froggie-at-home · 7 months
I'm here to speak the truth and truth only.
Will Solace has a type, and it is goth/emo/punk guys who were at least once depicted as antagonists even if they weren't.
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t4tklonoa · 1 year
draw skull having a little snack. she deserves it 🦔
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Aviators made her some strawberries with chocolate :]
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rougedraconteur · 1 year
According to an online article in People Magazine, Wayne Brady has come out as pansexual. Or, as he describes it, “bisexual with an open mind.”
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brittscafe · 9 months
ichigo, renji, shuhei withan s/o that dances hiphop?
lol i love this!!
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Ichigo: He likes to admire you from afar. You'll grab onto his hand and drag him into the studio to dance with you. He's actually really good at it and is a quick learner. You actually start to dance together and really enjoy spending time together doing that.
Renji: He's definitely the one who wants to join and try to learn it. So whenever you go to the studio or start dancing, he joins in. Of course, Renji has no idea how to dance hiphop, so it's learning process. You definitely laugh a lot as Renji fails to do certain moves and will sometimes crash and burn on the floor.
Shuhei: hmmmm, I think that at first he doesn't really mind or care for it until you bring him along to the studio. He stares at you in awe, a hand covering his mouth as he blushes. He loves how fluidly you move and how attractive you look when you're dancing. Sometimes, he has to leave the room because he can't handle how good you look.
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marthalovesu · 1 year
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A commission for the most patient person I’ve ever met, @azures-bazar !! Every time people ask for Kieran withan OC in their commission my heart fills with joy✨ This boy deserves all the love in the world😩💕
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boxes-for-systems · 10 months
could you make a few? Sorry if this is too much
“this system likes undertale and deltarune”
“this system loves Bones (2005)”
“this system is neurodivergent”
Sorry it took so long, but here you go! Hope the first two are okay- i know neither of those fandoms
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[Start ID An indigo userbox with fanart of undertale and deltarune on the left, and text on the right that reads "This system likes undertale and deltarune" End ID]
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[Start ID A yellow userbox with fanart of a picture from the show Bones (2005) on the left, and text on the right that reads "This system loves Bones (2005)" End ID]
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[Start ID A yellow userbox withan outline of a brain on the left, and text on the right that reads "This system is neurodivergent" End ID]
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marbearmarigold · 2 months
Me and @ashe-withane made a bunch of bracelets!! Here are all my dan and phil themed ones
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Bonus: one chappel roan and one dead boy detective
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shapa-likes-art · 2 months
How long have you been drawing and how long does a piece usually take to finish? :D
1. I've technically been drawing since I was 7 but I started taking drawing seriously when I was 11-12 years old.
I used to want to be a mangaka around grade 4-5 but I gave up on the idea lol. I still kept drawing and boom, Now I'm an animation student lol.
2. @korruptbrekker asked the same question so I'm including them in the answer:
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Well, it mostly depends on what type of piece it is and how simple the character is.
For example, if it were a sketch of Virgil, whose design is simple, it would take me 30 minutes. But if it were a sketch of my Dnd PC Withan, whose design is complex, it would take up to an hour.
But in general, I would say finishing a piece on average would take 1-3 days. Maybe a week if I'm especially busy or unmotivated.
Send in artist asks!
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predakingg · 3 months
Dragon fighting scene
Hi! I love dragons and I enjoy writing so I'm going to start posting little drabbles of fights and dragons on here!
Warning: Gore, graphic violence^^
Scorched soot, barren plains, still winds, unsettling rains.
War, not by man, by claw. Raised with wings, followed with teeth. Dragons had never seen peace, mighty beasts driven by a thirst for scale and tooth, by one of glory, of proof. He who killed, rules the skys, he who slaughtered never dies.
Valmar let out a roar, shaking the ground with such force one man wouldn’t keep his balance. A dragon laced with rage forever more, forever needed. A wyverns who's wings carried him through storm and cloud, a drake with such might none stood so proud. The dragon growled, shaking out his body from the rain that pelted into his back, trailing down his face, staining his scales. Rich reds dulled with age, a gorgeous dragon only the sky could contain.
Valmar was cruel. No matter what was said or done, a dragon never stood down to a opponent, no matter size or strength. Draxious stood to familiar height, pacing the barran land their claws dug into. Clutchmates, born from same mother, one who passed, final calls shaking the very earth with her sorrow. Draxious growled, his eyes narrowing at what would be called brother.
Brother no more, brother a name undeserving. A vile beast was all he saw, one unruly, unnerving. Such vile things deserved no more but disembowlment, to be cut of his organs and discarded to the sea. That was his only goal.
Valmar launched off his haunches, aiming straight for the other beasts neck, great maw outstretched, prepared to rid this heathen from his land. Draxious was quick on his claws, jumping into the air only to latch onto the older back, digging great talons into tough and worn scales. The one beneath wailed, thrashing and throwing the dragon off of his back, taking to the sky with the other wyvern close to his tail.
No more would such a vile *thing* rule what deserved to be cherished. Draxious dug his claws into his haunches, raking great gouges into his thighs. Another roar of unsettled pain sounded before he opened his jaws, eternal flame building up through his throat. Valmar fired, roaring with a rage unable to be named, scorching the side of the smaller dragon's face, displacing his eye socket, and melting his scale to the bone. Draxious used the other's very body to climb up him, digging his talons into his wings and sending them both spiralling to the ground.
Flames erupted around them both, tangled wings and tails plummeting through the skies far about the barren wastes they set to rule.
*it was either draxious or neither of them who survived*
*never should such a creature ever have been able to rule*
The wyvern gripped onto Valmars snout, prying it open with pure rage and strength.
“Flames thrive in your body.” his voice was old, bellowing.
“But never should flame enter through maw, goodbye brother.” simple words stopped withan outbreakof flame, spiralling into the others dragon's throat.
Dragons fought without mercy, but with purpose.
‘*free them draxious, free them of such horrors..’*
And so he had.
Written by: predaking 7/7/24
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askteamsunshine · 1 year
Luci@Either: "Er... so this whole place is run by pokemon? Like, the shops 'n all that other stuff?" He peers down the road to the town in question, perplexed but still curious nonetheless about the going-ons there. "There any specific places you like goin' to?"
"Yep!! That's Treasure Town, in all its glory!!" Angel gestures in the direction of the town withan extended paw and a big grin.
The two of them are standing on the outskirts (well, one of them is standing, anyway), but even from here, several buildings can be seen, along with Pokemon meandering about. It's a typical sight for the Shiny Eevee, yet one that feels them with the warm sensation of being home.
"There's lots of places we like to visit - the Kecleon Shop's always your best bet if you need some supplies, and the brothers that run it are great to talk to!! The Makuhita Dojo is great if you need some training. Ms. Kangaskhan is really nice and keeps any items you give her safe in storage. Ms. Chansey runs the local orphanage..."
Angel pauses, then laughs.
"Oh, sorry, you asked for specific places, not a whole rundown!! I can give you a tour later if you want. But, uh, besides all that, there's Sharpedo Bluff that's just a bit outside of town on the other side - it's a cliff that looks like a Sharpedo!! That's also where me and my partner live. The view from there is great!!"
"And there's the beach! It's not far from here. We love going there to relax when we get the chance. It's really pretty at sunset!!"
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latteandjacks · 8 months
So far my only troubles with Deltatraveler are that Fell Sans felt too edgy, like they wanted the universe to feel less edgy but they didn't delete the edgy and just put it into a pile and then stuffed all of that edgy onto Sans
And I say this as someone withan au where Sans is a dick
Second Noelle feels like she's just,,, there, and even a bit ooc at times, specially in Obliberation, she implied Kill should kill themselves??? I believe that was bad wording and was meant to be more light hearted but ???? I wished they gave more attention to Noelle and I hope the next section does that
That too, Obliberation felt weird, not boring or anything, just had a weird feeling, I can't really pin down what exactly but something feels too off
As much as I agree with their take ln Kris and how I defend that we haven't really meet them as a character to say they're ooc, them jumping by themselves did felt ooc for both the canon Kris and their Kris for obvious reason, their mind reasoning was "They're gonna follow me" but it didn't feel like Kris
The fangame isn't perfect, but God I love it anyway
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yumemiyas-wips · 2 years
Book readers of Tumblr, I request your aid in my quest for a book.
So it's a war romance book set in World War 2 Normandy, the MC is this girl whose name starts withan L, something short and snappy, like Liesl or sth similar. Her house, which is pretty well off, is appropriated by a German officer named Dieter, who is sent there to supervise the construction and manning of the Atlantic Wall. They slowly warm up to each other, and eventually fall in love and have sex. The MC gets pregnant, and finally manages to convince her father to allow them to marry. Before the news comes out though Normandy happens and Dieter is killed. The MC panics and buries him in an unmarked grave in her garden and then quickly woos, dates and marries an American soldier who fancies her in a shotgun wedding. This guy's name is pretty unremarkable but it might be Paul or sth. Anyways, she marries quickly, has sex, and continues to carry Dieter's son while the American soldier goes on to fight. The son is born 9 months after conception and 7 months after the marriage, and the MC names him Dominic. The war ends and she goes to America with the American soldier, who turns out to be pretty rich. She enjoys her new socialite life in America but is wracked by guilt over the American doting on Dominic like his own son. So she keeps trying to have another baby, a child of the American proper. She succeeds and has a daughter, I can't remember her name. Anyways Dominic grows up into a very handsome, very German/French young man and some time later the American guy finds out about Dieter and gets into an accident of some sort that leaves him maybe in a coma, maybe paraplegic, but he slowly recovers throughout the rest of the book while the MC takes care of him, and then they go back to France where he stands up and walks around again, and the MC and the husband shares a romantic dance in the garden where they buried Dieter.
Anyways if anyone could point me in the direction of the book it would be great. @sophielovesbooks @books-and-cookies @sleepyreads @whilereadingandwalking @just0nemorepage @i-love-books-because-reasons @natalieironside @thebibliosphere
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update, my gengar also now does not like this blog and is jealous because its taking away my attention. i jsut had to wrangle my phone from him you have no idea how difficurk that ids to do withan ghost poemm9nkmmmkkll,
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phantom-mizero · 2 years
The designation of "human steve" as an example is pretty prevalent, when an alien is addressing a human, when you look trough the specific tags. And why not, it's short, easy and everyone will immediately understand who's who. But think about names and how some people have to introduce themselves to new people bc their name has a silent letter or can be written with 1 or 2 letter of the same type. For example: I always, always have to say my full name followed by two L bc it can also be written with one, wich is not my surname. You have no ides how many i had to go to someone and be like "You wrote my name wrong, can you please fix it?" Including official documents. Another thing is pronunciation wich will considerably differ when speaking in a different language. It can also change completely how names sound or are read. For example the name David: an english speaking person might say Day-vid, while a german speaking person would say Daah-vid. This is fine for something like a book character, you can not offend them no matter how you pronounce their name, but a real person is a different thing. One of the few things I still remember from school was when our one and only vietnamese classmate was so happy when we pronounced their name correctly and were interested in their first language. Just imagine a human crewmate getting introduced by their alien friend to someone else and their friend addresses them as Michael Asche Withane like it's part of their name and not what you always have to say so that people write your name right. Later on you tell your alien friend who realizes that they have to change so many files bc of this one mistake. Or imagine a crew sitting down with their new human crewmates, when some of them realize that some members of the crew can't pronounce everyones names right. This would just be wholesome and nice.
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shrozie · 1 year
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Thanks to that Wired interview I "finally" learned that the Smosh logo was a fast forward logo withan "S" in it. That's cool
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slimegirlwarlock · 1 year
even with the thenn fucked up media canhel you make connections
tions withan i put her in fhe zapruder film( just asking
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