyolk @ra-mun-e @miinoongi @jimidol @ppeachyttae @thebeebi @bluesharksandfish @kooafraid @liriaus @thisartemisnevermisses @ggukkieland @preciouschimine @sunniejinnie @cypheruby @cyb3rbab3 @masterlists101​ @awhnamjoon​ @redhedhoseok​ @wooya1224​ @taeismydeath @jikookiekosmos​ (please message me if you would like to be added to the taglist!)
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"Am I doing too much for shopping for a dress? He told me to dress nice and I honestly don't have an ounce of nice in my closet." You told Kai as you looked through the hangers on the rack.
"No, you're not doing too much. And I think you dress nice, but it's always good to have a few dresses in general, right?"
"Okay, okay. How about this?" You hold up a black knitted, off the shoulder dress that fell right above the knee. "It's too simple isn't it?"
"Simple is the best." He shrugs. "That's probably the best one I've seen so far and it'll look nice on you. Plus, you can just curl your hair or whatever girls do."
"Hm, okay." You chuckle, heading over to the register to pay for the dress. You had picked up Kai from school and quickly dragged him to the mall before dropping him off at Eric's. You might have tried on and looked at a few billion dresses since you've been here, but out of all those, this dress probably spoke to you the most. You didn't wanna be too flashy, or do too much, but you did want to put effort into tonight's date with Jungkook. You had butterflies in your stomach all day, and quite frankly, you were nervous for how tonight would turn out. You just wanted to look good for him, and you definitely wanted him to look at you like you were the only girl in the world. It might have been a big ask on your part, but if he was serious about this, it shouldn't be a big deal, right?
"Let's get you some food before I drop you off."
"Can't I just stay at your place?"
"And watch me do my walk of shame in the morning? No thanks." He gives you a look before shaking his head.
"You're right, that's kind of weird." He does a fake shiver. "Kind of gross too."
"You started it." You snort. You make your way over to the food court, ordering Panda Express for a quick to-go meal. You could never go wrong with fried rice and their orange chicken. As you had ordered your food and waited for them to fill up your bowls, the two workers began to chat and you only overheard because—
"Did you hear? Jungkook is supposedly dating a stripper from that nightclub." You purse your lips into a fine line as you wait patiently for the food to be put into your bowls.
"I heard, but is it actually true? Why would he date a stripper?"
"I know, right? He could do so much better, why would he stoop that low?"
"My question is— how did a nobody like her get his attention?" The cashier turns to you and gives you a fake smile. "Anything else for you, love?"
"No." You shake your head, pay and take the food before walking away. You don't know why the words pain you so much, but you simply shake it off as you approach Kai who is waiting at a nearby table.
"Ready?" He looks up at you and tilts his head.
"You okay?"
"Mmm, yeah let's go."
"You sure?"
"Yeah, I'm fine Kai. Really." You give him a nod, along with a fake, tight-lipped smile. He knows something's wrong, but he doesn't press you, especially after the way you responded. You quickly drop him off to avoid any unnecessary confrontation with your stepfather and make your way home. As soon as you touch base, you sit on your couch and.. you just quietly sit there. Suddenly, everything people had been saying was getting to you. Why did Jungkook want you? Why did he go for you and not anyone else?
Maybe they were right? You were just a nobody. Even if Jungkook did have feelings for you, you questioned if this was even going to last.
"God, Y/N." You groan at yourself, shaking the thoughts out of your head to start getting ready. Just because you brushed it off though, doesn't mean you had gotten over it. They were starting to pile up one by one, and one day, you felt like you were going to break and really let it get to you.
That day wasn't today, though. It couldn't be.
You looked at the dress after you slipped it on, staring at yourself in the mirror as you slipped on your heels. You fixed up your hair and added a dab of lipgloss before letting out a content sigh. You wondered if this would be enough for him. You always wondered if you were enough for him. Your stomach was in knots and this was the first time you felt sick to your stomach nervous.
"Hello?" Your phone suddenly rang, you grabbing it with a quickness.
"Hey, I'm outside." You furrowed your brows because his voice sounded a lot closer than it should be. You kept the phone to your ear as you opened the door, seeing Jungkook smiling with the phone pressed against his ear as well.
"Silly." You scrunched your nose as you hung up and put your phone down. You watched as he looked at you up and down, his eyes widening in admiration and awe.
"You look beautiful, Y/N." You blushed.
"Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself, Jeon Jungkook." He smiles. He was wearing a black and white striped button up, black slacks, boots and a fitted black blazer. His black hair hung loosely over the sides of his face, natural waves coming in and giving it a little volume.
"Ready?" He holds out his hand for you to intertwine your fingers with his.
"You know, you didn't have to come upstairs." You smiled up at him.
"Mm, but that takes away from the complete experience, sweetheart." He grabs your purse and your small duffle bag [since he politely requested for you to bring a change of clothes] to carry it for you as you head down the steps and to his car. You loved the smell of his car, as oddly as that sounds. He always had a fresh strip of that Black Ice car freshener hanging from his rear view mirror that reminded you of his scent so much. "Seatbelt on?" You nod as he starts the car and locks his free hand with yours once again.
"Where are you taking me?" You playfully ask.
"Don't worry about it." He chuckles. "However, I want you to know we won't be out in public. Not because I don't wanna show you off, it's only because I don't want anyone to bother us." You nod.
"Okay." You appreciate his honesty, your what if's and insecurities slowly drifting away the more Jungkook talks to you, touches you. You always thought it was cute how careful he was with you, treating you like you were the most delicate thing in the world and that he had to take care of you in every way possible.
You realize that you're making your way to his luxury apartment building [his own, not the dorms] and you're a little confused as to why you had gotten all dressed up and fancy if you were just going back to his place. However, you didn't say anything to allow the plans to do the talking for you. You trusted him with this, and you feel like Jungkook really hasn't given you a solid reason to not trust him at this point in your 'relationship.'
You didn't know what to call it yet.
He parks his car in his usual spot, and immediately runs over to open your door and help you out. He gathers your bags from the back and hangs onto them as his other hand is resting against the small of your back. He brings you to the very top floor, where there aren't necessarily apartments but moreso conference and party rooms and you can tell strictly by the way each room has double doors.
"Uh, this exists?" Jungkook chuckles.
"Other idols live here too, gives them a way to do shit without having to step outside and have people in their business." You nod.
"Does this mean your dorm is like this too?" He nods.
"Yup, just another luxury apartment building. Few things differ but for the most part, they're the same." You shrug.
"Must be nice."
"It's alright." He stops in front of double doors towards the end of the hallway. "Close your eyes for me, please? Just for a quick minute." You smirk before doing what you're told and closing your eyes. You hear the doors open, and Jungkook's hand is retreating down onto the small of your back. He's guiding you as you walk in, but stops after a couple of steps. "Open?" You open your eyes and softly gasp at the sight in front of you. The entire half of the wall was strictly windows, so you had a good view of the city in front of you. What caught your eye the most though was all the pink and red shades of rose petals along the floor, lining your way to the dining table in the center of the room. Along with it were little tealight candles and balloons along the way, with speakers softly playing music in the background. The room looked so big having one table in the center, just for the two of you. The center table was drenched in white table cloth, with tall white candles in the middle and a single rose as its centerpiece.
"Jungkook?!" You slightly shriek. "Oh my god, what is this?"
"Date night, sweetheart. Had to make it worthwhile since we're not out in public." He smiles and takes your hand. "Come on, let's go eat. I know you're hungry." He pulls out your chair and has you sit before he situates himself in front of you and tucks your bags underneath the table.
"Thank you." You give him a soft, cute smile. You're not sure how else you can show your appreciation for all the effort he put in, but you were happy. "I-I really don't know what I did to deserve all this effort from you." He shakes his head.
"What do you mean? You didn't have to do anything. I wholeheartedly just wanted to do this for you." He smiles, his dimple poking out from the bottom corner of mouth.
"Well, thank you again. I really do appreciate everything you do for me." He scrunches his nose before looking up at the waiter, who was ready to serve you two either a bottle of Jungkook's favorite red wine or white wine.
"You like sweet or bitter?"
"Sweet." You shyly said as he signaled for the waiter to pour the white wine before thanking him as he left you two to your piece.
"So, dinner is a 3 course meal made by a friend of mine."
"A friend, ey?" He nods, knowing full well he hired one of the most popular chefs around to prepare dinner for you two.
"I hope you like it. I asked him to make it special." You chuckled.
"I'm sure I will." You sipped on your wine. Over time, the salad appetizer came out, followed by the main course meal. You both had dug in pretty quietly, Jungkook chiming in about random things with you reacting appropriately to the topics he brought up.
"So, did you figure out what you were gonna do for Kai?" You shrug.
"He's gonna go to the arcade and I'll buy him Loco Moco."  You snort. "That sounds terrible, doesn't it? For an 18th birthday?" You frown.
"No, not if that's what he wants. Why don't you come over my place and I can make it for him? He can take over my gaming consoles if he wants, too."
"That's asking for too much."
"But you're not asking, I'm asking."
"Would you mind? He really does want to meet you."
"No I don't mind. It's on Saturday, yeah?"
"Yup." He nods.
"Schedule isn't as packed for a bit."
"Hm, okay. If you say so."
"Just let me know when to start making it and I'll make sure I make the time."
"Okay." You nod. "Hey, you have an older brother, don't you?"
"Yeah, but we aren't as close. Which is why it's nice to see you and Kai together. It's pretty comforting."
"May I ask why?"
"He just always thinks I'm a troublemaker, or that I rebel too much. We just have different mindsets, that's all."
"Did you guys fight a lot when you were younger?" He nods.
"Sure did." He points to the scar on his cheek and laughs. You lean over to run your finger over it before sitting back into your chair.
"That looks like a deep cut."
"That's because it was. He beat my ass over his turn on the computer." You chuckle.
"Sorry, that must have hurt."
"Eh, nothing I couldn't get over. But yeah, that's pretty much my relationship with my brother."
"How about your parents?" He shrugs.
"They think the same way. I try to be on their good side but they like to remind me about what I used to do or how I live my life." He forks into his food. "Like my tattoos. They hated that shit. Probably still do."
"I'm sorry, Jungkook."
"No, don't be. It is what it is. I really do try, but sometimes it gets tiring. I don't go home often because of it."
"Hmm." You hum. "You know, I always thought you were such a social butterfly."
"Me?" He laughs. "No."
"But you look so confident on stage. So happy."
"I am happy on stage, but it's kind of just that. I do what I need to do, especially for the fans and all. Don't get me wrong though, I love it. But behind the scenes, I'm not much of a talker, or someone who shares a lot. I like to keep it that way. I don't like getting too close to people and letting people into my bubble and vice versa. Gets complicated."
"So, what about me?" You look at him, curiosity filling the look in your eyes.
"I like you, and I want you in my bubble. You aren't complicated."
"How do you know that for sure? I can kick and scream and throw tantrums. And-and have attitude." You say, making him laugh and shake his head. "I can be complicated."
"I doubt it. Can't see an ounce of it. You can try, but I'm sure it won't be like the way you explain it to be." He looks at you. "All I'm saying is that I really like you, Y/N. I want you around me. You keep things so simple and sweet, and I've already started to appreciate the small things from being around you. It's something I used to overlook before we met. All the small things, the little joys in life. You make me look at things in a different perspective, I guess is what I'm trying to say." He cutely shakes his head at how he just rambled on, making you blush.
"It really makes me happy to hear that." You finished up the food on your plate, blushing as you wiped the corners of your mouth and fiddled with your fingers.
"So, did you ever think you'd be here after all the times you played so hard to get at the club?"
"No, definitely not. I mean, even in general." You tilted your head while looking at him.
"Are you happy to be here?" He asks shyly, his doe eyes wide and puppy-like.
"Of course I am."
"That's all that matters to me." He says, beaming from ear to ear. The waiter brings over the dessert, which is a sampler plate of 5 different cakes/cheesecakes. Your eyes light up because who fucking doesn't love dessert? You immediately go to town, yelling out your 'yum's' and 'ooh's' every bite you take. Jungkook laughs watching you happily eating away, giving him leverage to feed you a spoonful of the dessert on the plate closest to his end.
"I'm so full. That was so, so good." You finish your wine after one last bite of the dessert and sink back into your seat.
"Yeah? I'm glad you enjoyed it." He puts his napkin down on the table after wiping his mouth, then gets up, holding out his hand for you to take. You look at him, a little confused as to what he was trying to do, but you take it anyway. "May I have this dance with you, pretty lady?" You smile and nod, swinging your arms around his neck as he holds you closely against him by the hips.
"I really appreciate you. Thank you for taking such good care of me."
"You're absolutely welcome, baby." The pet name sends goosebumps raging throughout your body, your forehead pressing against his. "You're special to me, you know? I can't really explain it just yet, but just know that every single thing that I've done for you has been worth it." You give him a small smile as you quietly dance to the music, your bodies pressed warmly together as you hold each other close. He softly sings along with the music, causing you to giggle every now and then when he showed off his cute facial expressions. After a song has passed, he presses his lips against your forehead, making you shut your eyes at the sensation of his soft lips against your skin.
You just wanted him as much as he wanted you. You were so undeniably attracted to him, just as much as he with you.
"I have one more thing to show you." He says as he grabs your bags underneath the table.
"One more thing, huh?" He suddenly gets shy, shaking his head and chuckling to himself as he grabs your hand and leads you out of the room. You start climbing up the stairs instead of taking the elevator, going up about 3 more flights before Jungkook is climbing over the gate that blocks off the last flight the leads to another door. "Jungkook, is this illegal?!" He snorts as he waits for you to meet him at the door.
"Why would it be here if it was illegal?"
"But it was--" He opens the door, bringing you out to the rooftop to look at the entire view of the city ahead as the sun was getting ready to fully rest below the horizon. "Ohhhh shit, it's a beauty." You say in awe, walking over to the railing to take everything in. You expected Jungkook's body to press against yours from behind, however it doesn't. You find yourself looking for him, turning over your shoulder to see him quietly blowing up a balloon before smiling cutely at you and bringing it over. "A balloon?" You cocked your head to the side in confusion.
"This is gonna sound dumb and cheesy, but it was really the one thing I could think of to help put things into perspective. I want you to write everything you're worried about, everything you've been thinking about, all that negative shit." He hands you the balloon with a sharpie, causing you to laugh.
"Where did you even hide this stuff?"
"In my pocket." He scrunched his nose, his teeth piercing his bottom lip as he let out a soft, tiny laugh. You do as he says though, writing out all the negative shit that had been clouding your mind lately - Eric, worrying about Kai and him going off to college soon, your image, just to name a few. You wrote it all out as Jungkook stood behind you, resting his chin on your head as his arms wrapped around your neck.
"Okay, I think that's it."
"Mmkay, let it go." He nods towards the view in front of him. You let the balloon go, watching it dance around with the light breeze, flying farther and farther away as it does so. "I don't want you to worry about any of that when I'm around. I know the world hasn't exactly been the nicest to you, but I want you to know that I'm gonna do my best to keep you safe. You and Kai." You smile to yourself as your body sinks into his, the both of you just enjoying the view and the moment, which ultimately turns into a fun, playful competition as to who can spot more landmarks than the other.
After you both had spent a good amount of time watching the sun fully sink below the horizon, he took you back downstairs to his apartment, placing your bags off to the side of his room. You slipped out of your heels, sighing contently at the feeling of your feet being out of the heels after so long. You had no idea how you lasted at the club like this, it felt like it was such a long time ago.
"Baby." Jungkook says, coming in from the living room.
"Huh?" You look up at him as you set your heels aside neatly. The nickname was something you knew would take awhile for you to get used to, especially if it was used outside of the bed. It was moreso of a 'i can't believe he's actually calling me baby' kind of thing. He's actually calling me baby instead of my first name. I'm baby.
"Look, I bought this projector but I wanted to wait until you were here so we could try it." He begins fiddling with this little mini projector he bought, connecting it to the tv and doing all these technical handyman things that you weren't really sure of.
"What movie are you going to put on?"
"That's a good question."
"I'll let you figure it out." You say, rubbing your arm, eyeing his closet. "You're the one who knows all the good stuff."
"No I—"He turns to look at you, catching you eyeing his closet. "Babe."
"Hm?" You return your attention towards him, watching as he laughs at you.
"Do you want a shirt or something?" You nod shyly. "Then go get it. You don't have to ask or act all shy about it."
"But it's your shirt."
"Whatever is mine is yours too." He turns back to the tv, scrolling through his apps to find the best movie to put on. You slowly walk into his closet, eyeing all the clothes he has, taking in the scent of his shirts as you them by. You lock eyes on a random Carhartt longsleeve folded nicely on one of his shelves and start slipping the sleeves down your arms so you can easily step out of your dress. "I think—" Jungkook stops in his tracks as he sees you starting to slip out of your dress. You turn your head to look at him over your shoulder, watching as he approaches you with his hands in his pockets. You feel his hands against your arms, his lips gently pressing a kiss against your shoulders.
"You think what?" You smile softly at him as he presses another kiss against your jawline before gently turning you to face him.
"I think I found a movie you'll enjoy." He lifts your chin to kiss you on the lips. You smile into the kiss before pulling away and nodding.
"Okay, that sounds good."
"Find a shirt you like?" You point at his longsleeve and he nods.
"Nice. That's one of my favorites."
"Oh, then I'll just pick something else if—"
"Why? I don't mind. Go for it." You silently nod before turning around to slip out of your dress and slip the shirt on. Jungkook changes into his pajamas behind you, following you into his bed shortly after.
"Oh my god." You laugh seeing Always Be My Maybe projected against the wall. "You asked Kai if I've watched this yet, haven't you?"
"Nooo." He lies, silently giggling to himself.
"You liar! You knew I've had this on my list and that I haven't gotten around to watching it."
"Don't know what you're talking about, sweetheart. Just pure coincidence." He says, leaving the room to grab water and shut off his living room lights. He shuts the door to his room, immediately putting the water down onto the nightstand before slipping under the sheets with you.
"Mhm." You eye him suspiciously as he wraps his arm around your shoulder, pulling you close to lay on his chest.
"Mhm." He mocks you, laughing before kissing you on the head. "Ready?"
"Have been. Surprised you didn't know that."
"Mmm, baby catches on quick I see." You smack his chest, cuddling up tighter against him as the movie starts. Tonight was the night that really solidified where you were at with him, because after dinner, you highkey expected him to take you home and fuck you senseless [which you weren't opposed to], but he kept it sweet. Delicate. Cute. A serious, date night to show you what you really meant to him. This wasn't just some plan to woo you and get you in your pants and keep you as the exclusive fuckbuddy - no, this was Jungkook really confessing where he stood with you, and vice versa. As you cuddled against him, you saw a lot of his cute, nerdy sides poking out whenever he would comment on certain things that came up on the movie. For the first time, you heard his really loud, obnoxiously cute laugh that you instantly fell in love with. You were with Jungkook, and you were seeing a whole side of him that many people didn't really see.
And for that, you were grateful.
can i call you baby? can you be my friend? can you be my lover up until the very end? let me show you love, oh, no pretend, stick by my side even when the world is caving in
track eleven: at my worst (remix) - pink sweat$ & kehlani
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jimlingss · 3 years
It's B from @bang-tan-bitches and I would like to request a yandere fic. It can be BTS OT7 x reader or BTS member of your choice x reader. Similar to your amazing isekai story i would like something similar(a long one shot or a multi-chapter, your choice). Whether YN transmigrates to a game or a novel (not as a villain but maybe as a cannon fodder side character that has little importance to the story and just wants to lay low) but YN captures the attention of the love interest(s) and shit starts getting weird, intense, uncomfortable. Maybe it causes the supposed female lead to turn into the villain, maybe it causes the love interest(s) to turn into the villain(s). Maybe YN realizes that something is wrong with the story/game but can't figure it out. Idk. Time period doesn't matter. Modern. Ancient. Fairytale. Fantasy. Whatever.
If you can do this great! If you can't or don't want to, that's okay too. You're an amazing writer with so much talent and I'm really appreciative of all your work. Thank you for taking requests from your fans, I'm sure you've received a lot.
Take care! 😘💜💜💜
at the start of the pandemic, I was getting back into manga and manhwa and then after a few months, I dawdled off but recently, I’ve been getting back into it again haha so this request came at a pretty good time. Hopefully you won’t mind that I’ve taken some creative liberties with this request lol I think it’s more fun if I keep readers on their toes, including the requester.
On another note, I really shouldn’t be writing all my isekai’s with Taehyung as the main lead but he’s just so fitting asdfghjkl
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↳ The Fox Bride
2.6k || 99% Light Fluff, 1% Angst || Kim Taehyung || Isekai!AU, Slight Yandere!AU, Nine-Tailed Fox!Taehyung
You are a tutorial character.
But you weren’t always. You still remember being a career woman in the twenty-first century, struggling with overtime and paying bills while trying to keep yourself fed. The success of that ranged from month to month. But more importantly, you still remember that night too.
It was rainy. Your car blew a flat tire. You pulled to the side of the highway and got out.
The last thing that registered was the deafening honk of the semi-truck. 
Then you felt yourself flying upwards.
But when you landed, instead of colliding with the concrete and dying upon impact, you fell back onto your ass in the middle of a market on a dirt road. Transported back a thousand years ago.
Your purpose was fulfilled in the next two minutes. 
“Are you alright?”
The male protagonist had stretched out his hand and helped you up. The hero. The main character. It was obvious with his bright red hair, shining eyes and bronze armour. He was so starkly different from the rest who were gray and drab, including you who was suddenly in a brown shapeless dress. He was practically a neon billboard in the middle of a graveyard.
“Are you Y/N?”
You looked at him, befuddled that he knew your name. But before you could even respond or provide a line of dialogue, he said, “This is a delivery from Baker Jeon. He gives you his thanks.”
The protagonists handed you a loaf of bread. Undoubtedly his first ever quest. 
You looked down, not sure what to do with it.
“Do you know where the blacksmith is?”
You had absolutely no clue. But there was the deafening noise of hammering steel literally ten steps away. You would have to be blind not to see the gruff man shaping a sword at an anvil right on the road and deaf not to hear it. As if that wasn’t enough, the literal sign of the shop read: ‘the blacksmith’.
So you pointed.
“Thanks.” And he trudged off.
You were utterly confused until a background character who said they knew you waved you over. You shared your bread with her, brushed aside when she asked you what was wrong, and you followed her as she walked up to your supposed cottage.
All the while, you saw yourself in the background of the hero’s main quest as he ran through the town.
And that was that.
It wasn’t so hard to figure out where you were or what the hell this was when you put your mind to it. Without much of a job or a family, and no technology but the candle that you had to conserve when night fell, there was ample time.
So you spent it thinking and you eventually solved the mystery.
You were in Beast Boys Harem: A Forbidden Embrace. AKA. a dumb yaoi otome game app that you downloaded on your phone when you were sixteen and bored. You remember because you were too cheap to buy the routes, so you played the tutorial, prologue and read the summaries of the routes online. Now you regret that you didn’t just fork over the goddamn five dollars. 
Even more than that, you regret that you even downloaded the game in the first place.
But at least you’re just a tutorial character. You’re free from the storyline and the plot—
That’s what you thought.
Turns out living a thousand years in the past in a fantasy realm as a woman didn’t bode well. It was probably no different from how it would’ve been like in the medieval ages. You had no trade skills. No one was willing to accept you as an apprentice when you were a woman. You found that you were essentially illiterate with a reading level of a preschooler, no one was willing to teach you, and you had no power or wealth when you were without a father or a husband.
And you’re certain what the landlord and tax-collectors are doing is illegal.
But in this world, in this unjust realm, there is no such thing as the law.
“We know you’re in there!”
You jolt from the heavy pounding on the frail wooden door.
“It’s time to pay up!”
Your hands tremble as you set the candle down that’s still billowing of smoke, the flame smothered out mere seconds ago. As much as you want to hide and pull the blanket over your head, you know that door won’t last. They’ll find you if you’re trapped in here.
“If you can’t, spread those legs of yours!” a low voice spits and there’s chortling from the men.
Someone adds, “Sell your body already!” 
“Open up! Damn whore!”
Without a single possession but the white nightgown clad on your body, you open the latch of the back window. You cringe at the squeak, trying to keep your movements quiet before the door gives way.
You hoist yourself up onto the window ledge. The door bends with the strength of multiple clenched fists against it. Your feet touch the soft grass outside your cottage. The men shout.
And the door finally slams against the wall, hinges broken. 
But by then, you’ve slipped into the shadows.
“Where is she?!”
The blanket is ripped off the bed, curtains are whipped back, every drawer dumped onto the ground and cupboards yanked open. The floor shakes with the weight of their boots and you press your palm to your mouth to silence your panting breaths, slowly stepping away.
“That damn whore slipped through us—!”
But as your shitty luck would have it, a sudden crack has the whole world coming to a standstill.
Shit. You look down at your feet, realizing that the snapping noise came from you stepping on a twig. And it’s exposed your hiding place.
“There she is!” — “Out the back window!”
You grab fistfuls of your dress and bolt. 
“Get her!”
With your cottage on the edge of town, there’s nowhere to run but through the dense woods. It’s shrouded in the darkness, no doubt filled with wild beasts creeping through the thicket. The rustling canopy of the trees doesn’t allow the dim, waning moonlight to illuminate your path.
So you’re left blind. Struggling up the high incline of the forest, feet slipping on dirt and mud. But you keep sprinting with all your might, even when the pointed, coiling branches scrape at your calves until blood sheds and the hem of your dress tears in the underbrush.
“Run, little rabbit!” one of them mocks, “Run!”
The four men continue to give chase, gripping onto their roaring torches, shrieking and howling after you. One of them is manically laughing as if your efforts to flee only adds to the thrill. Their greased hands reach out to snatch you, but the tips of their fingers graze the ends of your hair.
Your teeth are sunk into the bottom of your lip, sobs breaking through your aching chest. Your lungs burn, dying for a break or moment of relief. But you don’t relent and luckily, you manage to build distance between you and the men. Only, that luck comes crashing down by a fucking hole.
A hole in the forest floor that you don’t see. That has your footing all wrong. That makes you scream and fall.
You twist your ankle in a direction it’s definitely not supposed to be in and cry from pain. 
A second later, you force yourself to get up and keep running with tears flooding your eyes and dripping down your cheeks. But it’s more like limping than running, akin to hobbling on one leg and every movement has pain shooting from your swelling ankle.
The effort becomes futile. They surround you within minutes.
“All finished?” The tax-collector’s head cocks with a spreading grin. “You’re not going to keep running?”
Why couldn’t you just fucking die the first time?! Even if it was an awful death where you didn’t have time to prepare yourself or say goodbye to anyone, at least it would’ve been the end. At least you wouldn’t have to suffer.
But there’s no time to grieve. Or hate the new life you’ve been given. This is it. You have to keep going. You have to survive. By any means. You’re about to pick up a branch and uselessly wave it around at them, shout at them to stand back. Anything that you could do to save yourself—
“Who dares come onto my mountain?!”
There’s a deep timbre behind you. A husky voice that quivers the very core of the forest.
As if the wind has swept through, the trees and thicket rustle and it goes silent.
The men fall back onto their asses, some torches clattering to the ground. Their eyes have grown double in size, nearly falling from their sockets and their jaws have dropped to the dirt.
“I-It’s the nine-tailed fox!”
The man scrambles back.
Another barely manages to get onto his feet. He turns around and lurches away while shrieking.
They all run. Scattering away as frantically as cockroaches when the light is flickered on.
From your spot on the ground, you turn around with wide eyes. 
Amber irises meet your gawking and they practically glow in the darkness of the forest. He is dressed in a loose, white robe that’s draped over his frame, open to the middle of his chest. And over his honey hair, on the top of his head, his pointed golden ears twitch. By the torch fire still yet to die out, he is illuminated and his shadow is casted on the ground. The blazing flame warms his cold, sharp features. 
He is the most beautiful person you’ve ever seen. In both worlds you’ve lived in.
And you know who he is.
Taehyung. One of the love interests of the hero. A seductive, sly creature that eventually coaxes the hero into selling him his soul to grant one of his wishes. But Taehyung grows to become an obsessed character that wants to do nothing but monopolize and possess the hero for himself.
That same Taehyung approaches you with his lip curled as you teeter to your feet.
“Run away, girl.” He leans close. “Before I eat you.”
On sheer instinct and adrenaline, you push him back. Your palm shoves against his firm chest.
Taehyung stumbles back with his eyes becoming rounded. He looks down to where you had made contact against his body. “Did...you just touch me?”
Taehyung’s head darts upwards and he captures your wrist in his hand, squeezing tightly. He tugs you in and on your swollen ankle, you stumble into him. Bodies flush against one another. Your face pressed to his warm chest. His arm coming around your waist to break your fall.
He is aghast. 
“You’re not from this world.” Taehyung’s yellow eyes swirl as they gaze into you. “Where did you come from?”
It’s been three days.
“Wed me,” he begs for the seventy sixth time. 
You don’t know why you’re keeping a count.
You’re hugging your knees for warmth. The rice paper-paneled doors are slid open and letting in the chilly air. He doesn’t seem to be affected by the cold, but you don’t look at him for long. 
You turn into the corner of his home while sitting on the tatami floors as if you’re putting yourself into time out. But you’d like to say it’s your privacy corner. It’s as private as this abode, which was basically one room, could get. 
Taehyung sighs in frustration, placing his hand on his forehead. His teeth grit. “You’re only making this harder for yourself.” Your silence angers him more. “You can never leave.”
You turn over your shoulder to glare. “Even if I married you, you’d never let me leave anyway.”
Taehyung narrows his eyes on you and then smirks. “You’re right. Wed or unwed, I won’t let you out of my sight. You should feel grateful, girl. You’re the best human I’ve ever treated.”
You quietly scoff.
Maybe you should feel scared. Maybe you should tread more lightly. After all, he’s not a character to be trifled with.
But you know he needs you. That alone gives you power. 
As a beast, Taehyung’s been trapped on this mountain by priests for centuries. The only way he can be free is by feeding off of sexual energy and breaking the barrier. But of course, they also cursed him to be unable to touch any woman in this universe. 
You aren’t from this universe.
You jolt when you realize that while you were lost in thought, Taehyung’s crawled closer. He has a foxy smile, amber eyes searching your expression. “Maybe….maybe I’ll grant you a bit of freedom if you would just give into the temptation and let me have a taste of you.”
As cold as he looks, he is beautiful. He is mischievous when he smirks and sly when he speaks. You are utterly spellbound as you look into his irises. And the temptation he speaks of flickers in the warmth of your belly.
But you turn away.
“I already said we only do that kind of thing after marriage. And I will only marry someone I love.”
Taehyung draws back with an unamused scoff. “What a prudish world you’re from.”
He wanted you the moment you were brought to this house. With the intensity of his stare and your captivated state, you had let him pin you to his floor and you liked it. But then clarity came and you blurted that such an act only happens after marriage. A lie just to buy time.
You didn’t expect for the hero to arrive at Taehyung’s house the next day. With his red hair and bronze armour, he had gotten lost in the forest and knocked on the door. Before you could limp over and answer it, Taehyung jumped off the roof and confronted him.
The guy was thrown off the mountain within five minutes.
It wasn’t supposed to be like this. They were supposed to have a steamy rendezvous. Taehyung was supposed to get the sexual energy from him! 
The story was going off the rails. And you’re not sure what you’re even buying time for anymore.
The both of you know it’s only a matter of time before you break and succumb to his mesmerizing seduction.
Taehyung is cruel, ruthless, obsessive.
But what’s the most bewitching thing about him is the jarring contrast of when he’s clumsy and nurturing. It’s what he regards as his own weakness. What he hides from others. But you felt your heart waver two nights ago when you were shaken awake in the middle of twilight. When you peeked open your eye to see him gingerly wrapping your swollen ankle with bandages.
He looked beautiful in the pale moonlight, ears, tails, sharp features softened—
“Ow!” You wince as he squeezes your ankle, right on your injury.
“You think too much in your head,” he says and looks at you. “What’s wrong?”
“It hurts.”
A sadistic smile tugs on Taehyung’s lips. He lets go, but only to lift your chin with his fingers. His plush lips are inches away, his breath warm on your skin and he gazes deep into you. “I won’t let you return to your world. I won’t let you run away. I won’t let anyone harm you.”
“You’re mine now.” Taehyung swears, “You’ll fall in love with me eventually.”
You gulp and he smirks.
The two of you know it’s only a matter of time.
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I dont know if your accepting requests right now, but I love your kiddo headcannons. Could you do the Kiddo's reacting to Reiner asking you to marry him? I just really want to know who's going to get excited for the wedding, if any of the kids are going to be upset...your headcannons are just the best!!
Hey! Yes my requests are open, it's written in my bio tho i get it might be confusing. Imma make sure to also write it on the navigation post.
And by the name of persephone this the cutest most wholesome kiddo scenario! How did i not think of that? Just what realm of heaven are you living on Anon? Whatever it is thank you for blessing us with this thought💛
You're with Reiner, he wants to propose but his cousins overhear him.
{ Reiner x reader | tw:marriage tw:proposing tw:parental-neglect tw:heavy-angst | cartoony?, fluff, angst with comfort | modern }
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{ The Lanterns, circa 1910 by Charles Courtney Curran 1861-1942 }
"And no opening the door to anyone no matter how sorry you feel for them, okay?" Colt said while adjusting the tie around his neck, making sure it's even as he takes one final look at himself in the mirror before putting on his coat.
"Okay" Falco replied, watching as his brother was getting frustrated with the too many buttons on his coat. "Do you need help?"
Nodding his head, Colt let Falco do his buttons while he reached for the cup of coffee he left on the table, quickly finishing it all. "And make sure to get to bed on time, no staying up reading comic books, you have school tomorrow."
"Don't worry I won't" Falco looked in concern at the empty coffee cup, "isn't this your third one today? I don't think you should be drinking this much..."
"You worry too much Falco, just take care of yourself okay?" Colt rubbed his brother's hair, before patting his head. "I'll text you to check on how you're doing so make sure to charge your phone."
And just like that, Colt wrapped a scarf around his neck, grabbed his keys, and left through the door. Leaving Falco standing there at the entrance, alone in the house.
Looking around the quiet room, Falco picked up the empty cup before washing it in the sink. Just as he was putting it away, the door bell rang.
'Did he forget something?' He thought, wondering if it's his the keys again. But looking at the table, he could see nothing was there.
Wait...Colt did take his keys before leaving, why would he be ringing the doorbell.
The ringing got more frequent, followed by aggressive knocking. Falco took a step back into the kitchen, thinking if he could dash upstairs to get his phone in time.
But he didn't want to trouble his brother...Think Falco think! What would captain america do in this scenario? But Reiner always told him he should think for himself...
And so he grabbed a knife, slowly inching towards the door but then he heard it, that fimilar sound.
"Falco? You in there? It's freezing open the door!"
"Gabi?!" Dropping the knife, Falco rushed to the door. Quickly unlocking it as a very cold looking Gabi stepped inside.
"What took you so long? I can't feel my fingers!" Rubbing her hands together to attempt to warm them up, Gabi glared at Falco.
"Sorry I thought you were a-" he looked away at the knife "uh..anyway let me get you a blanket" before he could rush up the stairs, Gabi pulled him back.
"No there's no time! We have to leave now." Holding his hand, Gabi dragged a very confused Falco out the door and they began making their way to the next destination.
Soon enough, the pair found themselves standing outside Udo's house, directly under his window.
"You still haven't told me why we're here." Falco watched as Gabi was looking for something on the ground, he stiffened when she smiled after picking up a small rock.
"I will tell you once Udo and Zofia are here, it's very important." She handed him the rock. "Now let's focus on getting Udo here, make sure to aim for his window because his mom is a really light sleeper."
"Wait if that's the case then why didn't we go to Zofia's house first? She lives right opposite of mine!" Falco whisper-shouted.
"Because! Neither of us can deal with a sleeping Zofia and you know that, only Udo knows how to wake her up." Gabi explained, crossing her arms while getting impatient. "So hurry up and throw the rock!"
Flaco looked at Udo's window, then at the rock. He looked at Gabi one last time before closing his eyes and throwing it, it made a sound as it hit the window....nothing happened
"Why am I the one throwing the rocks?" He looked anxiously at Udo's dark window, moving his weight from one leg to the other.
"I'm stronger. If i throw it, I'll break the window." Gabi was looking for another rock, having found one slightly bigger than the last. "Here try this one"
Having reunited again, the four of them were walking down the street to Reiner's house late at night. Gabi leading the group, Falco following her reluctantly, Udo keeping a still sleepy Zofia from walking into a wall while in her pajamas.
"This better be good Gabi, otherwise you can forget about copying my math homework for a month." The thought of just turning around and going back home to bed was still in the back of Zofia's mind.
Having almost reached Reiner's house, the four of them could see multiple cars parked outside of it, some of them they recognise.
"See! I told you all it'd be worth it. They're having a secret party without us! I heard Reiner talking about it on the phone with Zeke this morning when I was pretending to be asleep so I don't have to walk home." Gabi said as they sneaked to the side of the house.
"That's mister Zeke's car, miss Annie's and...even Porco's too.." Udo said as they climbed the house fence.
"They invited Porco but not us?" With that information, Zofia was fully awake.
"That's exactly what I've been telling you guys about! Here look!" Standing on her toes, Gabi looked through the window, between the curtains. Three heads joining her soon.
Looking inside, they could see the living room they were so fimilar with, looking really different. For once it wasn't a mess of pillows and candy wrappers! It was actually clean with various candles adding to the atmosphere.
Zeke and Pieck could be seen siting next to each other on the couch, drinking some wine while Colt is in the arm chair next to them with Porco pushing a drink in his hands.
Annie and Bertolt are leaning against the wall, she's holding a plate of donuts while he's talking about something.
Finally, you and Reiner are sitting on the couch opposite to Zeke and Pieck. His hand is around your shoulder and he keeps taking glances behind him at bertolt, while Zeke stares at him from the front.
If you focus, you can hear the muffled sound of music playing in the background.
The four kids watched as Reiner whispered something in your ear, before you noded, got up and headed towards the kitchen. The second you left, all of them crowded at the couch next to Reiner, Talking in hushed tones.
"What...are they doing?" Udo watched as Reiner took out a small red box from his pocket, hands shaking while the people around him leaned in to see what's inside as he opened it.
Quiet gasps and awws followed after as the ring inside came into view, glittering in the dark by the candlelight. Although that only seemed to fluster Reiner even more.
The four of them looked at each other with wide eyes, then back at the ring as Reiner reached out to hold it delicately in his hand for a few seconds as if he's offering it up to the air in front of him, the room got quiet, everyone holding their breaths.
"Oh " Falco said, "i...think i know what's going on." Both Udo and Zofia noded.
"What?" Gabi knitted her eyebrows, tilting her head, "what's going on?"
Before any of them could answer, Zofia told them to keep quiet when she noticed you walking back in the room, the ring back in the box inside Reiner's pocket.
Everyone was now standing, smiles on their faces, even Annie showing one of her rare ones. You were holding a new plate of donuts when you noticed them, with Reiner in the middle, nervous eyes staring right at yours.
Stepping towards you, Annie took the plate before going back to her spot. A few chuckles from Zeke, Bertolt and Pieck followed while Reiner shock his head.
Still outside, the kids saw Reiner start talking about something. Whatever it is, it must have been emotional because everyone in the room was listening with anticipation.
"I can't hear anything" unlocking the window, Gabi opened it just slighly. The muffled sound of music becoming clear as Reiner was finishing his speech.
"And you'd make me the happiest man in the world" he got on one knee, hand taking something out of his pocket. "If we could spend the rest of our lives together and I'll cherish every single moment you're by my side."
He opened the red box, holding the ring in front of you, eyes pleading. "Will you please marry me?"
The second you said yes, Reiner pulled you in the tightest most loving hug in your life, muttering "thank you"s under his breath. You could taste saltiness of his tears when he kissed your lips, still not letting go.
"He's crying" Udo said, feeling his own glasses getting a bit blurred.
"They're kissing." Falco's face was as red as a tomato, covering his blushing face with his hand but looking through his fingers.
"Annie finished all the donuts" was Zofia's comment with a pout.
Gabi's hold on the window got tighter, her lips quivering. "We have to stop them. They can't get married!" And like that, she slammed the window open before climbing inside.
"Gabi! Wait!" Falco tried grabbing her sleeve but was too slow, so he climbed after her into the room.
As expected from two children suddenly breaking in the room through the window, everyone's eyes were on them with surprised expressions.
Looking straight at Reiner, Gabi pulled you away from him before snatching the ring box from his hand. "NO! no one is marrying anyone" with all her might, she threw the box to Falco before telling him to run away.
Having been dragged into the middle of this, Falco looked at Colt's concerned expression, Reiner's confused face and Pieck's amused one. Stepping near Colt, he was about to give him the ring when he saw Gabi's face, making his stop midway.
"Run Falco! Just go!" She yelled, tears streaming down her face, legs shaking. "They can't leave us! Not like our parents did..."
Falco felt his chest tightening, recalling how empty the house feels with just him and Colt being away for work most of the time. How cold it is, unlike the warmth he feels whenever they stay over at your house.
He began tearing up too, holding the box so tightly to his chest.
It was Reiner who made the first move, while everyone was stunned looking at the two crying children. Pulling the both of them to his chest as they sobbed, he wrapped his arm safely around them. He looked at you and you followed in his steps.
After some time and explaining, Colt was comforting Falco while on the couch with Pieck doing the same on his other side. You had Zofia on your lap while she ate some Donuts you stashed away from Annie. Gabi was still clutching to Reiner with Udo on his other side doing the same.
Gabi would take a bite out of a donut, cry a bit then take another bite. Sometimes glancing at the red box on the table.
With time, reassuring words and Zeke making the kids laugh, things slowly got better. Reiner and you completely reassured them that you're never leaving, you love them more than anything in this world. That getting marriage is going to get you even more closer together than anything.
Hearing those words calmed Gabi down, each of them made you make a pinky promise to not replace them ever, same thing to Reiner.
That's when Bertolt brought up the fact you still haven't worn the ring, and it might make them feel better if they were the one to place it on your hand. And that seemed to grab their attention as they began arguing between themselves which one of them should do the honour.
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{ The Lanterns, circa 1910 by Charles Courtney Curran 1861-1942 }
Strap in because boi are we in for a ride. These kids went through a lot even in a modern non-war world
They all have an altered negative view on marriage, especially Gabi and Falco.
Both of Falco's parents are deceased, he lives alone with Colt who's trying his hardest to work and take care of both of them, of course Zeke and Pieck help a lot too and try to be his stand in parents.
He knows about love and how good it is, he just thinks marriage would mean you and Reiner might also go away.
Gabi's parents are alive and well, they're just rarely in her life. She's an alone child with no siblings, so far Reiner has been her only relative that she counts as family.
Her parents often leave her at her aunt's house whenever they go on a trip away, or as she started getting older, alone in the house. It gave her a lot of freedom but also a misguided and neglectful life.
Reiner has been trying to fill both roles of her parents for her, and when you came along it was like a dream coming true, she suddenly has someone who truly cares for her being and loves her unconditionally.
So when she heard you were getting married, something in her snapped and fears about you both leaving her too just like her parents clouded her mind.
Udo and Zofia both have their moms only, they bond over it. In Udo's case it was after his father passed away in an accident that his mother became really overprotective and Borderline overbearing.
She's worried about everything, he feels like it's his fault somehow and can't help but copy her anxiety and paranoia.
When he heard about you getting married, he felt a sting of pain and guilt, like he's getting in the way and it never was his real family to begin with.
Zofia's mom is another case, her dad left them when she was younger without a word. Her mother lost trust in anyone after that and was emotionally unavailable.
She saw how hurt her mother was over her dad, she wanted to be strong for her mom and never have to depend on anyone.
So when she heard you were getting married, a sense of dread filled her at realising one of you will hurt the other somehow and she will have to be strong on her own again.
The four of them looked up to you both, were loved and cherished by you both like they've longed for so long.
They fear losing you, they fear losing the warmth, love and care you showed them.
So take it slow with them please, they've been hurt a lot. They don't mean to be ungrateful or rude they're just kids who are terrfied.
Be paitent and slowly introduce them to marriage in a new light, let them grief over their own parents in a healthy way while comforting them. Make them feel included in the planning and wedding and everything and I promise you they'll be fighting for the flower girl spot at the wedding if you just take it slow and gentle.
Yes even Falco and Udo want to be the flower girl.
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fanficparker · 3 years
"The Gates of hell are open night and day, smooth the descent, and easy is the way..." - Aeneid, Virgil
(Frenemies to Lovers! Mob AU! ) Harrison Osterfield x Fem!OC
Word count: 2.17k words
Warning: Swearing, gun violence, car chase, full on action, cool dudes, anxiety and fluff in case you forget to blink ;)
Synopsis: After the sudden death of his uncle and the eccentric multi-millionaire mafia king Lufian Clarke, Harrison Osterfield’s almost decent life is mostly devastated especially when half of what should be rightfully his fortune is transferred to their immediate rival for reasons he doesn’t know. What’s remaining is him trying to figure out how to deal with this collaboration of two rival corporations that don’t belong together and work on the side of the woman he never knew would ever be referred to as his partner in crime while they are dragged into a mess bigger than what they were trained to handle.
A/N: The amount of time I waste on making these moodboards-- (I literally coloured the black and white pictures 💀 )
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A moment passed.
A shallow gust of wind tickled Harrison's left ear, making him squirm. He leaned back, pulling his rolled up sleeves down and buttoning them at his wrist followed by pressing the creases on his shirt—a habit of his, a ritual he can't seem to put away even when there was a sniper aimed at his head.
Worse. All this could be a trick.
Worst. It wasn't.
All in all, time wasn't the currency, Harrison had at his disposal. Yet, he found himself shoving a penny straight into the slot machine.
He cleared his throat in a failed attempt at clearing his foggy mind, "Don't you think, you shouldn't have let go of Tom?"
The more men, the better chances of survival. It worked this way, right?
Sandhya sighed, exasperated, the flicker of the candle animating a dance on her face was seemingly more lively than her at the moment.
"We suspect, at least one of your men were involved in Clarke's murder. Also," She paused, chuckling nervously, "I won't lie, I was expecting something like this to happen but not today, not right now." She referred to the rifle aimed at them.
"I am seriously...uh... ugh..." Harrison didn't know if there were proper words in the vernacular to reply to this. All he could do was grit his teeth.
How long will this day go, anyway? What was it? The solstice? Do solstice last this long?
In his prognosis, if he had one more revelation this day, especially if it had something or anything to do with the dead man, his brain would melt and leak out of his ears. On the non-fictitious scale: He would rip off his hair or empty a loaded .44 magnum into the head of the person closest to him.
But there were his men involved in Clarke's murder? His men?
And their respectable leader, Harrison Osterfield was trapped in a life and death situation, waiting for a can of smoke to allow him to escape? And on top of that, he was taking orders from one of their enemies?
What if it was her plan? What if she killed the old man? She had inherited his fortune— it was enough of evidence for Harrison to draw that conclusion even in its scant or flimsy state. He won't be surprised if she wanted him dead as much as he wanted her to be. Or that the sniper was one of her men. Or everything happening was a part of her bigger plan.
He had a pistol tucked away in his sock, maybe he could catch her at gunpoint?
The instant he glanced at the mirror of her flapjack, she had placed between them, he discarded the idea. No avail. The sniper could easily target him.
He was fucked up.
He could hear his life ticking away.
A click of tin hitting the floor ignited the dying flame in his heart. He felt Sandhya's hand slip over his, delicate fingers tapping against the back of his hand, gliding over his square signet ring that was sitting on his middle finger for ages now, moving further away to feel his rough, wounded knuckles, he never seemed to care about.
She appeared as afraid as him. Or maybe it was part of her plan. Harrison wasn't sure if it was the mutual fear they felt or the gesture, the little ministrations she drew over the back of his hand that had managed to ease his nerves, at least for the time being. His eyes swerved up, locking with hers again, her lips forming the words he was waiting to hear.
"Now!" She screamed on the top of her voice, retracting her hand as the smoke leaked out of the can, suspending itself into the air.
Harrison leapt on cue, ducking below the table. A single shot hits the wood of the chair, he was previously sitting on.
He tried to make the best use of the blindness that the grey smoke offered, pulling the table cloth in a swift motion. The wine and the lit candles fell over the fabric, igniting a fire. The flames and the smoke rose quickly, fanned by the stiff breeze, consuming the Pinterest worthy setting in a matter of seconds as he watched Sandhya's shadowy figure hopping off from the other side of the balcony, her red heels discarded by the decorated flower pots.
In a heartbeat, the fire alarm goes off followed by another shot. The people eating in the restaurant shrieked almost simultaneously as the second shot is wasted, their screams never subsiding as they run around, knocking over things, trying to get the hell out of the building.
Amidst the mist, Harrison grabbed the railing of the balcony, hopping off it, climbing down as promptly as he could, hearing more bullets fire on the place he just abandoned.
His planned smooth landing on the freshly mowed grass goes awry as he stumbles, falling over his knee in an attempt at dodging a shot that went over right his head, almost touching his hair.
There were more gunmen. His expressions were that of horror.
He quickly rose to his feet, pulling the pistol tucked in his sock out, looking around and over his shoulder before squeezing the trigger twice.
A man dressed in the waiter's attire fell from the first floor along with his rifle, hitting the ground, crumbling next to Harrison's feet, presumably dead.
Harrison didn't check. He was sure.
Aim. He was good at it. Way too good.
He paced his way with the pistol pointed downrange, pulling the slide back with his thumb and forefinger to the street full of chaos with people running in all directions, fire alarms blaring in the background. A maroon sedan stopped abruptly in front of him, a quarter of an inch away from hitting him and transporting him directly to hell.
He opened his mouth to swear but the driver was the first to flung the door open. He had red-brown shaggy hair, probably a result of the wind and was dressed in a grey trench coat with the belt undone. His eyes were hidden behind black wraparound mirror shades, hiding most of his face.
The only thing that sparked Harrison's interest was the shotgun poorly concealed inside his coat.
"Get in." Two words, another order. The driver was definitely way older than him, he could tell by his deep, rusty voice. The driver pushed the long barrelled gun in his direction.
Harrison groaned, shoving himself into the passenger seat, accepting the new weapon, discarding the smaller gun and shutting the door behind him.
"Where is she? Where is Sandhya?" Harrison demanded, looking over at the back seat, his frown deepening into a scowl but the driver popped the car into reverse and stormed the accelerator, hard, sending him flying backwards, his back hitting against the backrest.
"She'll meet us halfway." The driver replied, his eyes never leaving the road. Harrison settled himself on the polyester seat, taking a breath before the car took a sharp turn, almost knocking his head against the window.
"Watch out!" The driver warned and Harrison peeked at the rear view mirror.
A black Escalade SUV lunged towards them at a speed higher than theirs. At least four passengers were sitting in it, two of them pushed their heads out of the windows, hands holding shotguns, aiming a shot at the vehicle he was sitting in.
They ducked down, both Harrison and the driver evading the bullets fired at them. The rear windshield blew out with a boom and a crash, spraying glass over the unoccupied backseat.
Harrison slid his window down, ducking again when more bullets were shot at them, before aiming straight to the front tire.
He fired one— two— three shots, one followed by the other. The third one successfully hits the wheel. He watched with a triumphant grin pasted over his face as the attacker's car tumbled, crashing against the telephone pole, now motionless.
But his grin didn't last long when they crossed the intersection. Two more cars emerged from the two sides, the same model as the one he had just shot down.
The panic was real this time. He could even hear police sirens.
What the actual fuck?
"We need to hurry!" Harrison instructed, restless in his seat, watching the black SUVs and the white police cruisers, red sirens blazing on their head, racing behind them.
It was a real chase.
They zoomed through the street, feeling alternately light and heavy as they shifted in their seats, leaning right and left as the roads forked as they sailed through the busy traffic, ignoring the honking cars, even honking themselves. The buildings, streets and the traffic began to blur as they raced down, veering frantically to avoid their pursuers.
A ray of hope: Another intersection. The signal was three seconds into turning red.
"You can do this..." Harrison whispered like a prayer, eyes glimmering with hope, focusing more on the road than the man operating the steering he knew nothing about, except for his remarkable prowess as a getaway driver.
You can do this!
The driver panted, breathing with his mouth as he puts the car into the sixth gear, pressing the accelerator as hard as he could, flooring the sedan through the blinking signal, it turning red the exact moment they tear through it.
The pedestrian cars came to a halt upon the red signal, breaking hard, forming a chain, successfully blocking the way of both the attackers and the cops.
The driver barked out a laugh, the type falling more into the category of a chortle than an actual laugh (not that Harrison cared), taking off his shades, shoving them inside his coat, a proud smile plastered on his face as he weaves from lane to lane, disappearing under a bridge, finally stepping on to the much calmer highway.
"Kevin." The driver muttered.
"Huh?" Harrison responded with a questioning look. The guy was at least fifty-five years old, Harrison could tell now. His natural grey hair stood in contrast with his dyed copper ones, adding to his overall charm. His adventurous demeanour has previously mistaken him for being any younger.
Stretching a left hand, "My name is Kevin," the driver clarified, his light brown eyes meeting momentarily with Harrison's blue ones.
Harrison nodded, putting away his gun, wiping the sweat on his palm over his pants, before taking his hand for a brief shake.
"Harrison," He offered his own name.
"I know," Kevin replied nonchalantly, shifting his focus back to the road.
The blond turned to the other side, head leading against the headrest, glancing out of the window, watching the scenery move backwards, carefree as a lark for once, until the driver slowed the vehicle down, parking at the side, near a divergence where a 91' Accord waited for them.
He leapt out of the car. Harrison followed suit.
Taking the back seat of the switch car, alongside a woman that wasn't Sandhya, Kevin slumped into the cushions, stretching his hands over his head, shutting his eyes, probably tired (of course), taking the much needed break. The woman, on the other hand, was busy typing away on her laptop, wired headphones tucked into her ears.
Another man emerged from the passenger seat, passing Harrison on the way, his face invisible in the dim highway lights, taking the maroon sedan. Harrison replaced him, getting into the switch car, sitting on the front, the only seat that was left unoccupied.
"Welcome back." The voice on the driver's seat greeted him.
Harrison snorted, choosing not to turn his neck to meet her face and rather settling on passing a mere glance at her with a side eye.
She was back to wearing her coat, raven hair whipped by the wind, loose strands sticking over her face, her makeup no longer intact and slightly greasy, except for her bold red lipstick, sitting over her smiling mouth, complimenting her smooth dusky skin.
She pulled the gear, pressing on the pedal, putting the car in motion, its engine roaring for a full minute, her right hand on the wheel, left hand ceaselessly turning the dial of the radio back and forth, till Blinding Lights echoed from the speakers. She kept the volume low, possibly because of the other woman busy on her laptop, definitely because of the man dozing off, sitting behind them. But that didn't stop her from mouthing the lyrics or sway her body with the tunes.
Harrison looked away, outside the window, head slightly out, chin pressed against one of his hands he had kept over the window edge, feeling the cold air hit his face harder when she shifted the gear, speeding off the vehicle.
A ghost of a smile flickered over his lips, the upbeat music filling his ears.
He had different plans...
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donutloverxo · 4 years
New Beginnings
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Authors note- I promised you filth now I’m gonna deliver😈. Can be read as a sequel to white horse or a stand alone.
I’m sorry for subjecting y'all to this
Please like, comment and reblog 💕
Please do not steal steal or repost my content.
Summary- You and Steve are ready to take the next step in your relationship.
Warnings- smut, loss of virginity, mentions of voyeurism, mentions of sex toys, dub con(if you squint impossibly hard)
Word count- 2.5k (scroll to the middle if you wanna skip to smut)
It had been over two weeks since the incident at the club. You were still traumatised from it. You felt a bit guilty about it, Steve and your other friends had been through so much worse their entire lives but you barely ever see them complaining about it.
And really it wasn’t even that bad. You didn’t have a single scratch from it, you had no right to feel so scared. You weren’t some dainty precious coward princess.
You woke up heaving and gasping for breathe. It was the same nightmare third night in a row. This time you were being held hostage in a bank robbery. It was always some variation of what had happened at the club. You looked at the time on your phone. It was 2 am.
Steve was in London. He’d be awake right now. He had been extremely patient with you. He insisted he didn’t have to go on the mission, he wanted to take care of you. But you didn’t want to take advantage of his caring nature insisted he go and you’d call him if anything goes wrong.
You stared at his contact in your phone contemplating the idea. You didn’t want him to worry, but at the same time you would hope he shared his troubling thoughts with you. You can’t expect him to be completely vulnerable with you without doing the same yourself.
Finally you sighed and called him. He picked up on the second ring.
“Hey doll.”
“Hey Stevie”, you smiled staring out your window from your bed. Really it was ridiculous how just hearing his voice made you feel calm and safe.
“How come you aren’t asleep?”, he asked and you could hear some shuffling in his background. Maybe he sneaked away from his teammates.
“I… I had a nightmare sort of.” You said playing with the strings on your sweatpants. “it’s really nothing. I mean you’re out there saving the world and I’m still stuck on something that happened weeks ago.”
He breathed your name almost as a way to scold you. “Don’t say that. You’re allowed to be scared. It’s completely normal”, you hummed to that and closed your eyes. His steady breathing making your sleepy. “actually I have to talk to you about that. I was going to wait till I got home and ask you over dinner.”
You moaned forcing your eyes open “what?”
“Well Nat and Sam are moving in the tower. I had an apartment there a while ago but then… It wasn’t for me. It has one of the best security systems in the world. You’ll be completely safe there”, he said and hesitated “maybe we could move in there. Together?”
You were wide awake now. Living in the tower would be amazing since it’s closer to work but living with Steve? Waking up next to him every morning, snuggling him every chance you get. That really sounds like a dream.
“Yes”, you blurt out.
“Really? You don’t want time to think about it?”, he asked and you could hear the smile in his voice.
“No. I think it’s an amazing idea.”
“Well then I can’t wait”
“Me neither”, you replied and drifted off to a dreamless slumber.
Over the next month you left your studio apartment and moved your things to the much larger penthouse. It was quiet high up. You would have to get used to the height.
You asked your doctor to start you on the pill. Tony Stark had offered you a position to work as a tech in the Avengers tower. It was your dream job. You had no intentions to get pregnant right now. But the idea of having kids with the super soldier wasn’t completely repulsive… One thing at a time!
Regardless of you taking the pill or not. You wouldn’t get pregnant because despite dating for over four months you and Steve hadn’t had sex. Was that weird? You were living and planning your future with a man you hadn’t slept with?
You had some steamy make out sessions when you’d grab his hand and make him grope you. When you felt his erection poking your thighs through his pants. That excited you and scared you at the same time. He felt so big. You were excited to see what he looked like but would it actually go in? That was a silly thought really.
He had confessed to you that he was a virgin and he was just looking for the right partner. You had some experience in the field but the fact that he didn’t put some pressure on you. What if he found you lacking in some way? You weren’t the most beautiful woman in the world.
Besides sex wasn’t your best friend. Although you liked the idea of it, it was kind of overrated. You had done it too soon in your previous relationships, and you were the kind of person that learns from her mistakes.
You were snuggling with Steve watching Netflix when a steamy scene came on. It wasn’t too graphic but extremely aesthetically pleasing. You felt Steve shift his hips under you.
“You know, I went to the doctor today. She started me on the pill.” You had to be brave. Just how long were you going to wait. After a couple of glasses of wine you had some liquid courage in you.
He hummed as a way to acknowledge you. “Maybe we should go to the bedroom.”
You smiled to yourself and switched off the tv.
Steve looked at you lighting some scented candles in the bedroom. ‘To set the mood’ apparently. He felt his whole life flash before his eyes.
How as a small sickly boy he felt vaguely jealous of his best friend Bucky. He never looked good enough standing next to him. He never really looked good anyway. If girls did talk to him it was because of Bucky.
He now cringed whenever he thought of those double dates. Where his date looked like she’d be anywhere in the world but with him. While Bucky’s date looked at him as if he was her world.
After the serum he was able to get the kind of body women fawned after. He had many women throw themselves at him. But there was no way to tell if it was genuine. If they saw him, the poor sick kid from Brooklyn, or if they saw the fame and glory of Captain America.
But then he met you. The first time you looked at him, really looked at him, he felt as if he was being truly seen for the first time in his life. You didn’t care so much about Captain America or the serum, you cared about him, listened to him and saw him.
It was as if part of him was missing for so long, that he found in you. He didn’t know how he ever lived without you. Now he would gladly give up the shield and everything that came with it to be with you.
He looked at you staring expectedly at him, kneeling in the middle of the bed.
He had little to no knowledge about sex or women in general.
He remembered how sneaked a peak at Bucky and a girl out of curiosity. He saw Bucky’s head between the girls legs. He ran away before he could see anymore.
When he asked Bucky what it was like he’d give him advice on how to please a woman, as if he was ever going to use it, until now.
‘Just remember to get her off at least once before you, tis only fair’
He swallowed when he looked at your figure. It definitely was extremely hard to wait to be with you for so long. He had thought and dreamed of this moment since he met you.
He recalled all the times he got embarrassingly hard at the slightest tough from you. He hoped and prayed that you hadn’t noticed, or maybe you did notice and liked it, why else would you be here?
All he’d ever done was made out with a few women. And there was that time Tony gifted him a rubber toy that resembled a woman’s bits as a crude and mean joke. He would never admit it but he did use it once before throwing it away. It was good…he couldn’t imagine how much better a real woman would feel, how much better you would feel.
You got tired of waiting and him staring at you with a blank face and crawled to him to the edge of the bed. You cradled his face in your hands and stared into his sea green orbs. You placed a kiss on his slightly cold soft lips. You felt his hands reach and squeeze your hips.
His hands roamed all over your body greedily taking in everything. He manoeuvred you till your head hit the pillow. He took off his shirt exposing his burly physique to you. You sat up and touched his pecs, your fingers gliding down tracing his abs.
You took off your nightgown and tossed it away. You watched him stare at you in awe. His hands shakily touched them and fondled them. He grazed your nipples under his thumb. They grew harder with his touch. He curiously squeezed them between his thumb and finger. He looked up at your face when he heard to gasp. His was growing harder and more impatient by the second.
He pushed you down on the bed. He kissed down your body, between your breath, then finally to your mould covered by your panties. He slid your panties off your legs. You awkwardly closed your legs shut. He sensed your discomfort and took off his pants and boxers.
Before you could see him he pushed your legs open and knelt down. He was awestruck looking at your pussy. Your juices glistening in the lowlight made his mouth water.
“Wait”, you exclaimed “no one… no ones ever” you babbled shaking your head.
He pushed you down. The fact that he can do anything to you, manhandle you however he likes, evoked something primal in him. He stuck his tongue out and tentatively to lick a stripe up your lips. You gasped and clasped onto his head.
He licked a few stripes as you thrashed and squirmed on the bed. You were making his job harder for him. He put his palm on your stomach to hold you still. He sucked your nub and you moaned. He went back and forth between sucking your nub harshly and licking fast quick strips.
You pushed his head in your pussy and latched onto it with both your hands as you came. You felt breathless and weightless, as if you were floating on a cloud.
He lapped at you before moving to kiss you. He got worried when he saw tears in your eyes. He wiped them with his thumb. “Hey what’s wrong?”, he had gotten too excited and lost himself in the moment.
This was completely new territory to you. You had never felt this before. None of your ex boyfriends had ever went down on you or made you come. That was such a mind blowing orgasm. You wondered if you had actually had a real orgasm before.
“I’m perfectly fine.”, you said and gave him a hazy smile. “it’s your turn now.”
You pushed him up by his pecs and sat up on your knees in front of him. You looked down and saw his cock hard and up against his stomach. It was the biggest and prettiest you had ever seen.
You grabbed it with both your hand and gave it a few strokes and pulls. “It’s so big”, you cooed.
He was extremely thankful to the serum in that moment. The way you looked at it and tugged at it, as if it was the most beautiful thing you’d ever seen, and your compliment stroked his ego.
You opened your mouth as wide as you could and still struggled to fit him in it. You sucked at his tip and stroked the parts you couldn’t reach, which was more than half of it.
He bunched up your hair in his hand and groaned, trying to hold on from cuming in your mouth. It wouldn’t be too difficult for him to get hard again, what with you sitting right there naked as the day you were born, but he had other ideas.
He pushed your head away and tried to hold on by taking a few breathes. He bent down to kiss you, tasting himself on his mouth. You moaned in his mouth.
He broke the kiss to see you touching yourself. He wondered if you had been touching yourself with him in your mouth. Were you so desperate for him?
You slid two fingers in your pussy and smiled at his furrowed brows looking almost hypnotised by your pussy. “I’m afraid you won’t fit”, you giggled still on a high from your previous orgasm. “wanna taste?”, you asked and brought your fingers near his mouth.
He opened his mouth and sucked harshly on your fingers. Savoring your taste.
You climbed onto his lap staring into his eyes. You stroked his cock and lined him up to your pussy.
“I love you”, he said and tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear.
You bent down slowly and took him inch by inch in your pussy. “I love you too”, you moaned.
Having you around him, being inside you surrounded by your heat, felt as close to heaven as he would ever get. You were tight and snug and perfect. More perfect than he ever could’ve imagined or dreamed.
You bounced on his cock increasing the pace slowly and steadily. You kissed his shoulder then sucked on his earlobe.
You adjusted your hips to rub your clit on his pelvis with his cock hitting your g-stop you were on your way to your second orgasm. “Oh I’m gonna cum”, you breathed out in his ear.
“Do it, use me, cum on me”
You faltered and stopped gushing down his cock and screaming.
He laid you on the bed and started thrusting into you. You were still breathless and delirious from your orgasm.
He was always fascinated by how small and petite you were. With you under him and him draped over you, looking down at your face, he was sure that all you could see and feel was him.
He grabbed your hips and pushed harder into you. He was sure to leave bruises. Maybe that wouldn’t be so bad. It would be a reminder, for you, that you belong to him and him alone.
“Come on doll one more”, he was determined to bring you off one more time.
You moaned at him and wrapped yourself around him. You screamed and felt the knot in your belly release.
He hips stuttered, you felt him come inside you, his warm cum coating your walls.
He pulled out of you and laid down beside you trying to catch his breathe. You snuggled into his side and closed your eyes.
Maybe being here with you was a way the universe was paying him back for all the years he’d lost.
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pynches · 4 years
through the years we will be together (if the fates allow)
a/n this is a gift for @mletart for @pynchpromptweek Secret Santa! I hope you like it! summary: The Lynch brothers do Christmas caroling together to uphold the brotherly bond after their parents passed away. It so happens to be that Adam lives at the church they frequent at. The Myth of the Brothers Lynch become a reality when Adam finally meets the middle one.
word count: 2571
ao3 Adam had never seen them, he had tried many times to catch as much as a glimpse but his job at Boyd’s lined up with the mass times and he was always a little too late. Once, he thought he saw the edge of a BMW turn around the corner but he had waved that off. “Good boys” as the attendees had said, didn’t drive cars that were shark-nosed, all edges and brute force.
“They sing like angels,” one old lady told Adam. She attended church often, burning a candle sometimes. Adam wondered who she had lost, if she was the only one left standing. He almost wanted to ask if the angel metaphor was blasphemy but he held it in at the last moment and politely listened instead, the key to his apartment still in hand. “Especially the middle one.”
“Ronan,” Adam said helpfully, nodding his head in recognition. He had been so mystified by the brothers that he had absorbed every bit of information about them like a sponge, trying to piece everything together and create clear images of them.
He never quite succeeded.
“You must come to mass,” the lady said, her watery eyes looking up at Adam hopefully and Adam had politely declined though it cost him great hardship to do so.
“I’m not religious,” Adam said apologetically and stayed to listen to the lady’s story about the grandson she never really saw because he went to study abroad before Adam finally went up the stairs and let himself into his apartment.
The Brother’s Lynch, now a tangible subject in his mind, took residency in his thoughts for the remainder of the day, the week, until it was Sunday again and Adam was home for once.
Boyd had called Adam to him a few days before, telling him that he had to take some vacation days or he would breach the contract he had signed the year before. It so happened that one of those vacation days was that Sunday, since it wouldn’t be too busy at the shop that day anyway.
And thus, Adam was at the window on Sunday, peering through the slightly cracked glass to try and catch the eye of the brothers.
He watched as the shark-nosed BMW appeared again, followed by a much more boring car, parking next to the BMW. The first guy that got out was one that looked like he was the poster child for bad behaviour. Shaved head, tattoos that curled up from his shoulders and around his neck, peeking just above the black suit he was wearing, the tie artfully undone.
Next came another guy out of the more boring car, a displeased frown already set in his eyebrows. He wore a gray suit, everything perfectly in place. Adam wondered if the perfection was compensating for something.
Then, the last guy, which Adam expected was Ronan, the one with the nice voice, the “very kind boy” as one of the old ladies had whispered to him. Golden curls, a sweet smile on his face, an excited jump in his step as he entered the church.
Adam didn’t go down but he snuck out of his apartment and sat on the stairs, hoping to catch one of their voices. He wanted to learn the magic behind the sound, understand why everyone, including him, had been mesmerised by the brothers.
He didn’t hear a single one stand out, all of them combining too much to notice the ‘angelic’ ones the woman had told him about. Adam wished he still had his other ear in use, thinking that perhaps he would be blessed with the heavenly voices of the brothers if his father hadn’t beaten the hearing out of it.
Disappointedly, he stood again and moved upstairs to his little apartment, sitting down to study as he had done a hundred nights before and would continue to do so until the very end.
It wasn’t a half-hour later when he heard a single voice, moving below in the heart of the church, the voice echoing off the wall. Adam quietly tiptoed down and peeked around the corner. He was too entranced by the voice at first to notice the person singing. The musical notes and the quiet timber of it made Adam wonder if the church was built for the sound instead of God. But then he saw the figure and his heart momentarily stopped.
Shaved head, eyes sunken into his head, was he sleeping enough? Perhaps he was an insomniac as Adam was as well, by choice or not was the question. The suit jacket had been shrugged off and laid over one of the benches. His dress shirt had been rolled up his arms, exposing the boy’s pale forearms, scarred and vulnerable looking. Adam could distinctively see two hooks etched into the sides of his neck, the black ink a stark contrast against the whiteness of his skin.
This must be the youngest one Adam thought. He wanted to go up, introduce himself but he was too scared to. The boy was not only taller than him but significantly stronger too. Adam didn’t exactly feel fear but he didn’t want to take any chances either.
He barely noticed the singing had stopped before the boy was in front of him and Adam’s heart stilled in his chest. “Who the fuck are you?” Adam was asked who immediately went into defensive mode.
“I live here,” Adam said with an annoyed pull of his lips. He wondered why the ladies had said they were ‘good boys’. This one seemed anything but.
The boy’s mouth opened and closed, the spell on his hardened eyes momentarily broken and he looked so much younger immediately. “Oh, I didn’t know.”
Adam swallowed and nodded before his everlasting need for approval reared its ugly head. “Adam Parrish,” he said, knowing how ridiculous his name sounded in a church of all things. The boy, Matthew, Adam presumed, seemed to realise as well and smirked a little. Adam wished he didn’t find it as attractive as he did.
“Ronan Lynch,” the boy replied and…
“You’re not Matthew?” Adam asked and he immediately realised how stupid he sounded. He also realised his hand was still in Ronan’s, pleasantly warm under his soft skin.
“That would be my baby brother,” Ronan answered and cocked his head. Adam didn’t dare to tell him that it made him look like a confused puppy. “Why would you think I was Matthew?”
And here Adam was, standing in front of the most dangerous-looking boy with the most beautiful voice he had ever heard, tongue-tied and all. “The ladies who come here told me Ronan was the nicest of the brothers and well…”
“Matthew looks like a golden retriever personified,” Ronan helpfully added. “We’re all aware.”
Adam bit his lip and finally released Ronan’s hand. It took him everything to not immediately start running. He would have if he didn’t also want to tell Ronan how nice his voice was and, more importantly, leave a good impression for whatever reason that might be.
“Your voice…” Adam started and cleared his throat. “It’s really nice.”
He walked away after that, hating himself for coming up with ‘nice’ of all things. As if that wasn’t the lamest thing he could have said to the hottest person he had ever met in his short and sheltered life. You didn’t often find people like him in little Henrietta, Virginia and Adam blew it completely.
Adam could hear the soft laughter of Ronan echo against the walls again, following him up into his room. It was a quiet and surprising thing, fleeting like the birds’ wings on Ronan’s neck.
Adam dreamt about Ronan that night. Perhaps he truly wasn’t real but just a myth his mind had helpfully added a face to. But it couldn’t be, Ronan’s hand had felt so real in his own, warm and soft, the comforting touch of a mystical stranger.
Adam looked out the next day but Ronan was gone. It wasn’t a surprise, he didn’t think people that drove such cars actually slept in churches but he still felt a deep sense of disappointment that nobody was waiting for him downstairs, singing a beautiful song in greeting.
Adam got back to work the next Sunday and though he rushed back to catch a glimpse of the brothers, or, well, Ronan, it was to no avail. They were gone, carrying their voices with them.
The days flew by, the weather got worse. Adam was cold more often than not and in those freezing days where he could only pace up and down his small apartment to gain some warmth, he remembered the touch of Ronan’s hands, their palms pressed together, Ronan’s finger lightly touching his racing pulse.
“They have a habit of Christmas caroling,” one of the ladies, Dorothy, apparently, had told him with a wink as if she knew Adam had been looking out for them. “They do it every year, it keeps the brotherly bond alive.”
Adam thought Christmas caroling only happened in cheesy Christmas movies but he had thanked her and kept Dorothy’s words to heart. He made sure to finish all of his homework before sitting down on his bed on Christmas eve, eyeing the door with nervous anticipation. He belatedly thought of the possibility they would only carol at the door of the church, not of his apartment. Still, he held the hope that Ronan would remember their conversation and attempt to sing for him.
Though Adam had hope, he didn’t actually expect a knock on his door. He turned the doorknob with a shaky hand, his stomach fluttering with nerves.
Before him stood three brothers.
Declan, his expression stoic, his suit black this time with a tie that looked as if it was made by someone artistic, snowflakes and Christmas trees decorating the red and green background. The tie greatly contrasted what Adam had thought was his personality. Maybe he wasn’t as boring as he portrayed himself to be.
Matthew, all golden curls and happy smiles as he sang, his head bobbing a little with every note, his eyes squinted to feel the music more. He was as he seemed, cheerfulness evident in every word he sang.
And then there was Ronan. He was dressed in all black, not quite right for Christmas eve but it fit him, Adam could tell even though he didn’t truly know him. The scar on his lip pulled a little when he sang, the sole focus point of Adam’s sight until he suddenly remembered he had been staring at Ronan’s lips with fascination and looked up again. His eyes met Ronan’s pale blue ones. It reminded him of the ice he always wished he could skate on but never could afford.
Ronan smiled while he sang, he could tell from the crinkles around his eyes. Adam couldn’t help but smile back and applaud a little when they were done.
“You deserve every praise you get,” Adam told the brothers. Declan nodded in appreciation and squeezed Ronan’s shoulder.
“He really is nice,” he said, smirking a little as Ronan’s cheeks turned red, his expression affronted that his brother dared to expose him like that. “Ronan forced us to sing for you.”
This time it was Adam’s time to blush, unable to meet Ronan’s eyes so they fell on Matthew instead who looked ecstatic. “I think you’ll make a lovely brother in law.”
“Matthew!” Ronan yelled and Matthew laughed as he dragged Declan down to ‘give them some privacy’.
Adam finally looked up to Ronan again and tugged a little on the sleeve of his suit jacket so he met his eyes again. “I’m glad you came here.”
“You are?” Ronan asked, sounding as if he expected Adam to slam his door in his face. Adam could sense the hope in Ronan’s eyes and, hell, it was Christmas Eve . This was the night for miracles and taking chances, for spending time with loved ones that Adam didn’t have but if he played it right, he could have exactly that next Christmas.
Adam thus nodded and ran inside to get a pen, writing his phone number on the palm of Ronan’s hand, the light blue almost the colour of the veins that ran underneath his skin. “I want to get to know you better, maybe you become less of a myth in my head.”
Ronan’s laugh sounded like bells and Adam couldn’t help but grin back, strangely proud that he made the boy with the wonderful voice laugh like that.
“I don’t use my phone a lot,” Ronan confessed but protectively curled his fingers around the phone number anyway and Adam knew he was going to call him.
“See it as a Christmas present to me,” Adam replied and Ronan’s lips pulled in a smirk, leaning closer to him as he spoke his next words.
“And what is my present then?”
Adam rolled his eyes, somewhere between exasperated and amused, knowing that he would be walking that fine line more often with Ronan. “A date?”
Ronan’s cheeks flushed a little again and he nodded. Adam cheered inwardly. “Deal,” he replied as if they were in some kind of business meeting. He briefly frowned, having realised that himself too.
Adam wanted to tease that he was more like his brother than he was probably willing to admit but he kept his mouth shut to ensure he would still go on that date.
“Deal,” he replied softly instead and watched as Ronan finally turned to leave, looking back one last time at him before going back into the cold. Adam watched Ronan push Declan and ruffle Matthew’s hair before getting into the shark-nosed BMW and driving off, the pristine snow still lingering to its exterior.
The myth of the Lynch Brothers didn’t end there but next Christmas, Adam was in on it too. He didn’t carol, it was something for the brothers alone. Instead, he comfortably sat on the worn couch of the Barns, sipping hot chocolate with Chainsaw, Ronan’s raven, her beak comfortably pressed into his neck, waiting for the brothers to return.
With them, the Lynches brought warmth and joy, a liveliness that Adam had missed in those years alone. It wasn’t before long that they came barrelling through the door, Ronan curling up next to him, one arm around the back of his shoulders as they retold where they had been caroling, how the old ladies of the church wished Adam a happy Christmas.
And Adam did have a happy Christmas, more so than he ever experienced before. He was surrounded by people he cared for more than anything and finally understood what the true Christmas spirit was about. Love, joy, and most importantly, spending time with your family, be it born or found.
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strawberrysoup · 4 years
Let’s Review || Chapter 22
Peter Parker knew that his big sister would do anything for him to be safe and happy. She’d given up everything for him twice over already and would do it again in a heartbeat. And that’s why, when the criminal mastermind Tony Stark started inextricably following him around, he didn’t say a word. Because he knew without a doubt Penny would do whatever she had to if it meant keeping Peter safe. He had to protect her, just like she always protected him. He never considered what would happen if Stark decided both Parker siblings were worth taking. Never considered who else in Stark’s inner circle would agree. He just wanted to protect her and yet somehow, they both ended up with needles in their necks.
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relationship: Steve Rogers/Original Female Character/Bucky Barnes, background Peter Parker/Tony Stark rating: Explicit warnings: Dark Steve Rogers, Dark Bucky Barnes, Dark Tony Stark, Dark Avengers, kidnapping, non-consensual&dark sexual situations, underage Peter Parker, emotional and psychological abuse, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat  additional warnings: open the read more, CTRL + F and search “content warnings” to skip to the additional "spoiler-y" tags for trigger warnings
hey guys! i made a ko-fi! if you enjoy this and have some cash you could spare to help me out with my bills, id really appreciate it! if you follow the link and check out the ‘posts’, there’s a snippet for ch. 4 of posies! 
Their parents had died a few months after her thirteenth birthday and Penny essentially blacked out for the next 8 months. She didn’t remember anything from that school year, although she’d evidently scraped by in all of her classes—actually, Penny was still convinced that little Peter, who was already showing signs of being a tiny genius, had done at least half of her homework. She didn’t remember Hanukkah that year, or the first Christmas she’d ever celebrated with Aunt May and Uncle Ben. She had zero friends coming out of that year, having accidentally pushed everyone away in fits of rage or sadness that she couldn’t even remember. The pain cut just as deep every time she remembered showing up to school the first day of her freshman year only to receive the cold shoulder from half her grade.
That was actually one of the first memories she’d retained after coming out of 7 months and 3 weeks of complete emptiness, how none of her best friends wanted anything to do with her. Everything had been confusing, somehow devastating all over again but… it was less. Her parents were gone and it hurt so much but it was nothing compared to the agony that had beset her form seconds after being informed her mom and dad were dead. When Penny racked her brain she could almost remember Aunt May crouched in front of her while she sat on the couch at home, holding her hands.
Somewhere in her brain, Penny had known that plane crashes were possible. Like, as a concept she understood the idea. The plane that was flying through the air stops doing that, and all the people inside the plane die. But it couldn’t possibly happen to her parents—they were her parents, they were infallible. Plane crashes happened, yeah, but her parents couldn’t be gone. Aunt May had told her several years later that she and Ben had been petrified she would try to kill herself, especially when the state tried to take the young girl away from the Parker’s.
They’d never had the money for therapy and Penny figured she’d never regain the memories from those months but honestly, she didn’t want them. The gaps were reprieves, the missing conversations, the absence of any and all detail. Wasn’t she sad to not remember her eighth-grade graduation? Fuck no, it was a blessing to forget how she’d felt like everyone in existence had their eyes on her—except for the ones she wanted.
There were times she absently wondered how disappointed her parents would be that she didn’t finish college, let alone get an actual high school degree. Her dad had been so smart, a genius in his own right. And her mom… Penny tried not to think of her mom often, not when it hurt so deeply. Mary Parker had been a gentle soul with an IQ of 150 who made Penny feel safe and loved and understood every day of her life. Her mother would’ve been understanding, she would’ve seen the necessity in her dropping out but it would’ve hurt that gentle soul to know the opportunities her baby had missed.
It hurt Penny in a special way that neither of Mary and Richard Parker’s children would be graduating from high school. Neither would attend university. They wouldn’t go on to press the limits of their parent’s knowledge or make an impact on the world. Somehow despite everything she’d sacrificed, Peter would never get the opportunity that he deserved. Her genius baby brother, his potential capped before he had a chance to try. God, it was an agonizing burn in her chest, a searing pain that made her nauseous and light-headed.
Her heart was pounding so hard she wondered if her ribs would crack. The cabin was lovely. Dark wood and an A-frame, a nice deck in the back and lots of windows. It was surrounded by trees, with dark needles or thin pale trunks, the purple mountains of the Rockies a lovely backdrop. It was colder than she’d expect for summer, especially considering the overcast sky and the breeze. The clouds moved so fast at such a high altitude and Penny watched trembling as a shadow passed over the house, chasing the light away before the sun followed its path ravenously once more.
Steve and Bucky were unloading suitcases from the back of the SUV, passing each other calculating looks as Penny stood practically frozen in place. Her shoulders were hunched almost to her ears, arms wrapped gently but tightly around the white kitten in her arms. It was purring quietly, the same way it had been for hours now. The little thing had cried the first few hours after they’d left the tower and subsequently the chubby cheeked orange kitten behind, only settling when Penny laid down across the middle seat in the SUV and let it burrow into the crook of her neck.
If Penny turned around she would’ve recognized the mournful looks on their faces, the pain in the lines of their eyes. The soldiers knew the hurt she felt, to be separated from their most important person—they understood that Peter was the most important person in Penny’s world. This separation was on their heads, but what could they do? They’d worked themselves into a rut, the three of them, wearing such deep treads into their negative behaviors that they couldn’t climb out. A complete shakeup was the only solution.
Both winced when she abruptly folded at the waist, clutching the kitten to her chest, and vomited over the pine needle strewn dirt of the driveway. Her hair fell in heavy, curly curtains around her face as she heaved again, hiding her tear-streaked face from the soldiers’ view. The sound of them setting the bags they held down registered in Penny’s ears but she couldn’t find the strength to collect herself before they converged on her.
“Come ‘ere doll, lemme take you up to the bathroom,” Bucky stated quietly, sweeping her and the cat up into his arms as gently as he could, “you can take a bath while me and Steve get everything unloaded. I think you’ll really like the cabin baby, we… well, we designed it just for you. If there’s anything you want to change, you just tell us. We want it to be perfect for you.”
She mostly caught flashes of green and white and brown, tucking her chin to look at the kitten snuggled into her cleavage. It felt cruel, to have taken the white one and left the orange, but the little chubby-cheeked kitten had taken to her brother so well—better than it had taken to her, even. Peter had named it Malcah and while it still didn’t like being picked up or held, it twined his ankles and meowed at him for love.
“Sit here baby,” the soldier set her carefully on the lid of the toilet, after having climbed a set of stairs and turned multiple blurry corners, “let me run your bath.”
It was all white tile, the toilet built into the wall. The tub was a freestanding clawfoot, with a spray nozzle and high sides. It was surprisingly small, considering how large the tub in the tower had been. Penny idly speculated that only perhaps one of the soldiers would be able to fit at time and it would certainly be a tight squeeze if she was forced in with them. There was a standing shower on the other side, where the roof wasn’t so sharply sloped by the A-framed roof. The nice thing, that Penny would never admit was very nice, was all of the plants. The entire room was predominantly white but there was a long-vined philodendron hanging gracefully over the tub, snake plants sitting on the shelf before the toilet. She could see a rubber plant and another type of vine by the sinks, framing the mirror.
They’d obviously gone to great lengths to make sure it would be something she liked, clearly evidenced by the bathroom alone. There were even candles waiting to be used on the antique, hunter green shelves and bath bombs with lovely scents. If she’d been able to design a personal bathroom, Penny figured it would probably have looked something like this and that made her hate it all the more.
The bastards were so in their heads they could barely see the sunlight. Penny was convinced that they were so distracted orchestrating her nightmare they’d lost the plot. They kept throwing stuff at her; beautiful plants, nice clothing, cute cats, lovely homes—but it didn’t mean a single thing. All of the possessions in the world didn’t make up for the gaping, rotting hole in her chest.
“Alright doll, let’s get you undressed,” Bucky shifted towards her once the water was at the right temperature and filling the tub, a small smile on his stubbled face.
“Do you think I’m debilitated?” She rasped after a moment, rolling her eyes up to stare him in the face before spitting a vomit speckled wad of phlegm onto the rug by her feet and setting the kitten on the shelf next to the snake plants. “Last time I checked I didn’t need to be treated like a baby. Are you gonna keep standing over me like a pervert? Get out.”
The soldier’s eyebrows shot up his forehead, surprised by the calmness behind her cutting tongue. Usually, when Penny got an attitude, it came with fury and fists and resulted in broken bones or bleeding wounds. This was overwhelmingly controlled; a bitchy rebuttal. Her voice was the gravelly tone she usually got after screaming or crying, dark brown eyes nearly black.  When he didn’t move, Penny rolled her eyes and stood, whipping her t-shirt over her head and dropping it to the ground.
“You’re bein’ a little moody, babe,” Bucky watched calmly as she undressed, her clothes piling up on the floor. “Wanna think about reigning it in?”
Penny’s hair was big and curly around her face, framing the clenched jaw and sneering nose. “What are you gonna do, kill me? Whatever.”
“Penny, what—”
“Peter is a thousand miles away,” Penny’s voice started out sharp but very quickly faded into a tired drawl, “you can’t hurt him from here. And what do I care if you hurt me? So could you either get the fuck out and let me take a bath or fucking drown me in it? Whatever it takes for this interaction to be over.”  
“Are you looking for a punishment right now?” Bucky’s lips pulled down at the corners, eyebrows furrowing, “‘Cause you’re working your way towards one really quick.”
“What’re you gonna do? Kill someone in front of me?” She groaned, reaching up to dig her fingers into the roots of her hair, tugging sharply before dragging it into a tangled, thoughtless bun on the top of her head “Or spank me until I can’t sit? Rape me? Could you just get it over with? I want to be alone, please!”
Bucky was silent for several long seconds before sighing through his nose, pushing his sleeves up to his elbows. “Take your bath, think about your fuckin’ attitude. Steve and I are gonna bring the bags in.”
He left the door open and Penny was further irritated to learn he had too much dignity to stomp down the stairs the way she’d hoped he would. His break in composure had been so good for her it was unbelievable—but there was likely a punishment on the horizon and Steve wasn’t likely to let her off easy once the brunet told him what she’d said. The bastard was stone cold when it came to that shit.
She stared idly at the steaming bath, naked with her clothes piled around her feet—the question was whether she wanted a bath or if she’d been resigned to it? The water was scented, because of course it was. It was even one of her favorite citrusy scents, she noted disdainfully, another thing they had paid so much attention to while keeping her locked up in a tower like fucking Rapunzel. Now in a cabin, she figured she was a Jewish Goldilocks surrounded by hungry bears.
But it smelled nice and her body ached from the long car ride, it had already been run so why not hop in? Besides, it would keep her busy while the soldier’s fucked around and she wouldn’t have to see them for a bit. They were shuffling around and she could hear the sounds of bags being placed around the cabin. The door banged off the walls several times, always accompanied by a groan or a curse, one of which she recognized as a Yiddish swear—which she refused to find endearing. The kitten meowed at her from its position on the shelf, looking put out to be so far away but Penny shushed it quietly.
“You won’t like the water, just stay there,” she murmured quietly at the distraught little creature, picking up a washcloth and dunking it into the perfumed water. “If I come get you I’ll make a huge mess.”
She ignored the kitten as it continued to communicate with her, chittering in annoyance and pawing the edge of the ledge for several minutes before evidently surrendering and lying down with its little paws draped over the edge. Penny smiled to herself, the cat’s tail was roughly the size of its body and when it curled the fluffy mass of fur around itself it became unrecognizable as a cat. The orange one would’ve continued to complain until Penny let it down, would’ve just barely given her ankles a rub before running off to hide somewhere.
That’s why she decided to leave Malcah with Peter; the orange cat didn’t run from or scratch him. She twined his ankles, sat next to his thigh on the couch, kneaded her little paws against him. Peter had decided both kittens were female, based on the very reasonable basis that he wanted them to be. Penny wasn’t sure, didn’t quite care. The only thing she ever referred to the cats as was Chatul—which literally meant cat in Hebrew. She’d shortened it to Tuly for the white kitten, for the sake of ease, but refused to say it in front of the soldiers. The cat was hers, she didn’t have to share it with them.
The sounds of the soldiers were becoming more consistent throughout the cabin and Penny figured they must’ve brought in all of the bags and were focused on unpacking. She could hear someone down in the kitchen, unloading the masses of groceries they’d brought up the mountain while the other was in the bedroom. Penny rubbed the washcloth over her skin lightly, the oils from the fragrance making her skin soft and slippery.
She didn’t hear him come in, she felt Steve come in. The blond’s presence was just as overwhelming as Tony Stark’s, an aura bigger than his body that filled the room. She could feel the disappointed stare, even as she continued to wipe herself down with the washcloth. Her teeth ground together as he watched in silence, just waiting.
“Bucky said you’ve caught an attitude, baby doll.”
“Caught an attitude?” She rolled her eyes. “Wow, if only I hadn’t become desensitized to living in constant terror—you never would’ve realized I’ve had an attitude the whole time!”
“We’re supposed to be turning a new page, Pen.”
“Turning a—” Penny scoffed, face appalled as she abruptly stood from the bath and ignored the water going everywhere, “we’re not turning a new page—You burnt the fucking book!”
The blond’s eyes widened; Penny had gotten angry in the past, furious even. She’d broken things, broken skin, broken bones and it was always accompanied by outraged screaming. But Penny didn’t make unnervingly straight eye contact while she did it. She was barely coherent at the best of times, mostly she screamed to the room at large before flying into a violent frenzy—it was different. It was startling, the light in her eyes and the way her voice cracked.
“There is no page turning, there’s no fucking­—fucking reconciliation here, Steve,” she snatched a towel from the rack behind the tub, wrapping the light green fabric around her chest tightly, “I can’t believe after, fuck, how long has it been? A month and a half? Two months? What fucking day is it?”
“…It’s July 2nd,” he found himself choking out, still feeling shell shocked as she stepped out of the tub.
“A month and a half,” Penny’s face twitched, just barely concealing the distraught look he could see she wanted to make and she started shifting past him, “Jesus Christ after a month and a half you guys still don’t get it—you know what, never mind. After a month and a half, I should’ve been smart enough to realize what dumbasses you both are.”
“God, fuck!” She shouted up at the ceiling, stopping in place halfway out the door. “I have listened to you two talk at length for what’s apparently been a month and a half! I have tried to listen to your stupid fucking rules, I put in the fucking effort and you still decided to take away the one thing I care about! I’m sick and tired of you saying my name in that fucking tone, I’m tired of constantly internalizing and I’m tired of being fucking walked on! So I’ll tell you what I told Bucky—either kill me or leave me alone, but for fucks’ sake just give me space!”
A low mew followed her statement and Penny made an abrupt about face, stomping past him to snatch up the kitten from where it had been sitting on the ledge and storming past him again. It was like getting brushed by a wildfire and Steve fought the urge to take a step back when her wet hair whipped against him.
She dug through one of the bags that held her belongings angrily, kitten on her shoulder, knowing that the blond continued to watch her from the bathroom doorway. Shorts, underwear, a sports bra, a t-shirt, and a hoodie over that. She would’ve put on socks but she knew it bothered Steve when she went barefoot.
“Come downstairs, precious,” he sighed after watching her dress, gesturing towards the stairs, “we’ve got to talk.”
“We’ve always got to talk,” Penny snorted derisively but started down the stairs anyway, Tuly back in her arms, “but it’s usually just you two telling me what I can and can’t do. Stop bossing me around.”
Steve followed after her, aghast and confused—Penny had always been brave in the situations she was forced into, whether it was taking custody of her fourteen year old brother or dealing with being kidnapped from her apartment by a billionaire criminal, but she hadn’t ever antagonized before. She’d talked back, got irritated, snapped, but she hadn’t ever just been flat out bitchy.
On the main floor, Bucky had already put away all of the groceries and was folding up the cloth shopping bags to tuck away for next time. The brunet’s eyes locked on Penny for several long calculating seconds and her hackles raised; whatever was coming was going to be annoying. She refused to be afraid though, not when there wasn’t anything to lose. Not anymore.
“Sit on the couch, let’s talk,” Steve directed, watching as she seemed to contemplate following the direction before doing so, “things are obviously going to be different here, precious.”
“The cabin is equipped with the same AI as the tower but its restricted to monitoring and safety protocols,” Bucky explained, gesturing to the open layout of the main floor, “you’ll be able to go outside so long as you ask first, there’s plenty to do out there. When Steve bought it there was an overgrown vegetable garden out there, we had it cleaned up for you and the shed fixed up and stocked. A lot of good hiking around here too.”
“I can’t talk to JARVIS?” She asked, eyes tracking the way the soldier’s exchanged glances. “Of course not. Then I would have some sort of interaction beyond the pair of you. Damaging to your plan, huh?”
“Penny, the rules didn’t end just because we’re out of the tower,” Steve had one hand braced on his hip while the other rubbed over his forehead, “be—”
“If you say Be Sweet I’ll find a way to kill myself,” Penny intoned, a dry look on her face. “Jews don’t have an afterlife you know, I’m not afraid of going to Hell.”
“Penny, we’re trying—”
“Penny we’re trying,” she mocked in a high-pitched voice, dead eye stare once again boring into Bucky’s, “I’m not. I’m done trying. You’ll either kill me or drive me insane, I’ll never see Peter again—I…I failed. I couldn’t protect him, I couldn’t even keep him safe until he was an adult, isn’t that insane? Grand total of three years and some change and I fucked it up.”
Penny stood up from the couch, shaking her head as she went. The kitten was quick to jump off the couch and follow after her, meowing while that massive fluffy squirrel tail curled over its back. The open floor plan of the cabin came in handy for the soldiers though, because she couldn’t really escape even as she walked across the living room and into the kitchen.
It was hard to pretend she didn’t actually love the cabin. The kitchen was small, located beneath the loft that held the bedroom and bathroom. The railing to the loft was covered in live vines that hung down to create a tiny illusion of separation between the living room and kitchen, the kitchen itself was sage green with white and dark brown accents. There were more plants, open cabinets mounted to the walls, the sink was small but there was a dishwasher. She loved the spiral staircase that led up to the loft, framing the kitchen to the left with small shiny baubles hanging from it.
There was a hamsa and a cross, both stained glass and hanging from the tallest step. Pretty cat toys hung from the lower railings, just within the kitten’s reach. It made Penny’s skin itch, just how lovely and perfect the whole cabin was. More evidence that they were paying a freaky amount of attention to her and every move she made.
“You didn’t fail, doll,” Bucky’s tone was quiet and he hesitated for a moment before following after her several paces, ending up on the edge of the kitchen, “You didn’t fuck it up, Peter—”
“Peter is trapped in a prison in New York with a creep more than twice his age who wants to violate and brainwash him,” Penny was on her knees in front of the fridge, digging through the crisper drawer in the bottom. “Literally all I had to do to prevent that from happening was pay more attention to his daily life. Fuck, kid was practically raising himself with how often I was gone—never stood a chance, you know?”
“Don’t think like that Penny,” Steve sighed, leaning down to pick up the kitten that had circled back to his ankles and setting it on his shoulder, “there’s nothing you could’ve done. You know who Tony Stark is, you know what he’s capable of. You can’t heap that guilt on your shoulders.”
“Oh, can’t I?” She hummed, absently throwing a package of bacon onto the floor, followed by a flat of raw chicken and beef. “There can be dairy in here or there can be meat, not both.”
“We might need a second fridge,” Bucky observed quietly, watching Penny drop a couple of deli bags with sandwich meat onto the ground before she started shuffling everything into different places within the cooler. “We could keep it in the shed?”
“No room,” Steve shook his head absently, “garage?”
Penny had collected a stack of items from the fridge and piled them onto the counter, not even bothering to look back on the soldiers as she began puttering around. The open-faced cabinets on the walls held mostly dishes and containers filled with ingredients and she ducked down, opening the lower cabinets and digging out several pans.
“Do you… do you want a hand, doll?” Bucky asked hesitantly after several moments, watching her collect ingredients and tools and turn on the stove.
“Can I make lunch please?” She whipped around, an irritated look on her face and a spatula in hand, looking like she was about to use it to beat them both, “I’m hungry and I want to die, I figure you’ll only allow me to fulfill one of those wants so can you let me cook?”
The next thing she knew, Penny had been swept up into Bucky’s arms. The solider looked confused, lips curled in frustration but his brow furrowed with dismay. She stiffened at the action when he stomped back to the couch and sat down roughly, dropping her over his knees and landing a smarting blow to her ass through her shorts without warning.
“Thirty for this fucking attitude,” he barked, yanking the shorts down until the waistband settled under the curve of her ass against the tops of her thighs, “count.”
A sharp inhale followed the first skin to skin hit and Penny snarled in response, “one.”
“Apologize,” Steve’s fingers tangled into her hair, extracting the hair tie and letting the curls fall in chaotic waves over her shoulders and face.
“Two,” she counted dutifully and angrily, narrowed eyes landing on Steve’s face, “I’m sorry you’re a fucking monster!”
“That just added ten more, Penny,” Bucky sighed through gritted teeth, “you better reign it in.”
“You better just kill me,” she rasped, nails digging into his leg where she was holding on for balance through the hits, “because I won’t reign it in. I’m sick to death of you motherfuckers—Oh, fuck, three!”
“No cursing during punishments, start from one,” Steve ordered darkly, the hand in her hair pulling taught as he glanced into Bucky’s eyes—the baffling combination of anger and dismay and loss in the brunet’s eyes let him know he wasn’t the only one scrambling.
“Fuck you!” Penny shook her head roughly as if to dislodge his hand, canting her head to the side the best she could manage to look him in the eye, “beat me black and blue, I don’t fucking care. Don’t you get it? It doesn’t matter anymore! Nothing fucking matters.”
content warnings: spanking *edit, addition content warning: disrespectful terminology for Jewish people 
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iscribble · 4 years
the gist of change (m)
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pairing: jeon wonwoo x fem!reader synopsis: you despise change and how it transforms him, how it turns him into a stranger and how it blights your relationship, but you are changing too, and only after accepting that, will you finally realise that change isn’t so bad after all.  genre(s): angst, fluff, friends to lovers, contains smut (sex without condom), profanities word count: 5,734
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There was an unfathomable piece of Wonwoo that had you addled for months. As a seven year old, you couldn’t comprehend how one could wallow in the unnumbered pages of a classical book and come out in fine fettle. You hated books, at least, when you were seven. You preferred building forts and frolicking on the earth and hence Wonwoo and his odd interests had you questioning about yours. 
You thought it was an eight year old thing. Maybe they all favoured books like Mark Twain’s. Maybe they all preferred a long stretch of a week at home to enclose themselves from the frenzied reality. Maybe they all seemed ignorant and shy — disregarding strangers and delaying their footfalls, sometimes dragging one foot after another a little too sluggishly. And you thought you’d become the person Wonwoo had been when you turned eight. 
But nothing proved you right. As you blew the candles on your cake, Wonwoo blew his and nothing happened. You were still you and you still despised books. Wonwoo was still that lukewarm, silent boy with an occasional smile you prayed would show more often. 
As a child, you were unequivocally the contradictory of reticent. You were expansive, inclined to chitchatting, like a jukebox blaring music that impairs your hearing. Your teachers would call out your name no less than twice a day, you being the dynamic person you were never wanting to silence yourself for more than five ticks of the clock. Learning that Wonwoo was the opposite of you left you questioning the world why he would even pass his time with you.
Maybe it was because you had more than a similarity. His hair was a striking shade of darkened brown and so was yours. You both fancied the butter pecan ice cream that you would often get at the ice cream parlour just a few meters away from your neighbourhood. You went to the same kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, even high school. 
Maybe it was because your parents were friends. Being the good neighbours they were, they never hesitated on dropping by each other’s homes and offer a cookie or two. 
Maybe it was inevitable. You lived right across each other so it’d be weird not to become friends. This could only mean Wonwoo had been forcing himself to endure you and your persistent nagging, you and your toothless smiles, and that he did not like them. That was what you thought. 
Maybe this, maybe that.��The thing is, you never considered this possibility: maybe, just maybe, he was in love with you. 
After Wonwoo graduated high school, things were no longer the same. You started seeing him less. He couldn’t walk you home like he used to as your schedule did not match his. His balcony window had become seldom open, you couldn’t interface with Wonwoo like you used to until the skies were virtually void of light. 
What surprised you the most, though, was his change in personality. 
You weren’t new to the general image of parties — which people seemed to greatly love — but you’ve never been to a real one before. Naturally, you were bewildered. You were a social butterfly and you loved hanging out with your friends, weren’t you supposed to fancy parties? 
Wonwoo here, had been dealing with a case that wasn’t entirely different from yours. The only difference was that unlike you, he seemed to be enjoying his brand new character. There wasn’t a single hint of vexation from knowing he had long gone from his “self-effacing” epithet. Wonwoo attended parties, big or small. He loved to hang out with girls he barely knew and sneak them into his house at night, absolutely unknowing of your attention. He stopped reading. He no longer used glasses to observe minute letters, rather, he used it for fashion. He became hardly ever at home, nor at the ice cream parlour you used to go to together. You both acted like you didn’t know each other. Worse, like you never knew each other.
To put it simply, you had become who Wonwoo was and he had become who you were in your youthful days. 
Which was why you were currently doing your utmost to have at least a little taste of fun amidst the blinding lights flaring at different places. You squinted at the streak of light that hit your eyes for a brief second before opening them to see Soonyoung making his way to you.
“So? Whaddya think?” The words that were easily slurred from the generous amount of alcohol Soonyoung had been consuming travelled to your ears like a soothing melody against a background of obnoxious jabber and raucous strains of techno music. 
“Oh thank goodness you’re here,” you dragged Soonyoung toward the corner, ignoring the incoherent cavils spewing out of his mouth. 
“The corners are reserved for people making out,” Soonyoung grumbled, “we shouldn’t be here, unless you wanna make out with me.” He wiggled his eyebrows and puckered his lips, enjoying his time teasing you and witnessing your ears go a prominent tinge of red and your face covered in disgust. 
“Shut up, I wanna go home.” You removed the glass of whiskey hanging in his fingers and attempted to push him through the crowd of wasted folks drinking their night away. 
“Hell no,” he resisted and turned to you, “if you’re going home this early, you’re going home alone lady.” 
“I’m okay with that,” Soonyoung’s garbled utterance was more than music to your ears. You thought he would’ve had stopped you from leaving the place. You didn’t mind walking alone, especially if it meant escaping the unruly atmosphere you were desperate to get rid of. “See you around, Soonyoung.”
The quiet stroll to your house ameliorated the thoughts that contorted in your head like a flummoxed mess. You never wanted to go to any party again, ever. It sure did seem like a diverting idea when Soonyoung first asked to bring you with him to the party. You thought you still had that jaunty spirit in you that you could hopefully bring out once you met new people. But you’ve never been more wrong. You were no longer the person you used to be, and you knew you had to accept that. So you did. 
The neighbourhood was as still as a dead city. The wall mounted lights on most of the houses were out, with only a few lampposts still dimly lit, incandescing across the bare street. If it hadn’t been for the sudden clacking of heels you heard around the corner, you wouldn’t have gotten out of your trance before you arrived home.
“Careful, we don’t wanna attract attention.”
The voice stung. It hit your ears and it stung so bad, you wanted to cover them. It stung how long you haven’t heard from him. It stung how his voice flooded you with memories you wanted to forget. It stung how his voice was not meant for you. It stung how much you missed him.
“You’re so naughty, you know that Wonwoo?”
He was with someone else. It was almost always a different girl every week. It had become a habit of his but you would be lying if you said you were nearly unfazed by his actions. You were far from unfazed.
However, tonight was different. You weren’t bordered by the large pane of glass in which you sat behind every night, wondering if he would bring a different girl, and locking your eyes close when he finally did. You weren’t observing the scant details from a distance, where it was safe enough for you to not be seen. But tonight was different, because little did you know, you weren’t going to go unnoticed. 
Wonwoo and the girl arrived at his driveway, missing their footing while holding on to the kiss they shared. In the blink of an eye, you were homing in on your footsteps, making sure you would not make a sound. You didn’t, but that did not mean Wonwoo overlooked your presence.
Like every time he admired you when your eyes were concentrated on something else. Like every time he found you when you strayed in a crowd. Like every time he caught you when you wanted to surprise him for his birthday. He noticed you as long as your breaths mingled in the same air, whether or not you wanted him to. 
His eyes were still as you remembered. His dark orbs shone through the murk of the night, tinted with lust. They met yours, but they grew shy. They grew so timid and then there was this look on his face that reminded you both that you knew each other. You still do. 
“Y/n,” he spoke in a raspy voice. You forced a smile and inclined your head.  Availing yourself of formalities made it much easier to submerge the uncertainty of your relationship with Wonwoo, making it seem like you didn’t know each other that well. 
“Hey, don’t mind me,” You buried your covetous tone beneath a layer of pretend ignorance. You didn’t want to ruin the moment for them. “I’m just heading home.”
“Why are you walking alone?” Wonwoo’s voice felt so unfeigned, you wanted to believe he still cared about you, but you couldn’t. At least, not for the girl he was with. 
“Oh,” you shrugged, “my friend wasn’t gonna leave the party yet, so I just decided on going back alone. It’s nothing.” You lied. You knew it was something to him. 
The faint ire in his eyes reminded you of the time he scolded you for walking on your own one night. He completely hated it. You thought he was just being a big brother to you. But that was years ago. Now, Wonwoo had to conceal his concern, because at this short-lived moment, you weren’t the same to each other anymore. 
“Oh, well,” Wonwoo swallowed his regard. He didn’t know what to say. He would always leak out profound phrases like I’ll see you tomorrow! but knowing the circumstances, you doubt the words were even on the tip of his tongue.
Instead, he decided on an I’ll see you around, y/n.
You laughed inwardly. Wonwoo was a coward, and both of you knew that well. 
At this time on most nights, you’d be propped against the large window, heaving a desolate sigh of longing as your eyes fixated on Wonwoo across your home. 
His house used to be a place of frequent jollity. His parents would throw big birthday parties for you and him during your childhood days, although you and Wonwoo didn’t enjoy it as much and preferred to kill time in his vest-pocket bedroom. When he dropped you off at your house after school, Wonwoo’s mother would sometimes clap her eyes on you and insisted you had snacks and a glass of milk at his, in which you would gleefully accept every time, with sweat running down your temple from the soaring heat. You would stay there until your parents came knocking at his door, and even before you left, Wonwoo would always steal a chance to settle a wet kiss on your cheek.
Then, you were both finally grown enough to realise that kisses weren’t always meant to be platonic. Little by little, he stopped furnishing you with affection, and little by little, your visits to his house drew up.
Now, as you wishfully stared at his window, eyes brimming with sentimentality, you could only make out the nebulous sight of bodies rubbing against each other, the memories of your childhood and adolescence completely casted away.
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The snugness from your bed sheets latched onto your rundown, delicate bones, providing just the right amount of warmth to keep you in bed. You could definitely do that, with barely anything to do today. As if that wasn't unusual enough, the doorbell quite abruptly rang its way to the solace of your bedroom so early in the morning. Mere minutes later, a subtle knock came on your door.
“Hey, Wonwoo’s here, said he wants to talk to you.” Your mother primed you before you could walk out with your hair sticking out in all directions. “Go get changed. You can’t see an awfully handsome boy like that.”
“Oh shut up mom.” You threw a pillow at her. More than you were confused, you were relieved you didn’t have anything to do today. Seeing Wonwoo right now was one hell of a job to you.
Wonwoo’s back was facing you as you descended down the stairs. His tousled hair appeared on your vision, softly sitting on his head like a plate of velvety marshmallows. Running your fingers through his strands would be pleasing, you thought. Then again, you’ve done it several times. Just not the way it would feel like if you were to do it now.
“There she is.”
He turned to look at you. Now that the sun was up and the lights were on, you could finally take a good look at him. You were surprised at how he still managed to look decent after a rough night. His lips were a tad bruised and patent dark circles were surfacing under his eyes, but it only made him look even more approachable. Wonwoo gave you a smile that conveyed so much more than you’ve ever asked for. It was evocative. You hated the feeling. 
“Hey,” you replied to his smile.
“Pumpkin,” he grinned. Pumpkin. It was a nickname he had for you back in the days. He might have called you that on most occasions but the immense time gap from then made hearing him say that now seem so offbeat. 
“What’s up?” you skipped to him and threw your arms around his torso in a quick hug, sighing in ease when his arms wrapped around your shoulders.
“Have you not been growing taller or am I just too tall?” He noted the height difference you had now. There was a period of time in your life when you were taller than Wonwoo. You took advantage of that, teasing him for the books he couldn’t reach, and always dropping the infamous rhetorical question of how’s the weather down there? Though, when puberty hit him, your stilettos couldn't even level your heights.
“Shut up, doofus.” you playfully slapped his arm. “Anyway, what is it that you want to talk to me about?”
“Oh,” he scratched his nape, “I was hoping I could talk to you in private.”
“Oh, no worries.” You tried to keep your tone as calm as you could but your nerves were bugging you to ask him why. “let me just get my toast real quick.”
You scrambled for your toast on the kitchen counter and took a bite with a loud crunch that you swore would have had your mouth watering if someone else had done that. You quickly headed upstairs after shouting a we’ll be back! to your parents, with wonwoo treading on your heels. 
As soon as you got to your room, you closed the door behind you, trying to make some sense out of the situation and wondering what he might want to talk to you about, although you had an idea already.
“Hey,” he started, “what you saw yesterday..” You were right. He was going to talk about that. “It’s not what you think it is.”
“Okay, but why are you telling me this?” Although you cared, you didn’t know why he thought he was obliged to explain it to you. You weren’t in a relationship, and you knew well he gets to make decisions on his own although not any of them ever made you genuinely satisfied. "I mean, it’s not like we’re dating or something.” 
“Yeah,” he uttered under his breath, “but I just figured you should know. I mean, we’re friends aren’t we?”
The word sent you chills. Of course you were friends. But would a friend abandon the other just to hook up with some random girl? Would a friend leave you for years and then just come back like nothing happened?
“I don’t know Wonwoo,” you sat on the windowsill, your fingers tracing the remnants of rain lingering on the external surface, “we haven’t talked for, I don’t know, two years? It's weird enough cause our houses are right in front of each other’s.” 
“It’s not like you cared. If you were bothered by it so much why didn’t you just come to mine?”
You were appalled. You spent every month looking outside your window, contemplating if you should approach him and start rekindling you relationship. But every time you convinced yourself you would, he walks into view with a different girl, shattering your hope of reviving what you had. It’s not like you cared, he said. 
“You bring a girl to your room, fuck her and leave her in the morning. Every time I thought it was over and I could finally talk to you, you bring a different girl and fuck her again.” You conveyed your anger through gritted teeth. “Oh, you thought I hadn’t noticed all this time? Well guess what, I spend my nights staring at your window hoping that you could see me but all I can see is the mere sight of you fucking. So fuck you, Wonwoo.”
Horror was smeared all over his face. You knew you gave away too much, leaving him no time to even process it all. Blood started to collect in your ears, the sudden surge making you feel uneasy. Maybe you had gone too far? But truth be told, you didn’t care. You had to let it out.
There wasn’t a single word that withdrew from his lips before you finally couldn’t stand holding back your tears. 
“Just, go, Wonwoo.” You croaked. “You’re right, I don’t care.” You lied again.
For a moment, no sound ricocheted off the walls, leaving both of you in a deafening stillness. When you were about to tell him to leave once more, you felt his hand snake around your neck, pulling you close for a kiss on your forehead. He stroked your hair for a bit and then left your room, the sudden emptiness overflowing in you when you could no longer feel his tender fingers.
Well, what could you expect? That was Wonwoo. The quintessence of making you feel whole and then leaving you, just like that. 
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You had accepted change. You had accepted that you weren’t the person you used to be, and so have you accepted that Wonwoo wasn’t too. Although it quite immensely saddened you, you have accepted the girls he had sex with, the parties he’d attended, places he’d gone to without you. You had accepted that you and him were never going to be the same anymore, let alone be more than that. 
A week has passed since Wonwoo had snuck a girl into his bedroom. Maybe he felt guilty and self-conscious now that he knew you were always looking out of your window. Still, you had not exchanged apologies. Your relationship had been fragmented and as much as it wounded every part of you, you didn't want to think about it for too long.
“Pick me up in an hour.” You told Soonyoung through the phone as your toothbrush dangled between your teeth. You hung up before he could say anything.
You may have accepted everything, but there was still bleakness left in you that needed to be drowned in a round of drinks and ludicrous dancing. 
“So, you’re really gonna do this again huh?” Soonyoung laughed at you as took a seat beside him in his car. “Just don’t ask me to leave early if you’re going to.” 
You snorted and heaved a weighty breath. You didn’t want to think about Wonwoo anymore and if anyone in the world could do that, it was Soonyoung. Taking you to a party. You didn’t know where the night would take you but at least your mind would be barren of Wonwoo, only the very taste of alcohol lingering in your tongue. “Promise, Soon.” 
Seungcheol’s house was fairly remote from yours. He was a high school friend of yours and Wonwoo’s. Although you made no intention of keeping in touch with him, Soonyoung did, which was why he knew about the party at his place. 
“We’re here.” Soonyoung beamed with vim. The house was teeming with people you didn’t know. You came in with Soonyoung by your side, tugging on his sleeve lightly when you felt like he was going to dash off without you. 
As the night progressed, you unsurprisingly found yourself bored. You had managed to talk to the people you knew from high school, always noting the stunned look on their faces when they noticed you were here, as if questioning if you had finally plucked up the courage to leave your books. 
The first time You noticed that Wonwoo had changed — and that you had too — was when you artlessly refused to go to a party Wonwoo had asked you to come to in high school. You were nonplussed at the fact that you didn’t wanna exchange studying for socialising, while Wonwoo was the one who did. Back during middle school, you were always the one to plead him to go to the ice cream shop, while he insisted on indulging in his books. It was then you had realised you’d changed, for the better or the worst you still didn’t know. 
You took one last sip of your tequila and left the house just a little drowsy. You texted Soonyoung that you had left a little earlier and took a cab. 
Your brow was pressed to the cold surface of the window, eyes darting anywhere between the walls of your vision. The skies had gone ill-lit, the only source of light being the silver celestial body that dwarfed all the tiny fragments of luster that surrounded it. As the taxi slowed to a stop before the traffic lights, you narrowed your eyes at the figure sitting on the bench near the lights. His head was buried in the palm of his hands, his dark locks swaying to the unhesitating stirring of the wind.
“Wonwoo..” you whispered to yourself. 
Stepping out of the cab, you sighed. The solitary air that besieged him made your heart pang. You couldn’t tell if he had just gotten out of a party like you did, that he had drunk too much alcohol, or if he was just taking a walk around, but you doubted the latter. When high school came, he started failing to resist company from his friends, always uncovering things to do besides studying, always trying so hard to not be alone. Yet there he was, accepting the company of nothingness inundating his body. 
You continued staring at him from a distance, pondering over whether you should approach him. But you were here now, out of the cab that was about to take you straight home. So maybe that was your decision after all. 
And like every other time, he noticed you. Because as long as your breaths mingled in the same air, he would always know you were there. 
The puff of wind that hugged your frame was bitterly cold, but as soon as you sat next to him, his warmth raced to you. 
You could have looked at each other, taking in the sight full of substance and value, yet both of your gazes were locked at the fatuous view of the wet pavement.
A minute or two was spent without any of you saying anything. For one moment you just wanted silence to consume the both of you. You wanted to forget everything that happened between the two of you.
“I’m sorry,” Wonwoo cried faintly, “I know I messed us up.” You could feel everything. The unfriendly breeze stinging your fingertips, the brush of your hair against your cheek, the material of your dress getting too tight around your waist, and the sincerity in his voice. Especially, the sincerity in his voice. 
“I’m sorry too,” you replied with a hint of sadness, “I had no right telling you those things. You make your own choices, not me, and it’s not like I couldn’t find any friend besides you.” 
Wonwoo chuckled in his deep-toned voice. 
“I guess it did suck,” you continued, still not satisfied with what you said, “it really sucked to see you bring other girls to your house. I missed hanging out with you, but I’d like to remind myself that I’ve changed too.”
You sat in silence. You hoped you made yourself clear. You wanted to convey how much it saddened you that he took advantage of his clubbable side to shatter your heart without even realising it.
When the subtle rise and fall of the wind was the only thing you could hear, you looked at Wonwoo, only to find him already staring at you. You were so close that you could feel his breath fanning your skin. The dark circles beneath his eyes stood clearer now, the bruises that formed on his lips were yet to fade.
Wonwoo was a clumsy child. He had tripped on nothing several times, spilled milk all over him, accidentally got punched by a friend for not watching where he was going. And every time bruises would form on his face, you would caress it so delicately, all the while admiring how he still managed to look good.
So tonight, you found yourself doing just that. Your hand unconsciously lifted to brush against his dry lips. And just like the old days, he leaned into your touch, never realising how much he missed you until this moment. Wonwoo's lips were so cracked and dry that even he felt he needed moisture, and what better moisture could he get in the middle of nowhere other than your plump lips?
Wonwoo leaned in to kiss your lips, slowly moving against them while you remained still. After a while you got used to his warmth and started adjusting your lips to capture his perfectly. Wonwoo pulled you closer by your cheek and gave your lips a swift taste of his tongue, before starting to kiss you amorously.
Surprised by his eagerness, you pulled away. “Wonwoo, you can't just kiss me like that. I'm not like the girls you bring to your bedroom every night.”
Wonwoo leaned in for another kiss but you avoided his lips. “Wonwoo, I'm serious.”
Wonwoo plainly huffed and continued to stroke your cheek that had begun to turn pink. “I've always loved you, y/n. I always have. But we were so different and I was almost so sure you wouldn't return my feelings. So I tried to change, for you. I wouldn’t have known I would actually enjoy the new me, but you didn’t seem to. So ultimately I just opted to forget you.”
You felt tears accumulate in your eyes. You were relieved, to say the least, that he had done all of that not because he didn’t care, but because he cared too much and tried not to anymore. “By screwing everyone except me?”
Wonwoo released a chortle and you shyly smiled. “Pumpkin, you never even accepted when I invited you to Seungcheol's parties, how would I even have sex with you?”
You laughed heartily.
“Besides, I would never want to ruin my little girl like that. I'd only do it if you wanted to.”
He took the curving of your lips into a smile as his cue to resume kissing you, so he did. With every little taste you get of his tongue, your kisses grew sloppier and even more passionate. Frankly, neither of you cared if people were watching.
“Do you want to?” He asked in between your kisses.
“Want to what?” You pulled back and looked at him, confused.
He slipped a strand of hair behind your ear. “Make love to me, pumpkin.”
“What, like right here?”
“Answer me.” Wonwoo insisted, a slight smirk creeping up to his face.
Wonwoo understood the look of ecstasy on your face without you having to say anything. He picked you up, locking your legs behind his torso while you continued to deepen the kiss.
Wonwoo's legs were quick to carry you to the dark alleyway, eyes never leaving yours as he relied on his senses. He put you down slowly while cornering you to the wall, finally breaking the kiss.
“Is this gonna be your first time?” He spoke in a low voice, one that made you crazy, while securing his hands on your waist.
You nodded in embarrassment. “Be gentle, please.”
He made sure you saw his smirk before whispering to you that you had nothing to worry about.
Wonwoo's hands made their way under your sundress and slipped off the panties you had on. You shuddered at the cold pressing against your folds. His dangerous eyes were still on you as he rubbed your folds with his colder fingers. His smirk grew wider as he realised you were already wet. You started breathing heavily.
Wonwoo locked your lips together, his tongue moving against yours to distract you. He slid in one digit inside you that made you whine during the kiss. You were foreign to the feeling but Wonwoo made it so easy for you to adjust, hushing your quick whimpers with his own hot breath against yours.
As soon as he felt you were warmed up enough, he slid one more finger inside you, scissoring you open. You retreated from the kiss, leaning your head back against the wall as you released a solid gasp. Wonwoo caressed your cheek with his free hand, assuring you it's going to be alright. You looked at him, still panting. You believed him.
He started rubbing on your clit in slow circles. You squeezed his shoulder and moaned a little louder this time which earned a chuckle from Wonwoo. His thumb started going faster as he sucked on your neck, planting darkened purple marks all over.
The more you felt you were close, the slower Wonwoo got which absolutely irritated you. Just as you were about to complain, he pulled his fingers out of you, leaving you clenching around nothing.
“What the hell Wonw-” He forced you around and lifted your sundress, revealing your bare ass. He pulled your hips roughly against him, releasing a groan when you made contact with his crotch. He quickly unzipped his pants and let it slide down. Wonwoo lowered his boxers, setting his already hard member free.
He placed his hand over yours on the wall, while his other hand held your waist.
“Don't be vocal, or you'll attract attention.” Even without looking at him you could tell he had a simper on his face. Without warning he slid into you, slowly but fulfillingly, as you discarded your intention of not making any sound.
“Oh fuck.” you breathed out. You continued to moan out loud as he slipped in and out of you at a steady pace, every time perfectly hitting your sweet spot.
Wonwoo too, could not resist his moans. He groaned as he felt your walls clench tighter around him, tugging your waist closer to him as he fucked you harder and faster than before.
“I'm c-close,” you stuttered, panting heavily.
“Me too.” Wonwoo threw his head back as he controlled your hips, pushing into you as fast as he could as both of you chased your highs.
Wonwoo came first, his cum leaking all over and running down your leg. You came seconds after him, trying to control your breathing. Wonwoo made sure you took in all of his cum with a little rough thrust inside you that made you cry. You'd become so sensitive.
“Fuck, you feel so good baby.” He pulled out of you and fixed his pants. You were still overwhelmed by the feeling. You had yet to straighten your body because you were so focused on getting your breathing back to normal.
“Pumpkin, you okay?” He held your waist, slowly turning you around to face him. He admired your face that had gone crimson, your eyes still watery. He pulled you in for a momentary kiss. “You look so beautiful.”
You smiled at him while still gasping for air. He kissed you again and again and again.
“You had better come up with a realistic explanation as to why I suddenly cannot walk, Wonwoo,” you said jokingly, “and don't leave me like you left those other girls now that you're done fucking me.”
Wonwoo raised an eyebrow. “Who said I was done making love to you sweetheart?”
Your mouth hung open as you stared at him in incredulity. "I cannot believe you, Jeon Wonwoo.” You said as he lifted your chin up, planting a kiss on your lips that had started to bleed.
Getting your parents’ permit for Wonwoo to stay the night at your place was considerably easy as you basically grew up together.
The lustful night filled with dangerous moans that coalesced into love advanced with your hips locked together, his body grinding against yours, making love to you sensually but most importantly sincerely. You were the girl that he loved, always have been and always will be.
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The tenderness of his hand that kept rubbing circles on your stomach woke you up, the rays of the sun almost instantly blinding you as your eyes inched open. You turned around to face him. He was smiling at you, subtly at first, but after you noticed him, his pearly whites became manifest.
“You're still here?” You let out a quip with a big yawn.
“What do you mean I'm still here?” He scoffed and proceeded to pepper the violet bruises on your collarbones with his warm, slow kisses. “I'll never leave you pumpkin.”
“Good,” you sighed contently. “I thought you'd treat me like those gir-”
He hushed you with a sweet kiss on your lips.
“I love you, pumpkin. As much as you change or as much as I change, one thing that  has survived the turmoil in our lives and one thing that would never change, is my love for you.” 
Maybe, just maybe, change isn't so bad after all.
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bardicaberration · 4 years
All caught up! Winter prompt challenge day 4: frosted windows. 
dance with me jaskier/geralt rating: G
Jaskier sighed. It was his third—or fourth, or fifth, who was keeping count, really?—sigh in as many minutes. He crossed and uncrossed his legs, sighing again, as Ella Fitzgerald warbled from the record player. A pine-scented candle burned on the table in front of him, wafting through the room, and he sighed one more time, utterly bored.
Jaskier huffed under his breath. He leaned to to the side, resting his head on the arm of their overstuffed couch, and blinked slowly; the flame of the candle flicked in and out of focus as he squinted in the dimly lit room. Beside him, Geralt tapped quietly on his keyboard, glasses perched on the bridge of his nose, steadfastly ignoring Jaskier.
Jaskier sighed.
Geralt snapped his computer closed, placing it carefully on the table in front of him. Jaskier smiled at the scuffed sticker from the Rosemary and Thyme, their favorite dive bar. It had been closed for several weeks now, and Jaskier mourned it’s passing every single day. He had insisted on hosting an impromptu funeral the last night it was open, standing on the sidewalk as the last patrons shuffled out, bleary and drunk, and upending a can of cheap beer on the sidewalk in memoriam while Geralt and Priscilla stood solemnly behind him.
Jaskier sat up and turned to face Geralt. His brown reading glasses had joined the computer on the coffee table and Geralt frowned slightly as he rubbed his eyes. Jaskier peered at him from across the couch and Geralt stopped mid rub.
“What?” He asked, frown growing deeper.
“I’m bored.”
“Jaskier, you’re always bored.”
“That is categorically untrue.”
“And you’re a categorical liar.”
“Also categorically untrue, my friend!” Jaskier stood and stretched, spine popping as he twisted his torso. “I simply require a high level of stimulation to maintain engaged interest in most things.”
Geralt snorted. “What do you want Jaskier?”
He gestured wildly in front of him, almost frustrated by the stillness, and flopped back onto the couch. The wind outside howled, another gust rattling the windows in their frames. The panes of glass were coated with wet snow; thick, fat, flakes stuck to the glass and slid slowly toward the sill. Jaskier opened and closed his mouth several times before he spoke. “It’s too quiet.”
Geralt cocked his head and surveyed Jaskier, sat on the edge of the sofa, hair mussed and eyes bright. It was a bad day, Geralt realized, and the days-long snowstorm hadn’t helped.
Jaskier’s leg bounced. It was involuntary and he hated it—hated the way his body constantly needed to move, to stretch and to crack, and the way his brain raced, thoughts circling around themselves and interspersed with crackling static. He ground his palm into the meat of his thigh, willing it to stop jiggling. The muscle fell still, and in exchange, Jaskier felt a bolt of panic well up in his throat, bubbling and radiating through his body like a bright flame. He breathed in and out a few times in an attempt to steady himself, but his muscle ached with a burning need to move.
Geralt’s soft voice broke through the fog and Jaskier jumped. His leg began to bounce again, shaking the couch cushions under him.
“Sorry,” he whispered. “Sorry, I’m. It’s. I’m having a bad day.”
“I know,” said Geralt. “Come here.”
Geralt stood and extended his hand. Jaskier followed suit and Geralt led him into the middle of the room. With only an inch difference in height, it was easy for Jaskier to fix his eyes on Geralt’s. Geralt searched Jaskier’s face and, evidently finding what he was looking for, stepped into Jaskier’s space, wrapping him in a bear hug. Jaskier relaxed into the embrace and wrapped his own arms around Geralt’s torso. Gently, Geralt started moving, swaying them back and forth in a small circle. The record warbled in the background, skipping several times before righting itself and playing on.
“Your record player is shit, Geralt,” Jaskier said, face squished against Geralt’s neck.
“I know,” Geralt said. “We should go buy a new one tomorrow.”
They continued to revolve slowly on the spot and slowly—imperceptibly—the tension drained from Jaskier’s body. He breathed in the warmth of Geralt’s skin, the subtle scents of his expensive shampoo filling Jaskier’s senses.
The record came to an end and they stilled, Geralt still wrapped around Jaskier. Jaskier sighed again, content this time. Energy still thrummed through his body, but below the surface; the current was less strong, no longer pulling him along with need. A soft kiss pressed to his forehead, and Jaskier felt the rest of his frustration melting away.
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sliggoons · 4 years
hiii! it’s kinda my birthday today sjsj, and I was wondering if I could have a guzma oneshot where he gives birthday hugs and cuddles after team skull and (your Pokémon + guzmas Pokémon) throw an exhausting party? He just calmly holds you in his buff freakin arms while you both talk~ if you need the Pokémon for me(/you(?)) maybe umbreon and skarmory please!! Only if you need them though~ thank you so much!!!
Happy BIRTHDAY!!!!!! I am SO sorry this is late but I had a few other requests that were submitted before yours and I force myself to go in order so I get them all done. Anyway I hope you had a great birthday and I hope you enjoy this!
A Team Skull Style Birthday, Guzma x Reader Imagine
        You were honestly a little disappointed. This was the first year you spent your birthday with Guzma, and it felt just like any other day. Of course he and the other grunts wished you a happy birthday, but you were used to a bigger celebration back home. Maybe disappointed wasn’t the right word. You were overjoyed to be with Guzma for this day, it just felt off not having your regular family around to make a big deal of it. You did have your ‘adopted’ family to celebrate with, all the grunts who thought of you as their older sibling, but you got the feeling birthdays weren’t that big of a deal in Po Town.
    You were grocery shopping for Guzma when your phone rang. He had opted to stay at the mansion, given he wasn’t necessarily the most well loved guy around, and he claimed he needed time to ‘mentally prepare’ for the ‘grueling task’ of cooking dinner. Speak of the devil himself, Guzma was on the other side of the line.
    “Babe! You have to come back right now! One of the grunts like set the kitchen on fire or something!” Guzma sounded frantic.   
“What?” You were shocked, that is not what you were expecting to hear. “I’m in the middle of shopping, should I just leave?”
    “Yeah, yeah. You have the strongest water pokemon of them all, we can worry about groceries later!” You heard faint laughter in the background, and then, “Arson is not a laughing matter!” from Guzma, muffled like he was holding the phone to his chest.
    “Okay, I’m on my way then, I guess.” You hung up after he told you to hurry, abandoning your shopping basket in the aisle. You felt bad, but Guzma was one to usually take his time, so if he used the word ‘hurry’ this must have been urgent.
    You sprinted down the path to Po Town, arriving at its entrance out of breath and panting. Guzma waited for you just inside.
    “Y/N! There you are, come on,” Guzma yelled grabbing your arm to tug you inside. Outside the mansion it was oddly calm. You expected more people outside of the supposedly burning house, but there wasn’t a single soul, or any smoke.
    “Guzma, where’s the fire?” You asked as you neared the door, not sensing anything off at all.
    “I told ya, in the kitchen, let’s go.” Guzma yanked open the front door, motioning for you to go first. You walked into the front parlor. There wasn’t any smoke, or any people.
    You turned back to look at Guzma, “There’s literally no smoke, what’s going on?”
    “I’m tellin ya, there’s a fire in the kitchen, chop chop, it won’t burn all day,” a stupid grin was plastered all over Guzma’s face. You made your way to the kitchen, eager to see what was happening. 
    You swung open the door to find all the grunts crammed into the kitchen, crowded around the kitchen island. There was a small opening towards the door where you could see a purple iced cake with what seemed like hundreds of lit candles on the top.
    A chorus of ill timed ‘surprise!’s rang out and Guzma wrapped his arms around you from behind. “I said there was fire, didn’t I?” He squished a big kiss against your cheek as you laughed, and then Guzma joined in as everyone else started to sing “Happy Birthday.”
    After the song ended, multiple grunts yelled, “Make a wish!” So you did. You closed your eyes, thought hard, and when you opened them you said your wish to yourself before blowing out all the candles. You let out all of your pokemon who were overjoyed with all the attention they were getting, and the special pokemon food you gave them as a treat.
    After serving up slices of cake, your favorite flavor too, Guzma showed you the styrofoam boxes sitting on the counter with a folded sheet of paper reading “DO NOT EAT” on it in red marker. “I ordered out from your favorite place, I can try cooking something a different night if ya really want, but I wanted ya to have something edible for dinner.”
    “That’s sweet. All of this was really sweet, thank you,” you said, getting drowned out by the music that started to play. Guzma took your empty plate and set it in the sink alongside his, then with a devilish grin he grabbed your hand and pulled you out the door.
    While the two of you were eating, the grunts had thrown up some streamers and pulled some balloons from somewhere in an attempt to decorate the large parlor. They had also pulled out two large speakers and a laptop they were using to blare music on. 
    You danced for what seemed like hours, staying close to Guzma the whole time. You learned he was an excellent breakdancer, the whole gang was cheering him on. After a while the music was turned down to a low thrum while the grunts set up some games. You played darts, Twister, charades, and sometime after all that you found time to enjoy your favorite meal with Guzma. 
    You yawned, stretching as Guzma finished putting up the dishes from your dinner. “Think anyone’ll notice if the birthday princess leaves the party?”
    “I don’t know, and I don’t really care, I’m tired,” you mumbled, rubbing the exhaustion from your eyes. You and Guzma slipped from the kitchen and past all the grunts, absorbed in their games. “You really should clean up that chandelier,” you commented as the two of you stepped out onto the roof from the broken window.
    “It’s a decoration, babe.” Guzma opened the door to his room for you and closed it behind him. He scooped you up in his arms, squeezing the life out of you and shaking you around. “I can’t believe it’s your birthdayyy, you’re getting so old,” your boyfriend laughed as you squealed and squirmed in his arms. He carried you over to the bed, sitting down and pulling you into his lap. 
    “I’m not that old,” you muttered into his chest, throwing your arms around his neck as he awkwardly shrugged off his jacket. The party was fun and all, but you almost prefered being here, alone with Guzma in the comfortable silence, his strong, muscled arms cocooning you. You sat like that for a while, cuddled up in his lap. Guzma was so much bigger than you, you couldn’t help but feel safe and at home. 
    “Guzma, why’d you call me home in the middle of shopping? Couldn’t you have just waited until I got back?” Your boyfriend was silent for a minute, you looked up to see a puzzled expression on his face.
    “Oh.” He paused again. “That wouldn’t have been quite as fun though, would it have?” 
    “It wouldn’t have been as dramatic either,” you kissed his cheek, watching the smile creep up on his lips.
    “Oh, wait. I got you somethin. It’s not much, but, well, just here.” You turned to better face Guzma while he reached into the pocket of his sweatpants. He pulled out a thin gold necklace and offered it to you. Dangling from his hand you could see a small Team Skull pendant and a golden capital G. “So you’ll always have a part of us with you. And all that corny shit.” Guzma huffed, extending the necklace out to you again after a second. “Don’t just stare, take it. Making me feel all self conscious.” 
    You blinked out of your stupor. “Can you put it on for me?” You asked, turning around. Guzma clasped the delicate chain around your neck, placing a few gentle kisses to the base of your neck. You reached up, fiddling with the two charms. “I love it. Thank you, G.”
    You faced him again, kissing him gently. You pulled back, cupping his face and staring into his kind eyes. Maybe this was the best birthday afterall.
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ajokeformur-ray · 4 years
May I please request either a fic or hc's (whichever works best) where it's your anniversary with J and you decide to go all out. While he's out for the day, terrorizing the city, you get the apartment the two of you share all cleaned up and give it a romantic vibe. You cook a nice meal for the two of you and get all dressed up with your hair nicely done, and your outfit and makeup in his colors. When he comes home you treat him to a nice romantic but relaxing evening together.
You give him a gift of a personalized pocket watch with an engraved 'J' and a small knife attached. You just want to show him how appreciative you are of having him in your life and for everything he's done to help you get where you are now. It can get a little smutty if you want. I'm not opposed to that ;) My anniversary with J is coming up and I want to give him a night to remember. This is really specific and I'm sorry if I'm throwing a lot at you.
I had a suspicion that this needed to be done today and I checked your blog and OMG HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, DARLING!!!!🎃🎃🎃 We’re so glad to have you in this community and we’re so so lucky to have you!!! We all love you omg I hope you’re taking care of yourself and that you have something special planned to celebrate your anniversary.🖤 I wish you and J many more happy times together, you beautiful soul!!!💚 As an extra small thing, I’ve personalised this with your name - it’s your anniversary with him!💙
Some light smut, swearing etc.
WC: 3, 643.
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The thirty first of October was a day with many names.
All Hallow’s Eve.
Devil’s Night, which sometimes stretched across the last two days of October.
All of the above were true, this you knew, but most especially, most importantly, the thirty first of October was your anniversary with J and, oh, you wanted to give him a night to remember.
It was this sentiment which echoed in your mind over and over and over, like a broken record. You wanted to go all out for your anniversary with him. J was a man of actions, he was a man not with a plan but with ideas and it mattered not how these ideas came into fruition, just so long as they did. There was no other way to really show J how much he meant to you, how appreciative you were of him, than to do your absolute best with the time that you had while J was out terrorising the city, to put something really special together for him.
You wanted to give him a night to remember. Little did you know that you already did that for J... every night when he came home to a dazzling smile from you which momentarily stole the breath from his very healthy lungs. You were already everything J had ever wanted in someone, though little had he considered such a thing as a relationship, as growing old with someone. You were so much more than you knew, and J often became genuinely confused at how you saw yourself. You were defeated by the world but you were not yet defeated, and this was a subtle but important distinction; one which J saw fit to make clear to you when the next opportunity arose.
As the front door slammed shut behind J, uncaring was he about making too much noise when he knew that you were awake but you just didn’t want to get up yet, you grinned around the mound of warm duvet which shielded your face from the room. You knew exactly what you were going to do today. You were going to clean the apartment, swap out the chaotic vibe for a more romantic one with as many candles as you could find, make a lovely meal for the both of you, then, when all else was said and done, you were going to make yourself up in J’s colours. You had been planning this ever since you had first decided upon your ultimate goal on this special day, and there was nothing which was going to get in your way. Not even you. The television played in the background while you cleaned away the stray wrappers of things which J had eaten like an animal and then chucked over his shoulder without a care in the world. He dropped in on you every now and then, yes, but he didn’t live with you, if only because of the legal issues which surrounded his name and his reputation within the city, so he cared not for any mess which he made while he was laying low with you. Whether or not he legally lived with you, you were the only one J ever returned to, so your home was his home and that was the way it had been and the way it would always be. You were J’s only exception and he made sure that you knew that at every available opportunity.
You kept the television turned over to the news, hoping that J had managed to evade getting arrested this day, as you dusted, swept, polished, put away the dirty plates and mugs which littered your living room and cleaned the kitchen. You felt almost as though you were working out, with how fast you were attempting to get everything done. You knew not when J would be home, though he always promised to be back with you before the sun went down during those rare occasions in which he bothered to let you know that he was going out. The day passed you by quickly and before you knew it, it was mid afternoon and you had little else to do other than to get yourself and your romantic setting ready. The places where mugs had been left abandoned all night throughout the living room were slowly filled with candles. The windows were firmly kept closed due to the chill in the air, so you lit the scented candles to create a fresher scent, though for the first few moments was that scent marred by the smell of extinguished matches. You briefly wondered if a candle which smelt like burnt out matches would technically be double strength if it was burnt out, but then your eyes fell upon the horizon. Golden light was beginning to bleed out from the grey skyline and you rushed to prepare your dinner - everything had to come before you so that you looked your freshest for your darling chaotic clown. 
Soon were you dressed in royal purple, which encased your body, and acid green as an accompaniment. These were your favourite colours because they were the colours which were most frequently associated with J; a mass-murdering terrorist clown. This was true, to the city of Gotham. But to you? Oh, J was so much more to you than anyone would ever know. For your own safety, that was the way it would have to stay. There was nothing which J wouldn’t do for you and he would burn the entire miserable city of Gotham to the ground if it meant protecting you. One such way of his doing this was to keep you in the dark about where he went and what he did every single day, for if anyone ever caught wind of you or your identity, then you would undoubtedly be arrested and tried for the occasional harbouring of a fugitive. J would never allow anything to happen to you and the very thought of such a thing turned even his blood cold, and so you remained in the dark for your own well-being. J took care of his possessions and you fell under that same category, though of course were you an entire individual all on your own.
You stood in the middle of the living room as you looked around at your handiwork. You had outdone yourself and the flash of pride which you felt was not a small one by any means and you allowed yourself that time to indulge in it. You weren’t sure if J would appreciate everything which you had set out to do today but you knew that you appreciated it and that might have to be enough. It mattered not. Your home looked good, you felt like you were on the top of the world, and all you had to do was to wait for your J to come home.
You didn’t have to wait long.
Almost as soon as you were sat on the sofa, your body aching from all the work you had done this day, the front door creaked open. Your head tilted back, back, until your neck was supported by the back of the plush sofa, and your eyes slid closed in genuine happiness to hear J moving around your home. You heard his steel toe caps drop unceremoniously to the floor and the moan of relief which accompanied this. His socked feet were muted by the carpet upon which he walked as J made his way over to you, and a large hand landed on the crown of your head.
“What’s, ah - what’s all this, doll?”
“I...” You had been waiting for this, preparing for this, all day, but now that it was here did you not know what to say. Everything you had considered, everything you had thought about, had melted away, and instead you could only say, “Happy anniversary, J!” Your voice was quiet and your eyes opened to see J’s own chocolate gaze inches from your face.
The hand in your hair stilled for just a second but then J flopped down beside you on the sofa with a dramatic groan. “Ya’ did all this for little ol’ me? Kath-leen.” J’s emphasis on the two syllables of your name made you smile and you leaned over so that you could rest your head on J’s upper arm. The gift which you had gotten J seemed to be burning a hole through the table upon which it sat, and you could smell that dinner was almost ready,
“I did it for us,” The inflexion made J’s lips quirk upwards in a smile and it made love bloom in your chest. “Dinner’s ready, too. And - “ You leaned forward and snatched the box off the table top, “I got you something.” You fingered the small ribbon with which you had tied the box closed as you said, “I just want to show you how appreciative I am of having you in my life, and as a thank you for everything you’ve done to help me get to where I am now.” 
J listened to you in silence and all you received was a grunt of acknowledgement before he wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you tighter into the side of his body. Things were quiet for a moment, just long enough for you to wonder what was going on and why J was so still, but then he grabbed you and pulled you up. He swung you slightly within his grip so that you were straddling him, and J’s large hands were off of your waist and then cupping your cheeks so that he could kiss you so fiercely and with so much passion that it made your head spin. The box which you still held in your hand was tightly clutched in your fist and the grip was mirrored in the way your other hand held J’s shoulder as you rocked your hips into his, suddenly wanting more of everything that he was. You felt J’s full lips curl up into a smirk and he pulled away. Your lips chased his own and J could only give in to you, his kiss quickly becoming everything you knew in that moment. He had you right where he wanted you. He kissed you for some time and only when the need for oxygen became imminent did J pull away from you with an exaggerated mwah. He so adored his theatrics and you didn’t want him any other way either.
As J pulled away, his hand reached for the box which you held clutched in one hand. “So, ah - ya’ got me two gifts, hm?”
“Two?” You were confused but J only nodded. 
“Uh, yeah - ya in my colours, aren’t’cha? So, two.”
Without saying as much, J had just revealed to you what the plan for the evening was once you had had dinner and after he had received his gift from you. You were nervous and excited about his reaction to your gift and your entire body flushed at the prospect of what was to come, but first, you could smell that dinner was ready and so you pulled yourself up and away from J. The man groaned in protest and reached out for you, flexing his fingers in a grabby hands motion, but you shook your head.
“No, J. Food’s ready!”
J gave you a look which told you as surely aas he just had that what he was hungry for wasn’t food, but you wouldn’t let him spoil your plans. You had worked hard for this and you had been preparing for so long that now that the moment was here, you almost felt like it wasn’t real. That at any minute would you wake up and this would all just be a dream, as hard to catch were they as trying to hold smoke in your bare hands. Well then, your unconscious smirk as you began to dish up dinner mirrored J’s so closely, I’ll murder the poor fucker who wakes me up.
As you carried the plates out to J, feeling pleased with yourself but nervous all the same for J’s reaction... would he like the food? Would he even eat it? Had you done something which was wrong or maybe something which would offend your clown? But then your eyes fell upon J, still sat there on the sofa. His chocolate eyes were closely examining the box in his hands, as yet unopened, and the scented candles which were dotted around the living room cast a soft, warm orange glow across his face. His greasepaint, flaking in places to reveal the true man underneath, seemed even more foreboding and evil in this moment, but you didn’t feel even a flicker of fear. You only felt love. You watched as J turned the box this way and that in his hands, feeling the weight of it. He didn’t shake it, like you briefly thought he might, and he didn’t rip the ribbon off to have a look inside. No. J only looked at it and the intensity of his gaze made dampness pool at the apex between your thighs.
Fuck, you wanted him. Food, first. Then his gift... and then... you would get your gift. J was a man of his word, this you had always known. “Here,” You held out J’s plate and he slowly put the box on the very edge of his knee so that there was room for the plate on his lap. You suspected that he wanted to open the gift but as a small note of thanks to you was he waiting. J could be a patient man when it was called for, and this was one such occasion which he would arise to.
J inhaled deeply and he hummed appreciatively. “Smells good.” He was curious about the gift, it was true, and he was tempted to open it now, but he knew that you had most likely spent the entire day working on making sure that everything was as you wanted it to be, and he didn’t want to get in the way of that. He appreciated you immensely, and if you wanted to play house for a night, then so be it. He needed a relaxing evening, anyway. You smiled at J’s version of a compliment and you carefully sat down beside him so that your plates weren’t jostled by any extreme movements. The television was still turned over to the news but you didn’t have to keep an ear out for J anymore, because he was right beside you, sat so closely that your shoulder was brushing against his upper arm as you ate. He was home, where he belonged.
Give him a night to remember.
Your initial goal drifted across your mind, a mere whisper, and it made you eat just a little bit faster. J picked up on this slight change but he said nothing; he only followed suit. Though you suspected that he was just really hungry, so little did he take care of himself and so often did he neglect his own bodily needs just to play his games and to experiment with his many ideas. Soon enough, both of you had finished eating and you dumped the plates unceremoniously in the sink. You would clean it all up tomorrow. Today was your day with J. Everything else and everyone else would wait. With life being the wrong kind of chaotic currently was it best for the two of you to carve time to be together and it was non-negotiable. You would spend this night with J, no matter what. You had even turned off your phone and if J had a proper phone rather than an unlimited supply of burners, then he would have turned his off, too. 
As you came back into the living room to finally sit back down beside J, your eyes fell immediately upon that box resting precariously on the edge of J’s knee. Your nerves, so tried this day, made your whole body feel like it was alight. You swallowed hard and did your best to speak around the sickly lump in your throat. “Aren’t you going to open that, J?” You watched his chocolate eyes, those impenetrable depths which so sent a shiver dancing down your spine. Dampness again pooled in your underwear and you squeezed your thighs together, desperately wanting relief. But you needed J to open his present. It had taken you weeks of planning and of saving up, weeks after that to get someone to make it for you, during which you had had to ‘borrow’ some money from one of J’s most recent bank heists so that you could pay the watchmaker for their lifelong silence, and then days to wrap it, to hide it. Time, effort, money and love had gone into your anniversary gift for J.
“Ye-ah,” J spoke the word as if it was comprised of two syllables as opposed to just one, and he held it in the middle of one large, warm palm before his other hand came up slowly to tug on one end of the ribbon which you had hastily tied to keep the box together. The black lid came off and you saw a spacial dip in black velvet. You heard a small murmur of appreciation and then the tinkling of a metal chain as J lifted the personalised pocket watch out of its soft, protective encasing. There was a Gothic Font ‘J’ engraved on the silver font of the pocket watch, and the letter itself was painted a royal purple which bled into an acid green tail. There was a small knife attached to the watch, which would be unsheathed at the press of the button which was on the back of the watch. You hoped that it was a functional gift; the watchmaker had assured you that it had been. Your name fell from J’s lips in a hush, so quietly spoken was it that you were sure that J hadn’t intended for you to hear it, and then he looked at you. The intensity of his gaze made your stomach drop to your feet and roll across the floor. “C’mere, doll.” Your confusion flashed as plain as day across your face. You were sitting next to J, so how could - “I said: Come. Here.”
Despite the repetition of his words, something J never did care much for, J kept the watch fimly in one hand, the chain wrapped around his skin so that the watch was securely in his palm, and tapped his leg with the other hand. His eyes dared you to refuse him and wisely did you move so that you were sat on his lap and your chests brushed up against each other with each breath that either of you took. J let go of the watch but he kept a hold of the chain. “This... you did this. For me?”
You nodded, unsure of where J was going with his line of questioning. 
“You paid them for their silence?”
Again, you nodded.
“How much?”
“More than the watch.” You quickly rushed to say, “Don’t ask me about that. I’ll lie.” J would have your head if he found out how much you had spent on him during a day he wouldn’t have bothered to even remember if it hadn’t been so important to you.
“Taught ya’ well,” Two compliments in one night seemed too good to be true but you figured that J was just trying to be nice. Not that he was lying, of course, but he was definitely being looser with his tongue this night. You wondered where else his tongue would go this evening and your core clenched. J felt some minute movement of your hips and his hands came up to cup your face.
“J, there’s - on the back. A button. There’s a knife.”
“A knife?” J mumbled to himself as his fingers found the button. You had always loved the singing of metal on metal. It was a sound which resounded now as the knife was unsheathed from the knife, and J whooped as he withdrew it from the watch. “You’re a pretty little thing, ain’t’cha?” J’s eyes held yours as he put the knife to your throat. You felt no fear but instead did you lean into the knife. I trust you not to hurt me, J. J made a noise of approval and pulled the blade away. You relished the coolness of the metal against your skin in delicious contrast to the heat of J, and you closed your eyes to savour the moment.
“I think Kath-leen deserves her gift now, hm?”
You had no time to ask J what he meant, for his fingers were already getting to work on getting you out of your clothes, out of J’s colours. His fingers were quick, his kisses urgent, his skin like fire against your own.
“I want, ah - next year, doll, I want a sword to go with this knife. Hm?”
You heard J’s words but you listened to his promise. You turned your face to meet J’s lips with your own once more, and the promise was sealed with a kiss. For the rest of the night, J used his body to put your own to the test, and you found yourself thinking about it, hours after when J was laying quietly beside you and stroking your hair, that this year was the first year of the rest of your lives together and you had initially set out to give J a night which he was going to remember. 
You never could have known that it would be a night for you to remember, too.
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fandom-necromancer · 4 years
Choose your side
To the first Halloween short! This was prompted be the wonderful @derpyfangirl! I hope you enjoy!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900 | AU: Vampire 
Gavin looked left and right down the path. The streetlights failed to illuminate all of the road and Detroit’s city lights didn’t reach that far. But he was thankful for the darkness, it made his plan so much easier. He wore dark clothes to blend into the background better and checked on his equipment. His silver gun was holstered at his side for quick access, as well as a few sharpened pickets, a chain of garlic bulbs and his favourite sword. He covered it with his coat and fell into a short sprint to scale the chain-link fence that was surrounding the old castle. He let himself fall onto the other side and hunkered down to wait for any sign he had been spotted. As everything stayed calm, he made his way over to the walls, crawling through the shadows to the only access point Gavin knew of: A creaky wooden door that would lead to a partially flooded basement. He leaned against the cold stones of the doorway, carefully pulling it open. He risked a look inside the darkness and slipped inside. He didn’t see a thing, but he didn’t need to. With the experience of hundreds of similar visits, he manoeuvred around puddles, his feet searching for elevated tiles and pillars. He could see the distant light of candles now and his steps became more careful. It wasn’t far now, Gavin could nearly feel the other’s presence hovering over him, ready to strike the moment he would step outside. And Gavin couldn’t say he wasn’t looking forwards to it.
He straightened his back before walking through the last arch and stepping into a huge hall. Two curved stairways led up to a gallery and more rooms. Candles were the only source of light, lined up on the railing of the gallery, stone tables at the side of the large hall and huge crystal chandeliers above his head. Gavin walked into the middle of the room, trying to keep an eye on every dark corner. Only then he drew his sword and took position. ‘I’m here!’, he called, a smirk on his face. ‘Now come get me!’ As if only waiting for the challenge out of nowhere the shadows moved and coiled like an enormous beast rising from eternal slumber. They gathered from the gallery and trickled down the stairways to unite back before Gavin. The smoky shadows piled up slowly, only to form a person and attack in a heartbeat.
Gavin parried without missing a beat. His sword caught the other’s and directed it away from his body. The next swing followed, and Gavin evaded it with a simple side-step to attack himself. But again his sword collided and Gavin was caught face to face with his opponent in a stalemate only to be broken by who was the stronger fighter. Blue eyes stared into green and Gavin’s adversary grinned at him, flashing sharp elongated canines. Gavin pressed harder against the sword but didn’t manage to push him away even the tiniest bit. Not until the other allowed it, letting the crossed weapons move closer to his chest before leaning over the blades to meat Gavin’s lips.
Gavin huffed, but returned the kiss, slowly letting his sword sink next to his side not to accidentally hurt the other man. ‘You know, darling, I don’t actually need all that drama’, he muttered against his lips and Gavin smirked. ‘Really? Thought you’d like it!’, he teased, putting his arms around the shoulders of the taller person. ‘I mean, you really liked it the first time we met, Nines.’ ‘Only because you were the only human to even get close to killing me’, the vampire tried for excuses. But then he shrugged, returning the hug. ‘Okay, yeah, you are right, I do like it.’
Gavin let go of him and picked up the sword he had to have discarded somewhere around the time Nines had kissed him. ‘Should I get the kitchen running? Are you staying for long?’, Nines asked, as he picked up his own. ‘I mean, not gonna say no to a snack, but I just wanted you to know I’m out for a mission’, Gavin explained. He kept step with the Vampire as he moved to a door underneath the stairs that would lead them to the kitchen. ‘We got a new lead for some activity over in Chicago, you know someone there?’ Nines frowned next to him and hummed for a while thinking. ‘Hmm, the Chens are strong over there but they kinda went vegan and run a coffee shop now.’ ‘Vegan?’, Gavin asked. ‘Can’t imagine how that would work for you guys…’ ‘Coconut water is similar to the inner lumen of red blood cells, just with different levels of ions.’ Gavin looked at the Vampire next to him incredulously. ‘I guess they use supplements for the rest’, Nines shrugged. ‘And that works?’ ‘They are still around, so I guess. Not really my thing. But at the same time, I got you. No need to feed on the innocent for me.’ He patted Gavin’s back lovingly.
Gavin’s hand subconsciously moved to his neck where the collar of his jacket hid the small precise marks Nines left on him whenever he went for a meal. ‘You going to be alright?’, he asked concerned. ‘I’ll leave tomorrow, but I prepared a few pouches for you. They are over at my place. The usual spot.’ ‘Thank you. But I’ll be. Just be careful on your mission. Most of Detroit’s vampires know not to touch you, but the Stern Clan isn’t really a name in Chicago. I’ll message the Chens though. They’ll keep an eye on you.’ ‘Thanks babe. But I can handle myself.’ ‘Have I ever said anything different? Now come, let’s get you something to eat and then make this night count, shall we?’
As Gavin was on his way back to the city trailing the van of his fellow vampire hunters on his bike, he felt exhaustion tugging at him. He craved nothing more than a hot shower followed by the rest of the night spent with Nines in that heavenly soft bed. Nines was so much different to the vampires he met on his job. Sure, all of them were monsters that sucked the blood of humans, but… There were some who had come to terms with the morality of it and some that simply bathed in the feeling of power and bloodlust. It were only the latter who were a real danger. Nines on the other hand…
Okay, yes, he wouldn’t lie to himself. Nines had been dangerous once. But Gavin always had had a thing for danger. And Nines was phcking attractive. He had the knowledge and wisdom of several centuries, helped him with his missions from time to time and was fine with letting a few habits fall. If Gavin was so freely offering his own blood, he also didn’t really need to go and look for victims every other night. They simply fit together Gavin had decided. And after a while they had become what Gavin had most feared: full on lovey dovey romantics. Not that Gavin truly minded if it meant they would spend the night together in bed, star gazing or appreciating just being in each other’s company. Yes, screw the shower. He craved for Nines’ strong arms around him, his dusty scent in his nose and his own hands in his hair. Some peace and quiet after this last mission. He would just have to help the others stow away the equipment and discard of the body. Then he would head straight to Nines’ residence.
They parked the van and Gavin’s bike outside the loading platform of the headquarters of Detroit’s vampire hunters, before heading to the stairs to unload. Then they pushed the roll car with their equipment inside. They were heading towards the armoury, but they would never make it: The great hall was in uproar. Gavin could only see hunters being flung around by the chains they were holding, others shooting blindly and even more sitting somewhere behind cover holding their bleeding wounds. Mostly slashes across arms and legs. Incapacitating blows not meant to kill. That made Gavin look up to the centre of the heavy chains. That was when his heart stopped.
‘Nines?’ He had whispered it to himself disbelievingly, but the enormous head of the giant figure before him turned towards him. It was about two times the size of Gavin and there was no mistaking Nines true form. His giant wings batted away the humans around him effortlessly, while these blue eyes focussed on Gavin only. The snout of a bat, his emaciated looking body with pure muscle underneath tight skin and bony ridges did little to instil fear in him. Gavin had felt these hands hold him, caress him. These lips, whatever form they were could be so tender and gentle. The inhuman screeches could be the most beautiful melody.
‘Nines!’ The party that had just been on a mission with him was looking at him perplexed, but Perkins, leader of the vampire hunters had spotted him. ‘Get him!’, he screamed over the noise. ‘Get the traitor!’ The people around him were still hesitant. Gavin was the best hunter; how could he be a traitor? ‘Now!’ That made them move. Nines growled in anger at hearing the human’s order and with a fling of his shoulder he pulled multiple humans who had tried to anchor the chain across the floor, effectively knocking the hunters closest to Gavin off their feet. That was enough time for Gavin to make his decision and react. He had pulled out his sword and gun and began shooting at his former co-workers. Nines was his everything and he wouldn’t allow them to kill him. Not when he had agreed to refrain from killing humans. Not when he was one of those vampires that just wanted to secretly live their lives with those dear to them. If he had to choose between the hunters and Nines, he knew exactly how to decide. He focussed his fire on the hunters holding the chains on Nines’ left side and the vampire caught onto his thought. He kept his right busy until his left was weakened enough for Nines to break away. He ducked out of the chains and with a single blow of his wings he sent the humans tumbling against the wall. Gavin was caught in a fight against three hunters now and didn’t pay much attention to Nines. That’s why he was startled by the vampire grabbing him and flying towards the round roof window. Nines smashed through it, sending glass shards to rain down on the few quick humans who lined up to shoot.
Gavin began to realise they were out of the hall as he saw the night sky above them. They were soaring through the air and Gavin had to shake off the confusion from the flurry of pictures since he had been snatched from the ground. Nines pressed him hard against his enormous chest and Gavin had to pat against the arm to remind his love he still needed air. ‘What do we do now?’, Gavin shouted up to the vampire. ‘How- How the phck did this even happen?’ Nines landed on the flat roof of a supermarket and changed back to his human form. He opened his mouth to say something, but adrenalin was still coursing through Gavin’s veins. ‘Holy phck you are bleeding!’ Nines looked down on his leg that was slowly oozing a black substance. ‘I’m fine, it’ll heal’, he groaned. ‘Not if it’s from silver, phck, Nines what-‘ ‘I’m fine’, Nines growled again, silencing the human. ‘I went to your flat, I was hungry. They waited for me.’ ‘They were in my flat?!’ ‘Yes. I guess they knew of us.’ ‘Oh, that’s why they sent me on a phcking rookie mission!‘, Gavin shouted and Nines had to hold his arm to remind him they likely were followed already. He had to keep it down. ‘I was caught off guard and they took me to their headquarters. Then you came.’
Gavin nodded. ‘And the hell are we supposed to do now?’ ‘I guess it’s time you meet the family’, Nines smirked. ‘What? But… I’m human. What would you even say to them?’ Nines laughed. ‘I’ll just tell them you killed half of Detroit’s hunters. That will make them like you. Besides, I’m not the first one to bring one home.’ ‘What?’ Gavin looked at the vampire sceptically. ‘Human or hunter?’ ‘Both.’ ‘Who is it?’ ‘Err… well my brother took a special liking to a certain human… Anderson I think was his name.’ ‘That drunk phck has a vampire boyf- Never mind.’ Gavin shook his head. ‘You know, I thought he went slack because of drinking and old age but… Don’t tell me we’ll meet him too.’ ‘Well, I’d think so’, Nines chuckled, holding out a hand for Gavin to take. ‘Come on. We’ll be safe there.’
Gavin was still hesitant, but it was settled as he looked into Nines’ eyes again. ‘As long as we’ll stay together, I’ll be fine.’
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