#with the sunlight pouring in and birds chirping <3 so cozy
00nutritionalvalue · 5 months
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pet1teyn · 1 year
chapter one: my head's in a daze...
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Golden sunlight poured through Y/N's sheer curtains as the birds chirped outside. Y/N groaned out of discomfort as the gentle but bright light hit her face and attempted to pull her blankets over her head. Her alarm softly rang throughout her room, but it was enough for Y/N to be annoyed. Her clock read 6:30 AM.
"Oh my fucking god. It's too early for this."
With this rousing statement, she rolled over in bed after shutting off her alarm and went back to sleep. Well, at least she tried.
Dust tickled Y/N's nose and she sneezed. Now, fully awake, Y/N grumbled and lay in bed for a few more seconds before reluctantly climbing out of her warm and cozy blanket nest. Begrudgingly, she dragged her feet to her bathroom, where she washed her face and brushed her teeth.
She took a moment to glance at herself in the mirror. Combing her hand through her gleaming blonde hair, she sighed.
"God. When did my hair get so fried? Should I just dye it back to my original hair color," she murmured.
Suddenly, Y/N snapped her head up, gazing intensely at herself in the mirror and lightly gasping, as if she had just remembered something important. What was it?
"Oh. OH MY DAYS," she yelled.
Today was the day of Jackson Wang's party. And she didn't have a dress. Everything in her closet was weeks out of date and she hadn't had time to go on a shopping spree in the last few days. She brushed her fingers against the clothes in her closet. Nothing piqued her interest. Everything just seemed so. So boring.
Y/N sighed again and gazed mournfully up at the ceiling. The party would start in 3 hours and she had no clothes and her hair, makeup, and nails were still raggedy af. Cutting through the silence, a knock was heard on her door.
"Y/NNNN are you ready for Jackson's party?" Her best friend Yuna said.
Yuna had long black hair and her makeup was always perfectly done. Her big chocolate orbs always caught the attention of the guys and Y/N couldn't even be mad about it. Yuna was just that perfect. She had great grades, was kind to everyone, and even volunteered in her spare time. Yuna was the most popular girl in school and Y/N knew that she was lucky to know her.
However, sometimes Y/N couldn't help but wonder why such a perfect girl like Yuna would want to be friends with a basic, poor girl like her. Y/N had no money, compared to Yuna. Y/N's long blonde curls were the result of Yuna dragging her to the salon due to her black hair being "boring and out of trend."
Sometimes, Y/N felt like Yuna was controlling her life but she loved Yuna. Yuna was her best friend and Y/N wouldn't have her life any other way.
"I'm coming! Just give me a few seconds," Y/N called from her room. A faint "okay" was heard on the other side of the door and Yuna's footsteps receded away. Y/N made her way in front of her mirror and checked out how she looked today. Sighing, she finally turned towards her bedroom and made her way downstairs.
As Yuna caught sight of Y/N, she smiled sweetly and gestured towards the empty seat beside her at the dining table. Just then, Y/N's mother came out of the kitchen carrying two plates of delicious looking breakfast sandwiches. Smiling, her mother put the two plates in front of the two girls.
"Omo, auntie, you didn't have to do this," Yuna said to Y/N's mom, who loved Yuna simply for bringing Y/N out of her shell. Y/N had been an introverted girl who stuttered all the time before she met Yuna.
Y/N's mother smiled. "It's no problem, dear. Eat up! I'm sure that the party will be tiring and you need all the energy you can get in order to dance with those boys, eh?" Yuna giggled shyly and looked down as Y/N's mother chortled.
Y/N also looked down, but for a different reason. Why does Mom always praise Yuna when she's here and completely ignore me? I'm her daughter, not Yuna. Y/N felt jealous and guilty. She shouldn't be jealous of Yuna! Of course her mom loved Yuna. Everyone does! Even Changbin...
Ever since he had saved her from falling out of a plane like Wonyoung, her old neighbor, in elementary school, Y/N had a massive crush on Changbin. Now that they were in high school, Changbin had really grown up. He was now 6 feet tall and super muscular and all the girls loved him.
Sigh. I don't have a chance with him, Y/N thought to herself.
Yuna noticed Y/N's downcast face and smiled. "Y/Nnie! Why do you look so down today?" her big eyes watered cutely. "Is it because I intruded on your breakfast time? I'm so sorry," Yuna wailed. "I know you love your food more than anything else!"
Just then, Y/N's five brothers came down the stairs.
"Hey! Yuna! Don't listen to my sister," cried Yeonjun, the oldest. He was very handsome and his flinty eyes narrowed as he looked at the trembling Y/N.
"Yeah! Don't listen to her! Come sit next to me instead," said Huening Kai, the youngest. Kai was Y/N's step-brother through her dad with Amelia, a stunning and gorgeous lady that was 5'11" and had long, jet-black hair. For some reason though, he spent more time at her mom's house...
Soobin, the second oldest and leader of the pack, looked disappointed. He sighed and took Yuna's seat as she got up to sit next to Kai. Soobin avoided eye contact with Y/N and filled his plate, scooting his chair away from Y/N and wrinkling his nose.
Y/N frowned. Do I smell bad or something? She surreptitiously sniffed her armpit but couldn't find any weird odors, only the scent of her favorite peach and lavender perfume. Everyone else at the table either looked away or grimaced in disgust. Y/N was not a very subtle person and clearly lacked the ability to comprehend some social cues.
Just then, Taehyun sneezed. Taehyun was Y/N's twin brother, yet he never seemed to really like her that much. Although Y/N and Taehyun used to get along when they were younger, everything changed when Taehyun noticed that they didn't really look similar, despite being twins. In fact, Y/N didn't look like any of her family at all, including any of her 7 dads. However, Y/N on the other hand, was 100% sure that they were twins
"W-what's wrong? Do I...smell?" Y/N stuttered. Although she couldn't catch social cues, she for sure still had shame. Taehyun shook his head but Y/N noticed that he couldn't look her in the eye.
"You're lying to me aren't you, oppa...what are you guys not telling me?" Y/N pleaded. She sniffed delicately and pearly tears welled up in her eyes. Her pale cheeks and nose was now dusted with a rosy tint. Deep down, Y/N had a suspicion that they were hiding something from her, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. "W-well, whatever. It doesn't really matter..."
Soobin shrugged nonchalantly. Y/N looked around at the looks of the other boys, but all of them wore a face she couldn't decipher. Sighing, she finished the last bit of her bagel and her orange juice.
"C'mon, Yuna. Let's go get ready for Jackson's party," Y/N said quietly as she got up from the table. Slightly hanging her head, she walked up her stairs dejectedly, only to feel as if Yuna wasn't following her. Turning around, she glanced back at the table. Yuna was still sitting there and giggling at what Beomgyu, Y/N's middle brother, was saying.
 "Stop, Gyu-oppa! You're making me laugh too hard! I already did my makeup this morning and if it smudges, it's your fault!" Yuna managed to gasp between her laughter.
Y/N's crystalline orbs shimmered with tears as she ran up the stairs and slammed the door to her room behind her. Everyone is ignoring me, she thought sadly as she sat on her bed. Just then, she heard a knock on her door.
"Babygirl, it's me, appa. Can I come in?"
Y/N's lip quivered as she debated in her head whether or not she should let her youngest dad, the infamous Jeon Jungkook, inside her room.
"Go away, daddy! I don't wanna talk to anyone. If you want to scold someone, you should scold my jerk oppas!" Y/N screamed at the door, crossing her arms and hiding her face.
"Aigoo, babygirl," Jungkook sighed. "You should never bottle up your emotions. Come on, sugarplum. I'm your appa, you know you can always talk to me."
Jungkook opened the door and sat beside Y/N, slinging his veiny, tattooed arm around her shoulder. Y/N sniffled delicately and turned to rest her head against her daddy's toned chest.
"Daddy! All of my oppas are being so mean to me! They keep scrunching their noses when they look at me and none of them are telling me why!" Y/N sobbed uncontrollably.
Jungkook's jaw clenched as he sighed once again. I need to tame those boys, he thought to himself. I need to show them who the REAL alpha of this family is before they ruin my plans and hurt my babygirl Y/N more.
He turned around to face Y/N, a look of pity and softness resting on his chiseled face. "Don't worry babygirl, appa will talk to them for you, okay?"
“Nae, appa,” Y/N sighed cutely, wiping away her delicate, glasslike tears. Jungkook smirked to himself. Yeah, he thought, that’s right. Those boys won’t stand a chance against me. I’ll protect Y/N.
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calpops · 4 years
the first morning | c.h.
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The first morning Calum wakes in his new home with a person who inspires songs about the sun. The first morning of many tiny home adventures to come.
1k words
my masterlist | feedback and reblogs mean the world
Copyright © 2021 calpops. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format (translations included).
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Calum wakes to beams of sunlight pouring in through the windows. Duke is curled into his side and the morning is quiet; only the chirping of birds and the lapping of water against the rocky shore to be heard. A small smile works its way onto Calum’s face as he takes in his surroundings. He finds comfort in his new home, the space is small but it’s cozy and has everything he needs. From natural light, to storage for his bass and journals. A bed big enough for two—and a Duke—with views that inspire poetry and lyrics. Art coming to life in front of his very eyes.
All he’s missing is her. Her side of the bed is cold, sheets rumpled and comfort long abandoned. He smirks, lifts himself from the warmth of the blankets and ruffles Duke’s ears in a good morning greeting. He knows where to find her. He drags himself from the bed and pads his way over to the ladder, the loft shining with sunlight from the high windows. She sits with crossed legs, his button up hanging off her frame, a concentrated look capturing her face. She bites her lip and narrows her eyes as her gaze stays steady on a canvas. Calum quietly climbs the ladder and gives her a smile when she turns to him.
“G’morning, sunshine. How did I know you’d be up here?” Calum asks with a laugh as he settles to sit behind her, arms winding around her and lips kissing her exposed shoulder.
“I couldn’t sleep,” she explains and tilts back so her head rests against his chest. “Sunrise was too pretty to ignore.”
Calum nods his understanding. The paintbrush in her hand creating an image he missed. Orange dances across the canvas and clashes with darkened waters not yet touched by the gleam of light.
“You should have woken me,” he says and nudges against her, taking in sweet scents of sugar and cinnamon. Paint coats her skin, art climbing her arms in patches of colors to her elbows.
“You were too pretty to disturb,” she defends and smirks. Her hands reach up and her fingers gently rake through Calum’s curls, the gesture familiar after years of practice. “There’s always sunset,” she reminds.
“I wouldn’t miss it,” Calum promises, already envisioning a trip down to the lake with her hand in his and Duke trotting along after them. She turns back to the canvas and he rests his chin on the crook of her shoulder. “I’ve got songs to write about you and the sun.”
She lets out a breathy laugh and puts down another swipe of color. This time purple graces the orange and deepens the atmosphere of the piece.
“Yeah? And when the sun goes down?” she questions with a timid smile. “What will you write about then?”
Calum doesn’t hesitate to answer. “The stars… and you.”
He smirks as she giggles and shakes her head, tendrils of soft hair falling in her face with the motion.
“And will you keep this song?” she wonders and Calum shrugs. “The world deserves to hear your words from your voice.”
Calum bites his lip. His songwriting credits keep him in the shadows, keep his voice to a whisper and his audience to her and Duke. “My world is right here.”
She softens but Calum can see the determination still set in her eyes. She sighs and puts her paintbrush in a glass of water so she can fully turn to be in his embrace. She kisses his lips in a whisper of affection. He revels in her taste and wishes she would linger a little longer. But she sighs and pulls away again.
“Your world wants to see the mountains next,” she says with a pointed gaze out the window.
Calum drums his fingers on her bare thighs and gives her a tilted smile. Her voice is soft and filled with wanderlust as she explains her desire. Eyelashes flutter against her cheekbones and she inches closer to Calum, the captivating scent of cinnamon nearing him with ease. Calum’s smile broadens as a realization strikes him. They can go anywhere in the world together and still be right at home; with or without the bus sheltering them.
“Perfect, we can leave tomorrow morning. Head west. You can paint, I can write…”
Calum loses his words, any thoughts of planning abandoned as she setttles in closer to him, wraps her arms around his neck and gives him what he was longing for. Another kiss. Another taste of sweetness that puts a yearning for adventure but a fulfilled feeling in his heart.
A small whine sounds from down the ladder and bliss breaks apart in an attempt to find the source. Neither truly has to question it. They both know Duke has finally made his way from bed and is requesting their presence.
“And Duke can explore,” she finishes Calum’s thought and breaks away to descend the ladder to comfort the old dog. Her feet hit the ground in a delicate way and Calum follows shortly after, her arms holding Duke and his quickly finding their way to holding her.
“Little man’s gotta learn how to climb the ladder,” Calum jokes.
She shakes her head in slight laughter. “We’ll just get him a little basket and pull him up whenever he wants,” she proposes and instills an image in Calum’s mind. “Then everything will be perfect.”
“Our perfect little world, in our perfect tiny home, with our perfect little dog,” Calum teases her though he’s apt to believe his own words.
His girl and her art, his dog and his basket, his music and his bass are all he needs in his new tiny home. In his life and in his world.
☼ ☼ ☼
If you have any requests/concepts for this series send them here I would love to know your thoughts/wants for this world <3
If you’d like to be added to my tag list just let me know!
@rosecolouredash @wildflowergrae @malumsmermaid @babylon-corgis @outerspaceisbetterthannothing @gosh-im-short @loveroflrh @findingliam-o @flowerthug @g-l-pierce @talkfastromance4 @cashtonasfuck @sc0ttish-wildfl0wer @wastedheartcth @notinthesameguey @lukesfuckingbeard @myloverboyash @treatallwithkindness @haikucal @wiildflower-xxx @egyptiangoldhood @drarryetcetera @another-lonely-heart @megz1985 @idk-harry @wildflower-cth @idontneedanyone @everyscarisahealingplace @myfavfanficsever @stormrider505 @karajaynetoday @333-xx @calumshpod @calumsphile @calumrose @justhereforcalum @grreatgooglymoogly @calumance @ahoodgirl @chicken-ona-stick @wish-you-were-here-hood @hoodhoran @awomanindeniall @saywhatnow07 @lonelyheart5 @hemmingslftv
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calum + a coffeeshop run-in
Hello folks! I am back again to wreck havoc (by wreck havoc i mean write a mediocre at best + way too long oneshot LOL) so I hope no one minds! I am in love with Calum Hood so idk i thought i’d write this cute fluffy piece! This is an OC I might use her again, and the two don’t meet till the end but its very fluffy! If you’re not a fan of slow burn this probably isn’t the drabble for you. Anywho! Thank ya for the support on the last fic and constructive criticism is MORE than welcome!!! Love ya <3
WC: 1914 
As the soft sunlight poured into the coffeehouse, she let a small smile grace her face; a steaming cafe au lait was sitting to the right of her favorite novel, It’s Kind of a Funny Story by Ned Vizzini. The warm brick walls were covered with blankets of thick ivy and the familiar barista sent her a wave as he grinned at her seat of choice. Every Saturday morning she, as gracefully as possible, plopped her bag down onto the corner table next to the large window, and proceeded to order the exact same thing as the week before. The habit had evolved into more of a tradition for her and the employees, and all parties involved looked forward to it every week. Of course, however, not everyone knew of her tradition. All of the regulars looked at her with familiarity, however, Calum Hood was not a regular. 
He first spotted her on Saturday the third, he would never forget the date. After becoming overwhelmed with the stress of the studio he had popped out for a smoke and ended up in the cozy joint, not anticipating the beautiful girl humming in the corner. He noticed how the pages of her book had been dog-earred, spine worn, and the cover had shown marks that could only be a result of love. He noticed the way her thick brown hair laid perfectly over her shoulders, and the way her hazel eyes began to moisten while she read. He knew that he wasn’t the only person whose breath had been taken by the polished young woman. Whilst Calum took his time adoring the woman who he had deemed no less than an angel, the boys continued to work, and eventually his brief solace had to come to an end. After receiving his drink, he considered introducing himself, but he knew he didn’t have much time before his absence would go from being a mere annoyance to a menace, so he swore to go back on the next Saturday, hoping that her visit was a habit. 
Calum had never felt as though the days passed by slowly, his schedule was always packed and the bassist had little time to dedicate to anything other than his craft. Typically, he would be grateful for the daily recording sessions, long days of interviews, and time to perfect his abilities; this week, however, Calum yearned for the time to pass more quickly. He busied himself with every possible task in an effort to distract himself from the memory of the woman who had entranced him. No, he didn’t believe in “love at first sight”, but he did know that he was drawn to this girl in a way he had never felt before. He had purchased a copy of the novel that she appeared to adore, and after starting it he had realized why her eyes misted at the cafe; it was a gut wrenching story of perseverance in its most raw form. After reading a few chapters, he proceeded to clean his kitchen, do a load of laundry, tune his bass, attempt to write, and make himself lunch, Calum had about had it. It was only eleven in the morning on Wednesday, how the hell was he supposed to last until Saturday? He allowed his mind to wander into a dangerous territory; he began to build a backstory for the beauty. He decided she must be a quiet introvert who preferred to go at her own pace than follow another's, that's why she spent her Saturday morning alone and in peace, rather than surrounded by friends or family. 
After a long day of bussing tables, Theo unceremoniously threw herself onto the couch in the backroom. It had been a busy Friday night at the restaurant she worked at, a scene that she knew far too well from her years of working there.  She allowed herself three minutes, no more and no less, to rest before her short trip home. She was simply so exhausted that even the drive to her home had seemed daunting. After her time-out had ended, she quickly wished a goodnight to her coworkers and walked to her car. She faced almost no traffic on her car ride home (as she had expected, as she clocked out at 11:03pm), and made her way into her cozy apartment. After saying hello to the attendant at the desk downstairs, she scurried up to the third floor to complete her nighttime routine and jump into her familiar bed. Before allowing herself to fade into sleep, she rolled over and made sure to set her alarm for nine; it was simply tradition that she made it to her coffeeshop before the eleven o’clock rush. 
On Saturday morning Calum was buzzing with excitement. Duke’s “walk” appeared to be more of a speed walk today, and Calum’s shower was about five minutes shorter than usual; his hair routine, however? Roughly 15 minutes and approximately eight curses longer. He could not wrap his head around the gut feeling he had all week: the stunning girl would be back today, and Calum would approach her. The plan seemed simple enough, being that he had not made one yet. Calum, or “Cool Guy Cal” as he demanded people call him, thought he would be able to come up with a smooth one-liner as he approached the girl he could not get off his mind. He gave Duke a quick kiss on the head before grabbing his car keys, asking fate to give him this one chance with the girl he couldn’t forget. 
Theo woke up well before her alarm, she set it every Friday night hoping that her work sleep schedule would magically wear off and she would be able to sleep past six, but her plan never worked. She padded around her apartment in her ex’s large tee shirt and fed her goldfish, Samuel, while affectionately murmuring that he was the best choice she’d ever made. She tidied up the house and began her morning routine, brushing her teeth, washing her face, and pulling her unlawful curls out of her eyes with a few clips. She sighed at the dark circles underneath her eyelids, but hadn’t thought enough about them to bother with makeup. She grabbed her day bag, untouched from the week before, and happily trotted out of her complex. The walk to the cafe had always been her favorite part of her trips, the birds chirping and the bright sun spreading across her skin could turn any day into a good one. Her green maxi skirt brushed along her legs as she confidently strutted down the same route she took every Saturday morning. She walked with her shoulders back and head held high; unknowingly carrying an aura of professionalism and class. The young woman hadn’t realized that she appeared so poised before she moved to the Golden State. Far more people than she could count had complimented her for her stature since she moved, and she had just about had it with strangers approaching to compliment her “vibe”. During her tenure in Los Angeles, Theo had realized that everything here was curated to be seen by others. Simply, in LA people believed that every aspect of one’s life was meant to be on display, and therefore, little things like one’s strut down the street and the amount of rings on their hand translated to their worth and opinions. She continued her trot down the road, ignoring the looks being sent her way and instead focusing on the cafe au lait and comforting text that she knew awaited her. 
Before Calum left his car, he made sure to triple check his appearance. He wore what he believed to be his best shirt (Ashton agreed with him, so he knew it wasn’t a mistake), left his curls a little messy, and made sure he had absolutely nothing in his teeth, despite the fact that he hadn’t yet consumed anything. He jumped out of the car and walked briskly to the ivy covered walls, a warm feeling began to spread in his chest as he swung open the doors and glanced around the cafe. The feeling dissipated quickly when he realized that the girl he had ventured out for was, in fact, not there. He ordered his drink of choice and sat at a table near a window before huffing in frustration, but he had nothing to lose at this point, so once his number was called he rose to pick up his drink and enjoy the serene cafe he had found himself in. 
The little bell jingled above Theo’s head as she walked into the place she had grown so familiar with, her face still felt hot from the merciless Los Angeles summer she had walked through, and it was her absolute favorite feeling. The long skirt fluttered around her calves as she walked up to the counter to say hello to the baristas that she now called her friends, and they began working on her drink without even asking what she would like. She went to take her usual place in the secluded corner by the window, and while walking over noticed a breathtaking man sitting two tables away from her spot. Her breath hitched in her throat and she shot him a soft smile as she took her rightful place. 
My God. I could wake up to that smile everyday. Calum thought to himself in awe. He quickly curved up the sides of his mouth to send her (what he hoped was) a sweet grin in return. He quickly shook the previous thought out of his head, knowing it was more than irrational and inappropriate since he had yet to even learn the girls name. He watched as the man who took his order walked over to her table with a bemused smile, they chatted briefly and it became quite obvious to Cal that his hunch had been correct, she does come here every Saturday morning. Zach, the barista, had left her table with a laugh and returned with a big mug. After straining to hear Calum heard the girl release a melodic giggle paired with a genuine thank you for the server. Zach mockingly bowed to her and said, with an exaggerated wink, “anything for you, Princess Theo”. Ignoring the spark of jealousy that ignited when Calum heard the pet name, he felt more gratitude for Zach than he could ever imagine. Theo. Theo fit the young woman perfectly; a greek name meaning “divine gift”. With this newfound information Calum felt the surge of confidence he needed, he approached the table in the corner with a bit of nerves in his tummy. 
“Hey, it’s nice to meet you. My name is Calum, I was just wondering if this seat is taken?” He wouldn’t admit it to anyone else, but Calum may have thickened his accent a bit in an effort to woo the girl. She already had him wrapped around her finger, at this point he needed every advantage he could get. He watched in adoration as her face flushed bright pink, and she sputtered out a greeting of her own, “Oh! Um- hi I’m Theo it’s nice to meet you as well, no-no, the seat isn’t taken.” From the second that Calum slid into the chair across from her, Theo knew he would be nothing but trouble, and in the years to follow she would learn that while he was troublesome, he was so much more.
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def-initely-soul · 5 years
aesthetics tag game
rules- bold any of the aesthetics that match you. in the end, put your aesthetic!!!
side a - the city
glittering lights, yawning skyscrapers, broken glass shards, street gangs, hip hop music, late night strolls, blinking stars, sleek cars, flickering neon signs, glittery earrings, small tattoos, empty subways, dark eye shadow, snapping cameras, cozy apartments, fried churros, silver necklaces, dyed hair, ripped jeans, bright lipstick, dazzling smiles
side b - the book nerd
large glasses, steaming hot chocolate, thick books, lofi music, hot pastries, soft smiles, large sweaters, quiet libraries, small flowers, melting candles,sweetened coffee, messy hair buns, soft pillows, fairy lights, vanilla scents
side c - the stereotypical girl
soft pinks, mini skirts, crop tops, romantic fantasies, love songs, strawberry milkshakes, lipgloss, high ponytails, candy hearts, nail polish, starbucks coffee, clear skies, hoop earrings, excited ramblings, stuttering heartbeats, rose bouquets, soft blushes
side d - the stereotypical boy
arcade games, graphic t-shirts, baseball caps, chocolate milkshakes, messy rooms, acoustic guitars, chocolate chip cookies, multi-colored bruises, rap music, nightly escapades, stolen glances, pencil-drumming, chocolate milk boxes, low hums
side e - the nature hippie
mini plants, cloud-watching, star gazing, damp forests, sandy beaches, ocean waves, wildflowers, hiking, iced lemon tea, gardening, hippie music, buttered toast, birds chirping, multi-colored leaves, evening sunlight, fruit cups,sundresses
side f - the rebel
cherry lollipops, devil hand signs, grape flavored bubble gum, rock music, killer boots, dark make-up, horror movies, denim jackets, switchblades, handguns, stargazing on rooftops, glowing cigarettes, large headphones, skull rings, converse shoes, graffiti murals, glowing moonlight, rose thorns, fishnet stockings
side g - the winter
busy cafes, oversized hoodies, drizzling rain, small snowflakes, marshmallows in hot chocolate, loose hair, sad music, reading a book, blanket forts, frozen lakes, crackling fireplaces, old movies
side h - the summer
tank tops, lemonade, sunny days, dripping popsicles, short haircuts, tinted sunglasses, cotton candy, amusement parks, traveling, blasting music on the car radio, wagging dog tails, large sunflowers, snow cones
side i - the autumn
pumpkin lattes, warm bakeries, warm colors, hair braids, soft sweaters, colorful leaves, purring cats, dark chocolate bars, romance movies, soft music, zentangling, vintage cameras
side j - the spring
floral scents, peach tea, mint shampoo, tinkling laughter, video cassettes, colorful paintings, excited smiles, lollipop sticks, blooming flowers, melting snow, action movies, singing in the shower
side k - peachy–renjun’s aesthetic
Milky midday baths, stardew valley, light eyeshadow, lip gloss, soft hair, eye smiles, freckles, ripped jeans, soft sweaters, loose camisoles, dainty rings, sunny days, beaches, loud music, long car rides with the windows down, bad singing, fruits and flowers, iced tea, ice cream, lingering hugs, flirtatious smiles, kissing, white sheets, morning smiles, baking at midnight, tattoos
side l -eating-boy-hearts’ aesthetic
horror movies, finger guns, hotel rooms, steaming hot showers, silly costumes, neck kisses, lipstick stains, faded perfume, 5am skies, pink sand beaches, silk ties, ripe peaches, sleepy eyes,  convenience store trips, gothic buildings, rainy nights, pillow forts, love bites, hopeless romantic thoughts, romeo and juliet type love, angel’s voice from above.
side m - caiuscassiuss’ aesthetic
neon lights, pouring rain, white silk, glittering diamonds, possessive embraces, hickeys, glass and concrete, stumbling on a sidewalk at 2am, late night grocery trips, redlips, long road trips at midnight, moonlight through a window, intense gazes, half-smirks, sharp cheekbones, smoke, dim rooms, tinted glasses, city skylines, city symphony, a cool kind of love
side n - plumtry’s aesthetic
awkward handshakes, lackluster winking, inside jokes, rainbows after it rains, broken earphones, dainty bracelets, stud earrings, clear mascara, holding hands, piggyback rides, dramatic entrances, crying over movies, loving anything to do with love, random posters, soft hugs, unruly baby hair, binge-watching shows
side o - guccijaee’s aesthetic
sad music, crying at three am, dark eye makeup, hopeless romantic, getting high together, all black clothes, pink hair, horror movies, spacers, love bites, chokers, acrylic nails, pencil drawings, early morning cuddles, energy drinks, soft blankets, late night ‘i love you’ texts, running hands through hair, sleeping all day
side p - def-initely-soul’s aesthetic
red velvet, dark makeup, vintage clothing, combat boots, tattoos, big earphones, painted nails, melancholy, drinking with friends at a rooftop at 3 am, star gazing, writing soft love stories, dramatic singing, smirks, hickeys, fishnet stockings, biting lips, horror movies, the occult, soft summer breeze, sun on skin, the smell of the ocean
tagged by @guccijaee thank u so much baby! this was so fun
tagging my babes: @ellrouxx @tokyoblack @taitarin @chessireneko and anyone else that wants to do it!
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thesupremerabe · 6 years
Pass the happy! 💛 When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications! 😊
1. During the summer, I usually sleep with my windows open and I love waking up to the sunlight pouring into my room and the sounds of the birds chirping outside. 
2. Watching American Horror Story, ironically, haha (I also love watching behind-the-scenes interviews and “funny moments” with the cast and stuff)
3. My gerbil, Bubbles (her sister, Muffin, also brought me a lot of happiness while she was alive!)
4. The warmth and coziness that accompanies the Christmas season
5. Going out for dinner with my family and/or friends
Thank you for sending this in! And I’m so sorry that I took like a month to respond, whoops!
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